1 00:00:08,000 --> 00:00:11,240 I'm a soldier, znatchit ya... I'm a soldier, and that means... 2 00:00:11,240 --> 00:00:14,510 ...i otvetchik i sud'ya ...that I am both defendant and judge. 3 00:00:14,510 --> 00:00:19,910 Ya stoyu na dvuh kontsah ognya I stand at both ends of the fire. 4 00:00:21,110 --> 00:00:24,310 Ogibaya virazhi, Leaning into the curves, 5 00:00:24,310 --> 00:00:27,650 obgonyaya smert' i zhizn', overtaking life and death, 6 00:00:27,650 --> 00:00:33,180 ya begu srazit'sya s ten'yu lzhi I'm running to fight the shadow of lies. 7 00:00:33,360 --> 00:00:39,790 Skol'ko b nitej ne plyol obman, No matter how tangled the web of deception is woven, 8 00:00:39,930 --> 00:00:47,300 pokazhet lik sveta istina... truth will always illuminate the outline of the light... 9 00:00:48,170 --> 00:00:51,380 Save your tears for the day... 10 00:00:51,380 --> 00:00:54,680 ...when the pain is far behind. 11 00:00:54,680 --> 00:00:57,870 On your feet, come with me. 12 00:00:57,870 --> 00:01:01,320 We are soldiers, stand or die. 13 00:01:01,320 --> 00:01:04,490 Save your fears, take your place. 14 00:01:04,490 --> 00:01:07,590 Save them for the Judgment Day. 15 00:01:07,760 --> 00:01:11,020 Fast and free, follow me. 16 00:01:11,020 --> 00:01:15,730 Time to make the sacrifice. 17 00:01:15,730 --> 00:01:22,790 We rise or fall... 18 00:01:38,760 --> 00:01:43,690 This sort of foul-up isn't like you. 19 00:01:45,030 --> 00:01:46,690 I don't know what to say. 20 00:01:47,770 --> 00:01:52,330 It was too early for them to be out here. It was crazy to try to train rookies in the field. 21 00:01:55,040 --> 00:01:57,980 Why don't you try downloading Yano's memories into another cyberbrain? 22 00:01:58,080 --> 00:01:59,770 Won't that bring him back online? 23 00:02:00,010 --> 00:02:01,950 It's just like how you can't duplicate a Ghost. 24 00:02:02,050 --> 00:02:04,480 Even if you copied his memories into one, his Ghost still wouldn't be there. 25 00:02:07,420 --> 00:02:11,950 If our only concern were maintaining Section 9, new personnel might not be necessary. 26 00:02:12,960 --> 00:02:15,360 But taking into consideration how things might play out in the near future, 27 00:02:15,760 --> 00:02:19,390 this is an issue that we must face and overcome. 28 00:02:19,730 --> 00:02:23,630 Maybe. Even so, I'm taking Azuma off of this op. 29 00:02:24,240 --> 00:02:25,360 Very well. 30 00:02:29,240 --> 00:02:32,270 Show the kid some respect, okay? Take good care of him. 31 00:02:53,700 --> 00:02:58,600 This is intel that I received from an old friend. 32 00:03:00,340 --> 00:03:02,530 It has been confirmed that Boris Jabrov, 33 00:03:02,640 --> 00:03:06,170 a former Russian Army officer who turned mobster, and several of his men... 34 00:03:06,580 --> 00:03:11,740 ...have smuggled plutonium out of their country and entered Etorofu. 35 00:03:15,490 --> 00:03:19,550 So, you think that Kuze is planning to buy that plutonium? 36 00:03:20,460 --> 00:03:23,990 They're gonna go nuclear and declare themselves an independent country, huh? 37 00:03:24,300 --> 00:03:25,920 "Ballsy" doesn't even begin to describe this. 38 00:03:28,230 --> 00:03:31,200 One of his cyborg accomplices killed an intelligence operative... 39 00:03:31,300 --> 00:03:33,240 ...who was conducting a sting operation. 40 00:03:33,570 --> 00:03:35,700 Their current whereabouts are unknown. 41 00:03:38,510 --> 00:03:41,880 The spook was killed two hours ago, huh? 42 00:03:43,380 --> 00:03:47,840 So what's the plan? I guess we don't have many choices left at this point, though. 