1 00:00:14,347 --> 00:00:17,766 You have a ten-second firing window. Ready? 2 00:00:18,935 --> 00:00:20,602 Ready. 3 00:00:21,646 --> 00:00:23,147 Go. 4 00:00:31,364 --> 00:00:33,073 Time. 5 00:00:34,909 --> 00:00:36,660 Any better? 6 00:00:36,828 --> 00:00:39,830 Your hit-to-miss ratio is still below 50 percent. 7 00:00:39,998 --> 00:00:41,623 If those had been live rounds, 8 00:00:41,791 --> 00:00:44,585 you'd have blown out two or three bulkheads. 9 00:00:44,878 --> 00:00:48,547 I never had this much trouble with the EM-33. 10 00:00:49,257 --> 00:00:51,967 This is an entirely new weapon. 11 00:00:52,802 --> 00:00:56,972 Unlike the EM-33, you don't have to compensate for particle drift. 12 00:00:57,140 --> 00:01:00,893 Just point straight at the target. 13 00:01:01,061 --> 00:01:03,479 And try and keep your shoulders relaxed. 14 00:01:03,646 --> 00:01:05,898 It's hard to aim accurately when you're tense. 17 00:01:09,319 --> 00:01:12,654 - Are you all right? - Yeah, fine. 18 00:01:12,822 --> 00:01:16,950 You'll get the hang of it. Let's try for 20 seconds this time. 20 00:01:20,705 --> 00:01:23,499 I thought we were staying at warp for the next few days. 21 00:01:23,792 --> 00:01:27,753 Oh, we're approaching a gas giant. Class 9. 22 00:01:28,505 --> 00:01:30,631 So much for target practice. 23 00:01:31,549 --> 00:01:33,425 We'll pick it up tomorrow. 24 00:03:10,690 --> 00:03:13,692 The probe's entered the outer atmosphere. 25 00:03:14,110 --> 00:03:17,529 - Can we clean up the signal? - I'm trying, sir. 26 00:03:17,697 --> 00:03:23,202 There's a lot of EM interference. It sounds very strange. 27 00:03:23,369 --> 00:03:27,372 Intense magnetic fields often create unique waveforms. 28 00:03:29,042 --> 00:03:30,918 Let's hear them. 30 00:03:37,425 --> 00:03:39,801 Siren calls. 31 00:03:40,386 --> 00:03:42,721 That's what we called them when I was a kid. 32 00:03:42,889 --> 00:03:47,267 My dad put them through the speakers whenever we flew by a gas giant. 33 00:03:47,769 --> 00:03:50,520 It gave me nightmares sometimes. 34 00:03:52,482 --> 00:03:54,733 Other than keeping Ensign Mayweather up at night, 35 00:03:54,901 --> 00:03:57,986 I'm not sure what we expect to accomplish here. 36 00:03:58,154 --> 00:04:00,739 There are four gas giants in your own solar system. 37 00:04:00,907 --> 00:04:02,616 None of them are Class 9. 38 00:04:02,784 --> 00:04:05,786 I think this one's worth a closer look. 40 00:04:11,125 --> 00:04:15,420 I'm reading an anomalous power signature in the lower atmosphere. 41 00:04:15,838 --> 00:04:18,215 And several bio-signs. 42 00:04:20,885 --> 00:04:23,595 - Get the probe closer. - Aye, sir. 43 00:04:32,397 --> 00:04:34,940 We can travel faster than the speed of light. 44 00:04:35,108 --> 00:04:37,776 You'd think we could find a cure for the common cold. 45 00:04:37,944 --> 00:04:41,113 You should be grateful. A human cold is so mild. 46 00:04:41,281 --> 00:04:45,367 I once had a patient with the Kamaraazite flu. 47 00:04:45,535 --> 00:04:50,622 He sneezed so violently, he nearly regurgitated his pineal gland. 48 00:04:51,165 --> 00:04:53,458 I don't see how I could actually catch a cold 49 00:04:53,626 --> 00:04:55,961 on a hermetically sealed starship. 50 00:04:56,129 --> 00:04:59,089 Oh, you may have picked up the virus from a piece of equipment. 51 00:04:59,257 --> 00:05:02,551 It could have been lurking inside a sealed container. 52 00:05:02,719 --> 00:05:04,803 I did open a case of plasma coolant. 53 00:05:04,971 --> 00:05:08,849 Well, whoever packed that case was probably nursing a cold. 54 00:05:09,726 --> 00:05:13,645 But that was back in space dock five months ago. 55 00:05:13,813 --> 00:05:16,648 You underestimate the tenacity of a virus, lieutenant. 56 00:05:16,816 --> 00:05:21,903 It can lay dormant for months, adapt to whatever environment it finds itself in. 57 00:05:22,322 --> 00:05:25,282 This should ease the symptoms. 58 00:05:25,658 --> 00:05:29,453 But the only cure I know of involves bed rest. 59 00:05:29,620 --> 00:05:32,205 No. That will have to wait. 60 00:05:32,373 --> 00:05:35,334 The captain wants me on the team investigating that shipwreck. 61 00:05:35,501 --> 00:05:38,462 Ah. You won't be contagious inside an environment suit. 62 00:05:38,629 --> 00:05:41,965 Just try not to sneeze in your helmet. 63 00:05:44,010 --> 00:05:46,136 I'll do my best. 65 00:05:52,226 --> 00:05:53,935 Come in. 66 00:05:55,855 --> 00:05:57,314 Hoshi. 67 00:05:57,482 --> 00:06:00,692 - Do you have a minute, sir? - Of course. What's on your mind? 68 00:06:00,860 --> 00:06:02,611 That shipwreck. 69 00:06:02,779 --> 00:06:06,823 We have no idea what type of life forms we'll find on that alien vessel. 70 00:06:06,991 --> 00:06:10,410 And there's a lot of interference in the atmosphere. 71 00:06:10,578 --> 00:06:14,081 Are you sure the Away Team won't need a translator? 72 00:06:14,499 --> 00:06:18,377 They have their UTs, and we'll try to keep an open comlink. 