1 00:00:17,558 --> 00:00:19,445 Archer to the Bridge. 2 00:00:23,429 --> 00:00:26,574 I'm sorry, sir. I have orders to keep you here. 3 00:00:26,827 --> 00:00:28,042 Orders? 4 00:00:28,839 --> 00:00:30,895 - From who? - The Captain. 5 00:00:36,431 --> 00:00:40,205 - We're losing forward hull plating! - Target their engines. 6 00:00:40,709 --> 00:00:42,051 No effect. 7 00:00:44,190 --> 00:00:45,657 What the hell's going on? 8 00:00:45,784 --> 00:00:48,468 Someone take him back to his quarters. 9 00:00:49,600 --> 00:00:52,033 - Weapons are off-line! - Captain! 10 00:01:37,664 --> 00:01:40,348 It's been a long road 11 00:01:43,116 --> 00:01:45,255 Gettin' from there to here 12 00:01:45,381 --> 00:01:48,317 It's been a long time 13 00:01:49,198 --> 00:01:52,804 But my time is finally near 14 00:01:53,307 --> 00:01:56,872 And I will see my dream Come alive at last 15 00:01:57,753 --> 00:02:00,731 I will touch the sky 16 00:02:01,192 --> 00:02:04,967 And they're not gonna Hold me down no more 17 00:02:05,093 --> 00:02:08,238 No, they're not gonna change my mind 18 00:02:08,406 --> 00:02:12,851 'Cause I've got faith of the heart 19 00:02:13,062 --> 00:02:16,249 I'm going where my heart will take me 20 00:02:16,375 --> 00:02:20,736 I've got faith to believe 21 00:02:20,862 --> 00:02:23,966 I can do anything 22 00:02:24,091 --> 00:02:28,034 I've got strength of the soul 23 00:02:28,663 --> 00:02:31,808 And no one's gonna bend or break me 24 00:02:31,934 --> 00:02:36,338 I can reach any star 25 00:02:37,094 --> 00:02:39,190 I've got faith 26 00:02:41,161 --> 00:02:44,432 I've got faith 27 00:02:45,019 --> 00:02:48,460 Faith of the heart 28 00:03:55,899 --> 00:03:57,073 Hello? 29 00:03:58,835 --> 00:04:00,470 You're up early. 30 00:04:02,358 --> 00:04:03,532 T'Pol? 31 00:04:04,832 --> 00:04:09,279 I know this all seems unfamiliar. I promise I'll explain everything. 32 00:04:09,698 --> 00:04:13,011 Why don't you sit down? Breakfast is almost ready. 33 00:04:13,640 --> 00:04:15,108 Where are we? 34 00:04:15,946 --> 00:04:19,930 Jonathan, please, sit down. I'll answer all of your questions. 35 00:04:22,154 --> 00:04:24,503 Today is a very important day. 36 00:04:27,774 --> 00:04:30,164 I have a great deal to tell you. 37 00:04:36,707 --> 00:04:39,265 What's the last thing you remember? 38 00:04:41,489 --> 00:04:44,760 I was in the Command Centre looking at long-range scans. 39 00:04:44,885 --> 00:04:48,995 Do you remember what happened after you left the Command Centre? 40 00:04:52,645 --> 00:04:55,581 We were in a corridor, you and I... 41 00:04:56,502 --> 00:04:58,097 on our way to the Bridge. 42 00:04:58,222 --> 00:05:01,201 This will be difficult for you to accept... 43 00:05:02,165 --> 00:05:03,927 but that was 12 years ago. 44 00:05:04,723 --> 00:05:07,786 - You coming tonight? - I hadn't planned on it. 45 00:05:08,581 --> 00:05:12,063 I can make movie night mandatory for senior officers. 46 00:05:12,189 --> 00:05:13,363 You'll enjoy it. 47 00:05:13,489 --> 00:05:16,802 Rosemary's Baby. It'll scare the hell out of you. 48 00:05:19,696 --> 00:05:20,954 Archer to the Bridge. Report. 49 00:05:22,254 --> 00:05:24,351 There's a power surge in the starboard nacelle. 50 00:05:24,477 --> 00:05:26,491 It seems to have been caused by an anomaly. 51 00:05:26,616 --> 00:05:28,419 Take us out of warp. 52 00:05:29,970 --> 00:05:32,068 The helm's not responding. 53 00:05:32,697 --> 00:05:35,004 The starboard injectors are fused. 54 00:05:35,130 --> 00:05:37,270 I'm reading more anomalies ahead. 55 00:05:37,437 --> 00:05:39,953 Alter course. 20 degrees to port. 56 00:06:17,238 --> 00:06:20,300 - You have to get out of here. - I'm not leaving you. 57 00:06:50,119 --> 00:06:51,755 How do you feel? 58 00:06:53,349 --> 00:06:56,033 Like a shuttlepod landed on my head. 59 00:06:58,550 --> 00:07:00,646 - Was anyone else hurt? - No. 60 00:07:01,611 --> 00:07:04,253 Captain, there are a few questions I have to ask you. 61 00:07:04,379 --> 00:07:07,943 Well, it'll have to wait. I want to get to the Bridge. 62 00:07:08,154 --> 00:07:10,376 I'm afraid I have to insist. 63 00:07:11,718 --> 00:07:14,444 When did you last speak to Commander Tucker? 64 00:07:15,493 --> 00:07:17,757 This morning, staff briefing. 65 00:07:18,722 --> 00:07:19,813 Why? 66 00:07:24,804 --> 00:07:26,775 What's going on, Phlox? 67 00:07:26,900 --> 00:07:30,213 The anomaly in the corridor left something behind. 68 00:07:30,339 --> 00:07:32,479 We've never seen it before. 69 00:07:34,450 --> 00:07:37,344 This is a microcellular scan of your hippocampus. 