1 00:00:07,340 --> 00:00:08,882 We couldn't do this in my Ready Room? 2 00:00:09,050 --> 00:00:11,218 The captain's gotta be in the captain's chair. 3 00:00:11,386 --> 00:00:13,262 - Tilt your chin up. - Take the picture. 4 00:00:15,056 --> 00:00:17,057 You've got a stanchion growing out of your head. 5 00:00:17,225 --> 00:00:19,309 Swivel to the right about 10 degrees. 6 00:00:22,772 --> 00:00:24,523 Every recruit walking into Starfleet Command 7 00:00:24,691 --> 00:00:26,650 is gonna see this on the wall. 8 00:00:26,818 --> 00:00:28,277 It's a real honor, sir. 9 00:00:28,486 --> 00:00:30,154 Seeing those Starfleet captains every day 10 00:00:30,321 --> 00:00:32,489 gave us something to aspire to. 11 00:00:33,283 --> 00:00:35,576 There's a reflection from that status display. 12 00:00:35,744 --> 00:00:38,704 Could you kill the monitors in the Situation Room? 13 00:00:39,122 --> 00:00:40,456 Come on, T'Pol. 14 00:00:40,665 --> 00:00:43,167 The artist in Oakland needs a good picture to paint from. 15 00:00:43,334 --> 00:00:46,962 Do Vulcan captains have their portraits hanging at the High Command? 16 00:00:47,297 --> 00:00:49,590 Vulcans are revered for their accomplishments, 17 00:00:49,758 --> 00:00:51,300 not for the way they look. 18 00:00:51,509 --> 00:00:55,721 Except for the really important ones, who get mummified. 19 00:00:56,097 --> 00:00:59,183 Why can't they just use a photo from my file? 20 00:00:59,350 --> 00:01:03,145 Sir, I'm picking up a small planet on our current heading. 21 00:01:03,772 --> 00:01:06,231 I thought there weren't any systems along this course. 22 00:01:06,441 --> 00:01:09,359 It's not a system, captain. It's just a planet. 23 00:01:10,945 --> 00:01:12,654 Put it up. 24 00:01:16,993 --> 00:01:18,827 Magnify. 25 00:01:20,830 --> 00:01:22,748 It's a rogue. 26 00:01:23,208 --> 00:01:25,667 A planet that's broken out of its orbit. 27 00:01:26,002 --> 00:01:27,294 Lay in a course. 28 00:01:27,462 --> 00:01:29,588 - Let's take a closer look. - Aye, sir. 29 00:01:30,256 --> 00:01:32,466 Captain Archer in command. 30 00:01:32,675 --> 00:01:34,843 Give it a rest, Trip. 31 00:03:05,727 --> 00:03:08,937 This planet supports a diverse animal population. 32 00:03:09,147 --> 00:03:10,981 How is that possible? 33 00:03:11,149 --> 00:03:13,901 Shouldn't the surface be frozen solid? 34 00:03:14,194 --> 00:03:16,361 Hot gas is venting from the planet's interior. 35 00:03:16,529 --> 00:03:20,741 Most of the life forms are concentrated in those areas. 36 00:03:20,909 --> 00:03:22,618 Oases. 37 00:03:23,786 --> 00:03:25,537 Any people? 38 00:03:28,499 --> 00:03:30,459 No evidence of humanoid life. 39 00:03:30,627 --> 00:03:33,212 I'm picking up a power signature near the equator. 40 00:03:33,463 --> 00:03:35,672 There's a ship down there. 41 00:03:36,007 --> 00:03:37,799 Try to hail them. 42 00:03:41,638 --> 00:03:43,513 No response. 43 00:03:43,848 --> 00:03:45,807 Maybe they wanna be left alone. 44 00:03:46,309 --> 00:03:48,435 A single ship on a dark planet. 45 00:03:48,603 --> 00:03:50,604 Maybe they're on their honeymoon. 46 00:03:59,239 --> 00:04:00,822 Infrared's useless. 47 00:04:00,990 --> 00:04:04,201 There's too much heat coming from those thermal vents. 48 00:04:06,412 --> 00:04:08,789 We should be right over that ship. 49 00:04:08,998 --> 00:04:10,749 I'm scanning for a break in the canopy. 50 00:04:10,917 --> 00:04:13,752 If this is anything like the Amazon, good luck. 51 00:04:13,920 --> 00:04:17,047 I used to say I could land a shuttlepod with my eyes closed. 52 00:04:17,257 --> 00:04:19,591 Well, the proof's in the pudding, captain. 53 00:04:20,593 --> 00:04:22,469 There's a clearing ahead, 900 meters. 54 00:04:22,637 --> 00:04:24,680 But it's not much bigger than the shuttlepod. 55 00:04:24,931 --> 00:04:26,723 It doesn't have to be. 56 00:04:51,291 --> 00:04:55,919 Captain, the vessel's that way, 600 meters. 57 00:04:56,462 --> 00:04:57,754 Follow me. 58 00:04:57,922 --> 00:05:01,174 Why don't you let me play captain for a while, Malcolm. 59 00:05:05,930 --> 00:05:08,807 This reminds me of the rain forest in New Zealand. 60 00:05:09,475 --> 00:05:12,394 I earned my Wilderness merit badge there. 61 00:05:12,562 --> 00:05:14,313 You were a Boy Scout, sir? 62 00:05:14,480 --> 00:05:16,023 I was an Eagle Scout. 63 00:05:16,232 --> 00:05:18,525 Oh. So was I. 64 00:05:18,693 --> 00:05:20,277 Really? 65 00:05:20,570 --> 00:05:22,112 How many merit badges? 66 00:05:22,280 --> 00:05:25,407 28. You? 67 00:05:26,075 --> 00:05:28,660 26. 68 00:05:28,828 --> 00:05:29,870 That's not bad, sir. 70 00:05:32,040 --> 00:05:33,665 Captain. 