1 00:00:00,330 --> 00:00:02,858 {\an7}[touch tones beeping] 2 00:00:05,498 --> 00:00:07,033 [phones ringing] 3 00:00:07,099 --> 00:00:10,436 [upbeat music] 4 00:00:10,503 --> 00:00:12,004 [children singing] Come one, come all 5 00:00:12,071 --> 00:00:13,773 'Cause we're having a ball 6 00:00:13,840 --> 00:00:17,610 We're just making some calls to strangers 7 00:00:17,677 --> 00:00:19,111 We're back on the cell 8 00:00:19,178 --> 00:00:20,947 And the world's gone to hell 9 00:00:21,013 --> 00:00:22,748 But you're gonna feel swell 10 00:00:22,815 --> 00:00:25,451 When they pick up 11 00:00:25,518 --> 00:00:28,721 From New York to Alabammer 12 00:00:28,788 --> 00:00:31,657 They'll probably wanna throw our ass in the slammer 13 00:00:31,724 --> 00:00:33,459 'Cause we're disturbing others 14 00:00:33,526 --> 00:00:35,294 Maybe even your mother 15 00:00:35,361 --> 00:00:37,830 Won't you join the Crank Yankers tonight? 16 00:00:37,897 --> 00:00:38,598 - "Crank Yankers." 17 00:00:39,956 --> 00:00:40,715 {\an7}[upbeat music] 18 00:00:40,715 --> 00:00:41,682 {\an7}- Tight little aisles and shit 19 00:00:41,682 --> 00:00:44,121 {\an7}where yolk can get all over the place. 20 00:00:44,121 --> 00:00:46,913 {\an7}[phone line trilling] 21 00:00:48,385 --> 00:00:49,989 {\an7}- Grocery, how can I help you? 22 00:00:49,989 --> 00:00:52,187 {\an7}- Hey, who am I speaking to? 23 00:00:52,187 --> 00:00:55,517 {\an7}\h\h\h- Javier. - Hey, Javier? 24 00:00:55,517 --> 00:00:56,748 {\an7}Javier. Good talking to you. 25 00:00:56,748 --> 00:00:59,253 {\an7}How’s your day going? \h\hYou staying safe? 26 00:00:59,253 --> 00:01:02,616 {\an7}\h\h\h- Yeah, for sure. It’s going pretty well. 27 00:01:02,616 --> 00:01:03,484 {\an7}What can I do for you? 28 00:01:03,484 --> 00:01:05,484 {\an7}\h\h- I’m from the National Association of Egg Farmers, 29 00:01:05,484 --> 00:01:08,451 {\an7}\h\h\hwhat we do is we send a representative out there, 30 00:01:08,451 --> 00:01:13,088 {\an7}\h\h\hthe mascot Eggy over to your place of business, 31 00:01:13,088 --> 00:01:14,814 {\an7}we set up a little table. 32 00:01:14,814 --> 00:01:18,154 {\an7}And we just welcome people \h\h\h\h\hto buy more eggs, 33 00:01:18,154 --> 00:01:18,956 {\an7}and eat more eggs. 34 00:01:18,956 --> 00:01:21,451 {\an7}We are taking photos \h\h\h\hwith the kids 35 00:01:21,451 --> 00:01:22,715 {\an7}and you know--you know, 36 00:01:22,715 --> 00:01:24,649 {\an7}I tell jokes about \hbeing scrambled, 37 00:01:24,649 --> 00:01:29,649 {\an7}\h\h\hor say, "When I’m upset, I turn into a hardboiled egg." 38 00:01:29,649 --> 00:01:31,319 {\an7}\h\h\h\h\h\h\hYou know, all that kinda stuff-- 39 00:01:31,319 --> 00:01:32,517 {\an7}\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h- Yeah. - So, what I normally do 40 00:01:32,517 --> 00:01:35,517 {\an7}\h\h\h\h\his I set up in one of the egg aisles, you know, 41 00:01:35,517 --> 00:01:38,583 {\an7}but, you know, some places put me in a chicken aisle. 42 00:01:38,583 --> 00:01:40,187 {\an7}\hI don’t know why, I guess, you know? 43 00:01:40,187 --> 00:01:42,220 {\an7}\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h- Mm-hmm. - As long as I have a 12-foot 44 00:01:42,220 --> 00:01:44,451 {\an7}area for rolling around, \h\h\h\hI’m pretty good. 45 00:01:44,451 --> 00:01:47,121 {\an7}\hYou know, I took a vow to never break character 46 00:01:47,121 --> 00:01:49,286 {\an7}or get out of my costume \honce I’m in the store. 47 00:01:49,286 --> 00:01:53,121 {\an7}\hSo, if you have any questions for me, you need to ask me now. 48 00:01:53,121 --> 00:01:55,319 {\an7}\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\hRight now, ’cause once I become Eggy, 49 00:01:55,319 --> 00:01:56,913 {\an7}I’m Eggy, you know what I mean? 50 00:01:56,913 --> 00:01:58,286 {\an7}’Cause that gets messy 51 00:01:58,286 --> 00:01:59,781 {\an7}and I had to pull my pants \h\h\h\h\h\hdown one time. 52 00:01:59,781 --> 00:02:02,748 {\an7}\h\hAnd that got me in a little trouble, but I got my job back. 53 00:02:02,748 --> 00:02:07,220 {\an7}\h\h\hAnd I feel like the world is going vegan and vegetarian. 54 00:02:07,220 --> 00:02:10,220 {\an7}They ain’t showing the egg \h\h\h\h\hno love, Javier. 55 00:02:10,220 --> 00:02:12,352 {\an7}They ain’t showing the egg \h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\hno love. 56 00:02:12,352 --> 00:02:14,517 {\an7}\h- Um, let me grab one of my managers. 57 00:02:14,517 --> 00:02:16,484 {\an7}- Have you ever had \h\h\han egg cream? 58 00:02:16,484 --> 00:02:17,385 {\an7}- No, sir. \h\h- Whoo! 59 00:02:17,385 --> 00:02:20,088 {\an7}They showed that a lot in those \h\hold movies with Cary Grant 60 00:02:20,088 --> 00:02:21,682 {\an7}\h\hand stuff, he’d sit at the little counter, 61 00:02:21,682 --> 00:02:24,253 {\an7}\hand say, "I’ll have an egg cream," you know what I mean? 62 00:02:24,253 --> 00:02:28,583 {\an7}So, you will have to provide me \h\h\h\h\h\hwith lunch, though. 63 00:02:28,583 --> 00:02:29,583 {\an7}That’s in my contract. 