1 00:00:03,467 --> 00:00:05,900 (SINGING IN ITALIAN) 2 00:01:52,067 --> 00:01:54,167 (GASPING) 3 00:02:06,467 --> 00:02:08,067 (GASPING) 4 00:02:08,167 --> 00:02:09,867 Don't be afraid. You're safe now. 5 00:02:09,967 --> 00:02:11,700 (GASPING CONTINUES) 6 00:02:11,800 --> 00:02:13,667 I heard you singing. 7 00:02:13,767 --> 00:02:15,300 Yes. 8 00:02:15,400 --> 00:02:17,067 Are you in the theatre? 9 00:02:17,800 --> 00:02:20,067 No, I'm not in the theatre. 10 00:02:22,967 --> 00:02:24,267 I'll take you to friends of mine. 11 00:02:24,367 --> 00:02:25,600 They live near by. 12 00:02:25,700 --> 00:02:28,800 A Lady with daughters. They're very close. 13 00:02:28,900 --> 00:02:30,067 Here. 14 00:03:29,233 --> 00:03:31,333 I like to listen to the oars. 15 00:03:32,467 --> 00:03:33,800 So do I. 16 00:03:35,767 --> 00:03:40,067 If you had not come, I should have been dead by now. 17 00:03:40,133 --> 00:03:43,067 I hope you will never be sorry that I came. 18 00:03:45,867 --> 00:03:47,967 I cannot see how I shall be glad to live. 19 00:03:49,067 --> 00:03:51,067 I don't know anyone in this country. 20 00:03:52,933 --> 00:03:55,467 You speak English so perfectly. 21 00:03:55,567 --> 00:03:59,433 I was born in England, but I'm a Jewess. 22 00:04:03,600 --> 00:04:05,067 Do you despise me for it? 23 00:04:06,100 --> 00:04:07,767 Why should I? 24 00:04:10,367 --> 00:04:12,067 Many Englishmen do. 25 00:04:14,100 --> 00:04:16,967 I came back to England to find my mother. 26 00:04:18,700 --> 00:04:22,833 I thought God would guide me, but then I despaired. 27 00:04:25,100 --> 00:04:26,600 But now... 28 00:04:28,567 --> 00:04:30,367 Now I think I was meant to live. 29 00:04:33,533 --> 00:04:35,067 Perhaps I'm going to her. 30 00:04:43,600 --> 00:04:45,333 Daniel! What's happened? 31 00:04:45,433 --> 00:04:47,967 This is Miss Lapidoth. She's had an accident. 32 00:04:48,067 --> 00:04:50,133 She fell into the river, and I thought, as you were near... 33 00:04:50,233 --> 00:04:52,433 Of course, of course. Come in, Miss Lapidoth. 34 00:04:52,533 --> 00:04:53,867 You're not well, are you? 35 00:04:53,967 --> 00:04:55,167 Kate, Mab! 36 00:04:55,267 --> 00:04:56,267 Don't worry, Daniel. 37 00:04:56,367 --> 00:04:58,600 We'll soon have her warm and dry. 38 00:04:58,700 --> 00:04:59,700 (DOOR SHUTS) 39 00:04:59,800 --> 00:05:01,233 Oh, you must be freezing! 40 00:05:01,333 --> 00:05:02,733 Come sit by the fire. 41 00:05:02,833 --> 00:05:04,767 I hope you don't mind. It's a dreadful imposition. 42 00:05:04,867 --> 00:05:06,967 After all you've done for Hans? Of course I don't mind. 43 00:05:07,067 --> 00:05:08,467 I thought she'd like it better here. 44 00:05:08,567 --> 00:05:10,067 Lady Mallinger would have been kind, 45 00:05:10,100 --> 00:05:12,400 but Miss Lapidoth might have found it daunting. 46 00:05:12,500 --> 00:05:14,100 Of course, I'll pay all her expenses. 47 00:05:14,200 --> 00:05:16,233 No, Daniel, we can manage perfectly. 48 00:05:16,333 --> 00:05:17,467 Please. I insist. 49 00:05:17,567 --> 00:05:19,400 You're too kind to us, Daniel. 50 00:05:19,500 --> 00:05:21,767 Well, I'll leave you to look after her. 51 00:05:21,867 --> 00:05:23,833 May I come again tomorrow and find out how she is? 52 00:05:23,933 --> 00:05:25,233 Yes, of course. 53 00:05:32,900 --> 00:05:34,067 DANIEL: Goodbye. 54 00:05:37,233 --> 00:05:38,567 The God of our fathers bless you 55 00:05:38,667 --> 00:05:42,733 and deliver you from all evil, as you have delivered me. 56 00:05:42,833 --> 00:05:45,333 I didn't believe there was any man so good. 57 00:05:52,700 --> 00:05:55,733 A letter and a package for you from Diplow. 58 00:05:55,833 --> 00:05:56,933 Oh. 59 00:05:59,533 --> 00:06:01,333 Thank you. 60 00:06:01,433 --> 00:06:03,200 Should you like your breakfast sent up, dear? 61 00:06:03,300 --> 00:06:04,467 Please. 62 00:06:15,500 --> 00:06:19,333 "Promises to pay a Mrs Davilow £500." 63 00:06:22,067 --> 00:06:23,400 (GASPS) 64 00:06:26,133 --> 00:06:28,267 GRANDCOURT: "Please do me the honour of wearing this 65 00:06:28,367 --> 00:06:30,367 "when you come to Diplow today. 66 00:06:30,467 --> 00:06:32,633 "And if you care to look out of the window, 67 00:06:32,733 --> 00:06:35,600 "you'll see something I think will please you. 68 00:06:35,700 --> 00:06:37,267 "Treat him well." 69 00:06:42,700 --> 00:06:44,100 (GIGGLES) 70 00:07:02,667 --> 00:07:04,067 Thank you. 71 00:07:07,233 --> 00:07:10,067 Come on. I want to see everything. 72 00:07:17,833 --> 00:07:19,133 Have you come to see Mirah? 73 00:07:19,233 --> 00:07:20,300 Yes, how is she? 74 00:07:20,400 --> 00:07:21,900 Much, much better. 75 00:07:22,067 --> 00:07:23,967 Did you know she was on the stage? 76 00:07:26,533 --> 00:07:29,733 Sarah. My mother was called Sarah. 77 00:07:30,933 --> 00:07:33,133 I remember her face. 78 00:07:33,233 --> 00:07:37,067 I was seven when my father took me away. 79 00:07:39,467 --> 00:07:42,400 But, uh... But why should he do that? 80 00:07:44,367 --> 00:07:47,067 I think he thought he could make money out of me. 81 00:07:48,633 --> 00:07:51,067 And he had quarrelled with my mother. 82 00:07:52,467 --> 00:07:54,667 He wanted to hurt her. 83 00:07:54,767 --> 00:07:56,267 How dreadful. 84 00:07:56,367 --> 00:07:58,100 It wasn't so bad, you know. 85 00:07:58,200 --> 00:08:02,800 At first, it was exciting to live in so many places and to be an artist. 86 00:08:03,700 --> 00:08:06,267 My father is a musician, too. 87 00:08:06,367 --> 00:08:07,967 And we went all over, 88 00:08:08,067 --> 00:08:12,267 New York, Chicago, Hamburg, Vienna. 89 00:08:15,567 --> 00:08:19,567 But, by then, he wasn't playing so much, 90 00:08:21,533 --> 00:08:23,167 except in the gaming houses. 