1 00:00:04,004 --> 00:00:05,045 How serious? 2 00:00:05,255 --> 00:00:07,214 The swelling could inhibit her breathing. 3 00:00:07,424 --> 00:00:10,592 I told you to notify me. You're saying this has been going on for days? 4 00:00:10,802 --> 00:00:13,429 Monitoring equipment didn't detect the symptoms until this morning. 5 00:00:13,638 --> 00:00:16,765 It isn't calibrated for this type of patient. 6 00:00:19,769 --> 00:00:20,894 Well? 7 00:00:21,104 --> 00:00:24,273 Fever's diminished. She's fighting it off. 8 00:00:24,482 --> 00:00:26,942 That's good news for both of you. 9 00:00:29,404 --> 00:00:31,030 Intravascular pressure has stabilized. 10 00:00:31,239 --> 00:00:32,740 Blood oxygenation is good. 11 00:00:32,949 --> 00:00:34,700 She looks so innocent. 12 00:00:35,577 --> 00:00:38,662 It's almost possible to forget what she represents. 13 00:00:41,249 --> 00:00:43,625 We don't want to disturb her. 14 00:00:45,670 --> 00:00:47,254 No. 15 00:02:22,767 --> 00:02:26,645 Captain's starlog, January 19th, 2155. 16 00:02:26,855 --> 00:02:28,105 Enterprise has been called home 17 00:02:28,314 --> 00:02:31,608 for what could prove to be a pivotal moment in human history. 18 00:02:31,985 --> 00:02:35,154 Having endured a catastrophic world war, 19 00:02:35,363 --> 00:02:38,240 Earth's governments came to this city 20 00:02:38,408 --> 00:02:43,412 for the purpose of creating a just and lasting peace among nations. 21 00:02:43,997 --> 00:02:48,625 Today we have assembled here again, representatives of numerous worlds, 22 00:02:48,835 --> 00:02:51,670 to forge an unprecedented alliance. 23 00:02:51,880 --> 00:02:54,047 With this Coalition of Planets, 24 00:02:54,257 --> 00:02:57,342 we seek to strengthen our bonds of friendship, 25 00:02:57,552 --> 00:03:00,512 render permanent the peace that now exists among us 26 00:03:00,722 --> 00:03:03,682 for the ongoing exploration of our galaxy. 27 00:03:04,058 --> 00:03:07,311 Let us dedicate ourselves to these worthy goals 28 00:03:07,520 --> 00:03:10,772 so that future generations can look back upon this moment 29 00:03:10,982 --> 00:03:14,818 with pride and eternal gratitude. Thank you. 30 00:03:20,783 --> 00:03:22,701 People are watching. 31 00:03:22,994 --> 00:03:24,578 Nobody knows that better than him. 32 00:03:25,496 --> 00:03:27,998 Clap louder. That's an order. 33 00:03:34,172 --> 00:03:36,548 Ah. I thought it was a fine speech. 34 00:03:36,758 --> 00:03:38,675 Just missing a few names. 35 00:03:38,885 --> 00:03:40,219 You'd think this was all his idea. 36 00:03:40,428 --> 00:03:41,929 It's not about who gets credit. 37 00:03:42,138 --> 00:03:43,889 He could have at least mentioned Enterprise. 38 00:03:44,098 --> 00:03:46,767 Who does he think got the Andorians and Tellarites talking? 39 00:03:46,976 --> 00:03:49,561 I'm sure history will reflect our contribution. 40 00:03:50,438 --> 00:03:51,563 Not if he's writing it. 41 00:03:51,773 --> 00:03:52,940 That's enough. 42 00:03:58,446 --> 00:04:01,073 I hope I didn't embarrass myself too much. 43 00:04:01,491 --> 00:04:02,741 Far from it, minister. 44 00:04:03,201 --> 00:04:04,534 Call me Nathan. 45 00:04:05,995 --> 00:04:07,663 I want to thank you again for attending. 46 00:04:07,872 --> 00:04:10,374 Having Enterprise here seems to put everyone at ease. 47 00:04:10,583 --> 00:04:13,293 People feel comfortable in the presence of heroes. 48 00:04:13,503 --> 00:04:14,753 Whatever we can do to help. 49 00:04:15,171 --> 00:04:18,006 Well, it certainly helps that the delegates can understand each other. 50 00:04:18,216 --> 00:04:22,302 These universal translators work perfectly, thanks to you. 51 00:04:22,512 --> 00:04:25,180 I just updated them with a few things we picked up on the mission. 52 00:04:25,515 --> 00:04:27,599 Whatever you did, they're extremely precise. 53 00:04:27,809 --> 00:04:30,644 Though, when I'm listening to the Tellarite ambassador, 54 00:04:30,853 --> 00:04:33,313 I wish they were just a little less precise. 55 00:04:33,523 --> 00:04:34,731 You've set a formidable goal, 56 00:04:35,275 --> 00:04:37,192 the drafting of a charter in six weeks. 57 00:04:37,819 --> 00:04:41,488 I've always believed that formidable goals produce formidable results. 58 00:04:48,538 --> 00:04:50,539 I decided to stop waiting. 59 00:04:51,457 --> 00:04:54,167 - For what? - You to come over and say hello. 60 00:04:55,128 --> 00:04:56,211 You were busy working. 61 00:04:57,380 --> 00:04:59,715 We never had a problem mixing work and pleasure. 62 00:04:59,924 --> 00:05:00,966 Smile. 63 00:05:03,678 --> 00:05:06,305 Ugh, I never could get you to smile for the camera. 64 00:05:06,889 --> 00:05:07,931 How have you been, Gannet? 65 00:05:09,142 --> 00:05:12,561 Busy. There haven't been many slow news days since the Xindi attack. 66 00:05:14,939 --> 00:05:16,940 I hear you're gonna be in the neighborhood a while? 67 00:05:17,150 --> 00:05:18,734 At least until the conference is over. 68 00:05:19,861 --> 00:05:21,111 We should get together. 69 00:05:23,531 --> 00:05:26,366 If we wait another four years, we'll have too much catching up to do. 70 00:05:27,160 --> 00:05:28,201 Can't argue with that. 71 00:05:30,163 --> 00:05:32,539 I'll pretend that was an enthusiastic yes. 72 00:05:35,084 --> 00:05:36,877 Back to work. 73 00:05:45,345 --> 00:05:47,179 Commander Tucker does have a point. 74 00:05:48,598 --> 00:05:51,391 Enterprise laid the foundation for this event. 75 00:05:51,601 --> 00:05:54,061 Perhaps it should be you they're photographing. 76 00:05:54,270 --> 00:05:57,564 Samuels likes the spotlight, and he's welcome to it. 77 00:06:01,444 --> 00:06:04,488 - They're going to kill her. - Excuse me? 78 00:06:05,156 --> 00:06:07,783 Don't let them. 79 00:06:12,705 --> 00:06:14,498 I... I'm sorry. 80 00:06:14,707 --> 00:06:15,957 It's a phase-pistol wound. 81 00:06:16,167 --> 00:06:18,085 She's going into shock. Get me a medkit! 