1 00:00:08,000 --> 00:00:11,240 I'm a soldier, znatchit ya... I'm a soldier, and that means... 2 00:00:11,240 --> 00:00:14,510 ...i otvetchik i sud'ya ...that I am both defendant and judge. 3 00:00:14,510 --> 00:00:19,910 Ya stoyu na dvuh kontsah ognya I stand at both ends of the fire. 4 00:00:21,110 --> 00:00:24,310 Ogibaya virazhi, Leaning into the curves, 5 00:00:24,310 --> 00:00:27,650 obgonyaya smert' i zhizn', overtaking life and death, 6 00:00:27,650 --> 00:00:33,180 ya begu srazit'sya s ten'yu lzhi I'm running to fight the shadow of lies. 7 00:00:33,360 --> 00:00:39,790 Skol'ko b nitej ne plyol obman, No matter how tangled the web of deception is woven, 8 00:00:39,930 --> 00:00:47,300 pokazhet lik sveta istina... truth will always illuminate the outline of the light... 9 00:00:48,170 --> 00:00:51,380 Save your tears for the day... 10 00:00:51,380 --> 00:00:54,680 ...when the pain is far behind. 11 00:00:54,680 --> 00:00:57,870 On your feet, come with me. 12 00:00:57,870 --> 00:01:01,320 We are soldiers, stand or die. 13 00:01:01,320 --> 00:01:04,490 Save your fears, take your place. 14 00:01:04,490 --> 00:01:07,590 Save them for the Judgment Day. 15 00:01:07,760 --> 00:01:11,020 Fast and free, follow me. 16 00:01:11,020 --> 00:01:15,730 Time to make the sacrifice. 17 00:01:15,730 --> 00:01:22,790 We rise or fall... 18 00:02:07,080 --> 00:02:10,820 In the end, regardless of whatever the truth might be, 19 00:02:13,390 --> 00:02:16,790 it's also true that we were looking for an opportunity to make amends. 20 00:02:17,190 --> 00:02:19,250 To the countries of Asia, I mean. 21 00:02:19,630 --> 00:02:22,500 That may be especially true for those who had received... 22 00:02:22,900 --> 00:02:24,890 ...a postwar education in the last century. 23 00:02:25,340 --> 00:02:29,110 By fighting the 2nd Vietnam War on all fronts even while being bystanders... 24 00:02:29,110 --> 00:02:32,270 ...in the war between Asia and Europe. 25 00:02:32,680 --> 00:02:36,170 And through the numbers in this relief fund. 26 00:02:37,010 --> 00:02:38,480 I'm fine. 27 00:02:38,850 --> 00:02:41,150 Just think of it as taxes. 28 00:02:41,450 --> 00:02:43,650 I'm no match for you, Chairman. 29 00:02:57,340 --> 00:02:58,930 W-Who are... 30 00:03:12,350 --> 00:03:14,610 D-Don't do it, Gino! 31 00:03:16,090 --> 00:03:18,490 S-Spare me! 32 00:03:18,490 --> 00:03:21,190 P-Please, I beg you! 33 00:03:23,260 --> 00:03:24,660 Gino! 34 00:03:25,800 --> 00:03:27,350 Gino? 35 00:03:27,870 --> 00:03:29,130 Hey! 36 00:03:29,770 --> 00:03:33,830 Gino, is something the matter? The flight's getting a little choppy. 37 00:03:35,770 --> 00:03:38,500 I'm sorry about that, Chairman. 38 00:03:53,990 --> 00:03:57,090 Hey, how about grabbing some oysters at that place I was telling you about? 39 00:03:57,090 --> 00:03:58,460 They're top-notch. 40 00:03:58,660 --> 00:04:00,630 Sure, but not today. 41 00:04:00,630 --> 00:04:04,590 Oh, because of your main job? You must be raking it in. 42 00:04:08,910 --> 00:04:10,310 I feel sorry for him. 43 00:04:10,810 --> 00:04:13,740 Cyborgs with artificial organs have no need for food. 44 00:04:14,150 --> 00:04:17,340 To say nothing of the fact that with his sense organs now digital, 45 00:04:17,420 --> 00:04:21,550 the act of eating delicious food is now nothing more than nostalgia. 