1 00:00:02,460 --> 00:00:05,337 Previously on Enterprise: 2 00:00:05,505 --> 00:00:06,630 A parallel universe. 3 00:00:06,798 --> 00:00:08,298 According to some theories, 4 00:00:08,466 --> 00:00:11,635 everything that exists in our universe should also exist there. 5 00:00:11,803 --> 00:00:14,388 Another Terran Empire? 6 00:00:14,556 --> 00:00:16,974 - Another Starfleet? - I'm not a slave. 7 00:00:17,142 --> 00:00:19,560 You're Vulcan. Never forget that. 8 00:00:21,855 --> 00:00:24,606 Things a girl will give up for her career. 9 00:00:24,816 --> 00:00:26,817 This ship is not only from another universe, 10 00:00:26,985 --> 00:00:30,154 it's from another time, about a hundred years into the future. 11 00:00:30,321 --> 00:00:32,823 Imagine the technology we can find on that ship. 12 00:00:32,991 --> 00:00:34,742 Ours for the taking. 13 00:00:37,328 --> 00:00:39,079 Enterprise is under attack. 14 00:00:40,540 --> 00:00:42,291 The Tholians can see us. 15 00:00:42,459 --> 00:00:44,585 This is the captain. All hands to escape pods. 16 00:00:45,211 --> 00:00:46,670 Abandon ship. 17 00:00:54,137 --> 00:00:55,345 Commander. 18 00:00:57,307 --> 00:00:58,348 You've got thrusters. 19 00:00:58,850 --> 00:01:00,517 Release the docking clamps. 20 00:01:00,685 --> 00:01:03,562 - I can't. - What about weapons? 21 00:01:06,524 --> 00:01:08,692 This power grid's a mess. It's gonna take a few minutes. 22 00:01:08,860 --> 00:01:11,570 - Sir, the shields are functional. - Raise them. 23 00:01:13,865 --> 00:01:17,451 The shields are weakening the clamps, but they're still holding. 24 00:01:17,619 --> 00:01:19,536 I'll alternate port and starboard thrusters. 25 00:01:19,704 --> 00:01:21,789 That should shake them loose. 26 00:01:26,211 --> 00:01:28,003 We're free. 27 00:01:28,671 --> 00:01:30,005 Firing aft thrusters. 28 00:01:35,178 --> 00:01:38,430 Six Tholian ships moving toward us. 29 00:01:38,598 --> 00:01:39,848 How much longer for weapons? 30 00:01:40,016 --> 00:01:42,768 Power couplings have been removed. I don't know if I can bypass them. 31 00:01:42,936 --> 00:01:44,603 Sir. 32 00:03:18,990 --> 00:03:21,575 - Mr. Tucker. - Stand by. 33 00:03:22,368 --> 00:03:24,703 I could use some help over here. 34 00:03:26,414 --> 00:03:29,541 When I tell you, shunt the plasma to the forward emitters. 35 00:03:29,709 --> 00:03:32,377 - Three more ships approaching. - Just a few more seconds. 36 00:03:37,675 --> 00:03:40,135 - What was that? - They've locked on a tractor beam. 37 00:03:40,303 --> 00:03:42,054 We're being pulled back into the dock. 38 00:03:42,222 --> 00:03:44,681 - Now or never. - Stand by. 39 00:03:45,642 --> 00:03:47,017 Now. 40 00:03:49,229 --> 00:03:51,772 Tactical systems are online. 41 00:04:08,790 --> 00:04:09,998 Full thrusters. 42 00:04:10,166 --> 00:04:11,875 The remaining ships are retreating. 43 00:04:13,086 --> 00:04:14,544 The station's opened fire. 44 00:04:15,046 --> 00:04:18,840 - Does this thing have aft torpedoes? - You better believe it. 45 00:04:19,801 --> 00:04:20,884 They're armed. 46 00:04:32,772 --> 00:04:36,400 Escape pods, 12 kilometers off the port bow. 47 00:04:36,567 --> 00:04:37,818 They're ours. 48 00:04:43,199 --> 00:04:44,825 Bring them on board. 49 00:04:50,581 --> 00:04:52,541 We need warp drive. 50 00:04:52,709 --> 00:04:54,543 Engineering's been stripped to the bulkheads. 51 00:04:54,711 --> 00:04:56,670 But the good news is, most of what they took 52 00:04:56,838 --> 00:04:58,255 was still sitting in my hangar deck. 53 00:04:58,423 --> 00:05:02,009 But I need time to figure out how to put it all back together. 54 00:05:02,176 --> 00:05:05,721 - How much time? - Two or three days. 55 00:05:05,888 --> 00:05:09,266 Sir, I'm not even sure what some of these systems are supposed to do. 56 00:05:09,434 --> 00:05:11,977 It's like I'm chief engineer on a steamship 57 00:05:12,145 --> 00:05:14,521 coming aboard the first interplanetary transport. 58 00:05:14,689 --> 00:05:16,773 If we don't have warp capability in 12 hours, 59 00:05:16,941 --> 00:05:18,984 I'm gonna find a new chief engineer. 60 00:05:19,152 --> 00:05:20,944 I suggest we make use of the alien workers. 61 00:05:21,112 --> 00:05:23,905 They may know something about these systems. 62 00:05:26,576 --> 00:05:28,535 Keep them under close surveillance. 63 00:05:28,703 --> 00:05:30,412 Once warp drive is restored, 64 00:05:30,580 --> 00:05:32,998 we'll set a course to rendezvous with the assault fleet. 65 00:05:33,541 --> 00:05:35,417 We are in no condition for battle. 66 00:05:35,585 --> 00:05:37,336 We made quick work of the Tholians. 