1 00:00:02,460 --> 00:00:04,003 NARRATOR: Previously on Enterprise: 2 00:00:04,170 --> 00:00:05,713 We're 400 years in the future. 3 00:00:05,880 --> 00:00:09,133 You know about the alien we found? The test subject? 4 00:00:09,300 --> 00:00:11,593 DANIELS: He belongs to the same race that built the Spheres. 5 00:00:11,761 --> 00:00:14,430 They're altering this space to make it habitable for their species. 6 00:00:14,597 --> 00:00:17,266 You have to make the Xindi understand that humanity isn't the enemy. 7 00:00:17,434 --> 00:00:19,351 DEGRA: The weapon won't be launched for several days. 8 00:00:19,519 --> 00:00:21,437 Show us your proof. 9 00:00:21,646 --> 00:00:25,024 You're saying the Expanse will no longer be compatible for us. 10 00:00:25,191 --> 00:00:26,525 For any of us. 11 00:00:26,693 --> 00:00:28,694 We're destined to form an alliance to stop them. 12 00:00:29,070 --> 00:00:31,739 You need to speak to the Council. With the evidence you've shown me, 13 00:00:31,906 --> 00:00:35,034 they'll have no choice but to take us seriously. 14 00:00:35,201 --> 00:00:40,539 If it weren't for my assistance, your species would be facing destruction. 15 00:00:40,707 --> 00:00:43,042 Is it true your species built the Spheres? 16 00:00:43,460 --> 00:00:45,669 - Where is Degra? - What kind of weapons do you have? 17 00:00:45,879 --> 00:00:48,881 You expect me to attack a Reptilian warship? 18 00:00:51,634 --> 00:00:53,427 T'POL: The Reptilian vessel's been destroyed. 19 00:00:53,595 --> 00:00:57,598 They would've contacted the Council and exposed our alliance. 20 00:00:57,766 --> 00:01:00,642 He'll be killed the moment he steps into the Council chamber. 21 00:01:00,810 --> 00:01:03,062 If Archer is telling the truth, 22 00:01:03,229 --> 00:01:07,232 then all the Council's efforts will be for nothing. 23 00:01:09,402 --> 00:01:13,572 We've been successful. The Xindi weapon is days away from completion. 24 00:01:13,740 --> 00:01:16,408 The timelines don't support that assessment. 25 00:01:16,576 --> 00:01:17,868 What have you seen? 26 00:01:18,036 --> 00:01:21,538 The number of lines with favorable outcomes has diminished. 27 00:01:21,706 --> 00:01:24,291 There is now an increased chance that the Earth ship 28 00:01:24,459 --> 00:01:27,127 will prevent the weapon from being launched. 29 00:01:27,295 --> 00:01:30,172 Not necessarily. Timelines are sensitive. 30 00:01:30,340 --> 00:01:32,508 They're prone to temporary fluctuations. 31 00:01:32,675 --> 00:01:37,262 This is no fluctuation. This is a trajectory away from our desired outcome. 32 00:01:37,430 --> 00:01:40,140 See that you take definitive actions to correct this. 33 00:01:40,308 --> 00:01:44,561 The weapon must be launched. Earth must be destroyed. 34 00:03:14,819 --> 00:03:17,279 I'm not detecting any trellium in your system. 35 00:03:17,447 --> 00:03:18,655 [CHUCKLES] 36 00:03:18,823 --> 00:03:20,240 How are you feeling? 37 00:03:20,491 --> 00:03:23,202 The emotions are still difficult to control. 38 00:03:23,369 --> 00:03:25,162 Hmm. Meditation isn't helping? 39 00:03:25,330 --> 00:03:28,582 Somewhat, but I'm still experiencing frequent-- 40 00:03:29,792 --> 00:03:31,376 You okay? 41 00:03:31,586 --> 00:03:33,212 Just a mild headache. 42 00:03:33,421 --> 00:03:36,089 I thought Vulcans didn't get headaches. 43 00:03:37,258 --> 00:03:39,718 I'm needed in the Command Center. 44 00:03:42,096 --> 00:03:45,474 Notice anything strange about the way she's been acting? 45 00:03:45,934 --> 00:03:50,020 There isn't anyone on the ship who hasn't been affected by recent events. 46 00:03:50,313 --> 00:03:51,521 What can I do for you? 47 00:03:51,689 --> 00:03:54,233 I think I pulled a muscle. 48 00:03:54,400 --> 00:03:58,278 - Yeah. Pain's pretty bad. - Have a seat. 49 00:03:58,613 --> 00:04:00,697 We've been running double shifts in Engineering. 50 00:04:00,907 --> 00:04:03,367 Captain's in a hell of a rush to get to this damn Council. 51 00:04:04,410 --> 00:04:07,955 He believes he can get the Xindi to reconsider their attack on Earth. 52 00:04:08,122 --> 00:04:10,165 We owe him a little faith. 53 00:04:10,375 --> 00:04:11,708 Oh, I have faith in the captain 54 00:04:11,876 --> 00:04:13,710 but not in the people he's trying to convince. 55 00:04:13,920 --> 00:04:16,171 Degra seems to be a reasonable man. 56 00:04:16,381 --> 00:04:18,131 Reasonable? 57 00:04:18,341 --> 00:04:21,134 I don't think many people back in my hometown would go along with that. 58 00:04:27,767 --> 00:04:29,601 Thanks, doc. 59 00:04:33,773 --> 00:04:38,110 The Spheres are controlled by a network of artificial intelligence. 60 00:04:38,444 --> 00:04:41,113 This section houses the redundant memory core. 61 00:04:41,698 --> 00:04:44,241 It should contain a significant amount of information. 62 00:04:44,409 --> 00:04:47,077 We're hoping that'll include data on the Sphere-Builders. 63 00:04:47,245 --> 00:04:49,663 That could help us with the Council. 64 00:04:49,872 --> 00:04:53,083 Our present course will take us close to another Sphere. 65 00:04:53,251 --> 00:04:56,628 I'm sending a crew in a shuttlepod. They'll join up with us later. 66 00:04:56,838 --> 00:04:59,464 How do you plan to get inside it? 67 00:04:59,966 --> 00:05:02,592 We're pretty sure we've found a way in. 68 00:05:03,803 --> 00:05:07,889 You've mentioned the Xindi have been studying the Spheres for decades. 69 00:05:08,308 --> 00:05:10,392 We're interested in any information you have 70 00:05:10,560 --> 00:05:12,769 on the construction of their outer shells. 71 00:05:12,937 --> 00:05:16,064 I'll send over whatever's in my database. 72 00:05:17,400 --> 00:05:18,984 Sir. 73 00:05:20,695 --> 00:05:23,071 I've been reviewing service transcripts. 