1 00:00:38,329 --> 00:00:41,081 PHLOX: Porthos! Come back here. 2 00:00:42,459 --> 00:00:45,878 Porthos. Stop. Return. 3 00:00:46,087 --> 00:00:48,213 Heel. That's it. Heel! 4 00:00:48,798 --> 00:00:50,674 Oh, Porthos. 5 00:00:51,718 --> 00:00:53,135 [WHIMPERS] 6 00:00:55,346 --> 00:00:58,265 [BARKS] 7 00:00:59,184 --> 00:01:02,061 All right, but just for a moment. 8 00:01:06,274 --> 00:01:10,027 [WHIMPERS] 9 00:01:14,616 --> 00:01:16,116 That's enough. 10 00:01:16,326 --> 00:01:19,787 You can come and see him again tomorrow. Unh. 11 00:02:52,338 --> 00:02:57,384 Well, it says here that canines can be quite territorial. Heh. 12 00:02:57,552 --> 00:03:01,305 Is that why you keep returning to the captain's quarters? 13 00:03:03,391 --> 00:03:09,938 Hm. On Earth, a dog called Scruffers traveled 3000 kilometers, 14 00:03:10,148 --> 00:03:13,692 attempting to reunite with its human keeper. 15 00:03:13,943 --> 00:03:18,322 Eh, I heard of a Pycan space moth that drifted half a light-year, 16 00:03:18,531 --> 00:03:21,283 trying to return to its home world. 17 00:03:21,784 --> 00:03:24,203 But I don't believe it had a name. 18 00:03:25,205 --> 00:03:26,246 [SIGHS] 19 00:03:26,414 --> 00:03:28,248 I could use a walk. 20 00:03:28,416 --> 00:03:30,209 How about you? 21 00:03:37,091 --> 00:03:38,634 Dear Dr. Lucas, 22 00:03:38,843 --> 00:03:41,595 I apologize for the delay in responding to your last letter. 23 00:03:41,804 --> 00:03:44,640 As you can imagine, the crew and I have been quite busy. 24 00:03:46,059 --> 00:03:47,684 In we go. 25 00:03:50,980 --> 00:03:52,356 I was deeply saddened 26 00:03:52,523 --> 00:03:56,360 to hear about your colleagues lost in the Xindi attack. 27 00:03:56,569 --> 00:03:58,779 You have my condolences. 28 00:03:58,947 --> 00:04:01,949 It's unfortunate you were forced to cut your time on Denobula short, 29 00:04:02,158 --> 00:04:04,910 but obviously you're needed on Earth. 30 00:04:05,119 --> 00:04:07,204 Perhaps when our mission is successfully completed, 31 00:04:07,372 --> 00:04:10,749 I'll see you back in San Francisco. Hm. 32 00:04:11,459 --> 00:04:15,754 The Expanse, an extremely curious place. 33 00:04:16,547 --> 00:04:20,968 For example, we've recently encountered a phenomenon that... 34 00:04:21,135 --> 00:04:22,261 [BARKS] 35 00:04:22,428 --> 00:04:23,637 Do you want one of these? 36 00:04:23,846 --> 00:04:25,013 [BARKS] 37 00:04:25,181 --> 00:04:26,473 I doubt you'd like it. 38 00:04:26,975 --> 00:04:28,267 It's a leech, you know? 39 00:04:28,476 --> 00:04:30,477 Will clean out your intestinal tract. 40 00:04:31,187 --> 00:04:32,521 Don't tell the captain. 41 00:04:35,233 --> 00:04:36,483 [CHUCKLES] 42 00:04:37,151 --> 00:04:39,027 I currently find myself 43 00:04:39,195 --> 00:04:43,573 in somewhat unsettling circumstances, Dr. Lucas. 44 00:04:43,783 --> 00:04:46,159 Although they have allowed me the luxury 45 00:04:46,327 --> 00:04:50,038 of catching up on my, heh, heh, correspondence. 46 00:04:53,918 --> 00:04:55,252 PHLOX: We first encountered the phenomenon 47 00:04:55,420 --> 00:04:58,588 responsible for this situation two days ago. 48 00:04:58,923 --> 00:05:01,133 T'POL: It's directly on our route to Azati Prime. 49 00:05:01,342 --> 00:05:03,218 ARCHER: Why didn't sensors pick it up before now? 50 00:05:03,428 --> 00:05:06,096 T'POL: Because it wasn't there before now. 51 00:05:06,306 --> 00:05:10,225 It's similar to the phenomenon we encountered several weeks ago. 52 00:05:10,435 --> 00:05:12,561 A trans-dimensional disturbance? 53 00:05:12,770 --> 00:05:16,189 This region is being rapidly reconfigured as we speak. 54 00:05:16,399 --> 00:05:17,899 How long would it take to go around it? 55 00:05:18,067 --> 00:05:20,235 Two weeks. 56 00:05:20,403 --> 00:05:22,571 - Another detour. - T'POL: Perhaps not. 57 00:05:23,239 --> 00:05:25,782 Since this region was formed only recently, 58 00:05:25,992 --> 00:05:28,410 it hasn't been completely reconfigured. 59 00:05:28,619 --> 00:05:31,079 We should still be able to cross it safely. 60 00:05:31,289 --> 00:05:34,458 You said nothing from our universe could survive inside these things. 61 00:05:35,335 --> 00:05:36,376 Doctor. 62 00:05:36,544 --> 00:05:39,755 That's true, unless we take the appropriate precautions. 63 00:05:39,964 --> 00:05:43,008 The reconfigured space disrupts the human neocortex. 64 00:05:43,217 --> 00:05:44,885 But I can counteract the effects 65 00:05:45,094 --> 00:05:47,220 by dampening the crew's neurological activity. 66 00:05:47,430 --> 00:05:50,932 It would be like, um, shutting down the main computer 67 00:05:51,142 --> 00:05:52,559 to protect it from an ion storm. 68 00:05:53,561 --> 00:05:57,397 How do you plan to shut down our neocortexes? 69 00:05:57,607 --> 00:06:00,233 Quite simply, I can place each of you in a comatose state 70 00:06:00,443 --> 00:06:03,612 until we've passed through the affected region. 71 00:06:04,447 --> 00:06:08,408 - How quickly can we get across it? - Less than an hour at warp 4. 72 00:06:08,576 --> 00:06:10,494 I don't wanna risk going to warp in there. 73 00:06:11,245 --> 00:06:13,038 Who knows what kind of effect this disturbance 74 00:06:13,206 --> 00:06:14,873 will have on our warp field? 75 00:06:15,083 --> 00:06:17,042 We'll be safer sticking to impulse. 