82 00:06:31,974 --> 00:06:34,393 I just received word from Starfleet Medical. 83 00:06:34,602 --> 00:06:35,727 The wound was too severe. 84 00:06:35,937 --> 00:06:37,729 She didn't survive. 85 00:06:38,689 --> 00:06:40,941 Do they think it could have been self-inflicted? 86 00:06:41,150 --> 00:06:42,192 They didn't say. 87 00:06:42,402 --> 00:06:43,527 Do we know who she was? 88 00:06:43,903 --> 00:06:45,862 Her name was Susan Khouri. 89 00:06:46,072 --> 00:06:47,447 She was a medical technician. 90 00:06:47,657 --> 00:06:50,242 She'd been having some emotional trouble. 91 00:06:50,451 --> 00:06:52,160 Took a leave from work over a year ago. 92 00:06:52,370 --> 00:06:53,703 Any idea who the hair belonged to? 93 00:06:54,956 --> 00:06:56,873 I have a very good idea. 94 00:06:58,042 --> 00:06:59,251 It was from a child. 95 00:06:59,460 --> 00:07:01,169 No more than 6 months old. 96 00:07:01,379 --> 00:07:04,339 I used every DNA identification protocol I'm aware of. 97 00:07:04,549 --> 00:07:06,174 I even used a Klingon procedure. 98 00:07:06,384 --> 00:07:08,093 Go ahead. 99 00:07:08,428 --> 00:07:11,430 It contains Vulcan and human DNA. 100 00:07:11,931 --> 00:07:15,058 I had the computer search for any matches in the Starfleet databank. 101 00:07:15,268 --> 00:07:17,853 When I got the results, I ran the search three more times, 102 00:07:18,062 --> 00:07:19,229 just to be certain. 103 00:07:19,439 --> 00:07:20,981 And? 104 00:07:22,859 --> 00:07:26,153 According to every analysis, this child is the offspring 105 00:07:26,362 --> 00:07:29,781 of Commander Tucker and Commander T'Pol. 106 00:07:36,038 --> 00:07:37,706 Come in. 107 00:07:38,416 --> 00:07:40,750 We gotta talk about this. 108 00:07:45,256 --> 00:07:47,716 It's difficult to talk about something that doesn't make sense. 109 00:07:47,925 --> 00:07:49,259 Phlox said DNA doesn't lie. 110 00:07:49,469 --> 00:07:50,594 Neither do I. 111 00:07:50,803 --> 00:07:52,512 I've never been pregnant, Trip. 112 00:07:52,722 --> 00:07:56,183 Then how do you explain all this? 113 00:07:56,809 --> 00:07:58,518 I can't. 114 00:08:02,732 --> 00:08:04,691 Do you believe me? 115 00:08:09,071 --> 00:08:10,572 Yeah. 116 00:08:12,116 --> 00:08:14,784 Phlox must be wrong. That's all there is to it. 117 00:08:15,036 --> 00:08:19,664 If you've never been pregnant, then you can't have a baby. 118 00:08:22,710 --> 00:08:27,547 Trip, the moment Phlox said that the child was ours, 119 00:08:27,757 --> 00:08:28,798 I knew it was true. 120 00:08:29,175 --> 00:08:31,676 - But you said you'd never been... - I haven't. 121 00:08:31,886 --> 00:08:32,928 Then what are you saying? 122 00:08:33,137 --> 00:08:36,056 I can't explain how it exists, but I know it does. 123 00:08:36,265 --> 00:08:38,391 There's a child out there, and it's ours. 124 00:08:39,018 --> 00:08:40,101 How do you know that? 125 00:08:40,311 --> 00:08:41,353 I'm Vulcan. 126 00:08:43,773 --> 00:08:47,192 Fortunately, the news hasn't spread to the general public 127 00:08:47,401 --> 00:08:48,818 and I'd like to keep it that way. 128 00:08:49,028 --> 00:08:50,737 If we made an announcement, 129 00:08:50,947 --> 00:08:53,281 someone might come forward with information. 130 00:08:53,491 --> 00:08:56,451 An announcement of this nature could derail the conference. 131 00:08:56,661 --> 00:08:58,245 How? 132 00:08:58,496 --> 00:09:01,206 You haven't spent much time on Earth lately. 133 00:09:02,083 --> 00:09:03,625 After the Xindi attack, 134 00:09:03,834 --> 00:09:06,419 there was a dangerous increase in xenophobia. 135 00:09:07,338 --> 00:09:08,380 We got a taste of it. 136 00:09:08,589 --> 00:09:10,715 It died down somewhat, but not completely. 137 00:09:10,925 --> 00:09:12,926 There are still people out there who want us to stay 138 00:09:13,135 --> 00:09:14,678 in our little corner of the galaxy. 139 00:09:14,887 --> 00:09:18,473 The news of a Vulcan-human hybrid could inflame them, 140 00:09:18,683 --> 00:09:20,141 give them something to rally against. 141 00:09:20,518 --> 00:09:22,477 We're talking about more than a small minority. 142 00:09:22,895 --> 00:09:24,437 As I said, you've been away for a while. 143 00:09:25,648 --> 00:09:28,608 Maybe I just have a little more faith in humanity than you do. 144 00:09:30,027 --> 00:09:31,528 Can't afford to operate on faith. 145 00:09:32,822 --> 00:09:35,115 There's more at stake here than a simple trade agreement. 146 00:09:35,324 --> 00:09:37,033 You fought the Xindi. You know better than anyone 147 00:09:37,243 --> 00:09:39,786 how Earth's survival depends on alliances with other species. 148 00:09:39,996 --> 00:09:42,038 We don't have the Vulcans watching our backs anymore. 149 00:09:42,248 --> 00:09:45,000 This isn't about finding someone else to watch our backs. 150 00:09:45,209 --> 00:09:47,544 All I'm saying is that there's strength in numbers. 151 00:09:49,672 --> 00:09:51,172 All right. 152 00:09:54,385 --> 00:09:58,138 I was hoping you'd have some word on the investigation. 153 00:09:58,347 --> 00:10:01,725 My engineer and science officer are eager to get some answers. 154 00:10:01,934 --> 00:10:04,561 Oh, I'm sure they are, but I've heard nothing new. 155 00:10:06,272 --> 00:10:07,731 There's got to be something we can do. 156 00:10:09,108 --> 00:10:11,776 Starfleet investigators are more than capable of handling this. 157 00:10:11,986 --> 00:10:13,737 I suggest we let them do their job. 158 00:10:15,656 --> 00:10:17,365 I'll notify you the moment I hear something. 159 00:10:17,575 --> 00:10:19,075 I appreciate your cooperation. 160 00:10:30,963 --> 00:10:33,089 - Reed. - It's Captain Archer. 161 00:10:33,299 --> 00:10:35,634 I want you to talk to an old friend. 162 00:10:59,492 --> 00:11:02,744 The last time we spoke, you asked me to never contact you again. 163 00:11:02,953 --> 00:11:05,121 I contacted you. 164 00:11:05,831 --> 00:11:06,873 Susan Khouri. 