46 00:04:32,160 --> 00:04:35,890 What's up, is Public Security on your case again? 47 00:04:36,470 --> 00:04:37,660 No... 48 00:04:39,800 --> 00:04:42,270 Refugee Relief Fund Automatic Deposit Form 49 00:04:41,610 --> 00:04:43,210 You talking about Nakamatsu? 50 00:04:43,210 --> 00:04:44,080 Yeah, yeah! 51 00:04:44,080 --> 00:04:45,640 I heard he got dumped again! 52 00:04:45,640 --> 00:04:47,340 Cyborg-use food products... 53 00:04:47,550 --> 00:04:49,910 If you think about it, they're victims, too. 54 00:04:50,180 --> 00:04:53,710 They were called up to serve in Non-nuclear World War IV, the so-called 2nd Vietnam War, 55 00:04:54,150 --> 00:04:56,150 and according to campaign regulations, were provided with... 56 00:04:56,150 --> 00:04:58,140 ...high-performance cyberbrains and partial prosthetic bodies. 57 00:04:58,390 --> 00:05:01,980 It's often said that war is a trade fair for multinational corporations. 58 00:05:02,560 --> 00:05:06,760 A proving ground where cyberization and prosthetic work advanced by leaps and bounds. 59 00:05:06,960 --> 00:05:09,660 That's what the last war was really about. 60 00:05:09,700 --> 00:05:12,360 Without even realizing that they were guinea pigs, 61 00:05:12,570 --> 00:05:16,540 they lost their bodies, their families, even their homelands... 62 00:05:16,540 --> 00:05:20,080 ...as they cling to their meager benefits and jobs that are handed out to them. 63 00:05:20,080 --> 00:05:22,910 They even seem at first glance to be happy. 64 00:05:23,450 --> 00:05:27,590 They don't even know that it's a false pleasure caused by a virtual personality... 65 00:05:27,590 --> 00:05:30,280 ...composed of a cyberbrain and prosthetic body. 66 00:05:31,060 --> 00:05:33,990 {\an8}The Metro PD's Joint Investigation Headquarters has announced that they... 67 00:05:33,990 --> 00:05:38,460 {\an8}...have received a claim of responsibility for the series of bombings in the refugee district... 68 00:05:38,460 --> 00:05:40,460 {\an8}...from a particularist terrorist organization. 69 00:05:40,460 --> 00:05:49,930 Claim of Responsibility for Refugee District Bombings 70 00:05:41,000 --> 00:05:45,670 {\an8}According to their statement, the group seeks the deportation of refugees of Asian descent, 71 00:05:45,670 --> 00:05:50,610 {\an8}...and characterize the crimes as acts of revenge for what they see as a financial collapse... 72 00:05:50,610 --> 00:05:53,740 {\an8}...brought about by riots by Asian refugees and refugee aid policies. 73 00:05:55,110 --> 00:05:56,510 It's a bluff. 74 00:05:57,210 --> 00:06:00,740 All the mass media does is swallow everything the authorities say. 75 00:06:01,190 --> 00:06:04,780 They know it's a bluff, and they manipulate the information and boost their profits. 76 00:06:06,190 --> 00:06:08,280 That's how they do things. 77 00:06:13,760 --> 00:06:17,900 If you want to know what the media wants and what they're trying to do, 78 00:06:17,900 --> 00:06:21,070 ...just take a peek at what they do at night. 79 00:06:21,570 --> 00:06:25,600 Having lost the ability to view their acts of debauchery objectively, 80 00:06:25,940 --> 00:06:29,470 they do nothing but continuously mock the foolish masses. 81 00:06:42,660 --> 00:06:45,650 This is made abundantly clear in how Katakura, chairman of the Big Three networks, 82 00:06:45,930 --> 00:06:50,260 finds fault with people who always eat at upscale restaurants. 