74 00:05:23,239 --> 00:05:25,490 You've got over a thousand hours in an EV suit. 75 00:05:25,658 --> 00:05:28,327 I did six months on the Janus loop. 76 00:05:28,619 --> 00:05:30,454 You interested in running this mission with us? 77 00:05:30,621 --> 00:05:33,040 I'm always ready to stretch my legs, sir. 78 00:05:33,249 --> 00:05:35,000 Get prepped. 79 00:05:35,335 --> 00:05:37,502 The Janus, 80 00:05:37,712 --> 00:05:39,087 that includes EV combat training? 81 00:05:39,297 --> 00:05:40,922 Yes, sir. 82 00:05:41,090 --> 00:05:42,549 Are we expecting a firefight? 83 00:05:43,926 --> 00:05:45,385 Don't know what to expect. 84 00:05:55,271 --> 00:05:58,857 When it's finished compiling, send it to Enterprise. 85 00:05:59,025 --> 00:06:01,985 SPHERE-BUILDER: It's not too late. 86 00:06:07,325 --> 00:06:12,204 Dismissed. 87 00:06:22,423 --> 00:06:25,175 Not everyone has forgotten what we've done for your people. 88 00:06:26,010 --> 00:06:28,136 What do you want? 89 00:06:28,346 --> 00:06:30,514 You've turned away from us. 90 00:06:32,225 --> 00:06:33,683 Come back. 91 00:06:34,602 --> 00:06:37,312 - I can't. - I hear it in your voice. 92 00:06:37,480 --> 00:06:41,650 You've betrayed everything you believe in, and now you're in turmoil. 93 00:06:42,360 --> 00:06:44,820 I don't regret what I'm doing. 94 00:06:45,029 --> 00:06:47,030 At one time or another, you must have asked yourself 95 00:06:47,198 --> 00:06:50,784 why we've protected the Xindi for so long. 96 00:06:51,577 --> 00:06:53,161 Many of us have wondered that. 97 00:06:53,371 --> 00:06:58,333 It's because we can see a future where the Xindi are no longer fragmented, 98 00:06:58,501 --> 00:07:02,921 no longer struggling for existence. 99 00:07:04,132 --> 00:07:09,428 You are destined to become a great civilization. 100 00:07:10,304 --> 00:07:13,723 And now it's all in jeopardy 101 00:07:14,434 --> 00:07:16,852 because of you. 102 00:07:17,895 --> 00:07:18,895 No. 103 00:07:19,063 --> 00:07:22,774 You created a device that will prevent a devastating attack. 104 00:07:22,942 --> 00:07:26,361 Your name was to be spoken with reverence 105 00:07:26,529 --> 00:07:29,948 for generations to come. 106 00:07:30,366 --> 00:07:32,534 And instead, 107 00:07:32,952 --> 00:07:36,538 you've chosen the role of betrayer. 108 00:07:36,789 --> 00:07:41,376 How I'm remembered isn't for you to decide. 109 00:07:42,086 --> 00:07:45,255 What have we done to lose your faith? 110 00:07:47,425 --> 00:07:51,595 You never deserved my faith. 111 00:07:58,394 --> 00:08:00,729 The Sphere-Builders have lied to the Xindi. 112 00:08:00,897 --> 00:08:04,608 They've manipulated us for decades. I see that. 113 00:08:04,817 --> 00:08:06,943 Perhaps the Arboreals will, but the others... 114 00:08:07,153 --> 00:08:10,405 We have the evidence to back it up. 115 00:08:10,615 --> 00:08:13,200 The evidence may not be enough. 116 00:08:13,826 --> 00:08:18,580 The Sphere-Builders saved the Xindi from extinction. 117 00:08:18,748 --> 00:08:23,210 When our homeworld was destroyed, they began appearing to the survivors. 118 00:08:23,377 --> 00:08:25,170 They'd guide them to habitable planets, 119 00:08:25,338 --> 00:08:28,006 show them the location of valuable resources. 120 00:08:28,174 --> 00:08:29,758 They're practically worshiped. 121 00:08:30,301 --> 00:08:33,386 We call them the Guardians. 122 00:08:33,930 --> 00:08:35,972 It's no wonder you had a hard time accepting this. 123 00:08:36,474 --> 00:08:39,726 I was brought up to revere them. 124 00:08:39,936 --> 00:08:44,022 I taught my own children to give thanks to them at the end of each day. 125 00:08:44,232 --> 00:08:46,983 That is what we're facing. 126 00:08:47,193 --> 00:08:50,237 I've stood before a Klingon tribunal. 127 00:08:50,780 --> 00:08:52,322 I can handle a tough room. 128 00:08:52,532 --> 00:08:55,825 Klingons weren't determined to destroy your world. 129 00:08:56,536 --> 00:09:00,789 But the evidence is strong, perhaps it will be enough. 130 00:09:03,292 --> 00:09:05,085 We'll face the Council together. 131 00:09:05,795 --> 00:09:10,173 I may take my seat at the Council table, but I'll be at your side, 132 00:09:10,383 --> 00:09:11,508 no matter what happens. 133 00:09:12,593 --> 00:09:14,427 HOSHI [OVER INTERCOM]: Bridge to Captain Archer. 134 00:09:16,389 --> 00:09:19,015 - Go ahead. - We've picked up several Xindi vessels. 135 00:09:19,183 --> 00:09:20,809 They're closing on our position. 136 00:09:20,977 --> 00:09:23,645 Humanoids, Arboreals, and Aquatics. They're with us. 137 00:09:23,854 --> 00:09:27,190 When we reach the Council's location, we'll need their protection. 138 00:09:27,400 --> 00:09:29,442 Certain members have more influence than others. 139 00:09:29,610 --> 00:09:32,445 Anything you can tell me about them? I need to know what I'm up against. 140 00:09:32,613 --> 00:09:34,364 You know Jannar, the Arboreal. 141 00:09:34,532 --> 00:09:37,200 He's fair-minded, a scientist. He'll listen to the facts. 142 00:09:37,368 --> 00:09:39,035 I count him as a friend. 143 00:09:40,329 --> 00:09:43,373 Unfortunately, the other members are somewhat more complicated. 144 00:09:43,541 --> 00:09:45,125 The Aquatics, for instance. 145 00:09:45,293 --> 00:09:47,961 Kiaphet Amman'sor is a member of the Ibix dynasty, 146 00:09:48,129 --> 00:09:50,505 a very wealthy, very powerful family. 147 00:09:50,715 --> 00:09:53,550 Her opinions carry considerable weight when she arrives at them. 148 00:09:53,718 --> 00:09:56,595 There's a saying, "It's easier to count the stars in the sky 149 00:09:56,762 --> 00:09:59,097 than it is for an Aquatic to reach a decision." 150 00:09:59,265 --> 00:10:03,226 As for the Insectoids, well, their names grow longer the older they get, 151 00:10:03,394 --> 00:10:06,021 so they become a little difficult to pronounce. 152 00:10:06,188 --> 00:10:09,941 In many ways, Insectoids are the opposite of the Aquatics. 