1 00:00:08,043 --> 00:00:11,283 I'm a soldier, znatchit ya... I'm a soldier, and that means... 2 00:00:11,283 --> 00:00:14,553 ...i otvetchik i sud'ya ...that I am both defendant and judge. 3 00:00:14,553 --> 00:00:19,953 Ya stoyu na dvuh kontsah ognya I stand at both ends of the fire. 4 00:00:21,153 --> 00:00:24,353 Ogibaya virazhi, Leaning into the curves, 5 00:00:24,353 --> 00:00:27,693 obgonyaya smert' i zhizn', overtaking life and death, 6 00:00:27,693 --> 00:00:33,223 ya begu srazit'sya s ten'yu lzhi I'm running to fight the shadow of lies. 7 00:00:33,403 --> 00:00:39,833 Skol'ko b nitej ne plyol obman, No matter how tangled the web of deception is woven, 8 00:00:39,973 --> 00:00:47,343 pokazhet lik sveta istina... truth will always illuminate the outline of the light... 9 00:00:48,213 --> 00:00:51,423 Save your tears for the day... 10 00:00:51,423 --> 00:00:54,723 ...when the pain is far behind. 11 00:00:54,723 --> 00:00:57,913 On your feet, come with me. 12 00:00:57,913 --> 00:01:01,363 We are soldiers, stand or die. 13 00:01:01,363 --> 00:01:04,533 Save your fears, take your place. 14 00:01:04,533 --> 00:01:07,633 Save them for the Judgment Day. 15 00:01:07,803 --> 00:01:11,063 Fast and free, follow me. 16 00:01:11,063 --> 00:01:15,773 Time to make the sacrifice. 17 00:01:15,773 --> 00:01:22,833 We rise or fall... 18 00:01:49,713 --> 00:01:51,113 Activating F4 decoy! 19 00:01:51,113 --> 00:01:53,043 Injecting barrier-buster virus! 20 00:01:53,743 --> 00:01:54,613 Okay, good work. 21 00:01:54,813 --> 00:01:58,013 Once you've got all your attack barrier variants on standby along the outer perimeter, 22 00:01:58,483 --> 00:02:00,143 encrypt and compress it. 23 00:02:00,453 --> 00:02:01,483 Roger! 24 00:02:02,893 --> 00:02:03,853 Found it. 25 00:02:05,923 --> 00:02:08,593 A stealth gate that you can't get to unless you go through... 26 00:02:08,593 --> 00:02:11,083 ...the European satellite network via the northern hemisphere, huh? 27 00:02:11,203 --> 00:02:11,923 Yeah. 28 00:02:12,063 --> 00:02:15,623 Yeah, but get this. It's actually the Asian Matrix. 29 00:02:16,073 --> 00:02:19,443 The Local Asian Net, huh? That wasn't very clever of him. 30 00:02:19,443 --> 00:02:20,543 That's for sure. 31 00:02:20,543 --> 00:02:23,603 Want me to get to work on a structural analysis right away? 32 00:02:23,913 --> 00:02:25,883 We'll contact the Major first. 33 00:02:34,223 --> 00:02:36,583 That bastard Gohda is just showing off now. 34 00:02:36,993 --> 00:02:39,293 It's a message to us that says, "Even if you do find Kawashima's external memories," 35 00:02:39,723 --> 00:02:43,263 "you won't be able to find any evidence that leads to me." 36 00:02:43,263 --> 00:02:45,893 He's sly, I'll give him that. But from what I can tell, 37 00:02:45,963 --> 00:02:49,303 there's no evidence that a third party's tampered with the external memory. 38 00:02:49,373 --> 00:02:53,273 Assuming that the Individual Eleven are triggered by a virus, 39 00:02:53,373 --> 00:02:56,273 there's a good chance that there's evidence of it here. 40 00:02:58,343 --> 00:02:59,973 Okay, I'm gonna dive it. 41 00:03:00,443 --> 00:03:01,973 Ishikawa and Borma, watch my back. 42 00:03:02,753 --> 00:03:04,583 Tachikoma, stand by with a virus array. 43 00:03:04,883 --> 00:03:06,783 Is Set D okay? 44 00:03:07,083 --> 00:03:08,113 Sure, that's fine. 45 00:03:09,393 --> 00:03:12,853 Major, I'm sorry to interrupt, but get up here on the double. 