73 00:06:18,544 --> 00:06:22,089 What about the language on the control panels, the hatches? 74 00:06:22,256 --> 00:06:25,509 They might need someone to help them find their way around. 75 00:06:25,676 --> 00:06:28,261 Are you trying to tell me something? 76 00:06:29,806 --> 00:06:32,140 I realize that I haven't always been 77 00:06:32,308 --> 00:06:37,312 the first one in line to volunteer for this type of mission. 78 00:06:37,480 --> 00:06:40,690 But I want you to know that I'm prepared to go. 79 00:06:41,234 --> 00:06:45,070 Took a while, but I think I finally got my space legs. 80 00:06:45,321 --> 00:06:47,322 I never doubted that you'd find them. 81 00:06:49,534 --> 00:06:52,119 Your timing couldn't be better. 82 00:06:53,162 --> 00:06:55,872 T'Pol just asked me to assign you to the team. 83 00:06:57,333 --> 00:07:00,627 You'd better get to the launch bay before they leave without you. 84 00:07:01,129 --> 00:07:02,879 Aye, sir. 85 00:07:13,850 --> 00:07:16,184 I thought you were acquainted with the environmental suit. 86 00:07:16,352 --> 00:07:19,563 I am. I'm just brushing up on the backup systems. 87 00:07:19,730 --> 00:07:22,399 I wouldn't want the emergency oxygen to fail during a hull breach. 88 00:07:22,567 --> 00:07:25,152 Trust me, ensign. If there's a hull breach, 89 00:07:25,319 --> 00:07:29,739 the pressure will crush you into something about this big. 90 00:07:32,368 --> 00:07:34,536 I requested you for your skills as a translator, 91 00:07:34,704 --> 00:07:38,415 - but if you're uncomfortable... - I'm perfectly comfortable. 92 00:07:40,460 --> 00:07:43,879 I used to find the suits a little claustrophobic... 93 00:07:45,089 --> 00:07:47,048 ...but I'm getting used to them. 94 00:07:47,216 --> 00:07:49,801 I'll see you in the shuttlepod. 95 00:07:59,312 --> 00:08:03,106 It's 100 kilometers below us, still descending. 96 00:08:03,274 --> 00:08:06,234 Gravity's pulling it deeper into the atmosphere. 97 00:08:06,402 --> 00:08:11,740 At their current altitude, the pressure is 15,000 g.s.c. 98 00:08:12,158 --> 00:08:15,869 - That's well within our hull tolerance. - For the moment. 99 00:08:16,037 --> 00:08:20,207 But at the rate that vessel is sinking, we'll have an hour at most. 100 00:08:20,416 --> 00:08:23,210 You sound uncomfortable, sub-commander. 101 00:08:23,419 --> 00:08:24,878 I'm merely stating facts. 102 00:08:25,046 --> 00:08:28,340 We'll be on our way back well before we're in any danger. 103 00:08:28,508 --> 00:08:31,635 I for one have no interest in imploding a valuable shuttlepod. 104 00:08:31,844 --> 00:08:34,095 Or three valuable officers. 105 00:08:37,141 --> 00:08:39,518 We've entered an eddy of liquid helium. 106 00:08:46,526 --> 00:08:49,736 - We're clear. - That wasn't so bad. 107 00:08:55,743 --> 00:08:57,327 100 meters. 108 00:08:57,995 --> 00:09:01,373 - Is that a hatch on the port side? - I see it. 109 00:09:02,750 --> 00:09:05,293 50 meters. 110 00:09:05,461 --> 00:09:07,003 40. 112 00:09:09,006 --> 00:09:11,383 - What's that? - It's just the proximity alarm. 113 00:09:11,592 --> 00:09:13,760 20 meters. 114 00:09:13,928 --> 00:09:16,263 10. 115 00:09:19,350 --> 00:09:21,434 Engaging docking interface. 116 00:09:30,820 --> 00:09:33,196 Nitrogen-oxygen atmosphere. 117 00:09:33,364 --> 00:09:37,409 Carbon dioxide levels are high, but nothing's toxic. 118 00:09:37,743 --> 00:09:39,244 It's breathable. 119 00:09:39,412 --> 00:09:41,162 You first. 120 00:09:55,386 --> 00:09:57,470 Perhaps we should leave the helmets on. 121 00:09:57,638 --> 00:09:59,222 What is it? 122 00:09:59,390 --> 00:10:03,852 - You can't smell that? - No. This damn cold. 123 00:10:04,061 --> 00:10:05,395 Count your blessings. 124 00:10:16,532 --> 00:10:19,159 You two might wanna take a look at this. 125 00:10:19,410 --> 00:10:22,120 It says, "Deck 2, Red Sector." 126 00:10:22,288 --> 00:10:24,414 What language? 127 00:10:25,249 --> 00:10:26,875 Klingon. 128 00:10:30,755 --> 00:10:32,714 I thought you knew Klingon ships. 129 00:10:32,882 --> 00:10:35,216 Why didn't you recognize this one from the outside? 130 00:10:35,426 --> 00:10:37,135 There are many classes of ships. 131 00:10:37,303 --> 00:10:38,887 I'm not familiar with all of them. 132 00:10:39,055 --> 00:10:42,474 I'm assuming you don't know how many Klingons are onboard. 133 00:10:42,642 --> 00:10:44,726 I'm reading three bio-signs. 134 00:10:44,894 --> 00:10:47,854 That way. All very weak. 135 00:10:48,022 --> 00:10:50,023 How weak? 136 00:11:21,097 --> 00:11:22,555 They're still alive. 137 00:11:23,182 --> 00:11:25,809 We should leave before they regain consciousness. 138 00:11:26,018 --> 00:11:27,060 And what if they don't? 139 00:11:27,228 --> 00:11:29,813 The atmosphere's gonna crush this ship like an eggshell soon. 140 00:11:30,022 --> 00:11:32,982 - Shouldn't we try to help them? - They don't want our help. 141 00:11:33,192 --> 00:11:36,069 - How do you know? - They're Klingons. 142 00:11:36,237 --> 00:11:39,239 To die at their posts assures them a path to the afterlife. 