67 00:05:37,503 --> 00:05:40,422 This ship is designed to be operated by a crew of 400. 68 00:05:40,590 --> 00:05:42,758 There are only 47 of us. 69 00:05:42,925 --> 00:05:45,469 The logical course of action is to take Defiant to Earth. 70 00:05:45,636 --> 00:05:48,513 Allow Starfleet to study it, reverse-engineer its systems. 71 00:05:48,681 --> 00:05:50,015 There's no time. 72 00:05:50,183 --> 00:05:52,976 The Empire could lose this war in weeks if we don't get the Defiant 73 00:05:53,144 --> 00:05:55,896 and its weapons to the front lines. Dismissed. 74 00:05:59,859 --> 00:06:01,610 Commander. 75 00:06:02,070 --> 00:06:03,195 Not you. 76 00:06:19,796 --> 00:06:21,713 I should shoot you for betraying me. 77 00:06:22,256 --> 00:06:24,007 The orders giving you command of Enterprise 78 00:06:24,175 --> 00:06:25,926 were obviously fabricated. 79 00:06:26,094 --> 00:06:27,803 It was my duty as a Starfleet officer 80 00:06:27,970 --> 00:06:30,847 to help Captain Forrest regain control of his ship. 81 00:06:31,015 --> 00:06:33,767 You swore your loyalty to me. 82 00:06:36,312 --> 00:06:39,147 You should be aware Captain Forrest ordered me to kill you. 83 00:06:43,569 --> 00:06:45,779 - Why are you telling me this? - Forrest is dead. 84 00:06:45,947 --> 00:06:50,075 His orders are no longer valid. You are my commanding officer. 85 00:06:53,079 --> 00:06:57,290 I never had a problem with your people 86 00:06:59,752 --> 00:07:02,838 until they became a part of this rebellion. 87 00:07:05,174 --> 00:07:07,217 If I had another officer capable of doing your job, 88 00:07:07,385 --> 00:07:10,387 I'd show you to the nearest airlock. 89 00:07:10,888 --> 00:07:14,558 I need you to get this ship up and running. 90 00:07:14,725 --> 00:07:17,436 But if I hear so much as a rumor that you're working behind my back... 91 00:07:17,603 --> 00:07:18,770 - Understood. - Get out. 92 00:07:25,236 --> 00:07:27,112 What are you wearing? 93 00:07:27,280 --> 00:07:30,657 I found it in the captain's wardrobe. 94 00:07:30,825 --> 00:07:34,578 These people had some strange ideas about uniforms. 95 00:07:36,747 --> 00:07:40,250 - I can't find a mention of it anywhere. - A mention of what? 96 00:07:40,418 --> 00:07:42,127 The Empire. 97 00:07:43,045 --> 00:07:46,673 As far as I can tell, it doesn't exist in the other universe. 98 00:07:46,841 --> 00:07:48,925 No Empire? 99 00:07:49,635 --> 00:07:56,308 A lot of the names are the same, but their history has been rewritten. 100 00:07:56,476 --> 00:07:59,436 Instead of building an Empire, 101 00:07:59,604 --> 00:08:03,482 Earth became part of an interspecies alliance. 102 00:08:05,067 --> 00:08:09,779 - "The United Federation of Planets"? - More like a federation of fools. 103 00:08:09,947 --> 00:08:13,408 What about us? Do we exist in this universe? 104 00:08:13,576 --> 00:08:18,747 Computer, access biographical file: Starfleet Officer Hoshi Sato. 105 00:08:18,915 --> 00:08:20,624 Working. 106 00:08:24,337 --> 00:08:30,467 "Hoshi Sato. Com officer on Starfleet's first Warp 5 ship. 107 00:08:31,177 --> 00:08:36,765 In her late 30s, she created the linguacode translation matrix." 108 00:08:36,933 --> 00:08:38,600 At least she was remembered for something. 109 00:08:40,686 --> 00:08:44,189 I can tell you who she married. It even says how you die. 110 00:08:44,357 --> 00:08:46,274 Stop. I don't wanna know. 111 00:08:46,859 --> 00:08:49,236 - But this isn't you. - I don't care. 112 00:08:52,073 --> 00:08:53,782 Computer, 113 00:08:54,408 --> 00:08:59,621 display file on Starfleet Officer Jonathan Archer. 114 00:08:59,789 --> 00:09:01,498 Working. 115 00:09:05,503 --> 00:09:07,462 Oh. 116 00:09:07,797 --> 00:09:11,716 "Son of famed warp specialist Henry Archer, 117 00:09:11,884 --> 00:09:18,807 Jonathan was appointed captain of Starfleet's first Warp 5 ship." 118 00:09:22,270 --> 00:09:26,398 "His name is among the most recognized in the Federation. 119 00:09:26,566 --> 00:09:30,402 He earned an impressive list of commendations during his career. 120 00:09:30,570 --> 00:09:37,117 Historians called him the greatest explorer of the 22nd century. 121 00:09:37,994 --> 00:09:41,913 Two planets were named after him." Hey. 122 00:09:42,081 --> 00:09:44,791 There's nothing great about that man. 123 00:09:44,959 --> 00:09:49,129 He sold out Earth's future to a group of subhuman species. 124 00:09:49,922 --> 00:09:55,510 Great men are not peacemakers. Great men are conquerors. 125 00:09:56,304 --> 00:09:57,387 Forget about him. 126 00:09:58,389 --> 00:10:01,141 Your future is just beginning. 