1 00:00:01,760 --> 00:00:03,831 NARRATOR: Previously on the The Shield: Wanna have dinner? 2 00:00:04,120 --> 00:00:06,111 You work with Vic. We barely see each other. 3 00:00:06,440 --> 00:00:08,795 Carl, Scooby, you guys on foot? Oh, Jesus. 4 00:00:09,080 --> 00:00:10,753 What happened to those police officers? 5 00:00:11,040 --> 00:00:12,155 Killed somewhere, dumped here. 6 00:00:12,480 --> 00:00:14,118 We seized this house last month. 7 00:00:14,440 --> 00:00:16,397 Somebody's certainly making his point. 8 00:00:16,680 --> 00:00:18,318 Antwon killed Angie in front of me and Army. 9 00:00:18,600 --> 00:00:20,511 He did it with our guns. Will you help me? 10 00:00:20,800 --> 00:00:22,711 You want Pitarrio? Where's your stash? 11 00:00:23,040 --> 00:00:23,472 Where's your stash? 12 00:00:25,800 --> 00:00:28,394 We find the dead girl's body, you get this back. 13 00:00:34,800 --> 00:00:36,757 ANTWON: Vendrell and the burrito boy? 14 00:00:37,040 --> 00:00:39,634 They were dirty way before I got anything on them. 15 00:00:39,920 --> 00:00:41,115 It's bullshit. 16 00:00:41,400 --> 00:00:43,311 Just trying to take down as many of us as he can. 17 00:00:43,640 --> 00:00:45,278 Let him have his way? They pass the lie detector, 18 00:00:45,600 --> 00:00:47,193 they'll be fine. 19 00:00:47,520 --> 00:00:49,272 Captain's not buying your tall tales, Antwon. 20 00:00:49,600 --> 00:00:51,830 She bought the one about me knowing nothing about dead cops. 21 00:00:52,120 --> 00:00:54,031 You'll never find out who offed them pigs. 22 00:00:56,800 --> 00:00:59,235 MAN: Now, I need you to tell the truth. 23 00:00:59,520 --> 00:01:00,954 Absolutely. 24 00:01:01,280 --> 00:01:03,396 MAN: Is your name Shane Vendrell? 25 00:01:03,680 --> 00:01:05,796 Yes. 26 00:01:06,120 --> 00:01:09,238 MAN: Are you currently the mayor of New York City? 27 00:01:09,520 --> 00:01:10,510 SHANE: Heh. No. 28 00:01:13,840 --> 00:01:17,674 Have you ever lied to keep yourself out of trouble? 29 00:01:17,960 --> 00:01:19,280 SHANE: Yes. 30 00:01:19,560 --> 00:01:21,870 MAN: Have you ever won the gold medal 31 00:01:22,160 --> 00:01:23,230 in women's gymnastics? 32 00:01:26,160 --> 00:01:27,070 No. 33 00:01:27,360 --> 00:01:28,555 MAN: Are you married? 34 00:01:28,840 --> 00:01:30,956 SHANE: Yeah. 35 00:01:31,240 --> 00:01:32,469 MAN: Do you have children? 36 00:01:32,760 --> 00:01:33,238 SHANE: Yes. 37 00:01:35,840 --> 00:01:37,990 MAN: Have you ever been unfaithful to your wife? 38 00:01:38,320 --> 00:01:39,230 SHANE: 39 00:01:44,240 --> 00:01:45,116 Eating ain't cheating. 40 00:01:47,560 --> 00:01:48,834 I've been fielding calls all day 41 00:01:49,160 --> 00:01:51,310 by people very angry we put away Antwon Mitchell. 42 00:01:51,600 --> 00:01:53,557 He confessed to murdering a teenage girl. 43 00:01:53,880 --> 00:01:55,757 Mitchell's always claimed we're targeting him. 44 00:01:56,040 --> 00:01:57,633 Now he's screaming that Vendrell's dirty. 45 00:01:57,960 --> 00:01:59,678 People think we're trying to cover our ass. 46 00:01:59,960 --> 00:02:01,439 That's bullshit. I know. 47 00:02:01,760 --> 00:02:04,673 I just need you to explain it to them. 48 00:02:11,760 --> 00:02:12,830 I'd be a little nervous. 49 00:02:13,120 --> 00:02:14,599 VIC: Yeah. 50 00:02:14,880 --> 00:02:16,109 So how are we supposed to beat this thing? 51 00:02:17,160 --> 00:02:18,833 Well, it's easier if you're a pathological liar 52 00:02:19,120 --> 00:02:20,758 or a narcissist. 53 00:02:21,040 --> 00:02:24,829 All right, so Shane's safe. What do we do about Army? 54 00:02:25,160 --> 00:02:28,152 I heard putting a tack in your shoe messes up the results. 55 00:02:28,440 --> 00:02:29,396 VIC: Yeah, along with your foot. 56 00:02:29,680 --> 00:02:30,750 Tack in your shoe. 57 00:02:31,080 --> 00:02:33,549 Bar of soap under the armpit. No proof they work. 58 00:02:33,880 --> 00:02:35,518 Plus, if they catch you, they know you're lying. 59 00:02:35,840 --> 00:02:36,955 Come on, Smitty, what do we do? 60 00:02:37,240 --> 00:02:39,595 All right, you be the interrogator. 61 00:02:39,920 --> 00:02:41,479 Ask me about some crime you think I did. 62 00:02:41,800 --> 00:02:44,030 You like little Asian boys? 63 00:02:44,320 --> 00:02:45,469 Let's say I did. 64 00:02:45,800 --> 00:02:47,598 I do what they call a substitution. 65 00:02:47,880 --> 00:02:50,110 I'd replace your question in my mind 66 00:02:50,440 --> 00:02:51,430 with another question 67 00:02:51,720 --> 00:02:53,757 to which the truthful answer IS NO. 68 00:02:54,040 --> 00:02:57,510 I might ask myself, do I have $10 million in the bank? 69 00:02:57,800 --> 00:02:59,677 I answer no. 70 00:02:59,960 --> 00:03:02,793 The polygraph records the response as truthful. 71 00:03:03,080 --> 00:03:03,990 That really works? 72 00:03:04,320 --> 00:03:05,879 You do it right, yeah. 73 00:03:06,200 --> 00:03:07,349 Ugh. 74 00:03:07,640 --> 00:03:08,994 VIC: Got no choice. 75 00:03:09,280 --> 00:03:10,634 Captain's got a spotlight on all of us 76 00:03:10,960 --> 00:03:13,759 until you two pass that lie-detector test. 77 00:03:14,080 --> 00:03:15,115 We got a few days to practice. 78 00:03:16,320 --> 00:03:18,596 We can do it. 79 00:03:18,920 --> 00:03:21,036 The officer Mitchell propositioned was undercover. 80 00:03:21,320 --> 00:03:23,072 We heard he was corrupt. 81 00:03:23,360 --> 00:03:25,271 That's Mitchell's allegation. We"re investigating. 82 00:03:25,600 --> 00:03:26,999 WOMAN: I was at your first meeting. 83 00:03:27,280 --> 00:03:29,157 RAWLING: I remember. That councilman said seizures 84 00:03:29,440 --> 00:03:31,033 breed police corruption. 85 00:03:31,320 --> 00:03:34,073 I have the officers involved taking a polygraph test. 86 00:03:34,400 --> 00:03:36,516 I will be happy to make those results public. 87 00:03:36,800 --> 00:03:38,518 MAN: We also hear you're trying to blame Antwon 88 00:03:38,800 --> 00:03:39,596 for those dead police. 89 00:03:39,880 --> 00:03:41,359 RAWLING: We"re investigating all leads. 90 00:03:41,640 --> 00:03:43,119 Investigate yourself. 91 00:03:43,440 --> 00:03:45,397 Taking people's houses is what got them killed. 92 00:03:45,680 --> 00:03:46,829 Now you hide it. 93 00:03:47,160 --> 00:03:49,231 How much longer you gonna let these seizures go on? 94 00:03:49,520 --> 00:03:52,034 RAWLING: We don't know what got those officers killed. 95 00:03:52,320 --> 00:03:54,960 But attacking the seizure policy isn't gonna help us find it. 96 00:03:55,240 --> 00:03:57,470 We"re re-evaluating the seizures entirely. 97 00:03:57,760 --> 00:04:00,195 This department is not interested in any policy 98 00:04:00,480 --> 00:04:03,836 that inflames the community or leads to cops' deaths. 99 00:04:11,400 --> 00:04:14,438 Here. The files you were looking for. 100 00:04:14,720 --> 00:04:17,234 Nailing Antwon's really shaken things up. 101 00:04:17,560 --> 00:04:19,073 What"s the fallout on the street? 102 00:04:19,400 --> 00:04:20,276 Naturally, decapitating the One-Niners 103 00:04:21,320 --> 00:04:23,311 has created a power vacuum. 104 00:04:23,600 --> 00:04:27,230 Now a few of his sloppy seconds wanna try on the crown. 105 00:04:27,520 --> 00:04:29,557 So how do we take advantage? 106 00:04:29,840 --> 00:04:32,593 Hit them up for info on our dead cops before the dust settles. 107 00:04:32,880 --> 00:04:34,279 Or at least until Antwon sets up shop in prison, 108 00:04:35,320 --> 00:04:36,913 circles the wagons again. 109 00:04:37,200 --> 00:04:40,192 You think Antwon's lying, One-Niners are responsible? 110 00:04:40,480 --> 00:04:41,276 Don't you? 111 00:04:45,560 --> 00:04:46,755 Hit 'em hard. 112 00:04:47,040 --> 00:04:48,269 Fine. 113 00:04:48,560 --> 00:04:50,437 But I need Shane and Army. 114 00:04:50,760 --> 00:04:52,751 Not until they clear the polygraph. 