1 00:00:07,257 --> 00:00:09,717 Good morning, everyone. 4 00:00:19,436 --> 00:00:22,271 Be patient. 8 00:00:39,372 --> 00:00:41,749 Someone had a busy night. 9 00:00:49,466 --> 00:00:51,383 Don't worry. 10 00:00:53,261 --> 00:00:55,137 Didn't forget you. 13 00:01:04,147 --> 00:01:08,901 Let's try it without biting my fingers this time. Hmm? 14 00:02:48,751 --> 00:02:50,586 People are getting jealous. 15 00:02:51,963 --> 00:02:54,923 You get more letters from home than anyone on this ship. 17 00:02:56,384 --> 00:02:57,634 What's her name? 18 00:02:57,927 --> 00:03:00,137 It's nothing like that. They're from Dr Lucas. 19 00:03:00,305 --> 00:03:02,639 He's a colleague from the Interspecies Medical Exchange. 20 00:03:02,891 --> 00:03:05,350 I didn't know there were humans serving on Denobula. 21 00:03:05,560 --> 00:03:07,311 He's the first. He helped me get settled in 22 00:03:07,478 --> 00:03:10,189 when I came to San Francisco. I'm trying to return the favor. 23 00:03:10,356 --> 00:03:12,733 I had a pen pal once, when I was 12. 24 00:03:12,901 --> 00:03:16,862 From Brisbane, Australia. And I loved getting her letters. 25 00:03:17,071 --> 00:03:21,783 It was like this little window into distant places with strange-sounding names. 26 00:03:22,243 --> 00:03:25,287 The curiosity of an explorer, even then. 27 00:03:25,455 --> 00:03:28,540 - Are we still on for later? - Oh, yes. 28 00:03:28,708 --> 00:03:30,417 I'm looking forward to it. 29 00:03:30,585 --> 00:03:33,462 If you think you're ready, we can tackle gerunds today. 30 00:03:33,671 --> 00:03:35,380 I can hardly wait. 32 00:03:42,513 --> 00:03:44,056 My dear Dr Phlox, 33 00:03:44,224 --> 00:03:45,641 it's me again, Jeremy. 34 00:03:45,808 --> 00:03:48,602 I hope you're well. It's been a hell of a week here. 35 00:03:48,770 --> 00:03:51,688 Wall-to-wall emergencies and three midnight deliveries. 36 00:03:51,856 --> 00:03:54,566 It's mating season, so you know how that goes. 37 00:03:54,734 --> 00:03:57,361 I thought human reproduction was complicated. 38 00:03:57,528 --> 00:04:01,531 You Denobulans make us look like single-cell organisms. 39 00:04:05,286 --> 00:04:08,497 Dear Dr Lucas, sorry to hear about your difficult week. 40 00:04:08,665 --> 00:04:11,541 I know the rigors of mating season only too well. 41 00:04:11,709 --> 00:04:14,169 It might help to bear in mind that a dose of niaxilin 42 00:04:14,337 --> 00:04:18,298 can be quite effective in separating the two combatants. 43 00:04:18,466 --> 00:04:20,968 It sounds like you've settled in to your new living quarters. 44 00:04:21,135 --> 00:04:24,846 That part of the city has some very lively Kaybin bars along the river. 45 00:04:25,014 --> 00:04:27,057 Up here, doc. 46 00:04:27,225 --> 00:04:29,268 They are open all night, if I recall. 47 00:04:29,435 --> 00:04:31,395 Please don't venture inside them unescorted. 48 00:04:31,562 --> 00:04:35,065 They can be quite disturbing to the uninitiated. 49 00:04:35,775 --> 00:04:38,318 He was trying to reroute a nitrogen valve, and the seal blew. 50 00:04:39,195 --> 00:04:41,071 How bad is it? 51 00:04:46,494 --> 00:04:48,287 Oh, it's superficial. 52 00:04:48,454 --> 00:04:50,706 Only first-degree burns. 53 00:04:50,873 --> 00:04:54,334 A little dermaline gel should do the trick. 54 00:04:54,502 --> 00:04:56,628 Most of my work is fairly routine. 55 00:04:56,796 --> 00:04:59,464 Scrapes and bruises, the occasional emergency. 56 00:04:59,632 --> 00:05:01,967 And you'll be pleased to hear that the crew finally seems 57 00:05:02,135 --> 00:05:05,512 to be growing accustomed to an alien doctor onboard. 58 00:05:05,680 --> 00:05:08,223 I must admit, I wasn't planning to stay this long, 59 00:05:08,391 --> 00:05:10,100 but the opportunity to observe your species 60 00:05:10,268 --> 00:05:13,895 on their first deep-space venture has proven irresistible. 61 00:05:14,063 --> 00:05:16,231 Lieutenant, I saved a seat for you. 62 00:05:16,399 --> 00:05:20,068 Uh, yeah, another time, doctor. I'm due back in the armory. 64 00:05:22,196 --> 00:05:25,574 It's a bit daunting, at times, trying to socialize with the crew, 65 00:05:25,742 --> 00:05:27,034 form friendships. 66 00:05:27,201 --> 00:05:29,745 But our profession guarantees that sooner or later, 67 00:05:29,912 --> 00:05:31,330 everyone comes to see us. 68 00:05:31,497 --> 00:05:34,708 It makes interaction quite a bit easier. 69 00:05:34,876 --> 00:05:38,086 It's just a little gastrointestinal distress. 70 00:05:40,715 --> 00:05:43,550 He hasn't been himself lately. 71 00:05:43,718 --> 00:05:47,679 Well, you've been feeding him cheese again, haven't you? 72 00:05:47,847 --> 00:05:50,307 You've got to learn how to say no, captain. 73 00:05:50,475 --> 00:05:53,310 No more dairy products, you hear that? Doctor's orders. 74 00:05:53,478 --> 00:05:56,772 I never thought I'd meet a species that forges such intimate bonds 75 00:05:56,939 --> 00:05:58,231 with lesser creatures. 76 00:05:58,399 --> 00:06:01,860 It's surprising the things you humans choose to invest your emotions in. 78 00:06:04,489 --> 00:06:06,365 - Sorry to bother you with this. - No bother. 79 00:06:06,532 --> 00:06:08,909 He was one of my more cooperative patients today. 80 00:06:10,203 --> 00:06:12,037 Thanks, doc. 81 00:06:13,039 --> 00:06:15,791 See all the trouble you cause? 