1 00:01:21,623 --> 00:01:24,249 Live long and prosper. 2 00:01:37,555 --> 00:01:39,807 Board their ship! Take everything you can! 3 00:01:40,016 --> 00:01:41,141 [CLAMORING] 4 00:03:09,105 --> 00:03:12,232 FORREST: Captain's starlog, January 13th, 2155. 5 00:03:12,442 --> 00:03:14,359 We've left Gorlan Station and have set a course 6 00:03:14,527 --> 00:03:16,236 to rendezvous with our assault fleet. 7 00:03:16,446 --> 00:03:18,572 Major Reed and the doctor have asked for a few minutes 8 00:03:18,740 --> 00:03:20,991 to show me their latest project. 9 00:03:21,201 --> 00:03:24,286 [HIGH-PITCH WHINING] [SCREAMING] 10 00:03:28,917 --> 00:03:32,419 The booth will be far more effective than our previous disciplinary methods. 11 00:03:32,629 --> 00:03:35,422 It can stimulate the pain center of virtually any humanoid. 12 00:03:35,965 --> 00:03:39,384 A synaptic scan calibrates it for each species. 13 00:03:39,594 --> 00:03:41,511 They call this progress. 14 00:03:41,721 --> 00:03:44,890 There's something to be said for a good, old-fashioned flogging. 15 00:03:45,099 --> 00:03:47,267 REED: That's what's so exceptional about this device. 16 00:03:47,477 --> 00:03:50,479 Traditional forms of punishment can overwhelm the nervous system. 17 00:03:50,688 --> 00:03:52,940 After a time, the brain ceases to feel anything. 18 00:03:53,149 --> 00:03:55,317 These sensors continually shift the stimulation 19 00:03:55,526 --> 00:03:57,361 from one nerve cluster to another, 20 00:03:57,570 --> 00:03:59,905 keeping the subject in a constant state of agony. 21 00:04:00,114 --> 00:04:01,740 [SCREAMING] 22 00:04:02,992 --> 00:04:05,077 I think you enjoy your work too much, doctor. 23 00:04:06,162 --> 00:04:08,538 What exactly did Mr. Terev do? 24 00:04:09,457 --> 00:04:13,252 I'm not certain. I suspect he was late for his duty shift. 25 00:04:13,461 --> 00:04:15,712 Aren't all Tellarites guilty of something? 26 00:04:17,006 --> 00:04:19,091 [SCREAMING CONTINUES] 27 00:04:20,426 --> 00:04:22,010 ARCHER: Did you look over my proposal? 28 00:04:22,220 --> 00:04:24,388 - I've read it. - And? 29 00:04:24,597 --> 00:04:27,057 We're going to rendezvous with the fleet, as ordered. 30 00:04:27,267 --> 00:04:30,686 I'm not going into Tholian space based on data from some anonymous source. 31 00:04:30,895 --> 00:04:33,855 We have a rebellion to put down. The Tholians aren't part of it. 32 00:04:34,065 --> 00:04:35,565 You saw the data. 33 00:04:35,775 --> 00:04:38,110 This technology would give us a tactical advantage. 34 00:04:38,319 --> 00:04:39,653 We could end the war tomorrow. 35 00:04:41,614 --> 00:04:43,699 You see this as your big chance, don't you? 36 00:04:44,701 --> 00:04:45,784 Sir? 37 00:04:45,994 --> 00:04:49,288 You bring that ship home, and you'll be a hero. 38 00:04:49,497 --> 00:04:51,581 The emperor pins a medal on your chest. 39 00:04:51,791 --> 00:04:53,959 You might even get that command you've always wanted. 40 00:04:55,837 --> 00:04:58,171 My only concern is saving the Empire. 41 00:04:58,381 --> 00:04:59,798 [SCOFFS] 42 00:05:00,591 --> 00:05:02,301 Resume your station. 43 00:05:02,844 --> 00:05:05,137 Captain, you're making a mistake. 44 00:05:11,144 --> 00:05:15,981 You can either go back to the Bridge, or take the place of that Tellarite. 45 00:05:16,482 --> 00:05:18,525 Which do you prefer? 46 00:05:21,446 --> 00:05:23,196 Understood. 47 00:05:31,914 --> 00:05:34,124 HOSHI: What do you think you're doing? 48 00:05:34,834 --> 00:05:36,626 Reviewing status reports. 49 00:05:36,836 --> 00:05:40,213 This is supposed to be your sanctuary. 50 00:05:41,132 --> 00:05:46,762 A place to get away from status reports. 51 00:06:01,152 --> 00:06:04,404 You're the one person on this ship I don't mind giving in to. 52 00:06:04,906 --> 00:06:06,323 And probably the only one 53 00:06:06,532 --> 00:06:09,409 that doesn't wanna slip a knife in your back. 54 00:06:12,830 --> 00:06:15,707 I heard the battle went well at Tau Ceti. 55 00:06:16,501 --> 00:06:18,126 - Is that what you heard? - Mm. 56 00:06:19,087 --> 00:06:21,630 Word on the ship is that the war may be over soon. 57 00:06:22,131 --> 00:06:26,093 I'll go back to Brazil, start teaching again. 58 00:06:26,302 --> 00:06:29,679 You'll accept a comfortable desk job at headquarters. 59 00:06:29,889 --> 00:06:32,432 We'll have the weekends. 60 00:06:35,228 --> 00:06:37,896 You've been listening to propaganda. 61 00:06:38,981 --> 00:06:41,817 Things went badly at Tau Ceti. 62 00:06:42,193 --> 00:06:43,985 Very badly. 