1 00:00:05,338 --> 00:00:08,040 Uncle: Ah, the city of fengdu, 2 00:00:08,042 --> 00:00:10,376 uncle's hometown. 3 00:00:10,378 --> 00:00:12,344 Uncle cannot believe 4 00:00:12,346 --> 00:00:15,547 this is last time he will ever see it. 5 00:00:15,549 --> 00:00:17,116 Jackie: Oh, that must mark 6 00:00:17,118 --> 00:00:19,118 how high the flood waters will rise 7 00:00:19,120 --> 00:00:20,619 when the new dam is finished. 8 00:00:20,621 --> 00:00:23,055 Tohru: Everything will be submerged? 9 00:00:25,158 --> 00:00:28,494 Uncle: The original birthplace of the chan family, 10 00:00:28,496 --> 00:00:30,863 gone forever. 11 00:00:30,865 --> 00:00:33,298 That is why uncle needed to come, 12 00:00:33,300 --> 00:00:36,435 and that is why the two of you needed to join me. 13 00:00:36,437 --> 00:00:39,304 (Music playing) 14 00:00:39,306 --> 00:00:40,472 Jade: Hey! 15 00:00:40,474 --> 00:00:42,408 Uncle: Turn off racket and listen to uncle! 16 00:00:42,410 --> 00:00:44,843 This is your history. 17 00:00:44,845 --> 00:00:47,112 Jade: Yeah, ancient history. Give it back! 18 00:00:47,114 --> 00:00:49,782 Uncle: You are stubborn as mule! 19 00:00:49,784 --> 00:00:52,885 Jade: I am not stubborn! I'm independent! 20 00:00:52,887 --> 00:00:54,086 Uncle: Oh! 21 00:00:54,088 --> 00:00:56,588 Jade: Now what am I supposed to listen to? 22 00:00:56,590 --> 00:00:58,957 Uncle: How about uncle? 23 00:00:58,959 --> 00:01:01,326 Tohru: Sensei, what is that? 24 00:01:02,829 --> 00:01:04,396 Uncle: Ai-yah! 25 00:01:04,398 --> 00:01:06,231 Mingshan temple. 26 00:01:06,233 --> 00:01:07,599 Dark magic. 27 00:01:07,601 --> 00:01:10,436 Legendary home to ancient mirror spirits... 28 00:01:10,438 --> 00:01:11,770 Evil tricksters 29 00:01:11,772 --> 00:01:16,108 who make your worst fears about yourself come true. 30 00:01:16,110 --> 00:01:19,445 Jade: Big deal. I'm spending my vacation here. 31 00:01:19,447 --> 00:01:21,647 My worst fear has already come true. 32 00:01:21,649 --> 00:01:23,816 Spirits: Help! 33 00:01:23,818 --> 00:01:26,185 Help! 34 00:01:26,187 --> 00:01:28,053 Help! 35 00:01:28,055 --> 00:01:30,456 Spirit #1: Help! Somebody! 36 00:01:30,458 --> 00:01:33,192 Spirit #2: We're starving! We need light! 37 00:01:33,194 --> 00:01:34,593 Spirit #3: Release us now! 38 00:01:34,595 --> 00:01:36,528 Lead spirit: Quiet, fools! 39 00:01:36,530 --> 00:01:39,098 Spirit #3: How else are we supposed to get a human's attention? 40 00:01:39,100 --> 00:01:42,301 We need physical hosts to escape this mirror, remember? 41 00:01:42,303 --> 00:01:44,736 Spirit #2: Yeah, - and we'll be underwater soon. 42 00:01:44,738 --> 00:01:46,271 Spirit #1: And I can't swim. 43 00:01:46,273 --> 00:01:47,606 Lead spirit: Patience. 