165 00:11:07,083 --> 00:11:09,250 - First we need an understanding. - About what? 166 00:11:09,460 --> 00:11:12,253 That by speaking to me, you're back in the game. Simple as that. 167 00:11:13,964 --> 00:11:15,006 Who was she? 168 00:11:15,216 --> 00:11:17,342 She was more than just an emotionally troubled nurse. 169 00:11:17,551 --> 00:11:20,887 She was a member of an underground isolationist movement, Terra Prime. 170 00:11:21,097 --> 00:11:24,224 I've heard of them. They want to stop all contact with alien species. 171 00:11:24,433 --> 00:11:26,351 They believe it's corrupting our way of life. 172 00:11:26,560 --> 00:11:28,937 They made a lot of noise back when Enterprise was launched. 173 00:11:29,146 --> 00:11:31,481 They had a resurgence following the Xindi attack. 174 00:11:31,691 --> 00:11:33,692 We think Khouri was trying to leave the movement. 175 00:11:33,901 --> 00:11:35,026 That's why they killed her? 176 00:11:35,236 --> 00:11:38,363 Her defection may have had something to do with the child. 177 00:11:38,989 --> 00:11:40,573 I was getting to that. 178 00:11:40,783 --> 00:11:43,493 The child belongs to two of your crewmen. You tell me. 179 00:11:43,703 --> 00:11:45,120 My crewmen know nothing about it. 180 00:11:45,329 --> 00:11:46,871 That doesn't seem likely, does it? 181 00:11:47,748 --> 00:11:48,873 I believe them. 182 00:11:49,083 --> 00:11:51,126 I admire your loyalty. 183 00:11:51,335 --> 00:11:54,879 We think Terra Prime is involved, that they're planning something. 184 00:11:55,089 --> 00:11:56,423 You just don't know what? 185 00:11:56,757 --> 00:11:59,134 We suspect it has something to do with the child. 186 00:11:59,343 --> 00:12:01,678 Find it, and we'll have the answers. 187 00:12:15,526 --> 00:12:17,193 You recruited her. 188 00:12:17,403 --> 00:12:19,028 I needed her expertise. 189 00:12:19,238 --> 00:12:20,864 I thought she was reliable. 190 00:12:21,073 --> 00:12:22,407 Obviously, you were mistaken. 191 00:12:23,284 --> 00:12:26,411 If she'd told them anything truly damaging, I think we'd know it by now. 192 00:12:26,746 --> 00:12:29,289 We can't be sure what she told them. 193 00:12:29,790 --> 00:12:32,542 Anyway, I'm more concerned with why she turned away from us. 194 00:12:33,043 --> 00:12:35,503 I think that she might have become attached to the patient. 195 00:12:35,713 --> 00:12:37,464 She spent a great deal of time caring for it. 196 00:12:37,673 --> 00:12:39,591 And what about you? 197 00:12:39,800 --> 00:12:40,884 Me? 198 00:12:41,093 --> 00:12:43,803 Yes. You've spent as much time with that child as she did. 199 00:12:45,598 --> 00:12:48,933 I feel no differently about it than anyone else that I've treated. 200 00:12:50,644 --> 00:12:52,395 This isn't anyone else. 201 00:12:52,605 --> 00:12:54,355 This is an abomination. 202 00:12:54,565 --> 00:12:57,901 And when the time comes, it will be treated as such. 203 00:12:59,278 --> 00:13:00,987 I understand. 204 00:13:04,909 --> 00:13:07,619 Well, I'm gonna miss this place. 205 00:13:08,454 --> 00:13:09,829 The simplicity. 206 00:13:10,539 --> 00:13:13,208 There's no middle ground here. 207 00:13:13,959 --> 00:13:16,377 And I can see the Earth. 208 00:13:18,464 --> 00:13:20,089 Send in Greaves on your way out. 209 00:13:20,925 --> 00:13:22,509 Yes, sir. 210 00:13:28,015 --> 00:13:29,349 I gave the men your message. 211 00:13:29,558 --> 00:13:31,351 We'll be ready at a moment's notice. 212 00:13:31,560 --> 00:13:33,561 Tell them I appreciate their hard work. 213 00:13:33,771 --> 00:13:34,813 They already know. 214 00:13:35,022 --> 00:13:37,857 There's one other thing, a loose end that needs tying up. 215 00:13:39,610 --> 00:13:40,693 Put together a group, 216 00:13:40,903 --> 00:13:45,281 have them meet me at the third junction, say, one hour. 217 00:13:46,075 --> 00:13:47,450 Done. 218 00:14:05,928 --> 00:14:08,429 The Tellarites are pushing for an embargo against the Orions. 219 00:14:08,639 --> 00:14:10,473 They claim they've been attacking freighters. 220 00:14:10,683 --> 00:14:12,350 We've traded with the Orions for centuries. 221 00:14:12,560 --> 00:14:13,977 We would have known of these attacks. 222 00:14:14,186 --> 00:14:15,228 It's Tellarite slander. 223 00:14:15,396 --> 00:14:17,146 You have to appreciate their point of view. 224 00:14:17,356 --> 00:14:19,315 The Tellarites only want to deprive us 225 00:14:19,483 --> 00:14:20,608 of valuable commerce. 226 00:14:20,818 --> 00:14:23,152 Coridan will never agree to any trade sanctions. 227 00:14:23,946 --> 00:14:25,446 Ambassador, Captain Archer. 228 00:14:25,906 --> 00:14:27,532 Ambassador. 229 00:14:28,075 --> 00:14:31,536 I need to contact my government about today's developments. 230 00:14:31,745 --> 00:14:32,829 Excuse me. 231 00:14:35,791 --> 00:14:36,833 How can I help you? 232 00:14:37,167 --> 00:14:39,919 I want everything Starfleet has on the investigation. 233 00:14:40,129 --> 00:14:41,254 Why come to me? 234 00:14:41,463 --> 00:14:44,215 Because the chief investigator turned me down. 235 00:14:44,425 --> 00:14:45,758 You can change his mind. 236 00:14:45,968 --> 00:14:47,302 I can't do that. I'm sorry. 237 00:14:48,095 --> 00:14:50,471 Susan Khouri was a member of Terra Prime. 238 00:14:51,640 --> 00:14:55,435 If that's true, it's extremely troubling. 239 00:14:56,687 --> 00:14:58,479 Not as troubling as something else we learned. 240 00:14:59,940 --> 00:15:01,941 You were once a member. 241 00:15:05,029 --> 00:15:07,572 It seems you're doing fairly well investigating on your own. 242 00:15:07,781 --> 00:15:09,616 That's why you wanted this kept quiet. 243 00:15:09,825 --> 00:15:12,911 I've already explained why there was a need for secrecy. 244 00:15:13,120 --> 00:15:15,163 I was very young when I joined Terra Prime. 245 00:15:15,372 --> 00:15:16,748 You were 18. 246 00:15:16,957 --> 00:15:18,875 Didn't you make any questionable choices 247 00:15:19,084 --> 00:15:20,710 when you were that age, captain? 