82 00:06:16,000 --> 00:06:18,835 I've noticed how the captain seems to anthropomorphize his pet. 83 00:06:19,003 --> 00:06:21,338 He even talks to the creature, although I'm fairly certain 84 00:06:21,506 --> 00:06:23,882 it has no idea what he's saying. 85 00:06:24,050 --> 00:06:29,304 Then again, I've been known to speak to my Pyrithian bat on occasion. 86 00:06:29,514 --> 00:06:31,640 We won't be going to America this time. 87 00:06:31,808 --> 00:06:34,309 But always I go with you wherever you go. 88 00:06:34,477 --> 00:06:36,436 Understand? 89 00:06:36,604 --> 00:06:38,563 - You go now, Maria. - No. 90 00:06:38,731 --> 00:06:41,316 - No, I stay with you, Roberto. - No, Maria. 91 00:06:41,484 --> 00:06:42,567 What I do now, I do alone. 92 00:06:42,735 --> 00:06:44,986 I couldn't do it if you were here. 93 00:06:45,154 --> 00:06:48,698 If you go, then I go too. Don't you see how it is? 94 00:06:48,866 --> 00:06:50,158 Whichever one there is... 95 00:06:50,326 --> 00:06:51,451 No! No! 96 00:06:51,619 --> 00:06:53,328 We can go if you're bored. 97 00:06:53,496 --> 00:06:55,831 No, no, I'd like to stay and see what happens. 100 00:06:58,793 --> 00:06:59,960 You won't be disappointed. 101 00:07:00,128 --> 00:07:01,962 The ending's classic. 102 00:07:02,130 --> 00:07:03,839 No, not the film. 103 00:07:04,006 --> 00:07:06,675 I'm sensing a rising emotional undercurrent in the room. 104 00:07:06,843 --> 00:07:11,763 I'm curious to see if it culminates in some kind of group response. 105 00:07:11,931 --> 00:07:14,516 They don't have movies where you come from, do they? 106 00:07:14,684 --> 00:07:16,685 We had something similar a few hundred years ago, 107 00:07:16,853 --> 00:07:19,521 but they lost their appeal when people discovered their real lives 108 00:07:19,689 --> 00:07:21,523 were more interesting. 109 00:07:22,942 --> 00:07:24,109 Still, 110 00:07:24,277 --> 00:07:27,446 it's nice to take a break from real life every now and then, don't you think? 111 00:07:28,114 --> 00:07:29,448 I suppose it is. 112 00:07:29,657 --> 00:07:31,575 Remember last night? 113 00:07:32,326 --> 00:07:33,785 Our time is now. 115 00:07:36,122 --> 00:07:38,373 You are me now, and I am you. 116 00:07:40,084 --> 00:07:41,126 Now you understand. 118 00:07:42,545 --> 00:07:44,045 Now you're going. 119 00:07:44,213 --> 00:07:47,716 And you're going well and fast and far. 120 00:07:47,884 --> 00:07:49,634 Uh, something in my eye. 121 00:07:49,802 --> 00:07:52,304 Stand up now and go, and we both go. 122 00:07:52,472 --> 00:07:54,848 Stand up, Maria. Remember, you're me too. 123 00:07:55,016 --> 00:07:56,433 It's remarkable, doctor. 124 00:07:56,601 --> 00:08:00,353 Even fictional characters seem to elicit human compassion. 125 00:08:00,521 --> 00:08:02,898 My shipmates have calmly faced any number of dangers, 126 00:08:03,065 --> 00:08:07,444 and yet, a simple movie can bring tears to their eyes. 128 00:08:12,033 --> 00:08:15,202 - Temporal vein. - Temporal vein. 129 00:08:15,369 --> 00:08:16,536 Internal maxillary. 130 00:08:16,704 --> 00:08:19,206 And what is the maxillary connected to? 131 00:08:19,373 --> 00:08:24,878 - Uh, posterior auricular? - Very good. 132 00:08:25,046 --> 00:08:28,673 The external jugular. 133 00:08:28,841 --> 00:08:31,051 Superior vena cava. 134 00:08:31,219 --> 00:08:33,011 - And that leads to? - Oh, easy. 135 00:08:33,179 --> 00:08:35,805 The seat of all joy and sadness. 137 00:08:37,475 --> 00:08:41,436 Physiologically, it is nothing more than a very efficient pump. 138 00:08:41,604 --> 00:08:45,899 What could possibly make you people think it is the source of all emotion? 139 00:08:46,067 --> 00:08:49,402 Now, you may know about our cardiopulmonary system, 140 00:08:49,570 --> 00:08:52,656 but you have a lot to learn about the human heart. 141 00:08:52,823 --> 00:08:54,199 This is me. 143 00:08:56,327 --> 00:08:59,120 - Good night. - Oh, doctor. 144 00:08:59,288 --> 00:09:01,665 I just wanted to thank you. 145 00:09:01,832 --> 00:09:04,668 - It was fun tonight. - You're welcome. 146 00:09:04,835 --> 00:09:08,838 Uh, they're showing another one nextweek. Sunset Boulevard. 147 00:09:09,006 --> 00:09:12,092 - Think you might like it. - I'm sure I will. 148 00:09:12,260 --> 00:09:15,387 See you tomorrow? Oh, sorry. 149 00:09:15,555 --> 00:09:18,515 I forgot, Denobulans don't like to be touched. 150 00:09:18,683 --> 00:09:19,933 It's all right. 151 00:09:20,101 --> 00:09:22,978 I'm trying to shed some of my cultural inhibitions. 152 00:09:23,145 --> 00:09:25,522 Oh. Well, in that case... 153 00:09:26,482 --> 00:09:28,108 ...good night. 154 00:09:35,533 --> 00:09:37,701 Since we were on the subject of mating, 155 00:09:37,868 --> 00:09:41,663 I think Crewman Cutler may be romantically interested in me. 156 00:09:41,831 --> 00:09:43,582 I can't be certain, however. 157 00:09:43,749 --> 00:09:48,628 The pheromones of human females aren't as potent as Denobulans'. 158 00:09:54,844 --> 00:09:57,929 Are there any inhabited systems nearby? 160 00:10:00,808 --> 00:10:03,768 There's a Minshara-class planet less than a light year away. 161 00:10:03,978 --> 00:10:06,438 The ship's not answering our hails, captain. 162 00:10:06,606 --> 00:10:08,690 It's definitely pre-warp, sir. 163 00:10:08,858 --> 00:10:10,108 It could be unmanned. 164 00:10:10,693 --> 00:10:12,402 Maybe a probe of some kind. 165 00:10:12,570 --> 00:10:14,696 Any bio-signs? 166 00:10:21,912 --> 00:10:25,248 Two. But they're very faint. 