46 00:03:13,263 --> 00:03:14,623 This is top priority. 47 00:03:14,933 --> 00:03:18,233 If it's more important than this, it must be serious. 48 00:03:18,503 --> 00:03:21,763 It is. Call Batou, Saito, and Paz, too. 49 00:03:23,533 --> 00:03:24,633 You heard the man. 50 00:03:25,573 --> 00:03:28,333 Borma, you make the dive instead of me. 51 00:03:29,273 --> 00:03:31,143 Ishikawa, see to the rest. 52 00:03:37,053 --> 00:03:39,483 Okay... What say we get this over with? 53 00:03:47,793 --> 00:03:48,823 Let's do it. 54 00:03:55,733 --> 00:04:00,333 Say, Togusa, why don't you set your avatar file to your default shape? 55 00:04:01,213 --> 00:04:04,183 Using them while chatting is one thing, but don't you think it'd be dangerous... 56 00:04:04,183 --> 00:04:06,373 ...to be weighed down by something like that when you're diving a barrier array? 57 00:04:06,743 --> 00:04:08,953 Anyway, do you really wanna see me and ol' Ishikawa here... 58 00:04:08,953 --> 00:04:12,043 ...flying around in superhero costumes like in American comic books? 59 00:04:12,653 --> 00:04:14,393 He has a point... 60 00:04:14,393 --> 00:04:17,913 Stow the chatter. Borma's about to go through the gate. 61 00:04:22,933 --> 00:04:24,423 Resuming virus injection! 62 00:04:24,903 --> 00:04:28,233 Collision with enemy defensive barrier array and neutralization commencement verified. 63 00:04:33,473 --> 00:04:34,313 Got anything? 64 00:04:34,313 --> 00:04:37,973 I see something. There's a suspicious file down in level 6... 65 00:04:38,283 --> 00:04:39,503 What's the file name? 66 00:04:39,883 --> 00:04:41,573 "Individual Eleven." 67 00:04:41,783 --> 00:04:42,853 What's the plan? 68 00:04:42,853 --> 00:04:47,553 To find out if this file is the virus that triggers the Individual Eleven, 69 00:04:48,093 --> 00:04:51,213 the fastest way is to actually dump it into somebody's cyberbrain and see what happens. 70 00:04:51,563 --> 00:04:52,593 Hey! What the hell. 71 00:04:52,593 --> 00:04:54,493 Wanna try sending it into my head? 72 00:04:55,063 --> 00:04:57,623 Hey, isn't that risky? 73 00:04:57,803 --> 00:04:59,903 I think we should write a vaccine before we... 74 00:04:59,903 --> 00:05:03,463 The problem with vaccines is that you can't write one until after it manifests symptoms. 75 00:05:03,833 --> 00:05:05,323 Sad but true. 76 00:05:06,843 --> 00:05:08,603 Okay, I've got you fully backed up. 77 00:05:09,343 --> 00:05:12,873 Just to be safe, partition off your cyberbrain's analysis sectors. 78 00:05:13,013 --> 00:05:13,913 Right. 79 00:05:19,183 --> 00:05:22,313 This footage was recorded by accident 22 minutes ago... 80 00:05:22,393 --> 00:05:25,223 ...by the IR-System along Nagasaki Coastal Sector B. 81 00:05:28,133 --> 00:05:31,653 Son of a... Where the hell has he been hiding? 82 00:05:32,103 --> 00:05:34,233 If he hasn't changed prosthetic bodies, 83 00:05:34,233 --> 00:05:37,963 it might mean that he had shut down until his organic parts could regenerate. 84 00:05:39,603 --> 00:05:42,473 We may never get a chance like this again. 85 00:05:42,873 --> 00:05:47,443 I requested that the Kyushu P.D. step up their surveillance across the entire island. 86 00:05:47,913 --> 00:05:50,353 Fly down to Nagasaki at once and arrest this man. 87 00:05:56,893 --> 00:05:58,953 Hey... Borma? Are you okay? 88 00:06:00,963 --> 00:06:01,763 Hey! 89 00:06:01,763 --> 00:06:03,193 C'mon, this can't be right! 90 00:06:03,733 --> 00:06:06,093 I'll do a forced program shutdown. 91 00:06:12,543 --> 00:06:14,033 Hey. Borma? 