70 00:07:37,638 --> 00:07:41,160 You've been infected by several clusters of parasites. 71 00:07:41,286 --> 00:07:43,006 They haven't caused any tissue damage... 72 00:07:43,133 --> 00:07:45,564 but they're impairing certain synaptic functions. 73 00:07:45,690 --> 00:07:49,800 They're preventing you from forming new long-term memories. 74 00:07:50,849 --> 00:07:51,939 Long term? 75 00:07:52,065 --> 00:07:54,833 You can recall events that happened before the infection... 76 00:07:54,959 --> 00:07:57,601 but everything after fades within a few hours. 77 00:07:57,727 --> 00:08:00,453 Captain, you've been in Sickbay for the past three days. 78 00:08:00,579 --> 00:08:03,305 You last spoke to Commander Tucker about seven hours ago. 79 00:08:03,430 --> 00:08:05,780 He came to see you, right here. 80 00:08:14,084 --> 00:08:16,264 You can't remove these parasites? 81 00:08:16,390 --> 00:08:19,452 So far they haven't responded to any traditional therapies. 82 00:08:19,578 --> 00:08:23,310 But I'm synthesising an antigen that shows some promise. 83 00:08:24,066 --> 00:08:28,385 You can be assured I won't stop working on this until I find a cure. 84 00:08:29,392 --> 00:08:33,041 The Doctor continued to search for a remedy over the next several weeks. 85 00:08:33,250 --> 00:08:34,761 Commander Tucker and I did our best... 86 00:08:34,887 --> 00:08:37,781 to keep you updated each day on the progress of our mission. 87 00:08:37,906 --> 00:08:40,212 It looked like we had a lead on that Xindi ship... 88 00:08:40,339 --> 00:08:43,233 the one we planted the tracking device on. 89 00:08:43,568 --> 00:08:45,748 But it turned out to be a garbage scow. 90 00:08:45,874 --> 00:08:50,026 They were carrying a shipment with the same radiolytic signature. 91 00:08:52,585 --> 00:08:56,318 I had an idea this morning after you told me what happened. 92 00:08:56,444 --> 00:09:00,092 I came up with a way to upgrade the antimatter inducers. 93 00:09:01,351 --> 00:09:03,909 We can travel farther on less fuel. 94 00:09:10,451 --> 00:09:13,513 Let me guess. I already gave you these specs. 95 00:09:13,638 --> 00:09:15,023 A week ago. 96 00:09:16,281 --> 00:09:18,965 But your upgrades are working nicely. 97 00:09:23,201 --> 00:09:25,676 I should get back to Engineering. 98 00:09:26,515 --> 00:09:28,150 See you both later. 99 00:09:32,554 --> 00:09:35,028 I imagine that must happen often. 100 00:09:35,490 --> 00:09:38,175 Maybe these daily briefings aren't such a good idea. 101 00:09:38,300 --> 00:09:41,235 Looks like it's just a waste of your time... 102 00:09:41,361 --> 00:09:42,661 and Trip's. 103 00:09:42,788 --> 00:09:44,214 I disagree. 104 00:09:44,339 --> 00:09:46,688 We both rely on your experience. 105 00:09:47,023 --> 00:09:50,673 You can still contribute to the success of this mission. 106 00:09:53,440 --> 00:09:55,621 I'm sure you have work to do. 107 00:09:56,963 --> 00:09:58,851 I'll be in my quarters. 108 00:09:58,977 --> 00:10:02,247 In the corridor, when the anomaly hit... 109 00:10:02,835 --> 00:10:05,184 I urged you to leave me behind. 110 00:10:06,442 --> 00:10:07,952 If you had... 111 00:10:08,539 --> 00:10:12,272 it's likely I'd be the one suffering from this condition. 112 00:10:12,985 --> 00:10:15,795 Fortunately, I don't take orders from you. 113 00:10:15,920 --> 00:10:17,178 Captain. 114 00:10:20,450 --> 00:10:23,679 I never expressed my gratitude for what you did. 115 00:10:24,434 --> 00:10:27,664 I suppose there's not much point in thanking me. 116 00:10:29,551 --> 00:10:32,277 A few hours from now I won't remember. 117 00:10:40,582 --> 00:10:42,259 Bridge to T'Pol. 118 00:10:45,865 --> 00:10:46,956 Go ahead. 119 00:10:47,081 --> 00:10:49,682 We're receiving a hail through the subspace buoy. 120 00:10:49,808 --> 00:10:51,150 It's Starfleet. 121 00:10:51,276 --> 00:10:52,828 I'm on my way. 122 00:10:54,002 --> 00:10:57,189 This was not a conversation I was looking forward to. 123 00:10:57,315 --> 00:10:59,287 It was Admiral Forrest. 124 00:10:59,581 --> 00:11:04,067 The Command Council had reviewed the Doctor's report on your condition. 125 00:11:04,319 --> 00:11:08,261 They relieved you of duty, and granted me a field commission. 126 00:11:11,953 --> 00:11:16,105 Forrest made you Captain. I suppose congratulations are in order... 127 00:11:16,231 --> 00:11:18,286 even if they are belated. 128 00:11:19,376 --> 00:11:20,718 I guess... 129 00:11:22,479 --> 00:11:26,505 these parasites weren't so easy to remove after all. 130 00:11:26,631 --> 00:11:29,358 Phlox discovered that the organisms... 