115 00:04:53,040 --> 00:04:55,111 That's not until next week. I need guys now. 116 00:04:55,440 --> 00:04:58,671 Just let them work on who killed Carl and Scooby. Nothing else. 117 00:05:00,800 --> 00:05:03,952 They only work the cops' murders. 118 00:05:04,280 --> 00:05:06,351 Anything goes sideways with them, it is on you. 119 00:05:06,640 --> 00:05:08,438 Got it. 120 00:05:12,360 --> 00:05:13,680 SHANE: Looks like Antwon Mitchell 121 00:05:14,000 --> 00:05:15,752 isn't the only One-Niner on his lawyer's buddy list. 122 00:05:16,080 --> 00:05:17,753 I knew that shylock was dirty. 123 00:05:18,080 --> 00:05:20,674 Officer of the court running errands for Antwon Mitchell? 124 00:05:21,000 --> 00:05:22,559 Gives us a good card to play with Halpern. 125 00:05:22,880 --> 00:05:23,790 Yeah. 126 00:05:24,080 --> 00:05:25,832 Whoa, whoa, whoa, what are you doing? 127 00:05:26,120 --> 00:05:27,394 Lighting up. No, you're not. 128 00:05:27,720 --> 00:05:28,676 I finally got something nice 129 00:05:28,960 --> 00:05:30,951 where the A.C. actually works. Toss it. 130 00:05:31,240 --> 00:05:32,389 I'll blow the smoke out the window. 131 00:05:32,720 --> 00:05:33,790 Or you can blow me. 132 00:05:34,080 --> 00:05:35,991 I want this to smell like rich Corinthian leather, 133 00:05:36,280 --> 00:05:38,351 not an ashtray. Come on. 134 00:05:45,560 --> 00:05:47,517 ACEVEDA: I heard what happened this morning. 135 00:05:47,800 --> 00:05:49,518 Phillips threw you to the wolves. 136 00:05:49,800 --> 00:05:51,632 He hauled me in front of Antwon's true believers 137 00:05:51,920 --> 00:05:54,878 and promised them that he'd re-evaluate the seizure policy. 138 00:05:55,200 --> 00:05:57,430 It's a real shame you weren't there to witness your handiwork. 139 00:05:59,320 --> 00:06:01,596 He's linking it to Carl and Scooby getting killed. 140 00:06:01,920 --> 00:06:03,115 Is it? 141 00:06:06,680 --> 00:06:08,273 We don't know. 142 00:06:08,560 --> 00:06:10,870 If you can prove the killings 143 00:06:11,160 --> 00:06:12,912 had nothing to do with the seizures-- 144 00:06:13,200 --> 00:06:14,952 However it breaks, it breaks. 145 00:06:15,240 --> 00:06:16,594 I'm not suggesting slanting evidence. 146 00:06:16,880 --> 00:06:17,358 I'm offering you an olive branch. 147 00:06:18,400 --> 00:06:19,959 High enough to hang myself from? 148 00:06:20,240 --> 00:06:22,436 I don't like people capitalizing on cop Killings. 149 00:06:24,920 --> 00:06:26,831 I"m willing to talk to the chief on your behalf, 150 00:06:27,120 --> 00:06:29,191 on behalf of the seizures. 151 00:06:29,480 --> 00:06:31,232 If? 152 00:06:31,520 --> 00:06:33,989 If you agree to a few modifications. 153 00:06:34,320 --> 00:06:36,516 Such as no auctioning properties 154 00:06:36,800 --> 00:06:39,314 until the suspects are actually convicted. 155 00:06:39,600 --> 00:06:41,318 That leaves money in escrow accounts for years 156 00:06:41,600 --> 00:06:43,750 instead of in the community where we need it. 157 00:06:44,080 --> 00:06:45,514 It's an olive branch. 158 00:06:47,560 --> 00:06:49,437 Thanks for your offer. 159 00:06:49,760 --> 00:06:51,717 I think I can take care of Phillips. 160 00:07:01,080 --> 00:07:04,391 And, listen, anybody gives you shit, you come find me. 161 00:07:04,680 --> 00:07:05,954 Get on the horn and you call me. 162 00:07:06,240 --> 00:07:07,514 Go get your nails done, girls. 163 00:07:07,800 --> 00:07:11,111 We need some quality time with big poppa. Screw. 164 00:07:12,920 --> 00:07:14,877 What? You already got Antwon sitting down. 165 00:07:15,200 --> 00:07:16,952 That deal we were discussing prior to your accident, 166 00:07:17,280 --> 00:07:18,429 it's back. What is it with you guys? 167 00:07:19,480 --> 00:07:21,153 I look like I got a pork chop around my neck? 168 00:07:21,440 --> 00:07:23,590 Antwon's lawyer went straight from the men's jail 169 00:07:23,920 --> 00:07:26,196 to a meet-and-greet with a cat named Weed, you know him? 170 00:07:26,480 --> 00:07:27,436 Yeah. 171 00:07:27,720 --> 00:07:29,279 Thought you're next in line. 172 00:07:29,560 --> 00:07:31,915 White smoke coming out of Antwon's cell, man. 173 00:07:32,200 --> 00:07:34,999 Means he's anointing Weed as his new pope of dope. 174 00:07:35,280 --> 00:07:37,157 We"re trying to figure out whose side we're on. 175 00:07:39,160 --> 00:07:41,276 You fools still playing that dirty-cop shit? 176 00:07:41,600 --> 00:07:44,831 Shithead, we don't wanna get in business with you. 177 00:07:45,120 --> 00:07:46,838 We"re looking for the guys who killed our cops. 178 00:07:47,120 --> 00:07:48,758 I already gave you the El Salvadorans. 179 00:07:49,040 --> 00:07:50,758 No one specific. 180 00:07:51,040 --> 00:07:53,475 And all we got to was that street-level asshole, Pitarrio. 181 00:07:53,760 --> 00:07:56,115 You're out of ICU. You're reconnected to the street. 182 00:07:56,400 --> 00:07:58,232 You must've heard something new. 183 00:08:00,520 --> 00:08:03,558 VIC: This guy's not a player. Let's go talk to Weed. 184 00:08:03,840 --> 00:08:05,513 Hold up, hold up, hold up. 185 00:08:09,280 --> 00:08:12,193 When Antwon got with the Salvadorans 186 00:08:12,480 --> 00:08:14,391 he only talked to one guy. 187 00:08:14,720 --> 00:08:16,438 Cat named Gusano. 188 00:08:16,760 --> 00:08:17,830 Where do I find this maggot Gusano? 189 00:08:18,120 --> 00:08:19,713 He deals to Pitarrio. 190 00:08:20,000 --> 00:08:23,118 Now, how you gonna handle Weed for me, huh? 191 00:08:23,400 --> 00:08:26,791 You're looking at a bunch of bona fide weedwackers. 192 00:08:28,920 --> 00:08:31,639 SHANE: Hey, Weed. 193 00:08:31,920 --> 00:08:34,480 You wanna hang up the phone there, superstar? 194 00:08:34,760 --> 00:08:36,671 Grab some skull, dickhead. 195 00:08:36,960 --> 00:08:38,792 You know, it's funny, man. I see your mouth moving, 196 00:08:39,120 --> 00:08:40,474 but I don't hear you saying nothing. 197 00:08:40,760 --> 00:08:41,636 Yeah? Can you hear me now? 198 00:08:43,440 --> 00:08:46,159 Any of you guys smell the sickly-sweet odor of ganja? 199 00:08:46,440 --> 00:08:49,034 Yeah, all right. Come on, man, it's the 21st century. 200 00:08:49,320 --> 00:08:50,276 That old-school trickery, 201 00:08:50,560 --> 00:08:52,471 it ain't gonna fly in these last days. 202 00:08:52,800 --> 00:08:53,835 You'll be locked up a week 203 00:08:54,120 --> 00:08:55,679 before the judge drops the charges. 204 00:08:55,960 --> 00:08:57,712 Antwon's gone, man. 205 00:08:58,000 --> 00:09:00,230 One-Niners are deciding who"s got next. 206 00:09:00,560 --> 00:09:02,153 Can you really afford to be benched? 207 00:09:02,440 --> 00:09:05,876 Especially with Halpern on the campaign trail. 208 00:09:06,160 --> 00:09:07,594 Look, check this out. 209 00:09:07,880 --> 00:09:09,632 Quit beating me in my head conversation. 210 00:09:09,920 --> 00:09:10,955 What is it y'all want? 211 00:09:11,240 --> 00:09:13,117 Give us something that gets us our cop killers 212 00:09:13,440 --> 00:09:15,636 I guarantee you Halpern goes down in the polls. 213 00:09:21,440 --> 00:09:23,670 All right. Word on the street, some kids running their mouth 214 00:09:24,000 --> 00:09:26,230 talking about some dead cop's gun. 215 00:09:26,520 --> 00:09:27,999 Where'd you hear that shit? 216 00:09:28,280 --> 00:09:30,317 Nigga named Jamani. He stay down on Grape Street. 217 00:09:30,600 --> 00:09:32,876 He run guns, you know, to the street struggle. 218 00:09:34,640 --> 00:09:36,313 So Halpern really wants to squabble, huh? 219 00:09:36,600 --> 00:09:37,590 You got my back, right? 220 00:09:37,920 --> 00:09:39,718 Hey, this tip pans out 221 00:09:40,000 --> 00:09:43,994 the street will be kissing your ring before you know it. 222 00:09:54,840 --> 00:09:56,478 I"m going to Giovanni's. You want lunch? 