44 00:01:47,608 --> 00:01:50,008 I sense that. The means of our freedom 45 00:01:50,010 --> 00:01:52,611 are drawing very near. 46 00:01:52,613 --> 00:01:54,680 (Spirits laugh) 47 00:02:31,284 --> 00:02:34,186 Uncle: House was here. School was here. 48 00:02:34,188 --> 00:02:37,322 Best place for noodle in city was here. 49 00:02:37,324 --> 00:02:42,227 So, what do you think of uncle's old stomping grounds? 50 00:02:42,229 --> 00:02:45,264 Jade: Tch. Looks more like it was stomped into the ground. 51 00:02:48,434 --> 00:02:51,837 Jackie: Uncle, I read that most of fengdu's sacred buildings 52 00:02:51,839 --> 00:02:53,805 were moved to higher ground. 53 00:02:53,807 --> 00:02:55,941 Why did they leave the mingshan temple here? 54 00:02:55,943 --> 00:02:58,377 Uncle: Nothing sacred about mingshan. 55 00:02:58,379 --> 00:03:02,814 Even small children were taught never to go inside. 56 00:03:02,816 --> 00:03:06,351 Imprisoned mirror spirits are very crafty... 57 00:03:06,353 --> 00:03:08,187 Will take over your body 58 00:03:08,189 --> 00:03:12,024 and make your worst fears a reality. 59 00:03:12,026 --> 00:03:14,726 Jade: Sounds like one of those urban legend things 60 00:03:14,728 --> 00:03:16,995 they tell kids to make them behave. 61 00:03:16,997 --> 00:03:21,033 Uncle: In uncle's day, children behave regardless... 62 00:03:21,035 --> 00:03:23,835 Unlike now. 63 00:03:23,837 --> 00:03:25,037 Jade: Hrmph. 64 00:03:25,039 --> 00:03:26,405 Jackie: Uh... 65 00:03:26,407 --> 00:03:28,473 Perhaps we should visit the temple anyway. 66 00:03:28,475 --> 00:03:31,910 There may be artifacts inside worth preserving. 67 00:03:31,912 --> 00:03:35,314 Uncle: Thank you, big-headed know-it-all, for your input, 68 00:03:35,316 --> 00:03:37,349 but I think uncle knows more 69 00:03:37,351 --> 00:03:40,886 about mingshan temple than you. 70 00:03:40,888 --> 00:03:45,224 Some things are better left at the bottom of the river. 71 00:03:45,226 --> 00:03:47,359 Now, as I was saying, 72 00:03:47,361 --> 00:03:49,695 third cousin once-removed house was there. 73 00:03:49,697 --> 00:03:53,932 He still owes uncle money. 74 00:03:56,502 --> 00:03:58,904 Spirits: Help! 75 00:03:58,906 --> 00:04:00,939 Help! 76 00:04:02,308 --> 00:04:05,477 Jackie: Tohru, do you think uncle is right? 77 00:04:05,479 --> 00:04:07,512 Am I a big-headed know-it-all? 78 00:04:07,514 --> 00:04:09,147 Jade? 79 00:04:09,149 --> 00:04:10,349 Jade: Hello? 80 00:04:10,351 --> 00:04:11,683 Spirits: Help! 81 00:04:11,685 --> 00:04:13,118 Jade: Who's there? 82 00:04:13,120 --> 00:04:14,253 Spirits: Help! 83 00:04:14,255 --> 00:04:17,122 Help! 84 00:04:17,124 --> 00:04:18,257 Tohru: Jade! 85 00:04:18,259 --> 00:04:20,392 Jackie: Where are you? 86 00:04:23,196 --> 00:04:25,264 Uncle: Touch nothing! 87 00:04:25,266 --> 00:04:27,933 Were uncle's lips not moving? 88 00:04:27,935 --> 00:04:31,870 Did words about temple not come out of uncle's mouth? 