1 00:00:05,773 --> 00:00:08,142 ( Music playing ) 2 00:00:25,159 --> 00:00:27,228 Look at this. Takes up two spaces, 3 00:00:27,328 --> 00:00:29,630 parks over the line. What kind of idiot... 4 00:00:29,730 --> 00:00:32,600 Everybody's gotta move down now because of him. 5 00:00:35,203 --> 00:00:37,605 ( Chattering ) 6 00:00:41,342 --> 00:00:43,411 - Ah, there they are. - Ah. 7 00:00:43,511 --> 00:00:46,447 Hello. Oh! Well, this is quite a party. 8 00:00:46,547 --> 00:00:49,483 - I know. - You're throwing for yourselves, I might add. 9 00:00:49,583 --> 00:00:52,386 - We're beloved. - I mean, usually somebody else gives you 10 00:00:52,486 --> 00:00:54,688 - a going-away party... - Susie: Not always. 11 00:00:54,788 --> 00:00:57,334 - But you've decided to give one for yourselves. - We're very excited about this. 12 00:00:57,358 --> 00:00:59,327 It's a big opportunity for Sammi. 13 00:00:59,427 --> 00:01:02,563 Not everybody gets into the Julliard summer program. 14 00:01:02,663 --> 00:01:04,865 - They don't take everybody? - No, you have to audition. 15 00:01:04,965 --> 00:01:06,210 - She auditioned, Larry. - She auditioned? 16 00:01:06,234 --> 00:01:08,068 Yeah. Let me tell you something. 17 00:01:08,169 --> 00:01:10,538 You've never seen her. When she gets onstage... 18 00:01:10,638 --> 00:01:12,540 - No, I-i-i-i... - She lights up the room 19 00:01:12,640 --> 00:01:15,643 mmm. - Why do you have to criticize my kid, Larry? 20 00:01:15,743 --> 00:01:17,654 I'm not criticizing. I don't think she wants to do it. 21 00:01:17,678 --> 00:01:19,189 - I think you're pushing her into it. - Susie: Really? 22 00:01:19,213 --> 00:01:21,549 - Yes. - No, it's all her desire. 23 00:01:21,649 --> 00:01:23,751 - I think you are. - Well, you're wrong. 24 00:01:23,851 --> 00:01:25,819 - Yeah, I don't think I am. - You know what? 25 00:01:25,919 --> 00:01:28,122 - What, are you making fun of me now? - Yes. Yes, I am. 26 00:01:28,222 --> 00:01:31,067 You're an asshole. You know what the best thing about going to New York is? 27 00:01:31,091 --> 00:01:33,227 I'm not gonna see your face for three months. 28 00:01:33,327 --> 00:01:35,396 - She's funny... - We'll all be avoiding you. 29 00:01:35,496 --> 00:01:37,198 - Hey, funkman. - Hi, Marty. 30 00:01:37,298 --> 00:01:39,233 Why did you have to take up two parking spaces? 31 00:01:39,333 --> 00:01:42,236 You made me take two parking spaces, okay? 32 00:01:42,336 --> 00:01:45,005 Yes, I can understand that you're upset. 33 00:01:45,105 --> 00:01:47,441 I too was upset when I saw the red Volvo 34 00:01:47,541 --> 00:01:49,777 to my left also taking up two spaces. 35 00:01:49,877 --> 00:01:52,546 - He created a domino effect. - Marty: There's no Volvo out there. 36 00:01:52,646 --> 00:01:55,048 - There was when I parked, okay? - Okay, great. 37 00:01:55,149 --> 00:01:56,484 - All right. - Anyway, guys... 38 00:01:56,584 --> 00:01:59,253 Yes. - ...I just wanna tell ya I'm gonna miss ya. 39 00:01:59,353 --> 00:02:01,489 - Oh, Marty. - We'll miss you too, Marty. 40 00:02:01,589 --> 00:02:03,457 - I'll see you inside. - Susie: All right. 41 00:02:03,557 --> 00:02:05,602 Some people believe in our daughter, believe it or not. 42 00:02:05,626 --> 00:02:07,928 - Thank you, Marty. - You're welcome. 43 00:02:08,028 --> 00:02:10,598 Hey, Vance, Vance, thanks for coming. 44 00:02:10,698 --> 00:02:12,733 ( Silent ) 45 00:02:12,833 --> 00:02:14,802 Hey, Vance. 46 00:02:16,537 --> 00:02:18,377 What's with you? What, have you got laryngitis? 47 00:02:20,341 --> 00:02:22,075 Susie: Vow of silence. 48 00:02:22,176 --> 00:02:25,813 Took a vow of silence. - ( Chuckles ) you took a vow of silence? 49 00:02:28,816 --> 00:02:31,352 Spiritual advisor? Is that what you just said? 50 00:02:31,452 --> 00:02:33,787 And he told you to do this? For what purpose? 51 00:02:35,423 --> 00:02:37,743 You know, I've tried to get susie to take a vow of silence. 52 00:02:37,825 --> 00:02:40,145 ( Chuckles ) - Jeff: I have. I've talked to her about it. 53 00:02:40,194 --> 00:02:43,697 That's never gonna happen. I have too many important things to say. 54 00:02:43,797 --> 00:02:46,009 See, that's funny. Meanwhile, he's trying to communicate it. 55 00:02:46,033 --> 00:02:48,402 It's just you're mouthing... 56 00:02:48,502 --> 00:02:51,539 Oh, it's okay to mouth. It's okay to mouth. 57 00:02:53,241 --> 00:02:56,377 You're still communicating, but in a much less effective way. 58 00:02:56,477 --> 00:02:59,713 All right, I can't understand you. 59 00:02:59,813 --> 00:03:02,583 ( Silent ) 60 00:03:02,683 --> 00:03:06,086 Yeah, you two go, go eat. Go stuff your face, both of you. 61 00:03:06,186 --> 00:03:07,721 He's an asshole. 62 00:03:11,659 --> 00:03:14,495 Jeff: A bit of a warning... tessler is coming tonight. 63 00:03:14,595 --> 00:03:16,464 I'm pretty sure. He asked if you were available 64 00:03:16,564 --> 00:03:18,532 to do some sort of benefit. 65 00:03:18,632 --> 00:03:20,544 I bet it has something to do with his son, the special needs kid. 66 00:03:20,568 --> 00:03:21,845 I just wanted to give you a heads up on that. 67 00:03:21,869 --> 00:03:23,547 All right, I'll be on the lookout for that. 68 00:03:23,571 --> 00:03:25,473 Yeah. What's taking this line so long? 69 00:03:25,573 --> 00:03:28,809 Uh, that'd be my veterinarian at the front of the line. 70 00:03:28,909 --> 00:03:31,312 - Larry: What's he doing here? - Jeff: He and his wife came. 71 00:03:31,412 --> 00:03:34,848 Oscar's really sick, so susie felt like it'd be nice to invite him. 72 00:03:34,948 --> 00:03:37,084 - So yeah. - Oh. 73 00:03:37,184 --> 00:03:40,187 - Brian? Hey. - Hi. 74 00:03:40,288 --> 00:03:43,657 - Krista. Krista Ferguson. - Oh, uh, I... yeah. 75 00:03:43,757 --> 00:03:45,735 - Krista: It was Smith, probably. - Brent: Hey. Oh, okay. 76 00:03:45,759 --> 00:03:47,861 - You see what's going on over here? - No. 77 00:03:47,961 --> 00:03:50,139 - Brent: I didn't recognize you. - She's doing a chat and cut. 78 00:03:50,163 --> 00:03:54,034 - A chat and cut? Really? - She's feigning familiarity 79 00:03:54,134 --> 00:03:55,769 with someone she vaguely knows 80 00:03:55,869 --> 00:03:57,581 - for the sole purpose of cutting in line. - You're sure? 81 00:03:57,605 --> 00:03:59,549 Positive. She'll be picking up a plate any second. 82 00:03:59,573 --> 00:04:01,642 You look... you're like beaming with light. 