83 00:06:50,830 --> 00:06:53,830 It goes without saying that they include the party representative class, 84 00:06:54,040 --> 00:06:56,240 but also the chief executives of the multinational corporations who control the patents... 85 00:06:56,240 --> 00:07:00,110 ...on the cyberbrains and prosthetic bodies of the high officials in every ministry and agency. 86 00:07:00,540 --> 00:07:03,340 Katakura has never had the guts to report the truth. 87 00:07:03,750 --> 00:07:08,620 All he has is the desire to keep on maintaining his personal empire. 88 00:07:12,160 --> 00:07:13,550 Government Office Building on Fire 89 00:07:13,620 --> 00:07:15,490 {\an1}Sneak Attack on Government Office Building 90 00:07:15,600 --> 00:07:15,960 Live From the Scene 91 00:07:15,960 --> 00:07:18,760 {\an8}Here at the scene of the attack, black smoke is rising, 92 00:07:18,760 --> 00:07:21,330 {\an8}showing that this attack on a government building by Asian refugees... 93 00:07:21,330 --> 00:07:25,200 {\an8}...who are opposed to the government's refugee policies was a large-scale one. 94 00:07:26,070 --> 00:07:27,470 They're sloppy... 95 00:07:27,840 --> 00:07:30,270 You can't end anything with stuff like this. 96 00:07:30,870 --> 00:07:33,270 And you can't start anything, either. 97 00:07:36,680 --> 00:07:39,010 Reset the world... 98 00:07:41,890 --> 00:07:43,910 The real enemy is the mass media. 99 00:07:44,460 --> 00:07:48,260 They work hand in hand with the government, pretending in a loud voice to be righteous. 100 00:07:48,990 --> 00:07:50,890 But they don't know. 101 00:07:51,400 --> 00:07:54,020 They don't know that there is someone here who knows everything. 102 00:07:54,270 --> 00:07:55,800 That he knows the truth, 103 00:07:55,800 --> 00:07:59,260 and has an unwavering will to try to live up to that truth. 104 00:08:01,070 --> 00:08:03,400 His execution must be carried out soon. 105 00:08:03,670 --> 00:08:07,080 That is the mission given to someone who knows the truth... 106 00:08:07,080 --> 00:08:09,710 ...and is not afraid to die in its pursuit. 107 00:08:19,960 --> 00:08:24,850 - Hey, buddy, why not come in? - A great Jewish writer said this at the turn of the last century. 108 00:08:24,960 --> 00:08:27,500 "Life without truth is not possible." 109 00:08:27,500 --> 00:08:30,490 "Truth is perhaps life itself." 110 00:08:33,970 --> 00:08:37,930 And here is where that true "life" exists. 111 00:08:52,820 --> 00:08:55,790 Her beauty is an undeniable truth. 112 00:08:56,360 --> 00:08:59,800 A beauty that doesn't hide the fact that she is a living creature. 113 00:09:00,000 --> 00:09:02,230 A purity that accepts pleasure for its own sake, 114 00:09:02,230 --> 00:09:06,760 ...and possesses nothing except that which is necessary for survival. 115 00:09:07,040 --> 00:09:09,510 A body that a single glance tells you is a full prosthetic. 116 00:09:09,510 --> 00:09:11,270 A perfect physical form that can't be distinguished... 117 00:09:11,340 --> 00:09:13,670 ...from a being that is specialized for pleasure. 118 00:09:14,140 --> 00:09:16,200 This is true beauty. 119 00:09:19,280 --> 00:09:22,480 She is the only one that I can be certain is human. 120 00:09:23,550 --> 00:09:30,260 I see something in her, as if she is stubbornly trying to protect her humanity, just as I am. 121 00:09:46,340 --> 00:09:49,370 Everything else pales before her spirit. 