1 00:00:02,794 --> 00:00:06,797 Captain's personal log, February 18th, 2152. 2 00:00:06,965 --> 00:00:09,800 It took a while, but we finally made it to Risa. 3 00:00:09,968 --> 00:00:12,136 With any luck, this will be my last log entry 4 00:00:12,345 --> 00:00:14,471 for the next two days. 6 00:00:18,685 --> 00:00:20,728 If anything happens, you know where to reach me. 7 00:00:21,604 --> 00:00:23,605 I don't anticipate any problems. 8 00:00:23,815 --> 00:00:27,151 Well, it's the problems you don't anticipate. 9 00:00:27,318 --> 00:00:30,738 The crew is trained to handle emergencies. 10 00:00:31,740 --> 00:00:36,493 But I'll alert you immediately if there are any problems. 11 00:00:37,162 --> 00:00:39,329 This doesn't feel right. 12 00:00:39,789 --> 00:00:42,082 I shouldn't be going down to some pleasure planet 13 00:00:42,250 --> 00:00:43,917 while half the crew has to stay onboard. 14 00:00:44,085 --> 00:00:45,335 Everyone drew lots. 15 00:00:45,503 --> 00:00:47,129 You had the same chance as the others. 16 00:00:47,297 --> 00:00:49,757 All the same, the crew should come first. 17 00:00:49,924 --> 00:00:53,802 Captain, you need a vacation. 19 00:01:17,952 --> 00:01:20,079 I'm glad you decided to take some time off, sir. 20 00:01:20,288 --> 00:01:22,414 Wouldn't miss it. 21 00:01:23,666 --> 00:01:25,417 Do you wanna take the helm, captain? 22 00:01:25,585 --> 00:01:27,836 I'm on vacation. 23 00:01:28,004 --> 00:01:29,588 Thanks. 24 00:01:31,299 --> 00:01:33,801 Enjoy yourselves. 25 00:01:35,637 --> 00:01:37,262 I'll bring you a souvenir. 26 00:03:17,655 --> 00:03:20,157 Everyone have big plans? 27 00:03:20,533 --> 00:03:21,617 Travis? 28 00:03:21,784 --> 00:03:23,368 Rock climbing, sir. 29 00:03:23,578 --> 00:03:24,912 There's a place called Galartha. 30 00:03:25,079 --> 00:03:27,956 The cliff face changes pitch while you climb it. 31 00:03:28,166 --> 00:03:29,499 That sounds kind of dangerous. 32 00:03:29,959 --> 00:03:31,710 Well, if it's easy, what's the point? 33 00:03:31,878 --> 00:03:33,712 Just watch yourself. 34 00:03:33,880 --> 00:03:36,089 Malcolm? 35 00:03:36,257 --> 00:03:39,968 Well, supposedly Risa's very cosmopolitan. 36 00:03:40,136 --> 00:03:43,096 There are species visiting from all over. 37 00:03:43,306 --> 00:03:47,476 Malcolm and I plan to broaden our cultural horizons. 38 00:03:48,978 --> 00:03:51,063 Is that all you two think about? 39 00:03:51,272 --> 00:03:53,690 Well, how we choose to relax is our own business. 40 00:03:55,777 --> 00:03:57,569 You watch yourselves too. 41 00:03:58,905 --> 00:04:02,491 I plan on doing something constructive with my time. 42 00:04:02,659 --> 00:04:05,786 I have been relying on the universal translator far too much. 43 00:04:05,995 --> 00:04:07,996 Before I left Earth, I learned 38 languages. 44 00:04:08,206 --> 00:04:10,874 Now all I do is push a button, and the computer does all the work. 45 00:04:11,292 --> 00:04:12,668 Isn't that what it's for? 46 00:04:12,835 --> 00:04:16,922 Not this time. I left my translator on Enterprise. 47 00:04:17,090 --> 00:04:19,299 You only have two days, Hoshi. 48 00:04:19,509 --> 00:04:22,803 If you wanna waste your time talking to people... 49 00:04:25,515 --> 00:04:26,807 What about you, captain? 50 00:04:27,600 --> 00:04:29,977 I've never been much for vacations. 51 00:04:30,144 --> 00:04:32,187 But I've got a little villa overlooking the ocean, 52 00:04:32,355 --> 00:04:36,024 and Porthos and I are going to relax. 53 00:04:38,111 --> 00:04:39,778 How long will this last? 54 00:04:39,946 --> 00:04:42,656 I usually require six days per year, 55 00:04:42,824 --> 00:04:46,159 but two should leave me sufficiently refreshed. 56 00:04:46,369 --> 00:04:49,454 I've adjusted the dosage to wake you up in exactly 48 hours. 57 00:04:49,622 --> 00:04:51,290 And if someone should require 58 00:04:51,499 --> 00:04:53,709 medical attention during your hibernation? 59 00:04:54,085 --> 00:04:56,253 Crewman Cutler is a capable medic. 60 00:04:56,421 --> 00:04:57,963 I know where the bandages are. 61 00:04:58,589 --> 00:05:01,842 You can always wake me, if you need to. But please... 62 00:05:02,010 --> 00:05:03,802 ...only if it's an emergency. 63 00:05:12,603 --> 00:05:15,856 Well, to bed. 64 00:05:18,776 --> 00:05:21,403 Pleasant dreams, doctor. 