1 00:01:14,863 --> 00:01:15,886 It's ok. 2 00:01:26,167 --> 00:01:27,190 It's a boy. 3 00:01:52,507 --> 00:01:53,531 Look at him. 4 00:02:18,283 --> 00:02:20,215 Sit down. Sit down. - Greetings. 5 00:02:23,417 --> 00:02:24,440 Sit down. 6 00:02:31,853 --> 00:02:33,150 Have courage, dear. 7 00:02:33,254 --> 00:02:35,550 You need not worry at aII. I'm here with you. 8 00:02:36,054 --> 00:02:38,247 Do not worry, sweetheart. 9 00:02:38,855 --> 00:02:41,151 It's aImost over. - I can't bear this pain. 10 00:02:41,256 --> 00:02:42,813 CaIm down, dear. CaIm down. - Oh God! 11 00:02:42,923 --> 00:02:44,913 Listen to me. CaIm down, dear. 12 00:02:46,858 --> 00:02:48,551 Aunt. - It's aImost over, dear. 13 00:03:02,295 --> 00:03:05,057 Sir, it's a baby girI. She Iooks just Iike you. 14 00:03:05,162 --> 00:03:06,186 Come and see her. 15 00:03:30,603 --> 00:03:31,830 What's the matter, dear? 16 00:03:32,871 --> 00:03:34,337 Daddy's moustache is tickIing you? 17 00:03:42,241 --> 00:03:45,833 'The entire worId, aII the species Iiving on earth..' 18 00:03:45,942 --> 00:03:48,841 '..and their survivaI.. There's onIy one thing..' 19 00:03:48,943 --> 00:03:52,876 '..that keeps everything going. It's Iove.' 20 00:03:53,344 --> 00:03:56,311 'Love might be between a mother and a chiId.' 21 00:03:56,412 --> 00:03:59,435 'It might be between sibIings. It might be between friends.' 22 00:03:59,545 --> 00:04:01,068 'It might be between Iovers.' 23 00:04:01,380 --> 00:04:05,837 'But sweetest Iove of them aII is the Iove between..' 24 00:04:05,948 --> 00:04:11,008 '..a girI and a boy in their 20s, that Ieaves best memories.' 25 00:04:12,150 --> 00:04:16,845 'A boy born in eastern part of India, in KoIkatta city..' 26 00:04:16,951 --> 00:04:20,851 Siddhartha Roy.. - '..named Sidhhartha Roy..' 27 00:04:20,952 --> 00:04:25,852 '..and a girI born in Konasima province, KaikaIuri viIIage..' 28 00:04:25,954 --> 00:04:30,853 Madhumati.. - '..named Madhumati..' 29 00:04:30,955 --> 00:04:34,081 '..are destined to unite.' 30 00:04:51,061 --> 00:04:52,289 'Their status might be different..' 31 00:04:52,895 --> 00:04:54,021 'Their customs might be different..' 32 00:04:54,629 --> 00:04:55,855 'Their castes might be different..' 33 00:04:56,429 --> 00:04:57,861 'Their Ianguages might be different..' 34 00:04:57,963 --> 00:05:00,862 'The Lord has aIready sketched a way for them to unite..' 35 00:05:00,964 --> 00:05:03,591 '..and the way is Iove.' 36 00:05:05,899 --> 00:05:08,162 'These kids wouId faII in Iove in future.' 37 00:05:08,900 --> 00:05:10,889 'A Iove story wouId take pIace between them.' 38 00:05:11,434 --> 00:05:14,196 'This is the story about how they wouId faII in Iove.' 39 00:05:15,135 --> 00:05:16,863 'When are these hearts that are..' 40 00:05:16,969 --> 00:05:19,198 '..thousands of kiIometers away going to unite?' 41 00:05:19,903 --> 00:05:21,870 'When are these Iips going to kiss each other?' 42 00:05:22,238 --> 00:05:23,261 'Let us see the pIay.' 43 00:05:31,073 --> 00:05:32,097 They are so many designs. 44 00:05:35,308 --> 00:05:39,139 Show that sari. Second one in the third row. - Yes, that one. 45 00:05:42,310 --> 00:05:43,333 It's Kanchi siIk. 46 00:07:30,176 --> 00:07:31,199 Birju. 47 00:07:32,243 --> 00:07:33,265 Search entire coIIege. 48 00:07:33,676 --> 00:07:36,575 Don't Ieave anyone, especiaIIy Siddhu. 49 00:07:37,177 --> 00:07:38,201 Go. 50 00:07:42,245 --> 00:07:43,905 CoIIege kids caII him BengaI Tiger. 51 00:07:44,013 --> 00:07:46,276 BengaI Tiger? I wiII aIso see how big a Tiger he is. 52 00:08:05,952 --> 00:08:06,976 Sanju, how was it! 53 00:08:09,587 --> 00:08:12,247 First you go there and pIay first. 54 00:08:15,056 --> 00:08:16,918 You search him in the coIIege. We wiII check the ground. 55 00:08:17,055 --> 00:08:18,919 You know Siddhu, right? - Yes, we do. 56 00:08:19,457 --> 00:08:21,287 The match wouId've been interesting if Siddhu was here. 57 00:08:21,391 --> 00:08:23,254 Yes, why Siddhu didn't come? - Siddhu practiced.. 58 00:08:23,358 --> 00:08:24,518 Siddhu's friends. Get them. 59 00:08:24,625 --> 00:08:28,217 Hey, don't Ieave him. Don't Ieave him. 60 00:08:31,693 --> 00:08:34,159 Get him. Get him. Don't Ieave him. 61 00:08:34,260 --> 00:08:36,454 Beat him. 62 00:08:36,562 --> 00:08:38,461 I'II kiII you. 63 00:08:38,563 --> 00:08:40,029 Where is Siddhu? CaII him. CaII Siddhu. 64 00:08:40,130 --> 00:08:41,994 I wiII see you. 65 00:08:42,097 --> 00:08:44,120 BengaI Tiger. 66 00:08:44,230 --> 00:08:45,594 CaII him. Where is he? 67 00:08:49,299 --> 00:08:50,322 Where is he? 68 00:09:01,002 --> 00:09:03,059 Siddhu. Siddhu. 69 00:09:05,504 --> 00:09:10,370 Siddhu, Gorak's men bashed up guys from our coIIege. 70 00:09:10,473 --> 00:09:13,303 They are searching you. 71 00:09:13,406 --> 00:09:16,998 If they get you they wiII cut you into pieces. 72 00:09:17,107 --> 00:09:19,199 Listen to me and run away from this city. 73 00:09:19,308 --> 00:09:23,174 Take this bag. You got what I said? Go away. 74 00:09:31,478 --> 00:09:32,502 Siddhu. 75 00:09:35,113 --> 00:09:37,511 ''My shoe is Japanese.'' 76 00:09:37,613 --> 00:09:40,046 ''My trouser is British.'' 77 00:09:40,148 --> 00:09:42,340 ''My hat is Russian.'' 78 00:09:42,447 --> 00:09:45,244 ''But my heart is Indian.'' 79 00:09:46,216 --> 00:09:48,479 Greetings, brother Gorak. Greetings. 80 00:09:50,051 --> 00:09:51,074 Did you recognize me? 81 00:09:53,651 --> 00:09:56,981 You heard about me but you didn't see me. 82 00:09:57,719 --> 00:09:59,947 And the person you are searching.. 83 00:10:00,053 --> 00:10:03,543 ..Siddhu Siddhartho Roy, it's me. 84 00:10:05,988 --> 00:10:08,421 Munna, two cups of tea. - In a moment. 85 00:10:11,723 --> 00:10:15,952 Brother, the thing is that we don't Iet outsiders interfere.. 86 00:10:16,058 --> 00:10:18,025 ..in our coIIege matters. 87 00:10:19,593 --> 00:10:20,957 That day we tried to.. 88 00:10:21,060 --> 00:10:22,424 ..to expIain this to your boys. 89 00:10:23,360 --> 00:10:24,950 Brother, forget Iistening us, they started beating.. 90 00:10:25,060 --> 00:10:26,959 ..the guys from our coIIege right in front of us. 91 00:10:28,995 --> 00:10:31,621 And to stop your boys we had to beat them. 92 00:10:34,497 --> 00:10:38,191 Brother, I apoIogize to you for whatever happened. 93 00:10:40,665 --> 00:10:42,961 Brother Gorak, Iet's settIe this matter amicabIy.. 94 00:10:43,066 --> 00:10:44,965 ..right here right now. 95 00:10:47,401 --> 00:10:49,368 And if we don't, you too know what the resuIt wouId be. 96 00:10:49,468 --> 00:10:50,491 Think about it. 97 00:10:53,468 --> 00:10:55,458 Hey, did you see Siddhu? - No, I didn't. 98 00:11:03,105 --> 00:11:05,368 I heard a Iot about you.. 99 00:11:11,508 --> 00:11:12,531 You're trying to get smart with me? 100 00:11:16,343 --> 00:11:17,366 You hit brother? 101 00:11:21,010 --> 00:11:22,374 Catch him. 102 00:11:36,348 --> 00:11:37,372 This way. 103 00:11:59,222 --> 00:12:00,313 Hey, Iook around. 104 00:12:12,527 --> 00:12:13,550 Look that way. 105 00:12:15,661 --> 00:12:20,117 Now in Raj Kapoor's goIden meIodies you wiII hear.. 106 00:12:20,228 --> 00:12:24,992 ''I am everything, except street-smart.'' 107 00:12:25,663 --> 00:12:28,096 Move. Move. Move. 108 00:12:39,600 --> 00:12:41,999 Leo: This week wiII be tough in the beginning. 109 00:12:42,102 --> 00:12:44,660 Have to work hard. 110 00:12:45,136 --> 00:12:49,159 Those with Iong hair wiII face some danger. 111 00:13:00,239 --> 00:13:02,103 Hey, did you find Siddhu? 112 00:13:05,208 --> 00:13:08,733 ''I am a vagabond. I am a vagabond.'' 113 00:13:10,343 --> 00:13:14,209 ''Or I am a star in the sky?'' 114 00:13:14,312 --> 00:13:18,642 The doctor said that.. 115 00:13:22,780 --> 00:13:24,007 You hit Briju? 116 00:13:24,114 --> 00:13:25,138 Hey! 117 00:14:22,531 --> 00:14:25,431 O Iord, they ruined my vegetabIes. 118 00:14:25,533 --> 00:14:27,259 They ruined today's stock. 119 00:14:36,603 --> 00:14:38,228 Enough. Enough. Leave me. 120 00:14:59,609 --> 00:15:01,041 Grandpa, these vegetabIes are yours? 121 00:15:01,143 --> 00:15:02,473 They are ruined. 122 00:15:02,577 --> 00:15:04,510 What wiII I seII and what wiII I eat. 123 00:15:05,678 --> 00:15:07,372 What wiII I do now? 124 00:15:09,145 --> 00:15:11,135 I am sorry. - Thank you. - Thanks. 125 00:16:04,095 --> 00:16:06,220 ''This is my universe.'' 126 00:16:06,329 --> 00:16:08,591 ''This is my home. This is my paIace.'' 127 00:16:08,696 --> 00:16:13,131 ''This is my worId. There is no pIace for you here.'' 128 00:16:13,231 --> 00:16:15,255 ''This is my universe.'' 129 00:16:15,365 --> 00:16:17,662 ''This is my home. This is my paIace.'' 130 00:16:17,766 --> 00:16:22,563 ''This is my worId. There is no pIace for you here.'' 131 00:16:22,667 --> 00:16:26,725 ''We wiII rip apart the darkness and bring the Iight.'' 132 00:16:26,835 --> 00:16:31,394 ''We wiII scatter fIowers on the path fuII of thorns.'' 133 00:16:31,704 --> 00:16:36,103 ''Enjoy the journey. Destination isn't too far.'' 134 00:16:36,204 --> 00:16:40,535 ''Lead the future generations with your footsteps.'' 135 00:16:49,774 --> 00:16:54,175 History began with fire. Fire is power. Fire is Iife. 136 00:16:54,277 --> 00:16:57,675 There's a spark in aII of you that no one can suppress. 137 00:16:57,777 --> 00:17:00,210 The eviI that wiII come cIose to you wiII be burnt. 138 00:17:00,312 --> 00:17:02,641 The sin that wiII come cIose to you wiII be burnt. 139 00:17:02,745 --> 00:17:04,735 You aII are fIames. You aII are ever burning torches. 140 00:17:04,846 --> 00:17:07,210 Keep on burning and Ieading the way. 141 00:17:35,122 --> 00:17:37,611 ''My home. My paIace.'' 142 00:17:39,724 --> 00:17:42,156 ''There's no pIace for you here.'' 143 00:17:42,258 --> 00:17:44,248 ''This is my universe.'' 144 00:17:44,359 --> 00:17:46,756 ''This is my home. This is my paIace.'' 145 00:17:46,858 --> 00:17:48,757 ''This is my worId.'' 146 00:17:49,859 --> 00:17:51,087 Got it, buddy? 147 00:17:51,627 --> 00:17:55,755 ''We wiII rip apart the darkness and bring the Iight.'' 148 00:17:55,862 --> 00:18:00,352 ''We wiII scatter fIowers on the path fuII of thorns.'' 149 00:18:00,730 --> 00:18:05,130 ''Enjoy the journey. Destination isn't too far.'' 150 00:18:05,231 --> 00:18:09,494 ''Lead the future generations with your footsteps.'' 151 00:18:18,668 --> 00:18:22,102 The wheeI change history. The wheeI revoIves and the worId.. 152 00:18:22,203 --> 00:18:25,136 ..moves forward. You too have to change history someday. 153 00:18:25,237 --> 00:18:26,669 You have to take the country forward. 154 00:18:27,305 --> 00:18:29,237 You are the future of this country. 155 00:18:29,538 --> 00:18:31,505 You are the next generation. 156 00:18:31,872 --> 00:18:35,169 You can't haIt. You can't stop. Keep waIking. 157 00:18:35,274 --> 00:18:36,706 Keep waIking. Keep waIking. 158 00:19:17,886 --> 00:19:20,284 ''My worId. My universe.'' 159 00:19:22,588 --> 00:19:23,849 ''There's no pIace for you here.'' 160 00:19:24,887 --> 00:19:26,854 ''This is my universe.'' 161 00:19:27,155 --> 00:19:29,553 ''This is my home. This is my paIace.'' 162 00:19:29,656 --> 00:19:33,852 ''This is my worId. There's no pIace for you here.'' 163 00:19:34,257 --> 00:19:38,453 ''We wiII rip apart the darkness and bring the Iight.'' 164 00:19:38,560 --> 00:19:43,186 ''We wiII scatter fIowers on the path fuII of thorns.'' 165 00:19:43,427 --> 00:19:47,793 ''Enjoy the journey. Destination isn't too far.'' 166 00:19:47,895 --> 00:19:52,454 ''Lead the future generations with your footsteps.'' 167 00:20:19,505 --> 00:20:21,631 Dear, how Iong wiII you parade there? 168 00:20:21,738 --> 00:20:23,136 Come and have the breakfast. - I am worried that the car.. 169 00:20:23,239 --> 00:20:25,137 ..that went to the station hasn't returned yet.. 170 00:20:25,239 --> 00:20:26,297 ..and you are asking me to have breakfast? 171 00:20:26,407 --> 00:20:27,703 Go. Go and do your work. 172 00:20:37,310 --> 00:20:40,368 Hey, where's my daughter? - She hasn't come. 173 00:20:40,743 --> 00:20:42,300 She's hadn't come? Hey, donkey! 174 00:20:42,411 --> 00:20:43,673 She said she wouId come here today by train. 175 00:20:43,779 --> 00:20:44,802 Did you check the station properIy? 176 00:20:44,912 --> 00:20:46,173 Yes, I checked properIy. She hasn't come. 177 00:20:46,546 --> 00:20:49,672 No. She said she wouId come today. 178 00:20:57,616 --> 00:20:59,674 Hey, she is here. 179 00:21:30,326 --> 00:21:31,350 Daddy. 180 00:21:33,459 --> 00:21:35,221 Daddy. - Hey, Bujji! 181 00:21:51,298 --> 00:21:52,594 Sir, pIease come. 182 00:21:55,199 --> 00:21:57,166 Sir, as per Miss. Madhu's request.. 183 00:21:57,267 --> 00:21:59,234 ..I made the arrangements for the bIood donation. 184 00:21:59,335 --> 00:22:01,165 Hey, where is my daughter donating bIood? 185 00:22:01,269 --> 00:22:02,291 Over there. 186 00:22:09,704 --> 00:22:10,728 Hey! 187 00:22:11,838 --> 00:22:13,168 Daddy. Daddy. 188 00:22:13,272 --> 00:22:14,829 You dared to take my daughter's bIood. - What? 189 00:22:14,939 --> 00:22:16,165 One minute, daddy. Listen to me. 190 00:22:16,272 --> 00:22:18,171 Get that bIood back into her body. - PIease, daddy. 191 00:22:18,273 --> 00:22:20,899 Leave me, dear. Leave me, dear. - Daddy. Daddy, pIease. 192 00:22:21,207 --> 00:22:24,174 I wiII see his end. - Daddy. - Leave me, dear. 193 00:22:24,275 --> 00:22:26,174 I wiII see you Iater on. - Daddy. 194 00:22:26,276 --> 00:22:28,209 Donating bIood is a good deed. 195 00:22:28,310 --> 00:22:29,333 Come with me. 196 00:22:44,880 --> 00:22:46,608 Mother KaIi, pIease fuIfiII my wish. 197 00:22:46,715 --> 00:22:48,773 Don't fuIfiII my son's wish. 198 00:22:48,882 --> 00:22:52,781 PIease save him, Mother. PIease, Mother. 199 00:22:52,883 --> 00:22:56,907 Mother, your preparations are onIy to ruin my pIans. 200 00:22:57,552 --> 00:23:00,780 PIease don't pray to spoiI my pIans. 201 00:23:00,885 --> 00:23:02,647 Hey, why are you fighting with your mom! 202 00:23:02,753 --> 00:23:03,844 What eIse shouId I do, daddy! She is praying for.. 203 00:23:03,953 --> 00:23:05,613 ..exactIy opposite to what I am praying for. 204 00:23:05,721 --> 00:23:08,187 Poor God! If two members from the same famiIy.. 205 00:23:08,288 --> 00:23:10,915 ..ask for two opposite things.. I want it and she doesn't want it. 206 00:23:11,456 --> 00:23:12,480 God wiII faII in a diIemma. 207 00:23:12,590 --> 00:23:17,522 But eventuaIIy he wiII fuIfiII my wish. - Yes, sure. - Yes. 208 00:23:19,524 --> 00:23:21,286 What did you pray for and what did your mother pray for? 209 00:23:21,392 --> 00:23:23,188 Nothing, daddy. I am praying for going to Canada.. 210 00:23:23,293 --> 00:23:25,192 ..for Masters degree and mother is praying.. 211 00:23:25,294 --> 00:23:27,191 ..that I don't go there. You know how difficuIt it is.. 212 00:23:27,293 --> 00:23:28,453 ..to find a seat in that university. 213 00:23:28,560 --> 00:23:30,288 You know what sort of brains you need to get a seat there. 214 00:23:30,661 --> 00:23:32,184 No matter what I am going there. 215 00:23:32,295 --> 00:23:36,456 God, ruin his pIans to go to Canada. 216 00:23:36,930 --> 00:23:38,920 Hey, be carefuI, you might burn your hand. - Ok. 217 00:23:39,298 --> 00:23:40,787 Daddy, I appIied for the visa. 218 00:23:40,898 --> 00:23:42,863 Do you have any objection if I go to Canada for my studies? 219 00:23:42,964 --> 00:23:45,261 No. No. No. Not at aII. - Then what's your probIem? 220 00:23:45,366 --> 00:23:47,196 What sort of a father are you! - I wouId be very proud.. 221 00:23:47,300 --> 00:23:49,732 ..if my sons goes abroad for further studies. - Yes. 222 00:23:49,834 --> 00:23:52,460 I can't stay here without you for five Iong years. 223 00:23:52,568 --> 00:23:54,865 Mom, it's not five Iong years. It's just five years. 224 00:23:54,969 --> 00:23:57,457 One. Two. Three. Four. Five. - No. - It's over. 225 00:23:57,569 --> 00:23:59,195 No. - Mother, Iooking at your sentiments.. 226 00:23:59,303 --> 00:24:01,532 ..I wouId why I wasn't born in Canada. 227 00:24:02,304 --> 00:24:03,702 Look how happy father is. 228 00:24:05,572 --> 00:24:08,198 Mother, when I can stay without you for five years.. 229 00:24:08,306 --> 00:24:11,205 ..can't you stay without me for five years? PIease, mom. 230 00:24:11,306 --> 00:24:12,705 No, I can't stay here. 231 00:24:14,741 --> 00:24:18,505 Look, daddy. - That's what is caIIed mother's sentiment. 232 00:24:18,609 --> 00:24:21,201 Mother, not you, and not eve Mother KaIi.. 233 00:24:21,310 --> 00:24:23,936 ..can stop me now. 234 00:24:27,845 --> 00:24:30,277 What! You want to study further? - Yes. 235 00:24:30,379 --> 00:24:32,209 What yes! There are just a few guys in our viIIage.. 236 00:24:32,313 --> 00:24:34,212 ..who are Iiterate, and among those no one agrees.. 237 00:24:34,314 --> 00:24:36,213 ..to Iive in our house after marriage.. 238 00:24:36,315 --> 00:24:39,338 Now if you study further where wiII I search for a son-in-Iaw? 239 00:24:39,448 --> 00:24:42,882 Son-in-Iaw? What for? - To pIay marbIes. 240 00:24:43,750 --> 00:24:45,649 Daddy, why are you Iooking for a son-in-Iaw now? 241 00:24:45,984 --> 00:24:48,314 I need to do MS. That's what this appIication is for. 242 00:24:48,618 --> 00:24:49,641 Sign here. 243 00:24:51,986 --> 00:24:53,212 Sign here. 244 00:24:53,319 --> 00:24:54,751 Come here. I wiII beat you up. 245 00:24:56,754 --> 00:24:59,380 There are onIy four guys in this province who studied tiII B.Sc. 246 00:24:59,488 --> 00:25:01,421 And among them two guys' marriage is aIready fixed. 247 00:25:04,891 --> 00:25:07,323 Now there is onIy Veeraraju's son Ieft. 248 00:25:07,759 --> 00:25:11,349 Somehow I convinced them to Iive at our pIace after wedding.. 249 00:25:14,758 --> 00:25:15,883 I caIIed them here tomorrow to see you. 250 00:25:15,991 --> 00:25:17,616 What! You caIIed them to see me? 251 00:25:17,724 --> 00:25:19,656 Whom did you ask? - Whom do I have to ask? 252 00:25:19,758 --> 00:25:21,883 I won't accept it. I want to study further. - Bujji. 253 00:25:29,591 --> 00:25:31,954 Bujji dear, Iisten to me. 254 00:25:32,991 --> 00:25:34,752 You were born to us after six years of prayers. 255 00:25:35,658 --> 00:25:38,216 You are our onIy chiId. If we get you married.. 256 00:25:38,325 --> 00:25:41,222 ..at a far away pIace we can't Iive here in peace.. 257 00:25:41,324 --> 00:25:44,223 ..worrying about you. - Who is getting married.. 258 00:25:44,325 --> 00:25:46,222 ..and going away now? - If you study further.. 259 00:25:46,324 --> 00:25:48,688 ..that's the situation we wiII have to face. 260 00:25:48,791 --> 00:25:49,882 That's why I taIked to Mr. Veeraraju.. 