143 00:11:39,407 --> 00:11:42,033 If we rescue them, they'd be dishonored. 144 00:11:42,201 --> 00:11:45,829 I for one don't intend to just fly off and let these people die, 145 00:11:45,996 --> 00:11:47,622 honorable deaths or not. 146 00:11:47,832 --> 00:11:51,251 Your compassion is admirable but misguided. 147 00:11:51,419 --> 00:11:55,672 If they awake and find us on their ship, they'll kill us. 148 00:12:21,907 --> 00:12:24,826 - How many are there? - Three on the bridge. 149 00:12:24,994 --> 00:12:28,455 But I'm detecting at least nine more bio-signs onboard. 150 00:12:28,622 --> 00:12:30,957 You can't tell what happened to them? 151 00:12:31,125 --> 00:12:34,753 I'm detecting residual amounts of a carbon-dioxide-based neurotoxin. 152 00:12:34,920 --> 00:12:38,339 But it seems to have dissipated. There's not enough to affect us. 153 00:12:38,507 --> 00:12:40,550 Stand by. 154 00:12:41,343 --> 00:12:43,428 How long is the pod's hull going to hold up? 155 00:12:43,596 --> 00:12:46,181 At their present rate of descent... 156 00:12:46,640 --> 00:12:48,892 ...half-hour, give or take. 157 00:12:52,396 --> 00:12:54,272 - T'Pol. - Yes, captain. 158 00:12:54,440 --> 00:12:58,026 You've got 20 minutes to see if you can do anything for that crew. 159 00:12:58,194 --> 00:13:00,695 Then I want you out of there. Understood? 160 00:13:00,863 --> 00:13:03,281 I don't believe there's anything we can do in 20 minutes. 161 00:13:03,449 --> 00:13:05,158 I suggest we leave now. 162 00:13:05,326 --> 00:13:06,868 You have a margin of safety. 164 00:13:08,829 --> 00:13:10,455 Captain? 165 00:13:13,417 --> 00:13:15,627 T'Pol to Enterprise. 166 00:13:17,755 --> 00:13:20,173 - Damn interference. - Or we're out of com range. 167 00:13:20,341 --> 00:13:21,758 We still have 20 minutes. 168 00:13:21,926 --> 00:13:24,886 It doesn't make sense to take this risk when they'd rather die. 169 00:13:25,054 --> 00:13:26,888 There must be something we can do. 170 00:13:27,056 --> 00:13:29,390 Maybe they have a distress beacon we can activate. 171 00:13:29,558 --> 00:13:32,310 I doubt you'll find one. Klingons don't call for help. 172 00:13:32,520 --> 00:13:34,187 What if we carry them into the pod? 173 00:13:34,563 --> 00:13:36,689 We could save 3 or 4. 174 00:13:36,857 --> 00:13:39,400 And if they wake up on the trip back to Enterprise? 177 00:14:21,235 --> 00:14:25,113 - What's that? - It's our shuttlepod taking off. 178 00:14:37,543 --> 00:14:39,586 Try it now. 179 00:14:41,547 --> 00:14:43,214 Archer to T'Pol. 180 00:14:43,382 --> 00:14:45,508 What's your status? 181 00:14:48,929 --> 00:14:50,388 They're back in com range. 182 00:14:50,598 --> 00:14:52,682 Captain. 183 00:14:53,684 --> 00:14:56,769 Shuttlepod One, respond. 184 00:14:59,064 --> 00:15:02,191 Sir, they're heading into open space. 185 00:15:04,320 --> 00:15:06,863 I'm picking up something. 187 00:15:12,036 --> 00:15:13,745 Sounds like Klingon. 188 00:15:14,580 --> 00:15:16,414 I'll try to tie in the UT. 189 00:15:21,003 --> 00:15:23,087 - In range. Respond. 190 00:15:23,297 --> 00:15:27,634 We've been attacked by an unknown ship, designation Enterprise NX-01. 191 00:15:27,801 --> 00:15:31,137 Any warships in range, respond. 192 00:15:31,305 --> 00:15:34,057 - Set a pursuit course. - Aye, sir. 193 00:15:35,225 --> 00:15:37,727 Bring the grappler online. 194 00:15:48,030 --> 00:15:49,989 We've got it. 195 00:15:51,075 --> 00:15:52,617 Bridge to Security. 196 00:15:52,785 --> 00:15:55,161 Send a team to Launch Bay 1. Trip. 197 00:15:55,329 --> 00:15:58,206 - The bridge is yours, Travis. - Yes, sir. 199 00:16:37,663 --> 00:16:39,831 Everybody all right? 200 00:16:47,589 --> 00:16:50,091 - Archer to the bridge. - Mayweather. 201 00:16:50,259 --> 00:16:51,926 Have you still got a fix on the shipwreck? 202 00:16:52,094 --> 00:16:53,636 Yes, sir. 203 00:16:53,804 --> 00:16:56,347 Transfer the coordinates to the launch bay. 204 00:16:56,515 --> 00:16:58,266 I'm going back for the boarding party. 205 00:16:58,434 --> 00:17:01,060 Sir, the alien ship sunk another 2000 meters. 206 00:17:01,228 --> 00:17:03,771 It's below the shuttle's safety limits. 207 00:17:06,859 --> 00:17:09,318 Then polarize the hull plating. 208 00:17:10,112 --> 00:17:11,738 We'll take Enterprise down. 209 00:17:13,032 --> 00:17:14,907 There's got to be some way off this ship. 210 00:17:15,075 --> 00:17:16,367 What about escape pods? 211 00:17:16,535 --> 00:17:19,245 I don't know about the structural integrity of Klingon escape pods. 212 00:17:19,413 --> 00:17:21,247 My guess is we're better off in here. 213 00:17:21,415 --> 00:17:26,085 It's irrelevant, lieutenant. Klingons don't use escape pods. 214 00:17:26,754 --> 00:17:29,756 It would be considered an act of cowardice to abandon ship. 215 00:17:29,923 --> 00:17:32,675 We can use their com system to contact Enterprise. 