71 00:06:08,659 --> 00:06:12,621 We spot any more creatures like that and we'll earn our Exobiology badges. 72 00:06:12,789 --> 00:06:16,666 Actually, I already have that one. 73 00:06:30,973 --> 00:06:32,974 A campsite, sir. 74 00:06:34,268 --> 00:06:36,186 Anyone home? 75 00:06:42,110 --> 00:06:44,945 We're from the starship Enterprise. 76 00:06:45,655 --> 00:06:47,280 Is there anyone here? 77 00:06:49,033 --> 00:06:51,952 I'm still not detecting any bio-signs. 78 00:06:52,120 --> 00:06:55,455 But their ship's less than 200 meters in that direction. 79 00:06:57,291 --> 00:06:59,543 You and Malcolm check it out. 80 00:07:00,086 --> 00:07:04,339 We'll stay here in case anyone shows up. 82 00:07:39,959 --> 00:07:41,835 Did you hear that? 83 00:07:42,253 --> 00:07:43,879 Yes. 84 00:07:53,264 --> 00:07:55,015 Anything? 85 00:07:55,266 --> 00:07:58,143 For a moment, I had a humanoid bio-sign. 86 00:07:58,895 --> 00:08:00,645 It's gone. 87 00:08:01,230 --> 00:08:02,314 It's not gone. 91 00:08:32,470 --> 00:08:34,346 Captain, you all right? 92 00:08:34,514 --> 00:08:36,097 Everything's fine. 93 00:08:36,265 --> 00:08:37,933 These are the Eska. 94 00:08:38,100 --> 00:08:39,851 My name is Damrus. 95 00:08:40,019 --> 00:08:43,980 This is T'Pol, my science officer, and Lieutenant Malcolm Reed. 96 00:08:44,315 --> 00:08:46,066 Pleased to meet you. 97 00:08:46,234 --> 00:08:48,944 Your friends nearly shot me back there. 98 00:08:49,529 --> 00:08:50,946 We're sorry. 99 00:08:51,113 --> 00:08:53,240 There are dangerous animals in the forest. 100 00:08:53,407 --> 00:08:55,909 We've never seen other humanoids here before. 101 00:08:56,118 --> 00:08:57,911 Have we trespassed in your territory? 102 00:08:58,120 --> 00:09:00,664 This planet is no one's territory. 103 00:09:00,831 --> 00:09:02,666 But it's a special place for us. 104 00:09:02,875 --> 00:09:04,417 What are you doing on Dakala? 105 00:09:04,585 --> 00:09:06,795 We're just here to explore. 106 00:09:06,963 --> 00:09:09,965 We'd like to stay for a while, if that's all right. 107 00:09:15,680 --> 00:09:17,681 It's a big planet. 108 00:09:18,182 --> 00:09:19,933 We could find another landing site, 109 00:09:20,101 --> 00:09:23,520 but I was hoping you might enjoy the company. 110 00:09:30,194 --> 00:09:31,778 You aren't exactly roughing it. 111 00:09:32,738 --> 00:09:34,864 Drayjin meat is one of life's great pleasures. 112 00:09:36,033 --> 00:09:37,492 No argument here. 113 00:09:38,578 --> 00:09:41,871 I'm curious why our sensors didn't detect you. 114 00:09:42,623 --> 00:09:44,624 We use sensing cloaks. 115 00:09:44,792 --> 00:09:47,002 They keep the wildlife from spotting us. 116 00:09:47,920 --> 00:09:49,796 Are you studying the wildlife here? 117 00:09:50,965 --> 00:09:52,674 Not exactly. 118 00:09:53,551 --> 00:09:56,553 We're on an expedition. 119 00:09:56,721 --> 00:10:00,390 That Drayjin you're eating, we killed it yesterday. 120 00:10:01,517 --> 00:10:04,144 - You're hunters. - Our people have been coming here 121 00:10:04,312 --> 00:10:06,187 for 9 generations. 122 00:10:06,772 --> 00:10:09,399 To kill the indigenous species? 123 00:10:10,026 --> 00:10:12,819 Taking wild animals is part of our tradition. 124 00:10:13,988 --> 00:10:16,990 There are higher primates here. We don't touch them. 125 00:10:18,909 --> 00:10:23,830 Hunting went out of style on Earth over a hundred years ago. 126 00:10:24,290 --> 00:10:27,959 That doesn't mean we don't appreciate your hospitality. 127 00:10:28,753 --> 00:10:30,420 That gear you're carrying. 128 00:10:30,588 --> 00:10:33,798 Seems pretty elaborate to take down a few game animals. 129 00:10:34,008 --> 00:10:36,509 Don't underestimate the game on this planet. 130 00:10:36,677 --> 00:10:39,554 They often get the better of us. 131 00:10:42,350 --> 00:10:44,517 I wonder if I might join one of your hunts. 132 00:10:45,770 --> 00:10:48,063 I thought you people didn't approve. 133 00:10:48,230 --> 00:10:50,482 You were able to sneak up on us 134 00:10:50,650 --> 00:10:54,152 without being detected by our night-vision sensors. 135 00:10:54,320 --> 00:10:55,820 I'd like to see how you did that. 136 00:10:58,282 --> 00:11:00,075 I promise I won't kill anything, sir. 139 00:11:07,792 --> 00:11:10,585 It's, uh, up to our hosts. 140 00:11:19,679 --> 00:11:22,097 Captain's starlog, supplemental. 141 00:11:22,264 --> 00:11:24,683 Trip and Malcolm are bringing Hoshi back to Enterprise 142 00:11:24,850 --> 00:11:28,853 and putting together some camping gear to bring back to the surface. 