1 00:00:06,881 --> 00:00:09,758 The loss to the Vulcan people is incalculable. 2 00:00:09,926 --> 00:00:13,345 P'Jem was one of our most revered sanctuaries. 3 00:00:13,513 --> 00:00:15,514 Ambassador, 4 00:00:16,141 --> 00:00:20,394 we are very sorry for your loss. But with all due respect, 5 00:00:20,562 --> 00:00:22,563 the High Command has to take some responsibility. 6 00:00:22,731 --> 00:00:25,524 You were using the monastery as a surveillance station. 7 00:00:25,692 --> 00:00:29,778 We were observing a dangerous and aggressive neighbor. 8 00:00:29,946 --> 00:00:32,281 The Andorians wouldn't have found the station 9 00:00:32,449 --> 00:00:34,825 if your people hadn't interfered. 10 00:00:35,326 --> 00:00:37,202 They've been in space for 6 months, 11 00:00:37,370 --> 00:00:40,372 and they've already destabilized an entire sector. 12 00:00:40,582 --> 00:00:42,541 I'm afraid I can't agree with that, ambassador. 13 00:00:42,709 --> 00:00:46,920 This was a volatile situation long before Starfleet got involved. 14 00:00:47,380 --> 00:00:50,507 Perhaps, if you'd been a little more open with us, 15 00:00:50,675 --> 00:00:52,301 this tragedy might've been avoided. 16 00:00:52,677 --> 00:00:55,429 We warned you something like this would happen. 17 00:00:55,597 --> 00:00:57,514 He's too impulsive. 18 00:00:57,682 --> 00:01:01,518 Captain Gardner would've made a far more suitable commanding officer. 19 00:01:01,686 --> 00:01:05,064 The Vulcan consulate doesn't make command assignments here. 20 00:01:12,280 --> 00:01:17,201 There was a time when your people sought our guidance. 21 00:01:17,535 --> 00:01:20,204 I regret that time has passed. 22 00:01:20,830 --> 00:01:23,665 I've been recalled to Vulcan for consultation. 23 00:01:23,833 --> 00:01:28,712 In the meantime, our joint fleet operations have been suspended. 24 00:01:38,139 --> 00:01:40,140 - Yes, admiral? - Get me Captain Archer. 25 00:01:40,308 --> 00:01:41,934 Aye, sir. 26 00:03:15,195 --> 00:03:17,070 I noticed we changed course overnight. 27 00:03:17,238 --> 00:03:20,699 I found a new system in the Vulcan database: Coridan. 28 00:03:20,867 --> 00:03:24,203 They're only a few light years away, so I thought we'd take a look. 29 00:03:24,370 --> 00:03:25,829 Inhabited? 30 00:03:26,456 --> 00:03:28,624 Just over three billion humanoids. 31 00:03:28,833 --> 00:03:31,919 Apparently, the Vulcans have a mining agreement with them. 32 00:03:32,128 --> 00:03:34,880 I had Hoshi send a message to their chancellor, 33 00:03:35,048 --> 00:03:37,424 and she invited us to visit their capital city. 34 00:03:37,592 --> 00:03:39,551 Then I'll start shining my boots. 35 00:03:42,055 --> 00:03:44,056 I think I'll just take Hoshi. 36 00:03:44,641 --> 00:03:46,099 This time. 37 00:03:46,517 --> 00:03:49,978 The chancellor asked me to limit the number of people I bring down, 38 00:03:50,146 --> 00:03:51,855 until they get to know us better. 39 00:03:52,732 --> 00:03:54,066 Oh. 40 00:03:54,609 --> 00:03:56,610 It's really too bad. 41 00:03:56,778 --> 00:03:58,570 According to the database, 42 00:03:58,738 --> 00:04:02,783 they've got the largest starship construction yards in the sector. 43 00:04:02,951 --> 00:04:05,827 They're supposed to have ships that can run circles around the Vulcans. 44 00:04:06,037 --> 00:04:07,412 Better than six-five? 45 00:04:07,622 --> 00:04:12,709 They say some Coridan ships have reached warp 7. 46 00:04:12,877 --> 00:04:15,545 But that's just a rumor. 47 00:04:15,713 --> 00:04:17,464 Warp 7? 48 00:04:19,842 --> 00:04:21,551 You should lend Hoshi your camera. 49 00:04:22,387 --> 00:04:25,138 I'll be sure she takes lots of pictures. 50 00:04:32,730 --> 00:04:34,398 You had me going there for a minute. 52 00:04:36,734 --> 00:04:39,861 - You're just too easy a target. - So you're taking me, right? 53 00:04:40,071 --> 00:04:42,155 Bridge to Captain Archer. 54 00:04:44,450 --> 00:04:46,994 - Go ahead. - I'm receiving a transmission 55 00:04:47,161 --> 00:04:49,496 from Starfleet Command. It's Admiral Forrest, sir. 56 00:04:53,126 --> 00:04:54,710 Was anyone killed? 57 00:04:54,877 --> 00:04:56,920 The Andorians gave the monks three hours 58 00:04:57,088 --> 00:04:58,672 before they started their bombardment. 59 00:04:58,881 --> 00:05:01,049 Fortunately, they all got out in time. 60 00:05:01,217 --> 00:05:02,718 How are the Vulcans taking this? 61 00:05:03,803 --> 00:05:05,095 Not well. 62 00:05:07,598 --> 00:05:10,309 I can't really blame the Andorians for reacting this way... 63 00:05:10,476 --> 00:05:11,518 Jon. 64 00:05:11,686 --> 00:05:13,020 If the roles were reversed, 65 00:05:13,187 --> 00:05:14,938 the Vulcans might have done the same thing. 66 00:05:15,148 --> 00:05:17,607 The Vulcans may have good reason for keeping an eye on them. 67 00:05:17,775 --> 00:05:19,151 I've seen the reports. 68 00:05:19,319 --> 00:05:22,195 These Andorian commandos are a dangerous group. 