1 00:00:03,100 --> 00:00:08,130 Angely i demony kruzhili nado mnoj, Angels and demons circle above me, 2 00:00:08,840 --> 00:00:13,670 rassykhali ternii i vechnye puti. through the thorns to the stars. 3 00:00:14,210 --> 00:00:19,410 Ne znaet shast'je tol'ko tot, Only those unable to perceive its call... 4 00:00:20,050 --> 00:00:26,190 kto jevo zova ponjat' ne smog. ...do not know happiness. 5 00:00:26,190 --> 00:00:31,960 Naljubuites', naljubuites'. Watch in awe, watch in awe. 6 00:00:31,960 --> 00:00:37,330 Aeria gloris, aeria gloris. 7 00:00:37,670 --> 00:00:43,040 Naljubuites', naljubuites'. Watch in awe, watch in awe. 8 00:00:43,440 --> 00:00:48,110 Aeria gloris, aeria gloris. 9 00:00:48,110 --> 00:00:54,380 I am calling, calling now, 10 00:00:54,720 --> 00:01:00,350 spirits rise and falling. 11 00:01:01,290 --> 00:01:06,090 Soboj ostat'sja dol'she. To remain myself longer. 12 00:01:06,430 --> 00:01:18,000 Calling, calling, in the depths of longing. 13 00:01:18,510 --> 00:01:23,680 Soboj ostat'sja dol'she. To remain myself longer. 14 00:01:23,680 --> 00:01:26,020 Naljubuites', Watch in awe, 15 00:01:26,020 --> 00:01:29,880 aeria gloris. 16 00:01:32,020 --> 00:01:39,100 It is a time when, even if nets were to guide 17 00:01:32,500 --> 00:01:39,100 all consciousness that had been converted 18 00:01:33,000 --> 00:01:39,100 to photons and electrons toward coalescing, 19 00:01:33,500 --> 00:01:39,100 standalone individuals have not yet been converted 20 00:01:34,000 --> 00:01:39,100 into data to the extent that they can form 21 00:01:34,500 --> 00:01:39,100 unique components of a larger complex 22 00:01:51,220 --> 00:01:52,560 Dread calling Somerset. 23 00:01:53,060 --> 00:01:57,390 Sleeping gas injectors now attached to outer walls and rooftop air conditioner. 24 00:01:57,760 --> 00:02:00,860 Roger. Set it for 0220 hours. Wait forthe signal. 25 00:02:44,140 --> 00:02:45,800 You people are cops?! 26 00:02:46,180 --> 00:02:48,770 Now I know there's no hope for justice in the system! 27 00:02:49,380 --> 00:02:51,780 If you've got a problem with the world, change yourself. 28 00:02:52,020 --> 00:02:56,080 If that's a problem, close your eyes, shut your mouth, and live like a hermit. 29 00:02:56,390 --> 00:02:57,980 And if that's a problem... 30 00:02:59,960 --> 00:03:04,020 Major, assemble the team with an A2 loudout. 31 00:03:04,360 --> 00:03:06,300 Location, 82-D3. 32 00:03:06,300 --> 00:03:07,560 You copy that, Batou? 33 00:03:12,210 --> 00:03:14,110 Yep, loud and clear. 34 00:03:42,870 --> 00:03:46,610 I can't hand over command authority here without a rational explanation! 35 00:03:46,610 --> 00:03:48,630 This incident is under police jurisdiction! 36 00:03:49,080 --> 00:03:51,240 I'm under no obligation to explain anything. 37 00:03:51,680 --> 00:03:54,670 Stop being stubborn, and hand over command authority to the military! 38 00:03:55,050 --> 00:03:56,610 We're being stubborn?! 39 00:03:57,650 --> 00:04:00,410 Is this any time for petty squabbles? 40 00:04:02,720 --> 00:04:04,050 Aramaki... 41 00:04:08,430 --> 00:04:10,730 Isn't it the customers inside that we should be worrying about? 42 00:04:11,500 --> 00:04:12,460 Yes, sir. 43 00:04:12,900 --> 00:04:15,300 The customers that we believe are currently being held... 44 00:04:15,740 --> 00:04:18,570 ...are the Minister of Foreign Affairs, as well as his private secretary, 45 00:04:18,870 --> 00:04:20,670 the director of the Minister's Support Association, 46 00:04:20,670 --> 00:04:23,700 and two people from the North American Industrial Promotion Alliance. 