248 00:15:23,005 --> 00:15:24,964 It was a stupid mistake. I was a fool. 249 00:15:25,174 --> 00:15:26,799 My father had died in a freighter accident 250 00:15:27,009 --> 00:15:29,802 and I blamed the pilot, who happened to be Denobulan. 251 00:15:30,012 --> 00:15:33,014 We all have our demons. I've exorcised mine. 252 00:15:33,223 --> 00:15:36,142 I don't care what you did when you were young, minister. 253 00:15:36,560 --> 00:15:38,227 I need your help. 254 00:15:38,437 --> 00:15:39,771 Hmm. 255 00:15:40,898 --> 00:15:42,106 I underestimated you. 256 00:15:44,026 --> 00:15:47,070 I suppose I'm not the first person to make that mistake. 257 00:15:47,863 --> 00:15:49,739 You'll have your case file within the hour. 258 00:15:51,617 --> 00:15:52,784 Thank you. 259 00:16:12,930 --> 00:16:15,139 Hmm. Can't decide 260 00:16:15,683 --> 00:16:17,600 if I like you better in uniform or not. 261 00:16:18,978 --> 00:16:20,436 What are you doing here? 262 00:16:20,646 --> 00:16:23,815 I've been assigned to do a story on Enterprise. 263 00:16:23,983 --> 00:16:26,901 Hmm. They can build a ship that goes faster than light 264 00:16:27,111 --> 00:16:28,611 but can't give you a decent-sized room. 265 00:16:28,821 --> 00:16:29,862 A story? 266 00:16:30,072 --> 00:16:32,031 It's told from the perspective of the crew. 267 00:16:32,241 --> 00:16:35,827 It'll cover the missions, the perils, life in space. 268 00:16:36,036 --> 00:16:39,163 So shall we start with a tour? 269 00:16:39,373 --> 00:16:40,540 I've got some work to do. 270 00:16:40,749 --> 00:16:41,791 You're not on duty. 271 00:16:42,209 --> 00:16:43,251 Gannet. 272 00:16:43,460 --> 00:16:49,716 Okay, so maybe I wasn't assigned the story. 273 00:16:51,301 --> 00:16:54,095 Maybe I suggested the idea to my editor. 274 00:16:55,014 --> 00:16:57,223 He know how you feel about space exploration? 275 00:16:57,433 --> 00:17:00,268 That it's the last vestige of colonial impulse? 276 00:17:00,477 --> 00:17:02,979 I only said that to keep you from signing on to this mission. 277 00:17:03,439 --> 00:17:04,856 Find another story to do. 278 00:17:05,065 --> 00:17:07,150 It's too late. It's due a week from today. 279 00:17:07,359 --> 00:17:09,193 Then find another source for your information. 280 00:17:09,403 --> 00:17:10,611 Why are you avoiding me? 281 00:17:10,821 --> 00:17:14,032 Can you give me one reason why I shouldn't avoid you? 282 00:17:14,575 --> 00:17:15,700 We both called it off. 283 00:17:17,119 --> 00:17:18,494 It was a mutual decision. 284 00:17:19,038 --> 00:17:20,913 And it looks like you've changed your mind. 285 00:17:21,582 --> 00:17:23,833 I haven't decided yet. 286 00:17:24,752 --> 00:17:26,961 That's the first honest thing you've said. 287 00:17:28,630 --> 00:17:32,633 So reward me by giving me that tour. 288 00:17:36,055 --> 00:17:37,638 Got a minute? 289 00:17:37,848 --> 00:17:39,474 Certainly. 290 00:17:41,685 --> 00:17:43,770 This baby... 291 00:17:45,606 --> 00:17:48,357 Can you tell if it's a boy or a girl? 292 00:17:48,567 --> 00:17:51,277 - It's a girl. - Girl. 293 00:17:52,362 --> 00:17:56,532 Is it okay? I mean, part human and part Vulcan. 294 00:17:57,785 --> 00:18:00,703 Vulcan and human physiology are not all that dissimilar. 295 00:18:00,913 --> 00:18:02,747 From the evidence, there's no reason to believe 296 00:18:02,956 --> 00:18:04,582 she's anything but perfectly healthy. 297 00:18:05,250 --> 00:18:06,584 That's good to hear. 298 00:18:06,794 --> 00:18:10,546 You'll also be interested to know she has your eyes and T'Pol's ears. 299 00:18:12,216 --> 00:18:13,800 I still can't believe it. 300 00:18:14,760 --> 00:18:16,928 I'm in something of a quandary about it myself. 301 00:18:17,137 --> 00:18:19,597 Especially since T'Pol's never been pregnant. 302 00:18:19,807 --> 00:18:22,725 Well, she could have gotten pregnant and not told me about it. 303 00:18:22,893 --> 00:18:24,227 Ah. 304 00:18:24,394 --> 00:18:28,064 And she had the embryo removed, also without your knowledge? 305 00:18:29,983 --> 00:18:32,443 I believe you know the answer to that theory, commander. 306 00:18:34,404 --> 00:18:35,780 Yeah, I guess I do. 307 00:18:36,740 --> 00:18:39,200 We'll get to the bottom of this soon enough. 308 00:18:39,451 --> 00:18:42,954 Until then, I suggest you keep any such theories to yourself. 309 00:18:46,208 --> 00:18:47,333 That's good advice. 310 00:18:49,211 --> 00:18:52,880 You know, my father always wanted a granddaughter. 311 00:18:53,799 --> 00:18:55,716 He bugged my sister about it constantly. 312 00:18:57,136 --> 00:18:58,553 It seems he got his wish. 313 00:19:01,265 --> 00:19:02,723 Whew. 314 00:19:04,601 --> 00:19:07,103 In the shadow of this incalculable devastation, 315 00:19:07,312 --> 00:19:10,356 we find ourselves facing a colossal challenge. 316 00:19:10,566 --> 00:19:14,193 There's an entire world to rebuild. 317 00:19:14,403 --> 00:19:19,157 Not only our cities and homes but mankind itself. 318 00:19:19,366 --> 00:19:22,577 Now is not the time for timidity and second-guessing. 319 00:19:22,786 --> 00:19:25,037 We cannot afford to doubt ourselves. 320 00:19:25,247 --> 00:19:26,581 The Third World War had just ended, 321 00:19:26,790 --> 00:19:28,958 and the cease-fire was barely 2 years old. 322 00:19:29,168 --> 00:19:32,879 Unless we act decisively, 323 00:19:33,088 --> 00:19:36,299 we will pass on the scars of mutation and decay 324 00:19:36,508 --> 00:19:38,509 to future generations. 325 00:19:38,969 --> 00:19:41,971 Colonel Green. 326 00:19:42,181 --> 00:19:44,724 One of the many men history has misunderstood. 327 00:19:44,933 --> 00:19:49,228 For the sake of our children and our children's children, 328 00:19:49,438 --> 00:19:53,858 we must reject the impure and cast it out. 329 00:19:58,488 --> 00:20:00,615 Before my father died and left me this facility, 330 00:20:00,824 --> 00:20:02,867 I was studying to be an historian. 