1 00:00:25,980 --> 00:00:31,710 I feel as if I should be angry with that child, that... 2 00:00:32,230 --> 00:00:36,400 naive young girl. Or that I must not forgive her... 3 00:00:36,920 --> 00:00:40,560 for not recognising the nature of that monster. 4 00:00:41,610 --> 00:00:44,520 For not being aware of what she was getting into. 5 00:00:45,040 --> 00:00:48,690 And especially that I went along without thinking. 6 00:00:49,210 --> 00:00:55,425 Because I wasn't a fanatical Nazi. I could have said, in Berlin: 7 00:00:55,460 --> 00:01:00,140 'No, I'm not doing it. I don't want to go to the Führer's headquarters.' 8 00:01:01,180 --> 00:01:04,310 But I didn't do that. I was too curious. 9 00:01:04,830 --> 00:01:07,950 I also didn't realise... 10 00:01:09,000 --> 00:01:14,200 that destiny would take me somewhere I didn't want to be. 11 00:01:15,240 --> 00:01:20,970 But, nevertheless, I find it hard to forgive myself. 12 00:01:27,040 --> 00:01:28,080 The ladies are here. 13 00:01:30,160 --> 00:01:33,810 It's confirmed. - They can pass. 14 00:02:02,840 --> 00:02:05,970 'Wolfsschanze' headquarters of the Führer 15 00:02:07,010 --> 00:02:08,570 November 1942 Rastenburg, East-Prussia 16 00:02:12,210 --> 00:02:14,300 Sit down, ladies. 17 00:02:15,860 --> 00:02:21,070 One moment. The Führer is feeding his dog. He'll see you in a short while. 18 00:02:23,150 --> 00:02:27,840 Can you tell us... How are we supposed to address the Führer? 19 00:02:28,880 --> 00:02:33,040 The Führer first speaks to you and then you reply: Heil, mein Führer. 20 00:02:33,075 --> 00:02:35,095 And the Nazi salute? 21 00:02:35,130 --> 00:02:37,695 That won't be necessary... 22 00:02:37,730 --> 00:02:42,940 since the Führer isn't looking for a soldier, but for a secretary. 23 00:02:43,460 --> 00:02:46,060 Act as normal and calm as you can. 24 00:02:47,100 --> 00:02:49,180 I'll see if he has time for you. 25 00:02:53,350 --> 00:02:56,470 Mein Führer, the ladies from Berlin are here. 26 00:03:15,230 --> 00:03:20,950 Thank you for coming in the middle of the night. 27 00:03:21,480 --> 00:03:26,160 Sometimes, during a war, one is not in control of time. 28 00:03:28,170 --> 00:03:31,810 Can I ask your name? - Margarethe Lorenz. 29 00:03:32,330 --> 00:03:34,930 Where are you from? - From Fulda. 30 00:03:35,460 --> 00:03:39,100 And what is your name? - Ursula Puttkammer. Heil, mein Führer. 31 00:03:39,620 --> 00:03:42,750 No need for that. Where are you from? 32 00:03:43,270 --> 00:03:45,350 Frankfurt am Main, mein Füh... 33 00:03:47,430 --> 00:03:49,520 Hannah Potrovsky, born and raised in Berlin. 34 00:03:50,560 --> 00:03:52,640 In Pankow, to be precise. 35 00:03:53,680 --> 00:03:56,280 Hedwig Brandt from Crailsheim, Schwaben. 36 00:03:57,850 --> 00:04:01,490 And you are? - Traudl Humps. I'm from Munich. 37 00:04:04,620 --> 00:04:06,180 A lady from Munich. 38 00:04:13,470 --> 00:04:17,110 Shall we start then, Fräulein Humps? 39 00:04:28,050 --> 00:04:31,690 My Blondi won't hurt you. She's very intelligent. 40 00:04:32,220 --> 00:04:35,860 She's much smarter than most people. 41 00:04:40,550 --> 00:04:43,670 First, sit down, please. 42 00:04:44,190 --> 00:04:48,360 Don't be nervous. I make many mistakes during dictation. 43 00:04:48,395 --> 00:04:52,000 You won't make nearly as many. 44 00:05:01,380 --> 00:05:02,905 You're very young. 45 00:05:02,940 --> 00:05:08,160 How old are you? -22, mein Führer. 46 00:05:12,850 --> 00:05:17,020 My German fellow-countrymen and women... 47 00:05:18,070 --> 00:05:19,075 ...fellow party members. 48 00:05:19,110 --> 00:05:23,810 It is, I think, rather special... 49 00:05:24,330 --> 00:05:30,590 that, after 20 years of service, a man still stands in front of his supporters... 50 00:05:33,720 --> 00:05:40,500 ...and that in all those 20 years, his program never needed to be modified. 51 00:05:55,630 --> 00:05:59,280 I suggest we try it again. 52 00:06:11,570 --> 00:06:13,650 I did it. He hired me. 53 00:06:30,350 --> 00:06:32,950 Berlin - 20 April 1945 Hitler's 56th birthday 54 00:06:33,480 --> 00:06:35,040 two and a half years later 55 00:06:35,560 --> 00:06:36,610 Take cover. 56 00:06:41,250 --> 00:06:44,900 Hurry. Continue. Get that off the street. 57 00:06:47,280 --> 00:06:48,320 Take cover. 58 00:07:01,450 --> 00:07:02,500 That's artillery fire. 59 00:07:03,020 --> 00:07:07,190 Don't be silly. Where would it be coming from? 60 00:07:07,710 --> 00:07:10,320 You're right. These are no planes, this is artillery. 61 00:07:11,370 --> 00:07:16,060 It's the Russians. What a birthday present. 62 00:07:20,230 --> 00:07:22,320 Where is that cannon fire coming from? 63 00:07:22,840 --> 00:07:25,450 Happy Birthday, mein Führer. 64 00:07:25,970 --> 00:07:28,060 The city centre of Berlin is under fire. 65 00:07:29,290 --> 00:07:32,940 Grenades have hit near the Brandenburger Tor and the Reichstag. 66 00:07:33,280 --> 00:07:35,880 Where did they come from? - We don't know yet. 67 00:07:36,410 --> 00:07:39,540 I have Koller on the line. - Give me Koller. 68 00:07:40,060 --> 00:07:44,230 Koller, do you know Berlin is under artillery fire? 69 00:07:45,280 --> 00:07:47,880 No. - Can't you hear the shooting? 70 00:07:48,400 --> 00:07:51,530 No, I'm in Wildpark-Werder. - Berlin is chaotic. 71 00:07:52,060 --> 00:07:54,660 Apparently, the Russians captured a railway bridge over the Oder. 72 00:07:55,710 --> 00:07:58,840 The enemy has no railway artillery near the Oder. 73 00:07:59,360 --> 00:08:01,415 It's not long-range artillery. 74 00:08:01,450 --> 00:08:06,660 The anti-aircraft defence near the Zoo-Bunker reports they're 10 to 12... 75 00:08:06,670 --> 00:08:11,325 ...cm calibres. The Russians have positions near Marzahn. 76 00:08:11,360 --> 00:08:16,050 That's only 12 kilometres from the centre. Are the Russians that close? 77 00:08:16,580 --> 00:08:20,230 They should hang the entire Luftwaffe leadership. 78 00:08:21,770 --> 00:08:24,370 This is unheard-of. 79 00:08:24,920 --> 00:08:27,530 The Russians are at 12 kilometres from the city centre. 80 00:08:28,580 --> 00:08:31,180 Nobody told me anything. I had to ask. 81 00:08:32,230 --> 00:08:34,830 Maybe it's long-range artillery, after all. 82 00:08:35,360 --> 00:08:38,490 That railway bridge over the Oder... - Nonsense. 83 00:08:44,750 --> 00:08:47,350 That Himmler, such a pompous buffoon. 84 00:08:47,880 --> 00:08:53,610 Party bosses, everywhere. They make me so sick. 85 00:08:56,220 --> 00:08:58,310 The Führer starts 'Clausewitz' today. 86 00:08:59,350 --> 00:09:02,990 Berlin as a front city. He won't be able to keep the city. 87 00:09:03,510 --> 00:09:06,640 If the Führer stays here, the Reich will go down with him. 88 00:09:07,160 --> 00:09:10,800 We have to talk him out of it. Talk to Hewel. 