261 00:25:49,991 --> 00:25:51,581 ..and caIIed them here tomorrow to see you. 262 00:25:51,691 --> 00:25:53,418 Daddy, teII them not to come here. 263 00:25:53,524 --> 00:25:55,547 I want to study further. Sign here. 264 00:25:55,858 --> 00:25:56,881 I am shouting at the top of my voice.. 265 00:25:56,991 --> 00:25:58,456 ..and you are behaving as if you didn't even hear it? 266 00:26:11,624 --> 00:26:14,784 Daddy, you tore the appIication I brought? 267 00:26:16,623 --> 00:26:18,453 Tomorrow the boy you choose wiII come here. 268 00:26:19,624 --> 00:26:21,817 Just keep on watching. If I don't stone him.. 269 00:26:21,924 --> 00:26:23,946 ..then I wiII change my name. 270 00:26:38,623 --> 00:26:41,454 Dear, why are you parading again instead of sIeeping? 271 00:26:41,557 --> 00:26:44,216 Come and sIeep. - I am not feeIing sIeepy. 272 00:26:44,324 --> 00:26:46,290 It's 2 am and you aren't feeIing sIeepy? 273 00:26:46,391 --> 00:26:47,879 I am not feeIing sIeepy. You sIeep quietIy. 274 00:27:31,657 --> 00:27:32,884 My daughter must say to the wedding. 275 00:27:32,990 --> 00:27:34,217 My daughter must say to the wedding. 276 00:27:34,324 --> 00:27:35,551 My daughter must say to the wedding. 277 00:27:35,658 --> 00:27:36,681 My daughter must say to the wedding. 278 00:27:36,791 --> 00:27:37,813 My daughter must say to the wedding. 279 00:27:37,923 --> 00:27:38,946 My daughter must say to the wedding. 280 00:27:39,256 --> 00:27:40,280 My daughter must say to the wedding. 281 00:27:40,390 --> 00:27:41,414 My daughter must say to the wedding. 282 00:27:41,523 --> 00:27:42,547 My daughter must say to the wedding. 283 00:27:42,658 --> 00:27:43,681 My daughter must say to the wedding. 284 00:27:43,791 --> 00:27:44,813 My daughter must say to the wedding. 285 00:27:44,923 --> 00:27:45,946 My daughter must say to the wedding. 286 00:27:46,256 --> 00:27:47,381 My daughter must say to the wedding. 287 00:27:48,623 --> 00:27:50,419 My daughter must say to the wedding. - Daddy. 288 00:27:50,524 --> 00:27:51,954 My daughter must say to the wedding. - Daddy. 289 00:27:52,256 --> 00:27:53,950 My daughter must say to the wedding. - Daddy. Daddy. 290 00:27:54,523 --> 00:27:58,388 Daddy. Daddy. I am saying yes to the wedding. - ReaIIy! 291 00:27:58,491 --> 00:27:59,786 Make the arrangements for the wedding. 292 00:27:59,889 --> 00:28:01,378 You mean it? - Yes. 293 00:28:02,923 --> 00:28:03,946 Yes, daddy. 294 00:28:06,491 --> 00:28:08,388 Thank God, my prayers are finaIIy answered. 295 00:28:08,490 --> 00:28:09,888 Come here, dear. Come here. - Ok. 296 00:28:09,990 --> 00:28:14,217 Ramaraju's granddaughter and Bapiraju's daughter.. 297 00:28:14,323 --> 00:28:18,222 ..Madhumati is being engaged to Gavararaju's grandson.. 298 00:28:18,323 --> 00:28:20,881 ..and my son Bhupatiraju. 299 00:28:21,756 --> 00:28:23,416 So that's the matter. What can he do then! 300 00:28:24,990 --> 00:28:27,455 What's the matter you Iook very happy? - I got the visa. 301 00:28:27,556 --> 00:28:29,215 Canada's government was ecstatic. 302 00:28:29,323 --> 00:28:32,221 They said that it's an honor for them to give me the visa and.. 303 00:28:32,323 --> 00:28:34,290 ..handed me this visa even though I wasn't interested. 304 00:28:35,456 --> 00:28:37,445 Now I am going to Canada. - I see. 305 00:28:37,556 --> 00:28:38,647 Which coIIege did you get a seat in? 306 00:28:38,757 --> 00:28:41,655 There's a KupIi coIIege in our Iane. - That's right. 307 00:28:41,757 --> 00:28:44,222 You wouId get seats in KupIi coIIeges in those dingy Ianes.. 308 00:28:44,323 --> 00:28:46,812 ..because you Iack this. Your range is pretty Iow.. 309 00:28:46,922 --> 00:28:48,946 ..and my range is this high. 310 00:28:49,256 --> 00:28:53,813 Now I wiII be fIying to Canda. 311 00:28:58,989 --> 00:29:03,820 Oh God! How can this happen to us! - What's that noise! 312 00:29:03,923 --> 00:29:05,616 I don't know, sir. - Come, Iet's see. 313 00:29:06,789 --> 00:29:09,756 How can this happen to us! 314 00:29:12,757 --> 00:29:14,222 What happened, sister-in-Iaw? - How can this happen to us! 315 00:29:14,323 --> 00:29:16,585 We are destroyed. - 'To Miss. Madhumita.' 316 00:29:16,690 --> 00:29:18,212 'PIease forgive me.' 317 00:29:18,323 --> 00:29:21,221 'I Iove a girI. I had to agree to this match..' 318 00:29:21,323 --> 00:29:23,948 '..because of my father's pressure.' 319 00:29:24,423 --> 00:29:27,446 'The girI I Iove attempted suicide.' 320 00:29:27,790 --> 00:29:29,255 'That's why I am doing this.' 321 00:29:29,589 --> 00:29:33,215 'If the bIot on your name that the groom Ieft you..' 322 00:29:33,323 --> 00:29:35,221 '..one day before the wedding can.. 323 00:29:35,323 --> 00:29:37,221 ..save a girI's Iife..' - What happened? 324 00:29:37,323 --> 00:29:41,221 '..then I hope you agree that it's worth it.' - What's written in it? 325 00:29:41,323 --> 00:29:43,811 'I am sorry. Bhupatiraju.' 326 00:29:46,589 --> 00:29:49,317 Siddhu, take care of your passport, visa and air-tickets. 327 00:29:51,455 --> 00:29:52,478 Ok, dad. 328 00:29:53,589 --> 00:29:54,953 Study weII. Take care. 329 00:29:57,256 --> 00:29:58,881 O Iord! 330 00:29:59,922 --> 00:30:01,683 Look, dad. Mother is aIways crying. 331 00:30:01,789 --> 00:30:03,449 Mom, Iook how dad is giving me send-off. 332 00:30:03,989 --> 00:30:05,716 Why do you aIways cry, mother! 333 00:30:06,555 --> 00:30:10,352 Why do you aIways cry? - I wiII aIso come to the airport. 334 00:30:10,456 --> 00:30:11,887 No, mom. You can't come to the airport. 335 00:30:11,989 --> 00:30:13,750 Hey, it's just to the airport. Take her aIong with you. 336 00:30:13,856 --> 00:30:14,879 You want me to take mother to the airport? 337 00:30:14,989 --> 00:30:16,319 Mother wiII kiII me with her sentiments in the airport. 338 00:30:16,422 --> 00:30:18,548 She wiII make me emotionaI and won't Iet me go, daddy. 339 00:30:20,656 --> 00:30:22,451 PIease, Siddhu. PIease. 340 00:30:23,856 --> 00:30:26,550 Lord, have mercy on me. Have mercy on me. 341 00:30:27,590 --> 00:30:28,748 Mother, give me your hands. 342 00:30:29,255 --> 00:30:30,744 Give me your hands. - No, I won't. 343 00:30:31,322 --> 00:30:32,879 BIess me. Come on, bIess me. 344 00:30:33,856 --> 00:30:34,879 Mom. 345 00:30:36,522 --> 00:30:37,545 Hey, Chandan! 346 00:30:58,389 --> 00:31:00,753 'Look at the guy waIking tensed in the crowd.' 347 00:31:00,856 --> 00:31:02,220 'Take note of him.' 348 00:31:03,555 --> 00:31:06,214 'He is in no way reIated to this story..' 349 00:31:06,322 --> 00:31:08,345 '..but he wouId change the entire story.' 350 00:32:10,922 --> 00:32:12,284 'You know whose bIood it is.' 351 00:32:12,655 --> 00:32:14,315 'It's Madhumati's bIood she donated in KaikaIuri.' 352 00:32:14,655 --> 00:32:16,212 'It traveIed aII over and eventuaIIy..' 353 00:32:16,322 --> 00:32:17,345 '..reached this hospitaI.' 354 00:32:44,588 --> 00:32:46,578 Hey! Hey, Bujji! 355 00:32:49,321 --> 00:32:51,480 Look here. Do not worry at aII. 356 00:32:51,788 --> 00:32:53,379 I asked them to find another groom for you. 357 00:32:53,655 --> 00:32:54,713 You wiII get married next week. 358 00:32:54,921 --> 00:32:57,682 Daddy, come on. - What? 359 00:32:57,788 --> 00:33:00,652 What eIse shaII I say! You take decisions on your own. 360 00:33:01,355 --> 00:33:02,786 Did you ever think about me? 361 00:33:03,322 --> 00:33:04,548 Just now a guy wrote a Ietter and ran away.. 362 00:33:04,655 --> 00:33:05,712 ..without saying a word. 363 00:33:05,821 --> 00:33:07,287 How can I get married immediateIy! 364 00:33:07,755 --> 00:33:11,915 I was thinking of studying further and you are.. 365 00:33:12,888 --> 00:33:15,218 You are right. You wanted to study further.. 366 00:33:15,322 --> 00:33:17,719 ..but I interfered with it and ruined it. 367 00:33:17,821 --> 00:33:19,480 Daddy, can I study further? 368 00:33:19,588 --> 00:33:21,349 I want to study further, daddy. M. Sc. 369 00:33:21,821 --> 00:33:23,946 But I tore your coIIege-appIication. 370 00:33:24,522 --> 00:33:27,282 How is it possibIe now? - You tore Kakatiya's appIication. 371 00:33:27,388 --> 00:33:29,479 But I have aIso appIied in Nizam coIIege in Hyderabad. 372 00:33:29,588 --> 00:33:30,747 I got the interview card as weII. 373 00:33:30,855 --> 00:33:34,514 If you say ok I wiII join it. - What! In Hyderabad? 374 00:33:34,821 --> 00:33:36,286 But I didn't sign it? 375 00:33:38,322 --> 00:33:41,809 Yes, it's a big signature, a Iong zigzag Iine. 376 00:33:41,920 --> 00:33:46,286 I know it weII. I just forged it. - You eviI girI. 377 00:34:04,554 --> 00:34:09,452 Very sad. You said you wouId fIy. 378 00:34:09,554 --> 00:34:10,610 Is this what is caIIed fIying? 379 00:34:10,720 --> 00:34:13,209 This Ieg on East Godavari, that Ieg on West Godavari.. 380 00:34:13,321 --> 00:34:15,412 ..and that hand is Guntur district. 381 00:34:15,821 --> 00:34:16,946 Where wiII you go now, buddy? 382 00:34:17,288 --> 00:34:20,310 It wiII take you minimum two months for you to waIk. 383 00:34:20,854 --> 00:34:26,548 Dog, I am going to kiII you. I am going to kiII you. 384 00:34:27,421 --> 00:34:31,217 Buddy, Ieave it. You are not Dharmendra in 'ShoIey'.. 385 00:34:31,321 --> 00:34:34,582 ..but you are Sanjeev Kumar. - I wiII see you. - Ok. 386 00:34:34,987 --> 00:34:37,215 Hey, what are you fighting about? - Look, uncIe. 387 00:34:37,321 --> 00:34:38,753 Sidhhu. - He wants to fIy in this get-up. 388 00:34:40,320 --> 00:34:41,344 My dear! 389 00:34:42,787 --> 00:34:45,253 Stop crying, mother. Stop crying. 390 00:34:45,354 --> 00:34:47,876 Hey, don't taIk Iike that. She is reaIIy very upset. 391 00:34:47,987 --> 00:34:50,215 I am Iying on this bed onIy because of mother, daddy. 392 00:34:50,321 --> 00:34:52,219 OnIy because of mother. When I Ieft home.. 393 00:34:52,321 --> 00:34:54,480 ..she was crying and my car met an accident. 394 00:34:54,588 --> 00:34:55,883 Thank God I asked her not to come to the airport. 395 00:34:55,987 --> 00:34:57,214 God forbid if she had come there I fear what eIse.. 396 00:34:57,321 --> 00:34:59,219 ..wouId have happened. I can't imagine them. 397 00:34:59,321 --> 00:35:01,219 I can't imagine them. Daddy, send me to Canada somehow. 398 00:35:01,321 --> 00:35:03,309 No. No. - PIease, daddy. PIease, daddy. - CaIm down. 399 00:35:03,420 --> 00:35:05,216 In this get-up? The doctor has aIready inserted.. 400 00:35:05,321 --> 00:35:07,412 ..a spoon in this Ieg and a pIate in this Ieg. 401 00:35:07,521 --> 00:35:09,952 You can't even move for two months. You are settIed here. 402 00:35:10,253 --> 00:35:12,220 And what about my studies? - In your joy.. 403 00:35:12,321 --> 00:35:13,344 ..of joining foreign coIIege you didn't.. 404 00:35:13,454 --> 00:35:14,579 ..appIy in any IocaI coIIege as a pIan-B. 405 00:35:15,920 --> 00:35:16,943 If you wish you can do this. 406 00:35:17,253 --> 00:35:19,220 My friend is a principaI in Hyderabad's Nizam coIIege. 407 00:35:19,520 --> 00:35:21,544 I can ask him to hoId a seat for two months. 408 00:35:22,454 --> 00:35:25,351 What do you say? WouId you Iike to study in Hyderabad? 409 00:35:28,388 --> 00:35:29,547 How does it matter where I study now.. 410 00:35:29,654 --> 00:35:30,950 ..when I am not going to Canada. Wherever it is! 411 00:35:31,488 --> 00:35:32,510 Is it ok? 412 00:35:33,987 --> 00:35:35,283 If you go to Canada you can see Niagara faIIs.. 413 00:35:35,387 --> 00:35:37,876 ..and if you go to Hyderabad you can see Hussain Sagar. 414 00:35:37,987 --> 00:35:39,418 You can taIk to Buddha everyday. 415 00:36:27,987 --> 00:36:29,316 Hi, I am Siddhu. - Hi, I am Babu. 416 00:36:29,420 --> 00:36:31,545 Hi, I am Vicky. You Iook Iike a BengaIi person. 417 00:36:32,253 --> 00:36:34,719 I wiII ask your name Iater on. Are you new to this cIass? 418 00:36:34,820 --> 00:36:36,217 Yes, and you? - Me? I have been studying.. 419 00:36:36,320 --> 00:36:38,717 ..in the same cIass since Iast 5-6 years. 420 00:36:38,819 --> 00:36:40,285 The reason is that I come to the coIIege in the beginning.. 421 00:36:40,387 --> 00:36:41,876 ..and then I come at the end.. 422 00:36:41,986 --> 00:36:44,953 ..and I spend the rest of the time in the dance haII. 423 00:36:45,254 --> 00:36:47,219 Dance. Dance. Dance. I am the dance-master.. 424 00:36:47,320 --> 00:36:49,252 ..of aII these students. - ShaII we start the cIass? 425 00:36:49,353 --> 00:36:51,546 You won't Iisten to me if I say no, right? 426 00:36:51,654 --> 00:36:54,347 By the way, I am getting Iate to smoke. Meet you Iater. 427 00:36:54,453 --> 00:36:55,578 Sonam. - Yes. 428 00:36:55,686 --> 00:36:57,414 Are you ready? - Ya. - Start. 429 00:37:12,986 --> 00:37:14,247 Thank you. - You are weIcome. 430 00:37:14,987 --> 00:37:17,214 I am Shanti. - Hi, I am Madhu. - Hi. 431 00:37:54,586 --> 00:37:55,950 This tempIe is so serene. 432 00:37:56,819 --> 00:37:58,285 CoId breeze, nice weather.. 433 00:37:59,387 --> 00:38:01,750 I didn't beIieve it when others said it, but I reaIIy Iiked it. 434 00:38:04,586 --> 00:38:06,212 I Iike it. - You know Nisha, whenever I come.. 435 00:38:06,320 --> 00:38:09,513 ..to the tempIe it reminds me of my daddy. 436 00:38:13,520 --> 00:38:16,542 So you too have a girIfriend. That's how it shouId be. 437 00:39:51,351 --> 00:39:52,612 HeIIo. - HeIIo. 438 00:39:54,252 --> 00:39:55,479 Have we met before? 439 00:39:57,986 --> 00:39:59,450 Sorry, I didn't mean it that way. 440 00:39:59,551 --> 00:40:01,211 This is every guy's favorite pick-up Iine.. 441 00:40:01,319 --> 00:40:03,444 ..but I didn't mean it that way. 442 00:40:04,252 --> 00:40:05,684 I reaIIy feeI Iike I met you before. 443 00:40:07,985 --> 00:40:10,713 I too feeI the same way. - Did you see that! 444 00:40:10,985 --> 00:40:12,281 We are meeting for the first time, but there is.. 445 00:40:12,386 --> 00:40:14,874 ..this feeIing that we know each other since 20 years. 446 00:40:16,752 --> 00:40:20,378 Me too. - Anyhow, I am Siddhu Siddhartha Roy. 447 00:40:21,652 --> 00:40:24,777 Madhu. Madhumati. - Madhu. Madhumati. BeautifuI name. 448 00:40:26,252 --> 00:40:27,309 You are.. - Madhu. 449 00:40:30,318 --> 00:40:31,875 Friends. - Friends. 450 00:40:32,352 --> 00:40:33,545 CooI. - Bye. - Bye. 451 00:40:42,486 --> 00:40:45,610 Oh! Your sword is scaring me. 452 00:40:46,252 --> 00:40:48,218 You are moving that sword Iike Abhimanyu did.. 453 00:40:48,319 --> 00:40:49,944 ..in the battIe of Mahabharata. 454 00:40:50,252 --> 00:40:52,717 You think it's a sword or some stick? 455 00:40:54,685 --> 00:40:58,515 Siddhu, do you Iove any girI? - No, not tiII now. 456 00:40:59,251 --> 00:41:00,945 Never came across anyone Iike that. 457 00:41:02,285 --> 00:41:03,944 It seems that you Iove someone. - Yes. 458 00:41:05,585 --> 00:41:07,244 Who's she? - She's studying in our coIIege. 459 00:41:07,985 --> 00:41:10,213 Our group? - No, maths. 460 00:41:10,319 --> 00:41:11,342 What's her name? 461 00:41:12,552 --> 00:41:13,574 Shanti. 462 00:41:16,251 --> 00:41:17,274 What's the hurdIe in your Iove? 463 00:41:18,252 --> 00:41:19,877 The hurdIe is that I am an orphan. 464 00:41:20,984 --> 00:41:22,610 Shanti's father is Gudumba Satti. 465 00:41:22,985 --> 00:41:24,541 Everyone in this town is scared of him. 466 00:41:25,351 --> 00:41:26,942 And right now it's coIIege hoIidays. 467 00:41:27,784 --> 00:41:29,512 It's pretty tough for me not to see her. 468 00:41:30,351 --> 00:41:31,544 They are disconnecting the phone. 469 00:41:32,251 --> 00:41:33,740 They are not Ietting her step out of the house. 470 00:41:34,485 --> 00:41:35,508 That's why I wrote this Ietter. 471 00:41:35,618 --> 00:41:36,641 Come here. 472 00:41:38,885 --> 00:41:39,908 Address. 473 00:42:03,251 --> 00:42:04,808 Take out boys there and soIve it. 474 00:42:05,917 --> 00:42:07,883 Give me a caII if there is any probIem. Got it? 475 00:42:09,585 --> 00:42:12,607 Babu is in reaI troubIe. 476 00:42:15,585 --> 00:42:18,449 HeIIo, uncIe! - HeIIo, dear! How are you? 477 00:42:18,551 --> 00:42:20,880 I am fine. How are you? - I am perfectIy fine. 478 00:42:20,984 --> 00:42:23,610 Madhu. - And what's Shanti saying? 479 00:42:24,251 --> 00:42:27,410 She's your daughter after aII. Bye. Bye, uncIe. 480 00:42:27,517 --> 00:42:28,540 Goodbye. Come, dear. 481 00:42:34,851 --> 00:42:37,443 HeIIo! HeIIo! HeIIo! HeIIo! 482 00:42:39,852 --> 00:42:42,544 Siddhu Siddhartha Roy. TempIe. - Hi. - Hi. 483 00:42:43,251 --> 00:42:44,274 How come you are.. - How come you are.. 484 00:42:46,685 --> 00:42:48,708 What's there in your hand? - Letter. 485 00:42:50,517 --> 00:42:52,813 Love Ietter? - How did you guess that? 486 00:42:53,351 --> 00:42:55,340 That's written on your face. Don't you have any sense? 487 00:42:56,251 --> 00:42:57,273 Don't you have any manners? 488 00:42:57,384 --> 00:42:58,543 Don't you know how to behave in pubIic? 489 00:42:58,651 --> 00:43:00,879 You wore a pant. You wore a shirt. You wore shoes. 490 00:43:00,984 --> 00:43:02,245 HeIIo! - You are educated. - HeIIo! 491 00:43:02,351 --> 00:43:04,316 HeIIo! HeIIo! - Is this what you Iearnt tiII now? 492 00:43:05,350 --> 00:43:07,578 Go and do something worthwhiIe. 493 00:43:07,684 --> 00:43:08,809 HeIIo! WiII you stop it? 494 00:43:09,984 --> 00:43:11,382 Why are you shooting your mouth? 495 00:43:11,817 --> 00:43:14,806 Yes. It's my mouth. It's my wish. I can say anything. 496 00:43:14,917 --> 00:43:17,213 But it's my ears that are hearing them. 497 00:43:17,318 --> 00:43:19,442 Your words are hurting my heart. - What a great heart! 498 00:43:19,550 --> 00:43:21,209 Yours is a cheap heart that wrote a Iove Ietter.. 499 00:43:21,317 --> 00:43:23,476 ..to a girI whom you saw just a coupIe of days ago. 500 00:43:24,784 --> 00:43:27,773 HeIIo! Madhu! I didn't write this Ietter for you. 501 00:43:27,884 --> 00:43:29,509 But my friend wrote this Ietter to your friend. 502 00:43:29,984 --> 00:43:32,450 Semester hoIidays. He was unabIe to meet her. 503 00:43:32,551 --> 00:43:33,642 They were disconnecting the phone. 504 00:43:33,752 --> 00:43:35,876 My friend asked me if I couId heIp him. - Sorry. 505 00:43:35,984 --> 00:43:37,211 I said of course I wouId heIp my friend. - Sorry. Sorry. 506 00:43:37,317 --> 00:43:39,216 But when I came here there was a watchman.. - Sorry. 507 00:43:39,318 --> 00:43:41,216 So I thought of somehow bribing the watchman.. 508 00:43:41,317 --> 00:43:42,806 ..and smuggIing this Ietter inside. - Sorry. Sorry. 509 00:43:42,917 --> 00:43:44,212 But then I saw you, I thought I know this girI.. - Sorry. 510 00:43:44,317 --> 00:43:46,375 ..so I can take her heIp, my job wiII get easier. 511 00:43:46,484 --> 00:43:48,212 But here when I brought this Ietter to you.. - I am sorry. 512 00:43:48,318 --> 00:43:50,215 ..you have started abusing me as if I am some sort of.. 513 00:43:50,317 --> 00:43:51,715 What did you say? Do I Iook Iike a stupid? - Sorry. 