131 00:11:29,484 --> 00:11:32,462 are from a domain outside normal space-time. 132 00:11:33,049 --> 00:11:36,026 They exist in a state of interspatial flux. 133 00:11:36,277 --> 00:11:39,382 None of his treatments had any effect on them. 134 00:11:42,485 --> 00:11:46,217 What about the mission? Did you find the Xindi weapon? 135 00:11:49,028 --> 00:11:51,628 After several months of searching... 136 00:11:52,006 --> 00:11:54,732 we learned where the weapon was being constructed. 137 00:11:54,858 --> 00:11:56,913 But the Xindi knew we were getting close. 138 00:11:57,038 --> 00:12:00,016 They dispatched two vessels to intercept us. 139 00:12:07,229 --> 00:12:09,075 That last one took out warp engines. 140 00:12:09,201 --> 00:12:12,220 They're locking onto the starboard docking port. 141 00:12:12,347 --> 00:12:13,856 Send security teams. 142 00:13:01,291 --> 00:13:04,520 I'm reading 23 intruders on Decks C, D, and E. 143 00:13:04,647 --> 00:13:07,583 Have your men set up a defence perimeter on B-Deck. 144 00:13:26,707 --> 00:13:28,468 We've lost weapons! 145 00:13:30,607 --> 00:13:33,626 - Is their ship still docked with us? - It is. 146 00:14:01,182 --> 00:14:03,195 Both ships are disabled. 147 00:14:10,283 --> 00:14:14,393 We've lost 13 of the crew. Twenty-two injured, several critical. 148 00:14:18,000 --> 00:14:19,342 The Xindi? 149 00:14:20,013 --> 00:14:22,069 We've taken nine prisoners... 150 00:14:22,194 --> 00:14:24,920 but the Brig was only designed for two. 151 00:14:25,046 --> 00:14:29,030 - I'm not sure what to do with the others. - Blow them out the airlock. 152 00:14:29,827 --> 00:14:32,805 Put them in crew quarters under heavy guard. 153 00:14:33,434 --> 00:14:35,574 How are the repairs coming? 154 00:14:35,699 --> 00:14:39,180 We should have hull plating and torpedoes in the next couple of hours. 155 00:14:39,306 --> 00:14:41,360 The warp drive's another question. 156 00:14:41,487 --> 00:14:45,346 The starboard nacelle's a lost cause. Half the coils have been fused. 157 00:14:45,471 --> 00:14:46,897 How long to repair them? 158 00:14:47,023 --> 00:14:49,035 If we were at Jupiter Station, three weeks. 159 00:14:49,161 --> 00:14:50,336 Out here... 160 00:14:50,461 --> 00:14:53,230 I'd have to rebuild the coil assembly from scratch. 161 00:14:53,355 --> 00:14:55,201 Six months minimum. 162 00:14:55,998 --> 00:14:58,892 For now, the best I can give you is warp 1.7. 163 00:14:59,017 --> 00:15:02,121 We're not going to get very far at that speed. 164 00:15:05,058 --> 00:15:07,825 Resume our previous heading. Dismissed. 165 00:15:12,606 --> 00:15:15,542 How can we keep going with one warp engine? 166 00:15:15,793 --> 00:15:17,177 There's no other option. 167 00:15:17,304 --> 00:15:21,120 What in the world were you thinking when you rammed that ship? 168 00:15:21,246 --> 00:15:23,929 I chose the logical course of action. 169 00:15:25,189 --> 00:15:30,054 Since the Captain got sick, this mission has taken one wrong turn after another. 170 00:15:30,473 --> 00:15:35,295 If you believe I've acted improperly, I suggest you contact Admiral Forrest. 171 00:15:40,077 --> 00:15:42,803 You said we eventually found the weapon. 172 00:15:44,355 --> 00:15:47,459 How could we manage that without warp engines? 173 00:15:48,633 --> 00:15:52,869 We located the facility where the Xindi constructed the probe. 174 00:15:55,092 --> 00:15:57,608 But it had already been deployed. 175 00:16:00,167 --> 00:16:02,683 - Earth? - Destroyed. 176 00:16:11,742 --> 00:16:14,342 They didn't stop at your homeworld. 177 00:16:15,685 --> 00:16:18,999 They attacked every human outpost they could find. 178 00:16:19,794 --> 00:16:21,095 Mars... 179 00:16:21,346 --> 00:16:23,024 Alpha Centauri... 180 00:16:23,611 --> 00:16:25,163 Vega colony... 181 00:16:25,457 --> 00:16:27,259 all were destroyed. 182 00:16:31,202 --> 00:16:33,216 How many of us are left? 183 00:16:36,068 --> 00:16:37,745 Less than 6,000. 184 00:17:01,064 --> 00:17:04,503 We're on the fifth planet in the Ceti Alpha system. 185 00:17:06,013 --> 00:17:08,110 It's far from the Expanse. 186 00:17:10,500 --> 00:17:12,598 What happened to the crew? 187 00:17:14,024 --> 00:17:16,792 Most of them are still aboard the ship. 188 00:17:18,386 --> 00:17:21,489 It's in orbit, patrolling this system. 189 00:17:27,109 --> 00:17:28,492 How did... 190 00:17:30,003 --> 00:17:32,100 all these people get here? 191 00:17:33,693 --> 00:17:38,181 Survivors from human colonies realised they needed a place to take refuge. 