47 00:04:24,310 --> 00:04:29,180 It's been 17 minutes since geisha robots took the Minister and the others hostage. 48 00:04:30,080 --> 00:04:32,480 The hostess escaped on her own, and according to her, 49 00:04:32,790 --> 00:04:36,380 there may have been two more fatalities since then, 50 00:04:37,060 --> 00:04:40,990 but we've been unable to verify the situation inside so far. 51 00:04:41,590 --> 00:04:43,590 Has anyone claimed responsibility or made demands? 52 00:04:44,000 --> 00:04:45,400 Not at this time. 53 00:04:45,400 --> 00:04:48,030 - Communications blackout? - My people are handling that. 54 00:04:48,830 --> 00:04:50,370 What about press control? 55 00:04:50,370 --> 00:04:54,500 We enacted Code 14 nine minutes ago. It won't hold for long. 56 00:04:55,170 --> 00:04:58,910 Section 9 will handle this incident. Hold your position. 57 00:04:58,910 --> 00:05:00,040 - Yes, sir! - Yes, sir! 58 00:05:00,650 --> 00:05:01,740 Kubota. 59 00:05:14,160 --> 00:05:16,360 Why does the military want to step in? 60 00:05:16,730 --> 00:05:18,790 One of our people is in there. 61 00:05:19,130 --> 00:05:20,970 That's all I can say for now. 62 00:05:20,970 --> 00:05:23,270 All right, you can tell me about it later. 63 00:05:23,270 --> 00:05:24,570 Leave this to me. 64 00:05:28,940 --> 00:05:29,910 Major! 65 00:05:30,810 --> 00:05:32,040 Almost there! 66 00:05:32,040 --> 00:05:34,880 The military is itching to step in. Watch your backs! 67 00:05:35,110 --> 00:05:36,720 Thanks for the concern. 68 00:05:36,720 --> 00:05:37,480 Batou? 69 00:05:38,450 --> 00:05:39,650 I'm still en route. 70 00:05:40,690 --> 00:05:44,380 That explains the wiretap noise I was getting when I was listening in on the sniper team. 71 00:05:44,720 --> 00:05:46,350 Togusa. Ishikawa. 72 00:05:48,830 --> 00:05:51,100 Major, there are just too many circuits. 73 00:05:51,100 --> 00:05:53,360 It'll probably take two hours to pinpoint it. 74 00:05:53,770 --> 00:05:56,740 Togusa, come to the central courtyard and get ready to storm the place! 75 00:05:57,070 --> 00:05:58,090 Roger that. 76 00:06:00,810 --> 00:06:01,770 Saito! 77 00:06:05,240 --> 00:06:07,010 I've neutralized the image curtains, 78 00:06:07,010 --> 00:06:09,550 but all those trees down there are limiting my field of fire. 79 00:06:09,550 --> 00:06:10,880 Paz. Borma. 80 00:06:15,920 --> 00:06:16,820 Ready whenever you are. 81 00:06:17,390 --> 00:06:20,120 Whoever's controlling the geisha robots ought to be nearby. 82 00:06:20,460 --> 00:06:21,860 Don't shoot out the transmitter. 83 00:06:21,860 --> 00:06:24,560 I'll upload a virus before he can wipe the evidence. 84 00:06:24,560 --> 00:06:28,800 Major! What if the robot geishas demand a pay raise? 85 00:06:28,800 --> 00:06:29,770 Get serious. 86 00:06:30,540 --> 00:06:32,830 All personnel in position! Standing by! 87 00:06:33,740 --> 00:06:35,230 All right, go! 88 00:06:35,840 --> 00:06:36,830 Go! 89 00:08:06,400 --> 00:08:09,630 Paz! Borma! Track my tracer virus! 90 00:08:10,070 --> 00:08:11,370 Batou, you're on backup! 91 00:08:11,740 --> 00:08:14,040 Hey, music to my ears. 92 00:08:16,780 --> 00:08:18,110 Look alive, Togusa! 93 00:08:18,910 --> 00:08:20,470 Chief, the scene is secure. 94 00:08:21,480 --> 00:08:25,750 One hostage in need of immediate medical attention for severe trauma. 95 00:08:27,220 --> 00:08:30,590 One other confirmed dead from head wound. 96 00:08:31,320 --> 00:08:33,050 Batou and the others are in pursuit of the culprit. 