1 00:00:08,043 --> 00:00:11,283 I'm a soldier, znatchit ya... I'm a soldier, and that means... 2 00:00:11,283 --> 00:00:14,553 ...i otvetchik i sud'ya ...that I am both defendant and judge. 3 00:00:14,553 --> 00:00:19,953 Ya stoyu na dvuh kontsah ognya I stand at both ends of the fire. 4 00:00:21,153 --> 00:00:24,353 Ogibaya virazhi, Leaning into the curves, 5 00:00:24,353 --> 00:00:27,693 obgonyaya smert' i zhizn', overtaking life and death, 6 00:00:27,693 --> 00:00:33,223 ya begu srazit'sya s ten'yu lzhi I'm running to fight the shadow of lies. 7 00:00:33,403 --> 00:00:39,833 Skol'ko b nitej ne plyol obman, No matter how tangled the web of deception is woven, 8 00:00:39,973 --> 00:00:47,343 pokazhet lik sveta istina... truth will always illuminate the outline of the light... 9 00:00:48,213 --> 00:00:51,423 Save your tears for the day... 10 00:00:51,423 --> 00:00:54,723 ...when the pain is far behind. 11 00:00:54,723 --> 00:00:57,913 On your feet, come with me. 12 00:00:57,913 --> 00:01:01,363 We are soldiers, stand or die. 13 00:01:01,363 --> 00:01:04,533 Save your fears, take your place. 14 00:01:04,533 --> 00:01:07,633 Save them for the Judgment Day. 15 00:01:07,803 --> 00:01:11,063 Fast and free, follow me. 16 00:01:11,063 --> 00:01:15,773 Time to make the sacrifice. 17 00:01:15,773 --> 00:01:22,833 We rise or fall... 18 00:03:28,623 --> 00:03:31,283 Thank you so much for coming, Aramaki. 19 00:03:32,593 --> 00:03:34,253 I didn't have much choice. 20 00:03:34,593 --> 00:03:40,433 You were the one who goaded the Prime Minister into sending me, Chairman Tadokoro. 21 00:03:41,003 --> 00:03:43,163 Now, now, don't get so worked up. 22 00:03:43,403 --> 00:03:45,563 Ever since that e-money burglary incident, 23 00:03:45,903 --> 00:03:49,773 I've lost faith in the prefectural police and my own security company. 24 00:03:50,213 --> 00:03:53,403 I hate to be abrupt, but might I ask what you want us to do? 25 00:03:53,743 --> 00:03:57,653 Well, the truth is, it's about that hacker. 26 00:03:57,923 --> 00:04:02,723 What's his name again? As I recall, it was something along the lines of... 27 00:04:03,093 --> 00:04:05,613 Cash Eye. Is that who you mean? 28 00:04:05,923 --> 00:04:07,123 Yes, yes. 29 00:04:07,123 --> 00:04:10,583 I received this warning from him yesterday. 30 00:04:11,333 --> 00:04:16,323 After it came, I decided to store all my assets as cash. 31 00:04:17,103 --> 00:04:19,473 And that's why my entire fortune... 32 00:04:19,473 --> 00:04:22,803 ...is locked in this building's underground vault at this very moment. 33 00:04:23,143 --> 00:04:24,413 I see. 34 00:04:24,413 --> 00:04:28,783 In a sense, that might be the safest defensive measure you could take. 35 00:04:29,153 --> 00:04:30,923 That's what I thought, too. 36 00:04:30,923 --> 00:04:35,423 But last night, he operated a female-model android by remote control, and he... 37 00:04:35,423 --> 00:04:39,653 Look at this. He had her slip into this room as if it were the easiest thing in the world, 38 00:04:39,963 --> 00:04:43,423 deliberately destroyed a security camera to alert us to the break-in, 39 00:04:44,033 --> 00:04:47,593 and then escaped by jumping out of this 50th-story window. 40 00:04:48,903 --> 00:04:52,603 "Physical defensive measures can't prevent the theft." 41 00:04:53,003 --> 00:04:55,273 Do you suppose that was the message of intent that he wanted to send? 42 00:04:55,573 --> 00:04:57,133 So it would seem. 43 00:04:57,543 --> 00:05:02,913 From what I've heard so far, this doesn't seem to be our department. 