1 00:00:02,335 --> 00:00:04,253 NARRATOR: Previously on Enterprise: 2 00:00:05,046 --> 00:00:07,673 T'POL: This is going to happen to me. It's already started. 3 00:00:07,882 --> 00:00:10,092 I can feel my control slipping away. 4 00:00:10,301 --> 00:00:12,428 We're talking about a one-way trip. 5 00:00:12,595 --> 00:00:13,846 I'll be flying the mission. 6 00:00:14,014 --> 00:00:17,474 I won't order anyone else to die. 7 00:00:17,684 --> 00:00:18,809 You know about the Spheres. 8 00:00:18,977 --> 00:00:21,520 They were constructed by trans-dimensional beings. 9 00:00:22,105 --> 00:00:23,981 Their purpose is to reconfigure the Expanse 10 00:00:24,190 --> 00:00:26,734 to make it habitable for their species. 11 00:00:26,943 --> 00:00:30,696 That's what destroys the Xindi, not humanity. 12 00:00:30,905 --> 00:00:34,825 We know exactly where your ship is. 13 00:00:44,335 --> 00:00:46,086 [EXPLOSIONS] 14 00:00:53,511 --> 00:00:54,678 Another breach on C-Deck! 15 00:00:55,388 --> 00:00:56,805 E-Deck's depressurizing! 16 00:00:57,182 --> 00:00:59,224 [EXPLOSIONS] 17 00:00:59,434 --> 00:01:01,435 We can't take much more of this. 18 00:01:06,357 --> 00:01:08,358 [EXPLOSIONS STOP] 19 00:01:11,362 --> 00:01:13,405 They've ceased firing. 20 00:01:14,741 --> 00:01:15,783 They're moving off. 21 00:01:18,411 --> 00:01:20,370 Back into the system. 22 00:01:21,748 --> 00:01:25,876 - Ensign, get us out of here. - Thrusters are down. 23 00:01:27,378 --> 00:01:28,921 I don't think we're going anywhere. 24 00:02:58,887 --> 00:03:01,471 You had no right to recall my ships. 25 00:03:01,681 --> 00:03:04,266 And you had no authorization to launch an attack. 26 00:03:04,475 --> 00:03:06,768 The humans should have been destroyed 27 00:03:06,936 --> 00:03:10,439 - the moment they were detected. - The Council doesn't agree. 28 00:03:10,648 --> 00:03:12,774 You're permitting an enemy vessel 29 00:03:12,984 --> 00:03:15,819 to remain in orbit near a military installation. 30 00:03:16,029 --> 00:03:19,531 Their ship is critically damaged. They no longer pose a threat. 31 00:03:19,741 --> 00:03:22,701 Thanks to an attack that you opposed. 32 00:03:22,911 --> 00:03:25,662 At the very least, we should board the vessel and take them prisoner. 33 00:03:25,872 --> 00:03:27,206 It is being considered. 34 00:03:27,373 --> 00:03:29,041 On the subject of prisoners, 35 00:03:29,250 --> 00:03:32,711 the Council wants Archer for further interrogation. 36 00:03:33,588 --> 00:03:37,466 - We're not finished with him. - You've questioned him long enough. 37 00:03:37,675 --> 00:03:40,761 He hasn't provided us with the necessary information. 38 00:03:40,970 --> 00:03:44,431 Perhaps the Council will have more success. 39 00:03:44,641 --> 00:03:48,727 You're ordered to release him immediately. 40 00:03:49,229 --> 00:03:51,688 Very well. 41 00:03:51,898 --> 00:03:54,608 DEGRA: We've arranged for his transport. 42 00:03:54,776 --> 00:03:56,276 We can deliver him. 43 00:03:56,486 --> 00:03:59,655 He's already been severely beaten under your care. 44 00:04:01,449 --> 00:04:04,534 He is the commander of an enemy vessel. 45 00:04:04,744 --> 00:04:07,496 We need Archer in good condition. 46 00:04:07,705 --> 00:04:11,250 If he can't answer questions, we can't interrogate him. 47 00:04:12,585 --> 00:04:16,129 He will not be harmed any further. 48 00:04:16,297 --> 00:04:18,632 You have my assurances. 49 00:04:18,841 --> 00:04:20,968 That isn't good enough. 50 00:04:21,844 --> 00:04:23,011 Meaning? 51 00:04:23,680 --> 00:04:27,516 It wouldn't be the first of your assurances that fell short. 52 00:04:28,059 --> 00:04:29,226 The Council has agreed 53 00:04:29,394 --> 00:04:31,645 that the Aquatics will transport the prisoner. 54 00:04:32,188 --> 00:04:33,814 They've sent a ship. 55 00:04:33,982 --> 00:04:35,148 Get him ready. 56 00:04:49,706 --> 00:04:51,581 REED: The com system's still down. 57 00:04:51,791 --> 00:04:54,084 We don't have a complete casualty list yet. 58 00:04:54,294 --> 00:04:56,128 So far the news isn't good. 59 00:04:56,337 --> 00:04:59,131 Five people are confirmed dead, dozens wounded. 60 00:04:59,340 --> 00:05:02,634 Most of the hull breaches have been contained with emergency bulkheads. 61 00:05:02,844 --> 00:05:05,804 - What about Cargo Bay 2? - I don't know. 62 00:05:06,014 --> 00:05:07,306 There's no way to get to it. 63 00:05:07,473 --> 00:05:09,766 A large portion of E-Deck is still decompressed. 