153 00:10:10,109 --> 00:10:12,485 They're quick to take sides. We've run into them. 154 00:10:12,653 --> 00:10:15,989 Which brings us to the Reptilians and Commander Dolim. 155 00:10:16,407 --> 00:10:17,741 There's a story about him. 156 00:10:17,908 --> 00:10:20,744 I don't know that it's true. I'd like to believe it isn't. 157 00:10:20,953 --> 00:10:23,163 His daughter gave birth to a son. 158 00:10:23,372 --> 00:10:26,625 He had a deformity in his right arm, not life threatening, 159 00:10:26,792 --> 00:10:30,420 but enough to preclude his ever joining the military. 160 00:10:30,963 --> 00:10:35,300 Commander Dolim had his own grandson poisoned. 161 00:10:36,719 --> 00:10:38,553 From what I've seen, that's not hard to believe. 162 00:10:39,597 --> 00:10:42,182 As I said, it may be just a story. 163 00:10:42,391 --> 00:10:44,476 But as a father, 164 00:10:44,685 --> 00:10:49,648 it's always in the back of my mind whenever I have dealings with him. 165 00:10:51,609 --> 00:10:53,193 [DOOR CHIRPS] 166 00:10:53,361 --> 00:10:55,612 Enter. 167 00:10:57,156 --> 00:10:58,239 What is it? 168 00:10:58,407 --> 00:11:01,409 We've located debris. It's from the ship we sent to find Degra. 169 00:11:02,536 --> 00:11:04,788 - Where? - Seven light years from here. 170 00:11:04,997 --> 00:11:06,998 Within the cloaking barrier of a Sphere. 171 00:11:09,126 --> 00:11:13,004 I want to know how it was destroyed. 172 00:11:13,214 --> 00:11:14,589 Begin an analysis. 173 00:11:14,757 --> 00:11:15,840 It's under way. 174 00:11:16,050 --> 00:11:18,343 Preliminary findings suggest they were attacked. 175 00:11:18,552 --> 00:11:19,594 [INTERCOM BEEPS] 176 00:11:19,762 --> 00:11:20,804 - Yes. - Commander, 177 00:11:20,971 --> 00:11:24,140 there are six vessels approaching. One is the Earth ship. 178 00:11:32,358 --> 00:11:34,859 COMMANDER: Contact the lead ship. 179 00:11:35,736 --> 00:11:37,153 DEGRA: This is Degra. 180 00:11:37,321 --> 00:11:40,949 Degra, I was just thinking of you. 181 00:11:41,117 --> 00:11:43,326 How many prisoners have you taken? 182 00:11:43,494 --> 00:11:45,912 We're escorting Enterprise to the Council. 183 00:11:46,080 --> 00:11:47,706 For what purpose? 184 00:11:47,873 --> 00:11:50,959 Power down your weapons and withdraw. 185 00:11:51,168 --> 00:11:55,380 What makes you think I would let you bring an enemy ship into a security zone? 186 00:11:55,548 --> 00:11:57,590 Power down your weapons now. 187 00:11:57,758 --> 00:11:59,551 I don't take orders from you. 188 00:12:01,637 --> 00:12:02,846 [COMPUTER BEEPS] 189 00:12:03,013 --> 00:12:04,723 - They've launched a torpedo. - What? 190 00:12:06,517 --> 00:12:10,562 - Three-hundred meters off the port bow. - You would fire on a Xindi vessel? 191 00:12:10,730 --> 00:12:13,732 We're prepared to destroy your vessel, if necessary. 192 00:12:14,191 --> 00:12:16,818 - They're locking weapons. - Prepare to return fire. 193 00:12:17,027 --> 00:12:19,404 You're outnumbered and outgunned. There's no need for this. 194 00:12:19,572 --> 00:12:23,742 I assure you, the Earth ship poses no danger. 195 00:12:24,285 --> 00:12:27,537 I'll see you in the Council chamber. 196 00:12:27,747 --> 00:12:29,581 I look forward to it. 197 00:12:34,086 --> 00:12:35,795 MAYWEATHER: Five seconds. 198 00:12:36,005 --> 00:12:38,339 Three, two... 199 00:12:43,179 --> 00:12:44,679 [ELECTRICITY CRACKLING THEN COMPUTER BEEPING] 200 00:12:44,889 --> 00:12:47,098 - RCS inverter. - Shut it down. 201 00:12:52,688 --> 00:12:55,023 - Damage? - Nothing we need to worry about, sir. 202 00:12:55,191 --> 00:12:58,902 Adjust heading, 026 mark 3. 203 00:13:08,245 --> 00:13:11,247 I'd breathe a whole lot easier if you had a couple MACOs watching your back. 204 00:13:11,415 --> 00:13:12,916 ARCHER: Don't worry. 205 00:13:13,584 --> 00:13:15,043 Keep my chair warm. 206 00:13:15,252 --> 00:13:16,753 Good luck. 207 00:13:19,548 --> 00:13:21,049 How's your Insectoid these days? 208 00:13:21,217 --> 00:13:24,177 It depends on which dialect. There are 67. 209 00:13:24,386 --> 00:13:26,262 Is that all? 210 00:13:33,729 --> 00:13:35,855 Aquatics respect boldness and confidence. 211 00:13:36,023 --> 00:13:38,525 They view hushed tones with suspicion. 212 00:13:38,692 --> 00:13:40,026 I'll make sure I project. 213 00:13:40,194 --> 00:13:44,823 Not too loudly. The Insectoids interpret raised voices as a sign of hostility. 214 00:13:44,990 --> 00:13:48,576 When Aquatics use the past tense, they switch to sonar. 215 00:13:49,078 --> 00:13:51,955 DEGRA: We should see it in a moment. 216 00:13:52,581 --> 00:13:54,040 ARCHER: We're still two kilometers up. 217 00:13:54,208 --> 00:13:56,000 DEGRA: The only way in is from the air. 218 00:13:56,210 --> 00:14:00,713 These cloud layers are present throughout the year, it's perfectly concealed. 219 00:14:02,216 --> 00:14:03,925 ARCHER: Avians. 220 00:14:04,134 --> 00:14:05,718 Oh, it's beautiful. 221 00:14:05,886 --> 00:14:07,762 The sixth Xindi race. 222 00:14:07,930 --> 00:14:11,140 This was built centuries before they became extinct. 223 00:14:11,308 --> 00:14:16,271 According to our archaeologists, it's over 4,000 years old. 224 00:14:30,828 --> 00:14:33,079 Kind of feels like being called to the principal's office. 225 00:14:33,247 --> 00:14:35,164 I was never called to the principal's office. 226 00:14:35,332 --> 00:14:36,875 I was, once. 227 00:14:37,042 --> 00:14:39,002 Move aside. 228 00:14:43,632 --> 00:14:45,216 What for? 229 00:14:45,593 --> 00:14:47,468 When we're done here. 230 00:14:49,930 --> 00:14:51,931 [CHITTERING] 231 00:15:03,819 --> 00:15:08,072 You've brought humans into this chamber, Degra. 232 00:15:08,240 --> 00:15:13,786 Explain yourself, if you expect them to leave here alive. 233 00:15:17,333 --> 00:15:20,043 I'm fully prepared to explain my actions. 