44 00:05:03,883 --> 00:05:07,423 It would have been wiser to have contacted the prefectural police straight away. 45 00:05:07,423 --> 00:05:11,123 They have more manpower than a small, elite unit like Section 9. 46 00:05:11,363 --> 00:05:14,453 That's out of the question, I'm afraid. 47 00:05:14,763 --> 00:05:17,823 At the time the crime is to be committed, that is, tomorrow night, 48 00:05:18,063 --> 00:05:20,303 a secret party is going to be held which will be attended... 49 00:05:20,303 --> 00:05:22,993 ...by the major players of the financial and political worlds. 50 00:05:24,573 --> 00:05:31,303 No, it's not an illegal party, but rather a gathering of individuals with similar interests. 51 00:05:32,083 --> 00:05:35,843 It's not something that uncultured people would be allowed into. 52 00:05:36,183 --> 00:05:37,853 And due to the nature of the party, 53 00:05:37,853 --> 00:05:40,983 it would be impossible to change the location or postpone it. 54 00:05:41,293 --> 00:05:43,153 You understand, don't you? 55 00:05:43,623 --> 00:05:46,723 National policies are sometimes set at events such as these. 56 00:05:47,423 --> 00:05:50,523 That is why I need a man who understands reason. 57 00:05:51,263 --> 00:05:54,663 I'll let the security company's staff see to tightening up security. 58 00:05:55,573 --> 00:05:59,873 But the real problem is the nature of the man who is in charge of the party site. 59 00:06:01,143 --> 00:06:06,443 I've received orders from my superiors, so it would seem that I'm unable to decline. 60 00:06:06,813 --> 00:06:08,543 Don't be like that. 61 00:06:08,753 --> 00:06:13,343 Now I understand why the Prime Minister recommended you to me. 62 00:06:13,653 --> 00:06:16,783 I can almost smell her white blood from here. 63 00:06:17,193 --> 00:06:19,663 She isn't an android. 64 00:06:19,963 --> 00:06:21,433 My apologies. 65 00:06:21,433 --> 00:06:24,763 But multipurpose, full-body prosthetics fan the flames of my libido... 66 00:06:24,763 --> 00:06:28,363 ...for inorganic bodies just as much as androids do. 67 00:06:30,033 --> 00:06:34,103 Prime Minister Kayabuki must really hate that guy. 68 00:06:34,473 --> 00:06:37,243 Regardless of her personal impressions of the man, 69 00:06:37,243 --> 00:06:41,873 she's doing this to force through reforms that have been deadlocked. 70 00:06:42,383 --> 00:06:45,043 It's also the right move to make to sweep away... 71 00:06:45,123 --> 00:06:46,913 ...the last lingering ghosts of the previous administration. 72 00:06:47,693 --> 00:06:50,483 "Hell hath no fury," huh? 73 00:06:50,953 --> 00:06:54,753 I'm not too happy at being forced to play along with this, though. 74 00:06:55,233 --> 00:06:59,223 This doesn't strike me as a job that's worth giving up my vacation for. 75 00:06:59,703 --> 00:07:04,663 Sorry about that. But there will be lots more that will get on your nerves tomorrow. 76 00:07:05,643 --> 00:07:07,803 Don't lose your temper before the job's done. 77 00:07:28,833 --> 00:07:30,123 You getting this? 78 00:07:30,563 --> 00:07:32,033 Yeah, I see it. 79 00:07:32,263 --> 00:07:35,963 Hey, that guy just now was the director of Hanka Precision Instruments. 80 00:07:36,573 --> 00:07:40,373 Still, the thought of a party where the top dogs of the political and financial worlds... 