92 00:06:23,653 --> 00:06:24,783 Are you okay? 93 00:06:24,783 --> 00:06:25,773 Yeah. 94 00:06:26,283 --> 00:06:27,483 So? What was in there? 95 00:06:27,793 --> 00:06:31,653 It was no big deal. The file just had a badly-written essay in it. 96 00:06:32,193 --> 00:06:33,593 Nothing but an essay? 97 00:06:42,933 --> 00:06:46,703 If that man is the same one who attacked the Prime Minister, 98 00:06:47,243 --> 00:06:50,913 there's a good chance that the factor that triggered the Individual Eleven... 99 00:06:50,913 --> 00:06:54,573 ...is still saved inside his head, just like the Chief said. 100 00:06:55,683 --> 00:06:58,383 Long-range sniping is an option, 101 00:06:58,853 --> 00:07:01,393 but those PKF models are immortal prosthetic bodies... 102 00:07:01,393 --> 00:07:03,293 ...whose components operate independently. 103 00:07:03,553 --> 00:07:05,323 You can't stop them unless you shoot them in the head. 104 00:07:05,663 --> 00:07:08,183 In that case, we'll get in close and use good old brute force. 105 00:07:08,933 --> 00:07:12,993 If it comes down to it, we can use this and bring just his head back with us. 106 00:07:14,373 --> 00:07:16,063 Quite the sadist, aren't we? 107 00:07:23,243 --> 00:07:26,813 Maybe it doesn't manifest just by downloading the file... 108 00:07:26,813 --> 00:07:29,583 Yeah, there'd be no point if you unintentionally spread it... 109 00:07:29,583 --> 00:07:32,673 ...and turned everybody into the Individual Eleven. 110 00:07:33,153 --> 00:07:35,123 Maybe there's some other factor involved. 111 00:07:36,523 --> 00:07:37,513 How's it coming? 112 00:07:37,793 --> 00:07:39,563 We're not having much luck. 113 00:07:39,563 --> 00:07:41,833 The plan of Gohda's that the Major stumbled across... 114 00:07:41,833 --> 00:07:44,323 ...in her dive investigation is extremely credible. 115 00:07:45,133 --> 00:07:47,833 It's lit the fuse on the refugee powder keg. 116 00:07:48,073 --> 00:07:50,233 That guy's guilty, no two ways about it. 117 00:07:50,873 --> 00:07:55,813 Plus, he's the kind of guy who's just dying to let a third party know that he's behind it. 118 00:07:56,243 --> 00:08:00,303 But until this thing manifests, we can't prove one damn word of it. 119 00:08:00,583 --> 00:08:05,213 I just wish we could get our hands on an original copy of the Individual Eleven essay. 120 00:08:05,653 --> 00:08:09,383 Yeah, but nobody's never found a copy, not even in those earlier investigations, right? 121 00:08:10,623 --> 00:08:13,063 How about trying to find a print-media copy, then? 122 00:08:13,623 --> 00:08:16,223 The original text copy might still be out there somewhere. 123 00:08:16,693 --> 00:08:17,863 Maybe you're right... 124 00:08:17,863 --> 00:08:20,733 I think I know a likely place. Head out there and see what you can find. 125 00:08:21,203 --> 00:08:22,173 Understood. 126 00:08:22,433 --> 00:08:25,033 Okay, we'll leave that end of things to you. 127 00:08:25,343 --> 00:08:28,013 Borma and I will try running another structural analysis... 128 00:08:28,013 --> 00:08:30,243 ...on Kawashima's external memories from top to bottom. 129 00:08:30,513 --> 00:08:33,573 'Cause right now, this is our only lead. 130 00:08:33,983 --> 00:08:36,343 All right, I'll leave you to it. Let's go. 131 00:08:53,033 --> 00:08:54,333 Stop that. 132 00:08:56,973 --> 00:09:00,163 Save those feelings for what we're about to do. 133 00:09:02,173 --> 00:09:03,573 I agree. 134 00:09:04,613 --> 00:09:07,013 It looks like the others are arriving. 