83 00:04:01,742 --> 00:04:04,678 There... there she goes. Yeah. Uh, excuse me. 84 00:04:04,778 --> 00:04:06,256 - Yeah, it's great to see you. Yeah? Hi. - Excuse me. Excuse me. 85 00:04:06,280 --> 00:04:07,781 Hi, first of all. 86 00:04:07,881 --> 00:04:12,052 Congratulations on a great attempt at a chat and cut. 87 00:04:12,152 --> 00:04:13,954 Really good. 99 times out of 100, 88 00:04:14,054 --> 00:04:16,290 that's gonna work. Unfortunately, 89 00:04:16,390 --> 00:04:19,527 I happen to be on the line so... 90 00:04:19,627 --> 00:04:21,237 Okay, I don't... I don't know what you're talking about. 91 00:04:21,261 --> 00:04:23,573 - I just saw my friend... - I know a chat and cut when I see it. 92 00:04:23,597 --> 00:04:25,766 - Okay, all right. - You used this fellow... 93 00:04:25,866 --> 00:04:28,268 This poor, innocent fellow to sneak into the line. 94 00:04:28,369 --> 00:04:30,070 Do you even... Do you know her at all? 95 00:04:30,170 --> 00:04:32,039 Well, I mean... I mean, to be fair, 96 00:04:32,139 --> 00:04:33,641 we met like eight years ago. I... 97 00:04:33,741 --> 00:04:36,810 - He remembers, so... - No, I... I honestly don't. 98 00:04:36,910 --> 00:04:39,647 - You think she's doing a chat and cut? - I kinda feel like you are. 99 00:04:39,747 --> 00:04:41,224 - Yeah. You see? - I feel a little manipulated. 100 00:04:41,248 --> 00:04:42,750 - Yeah, he's been... - Oh, fine. Okay. 101 00:04:42,850 --> 00:04:44,928 He's been manipulated. You manipulated him, that's what it is. 102 00:04:44,952 --> 00:04:47,588 You want me to get back in line? Would that make you feel better? 103 00:04:47,688 --> 00:04:50,157 - Yes, it would. Yes. Yeah. - Fine. Okay. Fine. 104 00:04:50,257 --> 00:04:51,925 You are unbelievable, you know that? 105 00:04:52,025 --> 00:04:53,093 - Really? - Yeah. 106 00:04:53,193 --> 00:04:54,353 Yeah, because, you know what? 107 00:04:54,395 --> 00:04:55,996 You just have to... That's your job... 108 00:04:56,096 --> 00:04:57,841 - bust people as they come through... - Yeah. Uh-huh. 109 00:04:57,865 --> 00:05:00,233 - So you can. - And look, you just did it again. 110 00:05:00,334 --> 00:05:02,202 - What? No, I'm... I'm... - Oh so, seriously, 111 00:05:02,302 --> 00:05:03,971 I'm not even gonna say anything this time. 112 00:05:04,071 --> 00:05:07,240 I respect your skills, really. 113 00:05:07,341 --> 00:05:11,779 Excellent. ( Clicks tongue ) - thanks. 114 00:05:11,879 --> 00:05:14,482 Seriously, how much would it take for you to see, "eat pray love?" 115 00:05:17,284 --> 00:05:19,319 - $3,000. - Both: $3,000? 116 00:05:19,420 --> 00:05:20,988 It's not that bad of a movie. We saw it. 117 00:05:21,088 --> 00:05:22,832 To actually go to the theater and sit in the theater? 118 00:05:22,856 --> 00:05:24,576 - Sit in the theater, yeah. - That's $3,000. 119 00:05:24,625 --> 00:05:26,594 $3,000? Yeah. Let me ask you this question: 120 00:05:26,694 --> 00:05:30,130 In veterinary school, do you tend to focus more on the dog, 121 00:05:30,230 --> 00:05:32,099 let's say, than... than the cow? 122 00:05:32,199 --> 00:05:34,001 No you focus on everything. You know... 123 00:05:34,101 --> 00:05:36,680 - what if I brought a roach in? - Listen, if you brought a roach in 124 00:05:36,704 --> 00:05:38,615 and you say you love that roach, I'm gonna do what I can 125 00:05:38,639 --> 00:05:42,075 to give it every chance it has. I mean, that's all I can do. 126 00:05:42,175 --> 00:05:45,021 When do you get the reports on Oscar, by the way? I meant to ask you that. 127 00:05:45,045 --> 00:05:47,391 Probably tonight, so we should know everything within the next day or so. 128 00:05:47,415 --> 00:05:48,695 I'm crossing my fingers for you. 129 00:05:48,749 --> 00:05:50,818 I appreciate that. Thank you, my friend. 130 00:05:50,918 --> 00:05:53,296 Okay, I'm gonna get some coffee. Does anybody... do you want anything? 131 00:05:53,320 --> 00:05:54,788 - No thanks. - Woman: Thanks. 132 00:05:54,888 --> 00:05:56,666 You see a rat in the house, you don't want to kill it? 133 00:05:56,690 --> 00:05:58,792 Yes, if I see a rat in the house, I want to kill it. 134 00:05:58,892 --> 00:06:01,495 What if you injured it? Would you then bring it into his office 135 00:06:01,595 --> 00:06:03,440 for him to save it? You see what I'm getting at? 136 00:06:03,464 --> 00:06:05,165 Mmm, no. He saves pets. 137 00:06:05,265 --> 00:06:07,265 If some moron has a rat for a pet, he'll save that. 138 00:06:07,334 --> 00:06:09,774 - Mm-hmm. Of course. - But if that same rat is in the house... 139 00:06:09,803 --> 00:06:12,039 - Ah, I don't know. - All right, you know what? 140 00:06:12,139 --> 00:06:16,577 - I'm gonna go mingle. - So does he deal with any farm animals... 141 00:06:16,677 --> 00:06:18,646 Pigs, things of that nature? 142 00:06:18,746 --> 00:06:22,015 Every now and then a pig, once a horse, but it's pretty rare. 143 00:06:22,115 --> 00:06:23,560 I don't know why they don't have specialties. 144 00:06:23,584 --> 00:06:26,286 "I'm a donkey vet. I'm a rabbit vet. 145 00:06:26,386 --> 00:06:27,946 I'm a turtle vet." You know what I mean? 146 00:06:28,021 --> 00:06:30,691 In humans, there's an e.N.T., there's a podiatrist. 147 00:06:30,791 --> 00:06:33,160 The way you're saying it, it's almost like 148 00:06:33,260 --> 00:06:36,063 there should be a doctor who handles just feathers. 149 00:06:36,163 --> 00:06:37,631 Yes. How does a vet do? 150 00:06:37,731 --> 00:06:39,366 What do they make, a guy like that? 151 00:06:39,467 --> 00:06:41,301 A vet, do they make as much as a doctor? 152 00:06:41,401 --> 00:06:43,971 - Are you serious right now? - Yeah. 153 00:06:44,071 --> 00:06:46,807 Wow. Larry, that's a very personal question. 154 00:06:46,907 --> 00:06:48,976 - Really? - I don't know if you want me 155 00:06:49,076 --> 00:06:51,588 - to ask you a bunch of personal questions. - Ask me anything you want. 156 00:06:51,612 --> 00:06:54,548 Okay, when is the last time you jacked off? 157 00:06:54,648 --> 00:06:58,151 Mmm. This morning. 158 00:06:58,251 --> 00:07:00,954 - I should go. Okay. - Oh. Okay. 159 00:07:01,054 --> 00:07:04,191 - ( Clears throat ) yeah. - Nice talking to you. 160 00:07:14,434 --> 00:07:17,037 - Hey, Larry. - Tessler. 