64 00:05:09,934 --> 00:05:11,935 - Weapons? - The aft torpedo launcher's working. 65 00:05:12,103 --> 00:05:14,021 But that's about it. 66 00:05:15,732 --> 00:05:18,400 I really don't know what's holding us together. 67 00:05:18,818 --> 00:05:21,320 But let's hope it doesn't give out. 68 00:05:25,491 --> 00:05:26,575 Commander? 69 00:05:26,784 --> 00:05:29,911 The primary warp coil's fried. It has to be rebuilt from scratch. 70 00:05:30,121 --> 00:05:32,039 - How long? - A couple of weeks, 71 00:05:32,248 --> 00:05:33,874 if we had the parts. We don't. 72 00:05:34,083 --> 00:05:36,418 As it stands now, warp drive's out of the question. 73 00:05:36,627 --> 00:05:37,669 T'POL: Impulse? 74 00:05:37,879 --> 00:05:40,339 I'll have to inspect the hull around the exhaust manifolds, 75 00:05:40,506 --> 00:05:42,883 see the damage firsthand. 76 00:05:43,301 --> 00:05:44,343 Make it a priority. 77 00:05:45,011 --> 00:05:46,553 We've had a lot of injuries down here. 78 00:05:46,763 --> 00:05:48,930 It'll speed things up if you assign me some extra help. 79 00:05:49,098 --> 00:05:50,682 [EXPLOSION] 80 00:05:54,187 --> 00:05:56,188 Engineering isn't the safest place to be right now. 81 00:05:56,356 --> 00:05:57,522 Indeed. 82 00:05:57,690 --> 00:05:59,399 We've already lost one captain today. 83 00:06:19,879 --> 00:06:21,171 [GROANS] 84 00:06:55,706 --> 00:06:57,082 Where are you taking me? 85 00:06:58,709 --> 00:07:00,377 [HISSING] 86 00:07:10,596 --> 00:07:12,639 Emergency power's back online. 87 00:07:12,849 --> 00:07:14,766 We'll have phase cannons in about an hour. 88 00:07:14,976 --> 00:07:16,643 I'd like you to begin repairs on E-Deck. 89 00:07:17,270 --> 00:07:19,271 I'll have to pull people from other areas. 90 00:07:19,480 --> 00:07:21,606 There are engineering components in Cargo Bay 2. 91 00:07:21,774 --> 00:07:23,942 They're crucial to Commander Tucker's repairs. 92 00:07:24,110 --> 00:07:25,152 Aye. 93 00:07:25,361 --> 00:07:27,195 [COMPUTER BEEPING] 94 00:07:27,405 --> 00:07:28,947 There's a vessel approaching. 95 00:07:30,074 --> 00:07:32,576 - It's Xindi. - Aft torpedoes. 96 00:07:32,785 --> 00:07:33,827 Targeting. 97 00:07:33,995 --> 00:07:35,203 The viewscreen? 98 00:07:35,371 --> 00:07:37,581 - Still off-line. - It appears to be a one-man vessel. 99 00:07:38,875 --> 00:07:40,500 No armaments. 100 00:07:41,169 --> 00:07:42,210 Bio-signs? 101 00:07:43,296 --> 00:07:44,337 One. 102 00:07:47,717 --> 00:07:49,676 Bring it in. 103 00:08:00,730 --> 00:08:02,731 [SCANNER CHIRPING] 104 00:08:04,484 --> 00:08:06,985 [BEEPING RAPIDLY] 105 00:08:07,153 --> 00:08:08,737 Here. 106 00:08:13,493 --> 00:08:14,493 [VESSEL OPENS] 107 00:08:21,167 --> 00:08:22,334 PHLOX: No internal injuries. 108 00:08:22,543 --> 00:08:24,961 Numerous contusions consistent with blunt trauma. 109 00:08:25,171 --> 00:08:27,297 How many have we lost? 110 00:08:28,132 --> 00:08:29,925 Fourteen. 111 00:08:30,843 --> 00:08:33,178 Three are unaccounted for. 112 00:08:39,352 --> 00:08:41,520 Don't waste time on me. 113 00:08:42,563 --> 00:08:44,898 It's good to see you again, captain. 114 00:08:47,944 --> 00:08:49,778 Damage report. 115 00:08:53,658 --> 00:08:56,618 We'll have impulse power in six hours. 116 00:09:03,751 --> 00:09:07,128 Aft torpedo launchers and one forward phase-cannon 117 00:09:07,296 --> 00:09:08,964 are online. 118 00:09:09,173 --> 00:09:12,467 Have Hoshi and Travis start analyzing that pod. 119 00:09:13,844 --> 00:09:17,514 Its configuration suggests it's Aquatic. 120 00:09:17,723 --> 00:09:20,517 I was aboard one of their ships. That's the last thing I remember. 121 00:09:21,143 --> 00:09:23,645 Do you have any idea why they released you? 122 00:09:23,854 --> 00:09:26,189 I think I may have gotten through to one of them. 123 00:09:26,983 --> 00:09:28,775 Degra. 124 00:09:29,902 --> 00:09:31,987 [GROANING] 125 00:09:35,116 --> 00:09:36,157 ARCHER: Thanks. 126 00:09:40,288 --> 00:09:42,122 Are you all right? 127 00:09:42,290 --> 00:09:44,207 I'm fine. 128 00:09:47,628 --> 00:09:50,589 I should help Lieutenant Reed with his repairs. 129 00:10:02,059 --> 00:10:04,060 [GASPING] 130 00:10:05,980 --> 00:10:07,981 [WELDING] 131 00:10:12,194 --> 00:10:14,070 [DISTORTED VOICES SPEAKING INDISTINCTLY] 132 00:10:18,367 --> 00:10:20,910 [HAMMERING] 133 00:10:25,291 --> 00:10:26,374 [BEEPING] 134 00:11:00,326 --> 00:11:02,369 They went to a lot of trouble to let you go. 135 00:11:02,578 --> 00:11:04,454 Do you really think they'll attack us again? 