1 00:00:17,733 --> 00:00:19,633 CROUPIER: Mesdames, messieurs, faites vos jeux. 2 00:00:42,800 --> 00:00:46,067 MAN: Striking girl, very striking. 3 00:00:46,167 --> 00:00:48,300 Don't you think, Vandernoodt? 4 00:00:48,400 --> 00:00:50,867 A man might risk hanging for her. 5 00:00:50,967 --> 00:00:52,367 Well, a fool might. 6 00:00:52,467 --> 00:00:53,767 WOMAN: She's with baroness Langen. 7 00:00:53,867 --> 00:00:55,333 Oh, ein deutches madchen. 8 00:00:55,433 --> 00:00:56,633 VANDERNOODT: No, no, she's English. 9 00:00:56,733 --> 00:00:58,733 And rich? Eh, who knows? 10 00:00:58,833 --> 00:01:01,500 VANDERNOODT: Who knows that about anybody these days? 11 00:01:08,800 --> 00:01:11,767 CROUPIER: Dix-sept noir. Impair et manche. 12 00:01:28,267 --> 00:01:30,500 Faites vos jeux, mesdames, messieurs. 13 00:01:39,533 --> 00:01:41,067 Les jeux sont fait. 14 00:01:47,300 --> 00:01:50,067 Dix-sept noir. Impair et manche. 15 00:01:52,867 --> 00:01:55,067 Stop now. 16 00:01:55,133 --> 00:01:58,633 Think, you can take your winnings back home to England. 17 00:02:00,900 --> 00:02:03,567 CROUPIER: Faites vos jeux, mesdames et messieurs. 18 00:02:07,800 --> 00:02:11,200 My dear, what are you doing? 19 00:02:12,067 --> 00:02:14,067 Is crazy to play this way! 20 00:02:14,167 --> 00:02:15,800 It is the only way. 21 00:02:19,067 --> 00:02:20,800 CROUPIER: Les jeux sont fait. 22 00:02:30,900 --> 00:02:34,833 -CROUPIER: Vingt-huit noir. Pair et passe. 23 00:02:48,300 --> 00:02:50,067 Do you know that man? 24 00:02:51,167 --> 00:02:52,767 With Sir Hugo Mallinger? 25 00:02:53,733 --> 00:02:56,467 That is Daniel Deronda, his son... 26 00:02:57,400 --> 00:03:00,833 Adopted son, I should say. 27 00:03:00,933 --> 00:03:05,100 It is assumed that he is Sir Hugo's illegitimate son. 28 00:03:05,500 --> 00:03:07,267 Really? 29 00:03:07,367 --> 00:03:08,967 You are interested? 30 00:03:10,133 --> 00:03:11,600 Possibly. 31 00:03:11,700 --> 00:03:14,433 He seems... Not like young men in general. 32 00:03:14,533 --> 00:03:16,667 And you don't like young men in general? 33 00:03:16,767 --> 00:03:19,133 No, I don't. 34 00:04:26,967 --> 00:04:30,400 Well, dear, what do you think of the place? 35 00:04:33,733 --> 00:04:35,633 I think it's charming. 36 00:04:35,733 --> 00:04:38,300 No one need be ashamed of living here. 37 00:04:38,400 --> 00:04:40,100 Well, that's a relief. 38 00:04:40,200 --> 00:04:42,733 So clever of you, Uncle, to find it for us. 39 00:04:42,833 --> 00:04:45,733 It would do for fallen royalty, it's so romantic. 40 00:04:45,833 --> 00:04:47,933 There's certainly nothing to be ashamed of. 41 00:04:48,067 --> 00:04:49,733 Come on, let's go inside. 42 00:04:53,500 --> 00:04:54,767 Thank you. 43 00:05:00,533 --> 00:05:04,900 Old things, as you see, but all quite good. 44 00:05:05,067 --> 00:05:06,767 It's perfect. 45 00:05:06,867 --> 00:05:10,900 I want to do all the country things, sketching and archery... 46 00:05:11,067 --> 00:05:14,133 And I shall have a horse and ride out every day. 47 00:05:14,233 --> 00:05:18,467 Well, you're welcome to borrow old Betsy as often as you like. 48 00:05:18,567 --> 00:05:21,833 No, Uncle, I mean a proper horse. 49 00:05:21,933 --> 00:05:26,100 Something pretty, so you can be proud of me when you see me out on him. 50 00:05:26,200 --> 00:05:28,800 But, my dear, we must be aware of the expense. 51 00:05:28,900 --> 00:05:30,800 Oh, but I must. 52 00:05:32,300 --> 00:05:34,600 It might be managed. 53 00:05:34,700 --> 00:05:36,400 She always gets everything she wants! 54 00:05:36,500 --> 00:05:38,567 That's because I won't put up with anything less. 55 00:05:38,667 --> 00:05:40,200 Come on, let's explore. 56 00:05:42,333 --> 00:05:44,467 You're really too kind to us, Harry. 57 00:05:44,567 --> 00:05:46,067 Not really. 58 00:05:46,100 --> 00:05:51,300 I'm a rational man, Fanny, and I make rational judgements. 59 00:05:51,400 --> 00:05:55,467 That girl is worth some expense as an investment. 60 00:06:10,667 --> 00:06:12,733 By God, she's a beautiful girl. 61 00:06:13,500 --> 00:06:14,833 Yes. 62 00:06:15,767 --> 00:06:18,433 I'm rather sorry we invited her. 63 00:06:18,533 --> 00:06:21,367 She does rather outshine our poor Catherine. 64 00:06:21,467 --> 00:06:24,333 -Who is she, exactly? -Gwendolen Harleth. 65 00:06:24,433 --> 00:06:26,567 Her mother's Mrs Davilow. 66 00:06:26,667 --> 00:06:28,667 The second husband died recently. 67 00:06:28,767 --> 00:06:31,067 Not a man of substance or breeding. 68 00:06:31,167 --> 00:06:32,633 Now they've washed up here. 69 00:06:37,200 --> 00:06:42,067 Rex. Not for you, Rex. 70 00:06:42,100 --> 00:06:45,933 -And why shouldn't she be? -Cousins, Rex. Never works. 71 00:06:46,067 --> 00:06:49,100 Besides, she needs to capture a fortune. 72 00:06:53,267 --> 00:06:54,633 -Charming! 73 00:06:55,267 --> 00:06:56,500 Charming! 74 00:06:59,800 --> 00:07:02,300 REX: Encore! Encore! 75 00:07:03,733 --> 00:07:06,233 -Oh, yes, please, Gwendolen. -No, I couldn't possibly. 76 00:07:06,333 --> 00:07:09,200 It would be too cruel to a great musician. 77 00:07:09,300 --> 00:07:12,667 -How you must despise us, Herr Klesmer. -Not at all. 78 00:07:12,767 --> 00:07:15,867 It's always a pleasure to see you sing. 79 00:07:15,967 --> 00:07:17,200 Oh, I say, look here. 80 00:07:17,300 --> 00:07:19,100 You see what I have to go through, Gwen. 81 00:07:19,200 --> 00:07:22,567 Herr Klesmer can hardly tolerate anything we English do in music. 82 00:07:22,667 --> 00:07:26,300 I suppose we should be grateful for being told the worst. 83 00:07:26,400 --> 00:07:29,400 I daresay I have been very ill-taught 84 00:07:29,500 --> 00:07:32,167 as well as having no talent. 85 00:07:32,267 --> 00:07:34,367 Yes, you have been very ill-taught. 86 00:07:34,467 --> 00:07:36,933 Still, you're not quite without talent. 87 00:07:37,667 --> 00:07:39,167 Never mind, Gwen. 88 00:07:39,267 --> 00:07:41,700 Coming from him, that's a great compliment. 89 00:07:41,800 --> 00:07:44,933 But the music you sing is beneath you... 90 00:07:45,067 --> 00:07:48,733 ...no cries of deep, mysterious passion. 