127 00:10:02,602 --> 00:10:04,519 Can you imagine the look on the emperor's face 128 00:10:04,687 --> 00:10:06,688 when he sees this ship? 129 00:10:06,856 --> 00:10:10,859 You'll be declared hero of the Empire. 130 00:10:12,111 --> 00:10:14,529 Starfleet will have to give you a command of your own. 131 00:10:18,159 --> 00:10:21,745 I already have a command of my own. 132 00:10:28,169 --> 00:10:29,377 What's the problem? 133 00:10:29,545 --> 00:10:31,838 Commander. Somebody pulled both plasma regulators 134 00:10:32,006 --> 00:10:33,214 out of these housings. 135 00:10:33,382 --> 00:10:35,383 Why are you bothering me with this? 136 00:10:35,551 --> 00:10:38,011 - They're probably on the hangar deck. - You don't understand. 137 00:10:38,179 --> 00:10:40,430 They were here 10 minutes ago. I went to get this coupler. 138 00:10:40,598 --> 00:10:42,724 When I came back, the regulators were gone. 139 00:10:42,892 --> 00:10:44,142 You'd better find them. 140 00:10:44,310 --> 00:10:46,853 Because if this junction's not online in 10 minutes, 141 00:10:47,021 --> 00:10:49,981 I'm gonna tell Archer you're the reason we don't have warp drive. 142 00:10:50,149 --> 00:10:53,109 Yes. Yes, sir. 143 00:11:06,666 --> 00:11:08,500 Who's in here? 144 00:11:37,363 --> 00:11:41,908 I found traces of reptilian saliva in the ensign's wounds. 145 00:11:42,076 --> 00:11:44,160 - Something bit him? - Mm. 146 00:11:44,328 --> 00:11:47,622 The bite radius would suggest a particularly large reptile. 147 00:11:47,790 --> 00:11:49,666 More than two meters in length. 148 00:11:49,834 --> 00:11:51,626 Can you find this thing on internal sensors? 149 00:11:52,420 --> 00:11:53,628 It's not in the primary hull. 150 00:11:53,796 --> 00:11:56,256 Sensors are still offline on the engineering decks. 151 00:11:56,424 --> 00:11:59,050 Perhaps it was a pet owned by one of the original crew. 152 00:11:59,218 --> 00:12:00,760 Unless one of them owned a velociraptor, 153 00:12:00,928 --> 00:12:03,805 I find it extremely unlikely. 154 00:12:03,973 --> 00:12:06,057 There's no sign of the regulators. 155 00:12:06,225 --> 00:12:09,102 Without them, we can't initialize the reaction chamber. 156 00:12:09,270 --> 00:12:10,478 We're stuck at impulse. 157 00:12:11,021 --> 00:12:14,691 Whoever sabotaged us knew exactly which components to steal. 158 00:12:14,859 --> 00:12:18,737 The slaves we captured. Bring one of them to the briefing room. 159 00:12:18,904 --> 00:12:20,363 Certainly, sir. 160 00:12:28,539 --> 00:12:29,831 What attacked my crewman? 161 00:12:29,999 --> 00:12:34,377 He promised he'd kill us if we told you. 162 00:12:34,545 --> 00:12:36,963 I'll kill you now if you don't. 163 00:12:37,131 --> 00:12:40,008 Please! 164 00:12:40,176 --> 00:12:41,926 Stand aside. 165 00:12:44,388 --> 00:12:45,764 T'Pol to Major Reed. 166 00:12:45,931 --> 00:12:47,640 Bring another prisoner to the briefing room. 167 00:12:47,808 --> 00:12:48,975 Acknowledged. 168 00:12:49,143 --> 00:12:52,061 From what I'm told, the maximum setting 169 00:12:52,229 --> 00:12:54,939 can actually disintegrate a person. 170 00:12:55,816 --> 00:12:58,777 I've been looking forward to trying it. 171 00:13:01,864 --> 00:13:05,158 His name is Slar. 172 00:13:05,326 --> 00:13:07,285 Whose name? 173 00:13:07,453 --> 00:13:10,205 Our slave master. 174 00:13:11,791 --> 00:13:15,835 He was in charge of the salvage operation. 175 00:13:16,003 --> 00:13:21,841 When you boarded the ship, he hid in the service crawlways. 176 00:13:23,135 --> 00:13:26,221 He was planning to sabotage the ship. 177 00:13:26,388 --> 00:13:27,764 Where in the crawlways? 178 00:13:27,932 --> 00:13:32,519 Possibly near the power transfer conduits 179 00:13:32,686 --> 00:13:35,939 on Deck 22. 180 00:13:36,106 --> 00:13:39,818 It's warm there. His species likes it warm. 181 00:13:39,985 --> 00:13:42,320 What species? 182 00:13:43,572 --> 00:13:46,282 Gorn. He's a Gorn. 183 00:13:54,083 --> 00:13:57,460 We had it cornered in Turboshaft 3, 184 00:13:57,628 --> 00:14:01,422 but it appears to have escaped through this access tube. 185 00:14:01,590 --> 00:14:03,716 That's when we lost contact with McKenzie and Browne. 186 00:14:04,593 --> 00:14:08,263 They're taking too long. When my ship was in jeopardy, 187 00:14:08,430 --> 00:14:11,349 I didn't let security handle the situation. 188 00:14:11,517 --> 00:14:13,935 I took care of it myself. 189 00:14:15,437 --> 00:14:18,898 I'd have better luck sending a squad of Tellarites to capture this thing. 190 00:14:19,066 --> 00:14:22,318 Put an assault team together. I'll lead it myself. 191 00:14:23,279 --> 00:14:25,321 Sir, I'm picking up a signal from inside the ship. 192 00:14:25,489 --> 00:14:28,366 - I think it's the reptile. - Can you pinpoint its location? 