76 00:06:18,336 --> 00:06:23,590 You'll have to keep us in comas for at least four days. 77 00:06:24,759 --> 00:06:27,427 That's still less time than it would take to go around it. 78 00:06:27,595 --> 00:06:28,887 Can you keep us under that long? 79 00:06:29,722 --> 00:06:31,056 Shouldn't cause any problems. 80 00:06:32,934 --> 00:06:35,519 PHLOX: Commander Tucker was not too keen on my plan. 81 00:06:35,728 --> 00:06:39,314 However, I was able to convince Captain Archer. 82 00:06:42,527 --> 00:06:45,028 Since my Denobulan physiology is immune 83 00:06:45,238 --> 00:06:50,742 to the effects of the disturbance, I volunteered to watch over the crew. 84 00:06:51,285 --> 00:06:53,161 So far... 85 00:06:53,413 --> 00:06:54,746 Ah. 86 00:06:55,164 --> 00:06:57,624 There's been no trouble at all. 87 00:06:58,167 --> 00:07:00,669 PHLOX: While the computer is controlling most of the ship's systems, 88 00:07:00,878 --> 00:07:04,005 I was given a quick tutorial, just in case. 89 00:07:04,215 --> 00:07:07,092 Despite the dire circumstances, I must say I relished the challenge 90 00:07:07,260 --> 00:07:08,802 [RUMBLING] 91 00:07:09,262 --> 00:07:13,432 and soon developed a new-found respect for Ensign Mayweather. 92 00:07:17,979 --> 00:07:20,939 TRIP: You need to check this every two hours, minimum. 93 00:07:21,149 --> 00:07:22,232 Every two hours. 94 00:07:22,442 --> 00:07:24,985 If the impulse manifolds get clogged, the engines will overload. 95 00:07:25,194 --> 00:07:28,780 - That would be very bad. - I imagine it would. 96 00:07:28,990 --> 00:07:30,115 No offense, doc, 97 00:07:30,324 --> 00:07:33,452 but under normal circumstances, I wouldn't even let you in here 98 00:07:33,619 --> 00:07:36,037 without four years of Starfleet training under your belt. 99 00:07:36,914 --> 00:07:38,874 These are hardly normal circumstances. 100 00:07:39,709 --> 00:07:43,253 Listen, if something happens, 101 00:07:43,421 --> 00:07:45,338 something you can't handle, 102 00:07:45,548 --> 00:07:47,883 - I want you to wake me up. - I can't do that. 103 00:07:48,092 --> 00:07:50,760 Even a few minutes of exposure would cause permanent damage. 104 00:07:50,970 --> 00:07:53,013 If it comes down to saving me or the ship... 105 00:07:54,640 --> 00:07:58,560 Look, I'm making it easy for you, okay? 106 00:08:10,072 --> 00:08:11,907 ARCHER: How's the rest of the crew doing? 107 00:08:12,074 --> 00:08:13,825 Sleeping peacefully, except for you. 108 00:08:14,785 --> 00:08:17,120 - Now, lie back. - Doctor-- 109 00:08:17,330 --> 00:08:20,540 Please, captain, I've told you the procedure is completely safe. 110 00:08:21,209 --> 00:08:22,250 I'm sure it is, but I-- 111 00:08:22,418 --> 00:08:24,753 Captain, I have already had this discussion 112 00:08:24,921 --> 00:08:26,546 with Commander Tucker, Lieutenant Reed 113 00:08:26,714 --> 00:08:28,882 and virtually every other officer on the ship. 114 00:08:29,091 --> 00:08:30,759 "I'm not comfortable being incapacitated. 115 00:08:30,968 --> 00:08:34,095 I really should be at my post. I'm willing to risk staying awake." 116 00:08:34,305 --> 00:08:35,722 Well, you can't, nor do you need to. 117 00:08:35,890 --> 00:08:38,558 I assure you, I have everything well in hand. 118 00:08:38,768 --> 00:08:39,809 I know, doctor. 119 00:08:40,603 --> 00:08:44,773 As captain of this ship, I'm the one who's responsible for everyone aboard. 120 00:08:45,691 --> 00:08:50,362 There aren't many people I'd willingly turn that responsibility over to. 121 00:08:51,322 --> 00:08:52,572 You're one of them. 122 00:08:56,911 --> 00:08:58,703 Well, thank you, captain. 123 00:08:59,830 --> 00:09:03,959 I just wanted to say that before you put me under. 124 00:09:15,054 --> 00:09:16,596 [INJECTION HISSES] 125 00:09:21,519 --> 00:09:22,561 PHLOX: I must say, Dr. Lucas, 126 00:09:22,770 --> 00:09:25,188 that I appreciated the captain's vote of confidence. 127 00:09:25,398 --> 00:09:28,275 I had, in fact, been feeling some trepidation 128 00:09:28,442 --> 00:09:30,360 over the responsibility I'd been handed. 129 00:09:30,570 --> 00:09:36,032 But after two days at the helm, the ship is running perfectly. 130 00:09:36,284 --> 00:09:38,076 [CLANKING] 131 00:09:39,745 --> 00:09:48,920 Hello? 132 00:09:55,720 --> 00:09:58,763 Nonetheless, I'm not ashamed to admit 133 00:09:58,973 --> 00:10:03,685 I'll be relieved when I can wake up the crew... 134 00:10:07,648 --> 00:10:12,444 in two days, 16 hours and 43 minutes. 135 00:10:14,196 --> 00:10:19,701 [PHLOX SINGING IN DENOBULAN] 136 00:10:28,127 --> 00:10:31,504 I know, I know, I'm sorry I'm late. 137 00:10:43,142 --> 00:10:44,684 [ANIMAL SQUEAKING] 138 00:10:45,936 --> 00:10:48,188 I don't want the vessel. I want the chalice from the what? 139 00:10:48,356 --> 00:10:51,232 - The chalice from the palace. - It's a little crystal chalice. 140 00:10:51,400 --> 00:10:53,318 Does the chalice from the palace have the pellet? 141 00:10:53,486 --> 00:10:56,154 - No pellet with the poison. - MAN 1: The pestle with the vessel. 142 00:10:56,322 --> 00:10:58,448 - WOMAN 1: The vessel with the pestle. - MAN 1: What about the palace? 143 00:10:58,616 --> 00:11:00,992 WOMAN 2: Not the palace from the chalice. The chalice from the palace. 144 00:11:01,160 --> 00:11:03,286 - MAN 1: Where's the pellet? - WOMAN 2: In the vessel with pestle. 