91 00:07:50,067 --> 00:07:52,300 Well... 92 00:07:52,400 --> 00:07:55,167 I'm sure we would all love to hear you play. 93 00:08:02,133 --> 00:08:04,900 What right has that damned fellow to insult you? 94 00:08:05,067 --> 00:08:06,567 Every right, unfortunately. 95 00:08:07,733 --> 00:08:10,833 But it was sweet of you to care, Rex. 96 00:08:10,933 --> 00:08:13,700 -Mr Clintock. -I wish you'd sing to us again. 97 00:08:13,800 --> 00:08:16,233 That's the style of music for me, I... 98 00:08:18,600 --> 00:08:20,900 I can never make anything of this tip-top playing. 99 00:08:21,067 --> 00:08:22,833 You prefer the mediocre, then? 100 00:08:22,933 --> 00:08:25,500 No, no, not what I... 101 00:08:25,600 --> 00:08:27,667 Dash it, you know what I mean! 102 00:08:27,767 --> 00:08:30,800 Excuse me, I must go to poor mama. 103 00:08:30,900 --> 00:08:32,800 She does not like to stay out too late. 104 00:08:39,733 --> 00:08:43,967 Imagine being so rich that you could keep one of Europe's leading composers 105 00:08:44,067 --> 00:08:45,700 as a family pet. 106 00:08:47,167 --> 00:08:49,400 Even though he does snap and snarl rather. 107 00:08:49,500 --> 00:08:54,700 Hmm. I don't know why anyone would want such a creature around them. 108 00:08:54,800 --> 00:08:58,667 But the Arrowpoints have been very kind to you, Gwendolen. 109 00:08:58,767 --> 00:09:00,833 Such a pity they weren't blessed with sons. 110 00:09:00,933 --> 00:09:03,333 Such a pity for themselves or for us? 111 00:09:05,667 --> 00:09:08,233 But the Clintocks are almost as wealthy. 112 00:09:08,333 --> 00:09:11,067 Did you like young Mr Clintock? 113 00:09:11,133 --> 00:09:13,200 Oh, he's a fool, mother! 114 00:09:13,300 --> 00:09:15,300 Do you know what he told me? 115 00:09:15,400 --> 00:09:18,067 He's writing a poem in four cantos 116 00:09:18,167 --> 00:09:19,867 about croquet. 117 00:09:20,800 --> 00:09:23,233 Oh... Dear. 118 00:09:24,433 --> 00:09:26,067 Is that so very bad? 119 00:09:26,167 --> 00:09:29,100 I wish I didn't have to be married at all. 120 00:09:29,200 --> 00:09:32,533 From what I've seen of it, it seems a very dreary life. 121 00:09:32,633 --> 00:09:35,800 So many women allow themselves to be made slaves of. 122 00:09:35,900 --> 00:09:37,967 All those children. 123 00:09:38,067 --> 00:09:40,900 It's certainly not the fulfilment of my ambition. 124 00:09:41,067 --> 00:09:44,933 -WOMAN: Daniel! -No, no, you must come in. 125 00:09:45,067 --> 00:09:46,667 Things for you to see. 126 00:09:47,733 --> 00:09:49,233 -Daniel! -Daniel! 127 00:09:49,333 --> 00:09:50,967 Mother, Dan's here! 128 00:09:51,067 --> 00:09:52,267 Oh, come and sing with us, Dan! 129 00:09:52,367 --> 00:09:54,867 -MAN: He hasn't come for that. -Oh, Hans! 130 00:09:54,967 --> 00:09:56,633 Stay for tea, Dan! 131 00:10:08,767 --> 00:10:10,333 Well, what do you think? 132 00:10:10,433 --> 00:10:12,500 There's so much life. 133 00:10:12,600 --> 00:10:14,767 You've been working hard, Hans. 134 00:10:14,867 --> 00:10:16,300 All thanks to you. 135 00:10:16,400 --> 00:10:18,000 At the end of term, I'd have had to go out 136 00:10:18,100 --> 00:10:20,800 looking for a job without your help. 137 00:10:20,900 --> 00:10:24,033 And now I have this chance of studying the great masters in Rome. 138 00:10:24,133 --> 00:10:25,533 I have more than I need. 139 00:10:25,633 --> 00:10:26,967 What else would I do with it? 140 00:10:27,067 --> 00:10:28,800 I won't forget it. 141 00:10:28,900 --> 00:10:30,733 And I hope one day I can pay you back. 142 00:10:32,467 --> 00:10:35,100 Everything's come clear for me now. 143 00:10:35,200 --> 00:10:36,667 I know what I want to do now, Dan. 144 00:10:36,767 --> 00:10:38,333 I envy you. 145 00:10:38,433 --> 00:10:40,067 What? 146 00:10:40,167 --> 00:10:41,733 Your certainty, I suppose. 147 00:10:44,533 --> 00:10:46,100 Have you told Sir Hugo yet? 148 00:10:49,000 --> 00:10:50,300 No, not yet. 149 00:11:02,300 --> 00:11:04,500 Leave Cambridge? 150 00:11:04,600 --> 00:11:06,567 But why on earth should you do that? 151 00:11:08,067 --> 00:11:10,067 Your tutor says you should get a fellowship. 152 00:11:10,167 --> 00:11:12,067 It's not what I want, Sir. 153 00:11:12,133 --> 00:11:14,933 I want to find my own way in the world. 154 00:11:15,067 --> 00:11:17,300 Oh, and how do you propose to do that? 155 00:11:17,400 --> 00:11:19,333 I want to travel. 156 00:11:19,433 --> 00:11:21,567 Not the grand tour. 157 00:11:21,667 --> 00:11:27,067 I'd like to find out how other people live, understand their philosophies. 158 00:11:27,100 --> 00:11:28,967 I just think there has to be much more to life 159 00:11:29,067 --> 00:11:32,533 than Eton and Cambridge and studying classics. 160 00:11:32,633 --> 00:11:34,467 No, there's no doubt there is. 161 00:11:36,967 --> 00:11:42,067 So you don't want to be an English gentleman to the backbone after all? 162 00:11:42,167 --> 00:11:44,933 Yes, of course I want to be an English gentleman, Sir. 163 00:11:46,233 --> 00:11:49,667 But I want to understand other points of view. 164 00:11:57,767 --> 00:12:01,300 Didn't you spend a year or two travelling in Europe when you were younger? 165 00:12:02,333 --> 00:12:03,733 One year. 166 00:12:06,367 --> 00:12:09,067 The best and the worst year of my life. 167 00:12:12,967 --> 00:12:14,167 Hmm. 168 00:12:16,400 --> 00:12:18,967 Very well, Dan, suppose we say this... 169 00:12:19,067 --> 00:12:24,100 You take a little time off and then join us in the summer at Leubronn. 170 00:12:24,200 --> 00:12:27,867 Who knows, you might find what you're looking for there. 171 00:12:27,967 --> 00:12:29,267 Thank you, Sir. 172 00:12:31,900 --> 00:12:33,133 REX: Good morning. 173 00:12:33,233 --> 00:12:35,933 Oh, Rex, what on earth is that you're riding? 174 00:12:36,067 --> 00:12:38,167 Oh, Betsy. She tries her best. 175 00:12:38,267 --> 00:12:41,200 My father can't afford to keep a hunter for me. 176 00:12:41,300 --> 00:12:42,967 Not while I'm off at Oxford. 177 00:12:45,667 --> 00:12:48,067 You make me feel quite guilty. 178 00:12:48,167 --> 00:12:52,233 -Why? -You must know your father bought Persephone for me. 179 00:12:52,333 --> 00:12:54,067 It's not fair, is it? 180 00:12:54,100 --> 00:12:56,300 I get everything I want, and you get nothing. 