1 00:00:02,460 --> 00:00:04,086 Previously on Enterprise: 2 00:00:04,254 --> 00:00:07,548 Today we have assembled the representatives of numerous worlds 3 00:00:08,008 --> 00:00:10,968 to forge an unprecedented alliance. 4 00:00:12,303 --> 00:00:14,513 It's almost possible to forget what she represents. 5 00:00:14,889 --> 00:00:17,808 According to every analysis, this child is the offspring 6 00:00:17,976 --> 00:00:21,103 of Commander Tucker and Commander T'Pol. 7 00:00:21,479 --> 00:00:24,773 We think Terra Prime is involved. It has something to do with the child. 8 00:00:24,983 --> 00:00:27,276 Find it, and we'll have the answers. 9 00:00:27,485 --> 00:00:28,902 I've never been pregnant, Trip. 10 00:00:29,112 --> 00:00:31,572 Then how do you explain all this? 11 00:00:31,781 --> 00:00:34,491 She's not here to do a story on Enterprise, Travis. 12 00:00:34,701 --> 00:00:36,076 She's a spy. 13 00:00:37,746 --> 00:00:40,622 I'm returning Earth to its rightful owners. 14 00:00:44,711 --> 00:00:46,920 I have just taken over the verteron array on Mars. 15 00:00:47,255 --> 00:00:50,841 I can now fire on any ship or facility in the system. 16 00:00:52,260 --> 00:00:54,094 I have no intention of using this weapon again 17 00:00:54,262 --> 00:01:00,684 provided that every single non-human in our system leaves immediately. 18 00:01:02,103 --> 00:01:04,188 I know there will be questions. 19 00:01:04,355 --> 00:01:05,939 We've been dealing with non-humans for... 20 00:01:06,107 --> 00:01:08,525 - Block that transmission. - He's on every frequency. 21 00:01:09,027 --> 00:01:11,653 The signal's going system-wide. 22 00:01:12,072 --> 00:01:13,781 Target his ship. 23 00:01:13,948 --> 00:01:15,783 Take out their communications. 24 00:01:15,950 --> 00:01:18,077 He's tied his warp reactor into the array. 25 00:01:18,244 --> 00:01:21,246 If we hit him, it'll take out half the Utopia colony. 26 00:01:21,873 --> 00:01:24,166 Open a channel to Starfleet. 27 00:01:24,334 --> 00:01:26,210 Judge the evidence for yourself. 28 00:01:26,377 --> 00:01:27,503 Everything's jammed. 29 00:01:27,670 --> 00:01:31,215 The citizen-soldiers of Terra Prime will act to protect you 30 00:01:31,382 --> 00:01:35,636 against the most dangerous enemy that humanity has ever faced. 31 00:03:02,265 --> 00:03:06,226 Do not be deceived. This is no ordinary innocent child. 32 00:03:06,394 --> 00:03:08,437 This is an alien-human hybrid, 33 00:03:08,605 --> 00:03:11,398 living proof of what will happen if we allow ourselves 34 00:03:11,566 --> 00:03:15,027 to be submerged in an interstellar coalition. 35 00:03:15,195 --> 00:03:16,987 Our genetic heritage, the entire... 36 00:03:17,155 --> 00:03:18,822 I want that transmission blocked. 37 00:03:18,990 --> 00:03:21,491 We're trying. We can't break through the signal. 38 00:03:21,659 --> 00:03:24,536 Then find some way to contact Enterprise. I wanna speak to Archer. 39 00:03:24,704 --> 00:03:28,624 Terra Prime is dedicated to the protection of life in all of its diversity. 40 00:03:28,791 --> 00:03:31,710 Over the next 24 hours, we guarantee safe passage 41 00:03:31,878 --> 00:03:34,421 to all aliens leaving our solar system. 42 00:03:35,006 --> 00:03:36,673 So long as non-humans keep to their own... 43 00:03:36,841 --> 00:03:39,301 Scan Paxton's ship for Vulcan bio-signs. 44 00:03:39,469 --> 00:03:41,762 Get a transporter lock on the baby and T'Pol. 45 00:03:42,347 --> 00:03:47,267 But if any alien, if one single alien remains after the deadline, 46 00:03:47,477 --> 00:03:49,937 Terra Prime will defend the sovereignty 47 00:03:50,104 --> 00:03:52,564 of every single human being. 48 00:03:52,941 --> 00:03:55,901 And we will begin by destroying the institution 49 00:03:56,069 --> 00:03:59,154 whose blind arrogance and moral cowardice 50 00:03:59,322 --> 00:04:02,824 have put us all at risk, Starfleet Command. 51 00:04:03,993 --> 00:04:05,744 We do not seek war, 52 00:04:05,954 --> 00:04:08,914 but if the aliens do not leave and force us to fight, 53 00:04:09,082 --> 00:04:13,001 I make this solemn promise to all of the sons and daughters of Earth, 54 00:04:13,169 --> 00:04:19,549 our future will be secure because humanity will prevail. 55 00:04:20,677 --> 00:04:22,719 He's targeted us with the array. 56 00:04:23,596 --> 00:04:25,555 Apparently, they don't like being scanned. 57 00:04:25,932 --> 00:04:27,975 Get us out of here. 58 00:04:32,480 --> 00:04:33,647 Damage? 59 00:04:33,815 --> 00:04:36,900 Massive power surge. We've lost half our relays. 60 00:04:37,068 --> 00:04:39,653 That beam was only 2 percent of the array's total output. 61 00:04:39,821 --> 00:04:40,946 He could have vaporized us. 62 00:04:41,281 --> 00:04:45,158 We'll consider ourselves warned. Set a course to Earth. 63 00:04:49,956 --> 00:04:52,499 - If you'll excuse me... - Of course. 64 00:04:54,419 --> 00:04:55,627 Ambassador. 65 00:04:56,170 --> 00:04:58,297 Spontaneous demonstrations have already begun 66 00:04:58,464 --> 00:05:00,090 around the Vulcan compound. 67 00:05:00,508 --> 00:05:01,925 Isolated incidents, I'm sure. 68 00:05:02,093 --> 00:05:05,804 There are protestors chanting outside the Andorian embassy. 