122 00:09:50,110 --> 00:09:53,480 Even if you obtained her though the power of money, 123 00:09:53,480 --> 00:09:58,350 you could never possess her will, her beauty, and her truth. 124 00:10:43,000 --> 00:10:44,490 Why? 125 00:10:49,140 --> 00:10:52,230 No one can tarnish the truth. 126 00:10:52,980 --> 00:10:55,250 Even if they bring the full might of their authority to bear... 127 00:10:55,250 --> 00:10:57,710 ...and try to toy with our emotions, 128 00:10:58,350 --> 00:11:00,510 there is one person who knows the truth. 129 00:11:00,850 --> 00:11:03,340 And that's me. There's no one else. 130 00:11:05,560 --> 00:11:06,650 Tomorrow's the day. 131 00:11:07,060 --> 00:11:09,960 Tomorrow, the world will have its eyes opened to the truth. 132 00:11:19,070 --> 00:11:20,700 Tomorrow is finally the day. 133 00:11:21,640 --> 00:11:24,540 Look, if you're gonna take a day off, you gotta tell me! 134 00:11:24,840 --> 00:11:27,780 I don't care if this is your main job or if it's a moonlighting gig for you, 135 00:11:27,780 --> 00:11:30,710 but you oughta be grateful that you got assigned... 136 00:11:30,710 --> 00:11:34,480 ...a first-class job as Chairman Katakura's personal pilot. 137 00:11:35,190 --> 00:11:39,620 I'll admit that you're a great pilot. You were a hero back in the war. 138 00:11:39,920 --> 00:11:43,230 But you gotta understand that there aren't any jobs... 139 00:11:43,230 --> 00:11:46,960 ...for wounded combat cyborgs like you guys! 140 00:11:49,630 --> 00:11:51,000 What's your problem? 141 00:11:51,440 --> 00:11:54,230 In the old days, you weren't like this. 142 00:11:55,270 --> 00:12:00,270 In the old days, you had the courage to never avert your eyes from the truth. 143 00:12:01,280 --> 00:12:07,450 The old you would never leave a man like Katakura at large! 144 00:12:07,450 --> 00:12:09,940 T-The times have changed. 145 00:12:10,350 --> 00:12:12,820 You do what you gotta do to get by! 146 00:12:12,820 --> 00:12:17,590 Have you forgotten why I left the military and came here with you? 147 00:12:22,970 --> 00:12:24,460 Hey, are you listening? 148 00:12:24,570 --> 00:12:25,430 Sir? 149 00:12:26,870 --> 00:12:30,830 Are you okay, kid? What were you mumbling about? 150 00:12:32,310 --> 00:12:36,010 Nothing, sir. Sorry about that. 151 00:12:39,620 --> 00:12:41,690 I'll let you deal with that. 152 00:12:41,690 --> 00:12:43,350 Yeah, they're gonna... 153 00:12:44,190 --> 00:12:45,480 Something the matter? 154 00:12:45,820 --> 00:12:46,920 No, sir. 155 00:12:46,920 --> 00:12:51,220 I'm sorry about yesterday. I took the day off without asking. 156 00:12:51,600 --> 00:12:52,900 Yesterday? 157 00:12:52,900 --> 00:12:55,100 I'm sorry if I inconvenienced you. 158 00:12:55,100 --> 00:12:57,400 Oh...You did? 159 00:12:58,700 --> 00:13:02,370 It's me. Sorry. No, it was nothing. So anyway... 160 00:13:08,280 --> 00:13:10,640 Damn it! Damn it! 161 00:13:16,950 --> 00:13:21,330 He needs my abilities, but the bastard pretends he forgot! 162 00:13:21,330 --> 00:13:23,030 That sadistic bastard! 163 00:13:23,030 --> 00:13:26,390 I try to show him a little courtesy, and he walks all over me! 164 00:13:26,700 --> 00:13:29,830 One twist of the controls, and I could... 165 00:13:47,280 --> 00:13:50,080 My conscience is completely clear. 