65 00:05:54,687 --> 00:05:56,813 What do you think, Porthos? 66 00:05:57,315 --> 00:05:59,066 Not bad. 68 00:07:05,133 --> 00:07:07,426 Come here, let's go. 69 00:07:07,593 --> 00:07:09,761 What are you barking at? 70 00:07:38,958 --> 00:07:40,709 What about that one? 71 00:07:40,877 --> 00:07:44,337 Now I know you've been cooped up on a starship for too long. 72 00:07:44,505 --> 00:07:45,630 What's wrong with her? 73 00:07:45,798 --> 00:07:47,716 Well, nothing, I suppose. 74 00:07:47,884 --> 00:07:51,094 I just wouldn't know which eyes to look into. 75 00:07:52,597 --> 00:07:54,389 Hey, hey, hey. 76 00:07:54,557 --> 00:07:57,225 Now, she's interesting. 77 00:07:57,393 --> 00:08:00,687 I don't think "she" is the right pronoun. 78 00:08:02,023 --> 00:08:04,691 But if you think it's worth the risk. 79 00:08:04,859 --> 00:08:08,153 I don't know. Maybe I should've brought my scanner with me. 80 00:08:10,364 --> 00:08:12,240 Thank you. 81 00:08:16,871 --> 00:08:19,080 That's a she. 82 00:08:19,916 --> 00:08:21,541 What shall we drink to? 83 00:08:21,709 --> 00:08:23,293 To us. 84 00:08:23,461 --> 00:08:29,966 And to a well-earned 2 days and 2 nights. 86 00:09:08,714 --> 00:09:10,966 How did you get up here? 87 00:09:11,384 --> 00:09:13,218 Stop it, you two. 88 00:09:13,636 --> 00:09:14,844 Porthos. 90 00:09:16,806 --> 00:09:18,306 Come in. 91 00:09:32,154 --> 00:09:35,448 I'm sorry to bother you, but I think my dog is on your deck. 92 00:09:36,200 --> 00:09:37,701 Please. 93 00:09:42,999 --> 00:09:45,166 There you are. 94 00:09:50,381 --> 00:09:52,966 - I hope she didn't hurt... - Porthos. 95 00:09:53,217 --> 00:09:55,135 Hello, Porthos. 96 00:09:55,303 --> 00:09:56,678 She's been cooped up for weeks. 97 00:09:56,846 --> 00:09:59,306 I should've known she'd run off the first chance she got. 98 00:09:59,849 --> 00:10:01,308 No harm done. 99 00:10:01,475 --> 00:10:03,643 She probably just came over to make a friend. 100 00:10:06,689 --> 00:10:09,733 - I'm Jonathan. - Keyla. 101 00:10:11,068 --> 00:10:13,028 So is this your first time to Risa? 102 00:10:13,237 --> 00:10:15,030 Yes. You? 103 00:10:15,197 --> 00:10:18,325 First time. My science officer felt I needed to relax. 104 00:10:18,492 --> 00:10:24,289 So I decided to do some reading, let Porthos run on the beach. 105 00:10:25,082 --> 00:10:27,751 You should always listen to your science officer. 106 00:10:28,544 --> 00:10:30,920 She'd be the first to agree with you. 107 00:10:33,215 --> 00:10:36,593 I was about to go out for dinner. Can you recommend a restaurant? 108 00:10:36,761 --> 00:10:39,054 There's this little boat that sails into the bay 109 00:10:39,221 --> 00:10:41,431 every evening just after sunset. 110 00:10:41,599 --> 00:10:44,476 You wade out, and they serve seafood right off the deck. 111 00:10:45,186 --> 00:10:46,770 Sounds great. 112 00:10:50,149 --> 00:10:53,026 Well. I'm sorry to disturb you. 113 00:10:53,194 --> 00:10:54,861 Thanks again. 114 00:10:59,784 --> 00:11:01,076 If you don't have other plans, 115 00:11:01,243 --> 00:11:03,703 maybe we could wade out to that little boat together. 116 00:11:04,038 --> 00:11:05,789 You're not here with your science officer? 117 00:11:06,290 --> 00:11:07,707 No. 118 00:11:08,501 --> 00:11:10,502 In that case... 119 00:11:11,003 --> 00:11:14,589 Oh, no, I'm sorry. I can't tonight. 120 00:11:16,342 --> 00:11:17,592 Just a thought. 121 00:11:18,260 --> 00:11:19,719 Tomorrow? 122 00:11:20,304 --> 00:11:21,596 I look forward to it. 123 00:11:22,014 --> 00:11:23,807 So do I. 124 00:11:24,016 --> 00:11:25,850 Goodbye, Porthos. 126 00:12:04,640 --> 00:12:06,474 Slowly, please. 129 00:13:25,179 --> 00:13:26,721 Ravis. 131 00:14:37,126 --> 00:14:39,502 That place up the street looked pretty lively. 132 00:14:39,670 --> 00:14:42,964 Well, the Vulcan database said no one leaves this club unhappy. 133 00:14:43,132 --> 00:14:44,716 How would the Vulcans know? 134 00:14:44,884 --> 00:14:47,218 They only mate once every 7 years. 135 00:14:47,595 --> 00:14:49,721 That's what they say. 136 00:14:49,930 --> 00:14:53,975 - Do you know something I don't? - Come on, seven years? 137 00:14:54,143 --> 00:14:56,352 I doubt even T'Pol could hold out that long. 138 00:14:56,520 --> 00:14:59,731 Oh, she's very disciplined. 