181 00:12:56,400 --> 00:12:59,233 -Well, I get the pleasure of seeing you ride. -Well, that's true. 182 00:12:59,333 --> 00:13:01,433 Should we go hunting today? 183 00:13:01,533 --> 00:13:04,200 Ladies don't hunt, not in this part of the country. 184 00:13:04,300 --> 00:13:05,600 Girls' lives are so stupid! 185 00:13:05,700 --> 00:13:07,567 We can never do what we like! 186 00:13:07,667 --> 00:13:09,333 And what should you like to do? 187 00:13:09,433 --> 00:13:12,633 Oh, I don't know, go to the North Pole, 188 00:13:12,733 --> 00:13:14,967 ride steeplechases, 189 00:13:15,067 --> 00:13:16,667 be a queen in the east. 190 00:13:19,900 --> 00:13:23,367 REX: That's Diplow Hall, Sir Hugo Mallinger's place. 191 00:13:23,467 --> 00:13:26,300 His nephew Mallinger Grandcourt's taken it for the season. 192 00:13:26,400 --> 00:13:28,467 Of course, when Sir Hugo dies, 193 00:13:28,567 --> 00:13:31,067 Grandcourt will inherit this and all the rest. 194 00:13:31,100 --> 00:13:33,567 He'll be one of the richest men in England. 195 00:13:33,667 --> 00:13:35,067 Will he, indeed? 196 00:13:36,167 --> 00:13:38,900 Come on, I can hear the hounds. 197 00:14:01,067 --> 00:14:03,533 Morning, Gascoigne. How's your father? 198 00:14:03,633 --> 00:14:06,100 Very well, thank you, my lord. 199 00:14:06,200 --> 00:14:09,067 -Do you know... -Miss Harleth, ain't it? 200 00:14:09,133 --> 00:14:11,633 Glad to see you here. 201 00:14:11,733 --> 00:14:14,367 We shall have a first-class run. 202 00:14:14,467 --> 00:14:16,833 Pity you don't go with us. 203 00:14:16,933 --> 00:14:19,067 Ever tried that mare at a ditch? 204 00:14:19,100 --> 00:14:21,267 You wouldn't be afraid, I'd wager, eh? 205 00:14:21,367 --> 00:14:23,100 Not the least in the world. 206 00:14:23,200 --> 00:14:24,600 BRACKENSHAW: Good for you! 207 00:14:26,067 --> 00:14:28,133 By jove, here we go! 208 00:14:31,767 --> 00:14:33,800 Come on, come on. 209 00:14:34,533 --> 00:14:35,833 Gwendolen! 210 00:14:39,400 --> 00:14:40,600 Come on! 211 00:14:44,433 --> 00:14:45,700 REX: Come on! 212 00:14:45,800 --> 00:14:47,433 Gwendolen! 213 00:15:06,433 --> 00:15:07,800 Gwendolen! 214 00:15:10,067 --> 00:15:11,667 Come on, Betsy! 215 00:15:14,433 --> 00:15:16,167 Come on! 216 00:15:16,267 --> 00:15:17,567 Come on, Betsy! Come on! 217 00:15:36,567 --> 00:15:37,967 Dislocated shoulder. 218 00:15:38,067 --> 00:15:40,800 Oh, dear. Poor you. 219 00:15:41,933 --> 00:15:43,333 I wish I'd seen it. 220 00:15:45,067 --> 00:15:46,567 I shouldn't say that. 221 00:15:46,667 --> 00:15:48,467 Is it very painful? 222 00:15:48,567 --> 00:15:49,767 Well, yes it is, rather. 223 00:15:49,867 --> 00:15:51,733 I'm sorry. 224 00:15:51,833 --> 00:15:53,367 This is awful of me. 225 00:15:53,467 --> 00:15:55,400 I am sorry, really. 226 00:15:55,500 --> 00:15:56,633 My father wants me to spend 227 00:15:56,733 --> 00:15:58,867 the rest of the vacation in Southampton. 228 00:15:59,900 --> 00:16:01,867 I can't really say no. 229 00:16:01,967 --> 00:16:05,133 Southampton? What on earth for? 230 00:16:05,233 --> 00:16:07,100 Well, I think it's something to do with you. 231 00:16:07,967 --> 00:16:09,367 What do you mean? 232 00:16:11,667 --> 00:16:12,967 Don't you know? 233 00:16:13,067 --> 00:16:16,100 Well, Southampton seems a very stupid place to go to. 234 00:16:17,300 --> 00:16:19,067 It will be for me... 235 00:16:20,700 --> 00:16:22,333 Because you're not there. 236 00:16:22,433 --> 00:16:24,067 That's a very pretty speech. 237 00:16:24,133 --> 00:16:27,200 It's not meant to be a pretty speech. 238 00:16:27,300 --> 00:16:29,400 Will you mind about my going away? 239 00:16:30,467 --> 00:16:33,633 Yes, of course I shall. 240 00:16:33,733 --> 00:16:35,967 Everyone is important in this dreary neighbourhood. 241 00:16:36,067 --> 00:16:38,633 For God's sake, Gwendolen! Don't treat me as if I... 242 00:16:40,400 --> 00:16:42,133 I can't go away... 243 00:16:44,067 --> 00:16:46,567 Without telling you I love you... 244 00:16:46,667 --> 00:16:48,867 And knowing that you love me, 245 00:16:50,233 --> 00:16:52,600 a little, at least. 246 00:16:52,700 --> 00:16:53,967 And you do, don't you? 247 00:16:54,067 --> 00:16:56,200 Don't touch me, I can't bear it! 248 00:16:57,333 --> 00:16:59,133 I don't want to be made love to. 249 00:17:01,100 --> 00:17:02,967 Talk about something else or go away. 250 00:17:09,133 --> 00:17:10,633 What's the matter? 251 00:17:12,567 --> 00:17:14,433 I shall never love anybody. 252 00:17:14,533 --> 00:17:17,533 I can't love people. I only hate them! 253 00:17:33,133 --> 00:17:34,533 Don't break off for me. 254 00:17:34,633 --> 00:17:36,433 A welcome interruption. 255 00:17:36,533 --> 00:17:40,667 I had had already as much as I could bear of miss Arrowpoint's playing. 256 00:17:40,767 --> 00:17:45,200 Ah, her company, now, different matter entirely. 257 00:17:45,300 --> 00:17:47,400 And you wonder why nobody likes you. 258 00:17:47,500 --> 00:17:49,600 Come, Gwen, let's leave him to himself. 259 00:17:52,467 --> 00:17:56,233 Mama insists I wear a gold dress for the archery contest. 260 00:17:56,333 --> 00:17:59,233 I think she means to advertise how rich we are to Mr Grandcourt. 261 00:18:00,767 --> 00:18:04,100 Mr Grandcourt. Is he coming, then? 262 00:18:04,200 --> 00:18:05,967 Supposedly. 263 00:18:06,067 --> 00:18:09,067 -What is he like? -I don't know, I haven't met him yet. 264 00:18:09,167 --> 00:18:11,567 How disappointing if he should turn out to be a toad. 265 00:18:12,700 --> 00:18:14,333 Disappointing for some. 266 00:18:14,433 --> 00:18:16,300 If he turns out not to be a toad, 267 00:18:16,400 --> 00:18:20,867 perhaps I shall make him fall in love with me, and then send him packing. 268 00:18:20,967 --> 00:18:22,167 What would you say to that? 269 00:18:22,267 --> 00:18:23,933 Nothing at all. 270 00:18:24,067 --> 00:18:25,733 My affections lie elsewhere. 271 00:18:26,833 --> 00:18:27,900 Really? 272 00:18:28,433 --> 00:18:29,500 Who? 273 00:18:31,067 --> 00:18:32,733 I can't say. 274 00:18:32,833 --> 00:18:34,367 You mustn't ask me. 275 00:18:35,233 --> 00:18:36,800 It's impossible anyway. 