234 00:15:20,210 --> 00:15:23,421 - There's no cause for threats. - JANNAR: Agreed. 235 00:15:23,589 --> 00:15:26,007 We've reviewed the data you've sent. 236 00:15:26,175 --> 00:15:29,928 We're prepared to listen to what you have to say. 237 00:15:42,107 --> 00:15:45,318 You killed 7 million of my people. 238 00:15:46,362 --> 00:15:48,780 I wanna be honest with you. 239 00:15:49,615 --> 00:15:51,532 I don't much like standing here. 240 00:15:53,118 --> 00:15:56,537 - We did what we felt was necessary. - I know. 241 00:15:57,081 --> 00:15:58,915 You've been told that at sometime in the future, 242 00:15:59,083 --> 00:16:02,418 my world is going to destroy yours. 243 00:16:04,171 --> 00:16:05,171 That's a lie. 244 00:16:05,339 --> 00:16:06,714 [CHITTERING] 245 00:16:07,883 --> 00:16:11,010 He said, "The Guardians have never lied to us." 246 00:16:11,220 --> 00:16:14,222 The Guardians built the Spheres. 247 00:16:14,723 --> 00:16:17,809 They're reconfiguring the Expanse, preparing it for colonization. 248 00:16:17,977 --> 00:16:20,770 You reek of desperation. 249 00:16:20,980 --> 00:16:23,272 You would say anything to save your world, 250 00:16:23,440 --> 00:16:26,818 as evidenced by this manufactured data. 251 00:16:26,986 --> 00:16:29,988 It's the truth. The data is accurate. 252 00:16:30,155 --> 00:16:33,700 Anyone with an objective eye will come to the same conclusion. 253 00:16:33,909 --> 00:16:36,619 You have no idea what the truth is. 254 00:16:36,787 --> 00:16:41,165 Your sympathy for these humans has corrupted your judgment. 255 00:16:41,333 --> 00:16:43,793 My judgment is perfectly sound. 256 00:16:43,961 --> 00:16:48,172 Were you using sound judgment when you attacked my ship? 257 00:16:48,340 --> 00:16:51,300 You were trying to prevent us from reaching this Council. 258 00:16:51,468 --> 00:16:53,886 I was protecting this Council. 259 00:16:54,096 --> 00:16:58,057 [AQUATICS SCREECHING] 260 00:16:58,267 --> 00:17:00,810 "This is not relevant. We're here to discuss the human's claims." 261 00:17:01,020 --> 00:17:04,689 Agreed. We need to return to the subject at hand. 262 00:17:05,190 --> 00:17:06,524 [COMMANDER GRUNTS] 263 00:17:09,361 --> 00:17:11,487 I am trying to save my world. 264 00:17:14,450 --> 00:17:17,493 But it's not just Earth that's in danger. 265 00:17:17,953 --> 00:17:21,039 If you wipe out mankind, you'll be destroying yourself. 266 00:17:21,206 --> 00:17:23,624 I refuse to listen to any more of this. 267 00:17:23,792 --> 00:17:26,753 Earth is going to lead a battle that defeats the Sphere-Builders. 268 00:17:26,920 --> 00:17:28,046 They know this. 269 00:17:28,213 --> 00:17:30,631 That's why they manipulated you into attacking us. 270 00:17:30,799 --> 00:17:31,966 Enough! 271 00:17:35,554 --> 00:17:38,347 I demand the immediate seizure of the Earth ship. 272 00:17:38,557 --> 00:17:42,852 Any vessel that attacks Enterprise will be fired upon. 273 00:17:43,020 --> 00:17:44,729 You will not defy this Council. 274 00:17:44,897 --> 00:17:47,523 We haven't arrived at a decision yet. 275 00:17:47,691 --> 00:17:52,278 And we never will, as long as we listen to this human's lies. 276 00:17:53,030 --> 00:17:57,366 If this Council will not defend its people, 277 00:17:57,576 --> 00:18:01,537 then it has no reason to exist. 278 00:18:03,415 --> 00:18:05,083 Wait. 279 00:18:06,043 --> 00:18:07,418 [CHITTERING] 280 00:18:07,586 --> 00:18:08,961 [ARCHER GRUNTS] 281 00:18:09,171 --> 00:18:11,339 [CHITTERING CONTINUES] 282 00:18:13,717 --> 00:18:14,842 You don't wanna know. 283 00:18:16,804 --> 00:18:18,262 [GROANS] 284 00:18:22,017 --> 00:18:24,060 Hold this position. 285 00:18:24,561 --> 00:18:26,437 The exhaust vent. 286 00:18:26,605 --> 00:18:30,066 - Where? - Set a course, 031 mark 4. 287 00:18:31,902 --> 00:18:33,611 REED: I don't see an exhaust vent. 288 00:18:33,779 --> 00:18:37,115 - You sure about this? - Half thrusters. 289 00:18:45,541 --> 00:18:46,833 [COMPUTER BEEPING] 290 00:18:51,421 --> 00:18:53,089 - T'Pol. - Hold your course. 291 00:18:54,550 --> 00:18:55,842 [ALARM BEEPING] 292 00:18:56,051 --> 00:18:57,844 - I'm telling you. - Hold your course. 293 00:19:01,140 --> 00:19:02,306 [COMPUTER BEEPING] 294 00:19:04,017 --> 00:19:05,351 Some kind of hologram? 295 00:19:06,019 --> 00:19:07,520 T'POL: Exactly. 296 00:19:07,729 --> 00:19:09,730 You could have warned us ahead of time. 297 00:19:10,232 --> 00:19:11,774 Proceed along this conduit. 298 00:19:13,152 --> 00:19:14,277 Aye. 299 00:19:21,493 --> 00:19:26,289 Sixty degrees starboard. Eighty degrees Z-axis. 300 00:19:27,958 --> 00:19:29,333 We should prepare for EVA. 301 00:19:29,793 --> 00:19:32,086 Let's break out the suits. 302 00:19:33,213 --> 00:19:35,423 We've had difficult sessions before, 303 00:19:35,591 --> 00:19:37,633 in the days following the founding of this Council. 304 00:19:37,801 --> 00:19:39,218 This is different. 305 00:19:39,386 --> 00:19:42,471 The Council is on the verge of tearing itself apart. 306 00:19:42,639 --> 00:19:44,515 You underestimate us. 307 00:19:44,683 --> 00:19:47,810 We were all in the same room. You saw what happened. 308 00:19:47,978 --> 00:19:49,604 We knew it wasn't going to be easy. 309 00:19:49,771 --> 00:19:54,192 We are never going to convince the Reptilians or the Insectoids. 310 00:19:54,359 --> 00:19:55,693 Then we'll focus on the Aquatics. 311 00:19:55,861 --> 00:19:59,071 The Aquatics weigh every argument in excruciating detail. 312 00:19:59,239 --> 00:20:01,782 For a long time, they were against building the weapon. 313 00:20:01,950 --> 00:20:02,992 What changed their minds? 314 00:20:03,160 --> 00:20:04,869 JANNAR: The Guardians addressed the Council. 315 00:20:05,037 --> 00:20:09,040 They presented what they claimed was a visual record taken from the future. 