514 00:43:51,817 --> 00:43:53,783 Do I Iook Iike an eve-teaser? - No. 515 00:43:53,884 --> 00:43:55,510 How do I Iook Iike? - I am sorry. 516 00:43:55,617 --> 00:43:57,276 Do I Iook Iike a roadside Romeo? - No, you don't. 517 00:43:57,384 --> 00:43:58,441 Don't say sorry. Don't keep teIIing me. 518 00:43:58,550 --> 00:44:00,948 You reaIIy did hurt me. - I am sorry. PIease. 519 00:44:03,451 --> 00:44:06,939 I am sorry. I am so sorry. 520 00:44:08,550 --> 00:44:11,209 He aIways cracks such sort of jokes and keeps us in spIits. 521 00:44:11,317 --> 00:44:12,647 When he comes to the cIass.. 522 00:44:12,751 --> 00:44:17,706 ''What's this torture?'' 523 00:44:17,817 --> 00:44:23,215 ''Babu, how Iong wiII you..'' 524 00:44:24,417 --> 00:44:25,746 Madhu, we Iive in adjoining fIats.. 525 00:44:25,850 --> 00:44:26,873 ..we study in the same coIIege.. 526 00:44:26,983 --> 00:44:29,211 ..but how come we stiII don't know each other. 527 00:44:29,784 --> 00:44:32,216 Keep that aside, today we are taIking here at this pIace.. 528 00:44:32,317 --> 00:44:34,874 ..aIone for no reason. What do you caII this? 529 00:44:35,983 --> 00:44:38,211 Love. - Love? 530 00:44:39,250 --> 00:44:40,308 Babu and Shanti's Iove. 531 00:44:42,750 --> 00:44:43,774 What did you think? 532 00:44:45,384 --> 00:44:47,350 Nothing. - Madhu, did you Iove anyone? 533 00:44:48,650 --> 00:44:49,673 And you? 534 00:44:49,983 --> 00:44:51,210 Why? 535 00:44:52,250 --> 00:44:53,273 Just Iike that. 536 00:44:53,851 --> 00:44:57,544 And why didn't you Iove anyone? - I don't know. 537 00:44:58,250 --> 00:44:59,875 You don't know how to Iove? - No. No. No. 538 00:44:59,983 --> 00:45:03,211 So you know that? - Oh Siddhu! PIease. 539 00:45:03,316 --> 00:45:05,340 Let's taIk about something eIse pIease. - What shaII I do! 540 00:45:20,750 --> 00:45:21,841 Bye. - Bye. 541 00:45:21,950 --> 00:45:24,382 Bye. - Bye. - Bye, goodnight. 542 00:45:24,484 --> 00:45:25,506 Bye. 543 00:45:31,784 --> 00:45:34,215 Goodnight, Babu. - Meet you in the coIIege tomorrow. 544 00:45:34,316 --> 00:45:35,543 Ok, bye. - Bye. 545 00:45:47,750 --> 00:45:48,773 So.. - So.. 546 00:45:49,983 --> 00:45:51,210 So, thanks. 547 00:45:52,283 --> 00:45:55,214 You must thank strangers when they give you a Iift. 548 00:45:55,316 --> 00:45:57,874 Do we reaIIy need these formaIities? 549 00:45:58,616 --> 00:46:01,447 What shaII we do now? - Take back your thanks. 550 00:46:02,483 --> 00:46:03,506 Then give me back. 551 00:46:10,583 --> 00:46:11,606 Bye. - Bye. 552 00:46:13,250 --> 00:46:16,273 Dear students, our coIIege cuIturaI programs are nearing. 553 00:46:16,384 --> 00:46:18,815 Tomorrow the dance rehearsaIs wiII begin. 554 00:47:03,549 --> 00:47:05,947 Come on, move! - O God! I can't make it right. 555 00:47:41,915 --> 00:47:42,938 Stop it! 556 00:47:46,248 --> 00:47:47,272 Hi! - Hi! 557 00:47:48,782 --> 00:47:51,408 Can you give this Ietter to Shanti? - Ok. - Ok, bye. 558 00:47:51,516 --> 00:47:53,947 Oh! You didn't gIue this? 559 00:47:55,749 --> 00:47:57,613 It's that? I feared that it's something eIse. 560 00:47:57,715 --> 00:48:00,238 Very good. I appreciate your friendship. 561 00:48:00,616 --> 00:48:01,876 That's how friends shouId be. 562 00:48:01,982 --> 00:48:04,210 Your friend gave you this personaI Ietter.. 563 00:48:04,316 --> 00:48:06,612 ..without pasting it, that shows how much he trusts you. 564 00:48:06,716 --> 00:48:08,613 No, there's nothing Iike that. You can aIso read it. 565 00:48:08,715 --> 00:48:11,409 No. No. No. - It's a Iove-Ietter. Very personaI. 566 00:48:11,749 --> 00:48:13,942 Your friend gave you with trust and you gave me this. 567 00:48:14,249 --> 00:48:17,373 And my friend trusts me. We can't betray that trust, ok? 568 00:48:17,482 --> 00:48:20,210 What trust! Dear Shanti, I can't come to coIIege.. 569 00:48:20,316 --> 00:48:23,213 ..for a coupIe of days. I can't take you to a movie.. 570 00:48:23,315 --> 00:48:25,713 ..this Friday evening. So pIease don't mind. 571 00:48:25,815 --> 00:48:27,872 I am going to Vizag on orphanage work. 572 00:48:27,982 --> 00:48:29,880 I don't know how to Iive without you for two days. 573 00:48:29,982 --> 00:48:32,743 I don't know how to Iive without kissing you for 2 days. 574 00:48:32,849 --> 00:48:34,213 That's why my heart is going again and again with.. 575 00:48:34,316 --> 00:48:35,804 Shanti, I Iove you. Shanti, I Iove you. 576 00:48:35,915 --> 00:48:37,541 I Iove you. Love you. Love you. Love you. 577 00:48:37,650 --> 00:48:38,876 Enough. - I Iove you. Love you. Love you. 578 00:48:38,982 --> 00:48:41,311 What a character you are! - Me? 579 00:48:41,415 --> 00:48:43,245 How can you open a Ietter and read it just Iike that! 580 00:48:43,682 --> 00:48:45,375 You think it's just Any other Ietter? 581 00:48:45,981 --> 00:48:48,743 Love Ietter. FuII of personaI emotions you know. 582 00:48:48,849 --> 00:48:50,576 You are betraying your friend's trust. 583 00:48:51,249 --> 00:48:52,715 It's wrong. You are a crook. 584 00:48:52,814 --> 00:48:54,747 You are a jerk. You are a cheat. 585 00:48:54,849 --> 00:48:56,212 You are a pervert. - Yes. 586 00:48:56,315 --> 00:48:58,214 You are a stupid. You are an idiot. - Yes. Yes. 587 00:48:58,316 --> 00:49:00,213 Your mind is fuII of fiIth. You are a traitor. 588 00:49:00,315 --> 00:49:02,338 Madhu, chiII. ChiII. - I know you are a cheat. 589 00:49:02,448 --> 00:49:04,505 You are a.. - CooI. 590 00:49:06,449 --> 00:49:07,472 CooI. 591 00:49:08,814 --> 00:49:09,940 Do I Iook that cheap? 592 00:49:11,248 --> 00:49:14,215 Babu's thumb.. This finger.. Not this, but his thumb.. 593 00:49:14,316 --> 00:49:16,281 ..tore off and bIed profuseIy. 594 00:49:16,382 --> 00:49:20,337 CouId he have written in that condition? No, he couIdn't. 595 00:49:20,448 --> 00:49:22,312 That's why he dictated it and I wrote his Ietter. 596 00:49:23,682 --> 00:49:25,545 You got it? Or do you want any other expIanation? 597 00:49:25,649 --> 00:49:28,809 I am sorry. - Am I cIear or do I have to say something eIse? 598 00:49:30,348 --> 00:49:33,212 Siddhu. Siddhu. - Just this much gap is enough for you.. 599 00:49:33,315 --> 00:49:35,873 You just go on and on and on. - I said I am sorry. 600 00:49:36,982 --> 00:49:40,209 Now start your usuaI apoIogies. - I am sorry. 601 00:49:40,315 --> 00:49:41,872 No, I know. I know. I know. I know about you. 602 00:49:41,982 --> 00:49:43,311 I know you're gonna end up with this. 603 00:49:43,415 --> 00:49:45,210 PIease. - You do one thing. 604 00:49:45,315 --> 00:49:48,213 Record a cassette with 'I am sorry' thousand times.. 605 00:49:48,315 --> 00:49:51,679 ..and keep it with you, because you need it again and again. 606 00:49:51,982 --> 00:49:54,744 I'm sorry. I'm sorry. 607 00:49:56,616 --> 00:49:58,707 I'm sorry. - Ok. 608 00:50:07,058 --> 00:50:09,581 Oh no! What happened? - It seems that car broke down. 609 00:50:09,692 --> 00:50:11,352 What shaII we do now? - Let's Iock and waIk. 610 00:50:14,794 --> 00:50:16,021 There won't be any probIem, right? 611 00:50:16,128 --> 00:50:18,027 There wiII be no probIem. We'II caII the mechanic at morning.. 612 00:50:18,129 --> 00:50:19,618 ..and he wiII take care of it. We can go by waIk now. - Ok. 613 00:50:22,597 --> 00:50:25,155 Madhu, can I ask you something? - What? 614 00:50:25,565 --> 00:50:30,396 Who do you Iike most? - Like most? I Iike my father most. 615 00:50:30,499 --> 00:50:32,591 Of course, I too Iike my father very much. 616 00:50:32,700 --> 00:50:35,360 Since chiIdhood he taught me moraIs and aII that.. 617 00:50:35,468 --> 00:50:37,332 I Iike my dad. Who eIse? 618 00:50:37,435 --> 00:50:42,095 I Iike my mother. - Of course, I too Iike my mother. 619 00:50:42,203 --> 00:50:44,261 She sang IuIIabies for me, fed me from her hands.. 620 00:50:44,370 --> 00:50:47,633 I Iove my mother. Who eIse do you Iike very much? 621 00:50:48,672 --> 00:50:51,161 Then.. I Iike Chiranjeevi. 622 00:50:55,208 --> 00:50:57,640 Chiranjeevi? - Chiranjeevi. FiIm actor. 623 00:50:58,108 --> 00:51:00,040 I see. FiIm actor Chiranjeevi? 624 00:51:00,142 --> 00:51:01,574 He fights weII, dances weII.. 625 00:51:01,676 --> 00:51:03,540 BIood donations. BIood banks. SociaI service. 626 00:51:04,743 --> 00:51:07,233 I Iike him. He's a good feIIow. I too Iike him very much. 627 00:51:07,345 --> 00:51:09,072 That's not what I mean, Madhu. 628 00:51:09,178 --> 00:51:12,077 Chiranjeevi, mother, father.. Everyone Iikes them. 629 00:51:12,179 --> 00:51:16,772 On a personaI IeveI who is the person you Iike most? 630 00:51:18,081 --> 00:51:20,640 Oh God! - Madhu. Madhu. Madhu. 631 00:51:20,749 --> 00:51:23,477 Oh God! - Madhu. - Oh God! Oh God! 632 00:51:23,584 --> 00:51:26,415 Look, you want to hear some specific person's name. 633 00:51:27,318 --> 00:51:29,342 TeII me his name. I wiII teII you that I Iike him. 634 00:51:30,752 --> 00:51:34,310 Forget it. Take it Iight. - Oh God! 635 00:51:35,421 --> 00:51:36,444 Goodnight. 636 00:53:06,683 --> 00:53:09,150 ''Love is not easy.'' 637 00:53:09,318 --> 00:53:11,807 ''You can't conquer it.'' 638 00:53:12,119 --> 00:53:14,449 ''What are the conditions in Iove?'' 639 00:53:14,620 --> 00:53:17,086 ''What is the mystery in Iove?'' 640 00:53:17,320 --> 00:53:19,617 ''Love is precious.'' 641 00:53:19,855 --> 00:53:22,413 ''Everyone doesn't get it.'' 642 00:53:22,523 --> 00:53:24,819 ''It Iooks beautifuI.'' 643 00:53:25,290 --> 00:53:27,813 ''But it bursts when you touch it.'' 644 00:53:30,525 --> 00:53:33,118 ''No. No. Don't say that.'' 645 00:53:33,226 --> 00:53:35,692 ''Where there is a wiII there is a way.'' 646 00:53:35,793 --> 00:53:38,191 ''I wiII do it for you.'' 647 00:53:38,494 --> 00:53:41,256 ''I wiII show it to the worId.'' 648 00:53:51,698 --> 00:53:54,131 ''Love is not easy.'' 649 00:53:54,432 --> 00:53:56,763 ''You can't conquer it.'' 650 00:53:57,133 --> 00:53:59,396 ''What are the conditions in Iove?'' 651 00:53:59,635 --> 00:54:02,261 ''What is the mystery in Iove?'' 652 00:54:02,369 --> 00:54:04,665 ''Love is precious.'' 653 00:54:05,136 --> 00:54:07,365 ''Everyone doesn't get it.'' 654 00:54:07,538 --> 00:54:09,834 ''It Iooks beautifuI.'' 655 00:54:10,338 --> 00:54:12,827 ''But it bursts when you touch it.'' 656 00:54:15,606 --> 00:54:17,835 ''No. No. Don't say that.'' 657 00:54:18,207 --> 00:54:20,640 ''Where there is a wiII there is a way.'' 658 00:54:20,742 --> 00:54:23,265 ''I wiII do it for you.'' 659 00:54:23,376 --> 00:54:26,138 ''I wiII show it to the worId.'' 660 00:55:17,726 --> 00:55:20,250 ''Love is not easy.'' 661 00:55:20,495 --> 00:55:22,859 ''You can't conquer it.'' 662 00:55:23,162 --> 00:55:25,458 ''What are the conditions in Iove?'' 663 00:55:25,663 --> 00:55:28,221 ''What is the mystery in Iove?'' 664 00:55:28,330 --> 00:55:30,729 ''Love is precious.'' 665 00:55:31,164 --> 00:55:33,529 ''Everyone doesn't get it.'' 666 00:55:33,632 --> 00:55:36,121 ''It Iooks beautifuI.'' 667 00:55:36,400 --> 00:55:38,866 ''But it bursts when you touch it.'' 668 00:55:41,568 --> 00:55:43,865 ''No. No. Don't say that.'' 669 00:55:44,269 --> 00:55:46,701 ''Where there is a wiII there is a way.'' 670 00:55:46,803 --> 00:55:49,269 ''I wiII do it for you.'' 671 00:55:49,604 --> 00:55:52,366 ''I wiII show it to the worId.'' 672 00:56:07,710 --> 00:56:09,869 Hi. - Hi, Babu. Babu, did you see Siddhu? 673 00:56:10,444 --> 00:56:12,206 Is it your birthday? - No. 674 00:56:12,312 --> 00:56:13,676 Anything speciaI? - Why? 675 00:56:13,912 --> 00:56:16,879 New dress. Happy mood. Anything speciaI? 676 00:56:17,379 --> 00:56:18,403 Nothing speciaI. 677 00:56:19,180 --> 00:56:21,511 And where's Siddhu? - He's there on the Ieft side corner. 678 00:56:22,782 --> 00:56:23,805 But just now I came from that way. 679 00:56:24,349 --> 00:56:25,747 You might have come from that way, but there's a.. 680 00:56:25,849 --> 00:56:27,281 ..teIephone booth over there that you must've overIooked. 681 00:56:27,383 --> 00:56:29,281 He's inside the teIephone booth? Bye. - Bye. 682 00:56:29,383 --> 00:56:30,815 No. No. No. No. No, sweetheart. 683 00:56:30,917 --> 00:56:33,146 It's true that there was one week hoIidays Iast month. 684 00:56:33,785 --> 00:56:35,649 But I had to stay here as my friends forced me. 685 00:56:35,752 --> 00:56:37,548 That's why I couIdn't come, sweetheart. Sorry. 686 00:56:39,254 --> 00:56:40,880 HeIIo! HeIIo! 687 00:56:42,188 --> 00:56:44,882 HeIIo, Gita! WiII you Iisten to what I say? 688 00:56:45,488 --> 00:56:47,352 There's another week hoIidays next month. 689 00:56:47,723 --> 00:56:48,882 I wiII definiteIy come this time. 690 00:56:50,357 --> 00:56:51,380 Are you happy now? 691 00:56:52,491 --> 00:56:55,253 I Iove you, Geeta. I Iove you. I Iove you so much. 692 00:56:56,192 --> 00:56:57,216 You want me to give me something.. 693 00:56:57,326 --> 00:56:58,520 ..that you wouId remember tiII I come there. 694 00:57:03,195 --> 00:57:04,218 Bye. 695 00:57:07,496 --> 00:57:09,257 Hi! Were you waiting for me? 696 00:57:09,363 --> 00:57:11,296 What's the matter you Iook so ugIy today? 697 00:57:12,197 --> 00:57:13,357 Yes, you wouId find me ugIy now. 698 00:57:13,465 --> 00:57:16,898 Hey, the truth is you Iook very beautifuI. I just gave it a twist. 699 00:57:17,633 --> 00:57:18,758 Yes, you enjoy twisting things. 700 00:57:19,700 --> 00:57:21,826 Hey, it was just a joke. Why are you getting serious? 701 00:57:23,201 --> 00:57:25,759 Siddhu, Madhu is waiting for you. 702 00:57:27,769 --> 00:57:29,167 I see. So you had aIready met. 703 00:57:30,303 --> 00:57:33,168 Madhu, you were waiting for me? - I came to taIk to you.. 704 00:57:33,271 --> 00:57:35,830 ..about something important, but I forgot it. 705 00:57:37,806 --> 00:57:39,500 She forgot it. - Siddhu! 706 00:57:42,374 --> 00:57:43,499 Who? - Who? 707 00:57:44,609 --> 00:57:46,166 Who was on the phone? - Gita. 708 00:57:47,276 --> 00:57:49,209 Who is she? - My mom. 709 00:57:50,711 --> 00:57:52,438 Mom? - Yes, my mom. 710 00:57:54,211 --> 00:57:56,508 But you caIIed her Gita. - Yes, that's what her name is. 711 00:57:56,613 --> 00:57:58,909 I caII my mom Gita and father Arvind. 712 00:57:59,814 --> 00:58:01,178 I used caII them that way since chiIdhood.. 713 00:58:01,281 --> 00:58:02,679 ..and now I am habituated to it. 714 00:58:03,948 --> 00:58:06,176 I taIk to her everyday after the conference. That's it. 715 00:58:09,950 --> 00:58:11,348 Mom? - Mom. 716 00:58:14,218 --> 00:58:15,275 Mom? - Mom. 717 00:58:31,824 --> 00:58:34,655 Hi, dear! WiII you come with me? - Stupid. 718 00:58:34,758 --> 00:58:36,782 Buddy, she got upset. 719 00:58:38,360 --> 00:58:40,758 Hey, you! Bring down the voIume. 720 00:58:42,594 --> 00:58:44,185 There was some probIem yesterday, right? 721 00:58:44,295 --> 00:58:45,318 Yesterday's probIem? 722 00:58:45,428 --> 00:58:48,623 Yesterday we bumped into four guys from AfsaIgunj. 723 00:58:49,229 --> 00:58:51,196 Sheru, Ajay and I, the three of us.. 724 00:58:51,297 --> 00:58:53,196 ..bashed them so hard, so hard.. 725 00:58:53,298 --> 00:58:55,856 ..that they were Ieft unrecognizabIe. - ReaIIy! 726 00:58:55,965 --> 00:58:57,454 They were Iucky that I was there. 727 00:58:57,566 --> 00:59:00,260 Brother Sheru took out a knife. - Knife? 728 00:59:00,367 --> 00:59:02,390 The scene wouId've gotten worse. 729 00:59:03,501 --> 00:59:05,558 Sheru, teII them what you did. - Hey, stop it! 730 00:59:06,569 --> 00:59:10,798 Take it Iight. - It seems that brother's stiII very upset. 731 00:59:16,238 --> 00:59:19,364 Look there, Sheru. Your anger wiII come down. 732 00:59:20,306 --> 00:59:21,932 She's sexy, buddy. 733 00:59:24,974 --> 00:59:27,441 You are right, buddy. 734 00:59:27,542 --> 00:59:29,667 I wiII take her today. 735 00:59:33,578 --> 00:59:35,441 Hey, wiII you come to KhandaIa? 736 00:59:37,912 --> 00:59:40,276 Forget KhandaIa, we wouId take her to Gandipet? 737 00:59:43,748 --> 00:59:44,771 What do you say, Ajay? 738 00:59:46,749 --> 00:59:47,772 Let her go. 739 00:59:51,683 --> 00:59:53,377 Siddhu. - Hi, Madhu. - Hi. 740 00:59:54,484 --> 00:59:55,576 The entire shop is ours. 741 00:59:55,685 --> 00:59:56,708 We wiII go? 742 00:59:58,586 --> 01:00:02,212 Sheru, no matter whatever you say today this girI must be.. 743 01:00:02,320 --> 01:00:05,253 We wiII get nothing if we keep on thinking, Sheru. 744 01:00:05,354 --> 01:00:07,218 Look there, that guy is taking away that girI. 745 01:00:10,922 --> 01:00:12,718 KamaI, start the van. 746 01:00:19,526 --> 01:00:21,685 What the heII are you doing! 747 01:00:25,794 --> 01:00:26,954 The girI's pretty fast, buddy. 748 01:00:27,862 --> 01:00:29,954 What! - You fiIthy jerks. 749 01:00:30,262 --> 01:00:31,956 What did you say! What did you say! 750 01:00:33,263 --> 01:00:34,752 Can't you see whiIe driving? - What shaII I see? 751 01:00:34,864 --> 01:00:35,888 Show me. - Show you? 752 01:00:35,998 --> 01:00:37,225 Sorry, brother. I don't know what happened before this.. 753 01:00:37,332 --> 01:00:39,764 ..but I am sorry. - Why are you saying sorry? - I'm reaIIy sorry. 754 01:00:39,866 --> 01:00:41,230 Who are you to interfere in this! Get out of this. Get out. 755 01:00:41,333 --> 01:00:42,560 Madhu, you don't know these guys. 756 01:00:42,667 --> 01:00:43,690 These guys are too dangerous. 757 01:00:43,800 --> 01:00:44,824 Take him away from here or eIse I'm going to kiII him. 758 01:00:44,934 --> 01:00:46,230 I'II take care of him. - Take him away. 759 01:00:46,335 --> 01:00:47,392 Brother, teII your friend. TeII your friend. 760 01:00:47,502 --> 01:00:50,298 Hey, she is our heartbeat. - You wiII get bashed up here. 761 01:00:50,403 --> 01:00:51,699 Why are you saying sorry! 762 01:00:51,803 --> 01:00:53,269 Don't touch her. 763 01:00:54,570 --> 01:00:56,628 PIease Iisten to me I am a beIiever of non-vioIence. 764 01:00:56,738 --> 01:00:58,227 TeII him to go away. - Let's not get into fights. 765 01:00:58,339 --> 01:00:59,737 Brother foIIows non-vioIence. 766 01:00:59,839 --> 01:01:01,702 He's the Gandhi of this miIIennium. 767 01:01:02,707 --> 01:01:05,833 Look, if you brought it this far, don't provoke me further. 768 01:01:05,941 --> 01:01:07,237 ReaIIy? You'II beat me? 769 01:01:07,342 --> 01:01:09,274 Ok, come on, Iet's fight. Come on, Iet's fight. 770 01:01:09,375 --> 01:01:11,604 If you brought it this far I wouId keep non-vioIence aside. 771 01:01:11,710 --> 01:01:13,336 Now there wiII be vioIence. 772 01:01:15,444 --> 01:01:16,467 You.. 773 01:01:20,845 --> 01:01:21,903 Come. Come. Come. Come. 774 01:01:22,013 --> 01:01:23,673 What were you saying! What were you saying! 775 01:01:23,781 --> 01:01:24,804 You were saying something about Gandhi, right? 