331 00:20:03,076 --> 00:20:06,829 Until I had a very verbal confrontation with a certain professor 332 00:20:07,039 --> 00:20:08,706 who claimed that Green was nothing more 333 00:20:08,916 --> 00:20:11,125 than a genocidal madman. 334 00:20:11,335 --> 00:20:12,793 Sounds like we had the same professor. 335 00:20:13,003 --> 00:20:15,046 Green euthanized hundreds of thousands 336 00:20:15,255 --> 00:20:17,215 who were afflicted with radiation damage. 337 00:20:17,424 --> 00:20:20,343 Their millions of descendants would have endured horrible disease, 338 00:20:20,552 --> 00:20:22,553 yet history, history never says anything 339 00:20:22,763 --> 00:20:25,097 about that suffering that Green prevented. 340 00:20:25,641 --> 00:20:27,642 Guess it all depends on who writes the history. 341 00:20:28,810 --> 00:20:30,394 Makes me wonder if I'll be remembered 342 00:20:30,604 --> 00:20:31,646 with any more accuracy. 343 00:20:32,314 --> 00:20:34,148 I don't think you're going to be misunderstood. 344 00:20:34,983 --> 00:20:37,985 Really? Sometimes I'm not certain I understand myself. 345 00:20:38,862 --> 00:20:42,615 We did what we had to do, not what we wanted to do. 346 00:20:42,824 --> 00:20:45,534 I'm sure Green told himself the same thing. 347 00:20:45,744 --> 00:20:48,120 He was right, and so are we. 348 00:20:52,417 --> 00:20:57,338 Daniel, you are a wise man. 349 00:20:59,174 --> 00:21:01,384 Medical report on the patient. 350 00:21:01,760 --> 00:21:03,427 Her symptoms are gone. She's 100 percent. 351 00:21:03,637 --> 00:21:06,180 That's wonderful. Wonderful. Thank you. 352 00:21:23,865 --> 00:21:27,493 That was some serious flying, trying to keep the warp fields aligned. 353 00:21:27,703 --> 00:21:29,370 Columbia was 50 meters above us. 354 00:21:29,579 --> 00:21:31,831 One wrong move and we would have lost Commander Tucker. 355 00:21:32,040 --> 00:21:33,207 How did you keep your cool? 356 00:21:33,417 --> 00:21:34,750 When I was studying to be a pilot, 357 00:21:34,960 --> 00:21:37,378 I memorized something Chuck Yeager said: 358 00:21:37,587 --> 00:21:39,380 "I never let myself be afraid. 359 00:21:39,589 --> 00:21:42,758 I just focus on the dials and concentrate on flying." 360 00:21:42,968 --> 00:21:44,051 That simple, huh? 361 00:21:44,261 --> 00:21:46,387 Most of the time, simple works best. 362 00:21:53,854 --> 00:21:57,023 These are the shuttlepods. 363 00:21:57,316 --> 00:22:00,943 Which one did you use to penetrate the Sphere in the Expanse? 364 00:22:01,153 --> 00:22:03,112 Shuttlepod 1. 365 00:22:07,743 --> 00:22:09,327 Do you want to see inside? 366 00:22:09,536 --> 00:22:11,454 If it's okay. 367 00:22:16,209 --> 00:22:19,628 Oh. Beautiful little ship. 368 00:22:19,838 --> 00:22:22,131 I always thought so. 369 00:22:22,507 --> 00:22:25,634 Unfortunately, we use the shuttlepods less and less. 370 00:22:25,844 --> 00:22:26,886 Why? 371 00:22:27,095 --> 00:22:28,888 Getting more comfortable with the transporter. 372 00:22:30,182 --> 00:22:32,433 Makes sense. Gets you there in a few seconds. 373 00:22:33,352 --> 00:22:36,479 - Yeah, but there's no skill involved. - Mm-hm. 374 00:22:36,646 --> 00:22:37,855 Nothing to fly. 375 00:22:38,440 --> 00:22:41,317 I've always had a tendency to get attached to machines. 376 00:22:41,526 --> 00:22:45,029 It's crazy, but every time we use the transporter, 377 00:22:45,238 --> 00:22:47,573 I feel we're kind of turning our backs on these guys. 378 00:22:48,241 --> 00:22:50,993 Well, you can't make a choice without leaving something behind. 379 00:22:54,456 --> 00:22:58,667 When I saw you at that conference, I started thinking about things, 380 00:22:59,086 --> 00:23:00,586 decisions I've made. 381 00:23:02,130 --> 00:23:05,299 Is it my imagination, or are you actually opening up to me? 382 00:23:05,801 --> 00:23:07,927 - Don't do that. - What? 383 00:23:08,136 --> 00:23:11,263 Whenever things get a little serious, you always turn it into a joke. 384 00:23:14,684 --> 00:23:16,602 It's a bad habit. 385 00:23:19,773 --> 00:23:20,815 I have a lot of those. 386 00:23:30,826 --> 00:23:32,743 Here's another one. 387 00:23:33,870 --> 00:23:36,330 When I'm attracted to someone, I can't hide it for long. 388 00:23:38,500 --> 00:23:41,585 You and your bad habits. 389 00:23:50,178 --> 00:23:52,471 The autopsy data confirms what we already knew. 390 00:23:52,681 --> 00:23:55,015 Susan Khouri was killed by phase-pistol fire. 391 00:23:55,225 --> 00:23:57,935 The case file contains very little else in the way of evidence. 392 00:23:58,145 --> 00:24:01,355 Some biographical data on Khouri. Most of it's out of date. 393 00:24:01,565 --> 00:24:04,024 They don't even know where she'd been living for the past year. 394 00:24:04,234 --> 00:24:06,068 It's like she dropped off the face of the Earth. 395 00:24:06,278 --> 00:24:07,903 That may be exactly what happened. 396 00:24:08,113 --> 00:24:09,155 You know something? 397 00:24:09,364 --> 00:24:11,323 Her blood had elevated levels of growth hormone. 398 00:24:11,533 --> 00:24:14,493 I ran some more tests and found traces of myofibrilin. 399 00:24:14,703 --> 00:24:18,038 That's what they prescribe for extended zero-G missions. 400 00:24:18,248 --> 00:24:20,708 It's hardly used anymore outside of military exercises, 401 00:24:20,917 --> 00:24:22,793 not since the invention of artificial gravity. 402 00:24:23,003 --> 00:24:24,128 It is still given to workers 403 00:24:24,337 --> 00:24:26,755 in remote places where artificial gravity isn't practical. 404 00:24:26,965 --> 00:24:28,466 Like mining colonies. 405 00:24:28,675 --> 00:24:30,509 The nearest one is Orpheus, on the moon. 406 00:24:30,719 --> 00:24:34,388 I have heard that the moon is a hotbed of Terra Prime activity. 407 00:24:34,723 --> 00:24:37,391 You know, I think Travis has a friend who worked on Orpheus. 408 00:24:38,894 --> 00:24:41,270 He might be able to get a couple of us inside. 409 00:24:41,480 --> 00:24:44,815 We could pay a little visit, undercover. 