192 00:17:39,062 --> 00:17:41,830 Several convoys headed for this system. 193 00:17:41,956 --> 00:17:44,472 One of them was led by Enterprise. 194 00:17:46,904 --> 00:17:49,085 There's a ship approaching at high warp. 195 00:17:49,211 --> 00:17:50,679 It's Vulcan. 196 00:17:52,273 --> 00:17:54,075 They're hailing us. 197 00:17:57,432 --> 00:18:00,577 - Ambassador. - I need to speak with you, T'Pol. 198 00:18:04,520 --> 00:18:05,778 Come in. 199 00:18:09,762 --> 00:18:12,824 That uniform doesn't suit you, Captain. 200 00:18:12,949 --> 00:18:16,682 I doubt you travelled all this way to criticise my attire. 201 00:18:18,067 --> 00:18:20,751 I want you to return with me to Vulcan. 202 00:18:20,877 --> 00:18:23,225 I'm no longer under your authority. 203 00:18:23,350 --> 00:18:25,658 It's not an order, it's a request... 204 00:18:25,783 --> 00:18:27,545 for your own safety. 205 00:18:27,880 --> 00:18:30,774 Two weeks ago, the High Command received a distress call... 206 00:18:30,900 --> 00:18:33,375 from the Earth convoy in the Mutara system. 207 00:18:33,500 --> 00:18:35,765 By the time our ships reached them... 208 00:18:35,891 --> 00:18:38,826 they found nothing but a field of debris. 209 00:18:39,246 --> 00:18:41,721 The weapon signatures were Xindi. 210 00:18:43,691 --> 00:18:47,299 Even if your ships do manage to reach Ceti Alpha... 211 00:18:47,551 --> 00:18:50,864 it's most likely you'll find an armada waiting for you. 212 00:18:50,990 --> 00:18:53,380 We're prepared to confront them. 213 00:18:58,917 --> 00:19:02,230 It was a mistake ordering you to leave Enterprise. 214 00:19:02,355 --> 00:19:05,333 It forced you to make an impulsive decision. 215 00:19:05,878 --> 00:19:07,765 If you return with me now... 216 00:19:07,891 --> 00:19:11,330 the High Command is prepared to reinstate your rank. 217 00:19:12,505 --> 00:19:14,267 I won't leave them. 218 00:19:14,476 --> 00:19:16,363 Them or him? 219 00:19:17,956 --> 00:19:21,480 There are specialists on Vulcan that can help Archer. 220 00:19:22,362 --> 00:19:25,675 - You'd take him as well? - Lf you return to Vulcan. 221 00:19:27,142 --> 00:19:29,281 You owe the humans nothing. 222 00:19:30,036 --> 00:19:33,348 They chose to leave Earth before they were ready. 223 00:19:33,475 --> 00:19:37,543 If they'd accepted our counsel, this tragedy would have been avoided. 224 00:19:37,669 --> 00:19:40,982 - We could have saved them. - How? 225 00:19:41,401 --> 00:19:44,546 We held back their warp program for 100 years. 226 00:19:44,673 --> 00:19:47,273 A policy which you supported. 227 00:19:47,777 --> 00:19:51,761 If we would have helped them develop faster ships, better defences... 228 00:19:51,887 --> 00:19:55,744 Your emotional attachment to Archer is clouding your logic. 229 00:20:01,071 --> 00:20:04,176 We'll be within range for another 30 hours... 230 00:20:05,140 --> 00:20:07,070 should you reconsider. 231 00:20:18,855 --> 00:20:20,113 Come in. 232 00:20:23,090 --> 00:20:25,691 Did things go well with the Vulcans? 233 00:20:26,656 --> 00:20:28,208 How did you know that they were... 234 00:20:28,333 --> 00:20:31,185 There was obviously a reason I chose these quarters. 235 00:20:31,311 --> 00:20:33,660 You can see a lot from this window. 236 00:20:33,786 --> 00:20:35,547 What did they want? 237 00:20:36,679 --> 00:20:39,531 They were here to replenish our supplies. 238 00:20:43,348 --> 00:20:46,619 I've been thinking about everything you told me. 239 00:20:47,415 --> 00:20:50,183 I realise I'm not fit to command the ship... 240 00:20:50,310 --> 00:20:53,204 but there's got to be some way I can help. 241 00:20:54,798 --> 00:20:57,649 I could give Trip a hand in Engineering. 242 00:20:58,278 --> 00:21:01,550 We tried something similar to that a few months ago. 243 00:21:01,676 --> 00:21:03,940 It was uncomfortable for you. 244 00:21:04,360 --> 00:21:07,673 So I'm supposed to stay locked up in my quarters all day? 245 00:21:07,798 --> 00:21:12,328 You often take Porthos for a walk, visit the classrooms on D-Deck. 246 00:21:12,790 --> 00:21:15,558 The children enjoy hearing about our earlier missions. 247 00:21:15,684 --> 00:21:17,404 In other words... 248 00:21:17,906 --> 00:21:19,920 just stay out of the way. 249 00:21:20,800 --> 00:21:23,946 After nearly a year, we arrived in this system. 250 00:21:24,324 --> 00:21:26,882 Our convoy was the only one to reach it. 251 00:21:27,008 --> 00:21:29,524 The others had all been attacked and destroyed. 252 00:21:29,651 --> 00:21:32,921 This planet's barely Minshara-Class. 