136 00:11:04,664 --> 00:11:06,623 They're not exactly unified. 137 00:11:06,832 --> 00:11:09,542 The Reptilians came after us on their own. 138 00:11:09,752 --> 00:11:11,961 They might decide to finish what they started. 139 00:11:12,171 --> 00:11:13,922 REED: We've run out of moons to hide behind. 140 00:11:14,924 --> 00:11:18,426 But there is a cometary dust cloud not too far off. 141 00:11:18,636 --> 00:11:20,095 T'Pol? 142 00:11:20,304 --> 00:11:21,846 The diamagnetic fields should shield us 143 00:11:22,014 --> 00:11:23,807 from long-range scans. 144 00:11:24,016 --> 00:11:25,100 How far away is it? 145 00:11:25,267 --> 00:11:26,851 MAN [OVER COM]: Engineering to the Bridge. 146 00:11:27,019 --> 00:11:29,020 We just picked up a surge in the EPS grid on A-Deck. 147 00:11:29,188 --> 00:11:31,356 [WHIRRING THEN EXPLOSION] 148 00:11:35,903 --> 00:11:36,945 Thanks for the warning. 149 00:11:37,655 --> 00:11:38,905 [COUGHS] 150 00:11:40,241 --> 00:11:41,282 How far? 151 00:11:41,492 --> 00:11:44,160 At the present speed, about three days. 152 00:11:45,162 --> 00:11:47,205 - Set a course. - Aye, sir. 153 00:11:47,415 --> 00:11:49,666 Instead of hiding, shouldn't we be looking for the weapon? 154 00:11:49,834 --> 00:11:51,126 Sensors are still off-line. 155 00:11:51,335 --> 00:11:54,504 Let's focus on getting ourselves operational. 156 00:11:54,714 --> 00:11:57,090 We can't mount a search with a ship coming down on our heads. 157 00:12:02,263 --> 00:12:04,264 [DEVICE CHIRPING] 158 00:12:06,767 --> 00:12:09,185 I thought Insectoid was tough. 159 00:12:11,647 --> 00:12:14,149 Almost sounds like music. 160 00:12:17,027 --> 00:12:20,363 My mother always wanted me to take piano lessons. 161 00:12:20,573 --> 00:12:22,407 I should've listened to her. 162 00:12:22,575 --> 00:12:24,367 It's never too late. 163 00:12:24,577 --> 00:12:26,119 You can start when we get home. 164 00:12:28,706 --> 00:12:30,081 We're getting home. 165 00:12:35,504 --> 00:12:37,589 TRIP: What makes you think we can trust this guy? 166 00:12:37,798 --> 00:12:39,716 - ARCHER: Who? - Degra. 167 00:12:39,884 --> 00:12:42,218 He seems like the last person who'd come around to our side. 168 00:12:42,386 --> 00:12:44,512 I mean, he designed the weapon. 169 00:12:44,722 --> 00:12:46,181 He may not be on our side, 170 00:12:46,891 --> 00:12:50,518 but I get the feeling he's starting to question his. 171 00:12:50,728 --> 00:12:52,312 Well, let's hope you're right. 172 00:12:52,980 --> 00:12:55,398 I think we're ready to fire this up. 173 00:13:00,571 --> 00:13:02,489 [MECHANICAL HUM] 174 00:13:07,578 --> 00:13:08,870 Maybe not. 175 00:13:09,079 --> 00:13:11,372 T'POL: Bridge to Captain Archer. 176 00:13:13,417 --> 00:13:14,501 ARCHER: Go ahead. 177 00:13:14,710 --> 00:13:16,711 There's an unidentified vessel approaching. 178 00:13:16,921 --> 00:13:20,006 - They're asking for our assistance. - Any details? 179 00:13:20,216 --> 00:13:22,133 Just that they've taken heavy damage. 180 00:13:22,718 --> 00:13:23,760 Join the club. 181 00:13:24,261 --> 00:13:27,889 - How long till they get here? - Twelve minutes. 182 00:13:28,641 --> 00:13:30,183 ARCHER: Set a rendezvous course. 183 00:13:32,186 --> 00:13:34,229 Maybe we can help each other. 184 00:13:41,445 --> 00:13:44,489 They have minimal weapons, all powered down. 185 00:13:44,698 --> 00:13:46,866 I'm detecting numerous spatial anomalies in the area. 186 00:13:48,035 --> 00:13:49,285 Can you get us through them? 187 00:13:50,621 --> 00:13:52,914 - I believe so. - Hail them. 188 00:13:54,458 --> 00:13:55,500 [COMPUTER BEEPS] 189 00:13:55,668 --> 00:14:00,672 This is Captain Archer. We're responding to your distress call. 190 00:14:00,881 --> 00:14:02,173 MAN: Thank you for coming, 191 00:14:02,383 --> 00:14:06,427 but beware, this region contains dangerous spatial distortions. 192 00:14:06,637 --> 00:14:08,888 We've run into them before. 193 00:14:09,098 --> 00:14:11,307 They've damaged our engines and life support. 194 00:14:11,517 --> 00:14:14,811 We would appreciate whatever assistance you can give us. 195 00:14:15,020 --> 00:14:17,146 We'll see what we can do. 196 00:14:22,528 --> 00:14:25,989 - What brings you to this system? - Curiosity. 197 00:14:26,198 --> 00:14:28,366 We're studying the red giant. 198 00:14:28,576 --> 00:14:31,744 It's the first one we've had the opportunity to explore. 