63 00:06:46,364 --> 00:06:47,823 We lost 12 ships. 64 00:06:51,035 --> 00:06:52,577 Keep this to yourself. 65 00:06:52,787 --> 00:06:54,538 If the crew learns what really happened... 66 00:06:54,705 --> 00:06:56,998 Forget about the war. 67 00:06:57,917 --> 00:07:00,794 This is our time. 68 00:07:20,231 --> 00:07:21,773 Don't. 69 00:07:25,194 --> 00:07:26,445 You'll hang for this. 70 00:07:26,988 --> 00:07:28,572 - Lock him in the Brig. - Sir. 71 00:07:28,781 --> 00:07:32,492 Let me take him down to the cargo bay. I'll finish him quickly. Quietly. 72 00:07:33,077 --> 00:07:34,536 I want him alive. 73 00:07:38,332 --> 00:07:41,001 It'd be tragic if there was an accident on the way to the Brig. 74 00:07:42,837 --> 00:07:45,839 If anything happens to Forrest, I'll shoot you myself. 75 00:07:46,048 --> 00:07:48,467 Are we clear, major? 76 00:07:49,218 --> 00:07:50,760 Perfectly, sir. 77 00:08:08,488 --> 00:08:09,779 Stand aside, commander. 78 00:08:10,948 --> 00:08:12,324 Where's Captain Forrest? 79 00:08:15,203 --> 00:08:16,244 Contact Security. 80 00:08:27,673 --> 00:08:29,049 [COM BEEPS] 81 00:08:29,217 --> 00:08:31,384 This is First Officer Archer. 82 00:08:31,594 --> 00:08:34,179 In accordance with Starfleet orders, this date, 83 00:08:34,555 --> 00:08:39,267 I've relieved Captain Forrest of duty and assumed command of Enterprise. 84 00:08:39,477 --> 00:08:42,229 My orders are to take the ship into Tholian space 85 00:08:42,438 --> 00:08:45,106 for a mission of vital importance to the Empire. 86 00:08:45,316 --> 00:08:47,484 I can't reveal the details of our assignment. 87 00:08:47,693 --> 00:08:50,946 But I can tell you this: If we're successful, 88 00:08:51,155 --> 00:08:55,742 Starfleet will crush the rebellion once and for all. 89 00:08:55,952 --> 00:08:59,913 No crew in Starfleet has been tested more in battle. 90 00:09:00,122 --> 00:09:02,541 I know I can count on each of you 91 00:09:02,750 --> 00:09:06,169 to perform your duty to the best of your ability. 92 00:09:06,504 --> 00:09:10,173 Nothing will impede our march toward victory. 93 00:09:10,675 --> 00:09:12,759 Long live the Empire. 94 00:09:12,969 --> 00:09:14,886 ALL: Long live the Empire. 95 00:09:19,934 --> 00:09:24,646 We've received no such communiqués from Starfleet Command. 96 00:09:30,444 --> 00:09:33,321 - It was sent on a private channel. - I'd like to see those orders. 97 00:09:33,531 --> 00:09:34,573 All in good time. 98 00:09:35,575 --> 00:09:40,161 Alter our heading. Two-one-five mark 13. 99 00:09:40,371 --> 00:09:42,747 - Maximum warp. HELMSMAN: Yes, captain. 100 00:09:45,418 --> 00:09:49,212 Corporal, escort Commander T'Pol to Cargo Bay 2. 101 00:09:52,633 --> 00:09:54,426 You'll find a Suliban cloaking device there. 102 00:09:54,635 --> 00:09:57,762 Bring it to Engineering and help Tucker install it. 103 00:09:59,056 --> 00:10:01,975 We're going to need the cloak to complete this mission. 104 00:10:29,795 --> 00:10:33,131 ARCHER: Enterprise starlog, Captain Jonathan Archer. 105 00:10:33,341 --> 00:10:36,343 The crew has accepted the change of command without incident. 106 00:10:36,552 --> 00:10:38,053 Chief Engineer Tucker reports 107 00:10:38,262 --> 00:10:42,057 we'll have cloaking capability within six hours. 108 00:10:42,683 --> 00:10:45,310 These orders appear to be authentic. 109 00:10:45,519 --> 00:10:46,811 Appear? 110 00:10:47,605 --> 00:10:50,649 All I require from you is your loyalty. 111 00:10:51,609 --> 00:10:53,109 Do I have it? 112 00:10:54,236 --> 00:10:55,612 You are in command. 113 00:10:55,988 --> 00:10:57,864 I'm glad we can agree on something. 114 00:10:59,241 --> 00:11:01,284 Do you recognize this? 115 00:11:02,787 --> 00:11:04,954 It belonged to Zefram Cochrane. 116 00:11:05,414 --> 00:11:09,250 He used it to kill the first Vulcan who stepped onto Terran soil. 117 00:11:09,460 --> 00:11:11,002 I wonder how history would've played out 118 00:11:11,170 --> 00:11:14,255 if Cochrane hadn't turned the tables on your invasion force. 119 00:11:14,465 --> 00:11:15,715 Humans might be your slaves 120 00:11:15,925 --> 00:11:18,968 - instead of the other way around. - I'm not a slave. 121 00:11:19,762 --> 00:11:20,887 You're Vulcan. 122 00:11:21,681 --> 00:11:23,848 Never forget that. 123 00:11:28,187 --> 00:11:30,146 How long until we cross into Tholian space? 124 00:11:30,356 --> 00:11:32,607 It's likely we already have. 125 00:11:33,317 --> 00:11:38,029 They frequently annex systems outside their core territory. 