316 00:20:09,499 --> 00:20:13,252 It showed mankind destroying our new homeworld. 317 00:20:13,462 --> 00:20:15,129 That convinced the Aquatics. 318 00:20:16,215 --> 00:20:19,467 It was powerful evidence. 319 00:20:31,146 --> 00:20:33,397 JANNAR: The Avians. 320 00:20:33,607 --> 00:20:38,069 Once they darkened the skies of Xindus with their numbers. 321 00:20:38,278 --> 00:20:41,948 We formed the Council to prevent other Xindis from sharing their fate. 322 00:20:42,115 --> 00:20:44,825 Your Council just might have the opposite effect. 323 00:20:44,993 --> 00:20:46,911 DEGRA: Perhaps not. 324 00:20:47,120 --> 00:20:50,081 There might be a way to convince them. 325 00:20:50,290 --> 00:20:53,125 I'll require the services of your ship's doctor. 326 00:20:55,128 --> 00:20:58,214 The Council is preparing to betray its own people. 327 00:20:58,382 --> 00:20:59,966 Archer has achieved nothing. 328 00:21:00,133 --> 00:21:03,261 He has succeeded in raising doubts about us. 329 00:21:03,428 --> 00:21:08,099 The Arboreals, Humanoids, and Aquatics are considering what he had to say. 330 00:21:08,308 --> 00:21:11,018 He should never have been allowed before the Council. 331 00:21:11,770 --> 00:21:13,562 I couldn't prevent it. 332 00:21:13,772 --> 00:21:17,275 And now, they may decide against launching the weapon. 333 00:21:17,484 --> 00:21:20,278 The weapon will be deployed. 334 00:21:20,487 --> 00:21:24,031 For that to happen, three of the Xindi species must agree. 335 00:21:24,241 --> 00:21:26,867 If we could prove to them your people didn't build the Spheres-- 336 00:21:27,035 --> 00:21:30,538 Prove to them, or you? 337 00:21:30,747 --> 00:21:35,418 My lieutenant simply wants to know if there's a way to persuade the Council. 338 00:21:35,627 --> 00:21:38,546 Persuasion is no longer a viable option. 339 00:21:39,256 --> 00:21:41,924 You must act with the Insectoids. 340 00:21:42,467 --> 00:21:44,218 Secure the weapon. 341 00:21:44,636 --> 00:21:46,679 The weapon's well-guarded. 342 00:21:46,888 --> 00:21:50,016 The casualties on both sides would be heavy. 343 00:21:50,225 --> 00:21:52,059 We'd be risking civil war. 344 00:21:52,269 --> 00:21:54,770 A temporary schism cannot be avoided. 345 00:21:55,522 --> 00:21:58,566 But eventually, Reptilians will preside 346 00:21:58,734 --> 00:22:03,654 over a stronger, unified Xindi empire. 347 00:22:04,448 --> 00:22:07,992 We will guarantee Reptilian dominance, 348 00:22:08,201 --> 00:22:11,329 if humankind is eradicated. 349 00:22:11,955 --> 00:22:13,539 Understood. 350 00:22:22,424 --> 00:22:26,010 If you ever question the Guardians again, 351 00:22:26,178 --> 00:22:31,432 your skin will adorn the bow of this ship. 352 00:22:37,147 --> 00:22:40,733 Yes, this will be very helpful. 353 00:22:40,942 --> 00:22:42,985 I'll have it sent over immediately. 354 00:22:43,195 --> 00:22:45,654 I've never heard of this procedure. 355 00:22:45,864 --> 00:22:47,198 It was developed by the Aquatics. 356 00:22:47,407 --> 00:22:49,241 They have an innate distrust of the spoken word. 357 00:22:49,409 --> 00:22:52,953 They respond more strongly to visual stimuli. 358 00:22:53,789 --> 00:22:55,081 You need me for something? 359 00:22:55,290 --> 00:22:57,875 The transport pod that carried this alien? 360 00:22:58,085 --> 00:22:59,418 It's in the cargo bay. 361 00:22:59,586 --> 00:23:02,213 There are some modifications that need to be made to it. 362 00:23:02,381 --> 00:23:05,549 The captain would like you to assist me with the work. 363 00:23:07,302 --> 00:23:08,511 Lucky me. 364 00:23:08,678 --> 00:23:10,554 DEGRA: Your captain thinks there's no one better 365 00:23:10,722 --> 00:23:12,431 to make these modifications. I agree. 366 00:23:12,599 --> 00:23:14,433 TRIP: Do me a favor, don't try to get on my good side. 367 00:23:14,601 --> 00:23:16,644 DEGRA: I understand you and I will always be enemies. 368 00:23:16,812 --> 00:23:18,270 TRIP: You got that right. 369 00:23:18,480 --> 00:23:23,401 I can't change what happened to your sister, or any of the 7 million. 370 00:23:23,610 --> 00:23:25,236 But I'm risking my life, 371 00:23:25,445 --> 00:23:28,364 I'm risking the lives of my family, 372 00:23:28,573 --> 00:23:30,950 I've killed members of my own species, 373 00:23:31,118 --> 00:23:35,287 all because I'm trying to save both our worlds. 374 00:23:37,082 --> 00:23:38,833 This way. 375 00:23:51,304 --> 00:23:53,347 [COMPUTER BEEPING] 376 00:23:53,515 --> 00:23:56,809 REED: Picking up a very powerful energy signature. 377 00:23:57,936 --> 00:24:00,104 T'POL: We're approaching the memory core. 378 00:24:00,730 --> 00:24:03,190 It's 15 meters ahead. 379 00:24:20,584 --> 00:24:22,209 REED: It's practically gift wrapped. 380 00:24:32,179 --> 00:24:35,181 - I'm detecting some kind of movement. - REED: Can you pinpoint it? 381 00:24:35,390 --> 00:24:36,932 There's too much interference. 382 00:24:37,142 --> 00:24:39,185 I don't know where it is, but it's close. 383 00:24:39,394 --> 00:24:41,937 I suggest we work fast. 384 00:24:46,359 --> 00:24:47,443 [DOOR CHIMES] 385 00:24:47,611 --> 00:24:48,652 Come in. 386 00:24:48,820 --> 00:24:50,029 [DOOR OPENS] 387 00:24:51,948 --> 00:24:54,074 We've completed the work. 388 00:24:54,284 --> 00:24:56,535 Mr. Tucker was 389 00:24:57,078 --> 00:24:58,412 extremely cooperative. 390 00:24:59,581 --> 00:25:04,126 I know it isn't easy for him, working with me. 391 00:25:07,005 --> 00:25:08,672 ARCHER: Degra. 392 00:25:10,842 --> 00:25:13,761 When I was on the future Enterprise, 393 00:25:14,513 --> 00:25:16,931 400 years from now, 394 00:25:18,391 --> 00:25:19,808 there were Xindi aboard. 395 00:25:21,019 --> 00:25:25,606 Humans and Xindi were serving together in the Federation. 396 00:25:27,776 --> 00:25:30,402 That's a future worth fighting for. 397 00:25:38,703 --> 00:25:40,746 - Passing notes. - Sir? 398 00:25:40,914 --> 00:25:43,999 I got sent to the principal's office for passing a note in class. 