64 00:02:29,583 --> 00:02:31,847 {\an7}\h\hAnd I might be givin’ out samples, 65 00:02:31,847 --> 00:02:33,517 {\an7}\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\hyou know, just a raw egg in a cup. 66 00:02:33,517 --> 00:02:36,550 {\an7}\h\hKinda like with those athletes do when they uh, 67 00:02:36,550 --> 00:02:37,616 {\an7}to gain their endurance back 68 00:02:37,616 --> 00:02:40,682 {\an7}when they’re tired from runnin’ \h\h\h\hin a marathon or tri-- 69 00:02:40,682 --> 00:02:42,220 {\an7}\h\h\h\h\h\htriathlete or something like that. 70 00:02:42,220 --> 00:02:44,055 {\an7}What they do, they take like five or six eggs, 71 00:02:44,055 --> 00:02:46,286 {\an7}and they put ’em in a cup, \h\h\h\hand they drink it. 72 00:02:46,286 --> 00:02:48,352 {\an7}They drink the eggs with nothing in it. 73 00:02:48,352 --> 00:02:49,814 {\an7}Just straight. Just straight. 74 00:02:49,814 --> 00:02:52,956 {\an7}\h\h\hYou know what I mean? That makes me so damn mad. 75 00:02:52,956 --> 00:02:54,088 {\an7}I feel like they drinking me. 76 00:02:54,088 --> 00:02:56,748 {\an7}I feel like a drinking \h\h\h\hmy ass, Javier. 77 00:02:56,748 --> 00:02:59,550 {\an7}\hYou know what I am saying? I feel like what the [bleep] 78 00:02:59,550 --> 00:03:00,616 {\an7}is going on here? 79 00:03:00,616 --> 00:03:01,682 {\an7}They’re drinking me. 80 00:03:01,682 --> 00:03:03,286 {\an7}[laughs] \h- Yeah. 81 00:03:03,286 --> 00:03:05,989 {\an7}- So, I’m gonna need you \h\hto fan me constantly 82 00:03:05,989 --> 00:03:08,649 {\an7}’cause once I get overheated, \h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\hyou know, 83 00:03:08,649 --> 00:03:14,484 {\an7}\hI start to settle, you know, and the body odor is terrible. 84 00:03:14,484 --> 00:03:15,286 {\an7}I promise you. 85 00:03:15,286 --> 00:03:16,847 {\an7}So I don’t know what you keep \h\h\h\hthe temperature at-- 86 00:03:16,847 --> 00:03:18,253 {\an7}what’s the temperature \h\h\h\h\haround there? 87 00:03:18,253 --> 00:03:19,286 {\an7}You keep it what, 72? 88 00:03:19,286 --> 00:03:22,682 {\an7}\h\h\h\h\hLike, on average 72? Is it cold out there right now? 89 00:03:22,682 --> 00:03:25,055 {\an7}- Uh, we keep it fairly warm. 90 00:03:25,055 --> 00:03:27,385 {\an7}- Whoo! How warm? How warm? 91 00:03:27,385 --> 00:03:28,385 {\an7}Room temperature? 92 00:03:28,385 --> 00:03:30,847 {\an7}- Uh, little above. \h\h\h\h\h\h- Whoo! 93 00:03:30,847 --> 00:03:32,956 {\an7}\h\hI dunno, I might start sweating, man. 94 00:03:32,956 --> 00:03:34,781 {\an7}\h\h\h\h\h\hI might start-- hey, you wanna mess around 95 00:03:34,781 --> 00:03:37,055 {\an7}and make some deviled eggs \h\h\h\h\h\hout of my ass-- 96 00:03:37,055 --> 00:03:39,583 {\an7}\h\h\hYou ever have deviled eggs, huh? 97 00:03:39,583 --> 00:03:40,253 {\an7}- Yeah. 98 00:03:40,253 --> 00:03:42,253 {\an7}- Yeah, that’s what’s gonna \h\hhappen if it’s too hot, 99 00:03:42,253 --> 00:03:43,583 {\an7}in there, I’ma turn into \h\h\h\h\ha deviled egg. 100 00:03:43,583 --> 00:03:48,055 {\an7}\h\hYou gonna be serving me to some of your customers. 101 00:03:48,055 --> 00:03:50,451 {\an7}\h- Hey, man, um-- - Oh, hey, Javier. 102 00:03:50,451 --> 00:03:51,649 {\an7}I gotta get going, man. 103 00:03:51,649 --> 00:03:54,649 {\an7}\hI got the National Egg Association guys 104 00:03:54,649 --> 00:03:55,649 {\an7}on my back, man. 105 00:03:55,649 --> 00:03:56,517 {\an7}So, you take care, man. 106 00:03:56,517 --> 00:04:00,187 {\an7}I’ll see you soon. I’ll see you soon. 107 00:04:00,187 --> 00:04:02,220 {\an7}- [laughs] [hangs up] 108 00:04:02,220 --> 00:04:06,121 {\an7}[upbeat music] \h- [laughs] 109 00:04:06,121 --> 00:04:08,956 {\an7}Damn! What? 110 00:04:08,956 --> 00:04:11,352 {\an7}- I’m looking for a carpenter. 111 00:04:11,352 --> 00:04:14,418 {\an7}[line trilling] 112 00:04:15,187 --> 00:04:16,517 {\an7}- Hi, this is Garnet. 113 00:04:16,517 --> 00:04:20,550 {\an7}- Garnet? Name’s Birchum. \h\h\h\hYou a carpenter? 114 00:04:20,550 --> 00:04:21,352 {\an7}- Uh, yes. 115 00:04:21,352 --> 00:04:24,913 {\an7}- So, uh, I’m a carpenter as well, pretty skilled. 116 00:04:24,913 --> 00:04:28,418 {\an7}Uh, don’t have use my hands right now. 117 00:04:28,418 --> 00:04:31,352 {\an7}And I’d like a carpenter \h\h\hcome by help me out 118 00:04:31,352 --> 00:04:32,583 {\an7}with some crown molding. 119 00:04:32,583 --> 00:04:34,352 {\an7}Do you do crown molding? 120 00:04:34,352 --> 00:04:37,451 {\an7}\h\h- Well, I can. - Can you do bass? 121 00:04:37,451 --> 00:04:38,550 {\an7}- Oh, yeah, I can-- \h\h\h\h\hyou know, 122 00:04:38,550 --> 00:04:40,649 {\an7}I’ve been a carpenter \h\hfor 30 some years 123 00:04:40,649 --> 00:04:42,121 {\an7}\hand, you know, it’s been a while 124 00:04:42,121 --> 00:04:44,220 {\an7}since I did some crown mold \h\h\h\h\h’cause, you know, 125 00:04:44,220 --> 00:04:47,253 {\an7}all the cuts are-- \h\h\h\h\hare, uh-- 126 00:04:47,253 --> 00:04:51,550 {\an7}- I gotta say, I’m not brimming \h\h\h\h\h\h\hwith confidence. 127 00:04:51,550 --> 00:04:53,253 {\an7}- [laughs] 128 00:04:53,253 --> 00:04:55,649 {\an7}Well, it’s been--like I said, \h\h\h\hit’s been a few years 129 00:04:55,649 --> 00:04:56,550 {\an7}since I did crown molding. 