81 00:07:40,373 --> 00:07:44,143 ...show off the sex dolls that they keep hidden from their wives blows my mind. 82 00:07:47,613 --> 00:07:51,553 Oops. The former Foreign Affairs Minister is making his entrance. 83 00:07:52,083 --> 00:07:54,023 Didn't he learn his lesson? 84 00:07:57,223 --> 00:07:58,453 Unbelievable... 85 00:07:59,163 --> 00:08:00,863 Talk about depressing. 86 00:08:00,863 --> 00:08:04,263 Hey, the car with the Chief and the Major is pulling up. 87 00:08:04,263 --> 00:08:06,703 This oughta be a mind-blower. 88 00:08:20,783 --> 00:08:22,443 Talk about depressing... 89 00:08:23,483 --> 00:08:24,553 Hey, check it out. 90 00:08:24,553 --> 00:08:27,553 Does it look to you like the old man is enjoying himself more than he ought to? 91 00:08:27,553 --> 00:08:28,753 I think you're right. 92 00:08:28,993 --> 00:08:32,443 Still, the Major seems to be a real hit with the freaks down there. 93 00:08:34,123 --> 00:08:36,133 One of 'em just copped a feel just now! 94 00:08:36,133 --> 00:08:38,153 We're better off not knowing. 95 00:08:38,803 --> 00:08:41,063 Okay, let's let the Major handle getting the passport... 96 00:08:41,063 --> 00:08:44,193 ...to the underground vault from Chairman Tadokoro, and let's get ready, too. 97 00:08:44,403 --> 00:08:45,533 Right. 98 00:08:45,743 --> 00:08:49,233 I guess it's time for us to hit the party and do some mingling, too. 99 00:08:50,173 --> 00:08:52,513 Tachikoma, you ready on your end? 100 00:08:52,713 --> 00:08:54,343 Preparations complete! 101 00:08:54,713 --> 00:08:56,583 Ready over here, too! 102 00:08:56,953 --> 00:08:59,513 Okay, wait for the Major's signal. 103 00:09:10,033 --> 00:09:15,163 An excellent decision, Aramaki. It's the perfect camouflage. 104 00:09:15,533 --> 00:09:20,633 I already have other men in position on the floor with orders not to disturb the party. 105 00:09:20,943 --> 00:09:23,273 Well, just consider the state of alert we're at. 106 00:09:23,273 --> 00:09:29,773 Even assuming that the thief made it to the vault, I doubt he could carry out all the cash. 107 00:09:30,013 --> 00:09:32,243 But, well, we've seen what he's capable of. 108 00:09:32,623 --> 00:09:35,243 Catch the thief, no matter what. 109 00:09:35,493 --> 00:09:37,223 I understand. 110 00:09:37,223 --> 00:09:41,213 Join the party and mingle until the time the theft is to be committed. 111 00:09:41,633 --> 00:09:46,193 What do you say, miss? Would you like me to show you around? 112 00:09:47,133 --> 00:09:48,653 I'd love to. 113 00:09:53,143 --> 00:09:54,973 Ishikawa, what's your status? 114 00:09:55,743 --> 00:09:57,733 We've hit a bit of a snag. 115 00:09:57,913 --> 00:10:01,013 There's a chance that Tadokoro beefed up the security equipment... 116 00:10:01,013 --> 00:10:04,213 ...in his underground vault a few days ago. 117 00:10:04,383 --> 00:10:06,323 I've checked the manufacturer's server, 118 00:10:06,323 --> 00:10:10,513 but the plans for all the newly installed components had been wiped. 119 00:10:11,153 --> 00:10:14,393 He's done a thorough information management job. 120 00:10:14,463 --> 00:10:17,763 I doubt that there's even anything left on paper media. 121 00:10:17,763 --> 00:10:21,993 The Major has left to obtain Tadokoro's retinal and cyberbrain patterns. 122 00:10:22,173 --> 00:10:28,003 Even if she manages to get them, if we can't get that door open, it'll all be for nothing. 