135 00:09:07,313 --> 00:09:08,613 There's not much time. 136 00:09:08,983 --> 00:09:09,953 Right. 137 00:09:17,863 --> 00:09:19,193 You lost them? 138 00:09:19,193 --> 00:09:20,163 Yes, ma'am. 139 00:09:20,493 --> 00:09:23,433 We were able to verify from the expressway's IR-System... 140 00:09:23,433 --> 00:09:25,923 ...that he was headed towards Kagoshima. 141 00:09:26,603 --> 00:09:30,263 We believe there is a possibility that he left the car and snuck into a cargo truck... 142 00:09:30,403 --> 00:09:33,233 ...when he pulled into a rest stop, and then the car switched over to automatic drive. 143 00:09:34,273 --> 00:09:38,303 It appears that surveillance center's personnel continued to track the car, instead. 144 00:09:39,113 --> 00:09:41,103 What direction was his car headed in after that? 145 00:09:41,813 --> 00:09:44,613 It got off at the interchange and headed towards Fukuoka. 146 00:09:45,583 --> 00:09:47,883 What about hacking the cars A.I. and doing a back trace? 147 00:09:48,653 --> 00:09:51,643 The instant we tried to make contact, it disengaged from the net. 148 00:09:52,593 --> 00:09:55,583 So, he knows a thing or two about electronic warfare, huh? 149 00:09:59,503 --> 00:10:00,693 Well, well. 150 00:10:02,073 --> 00:10:07,063 I want you guys to track down all of the freight trucks in that image and locate him. 151 00:10:07,613 --> 00:10:08,803 Understood, ma'am. 152 00:10:09,313 --> 00:10:10,413 So, what now? 153 00:10:10,413 --> 00:10:11,703 We go to Kagoshima. 154 00:10:11,783 --> 00:10:14,743 What if this is a trap designed to make us think he went there? 155 00:10:15,253 --> 00:10:18,273 If we play it by the odds, he's going to Kagoshima. 156 00:10:39,973 --> 00:10:41,273 Is this everyone? 157 00:10:42,573 --> 00:10:47,603 No one who shares in the individual will would come any later than this. 158 00:11:16,873 --> 00:11:20,313 Section Chief Aramaki sent me. My name is Togusa. 159 00:11:20,713 --> 00:11:22,483 Yes, he told me you were coming. 160 00:11:22,483 --> 00:11:25,683 He said you were interested in seeing an original text copy of The Individual Eleven? 161 00:11:26,023 --> 00:11:29,423 Yes, sir. I wasn't able to find it anywhere on the net. 162 00:11:30,093 --> 00:11:31,583 I'm not surprised. 163 00:11:32,993 --> 00:11:36,393 The fact of the matter is that The Individual Eleven is an extremely rare book, 164 00:11:36,393 --> 00:11:38,383 of which only 20 copies were printed. 165 00:11:39,003 --> 00:11:41,133 It was written just before Patrick Sylvestre's death, 166 00:11:41,133 --> 00:11:45,573 at a time when he got himself involved in the Romanian revolution. 167 00:11:46,443 --> 00:11:51,433 I expect that there are any number of translated editions available in reprints right now... 168 00:11:51,913 --> 00:11:56,513 Yes, but it seems like the author himself put the essay under lock and key... 169 00:11:56,513 --> 00:12:01,383 ...because he was never able to classify Japan's May 15th Incident as a revolution. 170 00:12:01,893 --> 00:12:05,793 But I've heard that his ideas, such as using Noh drama as a metaphor for revolution, 171 00:12:05,793 --> 00:12:08,623 haven't lost any of their brilliance, not even today. 172 00:12:10,233 --> 00:12:13,293 I see that you didn't come here out of intellectual snobbery. 173 00:12:13,703 --> 00:12:14,763 All right, then. 174 00:12:15,203 --> 00:12:19,403 Mr. Aramaki vouches for you, so I suppose I'll make an exception and show it to you. 175 00:12:21,173 --> 00:12:22,473 I appreciate it, sir. 176 00:12:26,743 --> 00:12:27,943 How's it going? 