161 00:07:17,137 --> 00:07:18,305 - Good to see you. - Yeah. 162 00:07:18,405 --> 00:07:19,873 - Nice party. - Oh, it's... oh yeah. 163 00:07:19,973 --> 00:07:21,441 Listen, I'm glad I ran into you. 164 00:07:21,542 --> 00:07:23,243 Do you know anything about Keegan's club? 165 00:07:23,343 --> 00:07:25,378 - Keegan's club? - Keegan's club. 166 00:07:25,479 --> 00:07:26,990 - No. - It's named after Keegan horsch. 167 00:07:27,014 --> 00:07:29,049 - Mm-hmm. - That's Brian horsch's son, 168 00:07:29,149 --> 00:07:31,519 - a special needs kid like Max, like my boy. - Yeah yeah. 169 00:07:31,619 --> 00:07:34,021 And they have this event... It's like a field day, 170 00:07:34,121 --> 00:07:36,399 - 8:00 in the morning to 10:00 at night... - ( Making sympathetic noises ) 171 00:07:36,423 --> 00:07:39,860 spend the whole day with kids with all kinds of problems... 172 00:07:39,960 --> 00:07:41,529 Physical problems, mental problems, 173 00:07:41,629 --> 00:07:44,932 learning problems. It's kind of like a workshop. 174 00:07:45,032 --> 00:07:46,867 It's also a field day kind of stuff... 175 00:07:46,967 --> 00:07:49,345 - three-legged race, sack race kind of thing. - Oh, three-legged race? 176 00:07:49,369 --> 00:07:51,080 - Yeah yeah yeah. Hard-boiled egg in a spoon. - Oh, what's... 177 00:07:51,104 --> 00:07:53,073 - That is... huh? - Nothing more fun than that. 178 00:07:53,173 --> 00:07:55,218 - Running with that thing? - And you know what's great about it? 179 00:07:55,242 --> 00:07:57,444 It's comical, but it's all with the love, you know? 180 00:07:57,545 --> 00:08:00,280 It's like a great big hug all day long, 181 00:08:00,380 --> 00:08:02,282 and we'd love to have you there. 182 00:08:02,382 --> 00:08:03,283 - I... I... - It's this Saturday. 183 00:08:03,383 --> 00:08:05,485 - Saturday? - Yeah. 184 00:08:07,487 --> 00:08:10,223 Sa... oh, you know what? 185 00:08:10,323 --> 00:08:12,526 - I can't make it. - How come? 186 00:08:12,626 --> 00:08:16,296 I... I'm going out of town on Saturday. 187 00:08:16,396 --> 00:08:17,831 Oh, that's too bad. Where you going? 188 00:08:17,931 --> 00:08:20,400 - I'm going to New York. - You're going to New York? 189 00:08:20,500 --> 00:08:21,978 Yes. - Everybody's going to New York. 190 00:08:22,002 --> 00:08:23,547 - Yeah, I know. It's crazy. - We'll go right now. 191 00:08:23,571 --> 00:08:25,706 - Oh, that's too bad. - Oh, I'm so sorry. 192 00:08:25,806 --> 00:08:27,450 - You would've had such an amazing time. - Keegan's club. 193 00:08:27,474 --> 00:08:29,209 Keegan's club. I'll send you the literature. 194 00:08:29,309 --> 00:08:32,613 - I want to be in Keegan's club. Okay? - Okay, count on it. 195 00:08:32,713 --> 00:08:36,183 Maybe next year or the next time we have an event, 196 00:08:36,283 --> 00:08:37,563 I'll get in touch with you, okay? 197 00:08:37,618 --> 00:08:39,319 Sorry you can't make it this time. 198 00:08:39,419 --> 00:08:41,555 - Again, really really sorry. - Okay. 199 00:08:41,655 --> 00:08:42,999 We'll miss you this year, but next year we won't. 200 00:08:43,023 --> 00:08:44,634 - Okay, all right. - Okay. Good to see you. 201 00:08:44,658 --> 00:08:46,894 - See you... see you, tessler. - All right. 202 00:08:47,995 --> 00:08:50,363 - ( Rings, beeps ) - hello. 203 00:08:50,463 --> 00:08:51,775 Hey, Richie, I'm on my way to the vet's. 204 00:08:51,799 --> 00:08:53,834 I'm gonna meet Jeff for lunch. 205 00:08:53,934 --> 00:08:56,079 - Why are you going to the vet's? - Oscar's really sick? 206 00:08:56,103 --> 00:08:57,513 You should just let him take care of it. 207 00:08:57,537 --> 00:08:58,939 What are you, Dr. dolittle? 208 00:08:59,039 --> 00:09:00,516 Anyway, do you want to go to lunch with us? 209 00:09:00,540 --> 00:09:02,075 No, I can't. I'm going to the doctor's. 210 00:09:02,175 --> 00:09:04,578 Well, then what about Friday? We'll have lunch on Friday. 211 00:09:04,678 --> 00:09:06,522 I'll meet you at that place on Wilshire and 24th. 212 00:09:06,546 --> 00:09:09,349 - I like that joint. - Okay, I'll see you Friday, 1:00. 213 00:09:09,449 --> 00:09:11,018 All right, see you. 214 00:09:20,360 --> 00:09:22,429 - Jeff: Hey. - Hey. 215 00:09:22,529 --> 00:09:24,865 - How's Oscar? - Not good. 216 00:09:24,965 --> 00:09:26,700 Waiting for the word from the doctor. 217 00:09:26,800 --> 00:09:28,444 - Okay, want to get some lunch? - Starving. 218 00:09:28,468 --> 00:09:29,646 - Me too. - Where do you want to go? 219 00:09:29,670 --> 00:09:31,071 I don't know. I'll eat anything. 220 00:09:31,171 --> 00:09:32,916 There's a great Mexican place right down the road. 221 00:09:32,940 --> 00:09:34,951 - Yeah, not... I don't know. - You don't want Mexican? 222 00:09:34,975 --> 00:09:37,510 - Not Mexican, no. - Sushi. Sushi's fantastic. Nice and light. 223 00:09:37,611 --> 00:09:41,014 I'm reading all this Mercury stuff. I'm scared to get Sushi. 224 00:09:41,114 --> 00:09:43,559 - I can't eat Sushi. - How about some Italian? Wanna get some pasta? 225 00:09:43,583 --> 00:09:44,994 I don't like to have hot food for lunch. 226 00:09:45,018 --> 00:09:46,818 What about a peanut butter and jelly sandwich? 227 00:09:46,854 --> 00:09:48,264 I don't want bread. I don't want to have bread. 228 00:09:48,288 --> 00:09:49,866 Like a plate with... Peanut butter and jelly 229 00:09:49,890 --> 00:09:51,959 just on a plate with a fork? 230 00:09:52,059 --> 00:09:55,528 ( Sighs ) - what are you getting so stressed out about this for? 231 00:09:55,629 --> 00:09:57,731 - I can't decide. - It's lunch! 232 00:09:57,831 --> 00:09:59,266 Let's go to gjelina. 233 00:09:59,366 --> 00:10:01,702 I'll get that spinach salad with some soup. 234 00:10:01,802 --> 00:10:04,271 - That's good. - Fantastic. 235 00:10:04,371 --> 00:10:07,875 - You know what? I don't think I want that salad. - All right. 236 00:10:07,975 --> 00:10:09,318 - Let's eat at another place. - Jeff? 237 00:10:09,342 --> 00:10:10,778 - Jeff: Hi. - Not good. 238 00:10:10,878 --> 00:10:13,546 - No? - It's not good. 239 00:10:13,647 --> 00:10:16,249 The tests came back positive for leptospirosis. 240 00:10:16,349 --> 00:10:18,719 I was just telling susie we're gonna have to put Oscar down. 241 00:10:18,819 --> 00:10:21,288 - Oh, I'm so sorry. - Sorry, you guys. 242 00:10:21,388 --> 00:10:23,490 So... - he was such a good dog, you know? 243 00:10:23,590 --> 00:10:25,601 - Yeah, he was a great dog. A great dog. - He had such a good life. 244 00:10:25,625 --> 00:10:27,971 - I know, I know, I know, I know. - Let me ask you a question. 