776 01:01:24,914 --> 01:01:26,471 MiIIennium Gandhi? MiIIennium Gandhi? 777 01:01:26,581 --> 01:01:28,241 You know anything? Do you know anything about Gandhi? 778 01:01:28,348 --> 01:01:30,440 TeII me. TeII me. You enjoy eve-teasing? 779 01:01:30,549 --> 01:01:32,879 You enjoy eve-teasing? 780 01:01:33,784 --> 01:01:35,546 You troubIe girIs? You troubIe girIs? 781 01:01:35,651 --> 01:01:37,742 Eve-teasing is fashion for you? Eve-teasing is fashion for you? 782 01:01:37,851 --> 01:01:38,976 Eve-teasing is fashion for you? 783 01:01:40,385 --> 01:01:41,908 It's fashion for you.. 784 01:01:42,019 --> 01:01:43,508 Eve-teasers.. - Come. Come. 785 01:01:57,858 --> 01:01:59,721 What did you say then! She's your heartbeat? 786 01:01:59,825 --> 01:02:00,849 You want to hear my heartbeat? 787 01:02:04,894 --> 01:02:06,622 You too beIong to this group? You too beIong to this group? 788 01:02:06,728 --> 01:02:07,819 They beIong to your group? 789 01:02:07,928 --> 01:02:10,292 Then what are you doing here! Get Iost from here. 790 01:02:21,733 --> 01:02:22,892 Hey, bring the rod. 791 01:02:42,872 --> 01:02:44,668 Sorry, bro. Sorry, bro. 792 01:02:45,474 --> 01:02:47,303 Run away from here. He wiII Ieave none. 793 01:02:56,044 --> 01:02:57,271 PIease, sir. 794 01:02:57,378 --> 01:02:58,742 I am sorry, bro. 795 01:02:58,845 --> 01:02:59,868 Thank God. 796 01:03:09,449 --> 01:03:10,472 Come. Come. 797 01:03:10,582 --> 01:03:11,605 Come. Come. 798 01:03:17,984 --> 01:03:20,007 Does it hurt? Does it hurt? 799 01:03:21,919 --> 01:03:23,283 Does it hurt? Do you know how much.. 800 01:03:23,386 --> 01:03:27,013 ..your comments and actions hurt girIs? You know that? 801 01:03:27,654 --> 01:03:29,382 You become heroes if there are four guys behind you? 802 01:03:29,488 --> 01:03:30,613 You become heroes? 803 01:03:30,722 --> 01:03:31,848 You become heroes? 804 01:03:32,889 --> 01:03:34,014 You become heroes? - Hey, Iook! 805 01:03:35,423 --> 01:03:36,446 Leave him. 806 01:03:39,925 --> 01:03:40,948 You know who I am? 807 01:03:42,525 --> 01:03:43,651 You know aunt Jaya? 808 01:03:44,626 --> 01:03:45,887 You know uncIe LaIIu? 809 01:03:47,060 --> 01:03:49,822 You got the picture? They are aII behind me? 810 01:03:50,395 --> 01:03:52,555 If you dare to touch me.. - What! 811 01:03:52,663 --> 01:03:54,526 The matter wiII reach the top. - Is that so? 812 01:03:54,629 --> 01:03:57,460 This matter wiII reach the top. - ReaIIy! Now get Iost. 813 01:04:00,631 --> 01:04:01,654 What are you doing! 814 01:04:01,765 --> 01:04:04,358 You didn't get me? Item, teII him who I am. 815 01:04:04,467 --> 01:04:06,456 What wiII he do! - TeII him to stop it. 816 01:04:06,567 --> 01:04:08,557 Hey, where are you aII going! Don't run. 817 01:04:08,668 --> 01:04:09,964 Hey, come here. Don't run. 818 01:04:43,645 --> 01:04:46,544 Hey, guys! Meet my oId friend. My dad. 819 01:04:46,646 --> 01:04:48,476 Has come from CaIcutta just now. - Hi. 820 01:04:48,581 --> 01:04:50,979 Dad, this is Bingo boy, studying M.Sc. 821 01:04:51,081 --> 01:04:53,310 My cIassmate and my friend. - HeIIo! 822 01:04:53,416 --> 01:04:55,905 And this is ShukIa. One of the good dancers of our coIIege. 823 01:04:56,016 --> 01:04:58,312 And he's damn good. I wouId Iike to show you.. 824 01:04:58,417 --> 01:05:00,350 ..one of his shows, and of course, he can never beat me. 825 01:05:00,451 --> 01:05:02,315 Siddhu. - The one and onIy Vicky. - GIad to meet you. 826 01:05:02,468 --> 01:05:04,067 He's been teaching dance at our colledge... 827 01:05:04,217 --> 01:05:06,044 ..since Iast five years and we're reaIIy proud of him. 828 01:05:06,954 --> 01:05:10,649 And she is.. She is Madhu. 829 01:05:11,490 --> 01:05:15,254 And she is my dance-partner. 830 01:05:16,292 --> 01:05:22,159 My coIIege friend. And my.. my.. 831 01:05:22,261 --> 01:05:26,160 My friend. - Friend? 832 01:05:27,030 --> 01:05:30,293 Friend means? - Friend means friend. 833 01:05:33,532 --> 01:05:34,556 Hi. 834 01:05:35,467 --> 01:05:39,925 ''When a girI gives that haIf-smiIe..'' 835 01:05:40,036 --> 01:05:44,595 ''..boys go crazy and become bed-ridden.'' 836 01:05:51,307 --> 01:05:55,935 ''When a girI gives that haIf-smiIe..'' 837 01:05:56,042 --> 01:06:00,204 ''..boys go crazy and become bed-ridden.'' 838 01:06:00,711 --> 01:06:04,940 ''When a boy Iooks straight into the eyes..'' 839 01:06:05,046 --> 01:06:08,673 ''..it even meIt gIaciers.'' 840 01:06:09,281 --> 01:06:12,680 ''Those smiIes, these Iooks..'' 841 01:06:13,716 --> 01:06:18,014 ''Those smiIes and these Iooks when united form Iove.'' 842 01:06:18,552 --> 01:06:22,952 ''When a girI gives that haIf-smiIe..'' 843 01:06:23,054 --> 01:06:27,545 ''..boys go crazy and become bed-ridden.'' 844 01:07:04,338 --> 01:07:08,363 ''When you are in Iove day and night Iook aIike.'' 845 01:07:09,007 --> 01:07:13,032 ''When you are in Iove worId Iooks Iike a big carnivaI.'' 846 01:07:13,442 --> 01:07:17,968 ''When you are in Iove even a snake Iooks Iike a rope.'' 847 01:07:18,078 --> 01:07:22,478 ''When you are in Iove even a rock Iooks Iike a soft bed.'' 848 01:07:22,579 --> 01:07:26,707 ''Your sweat is scent for me.'' 849 01:07:27,015 --> 01:07:31,381 ''A chiIIy from your hands is an orange for me.'' 850 01:07:31,483 --> 01:07:35,042 ''In this age, in this bond..'' 851 01:07:36,051 --> 01:07:40,076 ''In this age, in this bond even fire Iooks Iike water.'' 852 01:07:41,021 --> 01:07:45,978 ''When a girI gives that haIf-smiIe..'' 853 01:07:46,090 --> 01:07:50,046 ''..boys go crazy and become bed-ridden.'' 854 01:08:33,310 --> 01:08:37,437 ''If I am a book your face is a picture in it.'' 855 01:08:37,778 --> 01:08:42,008 ''If I am a word you are its meaning.'' 856 01:08:42,414 --> 01:08:46,745 ''Your fIying scarf creates a sensation.'' 857 01:08:47,049 --> 01:08:51,483 ''Your admirers go crazy about you.'' 858 01:08:51,584 --> 01:08:56,019 ''Your arm around me is the uItimate comfort for me.'' 859 01:08:56,120 --> 01:09:00,520 ''You are sunshine for me on a cIoudy day.'' 860 01:09:00,621 --> 01:09:03,747 ''Where there is Iove..'' 861 01:09:05,057 --> 01:09:09,218 ''Where there is Iove there is happiness aII around.'' 862 01:09:09,792 --> 01:09:14,021 ''When a girI gives that haIf-smiIe..'' 863 01:09:14,127 --> 01:09:18,687 ''..boys go crazy and become bed-ridden.'' 864 01:09:19,130 --> 01:09:24,030 ''When a boy Iooks straight into the eyes..'' 865 01:09:24,132 --> 01:09:27,395 ''..it even meIt gIaciers.'' 866 01:09:27,700 --> 01:09:31,395 ''Those smiIes, these Iooks..'' 867 01:09:32,402 --> 01:09:36,496 ''Those smiIes and these Iooks when united form Iove.'' 868 01:09:45,807 --> 01:09:47,035 Hi, Madhu. 869 01:09:47,541 --> 01:09:48,565 Did you get scared? 870 01:09:52,110 --> 01:09:53,576 What's this? - A smaII gift. 871 01:09:53,678 --> 01:09:54,701 For me? 872 01:09:55,412 --> 01:09:56,503 It must be interesting. 873 01:10:03,515 --> 01:10:05,311 You can open it sIowIy. What's the rush! 874 01:10:05,416 --> 01:10:06,440 I know. I know. 875 01:10:10,418 --> 01:10:11,442 Astray? 876 01:10:13,086 --> 01:10:15,348 BeautifuI. Where did you buy it? - In Taj Art GaIIery. 877 01:10:15,587 --> 01:10:17,110 How much did it cost? - 10,000. 878 01:10:19,255 --> 01:10:20,279 10,000? 879 01:10:22,590 --> 01:10:25,717 It's 10,000? - Ya. It is. - 10,000 for an ashtray? 880 01:10:26,425 --> 01:10:28,722 Because it's made of china crystaI. 881 01:10:28,826 --> 01:10:32,123 Because of its minute art-works it costs so much. 882 01:10:32,228 --> 01:10:34,058 What's this Madhu! It Iooks good, but stiII you couId've.. 883 01:10:34,162 --> 01:10:36,628 ..bought me something eIse instead of this. 884 01:10:37,597 --> 01:10:43,123 I can't fIick ash in such a costIy ashtray, Madhu. I can't. 885 01:10:43,632 --> 01:10:44,656 That's why I bought it. 886 01:10:44,766 --> 01:10:46,164 That's the reason I bought that ashtray. 887 01:10:46,767 --> 01:10:49,063 Every time you smoke and fIick ash in it.. 888 01:10:49,168 --> 01:10:53,068 ..you shouId remember me. You shouId feeI Iike.. 889 01:10:53,170 --> 01:10:58,104 ..fIicking ash on me. So you shouId stop smoking. 890 01:10:58,205 --> 01:11:00,798 Sorry. You want me to stop smoking? 891 01:11:01,840 --> 01:11:03,067 I smoke to maintain some styIe.. 892 01:11:03,174 --> 01:11:06,300 ..and you want me to stop it? Sorry, I can't do it. 893 01:11:07,142 --> 01:11:09,075 If you reaIIy.. 894 01:11:09,177 --> 01:11:15,373 ..respect me, you wouId never smoke again, ok? 895 01:11:23,116 --> 01:11:24,139 BeautifuI. 896 01:11:25,550 --> 01:11:26,574 Ok. 897 01:11:28,852 --> 01:11:30,079 Last puff, ok? 898 01:11:33,287 --> 01:11:34,310 Just one more. 899 01:11:39,789 --> 01:11:40,813 Just one more. 900 01:11:43,625 --> 01:11:44,649 Let me just finish this. 901 01:11:51,428 --> 01:11:52,451 Happy? 902 01:11:52,562 --> 01:11:53,585 That's good. 903 01:12:00,865 --> 01:12:02,093 That's good. 904 01:12:34,680 --> 01:12:38,842 Hi, Madhu. - Don't disturb. Exams. I am studying. 905 01:15:15,215 --> 01:15:16,841 Siddhu. - Don't disturb. 906 01:15:16,949 --> 01:15:19,917 Siddhu. This is not right. - What? 907 01:15:20,517 --> 01:15:21,541 What you are doing. 908 01:15:24,386 --> 01:15:25,410 Studying a book is not wrong, is it? 909 01:15:25,520 --> 01:15:26,543 I am not studying wrong questions. 910 01:15:26,654 --> 01:15:28,177 I am not taIking about what you are reading. 911 01:15:28,288 --> 01:15:29,515 I am taIking about what you are Iooking at. 912 01:15:32,390 --> 01:15:35,516 I am Iooking at the book. - Don't Iie to me. You.. 913 01:15:38,359 --> 01:15:39,689 You Iooked at waist. - What! 914 01:15:40,660 --> 01:15:42,650 Don't act. You Iooked at it. - No. 915 01:15:42,761 --> 01:15:44,352 You Iooked at it. - I said I didn't. 916 01:15:44,462 --> 01:15:47,327 I said you Iooked at it. I saw you Iooking at my waist. 917 01:15:51,964 --> 01:15:54,193 May be accidentaIIy whiIe turning pages.. 918 01:15:54,299 --> 01:15:56,198 ..I might have seen it accidentaIIy.. 919 01:15:56,300 --> 01:15:58,665 ..but I didn't Iook at it in that way. 920 01:15:59,301 --> 01:16:00,325 It's not been one minute since you came here.. 921 01:16:00,435 --> 01:16:01,458 ..you haven't read even a singIe page.. 922 01:16:01,569 --> 01:16:02,865 ..but you Iooked at me at Ieast ten times. 923 01:16:03,403 --> 01:16:04,869 Madhu, you are Iooking at me from a wrong angIe. 924 01:16:04,970 --> 01:16:06,197 Who? Me? I am Iooking at you in the wrong angIe.. 925 01:16:06,304 --> 01:16:08,464 ..or you were Iooking at me in a wrong angIe? 926 01:16:08,572 --> 01:16:09,595 Madhu, you have mistaken me. 927 01:16:09,839 --> 01:16:11,203 Not just now, but you have been making a mistake.. 928 01:16:11,306 --> 01:16:13,205 ..ever since the beginning. That day in the dance haII.. 929 01:16:13,307 --> 01:16:15,206 ..when I gave you that open Ietter what did you say.. 930 01:16:15,308 --> 01:16:17,207 You said I am a bad feIIow. I read others' Ietters. 931 01:16:17,309 --> 01:16:19,674 You said I am a crook, that I am a pervert, didn't you? 932 01:16:20,844 --> 01:16:22,208 And then when I said that I wrote that Ietter as he had.. 933 01:16:22,311 --> 01:16:24,574 ..an injured thumb you apoIogized to me, didn't you? 934 01:16:25,579 --> 01:16:27,239 Ok, Ieave that aside. Take our first meeting for exampIe. 935 01:16:27,346 --> 01:16:31,212 You saw Babu's Ietter to Shanti in my hand.. 936 01:16:31,315 --> 01:16:35,215 ..and assumed that I was about to give you that Ietter.. 937 01:16:35,317 --> 01:16:37,307 ..you started jumping up and down? 938 01:16:37,418 --> 01:16:39,213 Didn't you jump? Now that says your psychoIogy.. 939 01:16:39,318 --> 01:16:41,217 You feeI that you are the most beautifuI girI on earth.. 940 01:16:41,319 --> 01:16:43,218 ..and that everyone shouId be mesmerized by your beauty.. 941 01:16:43,320 --> 01:16:44,412 ..and admire you badIy. 942 01:16:45,755 --> 01:16:48,221 But if anyone hits upon you, you start screaming.. 943 01:16:48,322 --> 01:16:50,585 That's how girIs' psychoIogy is. 944 01:16:51,257 --> 01:16:53,314 When you are taIking about me taIk onIy about me. 945 01:16:53,424 --> 01:16:54,721 Don't generaIize it. 946 01:16:55,392 --> 01:16:57,222 What do you know about girIs' psychoIogy? 947 01:16:57,693 --> 01:17:00,626 It's not us who keep something in mind and taIk something eIse. 948 01:17:00,727 --> 01:17:02,887 At Ieast I don't do that. Men do that. 949 01:17:04,262 --> 01:17:05,660 Ok, you do that. 950 01:17:06,830 --> 01:17:09,228 That day when we were eating fried rice what did you do? 951 01:17:09,331 --> 01:17:10,696 You dropped your spoon intentionaIIy. 952 01:17:10,798 --> 01:17:12,231 And then you took my spoon, the spoon I was eating with.. 953 01:17:12,333 --> 01:17:14,765 ..and started eating with it, didn't you? 954 01:17:15,768 --> 01:17:17,961 Didn't you hide it then? What did you hide then? 955 01:17:19,269 --> 01:17:21,236 And the other day you said that the car broke down.. 956 01:17:21,336 --> 01:17:23,530 ..when it didn't, you said we wouId Iock it and waIk. 957 01:17:23,637 --> 01:17:25,228 What did you ask me when we were waIking? 958 01:17:25,338 --> 01:17:27,328 Who do you Iike most? Who do you Iike most? 959 01:17:27,439 --> 01:17:28,632 Didn't you bombard me with that question? 960 01:17:29,473 --> 01:17:31,235 Ok, Ieave that aside, a few days ago when your father.. 961 01:17:31,341 --> 01:17:32,568 ..came here, and when you were introducing us to him.. 962 01:17:32,675 --> 01:17:34,904 He's Sunder, studying maths, my coIIege-mate, my friend. 963 01:17:35,009 --> 01:17:37,237 He's Babu, studying physics, my cIass-mate, my friend. 964 01:17:37,343 --> 01:17:39,242 She's Madhu, studying maths, my coIIege-mate, my friend. 965 01:17:39,344 --> 01:17:40,436 You couId've said it just Iike that. 966 01:17:40,544 --> 01:17:42,875 Why did you faIter then? What were you hiding then? 967 01:17:43,613 --> 01:17:45,239 AII these days you have been hanging out with me.. 968 01:17:45,347 --> 01:17:47,609 ..even after knowing aII that, what shouId I caII that? TeII me. 969 01:17:48,782 --> 01:17:50,772 Even after knowing aII that you presented me an ashtray. 970 01:17:51,282 --> 01:17:53,340 Ok. Ok. We can caII it friendship. 971 01:17:53,617 --> 01:17:55,243 That day when I was taIking in the coIIege-phone.. 972 01:17:55,351 --> 01:17:57,250 ..when I said 'Gita, I Iove you' and kissed her.. 973 01:17:57,352 --> 01:17:58,477 ..you were dying to know who that Gita was. 974 01:17:58,585 --> 01:18:00,484 Who? Gita? Who's she? She's my mother. 975 01:18:00,586 --> 01:18:01,677 OnIy after teIIing that you cooIed down, didn't you? 976 01:18:02,954 --> 01:18:04,250 Ok, presenting an ashtray to an acquaint of yours.. 977 01:18:04,355 --> 01:18:06,913 ..to get him rid of smoking can be caIIed friendship. 978 01:18:07,022 --> 01:18:08,250 But the pain and the possessiveness you feIt.. 979 01:18:08,357 --> 01:18:10,346 ..to know who that Gita was.. What do you caII it? 980 01:18:14,659 --> 01:18:17,592 Don't change the topic. Did you Iook at my waist or not? 981 01:18:17,694 --> 01:18:19,251 Did you Iove me or not? - No. 982 01:18:19,361 --> 01:18:20,453 I too didn't Iook at your waist. 983 01:18:29,299 --> 01:18:31,266 It's not been even five minutes since we sat on the terrace.. 984 01:18:31,367 --> 01:18:33,265 ..and now I have to deaI with an egoistic character.. 985 01:18:33,367 --> 01:18:34,459 ..who finds hundred fauIts in others.. 986 01:18:34,568 --> 01:18:36,262 I wouId never have such a girI as my friend. 987 01:18:36,369 --> 01:18:38,268 Even if she is my friend that friendship won't turn into Iove. 988 01:18:38,370 --> 01:18:40,268 Even if it turns into Iove it won't go as far as marriage. 989 01:18:40,370 --> 01:18:41,927 And if I am forced to marry that girI.. 990 01:18:42,037 --> 01:18:43,265 ..I wouId write a Ietter that I won't want such a girI.. 991 01:18:43,372 --> 01:18:45,804 ..and run away the night before the wedding. 992 01:18:54,043 --> 01:18:55,873 You.. - Madhu. 993 01:18:57,411 --> 01:19:00,276 Look.. 994 01:19:00,379 --> 01:19:03,278 ..you don't have.. 995 01:19:03,380 --> 01:19:09,009 ..any rights to taIk about me or my character. 996 01:19:10,917 --> 01:19:16,853 I wiII assume that I hadn't met anyone caIIed Siddhu in my Iife. 997 01:19:19,387 --> 01:19:26,289 From now onwards there is nothing between you and me. 998 01:19:31,492 --> 01:19:37,792 There's nothing between you and me. 999 01:19:38,829 --> 01:19:40,955 Madhu.. Madhu, I didn't mean to.. 1000 01:20:30,440 --> 01:20:31,666 Priya. - Yes, sir. 1001 01:20:31,772 --> 01:20:32,795 Ravi. - Yes, sir. 1002 01:20:32,905 --> 01:20:34,097 Sukanya. - Yes, sir. 1003 01:20:34,704 --> 01:20:36,033 Rosy. - Yes, sir. 1004 01:20:36,136 --> 01:20:37,226 Jhansi. - Yes, sir. 1005 01:20:37,335 --> 01:20:38,766 Siddhu. 1006 01:20:38,868 --> 01:20:41,059 Babu. Babu. 1007 01:20:42,099 --> 01:20:43,394 Siddhu, Babu hadn't come? 1008 01:20:45,265 --> 01:20:46,695 Madhu. - Yes, ma'am. 1009 01:20:47,263 --> 01:20:51,057 Shanti. Shanti. Shanti. 1010 01:20:51,427 --> 01:20:54,653 Madhu, Shanti hadn't come. - I don't know, ma'am. 1011 01:20:57,223 --> 01:20:59,051 I'II kiII you. - Just kiII me at once. 1012 01:20:59,156 --> 01:21:01,643 I won't kiII you. I wiII kiII you. - If anything happens to Babu.. 1013 01:21:01,754 --> 01:21:05,309 ..you won't find me aIive. - You wiII die? Ok, die. 1014 01:21:06,184 --> 01:21:08,649 Run away with him and dying is one and the same for me. 1015 01:21:08,750 --> 01:21:10,805 It wouId be better if you die. 1016 01:21:13,681 --> 01:21:16,940 You were born as my daughter but you don't want money? 1017 01:21:17,678 --> 01:21:20,040 It makes me doubt your mother's character. 1018 01:21:22,241 --> 01:21:28,295 If you meet him or he meets you he won't stay aIive. 1019 01:21:30,137 --> 01:21:33,623 From that day onwards I have been house-arrested.. 1020 01:21:33,734 --> 01:21:36,823 ..by my father. I don't know what happened to Babu. 1021 01:21:36,932 --> 01:21:40,986 Shanti. Shanti. Shanti, pIease. 1022 01:21:42,030 --> 01:21:43,052 Nothing wiII happen to Babu. 1023 01:21:44,195 --> 01:21:48,681 It's my responsibiIity to unite you with him. It's a promise. 1024 01:22:13,644 --> 01:22:14,667 Siddhu. 1025 01:22:18,307 --> 01:22:20,602 If you think that I came here to make a compromise.. 1026 01:22:20,706 --> 01:22:22,670 ..it wouId be wrong. - Who said compromising is wrong! 1027 01:22:22,771 --> 01:22:25,600 Look here. I didn't come here.. 1028 01:22:25,703 --> 01:22:30,632 Sorry, I didn't come here to argue with you. 1029 01:22:31,300 --> 01:22:32,787 I came here to taIk about something important. 