1 00:00:54,892 --> 00:00:57,087 Flight 906, outbound Miami 2 00:00:57,087 --> 00:00:58,223 to DC 3 00:00:58,223 --> 00:00:59,876 Dropped off the radar at 08:20 4 00:00:59,876 --> 00:01:01,108 Crashed right after takeoff 5 00:01:01,108 --> 00:01:02,227 How many on board? 6 00:01:02,227 --> 00:01:03,045 NTSB confirms 7 00:01:03,045 --> 00:01:04,674 two pilots, six passengers 8 00:01:04,674 --> 00:01:06,042 Total of eight souls 9 00:01:06,042 --> 00:01:07,948 Eight souls unaccounted for. Okay 10 00:01:08,172 --> 00:01:09,799 Look, their advising that we wait for fire and rescue... 11 00:01:09,799 --> 00:01:11,334 Tell them we were four miles away 12 00:01:11,334 --> 00:01:12,098 when we took the call 13 00:01:12,098 --> 00:01:13,607 First responders provide immediate aid 14 00:01:13,607 --> 00:01:14,538 no questions asked 15 00:01:14,538 --> 00:01:15,660 We're taking this 16 00:01:15,660 --> 00:01:16,916 Call MDPD. Tell them I want to set a 17 00:01:16,916 --> 00:01:19,497 forward command post at Levy 67 mobile recovery... 18 00:01:19,497 --> 00:01:21,468 biohazard gear, the works 19 00:01:21,468 --> 00:01:22,815 And then call in the night shift 20 00:01:22,815 --> 00:01:23,849 We need all hands on deck 21 00:01:23,849 --> 00:01:25,247 Eric Delko...hold on 22 00:01:25,247 --> 00:01:26,016 What 23 00:01:26,016 --> 00:01:27,956 What is it? 24 00:01:28,237 --> 00:01:29,363 Right there 25 00:01:30,701 --> 00:01:32,532 We've got a survivor right there! 26 00:01:32,532 --> 00:01:34,023 Hold on sir! I'm coming! 27 00:01:35,565 --> 00:01:36,862 Yes, this is Horatio Caine 28 00:01:36,862 --> 00:01:38,168 This is CSI priority 29 00:01:38,168 --> 00:01:39,584 I need an Air Rescue 30 00:01:39,584 --> 00:01:41,595 I'm located six miles from the Tammeane Trail 31 00:01:43,309 --> 00:01:43,968 Hold on! 32 00:01:47,437 --> 00:01:48,597 He's not breathing! 33 00:01:51,374 --> 00:01:53,569 Breathe....breathe... 34 00:01:58,382 --> 00:01:59,212 com'on BREATHE! 35 00:02:00,206 --> 00:02:01,173 Eric 36 00:02:03,374 --> 00:02:04,238 Eric 37 00:02:06,158 --> 00:02:07,284 He's gone 38 00:02:11,214 --> 00:02:12,442 I lost him 39 00:02:12,718 --> 00:02:13,980 It happens 40 00:02:13,980 --> 00:02:15,887 He could of told us 41 00:02:15,887 --> 00:02:16,950 We don't need him to 42 00:02:19,119 --> 00:02:21,781 We've got the whole story right here 43 00:03:07,281 --> 00:03:10,064 The jet was registered to a Scott Eric Summer 44 00:03:10,064 --> 00:03:12,464 He made the Fortune 500 insuring half the Gulf Coast 45 00:03:12,464 --> 00:03:13,292 Did you get a flight plan yet? 46 00:03:13,292 --> 00:03:15,089 It went straight to NTSB 47 00:03:15,089 --> 00:03:16,177 They've got a go team flying in 48 00:03:16,177 --> 00:03:17,639 They've got a go team flying in 49 00:03:17,639 --> 00:03:18,807 What about fire and rescue? 50 00:03:19,312 --> 00:03:21,439 They just went out to look for survivors 51 00:03:21,649 --> 00:03:23,844 Delko's with them 52 00:03:25,809 --> 00:03:27,276 Is it as bad as it looks? 53 00:03:27,276 --> 00:03:29,711 It's actually worse than it looks 54 00:04:36,979 --> 00:04:38,412 NTSB is on their way in 55 00:04:38,412 --> 00:04:40,249 They're gonna want updates 56 00:04:40,249 --> 00:04:43,276 Flight logistics, weather, eye witness reports. 57 00:04:43,276 --> 00:04:44,970 Welcome back, Megan 58 00:04:44,970 --> 00:04:46,803 I didn't know you were gonna be in this week 59 00:04:46,803 --> 00:04:47,927 Any survivors? 60 00:04:48,276 --> 00:04:49,368 Nothing new 61 00:04:49,780 --> 00:04:51,145 They'll be found in the first few hours if we find 62 00:04:51,145 --> 00:04:52,450 any at all 63 00:04:52,450 --> 00:04:53,795 how are we doing on safety? 64 00:04:53,795 --> 00:04:55,132 We got it covered 65 00:04:56,436 --> 00:04:58,597 This is a level two biohazard site 66 00:04:58,597 --> 00:05:00,579 We should be taking precautions 67 00:05:00,579 --> 00:05:02,289 All personnel should have Tyvek overalls on 68 00:05:02,289 --> 00:05:05,717 double gloves, masks and decontamination after every shift 69 00:05:05,717 --> 00:05:07,344 Everyone doses up on antibiotics 70 00:05:07,344 --> 00:05:09,110 Water is full of blood borne pathogens 71 00:05:09,110 --> 00:05:10,538 and bacteria from body decomp 72 00:05:10,538 --> 00:05:12,606 Not to mention six thousand pounds of Jet A fuel 73 00:05:12,606 --> 00:05:14,253 No shift should last more than twenty minutes 74 00:05:14,253 --> 00:05:15,317 No food, no or water on site 75 00:05:15,317 --> 00:05:16,574 They won't be able to eat out there 76 00:05:16,574 --> 00:05:17,491 Spray from the airboat props 77 00:05:17,491 --> 00:05:18,524 cause contamination 78 00:05:18,524 --> 00:05:20,080 We're treating this as a crime scene 79 00:05:20,080 --> 00:05:21,810 which means no object too small 80 00:05:21,810 --> 00:05:23,311 any doubts, bag it, tag it 81 00:05:23,311 --> 00:05:24,178 Ok 82 00:05:27,286 --> 00:05:29,754 See if you can get me a copy of the flight plan 83 00:05:31,382 --> 00:05:33,247 It's nice to see you too 84 00:05:41,526 --> 00:05:42,891 Thinking bomb? 85 00:05:44,758 --> 00:05:46,487 Well the jury's still out 86 00:05:46,966 --> 00:05:48,399 Welcome back Megan 87 00:05:49,367 --> 00:05:50,629 Welcome back Megan ask? 88 00:05:50,629 --> 00:05:51,971 You're the expert 89 00:05:51,971 --> 00:05:53,022 Well, no gas puncture 90 00:05:53,022 --> 00:05:54,510 no pitting, no thining of metal 91 00:05:54,510 --> 00:05:55,550 no thermal effect 92 00:05:55,550 --> 00:05:57,939 we still have to swab for RDXPETN 93 00:05:57,939 --> 00:05:58,942 but I think we'll know more when the 94 00:05:58,942 --> 00:05:59,934 evidence comes in 95 00:05:59,934 --> 00:06:01,249 NTSB told us to hold off 96 00:06:01,249 --> 00:06:02,464 on recovery 97 00:06:03,159 --> 00:06:04,683 Yeah but they're not here yet, are they? 98 00:06:04,683 --> 00:06:06,989 Horatio, we've been through this before 99 00:06:06,989 --> 00:06:08,759 ValueJet '96. I recall it well 100 00:06:09,176 --> 00:06:10,643 Then I don't need to remind you. The Feds have 101 00:06:10,643 --> 00:06:13,144 jurisdiction over any air crash 102 00:06:13,144 --> 00:06:14,541 They deputize local agencies 103 00:06:14,541 --> 00:06:15,742 We're working for them 104 00:06:16,023 --> 00:06:17,991 The Everglades is a slow moving 105 00:06:17,991 --> 00:06:20,939 river with a current that travels about four feet per hour 106 00:06:20,939 --> 00:06:21,844 I know 107 00:06:21,844 --> 00:06:24,142 The crash site slowly degrading while we standing here 108 00:06:24,142 --> 00:06:25,119 We're losing evidence 109 00:06:25,119 --> 00:06:25,901 Four feet per hour 110 00:06:25,901 --> 00:06:27,878 We need to processing right now 111 00:06:27,878 --> 00:06:29,363 That's not your call, or mine 112 00:06:29,363 --> 00:06:30,091 Ok 113 00:06:35,897 --> 00:06:38,296 Listen. I am sorry for the way things turned out for you 114 00:06:38,296 --> 00:06:40,423 but I did not ask for this job 115 00:06:40,423 --> 00:06:41,299 I know 116 00:06:41,625 --> 00:06:43,786 Anytime you want to take it back, let me know 117 00:06:45,016 --> 00:06:46,506 That's not my call either 118 00:06:46,777 --> 00:06:48,642 Until then, let's get to work 119 00:06:57,305 --> 00:06:58,863 How are we doing on survivors? 120 00:06:58,863 --> 00:06:59,995 Not good 121 00:06:59,995 --> 00:07:01,315 How many do you got in here? 122 00:07:01,315 --> 00:07:03,895 Four or five, depending on which pieces match 123 00:07:04,698 --> 00:07:06,097 Injuries are consistent with catastrophic 124 00:07:06,097 --> 00:07:07,998 blunt force trauama 125 00:07:07,998 --> 00:07:09,649 This type of crash 126 00:07:09,649 --> 00:07:11,342 Was it normal for you? 127 00:07:11,342 --> 00:07:12,847 You didn't get up this morning 128 00:07:12,847 --> 00:07:15,188 thinking it was your last, did you honey? 129 00:07:15,188 --> 00:07:18,227 Ask him, if he knows what brought the plane down 130 00:07:21,530 --> 00:07:24,192 Well, I think he might have just answered your question 131 00:07:24,763 --> 00:07:26,856 Small entry wound in the upper torso 132 00:07:35,483 --> 00:07:37,075 It got him through and through 133 00:07:38,299 --> 00:07:39,163 Calleigh please 134 00:07:41,627 --> 00:07:42,719 Take a look at this 135 00:07:47,771 --> 00:07:49,534 Looks like a medium caliber 136 00:07:49,755 --> 00:07:51,347 Maybe a .32 or a .38 137 00:07:51,347 --> 00:07:53,614 And the bullet maybe still lodged in the fuselage 138 00:07:53,614 --> 00:07:54,822 Think we can find it? 139 00:07:55,067 --> 00:07:56,659 Does Elvis wear a white jumpsuit? 140 00:08:03,196 --> 00:08:04,424 What else can you tell me 141 00:08:04,424 --> 00:08:05,998 We were just out there fishing 142 00:08:06,332 --> 00:08:09,790 Heard a noise. Real loud. Looked up and Boom! 143 00:08:09,790 --> 00:08:11,075 That's all we saw 144 00:08:11,075 --> 00:08:12,254 Did you approach the plane? 145 00:08:12,254 --> 00:08:13,808 No sir, we high tailed it out of there 146 00:08:13,808 --> 00:08:15,757 Phoned 911 147 00:08:15,757 --> 00:08:17,238 You didn't think to look for any survivors 148 00:08:17,238 --> 00:08:18,962 Hey, we called you remember? 149 00:08:18,962 --> 00:08:21,533 Shouldn't we get a reward or something like that? 150 00:08:27,005 --> 00:08:28,097 Fishing my ass 151 00:08:28,541 --> 00:08:31,374 Did you see the size of that rifle on their boat? .306? 152 00:08:33,821 --> 00:08:35,254 They were poaching gators 153 00:08:35,870 --> 00:08:37,201 There are panthers out in the 'Glades 154 00:08:37,201 --> 00:08:39,677 How do you know the rifle is not for protection? 155 00:08:39,677 --> 00:08:41,177 How do you know they didn't borrow the boat and 156 00:08:41,177 --> 00:08:42,574 the owner left his rifle inside? 157 00:08:42,574 --> 00:08:44,316 I trust my gut 158 00:08:44,316 --> 00:08:45,545 It seems pretty obvious 159 00:08:45,545 --> 00:08:47,597 You sound just like Horatio 160 00:08:47,869 --> 00:08:49,131 The problem with the obvious, Tim 161 00:08:49,131 --> 00:08:51,768 is that it can make you overlook the evidence 162 00:09:47,040 --> 00:09:49,031 What do you make of this? 163 00:09:50,464 --> 00:09:53,058 Electronic fuel injector. Like in my car 164 00:09:53,058 --> 00:09:54,715 Look closer 165 00:10:02,336 --> 00:10:04,634 Serial number looks like it's been worn down 166 00:10:04,634 --> 00:10:06,139 Could be strippened 167 00:10:06,139 --> 00:10:07,541 It's a used part 168 00:10:07,541 --> 00:10:09,449 Shined up, given a phony serial number, sold as new 169 00:10:09,449 --> 00:10:10,971 It's an old trick 170 00:10:11,201 --> 00:10:12,600 I'll have Speedle look into it 171 00:10:12,600 --> 00:10:15,196 I need Speedle look into it 172 00:10:19,041 --> 00:10:20,303 I'll take care of it 173 00:10:20,303 --> 00:10:21,211 Thank you 174 00:10:29,473 --> 00:10:30,735 Hey Herb Ritzm, come on 175 00:10:30,735 --> 00:10:33,378 Do you want to do this while we're young or what? 176 00:10:33,378 --> 00:10:34,532 I need a minute 177 00:10:34,532 --> 00:10:36,216 How about I take the pictures and 178 00:10:36,216 --> 00:10:37,313 you go out there and 179 00:10:37,313 --> 00:10:38,845 backstroke in that crap 180 00:10:39,714 --> 00:10:40,578 You alright? 181 00:10:40,578 --> 00:10:42,642 Yeah, I'm fine. You alright? 