89 00:04:31,872 --> 00:04:35,474 Why no one ever listen to uncle? 90 00:04:35,476 --> 00:04:38,343 Jackie: Uhh. We weren't ignoring you, 91 00:04:38,345 --> 00:04:40,078 but we have to find Jade. 92 00:04:40,080 --> 00:04:41,747 Perhaps we should split up... 93 00:04:41,749 --> 00:04:44,916 Unless you think I'm being a know-it-all again. 94 00:04:44,918 --> 00:04:48,820 Uncle: Touch nothing else, big head. 95 00:04:51,324 --> 00:04:52,824 Spirits: Help! 96 00:04:52,826 --> 00:04:54,826 Help! 97 00:04:54,828 --> 00:04:57,596 Jade: Uh, someone in here? 98 00:04:57,598 --> 00:04:59,431 Spirit #1: This way! 99 00:04:59,433 --> 00:05:01,533 Spirit #2: That's right! 100 00:05:01,535 --> 00:05:02,834 Lead spirit: You! 101 00:05:02,836 --> 00:05:05,837 Yes, you, young lady. 102 00:05:05,839 --> 00:05:08,373 Over here. 103 00:05:09,842 --> 00:05:12,210 Jade: Whoa! Uncle wasn't kidding. 104 00:05:12,212 --> 00:05:14,579 You guys are. The evil mirror spirits. 105 00:05:14,581 --> 00:05:17,049 Spirit #3: Evil? We're not evil. 106 00:05:17,051 --> 00:05:18,417 (Jade gasps) 107 00:05:18,419 --> 00:05:20,986 Lead spirit: No, don't! Wait! Please! 108 00:05:20,988 --> 00:05:23,522 We are not evil, little one. We're good... 109 00:05:23,524 --> 00:05:27,526 Good spirits unjustly trapped for centuries, 110 00:05:27,528 --> 00:05:30,762 waiting for someone brave and kind enough 111 00:05:30,764 --> 00:05:34,399 to smash this prison and set us free. 112 00:05:34,401 --> 00:05:36,201 Jade: That's not what I heard. 113 00:05:36,203 --> 00:05:37,269 Spirit #3: Lies! 114 00:05:37,271 --> 00:05:38,570 Spirit #2: You heard wrong! 115 00:05:38,572 --> 00:05:39,771 Spirit #1: I couldn't hear. What'd she hear? 116 00:05:39,773 --> 00:05:43,408 Lead spirit: I assure you, we mean no harm. 117 00:05:43,410 --> 00:05:47,412 Our only purpose is to Grant wishes. 118 00:05:47,414 --> 00:05:48,814 Jade: Yeah, right. 119 00:05:48,816 --> 00:05:50,549 Lead spirit: Well, if you're going to be 120 00:05:50,551 --> 00:05:52,584 a stubborn mule about it... 121 00:05:52,586 --> 00:05:56,254 Spirits: Stubborn mule! Stubborn mule! Stubborn mule! 122 00:05:56,256 --> 00:05:57,556 Jade: Stop it! 123 00:05:57,558 --> 00:05:58,757 Tohru: Jade! 124 00:05:59,992 --> 00:06:01,360 Jade: What? 125 00:06:01,362 --> 00:06:03,562 Tohru: Uncle warned you not to come inside the temple. 126 00:06:03,564 --> 00:06:04,896 It's too dangerous. 127 00:06:04,898 --> 00:06:06,698 Jade: Like I haven't seen danger before. 128 00:06:06,700 --> 00:06:08,767 Stop being so over-protective. 129 00:06:08,769 --> 00:06:10,702 You're starting to act like your mom. 130 00:06:10,704 --> 00:06:12,704 Tohru: I am not like my mother. 131 00:06:12,706 --> 00:06:15,207 Spirit #1: Just like your mother! 132 00:06:15,209 --> 00:06:16,508 Spirit #2: Who's your mommy? 