89 00:09:10,835 --> 00:09:14,440 He's the only diplomat with any influence on him. 90 00:09:14,970 --> 00:09:18,090 Hewel tried everything. It's useless. 91 00:09:18,610 --> 00:09:21,210 Talk to your sister-in-law, then. 92 00:09:21,730 --> 00:09:26,940 Why not? You're married to the sister of Eva Braun. 93 00:09:27,460 --> 00:09:31,100 We must try everything. Berlin is almost surrounded. 94 00:09:31,135 --> 00:09:34,230 You're still young. You'll be a father soon. 95 00:09:34,750 --> 00:09:37,350 Do you want to die here? - Absolutely not. 96 00:09:42,560 --> 00:09:44,640 Gentlemen, the Führer. 97 00:09:55,490 --> 00:09:59,140 Everything out. Quickly. We're leaving in two hours. 98 00:10:07,300 --> 00:10:10,430 What's going on? - We're leaving. 99 00:10:12,510 --> 00:10:14,070 'Clausewitz' has started. 100 00:10:14,510 --> 00:10:18,160 All the ministries and departments are leaving Berlin. 101 00:10:18,760 --> 00:10:21,880 And who's going to look after the people and the soldiers? 102 00:10:22,920 --> 00:10:26,560 Don't ask me, professor. - This is insane. 103 00:10:44,300 --> 00:10:46,380 Professor. 104 00:10:47,430 --> 00:10:49,510 I won't allow the evacuation of my office. 105 00:10:50,030 --> 00:10:54,190 Is that so? - Food supply would collapse. 106 00:10:54,710 --> 00:10:57,320 A good soldier can always find food. 107 00:10:57,840 --> 00:11:02,520 And when there's fighting all over the city, where does he get it? The population. 108 00:11:03,410 --> 00:11:06,530 It's irresponsible. - It's an order from the Führer. 109 00:11:08,100 --> 00:11:11,220 As department head, I report to the SS and to Himmler. 110 00:11:11,740 --> 00:11:15,900 But as a doctor, I'm part of the Wehrmacht and they're not leaving yet. 111 00:11:16,420 --> 00:11:19,030 Keep that in mind. 112 00:11:23,710 --> 00:11:27,360 The professor stays in Berlin. Get him the proper papers. 113 00:11:30,930 --> 00:11:32,490 We're leaving. 114 00:11:46,050 --> 00:11:48,650 Everything for Germany. Heil, mein Führer. 115 00:11:50,220 --> 00:11:52,820 Führer, I... Heil, mein Führer. 116 00:11:54,260 --> 00:11:56,860 They're in such a hurry to get away from here. 117 00:11:57,380 --> 00:11:59,470 The brown nosing is the worst. 118 00:11:59,990 --> 00:12:03,630 They say 'Sieg Heil'. but they think 'Lick my... you know what.' 119 00:12:07,720 --> 00:12:12,400 Mein Führer, I beg you: Leave Berlin. It is not too late yet. 120 00:12:13,440 --> 00:12:15,000 Too late? 121 00:12:16,570 --> 00:12:18,650 Hewel, come here for a moment. 122 00:12:19,280 --> 00:12:23,970 I'm sure you agree we should contact the Allies... 123 00:12:24,490 --> 00:12:29,690 ...and start conducting politics. - Certainly. We need politics. 124 00:12:29,725 --> 00:12:33,860 Politics? I don't do politics anymore. 125 00:12:33,895 --> 00:12:36,460 I'm fed up with it. 126 00:12:38,540 --> 00:12:42,710 When I'm dead, you'll have plenty of time for politics. 127 00:12:43,230 --> 00:12:49,100 It's good, dear Himmler. My loyal Heinrich. 128 00:12:49,135 --> 00:12:54,040 It's good. Just go. 129 00:13:14,390 --> 00:13:15,950 He has no strength left. 130 00:13:16,990 --> 00:13:20,630 What did you expect from a vegetarian teetotaller? 131 00:13:21,160 --> 00:13:24,800 Seriously, though, Fegelein. I'm taking control now. 132 00:13:25,840 --> 00:13:27,920 Berlin will fall in a couple of days. 133 00:13:28,440 --> 00:13:33,130 When the Führer's dead, who will the Allies negotiate with? 134 00:13:33,165 --> 00:13:36,250 Why do you think they'll negotiate with you? 135 00:13:36,770 --> 00:13:39,900 The Nazi state and my SS are needed to maintain order. 136 00:13:40,940 --> 00:13:43,020 One hour with Eisenhower and he'll feel the same way. 137 00:13:44,060 --> 00:13:48,220 The first contact has been made. - Careful, that's high treason. 138 00:13:48,750 --> 00:13:51,315 Fegelein, I have other concerns. 139 00:13:51,350 --> 00:13:56,550 Should I give Eisenhower the Nazi salute or shake his hand? 140 00:14:03,160 --> 00:14:04,720 Look at that. 141 00:14:07,850 --> 00:14:09,420 The best guests always arrive late. 142 00:14:09,940 --> 00:14:15,150 Leaving already, gentlemen? I wanted to talk to you. 143 00:14:15,680 --> 00:14:20,370 The scorched-earth order... - I really have to go now. 144 00:14:20,405 --> 00:14:23,500 Come and see me one day in Hohenlychen. 145 00:14:26,110 --> 00:14:31,320 I'm going north to help with the battle of Berlin there. 146 00:14:41,240 --> 00:14:45,940 You know, Speer... There's an advantage to those bombings. 147 00:14:46,460 --> 00:14:51,670 It's easier to clean up debris than to demolish everything ourselves. 148 00:14:53,240 --> 00:14:56,890 When the war will be over, reconstruction will be quick. 149 00:14:58,460 --> 00:15:04,190 We spent thousands of hours together with these replicas. 150 00:15:05,760 --> 00:15:08,890 You're a true genius, Speer. 151 00:15:10,450 --> 00:15:16,190 Yes, absolutely. Only you and I know that the Third Reich would be inconceivable... 152 00:15:16,710 --> 00:15:21,410 ...with only warehouses and factories. Skyscrapers and hotels. 153 00:15:22,450 --> 00:15:26,620 This Third Reich will be a treasury full of art and culture... 154 00:15:27,150 --> 00:15:30,245 ...that will survive thousands of years. 155 00:15:30,280 --> 00:15:34,760 We see, before us, the ancient cities, the Acropolis... 156 00:15:35,280 --> 00:15:37,890 We see the medieval cities... the cathedrals... 157 00:15:37,925 --> 00:15:42,590 ...and we know that the people need that. 158 00:15:45,720 --> 00:15:48,320 Indeed, Speer. 159 00:15:50,930 --> 00:15:53,020 That was my vision... 160 00:15:54,590 --> 00:15:57,190 ...and it still is. 161 00:15:59,800 --> 00:16:05,020 Mein Führer, if you want to realize these plans, you must leave Berlin. 162 00:16:10,760 --> 00:16:13,360 Eva, you say something. 163 00:16:13,890 --> 00:16:17,020 He's the Führer. He knows what's best. 164 00:16:17,540 --> 00:16:22,230 You must leave Berlin. The Russians almost have us isolated. 165 00:16:22,750 --> 00:16:24,840 I can't do that, my child. 166 00:16:25,360 --> 00:16:30,980 I would be like a lama priest with an empty prayer wheel. 167 00:16:31,015 --> 00:16:36,600 I have to solve the problem, here in Berlin, or perish. 168 00:16:38,170 --> 00:16:39,210 Speer... 169 00:16:41,820 --> 00:16:43,390 ...what do you think? 170 00:16:44,950 --> 00:16:48,080 You have to be on the stage when the curtain falls. 171 00:17:06,430 --> 00:17:07,480 Reload. 172 00:17:18,060 --> 00:17:20,150 Go away. Leave me alone. 