182 00:10:43,138 --> 00:10:43,968 Gentlemen 183 00:10:46,178 --> 00:10:47,145 Sorry H 184 00:10:47,458 --> 00:10:48,425 Stay focused 185 00:10:48,425 --> 00:10:49,742 We were just talking about 186 00:10:49,742 --> 00:10:51,128 after a plane crash like this 187 00:10:51,128 --> 00:10:52,863 they used to find all these passengers without any feet 188 00:10:52,863 --> 00:10:54,022 They couldn't figure out why 189 00:10:54,022 --> 00:10:55,412 But it turns out there's a support bar 190 00:10:55,412 --> 00:10:57,481 under the seat that was acting like a guillotine 191 00:10:59,234 --> 00:11:01,429 This seatbelt is unbuckled and undamaged 192 00:11:03,551 --> 00:11:04,308 Well the flight wasn't full 193 00:11:04,308 --> 00:11:05,152 That's, uh... 194 00:11:06,083 --> 00:11:07,550 six passengers, eight empty seats 195 00:11:07,550 --> 00:11:08,677 Yeah but I've already counted 196 00:11:08,677 --> 00:11:10,434 nine unbuckled belts, so that would mean 197 00:11:10,434 --> 00:11:12,296 one of the passengers was unbuckled during 198 00:11:12,296 --> 00:11:13,790 take off, doesn't it? 199 00:11:13,790 --> 00:11:14,951 Might have been the guy who shot the pilot 200 00:11:16,771 --> 00:11:17,567 Might have been 201 00:11:20,771 --> 00:11:21,965 How's everyone holding up? 202 00:11:22,500 --> 00:11:23,159 They're fine, 203 00:11:23,159 --> 00:11:24,428 they're doing their jobs 204 00:11:44,581 --> 00:11:45,878 What have you got? 205 00:11:46,853 --> 00:11:47,877 Nothing 206 00:11:49,893 --> 00:11:51,986 Not a pen, not a piece of paper, not a paper clip 207 00:11:51,986 --> 00:11:53,469 nothing 208 00:11:53,469 --> 00:11:55,302 Who travels with an empty brief case? 209 00:11:55,302 --> 00:11:56,425 That's odd right? 210 00:11:56,425 --> 00:11:57,381 Yeah 211 00:11:57,381 --> 00:11:59,133 H, com'on! 212 00:12:00,421 --> 00:12:02,514 Rescue, I need a paramedic! NOW! 213 00:12:03,685 --> 00:12:05,312 We got one with a pulse! 214 00:12:07,109 --> 00:12:08,303 Eric! Don't let him go 215 00:12:08,303 --> 00:12:09,087 into shock 216 00:12:09,087 --> 00:12:10,418 He's got a pulsate 217 00:12:12,262 --> 00:12:14,321 Sir, Sir, can you hear me? 218 00:12:14,321 --> 00:12:15,809 Stay with us 219 00:12:16,837 --> 00:12:17,735 Breathe, breathe 220 00:12:17,735 --> 00:12:19,329 Stay with us 221 00:12:24,902 --> 00:12:26,665 Ok, I'll meet you there 222 00:12:26,665 --> 00:12:27,452 Good 223 00:12:28,646 --> 00:12:30,204 H, We've got a Scott Eric Sommer 224 00:12:30,204 --> 00:12:31,474 Resides at Gables Estate 225 00:12:31,474 --> 00:12:32,384 He's unconscious 226 00:12:32,384 --> 00:12:33,283 but hold on guys 227 00:12:33,283 --> 00:12:34,818 He can't tell us anything then 228 00:12:34,818 --> 00:12:36,079 Maybe he can 229 00:12:36,079 --> 00:12:37,465 What do you see? 230 00:12:37,465 --> 00:12:39,371 No friction burn, right? 231 00:12:39,371 --> 00:12:40,658 Means, no seatbelt 232 00:12:40,658 --> 00:12:42,037 So he might be our shooter 233 00:12:42,310 --> 00:12:43,072 Yes, the question then becomes 234 00:12:43,072 --> 00:12:44,804 why would you shoot your own pilot? 235 00:12:44,804 --> 00:12:45,667 Thank you, gentleman 236 00:12:48,647 --> 00:12:49,477 - Horatio? - Ya 237 00:12:49,477 --> 00:12:50,700 Got a call about a floater 238 00:12:50,700 --> 00:12:52,986 five miles from here 239 00:12:52,986 --> 00:12:55,124 I can't possibly take another scene right now 240 00:12:55,124 --> 00:12:56,665 Horatio, it is your scene 241 00:13:16,904 --> 00:13:18,132 Okay 242 00:13:21,992 --> 00:13:24,961 How did you get so far from your friends? 243 00:13:25,545 --> 00:13:27,342 Did you fall out of that plane? 244 00:13:27,342 --> 00:13:29,763 Is that how you ended up all alone out there? 245 00:13:29,763 --> 00:13:31,363 All by yourself? 246 00:13:31,363 --> 00:13:33,465 In more ways than one, I'll bet 247 00:13:33,465 --> 00:13:35,369 Only woman on board 248 00:13:35,369 --> 00:13:37,687 that couldn't have been easy 249 00:13:37,687 --> 00:13:39,560 You were with them, 250 00:13:39,785 --> 00:13:41,047 but not one of them 251 00:13:41,047 --> 00:13:42,217 "All Boys Express" 252 00:13:42,217 --> 00:13:43,403 Been on that flight 253 00:13:43,625 --> 00:13:44,345 Ladies 254 00:13:48,073 --> 00:13:50,803 We may have an ID on the flight plan 255 00:13:50,803 --> 00:13:53,089 Christina Maria Calluchi 256 00:13:53,089 --> 00:13:55,194 was Summer's senior accountant 257 00:13:56,585 --> 00:13:59,554 Hello Christina 258 00:14:01,674 --> 00:14:04,905 Preliminary exam indicates no friction burns on her 259 00:14:04,905 --> 00:14:05,895 lower torso 260 00:14:05,895 --> 00:14:06,888 Which also means 261 00:14:06,888 --> 00:14:08,110 no seatbelt and 262 00:14:08,110 --> 00:14:10,393 a second passenger out of their seat 263 00:14:10,393 --> 00:14:13,100 - I'd rule out the bathroom then - Mile high club? 264 00:14:13,100 --> 00:14:14,162 I don't think so 265 00:14:14,162 --> 00:14:15,945 It's such a small plane 266 00:14:15,945 --> 00:14:18,407 It'd be hard to have an indiscreet affair with your boss, I think 267 00:14:18,407 --> 00:14:20,060 Not if he was picking up the tab 268 00:14:20,060 --> 00:14:22,398 This stuff is all designer 269 00:14:22,398 --> 00:14:23,410 Red suede 270 00:14:23,410 --> 00:14:24,793 450 bucks a pair 271 00:14:24,793 --> 00:14:26,239 Price alone coulda killed her 272 00:14:27,467 --> 00:14:29,332 I put a rush on the tox screen 273 00:14:29,332 --> 00:14:30,918 Blood alcohol was .09 274 00:14:30,918 --> 00:14:33,415 Legally drunk at 8 o'clock in the morning? 275 00:14:33,415 --> 00:14:35,917 We also found traces of fluoxitine 276 00:14:36,587 --> 00:14:37,645 She was on Prozac 277 00:14:37,645 --> 00:14:39,271 Who isn't 278 00:14:41,259 --> 00:14:43,193 Anything you want to share? 279 00:14:43,193 --> 00:14:45,068 Not currently 280 00:14:45,068 --> 00:14:47,890 Could I have a grid please? 281 00:14:49,995 --> 00:14:52,589 C-6 enlarge please 282 00:14:54,187 --> 00:14:56,951 Zoom times four and hold 283 00:14:58,475 --> 00:15:00,943 Zoom eight times and hold 284 00:15:05,932 --> 00:15:07,900 What in the heck are those? 285 00:15:11,788 --> 00:15:13,756 Could be impact related 286 00:15:13,756 --> 00:15:15,700 Something she hit? 287 00:15:15,700 --> 00:15:17,717 Or something that hit her 288 00:15:22,476 --> 00:15:24,444 She's a lovely girl 289 00:15:27,533 --> 00:15:29,023 Mrs. Calluchi 290 00:15:29,453 --> 00:15:31,478 I found this at the crash site 291 00:15:31,478 --> 00:15:32,493 It was empty 292 00:15:32,493 --> 00:15:35,417 and it has what I believe are Christina's initials on it 293 00:15:35,417 --> 00:15:37,767 I was wondering if that belonged to her 294 00:15:38,926 --> 00:15:40,120 We, um, 295 00:15:40,654 --> 00:15:43,885 we gave that to her when she got her promotion 296 00:15:43,885 --> 00:15:45,416 Has she, uh, 297 00:15:45,646 --> 00:15:46,806 recently 298 00:15:47,662 --> 00:15:49,892 suffered any setbacks either 299 00:15:49,892 --> 00:15:52,191 personally or professionally? 