245 00:10:27,995 --> 00:10:29,730 Did you notice, by any chance, 246 00:10:29,830 --> 00:10:32,465 if your wife was upset last night when you got home? 247 00:10:32,565 --> 00:10:35,302 - No, not that I... not that I noticed. - We have things to discuss. 248 00:10:35,402 --> 00:10:38,638 - Did she mention my name? - No, it did not come up last night. 249 00:10:38,739 --> 00:10:40,573 So, doctor, what's the process? 250 00:10:40,674 --> 00:10:42,451 - He's not gonna feel pain? - He's not gonna feel anything. 251 00:10:42,475 --> 00:10:44,878 We will make him and you as comfortable as possible. 252 00:10:44,978 --> 00:10:47,080 - Okay? - Is she the type of woman 253 00:10:47,180 --> 00:10:49,883 who would confide in you if she was upset? 254 00:10:49,983 --> 00:10:51,527 We're still talking about my wife right now? 255 00:10:51,551 --> 00:10:53,663 - Yeah, you got that kind of a relationship? - Yes, we do. 256 00:10:53,687 --> 00:10:55,031 Like a married relationship? We do have that kind... 257 00:10:55,055 --> 00:10:56,757 Yeah. You discuss things like that? 258 00:10:56,857 --> 00:10:58,434 - We do. - A lot of married couples don't do that. 259 00:10:58,458 --> 00:10:59,893 She doesn't care about you! 260 00:10:59,993 --> 00:11:01,829 You're not the center of the universe! 261 00:11:01,929 --> 00:11:05,065 Right now Oscar is! He's gonna die any minute now, okay? 262 00:11:05,165 --> 00:11:07,134 I was just curious, though, as you would be too 263 00:11:07,234 --> 00:11:10,137 if you thought somebody was annoyed, but you didn't really know. 264 00:11:10,237 --> 00:11:11,839 You know what I mean? 265 00:11:11,939 --> 00:11:13,540 I'm just... I'm just curious, that's all. 266 00:11:13,640 --> 00:11:15,685 - Why don't you guys do me a favor, all right? - Yeah. 267 00:11:15,709 --> 00:11:17,577 I'm just thinking, wouldn't it be nice 268 00:11:17,677 --> 00:11:18,946 for him to have a last meal? 269 00:11:19,046 --> 00:11:20,680 Oh, absolutely. I encourage it. 270 00:11:20,781 --> 00:11:23,616 - So the dog could have a big chocolate bar? - Dogs have last meals? 271 00:11:23,717 --> 00:11:25,261 - He loves pinkberry. - If he loves pinkberry, 272 00:11:25,285 --> 00:11:26,662 - then that's what he should have. - Coconut. 273 00:11:26,686 --> 00:11:28,521 Can you go get it, Jeff? Okay? 274 00:11:28,621 --> 00:11:30,867 - We're going out to lunch now. - You're not going to lunch. 275 00:11:30,891 --> 00:11:34,627 You're not going to lunch. You're going to pinkberry and you're coming back. 276 00:11:34,728 --> 00:11:36,172 But neither of us have eaten since breakfast. 277 00:11:36,196 --> 00:11:37,540 I don't really give a shit about you. 278 00:11:37,564 --> 00:11:39,666 I care about Oscar right now, okay? 279 00:11:39,767 --> 00:11:41,601 He's in pain. He's gonna die soon. 280 00:11:41,701 --> 00:11:43,236 He needs his last meal. 281 00:11:43,336 --> 00:11:45,648 - Pinkberry, right back. - No lunch. Who the fuck needs a lunch? 282 00:11:45,672 --> 00:11:47,784 - Susie: Exactly. I don't want to prolong this. - Not me. Come on. 283 00:11:47,808 --> 00:11:49,609 - Pinkberry, come on. - You drive a red Volvo? 284 00:11:49,709 --> 00:11:51,845 Don't drive a red Volvo. 285 00:11:51,945 --> 00:11:53,981 - You sure? - I drive a black Lexus. 286 00:11:54,081 --> 00:11:56,683 Ah. Wow. That's some car. 287 00:11:56,784 --> 00:11:59,686 - You do pretty well, don't you? - Thank you, Larry. I'm a doctor. 288 00:11:59,787 --> 00:12:03,223 - You make as much as a regular doctor? - Get me the fucking pinkberry! 289 00:12:03,323 --> 00:12:05,759 - Just curious. Okay. - Just go! Hurry up! 290 00:12:05,859 --> 00:12:09,329 - Time is of the essence! God. - Come on. 291 00:12:17,004 --> 00:12:19,172 ( Door opens, closes ) 292 00:12:19,272 --> 00:12:24,644 Excuse me, are you happy with that park? 293 00:12:24,744 --> 00:12:26,756 - Yeah, what's wrong with that? - You're way outside the line. 294 00:12:26,780 --> 00:12:29,258 - You're taking up two spaces. - I'm like an inch over the line. 295 00:12:29,282 --> 00:12:30,884 No, you're a foot over the line. 296 00:12:30,984 --> 00:12:32,319 You're taking up two spaces, 297 00:12:32,419 --> 00:12:34,788 the next car is also gonna be taking up two spaces 298 00:12:34,888 --> 00:12:37,858 then you're gonna leave and then that car is gonna get blamed. 299 00:12:37,958 --> 00:12:39,993 This is chaos. Society can't function like this. 300 00:12:40,093 --> 00:12:42,195 What? You have to be in the lines, 301 00:12:42,295 --> 00:12:44,073 - the way it's supposed to be. - Hey, here's an idea. 302 00:12:44,097 --> 00:12:45,833 Why don't you mind your own business? 303 00:12:45,933 --> 00:12:47,434 Well, I suppose that's an idea, 304 00:12:47,534 --> 00:12:49,536 - not a very good one though. - Yeah. Oh no? 305 00:12:49,636 --> 00:12:51,414 Just say, "you know what? I'll do better next time." 306 00:12:51,438 --> 00:12:53,874 - I did fine. I did fine. - No, that's not fine. 307 00:12:53,974 --> 00:12:55,684 - I don't need to do better. - You didn't do fine. 308 00:12:55,708 --> 00:12:57,353 - You need to do better. You need to do better. - No, I did fine. 309 00:12:57,377 --> 00:12:59,913 - That's just shoddy. - I really give a shit 310 00:13:00,013 --> 00:13:01,849 what you think of my parking job, okay, pal? 311 00:13:01,949 --> 00:13:04,217 It's not an open field. It's not a farm, okay? 312 00:13:04,317 --> 00:13:07,520 - Just... just park your car between the lines. - A farm? 313 00:13:07,620 --> 00:13:10,157 It's not that hard! Look, just pull in between the lines. 314 00:13:10,257 --> 00:13:12,559 Why don't you stay between the lines 315 00:13:12,659 --> 00:13:14,261 of your own goddamn business, huh? 316 00:13:14,361 --> 00:13:17,364 Why don't you stay confined within the lines 317 00:13:17,464 --> 00:13:21,201 of not being an asshole? 'Cause you're way over that line. 318 00:13:21,301 --> 00:13:23,312 - All right? - The only person who's the asshole here 319 00:13:23,336 --> 00:13:25,205 - is the pig Parker. - A pig Parker? 320 00:13:25,305 --> 00:13:27,607 - Yes. - So you're calling me a pig? 321 00:13:27,707 --> 00:13:30,143 - A pig Parker. - Hey, you know what? 322 00:13:30,243 --> 00:13:32,145 - Have a real nice day. - Okay, I will. 323 00:13:32,245 --> 00:13:34,090 I'm sure you will too, at everyone else's expense. 