69 00:05:07,557 --> 00:05:10,851 And they're using words that aren't in the universal translator. 70 00:05:11,019 --> 00:05:14,438 It's obvious Paxton's ultimatum is part of a coordinated plan. 71 00:05:14,647 --> 00:05:16,857 Why are we all still here? 72 00:05:17,066 --> 00:05:18,859 We could be obliterated at any second. 73 00:05:19,027 --> 00:05:21,778 No, Paxton's a fanatic, but he's a man of his word. 74 00:05:21,988 --> 00:05:23,822 He won't act before his deadline's up. 75 00:05:23,990 --> 00:05:26,408 The deadline aside, the fact that Paxton has the support 76 00:05:26,576 --> 00:05:29,953 of so many of your people is almost as troubling. 77 00:05:30,121 --> 00:05:31,705 I agree. 78 00:05:32,123 --> 00:05:37,377 Earthmen talk about uniting worlds, but your own planet is deeply divided. 79 00:05:37,545 --> 00:05:41,256 Perhaps you're not quite ready to host this conference. 80 00:05:53,061 --> 00:05:56,229 Paxton's holding two of my officers hostage at the array. 81 00:05:56,397 --> 00:05:58,065 We can't attack it. 82 00:05:58,232 --> 00:06:00,150 The council's aware of that. 83 00:06:00,610 --> 00:06:02,319 If you can't bring yourself to fire on them, 84 00:06:02,487 --> 00:06:04,613 another captain can be assigned to Enterprise. 85 00:06:04,781 --> 00:06:07,949 - No one will think less of you. - It's not just the hostages. 86 00:06:08,117 --> 00:06:10,494 Any attack on the array 87 00:06:10,661 --> 00:06:13,622 will trigger a massive explosion that could kill thousands of colonists. 88 00:06:13,790 --> 00:06:15,665 This wasn't an easy decision for the council. 89 00:06:15,833 --> 00:06:18,043 The potential for disaster's even greater than you think. 90 00:06:18,211 --> 00:06:19,628 Over the next 30 months, 91 00:06:19,837 --> 00:06:23,632 the terraforming project has 14 comets set to collide with Mars. 92 00:06:25,593 --> 00:06:27,761 Without the array to divert them toward the polar caps, 93 00:06:27,929 --> 00:06:31,932 the comets could hit anywhere, even the domed cities. 94 00:06:34,143 --> 00:06:35,185 I'm taking a small team. 95 00:06:35,395 --> 00:06:37,479 We'll break into the facility and stop them. 96 00:06:37,647 --> 00:06:40,148 Paxton can destroy any ship that approaches Mars. 97 00:06:40,316 --> 00:06:42,442 If he can't see us, 98 00:06:43,069 --> 00:06:45,112 he can't destroy us. 99 00:06:55,873 --> 00:06:58,417 It's unharmed, just as I said. 100 00:06:59,961 --> 00:07:02,129 Her medical readings appear normal. 101 00:07:02,463 --> 00:07:04,589 There's nothing normal about it. 102 00:07:04,757 --> 00:07:06,216 She's not an "it." 103 00:07:06,717 --> 00:07:09,094 How did you obtain our genetic material? 104 00:07:09,262 --> 00:07:10,804 The child is a binary clone. 105 00:07:11,931 --> 00:07:13,640 They needed cells from both of us. 106 00:07:13,808 --> 00:07:18,395 The medical freezers on your ship hold bio-samples from your entire crew. 107 00:07:19,480 --> 00:07:21,773 Terra Prime has supporters everywhere. 108 00:07:21,941 --> 00:07:24,109 Someone on Enterprise helped you? Who? 109 00:07:24,569 --> 00:07:26,987 I've let you see your daughter. That's my half of the bargain. 110 00:07:27,155 --> 00:07:28,905 Now it's your turn. 111 00:07:33,995 --> 00:07:36,246 I need to make modifications on my ship. 112 00:07:37,081 --> 00:07:38,457 I'm listening. 113 00:07:38,624 --> 00:07:41,710 I need you to refine my targeting system. 114 00:07:41,878 --> 00:07:44,880 You really think I'm gonna help you turn that array into a weapon? 115 00:07:45,047 --> 00:07:47,924 You really think I'm gonna give you a choice? 116 00:08:07,236 --> 00:08:09,696 Two meetings in the span of a week. 117 00:08:09,864 --> 00:08:11,072 People might start to talk. 118 00:08:12,950 --> 00:08:14,910 I don't like it any more than you do. 119 00:08:15,495 --> 00:08:17,287 So you wanna go to Mars and you need my help. 120 00:08:17,455 --> 00:08:18,455 You know the situation. 121 00:08:18,623 --> 00:08:20,373 I believe I'm aware of the broad strokes. 122 00:08:20,541 --> 00:08:23,793 I also understand Paxton's tapped into the planetary sensor grid. 123 00:08:23,961 --> 00:08:26,338 No one can get within 1000 kilometers of the verteron array 124 00:08:26,506 --> 00:08:28,757 - without being detected. - You're going to tell me how. 125 00:08:29,091 --> 00:08:31,760 What makes you think I even have that information? 126 00:08:31,928 --> 00:08:34,721 Because your section routinely thinks about the unthinkable, 127 00:08:34,889 --> 00:08:38,225 and because you've never missed a chance to put me in your debt. 128 00:08:38,392 --> 00:08:40,310 You're a good judge of character. 129 00:08:40,978 --> 00:08:43,730 The grid was designed to function in the planet's original atmosphere, 130 00:08:43,898 --> 00:08:46,024 but terraforming's made the air much thicker. 131 00:08:46,192 --> 00:08:48,235 How does that help us? 132 00:08:49,862 --> 00:08:52,405 Sections of the grid continually need recalibration 133 00:08:52,573 --> 00:08:53,990 and are prone to false signals. 134 00:08:54,158 --> 00:08:55,909 You can exploit that weakness. 