133 00:06:16,510 --> 00:06:18,043 Spirit #3: Mother, may I? 134 00:06:18,045 --> 00:06:19,478 (Tohru shudders) 135 00:06:19,480 --> 00:06:21,146 Spirits: Light! 136 00:06:24,717 --> 00:06:26,051 Jade: We can't let the mirror break! 137 00:06:26,053 --> 00:06:28,487 The spirits will get out! 138 00:06:31,257 --> 00:06:32,524 (Jade gasps) 139 00:06:32,526 --> 00:06:33,725 Tohru: Look out! 140 00:06:42,435 --> 00:06:45,137 Uncle: Aah! 141 00:06:51,711 --> 00:06:53,645 Uncle: Dark magic! 142 00:06:53,647 --> 00:06:56,348 Why does uncle bother speaking? 143 00:07:00,753 --> 00:07:03,588 Lead spirit: No! 144 00:07:11,864 --> 00:07:13,999 Jade: Tohru! Behind you! 145 00:07:14,001 --> 00:07:15,901 (Both grunt) 146 00:07:15,903 --> 00:07:17,502 Uncle: Ai-yaah! 147 00:07:17,504 --> 00:07:19,938 Protect the mirror! 148 00:07:22,408 --> 00:07:23,842 Lead spirit: Ignorant creatures! 149 00:07:24,510 --> 00:07:26,711 We will not be denied! 150 00:07:26,713 --> 00:07:28,013 (Tohru grunts) 151 00:07:29,549 --> 00:07:31,049 Uncle: Does no one have ears? 152 00:07:31,051 --> 00:07:32,851 Mirror must not shatter! 153 00:07:37,490 --> 00:07:39,791 Jackie: Ohh! Bad day! 154 00:07:39,793 --> 00:07:41,860 (Jackie panting) 155 00:07:45,731 --> 00:07:46,965 (Spirits laughing) 156 00:07:46,967 --> 00:07:49,267 (Jackie screams) 157 00:07:50,303 --> 00:07:53,472 (Spirit #1 laughs) 158 00:07:53,474 --> 00:07:55,540 (Jade shudders) 159 00:07:56,576 --> 00:07:58,743 (Spirit #3 laughs) 160 00:07:58,745 --> 00:08:00,946 (Tohru shudders) 161 00:08:00,948 --> 00:08:03,114 (Spirit #2 laughs) 162 00:08:03,116 --> 00:08:04,549 Jackie: Ohh... 163 00:08:04,551 --> 00:08:06,618 (Lead spirit laughs) 164 00:08:07,820 --> 00:08:09,988 (Uncle mute) 165 00:08:09,990 --> 00:08:11,823 (All scream) 166 00:08:11,825 --> 00:08:12,958 All: What? 167 00:08:12,960 --> 00:08:16,361 Jade: Oh, no! I'm a mule! A stubborn mule! 168 00:08:16,363 --> 00:08:19,498 Jackie: My head... it's huge! 169 00:08:19,500 --> 00:08:22,734 Tohru, mother's voice: I'm turning into my mother. 170 00:08:22,736 --> 00:08:26,004 (Uncle claps) 171 00:08:26,006 --> 00:08:29,007 Jade: It's like somebody hit uncle's mute button. 172 00:08:29,009 --> 00:08:33,144 Tohru: Ah. Sometimes wishes do come true. 173 00:08:33,146 --> 00:08:35,514 Jackie: (Gasps) The mirror spirits... 174 00:08:35,516 --> 00:08:39,651 They're making our worst fears about ourselves come true! 175 00:08:42,188 --> 00:08:45,056 Everybody out! Go, go, go! 176 00:08:49,562 --> 00:08:51,263 (Jackie strains) 177 00:08:52,231 --> 00:08:54,332 (Tohru grunts) 178 00:09:05,144 --> 00:09:07,145 Jackie: Something tells me I'm fortunate 179 00:09:07,147 --> 00:09:08,947 I did not hear that. 180 00:09:10,049 --> 00:09:13,184 Aw, uncle, please stop staring and tell us 181 00:09:13,186 --> 00:09:16,187 how to remove the mirror spirits from inside us. 182 00:09:18,291 --> 00:09:21,226 Jade: Hey, I kind of like uncle this way. 183 00:09:22,128 --> 00:09:24,596 Hee-haw! 184 00:09:24,598 --> 00:09:25,964 At least I'm not a mime. 185 00:09:25,966 --> 00:09:28,366 Why don't you walk against the wind or something? 