276 00:18:56,600 --> 00:19:01,067 MAN: Ladies, when you are ready, you may loose your arrows. 277 00:19:30,833 --> 00:19:34,667 MAN: Ladies, you may collect your arrows. 278 00:19:34,767 --> 00:19:37,133 GASCOIGNE: It's really rather scandalous of you 279 00:19:37,233 --> 00:19:39,800 to do so well, Gwendolen, on your first outing. 280 00:19:39,900 --> 00:19:41,067 It's not my fault. 281 00:19:41,133 --> 00:19:43,100 If I'm to aim, I can't help hitting. 282 00:19:43,200 --> 00:19:46,600 Ha! That might be a fatal business for some young man. 283 00:19:46,700 --> 00:19:49,133 It's their lookout if they get in the way. 284 00:19:49,233 --> 00:19:52,067 I suppose that's what my poor boy Rex did. 285 00:19:52,100 --> 00:19:54,400 Yes, I suppose it is. 286 00:19:55,667 --> 00:19:59,067 Grandcourt, there you are at last! 287 00:19:59,133 --> 00:20:01,100 Miss Harleth, allow me to introduce you 288 00:20:01,200 --> 00:20:03,667 to Mr Henleigh Mallinger Grandcourt. 289 00:20:03,767 --> 00:20:05,667 -How do you do? -How do you do? 290 00:20:05,767 --> 00:20:08,933 Lord Brackenshaw, Mr Gascoigne, would you come and settle a point of difference? 291 00:20:09,033 --> 00:20:11,733 BRACKENSHAW: Of course, my dear, what is it? 292 00:20:11,833 --> 00:20:15,067 Miss Fenn is claiming a red, but I rather think she has scored a gold. 293 00:20:26,300 --> 00:20:29,133 I used to think archery was a great bore. 294 00:20:29,233 --> 00:20:31,200 And have you been converted today? 295 00:20:37,600 --> 00:20:40,600 Believe I have, yes. 296 00:20:40,700 --> 00:20:44,767 In things of this sort, one generally sees people missing and simpering. 297 00:20:47,133 --> 00:20:50,700 I suppose you're a first-rate shot with a rifle. 298 00:20:50,800 --> 00:20:52,000 I've left off shooting. 299 00:20:52,100 --> 00:20:54,533 But not hunting, I hear. 300 00:20:56,167 --> 00:20:57,967 One must do something. 301 00:21:00,200 --> 00:21:01,433 Are you fond of horses? 302 00:21:03,100 --> 00:21:07,233 Yes. I never like my life so well as when I am on horseback. 303 00:21:08,200 --> 00:21:10,500 I think of nothing. 304 00:21:10,600 --> 00:21:14,067 I only feel myself strong and happy. 305 00:21:15,233 --> 00:21:16,600 Good. 306 00:21:16,700 --> 00:21:20,867 GASCOIGNE: Just missed winning the golden arrow, Gwendolen. 307 00:21:20,967 --> 00:21:23,967 Juliet Fenn pipped you on the overall score. 308 00:21:24,067 --> 00:21:25,500 I'm glad to hear it. 309 00:21:25,600 --> 00:21:27,967 One doesn't wish to carry off the best of everything. 310 00:21:28,067 --> 00:21:29,367 Doesn't one. 311 00:21:30,067 --> 00:21:31,367 Why not? 312 00:21:31,467 --> 00:21:35,133 Well, one doesn't want to make oneself unpopular. 313 00:21:36,933 --> 00:21:39,800 Why should you care what these people think? 314 00:21:40,700 --> 00:21:41,967 I say, Grandcourt... 315 00:21:42,067 --> 00:21:43,933 Yes, Lush, when I'm ready. 316 00:21:46,833 --> 00:21:48,067 Miss Harleth. 317 00:21:51,200 --> 00:21:52,633 Mr Gascoigne. 318 00:22:01,867 --> 00:22:03,433 Who's the other one? 319 00:22:03,533 --> 00:22:05,667 Lush? He's Grandcourt's friend. 320 00:22:05,767 --> 00:22:07,433 Goes everywhere with him, apparently. 321 00:22:07,533 --> 00:22:09,567 He's Grandcourt's creature. 322 00:22:09,667 --> 00:22:12,233 Grandcourt doesn't go in for friends. 323 00:22:12,333 --> 00:22:14,900 He keeps Lush to do things for him. 324 00:22:15,067 --> 00:22:17,100 What sort of things? 325 00:22:17,200 --> 00:22:19,833 The things he doesn't care to do himself. 326 00:22:20,567 --> 00:22:21,833 He looks... 327 00:22:22,400 --> 00:22:24,100 Unpleasant. 328 00:22:24,200 --> 00:22:25,300 I don't like him. 329 00:22:25,400 --> 00:22:28,067 Mr Lush or Mr Grandcourt? 330 00:22:28,167 --> 00:22:29,267 Oh, Mr Lush. 331 00:22:31,233 --> 00:22:33,067 Mr Grandcourt rather... 332 00:22:35,300 --> 00:22:36,633 Interests me. 333 00:22:49,933 --> 00:22:51,233 Miss Harleth. 334 00:22:52,167 --> 00:22:53,800 Mr Clintock. 335 00:22:53,900 --> 00:22:56,300 You don't care to dance? 336 00:22:56,400 --> 00:22:58,767 Won't you have the rest of this one with me? 337 00:23:01,100 --> 00:23:02,800 I don't care to waltz. 338 00:23:02,900 --> 00:23:04,067 Don't care to waltz? 339 00:23:04,967 --> 00:23:06,400 Why ever not? 340 00:23:07,533 --> 00:23:08,933 It's too... 341 00:23:12,800 --> 00:23:15,967 What do you think of miss Arrowpoint's dress? 342 00:23:17,100 --> 00:23:18,600 CLINTOCK: All right. 343 00:23:20,100 --> 00:23:21,600 Not half as pretty as yours. 344 00:23:23,100 --> 00:23:25,367 They say Grandcourt has come here to woo her. 345 00:23:25,833 --> 00:23:27,867 Do they? 346 00:23:27,967 --> 00:23:29,867 He's not working very hard at it. 347 00:23:29,967 --> 00:23:32,733 Ah, these great men... 348 00:23:32,833 --> 00:23:35,533 They have their own way of doing things. 349 00:23:35,633 --> 00:23:36,667 Miss Harleth. 350 00:23:38,067 --> 00:23:39,500 Would you care to dance? 351 00:23:41,833 --> 00:23:45,267 I would be very happy to dance the next quadrille with you. 352 00:24:11,567 --> 00:24:14,267 Somebody told me that you don't like dancing. 353 00:24:14,667 --> 00:24:15,900 True. 354 00:24:17,467 --> 00:24:20,100 But, as you see, I make an exception for you. 355 00:24:20,200 --> 00:24:22,500 Should I be flattered? 356 00:24:22,600 --> 00:24:26,633 You should take it as a matter of course, as I think you do. 357 00:24:36,067 --> 00:24:38,233 You understand your power. 358 00:24:39,767 --> 00:24:41,067 My power? 359 00:24:41,167 --> 00:24:43,533 What power do I have over you? 360 00:24:45,667 --> 00:24:47,500 Do you like this sort of thing. 361 00:24:54,100 --> 00:24:55,267 Yes. 362 00:24:57,467 --> 00:24:58,567 Good. 363 00:25:01,600 --> 00:25:03,067 GRANDCOURT: Shall we sit down? 364 00:25:03,133 --> 00:25:04,633 GWENDOLEN: Yes, all right. 365 00:25:13,267 --> 00:25:14,633 Oh, no. 366 00:25:14,733 --> 00:25:16,500 Give it to me, Lush. 367 00:25:19,333 --> 00:25:20,667 GWENDOLEN: Thank you. 368 00:25:25,067 --> 00:25:26,800 I don't like that man. 369 00:25:27,800 --> 00:25:29,200 GRANDCOURT: Few people do. 370 00:25:30,067 --> 00:25:32,067 But I find him useful. 