97 00:08:33,730 --> 00:08:36,630 Good, bring the Minister and the others outside. 98 00:08:36,630 --> 00:08:37,620 Carefully. 99 00:08:38,060 --> 00:08:41,660 I have four vans and a tent corridor waiting at the front entrance. 100 00:08:42,130 --> 00:08:44,170 Move them under guard protocol B6! 101 00:08:44,170 --> 00:08:45,070 Roger! 102 00:08:45,400 --> 00:08:46,740 Can you walk, Minister? 103 00:08:47,110 --> 00:08:49,900 Yes... We owe you our lives. Thank you. 104 00:09:04,960 --> 00:09:08,460 Major, the target is a cyborg! Searching records now! 105 00:09:08,460 --> 00:09:10,260 No matching persons found yet! 106 00:09:10,260 --> 00:09:12,750 Don't kill him until you find out what he was waiting for. 107 00:09:12,970 --> 00:09:14,730 Borma, I'm almost at your location! 108 00:09:15,070 --> 00:09:16,840 Don't run out into traffic, okay? 109 00:09:16,840 --> 00:09:18,430 You think I'm a kid or something? 110 00:09:22,340 --> 00:09:23,670 Tachikoma, are you still with me?! 111 00:09:43,830 --> 00:09:45,390 What took you so long, Tachikoma?! 112 00:09:46,430 --> 00:09:47,560 You give up? 113 00:10:01,250 --> 00:10:03,080 This can't be good. 114 00:10:05,850 --> 00:10:07,110 Come in. 115 00:10:20,370 --> 00:10:21,660 All right, let's hear it. 116 00:10:23,400 --> 00:10:24,470 All right... 117 00:10:24,470 --> 00:10:27,270 The woman whose brain was damaged was the Minister's private secretary. 118 00:10:27,810 --> 00:10:29,740 She was one of my people, 119 00:10:29,740 --> 00:10:32,140 and I was having her conduct a secret investigation of the Minister. 120 00:10:32,580 --> 00:10:34,050 The Minister of Foreign Affairs? 121 00:10:34,050 --> 00:10:34,840 Right. 122 00:10:35,110 --> 00:10:40,550 His activities lately indicate an interest in the Ichinose Report. 123 00:10:41,050 --> 00:10:43,820 That's the one that includes "Diplomatic and Military... 124 00:10:43,820 --> 00:10:46,730 ...Strategic Scenarios During States of Emergency," right? 125 00:10:46,730 --> 00:10:47,520 Yes. 126 00:10:48,030 --> 00:10:51,590 Of course, we wouldn't be able to refuse if the military received a disclosure request. 127 00:10:52,260 --> 00:10:55,890 But there haven't been any instructions from the Minister himself. 128 00:10:56,240 --> 00:10:58,230 Up until now, we've been taking a wait-and-see approach. 129 00:10:58,870 --> 00:11:02,860 The secret investigation was more of a routine safety check. 130 00:11:03,440 --> 00:11:05,710 Then why was the secretary attacked? 131 00:11:07,550 --> 00:11:11,180 It's possible that they tried to kill her to cover up something she had found. 132 00:11:11,750 --> 00:11:13,980 And the Minister's personal affairs? 133 00:11:14,290 --> 00:11:16,560 He's clean, as far as a general investigation could uncover. 134 00:11:16,560 --> 00:11:20,590 There's no signs of blackmail or unusual bank account activity. 135 00:11:20,590 --> 00:11:22,290 This isn't like you. 136 00:11:22,490 --> 00:11:24,830 I know, I really blew it this time... 137 00:11:25,030 --> 00:11:29,330 If it's all right with you, I'd like my people to look into this. 138 00:11:29,870 --> 00:11:30,770 What do you say? 139 00:11:30,770 --> 00:11:31,900 I'd appreciate it. 140 00:11:32,240 --> 00:11:35,570 But don't do anything that would hurt your career. 141 00:11:36,010 --> 00:11:37,530 I'll cover for you once this is over. 142 00:11:49,520 --> 00:11:50,450 Well? 143 00:11:50,790 --> 00:11:53,260 Look into the Minister's personal affairs again. 144 00:11:53,730 --> 00:11:57,800 Also, find out exactly what happened inside that restaurant. 