91 00:08:26,500 --> 00:08:28,467 He didn't mean to be unkind, 92 00:08:30,733 --> 00:08:35,333 but he pushed me too hard, too soon. 93 00:08:37,067 --> 00:08:38,800 You know, I hurt my voice. 94 00:08:40,233 --> 00:08:41,867 I was still too young, 95 00:08:44,100 --> 00:08:45,800 and he brought me on too fast. 96 00:08:49,467 --> 00:08:50,633 Then, 97 00:08:55,067 --> 00:08:56,600 when that didn't work, 98 00:08:59,433 --> 00:09:03,533 he tried to sell me to a rich friend of his, 99 00:09:05,633 --> 00:09:07,067 a count. 100 00:09:10,100 --> 00:09:11,233 Good God. 101 00:09:14,067 --> 00:09:17,067 I know we should always love our fathers but... 102 00:09:19,567 --> 00:09:21,067 I ran away from him then 103 00:09:22,567 --> 00:09:23,800 and came here 104 00:09:25,333 --> 00:09:27,167 to try to find my family. 105 00:09:30,433 --> 00:09:32,533 But I didn't know London was so big. 106 00:09:35,467 --> 00:09:36,900 So stupid of me. 107 00:09:42,267 --> 00:09:45,333 You think I am strange, wanting to find her after all this time? 108 00:09:46,333 --> 00:09:47,967 Not strange at all. 109 00:09:50,400 --> 00:09:51,767 I never knew my mother. 110 00:09:55,067 --> 00:09:56,933 Would you like to find her? 111 00:10:00,767 --> 00:10:03,033 Yes, I would. 112 00:10:03,133 --> 00:10:06,967 Then we are alike, after all. 113 00:10:12,767 --> 00:10:15,067 Yes, that's the one. 114 00:10:15,167 --> 00:10:19,333 Seeing Grandcourt and Lush had me thinking about Diplow again. 115 00:10:19,433 --> 00:10:20,700 You don't want him to have it. 116 00:10:20,800 --> 00:10:22,933 Nothing I can do about it. He's the heir. 117 00:10:23,033 --> 00:10:25,433 It'll go to him with the rest when I die, 118 00:10:25,533 --> 00:10:29,333 unless I can buy him out now, you see. 119 00:10:29,433 --> 00:10:30,867 I'm thinking it would be the place 120 00:10:30,967 --> 00:10:34,233 for Lady Mallinger and the girls when I'm gone. 121 00:10:34,333 --> 00:10:37,100 And, of course, there would always be a home for you there, Dan, 122 00:10:37,200 --> 00:10:39,833 whenever you needed one. 123 00:10:39,933 --> 00:10:42,700 I'm fond of the place. I grew up there. 124 00:10:42,800 --> 00:10:44,300 And Grandcourt doesn't need it, 125 00:10:44,400 --> 00:10:46,667 the money would be far more use to him. 126 00:10:46,767 --> 00:10:49,967 -Are you going to make him an offer? -45,000 pounds. 127 00:10:50,567 --> 00:10:51,567 It's a good offer, 128 00:10:51,667 --> 00:10:54,333 but he knows I want it, you see. 129 00:10:55,400 --> 00:10:57,100 Well, there's nothing for it 130 00:10:57,200 --> 00:10:59,900 but to go down to Diplow and try him, 131 00:11:00,067 --> 00:11:03,100 though I can't stand the sight of the fellow. 132 00:11:03,200 --> 00:11:05,533 -I'll go. -Would you? 133 00:11:05,633 --> 00:11:07,800 I'd be very grateful if you would, Dan. 134 00:11:07,900 --> 00:11:10,833 I know you don't like him any more than I do. 135 00:11:12,833 --> 00:11:15,967 Ah, now, doesn't that pretty gambler 136 00:11:16,067 --> 00:11:19,300 that we saw at Leubronn live somewhere nearby? 137 00:11:19,400 --> 00:11:21,867 You might call on her while you're there, why not? 138 00:11:22,567 --> 00:11:23,667 Hmm? 139 00:11:35,667 --> 00:11:37,233 What's that fellow doing here? 140 00:11:37,333 --> 00:11:40,100 Mr Deronda on a matter of business... 141 00:11:40,200 --> 00:11:41,700 You did remember he was coming? 142 00:11:41,800 --> 00:11:44,067 GRANDCOURT: Matter of fact, I didn't. 143 00:11:44,100 --> 00:11:45,867 Afternoon, Deronda. 144 00:11:48,067 --> 00:11:51,333 Miss Gwendolen Harleth, my fiancee. 145 00:11:51,433 --> 00:11:55,067 I understand that you were never introduced at Leubronn. 146 00:11:55,133 --> 00:11:57,800 Miss Harleth hardly remembers me, I imagine. 147 00:11:57,900 --> 00:12:00,267 GWENDOLEN: I remember you very well. 148 00:12:00,367 --> 00:12:03,667 I don't think Mr Deronda liked my gambling. 149 00:12:03,767 --> 00:12:06,167 He cast an evil eye on me. 150 00:12:06,267 --> 00:12:09,200 I began to lose as soon as he came to look on. 151 00:12:09,300 --> 00:12:11,433 GRANDCOURT: Roulette's a bore and so is Leubronn. 152 00:12:11,533 --> 00:12:15,833 I certainly found it a bore when I began to lose. 153 00:12:15,933 --> 00:12:18,933 You care for play yourself, Deronda? 154 00:12:19,067 --> 00:12:24,267 No. And I don't like to see what it does to those who do play. 155 00:12:27,567 --> 00:12:29,067 That so? 156 00:12:30,133 --> 00:12:31,300 Let's go in, shall we? 157 00:12:32,467 --> 00:12:33,967 You go ahead. 158 00:12:34,067 --> 00:12:36,567 I want to speak to Mr Deronda, not you. 159 00:12:37,133 --> 00:12:38,367 Lush. 160 00:12:40,900 --> 00:12:44,067 I want to know why you object to my gambling. 161 00:12:44,133 --> 00:12:46,867 I have no right to object to anything you do. 162 00:12:46,967 --> 00:12:48,633 But you despise me for gambling. 163 00:12:48,733 --> 00:12:50,100 You do, don't you? 164 00:12:50,200 --> 00:12:51,800 You as good as said so just now. 165 00:12:51,900 --> 00:12:53,700 No, I don't despise you. 166 00:12:53,800 --> 00:12:57,100 What, then? What do you think of me? 167 00:12:57,200 --> 00:13:00,500 At Leubronn, I thought it was a shame you should lose. 168 00:13:00,600 --> 00:13:02,700 And so you thought you had a right to interfere. 169 00:13:08,100 --> 00:13:09,200 Why? 170 00:13:11,200 --> 00:13:13,067 I didn't like to see you lose, 171 00:13:14,667 --> 00:13:15,933 and, 172 00:13:17,533 --> 00:13:20,633 even if you had won, there's something revolting 173 00:13:20,733 --> 00:13:23,967 about seeking to gain from someone else's losses. 174 00:13:24,833 --> 00:13:26,833 But that's how things are. 175 00:13:28,400 --> 00:13:30,700 You can't always help it, can you, 176 00:13:30,800 --> 00:13:33,167 when you gain from another's loss? 177 00:13:33,267 --> 00:13:36,400 But you should help it when you can, don't you think? 