130 00:04:56,550 --> 00:04:58,583 {\an7}\h\hThe last crown mold I did was all in metal. 131 00:04:58,583 --> 00:05:02,418 {\an7}- What is your field expertise? \h\h\h\h\h\hYou do rough stuff? 132 00:05:02,418 --> 00:05:03,847 {\an7}- No, I’m trim, mostly. 133 00:05:03,847 --> 00:05:07,451 {\an7}- You got a sliding compound miter saw? 134 00:05:07,451 --> 00:05:08,748 {\an7}- Yes, of course. 135 00:05:08,748 --> 00:05:09,956 {\an7}- 10 inch? 136 00:05:09,956 --> 00:05:11,352 {\an7}- 12 inch. 137 00:05:11,352 --> 00:05:12,814 {\an7}- Oh, nice. 138 00:05:12,814 --> 00:05:14,517 {\an7}60 tooth carbide? 139 00:05:14,517 --> 00:05:15,682 {\an7}- I think that’s what’s on there. 140 00:05:15,682 --> 00:05:16,989 {\an7}\h\hIt might even be an 80 tooth I can’t-- 141 00:05:16,989 --> 00:05:19,055 {\an7}\h- 80 toother? - I don’t know. 142 00:05:19,055 --> 00:05:19,880 {\an7}I can’t remember. 143 00:05:19,880 --> 00:05:21,616 {\an7}I’d have to look at my saw, \h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\hDarn it. 144 00:05:21,616 --> 00:05:22,748 {\an7}What’s your name again? 145 00:05:22,748 --> 00:05:23,956 {\an7}- Geez. Name’s Birchum, man. 146 00:05:23,956 --> 00:05:26,781 {\an7}\h\h\h\hI’m impressed at 80 tooth carbide. 147 00:05:26,781 --> 00:05:29,385 {\an7}\h\h\h\h\h\h- Birchum? - You do chair molding? 148 00:05:29,385 --> 00:05:31,880 {\an7}- Yeah, I’ve done all kinds of it. 149 00:05:31,880 --> 00:05:33,418 {\an7}- Wainscot? 150 00:05:33,418 --> 00:05:34,022 {\an7}- Yeah. 151 00:05:34,022 --> 00:05:36,913 {\an7}\h- Base shoe? - Face shield. 152 00:05:36,913 --> 00:05:39,847 {\an7}\h\h- Base shoe. - Oh, base shoe. 153 00:05:39,847 --> 00:05:40,715 {\an7}Yeah, of course. 154 00:05:40,715 --> 00:05:43,649 {\an7}- You’re not one of these ass wipes that uses quarter round 155 00:05:43,649 --> 00:05:45,715 {\an7}instead of base shoes, are you? 156 00:05:45,715 --> 00:05:46,682 {\an7}- Um-- 157 00:05:46,682 --> 00:05:49,088 {\an7}\h\h\h- I see quarter round where base shoe should be, 158 00:05:49,088 --> 00:05:52,616 {\an7}\h\hI shout, "Bush league," I’ll turn around and leave. 159 00:05:52,616 --> 00:05:55,550 {\an7}\h- You know it all depends on what the customer wants. 160 00:05:55,550 --> 00:05:58,352 {\an7}- All right, you startin’ to worry me a little bit 161 00:05:58,352 --> 00:06:00,319 {\an7}with this quarter \hround business. 162 00:06:00,319 --> 00:06:03,847 {\an7}\h\hYou say you’re--you say you’re finished carpenter? 163 00:06:03,847 --> 00:06:04,748 {\an7}- Pretty much. Yeah. 164 00:06:04,748 --> 00:06:06,187 {\an7}\h\h\h\h\h- All right. Tell me the difference 165 00:06:06,187 --> 00:06:08,913 {\an7}between a rabbet joint \h\h\h\h\h\hand a dado. 166 00:06:08,913 --> 00:06:10,484 {\an7}- Well, let’s see a rabbet-- 167 00:06:10,484 --> 00:06:13,286 {\an7}Well, dado is, you gotta use \h\h\hdado base to set it up, 168 00:06:13,286 --> 00:06:16,385 {\an7}\hand a rabbet you can just use a regular blade on a table saw 169 00:06:16,385 --> 00:06:18,220 {\an7}\h\hand cut it out, it’s like a notch. 170 00:06:18,220 --> 00:06:22,154 {\an7}\h\h- Mm-hmm. What letters are they both shaped like? 171 00:06:22,154 --> 00:06:22,847 {\an7}- You know what? 172 00:06:22,847 --> 00:06:24,989 {\an7}Sorry. I’m really busy \h\hright now, and uh-- 173 00:06:24,989 --> 00:06:28,517 {\an7}- Yeah, you’re busy playing \h"Connect 4" online buddy. 174 00:06:28,517 --> 00:06:30,253 {\an7}You sound like a hack \h\hcarpenter to me. 175 00:06:30,253 --> 00:06:32,649 {\an7}You don’t know the difference \h\h\h\h\h\h\hbetween a dado 176 00:06:32,649 --> 00:06:33,989 {\an7}and a rabbet joint? 177 00:06:33,989 --> 00:06:35,121 {\an7}- I don’t--I don’t have time 178 00:06:35,121 --> 00:06:36,715 {\an7}\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\hto answer a million questions here. 179 00:06:36,715 --> 00:06:39,022 {\an7}I’m doing my exhaust \hfor my Indian and-- 180 00:06:39,022 --> 00:06:41,022 {\an7}- Where are you doing \h\h\hto the exhaust? 181 00:06:41,022 --> 00:06:42,583 {\an7}- Getting it powder coated. 182 00:06:42,583 --> 00:06:45,022 {\an7}- Mm-hmm. We going with black? 183 00:06:45,022 --> 00:06:47,583 {\an7}\h\h\h\h- Yes. - Satin? Flat? 184 00:06:47,583 --> 00:06:49,682 {\an7}\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\hHigh gloss? What are we talking about? 185 00:06:49,682 --> 00:06:50,517 {\an7}- High gloss. High gloss. 186 00:06:50,517 --> 00:06:53,319 {\an7}The same as--same as my motor \h\h\h\h\h\h\hand handlebars 187 00:06:53,319 --> 00:06:54,748 {\an7}and all the other stuff on it. 188 00:06:54,748 --> 00:06:58,286 {\an7}- How many cubic inches \h\h\h\h\h\hin a liter? 189 00:06:58,286 --> 00:07:01,187 {\an7}- I don’t know. [laughs] \h\h\h- One liter engine 190 00:07:01,187 --> 00:07:03,187 {\an7}is 60 cubic inches. 191 00:07:03,187 --> 00:07:05,814 {\an7}\h- I’m not a mechanic. - All right, so Garnet. 