410 00:24:45,025 --> 00:24:47,234 I wanna be a part of that visit. 411 00:24:47,611 --> 00:24:48,903 I'd like to volunteer as well. 412 00:24:51,531 --> 00:24:54,283 - Tell Travis to see what he can do. - Yes, sir. 413 00:25:21,478 --> 00:25:23,395 Captain's starlog, supplemental. 414 00:25:23,605 --> 00:25:27,358 With help from Travis' contact, Trip and T'Pol have been processed 415 00:25:27,567 --> 00:25:29,693 into the Orpheus Mining Facility. 416 00:25:49,839 --> 00:25:51,966 This is the second time we've been through here. 417 00:25:52,133 --> 00:25:53,217 I've seen all this before. 418 00:25:53,385 --> 00:25:56,095 We still have 20 minutes before we have to report to the foreman. 419 00:25:56,304 --> 00:25:58,264 Maybe you downloaded an outdated map. 420 00:25:58,473 --> 00:25:59,682 The map is correct. 421 00:25:59,891 --> 00:26:01,642 Maybe you're reading it wrong. 422 00:26:01,851 --> 00:26:03,852 We can ask for directions. 423 00:26:04,062 --> 00:26:05,896 Give me that. 424 00:26:11,611 --> 00:26:13,821 - I think I know what the problem is. - What? 425 00:26:14,030 --> 00:26:15,906 We're lost. 426 00:26:17,534 --> 00:26:18,701 Let's try that direction. 427 00:26:18,910 --> 00:26:19,994 Any particular reason? 428 00:26:20,203 --> 00:26:22,955 It's the only tunnel I don't recognize. 429 00:26:28,003 --> 00:26:30,045 - Trip. - I think we're getting there. 430 00:26:30,255 --> 00:26:33,465 I know you're not convinced I told you the truth. 431 00:26:33,800 --> 00:26:35,342 About the child. 432 00:26:35,552 --> 00:26:36,635 What do you mean? 433 00:26:36,970 --> 00:26:39,805 You think I might have gotten pregnant without your knowledge. 434 00:26:40,015 --> 00:26:41,265 I never said that. 435 00:26:41,474 --> 00:26:42,725 I know. 436 00:26:43,476 --> 00:26:44,643 You've been talking to Phlox. 437 00:26:45,145 --> 00:26:47,229 No. Have you? 438 00:26:48,982 --> 00:26:50,649 Look, it's because you're Vulcan, isn't it? 439 00:26:50,859 --> 00:26:52,610 - That you know all this. - I believe so. 440 00:26:52,819 --> 00:26:55,070 I'm sick and tired of this bond we've got. 441 00:26:55,280 --> 00:26:57,906 I don't particularly enjoy it, either. 442 00:26:58,116 --> 00:27:02,995 Listen, for the last time and for the record, I do believe you. 443 00:27:03,204 --> 00:27:06,957 And if you get any more feelings... What? 444 00:27:08,418 --> 00:27:09,710 There it is. 445 00:27:09,919 --> 00:27:11,629 Come on, let's go. 446 00:27:17,969 --> 00:27:20,387 I'm glad we finally left the shuttlepod. 447 00:27:20,597 --> 00:27:22,264 I thought you liked shuttlepods. 448 00:27:22,474 --> 00:27:24,933 - I like flying them. - Hmm. 449 00:27:25,101 --> 00:27:27,436 Sure felt like we were flying. 450 00:27:37,322 --> 00:27:38,572 I have a rule. 451 00:27:38,782 --> 00:27:42,576 If I'm in bed with someone, they have to be in bed with me. 452 00:27:43,370 --> 00:27:44,411 What was that? 453 00:27:49,876 --> 00:27:53,087 You are not here. 454 00:27:53,421 --> 00:27:55,506 I'm just worried about some friends of mine. 455 00:27:56,549 --> 00:27:57,675 Want to talk about it? 456 00:27:58,551 --> 00:28:00,719 Heh. I'm under orders not to talk about it. 457 00:28:01,471 --> 00:28:03,889 That's the last thing you should tell a reporter. 458 00:28:04,099 --> 00:28:05,307 Let's change the subject. 459 00:28:06,184 --> 00:28:08,394 How come you haven't settled down? 460 00:28:08,603 --> 00:28:10,562 I'm never gonna settle down. 461 00:28:12,023 --> 00:28:15,067 It doesn't mean I'm not gonna get serious with someone 462 00:28:15,276 --> 00:28:18,278 if the right circumstance comes along. 463 00:28:18,613 --> 00:28:21,031 And what constitutes the right circumstance? 464 00:28:22,117 --> 00:28:23,534 I'll know it when it happens. 465 00:28:25,328 --> 00:28:26,370 What did you mean earlier 466 00:28:26,579 --> 00:28:29,456 about reconsidering some decisions you've made? 467 00:28:32,335 --> 00:28:35,129 I've spent my whole life in space, 468 00:28:35,338 --> 00:28:38,173 going from one place to the next. 469 00:28:39,050 --> 00:28:40,759 Seeing you, 470 00:28:40,969 --> 00:28:42,845 I was wondering, maybe 471 00:28:43,054 --> 00:28:48,934 the next challenge, at least for me, is to stay in one place for a while. 472 00:28:57,026 --> 00:28:58,485 - Hoshi. - Hmm? 473 00:28:58,695 --> 00:29:01,321 No word yet from Trip or T'Pol. 474 00:29:02,449 --> 00:29:04,783 Is there anything I can help with? 475 00:29:04,993 --> 00:29:08,787 Six of the universal translators started confusing Rigelian with Andorian. 476 00:29:08,997 --> 00:29:11,790 There's a glitch somewhere, but I can't find it. 477 00:29:12,751 --> 00:29:14,334 Carry on. 478 00:29:32,353 --> 00:29:34,438 Fresh off the boat? 479 00:29:34,981 --> 00:29:36,231 One of the S-K models. 480 00:29:36,441 --> 00:29:37,691 They only give them to grubbers. 481 00:29:40,487 --> 00:29:41,612 I guess you found me out. 482 00:29:44,824 --> 00:29:46,074 Josiah. 483 00:29:47,076 --> 00:29:48,118 Turner. 484 00:29:48,328 --> 00:29:51,705 - What brings you to this dumpsite? - Ah, change of scenery. 485 00:29:52,123 --> 00:29:54,041 Yeah, that's what I was after too. 486 00:29:54,250 --> 00:29:57,044 Only it wasn't the landscape I got sick of. 487 00:29:59,839 --> 00:30:01,840 At least there aren't as many of them up here. 488 00:30:02,050 --> 00:30:03,217 Seems like everywhere you go, 489 00:30:03,426 --> 00:30:05,469 humans are getting to be an endangered species. 490 00:30:06,179 --> 00:30:07,262 Know what you mean. 491 00:30:08,515 --> 00:30:10,349 Bad enough you can't walk down the street 492 00:30:10,558 --> 00:30:13,101 without some freak show scaring the hell out of your kids. 493 00:30:13,311 --> 00:30:16,271 Now the government's making treaties with them. 494 00:30:16,481 --> 00:30:18,816 Sometimes I wonder where it's all gonna end. 495 00:30:19,025 --> 00:30:22,194 It's gonna end with human beings becoming second-class citizens 496 00:30:22,403 --> 00:30:23,695 on their own world. 