371 00:25:35,067 --> 00:25:38,600 Miss Harleth, I should like to see more of you. 372 00:25:40,067 --> 00:25:41,267 Should you? 373 00:26:03,933 --> 00:26:06,833 Shall you call on miss Arrowpoint today? 374 00:26:06,933 --> 00:26:08,200 No. 375 00:26:10,167 --> 00:26:12,400 Nothing will come of nothing. 376 00:26:12,500 --> 00:26:13,933 When a man intends to marry a million... 377 00:26:14,067 --> 00:26:16,733 But I'm not going to marry a million, Lush. 378 00:26:19,067 --> 00:26:20,467 That's a pity. 379 00:26:21,867 --> 00:26:23,533 You know, it could be very useful. 380 00:26:23,633 --> 00:26:24,933 Useful to you. 381 00:26:25,067 --> 00:26:26,067 Spare your oratory. 382 00:26:26,133 --> 00:26:27,933 I know what I'm going to do. 383 00:26:29,667 --> 00:26:31,300 What? 384 00:26:31,400 --> 00:26:33,067 I'm going to marry the other girl. 385 00:26:34,400 --> 00:26:35,933 Turn out that brute, would you? 386 00:26:51,633 --> 00:26:53,067 GWENDOLEN: I shall get away from you! 387 00:26:53,167 --> 00:26:54,467 GRANDCOURT: I don't think so! 388 00:27:02,500 --> 00:27:03,800 How do you like him? 389 00:27:03,900 --> 00:27:06,267 Very well. 390 00:27:06,367 --> 00:27:08,333 I should like to have a leap with him. 391 00:27:08,433 --> 00:27:10,100 Why don't you, then? 392 00:27:12,800 --> 00:27:14,833 Not while my mamma's in sight. 393 00:27:16,333 --> 00:27:18,667 I think she knows I would take care of you. 394 00:27:24,100 --> 00:27:27,367 I should like the right always to take care of you. 395 00:27:27,467 --> 00:27:29,833 I'm not sure I want to be taken care of. 396 00:27:29,933 --> 00:27:33,333 If I'm going to risk my neck, I'd rather be free to do it my own way. 397 00:27:49,233 --> 00:27:52,367 So, have you asked her? 398 00:27:52,867 --> 00:27:54,200 Not yet. 399 00:27:55,467 --> 00:27:58,133 I shall wait till the archery picnic, I think. 400 00:27:59,067 --> 00:28:01,167 And you think she'll accept? 401 00:28:03,400 --> 00:28:05,100 She's a fool if she doesn't. 402 00:28:06,700 --> 00:28:08,067 Forty-three. 403 00:28:09,867 --> 00:28:12,467 She has a will of her own, I think. 404 00:28:13,433 --> 00:28:15,633 Indeed, she has. 405 00:28:15,733 --> 00:28:18,433 She doesn't like you, Lush. 406 00:28:26,467 --> 00:28:29,433 My dear, you mustn't be cross, 407 00:28:30,533 --> 00:28:32,767 but, um, your Uncle thinks 408 00:28:32,867 --> 00:28:35,600 you're leading Mr Grandcourt rather a dance. 409 00:28:35,700 --> 00:28:37,067 Yes. 410 00:28:37,567 --> 00:28:39,067 Perhaps I am. 411 00:28:40,433 --> 00:28:43,233 Has he... Has he made his intentions clear? 412 00:28:43,333 --> 00:28:45,767 Oh, yes, I think so. 413 00:28:45,867 --> 00:28:48,567 I don't understand. I thought you liked him, dear. 414 00:28:48,667 --> 00:28:50,467 So I do... 415 00:28:50,567 --> 00:28:52,067 As liking goes. 416 00:28:52,167 --> 00:28:54,900 There's less to dislike about him than most men... 417 00:28:55,067 --> 00:28:58,233 ...verandas, stables, 418 00:28:58,333 --> 00:29:00,900 a tolerable figure, no horrid whiskers. 419 00:29:01,067 --> 00:29:03,233 Do be serious for a moment, dear. 420 00:29:05,133 --> 00:29:08,600 Am I to understand that you mean to accept him? 421 00:29:08,700 --> 00:29:11,633 Oh mama, I wish you'd leave me to myself. 422 00:29:11,733 --> 00:29:14,800 Because, if you do mean to accept him, 423 00:29:15,933 --> 00:29:18,067 you should leave him in no doubt. 424 00:29:20,900 --> 00:29:22,167 Very well. 425 00:29:27,667 --> 00:29:28,833 Then I shall. 426 00:29:59,067 --> 00:30:02,033 Do you know how long it is since I last saw you in that dress? 427 00:30:03,333 --> 00:30:04,767 No. 428 00:30:04,867 --> 00:30:05,967 Three weeks. 429 00:30:09,533 --> 00:30:12,300 Do you intend to torment me much longer? 430 00:30:14,667 --> 00:30:18,400 No. That would make me sorry. 431 00:30:18,500 --> 00:30:21,233 Then would it be possible, perhaps, for us to meet in private? 432 00:30:23,533 --> 00:30:26,467 Well... Yes, that is... 433 00:30:27,767 --> 00:30:31,233 -Later, then. -Yes, later. 434 00:30:48,867 --> 00:30:50,833 MAN: I wish you very well. 435 00:30:56,067 --> 00:30:57,433 Miss Harleth. 436 00:31:00,067 --> 00:31:01,200 Thank you. 437 00:31:12,367 --> 00:31:16,467 "Please break from your party at the whispering stones. 438 00:31:19,800 --> 00:31:22,600 "You will hear something of great interest." 439 00:31:31,733 --> 00:31:34,567 CATHERINE: They look dreadfully ominous, don't they? 440 00:31:34,667 --> 00:31:37,500 One imagines all sorts of pagan rites. 441 00:31:37,600 --> 00:31:39,067 Human sacrifice. 442 00:31:39,100 --> 00:31:41,467 -Oh, don't, Gwendolen. -I'm sorry. 443 00:31:41,567 --> 00:31:43,800 I haven't your delicate sensibility, Catherine. 444 00:31:43,900 --> 00:31:46,067 High cross this way, ladies. 445 00:31:46,133 --> 00:31:47,833 And then to fortress oaks. 446 00:31:47,933 --> 00:31:49,867 Don't wait. I'll catch you up. 447 00:32:04,300 --> 00:32:05,633 Are you there? 448 00:32:07,767 --> 00:32:09,067 Miss Harleth? 449 00:32:10,500 --> 00:32:11,833 Yes? 450 00:32:13,400 --> 00:32:16,300 I have something to tell you about Mallinger Grandcourt. 451 00:32:16,400 --> 00:32:17,600 What? 452 00:32:19,600 --> 00:32:21,100 What do you know of him? 453 00:32:21,200 --> 00:32:22,367 How do you know my name? 454 00:32:22,467 --> 00:32:24,367 Before I tell you, I want your word 455 00:32:24,467 --> 00:32:27,900 that you won't tell him or anyone else that you've seen me today. 456 00:32:28,067 --> 00:32:29,633 He doesn't know I'm here. 457 00:32:31,067 --> 00:32:32,433 Yes. 458 00:32:33,667 --> 00:32:35,733 Go on, please. 459 00:32:35,833 --> 00:32:38,067 My name is Lydia Glasher. 460 00:32:38,133 --> 00:32:41,467 I left my husband for Grandcourt nine years ago. 461 00:32:42,233 --> 00:32:43,600 These children are his. 462 00:32:45,067 --> 00:32:46,667 Now my husband is dead, 463 00:32:46,767 --> 00:32:50,733 Grandcourt should marry me and make my son his heir. 464 00:32:53,700 --> 00:32:57,800 You are very beautiful, miss Harleth, and very young. 