178 00:13:38,267 --> 00:13:41,067 I think one must gamble. 179 00:13:41,133 --> 00:13:44,933 I mean, it's all a gamble, everything... Life. 180 00:13:45,900 --> 00:13:47,267 I wish... 181 00:13:48,667 --> 00:13:49,967 What? 182 00:13:53,267 --> 00:13:56,333 No. It's impossible. 183 00:13:58,067 --> 00:14:00,833 Things happen, and they can't be changed. 184 00:14:04,533 --> 00:14:07,500 But I wish that we could know each other better. 185 00:14:10,167 --> 00:14:13,067 That might not be very easy now. 186 00:14:13,167 --> 00:14:15,967 Oh, don't say that. 187 00:14:17,300 --> 00:14:21,167 Surely, we could be friends, not enemies, at least. 188 00:14:21,267 --> 00:14:23,100 No, certainly not that. 189 00:14:27,567 --> 00:14:29,067 Thank you. 190 00:14:30,933 --> 00:14:32,567 GRANDCOURT: Deronda. 191 00:14:32,667 --> 00:14:35,900 I understand you have some sort of business proposition. 192 00:14:41,633 --> 00:14:44,067 Sir Hugo was thinking of the situation 193 00:14:44,133 --> 00:14:47,600 of Lady Mallinger and his daughters after his death, 194 00:14:47,700 --> 00:14:52,433 and he thought you might wish to realize your capital on Diplow now. 195 00:14:52,533 --> 00:14:54,433 "Realize my capital." 196 00:14:54,533 --> 00:14:56,667 What a quaint phrase. 197 00:14:56,767 --> 00:14:59,433 Sell my birthright, I suppose you mean. 198 00:15:01,867 --> 00:15:05,333 This is the house I will inherit, Deronda, do you understand? 199 00:15:06,900 --> 00:15:09,433 I am Sir Hugo's heir, not you. 200 00:15:11,900 --> 00:15:15,533 Sir Hugo is prepared to go as high as 45,000, 201 00:15:16,267 --> 00:15:17,533 but no higher. 202 00:15:17,633 --> 00:15:19,400 It's a very good offer. 203 00:15:19,500 --> 00:15:20,867 Well. 204 00:15:22,333 --> 00:15:25,233 Deronda, I don't discuss money with... 205 00:15:25,333 --> 00:15:26,467 You can talk to Lush. 206 00:15:26,567 --> 00:15:29,600 My business is with you, not Mr Lush. 207 00:15:32,233 --> 00:15:33,967 Do you think this gives me any pleasure? 208 00:15:35,567 --> 00:15:37,267 No, I don't suppose it does. 209 00:15:37,367 --> 00:15:39,667 Then, may I have your answer? 210 00:15:41,833 --> 00:15:43,100 Not ready to give it. 211 00:15:46,400 --> 00:15:47,733 My dear? 212 00:16:04,633 --> 00:16:06,467 Oh, Daniel, there you are. 213 00:16:06,567 --> 00:16:09,133 We were expecting you home earlier. 214 00:16:09,233 --> 00:16:11,733 Hi, Daniel. Where have you been? 215 00:16:11,833 --> 00:16:13,900 I called at the Meyricks' on my way home. 216 00:16:14,067 --> 00:16:16,467 And how is your little Jewess? 217 00:16:16,567 --> 00:16:19,533 She's better and better every day. 218 00:16:19,633 --> 00:16:21,633 I hope that you'll meet her yourself before too long. 219 00:16:21,733 --> 00:16:24,233 Were you thinking of inviting her here, Daniel? 220 00:16:24,333 --> 00:16:26,167 Would you object? 221 00:16:26,267 --> 00:16:30,600 Well, isn't she some sort of professional entertainer? 222 00:16:31,767 --> 00:16:33,400 She's a very remarkable young woman, 223 00:16:33,500 --> 00:16:37,633 and she's quite fit to be received anywhere! 224 00:16:37,733 --> 00:16:41,600 I'm quite sure she is if you say so, Daniel. 225 00:16:41,700 --> 00:16:45,967 Now go and see Sir Hugo. He's waiting for you in the library. 226 00:16:46,067 --> 00:16:47,667 Come and play with us after, Daniel. 227 00:16:47,767 --> 00:16:49,967 It's past your bedtime now. 228 00:16:53,067 --> 00:16:56,333 I think Grandcourt will come 'round in the end. 229 00:16:56,433 --> 00:16:59,733 He's a tricky fish to play, though. 230 00:16:59,833 --> 00:17:02,100 So tell me, did you see Miss Harleth? 231 00:17:02,967 --> 00:17:05,100 Yes. 232 00:17:05,200 --> 00:17:07,533 She and Grandcourt are engaged to be married. 233 00:17:07,633 --> 00:17:10,267 Are they, be gad? 234 00:17:10,367 --> 00:17:12,300 He didn't waste much time, then. 235 00:17:12,400 --> 00:17:14,533 I don't like to see them together. 236 00:17:14,633 --> 00:17:16,900 I hope you didn't flirt with her too much, Dan. 237 00:17:17,067 --> 00:17:18,700 If you make Grandcourt savage, 238 00:17:18,800 --> 00:17:21,933 it'll make this Diplow business all the harder to pull off. 239 00:17:22,067 --> 00:17:24,667 I don't think you've ever seen me flirt. 240 00:17:25,400 --> 00:17:26,633 Oh, haven't I, though? 241 00:17:26,733 --> 00:17:28,933 You're always looking tenderly at the women 242 00:17:29,067 --> 00:17:31,667 and getting them to tell you their troubles. 243 00:17:31,767 --> 00:17:33,600 And then you pretend to be surprised 244 00:17:33,700 --> 00:17:35,467 when they come running after you. 245 00:17:35,567 --> 00:17:39,067 Even if that were true, which it isn't, 246 00:17:39,100 --> 00:17:42,100 I don't think there's much chance of it with Miss Harleth. 247 00:17:46,067 --> 00:17:47,867 -Mama. -Hmm? 248 00:17:47,967 --> 00:17:51,700 How common is it for men to father children before they are married? 249 00:17:53,467 --> 00:17:57,267 Well, of course, it sometimes happens. 250 00:17:59,567 --> 00:18:01,667 But why should you think about that now? 251 00:18:03,300 --> 00:18:06,900 Mr Deronda was at Diplow today. 252 00:18:07,067 --> 00:18:10,633 Apparently, he won't inherit anything at all when Sir Hugo dies. 253 00:18:10,733 --> 00:18:12,933 It does seem unfair. 254 00:18:14,067 --> 00:18:16,567 Well, life is unfair. 255 00:18:18,067 --> 00:18:20,300 But if Mr Deronda is Sir Hugo's son, 256 00:18:20,400 --> 00:18:23,233 as everyone understands he is, 257 00:18:23,333 --> 00:18:26,267 then I'm sure he'll do something for him. 258 00:18:30,333 --> 00:18:32,233 It isn't wrong, is it? 259 00:18:32,333 --> 00:18:34,800 To want to be rich and have nice things? 