143 00:11:29,814 --> 00:11:31,981 If the bugs glow in the dark, at least you can tell 144 00:11:32,149 --> 00:11:33,983 when they've crawled into your sleeping bag. 145 00:11:34,151 --> 00:11:38,363 One more reason I am happy to spend the night in my own bunk. 146 00:11:38,531 --> 00:11:42,325 Anyway, it's the things you can't see that I'd be worried about. 147 00:11:42,493 --> 00:11:44,786 Like those bore worms. 148 00:11:44,954 --> 00:11:46,246 Bore worms? 149 00:11:46,414 --> 00:11:50,166 Apparently they crawl into your ear to lay their eggs. 150 00:11:50,501 --> 00:11:52,627 Have a nice night. 152 00:11:56,298 --> 00:11:58,967 We can start with the entomologists, 153 00:11:59,135 --> 00:12:01,344 then bring the other bioscience teams down. 154 00:12:01,512 --> 00:12:03,888 I'd recommend we limit the number of crewmen on the surface 155 00:12:04,056 --> 00:12:06,057 to 6 at a time. 156 00:12:06,225 --> 00:12:09,644 - Sensible. - Enjoying yourselves? 157 00:12:09,854 --> 00:12:11,563 Very much. 158 00:12:11,731 --> 00:12:13,606 Thanks for sharing your camp with us. 159 00:12:13,774 --> 00:12:15,358 We're heading out in 6 hours. 160 00:12:15,526 --> 00:12:17,110 I suggest you get some sleep, 161 00:12:17,278 --> 00:12:21,281 - if you're still planning to come along. - I wouldn't miss it. 162 00:12:21,907 --> 00:12:24,159 - Good night. - Good night. 163 00:12:24,326 --> 00:12:25,827 Night. 165 00:12:28,247 --> 00:12:30,457 I suppose I'll turn in, then. 166 00:12:31,500 --> 00:12:33,835 Sounds like a good idea. 167 00:12:35,671 --> 00:12:38,047 I think I'll sit up for a while. 168 00:12:38,215 --> 00:12:41,092 - Have fun. - Yeah. 169 00:12:49,268 --> 00:12:51,102 Jonathan. 170 00:12:57,818 --> 00:12:59,694 Jonathan. 171 00:13:04,992 --> 00:13:06,868 Hello? 172 00:13:19,256 --> 00:13:20,840 Is someone there? 173 00:13:21,008 --> 00:13:22,967 Jonathan. 174 00:14:09,306 --> 00:14:11,015 Who's there? 175 00:14:57,479 --> 00:14:59,397 If the captain says he saw her, he saw her. 176 00:14:59,565 --> 00:15:01,274 Are there any others in your hunting party? 177 00:15:01,442 --> 00:15:02,734 No. 178 00:15:02,902 --> 00:15:05,278 Certainly no human females. 179 00:15:05,446 --> 00:15:07,113 You sure she wasn't from your vessel? 180 00:15:07,281 --> 00:15:08,323 I'm sure. 182 00:15:10,618 --> 00:15:12,577 - Archer. - Mayweather here. 183 00:15:12,745 --> 00:15:15,872 There are no other ships, on the surface or in orbit. 184 00:15:16,040 --> 00:15:18,875 Thanks, Travis. Archer out. 185 00:15:26,008 --> 00:15:27,675 Nothing. 186 00:15:31,889 --> 00:15:35,600 She was young. Long blond hair. 187 00:15:35,809 --> 00:15:40,021 She was wearing some kind of a nightgown. 188 00:15:40,689 --> 00:15:42,774 A nightgown, sir? 189 00:15:43,400 --> 00:15:44,943 Perhaps you were dreaming. 190 00:15:45,110 --> 00:15:47,403 It wasn't a dream. 191 00:15:47,696 --> 00:15:50,198 She said my name. She knew who I was. 192 00:15:50,366 --> 00:15:51,866 And... 193 00:15:54,078 --> 00:15:56,829 - I think I knew her. - Sir? 194 00:15:57,331 --> 00:15:59,624 There was something about her. I... 195 00:16:01,377 --> 00:16:03,252 I've seen her before. 196 00:16:03,921 --> 00:16:05,922 On this planet... 197 00:16:06,465 --> 00:16:08,633 ...it's always night. 198 00:16:09,134 --> 00:16:12,428 You're surrounded by things you can hear, but not see. 199 00:16:12,596 --> 00:16:14,430 It can... 200 00:16:15,182 --> 00:16:16,808 ...stimulate the imagination. 201 00:16:16,976 --> 00:16:19,352 You wouldn't be the first person who looked into the jungle 202 00:16:19,520 --> 00:16:20,937 and saw something that wasn't there. 203 00:16:21,146 --> 00:16:24,607 - She was real. - Captain Archer... 204 00:16:24,817 --> 00:16:27,652 ...what are the chances you'd encounter a half-naked woman, 205 00:16:27,820 --> 00:16:29,237 who you think you know, 206 00:16:29,405 --> 00:16:32,532 dozens of light years from your home world? 207 00:16:35,077 --> 00:16:36,911 Go to sleep. 208 00:16:38,163 --> 00:16:40,873 If you're lucky, maybe she'll visit you in your dreams. 210 00:16:51,468 --> 00:16:53,302 These can detect infrared. 211 00:16:53,470 --> 00:16:55,304 Among other things. 212 00:16:55,472 --> 00:16:56,764 What are you going after today? 213 00:16:56,932 --> 00:16:59,100 We saw a pack of fire wolves yesterday 214 00:16:59,268 --> 00:17:02,729 about six kilometers from here. 215 00:17:03,063 --> 00:17:04,605 It's a difficult hike. 216 00:17:04,773 --> 00:17:07,567 I'll try to keep up. 217 00:17:07,735 --> 00:17:10,194 We'd appreciate it. We only have two days left. 218 00:17:10,362 --> 00:17:11,654 What's the hurry? 