177 00:12:28,013 --> 00:12:30,673 It looks like I've earned his trust. 178 00:12:31,223 --> 00:12:35,953 Still, I have to say that I'm amazed you know a crotchety old college professor like this guy. 179 00:12:36,293 --> 00:12:38,913 The times may change, but you can never have too many contacts. 180 00:12:39,363 --> 00:12:40,413 True enough... 181 00:12:40,623 --> 00:12:42,393 That's odd. 182 00:12:42,993 --> 00:12:47,933 I've never taken it out of this room in all the time that I've had it... 183 00:12:48,933 --> 00:12:54,343 Um, it doesn't have to be the original. A photocopy or reissue would be fine. 184 00:12:54,743 --> 00:12:58,333 I don't see it anywhere for some reason... 185 00:13:18,463 --> 00:13:21,493 By the way, what have you done to serve the cause? 186 00:13:22,433 --> 00:13:25,373 The only thing I've done is stab and kill a traitorous assemblyman... 187 00:13:25,373 --> 00:13:28,103 ...who was advocating a reconciliation policy in regards to the refugee issue. 188 00:13:28,713 --> 00:13:30,073 What about you? 189 00:13:30,143 --> 00:13:33,973 We dove into JNN-TV's accounting net and made it look like... 190 00:13:34,283 --> 00:13:37,743 ...they were misappropriating refugee aid donations. 191 00:13:40,923 --> 00:13:45,253 We took more a direct action in our call for refugee liberation. 192 00:13:46,623 --> 00:13:49,633 The bombing of the "Return the Refugees Society" aid group. 193 00:13:49,633 --> 00:13:51,393 That was our service to the cause. 194 00:13:51,703 --> 00:13:54,793 The bombing of the Return the Refugees Society was all over the news, 195 00:13:55,103 --> 00:13:58,033 but that only resulted in the severing of ties between refugees. 196 00:13:58,543 --> 00:14:02,273 We eliminated a true enemy of the state. A traitor to our country. 197 00:14:02,743 --> 00:14:07,113 I targeted an NPO that provided free prosthetic bodies to refugees. 198 00:14:07,743 --> 00:14:10,243 The bombing ended in failure, though. 199 00:14:10,613 --> 00:14:13,253 I'll admit that killing enemies of the state is good sport, 200 00:14:13,253 --> 00:14:17,243 but the important thing is to sever the lifelines of the refugees who are to be liberated. 201 00:14:17,323 --> 00:14:19,193 What have you done, then? 202 00:14:20,023 --> 00:14:22,723 I took the head of a net-bank president. 203 00:14:23,063 --> 00:14:24,933 You were the one who killed Chairman Ichihiro Jima, 204 00:14:24,933 --> 00:14:29,273 the net-bank founder who amassed a fortune even though he started out as a refugee?! 205 00:14:29,273 --> 00:14:30,463 That was you?! 206 00:14:32,373 --> 00:14:36,343 My crime might not live up to yours in the sense of severing the lifelines of the refugees, 207 00:14:36,343 --> 00:14:40,643 but in terms of creating a shockwave in public opinion, mine is second to none. 208 00:14:41,383 --> 00:14:44,973 I'm the one who killed the popular cyber-rapper Densetsu. 209 00:14:45,453 --> 00:14:47,323 And one other crime. 210 00:14:47,323 --> 00:14:50,653 I was also the one who leaked the bluff that the refugees were going to launch... 211 00:14:50,953 --> 00:14:54,193 ...a raid on the fuel rods excavated from the government's hidden nuclear power plant. 212 00:14:54,393 --> 00:14:55,333 Impressive! 213 00:14:55,333 --> 00:15:00,093 That had a profound psychological impact on citizen and refugee alike, all right. 