135 00:08:56,118 --> 00:08:57,994 The good news is, with terraforming, 136 00:08:58,162 --> 00:09:00,580 there's no more need for pressure suits in the lowland. 137 00:09:00,790 --> 00:09:02,666 Oxygen, yes. Thermal garments. 138 00:09:02,833 --> 00:09:04,251 According to this, 139 00:09:04,418 --> 00:09:06,878 if we keep our altitude less than ten meters above the surface, 140 00:09:07,046 --> 00:09:08,088 Paxton won't see us. 141 00:09:08,422 --> 00:09:10,590 You still need to reach the surface undetected. 142 00:09:10,758 --> 00:09:12,801 That part's taken care of. 143 00:09:13,010 --> 00:09:14,302 Without your help. 144 00:09:15,763 --> 00:09:20,183 So the student has surpassed the teacher. 145 00:09:21,519 --> 00:09:24,145 When you're finished with Mars, why don't you come work for me? 146 00:09:24,313 --> 00:09:27,107 I've got quite enough to keep me busy on Enterprise. 147 00:09:27,275 --> 00:09:31,027 And if Archer's coalition is formed, Enterprise could be busier than ever. 148 00:09:31,445 --> 00:09:32,737 Indeed. 149 00:09:32,947 --> 00:09:36,658 Well, then I imagine this will be the last time we meet. 150 00:09:38,244 --> 00:09:40,161 Always the optimist. 151 00:09:42,707 --> 00:09:44,457 Good luck. 152 00:09:45,918 --> 00:09:47,002 Malcolm. 153 00:09:58,889 --> 00:10:02,183 Comet Burke, deflected by the array eight years ago, 154 00:10:02,351 --> 00:10:05,770 set to hit the North Pole of Mars at dawn. 155 00:10:05,980 --> 00:10:09,441 - You're not serious. - I have experience with comets, sir. 156 00:10:09,609 --> 00:10:12,277 Compared to penetrating Xindi defenses, 157 00:10:12,486 --> 00:10:13,987 this will be a walk in the park. 158 00:10:14,155 --> 00:10:15,530 But that's only 14 hours from now. 159 00:10:15,698 --> 00:10:18,158 What happens if this plan of yours doesn't work? 160 00:10:18,784 --> 00:10:23,246 Enterprise will destroy the array as ordered. 161 00:10:25,249 --> 00:10:28,668 All the rocking in the world will not make that child Vulcan, 162 00:10:28,836 --> 00:10:29,961 or human. 163 00:10:30,296 --> 00:10:33,882 Human and Vulcan genes produced this child, 164 00:10:34,091 --> 00:10:37,969 which indicates our two species have more similarities than differences. 165 00:10:38,721 --> 00:10:41,973 Don't you realize that baby is? 166 00:10:42,516 --> 00:10:45,602 That baby is as much a threat to your species as it is to mine? 167 00:10:46,062 --> 00:10:47,187 She's not a threat. 168 00:10:47,355 --> 00:10:49,856 That child is a crossbreed freak. 169 00:10:50,024 --> 00:10:52,192 How many generations before our genome is so diluted 170 00:10:52,360 --> 00:10:56,613 that the word "human" is nothing more than a footnote in some medical text? 171 00:10:56,781 --> 00:11:00,158 The same thing could happen to your people. Or don't you care about that? 172 00:11:00,326 --> 00:11:03,453 Neither of our species is what it was a million years ago, 173 00:11:03,621 --> 00:11:05,789 nor what will it become in the future. 174 00:11:05,998 --> 00:11:07,082 Life is change. 175 00:11:07,375 --> 00:11:09,751 Change in this case means extinction. 176 00:11:09,919 --> 00:11:14,297 And I, for one, will not let that baby bring humanity to that point. 177 00:11:14,465 --> 00:11:15,882 I won't let you hurt her. 178 00:11:16,384 --> 00:11:18,051 I won't have to. 179 00:11:20,346 --> 00:11:22,514 What does that mean? 180 00:11:33,401 --> 00:11:35,276 We're within range. 181 00:11:35,444 --> 00:11:36,861 Bridge to Engineering. 182 00:11:38,030 --> 00:11:39,072 Kelby here. 183 00:11:39,240 --> 00:11:40,657 We're coming up on the comet. 184 00:11:40,825 --> 00:11:42,409 I'm on it, sir. 185 00:11:42,868 --> 00:11:45,870 - Open up, sir. - This is it, people. Cycle the ports. 186 00:11:46,038 --> 00:11:48,289 Ensign, rig the intakes for cometary debris. 187 00:11:48,582 --> 00:11:49,958 Yes, sir. 188 00:11:53,003 --> 00:11:54,421 Engineering's good to go, sir. 189 00:11:54,588 --> 00:11:56,381 You've got full impulse and warp standing by. 190 00:11:57,049 --> 00:11:58,717 All right, Travis. 191 00:11:59,093 --> 00:12:00,510 Let's hitch a ride to Mars. 192 00:12:00,720 --> 00:12:02,887 Aye, aye, sir. 193 00:12:25,828 --> 00:12:29,247 - Thank you for seeing me. - What's so urgent? 194 00:12:29,498 --> 00:12:30,874 I never got my lawyer. 195 00:12:31,041 --> 00:12:32,584 You'll have to talk to the captain. 196 00:12:32,752 --> 00:12:35,837 - Apparently, he's busy. - We all are. 197 00:12:36,839 --> 00:12:37,839 That's it? 198 00:12:39,300 --> 00:12:40,925 I don't work for Terra Prime. 199 00:12:46,348 --> 00:12:48,558 I work for Starfleet Intelligence. 200 00:12:49,727 --> 00:12:50,852 That's not possible. 201 00:12:53,856 --> 00:12:56,316 You are not the only one who wants to serve his people. 202 00:12:56,484 --> 00:12:58,318 If you're an SI agent, you'd be out of this brig 203 00:12:58,486 --> 00:12:59,903 with one call to your division head. 204 00:13:00,070 --> 00:13:02,489 And everyone on Enterprise would know who I am, 205 00:13:02,656 --> 00:13:04,991 including the real Terra Prime operative. 206 00:13:09,663 --> 00:13:12,207 Mayweather. Go ahead. 