219 00:17:11,822 --> 00:17:14,574 To preserve Dakala, our law states that we're allowed to hunt here 220 00:17:14,742 --> 00:17:16,993 for 4 days each year. Then we have to leave. 221 00:17:17,161 --> 00:17:20,163 Hunters often wait decades for a chance to come here. 222 00:17:20,330 --> 00:17:22,040 Are those volcanic vents? 223 00:17:22,207 --> 00:17:24,667 Yes, that area's particularly active. 224 00:17:24,835 --> 00:17:27,879 Mineral springs, steam vents. It's quite spectacular. 225 00:17:28,047 --> 00:17:30,923 Could be worth checking out while Malcolm's on his safari. 226 00:17:31,091 --> 00:17:33,134 I'll get my camera. 227 00:17:33,302 --> 00:17:35,219 Did you sleep well, captain? 228 00:17:35,387 --> 00:17:36,804 Yes, fine. 229 00:17:36,972 --> 00:17:38,514 Good. 230 00:17:38,682 --> 00:17:41,559 If you see any beautiful females today, you'll be sure to let us know. 232 00:18:12,257 --> 00:18:14,634 Drayjin, a female. 233 00:18:14,802 --> 00:18:17,178 They're very unpredictable. 234 00:18:36,198 --> 00:18:38,658 Reminds me of Yellowstone. 235 00:18:40,536 --> 00:18:43,704 It's more like the grottoes of Deneva Prime. 236 00:18:53,298 --> 00:18:56,801 I'm detecting a large geothermal shaft 60 meters in that direction. 237 00:18:56,969 --> 00:18:59,220 I'd like to examine it. 238 00:19:00,347 --> 00:19:02,056 Sir? 239 00:19:05,435 --> 00:19:07,478 Permission granted. 240 00:19:07,896 --> 00:19:09,856 Stay in contact. 241 00:19:15,487 --> 00:19:17,196 So... 242 00:19:19,658 --> 00:19:22,076 ...she was wearing a nightgown? 243 00:19:23,162 --> 00:19:24,745 You think she's real. 244 00:19:24,913 --> 00:19:26,581 I wasn't hallucinating. 245 00:19:26,748 --> 00:19:28,332 Captain... 246 00:19:28,542 --> 00:19:30,710 - ...it doesn't make any sense. - I know. 247 00:19:30,878 --> 00:19:32,170 Trip... 248 00:19:32,337 --> 00:19:35,173 ...have you ever known me to do anything foolish? I mean, 249 00:19:35,340 --> 00:19:37,008 really foolish? 250 00:19:37,551 --> 00:19:40,928 I remember a poker game at Jupiter Station once. Other than that... 251 00:19:41,138 --> 00:19:45,057 Last night I walked into an alien jungle, alone, 252 00:19:45,225 --> 00:19:49,020 chasing a woman who couldn't possibly have been there. 253 00:19:49,271 --> 00:19:50,563 That might qualify. 254 00:19:52,274 --> 00:19:55,526 It was like I was being drawn to her. 255 00:19:55,736 --> 00:19:58,404 Like I didn't have any control over what I was doing. 256 00:19:58,572 --> 00:19:59,947 I can't explain it. 257 00:20:01,950 --> 00:20:04,035 Ah, she must've been some woman. 260 00:20:38,946 --> 00:20:41,447 - Wraith! - What is it? 261 00:20:41,615 --> 00:20:44,659 - Is there something out there? - It could be a plume of steam. 262 00:20:44,826 --> 00:20:46,744 They can fool our thermal scanners. 263 00:20:46,912 --> 00:20:48,454 Well, let's find out. 264 00:20:48,622 --> 00:20:51,040 No point in all of us chasing a sensor ghost. 265 00:20:51,208 --> 00:20:53,084 - You two stay on the trail. - Damrus. 266 00:20:53,252 --> 00:20:55,211 Take care of our guest. 267 00:20:55,379 --> 00:20:57,213 We'll catch up. 268 00:22:17,794 --> 00:22:19,545 Jonathan. 269 00:22:22,466 --> 00:22:24,091 Who are you? 270 00:22:37,230 --> 00:22:38,898 How do you know my name? 271 00:22:40,484 --> 00:22:44,195 I need you, Jonathan. 272 00:22:46,490 --> 00:22:48,199 You're speaking English. 273 00:22:48,742 --> 00:22:51,494 I need you to understand. 274 00:22:52,371 --> 00:22:54,330 I know you. 275 00:22:55,749 --> 00:22:57,375 How is that possible? 276 00:22:57,793 --> 00:23:01,212 If you didn't know me, would you have come? 277 00:23:03,256 --> 00:23:06,342 You said you needed me. Why? 278 00:23:07,469 --> 00:23:09,053 You're different. 279 00:23:09,638 --> 00:23:11,430 Different? 280 00:23:18,438 --> 00:23:20,064 What is it? 281 00:23:33,954 --> 00:23:36,831 - What's wrong? - Harm. 282 00:23:37,290 --> 00:23:40,084 - I don't wanna harm you. - Not Jonathan. 283 00:23:40,293 --> 00:23:41,710 Then who? 284 00:23:41,878 --> 00:23:43,295 Who wants to harm you? 285 00:23:43,672 --> 00:23:45,172 Captain? 286 00:23:48,927 --> 00:23:50,719 Are you all right? 287 00:23:53,014 --> 00:23:54,640 Fine. 288 00:23:55,267 --> 00:23:57,393 You disappeared on us. 289 00:23:57,853 --> 00:24:00,104 What are you doing out here? 290 00:24:02,482 --> 00:24:04,233 Just... 291 00:24:06,153 --> 00:24:08,696 ...taking some scans. 295 00:24:48,528 --> 00:24:50,112 - Hold him! - I'm trying. 296 00:24:50,280 --> 00:24:52,823 - Keep him steady... - You're going to be fine, 297 00:24:52,991 --> 00:24:54,116 but you have to be still. 298 00:24:54,284 --> 00:24:56,243 - Archer to Enterprise. - What did that? 299 00:24:56,411 --> 00:24:57,745 - I didn't see it. - Go ahead. 