139 00:14:59,899 --> 00:15:04,611 Malcolm, bearing 180. 140 00:15:04,778 --> 00:15:08,072 - What? - Behind you. 141 00:15:11,410 --> 00:15:14,370 Anything in that database that could help us get a conversation going? 142 00:15:14,580 --> 00:15:16,331 If you wanted to have a cultural dialogue, 143 00:15:16,498 --> 00:15:18,708 you should've gone with Hoshi. 144 00:15:19,543 --> 00:15:23,212 Hello. 145 00:15:24,340 --> 00:15:27,926 I'm Dee'Ahn, and this is Latia. 146 00:15:28,093 --> 00:15:31,095 - I'm Trip. - I'm Malcolm. 147 00:15:31,263 --> 00:15:34,140 Would you join us for a drink? 148 00:15:34,767 --> 00:15:37,977 We've been waiting for you to ask. 149 00:15:42,900 --> 00:15:44,525 Well, what would you like? 150 00:15:45,194 --> 00:15:47,654 These look good. 151 00:15:49,323 --> 00:15:52,533 Another round, please. 152 00:15:52,743 --> 00:15:54,118 So where are you two from? 153 00:15:54,328 --> 00:15:56,537 Our planet's called Earth. 154 00:15:56,747 --> 00:15:59,791 Earth? Never heard of it. 155 00:16:00,376 --> 00:16:03,878 We're sort of new to the neighborhood. 156 00:16:04,546 --> 00:16:09,717 Well, then we'll have to make sure that your first visit to Risa is memorable. 157 00:16:25,109 --> 00:16:27,443 Jonathan. 158 00:16:33,742 --> 00:16:35,076 You're up late. 159 00:16:35,452 --> 00:16:37,453 Just looking at the stars. 160 00:16:37,830 --> 00:16:39,747 Don't you get enough of that on your ship? 161 00:16:40,499 --> 00:16:41,874 Never. 162 00:16:43,043 --> 00:16:44,711 Will you show me what you're looking at? 163 00:16:45,379 --> 00:16:46,671 Come on up. 164 00:16:54,054 --> 00:16:56,014 I wanted to thank you. 165 00:16:56,181 --> 00:16:58,891 The little boat with the seafood? Best I've ever had. 166 00:16:59,059 --> 00:17:01,769 - I'm sorry you had to eat alone. - No problem. 167 00:17:01,937 --> 00:17:06,649 I had a nice chat with a couple from Vega Reticuli. 168 00:17:06,817 --> 00:17:10,695 It turns out it's their 300th wedding anniversary. 169 00:17:10,863 --> 00:17:13,031 Well, they must have a lot of stories. 170 00:17:13,198 --> 00:17:15,658 You can't imagine. 171 00:17:19,079 --> 00:17:20,872 There it is. 172 00:17:21,665 --> 00:17:23,875 What am I looking for? 173 00:17:24,043 --> 00:17:26,210 See the bright blue star at the top? 174 00:17:27,004 --> 00:17:30,256 - Is that your sun? - No. Look just below. 175 00:17:30,424 --> 00:17:32,759 The yellow one. Do you see it? 176 00:17:32,926 --> 00:17:34,260 It's so faint. 177 00:17:34,470 --> 00:17:36,804 Well, it's about 90 light years from here. 178 00:17:39,141 --> 00:17:41,184 You're a long way from home. 179 00:17:41,393 --> 00:17:44,896 Actually, this is the farthest any of my people have ever gone. 180 00:17:45,230 --> 00:17:47,106 You're an explorer. 181 00:17:47,274 --> 00:17:49,734 I wouldn't be surprised if they're naming schools after you 182 00:17:49,902 --> 00:17:51,027 back on your world. 183 00:17:52,071 --> 00:17:55,281 Archer Elementary. It has a nice ring to it. 184 00:17:58,619 --> 00:18:00,203 Can you show me where you're from? 185 00:18:00,662 --> 00:18:03,414 Oh, I really don't have a very good sense of direction. 186 00:18:03,582 --> 00:18:05,374 Oh, I'm sure it's not that bad. 187 00:18:05,542 --> 00:18:09,045 I got lost coming back from the lobby today. 188 00:18:10,714 --> 00:18:15,927 Well, I can see how that could happen. 189 00:18:16,261 --> 00:18:20,389 I mean, it's at least 100 meters from here. 190 00:18:20,557 --> 00:18:22,850 And all the villas look the same. 191 00:18:23,018 --> 00:18:25,144 You've just gotta notice the subtle differences. 192 00:18:26,105 --> 00:18:27,855 Like the numbers on the doors. 193 00:18:28,065 --> 00:18:29,565 Now you're catching on. 194 00:18:32,069 --> 00:18:34,821 Give me a couple of hours, I could have you navigating a starship. 195 00:18:37,116 --> 00:18:41,077 Why don't you start by telling me about some of the places you've been? 196 00:18:41,245 --> 00:18:44,455 We'll get to the starship navigation later. 197 00:18:52,422 --> 00:18:54,298 We only had a few hours of air left, 198 00:18:54,466 --> 00:18:56,717 so I jettisoned our engine and blew it up. 199 00:18:56,885 --> 00:18:59,804 - Turned it into a rescue flare. - It was my idea. 200 00:19:00,013 --> 00:19:03,349 Doesn't matter whose idea it was, it worked. 