260 00:18:34,900 --> 00:18:37,467 Of course not, darling. 261 00:18:37,567 --> 00:18:41,567 Even if others should suffer for it? 262 00:18:46,467 --> 00:18:49,967 We can't look out for everyone in the world, can we? 263 00:18:51,533 --> 00:18:53,467 No, I suppose not. 264 00:18:56,300 --> 00:18:59,400 Mama, is it very unpleasant being married? 265 00:19:02,633 --> 00:19:04,600 Not if you love your husband, 266 00:19:05,933 --> 00:19:08,433 and he loves you, dear. 267 00:19:08,533 --> 00:19:11,433 I'm not quite sure I know what love is. 268 00:19:15,600 --> 00:19:18,433 Your father made me very happy, Gwen. 269 00:19:20,900 --> 00:19:24,167 And Captain Davilow was not a bad man, all considered. 270 00:19:24,267 --> 00:19:29,400 Mr Grandcourt seems very gentle and considerate. 271 00:19:30,367 --> 00:19:33,533 Yes. Yes, he is. 272 00:19:35,067 --> 00:19:37,733 He does everything I tell him to. 273 00:19:37,833 --> 00:19:39,500 My wish is his command. 274 00:19:39,600 --> 00:19:41,500 There, then. 275 00:19:41,600 --> 00:19:43,833 You are a very lucky girl. 276 00:19:43,933 --> 00:19:45,533 Yes, I suppose I am. 277 00:19:46,933 --> 00:19:50,533 But, then, I deserve the best of everything, don't I? 278 00:19:51,867 --> 00:19:53,500 Yes, you do. 279 00:19:53,600 --> 00:19:54,900 (PIANO PLAYING) 280 00:19:55,067 --> 00:19:56,733 (MIRAH SINGING) 281 00:20:15,433 --> 00:20:17,133 (SINGING STOPS) 282 00:20:17,867 --> 00:20:18,933 DANIEL: Bravo! 283 00:20:19,033 --> 00:20:20,833 That was absolutely lovely. 284 00:20:20,933 --> 00:20:22,167 Isn't she wonderful? 285 00:20:22,267 --> 00:20:24,333 I think she's the best singer in the world! 286 00:20:24,433 --> 00:20:25,767 Oh, come, please! 287 00:20:25,867 --> 00:20:28,200 She should go on the stage where everyone could hear her. 288 00:20:28,300 --> 00:20:30,000 Nobody wanted me, Kate. 289 00:20:30,100 --> 00:20:33,400 But isn't that just a matter of knowing the right people? 290 00:20:33,500 --> 00:20:35,967 Couldn't you help her, Daniel? 291 00:20:36,067 --> 00:20:37,267 Is that what you would like? 292 00:20:37,367 --> 00:20:39,900 Yes. If I could. 293 00:20:40,000 --> 00:20:42,267 I must start to earn my living again. 294 00:20:42,367 --> 00:20:43,533 Then let me see what I can do. 295 00:20:43,633 --> 00:20:45,300 No, I couldn't ask you that... 296 00:20:45,400 --> 00:20:49,533 It would be a pleasure. No trouble at all. 297 00:20:49,633 --> 00:20:51,000 Will you sing something else for us now? 298 00:20:51,100 --> 00:20:52,600 MRS MEYRICK: Oh, yes. 299 00:20:52,700 --> 00:20:54,800 Yes, if you like. 300 00:20:54,900 --> 00:20:57,300 This is a song my mother used to sing. 301 00:21:00,133 --> 00:21:01,967 (SINGING IN HEBREW) 302 00:21:30,433 --> 00:21:33,867 No, I'm... I'm sorry. 303 00:21:33,967 --> 00:21:35,433 That one's not a good choice. 304 00:21:35,533 --> 00:21:38,633 Come and sit down, please. We've tired you out. 305 00:21:38,733 --> 00:21:40,233 Thank you. 306 00:21:44,167 --> 00:21:45,733 GIRL: Why don't you play something? 307 00:21:45,833 --> 00:21:47,067 Think she's all right? 308 00:21:52,667 --> 00:21:53,867 It's just that I don't know 309 00:21:53,967 --> 00:21:57,700 if my mother is still alive, or my brother. 310 00:21:57,800 --> 00:22:01,233 -Their name is Lapidoth? -No, Cohen. 311 00:22:01,333 --> 00:22:03,567 Sarah Cohen and Ezra Cohen. 312 00:22:03,667 --> 00:22:06,333 My father changed our name when we were in America. 313 00:22:07,333 --> 00:22:09,300 How much do you remember of them? 314 00:22:12,300 --> 00:22:14,633 Nothing that would help me find them again. 315 00:22:16,600 --> 00:22:20,333 But I do remember when I was a little girl, 316 00:22:20,433 --> 00:22:23,333 my mother would take me to the synagogue, 317 00:22:23,433 --> 00:22:26,067 and she would help me to read 318 00:22:26,100 --> 00:22:28,500 and explain things to me. 319 00:22:28,600 --> 00:22:31,733 And I remember feeling very warm and safe there, 320 00:22:33,600 --> 00:22:35,433 and it comforts me. 321 00:22:38,700 --> 00:22:41,333 Do you remember your mother? 322 00:22:46,133 --> 00:22:47,433 Not at all. 323 00:22:51,567 --> 00:22:53,900 I've always had an image 324 00:22:54,067 --> 00:22:58,800 of someone very pure and sweet, 325 00:23:00,400 --> 00:23:04,800 and I think of her as being hurt by life, 326 00:23:04,900 --> 00:23:06,800 and I've imagined helping her, 327 00:23:07,567 --> 00:23:08,867 saving her. 328 00:23:12,567 --> 00:23:15,767 But what if she should turn out to be quite different? 329 00:23:17,500 --> 00:23:20,200 Sometimes, I think it would be better 330 00:23:20,300 --> 00:23:21,833 if I never found out the truth. 331 00:23:21,933 --> 00:23:24,167 No, you would love her whatever she was like, 332 00:23:24,267 --> 00:23:26,367 and she would love you, I know she would. 333 00:23:31,767 --> 00:23:36,067 And you, you'd want to find your family, whatever they were like? 334 00:23:37,233 --> 00:23:39,767 Of course. 335 00:23:39,867 --> 00:23:43,800 I could never turn my back on my family or my religion. 336 00:23:56,267 --> 00:23:59,267 I wonder if I should make some inquiries, but... 337 00:24:01,600 --> 00:24:04,167 What if the brother should turn out to be like the father? 338 00:24:05,100 --> 00:24:06,767 And is the mother even... 339 00:24:06,867 --> 00:24:10,400 I know. I know you're fearful of what you might find. 340 00:24:12,067 --> 00:24:14,767 And she's such a dear girl, Dan. 341 00:24:24,233 --> 00:24:26,833 MAN: Come on now! Bring it down! 342 00:24:27,733 --> 00:24:29,433 (MEN SHOUTING) 343 00:25:27,067 --> 00:25:29,567 (MAN CHANTING IN HEBREW) 344 00:25:50,800 --> 00:25:53,667 (ALL CHANTING IN HEBREW) 345 00:26:24,367 --> 00:26:26,700 (HAWKERS SHOUTING) 346 00:26:39,233 --> 00:26:41,167 (SPEAKING HEBREW) 347 00:26:44,633 --> 00:26:46,467 (WOMAN HAGGLING) 348 00:26:53,367 --> 00:26:54,800 (COUGHS) 349 00:26:56,700 --> 00:26:58,267 (GRUNTS) 350 00:27:21,667 --> 00:27:25,067 MIRAH: I don't know whether my mother is still alive, or my brother. 