399 00:25:44,167 --> 00:25:47,878 It was to Katy Bentley. I was inviting her to a party a friend of mine was throwing. 400 00:25:48,088 --> 00:25:50,005 - What'd she say? - Funny thing. 401 00:25:50,173 --> 00:25:53,008 She'd already turned me down, but after I got in trouble... 402 00:25:53,176 --> 00:25:56,220 Some women can't resist the bad boys. 403 00:25:57,847 --> 00:25:59,974 After much deliberation, 404 00:26:00,141 --> 00:26:04,645 we've agreed to listen to this new evidence you wish to present. 405 00:26:04,813 --> 00:26:06,564 Proceed. 406 00:26:08,108 --> 00:26:10,317 The Sphere-Builders, 407 00:26:10,527 --> 00:26:13,487 the beings you call the Guardians, 408 00:26:15,240 --> 00:26:17,074 are the same species. 409 00:26:17,242 --> 00:26:22,079 Have you manufactured more data to support this claim? 410 00:26:22,581 --> 00:26:26,041 A few weeks ago, we came across an alien. 411 00:26:27,085 --> 00:26:31,422 He was adrift in what we believe was a transdimensional disturbance. 412 00:26:32,132 --> 00:26:35,259 The alien was inside a pod 413 00:26:35,594 --> 00:26:38,304 which was constructed of the same combination of alloys 414 00:26:38,471 --> 00:26:40,931 that make up the outer shell of the Spheres. 415 00:26:41,141 --> 00:26:43,142 He was a Sphere-Builder. 416 00:26:43,310 --> 00:26:45,227 [AQUATICS SCREECHING] 417 00:26:46,313 --> 00:26:48,647 "You've already presented this information." 418 00:26:48,857 --> 00:26:50,733 Not all of it. 419 00:26:54,904 --> 00:26:56,822 Energize. 420 00:26:59,909 --> 00:27:04,413 Your data states that this alien disintegrated 421 00:27:04,581 --> 00:27:06,999 when it came into contact with our universe. 422 00:27:07,167 --> 00:27:08,459 He did. 423 00:27:08,627 --> 00:27:11,128 DEGRA: What you're seeing is a biometric hologram. 424 00:27:11,296 --> 00:27:14,256 It's the same technology used to train our physicians. 425 00:27:14,466 --> 00:27:19,261 It was constructed from medical data collected by Enterprise's medical officer. 426 00:27:19,471 --> 00:27:22,222 [CHITTERING] 427 00:27:22,390 --> 00:27:26,727 "How do we know the data used to create this phantom wasn't falsified?" 428 00:27:26,895 --> 00:27:32,232 Humans don't have the technology to produce a fabrication of this detail. 429 00:27:32,400 --> 00:27:34,068 Tell me, 430 00:27:34,736 --> 00:27:37,196 is this one of the Guardians? 431 00:27:38,657 --> 00:27:42,701 The physical resemblance is hard to deny. 432 00:27:42,911 --> 00:27:44,495 [AQUATICS SCREECHING] 433 00:27:45,622 --> 00:27:46,955 "It is a Guardian." 434 00:27:47,165 --> 00:27:49,625 [CHITTERING] 435 00:27:49,834 --> 00:27:52,002 HOSHI: "We are not deceived by this illusion. 436 00:27:52,170 --> 00:27:57,049 Restore the dignity of our Council. Expel the humans from this chamber." 437 00:27:58,802 --> 00:28:04,056 We are open to hearing more. 438 00:28:04,641 --> 00:28:06,642 So are we. 439 00:28:06,851 --> 00:28:08,435 [AQUATICS SCREECHING] 440 00:28:08,603 --> 00:28:12,815 - HOSHI: "We agree." - Please, continue. 441 00:28:22,117 --> 00:28:24,868 Reed to Shuttlepod 1. Anything? 442 00:28:25,036 --> 00:28:28,664 No, sir. Whatever it was, it's stopped moving. 443 00:28:36,715 --> 00:28:39,466 Got something. It's heading in your direction, moving fast. 444 00:28:39,634 --> 00:28:40,676 I don't see anything. 445 00:28:40,844 --> 00:28:42,136 HAWKINS: Where is it? Give me a position. 446 00:28:42,303 --> 00:28:44,930 It's coming down from the upper-left quadrant. 447 00:28:46,349 --> 00:28:48,100 - Are you sure? - Damn sure. 448 00:28:48,309 --> 00:28:50,310 It's 70 meters away. 449 00:28:50,520 --> 00:28:53,605 Fifty meters. Thirty. Fifteen. 450 00:28:53,815 --> 00:28:54,982 HAWKINS: I see it. 451 00:29:00,697 --> 00:29:01,864 [HAWKINS SCREAMS] 452 00:29:02,031 --> 00:29:03,866 REED: Hawkins! 453 00:29:08,538 --> 00:29:10,456 Go! Go! 454 00:29:39,360 --> 00:29:41,445 Five more headed this way. Move. 455 00:29:45,492 --> 00:29:48,368 I still can't pin down the problem with the converter. 456 00:29:48,536 --> 00:29:51,330 I think it's an energy drain somewhere. 457 00:29:51,539 --> 00:29:54,082 We're far from 100 percent. 458 00:29:56,252 --> 00:29:58,712 There's been a development. 459 00:29:59,005 --> 00:30:02,090 - Dismissed. - We have the three votes we need. 460 00:30:02,300 --> 00:30:05,677 The Reptilians have agreed to postpone the launch of the weapon. 461 00:30:10,225 --> 00:30:13,352 They'll need more convincing before they solidify their position, 462 00:30:13,561 --> 00:30:16,605 but this is a significant step. 463 00:30:16,773 --> 00:30:19,399 That future you spoke of, 464 00:30:20,318 --> 00:30:23,403 perhaps this is where it begins. 465 00:30:23,988 --> 00:30:25,697 Question. 466 00:30:27,492 --> 00:30:30,410 Those portable power cells you left us, 467 00:30:30,829 --> 00:30:33,664 we're having a little trouble getting them in sync. 468 00:30:34,749 --> 00:30:38,210 Think you can stick around for a few minutes, give me a hand? 469 00:30:40,505 --> 00:30:42,339 Of course. 470 00:30:43,758 --> 00:30:46,051 We'll be in my Ready Room. 471 00:30:53,226 --> 00:30:54,977 Listen. 472 00:30:56,563 --> 00:30:59,189 About all those things I've been saying, 473 00:31:00,483 --> 00:31:02,776 I just wanna tell you 474 00:31:06,197 --> 00:31:07,573 I know you went out on a limb. 475 00:31:09,826 --> 00:31:12,953 If I'd suffered your loss, I'd feel the same way. 476 00:31:16,082 --> 00:31:17,249 Shall we get to work? 477 00:31:19,210 --> 00:31:20,669 It's over here. 478 00:31:33,892 --> 00:31:35,767 [DOOR CHIMES] 479 00:31:37,228 --> 00:31:39,021 Come in. 480 00:31:39,230 --> 00:31:41,690 [DOOR OPENS] 481 00:31:46,529 --> 00:31:48,697 I wasn't expecting you. 482 00:31:48,907 --> 00:31:52,326 COMMANDER: There are some things we need to discuss. 