166 00:13:50,920 --> 00:13:54,820 I don't begrudge laying down my life for the sake of the pathetic masses. 167 00:13:55,130 --> 00:13:59,600 But even if I tried to exterminate Katakura from this world, 168 00:13:59,600 --> 00:14:04,060 it's possible that it would be covered up by their networks. 169 00:14:05,240 --> 00:14:09,670 If that happens, the world will never know the truth. 170 00:14:09,970 --> 00:14:14,600 To make sure that doesn't happen, I need to tell the truth to someone else. 171 00:14:18,650 --> 00:14:20,880 My old lady won't talk to me anymore. 172 00:14:20,880 --> 00:14:25,320 That's too bad. You gotta treat her real nice to soften her up! 173 00:14:28,430 --> 00:14:29,730 Hey, what's up? 174 00:14:29,730 --> 00:14:31,990 How about going out for a drink? 175 00:14:32,400 --> 00:14:36,090 How about that place with the oysters you were telling me about? 176 00:14:36,300 --> 00:14:39,060 This sure is unusual. Something happen? 177 00:14:39,270 --> 00:14:45,870 No...The thing is, it looks like I'm going to have to quit here because of my main job soon. 178 00:14:46,110 --> 00:14:46,940 So I thought we... 179 00:14:46,940 --> 00:14:50,680 Oh, you're moving up in the world, huh? I'm jealous, man. 180 00:14:50,680 --> 00:14:52,950 No, it's not like that. 181 00:14:53,280 --> 00:14:57,280 Well, if that's the reason, I definitely wanna head out for a drink with you. 182 00:14:57,720 --> 00:14:59,420 Today's no good for me, though. 183 00:14:59,790 --> 00:15:02,090 That's okay. It's no trouble. 184 00:15:04,360 --> 00:15:06,090 Hang in there. 185 00:15:13,970 --> 00:15:17,640 I was rounded up to fight for a reason far removed from survival. 186 00:15:17,640 --> 00:15:21,040 It was simply to keep certain parties in power. 187 00:15:21,450 --> 00:15:24,970 No one can understand the magnitude of what I lost there. 188 00:15:40,760 --> 00:15:42,290 Can I help you with something? 189 00:15:46,100 --> 00:15:48,590 I-I want to buy her with this. 190 00:15:49,610 --> 00:15:50,870 It ain't enough. 191 00:15:51,680 --> 00:15:55,200 That chicken feed ain't nowhere near enough. 192 00:15:57,480 --> 00:15:59,110 It ain't just you. 193 00:16:00,280 --> 00:16:04,740 You aren't the only one who lost something precious during the war. 194 00:16:13,300 --> 00:16:14,970 Okay, all finished. 195 00:16:14,970 --> 00:16:18,400 Huh? But we haven't even done anything yet! 196 00:16:19,240 --> 00:16:21,670 Going any further will cost you extra. 197 00:16:22,210 --> 00:16:23,670 And besides... 198 00:16:27,910 --> 00:16:31,210 What? But I even paid up front as part of my membership fee! 199 00:16:31,750 --> 00:16:33,580 Hey, Boss! 200 00:16:48,470 --> 00:16:49,970 P-Please, forgive me! 201 00:16:49,970 --> 00:16:52,960 If you take that, my wife and kids... 202 00:16:54,440 --> 00:17:01,580 M-My wife and kids will starve! 203 00:17:01,580 --> 00:17:03,010 Bang! 204 00:17:29,710 --> 00:17:32,340 Hello, this is the Refugee Aid Fund. 205 00:17:32,340 --> 00:17:36,450 I'm sorry to bother you. I donated to your fund drive, and I... 206 00:17:36,450 --> 00:17:38,550 Thank you for your support. 207 00:17:38,920 --> 00:17:43,620 Um, something's come up, and I was wondering if I could halt the deduction from my account. 208 00:17:45,060 --> 00:17:46,120 Um, hello? 209 00:17:46,120 --> 00:17:51,650 I'm sorry, I was unable to understand your request. 