201 00:19:03,559 --> 00:19:06,310 Why don't you tell them about the time you saved Enterprise 202 00:19:06,478 --> 00:19:08,062 in your underwear. 203 00:19:08,480 --> 00:19:11,107 I saved the captain's life. 204 00:19:11,817 --> 00:19:13,818 I thought you were the captain. 205 00:19:15,487 --> 00:19:17,029 We rotate. 206 00:19:17,197 --> 00:19:19,365 He's captain next week. 207 00:19:21,618 --> 00:19:26,831 So, captains, have you seen the subterranean gardens? 208 00:19:27,040 --> 00:19:28,332 Subterranean? 209 00:19:28,500 --> 00:19:31,002 All the plants that grow there are luminescent. 210 00:19:31,170 --> 00:19:33,004 It's beautiful. 211 00:19:34,214 --> 00:19:36,966 Maybe you could show us. 212 00:19:51,190 --> 00:19:53,024 Through here. 213 00:19:54,568 --> 00:19:57,862 This is a strange way to get to the garden. 214 00:19:58,030 --> 00:20:01,032 They're very secluded. 215 00:20:03,702 --> 00:20:09,707 So how much do starship captains get paid on your world? 216 00:20:09,875 --> 00:20:11,667 Excuse me? 217 00:20:11,835 --> 00:20:14,212 What kind of valuables do you have? 218 00:20:16,548 --> 00:20:20,426 I think there's been a misunderstanding. 219 00:20:25,015 --> 00:20:27,225 There's definitely been a misunderstanding. 220 00:20:37,361 --> 00:20:39,737 See what they have. 221 00:20:42,199 --> 00:20:44,200 I hope this isn't their mating ritual. 222 00:20:44,368 --> 00:20:46,327 Quiet. 223 00:20:50,499 --> 00:20:52,083 Nothing. 224 00:20:53,126 --> 00:20:56,170 Maybe they have something back in their rooms. 225 00:20:56,338 --> 00:20:58,297 It's too risky. 226 00:20:58,465 --> 00:21:01,717 - Could sell their clothes. - Listen. 227 00:21:01,885 --> 00:21:05,388 I bet we could make some kind of a deal. 229 00:21:25,409 --> 00:21:26,450 Enterprise. 230 00:21:26,618 --> 00:21:28,703 It's Travis, sub-commander. 231 00:21:28,870 --> 00:21:30,955 Could you send a shuttlepod down? 232 00:21:31,123 --> 00:21:32,832 What's the problem, ensign? 233 00:21:33,000 --> 00:21:36,127 I had a little rock-climbing accident. 234 00:21:36,920 --> 00:21:38,254 Where are you? 235 00:21:38,422 --> 00:21:42,717 In the central hospital, but I really wanna get back to Enterprise. 236 00:21:45,804 --> 00:21:48,389 The fun part is the way the rock face changes. 237 00:21:48,890 --> 00:21:52,351 The problem is the handholds change too. 238 00:21:54,271 --> 00:21:57,189 Why didn't you let them finish treating you on the surface? 239 00:21:57,357 --> 00:21:59,233 Have you ever been to an alien hospital? 240 00:21:59,401 --> 00:22:01,902 Yes. In San Francisco. 241 00:22:02,738 --> 00:22:05,406 Well, these people have never treated a human before. 242 00:22:05,574 --> 00:22:07,366 I wanted my own doctor. 243 00:22:07,534 --> 00:22:10,411 - Where's Phlox? - He's not available. 244 00:22:10,579 --> 00:22:12,204 What do you mean, he's not available? 245 00:22:12,372 --> 00:22:14,874 He's sleeping. 246 00:22:15,042 --> 00:22:17,293 Well, wake him up. He's got a patient. 247 00:22:17,711 --> 00:22:19,628 The doctor is hibernating. 248 00:22:19,963 --> 00:22:22,298 Hibernating? For how long? 249 00:22:22,466 --> 00:22:24,300 Just a couple of days. 250 00:22:24,926 --> 00:22:27,470 Don't worry. I can handle a broken leg. 251 00:22:27,679 --> 00:22:30,473 He said he was having trouble breathing when we were in the pod. 252 00:22:30,640 --> 00:22:32,558 Did they give you any medication? 253 00:22:32,726 --> 00:22:35,561 Just a hypospray for the pain. 254 00:22:36,146 --> 00:22:38,397 - Is something wrong? - It's probably nothing. 255 00:22:38,565 --> 00:22:40,733 Let's get you to Sickbay. 257 00:23:06,676 --> 00:23:08,511 Morning. 258 00:23:09,888 --> 00:23:13,974 I don't know if it was those Risan mai tais or getting shot, 259 00:23:14,142 --> 00:23:16,769 but my head's killing me. 260 00:23:16,937 --> 00:23:19,146 It's probably both. 261 00:23:19,314 --> 00:23:21,399 The sun's up. 262 00:23:21,566 --> 00:23:24,026 We've been down here all night. 263 00:23:24,903 --> 00:23:26,487 Great. 264 00:23:27,614 --> 00:23:30,491 Our shore leave's half over. 265 00:23:32,327 --> 00:23:36,163 Hey! We need some help down here! 266 00:23:38,250 --> 00:23:41,877 - Hello! - I already tried it. 267 00:23:42,045 --> 00:23:44,171 Club's closed. 