351 00:27:25,100 --> 00:27:26,533 DANIEL: Their name is Lapidoth? 352 00:27:26,633 --> 00:27:30,167 MIRAH: No. Cohen. Sarah Cohen and Ezra Cohen. 353 00:27:43,900 --> 00:27:45,900 Can I help you, sir? 354 00:27:46,067 --> 00:27:48,200 What is the price of this book? 355 00:27:51,400 --> 00:27:53,767 What are you disposed to give for it? 356 00:27:54,767 --> 00:27:56,333 Don't you know its value? 357 00:27:56,433 --> 00:27:58,900 I know the value, but I don't know the market price. 358 00:28:00,167 --> 00:28:03,167 Are you interested in Jewish history? 359 00:28:03,967 --> 00:28:05,067 Yes. 360 00:28:06,133 --> 00:28:08,267 I'm interested in all kinds of history. 361 00:28:08,367 --> 00:28:11,800 But particularly Jewish history? 362 00:28:11,900 --> 00:28:15,433 Are you perhaps a member of our race? 363 00:28:15,533 --> 00:28:18,200 No, not at all. I'm simply curious, that's all. 364 00:28:23,867 --> 00:28:25,600 I beg your pardon. 365 00:28:27,900 --> 00:28:29,133 How much for the book? 366 00:28:29,233 --> 00:28:30,433 Whatever you like. 367 00:28:53,800 --> 00:28:55,133 Good evening, sir. 368 00:28:55,233 --> 00:28:57,233 I was just about to close up, 369 00:28:57,333 --> 00:28:59,867 but now you're here, we're all at your service. 370 00:29:05,067 --> 00:29:07,233 Uh, if it's not too much trouble, 371 00:29:07,333 --> 00:29:09,467 I saw some silver clasps in the window. 372 00:29:09,567 --> 00:29:12,067 -I'll get them, Ezra. -Mother, mother. 373 00:29:12,167 --> 00:29:14,167 See how she wants to do everything for me? 374 00:29:14,267 --> 00:29:16,933 I'm her only son, you see, sir. 375 00:29:17,067 --> 00:29:20,400 And there's my wife Adelaide, and these are my children, 376 00:29:20,500 --> 00:29:22,133 all come to see the fine gentleman. 377 00:29:22,233 --> 00:29:23,967 -I hope you don't object, sir. -No, not at all. 378 00:29:24,633 --> 00:29:26,367 There we are, sir. 379 00:29:26,467 --> 00:29:28,567 Fine work, as you see. 380 00:29:28,667 --> 00:29:30,400 How much are we asking, Ezra? 381 00:29:30,500 --> 00:29:33,167 Only three guineas. You know silver, sir, I'm sure. 382 00:29:33,267 --> 00:29:36,333 You know a bargain when you see one. 383 00:29:36,433 --> 00:29:41,300 Um, Mrs Cohen, might I ask, did you... 384 00:29:41,400 --> 00:29:44,167 Do you have a daughter as well as a son? 385 00:29:47,933 --> 00:29:49,467 Mrs Cohen, I beg your pardon. 386 00:29:49,567 --> 00:29:51,700 It's all right, sir. It's all right. 387 00:29:52,867 --> 00:29:54,767 So what about these silver clasps? 388 00:29:57,367 --> 00:29:59,267 They're very handsome. 389 00:29:59,367 --> 00:30:00,600 Could I come back tomorrow? 390 00:30:00,700 --> 00:30:02,733 Certainly, but tomorrow's our sabbath. 391 00:30:02,833 --> 00:30:05,333 -We should be closing early. -I could be here by 5:00. Will that do? 392 00:30:05,433 --> 00:30:07,433 (SPEAKING HEBREW) 393 00:30:07,533 --> 00:30:10,267 She says she'll have her sabbath frock on, sir. 394 00:30:10,367 --> 00:30:13,067 Oh, a sight not to be missed, I'm sure. 395 00:30:13,767 --> 00:30:14,867 Goodbye, Mr Cohen. 396 00:30:14,967 --> 00:30:17,200 -Goodbye, sir. -Mrs Cohen. 397 00:30:17,300 --> 00:30:19,533 MIRAH: * Meow 398 00:30:19,633 --> 00:30:20,833 * Meow 399 00:30:20,933 --> 00:30:22,900 * Meow 400 00:30:23,000 --> 00:30:24,000 * Mrow 401 00:30:24,100 --> 00:30:25,467 * Me... 402 00:30:25,567 --> 00:30:26,667 * Me-e-e * 403 00:30:26,767 --> 00:30:28,000 No, it's no good. 404 00:30:28,100 --> 00:30:30,967 I can't go on if you're going to make me laugh. 405 00:30:31,067 --> 00:30:32,233 Meow! 406 00:30:32,333 --> 00:30:36,067 No, please, I'll be very good this... Meow! 407 00:30:36,167 --> 00:30:38,300 I'll be very good this time, I promise. 408 00:30:38,400 --> 00:30:40,933 No more pussy-cat. On my honour. 409 00:30:42,200 --> 00:30:44,033 * Meow 410 00:30:44,133 --> 00:30:45,133 * Meow 411 00:30:45,233 --> 00:30:47,133 * Me-e-ow * 412 00:30:47,233 --> 00:30:49,467 There you are, Daniel. Look at this. 413 00:30:49,567 --> 00:30:52,467 We hardly thought that Mirah could laugh till Hans came back from Rome. 414 00:30:52,567 --> 00:30:53,867 -Hans. -Daniel! 415 00:30:53,967 --> 00:30:56,333 -You seem in great force. How was Rome? -Splendid! 416 00:30:56,433 --> 00:30:59,200 And it's splendid to be home as well. (FLOURISH) 417 00:30:59,300 --> 00:31:02,800 He's been just perfect ever since he came back, apart from his mischief-making. 418 00:31:02,900 --> 00:31:04,333 Little mother! Please. 419 00:31:05,167 --> 00:31:06,433 Good evening. How are you? 420 00:31:06,533 --> 00:31:09,400 I'm well. No need to ask how you are, I think. 421 00:31:09,500 --> 00:31:12,167 Oh, Hans has kept us merry all week. 422 00:31:12,267 --> 00:31:14,233 I love to hear them all talking together 423 00:31:14,333 --> 00:31:16,933 about what they did when they were little. I never had that. 424 00:31:17,067 --> 00:31:18,200 No, nor I. 425 00:31:18,300 --> 00:31:20,567 No? No, of course. 426 00:31:20,667 --> 00:31:23,967 But Mr Hans said yesterday you thought so much of others, 427 00:31:24,067 --> 00:31:26,567 you hardly wanted anything for yourself. 428 00:31:26,667 --> 00:31:28,933 Oh. Mr Hans said that, did he? 429 00:31:29,067 --> 00:31:31,900 Perhaps Mr Hans has no idea what I might want for myself. 430 00:31:48,700 --> 00:31:51,300 There, you see, I shall always beat you. 431 00:31:51,400 --> 00:31:53,900 Only because you gave me Criterion. 