69 00:05:22,405 --> 00:05:25,407 That's the same crap the Vulcans used to say about us. 70 00:05:25,575 --> 00:05:28,076 Jon, you're doing a lot of good work. 71 00:05:28,244 --> 00:05:29,995 But you've gotta be more careful. 72 00:05:30,747 --> 00:05:34,249 Earth can't be getting involved in inter-species conflicts. 73 00:05:36,669 --> 00:05:38,587 I understand. 74 00:05:39,714 --> 00:05:42,257 I'm afraid I've got some more bad news. 76 00:06:03,196 --> 00:06:04,863 Come in. 77 00:06:09,327 --> 00:06:10,952 Have a seat. 78 00:06:16,084 --> 00:06:18,710 I just spoke with Admiral Forrest. 79 00:06:22,965 --> 00:06:25,759 There's no easy way to say this. 80 00:06:27,261 --> 00:06:30,931 The Andorians destroyed the sanctuary at P'Jem. 81 00:06:34,894 --> 00:06:36,895 Were there any survivors? 82 00:06:37,605 --> 00:06:40,315 Fortunately, the monks 83 00:06:40,483 --> 00:06:44,778 and the intelligence operatives were given advance warning. 84 00:06:44,946 --> 00:06:46,321 They're fine. 85 00:06:46,489 --> 00:06:48,573 Was there time to remove any of the relics? 86 00:06:48,741 --> 00:06:50,242 I don't know. 87 00:06:51,494 --> 00:06:54,746 The High Command believes we're to blame for this. 88 00:06:54,914 --> 00:06:56,706 They're... 89 00:06:59,127 --> 00:07:03,004 ...sending a ship to take you back to Vulcan. 90 00:07:03,172 --> 00:07:05,215 It'll be here in two days. 91 00:07:10,221 --> 00:07:12,514 I won't have time to complete my scans of this sector. 92 00:07:12,682 --> 00:07:15,684 I'll ask Ensign Mayweather to finish them. 93 00:07:16,519 --> 00:07:19,020 Maybe I wasn't clear. 94 00:07:21,691 --> 00:07:24,109 This isn't a temporary transfer. 95 00:07:24,277 --> 00:07:25,569 They're reassigning you. 96 00:07:26,195 --> 00:07:28,905 I understand the situation, captain. 97 00:07:29,073 --> 00:07:32,409 I'm certain the High Command will find you a suitable replacement. 98 00:07:33,202 --> 00:07:35,912 Am I the only one who has a problem with this? 99 00:07:36,080 --> 00:07:39,166 Because you seem perfectly fine. 100 00:07:39,542 --> 00:07:44,087 My assignment to the Enterprise was only supposed to last eight days. 101 00:07:44,255 --> 00:07:48,467 It was unrealistic to expect it to continue indefinitely. 102 00:07:48,676 --> 00:07:51,178 The High Command is looking for a scapegoat, 103 00:07:52,180 --> 00:07:53,805 someone to blame. 104 00:07:53,973 --> 00:07:57,767 They can't punish me, so they're taking it out on my science officer. 105 00:07:57,935 --> 00:08:01,980 Sounds like an emotional reaction if you ask me. 106 00:08:03,399 --> 00:08:06,193 I am largely responsible for what happened. 107 00:08:06,360 --> 00:08:08,403 Don't give yourself too much credit. 108 00:08:08,946 --> 00:08:11,323 I was the one who found P'Jem in the database, 109 00:08:11,491 --> 00:08:13,533 and I led the landing party. 110 00:08:13,701 --> 00:08:16,244 I want you to know I'm filing a protest with the High Command. 111 00:08:16,704 --> 00:08:19,748 - That won't make any difference. - You don't know that. 112 00:08:19,957 --> 00:08:24,544 Captain, I was assigned to Enterprise not simply as an observer, 113 00:08:24,712 --> 00:08:28,381 but to represent the interests of the Vulcan people. 114 00:08:28,549 --> 00:08:32,844 It's clear in the eyes of my superiors, I haven't done that. 115 00:08:33,221 --> 00:08:36,056 They have no right to do this to you. 116 00:08:38,142 --> 00:08:40,393 You're a part of my crew. 117 00:08:41,145 --> 00:08:43,313 For another 48 hours. 118 00:08:47,985 --> 00:08:49,819 Was there anything else? 119 00:08:51,572 --> 00:08:52,739 No. 120 00:09:01,082 --> 00:09:03,041 This is just another part of the joke, right? 121 00:09:03,209 --> 00:09:05,919 I'm sorry, Trip, I've gotta take T'Pol on this one. 122 00:09:06,087 --> 00:09:08,964 I need to spend some time with her alone. 123 00:09:09,131 --> 00:09:11,758 Now I know you're pulling my leg. 124 00:09:12,677 --> 00:09:14,886 T'Pol's being transferred. 125 00:09:15,054 --> 00:09:16,888 A Vulcan ship's on its way to take her back. 126 00:09:17,056 --> 00:09:18,765 What? 127 00:09:18,933 --> 00:09:20,934 Meet me for lunch. I'll fill you in. 129 00:09:25,273 --> 00:09:27,315 May I? 130 00:09:28,442 --> 00:09:29,734 Ah. 131 00:09:29,944 --> 00:09:32,112 I just heard about your transfer. 132 00:09:32,280 --> 00:09:35,115 I'm sorry you'll be leaving us. 133 00:09:36,701 --> 00:09:40,495 I'm sure you'll excel at whatever new assignment you're given. 134 00:09:40,663 --> 00:09:42,872 I haven't received another assignment. 135 00:09:44,250 --> 00:09:46,376 I assumed you were being promoted. 136 00:09:46,586 --> 00:09:48,545 My superiors believe that I'm responsible 137 00:09:48,713 --> 00:09:51,423 for the destruction of the P'Jem sanctuary. 138 00:09:51,841 --> 00:09:53,967 Do you agree with their assessment? 139 00:09:55,803 --> 00:09:58,346 It's the logical conclusion. 