199 00:14:32,371 --> 00:14:36,332 We weren't prepared for these spatial anomalies, as you call them. 200 00:14:36,500 --> 00:14:37,667 It seems you weren't either. 201 00:14:37,877 --> 00:14:40,378 Actually, this is all the result of combat. 202 00:14:40,546 --> 00:14:41,629 Combat? 203 00:14:41,797 --> 00:14:43,756 Have you heard of a species called the Xindi? 204 00:14:43,966 --> 00:14:46,801 No. We're new to this region of space. 205 00:14:47,011 --> 00:14:48,720 Let's talk about your ship. 206 00:14:48,929 --> 00:14:50,763 We know a way to insulate against the anomalies. 207 00:14:50,931 --> 00:14:52,807 There's a substance called trellium-D. 208 00:14:53,017 --> 00:14:55,727 I've heard of it. It's extremely rare. 209 00:14:55,936 --> 00:14:58,521 I have 60 kilos sitting in my cargo bay. 210 00:14:58,731 --> 00:14:59,772 Perhaps we can work out 211 00:14:59,940 --> 00:15:01,900 - some sort of trade. - That's what I had in mind. 212 00:15:02,067 --> 00:15:04,611 Given the condition of my vessel, I don't know what we can offer. 213 00:15:04,778 --> 00:15:06,738 Our warp engine is badly damaged. 214 00:15:07,698 --> 00:15:10,158 We could probably spare a few plasma injectors, 215 00:15:10,326 --> 00:15:11,367 maybe some antimatter. 216 00:15:11,535 --> 00:15:13,828 I was thinking more along the lines of a warp coil. 217 00:15:14,872 --> 00:15:16,748 I'm afraid that's one thing we can't spare. 218 00:15:18,000 --> 00:15:19,584 Maybe we can make it worth your while. 219 00:15:20,544 --> 00:15:23,504 We have certain technology that you'd probably find useful. 220 00:15:24,048 --> 00:15:27,258 Without a warp coil, the journey back to our system would take three years. 221 00:15:27,426 --> 00:15:29,260 We're not equipped for a voyage of that length. 222 00:15:29,428 --> 00:15:32,430 The Xindi have already wiped out seven million of my people. 223 00:15:32,640 --> 00:15:34,515 They're building a weapon to destroy our world. 224 00:15:34,725 --> 00:15:37,226 I have to stop them. 225 00:15:37,436 --> 00:15:39,812 Without warp drive, I won't succeed. 226 00:15:40,689 --> 00:15:42,899 I sympathize, captain. 227 00:15:43,943 --> 00:15:46,027 I will help you in any other way. 228 00:15:46,236 --> 00:15:48,613 But I won't jeopardize the lives of my crew. I'm sorry. 229 00:16:48,173 --> 00:16:50,717 [GRUNTING] 230 00:17:22,916 --> 00:17:24,917 [PANTING] 231 00:18:20,182 --> 00:18:21,224 [SCREAMS] 232 00:18:21,850 --> 00:18:23,142 Aah! 233 00:18:24,520 --> 00:18:26,521 [AIR HISSING] 234 00:18:29,024 --> 00:18:31,025 [GRUNTING] 235 00:18:42,955 --> 00:18:44,956 [GASPS THEN PANTING] 236 00:20:19,051 --> 00:20:21,302 The escape pod can maneuver underwater. 237 00:20:21,511 --> 00:20:23,930 Aside from that, nothing out of the ordinary. 238 00:20:24,139 --> 00:20:25,640 I've gone through the data banks. 239 00:20:25,849 --> 00:20:28,601 Just your standard navigation operational files. 240 00:20:28,810 --> 00:20:31,270 But I did find one document. 241 00:20:31,480 --> 00:20:34,565 An engineer asking his supervisors for additional parts. 242 00:20:34,733 --> 00:20:36,651 Here's the translation. 243 00:20:44,576 --> 00:20:49,455 The names of these supervisors: Piral, Jaina, Trenia. 244 00:20:49,665 --> 00:20:51,499 The names of Degra's children. 245 00:20:56,838 --> 00:21:00,633 I discovered a set of coordinates embedded in the document. 246 00:21:03,804 --> 00:21:06,305 It's not a star system. 247 00:21:06,932 --> 00:21:09,892 There was another embedded number. 248 00:21:10,769 --> 00:21:14,355 A stardate, three days from now. 249 00:21:16,066 --> 00:21:20,486 - How far away are the coordinates? - Four light-years. 250 00:21:23,156 --> 00:21:26,242 We'll need at least warp 3 to make it in time. 251 00:21:27,077 --> 00:21:30,663 It's unlikely that Degra will wait beyond three days. 252 00:21:51,435 --> 00:21:52,893 He's all yours. 253 00:21:54,646 --> 00:21:58,274 He was the perfect houseguest, as usual. 254 00:22:00,193 --> 00:22:02,820 You'll be happy to know that I discharged Ensign Ansara 255 00:22:02,988 --> 00:22:04,030 this morning. 256 00:22:04,239 --> 00:22:08,367 And Corporal O'Malley will be returning to duty this afternoon. 257 00:22:10,579 --> 00:22:12,496 Captain? 258 00:22:16,668 --> 00:22:20,546 Hard to imagine that we'll ever get this ship back the way it was. 259 00:22:22,382 --> 00:22:24,884 It's a simple matter of repairs. 260 00:22:27,637 --> 00:22:29,597 Well, perhaps not that simple. 