300 00:24:57,913 --> 00:25:00,748 - We split off to follow another trail. - Tell Dr. Phlox to stand by. 301 00:25:00,916 --> 00:25:02,291 - Yes, sir. - It was a Drayjin. 302 00:25:02,459 --> 00:25:04,835 The females can be aggressive if they're protecting a nest. 303 00:25:05,003 --> 00:25:06,670 The wound's deep. Give me the bonding kit! 304 00:25:06,838 --> 00:25:09,798 There's no internal damage, but he's lost a great deal of blood. 305 00:25:09,966 --> 00:25:13,177 We've got a doctor on board our ship. I've alerted him to stand by. 306 00:25:13,386 --> 00:25:15,137 We're prepared to deal with injuries here. 307 00:25:15,305 --> 00:25:17,348 We need him for the hunt. Their doctor can help. 308 00:25:17,516 --> 00:25:19,808 We only have two more days. 309 00:25:20,727 --> 00:25:23,979 Thank you, captain. Obviously, we want him to have the best treatment. 310 00:25:24,147 --> 00:25:27,441 Let's get him back to the shuttlepod. You and Malcolm go with him. 311 00:25:29,694 --> 00:25:32,196 You should all return to your ship. 312 00:25:32,489 --> 00:25:34,907 We came to this planet aware of its dangers. 313 00:25:35,075 --> 00:25:38,577 - You didn't. - I'm not ready to leave. 314 00:25:46,002 --> 00:25:49,713 Lieutenant Reed reports they've docked with Enterprise. 315 00:25:49,881 --> 00:25:51,757 Thanks. 316 00:25:51,925 --> 00:25:53,509 T'Pol? 317 00:25:56,763 --> 00:25:58,556 Come in. 318 00:26:08,191 --> 00:26:10,150 I saw her again. 319 00:26:11,987 --> 00:26:14,446 Near the thermal vents. 320 00:26:15,991 --> 00:26:17,908 She spoke to me. 321 00:26:19,119 --> 00:26:20,411 What did she say? 322 00:26:20,579 --> 00:26:22,454 She said she... 323 00:26:24,833 --> 00:26:26,667 ...needed me. 324 00:26:27,877 --> 00:26:31,589 I think someone may be trying to hurt her. 325 00:26:34,092 --> 00:26:38,012 I believe you should reconsider returning to Enterprise. 326 00:26:39,514 --> 00:26:41,557 And have Dr. Phlox take a look at me? 327 00:26:45,770 --> 00:26:49,148 There are no psychotropic compounds here. 328 00:26:49,608 --> 00:26:53,068 I wasn't hallucinating, and I wasn't dreaming. 329 00:26:53,486 --> 00:26:57,990 So the only logical conclusion is that she is a real human woman? 330 00:27:00,827 --> 00:27:04,079 I don't know what she is. 331 00:27:04,289 --> 00:27:06,415 I know it's not possible for her to be human, 332 00:27:06,583 --> 00:27:09,043 but she's appearing to me for a reason. 333 00:27:09,210 --> 00:27:11,670 And I'm going to figure out what it is. 334 00:27:11,880 --> 00:27:13,672 How? 335 00:27:13,965 --> 00:27:15,466 I'm going to find her. 336 00:27:17,510 --> 00:27:19,136 - I'll go with you. - No. 337 00:27:20,680 --> 00:27:22,931 A well-armed hunter was nearly killed today. 338 00:27:23,099 --> 00:27:25,726 It would be foolish to go into the jungle alone. 339 00:27:28,063 --> 00:27:29,855 I have to. 340 00:27:31,691 --> 00:27:34,943 She's chosen to communicate with me. 341 00:27:35,362 --> 00:27:37,321 I don't know why. 342 00:27:38,823 --> 00:27:43,160 But I don't think she'd reveal herself if anyone else was around. 343 00:27:44,496 --> 00:27:46,997 Is that your only reason for going by yourself? 344 00:27:47,624 --> 00:27:50,334 - What? - With respect, captain, 345 00:27:50,502 --> 00:27:54,088 I wonder if you would be so determined to find this apparition 346 00:27:54,255 --> 00:27:56,715 if it were a scantily clad man. 347 00:28:10,105 --> 00:28:11,397 How's he doing, doc? 348 00:28:11,564 --> 00:28:14,858 It was a simple matter to synthesize his blood type for a transfusion. 349 00:28:15,026 --> 00:28:17,778 He'll be back on his feet in a few hours. 350 00:28:19,197 --> 00:28:20,781 I'll let the captain know. 351 00:28:20,949 --> 00:28:24,785 Commander, could you tell me what attacked him? 352 00:28:24,953 --> 00:28:29,790 They call it a Drayjin. Looks like a big, nasty pig. 353 00:28:29,958 --> 00:28:31,792 Kind of tastes like one too. 354 00:28:31,960 --> 00:28:36,130 I found cellular residue in the wound. It doesn't belong to this gentleman. 355 00:28:36,297 --> 00:28:39,758 I assume it must have come from the animal that mauled him. 356 00:28:41,553 --> 00:28:42,970 What am I looking at? 357 00:28:43,138 --> 00:28:47,850 The cells are in a state of chromosomal flux. They're mutating. 358 00:28:48,601 --> 00:28:50,686 It's as if they're trying to change into something, 359 00:28:50,854 --> 00:28:53,647 but can't quite figure out what. 360 00:28:54,023 --> 00:28:57,234 That must have been a most unusual pig. 361 00:29:02,741 --> 00:29:04,408 Hello. 