140 00:09:58,931 --> 00:10:01,391 I'm certain the High Command would reconsider your transfer 141 00:10:01,559 --> 00:10:04,477 if they knew everything you've done for this crew. 142 00:10:04,645 --> 00:10:06,980 You realize you're not the first Vulcan officer 143 00:10:07,148 --> 00:10:08,982 to be posted aboard a human starship. 144 00:10:11,027 --> 00:10:12,861 The High Command has tried this before, 145 00:10:13,029 --> 00:10:15,905 but none of the others lasted more than a few weeks. 146 00:10:16,073 --> 00:10:20,493 They found their crewmates too chaotic and unpredictable. 147 00:10:20,661 --> 00:10:22,454 But you've been here more than six months, 148 00:10:22,622 --> 00:10:25,415 and you haven't merely tolerated this crew. 149 00:10:25,583 --> 00:10:27,792 You've become part of it. 150 00:10:27,960 --> 00:10:31,671 Isn't it "logical" to take pride in that accomplishment? 151 00:10:32,214 --> 00:10:35,175 Pride is a human indulgence. 152 00:10:36,802 --> 00:10:38,970 I suppose it is. 153 00:10:39,889 --> 00:10:42,474 Oh, I have it on good authority that several crew members 154 00:10:42,642 --> 00:10:44,517 are planning a gathering in your honor. 155 00:10:44,685 --> 00:10:47,771 I believe it's called a "going-away party." 156 00:10:47,938 --> 00:10:51,024 I'd keep on alert if I were you. 157 00:11:09,168 --> 00:11:10,877 So, 158 00:11:11,712 --> 00:11:14,214 what do you know about Coridan? 159 00:11:14,382 --> 00:11:16,341 There are three billion inhabitants, 160 00:11:16,509 --> 00:11:20,178 mostly concentrated in several cities in the equatorial region. 161 00:11:20,346 --> 00:11:23,014 I wasn't asking for the statistics. 162 00:11:23,432 --> 00:11:25,308 Your people have been coming here for decades. 163 00:11:25,476 --> 00:11:27,977 You must know something about their culture, 164 00:11:28,437 --> 00:11:31,106 the kinds of food they eat, what they do for fun. 165 00:11:31,273 --> 00:11:34,401 The Vulcan database doesn't contain that information. 166 00:11:35,236 --> 00:11:36,611 Of course not. 167 00:11:38,030 --> 00:11:40,615 I'm uncertain why I was chosen for this mission. 168 00:11:41,784 --> 00:11:45,412 These people have never seen humans before. 169 00:11:45,579 --> 00:11:49,249 It makes sense for someone with a familiar face to make the introductions. 170 00:11:51,043 --> 00:11:54,337 I have a lot of work to complete before the Vulcan ship arrives. 171 00:11:54,547 --> 00:11:56,005 Don't worry. 172 00:11:56,173 --> 00:11:59,092 I'll get you back in plenty of time. 173 00:12:02,847 --> 00:12:04,556 I just... 174 00:12:04,724 --> 00:12:08,977 ...thought you might enjoy one final mission with your captain. 175 00:12:12,273 --> 00:12:16,317 Or maybe I should just take you back to Enterprise. 176 00:12:17,987 --> 00:12:19,821 We're only a few minutes from the capital. 177 00:12:19,989 --> 00:12:23,575 Returning to the ship now would be a waste of fuel. 178 00:12:34,962 --> 00:12:37,255 Enterprise to Captain Archer. 179 00:12:38,090 --> 00:12:39,132 Go ahead, Trip. 180 00:12:39,300 --> 00:12:42,594 We're reading a ship closing on you, fast. 181 00:12:43,596 --> 00:12:46,973 - I got it. - Some kind of fixed-wing aircraft. 182 00:12:47,141 --> 00:12:50,226 Did the chancellor say anything about sending an escort? 183 00:12:51,729 --> 00:12:53,688 I don't think they're an escort. 184 00:12:53,898 --> 00:12:56,024 Alien vessel. Reduce to one-quarter power 185 00:12:56,192 --> 00:12:58,526 and adjust heading to 317-mark-5. 186 00:12:58,694 --> 00:13:00,904 I'm taking evasive action. 187 00:13:01,280 --> 00:13:03,573 Bring the plasma weapons online. 188 00:13:03,741 --> 00:13:05,742 - Ready. - Fire. 189 00:13:31,185 --> 00:13:33,812 Houdini could get out of this. 190 00:13:33,979 --> 00:13:37,148 Perhaps you should invite him on your next mission. 191 00:13:37,316 --> 00:13:39,692 Harry Houdini was a magician, 192 00:13:39,860 --> 00:13:41,653 an escape artist. 193 00:13:42,404 --> 00:13:46,741 He was famous for being able to free himself from any kind of restraint. 194 00:13:46,909 --> 00:13:50,453 Rope, chains, anything. 195 00:13:50,621 --> 00:13:53,623 That seems unlikely. 196 00:13:54,166 --> 00:13:57,085 That's why he was called a magician. 197 00:13:57,753 --> 00:14:00,505 Some people say he was double-jointed. 198 00:14:02,800 --> 00:14:06,177 I don't suppose Vulcans are double-jointed. 199 00:14:06,345 --> 00:14:08,638 Unfortunately not. 200 00:14:20,693 --> 00:14:23,778 A Vulcan. What brings you to Coridan? 201 00:14:24,280 --> 00:14:26,030 If you want answers, talk to me. 202 00:14:26,574 --> 00:14:29,993 - You're her superior? - That's right. 203 00:14:30,202 --> 00:14:32,036 I don't recognize your species. 204 00:14:32,621 --> 00:14:35,665 I'm human, from the planet Earth. 205 00:14:35,875 --> 00:14:39,168 Never heard of Vulcans taking orders from anyone. 206 00:14:40,880 --> 00:14:42,964 There's been a misunderstanding. 207 00:14:43,173 --> 00:14:45,550 We're here at the invitation of your chancellor. 