173 00:17:20,670 --> 00:17:24,320 How old are you? Twelve? And you? Fourteen? 174 00:17:24,840 --> 00:17:27,970 Why are you here? To play at war? Go home. 175 00:17:28,490 --> 00:17:32,140 Who are you? What do you want? I want my son. Alive. 176 00:17:32,660 --> 00:17:35,790 You should be proud. He destroyed two tanks. 177 00:17:36,320 --> 00:17:39,440 The Führer will decorate him for it, today. 178 00:17:39,970 --> 00:17:43,100 You're still young. At which front did you fight? 179 00:17:44,140 --> 00:17:45,700 I haven't had the honour yet. 180 00:17:46,230 --> 00:17:50,920 Count yourself lucky. Send the children home. 181 00:17:51,970 --> 00:17:54,050 We'll defend this position to the last man. 182 00:17:54,570 --> 00:17:57,700 Which position? This is not a position, it's a trap. 183 00:17:58,750 --> 00:18:01,880 The Russians will come from two sides and you won't be able to get out. 184 00:18:02,400 --> 00:18:04,480 We'll shoot back. - What with? 185 00:18:05,530 --> 00:18:07,090 With the anti-aircraft guns. 186 00:18:07,620 --> 00:18:11,270 The Russians will arrive with several armies, tanks and heavy artillery. 187 00:18:11,790 --> 00:18:15,960 Do you really think you'll last even five minutes? 188 00:18:16,480 --> 00:18:19,090 We promised the Führer. 189 00:18:19,610 --> 00:18:22,740 Don't you understand? The war is lost. 190 00:18:23,270 --> 00:18:24,310 Coward. 191 00:18:29,010 --> 00:18:31,090 Go away. Right now. 192 00:18:32,660 --> 00:18:36,830 If you're still here when the Russians arrive, you'll all be dead. 193 00:18:40,480 --> 00:18:46,220 The 9th army had to retreat or they would have been decimated... 194 00:18:46,750 --> 00:18:51,960 We won't retreat the 9th army. Busse must fight where he stands. 195 00:18:52,480 --> 00:18:55,090 Führer, then the 9th army is lost. 196 00:18:55,620 --> 00:19:00,830 We'll push back the Soviet armies in the north and east... 197 00:19:00,865 --> 00:19:05,530 ...with a ruthless, mighty attack. 198 00:19:06,570 --> 00:19:07,610 Using which units? 199 00:19:08,660 --> 00:19:13,350 Steiner will attack from the north and join the 9th army. 200 00:19:15,440 --> 00:19:18,050 The 9th army is unable to move. 201 00:19:18,570 --> 00:19:20,660 The enemy outnumbers us ten times. 202 00:19:21,700 --> 00:19:24,310 Wenck's 12th army must support them. 203 00:19:24,830 --> 00:19:30,050 The 12th army is approaching the Elbe. - Then it must turn around. 204 00:19:30,570 --> 00:19:34,740 Then the western front would be open. - Do you doubt my orders? 205 00:19:35,270 --> 00:19:38,920 I think I've been clear enough. 206 00:19:40,480 --> 00:19:47,790 The Allies will see that only we can stop the Bolsheviks. 207 00:19:48,310 --> 00:19:53,010 We have to keep Berlin and make a deal with the Americans. 208 00:20:12,310 --> 00:20:15,440 Mohnke, you're here. - Mein Führer. 209 00:20:17,010 --> 00:20:21,700 Today, 'Clausewitz' started. Berlin will be a front city. 210 00:20:22,220 --> 00:20:26,920 You will be the commander of the defensive circle around the citadel. 211 00:20:27,440 --> 00:20:31,620 We'll fight until the last man, in Berlin. 212 00:20:32,140 --> 00:20:36,310 There are still three million civilians here. They have to be evacuated. 213 00:20:37,880 --> 00:20:44,140 I understand your concern, Mohnke. But we have to be cold as ice. 214 00:20:44,660 --> 00:20:48,310 We can't spend any energy on so-called civilians. 215 00:20:49,880 --> 00:20:54,050 With all due respect, what will happen to the women and children... 216 00:20:54,570 --> 00:20:57,180 ...and the thousands of wounded and elderly? 217 00:20:57,700 --> 00:21:01,350 In a war such as this one, there are no civilians. 218 00:21:02,400 --> 00:21:04,490 The Führer has lost all sense of reality. 219 00:21:05,010 --> 00:21:08,140 He's moving divisions around that no longer exist. 220 00:21:08,660 --> 00:21:13,880 Gruppe Steiner has been scattered, yet Steiner must attack. Madness. 221 00:21:14,400 --> 00:21:18,050 But why don't you tell him that? - He doesn't listen to reason. 222 00:21:18,570 --> 00:21:22,750 Something has to happen. - Are you crazy? He'll throw us out. 223 00:21:25,360 --> 00:21:28,975 We're soldiers. We took an oath. 224 00:21:29,010 --> 00:21:31,610 Does that mean we can't use our own brains anymore? 225 00:21:32,140 --> 00:21:35,270 And that's coming from you? A ruthless careerist? 226 00:21:36,310 --> 00:21:37,360 I beg your pardon? 227 00:22:02,570 --> 00:22:04,660 Where were you? - None of your business. 228 00:22:13,600 --> 00:22:17,770 The most successful tank hunters of the Berlin Hitler-Jugend stand before you. 229 00:22:27,120 --> 00:22:28,170 I'm proud of you. 230 00:22:31,820 --> 00:22:35,990 This boy took out two tanks using anti-tank shells. 231 00:22:36,520 --> 00:22:41,210 His name is Peter Kranz. - So you're Peter. 232 00:22:43,300 --> 00:22:46,950 I wish my generals were as brave as you. 233 00:22:56,860 --> 00:22:57,900 Very good. 234 00:23:04,450 --> 00:23:06,530 You've made history. 235 00:23:07,050 --> 00:23:11,750 And when Germania will rise from these ruins... 236 00:23:12,270 --> 00:23:14,360 ...you will be the heroes. 237 00:23:15,920 --> 00:23:18,010 Heil, to you. 238 00:23:47,750 --> 00:23:51,920 I don't know about you, but I prefer air raids. 239 00:23:52,960 --> 00:23:57,660 What will happen to us? - I could go if I wanted to. 240 00:23:58,180 --> 00:24:02,880 But everybody is deserting him. We can't all go, can we? 241 00:24:03,400 --> 00:24:04,960 I can't go either. 242 00:24:10,690 --> 00:24:13,290 I wouldn't know where to go. 243 00:24:13,810 --> 00:24:18,490 My parents and all my friends warned me. 244 00:24:19,020 --> 00:24:21,620 Don't get involved with the Nazis. 245 00:24:22,140 --> 00:24:25,000 What should I say: 'Hello, I made a mistake'? 246 00:24:25,035 --> 00:24:27,860 'When things went wrong, I admitted my mistake.' 247 00:24:29,950 --> 00:24:32,550 Life will go on. 248 00:24:40,990 --> 00:24:44,120 What do you think, Herr Oberst? - We have to go. 249 00:24:47,240 --> 00:24:50,370 Go where? - I don't know. 250 00:24:50,890 --> 00:24:52,970 Wherever they need us. 251 00:25:04,420 --> 00:25:07,540 Let's go upstairs. We'll party. 252 00:25:08,070 --> 00:25:09,110 Come on. 253 00:25:12,740 --> 00:25:13,780 Come, children. 254 00:25:21,080 --> 00:25:23,680 We should have fun today. 255 00:25:29,580 --> 00:25:34,780 Wherever the enemy goes, all they find is destruction. 256 00:25:35,820 --> 00:25:38,430 That's the death sentence for the German people. 257 00:25:39,990 --> 00:25:43,630 No power, no gas, no drinking water, no coal, no traffic. 