123 00:10:28,913 --> 00:10:31,813 I'll do what I can to find another way to get the door open. 124 00:10:32,883 --> 00:10:34,473 Hop to it! 125 00:10:34,853 --> 00:10:38,443 You might laugh and write this off as an odd hobby, 126 00:10:38,853 --> 00:10:42,093 but among those of us who have experienced all of life's pleasures, 127 00:10:42,093 --> 00:10:46,953 what we finally arrived at was a fetish for dolls. 128 00:10:47,463 --> 00:10:53,523 What do you think? Each one is haute couture, made from scratch by famous designers. 129 00:10:54,033 --> 00:10:58,263 Their bodies have capabilities not much different from those of your own prosthetic body. 130 00:10:58,573 --> 00:11:02,403 Would you be interested in swapping into one to try it out? 131 00:11:02,643 --> 00:11:04,273 Major, how's it coming? 132 00:11:05,043 --> 00:11:07,513 You realize that this is a clear-cut case of sexual harassment... 133 00:11:08,013 --> 00:11:12,853 Oh, I'm sorry. Old habits die hard. 134 00:11:13,283 --> 00:11:17,153 Still, even though that body of yours might look like a multipurpose model at first glance, 135 00:11:17,153 --> 00:11:20,563 I'm betting that it has all sorts of detail work built into it. 136 00:11:20,893 --> 00:11:24,063 What's its skin sensitivity? 16 squared? 137 00:11:24,063 --> 00:11:25,703 Just put up with it for now. 138 00:11:25,703 --> 00:11:29,693 I can't deal with feeling every little thing, so I usually turn off the sense organs. 139 00:11:29,973 --> 00:11:31,203 I see. 140 00:11:31,703 --> 00:11:34,143 What do you say? Why not test one? 141 00:11:34,143 --> 00:11:36,643 All right, begin the operation. 142 00:11:36,643 --> 00:11:37,873 I know what you want. 143 00:11:38,183 --> 00:11:43,373 You wouldn't happen to want to make love to my body while it's empty, would you? 144 00:11:44,623 --> 00:11:49,643 I see that you have a good grasp of the proclivities of men such as myself... 145 00:11:50,693 --> 00:11:53,883 Would you be interested in doing the opposite, 146 00:11:54,323 --> 00:11:58,393 ...and treating a conscious human being like a puppet? 147 00:12:04,873 --> 00:12:10,813 I'll hold perfectly still for you with my sense organs turned on. 148 00:12:20,383 --> 00:12:21,823 Sorry about that. 149 00:12:22,223 --> 00:12:25,453 I can't have you continuing and going into cardiac arrest on me, 150 00:12:25,893 --> 00:12:28,453 so pick up where we left off in your dreams. 151 00:12:29,493 --> 00:12:32,803 Chief, I've got his retinal and cyberbrain patterns. 152 00:12:32,803 --> 00:12:35,003 Good. Proceed to stage two. 153 00:12:35,003 --> 00:12:36,523 Roger. 154 00:12:49,153 --> 00:12:51,353 Batou, Togusa, how's it coming? 155 00:12:51,353 --> 00:12:52,873 We're on our way down now. 156 00:12:58,293 --> 00:12:59,023 Ishikawa! 157 00:12:59,023 --> 00:13:00,513 I'm on it. 158 00:13:06,233 --> 00:13:08,393 Hey, this area is... 159 00:13:08,773 --> 00:13:11,963 Mr. Tadokoro sent us personally. 160 00:13:22,083 --> 00:13:25,213 Monitor switch complete. Good work, Tachikoma. 161 00:13:25,523 --> 00:13:27,213 Of course! 162 00:13:27,653 --> 00:13:29,313 Hold it right there. 163 00:13:40,763 --> 00:13:43,433 Okay, now we just need to wait for the Major. 164 00:13:43,733 --> 00:13:45,403 I'm already here. 165 00:13:48,273 --> 00:13:49,473 You get the patterns? 166 00:13:49,473 --> 00:13:51,033 Of course. 167 00:14:03,423 --> 00:14:07,323 We should've just brain dove Tadokoro and brought him down here with us. 168 00:14:07,693 --> 00:14:12,493 That wasn't an option. We have something else for him to do. 169 00:14:29,583 --> 00:14:31,983 Can't that system be turned off? 170 00:14:31,983 --> 00:14:34,823 No, it runs independently. 