362 00:29:11,708 --> 00:29:13,542 Are you there? 363 00:29:45,325 --> 00:29:47,117 I'm alone. 365 00:29:53,792 --> 00:29:55,793 Jonathan. 366 00:29:56,002 --> 00:29:58,086 You're not a hallucination. 367 00:29:58,713 --> 00:30:02,424 You're real. I can touch you. 368 00:30:03,092 --> 00:30:05,010 Real, yes. 369 00:30:05,720 --> 00:30:09,848 But you're not human, are you? 370 00:30:10,683 --> 00:30:13,727 - Human? - Human. 371 00:30:14,729 --> 00:30:16,563 Like me. 372 00:30:17,190 --> 00:30:19,399 We are not like you. 373 00:30:20,735 --> 00:30:22,236 We? 374 00:30:24,280 --> 00:30:26,240 There are more of you? Where? 375 00:30:26,407 --> 00:30:28,617 I haven't seen others. 376 00:30:28,785 --> 00:30:31,161 We can become whatever you see. 377 00:30:31,329 --> 00:30:35,791 A tree, an animal, water. Whatever you see. 378 00:30:38,169 --> 00:30:40,629 I see a beautiful woman. 379 00:30:41,840 --> 00:30:44,341 Because you want to see a beautiful woman. 380 00:30:44,551 --> 00:30:46,176 How do you know what I want? 381 00:30:56,062 --> 00:30:58,313 I can see your thoughts. 382 00:30:59,274 --> 00:31:01,275 I see what eludes you. 383 00:31:01,943 --> 00:31:03,986 You're telepathic. 384 00:31:04,153 --> 00:31:05,821 That's how you know my language. 385 00:31:06,239 --> 00:31:08,365 I know more than your language. 386 00:31:08,575 --> 00:31:12,119 Then you must know why I'm so drawn to you. 387 00:31:12,287 --> 00:31:14,955 Why I feel like I know you. 388 00:31:15,623 --> 00:31:17,207 You do know me. 389 00:31:17,750 --> 00:31:19,585 From where? 390 00:31:23,506 --> 00:31:25,841 Why did you choose me? 391 00:31:27,176 --> 00:31:28,594 You're different. 392 00:31:28,845 --> 00:31:31,179 You said that before. How? 393 00:31:31,347 --> 00:31:32,764 Who am I different from? 394 00:31:33,141 --> 00:31:34,433 The others. 395 00:31:34,601 --> 00:31:38,520 The only ones who have ever come here. Before you. 396 00:31:38,813 --> 00:31:40,105 You mean the Eska. 397 00:31:40,440 --> 00:31:42,107 Do you know why they come? 398 00:31:43,109 --> 00:31:46,320 - To hunt. - To hunt us, Jonathan. 399 00:31:46,487 --> 00:31:50,073 We are what they prize above all else. 400 00:31:57,874 --> 00:31:59,708 You lost the Drayjin, 401 00:31:59,876 --> 00:32:01,835 but at least you got some scars to show for it. 402 00:32:02,003 --> 00:32:04,546 Well, thanks to your doctor, I don't even have that. 403 00:32:04,714 --> 00:32:06,548 To the captain and his fine physician. 404 00:32:06,716 --> 00:32:09,009 - Here, here. - It was no problem, really. 405 00:32:09,177 --> 00:32:12,804 Well, we have to drink to something, since we came back empty-handed. 406 00:32:14,307 --> 00:32:15,974 To... 407 00:32:16,517 --> 00:32:18,602 - ...good hunting tomorrow. - Cheers. 408 00:32:18,770 --> 00:32:20,979 - Good hunting. - Good hunting. 409 00:32:22,482 --> 00:32:24,691 So how did you lose them? 410 00:32:25,485 --> 00:32:27,486 Drayjin are migratory. 411 00:32:27,654 --> 00:32:30,238 By the time we got back, they moved on. 412 00:32:30,406 --> 00:32:34,076 All those imaging sensors, and you couldn't see where they went? 413 00:32:34,285 --> 00:32:36,703 They're more elusive than you give them credit for. 414 00:32:37,455 --> 00:32:39,247 Apparently. 415 00:32:39,624 --> 00:32:41,291 Do you hunt on your own world? 416 00:32:41,793 --> 00:32:44,461 Yes. 417 00:32:45,296 --> 00:32:47,965 Then why travel light years to hunt here? 418 00:32:48,716 --> 00:32:51,635 Seems like a long way to come just to shoot a few wild pigs. 419 00:32:51,844 --> 00:32:54,346 We hunt more than wild pigs. 420 00:32:57,016 --> 00:32:58,976 The prey here is different. 421 00:33:00,061 --> 00:33:04,940 Boar, wolves, some large reptiles. 422 00:33:05,108 --> 00:33:07,401 It doesn't seem that different. 423 00:33:09,404 --> 00:33:12,948 Imagine hunting something that can get inside your mind... 424 00:33:13,116 --> 00:33:15,075 ...sense your thoughts. 425 00:33:15,284 --> 00:33:16,785 Is that different enough? 426 00:33:18,538 --> 00:33:20,622 What are you talking about? 427 00:33:20,999 --> 00:33:22,749 Wraiths. 428 00:33:23,459 --> 00:33:24,918 You mean ghosts? 429 00:33:25,211 --> 00:33:26,837 They might as well be. 430 00:33:28,965 --> 00:33:32,884 Come on, fellas. That seems pretty far-fetched. 431 00:33:33,344 --> 00:33:34,928 Does it? 432 00:33:35,263 --> 00:33:36,847 You saw one yourself. 433 00:33:37,223 --> 00:33:38,557 Your mystery woman. 434 00:33:39,058 --> 00:33:42,060 She was undoubtedly a wraith who wandered too close to camp. 435 00:33:42,854 --> 00:33:44,146 But she looked human. 