193 00:14:28,576 --> 00:14:31,911 - The frequency's scrambled. - I wanna talk to it. 194 00:14:32,079 --> 00:14:35,623 - The translator matrix is tied in. - This is Captain Archer. 195 00:14:35,791 --> 00:14:41,004 - Return our plasma regulators now. - I want to leave this ship. 196 00:14:41,171 --> 00:14:46,092 - Give me what I want, and we'll talk. - No. I'm familiar with your species. 197 00:14:46,260 --> 00:14:48,219 Humans are not trustworthy. 198 00:14:48,387 --> 00:14:50,305 You will give me a shuttlecraft. 199 00:14:50,472 --> 00:14:54,517 Once I'm away from this ship, I'll tell you where to find the regulators. 200 00:14:54,685 --> 00:14:56,811 This is not a negotiation. 201 00:14:56,979 --> 00:14:59,105 The regulators, now. 202 00:15:00,065 --> 00:15:01,983 If you don't comply, I'll give the order... 203 00:15:03,944 --> 00:15:05,111 He closed the channel. 204 00:15:06,196 --> 00:15:09,866 Major, get the team together. Your best men. 205 00:15:12,995 --> 00:15:14,996 The Gorn's offer is reasonable. 206 00:15:15,164 --> 00:15:16,998 He has no intention of returning the regulators. 207 00:15:17,166 --> 00:15:18,249 If we give him a shuttle, 208 00:15:18,417 --> 00:15:20,543 he'll contact his people and come back with a warship. 209 00:15:20,711 --> 00:15:23,630 Without warp drive, we'll be an easy target. 210 00:15:24,924 --> 00:15:30,678 Defeat this Gorn and you'll finally earn the respect you deserve. 211 00:15:49,156 --> 00:15:52,200 There's a bio-sign. Very faint. 212 00:15:52,368 --> 00:15:54,077 In Access Tube 7-Alpha, near Junction 3. 213 00:15:54,244 --> 00:15:56,371 I'll seal off the bulkhead here. 214 00:15:56,538 --> 00:15:58,289 That'll leave him with only one escape route. 215 00:15:58,457 --> 00:16:01,542 Flush him out, drive him into this junction. I'll be waiting for him. 216 00:16:03,212 --> 00:16:04,879 Understood. 217 00:16:45,170 --> 00:16:48,089 - Reed to Captain Archer. - Go ahead. 218 00:16:48,257 --> 00:16:49,340 It's not here. 219 00:16:49,925 --> 00:16:52,844 He's modified the communicator to emit a false bio-sign. 220 00:16:53,012 --> 00:16:56,806 - Meet us in Junction 3. - Acknowledged. 221 00:17:01,645 --> 00:17:03,604 Shut that bloody thing off. 222 00:17:10,362 --> 00:17:11,946 It's a trap! 223 00:17:28,672 --> 00:17:30,256 I've failed you, captain. 224 00:17:31,175 --> 00:17:33,885 Archer to T'Pol. Where is it? 225 00:17:34,053 --> 00:17:38,556 The Gorn's moved into the primary hull. It's on Deck 9. 226 00:17:39,183 --> 00:17:40,808 We're going to Plan B. 227 00:17:40,976 --> 00:17:43,102 Access the environmental controls on that deck. 228 00:17:43,645 --> 00:17:45,021 Wait for my signal. 229 00:17:45,189 --> 00:17:46,481 Acknowledged. 230 00:19:38,135 --> 00:19:39,177 Archer to T'Pol. 231 00:19:41,889 --> 00:19:46,517 - Section 4A, on my mark. - Standing by. 232 00:19:46,685 --> 00:19:49,353 - Now. - Enhancing grav-plating. 233 00:19:59,031 --> 00:20:01,949 Grav-plating's at 20 G's. 234 00:20:04,828 --> 00:20:05,953 Give me your weapon. 235 00:20:20,761 --> 00:20:24,722 Defiant starlog, January 18th, 2155. 236 00:20:24,890 --> 00:20:26,724 We've recovered the missing engine components 237 00:20:26,892 --> 00:20:30,061 and I've ordered a course to rendezvous with the assault fleet. 238 00:20:32,397 --> 00:20:35,024 What's Major Reed's condition? 239 00:20:35,359 --> 00:20:40,404 Mm, at this point, he could go either way. 240 00:20:40,572 --> 00:20:44,617 No doubt, there'll be several discreet celebrations if he should expire. 241 00:20:47,704 --> 00:20:51,040 I notice you've been making extensive use of the library database. 242 00:20:53,877 --> 00:20:56,629 I was merely researching classical literature. 243 00:20:56,797 --> 00:20:58,214 I wanted to compare our major works 244 00:20:58,382 --> 00:21:00,216 with their counterparts in the other universe. 245 00:21:00,384 --> 00:21:04,136 I skimmed a few of the more celebrated narratives. 246 00:21:04,304 --> 00:21:06,055 The stories were similar in some respects, 247 00:21:06,223 --> 00:21:10,226 but their characters were weak and compassionate. 248 00:21:10,394 --> 00:21:13,729 With the exception of Shakespeare, of course. 249 00:21:13,897 --> 00:21:18,484 From what I could tell, his plays were equally grim in both universes. 250 00:21:18,652 --> 00:21:21,362 Examine their historical files. 251 00:21:22,489 --> 00:21:24,865 You may want to learn more about their Federation. 252 00:21:26,493 --> 00:21:27,952 Did you know, in the other universe, 253 00:21:28,120 --> 00:21:30,371 humans and Denobulans are considered equals? 