300 00:15:52,191 --> 00:15:53,960 Not that I know of 301 00:15:54,766 --> 00:15:56,961 My daughter battled depression 302 00:15:57,166 --> 00:15:59,726 When she was in high school... 303 00:16:00,142 --> 00:16:02,940 that was a very long time ago 304 00:16:05,774 --> 00:16:08,208 She would never try to hurt herself, 305 00:16:08,687 --> 00:16:10,052 would she? 306 00:16:12,719 --> 00:16:14,050 I don't know 307 00:16:14,318 --> 00:16:17,287 Ever since she was a little girl 308 00:16:18,191 --> 00:16:22,150 she was so good at keeping secrets 309 00:16:26,832 --> 00:16:29,300 Will you help me please? 310 00:16:30,799 --> 00:16:32,323 I will 311 00:16:35,216 --> 00:16:36,444 I will 312 00:16:51,601 --> 00:16:53,091 I've never seen one of these before 313 00:16:53,617 --> 00:16:54,845 This old thing? 314 00:16:54,845 --> 00:16:55,586 Yeah 315 00:16:55,586 --> 00:16:57,032 It's a boroscope 316 00:16:57,032 --> 00:16:59,063 The SWAT boys use it for a sneak and peek 317 00:16:59,281 --> 00:17:01,146 I think it's kind of cute 318 00:17:01,360 --> 00:17:02,725 Can I take a peek? 319 00:17:02,961 --> 00:17:03,757 Be my guest 320 00:17:05,393 --> 00:17:06,291 So, uh, 321 00:17:06,512 --> 00:17:08,707 what exactly are we looking for here? 322 00:17:08,707 --> 00:17:10,011 Ballistics evidence 323 00:17:10,011 --> 00:17:11,890 We think we may have had a shooting on the plane 324 00:17:11,890 --> 00:17:13,976 but so far, nada 325 00:17:13,976 --> 00:17:15,357 You know, I've heard of you 326 00:17:15,569 --> 00:17:18,060 You're the, uh, Bullet Girl, right? 327 00:17:18,737 --> 00:17:21,433 What does that make you? Airplane boy? 328 00:17:21,873 --> 00:17:23,135 Yeah, I guess you can say I'm 329 00:17:23,135 --> 00:17:25,080 aware on an airframe 330 00:17:25,080 --> 00:17:26,193 Really? 331 00:17:27,185 --> 00:17:28,550 Then what are these? 332 00:17:29,778 --> 00:17:31,769 Those are bayonnette pins 333 00:17:31,769 --> 00:17:33,512 They hold the door shut 334 00:17:33,512 --> 00:17:35,140 Oh, I know that 335 00:17:35,140 --> 00:17:37,477 I meant what are those 336 00:17:37,810 --> 00:17:39,937 Some type of scoring 337 00:17:40,563 --> 00:17:42,997 Could mean the door failed 338 00:17:43,506 --> 00:17:46,031 Or someone wanted it to 339 00:17:49,330 --> 00:17:52,424 Eric, How are we doing on those black boxes? 340 00:17:52,424 --> 00:17:53,465 I'm heading back now 341 00:17:53,465 --> 00:17:55,555 I just came back to dose up on those antibiotics 342 00:17:55,555 --> 00:17:56,862 As soon as you know... 343 00:17:57,107 --> 00:17:57,903 okay 344 00:17:59,475 --> 00:18:01,943 I just spoke to the pilot's widow 345 00:18:01,943 --> 00:18:03,470 How's she doing? 346 00:18:03,470 --> 00:18:05,070 Her radio car is with her now, 347 00:18:05,070 --> 00:18:06,606 She's pretty hysterical 348 00:18:06,606 --> 00:18:08,329 The thing is boss, she kept going on 349 00:18:08,329 --> 00:18:09,902 about Summer and all the top brass 350 00:18:09,902 --> 00:18:11,800 screwing over the rank and file 351 00:18:11,800 --> 00:18:13,792 You want to know why they were going to DC? 352 00:18:13,792 --> 00:18:15,001 They were being investigated 353 00:18:15,001 --> 00:18:18,054 by the Securities and Exchange Commission, weren't they? 354 00:18:18,054 --> 00:18:19,357 These are copies of subpoenas 355 00:18:19,357 --> 00:18:20,634 for Sommer and his chief 356 00:18:20,634 --> 00:18:22,414 financial officers 357 00:18:22,414 --> 00:18:23,547 It's classic 358 00:18:23,547 --> 00:18:25,635 Company fails and the management bails 359 00:18:25,635 --> 00:18:27,684 The boss sails into retirement with a golden parachute 360 00:18:27,684 --> 00:18:29,664 and a big fat severance package, right? 361 00:18:29,664 --> 00:18:31,903 Yeah and then Joe Cubicle gets a nice pink slip 362 00:18:31,903 --> 00:18:33,487 and a frozen pension plan 363 00:18:33,487 --> 00:18:36,079 That whole plane load was on the to Washington to be grilled 364 00:18:36,079 --> 00:18:38,114 by the SEC 365 00:18:38,420 --> 00:18:39,648 You're not gonna believe this 366 00:18:39,648 --> 00:18:40,818 What's the matter? 367 00:18:40,818 --> 00:18:42,778 Bayonnette pins holding the door 368 00:18:42,778 --> 00:18:44,695 were filed down. NTSB concurs. 369 00:18:44,695 --> 00:18:47,346 That door opened in flight 370 00:18:50,645 --> 00:18:51,669 That explains our victim 371 00:18:51,669 --> 00:18:53,765 that ended up five miles from the crash 372 00:18:53,765 --> 00:18:54,780 Sabotage? 373 00:18:54,780 --> 00:18:55,868 Company's in trouble 374 00:18:55,868 --> 00:18:57,456 A lot of employees ticked off at the boss 375 00:18:57,456 --> 00:18:58,615 Exit doors pins were tampered 376 00:18:58,615 --> 00:18:59,797 with most likely by someone 377 00:18:59,797 --> 00:19:02,084 who knew their way around jet aircraft 378 00:19:02,084 --> 00:19:03,560 Means, motive 379 00:19:03,560 --> 00:19:05,498 All they needed was an opportunity 380 00:19:05,498 --> 00:19:08,590 Let's find out who worked on that plane 381 00:20:01,624 --> 00:20:03,023 Good as good? 382 00:20:03,992 --> 00:20:05,516 Good as good 383 00:20:06,295 --> 00:20:07,694 Nice going 384 00:20:09,720 --> 00:20:11,347 Senior Esparsa, we know that 385 00:20:11,347 --> 00:20:13,678 you have been using old parts 386 00:20:14,584 --> 00:20:16,609 on company planes 387 00:20:18,200 --> 00:20:19,667 And I want to know why 388 00:20:21,560 --> 00:20:23,027 You make money on the side? 389 00:20:25,817 --> 00:20:27,045 No. No par me 390 00:20:28,120 --> 00:20:30,645 You trying to get back at someone? 