192 00:07:05,814 --> 00:07:07,220 {\an7}Let’s try to figure out \h\h\h\hwhat you know. 193 00:07:07,220 --> 00:07:08,956 {\an7}\h\h\hYou don’t know what a dado joint is. 194 00:07:08,956 --> 00:07:10,187 {\an7}\hYou don’t know what a rabbet is. 195 00:07:10,187 --> 00:07:12,748 {\an7}\hYou don’t know how many cubic inches in a liter. 196 00:07:12,748 --> 00:07:13,649 {\an7}The hell do you know, boy? 197 00:07:13,649 --> 00:07:16,418 {\an7}- I told you. I don’t have time \h\h\h\h\h\hfor this right now. 198 00:07:16,418 --> 00:07:17,220 {\an7}- Jesus Christ. 199 00:07:17,220 --> 00:07:20,956 {\an7}Couldn’t find your dick \hwith a divining rod. 200 00:07:20,956 --> 00:07:21,649 {\an7}- Well. 201 00:07:21,649 --> 00:07:23,022 {\an7}- Maybe we got off on the wrong foot. 202 00:07:23,022 --> 00:07:24,748 {\an7}\h\h\hLet’s get back to the crown molding. 203 00:07:24,748 --> 00:07:26,814 {\an7}\h- Whatever. You know, I know how to do stuff. 204 00:07:26,814 --> 00:07:29,814 {\an7}And I you know, I don’t know what the terms are sometimes, 205 00:07:29,814 --> 00:07:31,956 {\an7}but I’ve been in carpentry \h\h\h\hfor a lot of years. 206 00:07:31,956 --> 00:07:35,385 {\an7}\h\h\h- Yeah. All right. You got a mortising jig? 207 00:07:35,385 --> 00:07:36,847 {\an7}- I have one. Yes. 208 00:07:36,847 --> 00:07:39,484 {\an7}- All right. Who makes it? 209 00:07:39,682 --> 00:07:42,550 {\an7}\h\h\h\h\h\h\h- Porter-Cable. - All right. It’s a good jig. 210 00:07:42,550 --> 00:07:44,418 {\an7}What kind of router do you use? 211 00:07:44,418 --> 00:07:48,022 {\an7}\h\h\h\h\h\h\h- Oh, I just use a little handheld trim router. 212 00:07:48,022 --> 00:07:51,748 {\an7}\h\h\h\h\h\h- All right. And you gotta door plane? 213 00:07:51,748 --> 00:07:53,682 {\an7}- I have a door plane. \h\h\h\h\h\h- Did we-- 214 00:07:53,682 --> 00:07:57,055 {\an7}did we talk quarter round \h\h\h\hversus base shoe? 215 00:07:57,055 --> 00:07:59,517 {\an7}- Yes. I’m really busy \h\h\h\h\h\hright now. 216 00:07:59,517 --> 00:08:01,583 {\an7}\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h- All right. - And I told you this earlier. 217 00:08:01,583 --> 00:08:02,418 {\an7}- What is the difference 218 00:08:02,418 --> 00:08:04,583 {\an7}between paint grade \hand stain grade? 219 00:08:04,583 --> 00:08:05,682 {\an7}- Shit, I don’t know. 220 00:08:05,682 --> 00:08:08,616 {\an7}- You don’t know the difference \h\h\h\h\h\hbetween stain grade 221 00:08:08,616 --> 00:08:09,286 {\an7}and paint grade? 222 00:08:09,286 --> 00:08:11,682 {\an7}\h\h\h\hThe answer’s in the question you moron. 223 00:08:11,682 --> 00:08:14,616 {\an7}- I don’t deal with somebody that calls me names, goodbye. 224 00:08:14,616 --> 00:08:17,616 {\an7}- All right. Listen, listen, we got off on the wrong foot. 225 00:08:17,616 --> 00:08:20,682 {\an7}[hangs up] \h\hGarnet? 226 00:08:20,682 --> 00:08:22,748 {\an7}- Jesus Christ. 227 00:08:22,748 --> 00:08:25,847 {\an7}Let me call him back. \h\h\h\h\h\h[laughs] 228 00:08:25,847 --> 00:08:29,682 {\an7}- Tell her to ask for Celeste. \hI’ll be up here at the front. 229 00:08:29,682 --> 00:08:30,517 {\an7}- She doesn’t weigh much. 230 00:08:30,517 --> 00:08:33,022 {\an7}\hYou think you can carry her around like horseback style? 231 00:08:33,022 --> 00:08:35,418 {\an7}- Yeah, yeah, we could totally \h\h\h\h\h\hwork something out 232 00:08:35,418 --> 00:08:36,286 {\an7}where we could do that. 233 00:08:36,286 --> 00:08:39,682 {\an7}- Be careful picking her up. \hHer bones are like KitKats. 234 00:08:39,682 --> 00:08:41,352 {\an7}- Yeah. 235 00:08:42,628 --> 00:08:45,222 {\an7}[phone line trilling] 236 00:08:45,222 --> 00:08:51,486 {\an7}- Where the hell is she? 237 00:08:51,486 --> 00:08:52,694 {\an7}- This is Celest. 238 00:08:52,694 --> 00:08:53,826 {\an7}- Yeah, this is Anthony. 239 00:08:53,826 --> 00:08:55,562 {\an7}I come into your store \h\h\h\h\ha lot there. 240 00:08:55,562 --> 00:08:58,991 {\an7}And I come in with my mom. And she’s a very old lady. 241 00:08:58,991 --> 00:09:04,354 {\an7}And she can’t reach the things, you know, they’re all too high. 242 00:09:04,354 --> 00:09:06,024 {\an7}\h- Oh. - Yeah. 243 00:09:06,024 --> 00:09:07,057 {\an7}- Yeah, yeah. 244 00:09:07,057 --> 00:09:09,562 {\an7}- What’s your name, sweetheart? 245 00:09:09,562 --> 00:09:10,595 {\an7}- My name’s Celeste. 246 00:09:10,595 --> 00:09:11,991 {\an7}- That’s a beautiful name, \h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\hCeleste. 247 00:09:11,991 --> 00:09:15,420 {\an7}- Oh, thank you. Thank you. - That means out of space. 248 00:09:15,420 --> 00:09:16,991 {\an7}Ain’t that right? \h\h\h\h\h\hYeah. 249 00:09:16,991 --> 00:09:18,255 {\an7}\h\h\h- Uh-huh. - Well, listen. 250 00:09:18,255 --> 00:09:21,595 {\an7}\hI want my ma to feel, you know, that she, uh, 251 00:09:21,595 --> 00:09:22,661 {\an7}she’s still independent. 252 00:09:22,661 --> 00:09:24,123 {\an7}\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\hYou know, she’s getting’ up there. 253 00:09:24,123 --> 00:09:26,826 {\an7}She 90 years old, this lady. 254 00:09:26,826 --> 00:09:27,760 {\an7}- Yeah, right. 255 00:09:27,760 --> 00:09:29,321 {\an7}- Yeah, she’s got the osteoporosis. 