208 00:14:45,718 --> 00:14:47,635 She's not my chancellor. 209 00:14:47,803 --> 00:14:50,680 That government is kept in power by the Vulcans. 210 00:14:51,223 --> 00:14:54,058 If you're with them, you're on the wrong side. 211 00:14:56,604 --> 00:14:58,813 What kind of weapon is this? 212 00:15:01,191 --> 00:15:04,527 - If you won't tell me... - It's a phase-pistol. 213 00:15:05,571 --> 00:15:07,447 We'll put these to good use. 214 00:15:09,491 --> 00:15:12,744 I'm curious about your starship. What can you tell me about it? 215 00:15:13,120 --> 00:15:16,497 Our protein resequencer can make chicken sandwiches. 216 00:15:18,626 --> 00:15:22,045 Stop! He's not a tactical officer. 217 00:15:23,088 --> 00:15:24,339 He's the ship's steward. 218 00:15:29,219 --> 00:15:33,973 We're here to prepare a banquet for your chancellor. 219 00:15:36,894 --> 00:15:40,146 Your people have a reputation for truthfulness. 220 00:15:40,314 --> 00:15:42,523 You wouldn't be lying to me, would you, Vulcan? 221 00:15:45,694 --> 00:15:48,821 Oh, now I understand. You're the captain, aren't you? 222 00:15:51,200 --> 00:15:52,951 Perhaps. 223 00:15:54,036 --> 00:15:55,578 Whoever you are, 224 00:15:55,746 --> 00:15:58,873 you picked the wrong time for a visit. 225 00:16:11,220 --> 00:16:13,221 A steward? 226 00:16:19,937 --> 00:16:22,355 We believe your shuttle was forced down 227 00:16:22,523 --> 00:16:24,524 by members of a radical faction. 228 00:16:24,692 --> 00:16:28,236 But since the attack took place outside our sensor grid, 229 00:16:28,404 --> 00:16:31,114 your officers won't be easy to find. 230 00:16:31,323 --> 00:16:33,700 You didn't tell us about any factions. 231 00:16:33,867 --> 00:16:35,493 They're a small group. 232 00:16:35,703 --> 00:16:38,788 We had no idea they were capable of an attack like this. 233 00:16:38,956 --> 00:16:40,415 But be assured, commander, 234 00:16:40,582 --> 00:16:43,376 your people are almost certainly still alive. 235 00:16:43,544 --> 00:16:44,836 "Almost certainly"? 236 00:16:45,004 --> 00:16:48,464 The radicals will want something in exchange for the hostages. 237 00:16:48,632 --> 00:16:49,841 They always do. 238 00:16:50,009 --> 00:16:52,468 Sidearms, dicobalt explosives. 239 00:16:52,636 --> 00:16:55,722 It's important that you don't give them anything. 240 00:16:55,931 --> 00:16:57,598 Is this how you protect your visitors? 241 00:16:57,766 --> 00:17:00,977 You might have told us about your little war before you invited us down. 242 00:17:01,145 --> 00:17:05,064 We're not at war, commander. This is an isolated incident. 243 00:17:05,274 --> 00:17:08,568 I don't care what you call it. We just wanna know where our people are. 244 00:17:08,777 --> 00:17:13,448 We are doing everything in our power to find them. 245 00:17:14,950 --> 00:17:17,618 We're not gonna sit on our hands and wait for a ransom note. 246 00:17:17,786 --> 00:17:19,871 Start scanning for human and Vulcan bio-signs. 247 00:17:20,039 --> 00:17:22,498 There are billions of people down there. It could take days. 248 00:17:22,666 --> 00:17:24,459 It might be easier to locate the shuttlepod. 249 00:17:24,668 --> 00:17:26,711 I'll try, but if the pod's been powered down, 250 00:17:26,879 --> 00:17:30,298 it's almost impossible to pick up its signature. 251 00:17:30,883 --> 00:17:33,092 We've gotta start somewhere. 252 00:17:35,596 --> 00:17:37,972 - Ready? - Yes. 253 00:17:38,140 --> 00:17:39,265 Go. 254 00:17:40,142 --> 00:17:41,726 Easy. 255 00:17:48,317 --> 00:17:51,027 Come on. Go. 256 00:18:06,251 --> 00:18:08,795 I think we got a little higher that time. 257 00:18:09,505 --> 00:18:11,839 Only a few centimeters. 258 00:18:12,007 --> 00:18:15,176 That's not frustration I hear in your voice. 259 00:18:16,595 --> 00:18:19,347 - No. - Good. 260 00:18:19,515 --> 00:18:21,099 Let's try it again. 261 00:18:21,266 --> 00:18:23,976 One, two, three. 262 00:18:29,608 --> 00:18:32,151 - Ready? - Yes. 263 00:18:32,319 --> 00:18:33,903 Go. 264 00:18:46,208 --> 00:18:49,460 I think these are starting to come loose. 265 00:18:49,628 --> 00:18:51,170 How about yours? 266 00:18:51,922 --> 00:18:53,673 Slightly. 267 00:18:55,676 --> 00:18:57,802 If we can turn around, face each other... 268 00:18:57,970 --> 00:19:00,513 We might be able to untie these knots. 269 00:19:08,272 --> 00:19:10,314 You'd think that Vulcan database 270 00:19:10,482 --> 00:19:13,734 might've mentioned these people were fighting a civil war. 271 00:19:13,902 --> 00:19:16,362 The database is accurate. 272 00:19:16,530 --> 00:19:21,492 The Coridan government doesn't view this as a civil war. 273 00:19:21,660 --> 00:19:24,537 I imagine your people are gonna want their database back too. 274 00:19:24,705 --> 00:19:26,581 Well, they can have it. 275 00:19:34,464 --> 00:19:36,549 Can you reach the knot? 276 00:19:38,135 --> 00:19:40,011 I believe so. 277 00:19:44,016 --> 00:19:46,976 Without the database, you wouldn't have found this planet. 