268 00:23:44,965 --> 00:23:49,552 I don't plan on spending our entire trip tied up in a basement. 269 00:23:52,347 --> 00:23:56,434 The Vulcan database didn't mention anything about crime. 270 00:23:58,103 --> 00:24:00,896 They said it was very rare. 271 00:24:01,064 --> 00:24:02,731 What? 272 00:24:02,899 --> 00:24:06,527 It had some warnings, but I didn't think it'd be a problem. 273 00:24:06,695 --> 00:24:08,863 Wonderful. 274 00:24:09,030 --> 00:24:11,031 You think this is my fault. 275 00:24:11,199 --> 00:24:14,452 You were willing to follow two strange aliens into a basement. 276 00:24:14,619 --> 00:24:16,370 Gorgeous aliens. 277 00:24:16,538 --> 00:24:18,706 Don't forget, they were gorgeous. 278 00:24:18,874 --> 00:24:23,002 - They were male. - Not at first. 279 00:24:24,463 --> 00:24:27,590 I don't remember twisting your arm. 280 00:24:28,550 --> 00:24:30,509 If we don't make it to the landing zone on time, 281 00:24:30,677 --> 00:24:34,263 they're gonna start scanning for our bio-signs. 282 00:24:35,223 --> 00:24:38,726 Do you want the captain to find us like this? 283 00:24:46,735 --> 00:24:49,695 I feel terrible. 284 00:24:51,281 --> 00:24:54,742 You're having a reaction to the painkiller they gave you. 285 00:24:54,910 --> 00:24:56,744 What's his condition? 286 00:24:56,912 --> 00:24:59,663 The swelling gets any worse, it could begin to constrict his airway. 287 00:25:00,040 --> 00:25:03,751 I've spoken to the hospital. They've never heard of a reaction like this. 288 00:25:03,919 --> 00:25:06,378 But they're not familiar with human physiology. 289 00:25:06,796 --> 00:25:09,340 I really think we should wake up Dr. Phlox. 291 00:25:24,231 --> 00:25:25,564 I'm sorry, I give up. 292 00:25:25,732 --> 00:25:28,275 I never thought that I'd hear a language I couldn't learn. 293 00:25:28,443 --> 00:25:31,070 Don't feel bad. You've only been trying for one day. 294 00:25:31,238 --> 00:25:33,948 It only took you one day to pick up English. 295 00:25:34,157 --> 00:25:35,449 It is much simpler. 296 00:25:35,617 --> 00:25:38,786 And you are a very good... 298 00:25:40,372 --> 00:25:42,122 Teacher. 299 00:25:42,958 --> 00:25:44,250 What do you call this? 300 00:25:45,544 --> 00:25:48,128 We don't have anything exactly like it. 301 00:25:48,296 --> 00:25:51,382 The closest thing would be a strawberry. 302 00:25:52,175 --> 00:25:53,801 Strawberry. 303 00:25:54,469 --> 00:25:55,719 And this? 304 00:26:02,143 --> 00:26:04,186 It tastes like a kiwi. 305 00:26:06,731 --> 00:26:07,898 What? 306 00:26:08,567 --> 00:26:11,986 In my language, "kee'hwi" is... 307 00:26:12,821 --> 00:26:13,988 What? 308 00:26:15,073 --> 00:26:16,991 I don't know the word. 309 00:26:17,158 --> 00:26:20,578 - May I show you? - Sure. Why not? 310 00:26:23,582 --> 00:26:24,957 Kiwi. 311 00:26:27,210 --> 00:26:28,544 Kiss. 312 00:26:28,712 --> 00:26:31,797 That's called a kiss. 313 00:26:32,841 --> 00:26:34,967 A kiss. 314 00:26:36,678 --> 00:26:40,514 There's a place I was planning to go today. 315 00:26:40,682 --> 00:26:42,641 A steam pool. 316 00:26:42,809 --> 00:26:44,935 They say it's very... 317 00:26:45,103 --> 00:26:46,353 ...relaxing. 318 00:26:46,855 --> 00:26:48,897 Would you like to go? 319 00:26:50,442 --> 00:26:51,942 Avec plaisir. 320 00:26:52,902 --> 00:26:54,737 That's French. 321 00:26:54,904 --> 00:26:56,989 What does it mean? 323 00:27:31,232 --> 00:27:33,025 - Good morning. - Good morning. 324 00:27:33,193 --> 00:27:34,526 Come in. 325 00:27:34,694 --> 00:27:36,528 I thought we could take our dogs to the beach, 326 00:27:36,696 --> 00:27:39,114 - if you don't have other plans. - Sounds great. 327 00:27:39,282 --> 00:27:41,575 I've just ordered breakfast. Would you like to join me? 328 00:27:41,743 --> 00:27:43,619 Certainly. 329 00:27:44,621 --> 00:27:47,206 - Juice? - Please. 330 00:27:49,542 --> 00:27:51,752 What are you reading? 331 00:27:51,920 --> 00:27:54,797 It's a gift from my science officer. 332 00:27:54,964 --> 00:27:59,218 Her people think humans are too controlled by their emotions. 