254 00:21:31,290 --> 00:21:33,207 As are Vulcans. 255 00:21:34,584 --> 00:21:35,960 Hmm. 256 00:21:36,837 --> 00:21:38,838 You don't find this interesting. 257 00:21:39,006 --> 00:21:41,132 I find it dangerous. 258 00:21:41,383 --> 00:21:44,677 If I were the captain, I'd restrict access to that database. 259 00:21:44,845 --> 00:21:48,431 I'm certain he wouldn't want to give his crew any ideas, hmm? 260 00:21:49,057 --> 00:21:50,725 Perhaps you should reconsider the reperc... 261 00:21:50,892 --> 00:21:53,602 This is the captain. All hands to battle stations. 262 00:22:05,657 --> 00:22:07,158 Report! 263 00:22:07,326 --> 00:22:08,743 Hull breach on B-deck. 264 00:22:08,952 --> 00:22:10,745 Emergency bulkheads are engaged. 265 00:22:10,954 --> 00:22:14,623 - Concentrate fire on the Andorians! - Hull plating's at 32 percent. 266 00:22:15,417 --> 00:22:17,293 Admiral, there's another vessel approaching. 267 00:22:17,502 --> 00:22:19,211 More rebels? 268 00:22:20,964 --> 00:22:22,506 No. 269 00:22:33,393 --> 00:22:35,144 Direct hits. 270 00:22:35,979 --> 00:22:39,148 The Tellarite ship's opened fire. No damage. 271 00:22:39,316 --> 00:22:41,567 Lock on their reactor. 272 00:22:41,902 --> 00:22:42,943 Fire when ready. 273 00:22:50,285 --> 00:22:52,036 Target destroyed. 274 00:22:52,245 --> 00:22:54,288 The Vulcan ship's trying to escape. 275 00:22:54,956 --> 00:22:56,540 Pursuit course. 276 00:22:56,708 --> 00:22:59,293 Captain, they're no threat to us. I recommend we... 277 00:22:59,461 --> 00:23:00,753 Fire when ready. 278 00:23:11,139 --> 00:23:13,015 The last Andorian ship is retreating. 279 00:23:14,684 --> 00:23:17,311 - Weapons are locked. - No. 280 00:23:17,479 --> 00:23:19,021 Let them go. 281 00:23:19,898 --> 00:23:22,358 I want the other rebels to know what happened here. 282 00:23:26,571 --> 00:23:28,489 Get me Admiral Black. 283 00:23:34,121 --> 00:23:35,746 Archer? 284 00:23:35,914 --> 00:23:38,582 Sorry we're late for the party, admiral. 285 00:23:40,377 --> 00:23:41,919 Where's Enterprise? 286 00:23:42,087 --> 00:23:43,838 Is Captain Forrest with you? 287 00:23:44,047 --> 00:23:46,966 It's gonna take some time to explain, sir. 288 00:23:47,717 --> 00:23:52,304 Perhaps you'd like to see the Defiant yourself. 289 00:23:57,853 --> 00:24:01,063 A most impressive vessel, commander. 290 00:24:01,773 --> 00:24:04,316 With the technology on this ship at our disposal, 291 00:24:04,526 --> 00:24:06,235 the rebels won't stand a chance. 292 00:24:06,445 --> 00:24:07,862 Glad you agree, sir. 293 00:24:08,071 --> 00:24:09,864 I intend to recommend you get your own command 294 00:24:10,031 --> 00:24:11,407 at the earliest opportunity. 295 00:24:11,575 --> 00:24:12,783 Respectfully, sir, 296 00:24:12,993 --> 00:24:15,786 you have the authority to grant a battlefield promotion. 297 00:24:18,248 --> 00:24:20,708 Unfortunately, we don't have a ship to give you at the moment. 298 00:24:20,917 --> 00:24:22,418 The Defiant. 299 00:24:24,171 --> 00:24:27,006 I'm sure the fleet admiral has other plans for this ship. 300 00:24:27,174 --> 00:24:30,009 They're never gonna give you this ship, you know that. 301 00:24:30,177 --> 00:24:33,053 They'll tear it apart, try to learn its secrets. 302 00:24:33,221 --> 00:24:38,350 If you're lucky, you'll end up commanding a moon shuttle. 303 00:24:38,518 --> 00:24:40,644 Don't you see what the admiral's planning? 304 00:24:40,812 --> 00:24:44,190 He's going to present this ship to the emperor himself. 305 00:24:44,357 --> 00:24:46,358 He'll take all the credit, 306 00:24:46,526 --> 00:24:48,819 and you'll end up an historical footnote. 307 00:24:48,987 --> 00:24:50,654 alter the course of the war. 308 00:24:50,864 --> 00:24:54,033 The people of the Earth are in your debt, commander. 309 00:24:57,954 --> 00:24:59,830 That's captain. 310 00:25:02,459 --> 00:25:03,792 You're relieved, admiral. 311 00:25:17,766 --> 00:25:23,521 Our entire assault fleet, wiped out by a rebel attack. 312 00:25:23,730 --> 00:25:27,024 Thousands of your fellow Starfleet officers dead. 313 00:25:27,192 --> 00:25:28,859 If the Defiant hadn't arrived when it did, 314 00:25:29,027 --> 00:25:32,738 all of you would be among them. 315 00:25:33,448 --> 00:25:35,074 And who are we to blame for this? 316 00:25:35,283 --> 00:25:39,161 Not the brave men and women who gave their lives for the Empire. 317 00:25:41,081 --> 00:25:44,458 Criminals who are losing this war 318 00:25:44,626 --> 00:25:49,088 are sitting in their comfortable offices back at Starfleet Command. 