216 00:17:32,843 --> 00:17:36,345 I doubt their com will penetrate the EM field any better than our own. 217 00:17:36,513 --> 00:17:38,473 If we can access their helm controls, 218 00:17:38,640 --> 00:17:40,892 we might be able to put this vessel into a stable orbit. 219 00:17:41,060 --> 00:17:44,395 I haven't had much experience at piloting Klingon ships. 220 00:17:44,563 --> 00:17:46,355 We have no other choice. 222 00:17:51,695 --> 00:17:53,571 Start translating those consoles. 223 00:17:53,739 --> 00:17:56,282 Look for anything marked "propulsion," "helm," "navigation." 224 00:17:56,450 --> 00:18:00,119 I'll try, but reading Klingon is a lot different than speaking it. 225 00:18:00,287 --> 00:18:03,414 We could always try waking one of them to help us. 226 00:18:03,582 --> 00:18:04,957 All right. 228 00:18:14,593 --> 00:18:18,179 "Plasma containment," maybe? 229 00:18:18,347 --> 00:18:20,681 You're certain? 230 00:18:20,849 --> 00:18:22,850 "Containment." 231 00:18:23,727 --> 00:18:25,895 I'm certain. 233 00:18:37,074 --> 00:18:39,909 Something they call "photon torpedoes." 234 00:18:40,077 --> 00:18:43,996 Photon torpedoes? I've never heard of anything like that. What else? 235 00:18:44,206 --> 00:18:46,290 Well, this all looks like weapons systems. 236 00:18:46,458 --> 00:18:49,544 Torpedoes, tactical sensors, disruptor arrays. 237 00:18:50,087 --> 00:18:52,505 What about this one? 238 00:18:56,218 --> 00:18:58,678 I recognize "pressure." 239 00:18:58,846 --> 00:19:02,974 That can mean "wall," or "barrier." 240 00:19:03,142 --> 00:19:05,810 - Or "hull"? - Maybe. 241 00:19:05,978 --> 00:19:08,938 If I'm reading this correctly, we've got a few hours at most. 242 00:19:09,106 --> 00:19:11,107 The hull integrity is failing. 243 00:19:11,275 --> 00:19:13,359 Then we better hurry. 244 00:19:13,527 --> 00:19:16,404 This appears to be the helm station. 245 00:19:16,572 --> 00:19:17,738 I think you're right. 246 00:19:17,906 --> 00:19:19,699 "Impulse drive." 247 00:19:19,867 --> 00:19:21,951 Good work, Hoshi. 249 00:19:31,962 --> 00:19:33,087 Hoshi? 250 00:19:33,255 --> 00:19:36,007 It says the pressure's failing in the... 251 00:19:36,175 --> 00:19:37,800 "Fusion manifold." 252 00:19:37,968 --> 00:19:40,761 - Do you know what that means? - To quote our very own Mr Tucker, 253 00:19:40,929 --> 00:19:43,014 it means we're dead in the water. 254 00:19:43,307 --> 00:19:46,392 Archer to boarding party. Come in. 255 00:19:48,562 --> 00:19:49,979 We read you, captain. 256 00:19:50,147 --> 00:19:52,940 - How are you holding up? - We're doing okay, sir. 257 00:19:53,108 --> 00:19:54,775 It's nice to hear your voice. 258 00:19:54,943 --> 00:19:56,319 What's your status? 259 00:19:56,528 --> 00:19:58,446 We've been attempting to restart their engines, 260 00:19:58,614 --> 00:20:00,489 but they appear to be off-line. 261 00:20:00,657 --> 00:20:03,743 Don't worry about it. We're coming to get you. 262 00:20:05,037 --> 00:20:06,871 Travis, how much farther? 263 00:20:07,039 --> 00:20:11,292 10.000 meters, but I'm having a hard time getting a fix on them. 264 00:20:11,460 --> 00:20:13,711 Too much interference. 265 00:20:15,589 --> 00:20:19,926 - Is our probe still working? - Barely. 266 00:20:20,093 --> 00:20:23,054 Try using it to triangulate their position. 267 00:20:28,685 --> 00:20:30,728 The probe's gone. 268 00:20:34,983 --> 00:20:37,860 Sir, external pressure's at maximum. 269 00:20:41,782 --> 00:20:45,034 I'm afraid we've got a little hitch in our rescue plan. 270 00:20:46,745 --> 00:20:49,288 The hull plating's failing. 271 00:20:52,459 --> 00:20:54,293 We'll be back for you as soon as we can. 272 00:20:54,503 --> 00:20:56,462 In the meantime, just sit tight... 274 00:20:59,007 --> 00:21:01,342 Captain, you're breaking up. 275 00:21:02,386 --> 00:21:04,262 Captain? 277 00:21:11,436 --> 00:21:17,066 Release me. Cowards! Let me die on my feet. 278 00:21:17,484 --> 00:21:19,068 T'Pol was right. 279 00:21:19,236 --> 00:21:21,779 There's a neurotoxin in her bloodstream. 280 00:21:21,947 --> 00:21:24,699 Untreated, it could kill her within a day or two. 281 00:21:24,866 --> 00:21:27,493 - Can you do anything? - I'm working on it. 282 00:21:27,661 --> 00:21:30,788 T'Pol said the Klingons were unconscious. 283 00:21:30,956 --> 00:21:32,957 Why is this one so lively? 284 00:21:33,125 --> 00:21:35,418 She's showing the effects of hypothermia. 285 00:21:35,585 --> 00:21:36,961 My guess is, she took refuge 286 00:21:37,129 --> 00:21:39,422 in a low-temperature environment aboard her ship. 287 00:21:39,589 --> 00:21:41,966 The cold would have delayed the effects of the toxin. 288 00:21:42,134 --> 00:21:45,344 I demand to speak to your captain. 289 00:21:45,512 --> 00:21:48,055 You know, I read if they sense a leader's weak, 290 00:21:48,223 --> 00:21:50,933 they'll try to kill him and take command. 291 00:21:55,772 --> 00:21:57,898 I'm the captain. 292 00:21:59,401 --> 00:22:01,235 I've never seen your kind before, 293 00:22:01,403 --> 00:22:04,447 but you have made an enemy of the Klingon Empire. 