258 00:25:44,670 --> 00:25:51,440 If you destroy everything, our country will go back to the Middle Ages. 259 00:25:51,960 --> 00:25:55,090 This order denies the people any chance of survival. 260 00:25:56,130 --> 00:26:00,290 If the war is lost, what does it matter that the people are lost too? 261 00:26:00,810 --> 00:26:06,540 The primary necessities of life of the German people aren't relevant, right now. 262 00:26:07,060 --> 00:26:10,180 On the contrary. We'd best destroy them ourselves. 263 00:26:10,700 --> 00:26:13,310 Our people turned out weak... 264 00:26:13,830 --> 00:26:17,470 ...and according to the laws of nature, they should die out. 265 00:26:17,990 --> 00:26:21,110 They're your people. You're their Führer. 266 00:26:21,640 --> 00:26:24,240 What remains after this battle... 267 00:26:24,760 --> 00:26:29,440 ...is only the inferior. The superior will have fallen. 268 00:26:36,450 --> 00:26:40,090 Come along. You have to dance. 269 00:26:40,610 --> 00:26:43,740 Care to dance, Fräulein Braun? - I'd love to. 270 00:27:09,400 --> 00:27:11,480 May I? - Go ahead. 271 00:27:12,520 --> 00:27:13,560 What's wrong? 272 00:27:18,770 --> 00:27:21,890 We have to leave Berlin, Eva. You must convince him. 273 00:27:26,060 --> 00:27:27,620 Or else, come with me. 274 00:27:37,070 --> 00:27:38,110 You'll die. 275 00:27:59,320 --> 00:28:02,450 Can somebody play some music? I want to dance. 276 00:28:02,970 --> 00:28:04,010 Dance. 277 00:28:08,240 --> 00:28:10,320 Do you have a request? - As long as it swings. 278 00:28:38,730 --> 00:28:40,290 Traudl. 279 00:28:46,170 --> 00:28:48,770 It's all so unreal. 280 00:28:49,290 --> 00:28:55,010 It's like a dream you can't get out of. 281 00:28:55,530 --> 00:28:57,100 It keeps on going. 282 00:29:01,260 --> 00:29:03,880 Gerda, I don't feel well. 283 00:29:40,500 --> 00:29:42,070 Traudl, come. 284 00:30:02,240 --> 00:30:03,810 I did not move... 285 00:30:05,900 --> 00:30:08,520 I did not move my command post. 286 00:30:09,930 --> 00:30:12,030 To the west? How so? 287 00:30:13,070 --> 00:30:15,690 I'm at 1000 meters from the enemy. - General. 288 00:30:36,350 --> 00:30:38,415 And, general? 289 00:30:38,450 --> 00:30:41,590 I'll be executed. - What? Why? 290 00:30:42,640 --> 00:30:46,820 They think I moved my command post to the west. 291 00:30:47,870 --> 00:30:50,480 Be sensible, general. - Come along. 292 00:31:08,220 --> 00:31:09,780 Schenck. - Mohnke. 293 00:31:10,270 --> 00:31:14,950 I'm under the chancellery. I'm commander of the citadel now. 294 00:31:15,480 --> 00:31:19,640 I need help. - That will be difficult. Everything's gone. 295 00:31:20,160 --> 00:31:22,250 My assistant and I are the only ones here. 296 00:31:23,160 --> 00:31:25,240 You're a doctor, aren't you? - Yes, an internist. 297 00:31:25,760 --> 00:31:29,930 Commandeer a car and bring all the medication... 298 00:31:30,450 --> 00:31:33,050 ...you can find, to me. 299 00:31:33,570 --> 00:31:36,700 I'll do my best. - Thanks. Hurry. 300 00:32:26,890 --> 00:32:28,980 I need to talk to the Führer. 301 00:32:30,020 --> 00:32:33,660 What about? - I'm going to be executed. 302 00:32:37,310 --> 00:32:38,350 Wait here. 303 00:32:39,910 --> 00:32:40,950 Your weapon, please. 304 00:32:48,110 --> 00:32:49,290 Not here. 305 00:32:52,860 --> 00:32:56,510 Guard post 2. Understood. 306 00:32:58,590 --> 00:33:00,150 General... 307 00:33:02,760 --> 00:33:04,320 Not you. 308 00:33:27,250 --> 00:33:30,370 What's going on here? Why am I going to be executed? 309 00:33:30,900 --> 00:33:35,060 You know that any evasive manoeuvre towards the west is forbidden. 310 00:33:35,580 --> 00:33:40,235 Officers who don't obey, must be executed. 311 00:33:40,270 --> 00:33:43,910 What do you mean? My troops have been fighting for days. 312 00:33:44,960 --> 00:33:49,120 My command post is a kilometre away from the front line. 313 00:33:49,640 --> 00:33:51,175 Continue. 314 00:33:51,210 --> 00:33:55,890 Do you see this? I don't want you to use that tone with me. 315 00:33:57,460 --> 00:34:00,580 And now, do whatever you feel you must. 316 00:34:01,100 --> 00:34:05,270 It's best if you tell this to the Führer yourself. Come along. 317 00:34:20,610 --> 00:34:24,780 You can't pass, Oberst. - Orders from brigade-führer Mohnke: 318 00:34:24,815 --> 00:34:27,900 I have to get into the hospital. We need medication. 319 00:34:28,420 --> 00:34:31,030 There's nobody left. They all took off. 320 00:34:31,550 --> 00:34:34,150 And the wounded? - How should I know? 321 00:34:34,670 --> 00:34:36,760 I'm going to have a look. You stay here. 322 00:34:36,950 --> 00:34:41,120 Be very careful. There are lots of Russians here. 323 00:34:41,950 --> 00:34:46,630 See that? That's where the Reich ends. Behind it, is Russkie land. 324 00:34:58,470 --> 00:34:59,995 May I? 325 00:35:00,030 --> 00:35:10,950 He's damned stubborn. Why doesn't he let me do that? 326 00:36:12,180 --> 00:36:15,820 I should have been back by now. Are you sure the Führer still needs me? 327 00:36:16,350 --> 00:36:19,470 Drink. - Führer's orders. 328 00:36:19,990 --> 00:36:23,090 You made a big impression on the Führer. 329 00:36:23,620 --> 00:36:25,700 But you don't think Steiner will attack, do you? 330 00:36:26,220 --> 00:36:28,820 I doubt whether Steiner is able to do anything... 331 00:36:29,340 --> 00:36:31,950 ...but you probably know that better than I do. 332 00:36:32,990 --> 00:36:36,110 If Steiner doesn't attack, Berlin is lost. 333 00:36:45,790 --> 00:36:47,870 The Führer was impressed with your report. 334 00:36:48,390 --> 00:36:52,560 He puts you in command of the defence of Berlin. 335 00:36:53,600 --> 00:36:58,280 I'd have preferred it if he executed me. 336 00:37:19,210 --> 00:37:21,290 Let them get closer. 337 00:37:22,700 --> 00:37:24,235 Tank alert. 338 00:37:24,270 --> 00:37:29,150 Take it easy. Wait, kid. They're still too far. 339 00:38:19,430 --> 00:38:22,550 Is it German artillery that I hear? - I'm afraid not. 340 00:38:23,070 --> 00:38:25,160 But hasn't Steiner's attack started? 341 00:38:28,800 --> 00:38:31,410 You have to go as fast as you can. Time is running out. 342 00:38:31,930 --> 00:38:34,010 But the Führer has the situation under control. 343 00:38:35,050 --> 00:38:36,610 Steiner will make all the difference. 344 00:38:37,660 --> 00:38:40,780 He says it will change military history. 345 00:38:41,300 --> 00:38:44,950 Everybody, but the Führer, knows that's a fantasy. 346 00:38:45,470 --> 00:38:50,680 I even wonder if he believes it himself. - Why would he be playing games? 347 00:38:51,200 --> 00:38:52,760 What does he have to lose? 348 00:38:54,320 --> 00:38:55,360 I don't believe a word of it. 349 00:38:56,410 --> 00:38:59,010 The enemy made a breakthrough. 