145 00:11:57,800 --> 00:12:01,700 I'll check into the military's interest in the Ichinose Report again. 146 00:12:02,070 --> 00:12:04,090 Hey, I thought he was a friend of yours. 147 00:12:04,670 --> 00:12:07,070 He is. That's why I'm looking into this. 148 00:12:21,850 --> 00:12:25,450 He's got guts, burning out his own memories like that. 149 00:12:26,830 --> 00:12:29,950 He did it, even though he knew it might cause brain damage. 150 00:12:31,230 --> 00:12:32,930 Thanks to him, I'm a laughing stock. 151 00:12:50,620 --> 00:12:52,170 What a waste of money. 152 00:12:53,820 --> 00:12:56,910 If you need to rush down here for target practice whenever there's a mission, 153 00:12:57,260 --> 00:12:59,750 I'd recommend getting a prosthetic body. 154 00:13:00,330 --> 00:13:02,730 You're telling me I should become a cyborg, too? 155 00:13:04,600 --> 00:13:07,570 I'm not dumb enough to order you to mix up official and private matters. 156 00:13:08,100 --> 00:13:11,230 I think your marksmanship today was excellent. 157 00:13:11,700 --> 00:13:15,240 But if you think your shots might go through your target and hit the hostage, 158 00:13:15,240 --> 00:13:17,710 make a quick on-site judgment call. 159 00:13:18,780 --> 00:13:21,680 You had that 9mm with you, right? 160 00:13:22,150 --> 00:13:26,610 Geez, what do you think we hired you away from police HQ for? 161 00:13:26,990 --> 00:13:30,890 If you've got time to be depressed, why not grace us with your special talents? 162 00:13:32,890 --> 00:13:35,290 We're going to find out exactly what happened... 163 00:13:35,830 --> 00:13:39,230 ...in the ten minutes or so before we stormed the restaurant. 164 00:14:05,120 --> 00:14:07,280 How are the grandchildren? 165 00:14:07,830 --> 00:14:09,290 What do you think of all this? 166 00:14:11,760 --> 00:14:14,250 You certainly are impatient. 167 00:14:16,300 --> 00:14:19,360 The Ichinose Report has no impact on the military's budget. 168 00:14:19,710 --> 00:14:22,230 It's nothing you'd be interested in, either. 169 00:14:22,540 --> 00:14:25,200 Whose view is that? The bureaucrats' or the politicians'? 170 00:14:25,640 --> 00:14:29,440 Any military man who could be hurt by it would be in no position to know about it. 171 00:14:29,720 --> 00:14:31,980 "Don't go looking for things you don't know about." 172 00:14:32,580 --> 00:14:34,140 Your words, I believe. 173 00:14:35,420 --> 00:14:36,940 You're the same as ever, I see. 174 00:14:38,120 --> 00:14:42,080 There's a new place near here that has delicious shrimp. Care to join me? 175 00:14:42,630 --> 00:14:44,290 Another time. 176 00:14:48,530 --> 00:14:50,160 The Major is waiting for you. 177 00:14:58,340 --> 00:14:59,400 What have you found? 178 00:15:00,310 --> 00:15:03,250 This is surveillance video from the Yanagi Room right after the incident. 179 00:15:03,250 --> 00:15:07,380 There's also some footage that bothers me from the cameras inside the restaurant. 180 00:15:18,730 --> 00:15:21,200 This man should have been equipped with a spinal column unit... 181 00:15:21,200 --> 00:15:23,460 ...made by the North American Neutron Company, 182 00:15:23,840 --> 00:15:28,770 but the smashed parts just won't piece together into that original form. 183 00:15:30,480 --> 00:15:33,240 This next footage is of the Minister and a geisha going into the bathroom. 184 00:15:34,050 --> 00:15:35,510 With a geisha? 185 00:15:35,510 --> 00:15:40,820 Apparently, he sometimes likes to swap bodies with geishas when he gets drunk. 186 00:15:46,060 --> 00:15:48,550 There's the NAIPA official who was killed. 