207 00:13:12,374 --> 00:13:14,083 We're ready for you in the launch bay. 208 00:13:14,710 --> 00:13:16,544 On my way. 209 00:13:19,256 --> 00:13:21,800 You know I'm going to tell the captain about this. 210 00:13:21,967 --> 00:13:23,176 He won't believe you. 211 00:13:24,637 --> 00:13:27,764 Probably not. Why...? Why are you telling me this now? 212 00:13:27,932 --> 00:13:29,933 You're going after Paxton. 213 00:13:30,518 --> 00:13:33,645 If someone on Enterprise is working for him, 214 00:13:34,063 --> 00:13:35,480 he could know you're coming. 215 00:13:35,648 --> 00:13:39,025 So you're revealing all of this because you're worried about me. 216 00:13:39,693 --> 00:13:40,693 Yes. 217 00:13:42,196 --> 00:13:43,613 I'm touched. 218 00:13:43,781 --> 00:13:45,031 Travis, wait! 219 00:13:45,866 --> 00:13:48,451 You're not going to manipulate me again. 220 00:13:48,661 --> 00:13:50,537 Goodbye. 221 00:13:59,713 --> 00:14:02,632 Keep the sensors locked on the array. The moment it powers up... 222 00:14:02,800 --> 00:14:05,009 I won't hesitate, sir. 223 00:14:06,136 --> 00:14:09,097 I remember when you used to jump every time the engines hiccupped. 224 00:14:09,265 --> 00:14:12,350 I still do. I'm just better at hiding it. 225 00:14:12,852 --> 00:14:14,185 Captain. 226 00:14:16,939 --> 00:14:19,065 Don't get too used to that chair. 227 00:14:19,233 --> 00:14:21,776 - I'm gonna want it back. - Understood. 228 00:14:30,911 --> 00:14:36,374 You know, I never used to like Vulcans all that much myself. 229 00:14:37,376 --> 00:14:40,003 They always seemed so smug, 230 00:14:40,212 --> 00:14:44,340 making us jump through hoops for every little advance in warp technology. 231 00:14:44,508 --> 00:14:47,093 And they knew the answers all along. 232 00:14:47,303 --> 00:14:48,761 So, what was it with you? 233 00:14:50,264 --> 00:14:52,098 The ears? 234 00:14:52,391 --> 00:14:53,850 The fact that they're vegetarian? 235 00:14:54,476 --> 00:14:58,438 - They're not human. - Well, can't deny that. 236 00:14:58,647 --> 00:15:01,316 And they sat by while millions of our people died. 237 00:15:03,110 --> 00:15:04,193 World War I II. 238 00:15:04,361 --> 00:15:07,363 We didn't make contact with the Vulcans until ten years after the war. 239 00:15:07,531 --> 00:15:09,449 But they were up there. 240 00:15:09,617 --> 00:15:11,951 With their superior technology, they could've stopped it, 241 00:15:12,161 --> 00:15:13,995 but they didn't. 242 00:15:14,663 --> 00:15:15,872 I think it suited their plans. 243 00:15:16,081 --> 00:15:18,833 A devastated Earth was much easier for them to control. 244 00:15:19,710 --> 00:15:22,587 Is that the kind of paranoid crap Paxton's been feeding you? 245 00:15:23,297 --> 00:15:25,423 Get back to work. 246 00:15:28,218 --> 00:15:30,011 You ever actually met a Vulcan? 247 00:15:30,721 --> 00:15:32,972 Your friend, she was the first. 248 00:15:33,724 --> 00:15:37,518 If you got to know some, actually took the time to talk with one... 249 00:15:37,686 --> 00:15:40,271 Yeah, well, you obviously did more than talk. 250 00:15:40,731 --> 00:15:46,527 And look what you got for your trouble, some half-human thing. 251 00:15:48,322 --> 00:15:49,405 Go ahead. 252 00:15:53,202 --> 00:15:54,285 Okay. 253 00:16:02,795 --> 00:16:04,796 You're a traitor. 254 00:16:06,507 --> 00:16:08,716 A traitor to humanity. 255 00:16:28,487 --> 00:16:31,447 Hull plating steady at 94 percent. 256 00:16:32,700 --> 00:16:34,826 What's wrong with the inertial dampeners? 257 00:16:34,994 --> 00:16:36,828 We need to maintain an erratic flight profile 258 00:16:36,996 --> 00:16:39,789 so we look like a chunk of the comet. 259 00:16:42,793 --> 00:16:45,128 Thirty minutes to the atmosphere. 260 00:16:46,338 --> 00:16:50,008 I'm taking us closer to the nucleus. It's going to start getting a little rough. 261 00:16:50,175 --> 00:16:51,175 Start? 262 00:16:51,343 --> 00:16:53,011 Would you like me to give you something? 263 00:16:53,178 --> 00:16:55,013 I've already had the maximum dosage. 264 00:16:55,180 --> 00:16:56,681 Here's a bag. 265 00:16:56,849 --> 00:16:57,890 No. 266 00:16:58,392 --> 00:17:02,103 There's nothing aliens like better than to see us fighting one another. 267 00:17:02,312 --> 00:17:04,272 - Where's T'Pol and the baby? - They're together. 268 00:17:04,773 --> 00:17:07,191 You'll eat as soon as you finish your work. 269 00:17:07,359 --> 00:17:08,735 I am finished. 270 00:17:08,902 --> 00:17:11,446 All you've done is try to sabotage the targeting system. 271 00:17:11,613 --> 00:17:13,114 I don't know what you're talking about. 272 00:17:13,282 --> 00:17:16,117 Please, I've been monitoring your work from the control center. 273 00:17:16,285 --> 00:17:17,994 And to be honest, I'd have been disappointed 274 00:17:18,162 --> 00:17:21,456 if you hadn't tried to sabotage the array, but you did. 275 00:17:21,623 --> 00:17:23,207 Which proves you're a man of principle. 276 00:17:23,375 --> 00:17:26,377 That is why I know you're going to refine the array just as you promised. 277 00:17:27,087 --> 00:17:30,506 I told you I'd make modifications to your ship, not your weapon. 278 00:17:31,717 --> 00:17:34,218 In two hours, I'm going to fire a verteron beam 279 00:17:34,386 --> 00:17:36,512 directly at Starfleet Command. 