432 00:31:54,067 --> 00:31:56,167 But I shall always let you have whatever you like. 433 00:31:56,600 --> 00:31:58,533 Shall you? 434 00:31:58,633 --> 00:32:00,900 And nothing that I don't like? 435 00:32:02,533 --> 00:32:05,267 Because I think I dislike what I don't like 436 00:32:05,367 --> 00:32:07,233 more than I like what I like. 437 00:32:07,333 --> 00:32:08,767 And what don't you like? 438 00:32:10,433 --> 00:32:13,633 I don't like your friend, Mr Lush. 439 00:32:16,567 --> 00:32:18,367 I'll get rid of him, then. 440 00:32:19,633 --> 00:32:21,233 You don't mind? 441 00:32:21,333 --> 00:32:23,067 Whatever makes you happy. 442 00:32:31,733 --> 00:32:33,333 No, no. 443 00:32:34,433 --> 00:32:36,933 I don't feel like that just now. 444 00:32:37,867 --> 00:32:41,300 Well, I can wait. 445 00:32:49,067 --> 00:32:51,800 Good evening. I hope I'm not too late. 446 00:32:51,900 --> 00:32:53,733 No, no, sir, of course not. 447 00:32:53,833 --> 00:32:55,533 I'll get Ezra. 448 00:32:58,433 --> 00:33:00,600 Do you want to see my knife? 449 00:33:00,700 --> 00:33:02,533 Yes, if you'll show it to me. 450 00:33:04,833 --> 00:33:06,067 It's very impressive. 451 00:33:06,167 --> 00:33:09,200 Have you got a knife? Would you like to swap? 452 00:33:10,800 --> 00:33:13,467 -I'm afraid mine is at home. -Bring it next time. 453 00:33:13,567 --> 00:33:15,900 EZRA: Now, then, I see you've made friends. 454 00:33:16,067 --> 00:33:19,100 Jacob, call Mordecai while I help the gentleman. 455 00:33:19,200 --> 00:33:21,733 Here are the clasps. Three guineas. 456 00:33:21,833 --> 00:33:24,667 Should we say three pounds, as we're friends now? 457 00:33:24,767 --> 00:33:26,967 That's, uh, very good of you. 458 00:33:27,067 --> 00:33:30,067 First-rate workmanship, sir. I got them from Cologne. 459 00:33:32,833 --> 00:33:34,500 He was just coming. 460 00:33:37,133 --> 00:33:38,967 Mordecai's our lodger, sir. 461 00:33:40,733 --> 00:33:43,533 I thought that we would meet again. 462 00:33:43,633 --> 00:33:46,067 Perhaps you'd care to share our sabbath meal, sir. 463 00:33:46,133 --> 00:33:47,500 We'd be honoured. 464 00:33:49,167 --> 00:33:50,967 I wouldn't wish to intrude. 465 00:33:51,067 --> 00:33:53,100 No intrusion. A pleasure. 466 00:33:53,200 --> 00:33:54,933 You're most welcome. 467 00:33:55,967 --> 00:33:58,500 (BABY CRYING) 468 00:33:58,600 --> 00:34:01,900 -And what do you call the baby? -Eugenie, after the empress. 469 00:34:02,067 --> 00:34:04,767 -We went to see her at the Crystal Palace. -What a crowd! 470 00:34:04,867 --> 00:34:07,500 Mother was near squashed flat, weren't you, Mother? 471 00:34:07,600 --> 00:34:11,933 But it was worth it, you know, to be there and to see them. 472 00:34:12,067 --> 00:34:17,167 Do you know the Emperor is very much like my boy Ezra in the face? 473 00:34:17,267 --> 00:34:18,967 Please! It's embarrassing. 474 00:34:19,067 --> 00:34:21,967 What's the matter? If it's true, I shouldn't say so? 475 00:34:22,067 --> 00:34:23,733 What sort of knife is yours? 476 00:34:23,833 --> 00:34:24,967 Shh. 477 00:34:27,933 --> 00:34:29,433 (PRAYING IN HEBREW) 478 00:34:48,233 --> 00:34:50,333 -Goodnight. -Goodnight. 479 00:34:50,433 --> 00:34:52,433 -Thank you again. -MRS COHEN: Thank you for coming. 480 00:34:52,533 --> 00:34:54,467 Will you walk with me a little? 481 00:34:54,567 --> 00:34:57,200 Then I can show you where you can get a cab. 482 00:34:57,300 --> 00:34:59,167 MRS COHEN: Time for bed. 483 00:34:59,700 --> 00:35:01,400 Gladly. 484 00:35:07,433 --> 00:35:10,600 Do you know what brought you here tonight? 485 00:35:10,700 --> 00:35:13,300 I came for the silver clasps I saw yesterday. 486 00:35:13,400 --> 00:35:14,900 And that's all? 487 00:35:17,500 --> 00:35:18,967 When I came last evening, 488 00:35:19,067 --> 00:35:22,167 I asked Mrs Cohen if she had a daughter as well as a son, 489 00:35:22,267 --> 00:35:23,833 and it seemed to distress her. 490 00:35:23,933 --> 00:35:25,167 Do you know what her trouble is? 491 00:35:25,267 --> 00:35:27,233 Nothing to do with you, Mr Deronda. 492 00:35:27,333 --> 00:35:28,867 That's not why you were sent here. 493 00:35:28,967 --> 00:35:30,533 I wasn't sent here. I came of my own accord. 494 00:35:30,633 --> 00:35:34,133 Excuse me, but I believe you were sent here for a purpose, 495 00:35:34,233 --> 00:35:35,833 to find me. 496 00:35:36,633 --> 00:35:38,900 To find you? Why? 497 00:35:39,067 --> 00:35:40,333 What would I have to do with you? 498 00:35:40,433 --> 00:35:42,133 You don't begin to guess yet? 499 00:35:42,233 --> 00:35:45,733 Well, it will all become clear in time. 500 00:35:47,500 --> 00:35:48,833 Goodnight. 501 00:35:55,800 --> 00:35:57,733 -Park Lane. -Yes, sir. 502 00:36:09,167 --> 00:36:10,500 So... 503 00:36:12,100 --> 00:36:14,067 I'm to cut and run, am I? 504 00:36:14,900 --> 00:36:17,067 To please your lady love? 505 00:36:18,133 --> 00:36:21,300 Are you so much in thrall to her? 506 00:36:21,400 --> 00:36:22,967 That's not what it's about, Lush. 507 00:36:23,900 --> 00:36:26,400 What is it about, then? 508 00:36:26,500 --> 00:36:29,967 The pleasure of mastering a woman who thinks she can master me. 509 00:36:32,300 --> 00:36:35,367 And who could master any other man but me, I daresay. 510 00:36:35,467 --> 00:36:37,967 Perhaps she's mastered you already. 511 00:36:39,500 --> 00:36:40,800 Don't worry, Lush. 512 00:36:40,900 --> 00:36:43,967 I shan't cast you off entirely. 513 00:36:45,400 --> 00:36:47,367 Just so long as you're out of her sight. 514 00:36:50,067 --> 00:36:51,400 Ah. 515 00:36:53,467 --> 00:36:54,767 I see. 516 00:36:54,867 --> 00:36:57,367 It's like schooling a horse, you see. 517 00:36:57,467 --> 00:36:58,900 They don't like it. 518 00:36:59,067 --> 00:37:01,800 They don't want to kneel and submit, don't feel natural. 