261 00:22:32,434 --> 00:22:36,771 Somehow I don't think it's the damage to Enterprise that's troubling you. 262 00:22:43,695 --> 00:22:45,237 How long have you been a doctor? 263 00:22:46,531 --> 00:22:49,367 Nearly 40 years. 264 00:22:57,125 --> 00:22:59,210 And in all that time, 265 00:23:01,546 --> 00:23:05,216 did you ever do anything you thought was unethical? 266 00:23:12,724 --> 00:23:14,225 Twice. 267 00:23:14,976 --> 00:23:16,644 Why? 268 00:23:20,440 --> 00:23:23,484 I'm about to step over a line. 269 00:23:25,112 --> 00:23:27,655 A line I thought I would never cross. 270 00:23:28,490 --> 00:23:31,158 And given the nature of our mission, 271 00:23:31,743 --> 00:23:34,620 it probably won't be the last. 272 00:23:39,167 --> 00:23:41,043 Probably not. 273 00:23:43,171 --> 00:23:45,840 May I ask what you're planning to do? 274 00:23:51,430 --> 00:23:54,056 There could be more casualties. 275 00:23:57,894 --> 00:23:59,645 I'll be ready. 276 00:24:21,334 --> 00:24:23,169 Put together an armed boarding party. 277 00:24:23,920 --> 00:24:27,923 - Who are we boarding, sir? - The alien ship we docked with. 278 00:24:28,133 --> 00:24:30,050 I don't understand. 279 00:24:30,218 --> 00:24:31,719 We need their warp coil. 280 00:24:32,679 --> 00:24:35,473 They won't give it to us, so we're going to have to take it. 281 00:24:39,561 --> 00:24:41,729 - Captain? - Get your men together! 282 00:24:50,238 --> 00:24:52,364 Where are the other members of the Council? 283 00:24:52,574 --> 00:24:55,951 - We didn't want them here. - Why? 284 00:24:56,161 --> 00:24:58,120 We've learned something about the Reptilians 285 00:24:58,288 --> 00:25:00,789 that concerns us. 286 00:25:00,999 --> 00:25:04,543 There's distrust amongst you. 287 00:25:04,753 --> 00:25:07,338 You can help alleviate it. 288 00:25:07,923 --> 00:25:08,964 Continue. 289 00:25:09,174 --> 00:25:13,093 We were told the Reptilians attempted to build a bio-weapon. 290 00:25:13,261 --> 00:25:15,513 Who told you this? 291 00:25:15,722 --> 00:25:18,349 We've also learned that they were building this bio-weapon 292 00:25:18,517 --> 00:25:20,809 in the past on Earth. 293 00:25:20,977 --> 00:25:22,520 As far as we're aware, 294 00:25:22,729 --> 00:25:26,732 Reptilians don't possess the technology for time travel. 295 00:25:27,609 --> 00:25:30,653 SPHERE-BUILDER: You want to know if they had my help. 296 00:25:30,862 --> 00:25:31,904 DEGRA: Did they? 297 00:25:34,366 --> 00:25:35,491 Yes. 298 00:25:36,201 --> 00:25:39,078 After you prohibited them from constructing the bio-weapon, 299 00:25:39,287 --> 00:25:40,829 the Reptilians and the Insectoids 300 00:25:40,997 --> 00:25:43,290 were prepared to withdraw from the Council. 301 00:25:43,500 --> 00:25:45,918 I assisted them so the Council would remain unified. 302 00:25:46,127 --> 00:25:49,463 You helped them to circumvent our authority. 303 00:25:49,673 --> 00:25:54,301 I protected your authority by keeping the Council intact. 304 00:25:55,136 --> 00:25:57,137 DEGRA: What happened to the bio-weapon? 305 00:25:57,305 --> 00:25:58,806 SPHERE-BUILDER: It was never completed, 306 00:25:58,974 --> 00:26:01,725 and the three Reptilians were never found. 307 00:26:01,935 --> 00:26:04,311 ARBOREAL: You can't locate them? 308 00:26:04,521 --> 00:26:07,815 There are limits to what we can do in your realm. 309 00:26:08,024 --> 00:26:09,608 It seems you can do more than we thought. 310 00:26:09,776 --> 00:26:12,903 Is it true your species built the Spheres? 311 00:26:13,113 --> 00:26:14,697 What makes you think you can subject me 312 00:26:14,864 --> 00:26:17,241 to this interrogation? 313 00:26:17,909 --> 00:26:19,660 If it weren't for my assistance, 314 00:26:19,828 --> 00:26:23,914 your species would be facing destruction. 315 00:26:24,124 --> 00:26:26,417 We're grateful for the help that you've given us. 316 00:26:26,585 --> 00:26:30,671 Then prove it. Focus on the task at hand. 317 00:26:30,880 --> 00:26:32,673 The weapon is nearly complete. 318 00:26:32,882 --> 00:26:35,050 If you permit yourselves to become distracted, 319 00:26:35,218 --> 00:26:40,556 you'll fail to destroy your real enemy, the enemy of all Xindi. 320 00:26:41,224 --> 00:26:42,975 Don't summon me again 321 00:26:43,143 --> 00:26:45,144 unless every member of the Council is present. 322 00:26:45,353 --> 00:26:49,356 I won't help fuel your internal bickering. 