280 00:17:36,680 --> 00:17:39,891 Now, with this targeting system the way it is, I will hit Starfleet, 281 00:17:40,059 --> 00:17:43,352 but I'll also take out half of San Francisco along with it. 282 00:17:43,520 --> 00:17:46,147 I need a scalpel, not a bludgeon. 283 00:17:46,315 --> 00:17:47,523 I don't care what you need. 284 00:17:51,111 --> 00:17:54,447 Starfleet's been warned, if that's what concerns you. 285 00:17:54,615 --> 00:17:56,365 Now, you can either help me 286 00:17:56,533 --> 00:17:58,993 and a few empty buildings will be destroyed, 287 00:17:59,161 --> 00:18:01,662 or you refuse me and millions may die. 288 00:18:01,955 --> 00:18:05,083 You told Starfleet when you're planning to fire the array, 289 00:18:05,292 --> 00:18:08,961 and you don't think they're gonna blast this facility off the face of the planet? 290 00:18:13,884 --> 00:18:19,180 If you're so eager for a bloodbath, a bloodbath is what you will get. 291 00:18:19,348 --> 00:18:21,224 Put him in detention. 292 00:18:21,600 --> 00:18:23,476 And make sure he has a news screen. 293 00:18:23,769 --> 00:18:26,687 I want him to see the bodies when they start to pull them from the rubble. 294 00:18:29,441 --> 00:18:31,192 Hello. 295 00:18:34,363 --> 00:18:36,405 I'm your mother. 296 00:18:39,952 --> 00:18:42,328 You're going to need a name. 297 00:18:43,497 --> 00:18:46,332 We should discuss that with your father. 298 00:19:15,237 --> 00:19:18,197 The gravity's starting to tear the comet apart. 299 00:19:21,660 --> 00:19:25,163 Picking up ionization from the upper atmosphere. 300 00:19:35,424 --> 00:19:36,424 What was that? 301 00:19:36,592 --> 00:19:39,385 The engines shut down but there were no warning lights. 302 00:19:39,553 --> 00:19:40,887 The console's locked up. 303 00:19:44,057 --> 00:19:46,350 Hull plating's off-line. 304 00:19:49,605 --> 00:19:51,147 Hull temperature's climbing. 305 00:19:51,315 --> 00:19:52,440 We're coming in too hot. 306 00:20:06,914 --> 00:20:09,624 Bypassing auto flight control. 307 00:20:11,001 --> 00:20:13,419 - Switching to manual. - At this speed? 308 00:20:13,587 --> 00:20:15,421 We're out of options. 309 00:20:20,636 --> 00:20:22,094 Ground proximity? 310 00:20:22,262 --> 00:20:23,971 Five seconds to impact. 311 00:20:38,195 --> 00:20:39,403 Well, that was fun. 312 00:20:39,571 --> 00:20:41,530 Can we do it again? 313 00:21:47,180 --> 00:21:49,432 A mark three interlock. 314 00:22:10,162 --> 00:22:15,166 The closer we get, the more we risk being spotted by Paxton's sensors. 315 00:22:15,751 --> 00:22:17,376 Get close to that ridge line. 316 00:22:17,544 --> 00:22:19,962 I was thinking the same thing. 317 00:22:20,130 --> 00:22:25,176 You'll want to keep your arms inside the vehicle at all times. 318 00:22:41,151 --> 00:22:43,194 - Thirty-two. - Hmm? 319 00:22:43,653 --> 00:22:46,030 This is the 32nd planet I've set foot on. 320 00:22:47,407 --> 00:22:49,283 Two hundred and forty-eight. 321 00:22:51,203 --> 00:22:53,913 The verteron array is on the other side of that rise. 322 00:22:54,081 --> 00:22:56,207 We'll head through there. 323 00:23:02,506 --> 00:23:04,465 I'm told you have something to say to me. 324 00:23:05,008 --> 00:23:06,592 In private. 325 00:23:06,760 --> 00:23:08,302 I keep no secrets from my men. 326 00:23:09,179 --> 00:23:11,680 You and I both know that's not true. 327 00:23:15,519 --> 00:23:17,395 Josiah, give us the room. 328 00:23:17,813 --> 00:23:20,064 I'll be outside. 329 00:23:25,278 --> 00:23:26,862 My daughter's ill. 330 00:23:27,072 --> 00:23:30,116 You'll arrange for medical care at once. 331 00:23:30,325 --> 00:23:32,410 No one leaves this facility. 332 00:23:32,577 --> 00:23:34,120 You will provide immediate transport 333 00:23:34,329 --> 00:23:37,164 for my child, Commander Tucker, and myself. 334 00:23:37,332 --> 00:23:41,669 The hospital at Utopia colony will be suitable until Enterprise arrives. 335 00:23:43,588 --> 00:23:46,424 What, have you been inhaling the atmosphere? 336 00:23:46,591 --> 00:23:49,885 What makes you think you can dictate terms to me? 337 00:23:50,053 --> 00:23:51,762 This. 338 00:23:52,889 --> 00:23:53,973 Taggart's Syndrome. 339 00:23:55,225 --> 00:23:57,309 Since you obviously didn't die by age 20, 340 00:23:57,477 --> 00:24:00,020 you're receiving treatment. 341 00:24:01,523 --> 00:24:03,190 Rigelian gene therapy? 342 00:24:03,400 --> 00:24:04,442 You're not a doctor. 343 00:24:04,651 --> 00:24:08,446 The very thing you're warning humans to avoid is what's keeping you alive. 344 00:24:08,613 --> 00:24:11,407 Alien knowledge, freely shared. 345 00:24:11,616 --> 00:24:13,868 You're not only a terrorist, you're a hypocrite. 346 00:24:14,035 --> 00:24:16,203 This is not the time for timidity and second-guessing. 347 00:24:16,371 --> 00:24:18,539 We cannot afford to doubt ourselves. 348 00:24:18,707 --> 00:24:21,500 Colonel Green also said, "To be human is to be pure." 349 00:24:21,668 --> 00:24:23,461 Under his rule, you would have been euthanized 350 00:24:23,628 --> 00:24:25,045 for having a genetic disorder. 351 00:24:25,464 --> 00:24:29,008 I'm not the first significant leader who failed to measure up to his own ideals. 