43 00:03:49,550 --> 00:03:50,850 I guess not. 44 00:03:54,730 --> 00:03:57,130 So if he's dead, how do we get a fix on their location? 45 00:03:57,660 --> 00:04:00,130 Rushing to Etorofu without a plan won't get us anywhere. 46 00:04:00,900 --> 00:04:03,730 There seems to be a few hints in the intel I received from the Public Security Bureau. 47 00:04:03,970 --> 00:04:07,000 Apparently, Sagawa Electronics' Etorofu branch is expanding... 48 00:04:07,140 --> 00:04:09,830 ...their underground facilities in the Berutarube district without permission. 49 00:04:10,210 --> 00:04:13,840 Berutarube? Didn't there used to be a Russian sub pen there? 50 00:04:14,080 --> 00:04:18,980 As I recall, the Russian Army blew it up and buried it when they pulled out. 51 00:04:19,380 --> 00:04:20,280 That's right. 52 00:04:20,620 --> 00:04:24,210 And if Sagawa's expansion construction has been proceeding smoothly since then, 53 00:04:24,320 --> 00:04:26,810 they should be right on top of that old base by now. 54 00:04:27,060 --> 00:04:28,720 Well, well... That's pretty fishy, all right. 55 00:04:28,830 --> 00:04:32,260 A submarine base would be the perfect place to hide camouflaged ships. 56 00:04:32,800 --> 00:04:34,730 Maybe, but we've got no hard evidence. 57 00:04:35,930 --> 00:04:38,770 If they're planning a deal of this size, 58 00:04:39,100 --> 00:04:41,970 the local snitches ought to have heard a thing or two about it. 59 00:04:42,970 --> 00:04:46,310 Chief, we'll head straight up to Etorofu. 60 00:04:46,780 --> 00:04:50,810 Just to be safe, ask the Maritime Self Defense Army to put up a blockade around Dejima. 61 00:04:51,180 --> 00:04:54,910 If the refugees get their hands on a nuke, it'll be chaos down there. 62 00:04:55,120 --> 00:04:59,060 I'll do that. But I have faith in you people. 63 00:04:59,460 --> 00:05:03,690 If we miss this chance to apprehend Kuze, the CIS' misdeeds will vanish into the shadows, 64 00:05:03,830 --> 00:05:05,590 and the military will step in. 65 00:05:06,230 --> 00:05:08,960 We mustn't let Dejima be turned into a war zone. 66 00:05:16,010 --> 00:05:17,130 How's it look? 67 00:05:17,540 --> 00:05:20,480 I think we're okay. It doesn't look like there are any traps. 68 00:05:22,080 --> 00:05:25,850 We have some time before the deal. Take breaks in shifts. 69 00:05:26,180 --> 00:05:27,650 - Understood. - Sure. 70 00:05:39,660 --> 00:05:41,790 Hey, you should eat something. 71 00:05:50,010 --> 00:05:52,270 You sure you're okay? 72 00:05:52,710 --> 00:05:54,080 Disgusting... 73 00:05:54,610 --> 00:05:58,100 This tastes awful. I'll have to complain to the Chief. 74 00:05:58,720 --> 00:06:02,850 We have some time to kill before we land. Want to run a cyberbrain function check? 75 00:06:04,590 --> 00:06:05,750 I'm all right. 76 00:06:06,490 --> 00:06:09,790 The scope of Kuze's delusion threw me for a loop, that's all. 77 00:06:11,100 --> 00:06:15,260 That's what I don't get. What the hell kind of delusions does this guy have? 78 00:06:16,170 --> 00:06:19,330 Frankly speaking, I guess you could call it world domination. 79 00:06:19,570 --> 00:06:20,730 Say what? 80 00:06:21,210 --> 00:06:23,200 Got himself a serious case of megalomania, huh? 81 00:06:23,310 --> 00:06:26,330 It's not like you to be let something like that get to you. 82 00:06:26,580 --> 00:06:31,740 Geez, you look like some teenager who's just met the man of her dreams. 83 00:06:31,880 --> 00:06:33,280 Right. 