186 00:09:28,368 --> 00:09:30,569 Jackie: Aw! All right, both of you! 187 00:09:30,571 --> 00:09:34,139 You're giving me a headache... A big one! 188 00:09:34,141 --> 00:09:36,007 Don't even think about it. 189 00:09:37,076 --> 00:09:38,276 Here, uncle. 190 00:09:38,278 --> 00:09:40,679 Whatever you know, write it down. 191 00:09:45,151 --> 00:09:46,685 Tohru: This is nonsense! 192 00:09:46,687 --> 00:09:50,088 Just like everything that used to come out of your mouth! 193 00:09:50,090 --> 00:09:53,491 Jackie: Wait! This is the scroll I picked up inside the temple. 194 00:09:53,493 --> 00:09:55,427 Maybe it will tell us something. 195 00:09:55,429 --> 00:09:57,729 Tohru: It says that the mirror spirits 196 00:09:57,731 --> 00:10:00,131 not only mutate their human hosts, 197 00:10:00,133 --> 00:10:04,269 but that the hosts can then spread the fear and chaos simply by touch, 198 00:10:04,271 --> 00:10:07,772 moving from one person to the next and so on. 199 00:10:07,774 --> 00:10:09,641 Throughout the world! 200 00:10:09,643 --> 00:10:11,977 Jackie: (Gasps) So how do we stop them? 201 00:10:11,979 --> 00:10:16,047 Tohru: Patience! Unless spirits are expelled from hosts 202 00:10:16,049 --> 00:10:19,050 and recaptured in the mirror with a binding spell, 203 00:10:19,052 --> 00:10:21,152 the mutations will become permanent! 204 00:10:21,154 --> 00:10:22,387 Jade: Permanent?! 205 00:10:22,389 --> 00:10:23,855 Jackie: We have a piece of the mirror. 206 00:10:23,857 --> 00:10:26,191 That's a good start. What about the spell? 207 00:10:26,193 --> 00:10:28,326 Tohru: It is not on the scroll. 208 00:10:31,130 --> 00:10:34,933 Jade: Either uncle knows the spell or he has to use the bathroom. 209 00:10:34,935 --> 00:10:38,903 Uh, I know! Act it out, uncle, like in charades! 210 00:10:40,439 --> 00:10:42,440 Jackie: Oh, the mountain temple! 211 00:10:44,410 --> 00:10:47,445 Jade: We need to go to a bullfight? 212 00:10:47,447 --> 00:10:50,915 Jackie: Antennae! We need some kind of bug? 213 00:10:55,554 --> 00:10:58,256 Tohru: The junk man dances like sick chicken. 214 00:10:59,759 --> 00:11:03,228 Jackie: Unh, uncle, please, stay focused! 215 00:11:04,897 --> 00:11:06,331 Jade: A cricket? 216 00:11:06,333 --> 00:11:08,833 It's got to be a cricket from the mountain temple, right? 217 00:11:09,902 --> 00:11:11,036 Jade: Yes! 218 00:11:13,105 --> 00:11:14,739 Jackie: Is that all, uncle? 219 00:11:17,276 --> 00:11:21,246 Yes, I know my head is as big as that statue! 