352 00:24:29,426 --> 00:24:30,926 You're not significant. 353 00:24:31,094 --> 00:24:33,220 History will determine that. 354 00:24:33,680 --> 00:24:35,639 So go ahead, tell my followers what you wish. 355 00:24:35,807 --> 00:24:39,685 See if they take the word of an alien over mine. 356 00:24:41,188 --> 00:24:43,272 What's wrong with your child? 357 00:24:43,440 --> 00:24:46,567 Elevated white blood cell count, low-grade fever. 358 00:24:46,735 --> 00:24:50,446 Well, its two halves are warring with one another, 359 00:24:50,614 --> 00:24:51,864 alien and human. 360 00:24:52,032 --> 00:24:54,783 Conflict was inevitable. 361 00:24:56,077 --> 00:24:57,912 Josiah. 362 00:25:02,542 --> 00:25:05,336 Your child and the Coalition of Planets, 363 00:25:06,171 --> 00:25:08,339 both doomed from the beginning. 364 00:25:12,552 --> 00:25:14,678 Ten meters. 365 00:25:29,236 --> 00:25:32,196 Paxton's deadline is up. 366 00:25:32,447 --> 00:25:35,824 We have to face an unpleasant reality. Captain Archer's mission has failed. 367 00:25:36,076 --> 00:25:38,035 Paxton will need two minutes to power up the array 368 00:25:38,203 --> 00:25:39,203 before he can fire. 369 00:25:39,371 --> 00:25:40,496 - Two minutes? - It's enough. 370 00:25:40,664 --> 00:25:42,122 I'm not prepared to take that chance. 371 00:25:42,290 --> 00:25:44,166 Your estimates could be wrong. 372 00:25:44,334 --> 00:25:47,002 I won't destroy the array unless we have no other choice. 373 00:25:47,170 --> 00:25:49,547 - I understand your reluctance. - I'm following orders. 374 00:25:49,714 --> 00:25:52,299 I'm giving you new orders. Do it now. 375 00:25:54,135 --> 00:25:57,388 - Sorry, sir. - I can have you relieved of duty. 376 00:25:59,432 --> 00:26:02,226 Actually, I can only be relieved by a higher-ranking officer 377 00:26:02,394 --> 00:26:03,769 in my chain of command. 378 00:26:03,937 --> 00:26:06,772 - Open a channel to Admiral Gardner. - Belay that order. 379 00:26:07,148 --> 00:26:10,150 I won't risk exposing our position by breaking radio silence. 380 00:26:11,403 --> 00:26:15,489 You're risking the lives of hundreds of thousands of people. 381 00:26:16,032 --> 00:26:17,825 I know what I'm doing. 382 00:26:32,340 --> 00:26:34,675 The guard is still walking away. 383 00:26:39,389 --> 00:26:41,640 There's another guard approaching. 384 00:26:47,856 --> 00:26:48,939 Took you long enough. 385 00:26:49,107 --> 00:26:50,357 - Where's T'Pol? - Crew quarters. 386 00:26:50,525 --> 00:26:53,110 - Paxton's getting ready to fire the array. - If he powers it up... 387 00:26:53,278 --> 00:26:56,655 Enterprise has orders to destroy the complex. 388 00:26:59,743 --> 00:27:01,160 I've spoken to our operatives. 389 00:27:01,328 --> 00:27:04,371 There's no indication that the Vulcans have withdrawn from their consulates 390 00:27:04,539 --> 00:27:06,790 in Canberra or Berlin. 391 00:27:06,958 --> 00:27:09,918 I never expected them to comply. 392 00:27:10,503 --> 00:27:12,630 Let's get this done. 393 00:27:14,299 --> 00:27:15,924 I'm picking up a power surge in the array. 394 00:27:16,092 --> 00:27:19,470 You're out of time. Destroy the complex now. 395 00:27:19,888 --> 00:27:22,306 Take us in, full impulse. 396 00:27:24,392 --> 00:27:26,435 Charge weapons. 397 00:27:28,355 --> 00:27:30,230 Josiah, begin the firing sequence. 398 00:27:32,108 --> 00:27:34,068 Target locked. 399 00:27:38,740 --> 00:27:40,699 Give the order. 400 00:27:41,910 --> 00:27:43,118 Coordinates locked in. 401 00:27:45,330 --> 00:27:46,955 Two minutes to pulse activation. 402 00:27:53,004 --> 00:27:54,672 Step away from the controls. 403 00:27:54,839 --> 00:27:56,507 Jonathan Archer, 404 00:27:56,675 --> 00:27:58,217 the man who delivered us from the Xindi. 405 00:27:58,385 --> 00:28:00,135 Well, look at you now. 406 00:28:00,470 --> 00:28:02,721 - Archer to Enterprise. - Go ahead, captain. 407 00:28:02,889 --> 00:28:04,223 We're inside the control room. 408 00:28:05,725 --> 00:28:07,518 Standing by. 409 00:28:08,645 --> 00:28:09,770 Shut it down. 410 00:28:09,938 --> 00:28:12,064 Main controls are in there. 411 00:28:18,863 --> 00:28:22,116 Ninety seconds to pulse activation. 412 00:28:26,996 --> 00:28:28,455 The room's depressurizing. 413 00:28:28,915 --> 00:28:30,249 Get Malcolm out of here. 414 00:28:33,044 --> 00:28:34,503 Go. 415 00:28:53,773 --> 00:28:55,524 Plasma grid. 416 00:28:55,692 --> 00:28:56,734 Control panel. 417 00:29:01,156 --> 00:29:03,574 I know the reason you've turned your back on humanity. 418 00:29:04,909 --> 00:29:06,702 I blame your father. 419 00:29:06,870 --> 00:29:09,371 He wanted the secrets of warp technology so badly, 420 00:29:09,539 --> 00:29:12,791 he allowed the Vulcans to turn him into their pet human. 421 00:29:13,168 --> 00:29:16,712 And you, well, the sins of the father... 422 00:29:18,131 --> 00:29:20,215 Plasma grid off-line. 423 00:29:20,383 --> 00:29:21,842 Firing sequence aborted. 424 00:29:23,344 --> 00:29:26,180 My father never asked anything from anyone. 425 00:29:26,347 --> 00:29:30,392 His mining operations transformed the moon 426 00:29:32,145 --> 00:29:35,689 from a mere colony into a completely self-sufficient world. 