294 00:22:04,614 --> 00:22:07,825 From what I've noticed, that's not hard to do. 295 00:22:08,368 --> 00:22:10,870 You stranded three of my people down there. 296 00:22:11,038 --> 00:22:13,331 You raided my vessel, infected my crew. 297 00:22:13,498 --> 00:22:15,750 We didn't infect anyone. 298 00:22:15,917 --> 00:22:19,712 - We boarded your ship to try and help. - Liar. 299 00:22:20,922 --> 00:22:24,133 Look, I don't know what happened to your crew, 300 00:22:24,301 --> 00:22:27,470 but we had nothingto do with it. 301 00:22:27,637 --> 00:22:29,889 Now your vessel is sinking deeper into the atmosphere. 302 00:22:30,057 --> 00:22:33,559 Unless we do something, it'll be destroyed. 303 00:22:33,769 --> 00:22:36,979 Better that than let it fall into your hands. 304 00:22:39,066 --> 00:22:43,652 I've got three very capable people on your ship. Let them help. 305 00:22:44,321 --> 00:22:47,865 If you tell them how to get the engines running, they can fly it out of there. 306 00:22:48,075 --> 00:22:52,536 And fly it where? Back to your world to steal our secrets? 307 00:22:53,330 --> 00:22:54,538 No. 308 00:22:55,082 --> 00:22:59,460 When our birds-of-prey arrive, your ship will be destroyed. 309 00:23:06,051 --> 00:23:08,969 Remind me to stop trying to help people. 310 00:23:16,895 --> 00:23:19,355 I found these schematics in the Vulcan database. 311 00:23:19,523 --> 00:23:21,482 It's a Raptor-class scout vessel. 312 00:23:21,650 --> 00:23:24,276 How long will it last down there? 313 00:23:24,444 --> 00:23:26,570 Its hull's at least twice as thick as ours, 314 00:23:26,738 --> 00:23:29,782 reinforced with some kind of coherent molecular alloy. 315 00:23:29,950 --> 00:23:35,204 Yeah, it's a tough little ship, but it can't hold up under that pressure forever. 316 00:23:39,501 --> 00:23:42,962 What if we use duratanium braces to reinforce a shuttlepod? 317 00:23:43,130 --> 00:23:44,755 It won't look pretty, 318 00:23:44,923 --> 00:23:48,426 but it might hold up long enough for us to get our people out. 319 00:23:48,593 --> 00:23:50,719 Our only other option is for T'Pol and Malcolm 320 00:23:50,887 --> 00:23:54,849 to fix a broken-down Klingon ship and fly it out themselves. 321 00:23:57,310 --> 00:24:00,855 I don't think we're gonna get any help from our guest in Sickbay. 322 00:24:02,232 --> 00:24:04,567 Get started on those braces. 323 00:24:04,734 --> 00:24:06,902 Keep an eye out for any Klingon ships coming this way. 324 00:24:07,070 --> 00:24:08,696 Aye, sir. 325 00:24:11,366 --> 00:24:13,868 The one time we need our chief engineer... 326 00:24:14,035 --> 00:24:16,078 ...is the one time we leave him behind. 327 00:24:16,288 --> 00:24:18,247 Come look at this. 329 00:24:34,681 --> 00:24:36,807 - Class planet. 330 00:24:36,975 --> 00:24:39,268 We destroyed their ship, 331 00:24:39,436 --> 00:24:43,939 but we've sustained damage in our port fusion injector. 332 00:24:44,483 --> 00:24:49,695 We've descended into the outer atmosphere of a Q'tahL-class planet 333 00:24:49,863 --> 00:24:55,409 to make repairs in case there are other Xarantine ships in the area. 334 00:25:01,208 --> 00:25:06,504 My crew is falling ill, and I have been unable to determine why. 335 00:25:06,713 --> 00:25:09,340 If we had died when the Xarantine attacked, 336 00:25:09,508 --> 00:25:11,217 our honor would be secure. 337 00:25:11,426 --> 00:25:14,970 But to fall victim to some disease, 338 00:25:15,138 --> 00:25:20,935 to be crushed into nothing in the depths of this miserable planet... 339 00:25:26,399 --> 00:25:29,735 Sounds like we need to find the port fusion injector. 340 00:25:29,903 --> 00:25:32,321 Wait, I saw that somewhere. 341 00:25:37,327 --> 00:25:39,203 Here. One deck below us. 342 00:25:39,371 --> 00:25:41,747 It's in the "Reactor Pit." 343 00:25:41,915 --> 00:25:44,208 Reactor Pit? Could that be Engineering? 344 00:25:44,376 --> 00:25:46,335 Could be. 345 00:26:08,858 --> 00:26:11,610 - This one? - No. 346 00:26:11,778 --> 00:26:14,947 That says something about plasma induction. 347 00:26:22,956 --> 00:26:24,957 Here it is. 348 00:26:27,335 --> 00:26:29,628 "Port fusion injector." 349 00:26:42,183 --> 00:26:45,936 I may have made a tactical error dealing with the Klingon woman. 350 00:26:46,104 --> 00:26:47,813 I asked her for help. 351 00:26:47,981 --> 00:26:49,940 She could see that as a sign of weakness. 352 00:26:50,108 --> 00:26:53,402 You been boning up on your Klingon psychology? 353 00:26:54,112 --> 00:26:56,572 We've run into them three times. 354 00:26:56,740 --> 00:26:58,407 Every time they've wanted to destroy us. 355 00:26:58,575 --> 00:27:00,993 I'd love to figure out why. 356 00:27:01,161 --> 00:27:03,662 Maybe the best thing is just to steer clear of them. 357 00:27:03,830 --> 00:27:08,459 That might not be so easy. And we could use their help right now. 358 00:27:09,794 --> 00:27:13,255 If we could re-establish a com signal with T'Pol and the others, 359 00:27:13,423 --> 00:27:17,092 the Klingon woman could probably talk them through the repairs. 