214 00:15:00,303 --> 00:15:04,203 Densetsu was a psychological pillar to refugee youths. 215 00:15:04,703 --> 00:15:08,573 When they lost him, it's only natural for anger to take root in their hearts. 216 00:15:09,213 --> 00:15:11,773 That, and a you circulated a bluff that would trigger an uprising? 217 00:15:12,143 --> 00:15:16,043 After what you've done, our own deeds pale in comparison. 218 00:15:16,383 --> 00:15:17,753 I'm sad to say... 219 00:15:18,183 --> 00:15:21,653 But in the sense of severing the lifelines of the refugees, 220 00:15:21,653 --> 00:15:25,493 our act of taking the life of a treasonous doctor is no different. 221 00:15:28,133 --> 00:15:29,893 What have you done for the cause? 222 00:15:32,603 --> 00:15:35,363 I tried to assassinate Kayabuki. 223 00:15:38,973 --> 00:15:41,233 I see you chose an audacious method. 224 00:15:41,313 --> 00:15:45,113 But I haven't heard anything about such an attack. 225 00:15:45,813 --> 00:15:49,803 They probably ignored it, just as they ignored the Individual Eleven's claims of responsibility. 226 00:15:50,383 --> 00:15:52,373 It's of no importance. 227 00:15:52,653 --> 00:15:56,053 Setting that aside, though, this refugee liberation that you speak of... 228 00:15:56,353 --> 00:15:59,023 It seems to be nothing more than granting them despair. 229 00:15:59,023 --> 00:16:00,323 Why is that? 230 00:16:02,463 --> 00:16:05,633 We will sever their support from traitors to our state and from their own comrades, 231 00:16:05,633 --> 00:16:08,033 and give them liberation in the form of independence. 232 00:16:08,103 --> 00:16:11,543 Because that is the most effective means of forcing our citizens... 233 00:16:11,543 --> 00:16:14,943 ...to realize on their own the presence of these foreign bodies, the refugees. 234 00:16:15,473 --> 00:16:16,873 You disagree? 235 00:16:30,853 --> 00:16:32,793 Say, Ishikawa. 236 00:16:33,223 --> 00:16:36,253 Have you read all of Sylvestre's essays? 237 00:16:36,963 --> 00:16:40,563 Yeah, except for The Individual Eleven. Why do you ask? 238 00:16:40,663 --> 00:16:44,433 How about you, Chief? To tell you the truth, I haven't read them. 239 00:16:45,573 --> 00:16:48,703 I've real all of them except for The Individual Eleven, too. 240 00:16:49,043 --> 00:16:53,443 Well, there probably aren't all that many people who have read them all in this day and age. 241 00:16:53,443 --> 00:16:54,743 You wouldn't think so. 242 00:16:55,483 --> 00:16:58,453 But it's clear that this Kawashima guy had read it. 243 00:16:58,683 --> 00:17:01,493 Not only that, but he'd uploaded it to his external memory... 244 00:17:01,493 --> 00:17:03,683 ...and probably had every last word memorized. 245 00:17:07,293 --> 00:17:08,283 What is it? 246 00:17:08,793 --> 00:17:10,193 Could that be it? 247 00:17:11,503 --> 00:17:14,563 That must be the factor that causes the virus to manifest! 248 00:17:16,073 --> 00:17:17,333 Probably. 249 00:17:19,373 --> 00:17:22,243 Tachikoma. Pull together all the files in there that deal with Sylvestre's... 250 00:17:22,243 --> 00:17:24,233 ...Collected Preliminary Essays on Revolution. 251 00:17:24,543 --> 00:17:25,603 Roger! 252 00:17:42,163 --> 00:17:44,223 Major! We found him! 253 00:17:44,803 --> 00:17:48,963 This image was taken at 2:32 PM at the Kagoshima War Dead Memorial Tower. 254 00:17:49,773 --> 00:17:52,503 Okay, set course for the War Dead Memorial! 255 00:17:52,773 --> 00:17:55,903 Roger. Setting course for the War Dead Memorial. 