223 00:09:56,760 --> 00:09:58,273 Chicken parm. You need cash? 224 00:09:58,560 --> 00:10:00,358 No, get me later. What about him? 225 00:10:00,640 --> 00:10:01,869 CLAUDETTE: Dutch hates Giovanni's. 226 00:10:02,200 --> 00:10:04,589 I'll pick up some wine on the way. 227 00:10:04,880 --> 00:10:06,553 I can do it. You've got such a long day. 228 00:10:06,840 --> 00:10:07,796 I don't mind. Chardonnay, right? 229 00:10:08,120 --> 00:10:09,110 My favorite. 230 00:10:09,400 --> 00:10:10,993 DUTCH: I know what you like. 231 00:10:13,320 --> 00:10:16,119 Uh, I gotta go. I'll see you tonight. 232 00:10:16,400 --> 00:10:17,356 See you then. 233 00:10:17,640 --> 00:10:19,313 Bye. 234 00:10:19,600 --> 00:10:20,510 Captain. 235 00:10:20,840 --> 00:10:22,513 Where are you on Scooby and Carl? 236 00:10:22,840 --> 00:10:24,672 CLAUDETTE: We've talked to all the neighbors twice. 237 00:10:24,960 --> 00:10:26,917 We've papered the town with fliers. 238 00:10:27,200 --> 00:10:29,919 Crime-scene reports haven't turned up anything new. 239 00:10:30,200 --> 00:10:32,032 I want you back in regular rotation. 240 00:10:32,360 --> 00:10:34,920 You're taking us off the cop killers? 241 00:10:35,200 --> 00:10:37,430 You can provide support. But I can't let this trail get colder. 242 00:10:37,720 --> 00:10:39,199 This case will break. May take six months, 243 00:10:39,480 --> 00:10:40,914 six hours, you know that. 244 00:10:41,240 --> 00:10:42,719 Six months is good enough for you? 245 00:10:43,000 --> 00:10:46,356 Every spare moment you have, work on Scooby and Carl. 246 00:10:46,640 --> 00:10:47,869 But I've got Vic looking into it, 247 00:10:48,200 --> 00:10:49,759 so bring him up to speed. 248 00:11:44,920 --> 00:11:46,672 Oh, shit. 249 00:11:53,560 --> 00:11:55,437 Hey, what are you doing here? 250 00:11:55,720 --> 00:11:57,518 I was on my way home from work. Oh. 251 00:11:57,800 --> 00:11:59,950 And I really need to tell you something. 252 00:12:00,280 --> 00:12:01,236 Everything all right? Yeah. 253 00:12:02,280 --> 00:12:05,955 Actually, I've been seeing someone. 254 00:12:06,280 --> 00:12:09,557 Well, I've seen a few people since the separation. 255 00:12:09,840 --> 00:12:10,875 We're allowed. 256 00:12:11,200 --> 00:12:13,237 You kind of work with this person. 257 00:12:14,520 --> 00:12:15,510 Who? 258 00:12:15,800 --> 00:12:16,710 Dutch. 259 00:12:17,040 --> 00:12:18,394 You're kidding me. 260 00:12:18,680 --> 00:12:20,353 No. 261 00:12:20,640 --> 00:12:22,631 How the hell did that happen? It just did. 262 00:12:22,960 --> 00:12:24,871 You just said dating was allowed. It is. 263 00:12:25,160 --> 00:12:26,753 Just know this guy's a first-rate asshole. 264 00:12:27,040 --> 00:12:29,554 No, he's not. We"re always riding this prick. 265 00:12:29,840 --> 00:12:31,831 He's got a bug up his ass about me. 266 00:12:32,120 --> 00:12:34,111 He just wants to get back at me through you. 267 00:12:34,440 --> 00:12:35,874 That"s ridiculous. 268 00:12:36,160 --> 00:12:39,551 I'm just telling you the truth. Do what you want with it. 269 00:12:39,840 --> 00:12:41,160 I'm not gonna do anything with it. Fine. 270 00:12:43,080 --> 00:12:45,674 You didn't tell him about the money I gave you, did you? 271 00:12:45,960 --> 00:12:47,758 No, of course not. I didn't tell anyone. 272 00:12:48,040 --> 00:12:49,599 Good. Don't. 273 00:12:50,800 --> 00:12:52,632 I gotta go. 274 00:12:52,920 --> 00:12:54,274 Wait, you're not gonna do anything, are you? 275 00:12:54,560 --> 00:12:55,675 What would I do? 276 00:12:56,000 --> 00:12:57,718 Please, don't get in the middle of this. 277 00:12:58,040 --> 00:12:59,030 Forget I said anything. 278 00:12:59,320 --> 00:13:01,038 Fine. Kiss the kids, will you? 279 00:13:01,320 --> 00:13:03,072 Okay, bye. 280 00:13:03,360 --> 00:13:05,556 Got an address on Weed's tip. Guy bragging about the cop gun. 281 00:13:05,880 --> 00:13:07,473 All right, go pick him up. 282 00:13:07,800 --> 00:13:09,677 We'll try to find Gusano, we'll trace it back to Antwon. 283 00:13:09,960 --> 00:13:11,633 Right. 284 00:13:11,920 --> 00:13:13,354 RONNIE: Not your most ingenious prank. 285 00:13:13,680 --> 00:13:14,795 Yeah, but it felt good. 286 00:13:19,960 --> 00:13:21,234 Police. 287 00:13:21,560 --> 00:13:23,278 Pitarrio, get out here! 288 00:13:24,880 --> 00:13:25,870 Pitarrio. 289 00:13:26,200 --> 00:13:28,953 WOMAN: I have a gun, I'll shoot. 290 00:13:29,280 --> 00:13:30,270 We"re the police. 291 00:13:30,560 --> 00:13:33,598 WOMAN: Bullshit. I know who you are. 292 00:13:33,880 --> 00:13:35,996 We're coming in. We"ll shoot. 293 00:13:36,280 --> 00:13:37,270 Me too. Stop. 294 00:13:46,720 --> 00:13:48,119 VIC: Where's Pitarrio? WOMAN: Gone. 295 00:13:48,400 --> 00:13:49,754 Where to? 296 00:13:50,040 --> 00:13:51,394 He lost something he was holding. 297 00:13:51,720 --> 00:13:53,358 He knew the Salvadorans would come to kill him. 298 00:13:53,680 --> 00:13:55,398 VIC: What did he lose? 299 00:14:00,320 --> 00:14:02,596 Heroin, a kilo. 300 00:14:02,880 --> 00:14:03,676 Shit. 301 00:14:05,920 --> 00:14:08,309 Where'd he lose this kilo? 302 00:14:08,600 --> 00:14:11,194 Look, we're not here to bust you. 303 00:14:13,440 --> 00:14:16,831 I'm Pitarrio's cut-up girl. The Salvadorans can't find him, 304 00:14:17,160 --> 00:14:19,117 they'll come after me next. 305 00:14:19,400 --> 00:14:20,993 I thought you were them. 306 00:14:21,280 --> 00:14:22,839 Then why"d you come back here? 307 00:14:23,120 --> 00:14:24,519 Thought maybe I could grab some product, 308 00:14:24,840 --> 00:14:27,229 or some tools to sell. 309 00:14:27,520 --> 00:14:30,990 Pitarrio left without paying me. 310 00:14:31,280 --> 00:14:33,954 I got nothing for us. 311 00:14:34,240 --> 00:14:37,631 Who's got you and Pitarrio so scared? 312 00:14:39,440 --> 00:14:41,078 Dealer named Gusano. 313 00:14:42,680 --> 00:14:45,479 You know where we could find him? 314 00:14:47,680 --> 00:14:50,672 Vic. Vic, come here. 315 00:14:50,960 --> 00:14:52,758 She was here when I roughed Pitarrio up 316 00:14:53,040 --> 00:14:54,519 and took that heroin as collateral. 317 00:14:54,800 --> 00:14:56,473 So if she's running, it's because of me. 318 00:14:56,760 --> 00:14:58,398 She see you take it? I don't know. 319 00:14:58,680 --> 00:14:59,954 Come on, let's just get out of here. 320 00:15:00,240 --> 00:15:03,039 And leave her hanging? No way. 321 00:15:03,320 --> 00:15:04,913 SHANE: What do we do with them? 322 00:15:05,200 --> 00:15:08,477 Pack a bag. Pack a bag, let's go. 323 00:15:08,800 --> 00:15:11,189 W-what exactly did you tell him? 324 00:15:11,480 --> 00:15:13,312 I told him that we were seeing each other. 325 00:15:13,640 --> 00:15:15,358 Yeah, how'd he take it? 326 00:15:15,680 --> 00:15:17,000 He said that you two 327 00:15:17,280 --> 00:15:19,715 weren't exactly the strangers you said you were. 328 00:15:20,000 --> 00:15:22,355 Well, we've bumped heads over a case or two. 329 00:15:22,680 --> 00:15:24,398 But you know Vic. 330 00:15:24,680 --> 00:15:26,717 We need to talk about this. 331 00:15:27,000 --> 00:15:28,434 Listen, I hate to do this to you. 332 00:15:28,720 --> 00:15:31,792 But I'm looking at a dead body right now. I've gotta go. 333 00:15:32,080 --> 00:15:33,434 Okay, I'll still see you at 8? 334 00:15:33,720 --> 00:15:37,190 Sure. If this-- If this case wraps up, sure. 335 00:15:37,480 --> 00:15:38,959 Okay. 336 00:15:39,280 --> 00:15:41,271 CLAUDETTE: Louis Saldera, 21. 337 00:15:41,560 --> 00:15:44,234 Took four shots at close range. 338 00:15:44,520 --> 00:15:45,715 Do we know the car yet? 339 00:15:46,040 --> 00:15:47,951 Saldera's registered owner of a 2003 Honda. 340 00:15:48,240 --> 00:15:49,913 Still wet. 341 00:15:50,200 --> 00:15:52,714 Maybe there's a witness. Somebody was here recently. 