84 00:06:34,420 --> 00:06:36,350 But we know one thing for sure now. 85 00:06:36,450 --> 00:06:39,910 And that is that although he had manifested symptoms of the Individual Eleven virus, 86 00:06:40,390 --> 00:06:42,920 his current actions are driven by the personal qualities... 87 00:06:43,030 --> 00:06:45,260 ...and ideology that he had before he was infected. 88 00:06:45,930 --> 00:06:51,270 His delusion itself might be a cliché, but the reason I can't laugh it off... 89 00:06:51,600 --> 00:06:56,100 ...is that he genuinely believes that he can bring peace to the world by becoming a dictator. 90 00:06:56,440 --> 00:06:58,340 That's the sense that I got from him. 91 00:06:58,480 --> 00:07:02,570 Plus, his adrenaline secretion levels were high enough to kill an ordinary man. 92 00:07:04,420 --> 00:07:09,510 I think we can assume that Kuze is already out of touch. 93 00:07:09,620 --> 00:07:11,520 What do you mean, out of touch? 94 00:07:11,620 --> 00:07:13,720 I'm saying that he's becoming obsessed. 95 00:07:14,360 --> 00:07:18,190 Looking back on history, men like him have wielded unbelievable power. 96 00:07:18,730 --> 00:07:24,130 For instance, Che Guevara, Malcolm X, and Cassius Clay are textbook examples. 97 00:07:24,540 --> 00:07:26,230 You're telling me that he's not the same as Hitler? 98 00:07:26,570 --> 00:07:31,530 He's the same in a certain sense, but ideologically, he's closer to Gandhi or Martin Luther King. 99 00:07:32,610 --> 00:07:37,510 The refugees who are continuously linked to him via a zoned and filtered net... 100 00:07:37,950 --> 00:07:40,710 ...are getting a high off of the live feed of his actions. 101 00:07:41,350 --> 00:07:44,950 But the reason they don't try to influence him and share their consciousness... 102 00:07:45,060 --> 00:07:48,690 ...is because they know that the area beyond his Ghost Line is a kill zone. 103 00:07:50,260 --> 00:07:52,750 Even I had a close call in there. 104 00:07:56,700 --> 00:07:58,930 Well, that sure was a downer... 105 00:08:27,900 --> 00:08:30,420 Ishikawa, Paz, Borma, stay here and remain on standby. 106 00:08:30,870 --> 00:08:33,000 Be ready in case we got the location of the deal site wrong. 107 00:08:33,240 --> 00:08:34,540 Roger. 108 00:09:00,930 --> 00:09:02,730 Death to militarists! 109 00:09:10,180 --> 00:09:11,870 This place is pretty rough, isn't it? 110 00:09:12,480 --> 00:09:14,040 The island might have been handed back to Japan, but the friction between... 111 00:09:14,250 --> 00:09:17,840 ...people of Russian descent and Japanese mainlanders won't disappear overnight. 112 00:09:28,790 --> 00:09:32,560 Wow! They're building a geofront! 113 00:09:32,660 --> 00:09:36,760 I guess if we follow this towards the base, we might run into Kuze. 114 00:09:36,870 --> 00:09:38,930 If we still have any luck left on our side... 115 00:09:39,300 --> 00:09:40,670 And if we don't? 116 00:09:41,170 --> 00:09:45,170 Then we'll just end up having a nice chat with Sagawa's construction personnel. 117 00:09:45,510 --> 00:09:48,140 We can't afford to wait for word from the Major. 118 00:10:00,860 --> 00:10:02,120 Yes, what? 119 00:10:02,360 --> 00:10:05,690 I got onto this ship because I heard that we were going to buy weapons. 120 00:10:06,160 --> 00:10:10,620 But if I'd known that you were the one who was leading the mission, I never would have come. 121 00:10:10,800 --> 00:10:14,100 I see. In that case, there's no need for you to force yourself to follow me. 122 00:10:14,310 --> 00:10:17,830 You're free to return home, or you can vanish into the streets of Etorofu if you like. 123 00:10:18,040 --> 00:10:19,340 I won't force you to stay. 124 00:10:19,480 --> 00:10:21,470 I'm all for a revolution, just like everybody else. 125 00:10:21,580 --> 00:10:25,480 But the one who first taught us how to revolt was Densetsu. 