167 00:10:27,918 --> 00:10:30,837 Bring it into Launch Bay 2. 168 00:10:31,005 --> 00:10:34,591 And tell Dr Phlox he might have a couple of patients. 169 00:10:50,316 --> 00:10:53,610 We found your ship adrift. 170 00:10:53,819 --> 00:10:56,321 We thought we might be able to help. 172 00:11:04,955 --> 00:11:06,998 I need a little more. 173 00:11:07,166 --> 00:11:08,541 I'm Jonathan Archer. 174 00:11:08,709 --> 00:11:10,627 You're on the starship Enterprise. 176 00:11:19,595 --> 00:11:20,679 Can you understand me? 177 00:11:23,349 --> 00:11:25,016 Who are you? 178 00:11:25,976 --> 00:11:28,186 - What planet? - Earth. 179 00:11:28,354 --> 00:11:29,562 We're from Earth. 180 00:11:30,898 --> 00:11:33,858 This is a warp vessel? 181 00:11:34,735 --> 00:11:35,902 Yes. 182 00:11:38,572 --> 00:11:41,991 We left Valakis over a year ago, along with three other ships. 183 00:11:42,326 --> 00:11:43,368 Why? 184 00:11:44,620 --> 00:11:46,996 You must have noticed our condition by now. 185 00:11:47,164 --> 00:11:49,499 I detected the illness. 186 00:11:49,834 --> 00:11:52,377 Twelve million of us died the year before we left. 187 00:11:52,795 --> 00:11:55,171 I can only imagine how many have died since. 188 00:11:55,339 --> 00:11:57,257 Our doctors can't find a cure. 189 00:11:57,425 --> 00:11:59,759 But a more advanced people, 190 00:11:59,927 --> 00:12:02,846 people with warp technology, like you, 191 00:12:03,013 --> 00:12:05,890 your medical science must be more effective. 192 00:12:06,642 --> 00:12:08,810 You've encountered other warp-capable species? 193 00:12:09,019 --> 00:12:10,687 The M'klexa. 194 00:12:10,855 --> 00:12:14,441 And the Ferengi. They both visited our world. 195 00:12:14,608 --> 00:12:16,317 Do you know them? 196 00:12:18,904 --> 00:12:20,029 No. 197 00:12:22,783 --> 00:12:25,785 - Are you the ship's doctor? - I am. 198 00:12:27,037 --> 00:12:28,621 My people are dying. 199 00:12:30,332 --> 00:12:31,750 Will you allow him to help us? 200 00:12:38,466 --> 00:12:40,550 Any thoughts? 201 00:12:42,970 --> 00:12:44,596 They did come looking for us. 202 00:12:44,805 --> 00:12:49,517 And considering they've already met two other warp-capable species... 203 00:12:51,979 --> 00:12:56,858 ...the risk of contamination seems acceptable. 204 00:12:59,695 --> 00:13:00,862 See what you can do. 205 00:13:02,072 --> 00:13:03,740 Thank you. 206 00:13:07,244 --> 00:13:10,872 If this letter arrives later than usual, doctor, I hope you'll forgive me. 207 00:13:11,081 --> 00:13:13,166 I've been presented with a rather unusual case 208 00:13:13,334 --> 00:13:15,877 involving a pair of alien astronauts. 209 00:13:16,587 --> 00:13:18,838 It may not surprise you that they landed in my Sickbay 210 00:13:19,006 --> 00:13:22,133 through an act of human compassion. 211 00:13:28,849 --> 00:13:32,393 I said before that my duties entail the occasional emergency. 212 00:13:32,937 --> 00:13:35,897 Emergencies, it seem, come in all shapes and sizes. 213 00:13:36,065 --> 00:13:38,399 I was once nearly overwhelmed by 50 patients 214 00:13:38,567 --> 00:13:41,402 in a refugee camp on Matalas. 215 00:13:41,570 --> 00:13:47,116 Captain Archer is now asking me to take responsibility for over 50 million. 218 00:14:16,647 --> 00:14:17,981 It's a nostril? 219 00:14:24,154 --> 00:14:28,199 I've noticed you and Cutler spending a lot of time together. 220 00:14:29,159 --> 00:14:31,578 Is there something going on between you two? 221 00:14:31,745 --> 00:14:33,538 In Denobulan, please. 224 00:14:43,382 --> 00:14:45,967 I believe the word you're searching for is "dating." 226 00:14:49,430 --> 00:14:51,222 Well, are you? 229 00:15:03,903 --> 00:15:05,612 There are ways you can tell. 232 00:15:19,043 --> 00:15:20,793 To make physical contact? 233 00:15:21,128 --> 00:15:23,630 Well, she did kiss me on the cheek the other night. 234 00:15:24,089 --> 00:15:26,299 In Denobulan, doctor. 236 00:15:41,482 --> 00:15:42,941 I beg your pardon? 237 00:15:43,150 --> 00:15:46,986 Couple. A cute couple. 238 00:15:58,415 --> 00:16:00,041 It's pretty crowded out there. 239 00:16:00,209 --> 00:16:02,961 A lot of spacecraft and artificial satellites. 240 00:16:03,128 --> 00:16:05,254 Nothing I can't avoid, sir. 241 00:16:05,422 --> 00:16:08,716 Put us into low orbit, Travis. They're expecting us. 242 00:16:09,301 --> 00:16:12,178 The captain has committed all our resources to helping people 243 00:16:12,346 --> 00:16:15,306 he didn't even know existed two days ago. 244 00:16:15,474 --> 00:16:19,435 Once again, I'm struck by your species' desire to help others. 245 00:16:25,025 --> 00:16:27,110 It seems the more aggressively we treat the illness, 246 00:16:27,277 --> 00:16:28,486 the more resistant it becomes. 247 00:16:28,654 --> 00:16:31,239 - What's the current rate of infection? - One out of three. 248 00:16:31,407 --> 00:16:33,199 It's a full-blown epidemic. 249 00:16:33,367 --> 00:16:36,160 These are in the most advanced stage. 250 00:16:36,328 --> 00:16:40,581 You're treating them with a synthetic antibody? 251 00:16:40,749 --> 00:16:43,668 It's effective at first, but the disease mutates. 252 00:16:43,836 --> 00:16:45,503 Once it moves into the respiratory system, 253 00:16:45,671 --> 00:16:47,255 there's no way of controlling it. 254 00:16:47,423 --> 00:16:50,133 Pulmonary failure usually follows in a few days. 255 00:16:50,300 --> 00:16:52,844 Captain, treatment with priaxate should ease the symptoms 256 00:16:53,012 --> 00:16:55,596 in the sickest patients, at least temporarily. 