342 00:15:53,000 --> 00:15:54,957 You're not gonna wash your car with a dead body next door. 343 00:15:55,240 --> 00:15:56,196 Yeah, don't be so sure. 344 00:15:57,880 --> 00:16:00,269 I'll post a squad car out front. 345 00:16:00,600 --> 00:16:03,194 But trust me, no one's gonna find you. 346 00:16:03,520 --> 00:16:05,477 Gusano thinks I know where Pitarrio is, 347 00:16:05,760 --> 00:16:07,512 or that I have the heroin. 348 00:16:07,800 --> 00:16:09,154 Last woman he thought crossed him? 349 00:16:09,480 --> 00:16:11,039 His man held her down, 350 00:16:11,360 --> 00:16:13,954 stuck a rat in her pussy till she bled to death. 351 00:16:14,280 --> 00:16:16,840 That's a street fairy tale 352 00:16:17,160 --> 00:16:18,753 cholos have been spinning for years. 353 00:16:19,080 --> 00:16:20,593 Well, 354 00:16:20,880 --> 00:16:23,440 something happens to me, 355 00:16:23,720 --> 00:16:25,631 make sure somebody takes care of my boy. 356 00:16:25,960 --> 00:16:28,395 Nothing's happening. You let me take care of Gusano. 357 00:16:28,680 --> 00:16:30,512 After that, things can change. 358 00:16:30,840 --> 00:16:31,989 I'm out of a job. 359 00:16:32,280 --> 00:16:34,794 Can't exactly collect unemployment. 360 00:16:35,080 --> 00:16:38,232 And H-cutter don't look good on no résume. 361 00:16:38,520 --> 00:16:39,715 You could clean up your act. 362 00:16:40,000 --> 00:16:42,913 Start fresh. 363 00:16:45,160 --> 00:16:46,798 I don't see where you have much of a choice. 364 00:16:48,200 --> 00:16:49,599 I'm helping you this time. 365 00:16:49,880 --> 00:16:52,872 Next time, I'll be arresting you. 366 00:16:53,160 --> 00:16:57,040 Besides, how old is this kid? What, 2, 3? 367 00:16:57,360 --> 00:16:58,555 Four. 368 00:17:00,280 --> 00:17:01,918 Four. 369 00:17:02,240 --> 00:17:04,436 He seems small. 370 00:17:04,720 --> 00:17:06,358 We take care of ourselves. 371 00:17:09,760 --> 00:17:10,875 RONNIE: But the good news is, 372 00:17:11,160 --> 00:17:12,480 this gun guy, Jamani, works alone. 373 00:17:12,800 --> 00:17:14,199 Come on, dude, put that shit out. 374 00:17:14,480 --> 00:17:16,391 This is my car. 375 00:17:16,720 --> 00:17:19,838 This guy deals in filed-down guns and sawed-off shotguns. 376 00:17:20,120 --> 00:17:21,155 Gotta be careful. 377 00:17:21,440 --> 00:17:23,238 We'll try not to get your hair messed up. 378 00:17:27,280 --> 00:17:28,953 I can't go through with this lie detector. 379 00:17:29,240 --> 00:17:30,674 SHANE: That's just jitters. 380 00:17:30,960 --> 00:17:33,793 We'll get you back to Smitty's, get you strapped in. 381 00:17:34,080 --> 00:17:35,878 Hey, we got three days to practice. 382 00:17:36,200 --> 00:17:37,554 I mean, we're gonna beat this thing 383 00:17:37,840 --> 00:17:39,751 based off the tips of a goddamn locksmith? 384 00:17:40,040 --> 00:17:41,474 Smitty was Army intelligence for 12 years 385 00:17:41,760 --> 00:17:42,750 before he got into keys. 386 00:17:43,080 --> 00:17:44,479 I was in the service. 387 00:17:44,760 --> 00:17:47,195 A.l. means he was carrying extra batteries for the field radio. 388 00:17:47,480 --> 00:17:48,800 Look, man, 389 00:17:49,120 --> 00:17:51,999 Vic put his ass on the line for us. So did these guys. 390 00:17:52,280 --> 00:17:54,078 We just need to be calm 391 00:17:54,360 --> 00:17:56,954 and concentrate. Answer these questions that we ask. 392 00:17:57,240 --> 00:17:58,469 We're gonna get through this. 393 00:17:58,800 --> 00:18:01,030 Bro, I-- Don't "bro" me. 394 00:18:01,320 --> 00:18:02,754 Now, this is a team. 395 00:18:03,040 --> 00:18:04,997 And it all comes down to us delivering. 396 00:18:05,280 --> 00:18:07,032 We"re not gonna let these guys down. 397 00:18:07,320 --> 00:18:10,278 Let's go find this asshole and see what he knows. 398 00:18:12,280 --> 00:18:14,635 RAWLING: We hear you fix guns for Grape Street, Jamani. 399 00:18:14,920 --> 00:18:16,911 Anyone approach you with a slain officer's gun? 400 00:18:17,240 --> 00:18:18,799 Looks like you got some bad information. 401 00:18:19,080 --> 00:18:20,275 We found three silencers 402 00:18:20,560 --> 00:18:22,995 and a stash of unregistered handguns in your crib. 403 00:18:23,320 --> 00:18:25,834 Unless you wanna hone your legal skills in Soledad, 404 00:18:26,160 --> 00:18:28,595 you better tell us about the gun you heard about. 405 00:18:28,880 --> 00:18:30,359 African cat stepped to me with it. 406 00:18:30,640 --> 00:18:32,597 Told me how he needed the numbers filed off. 407 00:18:32,920 --> 00:18:34,069 What kind of piece? 408 00:18:34,360 --> 00:18:36,670 It was a Beretta 92F. 409 00:18:38,640 --> 00:18:41,314 I told Kunta Kinte he could take that business somewhere else. 410 00:18:41,640 --> 00:18:44,234 He came in acting all arrogant, high and mighty and shit. 411 00:18:44,560 --> 00:18:47,393 This dude called me a nigger, like G-E-R. 412 00:18:47,720 --> 00:18:48,994 RAWLING: What's his name? 413 00:18:49,280 --> 00:18:50,111 I don't know. 414 00:18:50,440 --> 00:18:52,511 We"ll need you to look at some mug books. 415 00:18:52,800 --> 00:18:54,199 No. Later for that. 416 00:18:54,520 --> 00:18:56,352 I didn't even get a good look at him. 417 00:18:56,640 --> 00:18:59,951 Hey, man, this guy's great, great, great grandpappy 418 00:19:00,280 --> 00:19:03,272 sold one of your ancestors to the man. 419 00:19:03,560 --> 00:19:04,755 You really wanna let him get away 420 00:19:05,080 --> 00:19:06,753 with acting like he's better than you? 421 00:19:09,560 --> 00:19:11,073 GIRL: I heard something loud. 422 00:19:11,360 --> 00:19:13,237 Came over to the window to see what it was. 423 00:19:13,520 --> 00:19:14,840 What'd you see? 424 00:19:15,120 --> 00:19:16,793 No one's gonna know your name. 425 00:19:17,080 --> 00:19:18,798 I only saw one car. 426 00:19:19,080 --> 00:19:21,230 And it was dark blue and old. 427 00:19:21,520 --> 00:19:23,557 This was about a minute after the shots. 428 00:19:23,880 --> 00:19:25,393 1990's? '80's? 429 00:19:25,720 --> 00:19:27,393 I'm really not good with cars. 430 00:19:27,720 --> 00:19:29,757 Older, I think. Like a classic. 431 00:19:31,600 --> 00:19:34,319 We're back from the car wash. Victim was a Latino. 432 00:19:34,640 --> 00:19:35,550 Killed during a carjacking. 433 00:19:35,840 --> 00:19:37,035 Girl heard the shots. 434 00:19:37,360 --> 00:19:39,271 She didn't see the Killer, but saw a witness. 435 00:19:39,560 --> 00:19:41,551 Shooter had Los Mag gang tats, drove the stolen car. 436 00:19:41,840 --> 00:19:44,195 Two other Latino males followed him in a black BMW. 437 00:19:44,480 --> 00:19:46,630 Sounds like your witness called in. 438 00:19:46,920 --> 00:19:48,752 Wouldn't give a name, but he caught a lot of detail. 439 00:19:49,080 --> 00:19:50,229 911 get his number? 440 00:19:50,520 --> 00:19:51,590 No, called the switchboard. 441 00:19:51,880 --> 00:19:53,757 He knew how to keep his name and voice out of it. 442 00:20:03,480 --> 00:20:05,949 Hey, man, what you got? Unis papered the neighborhood 443 00:20:06,240 --> 00:20:08,072 for the Nigerian named Ade Achebe. 444 00:20:08,360 --> 00:20:10,795 Lives here. He was trying to clean a cop's gun. 445 00:20:11,080 --> 00:20:12,798 From the make, it looks like Carl's. 446 00:20:13,080 --> 00:20:14,912 Any connection to the Niners? Haven't seen one. 447 00:20:15,200 --> 00:20:17,555 But he's on a Homeland Security watch list. 448 00:20:17,840 --> 00:20:20,912 So is every African that's entered the country since 9/11. 449 00:20:21,240 --> 00:20:23,834 What's the big deal? You can fit them all in a phone booth. 450 00:20:26,000 --> 00:20:27,911 Ronnie, Army, take the back. 451 00:20:30,120 --> 00:20:31,474 Hey, man, we got a warrant? 452 00:20:31,760 --> 00:20:33,319 Just my winning smile. 453 00:20:33,600 --> 00:20:35,796 Anybody else hear those cries for help? 454 00:20:38,440 --> 00:20:39,589 Police. 455 00:20:44,280 --> 00:20:45,270 Clear. VIC: Here we go. Here. 456 00:20:53,520 --> 00:20:54,590 Six-Paul-Eleven. 