391 00:20:30,645 --> 00:20:33,435 Is that why you sabotaged 392 00:20:33,435 --> 00:20:34,721 the exit door? 393 00:20:34,969 --> 00:20:37,028 No comprendo. I did nothing wrong 394 00:20:37,028 --> 00:20:39,645 We matched the markings to your tools. We know it is 395 00:20:39,645 --> 00:20:42,172 you who filed down the pins 396 00:20:43,289 --> 00:20:44,722 I had to make them fit 397 00:20:45,657 --> 00:20:47,887 We didn't have the right parts 398 00:20:49,626 --> 00:20:50,593 I work hard 399 00:20:50,593 --> 00:20:51,713 I get those planes up in the air 400 00:20:51,713 --> 00:20:54,134 Nobody asks how at 30,000 ft 401 00:20:56,410 --> 00:20:57,968 The plane was climbing 402 00:20:59,482 --> 00:21:02,280 How high did this plane get Calleigh? 403 00:21:02,280 --> 00:21:03,351 Tower radar says 404 00:21:03,351 --> 00:21:05,482 no higher than 4,000 ft 405 00:21:06,746 --> 00:21:08,236 4,000 ft? 406 00:21:13,083 --> 00:21:14,641 I'm cutting him loose 407 00:21:14,641 --> 00:21:18,737 Why? He just confessed to using faulty parts on that plane 408 00:21:18,737 --> 00:21:20,778 They were flying too low 409 00:21:22,459 --> 00:21:23,619 There was no depressurization 410 00:21:23,619 --> 00:21:24,530 That's right, which is why that door 411 00:21:24,530 --> 00:21:26,724 couldn't have come off by itself, faulty pins or not 412 00:21:28,475 --> 00:21:30,943 It was opened from the inside 413 00:21:30,943 --> 00:21:33,035 Which reduces it to two possibilities, doesn't it? 414 00:21:33,035 --> 00:21:36,075 Suicide or murder 415 00:21:39,163 --> 00:21:40,130 You need to talk to your survivor 416 00:21:40,130 --> 00:21:41,412 He's in a coma 417 00:21:41,412 --> 00:21:42,556 Not anymore 418 00:21:42,556 --> 00:21:44,151 Grace Memorial just called 419 00:21:44,151 --> 00:21:45,511 He woke up 420 00:21:59,068 --> 00:22:00,626 Did uh, 421 00:22:00,860 --> 00:22:04,159 did anybody else? Any of them...make it? 422 00:22:04,573 --> 00:22:05,540 Just you 423 00:22:05,540 --> 00:22:06,596 I'm sorry 424 00:22:06,596 --> 00:22:08,183 We're gonna take care of them 425 00:22:08,183 --> 00:22:10,045 Families 426 00:22:10,045 --> 00:22:12,672 I mean, we take care of our own 427 00:22:12,672 --> 00:22:14,228 That's very commendable 428 00:22:14,228 --> 00:22:15,993 Especially recently in light of your 429 00:22:15,993 --> 00:22:18,789 company's recent financial difficulties 430 00:22:19,069 --> 00:22:21,003 I'm not sure if I know what you mean 431 00:22:21,003 --> 00:22:22,643 We hear that the SEC is very interested in 432 00:22:22,643 --> 00:22:24,940 how you take care of your own 433 00:22:24,940 --> 00:22:26,816 May I ask you where this is heading? 434 00:22:26,816 --> 00:22:28,238 We'd like to get your 435 00:22:28,238 --> 00:22:29,976 fingerprints and a sample of 436 00:22:29,976 --> 00:22:32,205 your DNA if that's alright with you 437 00:22:32,205 --> 00:22:33,081 Wait a minute 438 00:22:33,693 --> 00:22:35,388 Do I need to have a lawyer present? 439 00:22:35,388 --> 00:22:36,211 Mr. Sommer 440 00:22:36,211 --> 00:22:37,817 we are merely trying to establish 441 00:22:37,817 --> 00:22:40,180 what happened on the plane from your point of view 442 00:22:40,180 --> 00:22:41,220 That's all 443 00:22:41,220 --> 00:22:42,776 I don't remember 444 00:22:44,797 --> 00:22:47,163 It's all just a....it's fuzzy 445 00:22:47,163 --> 00:22:48,350 Well, maybe I can 446 00:22:48,350 --> 00:22:49,772 refresh your memory then, what we do know 447 00:22:49,772 --> 00:22:52,910 is your employee Christina Calluchi fell to her death 448 00:22:52,910 --> 00:22:55,321 sometime before the plane crashed 449 00:22:55,321 --> 00:22:58,487 And she fell out a door that had been opened from the 450 00:22:58,487 --> 00:22:59,791 inside 451 00:22:59,791 --> 00:23:01,593 Does that ring a bell? 452 00:23:01,593 --> 00:23:05,162 No. I didn't see anything 453 00:23:05,162 --> 00:23:06,179 I was in my seat 454 00:23:06,179 --> 00:23:07,129 Actually...Sir, 455 00:23:07,129 --> 00:23:09,227 you weren't in your seat 456 00:23:09,227 --> 00:23:10,873 And neither was Christina 457 00:23:10,873 --> 00:23:12,167 which is why there were no 458 00:23:12,167 --> 00:23:14,842 friction burns from your seatbelts 459 00:23:14,842 --> 00:23:15,705 So, 460 00:23:15,705 --> 00:23:17,805 would you like to try again? 461 00:23:21,824 --> 00:23:24,793 I didn't want to say anything because I want to protect her 462 00:23:26,431 --> 00:23:30,765 Christina was acting strangely, that morning 463 00:23:30,765 --> 00:23:32,844 she was very agitated 464 00:23:33,311 --> 00:23:34,778 And she had been drinking 465 00:23:38,432 --> 00:23:40,400 Don't take that with alcohol 466 00:23:42,272 --> 00:23:43,739 Get off of me 467 00:23:49,600 --> 00:23:50,624 You're saying, 468 00:23:50,624 --> 00:23:52,011 she committed suicide 469 00:23:52,011 --> 00:23:56,545 I'm saying she jumped out the plane 470 00:23:56,545 --> 00:23:57,512 Why didn't you stop her 471 00:23:57,512 --> 00:23:58,600 I tried to 472 00:23:58,600 --> 00:23:59,720 There 's just no time 473 00:23:59,720 --> 00:24:02,341 When that door opened 474 00:24:02,341 --> 00:24:04,958 she was gone, just like that 475 00:24:07,233 --> 00:24:09,701 I don't remember anything after that 476 00:24:11,394 --> 00:24:14,363 There is something I wanted to ask you 477 00:24:14,363 --> 00:24:17,561 When did you hear the gunshot? 