257 00:16:55,764 --> 00:16:59,434 I can easily show the Valakians how to synthesize as much as they need. 258 00:16:59,601 --> 00:17:01,227 Go ahead. 259 00:17:01,395 --> 00:17:03,312 I'll need all of lab work you have, 260 00:17:03,480 --> 00:17:06,190 and case histories of patients in every stage of the disease. 261 00:17:06,358 --> 00:17:08,067 Certainly. 263 00:17:19,079 --> 00:17:21,414 Excuse me. We're the ones that brought him here. 264 00:17:21,623 --> 00:17:23,166 Can you tell me how he's doing? 266 00:17:26,670 --> 00:17:29,297 I'm sorry. Could you say that again? 267 00:17:32,718 --> 00:17:36,429 We should assign some crewmen to watch Dr Phlox and his equipment. 268 00:17:36,597 --> 00:17:39,974 I don't think these people are about to steal anything. 269 00:17:40,142 --> 00:17:44,604 Your experience with lesser civilizations is limited, captain. 270 00:17:44,772 --> 00:17:48,441 You might be surprised what a temptation our technology can be. 272 00:17:57,451 --> 00:17:58,493 Hoshi. 273 00:17:58,660 --> 00:18:01,079 Captain, the UT can't translate his language. 275 00:18:04,041 --> 00:18:05,750 He doesn't speak the same language as you? 276 00:18:05,918 --> 00:18:08,711 No. He's Menk. 277 00:18:08,879 --> 00:18:12,298 They're not as evolved as Valakians, but they're very hard workers. 278 00:18:12,466 --> 00:18:15,259 They're indigenous to this planet? 279 00:18:15,427 --> 00:18:17,136 Is that so strange? 280 00:18:17,304 --> 00:18:19,430 On most of the planets we've encountered, 281 00:18:19,598 --> 00:18:23,643 only one species of humanoid survived the evolutionary process. 282 00:18:24,311 --> 00:18:26,646 You two are not from the same planet? 283 00:18:28,398 --> 00:18:29,982 No. 284 00:18:30,692 --> 00:18:34,112 We may look alike, but the similarity ends there. 285 00:18:34,321 --> 00:18:36,989 I don't see any Menk patients here. Where are they being treated? 286 00:18:37,157 --> 00:18:38,866 They haven't contracted the disease. 287 00:18:40,077 --> 00:18:41,577 Have you looked into their immunity? 288 00:18:41,745 --> 00:18:43,830 It was one of the first things we pursued, 289 00:18:43,997 --> 00:18:47,333 but Menk and Valakian are physiologically incompatible. 290 00:18:47,543 --> 00:18:48,876 Still, it could be significant. 291 00:18:49,044 --> 00:18:51,379 I'd like to see your data on the Menk as well. 292 00:18:51,547 --> 00:18:53,172 Of course. 293 00:18:53,924 --> 00:18:56,717 I had meant to transmit this letter by now, 294 00:18:56,885 --> 00:19:00,721 but the Valakian epidemic has been taking up most of my time. 295 00:19:00,889 --> 00:19:04,350 Working with the physicians here has been quite fulfilling. 296 00:19:04,518 --> 00:19:08,521 I suppose it's the reason we joined the Interspecies Medical Exchange. 297 00:19:08,689 --> 00:19:11,732 But I worry about falsely raising their hopes. 298 00:19:11,900 --> 00:19:14,569 Despite Captain Archer's confidence in me, 299 00:19:14,736 --> 00:19:20,408 I'm afraid the scale of the disaster may outweigh our best intentions. 300 00:19:20,576 --> 00:19:24,328 I've decided to enlist Crewman Cutler's help in my task. 301 00:19:24,496 --> 00:19:26,664 So, what are the Menk like? 302 00:19:26,832 --> 00:19:29,292 You'll have the chance to see for yourself. 303 00:19:29,459 --> 00:19:32,086 You're a trained exobiologist. 304 00:19:32,254 --> 00:19:34,672 I'd find your assistance in the field invaluable. 305 00:19:34,840 --> 00:19:35,965 Thank you, doctor. 306 00:19:36,133 --> 00:19:39,302 On a personal note, the affection Crewman Cutler is showing 307 00:19:39,469 --> 00:19:41,596 has left me a bit perplexed. 308 00:19:41,763 --> 00:19:44,473 So I've decided to discuss it with the one person onboard 309 00:19:44,641 --> 00:19:47,768 who might understand the complexities of the situation. 310 00:19:48,187 --> 00:19:51,314 - That's impossible. - It's nothing to be ashamed of. 311 00:19:51,481 --> 00:19:55,401 My teeth were sealed with a tri-fluorinate compound 23 years ago. 312 00:19:55,569 --> 00:19:58,654 Well, normal wear and tear has allowed some decay to sneak in. 313 00:19:58,822 --> 00:20:01,365 See for yourself. Hmm? 314 00:20:01,533 --> 00:20:04,702 There, on your anterior tricuspid. 315 00:20:08,916 --> 00:20:12,084 I'm sure you have more pressing concerns. I'll come back later. 316 00:20:12,252 --> 00:20:15,087 I'm waiting for the computer to analyze some tissue samples. 317 00:20:15,255 --> 00:20:18,216 It'll only take a moment to repair. 319 00:20:26,808 --> 00:20:28,809 Open, please. 320 00:20:29,645 --> 00:20:31,520 Wider. 321 00:20:35,400 --> 00:20:40,363 You've lived among humans for quite some time now, sub-commander. 322 00:20:40,530 --> 00:20:41,739 I'm curious, 323 00:20:41,907 --> 00:20:44,325 have you ever known them to mate outside their species? 325 00:20:45,827 --> 00:20:47,495 There it is. 327 00:20:53,001 --> 00:20:54,961 Are you asking out of personal interest 328 00:20:55,128 --> 00:20:57,338 or scientific curiosity? 329 00:20:58,465 --> 00:20:59,507 Both, I suppose. 330 00:20:59,675 --> 00:21:01,676 There's a crewman onboard I've become close with. 331 00:21:01,843 --> 00:21:04,971 I think she's attracted to me. 332 00:21:05,138 --> 00:21:07,765 In my experience, humans lack... 333 00:21:07,933 --> 00:21:11,060 ...the emotional maturity for interspecies relationships. 