253 00:21:33,928 --> 00:21:37,367 Maybe we should've picked one with a little more blue and green on it. 254 00:21:37,492 --> 00:21:40,806 I'd like to head down with a survey team and scout for colony sites. 255 00:21:40,932 --> 00:21:42,483 You're needed on Enterprise. 256 00:21:42,609 --> 00:21:45,294 The civilian leaders are going to want to meet with you. 257 00:21:45,419 --> 00:21:47,852 Me? You're the one they deal with. 258 00:21:47,978 --> 00:21:50,200 I'm resigning my commission. 259 00:21:54,059 --> 00:21:56,073 You're sure you want to do this? 260 00:21:56,198 --> 00:22:00,350 Captain Archer will be better off on the surface with the others. 261 00:22:00,644 --> 00:22:03,538 He'll need a caretaker, someone he trusts. 262 00:22:03,747 --> 00:22:06,641 I can't be in two places at the same time. 263 00:22:06,976 --> 00:22:09,702 You're making one hell of a sacrifice. 264 00:22:10,709 --> 00:22:11,842 Why? 265 00:22:13,897 --> 00:22:15,617 I have my reasons. 266 00:22:16,036 --> 00:22:20,817 The civilian ships were disassembled for their components and raw materials. 267 00:22:22,326 --> 00:22:25,178 We used them to construct the settlement. 268 00:22:33,441 --> 00:22:38,600 At this point, you often wonder if you're the victim of some elaborate deception. 269 00:22:40,654 --> 00:22:42,962 The thought did cross my mind. 270 00:22:45,813 --> 00:22:47,449 Margaret Mullin. 271 00:22:47,785 --> 00:22:49,840 You met her when you were 24 years old... 272 00:22:49,965 --> 00:22:52,440 during flight school in San Francisco. 273 00:22:52,566 --> 00:22:56,299 The night before you graduated, you asked her to marry you... 274 00:22:56,424 --> 00:22:59,402 outside of her apartment on Westgate Avenue. 275 00:23:00,156 --> 00:23:01,708 She turned you down. 276 00:23:01,835 --> 00:23:05,315 She said she didn't want to become a Starfleet widow. 277 00:23:05,944 --> 00:23:08,294 How the hell did you know that? 278 00:23:08,460 --> 00:23:11,480 Our relationship has evolved over the years. 279 00:23:15,759 --> 00:23:18,526 Exactly how far has it evolved? 280 00:23:25,027 --> 00:23:28,425 Nothing seems to have changed since your last exam. 281 00:23:29,389 --> 00:23:33,835 Is this why you came all the way from Denobula, to give me a check-up? 282 00:23:34,799 --> 00:23:36,603 You didn't tell him? 283 00:23:38,868 --> 00:23:42,350 After the settlement was established, it became clear that I was never going... 284 00:23:42,475 --> 00:23:45,369 to find a treatment for your condition if I remained here. 285 00:23:45,495 --> 00:23:47,004 So I returned home... 286 00:23:47,131 --> 00:23:49,814 and consulted with some of the finest neurosurgeons... 287 00:23:49,940 --> 00:23:52,036 and quantum theorists on Denobula. 288 00:23:52,289 --> 00:23:55,477 My colleagues believed there was no way to destroy these parasites... 289 00:23:55,602 --> 00:23:59,041 short of vaporising you in a subspace implosion. 290 00:23:59,796 --> 00:24:04,032 They assured me the technology to do what was required did not exist... 291 00:24:04,158 --> 00:24:06,968 and they were correct. 292 00:24:08,435 --> 00:24:11,203 It took almost a decade to develop... 293 00:24:12,588 --> 00:24:14,602 but now I'm ready to put it to the test. 294 00:24:14,727 --> 00:24:17,621 The procedure requires tremendous amounts of energy levels... 295 00:24:17,747 --> 00:24:22,234 that can only be produced in the reactor of a warp-powered starship. 296 00:24:23,493 --> 00:24:25,589 We're going to Enterprise. 297 00:24:39,597 --> 00:24:41,694 It's good to see you, sir. 298 00:24:43,749 --> 00:24:45,217 Captain Tucker. 299 00:24:47,063 --> 00:24:49,454 I don't think you need to call me "sir" anymore. 300 00:24:49,579 --> 00:24:51,005 Old habits. 301 00:24:51,424 --> 00:24:55,535 I apologise for the low lighting. We're running on reserve power. 302 00:24:56,793 --> 00:24:59,268 Antimatter's at a premium these days. 303 00:24:59,393 --> 00:25:02,330 How long has it been since you took command? 304 00:25:02,623 --> 00:25:07,697 Nine years. I've got some people who'd like to say hello. 305 00:25:11,429 --> 00:25:16,128 - You're looking well, sir. - Thank you. Commander, is it? 306 00:25:17,134 --> 00:25:19,860 Actually, I've just been promoted to Captain. 307 00:25:19,986 --> 00:25:23,215 Malcolm's taking over the Intrepid from Ramirez. 308 00:25:23,383 --> 00:25:25,816 Did everyone get their own ship while I was gone? 309 00:25:25,941 --> 00:25:27,662 Not everyone, sir. 310 00:25:28,122 --> 00:25:29,296 Hoshi. 