319 00:25:49,256 --> 00:25:51,799 Their weakness invited our enemies to strike, 320 00:25:51,967 --> 00:25:53,551 and their corruption and arrogance 321 00:25:53,760 --> 00:25:56,637 have brought the Empire to the brink of defeat! 322 00:25:59,516 --> 00:26:01,850 I've been a soldier all my life. 323 00:26:02,936 --> 00:26:07,773 And I will not stand by and let these people 324 00:26:07,941 --> 00:26:11,777 destroy an Empire that has endured for centuries! 325 00:26:13,405 --> 00:26:14,613 I ask you, 326 00:26:15,532 --> 00:26:18,993 all of you, join me. 327 00:26:19,202 --> 00:26:21,954 We cannot put down this rebellion 328 00:26:22,122 --> 00:26:27,167 so long as our forces are commanded by dishonorable men. 329 00:26:27,377 --> 00:26:29,837 Before we can defeat the rebels, we must defeat them. 330 00:26:30,380 --> 00:26:35,134 That ship out there is the key to our victory. 331 00:26:35,343 --> 00:26:39,763 With the Defiant on our side, there will be nothing to stop us. 332 00:26:51,401 --> 00:26:53,027 Enter. 333 00:26:59,576 --> 00:27:03,078 It's not wise to make that gesture, even behind closed doors. 334 00:27:04,664 --> 00:27:06,957 It is agreeable to see you again. 335 00:27:08,168 --> 00:27:10,794 Did you review the historical files? 336 00:27:12,297 --> 00:27:15,841 The implications are intriguing. 337 00:27:16,718 --> 00:27:18,385 Intriguing? 338 00:27:19,304 --> 00:27:22,598 This alternate universe is very different from ours. 339 00:27:22,766 --> 00:27:26,310 I'm not certain a Federation could ever exist here. 340 00:27:26,478 --> 00:27:29,063 I thought you were an idealist. 341 00:27:29,230 --> 00:27:31,023 That was many years ago. 342 00:27:31,232 --> 00:27:32,274 We have to take action. 343 00:27:32,442 --> 00:27:34,943 Archer intends to overthrow Starfleet and the emperor. 344 00:27:35,111 --> 00:27:38,238 Archer is right. The Empire has become corrupt. 345 00:27:38,406 --> 00:27:40,574 A new leader may change things for the better. 346 00:27:40,742 --> 00:27:42,868 Not for our people. 347 00:27:43,036 --> 00:27:45,120 Weapons on that ship will annihilate the rebels, 348 00:27:45,288 --> 00:27:47,665 including thousands of Vulcans. 349 00:27:47,832 --> 00:27:50,376 We can give them an advantage. 350 00:27:50,543 --> 00:27:52,002 How? 351 00:27:52,170 --> 00:27:55,798 I can download the data on Defiant's engines and tactical systems. 352 00:27:55,965 --> 00:27:59,259 - We'll give it to them. - Data will be of little value. 353 00:27:59,427 --> 00:28:00,678 Archer still controls that ship. 354 00:28:00,845 --> 00:28:03,180 - I'm going to destroy that ship. - What? 355 00:28:03,348 --> 00:28:05,265 I can disable Defiant's power systems, 356 00:28:05,433 --> 00:28:06,684 but I'll need your help. 357 00:28:06,893 --> 00:28:10,312 Do you want to spend the rest of your life serving the Empire? 358 00:28:13,108 --> 00:28:17,236 I'm too old to become a revolutionary. 359 00:28:17,404 --> 00:28:19,363 I know Archer. 360 00:28:19,531 --> 00:28:21,323 He blames our people for inciting the rebels. 361 00:28:21,491 --> 00:28:25,786 If he becomes emperor, he'll lay waste to Vulcan. 362 00:28:27,414 --> 00:28:29,873 I can't do this without you. 363 00:28:45,515 --> 00:28:50,352 My senior officers don't think I can do this. 364 00:28:51,104 --> 00:28:53,021 They'll come around. 365 00:28:53,189 --> 00:28:56,900 T'Pol doesn't approve either. I can see it in her eyes. 366 00:28:58,361 --> 00:29:03,115 Maybe it's time to get rid of her now that the ship's operational. 367 00:29:11,791 --> 00:29:13,417 Not just her. 368 00:29:15,253 --> 00:29:18,714 We'll get rid of all the non-Terrans. 369 00:29:18,882 --> 00:29:20,841 I'll transfer them off Defiant. 370 00:29:21,009 --> 00:29:22,050 All of them? 371 00:29:22,218 --> 00:29:24,553 The rebels have spies everywhere. 372 00:29:24,721 --> 00:29:26,930 I can't afford to have a single alien aboard my flagship. 373 00:29:27,098 --> 00:29:31,769 Ah. I hope you're not planning on getting sick anytime soon. 374 00:29:32,645 --> 00:29:35,230 In case you haven't noticed, 375 00:29:35,815 --> 00:29:38,650 your doctor's an alien. 376 00:29:43,490 --> 00:29:45,824 I've got nothing against Phlox. 377 00:29:47,368 --> 00:29:49,369 His people aren't rebels. 378 00:29:49,537 --> 00:29:54,333 It's not in their nature. 379 00:30:01,257 --> 00:30:03,050 He can stay. 380 00:30:05,970 --> 00:30:09,890 I've never been the consort of an emperor before. 381 00:30:10,683 --> 00:30:13,101 Is there anything I need to know? 382 00:30:15,230 --> 00:30:17,022 I think you've, uh... 383 00:30:17,774 --> 00:30:20,400 I think you've got the basics down. 384 00:30:45,885 --> 00:30:48,428 Put me through to Fleet Admiral Gardner. 