465 00:33:00,067 --> 00:33:03,067 When he first knew me, I was beautiful and young. 466 00:33:05,233 --> 00:33:06,467 I'm... 467 00:33:07,500 --> 00:33:09,067 I'm very sorry for you... 468 00:33:11,600 --> 00:33:14,833 But what can I do? I can't make him marry you! 469 00:33:14,933 --> 00:33:17,400 You can promise me you won't stand between him and me, 470 00:33:17,500 --> 00:33:19,600 you won't ruin me and my children. 471 00:33:19,700 --> 00:33:21,433 How could I ruin you? 472 00:33:22,300 --> 00:33:24,233 By marrying him yourself. 473 00:33:28,933 --> 00:33:30,200 Then, I shan't. 474 00:33:32,900 --> 00:33:34,100 You promise? 475 00:33:36,800 --> 00:33:38,333 Yes, I promise. 476 00:33:42,700 --> 00:33:44,133 Thank you. 477 00:34:13,167 --> 00:34:16,067 Gwendolen, what's the matter? 478 00:34:16,167 --> 00:34:18,267 Mr Grandcourt was looking for you. 479 00:34:18,367 --> 00:34:20,367 He may look if he likes. 480 00:34:21,567 --> 00:34:23,333 I don't wish to be found. 481 00:34:25,833 --> 00:34:27,633 Not by him at all events. 482 00:34:34,067 --> 00:34:36,900 I intend to join the Langens at Leubronn, mamma. 483 00:34:37,067 --> 00:34:40,533 I shall pack as soon as we get home and take the early train. 484 00:34:40,633 --> 00:34:42,167 I'll be there almost as soon as they are, 485 00:34:42,267 --> 00:34:44,100 we can let them know by telegraph. 486 00:34:45,433 --> 00:34:47,933 They were dying for me to join them. 487 00:34:48,067 --> 00:34:49,967 Well, I've decided I shall, after all. 488 00:34:50,067 --> 00:34:52,233 But why? 489 00:34:52,333 --> 00:34:54,400 What will I say to Mr Grandcourt? 490 00:34:55,667 --> 00:34:57,833 Don't ask me for a reason. 491 00:34:59,533 --> 00:35:01,400 I shall never tell you. 492 00:35:03,133 --> 00:35:05,833 I shall never see Mr Grandcourt again. 493 00:35:15,067 --> 00:35:16,600 You are interested? 494 00:35:16,700 --> 00:35:18,067 Possibly. 495 00:35:18,133 --> 00:35:21,600 He seems... Not like young men in general. 496 00:35:21,700 --> 00:35:24,600 -You want me to introduce you? -Not tonight. 497 00:35:25,333 --> 00:35:27,500 Tomorrow... Perhaps. 498 00:35:33,433 --> 00:35:35,467 -Fraulein Harleth. -Yes. 499 00:35:35,567 --> 00:35:37,667 This letter arrived this afternoon. 500 00:35:37,767 --> 00:35:39,067 Thank you. 501 00:35:40,667 --> 00:35:42,067 No, no, no. 502 00:35:42,167 --> 00:35:43,300 It's from my mother. 503 00:35:43,400 --> 00:35:44,600 Ah. 504 00:35:46,200 --> 00:35:50,067 "My dearest child, I hardly know how to begin. 505 00:35:50,100 --> 00:35:52,600 "You must return to England at once. 506 00:35:52,700 --> 00:35:56,833 "Your father's old company has collapsed, and we are ruined. 507 00:35:56,933 --> 00:36:00,500 "Oh, Gwendolen, when I think that but a few weeks ago we might have been allied 508 00:36:00,600 --> 00:36:03,267 "to one of the greatest families in England. 509 00:36:03,367 --> 00:36:05,100 "But I will not speak of that..." 510 00:36:05,200 --> 00:36:07,067 No, don't, mama. 511 00:36:23,500 --> 00:36:26,067 You're wishing to raise money on it to... 512 00:36:26,100 --> 00:36:27,933 I want to sell it outright. 513 00:36:29,233 --> 00:36:32,200 I'm leaving today and have no plans to return. 514 00:36:33,400 --> 00:36:35,067 Dommage. 515 00:36:36,567 --> 00:36:39,067 GWENDOLEN: No, no, no, it's just a family thing. 516 00:36:39,133 --> 00:36:41,067 Such a nuisance, but there we are. 517 00:36:41,100 --> 00:36:42,800 But to travel alone! 518 00:36:42,900 --> 00:36:45,567 I insist upon it. I love to travel alone. 519 00:36:45,667 --> 00:36:47,767 And you are sure you have enough money for the journey? 520 00:36:47,867 --> 00:36:50,967 Absolutely sure, you are too kind. 521 00:36:51,067 --> 00:36:52,867 I shall miss you so... 522 00:36:52,967 --> 00:36:54,600 And the gaming tables. 523 00:36:58,933 --> 00:37:00,400 Fraulein Harleth! 524 00:37:00,500 --> 00:37:03,200 A gentleman left this packet for you a few moments ago. 525 00:37:03,700 --> 00:37:05,067 Thank you. 526 00:37:21,833 --> 00:37:24,167 DANIEL: A stranger who has found miss Harleth's necklace 527 00:37:24,267 --> 00:37:28,933 returns it to her with the hope that you will not again risk the loss of it. 528 00:37:51,133 --> 00:37:53,233 CROUPIER: Faites vos jeux, mesdames, messieurs. 529 00:38:04,500 --> 00:38:07,767 Grandcourt! I thought you were at Diplow. 530 00:38:08,867 --> 00:38:10,633 Lush. 531 00:38:10,733 --> 00:38:13,067 Good afternoon, Sir Hugo, Deronda. 532 00:38:13,167 --> 00:38:14,867 SIR HUGO: What in the world brings you here? 533 00:38:22,067 --> 00:38:25,667 Same sort of thing as you, I daresay. 534 00:38:25,767 --> 00:38:28,867 But this travelling's a damned, stupid, tedious business. 535 00:38:28,967 --> 00:38:31,300 You're not here for the sake of play, then? 536 00:38:31,400 --> 00:38:33,533 Some people can't get enough of it. 537 00:38:33,633 --> 00:38:36,767 That gambling beauty of yours, Dan, for one. 538 00:38:36,867 --> 00:38:38,533 Have you seen any more of her? 539 00:38:38,633 --> 00:38:41,067 -She's gone. -A real English beauty. 540 00:38:41,167 --> 00:38:43,433 Harleth... was that her name? 541 00:38:43,533 --> 00:38:45,633 She was here with the Langens. 542 00:38:45,733 --> 00:38:48,500 But they've gone, you say. 543 00:38:48,600 --> 00:38:51,133 -Where? -The Langens are still here. 544 00:38:51,233 --> 00:38:52,700 Miss Harleth has gone. 545 00:38:52,800 --> 00:38:54,067 It's possible that you know her. 546 00:38:54,167 --> 00:38:55,733 I believe she lives not far from Diplow. 547 00:38:55,833 --> 00:38:57,433 Yes, I know her. 548 00:38:57,533 --> 00:38:58,867 The rooms are ready now, are they? 549 00:38:58,967 --> 00:39:01,667 Yes, Sir. So sorry for the delay, Sir. 550 00:39:03,533 --> 00:39:05,533 Then why do you keep us standing here, man? 551 00:39:05,633 --> 00:39:07,367 Of course, Sir. This way. 552 00:39:10,133 --> 00:39:11,767 He's come here after her. 553 00:39:11,867 --> 00:39:16,067 He's been on the brink of marrying her, but she shied away. 554 00:39:16,167 --> 00:39:18,067 It's well enough she's gone... 555 00:39:18,100 --> 00:39:20,600 No money, no family, 556 00:39:20,700 --> 00:39:23,100 and dangerous as gunpowder. 