256 00:18:06,323 --> 00:18:08,223 Chief, I struck out over here, too. 257 00:18:08,623 --> 00:18:11,493 They don't have a copy of The Individual Eleven, either. 258 00:18:12,193 --> 00:18:16,653 If they don't have it there, I guess that means we don't have anywhere else to look. 259 00:18:16,763 --> 00:18:18,853 Togusa, come on back for now. 260 00:18:19,303 --> 00:18:21,463 If you can't find it, there's nothing more you can do out there. 261 00:18:21,773 --> 00:18:22,753 Yeah... 262 00:18:23,273 --> 00:18:27,793 But there's still one other place that I can think of. I'll come back after I check it out. 263 00:18:27,873 --> 00:18:28,903 Understood. 264 00:18:28,973 --> 00:18:30,413 We pulled all the files! 265 00:18:30,473 --> 00:18:32,073 Okay. Ready to give this a try? 266 00:18:32,313 --> 00:18:33,143 Yeah. 267 00:18:39,123 --> 00:18:40,583 It's almost time. 268 00:18:41,553 --> 00:18:43,783 By the way, who's going to make the final speech? 269 00:18:44,393 --> 00:18:48,763 The one who was best able to spread our will would be the most appropriate. 270 00:18:49,193 --> 00:18:51,663 Which would make it you, I suppose. 271 00:18:52,463 --> 00:18:55,073 While I believe that there are many who contributed to our cause... 272 00:18:55,073 --> 00:18:57,903 ...among even our comrades who did not come, 273 00:18:58,243 --> 00:19:02,103 if everyone nominates me, then I will gladly accept this great honor. 274 00:19:04,243 --> 00:19:05,943 I assume you have no objections? 275 00:19:06,543 --> 00:19:10,173 No. But I do have a favor to ask. 276 00:19:10,913 --> 00:19:12,943 If it's not too much trouble, could one of you... 277 00:19:13,253 --> 00:19:16,083 ...show me your copy of our bible, The Individual Eleven? 278 00:19:16,523 --> 00:19:18,353 Is yours a first edition? 279 00:19:19,423 --> 00:19:20,513 Wait. 280 00:19:24,833 --> 00:19:28,203 If it's the print number you're interested in, mine is definitely a first edition. 281 00:19:28,603 --> 00:19:29,833 Are you sure? 282 00:19:29,933 --> 00:19:31,133 Y-Yes... 283 00:19:33,843 --> 00:19:36,863 As I set out to come here today, I had intended to come... 284 00:19:37,173 --> 00:19:40,443 ...with a copy of The Individual Eleven tucked in my breast pocket. 285 00:19:40,843 --> 00:19:43,683 But no matter how hard I looked, I was unable to find it. 286 00:19:44,013 --> 00:19:45,313 Why couldn't I?! 287 00:19:49,523 --> 00:19:52,263 Please. Someone lend me your copy of The Individual... 288 00:19:52,263 --> 00:19:55,223 Hey, we're almost there. 289 00:20:11,443 --> 00:20:12,433 Oops! 290 00:20:13,413 --> 00:20:15,173 H-Hey, you're that guy from... 291 00:20:16,753 --> 00:20:20,483 Looks like you're in a big hurry. Actually, I came here to ask you about something. 292 00:20:20,483 --> 00:20:21,613 Am I glad to see you! 293 00:20:21,993 --> 00:20:23,153 Come with me! 294 00:20:23,393 --> 00:20:24,323 Hey! 295 00:20:26,363 --> 00:20:29,483 - Don't do it! Put it down! - Please, don't do it! 296 00:20:31,163 --> 00:20:32,493 What are you doing?! 297 00:20:38,033 --> 00:20:38,943 See anything? 298 00:20:38,943 --> 00:20:41,033 Nothing that's out of the ordinary. 299 00:20:41,103 --> 00:20:45,803 Maybe we really do need the original copy of the final essay. 300 00:20:50,913 --> 00:20:52,043 What the...? 301 00:20:56,093 --> 00:20:56,923 Ishikawa! 302 00:20:59,893 --> 00:21:00,863 Borma! 303 00:21:09,003 --> 00:21:13,163 Tachikoma! Shut down Borma's cyberbrain activity and keep him unconscious! 