210 00:17:52,400 --> 00:17:57,200 Hello? I want to stop the withdrawal! I want to cancel my registration! 211 00:17:57,200 --> 00:18:00,830 In that case, I will walk you through the application process from the beginning. 212 00:18:01,340 --> 00:18:05,240 For questions regarding the fund, please press 1. 213 00:18:05,810 --> 00:18:08,440 For other questions, please press 2. 214 00:18:10,810 --> 00:18:13,040 That was their first easy win in a long time! 215 00:18:13,620 --> 00:18:15,880 Oh, you mean the all-star game? 216 00:18:16,750 --> 00:18:20,120 That cross from the right was awesome! 217 00:18:20,120 --> 00:18:21,650 It sent chills up my spine! 218 00:18:23,930 --> 00:18:26,630 Why do they want to eat? It's not like they need to... 219 00:18:24,830 --> 00:18:26,630 {\an8}That was some nice heading! 220 00:18:27,300 --> 00:18:29,590 Why do they want to eat?! It's not like they need to! 221 00:18:27,900 --> 00:18:29,590 {\an8}Their defense didn't have any heart. 222 00:18:36,310 --> 00:18:38,640 Why?! Why?! Why?! 223 00:18:39,010 --> 00:18:40,510 Why do they want to eat?! 224 00:18:40,510 --> 00:18:43,710 This isn't instinct! This isn't truth! 225 00:18:46,150 --> 00:18:48,050 I was surprised, I gotta tell ya. 226 00:18:48,520 --> 00:18:49,350 Yeah... 227 00:18:49,350 --> 00:18:51,520 I can't believe he got picked up by Public Security. 228 00:18:51,520 --> 00:18:53,160 That's for sure. 229 00:18:53,160 --> 00:18:56,460 Do you think he knew? That he was Asian, I mean. 230 00:18:56,460 --> 00:18:57,530 Who? 231 00:18:57,530 --> 00:19:00,100 Gino. They were fairly close, right? 232 00:19:00,100 --> 00:19:01,120 Oh, him. 233 00:19:01,600 --> 00:19:03,670 Nah, that bozo never would've suspected! 234 00:19:03,670 --> 00:19:04,900 I guess you're right. 235 00:19:04,900 --> 00:19:06,030 Yeah, yeah! 236 00:19:08,070 --> 00:19:12,130 {\an8}The perpetrator of the government office building attack by an Asian refugee has been arrested. 237 00:19:12,480 --> 00:19:15,400 Suspect 238 00:19:12,480 --> 00:19:15,400 Youichi Misawa (43) 239 00:19:13,080 --> 00:19:15,410 {\an8}Yoichi Misawa. A.K.A. Yang Minte. 240 00:19:16,450 --> 00:19:19,850 {\an8}He is now coming out, with officers on either arm. 241 00:19:23,990 --> 00:19:26,680 {\an8}Does this performance mean that he is certain of victory? 242 00:19:27,190 --> 00:19:30,850 How could it be him? 243 00:19:31,490 --> 00:19:35,950 {\an8}In response to this arrest, unprecedented press conferences have already been called... 244 00:19:36,130 --> 00:19:37,930 {\an8}...by three Asian refugee aid associations, 245 00:19:37,930 --> 00:19:40,800 {\an8}as well as the Society Seeking the Guarantee of Human Rights for Asian Refugees. 246 00:19:41,200 --> 00:19:47,270 {\an8}They claim that there are extenuating circumstances for his actions, as they... 247 00:19:47,580 --> 00:19:51,350 {\an8}...speak out for the discrimination endured by Asian and Japanese refugees on a daily basis. 248 00:19:51,350 --> 00:19:54,880 {\an8}They have announced that they will call for a reduction in sentence. 249 00:20:02,360 --> 00:20:04,490 Give this person a lift home. 250 00:20:31,490 --> 00:20:32,980 What's wrong? 