256 00:09:29,321 --> 00:09:33,387 {\an7}- Oh, yeah. That’s what happens \h\hwhen you get older. Right? 257 00:09:33,387 --> 00:09:35,288 {\an7}- She’s got it bad, Celeste. 258 00:09:35,288 --> 00:09:36,727 {\an7}\h- Well, if she-- if she comes on in, 259 00:09:36,727 --> 00:09:40,123 {\an7}we can totally have someone help her grab some things. 260 00:09:40,123 --> 00:09:41,892 {\an7}- That’d be so sweet. \h\h\hThat’d be nice. 261 00:09:41,892 --> 00:09:45,727 {\an7}\h\h\h\h\h\hBut the thing is, she’s got that ego about her. 262 00:09:45,727 --> 00:09:47,321 {\an7}She wants to do it herself. 263 00:09:47,321 --> 00:09:49,354 {\an7}Hey, ma, get down from there. 264 00:09:49,354 --> 00:09:50,420 {\an7}Look, she’s climbing up. 265 00:09:50,420 --> 00:09:53,519 {\an7}We’re in the house right now, she’s up on the counter. Ma. 266 00:09:53,519 --> 00:09:55,562 {\an7}What--I’ll get that for you. 267 00:09:55,562 --> 00:09:57,826 {\an7}\hMy God, Jesus, Mary and Joseph, 268 00:09:57,826 --> 00:10:01,628 {\an7}\h\h\h\h\h\hMatthew, Luke, John the Baptist over here. 269 00:10:01,628 --> 00:10:04,519 {\an7}Santa Maria, Nina, Pinta. \h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\hMadone! 270 00:10:04,519 --> 00:10:05,354 {\an7}Can you imagine this? 271 00:10:05,354 --> 00:10:07,222 {\an7}\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h- Yeah. - So, I was thinking, you know, 272 00:10:07,222 --> 00:10:10,727 {\an7}I’m not a, you know Einstein over here, but I had an idea. 273 00:10:10,727 --> 00:10:14,288 {\an7}\h\h\h\hHow about you guys put the things in the bottom shelf? 274 00:10:14,288 --> 00:10:16,453 {\an7}You know, the things \h\hold ladies need, 275 00:10:16,453 --> 00:10:18,892 {\an7}you put in the bottom \hshelves, you know? 276 00:10:18,892 --> 00:10:19,694 {\an7}- Right. 277 00:10:19,694 --> 00:10:22,255 {\an7}\h\hWhat are the things that she tries and gets normally? 278 00:10:22,255 --> 00:10:25,562 {\an7}\h\h\h\h\h- What, you know, she’s got the pasta sauces, 279 00:10:25,562 --> 00:10:27,859 {\an7}the tomato sauce, the tomato paste. 280 00:10:27,859 --> 00:10:29,321 {\an7}The heavy stuff, you know? 281 00:10:29,321 --> 00:10:31,354 {\an7}- Yeah, a lot of that’s \h\h\h\hhard to carry. 282 00:10:31,354 --> 00:10:33,420 {\an7}- She tries to climb up \h\h\h\h\hthe shelves. 283 00:10:33,420 --> 00:10:34,562 {\an7}I told her, I said Ma! 284 00:10:34,562 --> 00:10:35,562 {\an7}- Oh, no. Yeah. 285 00:10:35,562 --> 00:10:38,354 {\an7}- What are you, Spider-Man? \h\h\hGet down from there. 286 00:10:38,354 --> 00:10:40,189 {\an7}You know, what are doing? \h\h\h\h\h- Yeah, right. 287 00:10:40,189 --> 00:10:41,628 {\an7}\h- But there’s no telling this lady. 288 00:10:41,628 --> 00:10:42,562 {\an7}And you should see her back. 289 00:10:42,562 --> 00:10:45,519 {\an7}\h\h\h\h\h\hIt’s like a noodle. It curved over like a macaroni. 290 00:10:45,519 --> 00:10:47,793 {\an7}\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h- Oh, no. - She’s facing the ground. 291 00:10:47,793 --> 00:10:51,420 {\an7}So, she bumps into things \h\h\h\h\hlike a Roomba. 292 00:10:51,420 --> 00:10:52,387 {\an7}Ever see a Roomba? 293 00:10:52,387 --> 00:10:53,991 {\an7}That’s how she finds out \h\h\h\h\h\hwhere to go. 294 00:10:53,991 --> 00:10:55,486 {\an7}She’ll bump into a wall \h\hand then she’ll go 295 00:10:55,486 --> 00:10:57,562 {\an7}\h\h\h"I shouldn’t go there." I mean, can you imagine this? 296 00:10:57,562 --> 00:10:59,859 {\an7}\h\h\h- Oh, right. - Oh, pasta fazool! 297 00:10:59,859 --> 00:11:02,090 {\an7}\h\hShe’s gonna get into the dog food. 298 00:11:02,090 --> 00:11:04,628 {\an7}Ma, that’s not human food. 299 00:11:04,628 --> 00:11:06,288 {\an7}Maddona mi! 300 00:11:06,288 --> 00:11:07,519 {\an7}- Yeah, if she ever comes \h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\hon in, 301 00:11:07,519 --> 00:11:10,189 {\an7}\hwe try make everything as accessible as we can. 302 00:11:10,189 --> 00:11:13,826 {\an7}\hBut if she does come on in, anyone will be happy to help, 303 00:11:13,826 --> 00:11:15,156 {\an7}if she doesn’t feel like that. 304 00:11:15,156 --> 00:11:16,595 {\an7}- I would like you \hto help, Celest. 305 00:11:16,595 --> 00:11:18,991 {\an7}\h\h\h\hYou seem like a very sweet person. 306 00:11:18,991 --> 00:11:21,156 {\an7}\h- Oh, thank you. - Yeah, very nice. 307 00:11:21,156 --> 00:11:24,892 {\an7}You got a beautiful voice too. \h\h\h\h\hAnd that’s very rare. 308 00:11:24,892 --> 00:11:26,354 {\an7}\h\h\h\h- Thank you. - You get, you know, 309 00:11:26,354 --> 00:11:28,057 {\an7}You know, make her think \h\hshe’s picking it up. 310 00:11:28,057 --> 00:11:30,925 {\an7}\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h- Oh, yeah. So take it off the top shelf, 311 00:11:30,925 --> 00:11:32,255 {\an7}and then you bring it down. 312 00:11:32,255 --> 00:11:35,595 {\an7}And then she makes her feel \h\h\h\h\hlike she got it. 313 00:11:35,595 --> 00:11:37,123 {\an7}Does that make sense? 