333 00:27:59,886 --> 00:28:01,887 I knew there was a reason I liked you. 334 00:28:04,391 --> 00:28:07,309 Seems like you know a lot about me. 335 00:28:07,477 --> 00:28:10,437 Where I'm from, what books I read. 336 00:28:10,605 --> 00:28:13,399 I don't even know your dog's name. 337 00:28:14,150 --> 00:28:15,984 It's Rhylo. 338 00:28:16,152 --> 00:28:19,613 I adopted her when she was a puppy. Anything else? 339 00:28:19,823 --> 00:28:21,657 Everything else. 340 00:28:21,825 --> 00:28:23,867 What's your planet called? 341 00:28:24,035 --> 00:28:25,577 What do you do? 342 00:28:25,745 --> 00:28:27,413 Do you have a family? 343 00:28:30,375 --> 00:28:32,751 We've been having such a wonderful time. 344 00:28:32,919 --> 00:28:34,837 I really don't wanna spoil it. 345 00:28:36,172 --> 00:28:37,506 How could you spoil it? 346 00:28:40,468 --> 00:28:42,970 I did have a family. 347 00:28:45,348 --> 00:28:47,433 They were killed. 348 00:28:48,935 --> 00:28:52,855 My parents, my brother, my husband. 349 00:28:54,399 --> 00:28:55,691 I'm sorry. 350 00:28:56,776 --> 00:28:58,944 It was our own fault. 351 00:29:00,113 --> 00:29:02,239 We'd been warned about the Suliban. 352 00:29:02,574 --> 00:29:05,492 We should've gotten out while we had the chance. 353 00:29:06,119 --> 00:29:07,453 Suliban? 354 00:29:07,954 --> 00:29:09,705 You know about them? 355 00:29:11,040 --> 00:29:12,374 Yes. 356 00:29:19,174 --> 00:29:21,759 I'm not so sure this is a good idea. 357 00:29:21,968 --> 00:29:25,471 There's no need to whisper. He's in a state of deep hibernation. 358 00:29:25,930 --> 00:29:28,891 Yeah, that's what I'm worried about. 359 00:29:35,440 --> 00:29:37,775 Did you use the correct dosage? 361 00:29:42,864 --> 00:29:44,198 Phlox? 362 00:29:45,784 --> 00:29:49,745 I don't care what it tastes like. 363 00:29:54,876 --> 00:29:57,920 Wake up, doctor. 364 00:30:00,590 --> 00:30:03,509 Sub-commander. 365 00:30:03,676 --> 00:30:07,262 - Has it been 48 hours? - No. 366 00:30:07,430 --> 00:30:09,348 Then why did you wake me? 367 00:30:09,516 --> 00:30:11,517 There's a medical emergency. 368 00:30:11,851 --> 00:30:15,062 Emergency? Then call the doctor. 369 00:30:15,396 --> 00:30:16,772 You're the doctor. 370 00:30:18,233 --> 00:30:20,776 Of course. 371 00:30:21,861 --> 00:30:23,028 Who's sick? 372 00:30:23,238 --> 00:30:25,405 - Ensign Mayweather. - Who? 373 00:30:25,573 --> 00:30:30,452 - Ensign Mayweather, our helmsman. - I know who he is. 374 00:30:31,120 --> 00:30:34,039 - Where is he? - He's in Sickbay. 375 00:30:34,207 --> 00:30:35,833 We're not in Sickbay? 376 00:30:36,000 --> 00:30:38,043 We're in your quarters. 377 00:30:39,337 --> 00:30:41,338 Well, then... 378 00:30:43,091 --> 00:30:45,008 ...to Sickbay. 379 00:30:46,803 --> 00:30:51,223 I could use some assistance, please. 380 00:31:00,525 --> 00:31:02,776 What seems to be the trouble, captain? 381 00:31:04,529 --> 00:31:07,239 It's Travis, doctor. 382 00:31:07,407 --> 00:31:09,575 He's having some kind of anaphylactic reaction. 383 00:31:11,035 --> 00:31:12,327 Incredible. 384 00:31:15,206 --> 00:31:17,082 - What? - I've been standing up 385 00:31:17,250 --> 00:31:18,917 for almost 5 minutes. 386 00:31:19,127 --> 00:31:20,752 Doctor. 387 00:31:20,920 --> 00:31:23,964 Hand me that scanner, captain. 389 00:31:37,812 --> 00:31:40,397 Yes. Yes. 390 00:31:44,402 --> 00:31:48,196 It's definitely being caused by an antigenic compound in his system. 391 00:31:48,406 --> 00:31:50,657 We'll need Regulan blood worms. 392 00:31:50,867 --> 00:31:53,243 - What? - They're excellent at filtering toxins. 393 00:31:55,079 --> 00:31:58,749 - Which container are they in? - No, fresh ones would be better. 394 00:31:58,917 --> 00:32:01,293 Set a course for Regulus, maximum warp. 395 00:32:01,669 --> 00:32:05,714 Doctor, I think this was a mistake. You should return to your quarters. 396 00:32:05,882 --> 00:32:07,633 I appreciate the offer, but it would be best 397 00:32:07,800 --> 00:32:10,385 - to keep our relationship professional. - Let's go, doctor. 398 00:32:10,595 --> 00:32:13,138 I am the chief medical officer on this ship. 399 00:32:13,306 --> 00:32:16,934 And I am going to treat Ensign Mayweather. 400 00:32:17,101 --> 00:32:19,353 Then I'm going back to bed. 401 00:32:23,024 --> 00:32:25,567 This was waiting for me when I checked in. 402 00:32:25,735 --> 00:32:27,611 Compliments of the management. 