126 00:10:25,720 --> 00:10:29,520 Most people on Dejima now know about "Comrade Kuze." 127 00:10:29,790 --> 00:10:32,950 But there aren't very many who know who you really are. 128 00:10:33,320 --> 00:10:35,380 That's why I just don't buy it. 129 00:10:39,900 --> 00:10:44,100 I'm still prepared to follow Densetsu's teachings and blow myself up. 130 00:10:45,300 --> 00:10:49,800 Don't be foolish. Suicide bombings are nothing more than acts of self-gratification. 131 00:10:50,240 --> 00:10:53,010 Revolutions are only brought about by people's Ghosts. 132 00:10:53,580 --> 00:10:55,770 That's why I want to know more about you. 133 00:10:56,780 --> 00:10:59,380 Give me a reason to believe in you. 134 00:11:04,790 --> 00:11:06,090 Otherwise... 135 00:11:11,660 --> 00:11:12,930 Well, how about it?! 136 00:11:18,800 --> 00:11:22,710 The weapon that we're here to obtain today is plutonium. 137 00:11:23,210 --> 00:11:25,610 I'm going to use it to force the Japanese government... 138 00:11:25,710 --> 00:11:28,080 ...to recognize Dejima as an independent country. 139 00:11:34,850 --> 00:11:38,650 You repay people when you borrow stuff from them! That's as basic as it gets! 140 00:11:39,160 --> 00:11:39,920 We clear on that?! 141 00:11:40,020 --> 00:11:41,720 Looks like you're a real bigshot now. 142 00:11:43,060 --> 00:11:45,390 What do you have so much of that you can lend it out? 143 00:11:45,460 --> 00:11:47,230 Well, I'll be! Hi, Miss! 144 00:11:47,600 --> 00:11:48,930 So, you remember me. 145 00:11:49,500 --> 00:11:53,200 Are the rumors that Krolden is still working inside here true? 146 00:11:53,640 --> 00:11:56,070 Of course they are! Right this way! 147 00:12:01,510 --> 00:12:03,670 He's still the cautious type. 148 00:12:07,520 --> 00:12:09,040 Right this way. 149 00:12:09,290 --> 00:12:11,050 Togusa, wait for me here. 150 00:12:11,690 --> 00:12:12,750 He's down there. 151 00:12:13,220 --> 00:12:18,160 You wait here, too. In this line of work, nobody likes people who are too eager to please. 152 00:12:26,370 --> 00:12:30,070 Must be rough, working with the little lady. 153 00:12:30,980 --> 00:12:35,880 You get on her bad side, and she'll make you regret it something fierce. 154 00:12:50,500 --> 00:12:52,090 Krolden, it's me. 155 00:12:52,560 --> 00:12:55,730 I still owe you for your help during the Nemuro landing op. 156 00:13:00,240 --> 00:13:02,100 An attack barrier? 157 00:13:06,640 --> 00:13:08,510 He wasn't fried very long ago... 158 00:13:09,280 --> 00:13:11,940 Where was he diving that got him killed? 159 00:13:29,500 --> 00:13:31,300 Looks like the intruder's still in the system. 160 00:13:31,440 --> 00:13:36,340 Still, if he fried a hacker of Krolden's level, he must have some serious skills. 161 00:13:36,610 --> 00:13:39,410 The way that attack barrier was configured isn't sanctioned... 162 00:13:39,510 --> 00:13:41,540 ...by the Secrets Preservation Act, either. 163 00:13:48,150 --> 00:13:49,280 Found it. 164 00:13:54,730 --> 00:13:55,990 Floppies... 165 00:13:56,130 --> 00:13:59,360 I can't believe he's using such antique media for his external memory storage. 166 00:13:59,730 --> 00:14:02,290 Was that guy still here because he was having trouble erasing these? 