314 00:11:37,123 --> 00:11:38,519 {\an7}\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h- Right. - Hey Celest you are the best. 315 00:11:38,519 --> 00:11:40,453 {\an7}You gonna help me out here. \h\hSo, when she comes in, 316 00:11:40,453 --> 00:11:43,024 {\an7}\h\h\hI’ll give you a call that she’s gonna be there. 317 00:11:43,024 --> 00:11:45,255 {\an7}And then you follow her around? 318 00:11:45,255 --> 00:11:46,123 {\an7}- Okay, yeah. 319 00:11:46,123 --> 00:11:49,562 {\an7}Tell her to ask for Celeste. I’ll be up here at the front. 320 00:11:49,562 --> 00:11:50,387 {\an7}- She doesn’t weigh much. 321 00:11:50,387 --> 00:11:52,694 {\an7}You think you can carry around \h\h\h\h\hlike horseback style? 322 00:11:52,694 --> 00:11:54,793 {\an7}- Yeah, yeah, we could totally \h\h\h\h\h\hwork something out 323 00:11:54,793 --> 00:11:57,595 {\an7}\h\h\h\hwhere we can do that. - Be careful picking her up. 324 00:11:57,595 --> 00:11:59,189 {\an7}Her bones are like KitKats. 325 00:11:59,189 --> 00:12:03,255 {\an7}\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h- Yeah. - I would like to sing to you. 326 00:12:03,255 --> 00:12:06,090 {\an7}A little song of love. 327 00:12:06,090 --> 00:12:06,958 {\an7}To you, Celeste. 328 00:12:06,958 --> 00:12:09,354 {\an7}- We’ll, see your mom \h\h\hthis afternoon. 329 00:12:09,354 --> 00:12:11,090 {\an7}\h\h\h\h\h- Thank you for your kind heart, 330 00:12:11,090 --> 00:12:16,321 {\an7}\h\h\h\hand for helping my ma pick up things at the store. 331 00:12:16,321 --> 00:12:17,453 {\an7}- Of course. \h\h- Oh, no. 332 00:12:17,453 --> 00:12:20,760 {\an7}While I’ve been singing, my ma \h\h\h\h\hsneaked out the door. 333 00:12:20,760 --> 00:12:21,760 {\an7}I think she’s on her way. 334 00:12:21,760 --> 00:12:24,925 {\an7}\h\h\hShe took the Buick. Look out for her Celest! 335 00:12:24,925 --> 00:12:27,892 {\an7}\h\h\h\h\h- Bye! - Oh, maddona mi! 336 00:12:29,859 --> 00:12:34,760 {\an7}Is that something? \h\h\h\h\h[laughs] 337 00:12:34,760 --> 00:12:37,793 {\an7}- Do you want to come \h\htomorrow morning 338 00:12:37,793 --> 00:12:42,057 {\an7}\h\hand I can teach you some of those phrases? 339 00:12:42,057 --> 00:12:44,760 {\an7}- Like, I just need to tell \h\h\h\h\hwhat look--look. 340 00:12:44,760 --> 00:12:46,826 {\an7}There she is. There she is. \h\h\h\h\h\hThere she goes. 341 00:12:46,826 --> 00:12:50,189 {\an7}\h\h\h\h\hThere’s my neighbor, with her little bitch ass dog. 342 00:12:50,189 --> 00:12:51,727 {\an7}And she let the dog \hright on my yard. 343 00:12:51,727 --> 00:12:55,057 {\an7}\h\hHow do you say I will have punt the shit out of your Corgi 344 00:12:59,845 --> 00:13:01,580 - Gladys is calling the Language Center. 345 00:13:03,349 --> 00:13:05,918 [phone line trilling] 346 00:13:05,985 --> 00:13:07,486 - Hello. 347 00:13:07,553 --> 00:13:11,857 - Hello. This is the place to learn some French? 348 00:13:11,924 --> 00:13:16,395 - Yes. - Oh good. Oh oui, oui. 349 00:13:16,462 --> 00:13:18,931 - Oui. Oui, oui. 350 00:13:18,998 --> 00:13:20,099 - Uh, oui. 351 00:13:20,165 --> 00:13:22,968 I would like to learn some French 352 00:13:23,035 --> 00:13:26,271 because I have some new neighbors, and they are French. 353 00:13:26,338 --> 00:13:29,408 So, I would like to learn some little phrases 354 00:13:29,475 --> 00:13:31,443 or things that I can say to them. 355 00:13:31,510 --> 00:13:33,712 Is that something that you can help me with? 356 00:13:33,779 --> 00:13:36,115 - Oh, yes, sure. I would love to. 357 00:13:36,181 --> 00:13:39,251 So, I give classes at my house. 358 00:13:39,318 --> 00:13:41,954 So, would you be willing to come 359 00:13:42,021 --> 00:13:45,190 or were you looking for classes at your place? Or-- 360 00:13:45,257 --> 00:13:47,826 - Well, actually, it's not necessarily I want 361 00:13:47,893 --> 00:13:49,762 to become fluent in French. 362 00:13:49,828 --> 00:13:51,530 I just need, like, some phrases. 363 00:13:51,597 --> 00:13:54,500 - Sure. - Just some things that I wanna 364 00:13:54,566 --> 00:13:56,802 communicate with my neighbor, 365 00:13:56,869 --> 00:13:58,504 you know, like, uh-- - Yes, sure. Yes. 366 00:13:58,570 --> 00:13:59,972 - Like, how would you say, 367 00:14:00,039 --> 00:14:03,542 "This is my side of the property line, idiot." 368 00:14:03,609 --> 00:14:06,946 How do I say something like that? Just keep it simple. 369 00:14:07,012 --> 00:14:09,481 Like, "Get your shit off my yard?" 370 00:14:09,548 --> 00:14:12,851 - So, you'd say-- [speaking French] 371 00:14:12,918 --> 00:14:15,020 - [speaking French] 372 00:14:15,087 --> 00:14:17,189 - [speaking French] Yes. 373 00:14:17,256 --> 00:14:19,925 - I didn't hear "shit" in there. 374 00:14:19,992 --> 00:14:25,197 Was there--say--so is [speaking French] shit? 375 00:14:25,264 --> 00:14:27,266 How do you say "shit" in French? 376 00:14:27,333 --> 00:14:29,768 - Shit? - Uh-huh. 377 00:14:29,835 --> 00:14:31,637 - Merde! - Merde, okay. 378 00:14:31,704 --> 00:14:34,206 So I didn't hear "merde" in that phrase. 