278 00:19:48,103 --> 00:19:49,145 Or P'Jem. 279 00:19:49,354 --> 00:19:52,481 You're not responsible for what happened. 280 00:19:54,443 --> 00:19:57,069 You didn't have any idea that your people 281 00:19:57,237 --> 00:20:00,573 had installed a listening post, 282 00:20:02,534 --> 00:20:07,455 or that there were Andorian commandos there. 283 00:20:08,749 --> 00:20:13,377 Enterprise had no good reason to visit a Vulcan sanctuary. 284 00:20:13,545 --> 00:20:18,507 I had the opportunity to protest, but I chose not to. 285 00:20:22,679 --> 00:20:24,931 It's clear that living among humans 286 00:20:25,098 --> 00:20:29,602 has caused my reasoning to become compromised. 287 00:20:29,770 --> 00:20:31,604 Well, I think I understand. 288 00:20:31,772 --> 00:20:34,732 You're running away 289 00:20:34,900 --> 00:20:37,526 because you're afraid to become one of us. 290 00:20:38,070 --> 00:20:40,029 I am not running away. 291 00:20:40,197 --> 00:20:42,740 Then why aren't you fighting this transfer? 292 00:20:51,708 --> 00:20:54,460 Your people took something away 293 00:20:55,087 --> 00:20:57,213 from my father that meant a lot to him. 294 00:20:57,422 --> 00:20:59,382 They're not gonna do the same thing to me. 296 00:21:47,639 --> 00:21:49,098 Go get his weapon. 297 00:21:49,808 --> 00:21:51,559 Stop! 298 00:22:03,238 --> 00:22:05,323 It's definitely a ditanium signature, 299 00:22:05,490 --> 00:22:08,034 about 4 kilometers outside the capital. 300 00:22:08,201 --> 00:22:09,869 It's practically under their noses. 301 00:22:10,037 --> 00:22:14,248 From what we can tell, the entire capital is surrounded by a shantytown. 302 00:22:14,416 --> 00:22:16,584 There are almost as many bio-signs on the outskirts 303 00:22:16,752 --> 00:22:18,252 as there are inside the city. 304 00:22:18,420 --> 00:22:22,006 Looks like these people have a lot to learn about building a free society. 305 00:22:22,215 --> 00:22:24,342 Have you found human or Vulcan bio-signs? 306 00:22:24,551 --> 00:22:26,761 - Not yet. - And the pod's transponder? 307 00:22:26,928 --> 00:22:28,596 They must've switched it off. Sir, 308 00:22:28,764 --> 00:22:31,223 I've got a rescue team standing by in the launch bay. 309 00:22:31,641 --> 00:22:34,894 Now, hold on, Malcolm. We don't even know if this is our pod. 310 00:22:35,062 --> 00:22:38,147 I don't wanna go down and find it's some alien tractor. 311 00:22:38,315 --> 00:22:41,817 It's our shuttlepod. I'm certain of it. 312 00:22:41,985 --> 00:22:44,362 All I'm suggesting is we go down and have a look around. 314 00:22:45,739 --> 00:22:47,990 Sir, we're being hailed. Audio only. 315 00:22:48,200 --> 00:22:50,826 - Who is it? - I can't tell. 316 00:22:50,994 --> 00:22:52,703 Put them through. 317 00:22:54,790 --> 00:22:57,625 Is this Enterprise? - Yes. 318 00:22:57,793 --> 00:22:58,876 And you are? 319 00:22:59,044 --> 00:23:01,170 We're holding your captain and your steward. 320 00:23:01,338 --> 00:23:04,256 In exchange for their safe return, we want 40 of your phase weapons, 321 00:23:04,424 --> 00:23:07,593 the same type we found aboard your shuttle. 322 00:23:08,053 --> 00:23:10,096 You'll be hailed at this time tomorrow. 323 00:23:10,263 --> 00:23:11,972 Wait, let me talk to the captain. 324 00:23:12,140 --> 00:23:15,142 I'm sure you wouldn't want any harm to come to her. 325 00:23:15,310 --> 00:23:17,019 We'll rely on your full compliance. 326 00:23:18,480 --> 00:23:20,940 - Hello? - They've cut transmission. 327 00:23:21,108 --> 00:23:25,152 - Were you able to trace it? - They were using a triaxilating signal. 328 00:23:25,362 --> 00:23:27,822 They called the captain "her." 329 00:23:27,989 --> 00:23:29,907 Are we sure they've got the right hostages? 330 00:23:30,117 --> 00:23:33,202 - It sounds like they're still alive. - For how long? 331 00:23:33,412 --> 00:23:35,913 We don't have 40 phase-pistols. We've got 15. 332 00:23:36,081 --> 00:23:39,500 And even if we give them, there's no guarantee they'll keep their word. 333 00:23:39,668 --> 00:23:41,419 We know where the shuttle is. 334 00:23:41,586 --> 00:23:43,212 We have to send a team down now 335 00:23:43,380 --> 00:23:45,214 while we still have the element of surprise. 337 00:23:47,259 --> 00:23:51,220 - We're getting another transmission. - Probably thought of something else. 338 00:23:51,430 --> 00:23:54,932 It's not from the planet. It's coming from a Vulcan ship, the Ni'Var. 339 00:23:57,269 --> 00:23:59,061 Put it up. 340 00:24:01,690 --> 00:24:03,566 Where's Captain Archer? 341 00:24:03,775 --> 00:24:06,402 He's not here right now. Can I help you? 342 00:24:06,570 --> 00:24:09,280 Inform him that we'll be arriving within the hour. 343 00:24:10,198 --> 00:24:11,574 You guys made great time. 344 00:24:11,741 --> 00:24:13,701 We weren't expecting you until tomorrow. 345 00:24:13,910 --> 00:24:16,537 You obviously made an error in your calculations. 