311 00:25:33,323 --> 00:25:37,181 There's a reception in the Mess Hall, if you're feeling up to it. 312 00:25:37,307 --> 00:25:40,369 A visit to Engineering may be in order first. 313 00:25:49,638 --> 00:25:52,951 I'll be using a highly focused anti-proton beam... 314 00:25:53,077 --> 00:25:54,628 to eradicate the parasites. 315 00:25:54,754 --> 00:25:57,312 We'll start with this cluster today. 316 00:25:57,438 --> 00:26:00,123 Why not remove all of them at once? 317 00:26:00,374 --> 00:26:04,149 This procedure's never been attempted before. We should move cautiously. 318 00:26:04,275 --> 00:26:05,701 When can you begin? 319 00:26:05,826 --> 00:26:09,139 The emitters should be calibrated within the hour. 320 00:26:20,044 --> 00:26:21,303 Come in. 321 00:26:27,552 --> 00:26:31,368 - You left the reception early. - It was a little disturbing. 322 00:26:32,835 --> 00:26:37,366 From my perspective, I saw most of those people just a few hours ago. 323 00:26:46,718 --> 00:26:49,277 It couldn't have been easy for you. 324 00:26:49,402 --> 00:26:52,801 Telling me the same story over and over again for 12 years. 325 00:26:52,926 --> 00:26:55,400 I don't always tell it in detail. 326 00:26:58,294 --> 00:27:01,188 I hope I have told you this before, but... 327 00:27:03,831 --> 00:27:07,311 I'm very grateful for everything you've done for me. 328 00:27:11,589 --> 00:27:13,098 If this works... 329 00:27:13,225 --> 00:27:15,071 Phlox to Captain Archer. 330 00:27:20,312 --> 00:27:22,326 - Go ahead. - We're ready. 331 00:27:26,730 --> 00:27:29,120 I'm picking up an intermittent duranium signature. 332 00:27:29,246 --> 00:27:30,630 Is it a ship? 333 00:27:30,756 --> 00:27:34,321 I'm not certain. It's in a close orbit around the sun. 334 00:27:34,741 --> 00:27:37,928 We'd better check it out. Lay in a course. 335 00:27:51,769 --> 00:27:54,159 Increase to 800 millicochranes. 336 00:28:02,420 --> 00:28:04,099 Increase to 850. 337 00:28:37,441 --> 00:28:40,922 There's a small vessel just outside the chromosphere. 338 00:28:41,550 --> 00:28:43,019 Is it Xindi? 339 00:28:43,313 --> 00:28:47,633 The hull configuration doesn't match. There's one bio-sign on board. 340 00:28:49,016 --> 00:28:50,610 Open a channel. 341 00:28:51,742 --> 00:28:54,007 This is Captain Charles Tucker. 342 00:28:54,385 --> 00:28:56,775 Is there something we can help you with? 343 00:29:02,186 --> 00:29:04,283 - He's moving. - Follow him. 344 00:29:04,912 --> 00:29:08,728 - His warp coils are charging. - Target one of his nacelles. 345 00:29:16,697 --> 00:29:18,710 Bring it into the Launch Bay. 346 00:29:22,275 --> 00:29:24,246 Just as my simulations predicted. 347 00:29:24,372 --> 00:29:27,433 There's no trace of the parasites I targeted. 348 00:29:30,369 --> 00:29:33,934 Well, I understand I may have a passenger on my voyage home. 349 00:29:34,521 --> 00:29:37,499 I'm remaining at the settlement for the time being. 350 00:29:37,625 --> 00:29:40,394 He may need my help during his recovery. 351 00:29:42,197 --> 00:29:45,468 Have you told the Captain how you feel about him? 352 00:29:49,369 --> 00:29:52,263 It's obvious you've become quite attached. 353 00:29:53,227 --> 00:29:54,989 It's nothing to be ashamed of. 354 00:29:55,114 --> 00:29:57,966 Vulcans experience the same emotions as any other species. 355 00:29:58,092 --> 00:30:01,531 - They're simply better at hiding them. - I'm not hiding anything. 356 00:30:01,657 --> 00:30:05,431 He risked his life to save me. I'm merely repaying a debt. 357 00:30:07,445 --> 00:30:10,381 I can only imagine what it must have been like... 358 00:30:10,632 --> 00:30:13,946 spending all those years in that house, learning so much about him. 359 00:30:14,072 --> 00:30:16,588 Yet he remembers nothing about you... 360 00:30:16,714 --> 00:30:18,978 beyond the day he became ill. 361 00:30:21,328 --> 00:30:23,718 If we are successful, perhaps... 362 00:30:25,102 --> 00:30:27,199 things will be different. 363 00:30:35,545 --> 00:30:39,697 - There's a discrepancy in these scans. - What is it? 364 00:30:40,620 --> 00:30:43,094 I deal in Rigelian flamegems. 365 00:30:43,219 --> 00:30:46,324 I was waiting for a prospective buyer when you attacked me. 366 00:30:46,450 --> 00:30:49,008 You picked an odd place for a business transaction. 367 00:30:49,134 --> 00:30:52,195 We searched your ship. We didn't find any cargo. 368 00:30:52,321 --> 00:30:56,222 That's because I jettisoned it all. I thought you were going to arrest me. 369 00:30:56,347 --> 00:30:58,654 Flamegems are illegal in this region. 