323 00:26:53,737 --> 00:26:56,572 - You don't believe her. - Do you? 324 00:26:57,741 --> 00:27:00,618 Why should we take Archer's word over hers? 325 00:27:00,785 --> 00:27:04,538 Because Archer offered something she hasn't. 326 00:27:05,749 --> 00:27:07,333 Proof. 327 00:27:13,965 --> 00:27:16,842 REED: Under normal circumstances, they'd be no match for us. 328 00:27:17,052 --> 00:27:20,304 But we've sustained a lot more damage than they have. 329 00:27:20,513 --> 00:27:21,972 This could be risky. 330 00:27:22,182 --> 00:27:23,724 One lucky shot to our starboard nacelle. 331 00:27:23,892 --> 00:27:26,727 Let's make sure they don't get any lucky shots. 332 00:27:26,936 --> 00:27:29,813 Why don't we just transport their warp coil to Enterprise? 333 00:27:30,023 --> 00:27:32,149 It's tied into their injector system. 334 00:27:32,359 --> 00:27:35,861 If we use the transporter, we'd destroy their engines. 335 00:27:36,071 --> 00:27:38,989 I've got to get in there, decouple it by hand. 336 00:27:39,157 --> 00:27:40,199 How long? 337 00:27:42,202 --> 00:27:44,078 Ten minutes, give or take. 338 00:27:44,245 --> 00:27:46,121 Can't tell for sure until I see it. 339 00:27:46,331 --> 00:27:50,751 If they fight back, ten minutes could be a very long time. 340 00:27:50,960 --> 00:27:53,212 Perhaps we should reconsider negotiation. 341 00:27:53,421 --> 00:27:57,091 We can't risk tipping them off. We have to take them by surprise. 342 00:27:57,300 --> 00:28:00,177 That'll reduce the losses on both sides. 343 00:28:00,679 --> 00:28:02,805 We'll disable their ship as quickly as we can, 344 00:28:03,014 --> 00:28:06,517 beam over, extract the warp coil and get out. 345 00:28:07,560 --> 00:28:09,436 Hopefully without any casualties. 346 00:28:12,857 --> 00:28:13,899 Set a course. 347 00:28:19,072 --> 00:28:21,490 - Can I have a word with you? - Not right now. 348 00:28:24,327 --> 00:28:26,120 If I had another option, I'd take it. 349 00:28:26,329 --> 00:28:28,372 We're no different than the marauders who attacked us 350 00:28:28,540 --> 00:28:31,208 when we entered the Expanse. 351 00:28:36,256 --> 00:28:37,297 We're a lot different. 352 00:28:37,465 --> 00:28:38,590 By stealing their warp coil, 353 00:28:38,758 --> 00:28:41,427 we could be condemning them to death. 354 00:28:41,636 --> 00:28:43,554 We're gonna leave them a supply of trellium, 355 00:28:43,722 --> 00:28:46,598 along with some extra food. 356 00:28:46,808 --> 00:28:49,101 I'm not saying it'll be easy for them, 357 00:28:49,310 --> 00:28:51,353 but they'll stand a decent chance of making it home. 358 00:28:51,521 --> 00:28:54,231 You're forgetting that we're in a dangerous region of space. 359 00:28:54,441 --> 00:28:57,276 Our assault could cripple their ability to defend themselves. 360 00:28:57,485 --> 00:29:00,654 - Not if we do it right. - And what if something goes wrong? 361 00:29:00,864 --> 00:29:04,700 We can debate this all day. I've made my decision. 362 00:29:05,326 --> 00:29:09,246 "We can't save humanity without holding on to what makes us human." 363 00:29:11,040 --> 00:29:12,791 Those were your words to me. 364 00:29:13,418 --> 00:29:15,377 I'm no happier doing this than you are, 365 00:29:15,587 --> 00:29:17,504 but we're not gonna make a habit of it. 366 00:29:17,714 --> 00:29:19,465 Once you rationalize the first misstep, 367 00:29:19,632 --> 00:29:21,383 it's easy to fall into a pattern of behavior. 368 00:29:21,551 --> 00:29:23,010 I'm not rationalizing anything. 369 00:29:23,219 --> 00:29:26,346 - I know full well what I'm doing. - I can't justify this course of action. 370 00:29:26,556 --> 00:29:29,767 - We don't have a choice. - I won't let you do it! 371 00:29:34,022 --> 00:29:36,774 We've had our share of disagreements, 372 00:29:38,067 --> 00:29:40,152 but you've never taken it out on my desk before. 373 00:29:42,947 --> 00:29:44,281 I apologize. 374 00:29:45,366 --> 00:29:46,617 What's happening to you? 375 00:29:52,415 --> 00:29:55,042 It's been a difficult few days. 376 00:29:56,795 --> 00:29:58,504 I haven't had the time to meditate. 377 00:30:01,132 --> 00:30:02,591 Maybe you should find the time. 378 00:30:05,220 --> 00:30:07,137 I didn't mean what I said. 379 00:30:08,139 --> 00:30:10,140 I'm glad to hear it. 380 00:30:14,729 --> 00:30:17,231 I'll be leading the boarding party. 381 00:30:18,608 --> 00:30:19,983 There's no margin for error. 382 00:30:24,280 --> 00:30:26,949 If we don't do this right, people are gonna die. 383 00:30:28,868 --> 00:30:31,161 I need you on the Bridge. 