360 00:27:17,260 --> 00:27:21,347 But she's got 1,000 generations of instinct telling her not to trust me. 361 00:27:21,514 --> 00:27:24,808 Maybe it's time you start thinking like a Klingon. 363 00:27:45,330 --> 00:27:48,290 - Are you okay? - Yes. 364 00:27:48,458 --> 00:27:50,334 I seem to be getting a little light-headed. 365 00:27:51,670 --> 00:27:53,671 Must be the heat. 366 00:27:54,255 --> 00:27:56,590 You're dehydrated. You need some water. 367 00:27:56,758 --> 00:28:00,052 I saw a galley on the schematics. Deck 4, Blue Sector. 368 00:28:00,220 --> 00:28:01,553 I'll see what I can find. 369 00:28:01,721 --> 00:28:03,138 You shouldn't go alone. 370 00:28:06,017 --> 00:28:08,352 Watch yourselves. 372 00:28:25,662 --> 00:28:26,995 It's called "gagh." 373 00:28:27,163 --> 00:28:30,374 It's a Klingon delicacy, but only when they're alive. 374 00:28:30,542 --> 00:28:34,503 - They look like worms. - They are worms. 377 00:29:31,644 --> 00:29:33,812 Targs. 378 00:29:33,980 --> 00:29:37,274 Klingons prefer their food freshly slaughtered. 379 00:29:41,112 --> 00:29:42,571 Are you all right? 380 00:29:42,781 --> 00:29:45,282 I promised myself I wouldn't do this. 381 00:29:46,159 --> 00:29:49,953 You're in a dangerous situation in an alien environment. 382 00:29:50,121 --> 00:29:52,539 Your anxiety is understandable. 383 00:29:55,084 --> 00:29:59,838 - Don't you mean "for a human"? - You can't deny your nature. 384 00:30:00,006 --> 00:30:02,382 This may sound strange... 385 00:30:04,344 --> 00:30:07,137 ...but I envy you sometimes. 386 00:30:07,305 --> 00:30:12,601 I know, another pesky human emotion. 387 00:30:13,770 --> 00:30:17,689 But there are times I wish I could just ignore my feelings. 388 00:30:18,274 --> 00:30:21,360 Bury them, the way Vulcans do. 389 00:30:24,572 --> 00:30:26,073 Take my hand. 390 00:30:26,407 --> 00:30:28,742 Excuse me? 391 00:30:31,496 --> 00:30:33,288 My hand. 392 00:30:41,589 --> 00:30:42,965 Close your eyes. 393 00:30:49,681 --> 00:30:52,808 Think of yourself on a turbulent ocean. 394 00:30:54,894 --> 00:30:58,146 You have the power to control the waves. 395 00:31:01,693 --> 00:31:04,236 Whatever it is you're trying to do, it's not working. 396 00:31:04,445 --> 00:31:06,154 Focus. 397 00:31:08,116 --> 00:31:10,450 The waves are subsiding. 398 00:31:10,994 --> 00:31:13,745 The water is growing still. 399 00:31:16,708 --> 00:31:19,251 You're in control. 400 00:31:30,930 --> 00:31:34,433 That was amazing. 401 00:31:35,059 --> 00:31:36,977 When we return to the ship, 402 00:31:37,145 --> 00:31:40,564 I'll teach you how to do it on your own. 403 00:31:41,774 --> 00:31:42,983 Thanks. 404 00:31:47,655 --> 00:31:49,406 Lieutenant Reed, report. 405 00:31:50,283 --> 00:31:52,326 The hull pressure's approaching critical. 406 00:31:52,493 --> 00:31:55,037 This ship's about to be crushed. 407 00:32:05,465 --> 00:32:07,883 It will work. 408 00:32:09,135 --> 00:32:11,720 If you're wrong, you could destroy the ship. 409 00:32:15,433 --> 00:32:17,392 Look, even with Hoshi's help, 410 00:32:17,560 --> 00:32:20,479 it could take hours just to find the fusion injector in here. 411 00:32:20,647 --> 00:32:23,315 - We're out of time. - I say we try the weapons. 412 00:32:23,483 --> 00:32:26,526 How do you know you can even access the tactical systems? 413 00:32:26,736 --> 00:32:29,655 If there's one thing onboard this ship I ought to be able to figure out, 414 00:32:29,822 --> 00:32:31,239 it's the torpedoes. 415 00:32:31,824 --> 00:32:35,369 I'd like to run one more structural diagnostic before you launch. 417 00:32:39,123 --> 00:32:41,792 - Beg your pardon? - Success. 418 00:32:42,335 --> 00:32:45,420 I decided to take your advice about thinking like a Klingon. 419 00:32:45,880 --> 00:32:49,007 The Vulcan database has about 900 pages on them. 420 00:32:49,175 --> 00:32:51,551 - Learn anything? - Plenty. 421 00:32:51,719 --> 00:32:53,470 They're driven by a warrior mentality. 422 00:32:53,638 --> 00:32:56,807 They tend to view anyone they meet as a potential enemy. 423 00:32:57,558 --> 00:33:00,644 That might explain why our guest is so irritable. 424 00:33:00,853 --> 00:33:03,563 They also have a strong sense of duty. 426 00:33:07,026 --> 00:33:09,444 "Death before dishonor." 427 00:33:11,990 --> 00:33:14,074 Finish up that diagnostic. I'll be in Sickbay. 428 00:33:14,283 --> 00:33:17,661 - Gonna put your homework to use? - Something like that. 429 00:33:26,796 --> 00:33:28,797 Please relax. 430 00:33:28,965 --> 00:33:31,633 If you strain against the straps, you might hurt yourself. 431 00:33:31,801 --> 00:33:35,846 What's that? Is that what you used against my crew? 432 00:33:36,014 --> 00:33:39,516 Dr Phlox has developed an antidote to the neurotoxin in your system. 433 00:33:40,184 --> 00:33:43,228 Is this how you plan to gain my trust? 