379 00:14:34,206 --> 00:14:36,508 - [laughs] Yeah. - I want him to-- 380 00:14:36,575 --> 00:14:39,712 I want to tell him to keep his shit off of my yard. 381 00:14:39,778 --> 00:14:43,983 Out of my yard. - Oh, okay. Yeah. 382 00:14:44,049 --> 00:14:48,053 So, would day you be--which day would you be interested? 383 00:14:48,120 --> 00:14:51,323 Oh, okay, what you're doing later today? 384 00:14:51,390 --> 00:14:54,927 'Cause I really need him to get his shit off my yard. 385 00:14:54,994 --> 00:14:56,762 - Oh, you want to tell him today? 386 00:14:56,829 --> 00:15:00,366 - Yes. - Talk today. 387 00:15:00,432 --> 00:15:02,267 - Let's--let's just do it over the phone then. 388 00:15:02,334 --> 00:15:06,939 Let's just do--and I'll, you know, Venmo, PayPal you. 389 00:15:07,006 --> 00:15:09,074 - Okay, well-- - How do you say, 390 00:15:09,174 --> 00:15:11,243 "Which one of your little bastard kids 391 00:15:11,310 --> 00:15:15,414 broke my garden gnome?" How do I say that? 392 00:15:15,481 --> 00:15:17,916 - The problem is I cannot right now 393 00:15:17,983 --> 00:15:20,319 because I have some coming in. 394 00:15:20,386 --> 00:15:22,187 I have lunch with someone today. 395 00:15:22,221 --> 00:15:25,424 Do you want to come tomorrow morning? 396 00:15:25,491 --> 00:15:29,762 And I can teach you some of those phrases. 397 00:15:29,828 --> 00:15:32,998 - Okay, just--just give me like--like, I just need two. 398 00:15:33,065 --> 00:15:35,034 'Cause look, there she is, there she is 399 00:15:35,100 --> 00:15:36,869 with her little bitch ass dog. 400 00:15:36,935 --> 00:15:38,771 And she let the dog right on my yard. 401 00:15:38,837 --> 00:15:41,774 How do you say I will "Punt the shit out of your Corgi 402 00:15:41,840 --> 00:15:43,776 if he shifts in my driveway again."? 403 00:15:43,842 --> 00:15:45,611 - Oh. - Just tell me real quick 404 00:15:45,678 --> 00:15:49,214 so I can get that to her. - [laughs] 405 00:15:49,281 --> 00:15:52,885 - Hey Cecile? Cecile? How do you say that? 406 00:15:52,952 --> 00:15:54,586 How do you say that? 407 00:15:54,653 --> 00:15:56,922 [speaking French], jackass! 408 00:15:56,989 --> 00:15:59,391 [speaking French] Yes. 409 00:15:59,458 --> 00:16:01,160 Oh, she understood that. 410 00:16:01,193 --> 00:16:03,295 - [speaks French] Yes, yes. 411 00:16:03,362 --> 00:16:05,664 - [speaking French] - [laughs] 412 00:16:05,731 --> 00:16:07,733 [speaking French] 413 00:16:07,800 --> 00:16:09,935 - [speaking French] 414 00:16:10,002 --> 00:16:13,639 - [speaking French] - [speaking French] 415 00:16:13,706 --> 00:16:19,278 - Yes. Okay. Yeah, I'm sorry, because I have to, um-- 416 00:16:19,345 --> 00:16:21,380 I have someone that wants to have lunch. 417 00:16:21,447 --> 00:16:24,750 But if you want tomorrow morning, we could meet. 418 00:16:24,817 --> 00:16:27,052 - Okay. - You can call me back 419 00:16:27,186 --> 00:16:29,221 and let me know what time is good for you. 420 00:16:29,288 --> 00:16:31,256 I would love to teach you some French. 421 00:16:31,323 --> 00:16:33,058 - That would be great. 422 00:16:33,192 --> 00:16:34,627 'Cause I need more stuff like that. 423 00:16:34,693 --> 00:16:36,261 - Okay. - That would be-- 424 00:16:36,328 --> 00:16:40,299 - Thank you. Have a nice day. - Merci. 425 00:16:40,366 --> 00:16:43,902 - Merci. - [speaking French] 426 00:16:43,969 --> 00:16:45,371 Bitch, you hear me? 427 00:16:48,040 --> 00:16:52,478 - She was so nice. He was so nice. 428 00:16:54,513 --> 00:16:56,682 - I have been so nervous to get a wax, 429 00:16:56,749 --> 00:17:01,153 but I've never done it before. [laughs] 430 00:17:01,220 --> 00:17:03,989 I'm trying to do my research here. 431 00:17:04,056 --> 00:17:07,793 How, how much does it hurt? Be honest with me. 432 00:17:07,860 --> 00:17:09,328 - It's nothing that bad. 433 00:17:09,395 --> 00:17:11,297 It's not anything that traumatic. 434 00:17:11,363 --> 00:17:13,332 - Do you offer an epidural? 435 00:17:13,399 --> 00:17:14,733 [both laugh] 436 00:17:15,651 --> 00:17:18,321 {\an7}- She was understated \h\hto say the least. 437 00:17:18,321 --> 00:17:21,057 {\an7}[phone line trilling] 438 00:17:23,222 --> 00:17:26,255 {\an7}- Thank you for calling \h\h\h\h\h\h\h[bleep]. 439 00:17:26,255 --> 00:17:29,783 {\an7}\h\h\h- Hi! Oh my gosh! I have been so nervous 440 00:17:29,783 --> 00:17:32,991 {\an7}\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\hto get a wax, but I’ve never done it before. 441 00:17:32,991 --> 00:17:38,156 {\an7}Um. I’m trying to do \h\hmy research here. 442 00:17:38,156 --> 00:17:41,849 {\an7}How, how much does it hurt? \h\h\h\hBe honest with me. 443 00:17:41,849 --> 00:17:45,255 {\an7}- It’s absolutely doable. \h\h\h\hYou could do it. 444 00:17:45,255 --> 00:17:48,024 {\an7}I promise you it’s not gonna be \h\h\h\h\h\h\h\hthe worst thing 445 00:17:48,024 --> 00:17:49,288 {\an7}that you’ve ever done and ever. 446 00:17:49,288 --> 00:17:53,189 {\an7}\h\h\hIt’s nothing that bad. It’s not anything traumatic. 447 00:17:53,189 --> 00:17:58,024 {\an7}- Uh-huh, I’m so scared. \hI just I have to do it. 448 00:17:58,024 --> 00:18:01,057 {\an7}It’s unmanageable. \h\hBut I’m scared. 