220 00:11:21,248 --> 00:11:24,783 Very kind of you to point that out. 221 00:11:24,785 --> 00:11:28,787 Jade: You want us to get something from the top of the statue? 222 00:11:28,789 --> 00:11:30,822 Jackie: Oh, ok, sounds like... 223 00:11:30,824 --> 00:11:32,090 Jade: Throw! 224 00:11:32,092 --> 00:11:34,092 Jackie: Hurl! Fling! Toss! 225 00:11:34,094 --> 00:11:35,393 Jade: Sounds like toss? 226 00:11:35,395 --> 00:11:36,861 Tohru: You toss like a little girl! 227 00:11:39,098 --> 00:11:40,498 Jackie: Yaah! Stop it! 228 00:11:40,500 --> 00:11:43,401 We do not have time for your bickering, tohru! 229 00:11:43,403 --> 00:11:46,638 Uh, tohru's mom! Oh, forget it! 230 00:11:46,640 --> 00:11:50,508 Boss? Cross? Floss? 231 00:11:50,510 --> 00:11:53,044 Aaah! Oh! 232 00:11:54,313 --> 00:11:57,215 Uggh! Moss? 233 00:11:57,217 --> 00:12:01,152 We need moss from the top of the ghost king's statue! 234 00:12:10,429 --> 00:12:13,665 Jackie: Ooh! Bad day, bad day, bad day! 235 00:12:13,667 --> 00:12:15,533 Spirit #2: Hee hee hee! 236 00:12:18,304 --> 00:12:21,406 Yeow! Unh! 237 00:12:27,413 --> 00:12:28,713 Jade: Hey, Jackie! 238 00:12:28,715 --> 00:12:31,282 Jackie: Jade? How did you get up here? 239 00:12:31,284 --> 00:12:32,484 Jade: Duh! 240 00:12:32,486 --> 00:12:34,486 Took the tram. 241 00:12:34,488 --> 00:12:37,388 I'm stubborn, not stupid. 242 00:12:40,159 --> 00:12:43,161 Tohru: Why you overpay for rusty old cricket cage? 243 00:12:43,163 --> 00:12:44,562 I did much better job 244 00:12:44,564 --> 00:12:47,165 negotiating. New headphones for Jade. 245 00:12:47,167 --> 00:12:50,835 (Cricket chirping) 246 00:13:01,714 --> 00:13:03,047 (Tohru laughs) 247 00:13:06,519 --> 00:13:08,953 Tohru: You call that cricket catching? 248 00:13:08,955 --> 00:13:11,389 You couldn't catch a cold! 249 00:13:15,728 --> 00:13:17,028 Boy: You're so greedy! 250 00:13:17,030 --> 00:13:19,063 Brother: Stop being so jealous all the time! 251 00:13:19,065 --> 00:13:20,431 Boy: Am not! 252 00:13:20,433 --> 00:13:21,866 Brother: Are, too! Aah! 253 00:13:40,519 --> 00:13:42,954 Man: Ohh, - I was afraid of this. 254 00:13:42,956 --> 00:13:46,925 I knew I shouldn't have had szechuan chicken for lunch. 255 00:13:46,927 --> 00:13:48,960 Ohh, bad heartburn! 256 00:14:13,752 --> 00:14:16,855 Man: Hey, get away from my cart! 257 00:14:16,857 --> 00:14:20,592 Ohh, feels like my stomach's on fire! 258 00:14:31,670 --> 00:14:34,405 Jade: Hee-haw! Jackie, look! 259 00:14:34,407 --> 00:14:36,774 There's the moss uncle needs for the spell! 260 00:14:41,280 --> 00:14:42,714 Jackie: Ohhh! 261 00:14:42,716 --> 00:14:44,115 Jade: Whoa there, humpty dumpty. 262 00:14:44,117 --> 00:14:45,984 Here, I better do it. Give me a boost. 263 00:14:45,986 --> 00:14:49,554 Jackie: Ooh! Watch where you're stepping! 