187 00:15:49,230 --> 00:15:51,560 - He's fooling around with the Minister, too? - I couldn't tell you that much. 188 00:15:52,130 --> 00:15:53,930 There wasn't any footage from inside the bathroom. 189 00:15:58,370 --> 00:16:01,100 And here comes the secretary, who has become worried. 190 00:16:05,180 --> 00:16:07,240 Right there. That's when the secretary was attacked. 191 00:16:13,020 --> 00:16:16,150 This doesn't jibe with the testimony of the second NAIPA official. 192 00:16:16,690 --> 00:16:22,590 He said that the dead NAIPA official was attacked first, and then the secretary. 193 00:16:23,360 --> 00:16:26,730 The Support Association director was too drunk to remember many details, 194 00:16:27,200 --> 00:16:31,690 but he told the police that he thought he heard the secretary scream first. 195 00:16:32,540 --> 00:16:34,560 What was it that she saw? 196 00:16:57,800 --> 00:16:59,760 What did she see? 197 00:17:01,170 --> 00:17:02,870 Can you walk, Minister? 198 00:17:02,870 --> 00:17:05,200 Yes... We owe you our lives. Thank you. 199 00:17:26,120 --> 00:17:26,990 Major! 200 00:17:27,430 --> 00:17:31,800 There was testimony that the Minister is into swapping bodies with geishas, right? 201 00:17:32,300 --> 00:17:33,700 Right. What are you getting at? 202 00:17:33,700 --> 00:17:36,530 What if somebody swapped out the Minister's braincase? 203 00:17:37,100 --> 00:17:39,370 If our culprit were after the Ichinose Report, 204 00:17:39,710 --> 00:17:43,230 wouldn't he need the external appearance of the Minister? 205 00:17:43,940 --> 00:17:48,070 The secretary was attacked because she saw the braincase switch! 206 00:17:48,480 --> 00:17:49,450 Ishikawa! 207 00:17:53,750 --> 00:17:57,390 Kubota, this is Aramaki! Listen, about the Minister... 208 00:17:57,390 --> 00:18:01,220 The Minister just left with the Ichinose Report along with the people... 209 00:18:01,590 --> 00:18:03,530 ... from the North American Industrial Promotion Alliance! 210 00:18:03,860 --> 00:18:06,260 He was given an encoded printout that can't be copied, 211 00:18:06,600 --> 00:18:09,600 so that should buy us some time before he can re-digitize it, but... 212 00:18:09,600 --> 00:18:10,730 Where's the Minister now?! 213 00:18:11,300 --> 00:18:12,640 Heading for the airport. 214 00:18:12,640 --> 00:18:16,840 They say he's flying to America to give a speech at a party sponsored by the NAIPA! 215 00:18:17,180 --> 00:18:19,510 Batou, emergency mobilization! L2 loadout! 216 00:18:19,510 --> 00:18:21,710 We'll pick up Togusa and Saito and head for the airport! 217 00:18:43,240 --> 00:18:44,170 Minister! 218 00:18:44,640 --> 00:18:47,770 I'm sorry, but they say the private plane will be about 15 minutes late... 219 00:18:47,770 --> 00:18:49,640 ...due to unseasonable weather. 220 00:18:50,510 --> 00:18:51,700 I see. 221 00:18:58,420 --> 00:18:59,580 We'll go on ahead! 222 00:19:13,370 --> 00:19:13,940 Ichinose Report 223 00:19:32,250 --> 00:19:33,310 Minister! 224 00:19:34,950 --> 00:19:38,220 I'm sorry for the delay, Minister. I'm told that the plane has just landed. 225 00:19:50,470 --> 00:19:52,300 Just a moment, Minister! 226 00:19:56,840 --> 00:19:59,400 Oh, it's you. Thank you for saving me last night. 227 00:19:59,740 --> 00:20:01,300 What can I do for you? 228 00:20:06,150 --> 00:20:07,880 I came to deliver this. 229 00:20:08,590 --> 00:20:09,750 What is it? 230 00:20:13,960 --> 00:20:17,790 "Instructions for removal from public duties for medical treatment"? 