126 00:11:38,239 --> 00:11:40,281 There's a warp signature encoded on this. 127 00:11:40,449 --> 00:11:41,991 Notify me the moment you find it. 128 00:11:43,160 --> 00:11:45,578 - If there's nothing further... - There is. 129 00:11:46,497 --> 00:11:48,123 I'm promoting you to First Officer. 130 00:11:49,250 --> 00:11:51,459 Major Reed's next in line. He won't be pleased. 131 00:11:51,669 --> 00:11:55,088 Reed is a capable soldier, but he has trouble following orders. 132 00:11:55,297 --> 00:11:58,133 And I know he has ambitions of his own. 133 00:11:58,342 --> 00:12:01,803 You've made it clear you don't approve of Vulcans. 134 00:12:02,972 --> 00:12:07,058 Maybe this is my way of saying thank you to you and your people. 135 00:12:07,268 --> 00:12:09,602 Without Vulcan technology, 136 00:12:09,812 --> 00:12:12,272 the Empire wouldn't be where it is today. 137 00:12:12,481 --> 00:12:13,523 Dismissed. 138 00:12:28,831 --> 00:12:31,458 Serving as my personal guard will have its privileges. 139 00:12:31,667 --> 00:12:35,503 You'll have your own quarters, better food. 140 00:12:35,963 --> 00:12:38,590 You'll accept orders from me and me alone. Is that clear? 141 00:12:38,799 --> 00:12:40,341 Yes, sir. 142 00:12:40,551 --> 00:12:43,178 And, captain, if I may? 143 00:12:43,345 --> 00:12:47,056 I'd like to be the first to congratulate you on a brilliant strategy. 144 00:12:47,266 --> 00:12:48,892 I'm certain that in years to come... 145 00:12:49,101 --> 00:12:50,810 You already have the job, sergeant. 146 00:12:51,020 --> 00:12:52,604 Don't talk yourself out of it. 147 00:12:52,772 --> 00:12:54,022 [PORTHOS GROWLING] 148 00:12:55,649 --> 00:12:57,233 Don't mind Porthos. 149 00:12:57,443 --> 00:12:59,402 He hasn't had his dinner yet. 150 00:12:59,570 --> 00:13:00,612 [DOOR CHIMES] 151 00:13:00,780 --> 00:13:02,322 Come in. 152 00:13:06,243 --> 00:13:07,869 That'll be all. 153 00:13:18,255 --> 00:13:20,423 You didn't receive a communiqué from Starfleet. 154 00:13:20,633 --> 00:13:23,301 I would have known if something came through. 155 00:13:25,179 --> 00:13:26,387 [CHUCKLES] 156 00:13:26,972 --> 00:13:29,057 A mutiny, oh. 157 00:13:29,266 --> 00:13:30,767 Didn't think you had it in you. 158 00:13:30,976 --> 00:13:32,811 I'll take that as a compliment. 159 00:13:33,020 --> 00:13:35,814 - Where's Captain Forrest? - He's safe. 160 00:13:38,067 --> 00:13:42,362 How do I know that you didn't push him out of an airlock? 161 00:13:52,790 --> 00:13:56,292 - I wanna talk to him. - Not right now. 162 00:13:57,419 --> 00:14:00,129 He'll remain alive as long as you don't cause any trouble. 163 00:14:00,339 --> 00:14:02,382 No hidden distress signals to Starfleet. 164 00:14:02,591 --> 00:14:05,635 I need you and your expertise. 165 00:14:09,723 --> 00:14:11,558 Is that all you need? 166 00:14:16,814 --> 00:14:19,732 You've never forgiven me for leaving. 167 00:14:23,571 --> 00:14:25,655 I'm sorry if I hurt you. 168 00:14:25,865 --> 00:14:29,909 You saw an opportunity for advancement and you took it. 169 00:14:30,119 --> 00:14:32,287 Just as you did. 170 00:14:33,122 --> 00:14:35,498 You should've been captain from the moment we left Spacedock. 171 00:14:35,666 --> 00:14:37,333 You've always known that. 172 00:14:37,626 --> 00:14:41,129 Oh, if it hadn't been for all those admirals conspiring behind your back, 173 00:14:41,338 --> 00:14:44,132 Enterprise would have been yours. 174 00:14:47,428 --> 00:14:53,808 Tradition says that whatever belonged to the previous captain 175 00:14:54,059 --> 00:14:56,686 is yours for the taking. 176 00:14:59,565 --> 00:15:02,400 I've never been one to argue with tradition. 177 00:15:14,121 --> 00:15:16,205 T'POL [OVER COM]: T'Pol to Captain Archer. 178 00:15:17,791 --> 00:15:20,877 Maybe we should keep our relationship on a professional level. 179 00:15:21,837 --> 00:15:24,380 T'POL: Captain Archer, please respond. 180 00:15:24,924 --> 00:15:25,965 Go ahead. 181 00:15:26,175 --> 00:15:28,384 We're approaching the warp signature. 182 00:15:28,594 --> 00:15:30,303 On my way. 183 00:15:37,728 --> 00:15:40,605 I expect you to be in a better mood when I get back. 184 00:15:54,828 --> 00:15:56,079 Captain on the Bridge. 185 00:15:56,538 --> 00:15:59,749 We're closing on target, 20,000 kilometers. 186 00:15:59,959 --> 00:16:04,128 There's one bio-sign aboard, Tholian. 187 00:16:05,089 --> 00:16:07,382 Power the tractor emitters. 188 00:16:07,758 --> 00:16:08,841 [PANEL BEEPING] 189 00:16:09,009 --> 00:16:10,051 He's seen us. 190 00:16:10,719 --> 00:16:12,011 He's arming weapons. 