324 00:13:34,114 --> 00:13:37,550 - Yeah. Yeah, I will. I will. Yeah. - Yeah. Yeah. 325 00:13:46,159 --> 00:13:48,428 - Hey. - Hey. What's going on? 326 00:13:48,528 --> 00:13:51,031 - Tessler's out there. - You're supposed to be in New York. 327 00:13:51,131 --> 00:13:52,565 - Did he see you? - No. 328 00:13:52,665 --> 00:13:55,768 Yo. What are you doing? 329 00:13:55,869 --> 00:13:58,271 Nothing. Talking to my friend. 330 00:13:58,371 --> 00:14:00,571 I know what he's doing. He's about to do a chat and cut. 331 00:14:00,640 --> 00:14:02,251 - It's a total chat and cut. - Jeff: No no no no no no. 332 00:14:02,275 --> 00:14:05,012 No no no. No, I know it looks like a chat... 333 00:14:05,112 --> 00:14:06,689 Yeah, 'cause you were chatting with your friend 334 00:14:06,713 --> 00:14:08,982 - and then you cut the line. - Are you guys even friends? 335 00:14:09,082 --> 00:14:11,118 Please please, don't insult me, okay? 336 00:14:11,218 --> 00:14:13,353 I invented the chat and cut. This is amateur hour. 337 00:14:13,453 --> 00:14:16,156 - If I was gonna do it, you wouldn't even notice. - You just did it. 338 00:14:16,256 --> 00:14:17,901 - Just get to the back of line, dude. - You've gotta get back. 339 00:14:17,925 --> 00:14:19,602 - It's not fair. - It's not a chat and cut! 340 00:14:19,626 --> 00:14:21,304 - It's a chat and cut. - No, it's not a chat and cut! 341 00:14:21,328 --> 00:14:23,063 - What are you doing? - ( All shouting ) 342 00:14:23,163 --> 00:14:24,331 All right! Okay! I'm going! 343 00:14:24,431 --> 00:14:27,500 - Just go. Unbelievable. - It's not fair. 344 00:14:29,903 --> 00:14:31,471 - Larry. How you doing? - Hey! 345 00:14:31,571 --> 00:14:35,909 - I thought you were in New York. - Just got back... 346 00:14:36,009 --> 00:14:37,978 - Oh oh oh. Okay. - This morning. 347 00:14:38,078 --> 00:14:40,647 - ( Chuckles ) well, good to see you. - Yeah. 348 00:14:40,747 --> 00:14:42,916 How'd the, uh... the kogel, uh... 349 00:14:43,016 --> 00:14:44,751 - Oh, Keegan's club. - Keegan's club, yeah. 350 00:14:44,851 --> 00:14:47,687 They had to postpone it. Bedbug infestation on the nap mats. 351 00:14:47,787 --> 00:14:49,907 - Oh my god. Bedbugs? - Part of the event is this big, 352 00:14:49,990 --> 00:14:52,960 middle of the day nap... all the kids. It's beautiful. A beautiful thing. 353 00:14:53,060 --> 00:14:54,794 Uh-huh. A kind of pastoral feel to it. 354 00:14:54,894 --> 00:14:58,465 - Oh. Wow. - Bedbugs. Just devastating. Had to burn everything. 355 00:14:58,565 --> 00:15:00,433 - So we postponed the event. - That's terrible. 356 00:15:00,533 --> 00:15:03,070 Yeah. The good news is you're gonna be around for it though. 357 00:15:03,170 --> 00:15:05,672 - It's gonna be great. - When-when... 358 00:15:05,772 --> 00:15:08,017 - when are you thinking about doing it? - Not really sure. 359 00:15:08,041 --> 00:15:10,477 It's gonna be sometime... Hopefully within the month, 360 00:15:10,577 --> 00:15:14,047 probably more likely six to eight weeks. Yeah. 361 00:15:14,147 --> 00:15:16,216 Jesus, I can't believe it. 362 00:15:16,316 --> 00:15:18,718 I gotta go back... I'm going back to New York. 363 00:15:18,818 --> 00:15:21,018 - You're going back to New York? - I'm going back, yeah, 364 00:15:21,088 --> 00:15:23,991 for like... what-what... What did you say it was? 365 00:15:24,091 --> 00:15:26,359 Six weeks on our end, approximately. 366 00:15:26,459 --> 00:15:28,737 - You're gonna be gone for all that time? - I'll be gone for al... 367 00:15:28,761 --> 00:15:31,598 - Almost three months. Yeah. - Wow. What are you doing? 368 00:15:31,698 --> 00:15:36,203 - Umm, Jerry and I are working on a new... - oh. Oh, excellent. 369 00:15:36,303 --> 00:15:40,240 - A new show. - Yeah? Oh great. Great. 370 00:15:40,340 --> 00:15:43,210 Excellent. You know, don't... don't talk about that. 371 00:15:43,310 --> 00:15:45,278 With anybody. Even if you see Jerry... 372 00:15:45,378 --> 00:15:47,256 Yeah. No. - ...Don't mention it, 'cause he wouldn't want me 373 00:15:47,280 --> 00:15:49,382 - discussing it. - Okay. Okay. Hush hush. 374 00:15:49,482 --> 00:15:51,694 He would... he would deny it if you actually said something to him. 375 00:15:51,718 --> 00:15:54,387 I'm the world's fastest prep as a director. You know that. 376 00:15:54,487 --> 00:15:57,190 - I know that about you. - I once did a "silver spoons" on 48 hours. 377 00:15:57,290 --> 00:15:59,592 - Is that so? Jesus. - Yeah, got me in there. 378 00:15:59,692 --> 00:16:01,837 - Tessler, you're something. You're a talented guy. - Yeah. Oh thanks. 379 00:16:01,861 --> 00:16:04,931 - Thank you. I appreciate it. Pass it on. - Yeah. Yeah. I will. 380 00:16:05,032 --> 00:16:06,409 Well, listen, I'm sorry you're gonna miss it again, 381 00:16:06,433 --> 00:16:08,301 but, you know, you look at these kids 382 00:16:08,401 --> 00:16:10,470 and you just feel so complete, 383 00:16:10,570 --> 00:16:12,905 - if only by comparison. - Yeah, I know. I wanna do it. 384 00:16:13,006 --> 00:16:16,676 I wanna do it. I don't even wanna do it for them. I wanna do it for me. 385 00:16:16,776 --> 00:16:19,712 - Good to see you. - Great to see you, and my best to all the kids. 386 00:16:19,812 --> 00:16:23,583 - Okay, I'll pass it along. All right. Be well. - Yeah. Okay. 387 00:16:26,519 --> 00:16:28,755 Larry: I should've gotten some yogurt there. 388 00:16:28,855 --> 00:16:30,423 - You should've. - I'm very starving. 389 00:16:30,523 --> 00:16:32,725 I'm starving too. Why do we listen to her? 390 00:16:35,062 --> 00:16:37,264 - Mind if I take a bite of this? - I do mind. 391 00:16:37,364 --> 00:16:39,166 - That's for Oscar. - Come on, one bite. 392 00:16:39,266 --> 00:16:40,533 - No. - Let me take one bite. 393 00:16:40,633 --> 00:16:43,070 What the... come on, I've got low blood sugar. 394 00:16:43,170 --> 00:16:44,837 One bite but make it small. 395 00:16:44,937 --> 00:16:47,240 Small small small. 396 00:16:48,941 --> 00:16:51,178 - Oh! - Good, huh? 397 00:16:51,278 --> 00:16:54,847 - That is really good. - Is there another spoon in the bag? 398 00:16:54,947 --> 00:16:56,816 Let me have... Give it here for a second. 399 00:16:56,916 --> 00:16:58,518 Let me have a taste. 400 00:17:01,588 --> 00:17:03,056 Ah! It's good. 401 00:17:03,156 --> 00:17:04,957 - Isn't that good? - Yup. 402 00:17:05,058 --> 00:17:06,426 - By the way... - Mmm? 403 00:17:06,526 --> 00:17:08,861 Your taste was about twice as big as mine. 404 00:17:08,961 --> 00:17:10,639 - What are you talking about? It was a small taste. - No, it was about... 