167 00:14:07,410 --> 00:14:09,070 Sagawa's secret ledgers, huh? 168 00:14:10,270 --> 00:14:12,710 "For sale: lemon cake, 20 kilos." 169 00:14:13,510 --> 00:14:15,040 Lemon cake? 170 00:14:15,950 --> 00:14:17,440 "$500,000 per kilo." 171 00:14:17,550 --> 00:14:19,810 'M: Au pulled out of deal." 172 00:14:19,920 --> 00:14:21,890 "Broker: Sagawa K." 173 00:14:22,020 --> 00:14:24,420 "B.J.: lemon cake, 20 kilos." 174 00:14:24,720 --> 00:14:27,710 "K: 40% cut as severance pay." 175 00:14:28,160 --> 00:14:30,650 "Buyer: introduced through B.P." 176 00:14:31,600 --> 00:14:36,060 Just as I thought, he's been back-hacking the data for the plutonium deal. 177 00:14:36,730 --> 00:14:38,530 Sagawa's K... 178 00:14:39,170 --> 00:14:41,640 "K" is Kagazaki, Far North Special Services Chief? 179 00:14:42,370 --> 00:14:46,210 He acted as broker and selling it at $500,000 a kilo... 180 00:14:46,910 --> 00:14:49,210 The seller is Boris Jabrov... 181 00:14:49,580 --> 00:14:53,710 The buyer is... ASIAN / B.P. 182 00:14:53,890 --> 00:14:57,690 It must mean the Asian refugees... Which means that the hacker just now was... 183 00:15:00,490 --> 00:15:03,390 Looks like Kagazaki's cut is in yen... 184 00:15:05,560 --> 00:15:08,530 The down payment's already been deposited with Sagawa. 185 00:15:09,400 --> 00:15:11,160 240 million yen? 186 00:15:12,040 --> 00:15:14,330 Where did the refugees get that much money? 187 00:15:14,670 --> 00:15:16,660 Did Kuze line it up for them? 188 00:15:17,340 --> 00:15:19,310 If he did, how did he do it? 189 00:15:20,680 --> 00:15:22,010 Still, this was a big help. 190 00:15:22,110 --> 00:15:23,910 I remembered you saying that Sagawa Electronics... 191 00:15:24,020 --> 00:15:26,110 ...was the Japanese company that you hated most of all. 192 00:15:30,350 --> 00:15:30,470 Cabinet Intelligence Service Investigation 193 00:15:30,470 --> 00:15:30,590 Cabinet Intelligence Service Investigation 194 00:15:30,590 --> 00:15:30,720 Cabinet Intelligence Service Investigation Unofficial White Paper 195 00:15:30,720 --> 00:15:30,840 Cabinet Intelligence Service Investigation Unofficial White Paper 196 00:15:30,840 --> 00:15:30,970 Cabinet Intelligence Service Investigation Unofficial White Paper 197 00:15:30,970 --> 00:15:32,970 Cabinet Intelligence Service Investigation Unofficial White Paper 198 00:15:33,220 --> 00:15:35,220 Oh, now I get it... 199 00:15:35,760 --> 00:15:38,990 You shouldn't have given up your job with the Cabinet Press Agency. 200 00:15:40,000 --> 00:15:44,830 If you hadn't, the CIS might have turned out as a more legitimate agency. 201 00:15:47,040 --> 00:15:49,730 Ishikawa, the deal is going down at the submarine base. 202 00:15:50,340 --> 00:15:52,900 There's also a chance that the CIS is mixed up in this. 203 00:15:53,010 --> 00:15:54,000 There is?! 204 00:15:54,250 --> 00:15:55,910 We don't have much time. Where are Batou and Saito? 205 00:15:56,010 --> 00:15:59,110 Already deep underground. Their comms are blocked. 206 00:15:59,320 --> 00:16:00,750 We'll head over there ASAP. 207 00:16:12,200 --> 00:16:14,720 It's almost time. We should get going. 208 00:16:15,300 --> 00:16:16,630 Tell me one other thing! 209 00:16:17,270 --> 00:16:21,430 I once heard that you'd need something like 250 thousand dollars to buy plutonium. 210 00:16:22,110 --> 00:16:26,040 How are you going to get that much money? Con the plutonium from the Russians? 211 00:16:26,210 --> 00:16:29,010 No, I will buy it from them fair and square. 212 00:16:29,250 --> 00:16:31,840 The citizens live off the sweat of the refugees' brows, 213 00:16:31,950 --> 00:16:34,110 so to help them understand our suffering, I've taken the liberty... 