457 00:20:54,880 --> 00:20:56,314 Whoa. 458 00:20:56,640 --> 00:20:58,517 That's another radio. Hit it again. 459 00:21:00,400 --> 00:21:02,994 Keep hitting it. Six-Paul-Eleven. 460 00:21:03,320 --> 00:21:05,391 Six-Paul-Eleven. 461 00:21:05,680 --> 00:21:08,559 Test, one, two. Test, one, two. 462 00:21:08,840 --> 00:21:10,513 SHANE: Hey. 463 00:21:10,800 --> 00:21:11,517 Scooby's. 464 00:21:11,800 --> 00:21:13,154 Test, one, two. 465 00:21:13,440 --> 00:21:14,350 Shit. 466 00:21:15,480 --> 00:21:17,756 So somebody executed our best lead? 467 00:21:18,080 --> 00:21:19,275 VIC: We found Scooby's radio. 468 00:21:19,560 --> 00:21:21,676 Any guns? Nope. 469 00:21:22,000 --> 00:21:24,071 Well, he could have bought that radio in a pawnshop. 470 00:21:24,360 --> 00:21:26,749 VIC: Or took it from him after he killed him. 471 00:21:27,040 --> 00:21:28,997 This guy couldn't subdue Carl and Scooby on his own. 472 00:21:29,280 --> 00:21:32,159 The whole neighborhood knew we were looking for a Nigerian. 473 00:21:32,440 --> 00:21:35,478 Maybe his accomplices heard too and tried to tie things up. 474 00:21:35,760 --> 00:21:37,558 Feels like it's moving away from Antwon. 475 00:21:37,840 --> 00:21:39,638 Might not even be seizure-related. 476 00:21:39,920 --> 00:21:41,240 I wouldn't rule him out just yet. 477 00:21:41,560 --> 00:21:44,074 We haven't found his Salvadoran hookup, Gusano. 478 00:21:44,400 --> 00:21:45,720 This reads mob to me. 479 00:21:46,000 --> 00:21:47,911 The neighbors are screaming blue justice. 480 00:21:48,240 --> 00:21:50,834 Payback for one of our own. 481 00:21:51,160 --> 00:21:53,151 Let them stick their fingers up his ass. 482 00:21:53,440 --> 00:21:54,271 He's been cold for hours. 483 00:21:54,560 --> 00:21:56,198 We just got here. 484 00:21:56,480 --> 00:21:59,279 We just need to get a fix on what direction this is going. 485 00:21:59,560 --> 00:22:03,190 El Salvadorans, Nigerians. Just get me answers. 486 00:22:05,080 --> 00:22:07,151 We should talk to Vic. Maybe he could find out 487 00:22:07,440 --> 00:22:09,829 if our dead guy was beefing with another gang. 488 00:22:10,120 --> 00:22:11,269 We can do anything he can do. 489 00:22:11,600 --> 00:22:13,352 Including dating his wife? 490 00:22:13,680 --> 00:22:16,035 Ex-wife. And we're friends. 491 00:22:16,320 --> 00:22:19,119 You wanna keep secrets, go ahead. 492 00:22:19,440 --> 00:22:21,636 But when it starts interfering with our investigations, 493 00:22:21,920 --> 00:22:22,751 give it up. 494 00:22:23,040 --> 00:22:24,439 It's just weird timing right now. 495 00:22:24,720 --> 00:22:26,552 Maybe you should be the one to talk to him. 496 00:22:26,840 --> 00:22:27,750 Where are you going? 497 00:22:31,200 --> 00:22:33,157 Blue classic car. Well-maintained. 498 00:22:36,120 --> 00:22:37,030 That's a classic? 499 00:22:37,320 --> 00:22:38,310 It is to Billings. 500 00:22:38,600 --> 00:22:40,193 You're not serious. 501 00:22:40,480 --> 00:22:44,030 Witness knew enough to call the switchboard instead of 911. 502 00:22:44,320 --> 00:22:46,550 You're just mad at him because he took our cases. 503 00:22:46,880 --> 00:22:48,917 Witness with a spot-on knowledge of gang tattoos? 504 00:22:49,200 --> 00:22:50,838 I"m still not there yet. 505 00:22:51,120 --> 00:22:52,519 That's dried soap. 506 00:22:52,840 --> 00:22:54,399 I thought he was supposed to be getting you lunch. 507 00:22:57,160 --> 00:22:59,310 So, what's up? 508 00:22:59,640 --> 00:23:02,712 DUTCH: We're stuck on this carjacking murder. 509 00:23:03,000 --> 00:23:05,196 Thought you might be able to help us out. 510 00:23:05,520 --> 00:23:06,715 Sure. 511 00:23:07,000 --> 00:23:08,673 Anything you wanna tell us about it? 512 00:23:10,080 --> 00:23:11,229 What do you mean? 513 00:23:11,520 --> 00:23:12,669 The anonymous caller 514 00:23:12,960 --> 00:23:14,951 who witnessed the shooting provided a lot of detail. 515 00:23:15,280 --> 00:23:16,270 Very thorough. 516 00:23:16,600 --> 00:23:18,989 Called the switchboard. Recognized gang tats. 517 00:23:19,280 --> 00:23:20,714 Your car is streaked with dried soap 518 00:23:21,040 --> 00:23:23,316 like you rushed out of there without having time to rinse. 519 00:23:23,600 --> 00:23:26,911 Dried soap? We had Nicole's blood in O.J.'s bedroom 520 00:23:27,200 --> 00:23:29,794 and look at what good that did us. Give me a break. 521 00:23:30,080 --> 00:23:32,754 We got the bills back from the car wash. 522 00:23:33,040 --> 00:23:34,838 Your fingerprints were on some of them. 523 00:23:37,240 --> 00:23:38,958 You guys must've broken the world record. 524 00:23:39,240 --> 00:23:41,117 I can't get anything back from those rats in a day. 525 00:23:41,440 --> 00:23:43,317 So it'll take a day. But when it does come back, 526 00:23:43,640 --> 00:23:45,039 we gonna find yours? 527 00:23:48,600 --> 00:23:51,399 All right, I was there. 528 00:23:51,680 --> 00:23:54,399 I"m here because I didn't feel like committing suicide today. 529 00:23:54,680 --> 00:23:56,512 Come on, I was 15 feet away 530 00:23:56,800 --> 00:23:58,757 from two armed bangers who already had their guns out. 531 00:23:59,080 --> 00:24:00,309 That's not being a coward. 532 00:24:00,600 --> 00:24:03,240 That"s living to fight another day. 533 00:24:03,520 --> 00:24:04,919 Why didn't you report it? 534 00:24:05,200 --> 00:24:07,396 I called in and told them what I saw. Every detail. 535 00:24:07,680 --> 00:24:09,318 If I didn't care, would I have done that? 536 00:24:09,600 --> 00:24:11,637 You should've called us instead. Why, so the people here 537 00:24:11,960 --> 00:24:13,394 could think I didn't do something to stop it? 538 00:24:13,720 --> 00:24:15,074 Did you? 539 00:24:15,360 --> 00:24:16,794 I was outnumbered and outgunned. 540 00:24:18,200 --> 00:24:19,395 Come on. 541 00:24:19,720 --> 00:24:21,518 You know you can't show weakness in this house. 542 00:24:21,800 --> 00:24:22,995 You saw how they treated Reynolds 543 00:24:23,280 --> 00:24:25,749 when they caught him bawling his eyes out. 544 00:24:26,040 --> 00:24:27,838 Or Lowe, when his boyfriend threw a hissy fit. 545 00:24:28,120 --> 00:24:28,632 They still make fag jokes behind his back. 546 00:24:29,680 --> 00:24:30,954 It wouldn't be like that. 547 00:24:31,280 --> 00:24:32,793 After what happened to Carl and Scooby 548 00:24:33,080 --> 00:24:34,832 everybody's looking over their shoulder. 549 00:24:35,160 --> 00:24:38,471 They give us this badge and a gun. 550 00:24:38,760 --> 00:24:40,717 And they expect us to act like Superman. 551 00:24:41,040 --> 00:24:42,269 Like I'm not a middle-aged guy 552 00:24:42,560 --> 00:24:45,200 who could use a few more hours a week on the treadmill. 553 00:24:45,480 --> 00:24:47,312 You're both smart. 554 00:24:47,600 --> 00:24:50,194 You got the facts. 555 00:24:50,480 --> 00:24:52,676 I gotta work with the people here. 556 00:24:54,280 --> 00:24:55,918 Keep me out of this? 557 00:25:07,640 --> 00:25:08,710 What are you doing? 558 00:25:09,000 --> 00:25:11,594 I"m practicing for the damn polygraph. 559 00:25:13,280 --> 00:25:14,998 Listen, dude, you're gonna pass it. 560 00:25:20,080 --> 00:25:22,549 And after you do, you should get out. 561 00:25:25,120 --> 00:25:26,349 For real? 562 00:25:26,640 --> 00:25:28,472 Look, this team gets into a lot of shit. 563 00:25:28,760 --> 00:25:29,477 You're telling me now? 564 00:25:29,760 --> 00:25:31,080 We always say we're through. 565 00:25:31,360 --> 00:25:33,749 Okay, but if you're not in a hundred percent 566 00:25:34,040 --> 00:25:34,950 split while the going's good. 567 00:25:37,360 --> 00:25:39,112 Because you're either built for it or you're not. 568 00:25:43,000 --> 00:25:46,277 Hey, techies pulled a slug out of that dead guy's wall. 569 00:25:46,600 --> 00:25:48,432 Ballistics don't match Carl or Scooby's guns. 570 00:25:48,720 --> 00:25:50,870 INS gave us his roommate off an expired visa. 571 00:25:51,160 --> 00:25:52,992 Ididsa Okoye. 