405 00:17:10,663 --> 00:17:12,499 No, it was about as twice as big as mine. 406 00:17:12,599 --> 00:17:14,799 - Just stop it. No no. - I'm evening it out, that's all. 407 00:17:14,867 --> 00:17:17,546 - Evening it out? What are you talking about? - Yeah, I just evened it out. 408 00:17:17,570 --> 00:17:19,806 No, now you've gotten two and I've gotten one. 409 00:17:19,906 --> 00:17:23,443 - That's bullshit. - No, my two bites were the same as your one. 410 00:17:23,543 --> 00:17:26,346 Oh, right. Okay. I can't even see what you're eating. 411 00:17:26,446 --> 00:17:28,606 Look at that! Look at the size of those bites you took! 412 00:17:28,681 --> 00:17:30,517 Are you serious? Come on, that's not fair. 413 00:17:30,617 --> 00:17:32,352 - Stop it. No, we're even. - Really? 414 00:17:32,452 --> 00:17:34,121 - You're done. - No, bullshit. 415 00:17:34,221 --> 00:17:35,998 You're... bullshit, you're done. It's for os... 416 00:17:36,022 --> 00:17:37,324 - No way, man. - You're done! 417 00:17:37,424 --> 00:17:39,526 One more. Last one, okay? We'll have one more. 418 00:17:39,626 --> 00:17:41,804 - This is it. Okay, one more. - Okay, one... one each more. 419 00:17:41,828 --> 00:17:45,498 One each more, okay? Thank you. 420 00:17:51,504 --> 00:17:53,106 - You just took two bites! - Bullshit. 421 00:17:53,206 --> 00:17:54,983 - What do you mean, bullshit? - I'm driving! Stop! 422 00:17:55,007 --> 00:17:57,844 All right. Okay. All right, you want to be a dick, be a dick. 423 00:17:57,944 --> 00:17:59,612 Okay, you want to be a dick... 424 00:17:59,712 --> 00:18:02,215 ( Muffled ) be a fucking dick! Okay?! 425 00:18:02,315 --> 00:18:04,451 - What are you doing? - ( Mumbles ) 426 00:18:08,355 --> 00:18:12,325 - ( Silent ) - oh, hey, Vance. 427 00:18:14,694 --> 00:18:18,097 I... I don't know what the hell you're trying to say. 428 00:18:18,198 --> 00:18:20,233 Will you just talk, please? 429 00:18:22,502 --> 00:18:24,437 Pinkberry. 430 00:18:27,307 --> 00:18:29,476 - I-i-i-i... just go. - I know. 431 00:18:29,576 --> 00:18:31,278 - I'll see you later. Bye. - Bye. 432 00:18:31,378 --> 00:18:33,380 Larry: See you, Vance. 433 00:18:38,785 --> 00:18:40,620 Jesus, you've got some stuff on your face. 434 00:18:40,720 --> 00:18:42,555 Get that off. 435 00:18:46,426 --> 00:18:49,061 - Jeff? - Yeah? 436 00:18:49,162 --> 00:18:52,064 - Did you get it? - Nope. Closed. 437 00:18:52,165 --> 00:18:53,800 - They were closed? - They were closed. 438 00:18:53,900 --> 00:18:55,811 They're never closed. They're open till, like, midnight. 439 00:18:55,835 --> 00:18:58,214 - We go after the movies all the time. - They... I'm telling ya... 440 00:18:58,238 --> 00:19:00,440 - Larry: Korean holiday. - A Korean holiday? 441 00:19:00,540 --> 00:19:03,410 - Tet. Tet. - Oh, it had to be today of all days. 442 00:19:03,510 --> 00:19:06,078 - Yeah, today is tet. It's tet. - Tet day. 443 00:19:06,179 --> 00:19:07,880 You know, Koreans own pinkberry. 444 00:19:07,980 --> 00:19:10,125 Wasn't there another one? So all of them would be closed? 445 00:19:10,149 --> 00:19:13,520 - All of them are closed. - Oh god damn, he can't have his last meal. 446 00:19:13,620 --> 00:19:16,356 He loves the pinkberry so much. 447 00:19:16,456 --> 00:19:17,933 - Yeah. - It's very interesting, though, 448 00:19:17,957 --> 00:19:20,827 that he would choose pinkberry as a last meal. 449 00:19:20,927 --> 00:19:23,396 - He loves it. - I wonder if that'll catch on in prisons, 450 00:19:23,496 --> 00:19:25,308 you know, when they're about to be electrocuted. 451 00:19:25,332 --> 00:19:27,634 - Pinkberry makes no sense. - Well, why? 452 00:19:27,734 --> 00:19:30,370 The pinkberry'll melt. It'll never get there in time. 453 00:19:30,470 --> 00:19:32,605 - Why not? - There's no pinkberrys near prisons. 454 00:19:32,705 --> 00:19:34,250 What, have you visited every prison in the United States? 455 00:19:34,274 --> 00:19:36,376 I can make an assumption on this one 456 00:19:36,476 --> 00:19:38,687 - that there's not a lot of pinkberrys near prisons. - There's plenty of pinkberrys. 457 00:19:38,711 --> 00:19:40,856 I'll bet you there's a couple of decent ones near a prison. 458 00:19:40,880 --> 00:19:43,516 - No way. - Oh god. Well, we have to go take care of this now. 459 00:19:43,616 --> 00:19:46,419 - Let me just throw this out. - What? No. No. 460 00:19:46,519 --> 00:19:47,763 - Uh, I'll take that. I'll take that. - What is it? 461 00:19:47,787 --> 00:19:50,290 No, it's gross. It's full of my snot. 462 00:19:50,390 --> 00:19:52,325 - Suz, just give it. - Let me just throw it out. 463 00:19:52,425 --> 00:19:54,527 No no, just go... Put the tissue in my hand. 464 00:19:54,627 --> 00:19:56,339 You know what? You've gone through enough today 465 00:19:56,363 --> 00:19:57,964 you don't need to be looking at garbage. 466 00:19:58,064 --> 00:19:59,975 - Right. I'm very sensitive. - Yeah yeah, I know. 467 00:19:59,999 --> 00:20:02,335 Susie: All right. Let's go take care of this now. 468 00:20:02,435 --> 00:20:05,505 Oh god. I don't want to do this. 469 00:20:08,741 --> 00:20:10,677 ( People chatting ) 470 00:20:13,012 --> 00:20:14,647 ( Sighs ) 471 00:20:16,849 --> 00:20:18,818 Hey, Lewis, where the hell are you? 472 00:20:18,918 --> 00:20:20,787 I'm sitting here like an idiot for 20 minutes. 473 00:20:20,887 --> 00:20:24,491 I thought we were supposed to have lunch. Give me a call. 474 00:20:26,225 --> 00:20:28,728 Susie: He was just beloved by the whole neighborhood. 475 00:20:28,828 --> 00:20:30,506 - You all know... I mean these kids... - ( speaks softly ) 476 00:20:30,530 --> 00:20:32,899 I'm just so glad you were all here to share it. 477 00:20:32,999 --> 00:20:34,677 Larry: Where were you? I waited half an hour. 478 00:20:34,701 --> 00:20:36,479 You didn't confirm. There's no way I'm gonna go there. 479 00:20:36,503 --> 00:20:39,439 I didn't confirm? We had... we had a plan. 480 00:20:39,539 --> 00:20:41,541 The plan is the confirmation. 481 00:20:41,641 --> 00:20:44,444 I don't have to go to... I don't have to make another plan. 482 00:20:44,544 --> 00:20:47,680 The plan is a plan. A confirmation is a guarantee 483 00:20:47,780 --> 00:20:50,550 - you're gonna show up! - Okay, Sunday, same time, same place. 