191 00:16:12,680 --> 00:16:14,639 [RUMBLING] 192 00:16:14,807 --> 00:16:17,767 Disable his ship. I don't want the pilot injured. 193 00:16:24,608 --> 00:16:25,650 Done. 194 00:16:25,818 --> 00:16:28,027 There's overload building in his reactor. 195 00:16:28,237 --> 00:16:30,780 - Major. - It wasn't my doing, sir. 196 00:16:30,990 --> 00:16:32,532 I targeted his weapons only. 197 00:16:32,741 --> 00:16:35,660 I believe the pilot may be attempting to destroy his own ship. 198 00:16:35,869 --> 00:16:37,453 Lock on the transporter. 199 00:16:37,663 --> 00:16:40,081 Beam him into the decon chamber. 200 00:16:40,290 --> 00:16:41,749 Captain... 201 00:16:48,465 --> 00:16:49,549 We have the pilot. 202 00:16:52,928 --> 00:16:54,846 Archer to Sickbay. 203 00:16:55,055 --> 00:16:57,140 We've beamed a Tholian into decon. 204 00:16:57,349 --> 00:16:59,809 Modify the atmosphere in there. 205 00:17:03,480 --> 00:17:05,606 It may take a moment. 206 00:17:06,275 --> 00:17:09,736 Tholians have rather extreme life support requirements. 207 00:17:09,945 --> 00:17:13,906 Increasing temperature to 480 kelvin. 208 00:17:14,074 --> 00:17:15,366 [THOLIAN SCREECHING] 209 00:17:15,534 --> 00:17:19,370 If you're angry now, just wait. 210 00:17:24,126 --> 00:17:25,168 How is he? 211 00:17:25,377 --> 00:17:27,420 PHLOX: "How is it?" would be more accurate. 212 00:17:27,629 --> 00:17:31,340 Tholians possess both male and female characteristics. 213 00:17:31,550 --> 00:17:35,386 Its bio-signs, such as they are, appear to be stable. 214 00:17:35,679 --> 00:17:37,138 Will it understand me? 215 00:17:57,034 --> 00:17:58,785 I'm Captain Archer. 216 00:17:58,994 --> 00:18:02,288 You're onboard the Terran flagship Enterprise. 217 00:18:02,498 --> 00:18:05,625 Answer my questions or you will be harmed. 218 00:18:05,834 --> 00:18:07,335 [CHITTERING] 219 00:18:09,505 --> 00:18:11,464 It's demanding to be released. 220 00:18:11,882 --> 00:18:13,216 [ARCHER SCOFFS] 221 00:18:14,051 --> 00:18:17,095 I wanna know where you're holding the Terran vessel you captured. 222 00:18:17,262 --> 00:18:19,222 [THOLIAN CHITTERING AND SCREECHING] 223 00:18:20,307 --> 00:18:23,726 "My people will find your ship and destroy it." 224 00:18:23,936 --> 00:18:27,271 A minor adjustment to life support should make it more cooperative. 225 00:18:29,566 --> 00:18:32,485 Decreasing temperature 50 degrees. 226 00:18:34,363 --> 00:18:36,322 [SCREECHING] 227 00:18:36,532 --> 00:18:38,741 Tell me what I want to know. 228 00:18:42,538 --> 00:18:47,166 Something about your maternal ancestor. 229 00:18:51,088 --> 00:18:53,631 Take it down another 50. 230 00:18:56,301 --> 00:18:57,885 [SCREECHING] 231 00:18:58,387 --> 00:19:01,848 Its exoskeleton is beginning to fracture. 232 00:19:02,057 --> 00:19:04,559 "I agree. I agree." 233 00:19:07,146 --> 00:19:08,354 Go on. 234 00:19:12,359 --> 00:19:17,864 The ship is in the Vintaak system at a facility orbiting the gas giant. 235 00:19:18,073 --> 00:19:19,615 [HIGH-PITCH WHINING] 236 00:19:19,783 --> 00:19:21,367 What the hell is that? 237 00:19:21,577 --> 00:19:23,536 A short-range transmission. 238 00:19:24,288 --> 00:19:27,623 A distress signal. You think there's a comm device in there? 239 00:19:27,833 --> 00:19:31,085 Its crystalline structure may act as a natural transmitter. 240 00:19:31,962 --> 00:19:35,256 Sir, I recommend we beam it into space immediately. 241 00:19:35,465 --> 00:19:36,883 No. 242 00:19:37,092 --> 00:19:40,928 I need to keep it alive for now, until I can verify what it's told us. 243 00:19:41,889 --> 00:19:44,473 Find some way to knock that thing out. 244 00:19:46,435 --> 00:19:48,019 Yes, captain. 245 00:19:57,404 --> 00:19:59,405 You forget something? 246 00:20:01,158 --> 00:20:02,533 Biggs! 247 00:20:03,368 --> 00:20:05,077 Get the commander a radiation meter. 248 00:20:13,045 --> 00:20:15,254 You don't wanna end up like me, do you? 249 00:20:15,464 --> 00:20:16,797 I've absorbed enough delta rays 250 00:20:16,965 --> 00:20:19,217 to guarantee my grandchildren glow in the dark. 251 00:20:19,801 --> 00:20:21,052 Flux coupler. 252 00:20:25,849 --> 00:20:29,185 They say for every year you spend next to one of these things, 253 00:20:29,394 --> 00:20:32,730 you lose a decade off your life expectancy. 254 00:20:33,065 --> 00:20:35,691 Which means I'll probably be dead by the end of the week. 255 00:20:35,901 --> 00:20:38,611 You should speak to Captain Archer about a promotion. 