145 00:11:03,454 --> 00:11:05,789 WOMAN 1: The pellet with the poison's in the vessel with the pestle. 146 00:11:05,956 --> 00:11:08,083 WOMAN 2: The chalice from the palace has the brew that is true. 147 00:11:08,292 --> 00:11:10,669 - So easy. I can say it. - Well, then you find it. 148 00:11:10,836 --> 00:11:12,671 WOMAN 2: Listen. The pellet with the poison's in the vessel with the pestle. 149 00:11:12,838 --> 00:11:13,880 [CLANKING] 150 00:11:14,048 --> 00:11:16,633 The chalice from the palace has the brew that is true. 151 00:11:16,842 --> 00:11:19,177 MAN 1: The pellet with the poison's in the vessel with the pestle. 152 00:11:19,345 --> 00:11:20,762 Did you hear that? 153 00:11:20,971 --> 00:11:23,390 - WOMAN 2: Just remember that. - MAN 2: Sir Giacomo. 154 00:11:23,557 --> 00:11:27,435 Sir Giacomo, into your armor. And you, to your place in the pavilion. 155 00:11:30,106 --> 00:11:31,815 [CLANKING] 156 00:11:33,651 --> 00:11:34,859 Computer, mute sound. 157 00:11:35,069 --> 00:11:36,486 [SOUND MUTED] 158 00:11:39,615 --> 00:11:41,157 [CLANKING] 159 00:11:43,953 --> 00:11:46,287 That doesn't sound normal, does it? 160 00:11:49,208 --> 00:11:51,376 I suppose we should investigate, hm? 161 00:12:00,970 --> 00:12:02,095 I'm not going alone. 162 00:12:03,305 --> 00:12:05,724 Come, Porthos. Come. 163 00:12:06,434 --> 00:12:07,517 [SIGHS] 164 00:12:10,062 --> 00:12:13,064 I'd be better off talking to my Pyrithian bat. 165 00:12:27,913 --> 00:12:31,332 Perhaps we were letting our imaginations run away with us. Heh. 166 00:12:31,834 --> 00:12:33,626 I should never have let Mr. Tucker talk me 167 00:12:33,836 --> 00:12:37,213 into watching The Exorcist last week. 168 00:12:40,092 --> 00:12:41,551 [CLANKING] 169 00:12:53,314 --> 00:12:54,939 Hello? 170 00:12:56,317 --> 00:12:58,151 It's Dr. Phlox. 171 00:12:59,820 --> 00:13:01,446 [HISSING AND DOG BARKS] 172 00:13:01,614 --> 00:13:03,281 Porthos! 173 00:13:04,867 --> 00:13:07,243 Porthos, come back here! 174 00:13:07,912 --> 00:13:09,954 Porthos. 175 00:13:10,790 --> 00:13:13,374 [HISSING AND CLANKING] 176 00:13:23,511 --> 00:13:26,262 Well, now don't you feel foolish? 177 00:13:28,557 --> 00:13:30,225 [CLANKING AND FOOTSTEPS] 178 00:13:31,852 --> 00:13:33,061 [SIGHS] 179 00:13:34,647 --> 00:13:37,899 I called out. Didn't you hear me? 180 00:13:38,108 --> 00:13:42,278 I was running a diagnostic. Do you require my assistance? 181 00:13:44,907 --> 00:13:47,742 What are you doing here? I thought it was movie night. 182 00:13:47,952 --> 00:13:50,203 I could hear that all the way from the Mess Hall. 183 00:13:50,371 --> 00:13:52,205 I'll make a note of it in the maintenance log. 184 00:13:52,623 --> 00:13:53,915 Hm. 185 00:13:54,124 --> 00:13:59,254 Bangs, squeaks, rattling chains. 186 00:14:00,923 --> 00:14:02,882 Is this a starship or a haunted house? 187 00:14:03,467 --> 00:14:06,469 Are you all right, doctor? You seem somewhat agitated. 188 00:14:06,679 --> 00:14:09,097 Well, considering you nearly sent me into cardiac shock. 189 00:14:09,265 --> 00:14:11,140 I apologize if I startled you. 190 00:14:11,976 --> 00:14:14,060 You're certain that's all? 191 00:14:14,979 --> 00:14:18,523 Well, I have had a slight headache since we entered this region. 192 00:14:18,732 --> 00:14:21,943 Perhaps Vulcans and Earth canines are better able to adapt to it 193 00:14:22,152 --> 00:14:23,903 than Denobulans. 194 00:14:24,113 --> 00:14:27,282 How are you? Hm? I've barely seen you the last two days. 195 00:14:27,491 --> 00:14:29,576 I've had my duties to attend to. 196 00:14:29,785 --> 00:14:33,663 The rest of the time I've spent in my quarters, reading, meditating. 197 00:14:33,873 --> 00:14:36,958 Then you're due for a night out. Why don't you join Porthos and me? 198 00:14:37,710 --> 00:14:39,836 I'd like to complete the diagnostic. 199 00:14:40,921 --> 00:14:44,632 - The movie's quite amusing. - No, thank you. 200 00:14:45,885 --> 00:14:49,470 T'Pol. Um... 201 00:14:50,306 --> 00:14:53,558 Perhaps you'll share a meal with me later. 202 00:14:55,019 --> 00:14:57,061 If you like. 203 00:14:57,771 --> 00:14:58,980 Huh. 204 00:15:06,697 --> 00:15:09,324 [HUMMING] 205 00:15:11,660 --> 00:15:13,620 [BEEPING] 206 00:15:15,831 --> 00:15:16,915 [THUMPING] 207 00:15:18,667 --> 00:15:20,376 Hello? 208 00:15:23,589 --> 00:15:24,964 [HUMMING] 209 00:15:27,176 --> 00:15:28,801 [THUMPING] 210 00:15:30,095 --> 00:15:31,846 T'Pol? 211 00:15:32,598 --> 00:15:33,640 Is that you? 212 00:15:47,613 --> 00:15:48,988 [THUMPING] 213 00:15:49,156 --> 00:15:50,198 PHLOX: Stop! 214 00:15:53,702 --> 00:15:55,828 - Phlox to T'Pol. - T'POL: Go ahead. 215 00:15:56,038 --> 00:16:00,124 Would you mind not creeping around the ship like a Draxxan cloud viper? 216 00:16:00,334 --> 00:16:02,460 - Doctor? - Please. 217 00:16:02,670 --> 00:16:05,880 I wouldn't have imagined that Vulcans engaged in childish games. 218 00:16:06,090 --> 00:16:07,507 I don't understand. 219 00:16:07,716 --> 00:16:10,760 What were you doing in Engineering just now? 220 00:16:10,970 --> 00:16:13,721 Doctor, I'm on the Bridge. 221 00:16:26,026 --> 00:16:27,694 Ah. 222 00:16:28,237 --> 00:16:32,115 I hope you don't mind eating here in the galley. 223 00:16:32,324 --> 00:16:36,452 The Mess Hall seems a bit, uh, oh, melancholy. 