403 00:32:27,779 --> 00:32:30,197 I don't know anything about Risan vintages, 404 00:32:30,406 --> 00:32:32,449 but what do you say we throw caution to the wind 405 00:32:32,617 --> 00:32:33,742 and give it a try? 406 00:32:34,118 --> 00:32:36,244 I'll be adventurous if you will. 407 00:32:38,915 --> 00:32:41,750 - How's your ankle? - It's getting better. 408 00:32:41,918 --> 00:32:44,336 You'd think that guide would've warned us. 409 00:32:44,504 --> 00:32:45,963 Oh, the water was very shallow. 410 00:32:46,130 --> 00:32:48,382 I should've watched where I was stepping. 411 00:32:48,549 --> 00:32:50,050 I don't know. 412 00:32:50,218 --> 00:32:53,804 That thing was pretty well camouflaged. 413 00:32:57,475 --> 00:32:59,476 To... 414 00:32:59,644 --> 00:33:02,229 ...Risan sea turtles. 415 00:33:08,111 --> 00:33:10,821 It's a little sweet for my taste. 416 00:33:15,368 --> 00:33:17,411 Is something wrong? 417 00:33:18,204 --> 00:33:20,580 Camouflaged. 418 00:33:21,165 --> 00:33:23,166 We could only see them when they moved. 419 00:33:23,501 --> 00:33:25,836 Was there more than one? 420 00:33:26,004 --> 00:33:28,797 I'm not talking about turtles. 421 00:33:32,260 --> 00:33:34,219 You said you knew who they were. 422 00:33:34,762 --> 00:33:36,972 Have you seen them? 423 00:33:37,515 --> 00:33:40,600 Did they hurt anyone that you cared about? 424 00:33:42,061 --> 00:33:46,064 We've seen them a number of times, but we've been lucky. 425 00:33:46,232 --> 00:33:48,316 No one was badly hurt. 426 00:33:49,944 --> 00:33:53,989 How do you fight something you can't even see? 427 00:33:56,534 --> 00:34:00,746 I was told that they take their orders from the future. 428 00:34:02,623 --> 00:34:05,709 - Is that right? - All their genetic enhancements, 429 00:34:06,085 --> 00:34:09,921 they were taught to do that by someone from the distant future. 430 00:34:11,382 --> 00:34:12,758 Who told you that? 431 00:34:13,593 --> 00:34:15,385 It's no secret. 432 00:34:15,553 --> 00:34:19,598 They've attacked dozens of ships, settlements. 433 00:34:20,266 --> 00:34:22,851 But where do they come from? 434 00:34:23,019 --> 00:34:24,978 Where do they live? 435 00:34:28,232 --> 00:34:31,401 I wish I could tell you, but I don't know. 436 00:34:32,153 --> 00:34:34,863 What are they planning to do next? 437 00:34:36,449 --> 00:34:39,326 Hopefully, neither of us will ever run into them again. 438 00:34:39,535 --> 00:34:41,661 You know that isn't true. 439 00:34:41,829 --> 00:34:44,289 They keep enlisting more of their people into the... 440 00:34:44,457 --> 00:34:46,666 What do they call it? The Cabal. 441 00:34:46,834 --> 00:34:49,169 You must know something about them, Jonathan. 442 00:34:50,838 --> 00:34:53,131 I realize that they murdered your family, 443 00:34:53,299 --> 00:34:56,051 and I'm very sorry for that. 444 00:34:56,219 --> 00:34:58,970 But I'm not sure what you want me to tell you. 445 00:34:59,180 --> 00:35:01,515 Most of what I have learned about them 446 00:35:01,682 --> 00:35:05,102 has come from rumors and hearsay. 447 00:35:05,269 --> 00:35:08,480 But you have seen them face to face. 448 00:35:08,648 --> 00:35:11,608 I want you to tell me what you know. 449 00:35:11,776 --> 00:35:14,986 Where are their Helixes? Where do they live? 450 00:35:24,789 --> 00:35:27,749 If this wine is too sweet, 451 00:35:27,917 --> 00:35:32,212 I think there's another bottle here. Might be different. 452 00:35:37,135 --> 00:35:39,427 You're the first person I've met in over a year 453 00:35:39,637 --> 00:35:41,471 who's had any contact with them. 454 00:35:44,433 --> 00:35:50,438 All right. I don't know much, but I'll tell you what I can. 455 00:35:53,734 --> 00:35:56,486 I could use some fresh air. 456 00:35:56,654 --> 00:35:58,363 Why don't we take a walk on the beach? 457 00:36:03,077 --> 00:36:04,452 Thank you. 458 00:36:04,996 --> 00:36:08,165 It's kind of chilly. You might wanna go get a sweater or something. 459 00:36:08,624 --> 00:36:10,375 I'll be right back. 460 00:36:24,599 --> 00:36:27,142 - Archer to Enterprise. - This is T'Pol. 461 00:36:27,310 --> 00:36:30,228 I'm transmitting a bio-scan to you. Run it through the computer. 462 00:36:30,396 --> 00:36:32,063 I think you'll find a match. 