478 00:24:18,754 --> 00:24:19,982 Gun shot? 479 00:24:20,801 --> 00:24:22,098 What gun shot? 480 00:24:22,594 --> 00:24:23,891 No gun shot 481 00:24:24,993 --> 00:24:25,960 Um, 482 00:24:26,434 --> 00:24:27,401 would it be ok 483 00:24:27,401 --> 00:24:29,417 if we took your prints now 484 00:25:29,444 --> 00:25:31,605 You ran a chemical profile on her hair? 485 00:25:31,605 --> 00:25:33,149 Trace elements can generally 486 00:25:33,149 --> 00:25:34,346 be found on the follicles 487 00:25:34,346 --> 00:25:35,968 Luckly she was a brunette 488 00:25:35,968 --> 00:25:37,196 Right. Dark hair 489 00:25:37,196 --> 00:25:39,317 stores higher concentrations of contaminents 490 00:25:40,357 --> 00:25:42,985 Nice thing about hair is that it grows at 491 00:25:42,985 --> 00:25:45,673 an even rate, about a half an inch per month 492 00:25:45,957 --> 00:25:47,549 Gives us a nice timeline 493 00:25:47,549 --> 00:25:48,843 She's been using 494 00:25:48,843 --> 00:25:50,328 antidepressants for the past year 495 00:25:50,328 --> 00:25:51,559 Prozac and Zolaft 496 00:25:51,559 --> 00:25:54,151 Six months ago, she smoked some pot 497 00:25:54,151 --> 00:25:57,043 And they say blondes have more fun 498 00:25:57,043 --> 00:25:58,920 Here's the interesting part 499 00:25:58,920 --> 00:26:00,942 Three months ago, huge spike of Dilated 500 00:26:00,942 --> 00:26:04,892 Painkiller? Maybe she had a car accident, surgury or.. 501 00:26:05,158 --> 00:26:07,626 Not according to her medical records 502 00:26:07,626 --> 00:26:09,847 And not at these levels 503 00:26:09,847 --> 00:26:11,457 Suicide attempt? 504 00:26:11,457 --> 00:26:13,024 Mass spec doesn't lie 505 00:26:13,024 --> 00:26:14,593 Suicide is the only explanation 506 00:26:14,593 --> 00:26:16,726 She was front and center in a SEC investigation 507 00:26:16,726 --> 00:26:18,601 She knew where all the bodies were buried 508 00:26:18,601 --> 00:26:20,089 Maybe she couldn't live with that 509 00:26:20,089 --> 00:26:21,665 Maybe someone couldn't live with her? 510 00:26:21,665 --> 00:26:23,233 She tried to kill herself three months ago 511 00:26:23,233 --> 00:26:24,301 Tried but failed 512 00:26:24,301 --> 00:26:25,890 Well, maybe this time she succeeded 513 00:26:25,890 --> 00:26:28,085 Most whistleblowers are women 514 00:26:28,085 --> 00:26:29,165 I think she was planning to take 515 00:26:29,165 --> 00:26:30,308 the company down 516 00:26:30,308 --> 00:26:31,937 We'll never know that, will we? 517 00:26:31,937 --> 00:26:33,006 Her testimoney died with her 518 00:26:33,006 --> 00:26:34,626 Much to her boss's benefit now that 519 00:26:34,626 --> 00:26:35,694 she cannot testify 520 00:26:35,694 --> 00:26:36,814 You want to kill someone 521 00:26:36,814 --> 00:26:38,434 there's easier ways than to shooting the pilot 522 00:26:38,434 --> 00:26:39,559 especially when you're on the same flight 523 00:26:39,559 --> 00:26:42,017 A woman was murdered on that plane 524 00:26:42,311 --> 00:26:44,108 That's a hunch talking 525 00:26:44,108 --> 00:26:45,666 Where's the evidence? 526 00:26:45,666 --> 00:26:47,266 Show me you're right 527 00:26:50,600 --> 00:26:51,999 That can't be good 528 00:26:53,320 --> 00:26:54,685 What does she think? 529 00:26:54,685 --> 00:26:56,585 She can waltz in here after six months of being gone 530 00:26:56,585 --> 00:26:58,540 and just take over? 531 00:26:59,656 --> 00:27:00,714 You know... 532 00:27:01,160 --> 00:27:02,127 you're an ass 533 00:27:02,127 --> 00:27:03,508 What did I say? 534 00:27:03,508 --> 00:27:05,053 She lost her husband 535 00:27:05,053 --> 00:27:07,160 What did they give her... two weeks off 536 00:27:07,160 --> 00:27:08,771 She needed a little bit of time 537 00:27:08,771 --> 00:27:10,198 Big deal 538 00:27:11,464 --> 00:27:12,761 Man, I didn't know 539 00:27:12,761 --> 00:27:15,202 Yeah well there's a lot you don't know 540 00:27:19,561 --> 00:27:21,529 Gentlemen, those black boxes 541 00:27:21,529 --> 00:27:23,733 We've been over the sight twice 542 00:27:24,105 --> 00:27:26,073 And sonar pingers are supposed to 543 00:27:26,073 --> 00:27:28,217 activate automatically when the boxes hit the water 544 00:27:28,217 --> 00:27:30,328 We're doing everything we can 545 00:27:30,328 --> 00:27:31,462 We need to do better 546 00:27:31,462 --> 00:27:32,560 As soon as you can 547 00:27:35,945 --> 00:27:37,879 Maybe you just missed them 548 00:27:37,879 --> 00:27:38,957 No way 549 00:27:38,957 --> 00:27:42,016 They're gone. I don't know where else to look 550 00:27:46,122 --> 00:27:48,147 You know what, I think I do 551 00:28:05,547 --> 00:28:07,515 Survey says 552 00:28:16,970 --> 00:28:18,198 Ok, we've run the prints 553 00:28:18,198 --> 00:28:20,146 The green runs are Christina's 554 00:28:20,146 --> 00:28:21,760 the red ones are Sommer 555 00:28:21,760 --> 00:28:23,491 and he is all over this door 556 00:28:23,491 --> 00:28:24,719 He said he tried to stop her 557 00:28:24,719 --> 00:28:26,071 That's what he says 558 00:28:26,071 --> 00:28:28,687 Let's go through his story 559 00:28:28,687 --> 00:28:30,804 Christina's gonna kill herself 560 00:28:30,804 --> 00:28:32,555 She gets out of her seat 561 00:28:32,555 --> 00:28:35,151 and goes to the door. But Summer 562 00:28:35,404 --> 00:28:37,372 comes after her, tries to stop her 563 00:28:37,372 --> 00:28:38,450 They struggle 564 00:28:38,450 --> 00:28:40,366 Why does he have a hand print 565 00:28:40,366 --> 00:28:43,083 so high up here 566 00:28:45,036 --> 00:28:47,266 Maybe her other hand was here 567 00:28:47,266 --> 00:28:48,393 Okay 568 00:28:48,393 --> 00:28:52,392 He's got prints on the handle down here 569 00:28:53,645 --> 00:28:55,977 Could've put his hands there to brace himself 570 00:28:57,164 --> 00:28:58,324 Why doesn't he just 571 00:28:58,324 --> 00:28:59,668 take both hands, grab her 572 00:28:59,884 --> 00:29:01,875 and pull her away from the door 573 00:29:05,324 --> 00:29:07,622 She's trying to get the door open 574 00:29:09,453 --> 00:29:10,920 Maybe he's trying to stop her 575 00:29:10,920 --> 00:29:12,384 Or maybe it was the other way around 576 00:29:13,293 --> 00:29:14,191 It's inconclusive 577 00:29:14,191 --> 00:29:16,906 There's any number of ways it could've played out 578 00:29:16,906 --> 00:29:18,026 Unless, now bear with me, bear with me... 579 00:29:19,373 --> 00:29:20,340 Unless 580 00:29:23,085 --> 00:29:25,576 Summer's said that Christina 581 00:29:25,576 --> 00:29:27,571 fell out of the plane 582 00:29:28,077 --> 00:29:29,101 as soon 583 00:29:29,101 --> 00:29:30,957 as the door opened 584 00:29:30,957 --> 00:29:33,117 She was hanging on 585 00:29:36,045 --> 00:29:36,909 No 586 00:29:37,838 --> 00:29:39,305 She was hanging on 587 00:29:39,305 --> 00:29:40,668 She was hanging on 588 00:29:47,086 --> 00:29:48,053 Nurse, 589 00:29:48,053 --> 00:29:50,706 The patient that was in this room, where is he? 590 00:29:50,706 --> 00:29:53,098 He checked himself out about an hour ago 591 00:30:03,055 --> 00:30:04,716 What the hell is this? 592 00:30:04,716 --> 00:30:06,676 That's a warrant to search the premises 593 00:30:06,676 --> 00:30:07,957 For what? 594 00:30:07,957 --> 00:30:10,111 For items looted from an aircrash site 595 00:30:10,111 --> 00:30:13,415 What you think, you gonna sell it on Ebay? 596 00:30:13,840 --> 00:30:15,569 Hey you got a locater signal? 