224 00:16:36,662 --> 00:16:40,623 - All the empty chairs. - T'POL: This is fine. 225 00:16:42,001 --> 00:16:46,004 My fifth grandmother made this for each of my weddings. 226 00:16:46,213 --> 00:16:51,092 Chef's tried to prepare it, but he never gets it quite right. 227 00:16:51,301 --> 00:16:54,679 Ah-huh. 228 00:16:55,556 --> 00:16:58,933 Yes, his Plomeek broth leaves something to be desired as well. 229 00:16:59,143 --> 00:17:02,270 I always thought so, but I was afraid to mention it. Heh, heh. 230 00:17:06,316 --> 00:17:07,692 Hm. 231 00:17:08,527 --> 00:17:12,613 T'Pol, you're sure you weren't in Engineering today? 232 00:17:12,823 --> 00:17:14,115 Quite sure. 233 00:17:15,909 --> 00:17:17,493 What were you doing there? 234 00:17:17,703 --> 00:17:19,495 I'm responsible for monitoring the engines. 235 00:17:20,497 --> 00:17:22,832 We're supposed to be assisting each other. 236 00:17:23,042 --> 00:17:26,127 It's a large ship for two people to maintain. 237 00:17:27,504 --> 00:17:29,005 Do you have anything to report? 238 00:17:31,884 --> 00:17:33,176 Doctor? 239 00:17:34,636 --> 00:17:36,596 I could have sworn there was someone in that room. 240 00:17:36,805 --> 00:17:38,765 - A member of the crew? - No. 241 00:17:38,974 --> 00:17:42,226 Everyone except us is in deep neuro-sedation. 242 00:17:44,146 --> 00:17:46,814 Then obviously you were mistaken. 243 00:17:46,982 --> 00:17:48,941 Obviously. 244 00:17:49,943 --> 00:17:52,111 You've never been to Denobula, have you? 245 00:17:52,321 --> 00:17:54,238 - No. - Huh. 246 00:17:54,448 --> 00:17:58,659 The cities are quite crowded, by choice, not by necessity. 247 00:17:58,869 --> 00:18:01,454 The atmosphere is vibrant, communal. 248 00:18:01,663 --> 00:18:02,705 It sounds fascinating. 249 00:18:02,915 --> 00:18:06,459 What I'm saying is that we're a sociable people. 250 00:18:06,668 --> 00:18:11,047 Being alone on Enterprise, just the two of us, 251 00:18:11,256 --> 00:18:14,175 has proven more stressful than I imagined. 252 00:18:14,384 --> 00:18:16,969 Two people aren't even enough for a Denobulan marriage, 253 00:18:17,179 --> 00:18:19,388 a proper one, anyway. 254 00:18:19,765 --> 00:18:21,641 I'm sorry I haven't been better company. 255 00:18:22,684 --> 00:18:25,770 - That isn't what I meant. - I know. 256 00:18:27,231 --> 00:18:31,025 It is ironic, however, that I should be your sole companion. 257 00:18:32,111 --> 00:18:36,614 Unlike your people, most Vulcans will go to great lengths to find solitude. 258 00:18:37,366 --> 00:18:43,037 At times, it has been trying for me to coexist with 80 humans, 259 00:18:43,872 --> 00:18:45,873 especially the more irrational ones. 260 00:18:46,041 --> 00:18:48,417 Mm. Such as Commander Tucker. 261 00:18:50,337 --> 00:18:53,339 I've found the last two days to be a welcome respite. 262 00:18:54,550 --> 00:18:57,009 I understand but I, for one, will never complain again 263 00:18:57,177 --> 00:19:00,138 when I can't get a good seat on movie night. 264 00:19:05,060 --> 00:19:07,478 Despite the tragic circumstances surrounding your homecoming, 265 00:19:07,646 --> 00:19:11,232 Dr. Lucas, you must be happy to return to Earth. Heh, heh. 266 00:19:13,777 --> 00:19:15,653 As I have mentioned before, I have no regrets 267 00:19:15,821 --> 00:19:18,739 about accepting my position on Enterprise. 268 00:19:18,949 --> 00:19:20,283 However, it has struck me recently 269 00:19:20,450 --> 00:19:24,787 how much I miss the familiar pleasures of my home. Heh, heh. 270 00:19:29,209 --> 00:19:32,253 You've experienced the nightclubs in our Kaybin district, 271 00:19:32,462 --> 00:19:36,841 so you know the excitement of meeting a new companion or two. 272 00:19:37,050 --> 00:19:38,634 The intimacy that can develop so quickly 273 00:19:38,844 --> 00:19:41,387 when all parties are receptive. 274 00:19:41,847 --> 00:19:44,599 You humans are a truly remarkable species, Dr. Lucas, 275 00:19:44,808 --> 00:19:46,726 but when Enterprise has accomplished its mission, 276 00:19:46,894 --> 00:19:52,648 I look forward to being among Denobulans again, 277 00:19:53,483 --> 00:19:55,776 the more of them the better. 278 00:20:02,659 --> 00:20:04,994 Good afternoon, captain. 279 00:20:05,162 --> 00:20:07,580 How are we feeling today? 280 00:20:09,333 --> 00:20:13,836 Neuro-chemistry looks excellent. Theta waves are good. 281 00:20:14,046 --> 00:20:16,297 You should wake up extremely well-rested. 282 00:20:16,465 --> 00:20:24,263 [CREAKING] 283 00:20:40,239 --> 00:20:41,280 [GASPS] 284 00:20:43,742 --> 00:20:45,618 Phlox to T'Pol. 285 00:20:45,827 --> 00:20:47,286 [BLEEPING] 286 00:20:47,537 --> 00:20:50,539 Internal sensors don't show any additional bio-signs. 287 00:20:50,749 --> 00:20:53,376 I told you, it was outside the ship, on the hull. 288 00:20:53,585 --> 00:20:56,087 There are no life forms anywhere in this vicinity. 289 00:20:56,296 --> 00:20:57,672 PHLOX: What about alien vessels? 290 00:20:57,881 --> 00:21:00,549 You can see for yourself there's nothing there. 291 00:21:02,427 --> 00:21:04,929 You said this reconfigured space could be affecting our systems. 292 00:21:05,097 --> 00:21:06,597 What if it's interfering with sensors? 293 00:21:06,765 --> 00:21:10,559 That's possible, but we should consider another explanation. 294 00:21:11,478 --> 00:21:13,437 You mentioned you were having difficulty adjusting 295 00:21:13,605 --> 00:21:15,564 to the solitude of the past few days. 296 00:21:15,774 --> 00:21:17,817 I didn't imagine it. I saw something. 