334 00:21:11,228 --> 00:21:15,314 They tend to be easily infatuated with things they find new. 335 00:21:15,482 --> 00:21:18,901 This crewman may simply be satisfying her curiosity 336 00:21:19,069 --> 00:21:20,444 at your expense. 337 00:21:24,825 --> 00:21:26,492 Open. 338 00:21:26,660 --> 00:21:30,621 Sub-commander T'Pol has a very pragmatic view of the universe. 339 00:21:30,789 --> 00:21:32,248 I admire her logic, 340 00:21:32,457 --> 00:21:35,501 although she lacks the instinctiveness that a more emotional response 341 00:21:35,669 --> 00:21:37,420 can provide. 342 00:21:37,629 --> 00:21:40,548 Somehow, I find this unsettling. 343 00:21:40,716 --> 00:21:43,968 There. That wasn't so bad. 344 00:21:46,179 --> 00:21:49,140 Thanks for your insights. 345 00:21:49,308 --> 00:21:50,474 Be careful. 347 00:21:58,900 --> 00:22:00,318 Come in. 348 00:22:03,947 --> 00:22:05,948 You asked to see me, captain. 349 00:22:06,116 --> 00:22:08,367 I've just gotten a call from the director of the clinic. 350 00:22:08,702 --> 00:22:11,162 He's eager to hear if you've made any progress. 351 00:22:15,292 --> 00:22:16,334 Doctor? 352 00:22:18,587 --> 00:22:24,258 I've developed a medication to ease the symptoms of the disease. 353 00:22:25,218 --> 00:22:26,844 But... 354 00:22:27,846 --> 00:22:29,388 But? 355 00:22:31,850 --> 00:22:36,687 This epidemic isn't being caused by a virus or bacteria. 356 00:22:36,855 --> 00:22:40,524 The proteins that bind their chromosomes are deteriorating. 357 00:22:40,692 --> 00:22:42,443 Their illness is genetic. 358 00:22:42,611 --> 00:22:45,154 It's been going on for thousands of years, 359 00:22:45,322 --> 00:22:46,906 but the rate of mutation has accelerated 360 00:22:47,074 --> 00:22:49,909 over the last few generations. 361 00:22:50,077 --> 00:22:52,328 Based on my projections, 362 00:22:52,496 --> 00:22:55,915 the Valakians will be extinct in less than two centuries. 363 00:22:57,793 --> 00:23:00,419 I wish I had better news. 364 00:23:04,633 --> 00:23:05,966 What about a cure? 365 00:23:06,968 --> 00:23:10,888 Genetic abnormalities on this level are very difficult to reverse. 366 00:23:11,598 --> 00:23:13,474 But not impossible. 367 00:23:13,934 --> 00:23:18,396 No. I still believe the Menk immunity could be the key to a cure. 368 00:23:18,563 --> 00:23:20,731 I plan to study them in more detail. 369 00:23:21,108 --> 00:23:22,650 Take all the time you need. 370 00:23:41,294 --> 00:23:44,922 When I began to practice medicine, I had no idea it would take me 371 00:23:45,090 --> 00:23:47,091 on journeys to other worlds. 372 00:23:47,259 --> 00:23:51,470 Every species I encounter allows me to explore new physiology. 373 00:23:51,638 --> 00:23:53,973 At the moment, I find myself in the enviable position 374 00:23:54,141 --> 00:23:57,226 of studying two humanoids from the same planet. 375 00:23:57,394 --> 00:23:59,895 It's a rare and exciting opportunity. 377 00:24:02,649 --> 00:24:06,068 Tell them we'd like to run some tests, take samples of their blood. 378 00:24:06,236 --> 00:24:08,612 It will be completely painless. 380 00:24:18,999 --> 00:24:21,500 He says they'd be happy to help. 381 00:24:21,960 --> 00:24:26,088 As fascinating as the two species are from a biological standpoint, 382 00:24:26,256 --> 00:24:29,425 it's their ability to coexist that intrigues me the most. 383 00:24:29,593 --> 00:24:33,137 The Valakians are highly evolved, technologically advanced, 384 00:24:33,305 --> 00:24:37,183 while the Menk are relatively primitive by comparison. 385 00:24:37,350 --> 00:24:42,563 To my surprise, the two seem to be living side by side, peacefully. 389 00:25:07,047 --> 00:25:08,464 He wants to know what you're doing. 390 00:25:09,674 --> 00:25:12,635 Have you learned enough Menk to explain a molecular bio-scan? 391 00:25:13,637 --> 00:25:15,679 Doctor, um... 393 00:25:24,022 --> 00:25:25,272 What'd you say? 394 00:25:25,440 --> 00:25:28,192 Told him the doctor was looking inside of him. 395 00:25:32,948 --> 00:25:34,323 Thank you. 397 00:25:38,995 --> 00:25:40,913 You're welcome. 399 00:25:44,459 --> 00:25:45,709 Food. 400 00:25:45,877 --> 00:25:49,588 - Did he just say "food"? - Food. 401 00:25:49,756 --> 00:25:51,131 Have you been teaching him English? 402 00:25:51,299 --> 00:25:54,051 No. He must've picked it up by listening to us. 403 00:25:54,219 --> 00:25:57,596 Perhaps we've found an assistant com officer. 404 00:25:59,516 --> 00:26:00,724 No food? 406 00:26:07,983 --> 00:26:10,943 I haven't seen any crops or livestock. 407 00:26:11,111 --> 00:26:13,153 I wonder where they get this. 409 00:26:20,912 --> 00:26:24,039 He says the soil here isn't good for planting. 411 00:26:30,547 --> 00:26:33,799 The Valakians don't let them live where the land is fertile. 413 00:26:39,598 --> 00:26:41,432 The Valakians give them whatever they need. 414 00:26:41,600 --> 00:26:43,350 Food, clothing, medicine. 416 00:26:48,023 --> 00:26:50,691 He says the Valakians are good to them. 417 00:26:50,859 --> 00:26:52,860 They protect them. 419 00:27:02,454 --> 00:27:04,788 Despite the Menk's insistence that they're treated well, 420 00:27:04,956 --> 00:27:08,834 my human crewmates seem to see things differently. 422 00:27:12,797 --> 00:27:15,174 Well, that's the last one. 423 00:27:15,342 --> 00:27:18,761 They think the Menk are being exploited by the Valakians. 