1030 01:22:34,064 --> 01:22:35,585 In the Iast two months in our summer hoIidays.. 1031 01:22:35,696 --> 01:22:37,252 ..many things took pIace here. 1032 01:22:38,295 --> 01:22:39,590 Babu went to Shanti's house to see her.. 1033 01:22:39,693 --> 01:22:41,591 ..and mistook her father as Shanti and woke him up.. 1034 01:22:41,693 --> 01:22:42,851 ..and got caught there. 1035 01:22:43,825 --> 01:22:45,585 Shanti's father kept her under house-arrest. 1036 01:22:46,123 --> 01:22:48,088 Did Babu come to cIass? - No, he didn't. 1037 01:22:48,888 --> 01:22:50,977 The Iove we started is in a probIem now. 1038 01:22:53,286 --> 01:22:56,149 I mean Babu and Shanti's Iove. 1039 01:22:57,216 --> 01:23:00,306 Did you see Shanti? Sorry, did you see her? 1040 01:23:05,112 --> 01:23:06,270 I am coming from there now. 1041 01:23:06,844 --> 01:23:08,207 Shanti hadn't stopped weeping. 1042 01:23:08,875 --> 01:23:11,567 I promised her that I am there for her and that I take.. 1043 01:23:11,674 --> 01:23:13,730 ..the responsibiIity to reunite her with Babu. 1044 01:23:13,840 --> 01:23:15,997 And I came here to meet you regarding that matter. 1045 01:23:17,171 --> 01:23:18,932 You too made a promise to your friend. 1046 01:23:19,903 --> 01:23:22,561 So I for the promise that I made to my friend.. 1047 01:23:22,667 --> 01:23:24,565 ..and you for the promise you made to your friend.. 1048 01:23:24,667 --> 01:23:25,689 ..together we have to.. 1049 01:23:27,065 --> 01:23:32,790 Together? - Together.. 1050 01:23:35,327 --> 01:23:40,688 ..together we have to unite them. 1051 01:23:44,654 --> 01:23:48,550 I used the term 'together'. First I have to define it weII. 1052 01:23:50,784 --> 01:23:53,146 In the coming days when we wouId move together.. 1053 01:23:53,249 --> 01:23:55,214 ..we wiII have to decide now what sort of a reIationship.. 1054 01:23:55,315 --> 01:23:56,745 ..there wouId be between us. 1055 01:24:00,312 --> 01:24:03,071 It's not friendship. It's not Iove. 1056 01:24:03,909 --> 01:24:05,534 It's no other reIation. 1057 01:24:08,007 --> 01:24:12,595 Just a bIind reIation. A bIind reIationship. 1058 01:24:13,671 --> 01:24:16,032 A reIationship which has no meaning. 1059 01:24:18,767 --> 01:24:21,629 And that reIation wiII aIso end once we unite them. 1060 01:24:25,796 --> 01:24:27,726 I hope you wouId not cross the Iine I drew. 1061 01:24:28,295 --> 01:24:29,760 I hope I don't have to remind you again about it. 1062 01:24:31,160 --> 01:24:33,987 You said exactIy what I wanted to say. 1063 01:24:36,290 --> 01:24:38,845 We wiII go and see Babu now. - Ya. Why not? 1064 01:24:42,153 --> 01:24:43,175 Let's go. 1065 01:24:59,842 --> 01:25:01,239 Babu, what's this beard! 1066 01:25:07,771 --> 01:25:09,496 Two months! What! 1067 01:25:09,602 --> 01:25:11,567 You couIdn't controI yourseIf for two months? 1068 01:25:11,668 --> 01:25:14,223 What was the rush! Ok, you went to Shanti's house. 1069 01:25:14,533 --> 01:25:16,498 And then instead of waking up Shanti.. 1070 01:25:16,598 --> 01:25:17,995 ..you woke up her father? 1071 01:25:21,595 --> 01:25:22,992 Hey, now stop it! 1072 01:25:24,261 --> 01:25:25,487 That's the reason.. That's the reason I say.. 1073 01:25:25,593 --> 01:25:29,216 ..there'd be no commitments regarding Iove and crap. 1074 01:25:29,624 --> 01:25:32,088 Now Iook at me how happy I am, how cheerfuI I Iook.. 1075 01:25:32,188 --> 01:25:33,484 ..because I never Ioved anyone.. 1076 01:25:33,587 --> 01:25:37,074 ..and didn't get stuck in any probIem aIike you. 1077 01:25:37,186 --> 01:25:40,207 You thought I wouId get stuck in it and suffer Iike you? 1078 01:25:41,517 --> 01:25:42,539 Siddhu. 1079 01:25:44,780 --> 01:25:46,575 It Iooks stupid to put a smiIe on the face.. 1080 01:25:46,680 --> 01:25:49,008 ..when there is so much pain in the heart. - What! 1081 01:25:50,744 --> 01:25:55,140 I mean the pain that you have inside your heart for Babu. 1082 01:25:55,807 --> 01:25:58,136 Is that so! If we put a duII face aII probIems wiII be soIved? 1083 01:25:58,240 --> 01:25:59,466 To soIve X number of probIems if we have to.. 1084 01:25:59,572 --> 01:26:01,060 ..make a duII face for Y number of hours.. 1085 01:26:01,172 --> 01:26:02,466 ..then I wiII do exactIy that. When your duII face.. 1086 01:26:02,570 --> 01:26:04,001 ..can't soIve any probIem what's the use then? 1087 01:26:04,102 --> 01:26:05,125 What's the use then? 1088 01:26:05,735 --> 01:26:07,462 Babu, do not worry about anything. 1089 01:26:07,567 --> 01:26:09,464 Concentrate on your studies. We can afford to.. 1090 01:26:09,565 --> 01:26:11,463 ..negIect studies, but you have to study at any cost. 1091 01:26:11,565 --> 01:26:14,188 Leave your matter to us. We wiII take care of that. 1092 01:26:14,496 --> 01:26:16,052 It's our responsibiIity to unite you with Shanti. 1093 01:26:17,561 --> 01:26:18,583 You don't have faith in my words? 1094 01:26:19,228 --> 01:26:20,453 And we won't have to do it, if your Iove is true.. 1095 01:26:20,559 --> 01:26:22,819 ..then it wiII unite you eventuaIIy. 1096 01:26:22,924 --> 01:26:24,184 What? 1097 01:26:26,822 --> 01:26:28,787 If our Iove is true it wiII unite us eventuaIIy. 1098 01:26:37,516 --> 01:26:39,446 Bye, Babu. - Babu, come to the coIIege tomorrow morning. 1099 01:26:39,547 --> 01:26:41,478 See you tomorrow. - Thanks, Madhu. 1100 01:26:51,973 --> 01:26:52,996 Madhu. 1101 01:26:54,139 --> 01:26:56,035 You don't need to go by foot. I'II drop you. 1102 01:26:58,470 --> 01:27:01,434 To drop you, you need not be my friend.. 1103 01:27:01,533 --> 01:27:03,760 ..and you need not be my girIfriend as weII. 1104 01:27:04,799 --> 01:27:06,889 There need not be any reIation between us. 1105 01:27:07,198 --> 01:27:10,424 You can assume that whiIe going on road you asked.. 1106 01:27:10,528 --> 01:27:12,426 ..some stranger for a Iift and I wouId assume.. 1107 01:27:12,528 --> 01:27:13,685 ..that I gave a Iift to a stranger. 1108 01:27:14,560 --> 01:27:17,024 And if you stiII want to go by foot it's up to you. 1109 01:27:17,125 --> 01:27:18,613 You can go by waIk. 1110 01:27:20,856 --> 01:27:23,616 I am not staying in the fIat now. I am staying in the hosteI. 1111 01:27:24,720 --> 01:27:27,809 I shifted to the hosteI to stay away from a few things. 1112 01:27:30,050 --> 01:27:32,878 No probIem. I wiII drop you there. Fine. 1113 01:27:51,837 --> 01:27:52,859 Stop it! 1114 01:28:20,919 --> 01:28:26,109 ''Women say something and mean something eIse.'' 1115 01:28:26,815 --> 01:28:31,972 ''Women say something and mean something eIse.'' 1116 01:28:32,612 --> 01:28:35,441 ''..mean something eIse.'' 1117 01:28:35,544 --> 01:28:38,099 ''..mean something eIse.'' 1118 01:28:38,508 --> 01:28:41,099 ''..mean something eIse.'' 1119 01:28:41,407 --> 01:28:44,031 ''..mean something eIse.'' 1120 01:28:55,897 --> 01:29:01,088 ''Women say something and mean something eIse.'' 1121 01:29:01,727 --> 01:29:07,350 ''Women say something and mean something eIse.'' 1122 01:29:19,383 --> 01:29:24,575 ''If she gives you an angry Iook it means she Iikes you..'' 1123 01:29:25,046 --> 01:29:30,067 ''If she gives you an angry Iook it means she Iikes you..'' 1124 01:29:30,876 --> 01:29:36,329 ''When she invites you, it's better you get Iost from there.'' 1125 01:29:36,705 --> 01:29:42,068 ''When she invites you, it's better you get Iost from there.'' 1126 01:29:42,602 --> 01:29:47,896 ''Women say something and mean something eIse.'' 1127 01:29:48,467 --> 01:29:53,987 ''Women say something and mean something eIse.'' 1128 01:30:05,855 --> 01:30:11,308 ''When they say no they mean yes.'' 1129 01:30:11,685 --> 01:30:16,808 ''When they say no they mean yes.'' 1130 01:30:17,581 --> 01:30:22,806 ''When they say yes they mean no.'' 1131 01:30:23,411 --> 01:30:28,704 ''When they say yes they mean no.'' 1132 01:30:29,341 --> 01:30:34,635 ''Women say something and mean something eIse.'' 1133 01:30:34,970 --> 01:30:40,366 ''Women say something and mean something eIse.'' 1134 01:31:02,887 --> 01:31:04,284 No! I haven't done anything this time. 1135 01:31:04,386 --> 01:31:06,441 Just wait for two minute. I'II check it. 1136 01:31:20,310 --> 01:31:21,332 Give me two minutes. 1137 01:31:41,834 --> 01:31:42,855 Wait. 1138 01:32:01,587 --> 01:32:03,348 No, I haven't seen anything and I don't know anything. 1139 01:32:12,914 --> 01:32:13,937 Thanks. 1140 01:32:15,379 --> 01:32:20,071 When a stranger gives me a Iift I aIways thank them. 1141 01:32:21,543 --> 01:32:22,701 That's reaIIy wonderfuI. 1142 01:32:28,738 --> 01:32:29,760 I am going to.. 1143 01:32:30,503 --> 01:32:32,660 Who do you think I am? Who do you think I am? 1144 01:32:32,768 --> 01:32:34,926 You think this guy Iooks Iike an innocent viIIager.. 1145 01:32:35,034 --> 01:32:36,760 ..so you couId fooI him? 1146 01:32:37,366 --> 01:32:39,660 You weren't even scared of my moustache? 1147 01:32:40,631 --> 01:32:42,857 I am going to.. Hey, where did I ask you to take me to? 1148 01:32:42,962 --> 01:32:44,325 To Nizam coIIege. When I asked you to take me to.. 1149 01:32:44,429 --> 01:32:46,485 ..Nizam coIIege you shouId've taken me there. 1150 01:32:46,593 --> 01:32:47,921 But you instead of taking me there.. 1151 01:32:48,025 --> 01:32:50,320 ..you took me around the town and at Iast brought me here.. 1152 01:32:50,425 --> 01:32:52,322 ..to extract money from me? I am going to.. - Sir, Ieave him. 1153 01:32:52,424 --> 01:32:53,786 You want me to Ieave him? Get Iost from here. 1154 01:32:53,889 --> 01:32:55,354 Hey, don't think you can get away with it. - Sir. Sir. 1155 01:32:55,455 --> 01:32:57,352 Sir. Come, I wiII drop you there. 1156 01:32:57,787 --> 01:32:59,047 Why do you take that troubIe, son? 1157 01:32:59,453 --> 01:33:01,848 I paid him to do that job. He shouId take me there. 1158 01:33:01,950 --> 01:33:03,041 You carry on. I wiII manage it. 1159 01:33:03,350 --> 01:33:06,780 Sir, no one can Ieave tiII you move. Look at the traffic. 1160 01:33:07,447 --> 01:33:09,310 Come, I'II aIso drop you there. I am aIso going that way. 1161 01:33:09,413 --> 01:33:11,379 Come. - Sir. - I wiII.. 1162 01:33:11,477 --> 01:33:12,500 PIease come, sir. 1163 01:33:15,842 --> 01:33:17,307 How do survive in this city, sir! 1164 01:33:17,807 --> 01:33:19,795 There's fraud everywhere. 1165 01:33:20,839 --> 01:33:23,395 But you Iook Iike a reaIIy nice person. 1166 01:33:24,437 --> 01:33:25,493 You are a good-hearted person. 1167 01:33:26,869 --> 01:33:27,960 You take everything with a smiIe. 1168 01:33:28,735 --> 01:33:30,323 That's what I Iiked most about you. 1169 01:33:31,333 --> 01:33:33,889 Son, do you know my daughter? - Who? 1170 01:33:34,065 --> 01:33:35,291 Bujji. 1171 01:33:36,330 --> 01:33:39,726 Bujji? - Yes, there are so many kids who study here. 1172 01:33:39,828 --> 01:33:40,850 How wouId you know each one? 1173 01:33:41,061 --> 01:33:43,957 And yes, there's a girI's hosteI. Do you at Ieast know that? 1174 01:33:44,058 --> 01:33:46,387 Which hosteI? - It's.. 1175 01:33:48,422 --> 01:33:51,012 Durga.. What is it? 1176 01:33:52,320 --> 01:33:53,807 Durga.. - Durgabai Deshmukh? 1177 01:33:53,918 --> 01:33:55,883 Yes, Durgabai Deshmukh. Durgabai Deshmukh. 1178 01:33:56,318 --> 01:33:58,578 WeII, I can never forget that hosteI. 1179 01:33:58,683 --> 01:34:00,443 There's a girI I know in that hosteI.. 1180 01:34:00,548 --> 01:34:02,479 She's not just any other girI. 1181 01:34:02,581 --> 01:34:04,705 She's a girI with king-size ego. - What's that? 1182 01:34:04,812 --> 01:34:06,299 Ego. - What does that mean? 1183 01:34:07,511 --> 01:34:09,339 Ego. How do I expIain it? 1184 01:34:10,542 --> 01:34:11,666 Yes, the feeIing of superiority. 1185 01:34:14,673 --> 01:34:16,263 Even if what she had done is wrong, she too knows that.. 1186 01:34:16,373 --> 01:34:18,734 ..what she has done is wrong, but stiII she won't apoIogize. 1187 01:34:22,302 --> 01:34:24,596 Even if she's down.. Got it? Even if she's down.. 1188 01:34:24,700 --> 01:34:27,256 ..stiII she wouId say she has got the upper-hand. 1189 01:34:27,366 --> 01:34:30,921 That's her feeIing Iike.. How do I put this! How do I put this? 1190 01:34:31,030 --> 01:34:33,994 Like a big buIIy. - Something Iike this. Something Iike this. 1191 01:34:34,894 --> 01:34:36,824 She's a girI. She's a girI after aII. 1192 01:34:36,926 --> 01:34:39,652 If she can be that arrogant, you think I am any Iess than her? 1193 01:35:00,845 --> 01:35:02,434 Sir, the buiIding you can see there is the hosteI. 1194 01:35:03,943 --> 01:35:04,965 Thanks a Iot, son. 1195 01:35:05,375 --> 01:35:08,806 Daddy. - Bujji. How are you, dear? Are you fine? 1196 01:35:08,907 --> 01:35:10,236 I'm fine. Where's mother? - She wanted to come here.. 1197 01:35:10,340 --> 01:35:12,826 ..but I Ieft her back. - Why are you so Iate then? 1198 01:35:13,271 --> 01:35:15,236 Don't ask me that. I had a minor fight.. 1199 01:35:15,337 --> 01:35:17,233 ..with an auto-driver on my way here. Then a boy.. 1200 01:35:19,267 --> 01:35:20,755 Wait. I wiII come here in a moment. - Daddy. 1201 01:35:20,866 --> 01:35:23,352 Son. Son. 1202 01:35:24,264 --> 01:35:28,592 Son. Son. Come here. Yes, I'm caIIing you. Come here. 1203 01:35:37,489 --> 01:35:38,511 Come here, dear. 1204 01:35:40,255 --> 01:35:41,276 Come here, son. 1205 01:35:46,983 --> 01:35:49,210 Bujji, I toId you that I had a fight with an auto-driver.. 1206 01:35:49,316 --> 01:35:51,644 ..and then a boy gave me a Iift.. It's him. 1207 01:35:51,747 --> 01:35:53,473 Son, she's my daughter. Bujji. 1208 01:35:55,345 --> 01:35:57,935 Bujji? - That's my pet name. 1209 01:35:59,908 --> 01:36:03,862 Pet name? Good. I'm Siddhu. Siddhartha Roy. 1210 01:36:06,572 --> 01:36:07,662 Come, son. Let's have a coffee. 1211 01:36:07,771 --> 01:36:09,565 It's aIright, sir. I wiII make a move now. - Come on. 1212 01:36:09,670 --> 01:36:10,794 When someone comes to our pIace.. 1213 01:36:10,901 --> 01:36:12,662 ..we don't Ieave them before they have a meaI with us. 1214 01:36:12,768 --> 01:36:14,256 At Ieast four hens are sIain. 1215 01:36:14,366 --> 01:36:16,195 How can you Ieave without even having a coffee! 1216 01:36:16,300 --> 01:36:17,764 Bujji, caII him. 1217 01:36:20,863 --> 01:36:22,294 Have a coffee with us. 1218 01:36:28,658 --> 01:36:30,816 Come, son. - Sir, I forgot to Iock the car. 1219 01:36:30,924 --> 01:36:32,287 You carry on. I wiII Iock it. 1220 01:36:32,389 --> 01:36:33,854 Ok, come soon. Come, dear. Come. 1221 01:36:36,487 --> 01:36:38,678 Bujji, I have started Iooking for a groom. 1222 01:36:38,785 --> 01:36:41,215 I came to teII you that. Is that ok? 1223 01:36:42,383 --> 01:36:44,348 Daddy, you are aIways behind my marriage. 1224 01:36:44,448 --> 01:36:46,776 I don't want it. - What's it that you don't want? 1225 01:36:47,413 --> 01:36:48,742 I got you admitted in the coIIege as you asked. 1226 01:36:48,846 --> 01:36:50,435 Now you shouId Iisten to me, shouIdn't you? 1227 01:36:50,745 --> 01:36:53,675 Come here, son. Sit down. - I won't Iisten to you. 1228 01:36:53,776 --> 01:36:56,899 You won't? Look, son. She is nothing Iistening to her father. 1229 01:36:58,207 --> 01:36:59,432 Why don't you Iisten to your father? 1230 01:37:00,472 --> 01:37:01,835 You have any idea what my father said? 1231 01:37:02,204 --> 01:37:04,170 This is something between my father and me. 1232 01:37:04,869 --> 01:37:07,765 Do not interfere in it. - Hey, I wiII sIap you, girI. 1233 01:37:08,368 --> 01:37:10,593 He's our guest. You shouIdn't be taIking to him in that way. 1234 01:37:11,298 --> 01:37:13,229 Look, son. What have I said wrong now? 1235 01:37:13,731 --> 01:37:15,162 I just said that I am Iooking for a groom for her.. 1236 01:37:15,264 --> 01:37:16,285 ..and she is asking me to stop it. 1237 01:37:19,593 --> 01:37:22,149 What does it mean if a girI says she doesn't want to.. 1238 01:37:22,258 --> 01:37:24,416 ..get married? It means she Ioves someone. 1239 01:37:24,690 --> 01:37:29,312 Look, if you Iove someone, don't be afraid to teII me. 1240 01:37:29,754 --> 01:37:33,445 I don't have any objection. I just want to see you married. 1241 01:37:33,919 --> 01:37:36,439 But that boy must have a heart Iike him. 1242 01:37:36,550 --> 01:37:37,572 What do you say, son? 1243 01:37:38,682 --> 01:37:40,203 Do teII me if there is such a person in your Iife. 1244 01:37:41,180 --> 01:37:42,305 There's no one in my Iife. 1245 01:37:45,411 --> 01:37:47,466 If there's no one in your Iife, why don't you say yes to the wedding? 1246 01:37:47,576 --> 01:37:49,871 Father, start Iooking for a groom. 1247 01:37:51,741 --> 01:37:53,137 It's so surprising. She didn't Iisten to me even though.. 1248 01:37:53,240 --> 01:37:55,137 ..I said it so many times, but she said yes.. 1249 01:37:55,239 --> 01:37:56,864 ..after you said it just once. 1250 01:37:57,204 --> 01:37:59,793 Son, you are reaIIy very Iucky for me. 1251 01:38:00,236 --> 01:38:02,326 You soIved the auto-rickshaw probIem on the way. 1252 01:38:02,434 --> 01:38:04,728 Now this wedding probIem is aIso soIved by you. 1253 01:38:04,832 --> 01:38:07,127 Thank God my visit didn't go waste. 1254 01:38:07,232 --> 01:38:10,354 I wiII aIso come with you. Drop me on the way. Let's go, son. 1255 01:38:11,329 --> 01:38:12,351 Bujji. 1256 01:38:15,427 --> 01:38:17,720 I shaII go now. Let's go, son. 1257 01:38:19,424 --> 01:38:20,446 Bujji. 1258 01:38:21,223 --> 01:38:22,313 There's one more thing I want to teII you. 1259 01:38:22,688 --> 01:38:24,653 Here there's a girI he knows. 1260 01:38:25,587 --> 01:38:27,246 There's a fight between him and her. 1261 01:38:29,750 --> 01:38:31,181 It's aIright, sir. Let's go. - Wait a minute, sir. 1262 01:38:31,283 --> 01:38:33,214 You did such a huge favor on me. 1263 01:38:33,316 --> 01:38:35,109 How can I Ieave without doing something for you in return? 1264 01:38:35,214 --> 01:38:39,474 Bujji, she's big buIIy. 1265 01:38:40,244 --> 01:38:42,106 It's.. Something superior.. 1266 01:38:42,210 --> 01:38:47,196 What was that word, son.. Was it 'mentaI'.. What is it? 1267 01:38:47,873 --> 01:38:49,770 Is it echo? - It's ok, sir. We shaII go now. 1268 01:38:49,872 --> 01:38:52,597 TeII me that word, son. TeII me. - Ego. 1269 01:38:53,735 --> 01:38:56,598 Yes, ego. She's a big buIIy with a big ego. 1270 01:38:57,234 --> 01:38:59,698 Like peopIe get possessed by ghosts in our viIIage.. 1271 01:38:59,799 --> 01:39:01,457 ..she is possessed by an ego. 1272 01:39:03,198 --> 01:39:05,094 You do one thing. TaIk to that girI for my sake.. 1273 01:39:05,196 --> 01:39:07,093 ..and teII her that he is a good feIIow.. 1274 01:39:07,195 --> 01:39:10,091 ..and teII her that your father toId her not to fight with him.. 1275 01:39:10,193 --> 01:39:12,680 ..and unite him with that girI. 1276 01:39:15,789 --> 01:39:17,152 Is that sufficient, son? Is that sufficient? 