297 00:21:18,610 --> 00:21:21,362 Outside the ship, crawling on the hull. 298 00:21:23,323 --> 00:21:25,116 What about what I saw in Engineering? 299 00:21:25,325 --> 00:21:29,370 You ran the scans yourself. There is nothing unusual on board. 300 00:21:35,168 --> 00:21:38,879 You said you haven't slept much since we entered this disturbance. 301 00:21:39,089 --> 00:21:42,925 Perhaps you should return to your quarters, try to rest. 302 00:21:46,471 --> 00:21:48,806 I need to finish my rounds. 303 00:21:52,436 --> 00:21:55,730 [HUMMING] 304 00:21:59,234 --> 00:22:01,777 [SINGING IN DENOBULAN] 305 00:22:05,949 --> 00:22:07,491 [SQUEAKING] 306 00:22:07,659 --> 00:22:08,868 Get away from her! 307 00:22:09,578 --> 00:22:10,619 [GROWLS] 308 00:22:22,049 --> 00:22:23,466 [SQUEAKING] 309 00:22:32,059 --> 00:22:33,142 [BEEPS] 310 00:22:45,697 --> 00:22:47,948 [SQUEAKING] 311 00:23:03,548 --> 00:23:05,925 - Phlox to T'Pol. - T'POL: Go ahead, doctor. 312 00:23:06,134 --> 00:23:09,595 It's the Xindi. They're on board. 313 00:23:11,348 --> 00:23:13,391 PHLOX: We'll need to arm ourselves. I saw two. 314 00:23:13,600 --> 00:23:15,935 - There could be more of them. - There's nothing on sensors. 315 00:23:16,144 --> 00:23:18,771 Then the sensors must be wrong. 316 00:23:18,980 --> 00:23:20,606 Doctor. 317 00:23:21,274 --> 00:23:22,817 Phlox! 318 00:23:23,026 --> 00:23:24,902 I thought you were going to get some rest. 319 00:23:25,112 --> 00:23:27,196 They were real. I saw them. 320 00:23:27,406 --> 00:23:30,074 If that's true, then how did they get on the ship? 321 00:23:30,242 --> 00:23:31,492 PHLOX: Unh! 322 00:23:31,660 --> 00:23:34,078 All external hatches and docking ports are sealed. 323 00:23:34,287 --> 00:23:35,830 They could have transporter technology. 324 00:23:36,039 --> 00:23:37,873 There were no transporter signatures. 325 00:23:38,083 --> 00:23:40,126 What difference does it make how they got on board? 326 00:23:42,087 --> 00:23:43,838 If we wake up Lieutenant Reed or the MACOs, 327 00:23:44,047 --> 00:23:46,799 they will be incapacitated within minutes, dead within hours. 328 00:23:47,008 --> 00:23:49,885 It is up to us to deal with this situation. 329 00:23:52,931 --> 00:23:54,890 I plan to start on G-Deck and work my way up. 330 00:23:55,100 --> 00:23:57,852 I'm going to stop them whether you help me or not. 331 00:25:09,299 --> 00:25:13,135 - T'POL: We've searched four decks. - That leaves three to go. 332 00:25:13,345 --> 00:25:17,097 If there are Xindi aboard, why are they concealing themselves? 333 00:25:17,307 --> 00:25:19,350 They could be trying to destroy Enterprise. 334 00:25:19,559 --> 00:25:21,727 What better time than while the crew is incapacitated? 335 00:25:21,895 --> 00:25:23,395 [DEVICE BEEPING] 336 00:25:23,897 --> 00:25:24,939 Bio-sign. 337 00:25:25,106 --> 00:25:28,859 There are over 80 bio-signs aboard, not counting your pets in Sickbay. 338 00:25:29,069 --> 00:25:32,863 - This isn't human - Neither are your pets. 339 00:25:33,365 --> 00:25:34,406 I can't lock onto it. 340 00:25:34,616 --> 00:25:38,369 There must be some interference, possibly from the reconfigured space. 341 00:25:38,578 --> 00:25:40,162 PHLOX: You said it wasn't affecting our sensors. 342 00:25:40,372 --> 00:25:42,289 I said it wasn't affecting main sensors. 343 00:25:42,499 --> 00:25:43,999 That hand-scanner is far less powerful. 344 00:25:44,167 --> 00:25:45,251 You know that. 345 00:25:45,418 --> 00:25:46,961 I have it. 346 00:25:59,391 --> 00:26:01,308 It's just ahead. 347 00:26:03,853 --> 00:26:07,856 [SQUEAKING] 348 00:26:09,067 --> 00:26:10,484 [DEVICE BEEPING] 349 00:26:15,657 --> 00:26:17,324 Doctor! 350 00:26:21,538 --> 00:26:22,746 [WHIMPERS] 351 00:26:23,039 --> 00:26:24,707 PHLOX: It's all right. 352 00:26:25,125 --> 00:26:28,210 Fortunately, I'm not very proficient with hand weapons. 353 00:26:28,420 --> 00:26:30,462 How did he get out? 354 00:26:30,672 --> 00:26:33,048 I believe I, um... 355 00:26:33,550 --> 00:26:34,717 We went for a walk earlier. 356 00:26:34,926 --> 00:26:38,053 I might have neglected to put him back in my quarters. 357 00:26:38,263 --> 00:26:41,473 - And you simply forgot? - I've been distracted. 358 00:26:41,641 --> 00:26:44,560 I would have thought this could tell the difference between a giant insect 359 00:26:44,728 --> 00:26:47,521 - and a beagle. - It can, if you use it properly. 360 00:26:47,731 --> 00:26:50,733 You're the science officer. You might have offered assistance in that area. 361 00:26:50,942 --> 00:26:52,568 You feel I haven't been helpful? 362 00:26:53,361 --> 00:26:55,446 How would you characterize the two hours I wasted 363 00:26:55,614 --> 00:26:57,698 searching for a figment of your imagination? 364 00:26:57,907 --> 00:27:00,034 - I am not delusional! - Are you certain? 365 00:27:00,243 --> 00:27:02,286 As I recall, you once told Ensign Sato 366 00:27:02,495 --> 00:27:06,040 that it's considered healthy for Denobulans to hallucinate. 367 00:27:06,249 --> 00:27:07,666 It's how you release stress. 368 00:27:07,876 --> 00:27:11,670 You've been under a lot of stress lately, haven't you, doctor? 369 00:27:12,130 --> 00:27:13,255 It's not unheard of, but I-- 370 00:27:13,465 --> 00:27:15,883 You said you've been having headaches. 