385 00:30:49,889 --> 00:30:55,394 Corporal, escort Commander T'Pol to Transporter Room 2. 386 00:31:09,617 --> 00:31:13,662 Your service aboard this ship is no longer required. 387 00:31:16,082 --> 00:31:19,418 Archer, what the hell is going on? 388 00:31:19,627 --> 00:31:21,253 I take it you received my message. 389 00:31:21,421 --> 00:31:24,131 You demanded Starfleet's unconditional surrender. 390 00:31:24,299 --> 00:31:25,549 Have you lost your mind? 391 00:31:25,758 --> 00:31:28,719 You've seen the specs on the Defiant. 392 00:31:28,887 --> 00:31:30,554 You know what its weapons can do. 393 00:31:30,763 --> 00:31:32,598 I want to speak with Admiral Black. 394 00:31:35,101 --> 00:31:37,644 He's not available right now. 395 00:31:38,938 --> 00:31:43,984 I suggest you order your forces to stand down. 396 00:31:44,694 --> 00:31:47,154 Starfleet can't afford to lose any more ships. 397 00:31:47,363 --> 00:31:49,990 This is your only warning, commander. 398 00:31:50,199 --> 00:31:54,536 Do not approach Earth or you will be fired upon! 399 00:31:59,667 --> 00:32:01,919 Bridge to Dr. Phlox. 400 00:32:03,755 --> 00:32:04,796 This is Phlox. 401 00:32:04,964 --> 00:32:06,924 There's a medical emergency on the Avenger. 402 00:32:07,091 --> 00:32:08,884 You're needed immediately. 403 00:32:09,052 --> 00:32:11,053 Acknowledged. 404 00:32:21,648 --> 00:32:23,649 Neither of you appears to be injured. 405 00:32:23,858 --> 00:32:27,319 Sabotage the Defiant? Have you lost your senses? 406 00:32:27,487 --> 00:32:29,404 You're the only non-Terran on the Defiant. 407 00:32:29,572 --> 00:32:31,365 Any of us would arouse suspicion. 408 00:32:31,532 --> 00:32:34,159 You heard Archer's speech. He's delusional. 409 00:32:34,827 --> 00:32:37,496 It's not a delusion if the captain has the power to do what he says. 410 00:32:37,705 --> 00:32:39,915 And from what I've seen, he most certainly does. 411 00:32:40,124 --> 00:32:41,500 I should report you both. 412 00:32:41,709 --> 00:32:44,586 - Are you loyal to the Empire or not? - Of course I am. 413 00:32:44,754 --> 00:32:48,256 Archer plans to kill the emperor and take his place. 414 00:32:51,427 --> 00:32:53,929 The captain's proven himself in battle. Perhaps he should rule. 415 00:32:54,097 --> 00:32:58,433 If Archer fails, his crew will have to answer for his crimes. 416 00:32:58,893 --> 00:33:00,435 We'll be executed. 417 00:33:03,815 --> 00:33:05,232 There's an old tradition. 418 00:33:05,441 --> 00:33:09,069 If someone saves the emperor's life, 419 00:33:09,237 --> 00:33:12,239 it's said there's no request he can refuse them. 420 00:33:13,116 --> 00:33:14,741 Consider the possibilities. 421 00:33:14,951 --> 00:33:18,245 A medical facility of your own with unlimited resources. 422 00:33:18,454 --> 00:33:21,748 You could conduct experiments as you see fit. 423 00:33:21,958 --> 00:33:23,625 Don't forget the females. 424 00:33:26,337 --> 00:33:27,379 Females? 425 00:33:27,588 --> 00:33:31,091 You'll be able to choose as many concubines as you'd like. 426 00:33:35,680 --> 00:33:39,975 If the emperor were my patient, I'd be obligated to save his life. 427 00:33:40,143 --> 00:33:44,896 I suppose what you're suggesting isn't that different. 428 00:33:59,871 --> 00:34:01,955 - What's this? - Save it, commander. 429 00:34:02,123 --> 00:34:04,166 The schematics you downloaded, where are they? 430 00:34:04,667 --> 00:34:06,001 Schematics? 431 00:34:12,467 --> 00:34:14,051 Let's go. 432 00:34:24,771 --> 00:34:26,688 I was hoping you'd put up a fight. 433 00:34:27,857 --> 00:34:29,441 I'm surprised you're not exhausted 434 00:34:29,609 --> 00:34:31,526 from all the beds you've jumped into recently. 435 00:34:35,490 --> 00:34:39,159 Commander Tucker told me I should give you a few pointers in that area. 436 00:34:49,545 --> 00:34:50,921 Bring her. 437 00:35:12,568 --> 00:35:13,944 Shut down the Turbolift. 438 00:35:14,779 --> 00:35:16,655 Secure the Bridge. 439 00:35:23,871 --> 00:35:25,163 Who are you working with? 440 00:35:28,334 --> 00:35:30,252 I hope you're prepared to die. 441 00:35:32,547 --> 00:35:35,340 My death will change nothing. 442 00:35:36,509 --> 00:35:38,301 You will not prevail. 443 00:35:38,511 --> 00:35:39,886 The Defiant will prevail. 444 00:35:40,054 --> 00:35:43,515 - It's simply a matter of firepower. - The Federation is our future. 445 00:35:43,724 --> 00:35:46,893 You're mistaking our universe for someone else's. 446 00:35:47,937 --> 00:35:52,774 It may take centuries, but humanity will pay for its arrogance. 447 00:36:07,707 --> 00:36:10,625 - These interruptions aren't helping. - I need an estimate. 