256 00:20:38,820 --> 00:20:41,322 You're his first officer, you could talk to him for me. 257 00:20:41,531 --> 00:20:43,366 Why would I do that? 258 00:20:45,994 --> 00:20:48,454 I did you a favor once. 259 00:20:49,039 --> 00:20:52,166 - You agreed never to discuss that. - And I haven't. 260 00:20:52,376 --> 00:20:55,294 I'd hardly call it a favor. You enjoyed yourself. 261 00:20:55,504 --> 00:20:58,422 Several times, as I recall. 262 00:21:00,092 --> 00:21:04,303 So how many years is it until your Pon farr comes around again? 263 00:21:04,471 --> 00:21:06,138 [MACHINERY WHINING] 264 00:21:06,306 --> 00:21:08,891 Where the hell's that coming from? 265 00:21:11,687 --> 00:21:14,188 Pull the matrix converters! Aah! 266 00:21:16,942 --> 00:21:18,985 [GROANING] 267 00:21:23,156 --> 00:21:24,532 Can you repair the cloak? 268 00:21:25,659 --> 00:21:28,369 - It'll take at least a day. - You have six hours. 269 00:21:30,372 --> 00:21:32,873 There are dozens of EPS feeds on this deck, 270 00:21:33,083 --> 00:21:34,792 and the only one that overloads 271 00:21:35,002 --> 00:21:37,128 is the one connected to the cloaking device. 272 00:21:38,171 --> 00:21:40,756 The power surge disabled other systems. 273 00:21:40,966 --> 00:21:44,051 Internal sensors are down, we've lost grav-plating on G-Deck. 274 00:21:44,261 --> 00:21:46,637 The cloak's your first priority. 275 00:21:46,847 --> 00:21:48,723 Someone's responsible for what happened. 276 00:21:48,932 --> 00:21:50,349 Find out who. 277 00:21:50,559 --> 00:21:52,268 My people can investigate this. 278 00:21:52,477 --> 00:21:55,771 I don't need his kind crawling around, pulling relays. 279 00:21:55,981 --> 00:21:58,274 Get the cloak online. 280 00:22:05,991 --> 00:22:08,409 ARCHER: Who sabotaged the cloak? 281 00:22:09,578 --> 00:22:11,162 Was something damaged? 282 00:22:11,371 --> 00:22:14,498 I know Admiral Black has an agent on Enterprise. I want the name. 283 00:22:14,708 --> 00:22:20,463 You really think that the admiral would plant a spy on my ship, 284 00:22:20,756 --> 00:22:23,257 and then tell me who it is? 285 00:22:24,718 --> 00:22:29,388 Go to his quarters, search his personal files. Look for messages from Starfleet. 286 00:22:29,598 --> 00:22:33,059 Follow his orders and you'll be executed as a co-conspirator. 287 00:22:35,854 --> 00:22:38,522 Aye, captain. 288 00:22:47,908 --> 00:22:50,326 This isn't like you, Jonathan. 289 00:22:51,203 --> 00:22:55,081 You never lusted for power and glory. 290 00:22:55,916 --> 00:23:00,044 That's why I trusted you at my side all these years, 291 00:23:00,253 --> 00:23:02,838 because you have no ambition. 292 00:23:14,518 --> 00:23:18,020 That's right. Then why are you in the Brig? 293 00:23:18,188 --> 00:23:20,022 [GRUNTING] 294 00:23:24,444 --> 00:23:25,986 Release me, 295 00:23:26,196 --> 00:23:31,951 and I promise your death will be quick. 296 00:23:33,286 --> 00:23:37,123 You won't get that guarantee from the admiral. 297 00:23:41,670 --> 00:23:43,379 Kill me, 298 00:23:44,131 --> 00:23:47,174 and she'll never forgive you. 299 00:24:06,820 --> 00:24:08,988 REED: The saboteur entered this junction 300 00:24:09,197 --> 00:24:12,450 and deliberately overloaded this EPS waveguide. 301 00:24:12,659 --> 00:24:14,618 That junction's supposed to be off-limits. 302 00:24:14,828 --> 00:24:17,413 - The intruder alarms were disabled. - How? 303 00:24:17,622 --> 00:24:19,331 There's only one way I know of, 304 00:24:19,541 --> 00:24:22,793 by running a high-level diagnostic scan. 305 00:24:23,003 --> 00:24:28,632 Commander Tucker initiated a scan 30 minutes before the overload. 306 00:24:31,178 --> 00:24:33,471 [HIGH-PITCH WHINING] [TRIP GRUNTING] 307 00:24:35,807 --> 00:24:38,017 Who ordered you to sabotage the cloak? 308 00:24:38,226 --> 00:24:39,685 I didn't! 309 00:24:45,108 --> 00:24:48,527 Reed, I'll kill you when I get out of this. 310 00:24:48,737 --> 00:24:50,321 I'd like to see you try. 311 00:24:50,530 --> 00:24:52,156 I checked the records. 312 00:24:52,365 --> 00:24:54,825 Admiral Black recommended you for chief engineer. 313 00:24:55,035 --> 00:24:58,412 He insisted Forrest replace his own man with you. 314 00:24:58,622 --> 00:25:01,582 You're working for the admiral, aren't you? 315 00:25:01,958 --> 00:25:04,043 What have you told him? 316 00:25:05,545 --> 00:25:08,797 Captain, you've got it all wrong. 317 00:25:09,007 --> 00:25:10,883 [TRIP YELLING] 318 00:25:14,596 --> 00:25:16,639 - It wasn't me! - What have you told him? 319 00:25:16,848 --> 00:25:21,352 Please, captain, I've always been loyal to you! 320 00:25:30,320 --> 00:25:31,612 Break him. 321 00:25:47,045 --> 00:25:51,382 It hasn't been that good in a long time. 322 00:25:53,718 --> 00:25:57,429 The things a girl will give up for her career. 