350 00:38:59,530 --> 00:39:03,180 They took Zossen and are advancing towards Stahnsdorf. 351 00:39:03,710 --> 00:39:07,350 They're at the northern city border, between Frohnau and Pankow. 352 00:39:07,880 --> 00:39:13,090 In the east, they reached Lichtenberg, Mahlsdorf and Karlshorst. 353 00:39:13,610 --> 00:39:16,740 If Steiner attacks, everything will be alright. 354 00:39:20,390 --> 00:39:21,960 Mein Führer... 355 00:39:23,520 --> 00:39:25,090 Steiner... 356 00:39:26,650 --> 00:39:29,260 Steiner didn't have enough force. 357 00:39:29,780 --> 00:39:32,390 The attack didn't take place. 358 00:39:48,700 --> 00:39:54,430 The following stay here: Keitel, Jodl, Krebs and Burgdorf. 359 00:40:09,070 --> 00:40:14,280 That was an order. Steiner's attack was an order. 360 00:40:14,800 --> 00:40:18,970 How dare you ignore my orders? 361 00:40:21,060 --> 00:40:23,670 Is this what it came to? 362 00:40:25,230 --> 00:40:30,450 The military, everybody lied to me. Even the SS. 363 00:40:30,970 --> 00:40:36,180 The generals are no more than a bunch of disloyal cowards. 364 00:40:36,710 --> 00:40:38,790 I don't allow that... 365 00:40:39,310 --> 00:40:44,010 Cowards, traitors and incompetents. - Führer, this is outrageous. 366 00:40:44,530 --> 00:40:48,180 The generals are the scum of the German people. 367 00:40:48,700 --> 00:40:51,310 No sense of honour. 368 00:40:51,830 --> 00:40:56,000 You call yourself general because you spent years at the academy... 369 00:40:57,050 --> 00:40:59,650 ...where you only learnt to use knife and fork. 370 00:41:00,170 --> 00:41:04,350 For years, the military obstructed me. 371 00:41:04,870 --> 00:41:09,040 All you ever did is thwart me. 372 00:41:09,810 --> 00:41:12,930 I should have had... 373 00:41:13,460 --> 00:41:18,150 ...all the high officers executed. Like Stalin did. 374 00:41:22,880 --> 00:41:25,455 I never went to the academy. 375 00:41:25,490 --> 00:41:32,270 But I conquered all of Europe on my own. 376 00:41:37,070 --> 00:41:38,630 Traitors. 377 00:41:39,150 --> 00:41:43,840 I've been betrayed and deceived from the start. 378 00:41:44,370 --> 00:41:49,060 Such enormous betrayal of the German people. 379 00:41:50,100 --> 00:41:55,320 But all these traitors will pay. With their own blood. 380 00:41:56,290 --> 00:41:58,370 They will drown in their own blood. 381 00:42:00,980 --> 00:42:02,540 Calm, Gerda. 382 00:42:10,100 --> 00:42:13,750 All my orders have been ignored. 383 00:42:15,320 --> 00:42:19,490 How can I be a leader under these circumstances? 384 00:42:21,270 --> 00:42:23,350 It's over. 385 00:42:27,290 --> 00:42:30,420 The war is lost. 386 00:42:36,440 --> 00:42:40,090 But if you think this means I'll leave Berlin... 387 00:42:40,620 --> 00:42:44,790 ...you're wrong. I'd rather shoot a bullet through my head. 388 00:42:49,630 --> 00:42:51,720 Do what you want. 389 00:43:12,570 --> 00:43:16,220 The Führer wasn't serious about killing himself, was he? 390 00:43:16,740 --> 00:43:19,340 Frau Junge, Frau Christian. 391 00:43:23,000 --> 00:43:27,690 Get changed. In one hour, a plane will take you south. 392 00:43:29,190 --> 00:43:31,270 Everything is lost. 393 00:43:31,790 --> 00:43:33,880 Completely lost. 394 00:43:37,530 --> 00:43:41,180 You know I'll stay with you. You can't send me away. 395 00:43:53,500 --> 00:43:55,590 I'm staying too, mein Führer. 396 00:44:20,150 --> 00:44:21,190 Now what? 397 00:44:22,230 --> 00:44:23,800 Time to end this charade. 398 00:44:24,840 --> 00:44:29,010 Do you want us to stop fighting? That's inconceivable. 399 00:44:29,530 --> 00:44:34,740 The Führer doesn't want us to capitulate. No more November 1918. Ever. 400 00:44:35,260 --> 00:44:38,900 But he doesn't want to be in charge anymore. He said: 'Do what you want'. 401 00:44:39,420 --> 00:44:42,550 Nobody can replace him. He's the Führer. 402 00:44:43,070 --> 00:44:45,150 The Führer's confused. He'll recover. 403 00:44:46,190 --> 00:44:48,800 Great. And then what? 404 00:44:51,410 --> 00:44:54,540 No capitulation. That was never his intention. 405 00:44:55,580 --> 00:44:58,190 We owe it to him. - Hollow phrases. 406 00:44:58,710 --> 00:45:00,800 We have to act now. Or it will be too late. 407 00:45:01,850 --> 00:45:04,450 You're only looking after yourself. - Mind your words. 408 00:45:13,680 --> 00:45:15,240 Damn. 409 00:45:19,940 --> 00:45:24,110 We'll never get out of here alive. It's all over. 410 00:45:24,640 --> 00:45:25,680 We've got to wait. 411 00:45:26,200 --> 00:45:29,850 Even the Führer doesn't believe in it anymore. What will happen to us? 412 00:45:30,370 --> 00:45:34,550 Günsche says there's a tunnel that goes under the Russian lines. 413 00:45:35,590 --> 00:45:38,200 Why did you say you wanted to stay with him? 414 00:45:38,720 --> 00:45:42,370 I don't know. Honestly. 415 00:45:44,980 --> 00:45:47,590 It stopped. Let's go for a walk. 416 00:46:29,410 --> 00:46:30,980 Traudl. 417 00:46:31,500 --> 00:46:33,060 Look here. 418 00:46:55,490 --> 00:46:58,100 I'm lighting another one. 419 00:47:16,040 --> 00:47:18,650 Let's go down again. 420 00:47:48,690 --> 00:47:52,860 Where do they come from? - Volkssturm. Drafted this afternoon. 421 00:47:53,390 --> 00:47:55,990 They have to get out of the field of fire. 422 00:47:59,650 --> 00:48:03,820 The Volkssturm is under the direct command of Dr. Goebbels. 423 00:48:06,990 --> 00:48:10,640 I want them to go away from there. This is insane. 424 00:48:11,690 --> 00:48:13,250 I'll take the responsibility. 425 00:48:24,420 --> 00:48:28,070 I think this is wrong. - Great. 426 00:48:29,640 --> 00:48:31,200 Stop. Lights out. 427 00:48:31,720 --> 00:48:34,330 Stop. Stay where you are. 428 00:48:34,850 --> 00:48:37,980 Stay where you are. - Alright, Germans. 429 00:48:42,020 --> 00:48:46,190 Help. They want to kill us. - What is all this? 430 00:48:46,225 --> 00:48:50,370 A Greifkommando. - You're kidding. 431 00:49:00,270 --> 00:49:03,400 Stop it. Let those men go. 432 00:49:03,930 --> 00:49:07,060 What's this? You have no authority here. 433 00:49:07,580 --> 00:49:12,270 These men are on the run. Traitors will be killed. 434 00:49:12,800 --> 00:49:16,450 They're old men. Civilians. You can't do this. 435 00:49:21,300 --> 00:49:23,910 Who's going to stop me? You maybe? 436 00:49:26,000 --> 00:49:28,080 Stop it. That's enough. 437 00:49:42,020 --> 00:49:43,590 Dismissed. 438 00:51:27,400 --> 00:51:29,480 This man's a doctor. 439 00:51:36,770 --> 00:51:39,380 Can you operate? - Not really. 440 00:51:42,470 --> 00:51:46,640 Don't let the children take too many toys. 441 00:51:47,160 --> 00:51:50,290 And not too much nightwear. That's no longer needed. 