572 00:25:53,320 --> 00:25:55,994 It's Okoye with me, if it's Okoye with you? 573 00:25:56,320 --> 00:25:58,311 Sponsored by a family out of Long Beach. 574 00:25:58,600 --> 00:26:01,353 If Okoye executed his roomie, he's gonna need a place to hide. 575 00:26:01,640 --> 00:26:04,758 So grab your swimsuits, we're headed to Long Beach. 576 00:26:10,280 --> 00:26:11,679 Lem, Ronnie, go around back. 577 00:26:12,000 --> 00:26:14,514 LEM: You got it, man. 578 00:26:14,840 --> 00:26:16,877 Come on, Ronnie, let's go down the side. 579 00:26:22,840 --> 00:26:25,753 Ididsa Okoye, is he here? 580 00:26:26,040 --> 00:26:27,110 Is he inside? Speak English? 581 00:26:27,400 --> 00:26:29,038 Ididsa, ldidsa. 582 00:26:30,760 --> 00:26:31,750 Down! 583 00:26:33,600 --> 00:26:34,317 VIC: Get them out of here. 584 00:26:35,560 --> 00:26:37,597 SHANE: Army. 585 00:26:37,880 --> 00:26:39,598 Army, get these kids out of here. 586 00:26:39,880 --> 00:26:41,234 VIC: Police! Come on, buddy. 587 00:26:41,520 --> 00:26:42,999 ARMY: All right, come here. 588 00:26:43,320 --> 00:26:45,357 Come on. 589 00:26:47,680 --> 00:26:49,239 Sounds Russian. 590 00:26:49,520 --> 00:26:51,557 You ready? Go. Yeah. 591 00:26:51,880 --> 00:26:52,995 Cover. 592 00:26:59,000 --> 00:26:59,990 Let's go, he's empty. 593 00:27:05,280 --> 00:27:06,714 Don't move. 594 00:27:07,000 --> 00:27:08,718 You all right? 595 00:27:42,960 --> 00:27:44,917 He's down. He's down. 596 00:27:51,240 --> 00:27:52,913 Shit. 597 00:27:53,200 --> 00:27:54,838 Vic. 598 00:27:55,120 --> 00:27:56,599 Hey, thank you. Yeah. 599 00:27:58,960 --> 00:28:00,109 Vic. 600 00:28:06,840 --> 00:28:08,353 Don't move. Hey, hey. 601 00:28:08,640 --> 00:28:10,039 We"re cops. Farmington P.D. 602 00:28:10,320 --> 00:28:12,789 You wanna shoot somebody, I volunteer this guy. 603 00:28:18,800 --> 00:28:20,234 When we responded to shots fired, 604 00:28:20,520 --> 00:28:21,715 we found this guy fleeing from the scene. 605 00:28:22,000 --> 00:28:24,958 He involved in the shooting? 606 00:28:25,240 --> 00:28:27,595 That's Ididsa Okoye. His sister lives here. 607 00:28:27,880 --> 00:28:29,029 Yeah, well, we found this on him. 608 00:28:32,480 --> 00:28:33,311 It's Carl's. 609 00:28:33,640 --> 00:28:35,039 Hey, man, 610 00:28:35,320 --> 00:28:36,993 you just snagged yourself a cop killer. 611 00:28:45,360 --> 00:28:47,158 Where's your partner? 612 00:28:47,440 --> 00:28:48,510 He's in the restroom. 613 00:28:48,800 --> 00:28:51,394 I've got a murder I could use some help on. 614 00:28:51,680 --> 00:28:52,670 I'll be with you in a second. 615 00:29:02,400 --> 00:29:05,279 I heard you're banging my ex. 616 00:29:06,880 --> 00:29:09,110 Trying to get my attention? No, it"s-- 617 00:29:09,400 --> 00:29:12,040 I hope you're thinking that through. 618 00:29:17,320 --> 00:29:19,277 VIC: By the way, 619 00:29:19,600 --> 00:29:22,797 we just picked up one of the guys who killed Carl and Scooby. 620 00:29:23,080 --> 00:29:24,479 That's great. Yeah. 621 00:29:26,120 --> 00:29:28,555 Weren't you primary on that?? 622 00:29:30,840 --> 00:29:32,751 Yeah, well, we're all here to help each other out, right? 623 00:29:33,080 --> 00:29:34,400 Right? 624 00:29:38,520 --> 00:29:40,238 RAWLING: You are in deep shit. 625 00:29:42,520 --> 00:29:45,353 We know you killed two police officers. 626 00:29:45,640 --> 00:29:48,359 I didn't kill anybody. 627 00:29:48,680 --> 00:29:51,718 Why were two Russians holding your family hostage, 628 00:29:52,000 --> 00:29:53,035 waiting for you? 629 00:29:54,960 --> 00:29:57,190 Let's start with the cops. 630 00:29:57,520 --> 00:30:00,751 Did Antwon Mitchell hire you to kill them? 631 00:30:01,040 --> 00:30:02,394 Who? 632 00:30:02,680 --> 00:30:04,796 Why were the bodies left in a seized house? 633 00:30:10,360 --> 00:30:12,795 Look, I don"t know how it works back home in lion country, 634 00:30:13,120 --> 00:30:15,634 but here you get the needle for killing cops. 635 00:30:15,920 --> 00:30:17,513 Give yourself a chance, you start talking. 636 00:30:17,800 --> 00:30:19,473 Naming names. 637 00:30:22,440 --> 00:30:25,478 You say I killed someone? 638 00:30:27,000 --> 00:30:28,798 I say you are wrong. 639 00:30:29,080 --> 00:30:31,879 They found a police radio in your apartment. 640 00:30:32,160 --> 00:30:34,720 You had one of their guns on you when they picked you up. 641 00:30:35,000 --> 00:30:37,879 Both were taken off the bodies after they were killed. 642 00:30:40,600 --> 00:30:44,116 I am tired now. I'm going to take a nap. 643 00:30:53,240 --> 00:30:55,231 Okay. Settle down. 644 00:30:56,520 --> 00:30:59,194 Now, even cop Killers have rights. 645 00:30:59,480 --> 00:31:02,313 Sleeping just isn't one of them. 646 00:31:08,840 --> 00:31:10,592 This guy doesn't even know to ask for a lawyer. 647 00:31:10,920 --> 00:31:13,116 Give me the night. I'll get him to own up to stabbing our guys. 648 00:31:13,400 --> 00:31:16,233 It just doesn't add up. Why are the Russians involved? 649 00:31:16,560 --> 00:31:17,789 We'll figure it out. 650 00:31:18,080 --> 00:31:19,639 Looks like it has nothing to do with the seizures. 651 00:31:19,920 --> 00:31:21,877 Well, isn't that a good thing? Yes. 652 00:31:22,160 --> 00:31:25,676 Vic. The Russian guy from the house won't say a word, 653 00:31:25,960 --> 00:31:27,633 but I tied him to Carl and Scooby. 654 00:31:27,920 --> 00:31:29,593 Pulled his boss over a few weeks back. 655 00:31:29,880 --> 00:31:31,598 Clocked him doing 50 in a school zone. 656 00:31:31,880 --> 00:31:33,837 They got into some kind of argument 657 00:31:34,160 --> 00:31:36,197 and they tossed the guy in lockup overnight. 658 00:31:36,480 --> 00:31:38,551 What? 659 00:31:38,840 --> 00:31:40,797 Carl liked to get in people's faces. 660 00:31:41,120 --> 00:31:43,953 They got killed over a speeding ticket? 661 00:31:52,240 --> 00:31:54,117 DUTCH: We need you to ID the shooter on the record. 662 00:31:54,400 --> 00:31:56,152 BILLINGS: Why? 663 00:31:56,440 --> 00:31:59,000 Unis pulled over the stolen car. He was Los Mag, long rap sheet. 664 00:31:59,280 --> 00:32:01,032 So why do you need me? Because he's not talking. 665 00:32:01,320 --> 00:32:03,072 We don't know who his accomplices are. 666 00:32:03,360 --> 00:32:04,759 We didn't find a murder weapon. 667 00:32:05,040 --> 00:32:07,111 You're the best detectives. Tell him you got 10 witnesses. 668 00:32:07,440 --> 00:32:08,953 Break this asshole and get him to confess. 669 00:32:09,280 --> 00:32:11,556 We tried. You're our only eyewitness. 670 00:32:11,840 --> 00:32:13,274 CLAUDETTE: Look, I know you're scared. 671 00:32:13,560 --> 00:32:14,470 BILLINGS: Come on. 672 00:32:15,520 --> 00:32:16,794 Can you honestly say 673 00:32:17,120 --> 00:32:19,236 that you wouldn't have done the same thing? 674 00:32:19,520 --> 00:32:21,989 I know I'm an asshole for asking. 675 00:32:22,280 --> 00:32:24,157 But please take another crack at this guy. I"m begging. 676 00:32:24,440 --> 00:32:25,635 Well, don't. 677 00:32:37,520 --> 00:32:39,830 Ever heard of Andrei Tretiak? 678 00:32:40,120 --> 00:32:42,236 He's Russian organized crime. 679 00:32:42,560 --> 00:32:44,517 Same as the comrades who were holding your family hostage. 680 00:32:45,560 --> 00:32:47,756 RAWLING: You're safe and sound here in the police station. 681 00:32:48,040 --> 00:32:48,836 But what about them? 682 00:32:49,120 --> 00:32:51,919 They already killed your roommate. 683 00:32:52,240 --> 00:32:55,198 And we stopped them before they raped and tortured your family. 684 00:32:57,000 --> 00:32:59,150 Well, next time, they'll be quick. 