323 00:26:00,433 --> 00:26:02,643 The data I gave you, 324 00:26:03,520 --> 00:26:06,230 did you transmit it to the fleet admiral? 325 00:26:07,983 --> 00:26:09,858 Of course. 326 00:26:10,110 --> 00:26:11,777 What was it? 327 00:26:12,529 --> 00:26:14,780 Insurance policy. 328 00:26:21,997 --> 00:26:23,038 What's wrong? 329 00:26:23,248 --> 00:26:25,833 Tucker's a competent engineer. 330 00:26:26,042 --> 00:26:29,837 If he wanted to damage the cloak, he could have done a much better job. 331 00:26:30,255 --> 00:26:33,966 Well, it couldn't have been easy with T'Pol looking over his shoulder. 332 00:26:39,931 --> 00:26:43,058 Computer, locate Commander T'Pol. 333 00:26:43,268 --> 00:26:47,479 COMPUTER: Unable to comply. Internal sensors are off-line. 334 00:26:48,189 --> 00:26:51,233 The sensors were damaged by the overload. 335 00:26:53,653 --> 00:26:55,696 What's going on? 336 00:26:55,905 --> 00:26:57,615 Stay here. 337 00:27:31,149 --> 00:27:33,484 - I wondered what was keeping you. - I needed time. 338 00:27:33,693 --> 00:27:35,944 - No alarm? - I've disabled the internal sensors, 339 00:27:36,154 --> 00:27:38,280 and the comm system. 340 00:27:38,657 --> 00:27:40,991 We'll take the Bridge first. 341 00:28:05,517 --> 00:28:08,894 Set a course out of Tholian space, maximum warp. 342 00:28:10,522 --> 00:28:14,149 - I can't alter our heading. - Full stop! 343 00:28:15,694 --> 00:28:17,861 The helm's not responding. 344 00:28:19,864 --> 00:28:21,573 Having trouble? 345 00:28:23,910 --> 00:28:25,202 You did this. 346 00:28:25,912 --> 00:28:30,457 Autonavigation can't be released until we've reached the coordinates I've set. 347 00:28:32,043 --> 00:28:35,796 Restore the controls now. 348 00:28:36,005 --> 00:28:39,508 I can't. They've been encrypted with a random code. 349 00:28:41,553 --> 00:28:43,303 Can you override the helm? 350 00:28:43,513 --> 00:28:46,098 It'll take several days to break the encryption. 351 00:28:46,307 --> 00:28:48,600 We'll arrive at the coordinates long before then. 352 00:28:50,937 --> 00:28:54,773 The Bridge is yours, captain. 353 00:29:00,864 --> 00:29:02,823 [HIGH-PITCH WHINING] [ARCHER GROANING] 354 00:29:04,451 --> 00:29:08,537 Ten hours in the booth, impressive. 355 00:29:09,873 --> 00:29:11,832 Get him out of there. 356 00:29:13,376 --> 00:29:15,335 [GRUNTING] 357 00:29:19,632 --> 00:29:21,717 Bring Major Reed. 358 00:29:21,926 --> 00:29:25,554 I want him to spend some time in this invention of his. 359 00:29:26,389 --> 00:29:29,391 Are you gonna shoot me now, 360 00:29:29,809 --> 00:29:32,102 or wait for court-martial? 361 00:29:34,481 --> 00:29:36,815 Fleet Admiral Gardner's ordered you released. 362 00:29:37,317 --> 00:29:39,193 He received the data you sent him. 363 00:29:39,402 --> 00:29:43,906 The admiral finds your suggestion intriguing. 364 00:29:44,783 --> 00:29:46,950 Since you've already locked us on this course, 365 00:29:47,160 --> 00:29:50,037 I've been ordered to investigate your mystery ship. 366 00:29:56,044 --> 00:29:57,920 You betrayed me. 367 00:29:58,296 --> 00:30:00,881 Don't think for one moment I'm going to forget that. 368 00:30:04,135 --> 00:30:05,677 Get cleaned up. 369 00:30:05,887 --> 00:30:08,847 You're briefing the senior staff in an hour. 370 00:30:16,773 --> 00:30:18,440 A parallel universe? 371 00:30:19,234 --> 00:30:22,110 The Science Directorate has examined all of these theories. 372 00:30:22,320 --> 00:30:25,739 They've found no evidence of alternate realities. 373 00:30:25,949 --> 00:30:29,993 The Tholians are a little more open-minded than your people. 374 00:30:30,870 --> 00:30:33,497 They detonated a tricobalt warhead, 375 00:30:33,706 --> 00:30:37,167 here, inside the gravity well of a dead star. 376 00:30:37,377 --> 00:30:39,670 The explosion created an interphasic rift, 377 00:30:39,879 --> 00:30:43,298 - a doorway into another universe. - A doorway. 378 00:30:43,508 --> 00:30:45,467 The rift was unstable. 379 00:30:45,677 --> 00:30:48,011 It was too dangerous to send one of their own ships through, 380 00:30:48,221 --> 00:30:51,431 so they transmitted a distress call into the opening, 381 00:30:51,641 --> 00:30:53,559 hoping to lure a ship from the other side. 382 00:30:53,768 --> 00:30:55,727 Their plan worked brilliantly. 383 00:30:57,188 --> 00:30:58,814 How did you learn all this? 384 00:30:59,315 --> 00:31:03,777 The Tholians rely on outside laborers, humanoids. 385 00:31:03,987 --> 00:31:06,280 Some of them can be bought for the right price. 