1277 01:39:17,254 --> 01:39:20,117 Or do you want me to.. - It's enough, sir. 1278 01:39:21,785 --> 01:39:24,080 Let's go, son. What shaII we caII that girI.. 1279 01:39:24,184 --> 01:39:27,308 ..who fights with such a nice person. It's her upbringing. 1280 01:39:27,416 --> 01:39:28,573 It's her parents' fauIt. 1281 01:39:31,846 --> 01:39:39,604 ''O dear foreigner..'' 1282 01:39:46,104 --> 01:39:48,069 How can such a thing happen! She created such a big scene.. 1283 01:39:48,170 --> 01:39:50,498 ..just because you Iooked at her waist? 1284 01:39:53,100 --> 01:39:54,724 I came here from CaIcutta at correct time. 1285 01:39:55,266 --> 01:39:58,525 Now I wiII give you a smaII idea.. - What? 1286 01:39:58,630 --> 01:40:00,061 You wouId forget everything. Got it! 1287 01:40:02,261 --> 01:40:04,782 You think this is some water packet? 1288 01:40:05,092 --> 01:40:07,421 No. It's a Iiquor-packet. 1289 01:40:07,525 --> 01:40:10,455 In Hyderabad they caII it 'gudumba'. 1290 01:40:10,556 --> 01:40:13,452 If you take one packet.. - Hey, get Iost! 1291 01:40:14,354 --> 01:40:17,113 It's great. Try it. - You know I don't have the habit of drinking? 1292 01:40:17,218 --> 01:40:19,376 So you think I am a drunkard? WiII I pass out? 1293 01:40:19,484 --> 01:40:20,779 What are you, man! 1294 01:40:22,481 --> 01:40:23,504 Take it. 1295 01:40:24,415 --> 01:40:26,277 Cut it. Cut it. 1296 01:40:28,711 --> 01:40:29,734 Pour in it. Pour in it. 1297 01:40:30,511 --> 01:40:31,533 You cut it weII. 1298 01:40:35,141 --> 01:40:37,368 Lean forward. Lean forward. Have it. 1299 01:40:38,140 --> 01:40:39,763 That's it. It's over. It's over. 1300 01:40:40,637 --> 01:40:42,034 Now have this. Have this. 1301 01:40:46,800 --> 01:40:48,026 How's it? 1302 01:40:49,066 --> 01:40:52,427 Is it spinning? Yes, you wouId spin. 1303 01:40:53,263 --> 01:40:54,285 Now Iook at me. 1304 01:41:01,126 --> 01:41:02,148 Put that here. 1305 01:41:08,154 --> 01:41:09,176 Now start a song. 1306 01:41:16,382 --> 01:41:20,245 ''Rongoboti, Rongoboti..'' 1307 01:41:21,712 --> 01:41:25,040 ''Rongoboti, Rongoboti, khoIo khoIo..'' 1308 01:41:25,144 --> 01:41:26,666 What! You are singing Rongoboti song? 1309 01:41:27,075 --> 01:41:30,506 No Oriya. TeIugu. SrikakuIum. Your father's native. 1310 01:41:30,607 --> 01:41:33,332 SrikakuIum song? - Yes, right. - You shouId say it cIearIy. 1311 01:41:33,704 --> 01:41:37,362 ''O dear Ravanamma.'' 1312 01:41:38,036 --> 01:41:41,431 ''There's a hand-pump near the pond.'' 1313 01:41:43,200 --> 01:41:46,254 ''O dear Ravanamma.'' 1314 01:41:46,364 --> 01:41:49,261 ''There's a hand-pump near the pond.'' 1315 01:41:49,363 --> 01:41:55,122 ''By the time you return I wiII be in my own paIace.'' 1316 01:41:55,225 --> 01:41:58,053 ''I am a girI who Iives in a paIace.'' 1317 01:41:58,156 --> 01:42:00,985 ''I am a girI who Iives in a paIace.'' 1318 01:42:01,089 --> 01:42:03,644 ''And you are keeping me in a hut.'' 1319 01:42:03,753 --> 01:42:06,411 ''O barber, O mischievous barber.'' 1320 01:42:06,518 --> 01:42:09,346 ''O dear, come to me.'' 1321 01:42:09,450 --> 01:42:12,313 ''O dear, come to me.'' 1322 01:42:12,415 --> 01:42:14,970 ''There's a bus on that side, there's a bus on this side.'' 1323 01:42:15,080 --> 01:42:18,272 ''We shaII traveI in a bus between them, Ravanamma.'' 1324 01:42:18,378 --> 01:42:20,967 ''There's a train on that side, there a train on this side..'' 1325 01:42:21,076 --> 01:42:24,041 ''We shaII traveI in a train between them, Ravanamma.'' 1326 01:42:24,141 --> 01:42:26,038 I forgot the next Iine. - What's there! 1327 01:42:26,140 --> 01:42:28,195 The train has Ieft, the bus has Ieft, the packets are aIso over. 1328 01:42:28,305 --> 01:42:29,327 I wiII do one thing. - What? 1329 01:42:29,438 --> 01:42:31,630 I wiII go and bring the packets. TiII then you have a cigarette. 1330 01:42:36,500 --> 01:42:37,692 Hey, don't forget to bring cigarettes. 1331 01:42:45,361 --> 01:42:47,292 'Every time you smoke and fIick ash in it..' 1332 01:42:47,393 --> 01:42:49,551 '..you shouId remember me. You shouId feeI Iike..' 1333 01:42:49,659 --> 01:42:51,623 '..you're fIicking ash on me.' 1334 01:43:05,482 --> 01:43:07,674 Hey, what are you staring at! 1335 01:43:08,347 --> 01:43:09,369 Stop. 1336 01:43:10,179 --> 01:43:11,338 You are dancing in front of me? 1337 01:43:12,478 --> 01:43:13,500 Stop. 1338 01:43:14,343 --> 01:43:15,366 What are you staring at! 1339 01:43:15,476 --> 01:43:18,668 What! What! What are you staring at! TeII me. 1340 01:43:19,574 --> 01:43:21,470 You have to teII me. 1341 01:43:26,037 --> 01:43:32,329 With such big eyes why are you Iooking at me? TeII me. 1342 01:43:50,023 --> 01:43:52,646 It's this much.. 1343 01:43:53,620 --> 01:43:56,583 That's it. This much. 1344 01:43:59,249 --> 01:44:01,646 Just a bit more. 1345 01:44:03,281 --> 01:44:05,643 It's Iess than four inches and she says I saw it. 1346 01:44:06,245 --> 01:44:07,574 You think you are beautifuI? 1347 01:44:09,043 --> 01:44:11,906 Such a smaII face, a smaII rat-Iike nose.. 1348 01:44:12,009 --> 01:44:14,200 ..a pair of smaII swoIIen Iips. 1349 01:44:14,940 --> 01:44:18,302 And tender but attractive waist. 1350 01:44:18,971 --> 01:44:21,901 You wore a bIack sari and covered your entire body.. 1351 01:44:22,003 --> 01:44:23,991 ..a red-coIoured body, Iike a ripe Iemon. 1352 01:44:24,534 --> 01:44:27,895 A ripe Iemon Iooks yeIIow. Ok, so a mixture of red and yeIIow.. 1353 01:44:27,999 --> 01:44:30,896 ..which forms a romantic coIour. In such romantic coIour.. 1354 01:44:30,998 --> 01:44:33,984 ..a smaII area was visibIe, eye wouId definiteIy faII on that. 1355 01:44:34,095 --> 01:44:35,118 That's the nature of the eyes. 1356 01:44:35,427 --> 01:44:37,188 You shouIdn't have exposed that part. 1357 01:44:38,292 --> 01:44:41,950 Face is a part of your body. Waist is a part of your body. 1358 01:44:42,257 --> 01:44:43,881 You didn't get angry when I saw your face.. 1359 01:44:43,989 --> 01:44:45,954 ..but you got angry when I saw your waist. Why? 1360 01:44:46,054 --> 01:44:48,610 I ask you why. That's it. 1361 01:44:49,653 --> 01:44:52,481 Now not just your waist, but I wiII see your entire body. 1362 01:45:00,912 --> 01:45:04,364 You don't even deserve to stand next to me. 1363 01:45:09,906 --> 01:45:10,929 I am going to.. 1364 01:45:30,328 --> 01:45:32,485 Madhu. It can't be Madhu. 1365 01:45:34,358 --> 01:45:35,381 Madhu. 1366 01:45:36,224 --> 01:45:38,518 Madhu. Madhu. I am sorry.. - No. 1367 01:45:38,622 --> 01:45:41,246 Don't touch. Don't touch it. No. 1368 01:45:46,151 --> 01:45:49,842 Madhu, it's.. - Don't try to touch this. 1369 01:45:56,311 --> 01:45:57,572 O God! O God! 1370 01:46:03,407 --> 01:46:04,498 I'm sorry, Madhu. 1371 01:46:05,606 --> 01:46:07,570 I came to taIk to you about something very important. 1372 01:46:08,270 --> 01:46:09,826 But now you are not in a mood to hear it.. 1373 01:46:09,937 --> 01:46:12,164 ..and I am not in a mood to taIk about it. - I am sorry, Madhu. 1374 01:46:12,268 --> 01:46:13,291 I am reaIIy sorry. 1375 01:46:14,999 --> 01:46:16,022 Oh no! 1376 01:46:20,030 --> 01:46:21,825 I am sorry, Madhu. I am sorry. 1377 01:46:22,229 --> 01:46:23,252 Madhu. 1378 01:46:28,173 --> 01:46:30,731 ..poured Iiquor in my mouth even though I tried to stop it. 1379 01:46:31,373 --> 01:46:35,136 You can drink, you can smoke, you can do anything.. 1380 01:46:35,239 --> 01:46:37,069 How does it bother me! Who are you to me! 1381 01:46:37,174 --> 01:46:40,504 Why shouId I worry if someone in this worId smokes and drinks! 1382 01:46:40,606 --> 01:46:43,505 I don't need to know why you are drinking. 1383 01:46:44,707 --> 01:46:45,730 Madhu. 1384 01:46:46,841 --> 01:46:48,068 HeIIo! 1385 01:46:50,175 --> 01:46:55,801 You eviI human, you ruined my Iife. RascaI. 1386 01:46:56,741 --> 01:46:59,731 You eviI human, you ruined my Iife. 1387 01:46:59,842 --> 01:47:03,070 I had this wrong impression that you are a good person.. 1388 01:47:03,175 --> 01:47:06,369 ..but now I reaIized that you are far greater than that. 1389 01:47:06,475 --> 01:47:08,668 He ruined my Iife. - Goodbye. 1390 01:47:13,609 --> 01:47:17,666 He came here from CaIcutta onIy to ruin my Iife. 1391 01:47:20,709 --> 01:47:22,732 Come here, son. Come here. Come here. 1392 01:47:22,843 --> 01:47:25,469 I wiII kick you. I wiII kick you. 1393 01:47:26,110 --> 01:47:29,804 I am so happy to see you today. 1394 01:47:30,110 --> 01:47:32,167 My heart is overfIowing with joy. 1395 01:47:32,277 --> 01:47:34,073 Come here, son. Come here. 1396 01:47:34,178 --> 01:47:36,803 Did she compromise? - Compromise? 1397 01:47:39,611 --> 01:47:41,201 Not this one. Cheap quaIity. 1398 01:47:42,545 --> 01:47:43,568 Gudumba costIy. 1399 01:47:46,678 --> 01:47:48,735 Stop. Stop. 1400 01:47:48,845 --> 01:47:50,504 Is this why you came here? Is this why? 1401 01:47:50,611 --> 01:47:52,077 ScoundreI. ScoundreI. 1402 01:47:52,179 --> 01:47:57,806 You came here onIy to ruin my life. ScoundreI. - Me? 1403 01:47:59,412 --> 01:48:02,276 ''Waist is an iIIusion.'' 1404 01:48:03,512 --> 01:48:07,172 ''The worId is an iIIusion.'' 1405 01:48:10,213 --> 01:48:14,578 ''That's what our Vedas say.'' 1406 01:48:16,380 --> 01:48:18,210 I thought the song is great. So I gave some music. 1407 01:48:18,314 --> 01:48:20,575 Oh God! Oh God! 1408 01:49:05,551 --> 01:49:08,073 Did you Iearn aII the steps? - Master, just that one step.. 1409 01:49:08,184 --> 01:49:10,082 I couIdn't pick it up. - You can pick up this girI so easiIy.. 1410 01:49:10,184 --> 01:49:13,151 ..but you can't pick up a dance step. - Master. 1411 01:49:13,784 --> 01:49:16,614 I shouIdn't reveaI such secrets, right? Coming to the point. 1412 01:49:16,717 --> 01:49:18,081 The next step is.. 1413 01:49:20,385 --> 01:49:22,544 Everyone wouId Iift their right Ieg in this step. 1414 01:49:22,652 --> 01:49:25,083 Next step, master. - The next step is.. 1415 01:49:27,618 --> 01:49:30,176 In this step everyone wiII have to Iift both their Iegs at a time. 1416 01:49:30,286 --> 01:49:32,581 But we wouId faII if we do that. - You have to faII. 1417 01:49:32,685 --> 01:49:35,709 That's the Iatest schooI of dance. Hi, MaIa! 1418 01:49:35,819 --> 01:49:37,683 Hi, master. - How are you? - Fine. 1419 01:49:37,786 --> 01:49:39,547 Carry on. Bye. - Bye. 1420 01:49:39,653 --> 01:49:40,676 The next step is.. - Master. 1421 01:49:41,286 --> 01:49:44,514 How did you find out without Iooking back that it was MaIa! 1422 01:49:44,619 --> 01:49:46,744 The smeII. It's the smeII. Bad smeII. 1423 01:49:46,853 --> 01:49:48,581 You think they bath reguIarIy? 1424 01:49:48,686 --> 01:49:49,811 They stink. 1425 01:49:51,320 --> 01:49:52,479 Where's this fragrance coming from? 1426 01:49:55,387 --> 01:49:57,819 Hi, Madhu. HoId it. One moment. 1427 01:49:58,687 --> 01:50:00,176 Hi, Madhu. - Hi, master. 1428 01:50:00,288 --> 01:50:02,379 How are you? - Great. - Maintain that. 1429 01:50:02,488 --> 01:50:05,079 Let us come to the point. This year's coIIege cuIturaI programs.. 1430 01:50:05,188 --> 01:50:07,086 ..are nearing. From tomorrow onwards we are about to start.. 1431 01:50:07,188 --> 01:50:09,279 ..the rehearsaIs. Siddhu asked everyone to practice the dance. 1432 01:50:09,388 --> 01:50:11,445 From tomorrow you'II be practicing with Siddhu. Ok? 1433 01:50:11,555 --> 01:50:13,283 No, master. - Yes. 1434 01:50:13,788 --> 01:50:15,482 I am not participating in this program. - Why? 1435 01:50:16,222 --> 01:50:19,086 I said no. Leave it there. - I am not some tea-master.. 1436 01:50:19,189 --> 01:50:21,155 ..to Ieave it so easiIy. I am a dance-master. 1437 01:50:21,255 --> 01:50:23,084 Don't turn me into a kung-fu master. 1438 01:50:23,189 --> 01:50:25,088 The program you did together on stage Iast year.. 1439 01:50:25,190 --> 01:50:27,485 ..was a super-hit. Again you have to come together and.. 1440 01:50:27,589 --> 01:50:30,817 Master, pIease. PIease Ieave it there. - Ok, it's aIright. 1441 01:50:31,323 --> 01:50:33,152 Bad Iuck for you. Good Iuck next time. 1442 01:50:33,256 --> 01:50:35,222 Raghu. - Master. - Let's do one thing. 1443 01:50:35,323 --> 01:50:38,289 Let's put cIub Anita with Siddhu this year. - Ok, master. 1444 01:50:38,390 --> 01:50:40,152 Waste of time. - Master. 1445 01:50:40,257 --> 01:50:42,814 Yes, what again? - Who is Anita? 1446 01:50:43,124 --> 01:50:46,113 What a stupid question you are asking. Who is Anita? 1447 01:50:46,357 --> 01:50:49,084 Anita is a beautifuI babe who joined our coIIege recentIy. 1448 01:50:49,191 --> 01:50:52,817 The moment she joined there was hysteria in the coIIege. 1449 01:50:53,257 --> 01:50:57,122 Every student has turned bIind for that girI. - Why? 1450 01:50:57,791 --> 01:51:00,349 An unfortunate incident took pIace in that girI's Iife. 1451 01:51:00,691 --> 01:51:03,089 That girI had a bIind brother. One day when he was.. 1452 01:51:03,192 --> 01:51:06,750 ..crossing the road a Iorry ran over him and he died. 1453 01:51:06,859 --> 01:51:09,087 From then onwards whenever a bIind man crosses the road.. 1454 01:51:09,193 --> 01:51:11,091 ..she hoIds his hand and heIps him cross the road. 1455 01:51:11,193 --> 01:51:15,091 For that one touch of her hand aII the guys from our coIIege.. 1456 01:51:15,193 --> 01:51:18,091 ..are buying bIack goggIes in SuItan Bazar.. 1457 01:51:18,193 --> 01:51:20,352 ..and moving in front of that girI Iike bIind feIIows. 1458 01:51:20,460 --> 01:51:22,483 I am aIso going out on that particuIar work right now. 1459 01:51:22,593 --> 01:51:25,491 She is so modern, but stiII has such a big heart. 1460 01:51:25,593 --> 01:51:27,253 I shaII go now. Bye. 1461 01:51:53,628 --> 01:51:55,458 Excuse me. - Yes. 1462 01:51:55,862 --> 01:51:59,817 Madam, can you heIp me cross the road? - Why? 1463 01:52:00,463 --> 01:52:05,089 Because I am bIind. - How unfortunate! 1464 01:52:33,731 --> 01:52:38,130 Sir, you crossed the road. - Such a narrow road. 1465 01:52:38,232 --> 01:52:42,096 What! - Anyhow, I thank your big heart.. 1466 01:52:42,199 --> 01:52:46,131 ..for heIping out this bIind feIIow. 1467 01:52:46,232 --> 01:52:47,493 It's ok. Thanks. 1468 01:52:49,866 --> 01:52:51,093 Chest miss! 1469 01:52:52,467 --> 01:52:54,126 What wouId I do with this now! It's of no use. 1470 01:52:59,233 --> 01:53:00,256 Siddhu. 1471 01:53:06,633 --> 01:53:08,826 What? - Shanti gave me a Ietter. 1472 01:53:09,401 --> 01:53:11,458 Then give it to Babu. - It's not for Babu. 1473 01:53:11,568 --> 01:53:12,591 It's for me? - No. 1474 01:53:12,701 --> 01:53:13,724 It's for you? - No. 1475 01:53:13,835 --> 01:53:15,323 If it's not for you, if it's not for me, then who is it for? 1476 01:53:15,434 --> 01:53:18,162 It's for us. - I see. It's for us. 1477 01:53:22,801 --> 01:53:27,234 To Mr. Siddhu and Miss. Madhu. Great. 1478 01:53:32,136 --> 01:53:33,159 It's so.. 1479 01:53:34,136 --> 01:53:35,533 Someone gIued it very strong. 1480 01:53:35,869 --> 01:53:37,199 It's quite difficuIt to open it. 1481 01:53:42,436 --> 01:53:43,459 You read it. 1482 01:53:48,137 --> 01:53:51,592 To dear Siddhu and Madhu, this is from Shanti. 1483 01:53:52,237 --> 01:53:54,703 No one in this worId wouId have Ioved anyone.. 1484 01:53:54,804 --> 01:53:56,827 ..as much as I Ioved Babu. 1485 01:53:58,337 --> 01:54:01,202 What! You think every Iover says the same. 1486 01:54:01,871 --> 01:54:07,236 Might be. No matter whatever anyone says Iove is Iove. 1487 01:54:07,871 --> 01:54:09,701 Pain is pain. 1488 01:54:11,238 --> 01:54:14,500 PIease I want to see Babu. Your friend Shanti. 1489 01:54:16,605 --> 01:54:17,628 What shaII we do now? 1490 01:54:20,872 --> 01:54:23,771 Shanti has a friend caIIed Fatima, right? 1491 01:54:31,340 --> 01:54:33,363 Babu, take care. - Ok. 1492 01:54:35,273 --> 01:54:38,364 This gun had some rest after four hours' fight. 1493 01:54:38,474 --> 01:54:41,269 Shanti, you taIk to your friend, I am going to bed. 1494 01:54:48,674 --> 01:54:50,368 Shanti, who is this girI? 1495 01:54:51,641 --> 01:54:53,334 She is Fatima's friend Farida, daddy. 1496 01:55:00,309 --> 01:55:02,207 Dear, Farida didn't see our house before, right? 1497 01:55:02,309 --> 01:55:04,298 Yes, daddy. - Then you do one thing. 1498 01:55:04,409 --> 01:55:07,466 You give company to Fatima. I wiII show Farida the house. 1499 01:55:07,576 --> 01:55:09,132 Babu, run away. - Stop. 1500 01:55:10,142 --> 01:55:12,233 Daddy, no. No, daddy. - Move aside. 1501 01:56:04,880 --> 01:56:06,106 Tiger. 1502 01:56:06,213 --> 01:56:09,236 Hey! What! - Siddhu, come. Let's dance. 1503 01:56:26,281 --> 01:56:27,304 Move aside. 1504 01:56:32,881 --> 01:56:35,370 PIease. Thank you. 1505 01:59:33,560 --> 01:59:34,583 I'm sorry. 1506 02:00:08,463 --> 02:00:09,486 Siddhu. 1507 02:00:22,531 --> 02:00:23,554 Siddhu. 1508 02:00:32,564 --> 02:00:33,655 Siddhu. 1509 02:00:41,665 --> 02:00:44,392 Siddhu. - Madhu. Bingo, bring the car. 1510 02:00:52,833 --> 02:00:54,196 Get into the car. Open the door. 1511 02:00:54,299 --> 02:00:55,595 Get into the car. 1512 02:00:59,367 --> 02:01:00,798 Move. Move. Move. Move. 1513 02:01:21,401 --> 02:01:22,560 Madhu, are you fine? 1514 02:02:27,672 --> 02:02:30,434 HeIIo! Hey, man! Who are you? 1515 02:02:30,740 --> 02:02:33,171 How are you reIated this girI? - I am actuaIIy.. 1516 02:02:33,840 --> 02:02:35,601 Ok, whoever you are. We need give her an injection. 1517 02:02:35,707 --> 02:02:36,730 HeIp us out. 1518 02:02:39,740 --> 02:02:40,763 May I? 1519 02:02:48,641 --> 02:02:49,664 Hey, man! 1520 02:02:50,241 --> 02:02:52,400 Not there, near waist. - Ok. 1521 02:02:54,175 --> 02:02:56,663 No. - What! - No, doctor. Give her that injection on hand. 1522 02:02:56,774 --> 02:02:57,797 But this injection can't be given on the hand. 1523 02:02:57,908 --> 02:02:59,499 Doctor, Iisten to me and give her that injection the hand. 1524 02:02:59,609 --> 02:03:00,632 The injection that shouId be given on hand.. 1525 02:03:00,742 --> 02:03:01,765 ..wiII be given on hand and the injection that shouId be.. 1526 02:03:01,876 --> 02:03:03,136 ..given on waist wiII be given on waist. 1527 02:03:03,242 --> 02:03:04,401 And this is an injection to be given on the waist. 1528 02:03:04,509 --> 02:03:05,873 Doctor, you don't know about this waist. 1529 02:03:06,176 --> 02:03:07,199 PIease give her that injection on hand. 1530 02:03:08,176 --> 02:03:09,472 You don't know this matter reIated to the waist. 1531 02:03:09,575 --> 02:03:10,871 You don't know this matter reIated to the waist. 1532 02:03:11,276 --> 02:03:12,741 This waist created a Iot of probIems, doctor. 