483 00:31:54,579 --> 00:31:56,121 [DOOR CLOSES] 484 00:32:03,463 --> 00:32:05,797 I've never liked this place. 485 00:32:06,466 --> 00:32:11,261 - I've always found it to be peaceful. - It's too exposed. 486 00:32:11,471 --> 00:32:14,389 Reptilians prefer to be near the ground. 487 00:32:15,350 --> 00:32:17,142 And then there's the stench. 488 00:32:17,560 --> 00:32:21,104 - DEGRA: Stench? - Of failure. 489 00:32:21,314 --> 00:32:24,983 Of a race that failed to survive. 490 00:32:27,278 --> 00:32:31,782 I was surprised by your decision to postpone the launch. 491 00:32:31,991 --> 00:32:34,826 It seemed like the right thing to do. 492 00:32:35,036 --> 00:32:37,871 I hope the other members will come to the same conclusion. 493 00:32:38,081 --> 00:32:39,915 They'll fall into line. 494 00:32:40,124 --> 00:32:44,294 I have always believed that all Xindi long for unification. 495 00:32:46,047 --> 00:32:48,298 It's in our blood. 496 00:32:48,508 --> 00:32:50,425 I agree. 497 00:32:52,637 --> 00:32:54,680 The Earth ship. 498 00:32:54,889 --> 00:32:57,599 I'm assisting them with their engine repairs. 499 00:32:57,809 --> 00:33:00,644 They've found quite an ally in you. 500 00:33:00,853 --> 00:33:04,856 A pity you haven't extended the same friendship to your fellow Xindi. 501 00:33:05,942 --> 00:33:07,025 What do you mean? 502 00:33:07,235 --> 00:33:11,571 We recovered a sensor encoder from our missing scout ship. 503 00:33:11,781 --> 00:33:14,533 It was in the cloaking barrier of a Sphere. 504 00:33:15,201 --> 00:33:21,790 We were able to extract the final scans it took before they were destroyed 505 00:33:22,375 --> 00:33:23,917 by you. 506 00:33:24,794 --> 00:33:26,461 I don't know what you're talking about. 507 00:33:26,671 --> 00:33:29,047 The evidence is irrefutable. 508 00:33:29,257 --> 00:33:32,384 We have an image of your ship firing. 509 00:33:32,593 --> 00:33:34,594 Don't try to deny what you did. 510 00:33:34,804 --> 00:33:36,179 They left me no choice. 511 00:33:36,389 --> 00:33:38,932 And you've left me no choice. 512 00:33:39,142 --> 00:33:40,726 [GROANS] 513 00:33:44,188 --> 00:33:46,940 The crew on that ship 514 00:33:47,150 --> 00:33:51,611 are the last Xindi you'll ever betray. 515 00:33:51,821 --> 00:33:54,531 [GROANING] 516 00:33:56,367 --> 00:33:59,244 When the humans have been eliminated, 517 00:33:59,454 --> 00:34:03,707 when the Council has been replaced by Reptilian rule, 518 00:34:03,916 --> 00:34:08,670 I am going to find your wife and children 519 00:34:08,880 --> 00:34:09,921 [GASPS] 520 00:34:10,089 --> 00:34:12,507 and do the same to them. 521 00:34:12,717 --> 00:34:16,428 Your traitorous bloodline will end 522 00:34:16,637 --> 00:34:19,890 at the tip of my blade. 523 00:34:32,862 --> 00:34:34,154 Trouble sleeping? 524 00:34:34,322 --> 00:34:36,323 It's weird. With things finally looking up, 525 00:34:36,491 --> 00:34:39,326 you'd think I'd be able to get some shut-eye. 526 00:34:39,827 --> 00:34:41,787 There's a section of the Mess Hall up and running. 527 00:34:41,954 --> 00:34:44,206 - In the mood for a snack? - Certainly. 528 00:34:47,335 --> 00:34:50,170 I guess you heard, the captain pulled it off. 529 00:34:50,338 --> 00:34:52,672 The Xindi postponed the weapon launch. 530 00:34:52,882 --> 00:34:55,342 You make that sound like bad news. 531 00:34:55,551 --> 00:34:58,136 Ever since the attack on Earth, all I've thought about is 532 00:34:58,346 --> 00:35:00,597 getting back at whoever was responsible. 533 00:35:00,765 --> 00:35:02,974 And now we are making peace with them. 534 00:35:03,184 --> 00:35:05,393 Yeah, I've gotten used to the anger. 535 00:35:05,603 --> 00:35:08,355 It's gonna be like, I don't know, losing an old friend. 536 00:35:08,523 --> 00:35:09,564 [CHUCKLES] 537 00:35:09,732 --> 00:35:11,650 You have other friends. 538 00:35:13,236 --> 00:35:15,570 Is it my imagination or are you losing weight? 539 00:35:15,738 --> 00:35:16,780 [LAUGHS] 540 00:35:16,948 --> 00:35:18,281 I was hoping someone might notice. 541 00:35:18,449 --> 00:35:21,118 Yeah, I'm not the only one. Hoshi commented on it last week. 542 00:35:21,285 --> 00:35:23,995 Well, I'm pleased to see that my efforts are yielding results. 543 00:35:24,163 --> 00:35:26,832 - What's your secret? - A Denaxian tapeworm. 544 00:35:26,999 --> 00:35:30,043 It attaches itself to the lower intestinal tract and absorbs nutrients-- 545 00:35:30,211 --> 00:35:31,711 Hold on, hold on. 546 00:35:31,921 --> 00:35:33,713 You have a worm inside you? 547 00:35:33,923 --> 00:35:36,716 It's perfectly harmless. I hardly notice it at all. 548 00:35:36,926 --> 00:35:38,510 How you gonna get it out? 549 00:35:38,719 --> 00:35:40,345 I insert a standard V-probe into my-- 550 00:35:40,513 --> 00:35:43,390 No, no, no. Never mind. 551 00:35:43,599 --> 00:35:46,351 - Well, it's a simple procedure. - I'm sure it is, doc. 552 00:35:46,561 --> 00:35:49,146 I just don't wanna lose my appetite. 553 00:35:56,237 --> 00:35:57,779 [INTERCOM BEEPS] 554 00:36:02,952 --> 00:36:04,202 Degra's dead. 555 00:36:04,871 --> 00:36:07,455 He was found in his quarters about an hour ago. 556 00:36:07,874 --> 00:36:09,833 He'd been murdered, stabbed. 557 00:36:16,591 --> 00:36:18,049 Who did this? 558 00:36:18,259 --> 00:36:21,303 The Reptilians have called an emergency meeting of the Council. 559 00:36:21,512 --> 00:36:23,054 I believe their recent turnabout 560 00:36:23,222 --> 00:36:25,515 was nothing more than a ruse to keep us off guard. 561 00:36:26,267 --> 00:36:28,560 They're planning something. I'm certain of it. 562 00:36:29,228 --> 00:36:30,770 Your ship's in danger. 563 00:36:33,983 --> 00:36:36,109 Keep me apprised. 