427 00:29:35,857 --> 00:29:39,443 And that is how we should go to the stars, 428 00:29:39,611 --> 00:29:43,071 taking the worlds we need and taming them 429 00:29:43,239 --> 00:29:47,826 with human hands and human minds and human souls. 430 00:29:48,536 --> 00:29:50,871 That might've worked for the moon, 431 00:29:51,498 --> 00:29:53,874 but the galaxy's a lot more crowded than we thought. 432 00:29:54,042 --> 00:29:55,834 That's not our problem. 433 00:29:56,002 --> 00:29:58,003 It's an opportunity. 434 00:29:59,547 --> 00:30:01,006 It's over, Paxton. 435 00:30:02,175 --> 00:30:04,551 We are each his father's child. 436 00:30:08,264 --> 00:30:09,848 I've been a miner all my life. 437 00:30:10,141 --> 00:30:13,060 You get used to the low oxygen. 438 00:30:15,021 --> 00:30:17,397 Firing sequence resumed. 439 00:30:17,565 --> 00:30:19,316 Pulse activation in 30 seconds. 440 00:30:30,703 --> 00:30:34,331 Pulse activation in 15 seconds. 441 00:30:35,792 --> 00:30:39,753 - Ten, nine, eight, seven, - I've locked the sequence. 442 00:30:39,921 --> 00:30:42,172 - You can't stop it from firing. - six, five, 443 00:30:42,340 --> 00:30:46,802 - I've locked it. - four, three, two, one. 444 00:30:49,806 --> 00:30:52,140 Pulse activated. 445 00:30:54,227 --> 00:30:57,938 Terra Prime forever. 446 00:31:06,906 --> 00:31:09,700 Looks like Paxton's aim was off. 447 00:31:09,909 --> 00:31:12,953 With a little help from you. 448 00:31:13,162 --> 00:31:14,913 Maybe a little. 449 00:31:17,417 --> 00:31:18,959 Commander. 450 00:31:19,544 --> 00:31:21,670 She's dying. 451 00:31:31,180 --> 00:31:35,642 Captain's starlog, January 22nd, 2155. 452 00:31:35,810 --> 00:31:37,936 Enterprise is returning to Earth. 453 00:31:38,146 --> 00:31:39,646 Paxton is in custody, 454 00:31:39,814 --> 00:31:44,276 but the consequences of his actions continue to affect us all. 455 00:31:50,199 --> 00:31:52,367 Guess we shouldn't keep calling her "she." 456 00:31:53,745 --> 00:31:54,995 Elizabeth. 457 00:31:58,082 --> 00:31:59,708 My sister would have liked that. 458 00:32:09,594 --> 00:32:12,721 It appears my initial prognosis was incorrect. 459 00:32:15,642 --> 00:32:17,684 It's genetic. 460 00:32:18,186 --> 00:32:22,356 The Vulcan and human DNA aren't compatible. 461 00:32:27,695 --> 00:32:29,112 There anything you can do? 462 00:32:30,114 --> 00:32:32,157 I'm attempting to stabilize her nucleotides, 463 00:32:32,325 --> 00:32:35,369 but there's never been a child like her. 464 00:32:36,788 --> 00:32:39,247 Her name is Elizabeth. 465 00:32:41,209 --> 00:32:42,960 I can't figure out why the console locked up 466 00:32:43,127 --> 00:32:45,754 at the same time the engines shut down. 467 00:32:45,922 --> 00:32:48,215 It does seem a bit coincidental. 468 00:32:51,636 --> 00:32:55,555 Flight control and engine power are routed separately 469 00:32:55,765 --> 00:32:58,517 until they reach 470 00:33:00,812 --> 00:33:02,229 that junction. 471 00:33:02,397 --> 00:33:04,064 The panel's open. 472 00:33:04,232 --> 00:33:05,315 If ionized gas got in here, 473 00:33:05,483 --> 00:33:08,485 it could've melted the primary circuits of both systems. 474 00:33:08,653 --> 00:33:10,737 It could've been knocked loose by an impact. 475 00:33:10,905 --> 00:33:13,490 No, it's been forced. 476 00:33:14,117 --> 00:33:15,659 This was deliberate. 477 00:33:17,412 --> 00:33:19,079 Come in. 478 00:33:20,081 --> 00:33:22,332 On your feet, sir. 479 00:33:22,917 --> 00:33:26,003 Shuttlepod 1 was sabotaged. 480 00:33:26,170 --> 00:33:28,296 - Sabotaged? - We nearly crashed. 481 00:33:28,464 --> 00:33:31,550 - Is this your signature? - Yeah. 482 00:33:32,385 --> 00:33:33,927 You think I had something to do with it? 483 00:33:34,095 --> 00:33:35,679 Is there any reason why we shouldn't? 484 00:33:35,972 --> 00:33:37,556 That's a shuttlepod maintenance log. 485 00:33:37,724 --> 00:33:39,766 Commander Tucker took me off that team 486 00:33:39,934 --> 00:33:41,518 when he came back from Columbia. 487 00:33:41,686 --> 00:33:43,520 Who replaced you? 488 00:33:44,147 --> 00:33:45,897 - Who? - Ensign Masaro. 489 00:33:51,362 --> 00:33:53,488 They really wanna postpone the conference? 490 00:33:53,656 --> 00:33:56,533 "Postponed" is a diplomatic way of saying it's dead. 491 00:33:56,701 --> 00:33:57,993 Paxton's unnerved them, 492 00:33:58,161 --> 00:34:01,455 and there's not a lot I've been able to say to change their minds. 493 00:34:01,622 --> 00:34:03,540 Excuse me, sir. 494 00:34:04,208 --> 00:34:05,333 Sato. Go ahead. 495 00:34:05,835 --> 00:34:08,837 It's Archer. Are you still with Samuels? 496 00:34:09,005 --> 00:34:10,130 We're in the mess hall. 497 00:34:10,506 --> 00:34:11,923 Is Ensign Masaro there? 498 00:34:16,054 --> 00:34:17,095 No, I don't see him, sir. 499 00:34:17,263 --> 00:34:19,347 We think Masaro may be working for Terra Prime. 500 00:34:19,682 --> 00:34:21,266 Samuels may be in danger. 501 00:34:21,434 --> 00:34:23,351 Reed and Mayweather are on their way. 502 00:34:25,063 --> 00:34:26,605 Wait here, sir. 503 00:34:29,817 --> 00:34:32,569 Samuels is in here. He's safe. 504 00:34:35,573 --> 00:34:37,115 Captain. 