384 00:30:32,580 --> 00:30:33,705 Understood. 385 00:30:46,970 --> 00:30:49,638 - Doctor. - Yes, this will just take a moment. 386 00:30:49,806 --> 00:30:51,765 What is it? 387 00:30:58,982 --> 00:31:02,776 There's a good deal of residual trellium in your bloodstream. 388 00:31:02,986 --> 00:31:05,195 How long have you been doing this? 389 00:31:06,656 --> 00:31:08,490 Three months. 390 00:31:09,742 --> 00:31:12,828 I need to know precisely what has been happening. 391 00:31:18,585 --> 00:31:22,963 When I was exposed to trellium aboard the Seleya, 392 00:31:24,674 --> 00:31:27,926 it affected me in a way I wasn't prepared for. 393 00:31:28,720 --> 00:31:31,471 As I recall, you were homicidal and paranoid. 394 00:31:32,432 --> 00:31:36,852 The initial effects were overwhelming, 395 00:31:37,061 --> 00:31:39,521 but as they began to wear off, 396 00:31:40,440 --> 00:31:45,569 I discovered I was able to access certain emotions. 397 00:31:48,031 --> 00:31:49,907 I wanted more. 398 00:31:51,534 --> 00:31:56,204 I began to experiment by ingesting small amounts of trellium. 399 00:31:56,414 --> 00:32:00,375 I devised a way to inject it into my bloodstream. 400 00:32:00,543 --> 00:32:02,294 You must have known it was dangerous. 401 00:32:02,462 --> 00:32:06,298 Trellium exposure is deadly to Vulcans. It eats away at the neural pathways. 402 00:32:06,507 --> 00:32:10,260 I thought, in small amounts, it would be safe. 403 00:32:11,804 --> 00:32:14,473 At first, I was able to control the new emotions. 404 00:32:14,682 --> 00:32:18,310 My interactions with the crew improved. 405 00:32:18,519 --> 00:32:20,187 Commander Tucker, for example. 406 00:32:21,731 --> 00:32:24,816 When did you realize you were becoming addicted? 407 00:32:25,026 --> 00:32:27,152 Two days ago. 408 00:32:28,738 --> 00:32:30,447 The damage to E-Deck made it impossible 409 00:32:30,615 --> 00:32:32,199 to access the cargo bay. 410 00:32:33,284 --> 00:32:39,414 I began experiencing agitation, anxiety, withdrawal symptoms. 411 00:32:40,917 --> 00:32:42,918 You're not experiencing them now? 412 00:32:43,461 --> 00:32:45,295 I was able to retrieve the trellium. 413 00:32:47,215 --> 00:32:50,008 I was almost killed in the process. 414 00:32:50,843 --> 00:32:52,886 This will help stabilize your synaptic pathways, 415 00:32:53,096 --> 00:32:56,640 but the withdrawal symptoms will return in a few days. 416 00:33:00,269 --> 00:33:02,354 It's going to take time. 417 00:33:02,522 --> 00:33:04,106 It won't be easy. 418 00:33:06,818 --> 00:33:08,318 I understand. 419 00:33:08,528 --> 00:33:09,569 [INTERCOM BEEPS] 420 00:33:09,737 --> 00:33:10,862 ARCHER: Archer to T'Pol. 421 00:33:15,702 --> 00:33:17,661 - T'POL: Go ahead. - We're approaching the vessel. 422 00:33:17,870 --> 00:33:19,705 Report to the Bridge. 423 00:33:20,498 --> 00:33:22,249 - I'm on my way. - You should remain here 424 00:33:22,417 --> 00:33:24,209 for observation. 425 00:33:24,377 --> 00:33:27,170 The captain needs me. I have to go. 426 00:33:30,842 --> 00:33:34,052 I expect you to report back here at the first sign of trouble. 427 00:33:37,890 --> 00:33:40,183 Are you going to discuss this with the captain? 428 00:33:41,477 --> 00:33:44,730 This is between you and your doctor. 429 00:33:58,578 --> 00:34:00,245 Good luck. 430 00:34:10,006 --> 00:34:11,882 You have the Bridge. 431 00:34:19,682 --> 00:34:21,892 Standby weapons. 432 00:34:41,120 --> 00:34:42,162 Run another test. 433 00:34:42,371 --> 00:34:44,581 If it doesn't hold, we'll bypass the entire assembly. 434 00:34:44,749 --> 00:34:46,458 [INTERCOM BEEPS] 435 00:34:48,252 --> 00:34:49,419 - What is it? - CREWMAN: Sir, 436 00:34:49,587 --> 00:34:52,881 there's a vessel approaching. It's the Earth ship. 437 00:34:53,091 --> 00:34:56,676 - Have you contacted them? - They're not responding. 438 00:34:57,345 --> 00:35:01,598 - They're still hailing us. - Two hundred kilometers. 439 00:35:02,308 --> 00:35:05,102 - Target their propulsion systems. - Aye. 440 00:35:05,853 --> 00:35:07,604 Fire. 441 00:35:14,070 --> 00:35:17,280 Their warp drive's off-line. They're charging weapons. 442 00:35:17,490 --> 00:35:19,157 Bridge to Transporter. 443 00:35:19,367 --> 00:35:22,369 - REED: They're firing. - Energize. 444 00:35:52,817 --> 00:35:54,860 That's the access port. 445 00:35:57,071 --> 00:35:58,905 Stun grenade. 446 00:36:11,419 --> 00:36:12,919 Go. 447 00:36:24,098 --> 00:36:25,348 Their weapons are at 50 percent. 