346 00:24:16,746 --> 00:24:21,167 Please have Sub-commander T'Pol ready to depart when we arrive. 347 00:24:23,170 --> 00:24:26,797 We've got a bit of a problem. 348 00:24:27,257 --> 00:24:28,466 She's not here either. 349 00:24:29,009 --> 00:24:32,761 They were on their way to the capital city when they were kidnapped. 350 00:24:33,638 --> 00:24:37,349 - How convenient. - I'm telling you, they were kidnapped. 351 00:24:37,559 --> 00:24:38,767 How do you know this? 352 00:24:38,977 --> 00:24:41,770 Maybe the ransom demand we just received gave us a clue. 353 00:24:41,938 --> 00:24:44,857 They threatened to kill them both if we didn't give them what they want. 354 00:24:45,066 --> 00:24:48,152 It would be irrational to kill the hostages. 355 00:24:48,361 --> 00:24:50,905 They would lose their negotiating position. 356 00:24:51,072 --> 00:24:54,700 Maybe we're not dealing with the most rational people, you consider that? 357 00:24:55,285 --> 00:24:58,704 Since the situation involves a Vulcan officer, 358 00:24:58,872 --> 00:25:00,664 we will take over the investigation. 359 00:25:01,124 --> 00:25:04,919 It would be best if you refrained from any foolish endeavors. 360 00:25:05,086 --> 00:25:07,213 What the hell's that supposed...? 361 00:25:09,216 --> 00:25:13,093 I'm getting real sick of being cut off. 362 00:25:23,563 --> 00:25:26,440 Your vessel is ill-equipped to mount a rescue mission. 363 00:25:26,608 --> 00:25:30,152 You would, most likely, become captives yourselves. 364 00:25:30,654 --> 00:25:33,322 My team will penetrate their base of operations. 365 00:25:33,532 --> 00:25:36,742 - What does that mean? - You're planning an assault. 366 00:25:36,910 --> 00:25:39,870 Did it ever occur to you that that could get them killed? 367 00:25:40,038 --> 00:25:42,039 We've dealt with this sort of threat in the past. 368 00:25:42,207 --> 00:25:46,377 Swift, decisive action is the logical response. 369 00:25:46,586 --> 00:25:48,254 You're awfully trigger-happy for someone 370 00:25:48,421 --> 00:25:49,755 who's repressed his emotions. 371 00:25:49,923 --> 00:25:52,049 They've threatened the life of a Vulcan officer. 372 00:25:52,217 --> 00:25:55,636 We must discourage any such incidents in the future. 373 00:25:55,804 --> 00:25:57,346 This isn't your planet. 374 00:25:57,514 --> 00:26:00,391 Maybe the Coridan government has something to say about this. 375 00:26:00,600 --> 00:26:02,268 I've been in contact with the chancellor. 376 00:26:02,435 --> 00:26:04,895 She's given me full authority to implement this action. 377 00:26:05,105 --> 00:26:07,356 You don't really care what happens to them, do you? 378 00:26:07,774 --> 00:26:10,317 You wouldn't mind if they got caught in the crossfire. 379 00:26:10,527 --> 00:26:13,195 You'd consider it payback for what happened at P'Jem. 380 00:26:13,405 --> 00:26:16,448 It's not Vulcan policy to negotiate with terrorists. 381 00:26:20,412 --> 00:26:22,746 Not even if it saves lives? 382 00:26:27,544 --> 00:26:29,044 Any data you may have 383 00:26:29,254 --> 00:26:33,674 on the location of your captain and the sub-commander would be useful. 384 00:26:36,469 --> 00:26:39,638 Sorry. We don't have anything. 385 00:26:47,772 --> 00:26:49,607 Warm up the shuttlepod. 386 00:27:16,509 --> 00:27:17,885 We can't eat like this. 387 00:27:23,933 --> 00:27:25,726 Friendly. 388 00:27:48,208 --> 00:27:50,292 Can you pick up yours? 389 00:27:52,045 --> 00:27:53,837 No. 390 00:28:02,138 --> 00:28:04,306 Dig in, sub-commander. 391 00:28:04,474 --> 00:28:08,060 I don't think you'll be able to send this back for some Plomeek broth. 392 00:28:08,478 --> 00:28:11,647 - I'm not hungry. - I didn't ask if you were hungry. 393 00:28:11,856 --> 00:28:13,982 You need to keep up your strength. 394 00:28:15,235 --> 00:28:17,903 So eat. That's an order. 395 00:28:57,736 --> 00:28:59,653 Look at this. 396 00:29:06,035 --> 00:29:08,078 We're being hailed. 397 00:29:09,164 --> 00:29:10,664 It's the Vulcans. 398 00:29:11,624 --> 00:29:13,667 Here we go. 399 00:29:13,835 --> 00:29:16,378 This is Sopek. Where's Commander Tucker? 400 00:29:16,588 --> 00:29:19,214 He's unavailable at the moment. Can I take a message? 401 00:29:19,424 --> 00:29:21,425 I wanna know where that shuttlepod was going. 402 00:29:21,634 --> 00:29:23,051 What shuttlepod is that? 403 00:29:23,219 --> 00:29:26,138 The one that left your launch bay nine minutes ago. 404 00:29:28,308 --> 00:29:29,767 I really wouldn't know, sir. 405 00:29:29,934 --> 00:29:32,436 We get shuttlepods coming and going all the time. 406 00:29:32,604 --> 00:29:35,147 It's a little like Union Station around here. 407 00:29:35,356 --> 00:29:37,316 I want to know where Commander Tucker is. 408 00:29:37,525 --> 00:29:39,735 I'm sorry, your transmission's breaking up. 409 00:29:51,539 --> 00:29:53,791 I guess not everyone gets to live in Emerald City. 410 00:29:53,958 --> 00:29:55,000 Yeah. 412 00:30:28,535 --> 00:30:30,828 You should've listened to the Vulcan. 