214 00:16:34,250 --> 00:16:37,050 ...of having them each make a small donation to us. 215 00:16:38,660 --> 00:16:40,450 I suppose that doesn't clarify things very well. 216 00:16:41,190 --> 00:16:42,920 This is how it works. 217 00:16:44,460 --> 00:16:46,520 The populace, who as yet takes their warm clothes and full stomachs for granted... 218 00:16:46,630 --> 00:16:50,620 ...has a combined savings that is easily in excess of 900 trillion yen. 219 00:16:50,970 --> 00:16:54,870 Of course, they also pay no attention to this sum. 220 00:16:55,540 --> 00:16:58,030 Also, did you know that there are sums that don't officially exist... 221 00:16:58,380 --> 00:17:01,500 ...among the interest accrued by those savings? 222 00:17:02,410 --> 00:17:04,640 Sums that don't exist? 223 00:17:05,220 --> 00:17:07,650 Sums of less than one yen. 224 00:17:08,650 --> 00:17:13,420 Fractional numbers that aren't normally displayed even in terminal data. 225 00:17:15,060 --> 00:17:19,790 Simply by collecting those tiny sums from online bank accounts, 226 00:17:20,130 --> 00:17:22,690 ...it adds up to tens of thousands of Yen per day. 227 00:17:23,400 --> 00:17:28,000 I put together a program that deposits those sums into my dummy account. 228 00:17:29,170 --> 00:17:31,230 That is where I got the money. 229 00:17:32,210 --> 00:17:37,150 The public has no idea that they have fractional sums of money in their bank accounts. 230 00:17:38,580 --> 00:17:42,680 And bank management is all left to A.I.'s now. 231 00:17:43,350 --> 00:17:46,950 In spite of the fact that refugees are taxed if they work on the mainland, 232 00:17:47,320 --> 00:17:49,490 they will never be allowed to become naturalized citizens. 233 00:17:50,560 --> 00:17:54,900 For the citizens' part, they don't even recognize the massive exploitation inherent in the system. 234 00:17:55,230 --> 00:17:59,330 They absorb only the information that appeals to them, that is easy to accept. 235 00:18:00,070 --> 00:18:04,670 Theirs is a phony society. I want to open their eyes to that fact. 236 00:18:07,650 --> 00:18:10,840 How much money do you have in that account now? 237 00:18:11,580 --> 00:18:14,980 Roughly 10 billion, 760 million. 238 00:18:15,720 --> 00:18:18,520 This will be the war chest for our revolution. 239 00:18:18,960 --> 00:18:20,150 Holy crap... 240 00:18:21,160 --> 00:18:22,990 Who the hell are you? 241 00:18:24,060 --> 00:18:26,220 I'm just a simple terrorist. 242 00:18:26,660 --> 00:18:31,470 Although I suppose I'm a little high on heroism at the moment. 243 00:18:33,940 --> 00:18:35,410 I want you to stay here. 244 00:18:37,340 --> 00:18:40,640 Have the boat ready to set sail at a moment's notice. 245 00:18:41,510 --> 00:18:43,450 I'm counting on you. 246 00:18:56,630 --> 00:18:58,490 This is the expansion sector we heard about, huh? 247 00:18:58,600 --> 00:19:01,260 More of you people? What do you have going on today? 248 00:19:01,930 --> 00:19:03,920 I assume that you two have authorization to be down here? 249 00:19:04,030 --> 00:19:05,300 You're in charge here? 250 00:19:05,400 --> 00:19:08,630 Hey, did you just say "More of you people?" What did you mean by that?! 251 00:19:08,840 --> 00:19:11,540 Two of our company's Arm Suits came through here a while ago. 252 00:19:11,680 --> 00:19:15,080 And before that, a shady-looking Russian cyborg... 253 00:19:15,350 --> 00:19:18,870 ...went down that way carrying two huge suitcases. 