264 00:14:49,556 --> 00:14:51,623 Jade: I would, but I can't see anything 265 00:14:51,625 --> 00:14:54,425 with your overstuffed cabesa in the way. 266 00:14:54,427 --> 00:14:56,628 Almost got it! 267 00:14:58,998 --> 00:15:00,365 Uh-oh! 268 00:15:00,367 --> 00:15:01,766 (Braying) 269 00:15:01,768 --> 00:15:05,570 Jackie: Aah, Jade! Watch where you're kicking! 270 00:15:05,572 --> 00:15:08,239 Jade: Please, Jackie, hold still! 271 00:15:08,241 --> 00:15:09,607 Got it! 272 00:15:11,043 --> 00:15:13,211 Both: Whoa! 273 00:15:14,380 --> 00:15:17,048 Aah! 274 00:15:20,152 --> 00:15:21,419 Both: Aaaaaah! 275 00:15:22,721 --> 00:15:23,821 Unh! 276 00:15:24,823 --> 00:15:26,157 Both: Whew! 277 00:15:27,793 --> 00:15:29,827 Both: Aah! 278 00:15:29,829 --> 00:15:31,829 Unh! 279 00:15:33,632 --> 00:15:35,500 Ohhhh! 280 00:15:35,502 --> 00:15:37,402 Unh! 281 00:15:37,404 --> 00:15:40,571 Jackie: Unh! - Jade, are you all right? 282 00:15:43,542 --> 00:15:48,212 Jade: I think I swallowed the moss. Ptoo! 283 00:15:48,214 --> 00:15:51,316 Oh, no, wait! There it is! Hee-haw! 284 00:15:54,286 --> 00:15:57,422 Tohru: Ha! In your face, junk seller! 285 00:16:01,560 --> 00:16:03,962 Tohru: Now you're going to throw a tantrum? 286 00:16:05,431 --> 00:16:07,365 What?! 287 00:16:08,767 --> 00:16:11,302 Tohru: Aah! 288 00:16:16,241 --> 00:16:18,343 Jackie: Uncle! 289 00:16:22,281 --> 00:16:24,549 Jackie: The mirror spirits are spreading their fear! 290 00:16:24,551 --> 00:16:27,418 You weren't supposed to touch anyone! 291 00:16:27,420 --> 00:16:30,488 Jade: If they reach the mainland, they'll infect the whole city! 292 00:16:30,490 --> 00:16:33,791 And then who knows? Like, all of China? 293 00:16:43,669 --> 00:16:47,138 Jade: Nothing's happening. 294 00:16:47,140 --> 00:16:50,508 Tohru: That's because the old windbag is nothing but wind! 295 00:16:50,510 --> 00:16:51,609 (Mumbling) 296 00:16:53,879 --> 00:16:57,215 Jackie: Uncle, please, this is no time to fight! 297 00:16:57,217 --> 00:16:58,783 Jade: No, listen! 298 00:16:58,785 --> 00:17:01,252 Uncle's moving tohru's lips to chant the binding spell! 299 00:17:03,622 --> 00:17:06,257 (Tohru chanting) 300 00:17:16,035 --> 00:17:17,802 Spirit #2: Ohhh! 301 00:17:19,138 --> 00:17:21,305 Spirit #1: Yaiii! 302 00:17:21,307 --> 00:17:24,008 Lead spirit: Roarrr! 303 00:17:24,010 --> 00:17:25,443 Spirit #3: Baaah! 304 00:17:25,445 --> 00:17:28,579 Tohru: Uh, sensei, àwhile I was my mother, 305 00:17:28,581 --> 00:17:31,049 uh, well, I'm sorry. 306 00:17:31,051 --> 00:17:35,453 Uncle: Not now, tohru! Jackie, the mirror! 307 00:17:44,196 --> 00:17:46,864 (All screaming) 308 00:17:47,800 --> 00:17:49,100 (All grunt) 309 00:17:50,369 --> 00:17:52,370 Spirit #2: What are we going to do? 310 00:17:52,372 --> 00:17:54,072 Lead spirit: Do not fear! 311 00:17:54,074 --> 00:17:57,208 Below us lies our passage to freedom! 