557 00:39:23,200 --> 00:39:24,467 GRANDCOURT: Lush! 558 00:39:30,900 --> 00:39:34,167 Well, that girl must be worth running after 559 00:39:34,267 --> 00:39:37,567 if she can get Grandcourt to exert himself. 560 00:39:37,667 --> 00:39:39,667 I hope he never finds her. 561 00:39:40,333 --> 00:39:41,967 And why is that? 562 00:39:42,067 --> 00:39:45,067 Would you like to run after her yourself? 563 00:39:45,100 --> 00:39:46,867 You'd easily cut out Grandcourt. 564 00:39:46,967 --> 00:39:50,867 A girl of her spirit would certainly think you the finer match of the two. 565 00:39:50,967 --> 00:39:55,233 I suppose pedigree and land belong to a fine match. 566 00:39:55,333 --> 00:39:59,167 The best horse will win in spite of pedigree, my boy. 567 00:40:07,600 --> 00:40:09,733 Never mind, mama, dear. 568 00:40:09,833 --> 00:40:12,067 Things will come right. 569 00:40:12,167 --> 00:40:15,367 I will do something to make things right. 570 00:40:15,467 --> 00:40:18,567 Come now, you must be glad 'cause I am here. 571 00:40:20,467 --> 00:40:22,233 Bless you, my darling. 572 00:40:22,933 --> 00:40:24,333 Of course I am. 573 00:40:26,533 --> 00:40:29,800 So, what is the position, exactly? 574 00:40:31,733 --> 00:40:33,500 Well, my dear, 575 00:40:34,667 --> 00:40:36,767 the first thing we must do... 576 00:40:38,400 --> 00:40:40,867 ...is move away from Offendene. 577 00:40:40,967 --> 00:40:42,533 And where are we to go? 578 00:40:46,167 --> 00:40:47,667 To Sawyer's cottage. 579 00:40:53,167 --> 00:40:54,700 That is impossible. 580 00:40:57,200 --> 00:40:59,633 I couldn't live in a place like that. 581 00:40:59,733 --> 00:41:02,433 You wouldn't see us go to a sad little place like that, 582 00:41:02,533 --> 00:41:03,600 would you, Uncle? 583 00:41:05,600 --> 00:41:06,833 I shan't submit to it! 584 00:41:06,933 --> 00:41:10,167 You may not have to, Gwendolen. 585 00:41:10,267 --> 00:41:12,233 I have made inquiries and heard 586 00:41:12,333 --> 00:41:14,500 of a very appropriate situation... 587 00:41:14,600 --> 00:41:17,900 A bishop's family where there are three daughters. 588 00:41:18,067 --> 00:41:19,367 You would live as one of the family 589 00:41:19,467 --> 00:41:21,700 and be paid a hundred a year and all found. 590 00:41:21,800 --> 00:41:23,400 A governess, you mean? 591 00:41:23,500 --> 00:41:27,300 There could be no hardships in a bishop's family, dear. 592 00:41:27,400 --> 00:41:31,167 Excuse me, mama, but there are hardships everywhere for a governess. 593 00:41:32,133 --> 00:41:33,767 What an honour! 594 00:41:33,867 --> 00:41:38,400 To be looked down on and patronized by a bishop's family! 595 00:41:39,800 --> 00:41:43,067 I have some ornaments, and I could sell them. 596 00:41:43,133 --> 00:41:44,567 They would make a sum. 597 00:41:46,567 --> 00:41:48,733 I'd rather emigrate than be a governess! 598 00:41:48,833 --> 00:41:50,667 Gwendolen, this is pointless! 599 00:42:21,467 --> 00:42:22,900 Thank you. 600 00:42:27,300 --> 00:42:30,067 I wanted to consult you, herr Klesmer. 601 00:42:31,700 --> 00:42:34,200 We have lost all our fortune, 602 00:42:34,300 --> 00:42:37,200 and I must find a way to make my own living, 603 00:42:37,300 --> 00:42:39,600 if I can. 604 00:42:39,700 --> 00:42:42,800 And I thought, if you thought I could, 605 00:42:42,900 --> 00:42:44,500 that I should like to be a singer. 606 00:42:44,600 --> 00:42:45,900 I see. 607 00:42:46,067 --> 00:42:48,433 I know I have been badly taught. 608 00:42:48,533 --> 00:42:50,767 And, of course, I should need to study more. 609 00:42:52,367 --> 00:42:54,800 You are, pardon me, 610 00:42:54,900 --> 00:42:58,300 you are... 20 years old? 611 00:42:58,400 --> 00:43:00,600 Do you think I am too old to begin? 612 00:43:00,700 --> 00:43:02,400 Yes, of course. 613 00:43:02,500 --> 00:43:04,867 But it is not so much that. 614 00:43:04,967 --> 00:43:07,667 If you are prepared to work very hard, 615 00:43:07,767 --> 00:43:10,467 then in four or five years, something might be achieved. 616 00:43:11,967 --> 00:43:13,500 As long as that? 617 00:43:14,567 --> 00:43:15,967 Forgive me. 618 00:43:17,533 --> 00:43:21,067 You are a beautiful young lady in polite society. 619 00:43:21,167 --> 00:43:26,433 You're seeking to enter a different world now, where no allowances are made. 620 00:43:26,533 --> 00:43:30,567 People would no longer pretend not to see your blunders. 621 00:43:30,667 --> 00:43:34,067 Have you ever seen a young woman booed off the stage? 622 00:43:35,400 --> 00:43:36,533 Please understand me. 623 00:43:36,633 --> 00:43:39,400 I don't say you are without talent, 624 00:43:39,500 --> 00:43:40,900 not at all. 625 00:43:42,233 --> 00:43:46,433 But talent such as yours is commonplace, 626 00:43:46,533 --> 00:43:48,633 an acceptable minimum. 627 00:43:48,733 --> 00:43:51,533 You ask my opinion, here it is. 628 00:43:53,600 --> 00:43:57,067 Even if you work very hard, 629 00:43:57,167 --> 00:44:01,200 you must not expect to achieve any more than mediocrity. 630 00:44:02,433 --> 00:44:03,900 I see. 631 00:44:06,733 --> 00:44:07,900 Thank you. 632 00:44:08,067 --> 00:44:10,400 But if you wish to undergo the journey, 633 00:44:10,500 --> 00:44:13,233 then I salute you as a fellow artist, 634 00:44:13,333 --> 00:44:15,067 and I will do everything I can to help you. 635 00:44:15,133 --> 00:44:16,333 How could you help me? 636 00:44:16,433 --> 00:44:18,767 I couldn't even afford to take lessons from you. 637 00:44:18,867 --> 00:44:22,800 I would forego the fee for my fiancée's friend. 638 00:44:24,533 --> 00:44:26,733 Catherine is very fond of you, you know. 639 00:44:26,833 --> 00:44:29,767 You're engaged to Catherine Arrowpoint? 640 00:44:32,067 --> 00:44:36,100 -But you're... -A Jew... And a foreigner. 641 00:44:38,167 --> 00:44:41,800 Yes. Her family aren't happy about it. 642 00:44:44,233 --> 00:44:46,733 But she loves me, you see. 643 00:44:54,133 --> 00:44:55,767 Well? 644 00:44:55,867 --> 00:44:58,267 Were you satisfied with the interview? 645 00:44:58,367 --> 00:45:00,100 Satisfied? 