370 00:30:58,780 --> 00:31:01,254 We found your species in our Vulcan database. 371 00:31:01,380 --> 00:31:03,980 It appears Yridians are information dealers. 372 00:31:04,106 --> 00:31:06,874 Who hired you? Was it the Xindi? 373 00:31:08,174 --> 00:31:09,349 Xindi? 374 00:31:11,572 --> 00:31:14,340 Maybe we didn't give his vessel a close enough look. 375 00:31:14,466 --> 00:31:15,891 Go back to the Launch Bay. 376 00:31:16,017 --> 00:31:17,234 Use a plasma torch... 377 00:31:17,360 --> 00:31:19,372 and slice that ship into neat little pieces. 378 00:31:19,498 --> 00:31:21,847 Keep at it till you find some evidence... 379 00:31:21,973 --> 00:31:23,986 that supports his story. 380 00:31:24,112 --> 00:31:26,544 You're going to destroy my ship? 381 00:31:28,515 --> 00:31:30,487 It's not you they want. 382 00:31:32,164 --> 00:31:35,142 - It's the Denobulan. - Phlox? 383 00:31:36,022 --> 00:31:39,084 - I was hired to follow him. - Hired by who? 384 00:31:39,294 --> 00:31:42,188 I don't know. They work through intermediaries. 385 00:31:42,314 --> 00:31:46,801 I was paid to follow the Denobulan if he ever left his homeworld. 386 00:31:47,683 --> 00:31:50,870 What did you tell them? Answer me! 387 00:31:56,783 --> 00:31:57,916 What's the problem? 388 00:31:58,041 --> 00:32:00,642 Your engineers won't let us continue with the Captain's treatment. 389 00:32:00,768 --> 00:32:01,859 Those are my orders. 390 00:32:01,984 --> 00:32:03,451 Look, I'd do anything to help the Captain... 391 00:32:03,578 --> 00:32:05,172 but we've got bigger problems at the moment. 392 00:32:05,297 --> 00:32:07,394 This may be the only solution to your problems, Captain. 393 00:32:07,520 --> 00:32:09,575 Destroying these parasites is most likely the key... 394 00:32:09,701 --> 00:32:11,211 to saving humanity and Earth. 395 00:32:11,336 --> 00:32:12,384 Earth's gone. 396 00:32:12,510 --> 00:32:14,776 This image was taken a few minutes ago. 397 00:32:14,902 --> 00:32:18,635 You can see the region where I eradicated the first cluster of parasites. 398 00:32:18,760 --> 00:32:23,750 It's gone in this image as well. This scan was taken over 12 years ago. 399 00:32:24,212 --> 00:32:25,890 The cluster has disappeared... 400 00:32:26,016 --> 00:32:28,951 from all the scans I've taken over the last 12 years. 401 00:32:29,077 --> 00:32:31,091 It's as though it never existed at all. 402 00:32:31,216 --> 00:32:33,020 By destroying the organisms in the present... 403 00:32:33,145 --> 00:32:35,116 we appear to have neutralised them in the past. 404 00:32:35,243 --> 00:32:36,795 We know they're from another spatial domain. 405 00:32:36,921 --> 00:32:39,142 Apparently, they also exist outside of time. 406 00:32:39,268 --> 00:32:41,953 If we can eliminate all the parasites, it's possible... 407 00:32:42,078 --> 00:32:44,511 the Captain's infection will never have occurred. 408 00:32:44,637 --> 00:32:46,188 History may be altered. 409 00:32:46,315 --> 00:32:48,621 Captain Archer will have remained in command of Enterprise. 410 00:32:48,748 --> 00:32:51,893 Our mission in the Expanse could have an entirely different outcome. 411 00:32:52,019 --> 00:32:53,781 We only have to divert power for a few hours. 412 00:32:53,906 --> 00:32:57,261 I am certain I can complete the procedure in that time. 413 00:32:57,386 --> 00:33:01,036 I'm sorry. We need all the power we've got for the weapons. 414 00:33:01,497 --> 00:33:05,439 If the Xindi are on the way, there's very little we can do to stop them. 415 00:33:05,566 --> 00:33:08,165 Well, we can't just run up the white flag. 416 00:33:08,292 --> 00:33:11,059 Bridge to Captain Tucker. You'd better get up here, sir. 417 00:33:11,185 --> 00:33:12,653 I'm on my way. 418 00:33:12,778 --> 00:33:14,415 We'll talk about this later. 419 00:33:21,461 --> 00:33:24,606 I'm getting a signal from one of our sentry probes. 420 00:33:24,732 --> 00:33:27,500 Six Xindi ships have entered the system. 421 00:33:37,776 --> 00:33:39,831 Charge the phase-cannons. 422 00:33:41,047 --> 00:33:44,276 - Is everyone in position? - Aye, sir. 423 00:33:45,325 --> 00:33:47,968 - The Xindi ships are in range. - Fire. 424 00:33:52,874 --> 00:33:54,258 Our shields are holding. 425 00:33:54,384 --> 00:33:56,187 Nice to know they work in combat. 426 00:33:56,314 --> 00:33:59,627 Remind me to send a thank you note to General Schran. 427 00:33:59,961 --> 00:34:03,988 Adjust your heading. 3-1-0 mark 2-7. Full impulse. 428 00:34:05,205 --> 00:34:08,518 Two of their ships are breaking off. They're following us. 429 00:34:08,643 --> 00:34:12,418 - What about the others? - Still heading toward the planet. 