171 00:14:35,323 --> 00:14:37,293 And if we hauled off and destroyed it, 172 00:14:37,353 --> 00:14:39,623 the control center would realize that something was up. 173 00:14:39,623 --> 00:14:41,783 That's not a serious problem. 174 00:14:41,933 --> 00:14:44,993 The question now is whether or not we can open the door to the vault. 175 00:14:45,203 --> 00:14:46,893 I managed to dig something up. 176 00:14:47,203 --> 00:14:52,003 Based on the amount of cash that was brought into the Tadokoro building, I'd say that... 177 00:14:52,343 --> 00:14:57,173 ...it's probably an analog model that deliberately utilizes a quadruple layer of old-style locks. 178 00:14:57,473 --> 00:15:00,183 See? Like I said, we should've brought Tadokoro. 179 00:15:00,183 --> 00:15:01,973 It's too late for that now. 180 00:15:02,353 --> 00:15:04,683 Ishikawa, how about going with Code B? 181 00:15:04,683 --> 00:15:06,183 Yeah, that might work. 182 00:15:06,183 --> 00:15:10,723 You should be able to burn through the vault's struts with the explosives we're prepping now. 183 00:15:10,723 --> 00:15:13,213 But the instant we do, they'll be alerted to the break-in. 184 00:15:13,563 --> 00:15:15,223 That can't be helped. 185 00:15:16,593 --> 00:15:20,603 The other problem is that, even assuming we blast the doors open and get into the vault, 186 00:15:20,603 --> 00:15:24,373 we don't know what sort of surprises he has set up inside. 187 00:15:24,373 --> 00:15:26,893 There's no guarantee that it won't have a double layer of defenses. 188 00:15:27,503 --> 00:15:29,903 Like they say, nothing ventured, nothing gained. 189 00:15:30,213 --> 00:15:34,083 Stealing the money isn't our objective here, so that doesn't matter. 190 00:15:34,543 --> 00:15:36,813 Okay, Code B it is, then. 191 00:15:37,453 --> 00:15:40,113 But you're on your own from here on in. 192 00:15:40,983 --> 00:15:42,083 Be careful. 193 00:15:42,593 --> 00:15:44,523 Thanks for the concern. 194 00:15:44,823 --> 00:15:47,453 Okay, I'll be back soon. 195 00:15:57,603 --> 00:15:59,593 We need to get ready for the next stage. 196 00:16:05,083 --> 00:16:07,073 So, this is where you've been. 197 00:16:07,743 --> 00:16:09,443 Aramaki? 198 00:16:10,753 --> 00:16:14,083 It's this late already? What about the party? 199 00:16:14,383 --> 00:16:18,823 Still in full swing. It's almost time for the theft. 200 00:16:19,093 --> 00:16:22,893 Yes, of course. I can only pray that nothing happens. 201 00:16:24,693 --> 00:16:28,863 Chief, please come to the control room ASAP. It looks like the thief has snuck in. 202 00:16:29,203 --> 00:16:30,633 He's what?! 203 00:16:32,573 --> 00:16:34,873 Is it time yet? 204 00:16:34,873 --> 00:16:36,873 Tachikoma! What's your status? 205 00:16:36,873 --> 00:16:39,813 Ready and waiting! Just give the word! 206 00:17:01,533 --> 00:17:04,203 We've switched over to our internal generator... 207 00:17:04,203 --> 00:17:05,723 Let's hurry. 208 00:17:06,643 --> 00:17:09,303 Ladies and gentlemen, there is no cause for alarm! 209 00:17:09,743 --> 00:17:14,043 However, given the nature of the party, we mustn't allow anything to happen, 210 00:17:14,343 --> 00:17:17,803 so we ask that you follow our instructions and evacuate the building immediately. 211 00:17:18,283 --> 00:17:19,683 Look at this, sir. 212 00:17:25,693 --> 00:17:27,493 That's the android from yesterday! 