251 00:20:34,890 --> 00:20:38,260 What did he... What did Katakura do to you? 252 00:20:38,760 --> 00:20:40,250 It's my job. 253 00:20:42,970 --> 00:20:45,530 I've...been looking for you. 254 00:20:45,740 --> 00:20:47,930 I've been looking these past few days. 255 00:20:48,440 --> 00:20:51,340 No, since long before I was born. 256 00:20:51,840 --> 00:20:53,240 Me, too. 257 00:20:54,810 --> 00:20:57,370 I won't let you suffer anymore. 258 00:20:57,910 --> 00:21:00,710 Let's just keep flying and go far away. 259 00:21:00,980 --> 00:21:04,650 A country with just us two, where no one can bother us. 260 00:21:05,320 --> 00:21:09,420 But there's something that I have to do before then. 261 00:21:10,460 --> 00:21:12,120 What are you planning on doing? 262 00:21:12,830 --> 00:21:16,630 I have to set the truth free. 263 00:21:17,200 --> 00:21:19,330 Will you take me with you? 264 00:21:35,520 --> 00:21:38,180 You've done enough fighting. 265 00:21:40,690 --> 00:21:42,990 You've won. 266 00:21:45,730 --> 00:21:49,360 I wish...that were true. 267 00:21:57,270 --> 00:22:00,140 Major, I just got word from Ishikawa. 268 00:22:00,140 --> 00:22:03,410 He says there's nothing that links this guy to the series of terrorist incidents. 269 00:22:03,910 --> 00:22:07,910 His military record says that the loss of his lower body was unrelated to combat operations, too. 270 00:22:08,550 --> 00:22:11,380 Apparently, he came down with a nasty STD while he was deployed. 271 00:22:12,560 --> 00:22:14,490 Hey, Major? You listening? 272 00:22:14,490 --> 00:22:19,550 I read you. The assassination plan he came up with is pure fantasy. 273 00:22:21,830 --> 00:22:23,400 So, what are you gonna do with him? 274 00:22:23,400 --> 00:22:25,130 Don't worry about it. 275 00:22:27,670 --> 00:22:31,340 He's just one of the countless number of people... 276 00:22:31,340 --> 00:22:33,740 ...who harbor faint hopes and frustrations towards reality. 277 00:22:34,110 --> 00:22:36,510 He'll never carry out his plan. 278 00:22:37,410 --> 00:22:40,850 Um, w-where can I take you? 279 00:22:48,860 --> 00:22:52,920 He's a member of the proletariat who is pitifully unaware of reality... 280 00:22:52,920 --> 00:22:54,920 281 00:23:09,600 --> 00:23:12,100 Finding out a galaxy... 282 00:23:12,100 --> 00:23:16,060 ...of planets and stars within me... 283 00:23:16,250 --> 00:23:18,720 Listening to each of them... 284 00:23:18,720 --> 00:23:22,710 ...singing the same silent melody... 285 00:23:22,710 --> 00:23:26,720 I've never seen such beauty... 286 00:23:26,720 --> 00:23:30,010 In possibility... 287 00:23:30,010 --> 00:23:34,520 No speck of doubt or fear... 288 00:23:34,520 --> 00:23:36,010 Wake up! 289 00:23:36,010 --> 00:23:38,710 I hear a voice, 290 00:23:38,710 --> 00:23:42,650 hear a voice calling out to me... 291 00:23:42,650 --> 00:23:45,160 I see inside, 292 00:23:45,160 --> 00:23:48,690 see the light now ever holding me... 293 00:23:48,690 --> 00:23:52,030 All the truth, all I need... 294 00:23:52,030 --> 00:23:56,830 ...to make of this reality, it's inside... 295 00:23:56,830 --> 00:24:02,640 The beauty within the shell... 296 00:24:02,640 --> 00:24:05,340 I hear a voice, 297 00:24:05,340 --> 00:24:09,280 hear a voice calling out to me... 298 00:24:09,280 --> 00:24:11,790 I see inside, 299 00:24:11,790 --> 00:24:15,320 see the light now ever holding me... 300 00:24:15,320 --> 00:24:18,660 All the truth, all I need... 301 00:24:18,660 --> 00:24:23,460 ...to make of this reality, it's inside... 302 00:24:23,460 --> 00:24:28,120 Right here within the shell...