505 00:34:40,745 --> 00:34:42,079 You don't wanna do this. 506 00:34:42,246 --> 00:34:43,955 I have to. 507 00:34:45,083 --> 00:34:47,334 Give me the phase-pistol. 508 00:34:49,087 --> 00:34:51,379 - That's an order. - I can't, sir. 509 00:34:52,632 --> 00:34:55,759 - Ensign... - I wanted you to know. 510 00:34:57,053 --> 00:34:59,012 I'm sorry. 511 00:35:00,348 --> 00:35:01,848 I believed in what we were doing. 512 00:35:04,227 --> 00:35:07,771 Tell my parents I'm sorry. 513 00:35:08,731 --> 00:35:10,649 I never wanted anyone to get hurt. 514 00:35:12,485 --> 00:35:13,735 Ensign... 515 00:35:30,086 --> 00:35:32,129 I wish I could do more. 516 00:35:32,672 --> 00:35:33,880 I know. 517 00:35:35,216 --> 00:35:36,675 When you invited me to join this crew, 518 00:35:36,843 --> 00:35:41,054 I thought it would be an interesting diversion for a few months. 519 00:35:41,931 --> 00:35:45,433 Some time away from the complications of family, 520 00:35:45,643 --> 00:35:49,104 which on Denobula can be extremely complicated. 521 00:35:51,858 --> 00:35:54,568 I didn't expect to gain another family. 522 00:36:00,783 --> 00:36:03,451 It hurts as if she were my own child. 523 00:36:14,005 --> 00:36:16,715 Make something good come from this, captain. 524 00:36:27,101 --> 00:36:29,311 Fellow delegates, 525 00:36:29,478 --> 00:36:33,857 this last week we've seen what humans can be at their worst. 526 00:36:34,525 --> 00:36:38,570 But we cannot, we must not, use that as an excuse 527 00:36:38,738 --> 00:36:40,864 to end the dream that began here. 528 00:36:42,533 --> 00:36:46,536 For then, the demons of our past will have won. 529 00:36:47,288 --> 00:36:50,916 Instead, I want to look to the future 530 00:36:51,083 --> 00:36:55,128 and begin by honoring the people responsible for our being here tonight. 531 00:36:55,671 --> 00:37:00,091 They represent all of us at our best. 532 00:37:06,766 --> 00:37:09,351 Up until about a hundred years ago, 533 00:37:10,353 --> 00:37:13,521 there was one question that burned in every human, 534 00:37:14,065 --> 00:37:18,401 that made us study the stars and dream of traveling to them. 535 00:37:20,488 --> 00:37:21,947 "Are we alone?" 536 00:37:22,782 --> 00:37:26,785 Our generation is privileged 537 00:37:27,286 --> 00:37:30,163 to know the answer to that question. 538 00:37:31,999 --> 00:37:33,833 We are all explorers, 539 00:37:34,168 --> 00:37:38,129 driven to know what's over the horizon, 540 00:37:38,297 --> 00:37:41,800 what's beyond our own shores. 541 00:37:43,302 --> 00:37:44,928 Yet, 542 00:37:48,557 --> 00:37:50,976 the more I've experienced, 543 00:37:52,436 --> 00:37:54,562 the more I've learned 544 00:37:55,773 --> 00:37:58,566 that no matter how far we travel 545 00:37:59,443 --> 00:38:01,987 or how fast we get there, 546 00:38:03,781 --> 00:38:06,866 the most profound discoveries 547 00:38:07,076 --> 00:38:12,247 are not necessarily beyond that next star. 548 00:38:15,251 --> 00:38:17,252 They're within us, 549 00:38:17,795 --> 00:38:21,548 woven into the threads that bind us, 550 00:38:22,550 --> 00:38:24,467 all of us, 551 00:38:25,219 --> 00:38:26,303 to each other. 552 00:38:29,473 --> 00:38:34,936 The final frontier begins in this hall. 553 00:38:36,439 --> 00:38:39,024 Let's explore it together. 554 00:39:06,886 --> 00:39:08,511 I hear the conference is back on track. 555 00:39:08,721 --> 00:39:09,888 It's a first step. 556 00:39:10,097 --> 00:39:13,600 The captain says it's going to take years to work out the details. 557 00:39:13,809 --> 00:39:16,978 But it'll happen. And you're part of the reason why. 558 00:39:17,188 --> 00:39:18,396 Just doing my job. 559 00:39:18,606 --> 00:39:20,148 So was I. 560 00:39:24,362 --> 00:39:25,487 I know. 561 00:39:28,407 --> 00:39:31,534 If Vulcans and Andorians can get along, 562 00:39:32,078 --> 00:39:33,536 you'd think we could. 563 00:39:35,081 --> 00:39:37,165 A lot of details to work out. 564 00:39:41,170 --> 00:39:43,546 Isn't that the fast way home? 565 00:39:44,882 --> 00:39:47,842 The least I can do is give you a ride. 566 00:39:51,138 --> 00:39:53,306 The launch bay's this way. 567 00:40:08,155 --> 00:40:09,823 Come in. 568 00:40:17,665 --> 00:40:19,416 The, uh, 569 00:40:20,251 --> 00:40:26,381 delegates at the conference, they've, uh, asked about the service for, um... 570 00:40:30,344 --> 00:40:31,886 For Elizabeth. 571 00:40:32,555 --> 00:40:34,931 They want to attend. 572 00:40:35,850 --> 00:40:38,393 She was important. 573 00:40:39,145 --> 00:40:41,271 There's something else. 574 00:40:43,274 --> 00:40:45,567 I spoke with Phlox. 575 00:40:49,780 --> 00:40:54,409 Turns out there was a flaw in the technique 576 00:40:55,703 --> 00:41:00,248 that Paxton's doctors used in the cloning process. 577 00:41:03,294 --> 00:41:07,672 Human DNA and Vulcan DNA, 578 00:41:08,507 --> 00:41:13,803 Phlox says there's no medical reason why they can't combine. 579 00:41:16,390 --> 00:41:21,978 So if a Vulcan and a human 580 00:41:22,730 --> 00:41:25,815 ever decided to have a child, 581 00:41:29,570 --> 00:41:32,405 it'd probably be okay. 582 00:41:40,915 --> 00:42:49,649 That's sort of comforting.