371 00:27:16,426 --> 00:27:18,469 Is there anything else you care to tell me? 372 00:27:18,678 --> 00:27:21,221 - I'm fine. - You nearly shot the captain's dog. 373 00:27:21,431 --> 00:27:24,266 I'm going to recalibrate this to exclude canine bio-signs 374 00:27:24,476 --> 00:27:27,019 and then I'm going to finish searching this ship! 375 00:27:27,228 --> 00:27:30,606 I am not seeing things and I intend to prove it! 376 00:27:38,448 --> 00:27:41,116 HOSHI [ON COM]: Ensign Sato to the doctor. 377 00:27:44,621 --> 00:27:48,791 Hoshi? 378 00:27:57,634 --> 00:27:59,259 Ensign? 379 00:27:59,761 --> 00:28:02,054 [WATER RUNNING] 380 00:28:08,269 --> 00:28:09,645 Hoshi? 381 00:28:12,065 --> 00:28:13,399 What are you doing? 382 00:28:13,608 --> 00:28:15,567 I have to put you back under sedation immediately. 383 00:28:15,777 --> 00:28:16,985 You'll suffer permanent damage. 384 00:28:20,156 --> 00:28:21,990 Hoshi? 385 00:28:22,534 --> 00:28:23,784 You did this. 386 00:28:24,703 --> 00:28:25,994 What? 387 00:28:26,162 --> 00:28:27,788 You said we'd be safe. 388 00:28:28,915 --> 00:28:31,625 - Let me get you to Sickbay. - You promised us! 389 00:29:03,742 --> 00:29:05,409 T'Pol, 390 00:29:06,411 --> 00:29:09,037 please meet me in Sickbay immediately. 391 00:29:22,510 --> 00:29:25,137 Where have you been? I was calling you. 392 00:29:25,638 --> 00:29:28,891 Captain, what are you doing up? 393 00:29:29,100 --> 00:29:32,686 T'Pol woke me. She said something was wrong. 394 00:29:32,896 --> 00:29:36,356 - I don't know what's happening. - She said you've been seeing things. 395 00:29:36,566 --> 00:29:39,193 Something about Xindi on board the ship. 396 00:29:41,362 --> 00:29:42,696 You're not concerned about that? 397 00:29:44,032 --> 00:29:45,574 I'm more concerned about you. 398 00:29:46,075 --> 00:29:47,576 I obviously expected too much from you. 399 00:29:47,786 --> 00:29:49,495 You're not real. 400 00:29:49,704 --> 00:29:53,457 Why don't you go to your quarters. Lie down. I'll take over. 401 00:29:53,666 --> 00:29:55,626 - You did the best you could. - You are not real! 402 00:29:55,835 --> 00:29:57,461 T'POL: Doctor? 403 00:29:57,670 --> 00:29:59,546 [GASPS] 404 00:30:04,302 --> 00:30:06,136 [PANTING] 405 00:30:08,056 --> 00:30:09,306 [BLEEPING] 406 00:30:10,934 --> 00:30:12,643 I was so busy monitoring the crew, 407 00:30:12,852 --> 00:30:16,730 I never thought to run another neural scan on myself. 408 00:30:18,733 --> 00:30:21,151 The effects are subtle and difficult to detect 409 00:30:21,319 --> 00:30:26,323 but there are disruptions deep within my neocortex. 410 00:30:28,243 --> 00:30:29,952 You were right. 411 00:30:30,495 --> 00:30:33,789 I was hallucinating. 412 00:30:35,834 --> 00:30:37,835 Are you in danger? 413 00:30:38,419 --> 00:30:41,672 I don't believe there'll be any permanent damage. 414 00:30:42,298 --> 00:30:44,132 However, it's obviously affecting my judgment. 415 00:30:44,342 --> 00:30:48,345 I have no choice but to put myself under neuro-sedation 416 00:30:48,555 --> 00:30:52,432 and ask you to look after the crew. 417 00:30:53,560 --> 00:30:55,644 I don't have the medical expertise. 418 00:30:55,812 --> 00:30:58,188 With your scientific background, you should have no problems. 419 00:30:58,356 --> 00:31:02,025 I have my own duties. I can't possibly monitor the entire crew. 420 00:31:02,193 --> 00:31:03,235 It won't be for long. 421 00:31:03,403 --> 00:31:06,572 We'll be coming out of the disturbance in less than six hours. 422 00:31:06,739 --> 00:31:09,408 - T'Pol, I'm asking for your help. - I can't. 423 00:31:09,617 --> 00:31:10,993 Why not? 424 00:31:13,496 --> 00:31:17,624 When we were searching the ship, I became irritated with you. 425 00:31:17,834 --> 00:31:21,378 - Apparently I deserved it. - You don't understand. 426 00:31:22,547 --> 00:31:26,049 I was on the verge of losing control of my emotions. 427 00:31:27,969 --> 00:31:31,555 This reconfigured space is affecting me as well. 428 00:31:32,056 --> 00:31:33,724 Why didn't you tell me? 429 00:31:33,892 --> 00:31:35,434 I'd hoped to control it, 430 00:31:35,643 --> 00:31:38,145 but it's proven more difficult than I thought. 431 00:31:38,354 --> 00:31:41,523 The crew is better off in your hands. 432 00:31:42,859 --> 00:31:44,610 I doubt that. 433 00:31:44,819 --> 00:31:46,820 I nearly killed Porthos, remember? 434 00:31:47,030 --> 00:31:49,364 What if one of these delusions causes me to open an airlock 435 00:31:49,574 --> 00:31:50,782 or shut down life support? 436 00:31:50,992 --> 00:31:53,410 - You won't do that. - How do you know? 437 00:31:54,078 --> 00:31:58,665 Because your duty is to look out for the welfare of this crew. 438 00:31:58,875 --> 00:32:01,251 Why do you think the captain allowed you to sedate him 439 00:32:01,461 --> 00:32:04,254 over Commander Tucker's objections? 440 00:32:04,464 --> 00:32:06,590 Because he trusts you. 441 00:32:07,008 --> 00:32:08,342 As do I. 442 00:32:10,136 --> 00:32:14,848 - I'm not sure I trust myself. - Just a few more hours, doctor. 443 00:32:18,853 --> 00:32:22,147 PHLOX: So, Dr. Lucas, while the past few days have proven challenging, 444 00:32:22,357 --> 00:32:27,361 both T'Pol and I are relieved that our adventure is nearly over. 445 00:32:27,528 --> 00:32:29,905 Once we've confirmed we're out of the disturbance, 446 00:32:30,073 --> 00:32:32,616 I can begin waking the senior officers. 