685 00:32:59,440 --> 00:33:02,478 They might let the kids live 686 00:33:02,760 --> 00:33:05,479 but only if they cut their eyes out 687 00:33:05,760 --> 00:33:08,752 so they can't be identified. 688 00:33:09,080 --> 00:33:10,115 I mean, it's over for you. 689 00:33:10,400 --> 00:33:13,358 It was over the moment you killed our two officers. 690 00:33:13,640 --> 00:33:15,597 But I'm giving you a chance to save the lives of your sister 691 00:33:15,920 --> 00:33:17,638 and the rest of them. 692 00:33:26,240 --> 00:33:28,117 How would you protect them? 693 00:33:28,440 --> 00:33:30,192 We"d move them out of state. 694 00:33:30,520 --> 00:33:31,840 But you have to give us a statement 695 00:33:32,120 --> 00:33:33,713 and leave nothing out. 696 00:33:38,720 --> 00:33:41,109 VIC: Did Tretiak hire you? 697 00:33:41,400 --> 00:33:44,438 I can't say. Achebe arranged everything. 698 00:33:46,320 --> 00:33:49,358 Well, while we're gluing his brains back together, 699 00:33:49,640 --> 00:33:52,473 you give us something on these Russians. 700 00:33:52,800 --> 00:33:55,713 Just did what Achebe asked. 701 00:33:56,000 --> 00:33:57,593 RAWLING: And what was that? 702 00:33:59,400 --> 00:34:02,916 Well, he was given names and pictures. 703 00:34:03,200 --> 00:34:05,510 We followed them, your officers, 704 00:34:05,800 --> 00:34:08,838 and we waited for our opportunity. 705 00:34:09,120 --> 00:34:10,599 Then they went into an apartment, 706 00:34:10,880 --> 00:34:13,679 so we opened a manhole cover. 707 00:34:13,960 --> 00:34:15,155 When they came back, 708 00:34:15,480 --> 00:34:19,553 we told them we heard a child below. 709 00:34:19,840 --> 00:34:22,354 So they bent down to look. 710 00:34:22,640 --> 00:34:25,598 That's when I stabbed the Asian one 711 00:34:25,880 --> 00:34:29,669 in the back of the neck. He was paralyzed. 712 00:34:30,000 --> 00:34:31,638 Couldn't move his arm. 713 00:34:33,520 --> 00:34:35,272 But the other one, the black one, 714 00:34:35,560 --> 00:34:37,312 he fought hard. 715 00:34:37,600 --> 00:34:39,989 So I went to help Achebe. 716 00:34:40,280 --> 00:34:42,032 We stabbed him, we kept stabbing him, 717 00:34:42,320 --> 00:34:44,072 but he wouldn't die. 718 00:34:45,880 --> 00:34:47,393 And then we-- 719 00:34:47,720 --> 00:34:50,314 We heard the Asian one. 720 00:34:50,640 --> 00:34:52,756 He was still breathing. 721 00:34:53,040 --> 00:34:55,475 So I went, took him down 722 00:34:55,760 --> 00:34:58,513 and finished him as well. 723 00:34:58,800 --> 00:35:00,473 Cut him here. 724 00:35:04,480 --> 00:35:07,518 And then we carried them into the building. 725 00:35:07,800 --> 00:35:10,553 The one you had stolen. 726 00:35:11,800 --> 00:35:14,553 Just as Achebe was instructed. 727 00:35:20,800 --> 00:35:22,120 VIC: We straight? 728 00:35:22,400 --> 00:35:24,437 Yeah. 729 00:35:24,760 --> 00:35:26,910 Hey, I just wanted to say 730 00:35:27,200 --> 00:35:28,679 that it really means a lot to everyone 731 00:35:28,960 --> 00:35:30,997 that you guys nailed those assholes 732 00:35:31,280 --> 00:35:32,315 who killed Carl and Scooby. 733 00:35:32,640 --> 00:35:35,075 This old team still has a few new moves. 734 00:35:35,400 --> 00:35:38,074 We still gotta get the Russian string-pullers. 735 00:35:38,400 --> 00:35:40,471 Also, we got a lead on Antwon's Salvadoran connection. 736 00:35:40,760 --> 00:35:41,955 A guy named Gusano. 737 00:35:42,280 --> 00:35:43,998 You still think Antwon's involved? 738 00:35:44,320 --> 00:35:46,470 Well, we think he might be connected somehow. 739 00:35:46,760 --> 00:35:47,875 We"re on the way over there now. 740 00:35:48,200 --> 00:35:50,635 Shane and Army have other business first. 741 00:35:50,960 --> 00:35:53,679 Polygraph in 10 minutes. Gang Central. 742 00:35:54,000 --> 00:35:55,479 I thought that was next week. 743 00:35:55,760 --> 00:35:57,831 You know the public pressure we're getting on this. 744 00:35:58,120 --> 00:35:59,190 If 'm to stand up for this team, 745 00:35:59,480 --> 00:36:01,357 I need assurances, and I need them now. 746 00:36:01,640 --> 00:36:03,472 If you can put it off till tomorrow, 747 00:36:03,800 --> 00:36:06,155 this Salvadoran might fill in some blanks for us. 748 00:36:06,440 --> 00:36:08,078 These two are staying. 749 00:36:09,320 --> 00:36:11,994 Anyway, good work. 750 00:36:22,440 --> 00:36:24,192 Did you have to get such a pretty tester? 751 00:36:24,480 --> 00:36:26,153 Try and relax. 752 00:36:26,440 --> 00:36:29,273 I"m just, uh, saying you got my heart rate up. 753 00:36:29,560 --> 00:36:33,030 Could you take a few points off for me, darling? Heh-heh. 754 00:36:33,320 --> 00:36:35,709 I'm gonna ask you a series of questions first. 755 00:36:36,040 --> 00:36:37,872 Just to make sure the machine's working properly. 756 00:36:38,160 --> 00:36:40,674 Make your answers accurate and honest. 757 00:36:47,840 --> 00:36:49,114 Is your name Shane Vendrell? 758 00:36:50,560 --> 00:36:52,358 Yes. 759 00:36:52,680 --> 00:36:54,353 Gusano? 760 00:36:54,680 --> 00:36:56,512 What's up? 761 00:36:56,800 --> 00:36:58,473 I"m here to talk about Pitarrio 762 00:36:58,760 --> 00:37:01,513 and his heroin cutter, Emolia Melendez. 763 00:37:01,800 --> 00:37:03,154 Cops? 764 00:37:04,600 --> 00:37:07,160 Yo, man, it's a friendly visit. 765 00:37:07,440 --> 00:37:08,953 Since when have cops been so friendly? 766 00:37:09,280 --> 00:37:10,759 Pitarrio lost something of yours. 767 00:37:11,800 --> 00:37:14,633 Emolia was worried that you might blame her too. 768 00:37:14,960 --> 00:37:16,234 I helped her to get it back. 769 00:37:16,520 --> 00:37:17,555 Now I'm helping to make it right. 770 00:37:17,880 --> 00:37:18,756 Here. 771 00:37:31,720 --> 00:37:33,791 Tell her to relax, don't even trip. 772 00:37:34,840 --> 00:37:36,194 As soon as I tell you 773 00:37:36,520 --> 00:37:38,431 to stay the hell away from her and her kid. 774 00:37:44,360 --> 00:37:47,318 Thank you very much. It was very nice to meet you. 775 00:37:47,600 --> 00:37:48,829 Hey, it's not that bad. 776 00:37:49,160 --> 00:37:50,230 RAWLING: Army, let's get started. 777 00:37:50,520 --> 00:37:51,476 I'm not taking it. 778 00:37:51,760 --> 00:37:53,319 You're what? Mm-mm. 779 00:37:53,600 --> 00:37:54,590 I talked to my PBA rep 780 00:37:54,880 --> 00:37:56,279 and he said I can refuse to take it. 781 00:37:56,560 --> 00:37:59,074 But we got-- We got nothing to hide. 782 00:37:59,360 --> 00:38:01,749 And I can't get penalized for it. 783 00:38:02,080 --> 00:38:03,150 He said polygraphs are subjective 784 00:38:03,440 --> 00:38:05,272 and the results aren't worth shit. 785 00:38:05,560 --> 00:38:07,710 And that's why they're not admissible in court. 786 00:38:08,000 --> 00:38:09,718 This isn't about covering your own ass. 787 00:38:11,480 --> 00:38:13,551 We have to prove that we didn't set up Antwon. 788 00:38:13,840 --> 00:38:15,194 If people believe that, 789 00:38:15,520 --> 00:38:16,794 they'll think we framed our cop killer. 790 00:38:17,080 --> 00:38:18,718 Everything will fall apart. 791 00:38:19,000 --> 00:38:20,195 I"m sorry, that's not my problem. 792 00:38:22,840 --> 00:38:26,356 It is about everyone in here 793 00:38:26,640 --> 00:38:29,553 and how people think of us out there. 794 00:38:29,840 --> 00:38:33,595 You are screwing every single cop in this building. 795 00:38:33,880 --> 00:38:34,950 This has nothing to do 796 00:38:35,280 --> 00:38:38,079 with anybody else. This is about taking care of me. 797 00:38:42,480 --> 00:38:44,073 Look, the guy's just nervous. I can-- 798 00:38:44,360 --> 00:38:46,033 No, it's too late! 799 00:38:52,800 --> 00:38:54,996 ACEVEDA: The injunctions are keeping the gangs indoors. 800 00:38:55,280 --> 00:38:56,395 I'm surprised to say it. 801 00:38:56,720 --> 00:38:58,836 But Monica's policies are taking an effect. 