497 00:30:23,905 --> 00:30:25,447 Someone's gotta make a stand. 498 00:30:25,657 --> 00:30:27,950 Yeah, that's how I feel too. 499 00:30:29,369 --> 00:30:31,912 Some of us are meeting tonight at 2200. 500 00:30:32,121 --> 00:30:33,747 Level 7, Junction 4. 501 00:30:33,957 --> 00:30:36,208 I think you'll like what we have to say. 502 00:30:36,417 --> 00:30:37,584 I'll try and make it. 503 00:30:37,794 --> 00:30:39,545 I'll look for you. 504 00:30:42,590 --> 00:30:44,633 I've learned something. 505 00:30:46,970 --> 00:30:49,847 One of the locals isn't very fond of Vulcans. You were saying? 506 00:30:50,056 --> 00:30:52,766 A doctor from one of the medical facilities was found dead yesterday. 507 00:30:53,101 --> 00:30:54,309 They think it was a cave-in. 508 00:30:54,519 --> 00:30:55,561 You're not buying it? 509 00:30:55,770 --> 00:30:58,438 He worked at the same clinic as Susan Khouri. 510 00:31:00,149 --> 00:31:02,693 I think we each know what we're doing tonight. 511 00:31:06,823 --> 00:31:10,158 Seven million people wiped out by aliens. 512 00:31:11,119 --> 00:31:12,744 Did the Xindi even apologize? 513 00:31:12,954 --> 00:31:13,996 - No. - No. 514 00:31:14,205 --> 00:31:16,123 Did our government ever demand an apology? 515 00:31:16,332 --> 00:31:17,457 No! 516 00:31:17,667 --> 00:31:20,252 And where are the reparations for the families of those 7 million? 517 00:31:20,461 --> 00:31:21,712 Where are the reparations? 518 00:31:21,880 --> 00:31:24,214 And now those same leaders want to form a coalition 519 00:31:24,424 --> 00:31:28,552 with Tellarites, Andorians, Rigelians, Coridanites and Vulcans. 520 00:31:28,761 --> 00:31:32,431 Vulcans who not too long ago massacred 45 humans 521 00:31:32,640 --> 00:31:34,516 working at the Earth embassy. 522 00:31:34,726 --> 00:31:35,934 Nathan Samuels claims 523 00:31:36,144 --> 00:31:39,980 that future generations will look back on this era with pride. 524 00:31:40,189 --> 00:31:42,065 But if things keep going the way they're going, 525 00:31:42,275 --> 00:31:44,026 there won't be any future generations. 526 00:31:44,235 --> 00:31:45,569 At least not human. 527 00:31:45,778 --> 00:31:47,321 Yeah, you're right. You're right. 528 00:31:47,488 --> 00:31:50,824 I love humanity too much to sit by and let that happen. 529 00:32:21,147 --> 00:32:25,901 It's estimated that there are at least 5,000 unregistered aliens on Earth. 530 00:32:26,110 --> 00:32:28,695 Now, another study puts that figure at 10,000. 531 00:32:28,905 --> 00:32:33,158 This insanity is the direct result of our government's policy 532 00:32:33,368 --> 00:32:35,369 and the enforcers of that policy, Starfleet. 533 00:32:38,873 --> 00:32:40,832 We need to send a message to the people in power. 534 00:32:41,417 --> 00:32:44,378 And there's someone here tonight who is going to help us do just that. 535 00:32:44,587 --> 00:32:46,463 Commander Tucker 536 00:32:48,132 --> 00:32:50,217 of the starship Enterprise. 537 00:32:58,184 --> 00:33:00,560 All that stuff I said about leaving the ship... 538 00:33:00,770 --> 00:33:03,438 Of course it's off the record. 539 00:33:04,023 --> 00:33:06,400 While you're on duty, you mind if I stay here and work a bit? 540 00:33:15,201 --> 00:33:16,410 I need to speak to Gannet. 541 00:33:18,955 --> 00:33:20,122 Something wrong? 542 00:33:20,707 --> 00:33:22,749 - Come with us. - Where? 543 00:33:22,959 --> 00:33:24,042 What's going on? 544 00:33:24,210 --> 00:33:26,795 She's not here to do a story on Enterprise, Travis. 545 00:33:30,049 --> 00:33:33,635 She's a spy for Terra Prime. 546 00:33:42,854 --> 00:33:45,939 - Are you all right? - I think so. 547 00:33:47,316 --> 00:33:49,234 - What did you do to her? - Hey, hey. 548 00:33:49,444 --> 00:33:51,069 Not nearly enough. 549 00:33:51,279 --> 00:33:52,612 It's not worth it, Romeo. 550 00:33:53,740 --> 00:33:56,074 Juliet's in good hands. 551 00:33:56,284 --> 00:33:58,910 The two star-crossed lovers. 552 00:33:59,120 --> 00:34:02,122 I can't help but wonder whether your little drama will end happier 553 00:34:02,331 --> 00:34:05,375 than that famous double suicide in a medieval tomb. 554 00:34:05,585 --> 00:34:06,626 Who the hell are you? 555 00:34:07,295 --> 00:34:08,837 John Frederick Paxton. 556 00:34:09,047 --> 00:34:10,338 I run this facility. 557 00:34:10,548 --> 00:34:12,674 - Not for long. - You're right there, commander. 558 00:34:12,884 --> 00:34:15,886 My mining business is about to take a turn for the worse. 559 00:34:16,095 --> 00:34:18,013 Daniel, get started. 560 00:34:21,642 --> 00:34:24,436 - You're behind this. - Behind this? No. 561 00:34:24,645 --> 00:34:26,938 I lead this, and proudly too. 562 00:34:27,148 --> 00:34:29,733 Before you ask, your child is safe and sound. 563 00:34:29,942 --> 00:34:32,235 Finally sleeping through the night. 564 00:34:32,862 --> 00:34:34,946 I'd forgotten how much trouble a newborn can be. 565 00:34:35,156 --> 00:34:37,115 - I wanna see her. - No. 566 00:34:38,159 --> 00:34:41,411 And "no" is a word that Starfleet better get used to hearing from now on. 567 00:34:41,871 --> 00:34:44,164 Because up until today, it's always been "yes," hasn't it? 568 00:34:44,332 --> 00:34:46,583 Yes, yes, go right ahead, roam the stars. 569 00:34:46,793 --> 00:34:50,378 Yes, inform potentially hostile species of the whereabouts of Earth. 570 00:34:50,588 --> 00:34:52,672 Yes, entrust the entire future of our world 571 00:34:52,882 --> 00:34:56,093 to nonhuman creatures who don't even feel like we do. 572 00:34:56,302 --> 00:34:59,054 Yes, promote the total degradation of mankind 573 00:34:59,263 --> 00:35:03,809 by encouraging alien-human relations. 574 00:35:04,644 --> 00:35:10,273 Well, "yes" is a word that ends here and now. 575 00:35:10,483 --> 00:35:13,401 I'm returning Earth to its rightful owners. 576 00:35:13,986 --> 00:35:16,446 I am giving Earth back to humanity, 577 00:35:16,656 --> 00:35:18,490 back to human beings. 