424 00:27:18,928 --> 00:27:21,930 So their first instinct is to rise to their defense. 425 00:27:22,098 --> 00:27:27,227 Despite the fact that the Menk don't appear to need or want a defender. 426 00:27:27,937 --> 00:27:28,979 Wait a moment. 427 00:27:34,861 --> 00:27:37,446 - Impressive. - What'd he do? 428 00:27:37,614 --> 00:27:39,990 He's grouped the samples together by family. 429 00:27:40,158 --> 00:27:43,869 Cross-referenced by bloodlines and marriage, 430 00:27:44,037 --> 00:27:47,331 if I'm interpreting the color codes correctly. 432 00:27:50,335 --> 00:27:53,420 On the surface, the Menk appear to be a primitive species, 433 00:27:53,588 --> 00:27:56,590 unsophisticated even by human standards. 434 00:27:56,758 --> 00:27:58,842 No offense. But their abilities appear 435 00:27:59,010 --> 00:28:03,263 to have been underestimated, even by myself. 436 00:28:04,599 --> 00:28:09,687 It seems like a vacation, if I didn't keep remembering why we were here. 437 00:28:11,481 --> 00:28:13,857 I'm gonna help Larr finish packing up. 438 00:28:14,025 --> 00:28:17,403 He's back on duty at the hospital in an hour. 439 00:28:22,242 --> 00:28:24,618 This really doesn't bother you? 440 00:28:24,786 --> 00:28:26,245 What? 441 00:28:26,413 --> 00:28:29,081 The way the Valakians treat them. 442 00:28:29,249 --> 00:28:30,541 Why should it? 443 00:28:30,709 --> 00:28:32,543 On most worlds with two humanoid species, 444 00:28:32,711 --> 00:28:34,837 one would've driven the other to extinction. 445 00:28:35,004 --> 00:28:36,922 Here, they've developed a symbiotic relationship 446 00:28:37,090 --> 00:28:39,258 that seems to work quite well. 447 00:28:39,426 --> 00:28:41,301 They force the Menk to live in compounds. 448 00:28:41,469 --> 00:28:43,554 They treat them almost like pets. 449 00:28:43,722 --> 00:28:47,433 Their culture is different. It's their way. 450 00:28:47,600 --> 00:28:49,601 Doesn't make it right. 451 00:28:50,979 --> 00:28:53,230 Are you married, crewman? 452 00:28:54,232 --> 00:28:55,482 Of course not. 453 00:28:55,650 --> 00:28:56,817 I would've told you. 454 00:28:56,985 --> 00:28:58,861 I'm married. 455 00:28:59,362 --> 00:29:02,322 - You are. - Three times. 456 00:29:02,490 --> 00:29:04,825 You have two ex-wives? 457 00:29:04,993 --> 00:29:08,203 I have three current wives, and they each have two husbands. 458 00:29:08,371 --> 00:29:10,873 Not counting myself. 459 00:29:11,040 --> 00:29:15,461 Is that considered normal for Denobulans? 460 00:29:15,628 --> 00:29:17,296 Quite. 462 00:29:20,592 --> 00:29:21,842 Why are you telling me this? 463 00:29:23,011 --> 00:29:25,220 I've been getting certain signals from you that suggest 464 00:29:25,388 --> 00:29:28,348 you may be interested in a romantic relationship with me. 465 00:29:30,935 --> 00:29:32,853 Uh... 466 00:29:33,229 --> 00:29:36,064 Unless I misinterpreted those signals. 467 00:29:36,608 --> 00:29:38,275 You didn't. 468 00:29:38,818 --> 00:29:43,113 But I still don't know why you're telling me this. 469 00:29:44,657 --> 00:29:47,534 You need to know that my culture is different. 470 00:29:47,744 --> 00:29:49,912 - That doesn't matter. - It doesn't? 471 00:29:50,330 --> 00:29:51,413 This culture is different. 472 00:29:51,581 --> 00:29:53,499 That seems to matter to you a great deal. 473 00:29:54,125 --> 00:29:55,793 Phlox... 474 00:29:57,670 --> 00:30:01,423 ...as far as your extended family goes, 475 00:30:01,591 --> 00:30:06,804 I'm not interested in becoming wife number four. 476 00:30:07,597 --> 00:30:09,598 I just wanna be your friend. 477 00:30:12,727 --> 00:30:14,770 What do you mean by friend? 478 00:30:16,314 --> 00:30:19,274 Let's just see where it goes. 479 00:30:43,466 --> 00:30:45,217 Captain. 480 00:30:46,094 --> 00:30:47,469 I'm glad you could come. 481 00:30:48,054 --> 00:30:50,013 It was no problem. 482 00:30:52,350 --> 00:30:54,226 How are you feeling? 483 00:30:55,937 --> 00:30:58,313 The medication you gave us helps with the pain. 484 00:30:59,649 --> 00:31:01,358 But my... 485 00:31:02,110 --> 00:31:04,945 ...prognosis hasn't changed. 486 00:31:06,197 --> 00:31:08,907 We're trying to do something about that. 487 00:31:09,075 --> 00:31:11,410 I have a lot of faith in Dr Phlox. 488 00:31:15,540 --> 00:31:19,167 I wanted to thank you for getting me home before it was too late. 489 00:31:21,129 --> 00:31:23,046 Took us a year to get out to where you found us. 490 00:31:23,214 --> 00:31:24,882 You brought us home in a day. 491 00:31:25,425 --> 00:31:29,845 We started out in ships very similar to yours. 492 00:31:30,471 --> 00:31:33,724 Someday, you'll be traveling just as fast as we are. 493 00:31:35,101 --> 00:31:37,019 Someday may not be soon enough. 494 00:31:38,271 --> 00:31:40,772 If your doctor can't help us... 495 00:31:42,108 --> 00:31:44,443 ...we'll need to keep searching for others that can. 496 00:31:47,488 --> 00:31:49,156 We need warp drive. 497 00:31:51,242 --> 00:31:55,078 A million more of us will die before our next ship even leaves this system. 498 00:31:55,246 --> 00:31:58,707 With warp engines, we won't have to wait for people to find us. 499 00:31:58,875 --> 00:32:00,918 We can seek help on our own. 500 00:32:02,253 --> 00:32:06,256 You may not find that everyone you meet wants to help you. 501 00:32:07,216 --> 00:32:09,009 Still... 502 00:32:09,177 --> 00:32:10,969 ...we have to try. 504 00:32:18,144 --> 00:32:20,771 - Archer. - It's Phlox, captain. 