254 00:19:19,120 --> 00:19:19,880 Think that's them? 255 00:19:19,950 --> 00:19:20,750 Maybe! 256 00:19:21,020 --> 00:19:22,510 But what's the JGSDA doing here?! 257 00:19:43,840 --> 00:19:45,540 Why are you here by yourself? 258 00:19:46,680 --> 00:19:50,410 Jabrov and Kagazaki are both under Public Security surveillance. 259 00:19:51,150 --> 00:19:53,010 That is why I came alone. 260 00:19:57,790 --> 00:20:00,120 Let's hurry up and get this deal over with. 261 00:20:02,730 --> 00:20:03,690 As you wish. 262 00:20:04,660 --> 00:20:07,290 The deposit record for the account you designated is stored in here. 263 00:20:08,300 --> 00:20:09,600 Verify it. 264 00:20:22,710 --> 00:20:25,310 I'll go on ahead! The rest of you, follow when you can! 265 00:20:41,400 --> 00:20:46,230 We have a deal. Neither one of us can verify the goods. 266 00:21:24,880 --> 00:21:26,400 Throw down your weapons and come out! 267 00:21:26,510 --> 00:21:28,710 You are under arrest on suspicion of violating the Arms Control Act... 268 00:21:28,810 --> 00:21:30,970 ...and illegal trafficking in nuclear materials! 269 00:21:35,690 --> 00:21:37,780 C'mon, show yourself... 270 00:21:38,860 --> 00:21:39,720 Huh? 271 00:21:43,190 --> 00:21:44,060 Uh-oh! 272 00:22:01,710 --> 00:22:03,610 Saito! Something fishy's going on here! 273 00:22:03,710 --> 00:22:05,270 I'll handle things here! You go nab Koil! 274 00:22:05,380 --> 00:22:06,440 Got it! 275 00:22:10,960 --> 00:22:11,850 Crap! 276 00:22:12,090 --> 00:22:14,150 I'm heading out! Make sure you squash that bug! 277 00:22:22,800 --> 00:22:25,030 Hold it right there, Kuze! 278 00:22:27,670 --> 00:22:29,760 Put the cases down on the ground! 279 00:22:34,580 --> 00:22:38,170 Why didn't you shoot right away? Because you know what is in the cases? 280 00:22:38,280 --> 00:22:42,150 I don't give a damn about those. What I'm after is your head! 281 00:22:43,790 --> 00:22:45,810 I don't think you'll be able to do that. 282 00:22:46,960 --> 00:22:48,720 Grab the cases and get back to the ship. 283 00:22:49,190 --> 00:22:50,490 - But... - Go! 284 00:22:52,800 --> 00:22:54,460 You think you can take me, you bastard?! 285 00:22:54,460 --> 00:22:56,460 286 00:23:09,600 --> 00:23:12,100 Finding out a galaxy... 287 00:23:12,100 --> 00:23:16,060 ...of planets and stars within me... 288 00:23:16,250 --> 00:23:18,720 Listening to each of them... 289 00:23:18,720 --> 00:23:22,710 ...singing the same silent melody... 290 00:23:22,710 --> 00:23:26,720 I've never seen such beauty... 291 00:23:26,720 --> 00:23:30,010 In possibility... 292 00:23:30,010 --> 00:23:34,520 No speck of doubt or fear... 293 00:23:34,520 --> 00:23:36,010 Wake up! 294 00:23:36,010 --> 00:23:38,710 I hear a voice, 295 00:23:38,710 --> 00:23:42,650 hear a voice calling out to me... 296 00:23:42,650 --> 00:23:45,160 I see inside, 297 00:23:45,160 --> 00:23:48,690 see the light now ever holding me... 298 00:23:48,690 --> 00:23:52,030 All the truth, all I need... 299 00:23:52,030 --> 00:23:56,830 ...to make of this reality, it's inside... 300 00:23:56,830 --> 00:24:02,640 The beauty within the shell... 301 00:24:02,640 --> 00:24:05,340 I hear a voice, 302 00:24:05,340 --> 00:24:09,280 hear a voice calling out to me... 303 00:24:09,280 --> 00:24:11,790 I see inside, 304 00:24:11,790 --> 00:24:15,320 see the light now ever holding me... 305 00:24:15,320 --> 00:24:18,660 All the truth, all I need... 306 00:24:18,660 --> 00:24:23,460 ...to make of this reality, it's inside... 307 00:24:23,460 --> 00:24:28,120 Right here within the shell...