304 00:21:14,003 --> 00:21:18,303 After that, flag that file just now as "Do not open" and lock it behind a defense barrier array! 305 00:21:18,513 --> 00:21:19,533 Roger! 306 00:21:19,883 --> 00:21:22,043 It looks like we hit the jackpot... 307 00:21:22,613 --> 00:21:23,703 Chief. 308 00:21:23,953 --> 00:21:26,043 You have an urgent call from the Home Affairs Ministry. 309 00:21:27,423 --> 00:21:28,823 Patch it through to the Dive Room! 310 00:21:28,823 --> 00:21:29,813 Roger. 311 00:21:38,263 --> 00:21:39,423 What in the... 312 00:21:41,973 --> 00:21:44,533 What the hell was that guy doing down here? 313 00:21:45,403 --> 00:21:49,863 Major, head to the Kyushu radio tower at once! He's turned up there! 314 00:21:50,243 --> 00:21:51,413 What's going on? 315 00:21:51,413 --> 00:21:55,143 I don't know, but they're showing him on channel double-three! 316 00:21:58,353 --> 00:21:59,153 They found him? 317 00:21:59,153 --> 00:22:02,383 Hey, are you getting this? I What did they say? Get him on camera! 318 00:22:02,493 --> 00:22:03,613 What the...? 319 00:22:04,893 --> 00:22:06,753 Swords! They're swinging swords, and... 320 00:22:07,463 --> 00:22:10,763 Their heads! They just chopped off each other's heads! 321 00:22:11,033 --> 00:22:13,023 One by one, they... They're killing each other! 322 00:22:14,403 --> 00:22:15,873 What an unbelievable sight! 323 00:22:15,873 --> 00:22:19,733 These men who have appeared on the roof seem to have killed one another with swords! 324 00:22:20,273 --> 00:22:22,973 Okay, calm down. I came here to talk, that's all. 325 00:22:22,973 --> 00:22:24,003 Stay away from me. 326 00:22:24,073 --> 00:22:27,413 You're familiar with an essay called The Individual Eleven, right? 327 00:22:27,743 --> 00:22:32,153 There was never an essay called The Individual Eleven! It never existed! 328 00:22:33,283 --> 00:22:37,623 All that exists is a manufactured ideology called the Individual Eleven. 329 00:22:39,463 --> 00:22:43,263 I am the Individual Eleven! The time has come at last! 330 00:22:49,633 --> 00:22:51,433 Call an ambulance! Hurry! 331 00:22:51,433 --> 00:22:53,433 332 00:23:09,643 --> 00:23:12,143 Finding out a galaxy... 333 00:23:12,143 --> 00:23:16,103 ...of planets and stars within me... 334 00:23:16,293 --> 00:23:18,763 Listening to each of them... 335 00:23:18,763 --> 00:23:22,753 ...singing the same silent melody... 336 00:23:22,753 --> 00:23:26,763 I've never seen such beauty... 337 00:23:26,763 --> 00:23:30,053 In possibility... 338 00:23:30,053 --> 00:23:34,563 No speck of doubt or fear... 339 00:23:34,563 --> 00:23:36,053 Wake up! 340 00:23:36,053 --> 00:23:38,753 I hear a voice, 341 00:23:38,753 --> 00:23:42,693 hear a voice calling out to me... 342 00:23:42,693 --> 00:23:45,203 I see inside, 343 00:23:45,203 --> 00:23:48,733 see the light now ever holding me... 344 00:23:48,733 --> 00:23:52,073 All the truth, all I need... 345 00:23:52,073 --> 00:23:56,873 ...to make of this reality, it's inside... 346 00:23:56,873 --> 00:24:02,683 The beauty within the shell... 347 00:24:02,683 --> 00:24:05,383 I hear a voice, 348 00:24:05,383 --> 00:24:09,323 hear a voice calling out to me... 349 00:24:09,323 --> 00:24:11,833 I see inside, 350 00:24:11,833 --> 00:24:15,363 see the light now ever holding me... 351 00:24:15,363 --> 00:24:18,703 All the truth, all I need... 352 00:24:18,703 --> 00:24:23,503 ...to make of this reality, it's inside... 353 00:24:23,503 --> 00:24:28,163 Right here within the shell...