505 00:32:20,980 --> 00:32:23,315 We've collected all the samples. 506 00:32:24,275 --> 00:32:26,860 I'll meet you at the shuttlepod. Archer out. 507 00:32:53,721 --> 00:32:55,722 Anything to report? 508 00:32:55,890 --> 00:32:58,934 We've received 29 hails in the past two hours. 509 00:32:59,102 --> 00:33:00,227 From whom? 510 00:33:00,395 --> 00:33:02,854 Apparently, word of our arrival has spread quickly. 511 00:33:03,439 --> 00:33:05,649 Other clinics are requesting help. 512 00:33:05,817 --> 00:33:09,945 Two orbital spacecraft approached us while you were on the planet. 513 00:33:10,113 --> 00:33:13,156 They mistakenly believed that we already had a cure. 514 00:33:14,200 --> 00:33:16,618 We had to turn them away. 515 00:33:20,623 --> 00:33:22,666 Do you have a minute? 516 00:33:39,934 --> 00:33:43,145 The Valakians want our warp technology. 517 00:33:44,772 --> 00:33:45,939 What did you tell them? 518 00:33:47,859 --> 00:33:50,360 That I'd think about it. 519 00:33:50,528 --> 00:33:52,237 And? 520 00:33:53,156 --> 00:33:55,866 It's safe to say I know where you stand on the subject. 521 00:33:56,743 --> 00:33:59,411 Even if you give them our reactor schematics, 522 00:33:59,579 --> 00:34:03,790 they don't have the technical expertise to build a warp engine. 523 00:34:04,876 --> 00:34:08,003 They have no experience working with antimatter. 524 00:34:08,838 --> 00:34:11,882 I doubt they even realize how dangerous it is. 525 00:34:14,677 --> 00:34:15,927 They're not ready. 526 00:34:16,095 --> 00:34:18,930 Then your decision shouldn't be difficult. 527 00:34:20,933 --> 00:34:22,809 We could... 528 00:34:23,728 --> 00:34:25,771 ...stay and help them. 529 00:34:27,523 --> 00:34:30,942 The Vulcans stayed to help Earth 90 years ago. 530 00:34:31,736 --> 00:34:33,779 We're still there. 531 00:34:37,366 --> 00:34:40,077 I never thought I'd say this... 532 00:34:41,079 --> 00:34:45,248 ...but I'm beginning to understand how the Vulcans must have felt. 534 00:35:19,659 --> 00:35:23,453 - Trouble sleeping, captain? - Looks like I'm not the only one. 536 00:35:25,206 --> 00:35:27,082 Actually... 537 00:35:27,250 --> 00:35:30,544 ...Denobulans require very little rest. 538 00:35:30,711 --> 00:35:33,380 Unless you count our annual hibernation cycle. 539 00:35:34,257 --> 00:35:36,842 Am I gonna be without my doctor this winter? 540 00:35:37,051 --> 00:35:38,510 Only for 6 days. 542 00:35:39,929 --> 00:35:41,096 Maybe I'll join you. 543 00:35:44,016 --> 00:35:45,308 Any progress? 544 00:35:49,063 --> 00:35:52,858 The research has been challenging, to say the least. 545 00:35:53,609 --> 00:35:55,485 A cure, doctor. 546 00:35:55,653 --> 00:35:57,070 Have you found a cure? 547 00:36:04,370 --> 00:36:06,788 Even if I could find one, 548 00:36:06,956 --> 00:36:09,124 I'm not sure it would be ethical. 549 00:36:09,834 --> 00:36:10,876 Ethical? 550 00:36:11,544 --> 00:36:14,087 We'd be interfering with an evolutionary process 551 00:36:14,297 --> 00:36:16,882 that has been going on for thousands of years. 552 00:36:18,426 --> 00:36:22,012 Every time you treat an illness, you're interfering. 553 00:36:22,180 --> 00:36:23,805 That's what doctors do. 554 00:36:25,474 --> 00:36:27,142 You're forgetting about the Menk. 555 00:36:28,102 --> 00:36:29,519 What about the Menk? 556 00:36:29,687 --> 00:36:32,647 I've been studying their genome, as well. 557 00:36:32,857 --> 00:36:34,983 And I've seen evidence of increasing intelligence. 558 00:36:35,151 --> 00:36:36,860 Motor skills, linguistic abilities. 559 00:36:37,028 --> 00:36:39,863 Unlike the Valakians, they appear to be in the process 560 00:36:40,031 --> 00:36:42,449 of an evolutionary awakening. 561 00:36:42,658 --> 00:36:45,785 It may take millennia, 562 00:36:45,953 --> 00:36:48,496 but the Menk have the potential to become the dominant species 563 00:36:48,664 --> 00:36:49,706 on this planet. 564 00:36:50,958 --> 00:36:54,961 And that won't happen as long as the Valakians are around? 565 00:36:55,129 --> 00:36:57,172 If the Menk are to flourish, 566 00:36:57,340 --> 00:37:00,050 they need an opportunity to survive on their own. 567 00:37:00,218 --> 00:37:02,344 Well, what are you suggesting? 568 00:37:03,638 --> 00:37:06,264 We choose... 569 00:37:06,432 --> 00:37:08,934 ...one species over the other? 570 00:37:09,101 --> 00:37:13,021 All I'm saying is that we let nature make the choice. 571 00:37:13,314 --> 00:37:14,814 The hell with nature. 572 00:37:14,982 --> 00:37:16,566 You're a doctor. 573 00:37:16,734 --> 00:37:19,819 You have a moral obligation to help people who are suffering. 574 00:37:20,029 --> 00:37:21,279 I'm also a scientist. 575 00:37:21,447 --> 00:37:24,282 And I'm obligated to consider the larger issues. 576 00:37:25,952 --> 00:37:28,245 Thirty-five thousand years ago, your species coexisted 577 00:37:28,412 --> 00:37:30,705 with other humanoids. Isn't that correct? 578 00:37:30,873 --> 00:37:31,915 Go ahead. 579 00:37:32,875 --> 00:37:35,043 What if an alien race had interfered 580 00:37:35,211 --> 00:37:39,464 and given the Neanderthals an evolutionary advantage? 581 00:37:39,632 --> 00:37:41,466 Fortunately for you, they didn't. 582 00:37:42,134 --> 00:37:45,303 I appreciate your perspective on all of this. 583 00:37:45,471 --> 00:37:48,139 But we're talking about something that might happen. 