231 00:20:18,160 --> 00:20:20,860 I'm... being replaced? What's the meaning of this?! 232 00:20:21,730 --> 00:20:25,330 Having read that, you are no longer Minister of Foreign Affairs. 233 00:20:25,740 --> 00:20:28,140 What? On what authority?! 234 00:20:28,870 --> 00:20:32,370 I have approval from the Prime Minister and the Board Members of the ruling party. 235 00:20:32,880 --> 00:20:34,850 Feel free to verify this for yourself. 236 00:20:35,550 --> 00:20:39,380 Assemblyman, last night's incident has put you under suspicion of spying, 237 00:20:39,380 --> 00:20:43,290 as well as seeking political asylum in a foreign country. 238 00:20:43,760 --> 00:20:45,460 Will you accompany us, please? 239 00:20:45,460 --> 00:20:47,690 Who the hell do you think you are?! 240 00:20:52,000 --> 00:20:54,990 Don't do it! That isn't the man you're supposed to be protecting! 241 00:21:11,580 --> 00:21:13,110 Braincase secured! 242 00:21:16,150 --> 00:21:20,490 We'll take our time and find out exactly who you are. 243 00:21:21,090 --> 00:21:22,080 Take him away. 244 00:21:52,990 --> 00:21:55,860 They say she'll have an operation to allow her brain functions... 245 00:21:55,860 --> 00:21:58,230 ...to be supported by cyberbrain technology and micromachines. 246 00:21:59,030 --> 00:22:01,700 There'll be some damage in her speech centers, 247 00:22:01,700 --> 00:22:04,170 but they say it won't interfere with her daily life. 248 00:22:04,770 --> 00:22:06,000 That's good. 249 00:22:06,400 --> 00:22:12,000 I wish we could've handled this ourselves, but I owe you one. 250 00:22:12,280 --> 00:22:15,080 If you hadn't taken a stand right after it went down, 251 00:22:15,080 --> 00:22:18,070 the police would have stormed in and shot the robots dead. 252 00:22:18,420 --> 00:22:20,040 End of story. 253 00:22:20,550 --> 00:22:24,520 Section 9 wouldn't have gotten involved, and the media would be full of stories... 254 00:22:24,520 --> 00:22:27,290 ...about the defection and spying of the Minister of Foreign Affairs right about now. 255 00:22:27,630 --> 00:22:30,860 Still, I'm amazed you managed to get together the paperwork you needed... 256 00:22:31,230 --> 00:22:33,900 ...to convince all the politicians so quickly. 257 00:22:33,900 --> 00:22:35,870 Like they say, always be prepared. 258 00:22:37,800 --> 00:22:39,770 And for some reason, the Minister's plane... 259 00:22:39,770 --> 00:22:42,170 ...got delayed, even though the weather was fine. 260 00:22:43,010 --> 00:22:45,480 At Section 9, we aim to please. 261 00:23:16,510 --> 00:23:20,860 She's so cold and human 262 00:23:20,860 --> 00:23:23,760 It's something humans do 263 00:23:23,760 --> 00:23:26,070 She stays so golden solo 264 00:23:26,070 --> 00:23:29,130 She's so number nine 265 00:23:29,130 --> 00:23:31,880 She's incredible math 266 00:23:33,140 --> 00:23:36,160 Just incredible math 267 00:23:36,430 --> 00:23:40,620 And is she really human? 268 00:23:40,620 --> 00:23:43,910 She's just so something new 269 00:23:43,910 --> 00:23:46,160 A waking lithium flower 270 00:23:46,160 --> 00:23:49,020 Just about to bloom 271 00:23:49,110 --> 00:23:51,820 I smell lithium now 272 00:23:52,860 --> 00:23:55,940 Smelling lithium now 273 00:23:57,110 --> 00:24:01,150 How is she when she doesn't surf? 274 00:24:01,150 --> 00:24:04,980 How is she when she doesn't surf? 275 00:24:04,980 --> 00:24:07,880 How is she when she doesn't surf? 276 00:24:07,880 --> 00:24:12,080 I wonder what she does when she wakes up? 277 00:24:13,360 --> 00:24:16,650 When she wakes up? 278 00:24:16,650 --> 00:24:18,650