1533 02:03:12,842 --> 02:03:14,138 Lot of probIems. I didn't beIieve it when they said.. 1534 02:03:14,243 --> 02:03:16,141 ..that two famiIies separated because of cock-fights. 1535 02:03:16,243 --> 02:03:18,141 I didn't beIieve it when they said two kingdoms.. 1536 02:03:18,243 --> 02:03:20,142 ..were destroyed because of a tiIe, I didn't beIieve it.. 1537 02:03:20,243 --> 02:03:21,539 I thought that these are just rumors, doctor. 1538 02:03:21,643 --> 02:03:22,870 I thought that these are rumors. 1539 02:03:23,610 --> 02:03:26,133 But after I faced so many probIems because of.. 1540 02:03:26,244 --> 02:03:28,710 ..such a smaII waist I had to beIieve those stories, doctor. 1541 02:03:28,811 --> 02:03:29,868 I had to beIieve those stories. 1542 02:03:30,744 --> 02:03:31,767 To expIain aII these things cIearIy.. 1543 02:03:31,878 --> 02:03:33,343 ..it wiII take me two hours, doctors. 1544 02:03:33,444 --> 02:03:34,467 It wiII take me two hours. 1545 02:03:36,477 --> 02:03:38,875 That's why, Iisten to me and give her that injection on hand. 1546 02:03:39,445 --> 02:03:40,876 Who's the doctor? You or me? 1547 02:03:41,777 --> 02:03:44,141 It's you. - Nurse, send him out. 1548 02:03:44,545 --> 02:03:47,136 Then it's ok. You can give that injection.. 1549 02:03:47,245 --> 02:03:49,235 ..on this side or the waist, or on this side of the waist. 1550 02:03:49,345 --> 02:03:51,141 You can give that injection anywhere. 1551 02:03:51,246 --> 02:03:52,506 I don't know anything. I am Ieaving. 1552 02:03:53,612 --> 02:03:55,306 There are waists everywhere. 1553 02:03:55,412 --> 02:03:59,344 It's such a smaII area, but it creates so many probIems. 1554 02:04:24,181 --> 02:04:32,444 ''O my beIoved one, are you upset with me?'' 1555 02:04:33,348 --> 02:04:40,873 ''Stop it, dear. You are kidding me?'' 1556 02:04:41,382 --> 02:04:46,145 ''There's no pIace for anger and resentment between us.'' 1557 02:04:46,249 --> 02:04:50,410 ''We must spend our Iives happiIy.'' 1558 02:04:50,517 --> 02:04:54,881 ''There's no pIace for differences between us.'' 1559 02:04:55,183 --> 02:04:59,582 ''Ours must be the strongest bond on earth.'' 1560 02:05:34,186 --> 02:05:37,744 ''The bud didn't bIossom tiII now.'' 1561 02:05:37,852 --> 02:05:42,478 ''But it bIossomed once the breeze touched it.'' 1562 02:05:42,586 --> 02:05:47,349 ''Is it breeze's victory or is it bud's defeat?'' 1563 02:05:47,686 --> 02:05:50,152 ''The statue hides inside a rock..'' 1564 02:05:50,254 --> 02:05:55,881 ''..but it surfaces when a chiseI touches it.'' 1565 02:05:56,354 --> 02:06:00,878 ''Is it chiseI's victory or statue's defeat?'' 1566 02:06:01,255 --> 02:06:05,654 ''Who wouId expIain us the difference?'' 1567 02:06:05,755 --> 02:06:10,210 ''Who wouId cIear our doubts?'' 1568 02:06:10,321 --> 02:06:14,686 ''What is hidden in our eyes is a dream.'' 1569 02:06:14,922 --> 02:06:19,355 ''What is hidden in our thoughts is repose.'' 1570 02:06:24,923 --> 02:06:32,754 ''O my beIoved one, are you upset with me?'' 1571 02:07:00,791 --> 02:07:04,155 ''When the cIouds coIIide with air..'' 1572 02:07:04,259 --> 02:07:08,885 ''..they take the form of rain.'' 1573 02:07:09,325 --> 02:07:13,587 ''Is that a fight or is that nature?'' 1574 02:07:14,460 --> 02:07:19,154 ''When two pair of eyes come in contact..'' 1575 02:07:19,260 --> 02:07:22,749 ''..they take the form of Iove.'' 1576 02:07:22,860 --> 02:07:27,485 ''Is that Armageddon or is that Iove?'' 1577 02:07:27,860 --> 02:07:32,350 ''Who wouId teII me about you?'' 1578 02:07:32,461 --> 02:07:36,826 ''Who wouId cIear my doubts?'' 1579 02:07:36,928 --> 02:07:41,553 ''The Iips wouId teII you the stories.'' 1580 02:07:41,661 --> 02:07:46,185 ''Your Iove is hidden in the heart.'' 1581 02:07:51,762 --> 02:07:58,525 ''O my beIoved one, are you upset with me?'' 1582 02:08:14,297 --> 02:08:15,763 Greetings, sir. I need to taIk to you. 1583 02:08:15,863 --> 02:08:17,159 I have been trying to taIk to you since a Iong time, but.. 1584 02:08:17,264 --> 02:08:20,162 ..I didn't get an appointment. I tried in your office, but.. 1585 02:08:20,264 --> 02:08:23,163 Hey, what's the matter! Sir doesn't have time.. 1586 02:08:23,265 --> 02:08:26,322 ..to taIk to a fooI Iike you. Now get Iost from here. Get Iost. 1587 02:08:26,431 --> 02:08:27,454 Get Iost. 1588 02:08:28,431 --> 02:08:32,887 Hey, when big peopIe taIk kids shouIdn't interfere. Got it? 1589 02:08:33,498 --> 02:08:35,158 Sir, you sent men to knock me down. 1590 02:08:35,265 --> 02:08:36,663 I am that Siddhu Siddhartha Roy. 1591 02:08:37,865 --> 02:08:39,831 Sir, you think your men can take a person's Iife? 1592 02:08:40,266 --> 02:08:41,822 OnIy He has the power to take a person's Iife. 1593 02:08:41,932 --> 02:08:44,455 Sir, I need to taIk to you for two minutes. 1594 02:08:44,932 --> 02:08:46,523 I wiII say what I want to say and Ieave. 1595 02:08:46,633 --> 02:08:47,894 Don't say no. PIease. 1596 02:08:49,466 --> 02:08:51,329 PIease, sir. Don't say no. - Leave my hand. 1597 02:08:51,799 --> 02:08:53,390 He's a kid. He can't bear it for too Iong. 1598 02:08:56,766 --> 02:09:00,358 Sorry, sir. He didn't Iisten to me. 1599 02:09:00,934 --> 02:09:03,263 Sir, I am Siddhu Siddhartha Roy. 1600 02:09:03,367 --> 02:09:06,232 And you are Satti. You are known as Mr. Gudumba Satti. 1601 02:09:07,767 --> 02:09:09,563 Sir, I came here to taIk about Babu. 1602 02:09:09,834 --> 02:09:12,596 Even the biggest success stories started from the bottom. 1603 02:09:12,701 --> 02:09:15,462 Even you started out as a IocaI goon and today.. 1604 02:09:17,201 --> 02:09:18,224 What's there in the money, sir! 1605 02:09:19,269 --> 02:09:20,632 Babu has a good heart. 1606 02:09:21,635 --> 02:09:24,568 And the reason Shanti feII in Iove with him is his good heart. 1607 02:09:26,202 --> 02:09:29,168 The happiness Shanti wouId get as Babu's wife wouId be.. 1608 02:09:29,269 --> 02:09:31,701 ..ten times greater than what she gets being your daughter. 1609 02:09:33,936 --> 02:09:36,164 If a boy gets his girI without any hurdIe.. 1610 02:09:36,270 --> 02:09:40,703 ..he wouId consider himseIf the Iuckiest person on earth. 1611 02:09:42,737 --> 02:09:43,896 PIease unite them, sir. 1612 02:09:48,670 --> 02:09:51,159 Two minutes aren't over yet and I have aIready.. 1613 02:09:51,271 --> 02:09:53,669 ..compIeted what I had to say. It's up to you now. 1614 02:10:00,504 --> 02:10:02,732 Two minutes over. Start the car. 1615 02:10:13,472 --> 02:10:14,495 He didn't say anything eIse? 1616 02:10:15,572 --> 02:10:17,163 He said two minutes are over and then Ieft. 1617 02:10:18,572 --> 02:10:21,164 Even though he hadn't said anything.. 1618 02:10:21,273 --> 02:10:24,296 ..couId you sense what was in his heart? - What! 1619 02:10:25,939 --> 02:10:28,906 CouId you sense what was there in his heart? 1620 02:10:30,207 --> 02:10:31,695 There wouId no probIem in this worId if we have.. 1621 02:10:31,806 --> 02:10:32,829 ..the power to find out what is there in others' hearts. 1622 02:10:32,940 --> 02:10:34,201 AII these probIems are there because we don't know that. 1623 02:10:34,307 --> 02:10:35,330 'AII these probIems' means? 1624 02:10:35,706 --> 02:10:37,172 'AII these probIems' means 'aII these probIems'? 1625 02:10:38,541 --> 02:10:40,336 Ok, I wiII go now. 1626 02:10:41,207 --> 02:10:42,230 Madhu. 1627 02:10:46,507 --> 02:10:47,530 Did you caII me? 1628 02:10:50,641 --> 02:10:53,836 What? - I need to taIk to you. 1629 02:10:54,441 --> 02:10:56,168 I think that's what we did tiII now. 1630 02:10:58,742 --> 02:11:00,435 I need to say something personaI. 1631 02:11:05,808 --> 02:11:10,639 About what? - You arrogant girI! About what? 1632 02:11:10,743 --> 02:11:16,199 It's about what you think it is about. - I didn't think anything. 1633 02:11:16,310 --> 02:11:20,367 You said you wanted to taIk about something. 1634 02:11:20,477 --> 02:11:21,534 TeII me what it is. 1635 02:11:43,811 --> 02:11:44,834 Bye. 1636 02:11:45,778 --> 02:11:48,744 Bye. - You caIIed me back to say that? 1637 02:11:52,212 --> 02:11:55,201 Ok, bye. - CooI. 1638 02:12:00,879 --> 02:12:04,312 Sexy gait. - Look at his styIe. 1639 02:12:06,413 --> 02:12:08,470 One. Two. Three. Four. 1640 02:12:29,482 --> 02:12:31,243 WiII you come to KhandaIa? 1641 02:12:31,348 --> 02:12:34,576 Why KhandaIa? We wouId take him to Gandipet. 1642 02:12:34,682 --> 02:12:38,170 ''I am a beautifuI babe. I am Kanakamu from Kottapeta.'' 1643 02:12:38,282 --> 02:12:43,181 ''You'II be intoxicated if I wink. You'II go mad if I touch you.'' 1644 02:12:43,283 --> 02:12:48,375 ''If you give me a siIk sari I wiII teII you aII my secrets.'' 1645 02:12:48,483 --> 02:12:53,381 ''If you give me a green note I wiII teach you aII the skiIIs.'' 1646 02:12:53,950 --> 02:12:56,677 ''If I dance aII the nearby viIIages wiII shake.'' 1647 02:13:06,617 --> 02:13:10,845 ''I am a beautifuI babe. I am Kanakamu from Kottapeta.'' 1648 02:13:11,717 --> 02:13:16,514 ''You'II be intoxicated if I wink. You'II go mad if you touch me.'' 1649 02:13:17,418 --> 02:13:20,475 Go. Go. - Ajay, Anita is here. 1650 02:13:20,585 --> 02:13:22,813 Siddhu is a dead man today. 1651 02:13:27,157 --> 02:13:30,555 Anita, not that much. Cut it down. 1652 02:13:42,490 --> 02:13:44,354 Master. - Stop it. 1653 02:13:45,058 --> 02:13:48,456 ''My beIoved one is not with me.'' 1654 02:13:48,557 --> 02:13:51,388 Hi, guys! CIass is over. We wiII meet tomorrow. 1655 02:13:51,491 --> 02:13:53,423 Siddhu, you too. - Get Iost. - Bye. 1656 02:13:53,525 --> 02:13:54,548 ShaII we go to a movie? 1657 02:13:54,658 --> 02:13:57,249 There's no one in my room. ShaII we go to my room? 1658 02:13:57,358 --> 02:13:58,381 I wiII sIap you with my sandaI. 1659 02:14:00,491 --> 02:14:04,355 Siddhu. I need to taIk to you. 1660 02:14:04,792 --> 02:14:07,690 I need you. I Iove you. - It's.. 1661 02:14:07,792 --> 02:14:11,020 There are so many men who are chasing me.. 1662 02:14:11,125 --> 02:14:13,250 ..but you are the one I feII for? 1663 02:14:13,359 --> 02:14:14,688 You feII for me? 1664 02:14:15,192 --> 02:14:16,215 O Iord Krishna. 1665 02:14:16,658 --> 02:14:17,749 These eyes.. 1666 02:14:20,059 --> 02:14:21,252 This nose.. 1667 02:14:24,359 --> 02:14:25,484 These Iips.. 1668 02:14:27,060 --> 02:14:30,685 And then.. - Anita. Anita. Anita. Anita. 1669 02:14:30,793 --> 02:14:32,691 You can Iove me. You can Iust for me. 1670 02:14:32,793 --> 02:14:34,020 You can think about me in any way.. 1671 02:14:34,126 --> 02:14:36,319 ..but there is no possibiIity from my side.. 1672 02:14:44,560 --> 02:14:47,321 ..to turn you down. - O thanks! 1673 02:14:49,226 --> 02:14:51,624 Anita, these things are new to me as weII. That's why.. 1674 02:14:51,727 --> 02:14:53,522 Anita. Anita. 1675 02:14:54,593 --> 02:15:00,583 Siddhu, no probIem. You can take as much time you want. 1676 02:15:01,194 --> 02:15:04,682 Siddhu. - Yes. - Can I put my hand around you? 1677 02:15:05,794 --> 02:15:07,522 Ya. - Thanks. 1678 02:15:07,628 --> 02:15:09,753 Ya. No probIem. FeeI free, Anita. 1679 02:15:10,494 --> 02:15:13,392 You are aIso very beautifuI. Your eyes. Your nose. Mouth. 1680 02:15:15,094 --> 02:15:17,686 CooI. I wiII show some nice dance moves. 1681 02:15:17,795 --> 02:15:20,023 One step to your right and one step to your Ieft. 1682 02:15:20,394 --> 02:15:21,621 One step to your right.. - Siddhu. 1683 02:15:24,162 --> 02:15:25,185 Siddhu. 1684 02:15:26,262 --> 02:15:27,750 Hi, Madhu! When did you come? 1685 02:15:31,195 --> 02:15:34,025 Hi. - I am not tensed that there is a girI in your arms.. 1686 02:15:34,128 --> 02:15:37,026 I am not tensed that you are making diagrams on her body.. 1687 02:15:37,128 --> 02:15:40,356 ..with your finger, nor did I come here to disturb you. 1688 02:15:42,429 --> 02:15:44,258 We have to be at Shanti's house by 7:30. 1689 02:15:44,562 --> 02:15:47,357 Right now it's 7 O'cIock. You didn't forget it, did you? 1690 02:15:47,662 --> 02:15:50,220 I didn't forget it. - Siddhu. - Yes. 1691 02:15:50,329 --> 02:15:53,352 Who is she? Your friend? - No. 1692 02:15:53,463 --> 02:15:57,190 My friend? No. - Is she your Iover? 1693 02:15:57,296 --> 02:16:00,194 My Iover? No. No. No. Not at aII. 1694 02:16:00,296 --> 02:16:02,023 There needs to be some quaIities to be my Iover. 1695 02:16:02,129 --> 02:16:06,084 My range is too high. - Then who is she? 1696 02:16:07,630 --> 02:16:09,687 That girI's name is Madhu. 1697 02:16:09,797 --> 02:16:11,262 I don't know anything more than that. Don't ask me. 1698 02:16:13,563 --> 02:16:15,029 Siddhu, we'II Ieave? 1699 02:16:18,230 --> 02:16:22,026 Ok, Anita. Let's meet again. - Siddhu. - Yes. 1700 02:16:22,130 --> 02:16:25,187 When wiII we meet again? - Sunday. Next Sunday. 1701 02:16:25,664 --> 02:16:28,289 ShaII we meet for Iunch? - No. No. No. Dinner. Dinner. 1702 02:16:28,397 --> 02:16:30,625 10 O'cIock dinner. CandIeIight, you know. 1703 02:16:30,731 --> 02:16:32,321 We're gonna have a nice romantic dinner. Ok? 1704 02:16:32,431 --> 02:16:35,023 Bye. Ten O'cIock. Sunday. I'm gonna see you. 1705 02:16:35,131 --> 02:16:37,188 We're gonna have a.. - Siddhu. 1706 02:16:37,298 --> 02:16:38,321 Yes. 1707 02:16:40,431 --> 02:16:42,659 Naughty Anita. Very Anita. 1708 02:16:56,432 --> 02:16:57,523 'Today is Sunday.' 1709 02:16:59,298 --> 02:17:02,026 'Let it be. How does it bother me?' 1710 02:17:05,332 --> 02:17:06,695 'It's about to be 10 O'cIock.' 1711 02:17:07,598 --> 02:17:09,030 'Let it be. How does it bother me?' 1712 02:17:50,801 --> 02:17:55,325 ''The ankIet-beII rang. The heart skipped a beat.'' 1713 02:17:56,068 --> 02:18:00,592 ''The cIoud stormed. There's a buzz in the viIIage.'' 1714 02:18:05,802 --> 02:18:10,757 ''Who coIored the parrot green?'' 1715 02:18:11,069 --> 02:18:15,763 ''Who taught the peacock to dance?'' 1716 02:18:16,069 --> 02:18:20,524 ''The ankIet-beII rang. The heart skipped a beat.'' 1717 02:18:21,069 --> 02:18:25,694 ''The cIoud stormed. There's a buzz in the viIIage.'' 1718 02:18:57,303 --> 02:19:00,758 ''A nightingaIe sang the auspicious song.'' 1719 02:19:02,270 --> 02:19:05,759 ''The jasmine bud wants to win your heart.'' 1720 02:19:06,071 --> 02:19:09,265 ''It's becoming hard to resist you.'' 1721 02:19:11,071 --> 02:19:14,196 ''Do not entice me.'' 1722 02:19:16,071 --> 02:19:20,401 ''What did the pearI on the Iotus say?'' 1723 02:19:21,171 --> 02:19:25,365 ''It wants to reach your nose-ring.'' 1724 02:19:27,438 --> 02:19:28,631 ''On the beautifuI cheek..'' 1725 02:19:29,805 --> 02:19:31,294 ''..there's IittIe bIush.'' 1726 02:19:32,371 --> 02:19:36,134 ''Come to me and tie me the green chain.'' 1727 02:19:36,238 --> 02:19:40,500 ''The ankIet-beII rang. The heart skipped a beat.'' 1728 02:19:41,138 --> 02:19:45,628 ''The cIoud stormed. There's a buzz in the viIIage.'' 1729 02:20:22,406 --> 02:20:26,169 ''O Greek God, you have no competition.'' 1730 02:20:26,274 --> 02:20:31,036 ''O my beautifuI star, you have got the greatest shine.'' 1731 02:20:31,240 --> 02:20:34,297 ''Your step wiII crush the fIoor.'' 1732 02:20:36,307 --> 02:20:39,364 ''No other Iady can have this affect on my heart.'' 1733 02:20:41,174 --> 02:20:45,573 ''In our viIIage you wiII be greeted by a foIk song.'' 1734 02:20:46,241 --> 02:20:50,605 ''If it's a foIk song I wouId hear it from my heart.'' 1735 02:20:52,508 --> 02:20:53,768 ''Under the shadow of a papaI tree..'' 1736 02:20:55,141 --> 02:20:56,437 ''We shaII have a maize roti.'' 1737 02:20:57,575 --> 02:21:01,200 ''It wouId be great to have it in your company.'' 1738 02:21:01,308 --> 02:21:05,707 ''The ankIet-beII rang. The heart skipped a beat.'' 1739 02:21:06,241 --> 02:21:10,765 ''The cIoud stormed. There's a buzz in the viIIage.'' 1740 02:21:39,410 --> 02:21:42,035 Anita. Anita. - PIease, Siddhu. 1741 02:21:42,143 --> 02:21:44,302 Anita. Anita. - Siddhu. Siddhu. PIease. 1742 02:21:44,410 --> 02:21:46,239 Anita. Anita. Anita. 1743 02:21:52,510 --> 02:21:54,703 Siddhu. Siddhu. Siddhu. Siddhu, pIease. Siddhu. 1744 02:21:54,811 --> 02:21:56,038 Siddhu. 1745 02:22:02,744 --> 02:22:03,767 Siddhu. 1746 02:22:31,611 --> 02:22:32,634 HeIIo! 1747 02:22:36,745 --> 02:22:37,769 O God! 1748 02:22:41,245 --> 02:22:43,473 Who's this? Why are you mum after caIIing me? 1749 02:22:44,079 --> 02:22:45,773 HeIIo! - Siddhu. 1750 02:22:46,179 --> 02:22:47,509 Anita. Anita. 1751 02:22:51,412 --> 02:22:53,106 Oh God! Anita. Anita. 1752 02:22:56,579 --> 02:22:58,375 Anita, stop it. Anita, pIease. 1753 02:23:04,680 --> 02:23:05,703 Siddhu, stop it. 1754 02:23:08,380 --> 02:23:11,369 Anita, I can't take this. Stop it pIease. 1755 02:23:36,681 --> 02:23:39,772 Sorry, I am Iate. - No probIem. What did Shati say? 1756 02:23:40,082 --> 02:23:42,048 She asked to forget it. - Forget what? 1757 02:23:42,148 --> 02:23:43,773 Love. - Whose Iove? 1758 02:23:45,348 --> 02:23:48,371 Shanti toId Babu to forget his Iove for her. 1759 02:23:48,748 --> 02:23:51,715 I see. And what did you say then? 1760 02:23:52,248 --> 02:23:54,043 What wouId I say if she doesn't want it? 1761 02:23:54,248 --> 02:23:55,646 It's easy for you. You Iove when you feeI Iike Ioving.. 1762 02:23:55,749 --> 02:23:56,772 ..and you Ieave when you feeI Iike Ieaving. 1763 02:23:56,882 --> 02:23:58,313 You don't know how much it hurts others. 1764 02:23:58,515 --> 02:24:00,174 Why are you taIking as if you are some pure souI? 1765 02:24:00,282 --> 02:24:01,646 You think I don't know how good you are? 1766 02:24:02,315 --> 02:24:03,508 Didn't you breathe yesterday? 1767 02:24:05,482 --> 02:24:10,347 What! Didn't I breathe? - Didn't you breathe yesterday? 1768 02:24:10,816 --> 02:24:12,043 Not just yesterday, but I aIso breathed.. 1769 02:24:12,149 --> 02:24:13,637 ..the day before yesterday, the day before that.. 1770 02:24:13,749 --> 02:24:15,045 I have been breathing since many months and years.. 1771 02:24:15,149 --> 02:24:16,376 I have been breathing since chiIdhood. 1772 02:24:16,483 --> 02:24:17,574 You want to say that we don't have the rights.. 1773 02:24:17,683 --> 02:24:18,706 ..to breathe as weII? 1774 02:24:19,683 --> 02:24:21,080 You asked me not to Iook at your waist. Ok. 1775 02:24:21,183 --> 02:24:22,649 Now you are saying that breathing is aIso wrong. 1776 02:24:23,283 --> 02:24:25,045 Am I the onIy one in this worId who breathes? 1777 02:24:25,149 --> 02:24:26,638 Everyone breathes. Your parents breathe.. 1778 02:24:26,750 --> 02:24:28,046 ..my parents breathe, neither you nor I wouId survive.. 1779 02:24:28,150 --> 02:24:30,581 ..if we don't breathe. Even that puppy won't survive. 1780 02:24:30,683 --> 02:24:31,706 It breathes in one way when it stands.. 1781 02:24:31,817 --> 02:24:33,044 It breathes in a different way when it sits.. 1782 02:24:33,150 --> 02:24:35,378 It breathes in a different way when it runs. 1783 02:24:36,484 --> 02:24:37,507 Right, puppy? 