312 00:17:57,210 --> 00:17:59,177 The world will be ours 313 00:17:59,179 --> 00:18:02,547 and chaos will reign for all eternity! 314 00:18:02,549 --> 00:18:04,182 (All laughing) 315 00:18:04,184 --> 00:18:08,553 Uncle: Jackie, mirror spirits must not reach ship! 316 00:18:08,555 --> 00:18:11,055 Jackie: But the mirror shard, it's gone! 317 00:18:11,057 --> 00:18:14,459 Jade: Uncle, will the binding spell work with anything that reflects? 318 00:18:14,461 --> 00:18:16,327 Uncle: It is possible. Why? 319 00:18:17,496 --> 00:18:18,763 Jade: Jackie! 320 00:18:18,765 --> 00:18:23,134 (Uncle chanting) 321 00:18:31,677 --> 00:18:34,011 Jackie: The disk must be full. 322 00:18:34,013 --> 00:18:36,180 We need more reflective objects! 323 00:18:38,817 --> 00:18:42,353 Tohru: What? My mom left it behind during her last trip. 324 00:18:43,322 --> 00:18:45,123 (Uncle chanting) 325 00:18:47,926 --> 00:18:49,760 Spirit #2: Owww! 326 00:18:49,762 --> 00:18:51,696 Spirit #3: Aaah! 327 00:18:52,631 --> 00:18:54,098 Jade: 3 down, 1 to go! 328 00:18:54,100 --> 00:18:56,734 Go, Jackie! Go, Jackie! 329 00:18:57,836 --> 00:19:00,538 All: Aaaah! 330 00:19:01,907 --> 00:19:04,108 Jackie: Ohh! 331 00:19:05,244 --> 00:19:06,677 (Gasping) 332 00:19:10,315 --> 00:19:12,116 Lead spirit: You're too late! 333 00:19:12,118 --> 00:19:14,652 Jade: Oh, yeah? Well, in your face, mirror boy! 334 00:19:14,654 --> 00:19:16,187 Lead spirit: Aah! 335 00:19:17,456 --> 00:19:20,224 Jade: But, hey, I guess I'm just stubborn that way. 336 00:19:31,904 --> 00:19:35,373 Jackie: These will be safe back at section 13. 337 00:19:35,375 --> 00:19:37,975 Jade: Too bad we can't come back to fengdo. 338 00:19:37,977 --> 00:19:40,778 This place turned out to be a lot more exiting than I thought it'd be. 339 00:19:40,780 --> 00:19:44,515 Sorry, uncle, I guess I should have been listening. 340 00:19:44,517 --> 00:19:46,117 Jackie: Me, too. 341 00:19:46,119 --> 00:19:48,519 Uncle: Apologies accepted. 342 00:19:48,521 --> 00:19:52,190 But tohru is another story! 343 00:19:52,192 --> 00:19:55,193 Mirror spirits turn you into mother 344 00:19:55,195 --> 00:19:58,496 is no excuse for the way you talk to uncle, 345 00:19:58,498 --> 00:20:03,601 especially when nobody can hear uncle's snappy comebacks! 346 00:20:09,474 --> 00:20:12,843 Jade: Hey, Jackie, did you have any imaginary friends as a child? 347 00:20:12,845 --> 00:20:14,245 Jackie: Actually, I don't. 348 00:20:14,247 --> 00:20:15,913 Especially when I was in the school. 349 00:20:15,915 --> 00:20:17,548 We had, like, a hundred students. 350 00:20:17,550 --> 00:20:21,052 We sleep together, we eat together, 351 00:20:21,054 --> 00:20:22,954 we play, we're training together, 352 00:20:22,956 --> 00:20:25,089 so I actually don't, 353 00:20:25,091 --> 00:20:30,494 because of so many martial artist sisters and brothers.