386 00:31:06,489 --> 00:31:08,240 I hope you didn't pay too much. 387 00:31:09,325 --> 00:31:14,288 My contact transmitted these images before his signal was jammed. 388 00:31:17,250 --> 00:31:18,792 You can barely see anything. 389 00:31:19,586 --> 00:31:22,796 Computer, enhance grid three-alpha. 390 00:31:25,133 --> 00:31:26,300 An Earth ship? 391 00:31:27,844 --> 00:31:29,636 According to some theories, 392 00:31:29,846 --> 00:31:33,307 everything that exists in our universe should also exist there. 393 00:31:33,516 --> 00:31:37,477 Another Terran Empire, another Starfleet? 394 00:31:38,104 --> 00:31:39,563 So what? 395 00:31:39,772 --> 00:31:41,064 How does this help us? 396 00:31:41,608 --> 00:31:44,359 The Tholians quantum-dated a piece of the hull. 397 00:31:44,569 --> 00:31:47,696 This ship is not only from another universe, it's from another time, 398 00:31:47,906 --> 00:31:49,406 about a hundred years into the future. 399 00:31:50,325 --> 00:31:53,076 Imagine the technology we could find on that ship. 400 00:31:53,286 --> 00:31:54,870 New tactical systems, 401 00:31:55,079 --> 00:31:56,330 advanced bio-weapons, 402 00:31:56,539 --> 00:31:59,166 engines that can reach speeds we can only dream of. 403 00:31:59,375 --> 00:32:01,710 All of it ours for the taking. 404 00:32:01,920 --> 00:32:03,712 This is ludicrous, captain. 405 00:32:03,922 --> 00:32:07,049 Someone has fabricated this evidence to lure us here. 406 00:32:08,176 --> 00:32:10,886 Commander Archer is guilty of assault and mutiny. 407 00:32:11,095 --> 00:32:13,347 - That's enough, commander. - Sir, I believe we... 408 00:32:13,556 --> 00:32:15,515 I said shut up. We're investigating this. 409 00:32:15,725 --> 00:32:17,893 Get that cloaking device working. 410 00:32:29,530 --> 00:32:31,698 The captain wants a progress report. 411 00:32:31,908 --> 00:32:34,242 I'll need another minute to calibrate the field converters. 412 00:32:37,163 --> 00:32:40,582 I spent four hours in the booth because of you. 413 00:32:40,792 --> 00:32:43,627 Perhaps you should direct your anger at Commander Archer. 414 00:32:43,836 --> 00:32:46,922 You disabled the alarms in that junction and made it look I did it. 415 00:32:47,131 --> 00:32:49,299 - You're mistaken. - The hell I am. 416 00:32:49,509 --> 00:32:52,302 I think I'd remember if I had sabotaged the ship. 417 00:32:52,512 --> 00:32:54,179 Not necessarily. 418 00:32:55,890 --> 00:32:57,265 What did you do to me? 419 00:32:57,934 --> 00:33:03,188 I lured you away from Engineering with the promise of a sexual encounter. 420 00:33:05,066 --> 00:33:06,400 My mind to your mind. 421 00:33:06,609 --> 00:33:10,862 Once we were alone in my quarters, I implanted a telepathic suggestion. 422 00:33:11,072 --> 00:33:12,739 My thoughts to your thoughts. 423 00:33:12,949 --> 00:33:15,617 I compelled you to sabotage the power grid. 424 00:33:16,452 --> 00:33:19,413 After you completed the assignment, we melded again. 425 00:33:20,248 --> 00:33:23,792 I altered your memory of what had happened. 426 00:33:24,043 --> 00:33:27,629 It was my duty to help Captain Forrest regain command. 427 00:33:28,423 --> 00:33:31,258 You're gonna regret what you did. 428 00:33:31,467 --> 00:33:33,677 Threats are illogical. 429 00:33:34,554 --> 00:33:35,679 Engineering to Bridge. 430 00:33:35,888 --> 00:33:37,889 FORREST [OVER COM]: Go ahead. - We're ready. 431 00:33:38,516 --> 00:33:41,393 I'm gonna have to channel everything except auxiliary power. 432 00:33:42,854 --> 00:33:44,521 Engage the cloak. 433 00:33:53,281 --> 00:33:55,115 [SYSTEMS POWERING UP] 434 00:34:14,052 --> 00:34:15,886 We've reached the coordinates. 435 00:34:16,095 --> 00:34:17,888 Autonavigation has disengaged. 436 00:34:20,266 --> 00:34:22,434 Let's see where we are. 437 00:34:30,568 --> 00:34:32,694 Magnify the moon on the far right. 438 00:34:59,430 --> 00:35:02,265 Primary systems are off-line, including life support. 439 00:35:02,475 --> 00:35:06,353 We're reading 13 bio-signs, all alien. 440 00:35:06,562 --> 00:35:08,897 One of them appears to be reptilian. 441 00:35:09,107 --> 00:35:11,316 They're clustered in this section. 442 00:35:11,526 --> 00:35:12,901 Any sign of the crew? 443 00:35:13,111 --> 00:35:15,362 We've detected no human signatures. 444 00:35:15,571 --> 00:35:17,405 It's likely the crew was executed. 445 00:35:17,615 --> 00:35:19,157 Look at the size of those coils. 446 00:35:19,367 --> 00:35:21,701 I'll bet that thing could do warp 7. 