463 00:36:32,231 --> 00:36:34,524 You don't sound very relaxed, captain. 464 00:36:34,692 --> 00:36:36,568 Quickly, please. 465 00:36:36,736 --> 00:36:38,778 Understood. 467 00:36:51,709 --> 00:36:54,586 - Ready? - Not quite. 468 00:36:56,297 --> 00:36:58,840 Your surgeons did a nice job. 469 00:37:02,303 --> 00:37:06,264 All the Tandarans I met had a very distinctive feature. 470 00:37:06,432 --> 00:37:07,766 Right here. 471 00:37:08,142 --> 00:37:10,060 Tandarans? 472 00:37:10,228 --> 00:37:11,937 I don't understand. 473 00:37:13,814 --> 00:37:16,233 I took a bio-scan. 474 00:37:16,984 --> 00:37:20,528 They may be able to change your face, but not your DNA. 475 00:37:21,656 --> 00:37:24,950 - Did Colonel Grat send you? - Who? 476 00:37:25,576 --> 00:37:28,286 I suppose it's possible you don't know him. 477 00:37:28,454 --> 00:37:31,456 He ran the detention camp I was sent to. 478 00:37:31,624 --> 00:37:34,167 It was filled with innocent Suliban. 479 00:37:34,377 --> 00:37:37,837 Grat asked me the same questions you've been asking. 480 00:37:38,339 --> 00:37:40,548 Except he was a little more aggressive. 481 00:37:40,716 --> 00:37:42,759 On the other hand, he didn't try to win my sympathy 482 00:37:42,927 --> 00:37:45,136 with fictitious tragedies. 483 00:37:47,348 --> 00:37:51,518 You're wrong, Jonathan. You're all wrong. 484 00:37:52,228 --> 00:37:53,603 I think I should leave. 485 00:37:54,063 --> 00:37:56,731 If it wasn't Grat, then who was it? 486 00:37:56,899 --> 00:37:58,400 Who sent you here? 487 00:37:59,235 --> 00:38:01,111 Who was it? 488 00:38:09,662 --> 00:38:11,621 I'm sorry. 489 00:38:14,208 --> 00:38:16,251 You've been very kind to me. 490 00:38:27,096 --> 00:38:28,972 I'm gonna check out now. 491 00:38:29,140 --> 00:38:31,933 I can't have you interfering. 492 00:38:41,527 --> 00:38:43,820 Whatever's in that bottle you broke got all over me. 493 00:38:43,988 --> 00:38:45,405 It stinks to high heaven. 494 00:38:45,573 --> 00:38:49,701 It's not like I had a choice. We needed something to cut through those ropes. 496 00:39:34,622 --> 00:39:36,456 Good morning. 497 00:39:36,624 --> 00:39:38,625 Morning. 498 00:39:39,251 --> 00:39:42,462 - Sleep well? - Very. 499 00:39:45,633 --> 00:39:50,136 Any thoughts about what you'd like to do today? 500 00:39:51,263 --> 00:39:53,390 Risa has a lot to offer. 501 00:39:54,767 --> 00:39:58,269 I could spend the entire day right here. 502 00:39:58,729 --> 00:40:02,482 But I'm afraid the shuttle's coming to pick me up in a few hours. 503 00:40:02,775 --> 00:40:05,151 Not a very long vacation. 504 00:40:06,278 --> 00:40:09,697 2 days and 2 nights. That's all we had. 505 00:40:11,283 --> 00:40:14,369 I hope you don't think that I... 506 00:40:14,537 --> 00:40:16,788 Took advantage of me? 507 00:40:17,706 --> 00:40:19,999 Not for a minute. 508 00:40:26,841 --> 00:40:30,802 - There we go. - You're certain? 509 00:40:31,387 --> 00:40:34,556 You can check it yourself if you like, doctor. 510 00:40:34,723 --> 00:40:39,018 The analysis clearly shows he was given benzethonium chloride. 511 00:40:39,228 --> 00:40:41,104 You're quite allergic to it. 512 00:40:41,272 --> 00:40:43,690 This should do the trick. 514 00:40:51,574 --> 00:40:54,742 Your bio-signs are stabilizing. 515 00:40:54,910 --> 00:40:56,619 It seems to be working. 516 00:40:57,455 --> 00:40:58,830 How do you feel? 517 00:41:01,459 --> 00:41:03,835 A lot better. 518 00:41:05,171 --> 00:41:07,297 Thanks, doc. 520 00:42:33,592 --> 00:42:35,885 What's that smell? 521 00:42:36,887 --> 00:42:38,263 I don't smell anything. 522 00:42:39,890 --> 00:42:43,059 I'm guessing you two had an interesting couple of days. 523 00:42:44,436 --> 00:42:46,896 Fascinating culture, sir. 524 00:42:47,982 --> 00:42:51,609 What about you, Hoshi? Do anything constructive? 525 00:42:51,777 --> 00:42:56,322 As a matter of fact, I learned several new conjugations. 526 00:42:59,076 --> 00:43:02,912 You look rested, sir. Did you get a good night's sleep? 527 00:43:03,080 --> 00:43:04,664 Went out like a light. 528 00:43:05,624 --> 00:43:08,793 Next time we take shore leave, instead ofjust sitting around reading books, 529 00:43:09,003 --> 00:43:12,839 you should try to get out, look for a little excitement. 530 00:43:13,007 --> 00:43:15,008 Meet new people.