213 00:17:28,263 --> 00:17:29,923 How did she make it all the way down there? 214 00:17:30,233 --> 00:17:32,693 I'll send my men there at once. 215 00:17:33,103 --> 00:17:34,223 No, wait. 216 00:17:34,533 --> 00:17:40,133 It looks like she's trying to break into the vault, but what she is is a rat caught in a trap. 217 00:17:41,943 --> 00:17:43,773 Your meaning, sir? 218 00:17:43,773 --> 00:17:49,713 If anyone other than myself enters that vault, a second set of security doors will slam shut. 219 00:17:49,713 --> 00:17:54,243 And they're designed not to open again without my Ghost key. 220 00:17:56,193 --> 00:17:57,653 Ghost key? 221 00:17:58,663 --> 00:18:03,563 Anyway, you people should go find the hacker who's remote-controlling that android! 222 00:18:04,193 --> 00:18:05,993 He's the one you should arrest. 223 00:18:06,733 --> 00:18:12,363 Chief it looks like it's either an autonomous A.I., or someone with a full prosthetic body. 224 00:18:12,673 --> 00:18:15,733 We're not picking up any trace of a remote control signal. 225 00:18:16,413 --> 00:18:20,383 Which means that this is the real hacker... 226 00:18:20,383 --> 00:18:24,543 Yes, sir. And we also just received this second warning notice. 227 00:18:30,993 --> 00:18:34,423 Aramaki, come with me to the vault... 228 00:18:34,923 --> 00:18:38,023 ...and verify that her death was the result of justifiable self defense. 229 00:18:42,333 --> 00:18:47,203 The vault seals itself, and then generates a near-vacuum for a set period of time. 230 00:18:47,503 --> 00:18:51,603 Cyborg or no, that person isn't going to survive that. 231 00:18:53,483 --> 00:18:55,273 What are you standing around for?! 232 00:19:05,993 --> 00:19:08,183 Chief, the Major... 233 00:19:47,233 --> 00:19:49,723 What's the matter? Have you found her?! 234 00:19:50,633 --> 00:19:52,573 There's no sign of her. 235 00:19:52,573 --> 00:19:55,973 That's not possible! Search everywhere! 236 00:20:00,643 --> 00:20:02,633 I'm sorry I'm late. 237 00:20:03,353 --> 00:20:06,653 It's just that Chairman Tadokoro is such an amazing man... 238 00:20:07,223 --> 00:20:07,783 Well, I... 239 00:20:07,783 --> 00:20:09,723 Major? How did you... 240 00:20:10,153 --> 00:20:15,093 When you saw me going inside, that was a virtual image created by the Tachikoma. 241 00:20:15,463 --> 00:20:16,513 Boo-yah! 242 00:20:17,633 --> 00:20:19,623 By the way, Chairman Tadokoro... 243 00:20:20,863 --> 00:20:25,433 These stacks of bank notes are stored in your vault, 244 00:20:25,703 --> 00:20:29,233 so we may assume that they all belong to you, correct? 245 00:20:29,713 --> 00:20:32,973 Of course they do. What are you implying? 246 00:20:34,243 --> 00:20:35,613 Check them. 247 00:20:36,613 --> 00:20:38,143 What are you doing? 248 00:20:38,453 --> 00:20:41,823 You should be looking for that thief's corpse, not wasting your time on this! 249 00:20:42,323 --> 00:20:48,753 Chairman Tadokoro, our real objective here was to get you to open this vault yourself... 250 00:20:49,333 --> 00:20:53,633 ...and check the serial numbers on the bills inside. 251 00:20:54,903 --> 00:20:57,673 Having received information that you were managing... 252 00:20:57,673 --> 00:21:00,573 ...the hidden assets of former Party Secretary Yakushima, 253 00:21:00,873 --> 00:21:03,573 we conducted an internal investigation to determine if it was true. 254 00:21:04,173 --> 00:21:05,333 Major? 