578 00:35:18,699 --> 00:35:22,619 It is my life's work. It is what I was born to do, 579 00:35:22,829 --> 00:35:25,664 and there is no one, not an alien, not a human, 580 00:35:25,873 --> 00:35:29,459 that will stop me from achieving it. 581 00:35:34,257 --> 00:35:35,924 My father designed this facility. 582 00:35:36,134 --> 00:35:38,760 He knew that mining was an unpredictable business. 583 00:35:38,970 --> 00:35:40,971 Mines tap out, veins dry up. 584 00:35:41,180 --> 00:35:43,098 Everyone's aboard, sir. 585 00:35:43,307 --> 00:35:45,392 Go to launch mode, Daniel. 586 00:35:45,601 --> 00:35:50,105 You're an engineer. I think you'll appreciate this. 587 00:36:02,410 --> 00:36:04,077 Take a good long look. 588 00:36:04,287 --> 00:36:05,370 Where are we going? 589 00:36:05,580 --> 00:36:08,331 For you, this will be like a walk across the street. 590 00:36:10,042 --> 00:36:11,793 Lock it up. 591 00:36:14,463 --> 00:36:18,425 You better hang on to something. She gets a little rusty out of the gate. 592 00:36:36,110 --> 00:36:38,278 You reconfigured your universal translator 593 00:36:38,487 --> 00:36:41,656 to record messages from all the other translators. 594 00:36:41,866 --> 00:36:43,575 You were spying on the delegates. 595 00:36:43,784 --> 00:36:46,661 You accidentally triggered an ID protocol in the network. 596 00:36:46,871 --> 00:36:48,496 I tracked it back to the source. 597 00:36:48,706 --> 00:36:50,373 I don't know what you're talking about. 598 00:36:50,583 --> 00:36:53,251 You sure know what everyone else was talking about. 599 00:36:53,461 --> 00:36:55,545 Maybe she was after a story. 600 00:36:55,755 --> 00:36:57,756 It doesn't mean she worked for Terra Prime. 601 00:36:57,965 --> 00:36:59,424 We did a background check. 602 00:36:59,634 --> 00:37:03,470 In the last month, you made three trips to the lunar colony. 603 00:37:03,679 --> 00:37:04,763 Is that a crime? 604 00:37:04,972 --> 00:37:06,765 Depends on what you're doing there. 605 00:37:06,974 --> 00:37:08,767 - I was on assignment. - For? 606 00:37:08,976 --> 00:37:10,185 My news agency. 607 00:37:10,394 --> 00:37:12,646 Your editor claims he never sent you. 608 00:37:14,023 --> 00:37:16,107 Look, if I'm under arrest... 609 00:37:16,317 --> 00:37:18,443 Two of my crewmen are at Orpheus Mining Complex. 610 00:37:18,653 --> 00:37:19,903 We've lost contact with them. 611 00:37:20,112 --> 00:37:22,781 - I don't know anything about your... - Are they in danger? 612 00:37:25,826 --> 00:37:26,910 I wanna speak with counsel. 613 00:37:29,664 --> 00:37:31,373 Now. 614 00:37:32,541 --> 00:37:33,583 Take her to the Brig. 615 00:37:33,793 --> 00:37:36,211 Get her whoever she wants. 616 00:37:42,176 --> 00:37:44,469 Bridge to Captain Archer. 617 00:37:46,097 --> 00:37:47,138 I'm sorry, Travis. 618 00:37:51,769 --> 00:37:53,853 - Archer. - A large vessel is taking off 619 00:37:54,063 --> 00:37:55,313 from the mining facility. 620 00:37:55,523 --> 00:37:56,564 Can you identify it? 621 00:37:56,774 --> 00:38:00,485 Sir, sensors indicate it is the mining facility. 622 00:38:02,905 --> 00:38:05,365 We're being hailed. It's Starfleet Command. 623 00:38:05,533 --> 00:38:08,660 - Ignore them. Reactor status? - Ready. 624 00:38:09,161 --> 00:38:11,913 - You're going to warp? - A five-second burst. 625 00:38:12,123 --> 00:38:14,916 - Inside the system? - We'll be lucky if we don't fly apart. 626 00:38:15,376 --> 00:38:17,377 I plan on luck. 627 00:38:17,586 --> 00:38:19,796 - Go. - Ten seconds. 628 00:38:40,776 --> 00:38:42,444 Hail them. 629 00:38:43,404 --> 00:38:45,864 - Pursuit course, Travis. - Aye. 630 00:38:46,073 --> 00:38:48,158 No response, sir. 631 00:38:48,617 --> 00:38:50,994 Tell Starfleet Command we're going after them. 632 00:39:00,463 --> 00:39:02,422 We're in Mars orbit. 633 00:39:03,132 --> 00:39:04,758 All systems functioning. 634 00:39:04,967 --> 00:39:07,677 That was a magnificent piece of flying, Daniel. 635 00:39:07,887 --> 00:39:08,928 That's yet to come. 636 00:39:09,138 --> 00:39:10,805 Impress me again. 637 00:39:11,015 --> 00:39:12,140 Taking us down. 638 00:39:22,151 --> 00:39:23,860 Let's see it. 639 00:39:36,957 --> 00:39:38,124 Slowing our descent. 640 00:39:50,763 --> 00:39:52,514 Tie us in. 641 00:40:06,654 --> 00:40:08,405 It's ours. 642 00:40:08,948 --> 00:40:11,408 Let's take in the view. 643 00:40:20,376 --> 00:40:23,211 This is where it all begins. 644 00:40:24,130 --> 00:40:25,964 Josiah. 645 00:40:26,924 --> 00:40:28,591 They're on the surface. 646 00:40:28,801 --> 00:40:29,884 Where? 647 00:40:30,094 --> 00:40:32,011 They've landed near the verteron array. 648 00:40:32,221 --> 00:40:34,013 It's used to redirect comets. 649 00:40:35,433 --> 00:40:37,600 They're sending a subspace message on all frequencies. 650 00:40:41,605 --> 00:40:43,440 My name is John Frederick Paxton. 651 00:40:43,649 --> 00:40:46,401 I've just taken over the verteron array on Mars. 652 00:40:46,610 --> 00:40:50,572 I can now fire on any ship or facility in the system. 653 00:40:58,914 --> 00:41:00,290 He's targeted Earth's moon. 654 00:41:08,883 --> 00:41:11,259 I have no intention of using this weapon again 655 00:41:11,427 --> 00:41:16,431 provided that every single nonhuman in our system leaves immediately. 656 00:41:17,224 --> 00:41:19,058 A new era is at hand, 657 00:41:19,268 --> 00:41:23,146 an era that will expose the concept of interspecies unity 658 00:41:23,355 --> 00:41:25,565 as an absolute and vicious lie. 659 00:41:25,774 --> 00:41:29,903 An era that will witness the advent of a human-centered consciousness 660 00:41:30,112 --> 00:41:33,865 that will place our world before all others. 661 00:41:34,074 --> 00:41:39,996 As of this moment, mankind casts off the shackles of alien interference 662 00:41:40,206 --> 00:41:44,000 and now determines its own fate. 663 00:41:44,710 --> 00:42:51,150 Terra Prime forever.