519 00:37:01,900 --> 00:37:04,367 You have to jolly them along a bit. 520 00:37:05,500 --> 00:37:06,933 Just at first. 521 00:37:08,333 --> 00:37:11,333 You can look after things in town 522 00:37:11,433 --> 00:37:13,700 and then creep back by and by. 523 00:37:20,600 --> 00:37:23,900 Would you like me to go to Gadsmere 524 00:37:24,067 --> 00:37:26,733 and break the news to Mrs Glasher? 525 00:37:29,667 --> 00:37:31,200 No. 526 00:37:32,167 --> 00:37:33,967 No, I'll do that myself. 527 00:37:46,367 --> 00:37:49,967 I've been thinking about how we might help you get some engagements. 528 00:37:50,067 --> 00:37:52,667 Have you by any chance heard of Julius Klesmer? 529 00:37:52,767 --> 00:37:55,900 Julius Klesmer? But of course. 530 00:37:56,067 --> 00:37:57,367 I'll be seeing him over Christmas. 531 00:37:57,467 --> 00:37:59,800 I thought I might mention you to him, ask his advice. 532 00:37:59,900 --> 00:38:01,300 I'd like him to hear you sing. 533 00:38:02,167 --> 00:38:04,767 Klesmer? To hear me? 534 00:38:05,900 --> 00:38:08,400 -You don't want me to? -Yes! Yes. 535 00:38:09,600 --> 00:38:11,267 I must take this chance. 536 00:38:12,700 --> 00:38:14,200 Thank you. 537 00:38:17,867 --> 00:38:19,200 Mirah... 538 00:38:21,433 --> 00:38:23,100 Suppose you were to discover 539 00:38:23,200 --> 00:38:30,133 that your lost mother and brother were now very lowly people 540 00:38:30,233 --> 00:38:32,067 with no particular distinctions, 541 00:38:32,867 --> 00:38:34,100 would you mind very much? 542 00:38:38,733 --> 00:38:43,933 Should you want to know them if they were the sort of people society looks down on? 543 00:38:45,967 --> 00:38:47,633 Why not? 544 00:38:47,733 --> 00:38:53,100 If they had good hearts and they wanted to know me and to welcome me. 545 00:38:53,200 --> 00:38:54,533 Wouldn't you feel the same? 546 00:38:55,400 --> 00:38:57,067 Well, I don't know. 547 00:39:04,167 --> 00:39:05,733 Yes, I believe I would. 548 00:39:05,833 --> 00:39:07,167 (DOOR OPENS) 549 00:39:07,267 --> 00:39:10,567 Dan! You didn't say you'd call. 550 00:39:10,667 --> 00:39:14,200 -I hope you're not trying to give me the slip. -Not at all. 551 00:39:15,533 --> 00:39:16,733 So, what do you think of her? 552 00:39:16,833 --> 00:39:18,467 Doesn't she look well? 553 00:39:18,567 --> 00:39:20,233 Yes, she does, very well. 554 00:39:20,333 --> 00:39:23,200 Ah! You must come up and see what I've been doing. 555 00:39:23,300 --> 00:39:24,367 And you too, Mirah. 556 00:39:24,467 --> 00:39:27,233 No, not me. I'd be embarrassed. 557 00:39:27,333 --> 00:39:28,867 Why would she be embarrassed? 558 00:39:28,967 --> 00:39:31,133 Have you gone back to painting those classical nudes of yours? 559 00:39:31,233 --> 00:39:33,633 Amazons and Sabines and... 560 00:39:35,300 --> 00:39:36,667 Oh. 561 00:39:39,533 --> 00:39:41,933 She is wonderful to paint, Dan. 562 00:39:42,067 --> 00:39:45,067 Just to try to capture that... 563 00:39:45,100 --> 00:39:48,267 I don't know what it is that she has. It's fascinating. 564 00:39:51,600 --> 00:39:54,367 I can't get enough of her, Dan. 565 00:39:54,467 --> 00:39:55,767 As you see. 566 00:39:59,167 --> 00:40:02,600 I didn't bring her to this house to work as your unpaid model, Hans. 567 00:40:02,700 --> 00:40:04,933 I'm not exploiting her, you know. 568 00:40:05,033 --> 00:40:07,533 She's very glad to pose when she's not practising, 569 00:40:07,633 --> 00:40:09,067 and she's more than a model to me. 570 00:40:10,767 --> 00:40:12,967 Much more. 571 00:40:13,067 --> 00:40:15,933 I care more for her than any girl I've ever known. 572 00:40:17,300 --> 00:40:18,467 Oh. 573 00:40:20,000 --> 00:40:22,933 And does she return your affection? 574 00:40:24,067 --> 00:40:25,500 Well, she likes me. 575 00:40:27,267 --> 00:40:29,133 I think she feels she would need your permission 576 00:40:29,233 --> 00:40:33,000 before she allowed me any more than friendship. 577 00:40:33,100 --> 00:40:36,233 I think perhaps I would need that permission, too. 578 00:40:43,767 --> 00:40:45,067 It's not right, Hans. 579 00:40:45,600 --> 00:40:48,833 Why... Why not? 580 00:40:48,933 --> 00:40:54,700 Because she's under your roof, indebted to you, obliged to be grateful. 581 00:40:54,800 --> 00:40:56,267 It's all quite wrong. 582 00:40:56,367 --> 00:40:58,300 She's far more indebted to you, 583 00:40:58,400 --> 00:41:00,767 far more obliged to be grateful to you, isn't she? 584 00:41:00,867 --> 00:41:02,533 But I'm not proposing myself as her lover. 585 00:41:07,233 --> 00:41:08,667 Are you sure? 586 00:41:12,133 --> 00:41:13,767 I've seen you look at her. 587 00:41:16,133 --> 00:41:18,133 What are your feelings for her? 588 00:41:18,233 --> 00:41:20,333 More to the point, what do you propose to do about them? 589 00:41:20,433 --> 00:41:21,767 I don't know, Hans. 590 00:41:21,867 --> 00:41:23,967 I trust you'll let me know when you've made up your mind. 591 00:41:24,067 --> 00:41:25,833 It is a matter of some concern to me. 592 00:41:28,433 --> 00:41:30,267 Oh, come on, Dan, don't glower at me like that. 593 00:41:30,367 --> 00:41:32,667 We can still be friends, can't we? 594 00:41:44,567 --> 00:41:45,667 HENLEIGH: It's him. 595 00:41:45,767 --> 00:41:46,867 Who, my love? 596 00:41:47,533 --> 00:41:48,633 You know. 597 00:41:48,733 --> 00:41:50,933 You didn't say he was coming. 598 00:41:51,067 --> 00:41:52,600 I wasn't sure that he would. 599 00:41:58,600 --> 00:42:00,367 You will be good, won't you, Henleigh? 600 00:42:00,467 --> 00:42:02,600 You know we depend on him for everything. 601 00:42:02,700 --> 00:42:04,267 Hmm? 602 00:42:04,367 --> 00:42:05,767 Promise? 603 00:42:05,867 --> 00:42:07,200 All right. 