447 00:35:21,911 --> 00:35:24,412 We'll send an assault team aboard. 448 00:35:25,581 --> 00:35:27,791 You brought us here, you lead it. 449 00:35:28,459 --> 00:35:31,461 Download whatever you can from the database 450 00:35:31,671 --> 00:35:33,171 then destroy the ship. 451 00:35:33,881 --> 00:35:35,590 Destroy it? 452 00:35:37,093 --> 00:35:38,802 We have to take the ship with us. 453 00:35:39,011 --> 00:35:41,972 It's too dangerous. We are deep in Tholian space. 454 00:35:42,181 --> 00:35:44,641 - Sir, you can't do this. - You have your orders. 455 00:35:47,270 --> 00:35:48,728 Dismissed. 456 00:35:56,988 --> 00:35:58,488 Go with him. 457 00:35:59,574 --> 00:36:02,701 I don't want Archer to return from this mission. 458 00:36:02,910 --> 00:36:05,829 Do I make myself clear, commander? 459 00:36:26,559 --> 00:36:29,311 T'POL: Someone's removed these components. 460 00:36:32,106 --> 00:36:34,149 They're gutting the ship. 461 00:36:38,779 --> 00:36:40,322 Human. 462 00:36:53,878 --> 00:36:57,505 If you'd like, sir, I could hold that for you. 463 00:37:07,558 --> 00:37:09,017 [THOLIAN SCREECHING] 464 00:37:11,562 --> 00:37:14,522 Nap time isn't over yet. 465 00:37:15,399 --> 00:37:17,317 [THOLIAN SCREECHES] 466 00:37:17,860 --> 00:37:18,985 [PANEL BEEPS] 467 00:37:19,153 --> 00:37:20,654 I'm picking up a transmission. 468 00:37:20,863 --> 00:37:22,614 It's coming from decon. 469 00:37:22,823 --> 00:37:25,242 Bridge to Phlox. What's happening down there? 470 00:37:25,451 --> 00:37:27,160 The sedative is no longer working. 471 00:37:27,370 --> 00:37:30,664 FORREST: Well, then, kill it, now. - With pleasure. 472 00:37:30,873 --> 00:37:32,499 [SCREECHING] 473 00:37:38,714 --> 00:37:41,049 Three ships are moving toward our position. 474 00:37:41,259 --> 00:37:44,886 - Doctor? - A few more seconds, captain. 475 00:37:45,471 --> 00:37:47,264 Will you kindly die? 476 00:37:47,473 --> 00:37:49,307 [SCREECHING] 477 00:37:53,562 --> 00:37:58,650 Phlox to Bridge, we won't be having any further trouble from our guest. 478 00:37:58,818 --> 00:38:00,151 [PANEL BEEPS] 479 00:38:00,319 --> 00:38:02,237 One of the Tholian ships is hailing us. 480 00:38:15,209 --> 00:38:16,876 This must be the captain. 481 00:38:17,503 --> 00:38:19,587 His neck's broken. 482 00:38:21,215 --> 00:38:24,050 We should be able to overload the reactor from here. 483 00:38:24,260 --> 00:38:26,011 Get started. 484 00:38:28,180 --> 00:38:29,514 Four more ships. 485 00:38:29,724 --> 00:38:31,808 Contact Archer. Tell him to abort the mission. 486 00:38:32,018 --> 00:38:35,353 - Lay in a course out of here. - They're jamming us. 487 00:39:00,338 --> 00:39:03,089 Target the nearest ship. Fire. 488 00:39:04,842 --> 00:39:05,925 No damage. 489 00:39:06,886 --> 00:39:09,262 Torpedo launchers, fire when ready. 490 00:39:17,521 --> 00:39:19,356 They can see us! 491 00:39:21,400 --> 00:39:23,026 Get us out of here. 492 00:39:25,821 --> 00:39:30,658 Engineering, disengage the cloak and transfer all power to engines. 493 00:39:31,911 --> 00:39:34,412 CREWMAN [OVER COM]: The cloak's not responding, sir. 494 00:39:36,248 --> 00:39:39,542 - How much longer? - Maybe you'd like to take a stab at it. 495 00:39:39,752 --> 00:39:41,711 I can activate their systems. 496 00:39:41,921 --> 00:39:44,881 - Stand aside, commander. - Almost there. 497 00:39:46,175 --> 00:39:48,093 [SYSTEMS POWERING UP] 498 00:39:54,433 --> 00:39:56,267 [PANEL BEEPS] 499 00:40:02,858 --> 00:40:04,734 Enterprise is under attack. 500 00:40:06,445 --> 00:40:07,570 Hull plating's down. 501 00:40:09,657 --> 00:40:12,450 We've lost power on Decks C, D, and E. 502 00:40:12,660 --> 00:40:14,285 CREWMAN [OVER COM]: Engineering to Bridge. 503 00:40:14,453 --> 00:40:18,081 - The containment fields are failing. - Can you vent the antimatter? 504 00:40:18,833 --> 00:40:22,252 CREWMAN: Negative. Reactor breach in three minutes. 505 00:40:27,675 --> 00:40:29,551 This is the captain. 506 00:40:29,760 --> 00:40:32,720 All hands to escape pods. Abandon ship. 507 00:40:33,848 --> 00:40:36,015 You heard my order! 508 00:40:39,603 --> 00:40:41,438 What do you think you're doing? 509 00:40:41,647 --> 00:40:43,606 I'll buy you as much time as I can. 510 00:40:46,944 --> 00:40:48,486 Get out of here, now. 511 00:40:56,954 --> 00:41:00,165 Enterprise is taking heavy damage. 512 00:41:01,125 --> 00:41:03,084 Can you bring weapons and engines online? 513 00:41:03,294 --> 00:41:04,461 I'll see what I can do. 514 00:41:06,130 --> 00:41:08,131 Give me a hand with them. 515 00:41:35,367 --> 00:42:50,984 Commander...