447 00:32:32,825 --> 00:32:35,369 My medical staff should be next. 448 00:32:35,578 --> 00:32:38,163 They can assist me with the rest of the, uh... 449 00:32:39,290 --> 00:32:41,667 We should have been out of the disturbance half an hour ago. 450 00:32:43,962 --> 00:32:47,297 There could have been some slight navigational discrepancies. 451 00:32:47,507 --> 00:32:49,925 I thought space travel was supposed to be precise. 452 00:32:50,134 --> 00:32:51,760 Not always. Check long-range sensors. 453 00:32:51,970 --> 00:32:54,012 PHLOX: What do you think I'm doing? 454 00:32:56,557 --> 00:32:58,100 There's more than a slight discrepancy. 455 00:32:58,309 --> 00:33:00,602 T'POL: This can't be correct. 456 00:33:00,812 --> 00:33:02,813 We're a quarter of a light-year from the far edge. 457 00:33:03,022 --> 00:33:07,275 At our current rate of speed, we won't be out of this for another 10 weeks. 458 00:33:18,579 --> 00:33:20,706 Auto-navigation is still engaged. Engines are online. 459 00:33:20,915 --> 00:33:21,957 Why aren't we through? 460 00:33:22,166 --> 00:33:23,625 The reconfigured space has expanded. 461 00:33:23,835 --> 00:33:24,918 But we knew it would. 462 00:33:25,128 --> 00:33:28,213 Travis said our course and speed would compensate. 463 00:33:29,257 --> 00:33:30,924 T'Pol. 464 00:33:31,342 --> 00:33:33,635 Obviously, the rate of expansion has accelerated. 465 00:33:33,845 --> 00:33:37,305 - We need to increase speed. - We're already at full impulse. 466 00:33:37,515 --> 00:33:40,225 As you can see, that's insufficient. We need to go to warp. 467 00:33:40,393 --> 00:33:43,103 Tucker said it would be dangerous. We don't know what might happen. 468 00:33:43,271 --> 00:33:44,354 What do you propose? 469 00:33:44,522 --> 00:33:47,858 Keeping the crew comatose for the next 10 weeks? 470 00:33:49,986 --> 00:33:52,654 PHLOX: All right. What do we do first? 471 00:33:52,864 --> 00:33:55,198 I'm afraid I may not be of much assistance. 472 00:33:55,408 --> 00:33:57,743 Do I need to keep reminding you you are the science officer? 473 00:33:57,952 --> 00:34:00,245 I already told you, I'm finding it difficult to focus. 474 00:34:00,455 --> 00:34:01,496 On your worst day, 475 00:34:01,706 --> 00:34:04,041 you're more qualified to operate the warp engines than I am. 476 00:34:04,208 --> 00:34:07,044 Unfortunately, this is, by far, one of my worst days. 477 00:34:07,253 --> 00:34:09,463 I'm a physician, not an engineer. 478 00:34:09,672 --> 00:34:14,217 - You hold a dozen scientific degrees. - None of them are in warp theory. 479 00:34:15,928 --> 00:34:20,098 The procedures for restarting the reactor are in the database. 480 00:34:20,600 --> 00:34:23,602 Are you suggesting I read the manual? 481 00:34:24,353 --> 00:34:25,812 [BLEEPING] 482 00:34:27,857 --> 00:34:32,694 "Output must be confined to within 300 and 312 millicochranes 483 00:34:32,904 --> 00:34:35,739 to prevent fusion of the dilithium matrix." 484 00:34:35,948 --> 00:34:38,158 That seems simple enough. 485 00:34:39,994 --> 00:34:44,206 "Unless the spatial-compression index is greater than 5.62 percent 486 00:34:44,415 --> 00:34:46,917 or the ship is within two parsecs 487 00:34:47,126 --> 00:34:50,796 of a Class-C gravimetric field distortion." 488 00:34:51,172 --> 00:34:55,217 - I realize this is a complex procedure. - Complex? This is utterly baffling. 489 00:34:55,384 --> 00:34:57,177 It might as well be written in ancient Klingon 490 00:34:57,345 --> 00:34:59,471 for all the sense I can make of it. 491 00:35:00,014 --> 00:35:01,139 [SIGHS] 492 00:35:02,725 --> 00:35:04,059 I'm sorry. 493 00:35:04,268 --> 00:35:08,021 I understand. I just wish I could be more helpful. 494 00:35:08,231 --> 00:35:10,065 You're doing fine. 495 00:35:10,441 --> 00:35:11,817 We have to close the plasma relays 496 00:35:12,026 --> 00:35:13,652 before we can begin the start-up sequence. 497 00:35:13,861 --> 00:35:15,278 Would you mind? 498 00:35:17,907 --> 00:35:19,574 What the hell are you doing? 499 00:35:19,784 --> 00:35:22,410 I told you not to mess with the warp engines. 500 00:35:22,620 --> 00:35:25,789 - I don't have time for this. - You better make time, doc. 501 00:35:25,998 --> 00:35:28,375 I told you, you can't start the warp reactor 502 00:35:28,584 --> 00:35:29,835 inside this disturbance. 503 00:35:30,002 --> 00:35:32,337 Actually, you told me it would be difficult, not impossible. 504 00:35:32,505 --> 00:35:34,589 That machine was designed to manipulate space, 505 00:35:34,757 --> 00:35:36,675 to violate the laws of motion. 506 00:35:36,884 --> 00:35:38,718 You make the tiniest mistake, 507 00:35:38,928 --> 00:35:41,221 you'll collapse the warp field, you'll crush this ship. 508 00:35:41,430 --> 00:35:43,974 - Thank you for the warning. - You're gonna screw this up, Phlox! 509 00:35:44,183 --> 00:35:45,767 - Go away. - You're gonna kill everybody! 510 00:35:45,935 --> 00:35:49,813 - Can't you see I'm busy? - Doctor. Are you all right? 511 00:35:52,483 --> 00:35:53,859 Fine. 512 00:35:54,026 --> 00:35:55,193 Doctor. 513 00:35:55,945 --> 00:35:58,363 I can't find the plasma relays. 514 00:36:00,116 --> 00:36:01,908 I'll do it myself. 