584 00:37:48,307 --> 00:37:52,602 Might happen thousands of years from now. 585 00:37:53,437 --> 00:37:55,689 They've asked for our help. 586 00:37:56,774 --> 00:38:00,610 I am not prepared to walk away based on theory. 587 00:38:01,821 --> 00:38:03,488 Evolution is more than a theory. 588 00:38:03,656 --> 00:38:07,909 It is a fundamental scientific principle. Forgive me for saying so, 589 00:38:08,077 --> 00:38:09,911 but I believe your compassion for these people 590 00:38:10,079 --> 00:38:11,246 is affecting your judgment. 591 00:38:11,455 --> 00:38:13,540 My compassion guides my judgment. 592 00:38:14,458 --> 00:38:17,127 - Captain... - Can you find a cure? 593 00:38:20,214 --> 00:38:21,506 Doctor? 594 00:38:30,474 --> 00:38:32,058 I already have. 595 00:38:35,396 --> 00:38:38,773 Two days ago, when we first discovered the alien shuttle, 596 00:38:38,941 --> 00:38:43,069 I had no idea that I'd be facing a dilemma of this magnitude. 597 00:38:43,237 --> 00:38:47,532 For the first time, I find myself in conflict with my captain. 598 00:38:47,700 --> 00:38:52,287 But he is my captain, and he's placed a great deal of trust in me. 599 00:38:52,455 --> 00:38:54,956 I believe I owe him the same. 600 00:38:55,124 --> 00:38:56,624 I only hope that he's willing to look 601 00:38:56,792 --> 00:38:59,377 beyond his sympathy for these poor people. 603 00:39:07,762 --> 00:39:08,928 Doctor. 604 00:39:09,305 --> 00:39:10,972 Captain. 605 00:39:12,683 --> 00:39:17,312 I'm going down to the Valakian hospital. 606 00:39:17,480 --> 00:39:19,064 Sir... 607 00:39:20,358 --> 00:39:23,443 ...it would go against all my principles if I didn't ask you to reconsider... 608 00:39:23,611 --> 00:39:25,612 I have reconsidered. 609 00:39:26,405 --> 00:39:29,949 I spent the whole night reconsidering. 610 00:39:30,159 --> 00:39:33,328 And what I've decided goes against all my principles. 611 00:39:37,917 --> 00:39:39,834 Someday... 612 00:39:40,461 --> 00:39:43,546 ...my people are going to come up with some sort of a doctrine. 613 00:39:43,714 --> 00:39:46,716 Something that tells us what we can and can't do out here. 614 00:39:46,884 --> 00:39:49,636 Should and shouldn't do. 615 00:39:50,471 --> 00:39:56,142 But until somebody tells me that they've drafted that directive... 616 00:39:57,436 --> 00:40:01,147 ...I'm going to have to remind myself every day... 617 00:40:02,233 --> 00:40:05,235 ...that we didn't come out here to play God. 618 00:40:07,321 --> 00:40:10,156 I'd like to think, Dr Lucas, that if I'd had a chance 619 00:40:10,324 --> 00:40:12,117 to talk to you face-to-face, 620 00:40:12,284 --> 00:40:13,785 you'd have never let me even consider 621 00:40:13,953 --> 00:40:16,538 withholding my findings from the captain. 622 00:40:16,705 --> 00:40:21,042 But I'm ashamed to say I almost did just that. 623 00:40:22,378 --> 00:40:26,506 Phlox tells me this medicine will help... 624 00:40:26,674 --> 00:40:28,258 ...ease the symptoms. 625 00:40:28,426 --> 00:40:31,678 For a decade, maybe more. 626 00:40:34,140 --> 00:40:36,683 A lot can happen in that time. 627 00:40:37,184 --> 00:40:40,812 I wouldn't be surprised if you developed a cure on your own. 628 00:40:41,021 --> 00:40:43,022 And if we don't? 629 00:40:45,609 --> 00:40:49,988 With a warp-capable starship, our chances would be greatly improved. 630 00:40:57,663 --> 00:40:59,622 I'm sorry. 631 00:41:04,420 --> 00:41:08,631 This will give you detailed instructions on how... 632 00:41:08,799 --> 00:41:11,634 ...to synthesize more of the medicine. 633 00:41:12,845 --> 00:41:15,472 We appreciate everything you've done. 634 00:41:18,809 --> 00:41:21,644 If I hadn't trusted him to make the right choice, 635 00:41:21,812 --> 00:41:23,980 I'd have been no better than the Vulcan diplomats 636 00:41:24,148 --> 00:41:26,107 who held your species back 637 00:41:26,275 --> 00:41:30,320 because they felt you couldn't make proper decisions on your own. 638 00:41:30,529 --> 00:41:34,574 I came very close to misjudging Jonathan Archer. 639 00:41:35,618 --> 00:41:40,997 But this incident has helped me gain a new respect for him. 640 00:41:42,082 --> 00:41:44,542 Happiness and health to you, doctor. 641 00:41:44,710 --> 00:41:48,296 Your dedicated colleague, 642 00:41:48,464 --> 00:41:50,006 Phlox. 643 00:41:54,970 --> 00:41:56,262 You wanted to see me. 644 00:41:57,014 --> 00:41:58,598 Please. 645 00:41:59,892 --> 00:42:02,227 For Dr Lucas. 646 00:42:02,394 --> 00:42:04,896 It'll go out first thing in the morning. 647 00:42:06,148 --> 00:42:08,483 Everything all right? 648 00:42:08,651 --> 00:42:10,777 Fine, fine. 649 00:42:13,155 --> 00:42:16,074 The past few days have been taxing. 650 00:42:17,243 --> 00:42:19,327 Want my advice? 651 00:42:19,954 --> 00:42:21,371 Get out of Sickbay. 652 00:42:23,290 --> 00:42:25,625 Yes. Perhaps you're right. 653 00:42:27,378 --> 00:42:32,090 Good night. 655 00:42:42,935 --> 00:42:45,395 Phlox to Crewman Cutler. 656 00:42:45,563 --> 00:42:47,063 Go ahead. 657 00:42:47,231 --> 00:42:50,817 Uh, I know it's short notice, but... 658 00:42:51,569 --> 00:42:53,444 ...I was wondering if you might like to join me 659 00:42:53,612 --> 00:42:56,614 for a little snack in the mess hall. 660 00:42:57,241 --> 00:43:00,034 I could use... 661 00:43:00,202 --> 00:43:02,412 ...a friend right about now. 662 00:43:02,580 --> 00:43:04,247 Ten minutes? 663 00:43:04,415 --> 00:43:06,082 Thank you. 664 00:43:18,262 --> 00:43:19,429 Sweet dreams.