413 00:30:30,995 --> 00:30:34,248 He warned you against doing anything foolish. 414 00:30:34,457 --> 00:30:37,209 What the hell are you doing here? 415 00:30:37,418 --> 00:30:39,670 Looking out for you pinkskins. 416 00:30:40,129 --> 00:30:44,216 If you had gone anywhere near that shuttlepod, 417 00:30:44,384 --> 00:30:46,051 you'd have been killed. 418 00:30:46,261 --> 00:30:50,097 They left it in the open for you to find. 419 00:30:51,266 --> 00:30:52,808 How do you know what Sopek told me? 420 00:30:52,976 --> 00:30:54,726 That was a secure transmission. 421 00:30:54,936 --> 00:30:57,437 Sopek is the senior Vulcan officer in this sector. 422 00:30:57,605 --> 00:31:01,066 Naturally, we keep him under close surveillance. 423 00:31:01,234 --> 00:31:04,903 We've been monitoring all Vulcan transmissions and ship deployments 424 00:31:05,071 --> 00:31:08,574 since the incident at P'Jem. 425 00:31:08,741 --> 00:31:10,701 We know. 426 00:31:10,869 --> 00:31:14,162 They're preparing for a war against us. 427 00:31:14,581 --> 00:31:17,708 I'm no fan of the Vulcans, but they're not warmongers. 428 00:31:17,917 --> 00:31:21,545 There's already a war going on, and the Vulcans are in the middle of it. 429 00:31:21,963 --> 00:31:23,922 Several rebel factions here 430 00:31:24,132 --> 00:31:27,342 are working to overthrow their government, a corrupt government 431 00:31:27,510 --> 00:31:31,388 that has very close ties to your peace-loving, logical friends. 432 00:31:32,015 --> 00:31:37,019 So you and the rebels figure you both have a common enemy. 433 00:31:37,854 --> 00:31:40,147 The hostage-takers 434 00:31:40,315 --> 00:31:43,567 have no plans to return your captain or the female. 435 00:31:44,861 --> 00:31:46,945 Once you deliver the weapons, 436 00:31:47,113 --> 00:31:48,739 they'll be killed. 437 00:31:49,240 --> 00:31:50,782 Fortunately for you, 438 00:31:50,950 --> 00:31:55,037 we have a relationship with the downtrodden here. 439 00:31:55,246 --> 00:31:58,624 You tried to kill us last time we met. 440 00:31:59,375 --> 00:32:01,251 Why are you trying to help us now? 441 00:32:01,461 --> 00:32:03,462 I haven't... 442 00:32:04,047 --> 00:32:09,301 ...slept well since our encounter at the Vulcan sanctuary. 443 00:32:09,469 --> 00:32:13,722 I don't like being indebted to anyone, least of all your captain. 444 00:32:17,352 --> 00:32:19,144 You're right. 445 00:32:19,646 --> 00:32:22,773 You never would've found that spy station without his help. 446 00:32:23,191 --> 00:32:24,983 Once he's free, 447 00:32:25,151 --> 00:32:29,404 my debt will be repaid in full. 448 00:32:30,448 --> 00:32:32,282 Show them. 449 00:32:38,206 --> 00:32:41,124 Your people are being held here. 450 00:32:42,001 --> 00:32:44,211 These are barracks for the guards. 451 00:32:44,420 --> 00:32:46,880 - How many? - At least four inside the compound, 452 00:32:47,048 --> 00:32:50,801 two more up on the wall here, and two guards outside the gate. 453 00:32:50,969 --> 00:32:55,180 - All armed with particle weapons. - How did you get this level of detail? 454 00:32:55,348 --> 00:32:58,183 We have an operative inside the compound. 455 00:33:00,103 --> 00:33:02,562 Unless he's gonna take out these guards, 456 00:33:02,730 --> 00:33:05,607 you're not gonna have an easy time getting all the way to the hostages. 457 00:33:05,775 --> 00:33:07,943 It's not your concern. 458 00:33:08,111 --> 00:33:10,654 It is if you get the captain killed. 459 00:33:11,406 --> 00:33:13,782 You're outnumbered four to one. 460 00:33:14,701 --> 00:33:17,452 Wouldn't you like to improve those odds? 461 00:33:18,579 --> 00:33:20,747 They could be useful. 462 00:33:23,918 --> 00:33:26,253 Give them their weapons. 463 00:33:32,635 --> 00:33:35,429 Captain, can you hear me? 464 00:33:35,596 --> 00:33:38,348 - Trip? - It's me and Malcolm, sir. 465 00:33:38,516 --> 00:33:41,101 We're about half a kilometer away. 466 00:33:41,894 --> 00:33:44,396 - Just the two of you? - Not exactly. 467 00:33:44,564 --> 00:33:47,232 We met up with some old friends down here. Andorians. 468 00:33:47,400 --> 00:33:50,402 Apparently, one of them thinks he owes you a favor. 469 00:33:50,570 --> 00:33:52,821 He couldn't have picked a better time. 470 00:33:52,989 --> 00:33:55,323 One of the people guarding you is working with them. 471 00:33:55,491 --> 00:33:57,534 When he unties you, head for the gate. 472 00:33:57,702 --> 00:33:59,911 It's about 20 meters from the building you're in. 473 00:34:00,079 --> 00:34:03,790 Until he shows up, just sit tight. 474 00:34:03,958 --> 00:34:06,376 That won't be a problem. 476 00:34:28,608 --> 00:34:30,317 Cold, isn't it? 477 00:34:31,694 --> 00:34:33,445 Andorian ale? 478 00:34:35,406 --> 00:34:36,740 It'll warm you up. 479 00:35:08,648 --> 00:35:11,775 - Who's that? - Oh, it's just my friend. Nothing to... 481 00:35:14,987 --> 00:35:16,696 Get off me. 482 00:35:16,864 --> 00:35:19,658 Hey, let me go. 483 00:35:55,862 --> 00:35:57,320 What the hell is going on? 484 00:36:18,176 --> 00:36:19,551 Get down. 485 00:36:22,471 --> 00:36:23,889 Vulcans! 