442 00:51:50,820 --> 00:51:53,950 Herr Minister... - Frau Junge, my family will arrive soon. 443 00:51:54,470 --> 00:51:58,630 Can you look after them for a moment? Thank you. 444 00:51:59,150 --> 00:52:00,720 Brigade-führer, what can I do for you? 445 00:52:01,240 --> 00:52:04,360 Your Volkssturm is an easy prey for the Russians. 446 00:52:04,880 --> 00:52:07,480 They have neither combat experience nor good weapons. 447 00:52:08,000 --> 00:52:13,210 Their unconditional belief in the final victory makes up for that. 448 00:52:13,245 --> 00:52:17,890 Herr Minister, without weapons these men can't fight. 449 00:52:18,420 --> 00:52:19,980 Their deaths will be pointless. 450 00:52:20,500 --> 00:52:23,100 I don't pity them. 451 00:52:24,660 --> 00:52:27,260 I repeat: I don't pity them. 452 00:52:27,790 --> 00:52:30,390 The people called this upon themselves. 453 00:52:31,430 --> 00:52:35,070 This may come as a surprise to you. Don't fool yourself. 454 00:52:35,600 --> 00:52:39,240 We didn't force the people. They gave us a mandate. 455 00:52:39,275 --> 00:52:42,880 And now they're paying for it. 456 00:52:59,910 --> 00:53:02,520 Eva, you have to leave the Führer. 457 00:53:03,040 --> 00:53:05,120 Don't be stupid. This is about life and death. 458 00:53:05,640 --> 00:53:07,720 How can you say that? Where are you? 459 00:53:08,760 --> 00:53:11,370 I decided not to die in Berlin. 460 00:53:11,890 --> 00:53:16,570 Does my sister know where you are? - Think about it. I'll call you back. 461 00:53:18,660 --> 00:53:21,260 Children, your room is to the right. 462 00:53:23,340 --> 00:53:24,900 Wait for me. 463 00:53:26,460 --> 00:53:30,110 Hello, Frau Goebbels. - Good to see you, Frau Junge. 464 00:53:42,500 --> 00:53:44,580 Line up, children. 465 00:53:45,100 --> 00:53:47,180 Helga, come. Line up. 466 00:53:48,230 --> 00:53:52,910 Let's make ourselves look good and then we go say hello to uncle Hitler. 467 00:53:57,080 --> 00:53:59,160 Do you remember the song? 468 00:54:38,740 --> 00:54:42,910 The best thing to do is to shoot yourself in the mouth. 469 00:54:47,070 --> 00:54:50,200 You won't feel a thing. You'll be dead right away. 470 00:54:51,240 --> 00:54:53,840 I want to be a beautiful corpse. I'll take poison. 471 00:54:54,360 --> 00:54:57,480 If I have to die, at least without any pain. 472 00:54:58,000 --> 00:54:59,570 That's definitely painless. 473 00:55:00,090 --> 00:55:04,770 It paralyses the nervous system and the respiratory system. 474 00:55:05,290 --> 00:55:06,850 A matter of seconds. 475 00:55:08,940 --> 00:55:12,060 Can I have one too? - Me too. 476 00:55:17,260 --> 00:55:21,950 Himmler provided me well. 477 00:55:39,770 --> 00:55:41,850 Thank you. 478 00:55:42,890 --> 00:55:47,580 I would have liked to give you a nicer present. 479 00:55:55,460 --> 00:55:59,630 Berlin, 23 April 1945. 480 00:56:03,270 --> 00:56:08,480 Dear sister. I'm sorry to write you this. 481 00:56:09,000 --> 00:56:13,680 But this is how it is. It could be over any moment. 482 00:56:14,200 --> 00:56:17,330 First of all: Hermann isn't with us. 483 00:56:17,850 --> 00:56:21,490 But I'm sure you'll see him again. 484 00:56:22,010 --> 00:56:27,220 He'll get through this and he'll fight from Bavaria. 485 00:56:27,740 --> 00:56:31,380 The Führer lost all hope of a good outcome. 486 00:56:32,940 --> 00:56:36,590 Dear son. I don't know if you'll receive this letter. 487 00:56:37,630 --> 00:56:42,310 Maybe someone will allow me to send you a last greeting. 488 00:56:42,840 --> 00:56:46,480 I stayed with daddy against his will. 489 00:56:47,000 --> 00:56:50,120 Last Sunday, the Führer wanted to help me escape. 490 00:56:50,640 --> 00:56:53,250 But you know your mother. We have the same blood. 491 00:56:53,770 --> 00:56:57,410 I won't even think about it. Our ideology's going down the drain... 492 00:56:57,930 --> 00:57:03,140 ...and with it, everything that made life beautiful and worthwhile. 493 00:57:03,660 --> 00:57:07,820 After the Führer and National Socialism, there's nothing left to live for. 494 00:57:08,860 --> 00:57:11,470 That's why I brought the children too. 495 00:57:11,990 --> 00:57:14,070 They're too good for the life that awaits them. 496 00:57:14,590 --> 00:57:19,270 God will have mercy on me if I bring them redemption myself. 497 00:57:27,090 --> 00:57:31,250 I'll wear my bracelet with the green stone until the very end. 498 00:57:31,770 --> 00:57:36,980 After that, I want you to always wear it. 499 00:57:38,540 --> 00:57:42,190 Unfortunately, my diamond watch is with the watchmaker. 500 00:57:42,720 --> 00:57:46,890 I included the address below. I hope you're lucky enough to get it. 501 00:57:47,940 --> 00:57:49,500 I want you to get it. 502 00:57:51,070 --> 00:57:54,720 You'll also get the bracelet with the topaz pendant. 503 00:57:55,240 --> 00:57:57,850 A birthday present from the Führer. 504 00:57:59,420 --> 00:58:03,070 I owe some money to the Heise company. 505 00:58:04,120 --> 00:58:09,010 There may be more debts, but no more than 1500 Reichsmarks. 506 00:58:10,570 --> 00:58:16,840 All correspondence with the Führer must be burnt. 507 00:58:18,920 --> 00:58:25,190 I'm sending you some food and tobacco. The coffee is also for Lindner and Kathl. 508 00:58:25,710 --> 00:58:31,450 The cigarettes are for Mandi, the tobacco for daddy, the chocolate for mummy. 509 00:58:32,190 --> 00:58:36,890 I can't think of anything else. That's it for today. 510 00:58:37,900 --> 00:58:41,550 Dear sister, I wish you lots of happiness. 511 00:58:41,990 --> 00:58:45,640 And remember, you will see Hermann again. 512 00:58:46,160 --> 00:58:49,820 The warmest regards and a kiss from... 513 00:58:50,340 --> 00:58:51,900 ...your sister. 514 00:59:43,630 --> 00:59:45,710 Inge. 515 01:00:35,330 --> 01:00:40,550 Listen, Keitel. I want you to leave this evening. 516 01:00:41,070 --> 01:00:44,730 Go to Dönitz and help him with the organisation. 517 01:00:45,250 --> 01:00:48,380 Things have to be started up again. 518 01:00:49,950 --> 01:00:52,030 I don't understand you. 519 01:00:52,550 --> 01:00:56,210 We have no more oil fields. That's catastrophic. 520 01:00:56,710 --> 01:01:02,450 It makes any serious operation impossible. 521 01:01:02,470 --> 01:01:09,260 When everything has been solved here, we must get the oil fields back. 522 01:01:13,950 --> 01:01:17,080 Any questions? - No, mein Führer. 523 01:01:17,610 --> 01:01:20,210 Good. Have a good trip. 524 01:02:46,850 --> 01:02:49,990 Mein Führer, since you have decided to stay here in Berlin... 525 01:02:53,470 --> 01:02:57,130 ...do you agree that I take charge... 526 01:02:57,650 --> 01:03:00,780 ...with complete freedom of action? 