484 00:20:50,650 --> 00:20:51,984 Well, I'll need a confirmation. 485 00:20:52,084 --> 00:20:53,720 You're not getting a confirmation! 486 00:20:53,820 --> 00:20:55,931 - I have to have a confirmation. - This is the confirmation right now. 487 00:20:55,955 --> 00:20:58,925 - This is a plan. - You're like some kind of government bureaucracy. 488 00:20:59,025 --> 00:21:01,069 You've got the plan. You've got the confirmation. You've got a subcommittee. 489 00:21:01,093 --> 00:21:03,696 - I've got to go through all these levels. - I'm not the kremlin! 490 00:21:03,796 --> 00:21:07,434 I'm just a human being who needs to be assured that if I'm gonna take a shower, 491 00:21:07,534 --> 00:21:09,574 get my clothes on and drive to a fucking restaurant, 492 00:21:09,602 --> 00:21:12,305 - you're gonna show up. - I am assuring you right now. 493 00:21:12,405 --> 00:21:14,040 - Yeah? - Yeah, there's no confirmation. 494 00:21:14,140 --> 00:21:15,608 - Fine. - Show up. 495 00:21:15,708 --> 00:21:18,678 - Fine, I'll show up... - Okay. 496 00:21:18,778 --> 00:21:20,289 But you'll really be in deep shit if you don't. 497 00:21:20,313 --> 00:21:21,624 Do you believe this crap? Look at this. 498 00:21:21,648 --> 00:21:23,750 Richard: I can't ta... I've gotta get out. 499 00:21:23,850 --> 00:21:26,128 - This is giving me the creeps. - Larry: This is crazy. I know. 500 00:21:26,152 --> 00:21:27,420 A Shiva call for a dog? 501 00:21:27,520 --> 00:21:28,831 Have you ever heard of anything like that? 502 00:21:28,855 --> 00:21:30,923 I only met him once and he nipped at me. 503 00:21:31,023 --> 00:21:33,035 I shouldn't even be here. I didn't even like the dog. 504 00:21:33,059 --> 00:21:34,761 Hey, this is... This is... I can't... 505 00:21:34,861 --> 00:21:36,863 - it's like a "twilight zone"... - hey. Hey, Vance. 506 00:21:36,963 --> 00:21:40,400 Hi. Hi. This is my friend Richard. This is Vance. 507 00:21:42,001 --> 00:21:43,803 Oh, thanks a lot. 508 00:21:43,903 --> 00:21:46,939 What the fuck is that? Is he like a mime or some shit? 509 00:21:47,039 --> 00:21:49,642 ( Laughs ) 510 00:21:49,742 --> 00:21:51,302 - He's taken... - What's wrong with him? 511 00:21:51,344 --> 00:21:53,413 He's taken a vow of silence, 512 00:21:53,513 --> 00:21:55,882 - yet he mouths. - Like a ventriloquist without a puppet. 513 00:21:55,982 --> 00:21:58,651 ( Laughs ) - he should have at least a puppet in the car 514 00:21:58,751 --> 00:22:01,588 - for practice when he goes out. - I agree with you. 515 00:22:01,688 --> 00:22:04,524 And I can't help feeling, Vance, that I failed him. 516 00:22:04,624 --> 00:22:07,794 And you're a spiritual person. You understand this. 517 00:22:07,894 --> 00:22:11,097 - You didn't fail him. - At the vet's I wanted to give him his last meal. 518 00:22:11,197 --> 00:22:15,402 He loved pinkberry and Larry and Jeff went to get it 519 00:22:15,502 --> 00:22:17,303 and it was closed. 520 00:22:17,404 --> 00:22:19,672 And I feel such a sense of guilt. 521 00:22:19,772 --> 00:22:22,942 We tried to make his life the best possible life... 522 00:22:25,545 --> 00:22:29,115 ( Echoes ) pinkberry. 523 00:22:34,887 --> 00:22:37,824 Mmm! 524 00:22:37,924 --> 00:22:41,661 Susie: The whole neighborhood loved him, didn't they, Jeff? 525 00:22:41,761 --> 00:22:44,196 - What? What? The... the hose? - I feel so horrible, Vance. 526 00:22:44,296 --> 00:22:46,332 There's a hose? I don't have a hose. 527 00:22:46,433 --> 00:22:48,777 - Susie: Jeff and Larry went... - Jeff: Larry, I don't have a hose. 528 00:22:48,801 --> 00:22:50,813 - Yes, they went to get the pinkberry. - Did you bring a hose? 529 00:22:50,837 --> 00:22:52,715 - No. Why... why would I bring a hose? - Are you hungry? 530 00:22:52,739 --> 00:22:55,374 - Are you hungry? - Oh, I think he's saying he wants some pizza. 531 00:22:55,475 --> 00:22:58,277 Pizza. Who has pizza at sitting... a Shiva? 532 00:22:58,377 --> 00:23:00,022 - No, wait a minute. - Larry: You should have some pizza here. 533 00:23:00,046 --> 00:23:01,981 What do you mean you went on a helicopter ride? 534 00:23:02,081 --> 00:23:04,417 Why would you tell us now about your helicopter ride? 535 00:23:04,517 --> 00:23:06,862 - Larry: That is ridiculous. - What's it like up there? You couldn't breath? 536 00:23:06,886 --> 00:23:08,564 - Larry: Huh? - Jeff: Wait. Hold on a second here. 537 00:23:08,588 --> 00:23:10,457 What you need is Oscar's bowl on display. 538 00:23:10,557 --> 00:23:11,867 - People would like to see that. - Oh, okay. 539 00:23:11,891 --> 00:23:13,669 - Let's go in the garage. - Yeah, Oscar's bowl. 540 00:23:13,693 --> 00:23:15,613 - Larry, show him where the food is. - Huh? Okay. 541 00:23:17,163 --> 00:23:19,699 You what? 542 00:23:19,799 --> 00:23:22,034 What are you gonna do? Are you gonna tell on me? 543 00:23:22,134 --> 00:23:23,402 Is that what you're gonna do? 544 00:23:23,503 --> 00:23:26,272 Oh, I see. So let me get this straight. 545 00:23:26,372 --> 00:23:28,541 You're going to tattle, is that it? 546 00:23:28,641 --> 00:23:31,310 Well, you know what? Let me tell you something, Vance. 547 00:23:31,410 --> 00:23:35,582 There's a lot of bad Karma attached to tattling. Are you aware of that? 548 00:23:35,682 --> 00:23:39,318 I wonder what your spiritual advisor would say about that. 549 00:23:39,418 --> 00:23:41,954 Huh? Leave him out of that? 550 00:23:42,054 --> 00:23:43,832 Yeah? No, I don't want to leave him out of it, 551 00:23:43,856 --> 00:23:47,594 because nobody likes a tattletale. 552 00:23:47,694 --> 00:23:51,430 Nobody. So go ahead and squeal 553 00:23:51,531 --> 00:23:54,534 and you'll rot in hell. Okay? 554 00:23:55,535 --> 00:23:57,436 So what's it gonna be? 555 00:24:00,940 --> 00:24:04,577 You won't say anything? Yeah, that's what I thought. 556 00:24:13,853 --> 00:24:15,321 There he is. 557 00:24:15,421 --> 00:24:17,790 ( Chuckles ) you keep saying goodbye. 558 00:24:17,890 --> 00:24:20,292 - Hey. - I thought you were going to New York. 559 00:24:20,392 --> 00:24:23,696 - I thought you were on your way. - Yeah, I was supposed to 560 00:24:23,796 --> 00:24:27,567 and then the trip got delayed again. 561 00:24:27,667 --> 00:24:30,169 I'm not surprised. I ran into Vance and he told me. 562 00:24:30,269 --> 00:24:32,581 Boy, for a guy that can't talk, he has a pretty big mouth, doesn't he? 563 00:24:32,605 --> 00:24:34,316 Yeah, well, he just mentioned you were still here. 564 00:24:34,340 --> 00:24:37,243 - Oh, did he? Yeah? - Listen, if you're in town now, 565 00:24:37,343 --> 00:24:40,346 please do the event, 'cause it just got moved up to Friday. 