802 00:38:59,120 --> 00:39:00,918 The public sees us as having our boot on their neck. 803 00:39:01,200 --> 00:39:02,156 When does the press get good? 804 00:39:02,480 --> 00:39:03,754 We"re seeing a difference. 805 00:39:04,040 --> 00:39:07,032 Somebody just has to report it. Don"t shut it down now. 806 00:39:07,360 --> 00:39:09,271 ACEVEDA: She brought down Antwon Mitchell. 807 00:39:09,560 --> 00:39:12,279 You've been pissing on her policies. Why the change? 808 00:39:12,560 --> 00:39:13,959 I"m allowed to re-evaluate my position, 809 00:39:14,280 --> 00:39:15,839 as long as she's willing to also. 810 00:39:16,160 --> 00:39:18,674 I think there's a middle ground that we can all be happy with. 811 00:39:19,000 --> 00:39:20,115 PHILLIPS: Like what? 812 00:39:20,400 --> 00:39:22,869 No. Compromise, retreat 813 00:39:23,160 --> 00:39:25,436 is the worst thing that we can do. 814 00:39:25,720 --> 00:39:27,677 You'd be abandoning the memory of those two dead cops 815 00:39:28,000 --> 00:39:29,229 and all that they fought for. 816 00:39:29,520 --> 00:39:31,238 PHILLIPS: Christ. Don"t play that card with me. 817 00:39:31,520 --> 00:39:32,999 Most people think still they were killed 818 00:39:33,280 --> 00:39:34,998 because of your seizure policy. 819 00:39:35,280 --> 00:39:38,636 Well, they weren't. It seems there was a traffic dispute. 820 00:39:38,920 --> 00:39:40,240 Do we know that for sure? 821 00:39:40,560 --> 00:39:42,233 Is there any proof we can put in front of people? 822 00:39:42,560 --> 00:39:43,834 I'll find it. 823 00:39:44,120 --> 00:39:47,636 As for the seizures, they stay or I go. 824 00:39:47,920 --> 00:39:49,718 Then you can tell the brass how you lost 825 00:39:50,000 --> 00:39:51,638 one of L A's two female captains 826 00:39:51,920 --> 00:39:54,480 because she was too tough on crime. 827 00:40:02,360 --> 00:40:03,634 Hey. 828 00:40:08,320 --> 00:40:09,390 Oh. 829 00:40:14,760 --> 00:40:16,592 I took care of Gusano. 830 00:40:16,880 --> 00:40:18,154 He's not gonna be a threat to you anymore. 831 00:40:20,360 --> 00:40:22,749 You can stay here for a few more days 832 00:40:23,040 --> 00:40:25,680 but after that, I can only fudge the paperwork for so long. 833 00:40:25,960 --> 00:40:27,951 We'll be fine. 834 00:40:29,760 --> 00:40:31,398 How's this little guy? 835 00:40:33,680 --> 00:40:35,193 Has he been to a doctor? 836 00:40:35,480 --> 00:40:36,879 Sure. 837 00:40:38,200 --> 00:40:39,838 What did they say? 838 00:40:41,200 --> 00:40:43,669 I gotta make him eat. 839 00:40:44,000 --> 00:40:46,435 Try to get him into a preschool. 840 00:40:46,720 --> 00:40:48,472 He used to talk more, 841 00:40:48,760 --> 00:40:52,355 but some of the stuff he's seen, 842 00:40:52,640 --> 00:40:54,472 I'd keep my mouth shut too. 843 00:41:01,120 --> 00:41:03,077 I'll go pick up a few things 844 00:41:03,360 --> 00:41:05,954 to make you guys a little more comfortable. 845 00:41:06,240 --> 00:41:08,072 Maybe that'll get him back to talking. 846 00:41:09,000 --> 00:41:10,513 Thanks. 847 00:41:22,560 --> 00:41:25,598 He confessed. Kept your name out of it. 848 00:41:25,920 --> 00:41:27,718 Thanks, really. 849 00:41:28,040 --> 00:41:29,155 You're welcome. 850 00:41:31,400 --> 00:41:32,629 How about I buy you both a beer? 851 00:41:32,960 --> 00:41:34,473 No, thanks. 852 00:41:34,800 --> 00:41:36,029 Can't. I gotta be somewhere. 853 00:41:55,320 --> 00:41:58,073 Vic's put me through hell but never this malicious. 854 00:41:58,400 --> 00:41:59,470 He just said that to hurt us. 855 00:41:59,760 --> 00:42:01,558 You're not getting close to me to get back at him? 856 00:42:01,840 --> 00:42:03,069 No. 857 00:42:03,360 --> 00:42:04,634 Absolutely not. 858 00:42:08,120 --> 00:42:09,758 Maybe at first, a little. 859 00:42:10,080 --> 00:42:12,640 But I really like you now. 860 00:42:14,920 --> 00:42:17,389 Look, I put up with Vic's shit every day. 861 00:42:17,720 --> 00:42:20,394 So was asking you out a perk? Sure, 862 00:42:20,720 --> 00:42:23,599 but Vic-- Vic's an asshole. 863 00:42:23,880 --> 00:42:25,359 He's the father of my children. 864 00:42:25,680 --> 00:42:27,910 That makes him my asshole, not yours. 865 00:42:31,520 --> 00:42:33,875 It's not where we started, it's where we are now. 866 00:42:34,160 --> 00:42:38,279 We started with a lie. I don't even know where we are now. 867 00:42:38,560 --> 00:42:39,630 I"m sorry. 868 00:42:39,920 --> 00:42:41,957 You think this is easy for me? Dating again? 869 00:42:42,280 --> 00:42:45,910 I told you it was a bad idea, but you kept pushing it. 870 00:42:46,240 --> 00:42:46,832 What about my kids now? 871 00:42:47,160 --> 00:42:48,559 I love your kids. 872 00:42:48,840 --> 00:42:50,194 You weren't honest with me before. 873 00:42:50,480 --> 00:42:52,312 How can I even trust you with them now? 874 00:42:52,600 --> 00:42:54,477 Or trust myself to you? 875 00:42:54,800 --> 00:42:55,915 Corrine... 876 00:42:57,120 --> 00:42:59,157 You can leave, okay? 877 00:43:07,920 --> 00:43:09,752 -1, uh-- 878 00:43:10,040 --> 00:43:11,155 I am sorry. 879 00:43:23,600 --> 00:43:25,432 It was nothing you couldn't handle. 880 00:43:25,720 --> 00:43:27,233 I don't have to. The PBA guy told me-- 881 00:43:27,520 --> 00:43:29,113 You trust him before us? Damn right. 882 00:43:29,400 --> 00:43:31,311 He may not be as well-versed in these things 883 00:43:31,600 --> 00:43:34,274 as an ex-Army locksmith, but I'll take my chances. 884 00:43:34,560 --> 00:43:36,471 You stupid shit. Hey, hey. 885 00:43:36,800 --> 00:43:39,269 Your PBA genius, he gonna get you your next job? 886 00:43:39,560 --> 00:43:40,709 He's gonna keep me out of court. 887 00:43:41,000 --> 00:43:42,115 You toss your career if you want. 888 00:43:43,160 --> 00:43:45,515 But you made us look guilty when you blew off that test. 889 00:43:45,840 --> 00:43:46,989 You are guilty. LEM: Shh. 890 00:43:47,280 --> 00:43:49,794 Who"s the one who lost it and shot Halpern? 891 00:43:50,080 --> 00:43:50,911 I know I didn't. 892 00:43:51,200 --> 00:43:53,157 Which makes me guilty too. 893 00:43:53,480 --> 00:43:54,800 VIC: Hey. 894 00:43:55,080 --> 00:43:56,798 Maybe Army's right. 895 00:43:57,080 --> 00:43:58,957 This is as good a time as any for him to jump. 896 00:43:59,280 --> 00:44:02,272 No reason we can't leave as friends. 897 00:44:02,560 --> 00:44:06,519 The captain's right. You are screwing people over. 898 00:44:06,800 --> 00:44:08,632 You're screwing this team over. ARMY: This team? 899 00:44:08,920 --> 00:44:11,389 That bullshit never worked for me when I was pulling sand 900 00:44:11,680 --> 00:44:13,751 out of my ass in the desert, it's not working now. 901 00:44:14,080 --> 00:44:16,276 I didn't take a bullet there, I'm not gonna take one here. 902 00:44:16,560 --> 00:44:17,391 Not for you guys. 903 00:44:17,680 --> 00:44:19,796 I appreciate your honesty. 904 00:44:20,080 --> 00:44:21,514 Let"s go. 905 00:44:33,680 --> 00:44:34,476 I vouched for him. I'm sorry. 906 00:44:34,760 --> 00:44:35,636 Don't worry. 907 00:44:35,920 --> 00:44:37,433 We have to shake the Russians. 908 00:44:37,720 --> 00:44:39,119 Figure out how this all comes back to Antwon. 909 00:44:39,440 --> 00:44:40,874 You think it does? 910 00:44:41,160 --> 00:44:43,549 There's only one guy who can get El Salvadorans 911 00:44:43,840 --> 00:44:46,116 Russians, Africans and One-Niners all in the same bed. 912 00:44:46,400 --> 00:44:47,913 Antwon. We just got out 913 00:44:48,240 --> 00:44:49,230 from underneath his shadow. 914 00:44:49,520 --> 00:44:50,669 Why shake a stick at a hornets' nest? 915 00:44:50,960 --> 00:44:52,280 Anyone who had anything to do 916 00:44:52,560 --> 00:44:53,959 with Killing Carl and Scooby has to pay. 917 00:44:56,960 --> 00:44:58,917 Plus, I got eight missing months of kicking ass with you guys 918 00:44:59,200 --> 00:45:01,919 to make up for.