527 01:03:01,300 --> 01:03:03,390 If I receive no reply by 2200 hours... 528 01:03:03,910 --> 01:03:06,940 ...I'll assume you have been incapacitated. 529 01:03:07,470 --> 01:03:11,120 I will then act on behalf of the country and the motherland. 530 01:03:12,160 --> 01:03:14,770 That's high treason. And betrayal of you. 531 01:03:15,300 --> 01:03:17,900 Göring's concerns are not entirely unjustified. 532 01:03:18,430 --> 01:03:21,560 If our communication system fails... 533 01:03:22,080 --> 01:03:25,210 ...we'll be cut off from the outside world. 534 01:03:25,730 --> 01:03:27,820 We won't be able to issue orders anymore. 535 01:03:28,340 --> 01:03:30,950 I think Göring wants to seize the power. 536 01:03:32,000 --> 01:03:34,610 I never trusted his clique on the Obersalzberg. 537 01:03:35,650 --> 01:03:37,220 This looks like a coup. 538 01:03:37,740 --> 01:03:41,390 The loser, the sponger. 539 01:03:41,910 --> 01:03:44,520 A parvenu, a lazy bastard. 540 01:03:45,670 --> 01:03:50,360 How dare he say I'm incapacitated? 541 01:03:51,410 --> 01:03:54,540 Hello. - How did you get into Berlin? 542 01:03:55,060 --> 01:03:57,670 It wasn't easy, but I must speak to the Führer. 543 01:03:58,710 --> 01:04:00,800 If I were you, I'd wait a bit. 544 01:04:01,320 --> 01:04:04,450 The Luftwaffe. What did he turn that into? 545 01:04:04,980 --> 01:04:08,110 For that alone, he should be executed. 546 01:04:08,630 --> 01:04:14,360 This morphine addict corrupted the country. 547 01:04:15,400 --> 01:04:16,960 And now this. 548 01:04:18,000 --> 01:04:20,600 He's betraying me. 549 01:04:22,160 --> 01:04:25,255 Me of all people. 550 01:04:25,290 --> 01:04:35,700 I want Göring stripped of his power, right away. 551 01:04:36,740 --> 01:04:39,340 And, in case I don't survive the war... 552 01:04:39,860 --> 01:04:42,990 ...he must be executed immediately. 553 01:04:45,590 --> 01:04:49,750 What's going to happen to us? Is there any hope left? 554 01:04:52,360 --> 01:04:55,480 Frau Junge, leave from here before it's too late. 555 01:04:56,000 --> 01:05:00,160 The Führer wants to stay. We can't leave him behind, can we? 556 01:05:00,170 --> 01:05:05,890 He doesn't need anybody for what awaits him. And least of all you. 557 01:05:06,930 --> 01:05:11,100 But Herr Goebbels and his wife stay here. And the children. 558 01:05:20,470 --> 01:05:22,550 But the children... 559 01:05:26,190 --> 01:05:28,280 I have always believed... 560 01:05:29,840 --> 01:05:32,960 ...that there was a way out. 561 01:05:39,730 --> 01:05:41,810 Come in. 562 01:05:43,890 --> 01:05:45,980 Albert. Hello. 563 01:05:57,430 --> 01:05:59,510 You have a fever. 564 01:06:00,030 --> 01:06:03,150 Albert, I can't stand it anymore. 565 01:06:05,240 --> 01:06:07,840 Why don't you leave with the children, Magda? 566 01:06:08,360 --> 01:06:10,960 Leave? And go where? 567 01:06:11,480 --> 01:06:16,170 I can arrange for you to be taken to Schwanenwerder by barge. 568 01:06:16,690 --> 01:06:20,330 You can hide until everything's over. 569 01:06:20,850 --> 01:06:22,940 It won't be long now anyway. 570 01:06:23,460 --> 01:06:25,540 I thought about it. 571 01:06:27,100 --> 01:06:32,310 My children cannot grow up in a world without National Socialism. 572 01:06:35,430 --> 01:06:40,110 Think about it. The children have a right to a future. 573 01:06:44,280 --> 01:06:48,970 If National Socialism dies, there will be no future. 574 01:07:05,390 --> 01:07:07,990 I can't believe you really want that. 575 01:07:10,070 --> 01:07:12,670 Go now. 576 01:07:43,530 --> 01:07:45,610 Come in. 577 01:07:49,780 --> 01:07:51,860 I knew you'd come. 578 01:07:52,380 --> 01:07:55,500 You wouldn't desert the Führer. 579 01:07:59,530 --> 01:08:05,260 I've come to say goodbye to the Führer. I'm going back to Hamburg tonight. 580 01:08:05,780 --> 01:08:08,380 Of course, you must go. Sit down. 581 01:08:10,990 --> 01:08:14,110 I took some furniture you designed. 582 01:08:14,145 --> 01:08:16,660 I couldn't leave it behind. 583 01:08:17,180 --> 01:08:21,340 Please, you must not have eaten all day. 584 01:08:22,390 --> 01:08:23,950 That's true. 585 01:08:28,630 --> 01:08:33,840 It's very important that you came. It shows him you're on his side. 586 01:08:34,360 --> 01:08:36,440 Did he ever doubt that? 587 01:08:38,000 --> 01:08:41,650 Lately, he often thought you were against him too. 588 01:08:42,170 --> 01:08:45,810 I always said you'd come and here you are. 589 01:08:50,500 --> 01:08:54,140 I think he liked it that you advised him to stay in Berlin. 590 01:08:54,660 --> 01:08:56,740 I also think it's best. 591 01:08:59,870 --> 01:09:01,950 And, you know... 592 01:09:02,990 --> 01:09:05,070 ...it may sound strange... 593 01:09:07,160 --> 01:09:12,360 ...but I'm really happy here. And I'm not afraid. 594 01:09:39,110 --> 01:09:43,800 You came. - Mein Führer, I... 595 01:09:43,835 --> 01:09:45,880 It's good. 596 01:09:47,440 --> 01:09:49,010 Let's sit down. 597 01:10:06,970 --> 01:10:12,190 I had great plans for the Germans and the world. 598 01:10:13,750 --> 01:10:18,970 Nobody understood me. Not even my old brothers in arms. 599 01:10:23,150 --> 01:10:29,410 The opportunities we had. The whole world was ours to grab. 600 01:10:32,410 --> 01:10:33,980 Too late. 601 01:10:40,240 --> 01:10:45,460 I can only be proud for openly fighting the Jews... 602 01:10:47,030 --> 01:10:51,200 ...and for cleansing the Lebensraum from the Jewish poison. 603 01:10:55,900 --> 01:11:00,080 I don't find it hard to continue. One brief moment... 604 01:11:00,115 --> 01:11:10,520 ...and then eternal peace. 605 01:11:14,690 --> 01:11:17,820 But please spare the people, mein Führer. 606 01:11:17,830 --> 01:11:23,570 If my people cannot endure this ordeal... 607 01:11:23,605 --> 01:11:26,700 ...I won't shed a tear. 608 01:11:27,220 --> 01:11:29,310 They get what they deserve. 609 01:11:29,830 --> 01:11:35,570 They called this fate upon themselves. 610 01:11:40,800 --> 01:11:42,880 For months... 611 01:11:44,450 --> 01:11:46,540 ...I have to tell you this... 612 01:11:48,100 --> 01:11:51,760 ...for months I have sabotaged your orders for destruction. 613 01:11:53,850 --> 01:12:00,630 I not only ignored your orders, but even acted against them. 614 01:12:05,850 --> 01:12:07,410 I had to tell you. 615 01:12:16,720 --> 01:12:20,900 This never compromised my personal loyalty to you. 616 01:12:34,170 --> 01:12:36,780 So you're leaving. 617 01:12:38,030 --> 01:12:39,600 Good. 618 01:12:40,120 --> 01:12:41,680 Goodbye. 619 01:12:53,310 --> 01:12:55,390 I wish you all the best. 620 01:13:17,430 --> 01:13:21,080 Eat well, gentlemen. 621 01:14:16,900 --> 01:14:18,470 Peter. 