448 00:36:10,793 --> 00:36:11,835 The inside of this panel 449 00:36:12,003 --> 00:36:14,421 doesn't look anything like the schematic you gave me. 450 00:36:14,589 --> 00:36:16,882 You need to remove the duotronic module. 451 00:36:17,049 --> 00:36:19,634 The relays are behind it. 452 00:36:24,265 --> 00:36:26,933 - I've removed the module. - You have to disengage 453 00:36:27,101 --> 00:36:32,355 the flow regulators before you remove the relays or the plasma will ignite. 454 00:36:41,490 --> 00:36:43,408 Someone's trying to override the Bridge lockouts. 455 00:36:43,576 --> 00:36:45,035 Doctor, you must hurry. 456 00:36:47,413 --> 00:36:49,623 The warp field's fluctuating. 457 00:36:49,790 --> 00:36:50,874 It's a power drain. 458 00:36:51,459 --> 00:36:53,335 Primary EPS relays. 459 00:36:53,544 --> 00:36:55,587 - I'll alert the captain. - No. 460 00:36:55,796 --> 00:36:58,465 Probably just a micro-fracture in the conduit. 461 00:36:59,258 --> 00:37:01,301 Do you really want to interrupt the captain for that? 462 00:37:03,012 --> 00:37:05,305 I'll handle it. Take over. 463 00:37:05,473 --> 00:37:06,973 Yes, sir. 464 00:37:10,311 --> 00:37:11,603 Take a team aboard Avenger. 465 00:37:11,812 --> 00:37:13,480 Confine every alien on that ship. 466 00:37:15,024 --> 00:37:18,526 There's no point in continuing. She's not gonna talk. 467 00:37:18,694 --> 00:37:20,278 We should kill her. 468 00:37:21,489 --> 00:37:24,574 You've been looking forward to that for a while, haven't you? 469 00:37:33,417 --> 00:37:34,918 Archer to the Bridge. Report. 470 00:37:35,127 --> 00:37:38,129 Main power's off-line. We've dropped out of warp. 471 00:37:38,339 --> 00:37:40,674 Close to 10,000 meters. 472 00:37:40,841 --> 00:37:43,093 Target their primary hull. 473 00:37:53,062 --> 00:37:56,731 Phlox to Soval, I'm finished here. Stand by to transport... Unh! 474 00:37:59,735 --> 00:38:01,486 What the hell have you done? 475 00:38:10,454 --> 00:38:12,914 - I need weapons! - Everything's off-line. 476 00:38:16,544 --> 00:38:17,752 Continue firing. 477 00:38:36,272 --> 00:38:38,857 Primary systems are coming back. 478 00:38:39,025 --> 00:38:40,066 We have shields. 479 00:38:41,485 --> 00:38:42,527 Raise them! 480 00:38:42,695 --> 00:38:43,737 Soval to Phlox. 481 00:38:43,946 --> 00:38:46,823 Their power grid's being restored. What's happening? 482 00:38:47,616 --> 00:38:50,368 Doctor? Respond! 483 00:38:50,578 --> 00:38:53,830 - Weapons are online. - Destroy them! 484 00:39:02,089 --> 00:39:04,257 Get us out of their weapons range! 485 00:39:06,260 --> 00:39:08,803 Divert all power to hull plating. 486 00:39:09,680 --> 00:39:11,139 They've taken heavy damage. 487 00:39:11,349 --> 00:39:13,433 They're trying to escape. 488 00:39:15,269 --> 00:39:17,395 Photon torpedoes. 489 00:39:17,563 --> 00:39:20,106 Lock on to their reactor. 490 00:39:31,744 --> 00:39:33,119 Ah. 491 00:39:40,503 --> 00:39:42,170 Before I forget, 492 00:39:42,338 --> 00:39:47,634 first thing tomorrow, I want you to erase the historical database. 493 00:39:49,512 --> 00:39:51,179 I don't want anyone else getting any ideas 494 00:39:51,347 --> 00:39:56,059 about this Federation of Planets. 495 00:39:58,687 --> 00:40:01,856 We'll lose all the data on our counterparts. 496 00:40:02,066 --> 00:40:03,650 Exactly. 497 00:40:07,571 --> 00:40:10,990 It'll only take a day for the fleet to return to Earth. 498 00:40:11,158 --> 00:40:13,159 You think the commanders will support you? 499 00:40:13,327 --> 00:40:15,829 They're loyal to the emperor. 500 00:40:16,288 --> 00:40:18,957 They don't really care who it is. 501 00:40:20,501 --> 00:40:22,544 By the time the fleet arrives, 502 00:40:24,130 --> 00:40:28,967 the reign of Emperor Jonathan Archer 503 00:40:29,176 --> 00:40:31,386 will have already begun. 504 00:40:37,351 --> 00:40:39,894 Once we've put down the rebellion, 505 00:40:40,563 --> 00:40:43,148 I'll expand the Empire throughout... 506 00:40:43,732 --> 00:40:45,358 Throughout... 507 00:40:52,575 --> 00:40:54,367 Are you all right? 508 00:41:28,694 --> 00:41:30,778 Open a channel to Fleet Admiral Gardner. 509 00:41:30,946 --> 00:41:32,530 Channel open. 510 00:41:32,698 --> 00:41:34,449 This is the starship Defiant. 511 00:41:34,617 --> 00:41:38,203 If you don't surrender immediately, we'll begin targeting your cities. 512 00:41:38,370 --> 00:41:39,412 Respond. 513 00:41:39,622 --> 00:41:43,666 Where's Archer? Who the hell are you? 514 00:41:43,834 --> 00:41:47,295 You're speaking with Empress Sato. 515 00:41:47,463 --> 00:42:49,565 Prepare to receive instructions.