448 00:36:25,558 --> 00:36:26,892 [ALARM BLARING] 449 00:36:27,059 --> 00:36:29,519 We have another hull breach on E-Deck. 450 00:36:31,063 --> 00:36:34,024 - Our port thrusters are off-line. - We have to take out their weapons. 451 00:36:34,192 --> 00:36:36,776 - We can't leave them defenseless. - If we wanna get through this, 452 00:36:36,944 --> 00:36:39,404 - we may have no choice. - It's the captain's orders. 453 00:36:43,409 --> 00:36:44,951 Clear. 454 00:36:48,164 --> 00:36:50,165 [RUMBLING] 455 00:36:56,881 --> 00:36:58,131 [GRUNTS] 456 00:37:06,098 --> 00:37:07,515 Cover. 457 00:37:16,025 --> 00:37:18,818 - Archer. - Captain, we've hit a little snag. 458 00:37:19,528 --> 00:37:21,488 They're targeting our starboard nacelle. 459 00:37:21,697 --> 00:37:23,490 Evasive maneuvers. 460 00:37:25,159 --> 00:37:26,243 T'Pol to the captain. 461 00:37:28,079 --> 00:37:29,996 - Go ahead. - We're taking heavy damage. 462 00:37:30,164 --> 00:37:32,165 ARCHER: There's a force field around the warp coil. 463 00:37:32,375 --> 00:37:34,626 Trip's trying to disable it. 464 00:37:37,421 --> 00:37:38,922 Try it now. 465 00:38:02,363 --> 00:38:03,947 - Archer to Enterprise. - T'POL: Go ahead. 466 00:38:04,156 --> 00:38:05,991 Parson's been hit. 467 00:38:06,534 --> 00:38:08,493 Lock onto her com signal and beam her out of here. 468 00:38:08,703 --> 00:38:10,453 Lieutenant. 469 00:38:11,455 --> 00:38:13,039 We're venting atmosphere on C-Deck. 470 00:38:14,166 --> 00:38:15,917 T'Pol! 471 00:38:17,753 --> 00:38:21,089 Adjust phase-cannons to a narrow confinement beam. 472 00:38:21,257 --> 00:38:23,174 Target this power junction. 473 00:38:23,342 --> 00:38:24,843 - Got it. - Fire. 474 00:38:31,726 --> 00:38:33,351 [FORCE FIELD POWERING DOWN] 475 00:38:37,690 --> 00:38:39,399 TRIP: Right there. 476 00:38:56,459 --> 00:38:57,500 [COM BEEPS] 477 00:38:57,668 --> 00:38:59,252 Archer. 478 00:38:59,462 --> 00:39:01,129 Commander Tucker's aboard. We have it. 479 00:39:01,339 --> 00:39:02,797 Stand by to beam us out. 480 00:39:05,676 --> 00:39:06,718 Fall back. 481 00:39:17,605 --> 00:39:20,940 What you can't have, you take by force? 482 00:39:21,150 --> 00:39:24,486 We've beamed three containers of trellium into your cargo hold 483 00:39:24,695 --> 00:39:25,820 as compensation. 484 00:39:26,405 --> 00:39:28,365 There's also food and supplies. 485 00:39:28,574 --> 00:39:32,243 You're stranding us three years from home. 486 00:39:32,453 --> 00:39:33,995 Why are you doing this? 487 00:39:34,622 --> 00:39:36,706 Because I have no choice. 488 00:39:39,335 --> 00:39:41,127 Energize. 489 00:39:58,729 --> 00:40:00,980 I'm not sure why I asked you to come see me. 490 00:40:01,190 --> 00:40:03,858 Perhaps you just needed some company. 491 00:40:05,069 --> 00:40:06,152 Perhaps. 492 00:40:12,118 --> 00:40:13,993 How do you feel? 493 00:40:19,250 --> 00:40:21,084 I thought that without the trellium, 494 00:40:21,293 --> 00:40:25,588 I would no longer have difficulty suppressing my emotions. 495 00:40:26,841 --> 00:40:28,800 But that's not true. 496 00:40:35,933 --> 00:40:38,309 It's not surprising, that there are residual effects. 497 00:40:38,519 --> 00:40:40,937 - They're probably temporary. - And if they're not? 498 00:40:41,147 --> 00:40:43,398 Then you'll learn to cope with them. 499 00:40:43,983 --> 00:40:45,942 I'm not certain I'll be able to. 500 00:40:46,986 --> 00:40:48,528 I'm... 501 00:40:49,238 --> 00:40:50,947 Afraid? 502 00:40:51,115 --> 00:40:53,992 Vulcans don't experience fear. 503 00:40:54,452 --> 00:40:56,161 You sought these emotions. 504 00:40:56,328 --> 00:40:58,955 Don't expect them to vanish overnight. Patience. 505 00:41:04,795 --> 00:41:07,297 A few tweaks and it fit right in. 506 00:41:07,506 --> 00:41:10,258 - What's our top speed? - Three-point-two. 507 00:41:10,468 --> 00:41:13,011 That should get us to the rendezvous point with time to spare. 508 00:41:17,683 --> 00:41:19,058 [GROANS] 509 00:41:20,060 --> 00:41:21,227 You did the right thing. 510 00:41:23,689 --> 00:41:25,064 It seems the longer we're out here, 511 00:41:25,232 --> 00:41:28,109 the more I have to keep saying that to myself. 512 00:41:29,695 --> 00:41:32,030 Those people will be okay. 513 00:41:32,198 --> 00:41:33,364 They'll get home. 514 00:41:36,785 --> 00:41:39,871 - ARCHER: Captain to the Bridge. - REED: Go ahead. 515 00:41:41,081 --> 00:41:43,464 - Prepare to go to maximum warp. - Aye, sir.