1784 02:24:39,184 --> 02:24:41,309 Now if we don't breathe weII how wouId we survive? 1785 02:24:41,417 --> 02:24:42,440 How can you say that it's wrong! 1786 02:24:42,551 --> 02:24:44,039 The breathing I am taIking about is different.. 1787 02:24:44,150 --> 02:24:45,309 ..from what you are taIking about. - AII are same. 1788 02:24:45,417 --> 02:24:47,042 If you say breathing is wrong then everything's wrong.. 1789 02:24:47,150 --> 02:24:48,377 ..in this worId. - I wiII Ieave if you taIk Iike that. 1790 02:24:48,484 --> 02:24:50,382 I don't want to taIk about it. - No, you have to taIk about it. 1791 02:24:50,484 --> 02:24:52,075 About what? - About Iove and pain. 1792 02:24:52,818 --> 02:24:56,046 How can Shati go back after writing those Iengthy Ietters? 1793 02:24:56,151 --> 02:24:57,639 That's why we need to taIk about it. 1794 02:25:03,318 --> 02:25:06,045 My dear students, I am upset our day of separation.. 1795 02:25:06,151 --> 02:25:09,049 ..wouId arrive so soon. If you come to me one by one.. 1796 02:25:09,151 --> 02:25:11,583 ..I will give you a sendoff. Gita, come. 1797 02:25:12,418 --> 02:25:14,350 Take care, dear. 1798 02:25:14,819 --> 02:25:16,648 Sangeeta, you come here. 1799 02:25:17,685 --> 02:25:18,776 Take care of your heaIth. 1800 02:25:19,086 --> 02:25:20,642 Anupama, come here. 1801 02:25:21,685 --> 02:25:23,276 Take care. Next. 1802 02:25:26,252 --> 02:25:28,047 Get Iost. - Master. 1803 02:25:28,152 --> 02:25:30,050 You're stinking. How Iong has it been since you took a bath? 1804 02:25:30,152 --> 02:25:31,175 Get Iost. 1805 02:25:31,619 --> 02:25:35,051 Anita, you are aIso Ieaving the coIIege? 1806 02:25:35,152 --> 02:25:37,084 You wouId be breaking so many hearts. 1807 02:25:37,186 --> 02:25:40,051 And yes, you used to say 'I Iove kids' a Iot. 1808 02:25:40,152 --> 02:25:43,051 Yes, I Iove kids a Iot. - I am aIways ready.. 1809 02:25:43,153 --> 02:25:45,482 ..to father those kids. - Naughty. 1810 02:25:49,820 --> 02:25:52,048 Babu, what's this! - Siddhu, they fixed Shanti's wedding.. 1811 02:25:52,153 --> 02:25:54,642 ..on the 27th. Here's the invitation. 1812 02:26:01,520 --> 02:26:02,543 What shaII we do now? 1813 02:26:08,454 --> 02:26:10,352 UncIe, Shanti is nowhere in the house. 1814 02:26:10,654 --> 02:26:12,052 What! She's nowhere. - We searched everywhere. 1815 02:26:12,154 --> 02:26:13,415 We couIdn't find her anywhere. 1816 02:26:25,455 --> 02:26:27,785 Babu, Shanti's father is coming this way with his men. 1817 02:26:28,388 --> 02:26:30,048 I wiII go and stop them. - Siddhu, how can the wedding.. 1818 02:26:30,154 --> 02:26:31,586 ..take pIace in your absence? 1819 02:26:31,688 --> 02:26:32,711 It's not important if I am here or not.. 1820 02:26:32,822 --> 02:26:34,651 ..but the wedding is more important. - But, Siddhu.. 1821 02:26:34,755 --> 02:26:37,221 There is no use taIking to you. Be carefuI, Babu. 1822 02:26:49,422 --> 02:26:51,388 Bro, what are you doing? - Eating coconut. 1823 02:26:52,756 --> 02:26:53,779 Come. 1824 02:27:02,689 --> 02:27:04,053 Hey, Chotu Motu, Iift the gate. 1825 02:27:05,689 --> 02:27:07,780 Brother hasn't given me permission. Go away. 1826 02:27:08,689 --> 02:27:10,451 Who's your brother? Lift the gate. 1827 02:27:10,557 --> 02:27:15,046 Who's your brother? - Brother, they are screaming at me. 1828 02:27:15,690 --> 02:27:19,713 ''The fishes in the hand were jumping out of the hand.'' 1829 02:27:19,824 --> 02:27:24,189 ''I sIashed those fishes in two pieces.'' 1830 02:27:24,291 --> 02:27:28,518 ''I wiII cook those fishes for dinner.'' 1831 02:27:28,623 --> 02:27:30,555 Hey! - Brother's here. - What's the matter? 1832 02:27:31,324 --> 02:27:33,051 With those beards and moustaches.. 1833 02:27:33,157 --> 02:27:36,555 ..you are scaring a kid? - Hey, you! Don't shatter my mind. 1834 02:27:36,658 --> 02:27:40,613 Open the gate. - Shatter your mind? You have a mind? 1835 02:27:41,324 --> 02:27:44,222 Hey! I am teIIing you. I am teIIing you. 1836 02:27:44,324 --> 02:27:46,052 If you don't open the gate I wiII cut you into pieces.. 1837 02:27:46,158 --> 02:27:47,181 ..and throw you in the drain. 1838 02:27:47,291 --> 02:27:50,382 O brother, your voice is scaring me. 1839 02:27:50,491 --> 02:27:55,288 What's that body and what's that voice? They don't geI weII. 1840 02:27:55,392 --> 02:27:57,381 Go and repair your voice. Get Iost from here. Next. 1841 02:27:57,492 --> 02:28:01,151 Hey, you! - What? - Who are you? 1842 02:28:02,092 --> 02:28:03,649 Hey, you don't know brother? 1843 02:28:03,759 --> 02:28:05,054 It's our misfortune, brother. It's our misfortune. 1844 02:28:05,158 --> 02:28:07,056 We have to give our own introductions. Ok, carry on. 1845 02:28:09,659 --> 02:28:11,057 WorId-renowned poet Ravindranath Tagore.. 1846 02:28:11,159 --> 02:28:13,057 ..Jagadish Chandra Bose, Subash Chandra Bose.. 1847 02:28:13,159 --> 02:28:15,057 ..Amartya Sen, Satyajit Ray, Bagha Jatin.. 1848 02:28:15,159 --> 02:28:16,647 ..Swami Rama Krishna Paramahama.. 1849 02:28:16,759 --> 02:28:18,055 ..Swami Vivekananda, Swami Yogananda.. 1850 02:28:18,159 --> 02:28:20,057 ..Char Mazumdar and the one and onIy.. 1851 02:28:20,159 --> 02:28:22,387 ..RoyaI BengaI Tiger Siddhu Siddhartha Roy. 1852 02:28:22,826 --> 02:28:24,383 We are aII from 'Amar BangIa'. 1853 02:28:25,193 --> 02:28:27,284 That's why I teII you my friends, get Iost from here. 1854 02:28:27,393 --> 02:28:28,416 PIease. 1855 02:28:29,426 --> 02:28:30,449 Did you get it? 1856 02:28:30,827 --> 02:28:34,055 Hey, you dogs! You can't open a gate? 1857 02:28:34,159 --> 02:28:36,092 You are pIaying games here? Hit him. 1858 02:28:36,193 --> 02:28:39,058 Hey, Iet me warn you. If you Iisten to me and Ieave.. 1859 02:28:39,160 --> 02:28:41,489 ..I wiII spare you, or eIse.. 1860 02:28:45,260 --> 02:28:47,351 I know Iife is taxing and death is reIaxing. 1861 02:28:47,461 --> 02:28:50,393 Let me Iiberate your divine souIs from your stinking bodies. 1862 02:29:10,328 --> 02:29:12,793 SaIim, get him. - I wiII cut his Ieg. 1863 02:29:15,695 --> 02:29:17,354 SaIim, sIay him with the sword. SIay him. 1864 02:29:21,295 --> 02:29:22,318 Get him. Get him. 1865 02:29:22,428 --> 02:29:24,724 Wait a minute. I don't get anything. 1866 02:29:43,830 --> 02:29:45,523 I toId you to repair your voice first. 1867 02:29:52,197 --> 02:29:53,220 You didn't get it? 1868 02:29:54,130 --> 02:29:56,789 I don't fight peopIe Iike you. You got it now? 1869 02:29:58,763 --> 02:29:59,786 Good boy. 1870 02:30:07,263 --> 02:30:09,058 No. No. No. 1871 02:30:10,263 --> 02:30:12,126 Boss, one minute. 1872 02:30:13,597 --> 02:30:16,063 I have got nothing. I don't want to fight you. 1873 02:30:16,630 --> 02:30:19,153 You got it? - Then why did you come here? 1874 02:30:20,231 --> 02:30:21,254 To pIay marbIes? 1875 02:30:31,164 --> 02:30:35,324 Hey, I couId sIash your shirts and hair without hurting you. 1876 02:30:36,131 --> 02:30:37,791 Taking your Iives is not too hard for me. 1877 02:30:38,531 --> 02:30:39,955 But I am not doing that onIy because.. 1878 02:30:40,066 --> 02:30:43,131 ..I know the vaIue of Iife. - Are you scared of a kid? 1879 02:30:47,765 --> 02:30:50,493 Hey, you know who I am? Gudumba Satti. Gudumba Satti. 1880 02:30:55,165 --> 02:30:57,063 You can be Gudumba Satti, you can be anyone.. 1881 02:30:57,165 --> 02:30:59,461 ..but I don't care, because I am Siddhu Siddhartha Roy. 1882 02:31:15,100 --> 02:31:18,089 Now teII me how difficuIt it is to kiII someone. 1883 02:31:18,667 --> 02:31:20,292 You guys don't know the vaIue of Iife. 1884 02:31:20,400 --> 02:31:22,059 By kiIIing peopIe you might think that you are.. 1885 02:31:22,166 --> 02:31:23,223 ..big shots and Ieaders. 1886 02:31:25,433 --> 02:31:28,059 A pistoI that was in your hand a minute ago.. 1887 02:31:28,166 --> 02:31:30,065 ..is in my hands now. I couId've taken their Iives.. 1888 02:31:30,167 --> 02:31:32,099 ..just Iike you do, but I know the vaIue of Iife. 1889 02:31:32,733 --> 02:31:34,063 Your weaIth, power and infIuence.. 1890 02:31:34,167 --> 02:31:36,065 ..might be heIpfuI to take a person's Iife.. 1891 02:31:36,167 --> 02:31:38,655 ..but they aren't enough to give someone a Iife. 1892 02:31:40,367 --> 02:31:43,094 Sir, I toId you earIier as weII and I am saying it again. 1893 02:31:43,767 --> 02:31:45,063 Babu is not just an inteIIigent guy.. 1894 02:31:45,167 --> 02:31:47,065 ..but he is a good-hearted person as weII. 1895 02:31:47,768 --> 02:31:49,666 If Shanti marries a person of her choice.. 1896 02:31:49,768 --> 02:31:51,427 ..there won't be any probIem. 1897 02:31:51,534 --> 02:31:54,728 Don't ruin her wedding with bIood and murders. 1898 02:31:58,434 --> 02:32:01,196 Sir, you are an eIderIy man. I need not teII you aII this. 1899 02:32:02,335 --> 02:32:04,062 When I can do so much for my friendship.. 1900 02:32:04,168 --> 02:32:06,464 ..why can't you do a IittIe bit for your daughter? 1901 02:32:08,402 --> 02:32:11,232 I said whatever I had to say. Now it's up to you. 1902 02:32:22,402 --> 02:32:24,062 Before I cross the tempIe gate you can kiII me.. 1903 02:32:24,169 --> 02:32:25,725 ..and take her away.. 1904 02:32:35,103 --> 02:32:36,126 Hey! 1905 02:32:37,269 --> 02:32:39,792 What's your name? - BengaI Tiger Siddhartha Roy. 1906 02:32:43,837 --> 02:32:46,394 Siddhu, I Iiked your guts. 1907 02:32:48,436 --> 02:32:51,062 For your friend, you are even ready to sacrifice your Iife.. 1908 02:32:51,170 --> 02:32:54,534 ..which shows that he is a worthy person. 1909 02:32:55,770 --> 02:32:57,396 Siddhu, take me there. 1910 02:33:04,104 --> 02:33:05,161 I need to go to the assembIy. 1911 02:33:06,270 --> 02:33:07,293 Buddy. 1912 02:33:12,571 --> 02:33:14,434 Come, brother. - WeIcome, uncIe. 1913 02:33:15,437 --> 02:33:19,063 I knew uncIe Gudumba, that you wouId change. 1914 02:33:19,171 --> 02:33:21,262 Give me that gun. That ugIy gun. 1915 02:33:21,371 --> 02:33:22,394 You are a dangerous guy. 1916 02:33:22,505 --> 02:33:25,665 Hey, uncIe! Why are you so hot-tempered! 1917 02:33:25,772 --> 02:33:28,260 I toId you earIier as weII.. 1918 02:33:38,839 --> 02:33:40,634 Babu, do not worry. 1919 02:33:41,206 --> 02:33:43,069 The auspicious time is passing by. Tie the nuptiaI thread. 1920 02:33:52,106 --> 02:33:54,072 I'm so happy for you. - Thanks. - Bye. 1921 02:33:54,172 --> 02:33:55,468 Bye, Madhu. - Bye, Madhu. 1922 02:33:55,573 --> 02:33:59,596 Bye, Shanti. - Bye, dangerous kid. 1923 02:33:59,706 --> 02:34:00,729 Bye, uncIe Gudumba. 1924 02:34:07,606 --> 02:34:08,663 Bye. - Bye. 1925 02:34:08,773 --> 02:34:10,636 Bye. Bye. - Bye. Bye. 1926 02:34:17,707 --> 02:34:18,730 So.. - So.. 1927 02:34:20,540 --> 02:34:21,563 Thanks. 1928 02:34:23,207 --> 02:34:27,606 Thanks a Iot for uniting my friend Babu with his girIfriend. 1929 02:34:29,507 --> 02:34:30,530 Thanks to you too. 1930 02:34:32,674 --> 02:34:36,799 You heIped me a Iot to unite my friend with her friend. 1931 02:34:41,274 --> 02:34:42,467 Thanks a Iot for that. 1932 02:34:45,108 --> 02:34:46,131 Thanks. 1933 02:34:47,641 --> 02:34:50,232 Thanks. Thanks. - Thanks. 1934 02:34:50,341 --> 02:34:51,602 Thanks. - Thank you. 1935 02:37:33,715 --> 02:37:35,305 Siddhu. - I am Priya, Madhu. 1936 02:37:37,782 --> 02:37:39,145 I am Ieaving this evening. 1937 02:37:40,215 --> 02:37:41,476 Ok. - What ok? 1938 02:37:41,582 --> 02:37:43,605 I am Ieaving and you are saying ok? 1939 02:37:43,715 --> 02:37:45,647 I am aIready pretty tensed here. 1940 02:37:45,748 --> 02:37:48,373 I am sorry, Madhu. I wiII caII you Iater. Bye. - Bye. 1941 02:38:34,142 --> 02:38:36,438 Watchman, is Mr. Siddhu at home? - He Ieft just now. 1942 02:38:36,843 --> 02:38:39,638 He has gone? Where? - To the raiIway station. 1943 02:38:40,676 --> 02:38:42,199 Which station? - FaIaknuma Express. 1944 02:38:50,111 --> 02:38:52,339 Hi! - Madhu.. 1945 02:38:52,777 --> 02:38:54,676 Madhu has gone? - Where has she gone? 1946 02:38:54,844 --> 02:38:56,435 She's going by Gautami Express from Secundrabad. 1947 02:39:06,546 --> 02:39:08,136 Gautami Express pIatform no. 3. 1948 02:39:11,479 --> 02:39:13,173 FaIaknuma Express pIatform no. 4. 1949 02:40:03,118 --> 02:40:04,640 Madhu. Madhu. Madhu. 1950 02:40:07,685 --> 02:40:08,708 Siddhu. Siddhu. Siddhu. 1951 02:40:18,152 --> 02:40:19,709 Has anyone caIIed Madhu come here? 1952 02:40:20,653 --> 02:40:22,210 No one came here tiII now. 1953 02:40:47,456 --> 02:40:48,479 Siddhu. 1954 02:41:13,459 --> 02:41:15,550 'What if she had gone to that pIatform searching me?' 1955 02:41:16,292 --> 02:41:18,588 'Has he gone to that pIatform searching me?' 1956 02:41:28,460 --> 02:41:29,483 Ok. 1957 02:41:32,227 --> 02:41:35,125 A girI caIIed Madhu wiII come here. WiII you give it to her? 1958 02:41:35,227 --> 02:41:36,318 Sure. - Thank you. 1959 02:41:37,694 --> 02:41:38,717 Excuse me. - Yes. 1960 02:41:38,828 --> 02:41:40,418 A person caIIed Siddhu wiII come here. 1961 02:41:40,527 --> 02:41:41,550 WiII you give it to him? - Yes, I wiII. 1962 02:41:41,661 --> 02:41:42,684 Thank you. - It's ok. 1963 02:42:06,697 --> 02:42:08,094 'What! He's here again?' 1964 02:43:43,339 --> 02:43:44,363 Are you Siddhu? 1965 02:43:45,739 --> 02:43:46,762 Someone Ieft this for you. 1966 02:43:53,407 --> 02:43:56,101 'Dear, Madhu. I wanted to say something to you..' 1967 02:43:56,208 --> 02:43:59,732 '..since a Iong time, but I couIdn't. You know what it is.' 1968 02:44:00,141 --> 02:44:02,573 'I Iove you, Madhu. I Iove you.' 1969 02:44:05,175 --> 02:44:07,107 'But I don't know why..' 1970 02:44:07,209 --> 02:44:09,835 '..I couIdn't say this to you aII these days.' 1971 02:44:10,442 --> 02:44:12,102 'If I can't say this to you today..' 1972 02:44:12,209 --> 02:44:15,642 '..I fear I won't be abIe to say it to you ever again, Siddhu.' 1973 02:44:15,742 --> 02:44:19,106 'Ever again. - Today I want to say it to you..' 1974 02:44:19,210 --> 02:44:22,836 '..but you are not with me, Madhu. You are not with me.' 1975 02:44:27,344 --> 02:44:30,606 'Today I came to know some truth. You know what it is.' 1976 02:44:31,444 --> 02:44:34,501 'AII these days we weren't fighting, but it was Iove.' 1977 02:44:35,512 --> 02:44:36,670 'I want you, Siddhu.' 1978 02:44:37,345 --> 02:44:40,175 'To Iove me, to fight with me.' 1979 02:45:03,681 --> 02:45:08,444 After ten years.. 1980 02:45:16,815 --> 02:45:21,578 Stand up. Stand straight. 1981 02:45:21,683 --> 02:45:23,808 Wear it. Come on. 1982 02:45:26,550 --> 02:45:28,607 Listen. Look at him. 1983 02:45:31,317 --> 02:45:33,545 Why are you troubIing me this way? Wait. 1984 02:45:34,284 --> 02:45:36,307 Listen. Listen. 1985 02:45:37,817 --> 02:45:39,613 Can't you hear me? - Yes, I can. 1986 02:45:39,718 --> 02:45:40,741 Listen. - What! 1987 02:45:40,852 --> 02:45:43,841 Look at this crazy kid. He is giving me a hard time. 1988 02:45:45,385 --> 02:45:47,782 He took after you. - What! He took after me? 1989 02:45:47,885 --> 02:45:49,112 He took after me? Look at her. 1990 02:45:49,219 --> 02:45:50,776 She isn't removing her toweI. She took after you. 1991 02:45:50,886 --> 02:45:53,114 What! She took after me? Say it again. 1992 02:45:53,220 --> 02:45:55,118 I wiII say it hundred times. - If you don't Iike me.. 1993 02:45:55,220 --> 02:45:57,118 ..why did you marry me in the first pIace. - My misfortune. 1994 02:45:57,220 --> 02:45:59,118 Before I reached my viIIage on train.. 1995 02:45:59,220 --> 02:46:01,118 ..you reached there by fIight and toId my father.. 1996 02:46:01,220 --> 02:46:03,119 ..that you Iove me.. - You are screaming Iike a crow. 1997 02:46:03,220 --> 02:46:05,709 ..and begged for my hand, didn't you? 1998 02:46:05,820 --> 02:46:08,116 Here is Miss. Universe. - That's how you got my hand. 1999 02:46:08,221 --> 02:46:10,414 That's the biggest mistake of my Iife. - Yes. 2000 02:46:10,521 --> 02:46:12,111 In just ten years of marriage you got me pregnant.. 2001 02:46:12,221 --> 02:46:14,120 ..so many times.. - Hey, come in. 2002 02:46:14,222 --> 02:46:16,687 I am pregnant even now. And now you say it was a mistake? 2003 02:46:16,788 --> 02:46:17,811 Why aren't you saying anything? 2004 02:46:18,422 --> 02:46:20,718 Hey, what rubbish are you taIking since then? - Mistake.. 2005 02:46:20,822 --> 02:46:22,515 Stop it. Stop it. Enough. 2006 02:46:23,255 --> 02:46:24,653 It's your mistake. - I have been bearing you.. 2007 02:46:24,755 --> 02:46:25,778 ..since many years. You never keep your mouth shut. 2008 02:46:25,889 --> 02:46:27,116 I don't want to taIk to you.. - Now stop it. Stop it. 2009 02:46:27,223 --> 02:46:29,212 We are getting Iate. Stop it. 2010 02:46:30,823 --> 02:46:32,789 We are getting Iate. Let's go. Hey, come. 2011 02:46:35,690 --> 02:46:36,713 Divya. 2012 02:46:37,890 --> 02:46:39,117 Ready, sir? 2013 02:46:41,491 --> 02:46:43,719 You had 17 kids in ten years and entered.. 2014 02:46:43,824 --> 02:46:45,154 ..The Guiness Book Of WorId Records. 2015 02:46:45,557 --> 02:46:47,547 Say a few words about it, sir. 2016 02:46:49,891 --> 02:46:53,120 ActuaIIy the thing is that when we were in coIIege.. 2017 02:46:53,225 --> 02:46:55,124 ..we used to fight a Iot.. DaiIy fights.. 2018 02:46:55,226 --> 02:46:58,124 And finaIIy destiny brought us together. 2019 02:46:58,226 --> 02:47:00,192 And then we didn't Iook back. 2020 02:47:00,292 --> 02:47:01,781 Every time it was a doubIe impact. 2021 02:47:02,626 --> 02:47:04,149 Twins. We had twins every time. 2022 02:47:04,260 --> 02:47:06,385 KamaIa. VimaIa. Ravi. Kavi. 2023 02:47:06,494 --> 02:47:08,619 Shanti. Damayanti. Ajay. Vijay. 2024 02:47:08,726 --> 02:47:11,625 Pappu. Sippi.. - O stop it! Enough. 2025 02:47:11,727 --> 02:47:12,750 You are feeIing shy? 2026 02:47:12,861 --> 02:47:15,486 Ganesh. Dinesh. Mahesh. Radhe Shyam. 2027 02:47:16,328 --> 02:47:18,157 Shyam. Chotu. Moutu. 2028 02:47:18,261 --> 02:47:20,386 So in eight attempts we had 17 kids. 2029 02:47:21,294 --> 02:47:23,783 17 kids? - Yes, you can't beIieve it? 2030 02:47:23,895 --> 02:47:26,622 O God! But you can have onIy 16 kids in eight attempts, sir. 2031 02:47:26,728 --> 02:47:30,525 Once we had tripIets. Puppu. Sippi. 2032 02:47:30,629 --> 02:47:32,788 Who's the third one? He must be somewhere around. 2033 02:47:32,896 --> 02:47:34,123 He must be somewhere around. 2034 02:47:34,662 --> 02:47:37,220 There are so many. I just get confused sometimes. 2035 02:47:38,829 --> 02:47:41,318 It is a wonderfuI feeIing at Iast. So many kids. 2036 02:47:43,663 --> 02:47:45,492 I feeI somebody up there Iikes me. 2037 02:47:45,597 --> 02:47:49,121 I am reaIIy gratefuI to God for giving me an opportunity.. 2038 02:47:49,231 --> 02:47:52,527 ..to enter The Guiness Book Of WorId Records.