597 00:30:15,569 --> 00:30:16,355 Yep 598 00:30:23,568 --> 00:30:25,365 Why don't you go get them? 599 00:30:25,365 --> 00:30:27,149 Why don't you? 600 00:30:31,248 --> 00:30:33,478 They're just babies 601 00:30:33,478 --> 00:30:34,774 What are you waiting for? 602 00:30:34,774 --> 00:30:36,589 Let's go 603 00:30:39,953 --> 00:30:40,920 On three 604 00:30:41,425 --> 00:30:42,392 One 605 00:30:43,601 --> 00:30:44,533 Two 606 00:30:45,617 --> 00:30:46,413 Three 607 00:30:57,841 --> 00:30:59,035 Ok, black boxes 608 00:30:59,035 --> 00:31:01,121 I understand that they're really orange 609 00:31:01,121 --> 00:31:04,266 This one over here is a cockpit voice recorder 610 00:31:04,266 --> 00:31:06,594 It records the last thirty minutes of conversation 611 00:31:06,594 --> 00:31:08,737 over the cockpit mics 612 00:31:08,737 --> 00:31:10,545 This is a flight data recorder 613 00:31:10,545 --> 00:31:12,805 Documents forty parameters of the flight 614 00:31:13,009 --> 00:31:15,477 Airspeed, flaps, trim, the works 615 00:31:15,730 --> 00:31:18,198 So this will help us with a timeline 616 00:31:18,198 --> 00:31:20,258 to figure out why it went down, Peter? 617 00:31:22,866 --> 00:31:26,267 Eagle 906, fly runway heading, Runway 9 618 00:31:26,267 --> 00:31:28,986 - Cleared for takeoff - Set takeoff power 619 00:31:28,986 --> 00:31:30,502 100 knots 620 00:31:30,502 --> 00:31:31,838 Power is set 621 00:31:32,051 --> 00:31:33,211 See that game last night? 622 00:31:33,211 --> 00:31:34,830 Dolphins pretty good this year 623 00:31:34,830 --> 00:31:36,429 They'll never make the playoffs without a quarterback 624 00:31:36,429 --> 00:31:38,499 The first four minutes after takeoff are normal 625 00:31:38,499 --> 00:31:41,342 It gets pretty funky after that 626 00:31:42,163 --> 00:31:43,221 This is the Captain 627 00:31:43,571 --> 00:31:45,038 Our flight time to Washington D.C. 628 00:31:45,038 --> 00:31:46,602 is two hours twenty minutes 629 00:31:46,602 --> 00:31:48,675 Temperature is 72 degrees 630 00:31:50,611 --> 00:31:51,578 What was that? 631 00:31:51,578 --> 00:31:52,925 We've got a light on 632 00:31:52,925 --> 00:31:54,631 Could be electrical. Lose a bus? 633 00:31:54,631 --> 00:31:55,497 Exit light is definately on 634 00:31:55,700 --> 00:31:56,667 We've got a door open 635 00:31:56,667 --> 00:31:58,451 What the hell is going on back there? 636 00:31:58,451 --> 00:31:59,482 Losing power 637 00:31:59,482 --> 00:32:00,868 Warning light, Engine 2 638 00:32:00,868 --> 00:32:01,915 We're losing air speed 639 00:32:01,915 --> 00:32:02,938 We lost No.2 640 00:32:02,938 --> 00:32:04,591 Pull up! Pull up! 641 00:32:08,147 --> 00:32:10,547 Ok. Shut that off please 642 00:32:13,491 --> 00:32:14,958 Something's missing 643 00:32:15,252 --> 00:32:16,719 There's no gunshot 644 00:32:17,364 --> 00:32:21,323 Can you play that back, Peter, from the announcement? 645 00:32:22,644 --> 00:32:24,578 Temperature is 72 degrees 646 00:32:26,900 --> 00:32:28,424 Ok, hold it right there 647 00:32:28,424 --> 00:32:29,825 Can you pull that up? 648 00:32:29,825 --> 00:32:30,939 I'll run a reverse algorithm 649 00:32:31,221 --> 00:32:32,415 Just lose the pilots 650 00:32:38,549 --> 00:32:39,811 Ladies and gentlemen 651 00:32:39,811 --> 00:32:42,623 That is Summer and Christina, isn't it? 652 00:32:42,623 --> 00:32:44,645 And the door opening 653 00:32:49,397 --> 00:32:49,897 So 654 00:32:50,774 --> 00:32:52,366 How long before the door opening 655 00:32:52,598 --> 00:32:55,726 and Christina's scream 656 00:32:57,653 --> 00:32:58,779 17 seconds 657 00:33:00,341 --> 00:33:03,310 She held on for 17 seconds 658 00:33:03,310 --> 00:33:05,108 Until he pushed her out of the plane 659 00:33:05,108 --> 00:33:06,671 Now all we have to do is prove it 660 00:33:06,671 --> 00:33:10,242 Speed, go to Christina's apartment and do a full profile 661 00:33:11,574 --> 00:33:15,533 What she ate. How she slept at night 662 00:33:15,533 --> 00:33:18,034 How she made it through the day 663 00:33:23,319 --> 00:33:25,310 Calleigh, back to the airframe 664 00:33:25,310 --> 00:33:26,589 Back to the pilot 665 00:33:26,589 --> 00:33:29,369 I want that bullet 666 00:33:30,167 --> 00:33:32,635 Eric. Focus on the number two engine 667 00:33:32,635 --> 00:33:35,163 We still don't know what brought down that plane 668 00:34:40,730 --> 00:34:41,992 She didn't leave a note 669 00:34:41,992 --> 00:34:43,936 No shrine of personal items 670 00:34:43,936 --> 00:34:46,526 Only enough food to get the cat through one night 671 00:34:46,526 --> 00:34:47,808 Is that it? 672 00:34:47,808 --> 00:34:50,398 Ah, full refridgerator, phone calls to return 673 00:34:50,398 --> 00:34:52,014 dry cleaning to pick up and 674 00:34:52,014 --> 00:34:54,454 ISS courier picked up the day she left 675 00:34:54,454 --> 00:34:55,581 Was she on her meds? 676 00:34:55,802 --> 00:34:57,394 Yeah, she filled her perscription like clockwork 677 00:34:57,394 --> 00:34:58,997 Which means she didn't kill herself 678 00:34:58,997 --> 00:34:59,897 That means she was coming home 679 00:34:59,897 --> 00:35:02,117 Calleigh. The bullet? 