604 00:42:10,733 --> 00:42:12,867 Mr Grandcourt, ma'am. 605 00:42:26,700 --> 00:42:28,733 Good. 606 00:42:28,833 --> 00:42:33,067 Ah. It might be as well if the children were sent out. 607 00:42:33,400 --> 00:42:34,767 Yes. 608 00:42:34,867 --> 00:42:36,600 Go and play in the garden. 609 00:42:36,700 --> 00:42:39,533 Go on. It's still warm outside. 610 00:42:39,633 --> 00:42:42,167 Go and see if there are any new ducks on the pond. 611 00:43:01,333 --> 00:43:03,533 I came to tell you I am to be married to Miss Harleth. 612 00:43:08,167 --> 00:43:09,400 No. 613 00:43:10,300 --> 00:43:12,367 You've met her, I understand. 614 00:43:16,267 --> 00:43:19,200 Don't make this more disagreeable than it need be, Lydia. 615 00:43:19,300 --> 00:43:21,500 You and the children will be provided for as usual. 616 00:43:21,600 --> 00:43:23,733 You care nothing for me and the children. 617 00:43:23,833 --> 00:43:25,833 That's not quite true. 618 00:43:25,933 --> 00:43:28,433 Why don't you go? 619 00:43:28,533 --> 00:43:30,600 I can see that you're sick of us. 620 00:43:30,700 --> 00:43:32,067 You want to get away and be with your Miss Harleth. 621 00:43:32,167 --> 00:43:35,100 Don't say things you'll repent of, Lydia. 622 00:43:36,100 --> 00:43:38,500 What friend have you besides me? 623 00:43:43,533 --> 00:43:45,533 There is one more thing. 624 00:43:48,733 --> 00:43:49,967 My diamonds. 625 00:43:51,933 --> 00:43:55,400 I want to make an arrangement for them to be delivered to someone. 626 00:44:02,867 --> 00:44:05,133 I'm sorry. 627 00:44:05,233 --> 00:44:08,400 I never expected you would ever ask for them. 628 00:44:08,500 --> 00:44:12,267 I'm sorry. I can see this must be a bore for you. 629 00:44:12,367 --> 00:44:14,133 I could take them now, 630 00:44:14,233 --> 00:44:16,733 or shall I arrange for Lush to collect them? 631 00:44:17,800 --> 00:44:19,933 I will make the arrangement. 632 00:44:21,367 --> 00:44:23,800 They will be delivered to her safely. 633 00:44:23,900 --> 00:44:27,100 No, that doesn't suit me. 634 00:44:27,200 --> 00:44:29,100 Please, allow me this one request! 635 00:44:29,200 --> 00:44:31,467 If you... 636 00:44:31,567 --> 00:44:36,100 If you present yourself again and make a scene, 637 00:44:38,867 --> 00:44:41,133 I will never forgive you. 638 00:44:44,067 --> 00:44:45,567 Do you understand? 639 00:44:49,700 --> 00:44:51,300 Perfectly. 640 00:44:52,900 --> 00:44:54,500 Good. 641 00:45:05,700 --> 00:45:10,467 Then, tell me, where will you be going after your wedding? 642 00:45:12,233 --> 00:45:13,633 To Ryelands. 643 00:45:15,267 --> 00:45:16,767 Thank you. 644 00:45:17,900 --> 00:45:20,100 The diamonds will be delivered there. 645 00:45:22,567 --> 00:45:24,433 Don't be angry. 646 00:45:25,567 --> 00:45:27,167 Come, 647 00:45:29,333 --> 00:45:31,633 smoke your cigar. 648 00:46:20,067 --> 00:46:24,600 These diamonds, which were given with ardent love to me, 649 00:46:24,700 --> 00:46:26,900 I now pass on to you. 650 00:46:46,567 --> 00:46:48,667 Thank God you wear it so well darling. 651 00:46:48,767 --> 00:46:52,700 Mama! Here I am, Mrs Grandcourt. 652 00:46:52,800 --> 00:46:54,733 What else would you have me be? 653 00:46:54,833 --> 00:46:58,200 You were ready to die with vexation when you thought I would not be Mrs Grandcourt. 654 00:46:58,300 --> 00:46:59,633 Hush, child. 655 00:46:59,733 --> 00:47:02,767 How could I help feeling it when I am parting from you? 656 00:47:02,867 --> 00:47:05,867 I can bear anything gladly if you are happy. 657 00:47:05,967 --> 00:47:07,467 How could I not be? 658 00:47:07,567 --> 00:47:10,300 I shall have everything at my beck and call. 659 00:47:10,400 --> 00:47:13,567 I shall enjoy everything gloriously, 660 00:47:13,667 --> 00:47:16,067 splendid houses and horses... 661 00:47:17,567 --> 00:47:20,167 And always loving you better than anybody else in the world. 662 00:47:20,267 --> 00:47:23,067 Oh, my sweet child. 663 00:47:23,100 --> 00:47:25,567 I shan't be jealous if you love your husband better. 664 00:47:27,267 --> 00:47:29,433 I mean, he will expect to be first. 665 00:47:29,533 --> 00:47:32,533 Rather a ridiculous expectation. 666 00:47:32,633 --> 00:47:35,333 But I don't mean to treat him ill unless he deserves it. 667 00:47:35,433 --> 00:47:36,733 (LAUGHS) 668 00:47:39,467 --> 00:47:41,600 I wish you were going with me, Mama. 669 00:48:23,400 --> 00:48:25,467 These will be our dens. 670 00:48:25,567 --> 00:48:28,467 You'll like to be quiet here until dinner, I think. 671 00:48:28,567 --> 00:48:30,333 -Yes. -Good. 672 00:48:31,200 --> 00:48:32,633 We shall dine early. 673 00:48:35,633 --> 00:48:37,200 Till later, then. 674 00:48:49,133 --> 00:48:50,800 You can tell the maid to leave everything. 675 00:48:50,900 --> 00:48:53,967 -I shan't want her again unless I ring. -Very good, ma'am. 676 00:48:55,100 --> 00:48:57,567 Here is a packet just arrived, ma'am. 677 00:48:58,067 --> 00:49:00,067 Oh, good. 678 00:49:00,933 --> 00:49:02,567 Thank you. 679 00:49:16,267 --> 00:49:17,667 LYDIA: "These diamonds, 680 00:49:17,767 --> 00:49:19,933 "which were given with ardent love to me, 681 00:49:20,067 --> 00:49:22,067 "I now pass on to you. 682 00:49:23,467 --> 00:49:25,567 "You have broken your word to me 683 00:49:25,667 --> 00:49:28,933 "and chosen to injure me and my children. 684 00:49:29,067 --> 00:49:30,733 "You will have your punishment. 685 00:49:44,700 --> 00:49:47,200 "You will have your punishment. 686 00:49:47,300 --> 00:49:51,200 "The man you have married has a withered heart." 687 00:49:51,300 --> 00:49:55,467 I am the grave in which your happiness is buried as well as mine. 688 00:49:55,567 --> 00:49:58,567 The wrong you have done me will be your curse. 689 00:50:21,600 --> 00:50:23,167 (GWENDOLEN CRYING)