564 00:36:38,237 --> 00:36:39,404 [INTERCOM BEEPS] 565 00:36:39,572 --> 00:36:42,616 - Archer to the Bridge. - HOSHI: Bridge. 566 00:36:44,076 --> 00:36:45,869 Go to tactical alert. 567 00:36:46,078 --> 00:36:47,162 [ALARM BEEPING] 568 00:36:47,330 --> 00:36:49,331 It was that last run through the cloaking barrier. 569 00:36:49,540 --> 00:36:51,333 The coil assembly's been damaged. 570 00:36:51,542 --> 00:36:53,752 Reduce speed. Hold at half-impulse. 571 00:36:53,920 --> 00:36:55,587 - Aah! - T'POL: Lieutenant? 572 00:36:55,755 --> 00:36:58,924 I'm all right. I'm fine. 573 00:37:00,176 --> 00:37:02,510 Maybe that's the problem. 574 00:37:03,638 --> 00:37:07,682 Maybe we're getting a bit too comfortable with losing people. 575 00:37:09,143 --> 00:37:10,894 Twenty-three men and women. 576 00:37:11,479 --> 00:37:15,649 On any given mission, the limit of acceptable casualties is 20 percent. 577 00:37:16,651 --> 00:37:19,653 So says traditional military doctrine. 578 00:37:19,862 --> 00:37:22,405 Well, we've crossed that margin. 579 00:37:28,329 --> 00:37:30,080 There's a Vulcan axiom. 580 00:37:30,248 --> 00:37:34,292 "The needs of the many outweigh the needs of a few." 581 00:37:35,795 --> 00:37:37,712 Corporal Hawkins understood that. 582 00:37:37,922 --> 00:37:40,257 That doesn't make his death any more acceptable. 583 00:37:40,466 --> 00:37:43,593 No, but it makes it honorable. 584 00:37:45,763 --> 00:37:47,097 You admit killing him? 585 00:37:47,306 --> 00:37:49,808 With pride. He was a traitor. 586 00:37:50,017 --> 00:37:51,977 He was a member of this Council. 587 00:37:52,144 --> 00:37:54,688 Degra destroyed a Reptilian ship. 588 00:37:54,897 --> 00:37:56,898 Twenty-two crewmen died. 589 00:37:57,108 --> 00:37:59,359 I only regret not doing it sooner. 590 00:37:59,568 --> 00:38:01,903 You're going to regret a lot more than that. 591 00:38:02,113 --> 00:38:04,739 Why did you call this meeting? 592 00:38:05,074 --> 00:38:06,866 You have a decision to make. 593 00:38:08,369 --> 00:38:11,204 We've taken control of the weapon. 594 00:38:12,039 --> 00:38:13,498 We're going to launch it. 595 00:38:13,708 --> 00:38:16,167 And you accuse Degra of being a traitor? 596 00:38:17,211 --> 00:38:20,046 [CHITTERING] 597 00:38:20,339 --> 00:38:24,634 Either you stand with us, or you stand against us. 598 00:38:24,844 --> 00:38:27,053 That's not a choice, it's an ultimatum. 599 00:38:27,263 --> 00:38:28,680 Call it what you will. 600 00:38:28,889 --> 00:38:31,599 [SCREECHING] 601 00:38:31,809 --> 00:38:33,268 Neither will we. 602 00:38:33,477 --> 00:38:34,644 None of us will. 603 00:38:35,354 --> 00:38:37,689 Then we withdraw from this Council. 604 00:38:37,898 --> 00:38:41,693 Think about what you are doing. This alliance has lasted for decades. 605 00:38:41,902 --> 00:38:45,447 It's lasted too long. You've become complacent. 606 00:38:45,656 --> 00:38:49,451 The weapon cannot be launched without three of the codes. 607 00:38:49,660 --> 00:38:51,453 You only have two. 608 00:38:52,246 --> 00:38:56,041 Do you really believe we haven't considered that? 609 00:38:58,461 --> 00:39:02,756 I can give you 3.4 with a little coaxing, but some of the relays are still fried. 610 00:39:02,965 --> 00:39:04,299 We're in no shape for combat. 611 00:39:04,508 --> 00:39:07,052 That hasn't stopped us in the past. 612 00:39:07,261 --> 00:39:09,012 You sure they're coming after us? 613 00:39:09,221 --> 00:39:11,014 Count on it. 614 00:39:11,682 --> 00:39:14,017 I can't believe I actually feel bad about Degra. 615 00:39:14,226 --> 00:39:17,354 Twenty-four hours ago, I would have been celebrating. 616 00:39:18,481 --> 00:39:20,440 A lot can happen in a day. 617 00:39:20,608 --> 00:39:21,649 [INTERCOM BEEPS] 618 00:39:21,817 --> 00:39:23,777 HOSHI: Bridge to Captain Archer. 619 00:39:25,029 --> 00:39:26,029 Archer. 620 00:39:26,197 --> 00:39:29,866 Five Insectoid ships are descending toward the surface. 621 00:39:48,177 --> 00:39:49,177 Report. 622 00:39:49,345 --> 00:39:51,513 The weapon's been launched from beneath the surface. 623 00:39:51,680 --> 00:39:54,599 The Insectoid ships are in formation around it. 624 00:39:55,601 --> 00:39:57,852 Pursuit course. 625 00:39:58,062 --> 00:39:59,813 We're being hailed. 626 00:40:00,356 --> 00:40:03,733 The Reptilians and Insectoids have seized control of the weapon. 627 00:40:03,943 --> 00:40:05,068 ARCHER: We're tracking it. 628 00:40:05,236 --> 00:40:07,987 I've ordered all available ships to intercept. 629 00:40:08,197 --> 00:40:10,156 We're right behind you. 630 00:40:15,079 --> 00:40:16,871 REED: I hope there's something in there you can use. 631 00:40:17,081 --> 00:40:18,331 Most definitely. 632 00:40:19,834 --> 00:40:22,210 There's a large group of ships leaving the system. 633 00:40:22,420 --> 00:40:23,711 One of them is Enterprise. 634 00:40:23,879 --> 00:40:26,423 I'm detecting weapons fire. 635 00:40:27,758 --> 00:40:29,759 Stay with it. Keep firing. 636 00:40:29,969 --> 00:40:31,177 It's the shuttlepod. 637 00:40:32,263 --> 00:40:35,515 Tell them to stay put. We'll come back for them when we can. 638 00:40:50,698 --> 00:40:53,324 ARCHER: Open a channel to Degra's ship. Uhn. 639 00:40:53,534 --> 00:40:54,701 We're moving in on the weapon. 640 00:40:55,161 --> 00:40:57,996 Concentrate your fire on the primary generators, 641 00:40:58,205 --> 00:41:01,416 six meters below the aft thrusters. 642 00:41:10,468 --> 00:41:13,761 Forget the others. Target Enterprise. 643 00:41:20,144 --> 00:41:22,645 Get the female. 644 00:41:26,484 --> 00:41:27,901 Hoshi! 645 00:41:28,110 --> 00:41:29,736 They're disabled. 646 00:41:29,945 --> 00:41:31,529 The female? 647 00:41:31,739 --> 00:41:33,490 Generators at maximum power. 648 00:41:33,699 --> 00:41:35,867 Take us into the vortex. 649 00:41:45,628 --> 00:41:47,593 CREW MEMBER: We've lost them, sir.