434 00:33:43,396 --> 00:33:47,733 First poison me, then miraculously cure me? 435 00:33:49,485 --> 00:33:52,571 - Have you had a drink lately? - What? 436 00:33:52,739 --> 00:33:56,116 The bio-agent that affected you and your crew was consumed. 437 00:33:56,284 --> 00:33:58,535 Apparently, in alcohol. 438 00:33:58,703 --> 00:34:04,458 Specifically, the toxin was bonded to a molecule unique to Xarantine ale. 439 00:34:06,335 --> 00:34:10,088 - There was a raid. - Yes? 440 00:34:12,925 --> 00:34:15,052 I can understand your not wanting to talk about it, 441 00:34:15,219 --> 00:34:17,512 if the raid went badly for you. 442 00:34:17,722 --> 00:34:19,431 The Xarantines are no match for us. 443 00:34:19,599 --> 00:34:22,184 We attacked their outpost and took what we wanted. 444 00:34:22,393 --> 00:34:25,645 And that included some Xarantine ale? 445 00:34:26,689 --> 00:34:29,232 Did your whole crew drink it? 446 00:34:29,400 --> 00:34:31,318 The triumph belonged to all. 447 00:34:31,486 --> 00:34:34,112 I'll take that as a yes. 448 00:34:34,280 --> 00:34:38,033 It was that ale that infected you, not us. 449 00:34:38,993 --> 00:34:41,036 Think about it. 450 00:34:41,204 --> 00:34:44,039 When did your crew start getting sick? 451 00:34:44,207 --> 00:34:46,458 Was it right after the raid? 452 00:34:46,626 --> 00:34:49,795 After you celebrated your victory? 453 00:34:50,505 --> 00:34:52,589 - This is a trick. - Is it? 454 00:34:52,799 --> 00:34:54,341 How do you feel? 455 00:34:54,509 --> 00:34:57,969 Better or worse since the injection? 456 00:35:00,723 --> 00:35:05,936 We can make enough of this for your entire crew, if it's not too late. 457 00:35:12,527 --> 00:35:15,070 What if this isn't a trick? 458 00:35:15,238 --> 00:35:17,656 What if we're telling you the truth? 459 00:35:18,282 --> 00:35:21,326 You'd be letting your crew die a very dishonourable death 460 00:35:21,786 --> 00:35:24,079 when you could have saved them. 461 00:35:25,581 --> 00:35:27,332 Can you live with that? 462 00:35:34,090 --> 00:35:35,715 1.000 meters. 463 00:35:35,883 --> 00:35:37,425 2.000. 464 00:35:37,593 --> 00:35:38,885 3.000. 465 00:35:42,348 --> 00:35:44,391 No effect. We're still sinking. 466 00:35:44,559 --> 00:35:47,102 The shock wave dissipated before it reached us. 467 00:35:47,270 --> 00:35:50,147 We'll need to detonate one closer next time. 468 00:35:50,648 --> 00:35:52,649 The ship's hull is under enough pressure already. 469 00:35:52,817 --> 00:35:55,777 - If you detonate a torpedo too close... - And if I don't? 470 00:35:55,945 --> 00:35:57,904 We need to generate a large enough shock wave 471 00:35:58,072 --> 00:35:59,531 to push us into a higher orbit. 472 00:35:59,699 --> 00:36:03,326 To do that, the blast has to be big, and it has to be close. 473 00:36:06,205 --> 00:36:09,624 You heard the sub-commander. Load two this time. 474 00:36:14,046 --> 00:36:16,381 Sensor resolution's dropping off. 475 00:36:16,591 --> 00:36:17,924 This was your plan? 476 00:36:18,134 --> 00:36:21,553 To grope in the darkness and hope to stumble across my ship? 477 00:36:21,721 --> 00:36:24,139 That's how we found it the first time. 479 00:36:26,058 --> 00:36:27,976 What was that? 480 00:36:28,853 --> 00:36:31,563 - Weapons fire. - Where? 481 00:36:31,731 --> 00:36:36,443 Bearing 297 mark 261, down about two kilometers. 482 00:36:36,694 --> 00:36:37,986 Did it work? 483 00:36:38,154 --> 00:36:39,905 We've moved up, but only 200 meters. 484 00:36:40,072 --> 00:36:42,073 That's all? 485 00:36:43,993 --> 00:36:46,203 A compartment just collapsed. Deck 3, Green Sector. 486 00:36:46,370 --> 00:36:48,288 This whole damn ship's coming apart. 487 00:36:48,456 --> 00:36:50,665 - How many torpedoes we have left? - 6. 488 00:36:50,833 --> 00:36:52,375 - Load 2 more. - It won't be enough. 489 00:36:52,543 --> 00:36:54,419 - Load the weapons. - We tried. It didn't work. 490 00:36:54,587 --> 00:36:56,421 - Ensign. - She's right. 491 00:36:56,589 --> 00:36:57,923 We'll never reach a safe altitude 492 00:36:58,090 --> 00:37:00,842 climbing a few hundred meters at a time. 493 00:37:01,052 --> 00:37:03,970 The longer we stand around arguing, the more ground we lose. 494 00:37:05,223 --> 00:37:07,140 Fire them all. 495 00:37:07,308 --> 00:37:10,936 What if we detonated all the torpedoes at once? 496 00:37:11,479 --> 00:37:15,106 We may gain enough altitude, but I doubt we'd make it in one piece. 497 00:37:15,399 --> 00:37:18,526 I don't know about you, but I'm willing to take the chance. 498 00:37:19,237 --> 00:37:21,404 We'll detonate at 800 meters. 499 00:37:21,614 --> 00:37:24,449 I was thinking more like 500. 500 00:37:24,659 --> 00:37:27,327 Look, I didn't come all this way to get crushed in the atmosphere 501 00:37:27,495 --> 00:37:29,788 of some anonymous gas giant. 502 00:37:31,666 --> 00:37:33,875 Loading ports one through six. 503 00:37:34,043 --> 00:37:36,002 Brace yourselves. 504 00:37:38,422 --> 00:37:40,131 Torpedoes armed. 505 00:37:46,973 --> 00:37:49,099 What is it? 506 00:37:49,267 --> 00:37:51,017 Another explosion. 