680 00:35:02,117 --> 00:35:03,290 There was no bullet 681 00:35:03,290 --> 00:35:04,885 Well, how did the pilot get shot 682 00:35:05,179 --> 00:35:06,237 He didn't 683 00:35:12,379 --> 00:35:13,607 The rivet runs through it 684 00:35:13,883 --> 00:35:15,350 Metal stress during the crash must 685 00:35:15,350 --> 00:35:16,545 have popped the rivet loose 686 00:35:16,545 --> 00:35:18,198 Plane literally ripped itself apart 687 00:35:18,198 --> 00:35:19,766 That's not what bough the plane down, right? 688 00:35:19,766 --> 00:35:22,424 No actually, the shoe hit the engine fan 689 00:35:22,424 --> 00:35:25,852 I found a piece of leather in the number two engine 690 00:35:25,852 --> 00:35:28,816 Let me guess. Red suede. 450 bucks a pair 691 00:35:32,891 --> 00:35:34,654 We don't have the evidence to nail this guy 692 00:35:34,654 --> 00:35:36,748 We need the proof 693 00:35:36,748 --> 00:35:37,852 Where are you going? 694 00:35:38,172 --> 00:35:41,141 I'm going where we're all going 695 00:35:41,436 --> 00:35:44,337 Back to those seventeen seconds 696 00:35:44,604 --> 00:35:47,095 I'm the largest insurer in the southeast 697 00:35:47,095 --> 00:35:49,132 But I've been cooking the books lately 698 00:35:49,132 --> 00:35:51,146 and the SEC wants to have a sit down 699 00:35:51,146 --> 00:35:53,923 AS senior accountant, I know where the bodies are buried 700 00:35:53,923 --> 00:35:55,274 But I can't go through with it 701 00:35:55,274 --> 00:35:56,682 And I tell you so 702 00:35:56,682 --> 00:35:58,090 But I'm not gonna let you take the company down 703 00:35:58,090 --> 00:36:00,331 Cuz It's my life's work 704 00:36:00,331 --> 00:36:01,636 So we argue 705 00:36:01,636 --> 00:36:03,757 I take off my seatbelt to get away from you 706 00:36:03,757 --> 00:36:05,860 But I don't let you get away from me that easily so I follow 707 00:36:05,860 --> 00:36:06,736 Just wait 708 00:36:06,736 --> 00:36:08,749 Then it gets physical 709 00:36:08,749 --> 00:36:10,296 I push in into that door 710 00:36:10,296 --> 00:36:12,361 Which flies open when I grab the handle 711 00:36:12,361 --> 00:36:13,303 No! 712 00:36:20,637 --> 00:36:23,299 And there you are, hanging on for dear life 713 00:36:23,299 --> 00:36:25,454 And this is my opportunity 714 00:36:25,454 --> 00:36:29,156 For seventeen seconds we struggle and I push you out of the plane 715 00:36:30,398 --> 00:36:31,660 Which can't be proven because 716 00:36:31,660 --> 00:36:34,274 there's no physical evidence of an altercation 717 00:36:34,274 --> 00:36:38,200 And our only witness is Mr. Summer, our suspect 718 00:36:40,382 --> 00:36:41,610 So... 719 00:36:43,134 --> 00:36:44,533 What else would be here? 720 00:36:45,919 --> 00:36:47,318 What else would be here? 721 00:36:48,062 --> 00:36:50,963 We've got the exit, we've got the handle 722 00:36:55,742 --> 00:36:57,209 The bulkhead 723 00:36:59,583 --> 00:37:01,346 Cockpit door 724 00:37:08,768 --> 00:37:11,862 But what we don't have, ladies and gentlemen 725 00:37:12,063 --> 00:37:14,657 is the fire extinguisher 726 00:37:22,688 --> 00:37:23,950 Here we go 727 00:37:24,384 --> 00:37:25,214 Here we go 728 00:37:37,888 --> 00:37:40,254 I know what happened on this plane 729 00:37:40,254 --> 00:37:41,508 Get off from me 730 00:37:41,761 --> 00:37:42,728 Get off from me 731 00:37:44,225 --> 00:37:45,291 No! No! 732 00:38:35,586 --> 00:38:37,053 He killed her 733 00:38:39,139 --> 00:38:40,663 But what about the other passengers? 734 00:38:40,867 --> 00:38:42,095 They would have seen everything 735 00:38:42,095 --> 00:38:43,608 Somebody who nobody on the plane they're not gonna testify 736 00:38:43,608 --> 00:38:45,182 against and they're on the payroll 737 00:38:45,182 --> 00:38:46,548 It would be against their own interests 738 00:38:46,548 --> 00:38:48,094 Except the only one who knew everything 739 00:38:48,094 --> 00:38:50,632 Christina was good at keeping secrets 740 00:38:50,632 --> 00:38:52,660 Sommer was banking on that 741 00:38:52,660 --> 00:38:55,204 He just didn't bank on her having a conscience 742 00:38:55,459 --> 00:38:56,687 You okay? 743 00:38:56,687 --> 00:38:59,836 Yeah, I guess I saved the wrong guy 744 00:38:59,836 --> 00:39:02,532 No such thing brother. Not here 745 00:39:02,820 --> 00:39:04,754 Right, every man's a prince 746 00:39:04,754 --> 00:39:07,336 That's how we sleep at night 747 00:39:11,588 --> 00:39:12,646 Lieutenant 748 00:39:12,900 --> 00:39:15,528 We found Sommer 749 00:39:25,189 --> 00:39:27,657 He checked himself out 750 00:39:36,389 --> 00:39:39,688 You're really swinging now, huh Scott 751 00:39:45,029 --> 00:39:46,758 Here you are 752 00:39:47,045 --> 00:39:48,876 How are you holding up? 753 00:39:49,157 --> 00:39:50,351 Good 754 00:39:50,598 --> 00:39:51,758 What's this? 755 00:39:52,037 --> 00:39:54,164 This is a copy of a report that Christina 756 00:39:54,164 --> 00:39:56,436 sent to the Securities and Exchange Commission 757 00:39:56,678 --> 00:39:59,146 This is what she was working on 758 00:39:59,146 --> 00:40:00,737 I don't understand 759 00:40:00,737 --> 00:40:03,370 Well, she sent this the morning she died 760 00:40:03,370 --> 00:40:04,929 Now, Mrs. Calluchi this was 761 00:40:05,158 --> 00:40:08,127 a very difficult decision 762 00:40:25,127 --> 00:40:27,595 But she did the right thing 763 00:40:31,623 --> 00:40:34,091 To whom it may concern 764 00:40:35,591 --> 00:40:38,560 I hope I'm not writing this letter in vain 765 00:40:49,512 --> 00:40:51,480 To whom it may concern 766 00:40:51,912 --> 00:40:54,380 I hope I'm not writing this letter in vain 767 00:40:57,672 --> 00:41:00,140 But I feel that I have a responsibility to those 768 00:41:00,140 --> 00:41:02,296 who depend on us 769 00:41:10,089 --> 00:41:12,717 To those who expect us 770 00:41:13,001 --> 00:41:16,027 to deliver an honest and fair accounting 771 00:41:19,273 --> 00:41:23,607 I feel a responsibility to speak the truth 772 00:41:33,386 --> 00:41:35,183 For those innocent victims who are powerless 773 00:41:35,434 --> 00:41:38,460 to speak it themselves 774 00:41:45,162 --> 00:41:51,624 Because without the truth, we ourselves become powerless 775 00:41:55,755 --> 00:41:58,189 Christina Calluchi