449 00:18:01,057 --> 00:18:06,991 {\an7}\h\h\hYou know, I chap easily and do you offer an epidural? 450 00:18:06,991 --> 00:18:08,387 {\an7}[both laugh] 451 00:18:08,387 --> 00:18:10,156 {\an7}- You won’t need anything \h\h\h\h\h\h\hlike that. 452 00:18:10,156 --> 00:18:12,420 {\an7}You’re gonna be fine. \h\h\hI promise you. 453 00:18:12,420 --> 00:18:14,948 {\an7}- That is comforting. \hThat is comforting. 454 00:18:14,948 --> 00:18:17,948 {\an7}- Is there any--is there \h\h\hany reason why you, 455 00:18:17,948 --> 00:18:18,750 {\an7}you have to do this 456 00:18:18,750 --> 00:18:21,618 {\an7}\h\h\h\hor you just-- you just wanting to-- 457 00:18:21,618 --> 00:18:27,123 {\an7}- I have hair to my knees. \h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h[laughs] 458 00:18:27,123 --> 00:18:29,057 {\an7}- Okay, not a problem. 459 00:18:29,057 --> 00:18:32,585 {\an7}Definitely would want you \h\h\h\h\hto come in and, 460 00:18:32,585 --> 00:18:35,684 {\an7}\hand we can take a look at what you got going on 461 00:18:35,684 --> 00:18:36,618 {\an7}and we can go from there. 462 00:18:36,618 --> 00:18:40,255 {\an7}- Hey, listen, if I wear shorts \h\h\h\h\hyou can take a look. 463 00:18:40,255 --> 00:18:44,387 {\an7}It’s coming out of the-- \h\h\h\h\hby my kneecaps. 464 00:18:44,387 --> 00:18:47,552 {\an7}\h\h\h\h- Oh my goodness. - Oh, it’s embarrassing. 465 00:18:47,552 --> 00:18:48,486 {\an7}I’m ashamed of myself. 466 00:18:48,486 --> 00:18:50,717 {\an7}- Would you like to get \h\h\hsomething booked? 467 00:18:50,717 --> 00:18:53,222 {\an7}- I would, but I’m so scared. 468 00:18:53,222 --> 00:18:55,783 {\an7}Can we start with a trim? 469 00:18:55,783 --> 00:18:59,123 {\an7}\h\h\h\h- We can absolutely do a trim before your appointment. 470 00:18:59,123 --> 00:19:00,189 {\an7}\hYeah. - Okay. 471 00:19:00,189 --> 00:19:02,519 {\an7}And then ease--ease my way in, 472 00:19:02,519 --> 00:19:03,453 {\an7}we take a couple inches off, 473 00:19:03,453 --> 00:19:06,387 {\an7}and then we come back and we do \h\h\hthe next a couple inches, 474 00:19:06,387 --> 00:19:10,519 {\an7}and we do that for eight weeks \h\hand then we go for the wax. 475 00:19:10,519 --> 00:19:13,915 {\an7}\h\hAhh! [laughs] 476 00:19:14,354 --> 00:19:15,717 {\an7}- Wow. 477 00:19:15,717 --> 00:19:17,684 {\an7}Okay, well, when you’re ready-- \h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h- Yes. 478 00:19:17,684 --> 00:19:21,057 {\an7}\h\h\h\h\h- Give me a call back and we’ll get you booked. Okay? 479 00:19:21,057 --> 00:19:23,684 {\an7}- Oh, you are too nice. \h\h\h\h\h\h\h[laughs] 480 00:19:23,684 --> 00:19:26,420 {\an7}You are too--thanks, \h\hyou’re so sweet. 481 00:19:26,420 --> 00:19:28,882 {\an7}\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h- I know. Was there anything more? 482 00:19:28,882 --> 00:19:30,783 {\an7}I’m just--I’m just \h\h\hsitting here. 483 00:19:30,783 --> 00:19:32,090 {\an7}I’m just waiting on you. 484 00:19:32,090 --> 00:19:34,024 {\an7}You tell me what else \hyou’d like to say? 485 00:19:34,024 --> 00:19:37,288 {\an7}- Do you hold people’s hands \h\h\h\hor is that too much? 486 00:19:37,288 --> 00:19:39,189 {\an7}Is that a bridge too far? 487 00:19:39,189 --> 00:19:41,057 {\an7}- If you need someone \hto hold your hand, 488 00:19:41,057 --> 00:19:44,156 {\an7}\h\hthen I don’t know that you’ll be able to do that. 489 00:19:44,156 --> 00:19:49,321 {\an7}\h- Hold my feet, hold my hands or anything you can grab onto. 490 00:19:49,321 --> 00:19:50,585 {\an7}I’m scared. 491 00:19:50,585 --> 00:19:53,057 {\an7}[dog barking] \h\h\h\hOhh! 492 00:19:53,057 --> 00:19:54,618 {\an7}My doggie is scared. 493 00:19:54,618 --> 00:19:57,684 {\an7}He picks up on my feelings. \h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h[laughs] 494 00:19:57,684 --> 00:19:59,816 {\an7}- I’m dying. \h- You know. 495 00:19:59,816 --> 00:20:01,321 {\an7}Ahh! 496 00:20:01,321 --> 00:20:02,519 {\an7}Ohh, Yuri, Yuri. 497 00:20:02,519 --> 00:20:06,519 {\an7}Ahh! He’s afraid of my bush. \h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h[laughs] Ahh! 498 00:20:06,519 --> 00:20:10,057 {\an7}\h\h- Okay, so this is definitely interesting 499 00:20:10,057 --> 00:20:12,991 {\an7}and I appreciate you taking \h\h\hyour time to call me 500 00:20:12,991 --> 00:20:16,453 {\an7}\h\h\h\h\hand--and share this experience with me. 501 00:20:16,453 --> 00:20:17,849 {\an7}\h\hYou’re welcome to call back again 502 00:20:17,849 --> 00:20:19,288 {\an7}if we need to go through it again. 503 00:20:19,288 --> 00:20:20,354 {\an7}- I’ll call in two minutes. 504 00:20:20,354 --> 00:20:21,750 {\an7}\h\h\h\hI’m gonna try to calm the dog down. 505 00:20:21,750 --> 00:20:24,486 {\an7}You are so wonderful. \h\h\hOh, thank you. 506 00:20:24,486 --> 00:20:28,387 {\an7}- Fantastic. Thank you. \h\h\h\h\h\h\hBye-bye. 507 00:20:28,387 --> 00:20:29,288 {\an7}- Thank you. [laughs] 508 00:20:29,288 --> 00:20:32,882 {\an7}Sorry for the chaos. \h\h\h\h\h- [laughs] 509 00:20:34,798 --> 00:20:37,267 [upbeat music] 510 00:20:57,487 --> 00:20:58,555 - Look at that. 511 00:21:00,523 --> 00:21:02,892 - MTV