436 00:33:44,313 --> 00:33:47,232 You don't even know if it was a she. 437 00:33:47,859 --> 00:33:49,735 They're shape-shifters. 438 00:33:49,902 --> 00:33:51,236 They can look like anything. 439 00:33:51,863 --> 00:33:53,739 Even people you know. 440 00:33:55,116 --> 00:33:57,284 That's how they trick you. 441 00:33:57,827 --> 00:34:00,662 They sound like intelligent, sentient beings. 442 00:34:00,872 --> 00:34:03,123 Not the way you or I would measure intelligence. 443 00:34:03,291 --> 00:34:05,125 It's an instinctual response. 444 00:34:05,334 --> 00:34:07,461 That's why we were tracking you the day you arrived. 445 00:34:07,628 --> 00:34:09,046 We thought they'd taken your form. 446 00:34:09,255 --> 00:34:12,883 They assume the exact characteristics of whatever they become. 447 00:34:13,051 --> 00:34:16,428 They turn into a rock, all you see is a rock. 448 00:34:16,596 --> 00:34:17,888 Even on scanners. 449 00:34:18,097 --> 00:34:20,390 Before we learned how to spot them, 450 00:34:20,558 --> 00:34:23,393 they killed more of us than we did of them. 451 00:34:25,021 --> 00:34:28,106 My father came herewith 8 other hunters. 452 00:34:28,566 --> 00:34:31,485 They drove a group of wraiths into a blind canyon. 453 00:34:31,652 --> 00:34:34,946 My father was sure that they had them cut off. 454 00:34:35,406 --> 00:34:37,449 But when they moved in... 455 00:34:38,576 --> 00:34:40,619 ...the wraiths were waiting. 456 00:34:43,206 --> 00:34:45,207 They'd read the hunters' minds. 457 00:34:47,543 --> 00:34:49,503 They knew their plan. 458 00:34:53,049 --> 00:34:55,258 My father made it out. 459 00:34:55,802 --> 00:34:58,637 But only two of his friends survived. 461 00:35:13,444 --> 00:35:14,986 How do you catch them? 462 00:35:15,321 --> 00:35:16,905 In recent years, 463 00:35:17,073 --> 00:35:20,659 we learned when you corner them, they panic. 464 00:35:20,827 --> 00:35:22,285 Especially the young ones. 465 00:35:26,040 --> 00:35:29,417 When they're afraid, they emit a chemical signature. 466 00:35:29,585 --> 00:35:31,837 Our scanners have been modified to detect it. 467 00:35:33,131 --> 00:35:35,382 It gives us an advantage. 468 00:35:45,351 --> 00:35:47,394 They know damn well what they're doing. 469 00:35:47,562 --> 00:35:50,522 I find this as distasteful as you do, captain. 470 00:35:50,690 --> 00:35:52,899 I'm just not sure how we can stop them. 471 00:35:53,067 --> 00:35:55,402 They're well-armedand they know the terrain. 472 00:35:55,570 --> 00:35:57,821 I wouldn't want to try and take their weapons from them. 473 00:35:57,989 --> 00:35:59,656 We have no right to, in any case. 474 00:35:59,824 --> 00:36:02,492 What right do they have to come to this planet and shoot the locals? 475 00:36:02,660 --> 00:36:05,537 Hunting wild boar is one thing, but they're killing a sentient species. 476 00:36:05,705 --> 00:36:07,789 Even if we stop them... 477 00:36:07,957 --> 00:36:10,625 ...their people will continue to come here and hunt. 478 00:36:10,793 --> 00:36:12,419 They've done itfor hundreds of years. 479 00:36:12,587 --> 00:36:15,088 Unless we find a more permanent solution. 480 00:36:15,256 --> 00:36:16,548 Captain? 481 00:36:16,716 --> 00:36:18,133 The hunters said the shape-shifters 482 00:36:18,301 --> 00:36:20,552 emit a chemical signature when they're afraid. 483 00:36:20,720 --> 00:36:22,429 That's what gives them away. 484 00:36:22,597 --> 00:36:24,014 You have a sample of their cells. 485 00:36:24,182 --> 00:36:26,683 I've been analyzing their mutative ability. Quite remarkable. 486 00:36:26,851 --> 00:36:29,311 Can you find a way to mask that chemical? 487 00:36:29,478 --> 00:36:31,563 That would shield them from the hunters' scans. 488 00:36:31,731 --> 00:36:33,023 I'll start right away. 489 00:36:33,191 --> 00:36:35,859 We may not be able to stop them from hunting here, 490 00:36:36,027 --> 00:36:38,445 but we could level the playing field. 491 00:36:46,829 --> 00:36:48,663 - Evening, captain. - Trip. 492 00:36:48,831 --> 00:36:50,165 Get you anything? 493 00:36:50,750 --> 00:36:52,459 No, thanks. 494 00:36:54,795 --> 00:36:56,838 Milk, cold. 495 00:36:58,090 --> 00:36:59,674 Do you know any poetry? 496 00:37:00,676 --> 00:37:03,053 You mean besides "There Was a Young Lady From Ipswich"? 498 00:37:04,889 --> 00:37:06,890 When I was a kid, if I had trouble sleeping, 499 00:37:07,058 --> 00:37:09,559 my mother would recite a poem to me. 500 00:37:09,727 --> 00:37:11,770 There was one I always asked for. 501 00:37:11,938 --> 00:37:13,897 It had a funny name. 502 00:37:14,065 --> 00:37:17,234 "The Song of the Wandering Aengus." 503 00:37:18,319 --> 00:37:21,613 I didn't learn till I was older that it was by Yeats. 