486 00:36:24,056 --> 00:36:25,807 Did you know they were planning to do this? 487 00:36:26,017 --> 00:36:27,976 You're the one who had their com bugged. 488 00:36:28,144 --> 00:36:30,312 Our escape plan's shot to hell. 490 00:36:32,273 --> 00:36:34,608 We've gotta get them out of there. 492 00:36:59,800 --> 00:37:01,843 Good to see you, captain. 493 00:37:02,053 --> 00:37:03,178 Yeah. What's going on? 494 00:37:03,346 --> 00:37:05,472 The Vulcans crashed our rescue party. 495 00:37:16,400 --> 00:37:18,318 Thanks. 496 00:37:19,862 --> 00:37:22,948 I believe this is yours. 497 00:37:23,532 --> 00:37:26,409 It's the scanner she gave me from the Vulcan listening post. 498 00:37:26,619 --> 00:37:28,536 Seems you went to a lot of trouble to return it. 499 00:37:28,704 --> 00:37:29,996 I'm here for only one reason: 500 00:37:30,456 --> 00:37:33,041 I need a good night's sleep. 501 00:37:36,754 --> 00:37:40,006 My debt is repaid. 502 00:38:09,161 --> 00:38:12,038 Your presence here is a violation of the Tau Ceti Accords. 503 00:38:12,206 --> 00:38:14,958 You lecture us about treaty violations? 504 00:38:15,126 --> 00:38:16,835 Put down your weapons. 505 00:38:17,044 --> 00:38:19,546 I know better than to lower my guard around Vulcans. 506 00:38:19,714 --> 00:38:23,300 Look, we're all on the same side here. 508 00:38:36,689 --> 00:38:40,150 - Let's get her to the ship. - She's no longer your responsibility. 509 00:38:40,568 --> 00:38:43,611 We'll treat her on the Ni'Var. 510 00:38:44,697 --> 00:38:47,240 She's still my science officer. 511 00:38:49,660 --> 00:38:50,952 - Is the pod close? - Yes, sir. 512 00:38:51,120 --> 00:38:52,579 Let's go. 513 00:39:08,262 --> 00:39:11,473 You should be the one dying, not her. 514 00:39:27,156 --> 00:39:28,865 How is she? 515 00:39:29,033 --> 00:39:32,202 Her injuries were quite extensive. 516 00:39:38,834 --> 00:39:40,710 Will she live? 517 00:39:43,923 --> 00:39:45,632 I wish I could say. 518 00:39:53,766 --> 00:39:55,183 I know how you must feel. 519 00:39:56,352 --> 00:39:58,812 She saved my life once too. 520 00:40:00,231 --> 00:40:03,608 She can be a real pain in the ass. 521 00:40:04,360 --> 00:40:07,278 Stubborn, arrogant. 522 00:40:07,446 --> 00:40:09,948 Sometimes she makes me angry enough, 523 00:40:10,116 --> 00:40:11,991 I wanna shove her out an airlock. 524 00:40:12,701 --> 00:40:16,704 I can understand why the High Command's upset. 525 00:40:17,415 --> 00:40:21,584 But it took a lot of courage to step in front of that plasma bullet. 526 00:40:21,961 --> 00:40:24,963 Do you really wanna take her back home in disgrace? 527 00:40:25,714 --> 00:40:28,133 Nothing can excuse what she did at the sanctuary. 528 00:40:28,300 --> 00:40:30,885 I'm not asking anyone to pin a medal on her. 529 00:40:31,053 --> 00:40:34,472 All I'm asking is that she be given a second chance. 530 00:40:41,230 --> 00:40:45,066 If a respected Vulcan captain went before the High Command 531 00:40:45,234 --> 00:40:47,485 and made a plea on T'Pol's behalf, 532 00:40:47,653 --> 00:40:52,115 told them how she saved the life of a superior officer, 533 00:40:52,783 --> 00:40:55,243 wouldn't they think twice about this transfer? 534 00:40:55,453 --> 00:40:57,745 I can't return without her. 535 00:40:59,165 --> 00:41:00,915 She's suffered extreme trauma. 536 00:41:01,083 --> 00:41:03,751 I wouldn't advise moving her for quite some time. 537 00:41:17,308 --> 00:41:20,351 I'm meeting with the High Command in 3 days. 538 00:41:20,519 --> 00:41:23,730 Perhaps, if there's time, 539 00:41:24,607 --> 00:41:27,400 I'll discuss this matter with them. 540 00:41:28,486 --> 00:41:29,777 Thank you. 541 00:41:53,344 --> 00:41:55,678 What happened? 542 00:41:57,890 --> 00:41:59,474 You were shot. 543 00:41:59,808 --> 00:42:01,768 Don't you remember? 544 00:42:04,063 --> 00:42:05,563 Captain Sopek? 545 00:42:05,981 --> 00:42:08,650 He's all right, thanks to you. 546 00:42:12,780 --> 00:42:13,988 I'll return to my quarters... 547 00:42:14,156 --> 00:42:18,076 I'm afraid you're going to have to stay, at least another 24 hours. 548 00:42:27,336 --> 00:42:31,548 You made quite an impression on Sopek. 549 00:42:32,758 --> 00:42:36,594 I've got a feeling he's going to talk 550 00:42:36,762 --> 00:42:40,056 to the High Command about that transfer order. 551 00:42:41,058 --> 00:42:44,644 I'd say the odds are pretty good you're gonna be with us for a while longer. 552 00:42:47,481 --> 00:42:49,774 You should've consulted me first. 553 00:42:54,029 --> 00:42:57,407 It's probably not too late if you wanna catch up to him. 554 00:43:03,247 --> 00:43:05,415 That won't be possible. 555 00:43:07,459 --> 00:43:11,713 Leaving Sickbay would violate my doctor's orders.