515 00:36:02,201 --> 00:36:04,202 [BEEPING] 516 00:36:05,079 --> 00:36:07,622 PHLOX: Deuterium pressure is nominal. 517 00:36:07,832 --> 00:36:10,834 Antimatter constrictor coils are online. 518 00:36:11,043 --> 00:36:13,795 - Warp 2, hm? Should be sufficient? - Shall we try? 519 00:36:15,464 --> 00:36:18,383 [ENGINE WHIRRING] 520 00:36:20,595 --> 00:36:22,637 The intermix is stable. 521 00:36:24,307 --> 00:36:26,725 A warp field is forming. Ha, ha, ha. 522 00:36:26,893 --> 00:36:27,934 [ENGINE BEEPING] 523 00:36:28,102 --> 00:36:29,603 What's wrong? 524 00:36:29,770 --> 00:36:31,563 I don't know. 525 00:36:31,772 --> 00:36:34,107 [RUMBLING] 526 00:36:41,199 --> 00:36:44,534 I followed the procedures exactly. What did I do wrong? 527 00:36:44,744 --> 00:36:45,785 You need to... 528 00:36:45,953 --> 00:36:48,496 What? What, T'Pol? Help me. 529 00:36:49,415 --> 00:36:52,209 Is it the particle confinement? 530 00:36:52,418 --> 00:36:54,961 - Perhaps you should increase it. - Well, how do I do that? 531 00:36:56,214 --> 00:36:58,131 Ugh! 532 00:37:00,843 --> 00:37:05,138 Particle confinement. 533 00:37:07,266 --> 00:37:10,268 Doctor, perhaps we should wake Commander Tucker. 534 00:37:10,937 --> 00:37:14,064 - He'll die. - If we destroy the ship, we'll all die. 535 00:37:14,273 --> 00:37:15,857 I know. 536 00:37:17,610 --> 00:37:21,905 If we can't accomplish our mission, billions of people on Earth could die. 537 00:37:22,114 --> 00:37:26,326 Isn't it logical to sacrifice one life to save so many? 538 00:37:26,535 --> 00:37:28,495 I'm not willing to make that sacrifice yet. 539 00:37:31,332 --> 00:37:33,333 Particle confinement! 540 00:37:34,752 --> 00:37:38,129 Increase power to the magnetic constriction coils. 541 00:37:45,221 --> 00:37:46,846 T'Pol! 542 00:37:47,014 --> 00:37:48,056 Here. 543 00:37:56,107 --> 00:37:58,108 The field is stabilizing. 544 00:37:59,902 --> 00:38:02,487 - It's holding. - Then I suggest we go to warp. 545 00:38:03,990 --> 00:38:05,740 Engaging warp engines. 546 00:38:09,287 --> 00:38:11,288 [ENGINE WHIRRING] 547 00:38:16,627 --> 00:38:18,044 PHLOX: Warp 1.1. 548 00:38:19,755 --> 00:38:21,506 Point two. 549 00:38:21,716 --> 00:38:23,466 [RUMBLING] 550 00:38:24,343 --> 00:38:26,678 Pressure on the hull's increasing. 551 00:38:27,972 --> 00:38:29,014 What are you doing? 552 00:38:29,223 --> 00:38:31,599 Lieutenant Reed insisted on showing me how to transfer power 553 00:38:31,767 --> 00:38:33,101 to the hull plating. 554 00:38:33,311 --> 00:38:35,312 Just in case. 555 00:38:36,897 --> 00:38:38,356 [RUMBLING STOPS] 556 00:38:39,984 --> 00:38:41,943 It seems to be working. 557 00:38:42,153 --> 00:38:45,280 Warp 1.8, 1.9. 558 00:38:47,450 --> 00:38:49,242 Warp 2! Ha, ha, ha. 559 00:39:04,925 --> 00:39:06,217 [INJECTION HISSES] 560 00:39:12,516 --> 00:39:14,142 Doctor. 561 00:39:15,519 --> 00:39:16,853 Lie still. 562 00:39:17,063 --> 00:39:20,774 Your neocortex may need a few moments to warm up. 563 00:39:22,693 --> 00:39:26,196 - Are we through the disturbance? - Yes. 564 00:39:26,405 --> 00:39:29,199 I'll begin waking the rest of the crew shortly. 565 00:39:29,408 --> 00:39:31,576 Any problems? 566 00:39:33,287 --> 00:39:37,540 Oh, a few minor glitches. It will all be in my log. 567 00:39:38,709 --> 00:39:42,087 If you're feeling up to it, you have a visitor. 568 00:39:43,672 --> 00:39:45,173 Hi. 569 00:39:48,511 --> 00:39:49,552 Thanks, doctor. 570 00:39:52,181 --> 00:39:55,183 - PHLOX: How are you feeling? - A little woozy. 571 00:39:55,393 --> 00:39:58,478 I'm not surprised. You haven't eaten anything in four days. 572 00:39:58,687 --> 00:40:02,065 - Get to the Mess Hall. - Aye, aye, doc. 573 00:40:07,154 --> 00:40:09,739 - I'll assist you in waking the others. - That won't be necessary. 574 00:40:09,949 --> 00:40:13,034 I appreciate the offer, but you need some rest. 575 00:40:13,244 --> 00:40:16,621 - Let me walk you to your quarters. - Doctor's orders? 576 00:40:16,789 --> 00:40:17,914 PHLOX: Mm-hm. 577 00:40:25,256 --> 00:40:26,840 - Thank you. - Mm-hm. 578 00:40:28,050 --> 00:40:31,970 I'll stop by and check on you in a few hours. 579 00:40:53,117 --> 00:40:54,993 PHLOX: As you might guess, Dr. Lucas, 580 00:40:55,202 --> 00:40:58,621 I had considered deleting this letter and starting over 581 00:40:58,831 --> 00:41:01,458 since large sections of it are now obviously fictitious. 582 00:41:01,667 --> 00:41:02,750 However, I decided 583 00:41:02,960 --> 00:41:05,837 that my delusional account would probably prove entertaining. 584 00:41:06,046 --> 00:41:08,298 As always, you have my best wishes. 585 00:41:08,507 --> 00:41:11,509 Your friend and colleague, Phlox. 586 00:41:12,386 --> 00:41:13,803 May I join you? 587 00:41:13,971 --> 00:41:15,013 Of course. 588 00:41:19,477 --> 00:41:20,685 Commander Tucker was complaining 589 00:41:20,853 --> 00:41:23,354 that it will take him days to realign the warp coils. 590 00:41:23,981 --> 00:41:25,440 [PHLOX LAUGHS] 591 00:41:25,608 --> 00:41:27,734 Yes, he gave me quite a talking to. 592 00:41:27,943 --> 00:41:30,612 He also said, and I quote: 593 00:41:30,821 --> 00:41:32,739 "Phlox did one hell of a job." 594 00:41:34,575 --> 00:41:36,534 MAN: Excuse me, doctor. 595 00:41:38,996 --> 00:41:41,122 You must have enjoyed having the ship to yourself. 596 00:41:42,791 --> 00:41:45,883 It wasn't nearly as empty as I anticipated.