507 00:37:51,185 --> 00:37:53,937 There's a shock wave this time. Hang on. 509 00:38:13,791 --> 00:38:14,833 T'Pol. 510 00:38:15,001 --> 00:38:16,543 What have you been shooting at? 511 00:38:16,711 --> 00:38:19,963 We used the shock waves to gain some altitude, but it's only temporary. 512 00:38:20,131 --> 00:38:21,339 We'll start sinking again 513 00:38:21,507 --> 00:38:23,842 unless we come up with a way to get this ship out of here. 514 00:38:24,218 --> 00:38:27,762 I brought someone who should be able to help do just that. 515 00:38:27,930 --> 00:38:29,973 We're docking now. 516 00:38:42,611 --> 00:38:45,405 I believe you've all met Officer Bu'kaH. 517 00:38:48,492 --> 00:38:50,035 What's the status of their engines? 518 00:38:50,202 --> 00:38:52,662 The Klingon crew made most of the necessary repairs 519 00:38:52,830 --> 00:38:54,622 before they were overcome. 520 00:38:54,790 --> 00:38:57,542 But the port fusion injector is still damaged. 521 00:38:58,294 --> 00:39:00,920 I will tend to my own ship. 522 00:39:01,714 --> 00:39:04,841 I didn't bring you down here just so you could die with your shipmates. 523 00:39:05,051 --> 00:39:08,511 My crew risked their lives to get this ship out of danger. 524 00:39:09,221 --> 00:39:12,057 I don't intend to leave until the job is finished. 525 00:39:17,146 --> 00:39:20,440 Sir, there are two ships approaching at high warp. 526 00:39:20,608 --> 00:39:22,400 I think they're Klingon. 527 00:39:22,568 --> 00:39:24,486 How long till they get here? 528 00:39:24,653 --> 00:39:27,280 Sixteen minutes. 529 00:39:27,448 --> 00:39:29,908 We're being hailed. It's the captain. 530 00:39:30,076 --> 00:39:31,576 On screen. 531 00:39:31,744 --> 00:39:35,955 This is Klingon Raptor Somraw hailing Enterprise. 532 00:39:36,999 --> 00:39:40,335 Request permission to disembark 4 passengers. 533 00:39:43,172 --> 00:39:45,465 Well, I don't see why not. 534 00:39:52,681 --> 00:39:55,850 - I kept your seat warm for you. - Thanks. 535 00:39:56,310 --> 00:39:57,894 Get ready to break orbit, Travis. 536 00:39:58,062 --> 00:40:00,105 I think we've had about enough of this place. 537 00:40:00,272 --> 00:40:02,482 Aye, captain. 538 00:40:03,484 --> 00:40:06,653 It's the Raptor, sir. They're hailing us. 539 00:40:06,821 --> 00:40:10,490 - Calling to say thanks? - I doubt it. 540 00:40:10,658 --> 00:40:12,700 Put it through. 541 00:40:13,702 --> 00:40:17,414 - What can I do for you? - Prepare to surrender your vessel. 542 00:40:17,623 --> 00:40:19,290 Maybe your engineer neglected to tell you, 543 00:40:19,458 --> 00:40:22,710 but we just saved you and your crew. 544 00:40:22,920 --> 00:40:26,172 You violated our ship, accessed our weapons. 545 00:40:26,382 --> 00:40:29,300 It was either that or stand by and watch you get crushed. 546 00:40:29,885 --> 00:40:33,471 - Disruptors. - They're charging weapons. 547 00:40:38,686 --> 00:40:41,938 You wouldn't last 10 seconds in a battle with us. 548 00:40:42,106 --> 00:40:44,732 You've got multiple hull breaches. Your shields are down. 549 00:40:44,900 --> 00:40:47,610 And from what I'm told, you're fresh out of torpedoes. 550 00:40:47,778 --> 00:40:52,282 If I were you, I'd take what little honor I had left and go home. 551 00:40:55,369 --> 00:41:00,832 Fire one shot, and I'll blast you right back to where we found you. 552 00:41:06,088 --> 00:41:08,006 They're moving off. 553 00:41:09,925 --> 00:41:13,094 Get us out of here before their friends show up. 555 00:41:33,949 --> 00:41:38,119 - Is someone gonna get that? - You're closer. 556 00:41:50,132 --> 00:41:52,592 - T'Pol. - This is Dr Phlox. 557 00:41:52,760 --> 00:41:55,887 You'll be happy to know that you're now free of any microbes or parasites. 558 00:41:56,055 --> 00:41:59,766 Your captivity in Decon is over. 559 00:42:00,309 --> 00:42:01,893 Are you sure, doctor? 560 00:42:02,061 --> 00:42:04,103 Who knows what was living on that ship? 561 00:42:04,271 --> 00:42:07,273 What if we picked up something your scans can't detect? 562 00:42:07,441 --> 00:42:11,778 I'm quite sure you didn't. I've run every possible test. 563 00:42:20,204 --> 00:42:21,913 Maybe you should run them again, doctor. 564 00:42:22,081 --> 00:42:25,917 I believe I'm developing a slight headache. 565 00:42:26,460 --> 00:42:30,171 Of course, if you insist. I wouldn't want to miss anything. 566 00:42:30,339 --> 00:42:32,298 Thank you, doctor. 567 00:42:39,348 --> 00:42:41,432 That should buy us at least another half an hour. 569 00:42:43,227 --> 00:42:46,646 Oh, I could stay in here all day. 570 00:42:47,940 --> 00:42:52,402 Went to a spa once in Mexico. 571 00:42:52,570 --> 00:42:55,446 The most relaxing place I've ever been. 572 00:42:55,614 --> 00:42:58,283 But it doesn't compare to this. 573 00:42:59,326 --> 00:43:03,204 Oh, it certainly feels nice to be clean again. 574 00:43:03,581 --> 00:43:06,207 It is pleasant. 575 00:43:10,254 --> 00:43:12,297 Do you smell that? 576 00:43:15,050 --> 00:43:18,928 - I don't smell anything. - Exactly.