255 00:21:06,013 --> 00:21:08,943 They're the serial numbers that the Tax Bureau gave us, all right. 256 00:21:09,613 --> 00:21:12,603 This isn't something that can be explained away easily, is it? 257 00:21:12,923 --> 00:21:16,453 There are many things that we would like to ask you about. 258 00:21:16,453 --> 00:21:18,723 Would you come with us, please? 259 00:21:22,863 --> 00:21:26,323 We've come to investigate you. 260 00:21:22,863 --> 00:21:26,323 National Tax Bureau 261 00:21:27,563 --> 00:21:29,003 Hurry up, please. 262 00:21:31,633 --> 00:21:32,903 How's it going on your end? 263 00:21:32,903 --> 00:21:35,003 We're cutting 'em loose. 264 00:21:35,343 --> 00:21:36,813 If we tug on these guys, 265 00:21:36,813 --> 00:21:41,113 there's a good chance that we'll turn up even more hidden financial backers. 266 00:21:50,553 --> 00:21:53,153 Are these people what they call "perverts"? 267 00:21:53,723 --> 00:21:56,753 Maybe you oughta call them "eccentric" instead. 268 00:22:05,873 --> 00:22:08,843 Tsutomu Tadokoro, former chairman of the Federation of Economic Organizations... 269 00:22:08,843 --> 00:22:11,043 ...and said to have a fat pipeline to the political world, 270 00:22:11,043 --> 00:22:14,783 has been arrested on suspicion of large-scale tax evasion and money laundering. 271 00:22:14,783 --> 00:22:18,473 You know, it was kinda fun, playing cat burglar... 272 00:22:19,423 --> 00:22:22,823 Still, you had me worried there for a second. 273 00:22:25,053 --> 00:22:28,113 I thought you might get vacuum-packed in there, Major. 274 00:22:29,093 --> 00:22:32,693 Teamwork involves telling your teammates what you're up to beforehand, you know? 275 00:22:32,833 --> 00:22:37,533 Hey, now. When it comes to the thief trade, deception is rule number one. 276 00:22:42,713 --> 00:22:45,273 How long are you going to keep playing at this cat-burglar nonsense?! 277 00:22:45,683 --> 00:22:48,043 Work is piling up, people! 278 00:22:49,483 --> 00:22:52,573 Maybe I really should consider a new line of work... 279 00:22:52,583 --> 00:22:54,583 280 00:23:09,643 --> 00:23:12,143 Finding out a galaxy... 281 00:23:12,143 --> 00:23:16,103 ...of planets and stars within me... 282 00:23:16,293 --> 00:23:18,763 Listening to each of them... 283 00:23:18,763 --> 00:23:22,753 ...singing the same silent melody... 284 00:23:22,753 --> 00:23:26,763 I've never seen such beauty... 285 00:23:26,763 --> 00:23:30,053 In possibility... 286 00:23:30,053 --> 00:23:34,563 No speck of doubt or fear... 287 00:23:34,563 --> 00:23:36,053 Wake up! 288 00:23:36,053 --> 00:23:38,753 I hear a voice, 289 00:23:38,753 --> 00:23:42,693 hear a voice calling out to me... 290 00:23:42,693 --> 00:23:45,203 I see inside, 291 00:23:45,203 --> 00:23:48,733 see the light now ever holding me... 292 00:23:48,733 --> 00:23:52,073 All the truth, all I need... 293 00:23:52,073 --> 00:23:56,873 ...to make of this reality, it's inside... 294 00:23:56,873 --> 00:24:02,683 The beauty within the shell... 295 00:24:02,683 --> 00:24:05,383 I hear a voice, 296 00:24:05,383 --> 00:24:09,323 hear a voice calling out to me... 297 00:24:09,323 --> 00:24:11,833 I see inside, 298 00:24:11,833 --> 00:24:15,363 see the light now ever holding me... 299 00:24:15,363 --> 00:24:18,703 All the truth, all I need... 300 00:24:18,703 --> 00:24:23,503 ...to make of this reality, it's inside... 301 00:24:23,503 --> 00:24:28,163 Right here within the shell...