646 00:45:01,267 --> 00:45:02,967 Oh, yes. 647 00:45:03,067 --> 00:45:05,067 Am I not to know anything now, Gwendolen? 648 00:45:05,167 --> 00:45:07,300 There's really nothing to tell now, mama. 649 00:45:07,400 --> 00:45:09,767 I had a mistaken idea about something I could do. 650 00:45:09,867 --> 00:45:11,833 Herr Klesmer has undeceived me, that is all. 651 00:45:11,933 --> 00:45:13,967 Don't look and speak to me that way, my dear, 652 00:45:14,067 --> 00:45:15,300 I can't bear it! 653 00:45:18,700 --> 00:45:24,167 Mama. It's useless to cry and waste our strength over what can't be altered. 654 00:45:24,267 --> 00:45:26,067 You will live at Sawyer's cottage, 655 00:45:26,100 --> 00:45:28,300 and I am going to the bishop's daughters. 656 00:45:29,133 --> 00:45:31,533 We mustn't give way. 657 00:45:31,633 --> 00:45:33,333 I dread giving way. 658 00:45:34,233 --> 00:45:36,367 You must help me to bear it. 659 00:45:51,300 --> 00:45:52,900 Yes, what is it, damn you? 660 00:45:53,067 --> 00:45:54,333 Come in or go away. 661 00:45:54,433 --> 00:45:57,067 I can't speak into the garden. 662 00:46:10,233 --> 00:46:12,300 Writing to miss Harleth? 663 00:46:13,300 --> 00:46:15,300 What's that to you if I am? 664 00:46:15,400 --> 00:46:18,433 If she accepts you, there's no going back, you know. 665 00:46:18,533 --> 00:46:21,333 Yes, I do know that, Lush. 666 00:46:21,433 --> 00:46:22,933 And? 667 00:46:23,067 --> 00:46:25,667 You know the family have lost every penny. 668 00:46:25,767 --> 00:46:28,167 And, in point of money, you're strapped for cash yourself 669 00:46:28,267 --> 00:46:29,533 until Sir Hugo dies. 670 00:46:29,633 --> 00:46:31,667 It would be... 671 00:46:31,767 --> 00:46:35,067 It's impossible that you can care much about her. 672 00:46:35,133 --> 00:46:37,433 You'll be encumbering yourself and getting nothing for it. 673 00:46:37,533 --> 00:46:39,433 I know you don't care for her much, Lush, 674 00:46:39,533 --> 00:46:42,067 and I know she cares for you even less. 675 00:46:42,133 --> 00:46:44,833 But if you think I give a damn for your feelings, 676 00:46:44,933 --> 00:46:47,067 you're most stupendously mistaken. 677 00:46:48,967 --> 00:46:53,067 Have you any idea why she ran away before? 678 00:46:54,467 --> 00:46:56,333 You have, apparently. 679 00:46:59,300 --> 00:47:04,100 I understand she saw Lydia Glasher in Cardell Chase 680 00:47:04,200 --> 00:47:06,833 and heard the whole story. 681 00:47:16,067 --> 00:47:18,500 And what follows? 682 00:47:18,600 --> 00:47:22,067 If you propose to her now, and she accepts you, 683 00:47:22,100 --> 00:47:25,100 knowing what she knows, 684 00:47:25,200 --> 00:47:28,233 is that the sort of woman you, 685 00:47:28,333 --> 00:47:31,133 or anyone, would want to marry? 686 00:47:33,500 --> 00:47:36,400 All right, Lush, that will be all. 687 00:47:36,500 --> 00:47:40,500 "Mr Grandcourt presents his compliments to miss Harleth 688 00:47:40,600 --> 00:47:42,633 "and begs to know whether he may be permitted 689 00:47:42,733 --> 00:47:47,133 "to call at Offendene tomorrow after 2:00 and to see her alone." 690 00:47:49,367 --> 00:47:52,067 You don't like Mr Grandcourt any more, do you, Gwen? 691 00:47:52,133 --> 00:47:53,900 Must one endure this? 692 00:47:54,067 --> 00:47:56,933 Be quiet, Bertha, there's a good dear. 693 00:47:57,067 --> 00:48:00,467 I think it must be answered, darling. 694 00:48:00,567 --> 00:48:02,667 -The servant is waiting. -Well, let him wait, mother. 695 00:48:02,767 --> 00:48:04,433 That's what servants are for. 696 00:48:06,467 --> 00:48:08,733 If you don't feel able to decide... 697 00:48:09,667 --> 00:48:11,400 I must decide. 698 00:48:14,567 --> 00:48:18,233 If Mr Grandcourt has only just returned from Leubronn... 699 00:48:20,067 --> 00:48:22,667 I wonder whether he has heard of our misfortune. 700 00:48:22,767 --> 00:48:25,400 That could make no difference to a man in his position. 701 00:48:25,500 --> 00:48:27,167 It would to some men. 702 00:48:27,267 --> 00:48:30,500 No, if Mr Grandcourt has heard, 703 00:48:31,867 --> 00:48:36,333 I think it a strong proof of his attachment to you. 704 00:48:46,600 --> 00:48:48,700 Very well, mother. 705 00:48:48,800 --> 00:48:52,200 Tell the man that I shall be at home, and if he makes me an offer, 706 00:48:52,300 --> 00:48:54,567 I shall have the pleasure of refusing him. 707 00:49:12,267 --> 00:49:14,500 Your stay on the continent was short. 708 00:49:15,767 --> 00:49:18,433 I was obliged to come home on account of... 709 00:49:20,067 --> 00:49:21,600 Family troubles. 710 00:49:21,700 --> 00:49:23,333 Yes, I've heard that. 711 00:49:24,333 --> 00:49:25,567 So... 712 00:49:27,667 --> 00:49:29,567 How does it stand with us now? 713 00:49:32,200 --> 00:49:34,133 What do you mean? 714 00:49:35,167 --> 00:49:36,700 I think you know what I mean. 715 00:49:38,733 --> 00:49:40,633 Well, should I put it like this... 716 00:49:42,133 --> 00:49:44,600 Is there anyone else who stands between us? 717 00:49:46,867 --> 00:49:50,200 -I... -Am I to understand that someone else is preferred? 718 00:49:50,300 --> 00:49:51,433 No. 719 00:49:56,700 --> 00:49:58,667 Could I ask you the same question? 720 00:50:03,467 --> 00:50:05,833 Is there anyone who stands between you and me? 721 00:50:08,167 --> 00:50:09,267 No. 722 00:50:10,700 --> 00:50:12,833 You need have no concerns on that account. 723 00:50:15,633 --> 00:50:18,933 I don't think you can know how bad our troubles are, though. 724 00:50:19,033 --> 00:50:21,000 We have lost everything. 725 00:50:21,100 --> 00:50:23,167 I am fully aware of your situation. 726 00:50:25,767 --> 00:50:30,633 -Oh. -You will allow me to relieve you of any anxiety of that kind. 727 00:50:31,767 --> 00:50:35,067 You are very generous. 728 00:50:35,167 --> 00:50:37,667 I seek to please myself, that's all. 729 00:50:38,800 --> 00:50:41,267 Then you consent to be my wife? 730 00:50:45,633 --> 00:50:48,500 -I... -Then do you command me to go? Hmm? 731 00:50:48,600 --> 00:50:49,800 No. 732 00:50:53,000 --> 00:50:54,600 You accept me? 733 00:50:57,133 --> 00:51:00,600 You accept me as your husband? 734 00:51:09,333 --> 00:51:10,367 Yes.