504 00:37:22,448 --> 00:37:25,742 I went out to the hazel wood, 505 00:37:26,160 --> 00:37:28,745 Because a fire was in my head, 506 00:37:30,706 --> 00:37:32,290 Anyway... 507 00:37:32,500 --> 00:37:35,877 ...the man in the poem catches a fish 508 00:37:36,045 --> 00:37:39,130 and it turns into a beautiful woman... 509 00:37:39,590 --> 00:37:42,384 ...with apple blossoms in her hair. 510 00:37:42,885 --> 00:37:47,639 She calls his name and then vanishes. 511 00:37:50,685 --> 00:37:52,477 And? 512 00:37:52,687 --> 00:37:55,522 He spends the rest of his life searching for her. 513 00:37:57,316 --> 00:38:01,945 His vision of perfection, I suppose. 514 00:38:02,113 --> 00:38:04,906 Something he could never quite find. 515 00:38:07,034 --> 00:38:08,368 It's her. 516 00:38:09,745 --> 00:38:12,747 - Captain. - When I listened to the poem, 517 00:38:12,915 --> 00:38:16,960 I must have created an image of that woman in my mind. 518 00:38:17,295 --> 00:38:18,878 I haven't thought about it in years. 519 00:38:19,046 --> 00:38:22,799 That's why I didn't recognize her at first. She isn't someone I ever knew. 520 00:38:22,967 --> 00:38:26,219 She's someone I imagined as a child. 521 00:38:26,429 --> 00:38:28,471 The elusive woman from the poem. 522 00:38:30,975 --> 00:38:34,102 Why do you think this shape-shifter 523 00:38:34,270 --> 00:38:37,314 reached into your mind and picked an image you'd almost forgotten? 524 00:38:37,606 --> 00:38:39,607 I don't know. 525 00:38:41,360 --> 00:38:44,154 Maybe that poem's been on your mind more than you realize. 526 00:38:44,322 --> 00:38:46,656 - Phlox to Captain Archer. 527 00:38:48,868 --> 00:38:50,160 - Archer. - Captain, 528 00:38:50,328 --> 00:38:52,203 I may have found something. 529 00:38:52,371 --> 00:38:54,331 I'll be right there. 530 00:38:56,375 --> 00:39:00,128 She may just be something I envisioned a long time ago. 531 00:39:02,465 --> 00:39:04,674 But I'll be damned if I'm gonna let anyone shoot her. 532 00:39:19,440 --> 00:39:21,441 - Are you sure? - It's a wraith. 533 00:39:21,609 --> 00:39:23,276 I'm not picking up a signature. 534 00:39:23,444 --> 00:39:26,112 - It was probably just a Drayjin. - I saw it shift. It's a wraith. 535 00:39:26,280 --> 00:39:28,073 Stay with it. 536 00:39:40,044 --> 00:39:41,628 Where is it? 537 00:39:42,004 --> 00:39:43,463 I'm not picking up anything. 538 00:39:43,798 --> 00:39:45,924 It has to be here. There's no way out. 539 00:39:46,133 --> 00:39:48,802 Well, if it's cornered, it must be terrified. 540 00:39:48,969 --> 00:39:51,304 Why can't we detect it? 541 00:39:52,306 --> 00:39:56,518 It may not be afraid now, but it's about to be. 543 00:40:12,701 --> 00:40:14,285 - I'm all right. - Something's wrong. 544 00:40:14,453 --> 00:40:16,955 - We should've seen it. - Maybe our scanners aren't working. 545 00:40:17,123 --> 00:40:19,290 All of them? 547 00:40:26,424 --> 00:40:28,007 We need to leave. 548 00:40:29,301 --> 00:40:31,344 Let's get back to camp. 549 00:40:44,400 --> 00:40:46,776 How was the hunt? Any luck? 550 00:40:47,778 --> 00:40:49,279 What are you doing here? 551 00:40:49,488 --> 00:40:52,490 We wanted to take a few more scans before we left. 552 00:40:53,200 --> 00:40:55,785 - Is everything all right? - We're fine. 553 00:40:56,078 --> 00:40:57,704 You sure? 554 00:40:58,497 --> 00:41:00,498 You look pretty rattled. 555 00:41:01,041 --> 00:41:03,334 Our scanners are malfunctioning. 556 00:41:03,502 --> 00:41:05,003 I'm sorry to hear it. 557 00:41:05,421 --> 00:41:08,631 Looks like you won't be taking home any trophies this year. 558 00:41:14,513 --> 00:41:16,389 Strange... 559 00:41:17,516 --> 00:41:20,477 ...but we never failed in the hunt before you arrived. 560 00:41:24,899 --> 00:41:27,525 I guess we must be bad luck. 561 00:41:42,583 --> 00:41:44,334 Are you there? 562 00:41:44,502 --> 00:41:46,169 Yes. 563 00:41:53,135 --> 00:41:54,928 They're gone. 564 00:41:55,638 --> 00:41:57,388 For now. 565 00:42:00,351 --> 00:42:03,269 Did you give the others the masking agent? 566 00:42:04,480 --> 00:42:06,189 Yes. 567 00:42:06,774 --> 00:42:08,233 It'll keep you safe. 568 00:42:08,817 --> 00:42:10,193 Thank you. 569 00:42:16,617 --> 00:42:18,576 I know who you are. 570 00:42:20,663 --> 00:42:22,247 You remembered. 571 00:42:23,207 --> 00:42:24,832 Thank you... 572 00:42:25,459 --> 00:42:27,001 ...for reminding me. 573 00:42:27,795 --> 00:42:31,798 Never stop seeking what seems unobtainable. 574 00:42:39,890 --> 00:42:41,349 Goodbye, Jonathan. 575 00:42:45,813 --> 00:42:47,855 Don't forget me. 576 00:43:20,806 --> 00:43:22,599 I won't.