566 00:24:40,446 --> 00:24:41,766 - It's Friday? - It's this Friday. 567 00:24:41,848 --> 00:24:43,650 - Aw, shit. - It's frid... 568 00:24:43,750 --> 00:24:45,785 I wish I could. I wish I could, 569 00:24:45,885 --> 00:24:48,154 I'm actually going back tomorrow. 570 00:24:48,254 --> 00:24:49,765 - You're going back to New York? - Yeah. 571 00:24:49,789 --> 00:24:51,691 - For how long? - Two, three months. 572 00:24:51,791 --> 00:24:53,991 A lot of it depends on Jerry's schedule, which is crazy. 573 00:24:54,060 --> 00:24:56,395 And by the way, don't... Like I told you earlier, 574 00:24:56,495 --> 00:24:58,430 don't... don't mention this to anybody. 575 00:24:58,531 --> 00:25:00,108 You know what? Your business is your business. 576 00:25:00,132 --> 00:25:02,101 - Look, where are you staying? - In New York? 577 00:25:02,201 --> 00:25:04,801 - Where are you gonna stay in New York? Yeah. - Yeah, a-a-a hotel, 578 00:25:04,871 --> 00:25:07,273 - the hotel... krendle. - Better. Better. Better. 579 00:25:07,373 --> 00:25:09,709 - You know renny harlin? Director? - Oh sure, the director. 580 00:25:09,809 --> 00:25:11,544 - Used to be married to geena Davis. - Yeah. 581 00:25:11,644 --> 00:25:13,880 I was originally gonna spend this next couple of months 582 00:25:13,980 --> 00:25:16,082 in New York doing this off-Broadway thing, 583 00:25:16,182 --> 00:25:18,527 but then I got "pandemonium." We're shooting it right across the street. 584 00:25:18,551 --> 00:25:20,763 - Right across the street, yeah. - Yeah, it's based on the Hudson brothers' movie. 585 00:25:20,787 --> 00:25:22,822 - Right. - But renny said... look, 586 00:25:22,922 --> 00:25:25,457 if you need a place in New York, it's on 66th and Broadway. 587 00:25:25,558 --> 00:25:28,294 Beautiful place. Why don't I just let you have the place? 588 00:25:28,394 --> 00:25:30,863 He offered it to me. I had to say no. 589 00:25:30,963 --> 00:25:32,843 Well, he would just wanna give me his apartment? 590 00:25:32,932 --> 00:25:34,509 It's sitting empty. He's gonna be in Malta for the next six months. 591 00:25:34,533 --> 00:25:37,136 But why would he offer it to me? I don't feel right about that. 592 00:25:37,236 --> 00:25:41,540 You need a place to stay, Larry, and you are going to New York, aren't you? 593 00:25:41,641 --> 00:25:42,785 Okay, so if you're going tomorrow, 594 00:25:42,809 --> 00:25:44,543 if I came back here next week 595 00:25:44,644 --> 00:25:46,488 and there's somebody that looks like you sitting in that chair, 596 00:25:46,512 --> 00:25:48,591 - it's not you. - I'm not gonna be in this chair, no. 597 00:25:48,615 --> 00:25:51,126 No no. If I drive by your house, I'm not gonna see you out there. 598 00:25:51,150 --> 00:25:53,228 - I won't see you on the front lawn. - No, you won't see me. No. 599 00:25:53,252 --> 00:25:55,892 - I'm gonna give renny a shout right now, set you up. - Okay. Okay. 600 00:25:55,988 --> 00:25:58,791 - 'Cause you are going to New York. - I'm going tomorrow. 601 00:25:58,891 --> 00:26:01,828 Three months, right? Okay, I'll tell him three months minimum. 602 00:26:01,928 --> 00:26:04,697 He's gonna be happy to help you out. Good to see you, Larry. 603 00:26:08,668 --> 00:26:11,638 Susie: I know. It was yummy, wasn't it? 604 00:26:11,738 --> 00:26:13,606 No, the food here is incredible. 605 00:26:13,706 --> 00:26:15,307 Hey, Vance, what did you think of dinner? 606 00:26:15,407 --> 00:26:18,645 - Yeah, I... I don't know what you're saying. - Yeah. 607 00:26:18,745 --> 00:26:20,522 - I have no idea. - Do you know what? This is gonna be 608 00:26:20,546 --> 00:26:22,758 the last time we see him. Three months, we're gonna be in New York. 609 00:26:22,782 --> 00:26:24,262 - I'm gonna miss you so much. - Hello. 610 00:26:24,350 --> 00:26:25,652 Hey, what are you doing? 611 00:26:25,752 --> 00:26:27,887 I just had dinner with susie and Vance. 612 00:26:27,987 --> 00:26:31,057 - Where are you? - Divino's, but we're gonna go someplace else for dessert. 613 00:26:31,157 --> 00:26:33,292 Oh, I'm two minutes away. Wait there. I'll join you. 614 00:26:33,392 --> 00:26:35,470 I have something to tell you. You're not gonna believe what's happened. 615 00:26:35,494 --> 00:26:37,205 Great great great, I'll see you in a couple of minutes. 616 00:26:37,229 --> 00:26:38,865 - All right, see you soon. - Bye. 617 00:26:38,965 --> 00:26:40,976 - What? He's coming over here? - Larry's coming over. 618 00:26:41,000 --> 00:26:42,902 Okay, you gonna come with us? 619 00:26:43,002 --> 00:26:44,704 All right. 620 00:26:44,804 --> 00:26:47,907 - All right, we'll text, we'll email. - Take care, Vance. 621 00:26:48,007 --> 00:26:49,876 Can't call him. We can't call him. 622 00:26:49,976 --> 00:26:51,744 I understood that. He said bye. 623 00:26:57,449 --> 00:26:59,518 The red Volvo? 624 00:26:59,618 --> 00:27:01,253 Again. 625 00:27:01,353 --> 00:27:03,089 Jesus. 626 00:27:03,189 --> 00:27:04,991 What an asshole. 627 00:27:20,406 --> 00:27:22,517 - What do you think? Hey, lar. - I don't know. What do you think? 628 00:27:22,541 --> 00:27:24,920 I don't know. I was thinking pinkberry. You wanna go to pinkberry? 629 00:27:24,944 --> 00:27:27,814 You know what? I've never had pinkberry. 630 00:27:27,914 --> 00:27:29,415 Oh man, you've got to get out more. 631 00:27:29,515 --> 00:27:31,884 - Jeff loves it, don't you? - Not as much as I used to. 632 00:27:31,984 --> 00:27:33,419 - Really? - Yeah, I... 633 00:27:33,519 --> 00:27:34,787 ( Vance shouts ) hey, Larry! 634 00:27:34,887 --> 00:27:37,189 I got your little note. 635 00:27:37,289 --> 00:27:38,925 Vance? Talking? 636 00:27:39,025 --> 00:27:40,960 Hey, susie, guess what? 637 00:27:41,060 --> 00:27:43,562 Larry ate Oscar's pinkberry! 638 00:27:43,662 --> 00:27:45,597 And Jeff was driving! 639 00:27:45,698 --> 00:27:47,800 Asshole! 640 00:27:48,701 --> 00:27:51,203 Oh boy, am I so glad 641 00:27:51,303 --> 00:27:54,540 we're going to New York for three months and not gonna see your face! 642 00:27:54,640 --> 00:27:55,742 Mmm. 643 00:27:55,842 --> 00:27:58,811 ( Music playing ) 644 00:27:58,911 --> 00:28:01,347 ( Intercom chimes ) 645 00:28:13,192 --> 00:28:15,728 ( Silent )