430 00:34:22,358 --> 00:34:25,924 The Insectoid ship's been damaged. They're losing power. 431 00:34:26,049 --> 00:34:27,894 Target the second one. 432 00:34:32,172 --> 00:34:34,185 Their engine's disabled. 433 00:34:34,563 --> 00:34:37,834 The other Xindi ships have changed their heading. 434 00:34:41,316 --> 00:34:45,761 I think we're going to find out how much of a beating these new shields can take. 435 00:34:49,662 --> 00:34:50,836 T'Pol? 436 00:34:51,465 --> 00:34:54,610 - What's happening? - Jonathan, you need to rest. 437 00:34:55,827 --> 00:34:57,966 - Where are you going? - To the Bridge. 438 00:34:58,091 --> 00:35:01,992 I'm not going to just lie here while they destroy what's left of humanity. 439 00:35:03,081 --> 00:35:05,054 You should remain here. 440 00:35:16,754 --> 00:35:18,936 Forward shielding's at 52%. 441 00:35:24,640 --> 00:35:26,485 Turbolifts are down. 442 00:35:41,290 --> 00:35:44,478 Intrepid's taken a direct hit. They've lost their port nacelle. 443 00:35:44,603 --> 00:35:46,448 Tell them to withdraw. 444 00:35:49,552 --> 00:35:51,733 Our phase-cannons are down. 445 00:35:58,402 --> 00:36:02,847 - Our forward shield's collapsing! - Hull breaches on B-Deck, C-Deck. 446 00:36:05,573 --> 00:36:08,509 - They're targeting the Bridge! - Hard to port! 447 00:36:31,619 --> 00:36:33,380 The Bridge is gone. 448 00:36:36,609 --> 00:36:38,916 - T'Pol to Phlox. - Go ahead. 449 00:36:39,419 --> 00:36:42,397 Meet us in Engineering. We're going to finish the procedure. 450 00:36:42,522 --> 00:36:43,613 Understood. 451 00:36:43,739 --> 00:36:46,339 We don't have time to worry about parasites right now. 452 00:36:46,465 --> 00:36:50,114 That's not necessarily true. Come with me. I'll explain. 453 00:37:08,903 --> 00:37:12,006 I'm sorry, Captain, the chamber's been damaged. 454 00:37:14,985 --> 00:37:18,549 Didn't you say we could destroy the parasites with a subspace implosion? 455 00:37:18,675 --> 00:37:20,689 - Yes, but then we... - Can we create one? 456 00:37:20,815 --> 00:37:23,290 We would have to overload three plasma injectors. 457 00:37:23,415 --> 00:37:25,721 That would send a feedback pulse through the reactor. 458 00:37:25,847 --> 00:37:27,063 You'll destroy the ship? 459 00:37:27,188 --> 00:37:29,705 At this point, it won't make much of a difference. 460 00:37:29,831 --> 00:37:32,725 You two get to a shuttlepod. They're only after humans. 461 00:37:32,851 --> 00:37:36,332 If this doesn't work out, you'll still have a chance. 462 00:37:40,233 --> 00:37:41,910 That's an order. 463 00:37:42,414 --> 00:37:45,811 With all due respect, you were relieved of command. 464 00:37:51,347 --> 00:37:54,912 One of the plasma injectors was damaged. We'll have to replace it. 465 00:37:55,037 --> 00:37:58,184 They're in supply locker C on the upper level. 466 00:38:20,622 --> 00:38:22,592 We're back in business. 467 00:38:36,894 --> 00:38:38,069 Phlox! 468 00:38:41,382 --> 00:38:42,555 Phlox. 469 00:38:51,574 --> 00:38:53,754 - How much longer? - Stand by. 470 00:40:19,732 --> 00:40:21,367 How do you feel? 471 00:40:24,639 --> 00:40:27,238 Like a shuttlepod landed on my head. 472 00:40:29,336 --> 00:40:30,720 What's our status? 473 00:40:30,846 --> 00:40:32,482 We've cleared the anomalies. 474 00:40:32,607 --> 00:40:35,291 There's minor damage to the starboard nacelle. 475 00:40:35,418 --> 00:40:38,102 Repairs should be complete within the hour. 476 00:40:38,227 --> 00:40:40,031 You suffered a mild concussion. 477 00:40:40,157 --> 00:40:43,303 I'd like to keep you overnight for observation. 478 00:40:44,224 --> 00:40:45,943 All right, Doctor. 479 00:40:50,893 --> 00:40:55,296 You could have been seriously injured. I told you to leave me behind. 480 00:40:56,137 --> 00:40:59,029 Fortunately, I don't take orders from you. 481 00:40:59,910 --> 00:41:02,385 I believe you wanted to see this. 482 00:41:02,930 --> 00:41:04,146 Rosemary's Baby? 483 00:41:04,273 --> 00:41:06,621 You were obviously looking forward to it... 484 00:41:06,747 --> 00:41:10,395 and since you're not going to be able to attend tonight. 485 00:41:11,570 --> 00:41:12,787 Thanks. 486 00:41:14,464 --> 00:41:17,400 Would you mind bringing me another pillow? 487 00:41:31,826 --> 00:41:34,888 Would you turn down the lights just a little? 488 00:41:41,473 --> 00:41:43,990 - Anything else? - No, that's great. 489 00:41:46,255 --> 00:41:47,639 You know... 490 00:41:49,610 --> 00:41:51,875 you'd make a wonderful nurse.