622 01:14:27,540 --> 01:14:30,150 It's alright, son. 623 01:14:47,000 --> 01:14:48,560 He has a fever. 624 01:14:50,720 --> 01:14:51,760 Yes, but he's alive. 625 01:15:16,670 --> 01:15:20,840 Loyalty and courage still exist in this world. 626 01:15:21,360 --> 01:15:24,490 Ritter von Greim and Fräulein Reitsch, how good... 627 01:15:27,630 --> 01:15:31,800 ...that the both of you arrived more or less unharmed. 628 01:15:32,850 --> 01:15:33,890 Sit down. 629 01:15:35,460 --> 01:15:38,590 We came under heavy fire, but still arrived in Gatow. 630 01:15:39,110 --> 01:15:41,720 From there, we couldn't continue. 631 01:15:42,770 --> 01:15:46,940 We flew in a Fieseler Storch, over the Russian lines... 632 01:15:47,990 --> 01:15:50,600 ...and landed on the East-West axis, close to here. 633 01:15:51,130 --> 01:15:53,740 Before landing, the Soviets had a go at us. 634 01:15:55,420 --> 01:16:00,130 General Von Greim, I appoint you supreme commander of the Luftwaffe. 635 01:16:01,170 --> 01:16:03,790 I hereby promote you to General-Feldmarschall. 636 01:16:04,900 --> 01:16:07,520 A big responsibility rests on your shoulders. 637 01:16:08,040 --> 01:16:11,180 You have to rebuild the Luftwaffe from scratch. 638 01:16:11,710 --> 01:16:14,320 Many mistakes have been made. Be ruthless. 639 01:16:15,890 --> 01:16:19,030 Life doesn't forgive weakness. 640 01:16:21,130 --> 01:16:26,890 This so-called humanity is religious drivel. 641 01:16:28,460 --> 01:16:33,690 Compassion is an eternal sin. To feel compassion for the weak... 642 01:16:34,220 --> 01:16:35,790 ...is a betrayal of nature. 643 01:16:36,830 --> 01:16:42,070 The strong can only triumph if the weak are exterminated. 644 01:16:42,590 --> 01:16:46,380 Being loyal to this law, I've never had compassion. 645 01:16:50,400 --> 01:16:54,590 I've always been ruthless when faced with internal... 646 01:16:55,120 --> 01:16:59,300 ...opposition from other races. And that's the only way. 647 01:17:01,400 --> 01:17:03,490 Apes, for instance... 648 01:17:04,490 --> 01:17:09,200 ...kill all the odd ones. 649 01:17:09,730 --> 01:17:15,480 And what applies to apes, must definitely apply to humans. 650 01:17:21,780 --> 01:17:23,880 Himmler made an offer to surrender... 651 01:17:23,915 --> 01:17:29,640 ...to the allied powers. 652 01:17:30,160 --> 01:17:31,730 Via Count Bernadotte. 653 01:17:33,820 --> 01:17:36,440 A message from the English radio. 654 01:17:41,150 --> 01:17:46,390 Himmler. Himmler of all people. 655 01:17:47,440 --> 01:17:54,770 The most loyal of my loyals. That's the worst betrayal. 656 01:17:58,430 --> 01:17:59,620 Göring, he was corrupt. Always has been. 657 01:18:02,600 --> 01:18:08,840 Speer, an absent-minded artist. All the others: yes. 658 01:18:09,360 --> 01:18:15,610 But Himmler? Has he gone insane? 659 01:18:16,130 --> 01:18:20,290 He must have told them I'm sick. 660 01:18:20,820 --> 01:18:22,900 Maybe even dead. 661 01:18:29,140 --> 01:18:33,830 Leave me alone with Ritter Von Greim and Fräulein Reitsch. 662 01:18:35,390 --> 01:18:40,080 And get Fegelein. - We don't know where he is. 663 01:18:40,600 --> 01:18:44,205 What? He's Himmler's assistant. He must be available. 664 01:18:44,240 --> 01:18:48,930 We haven't seen him for days. - I want a report immediately. 665 01:18:52,050 --> 01:18:53,610 Please stay here, Doctor. 666 01:18:58,820 --> 01:19:02,980 You and Greim must go as quickly as possible. Fly to Dönitz. 667 01:19:03,015 --> 01:19:09,230 Tell him to do anything it takes to punish Himmler. 668 01:19:09,750 --> 01:19:13,910 We've decided to die with you. 669 01:19:16,520 --> 01:19:19,120 Thank you for this proof of loyalty. 670 01:19:20,680 --> 01:19:24,320 But Himmler must die. He committed treason. 671 01:19:24,330 --> 01:19:29,010 He's no longer privvy to my plans. 672 01:19:29,530 --> 01:19:30,570 Mein Führer? 673 01:19:31,090 --> 01:19:34,740 Do you think I'll sit and wait until those Jewish swine slaughter me? 674 01:19:35,260 --> 01:19:39,420 This is part of a huge decoy operation. I've allowed the enemy... 675 01:19:39,455 --> 01:19:44,630 ...to invade the Reich and they think they've won. 676 01:19:45,150 --> 01:19:48,755 But mark my words: they have another thing coming. 677 01:19:48,790 --> 01:19:52,960 Dönitz is mobilising in the north. Kesselring in the south. 678 01:19:53,480 --> 01:19:57,640 We'll surround the enemy and crush them. 679 01:19:58,160 --> 01:20:03,370 From Prague, three armies will attack the Russians, simultaneously, from the back. 680 01:20:03,890 --> 01:20:09,090 I didn't know we still had so many reserve troops. 681 01:20:10,140 --> 01:20:13,780 I made sure you'll soon have a 1000 of the most modern... 682 01:20:13,815 --> 01:20:17,940 ...jets at your disposal. 683 01:20:18,470 --> 01:20:22,630 With those, you can make the Luftwaffe ready for battle again. 684 01:20:23,150 --> 01:20:27,840 I kneel to your genius, at the altar of the motherland. 685 01:20:42,720 --> 01:20:44,280 Heil, mein Führer. 686 01:20:47,410 --> 01:20:50,530 You also request to leave Berlin? 687 01:20:52,090 --> 01:20:56,260 Mein Führer, as you know, all medical departments... 688 01:20:56,780 --> 01:20:59,900 ...that fall under the SS and Himmler, have left Berlin. 689 01:21:00,940 --> 01:21:05,110 Himmler is a traitor. He won't escape punishment. 690 01:21:05,630 --> 01:21:10,470 Mein Führer, as Reichsarzt SS, I have no more work here. 691 01:21:11,510 --> 01:21:15,150 Your request to leave Berlin is unacceptable. 692 01:21:16,710 --> 01:21:18,800 My family... 693 01:21:20,360 --> 01:21:23,480 If the Russians... I must leave. 694 01:21:24,000 --> 01:21:25,560 You did nothing wrong. 695 01:21:26,600 --> 01:21:31,810 Future generations will thank you for you medical research. 696 01:21:32,330 --> 01:21:34,410 I take all the responsibility. 697 01:21:40,660 --> 01:21:43,260 We'll talk about it later. 698 01:21:57,600 --> 01:22:01,770 GruppenFührer Fegelein cannot be found. He's not in the bunker. 699 01:22:02,290 --> 01:22:04,890 What, you can't find Fegelein? 700 01:22:05,930 --> 01:22:10,100 Keep searching. I need to talk to him. Immediately. 701 01:22:11,140 --> 01:22:15,300 If he left just like that, that's desertion. Treason. 702 01:22:15,820 --> 01:22:17,380 Bring me Fegelein. 703 01:22:17,900 --> 01:22:20,510 Fegelein. Fegelein. 704 01:22:32,000 --> 01:22:35,120 Daddy, why are you wearing your Sunday uniform? 705 01:22:38,250 --> 01:22:42,930 Ernst, is something wrong? - No. 706 01:22:43,450 --> 01:22:45,010 Thank you. 707 01:22:45,540 --> 01:22:47,100 Brigitte is hungry too. 708 01:22:49,180 --> 01:22:52,820 Ilse, you should eat something as well. 709 01:22:54,910 --> 01:22:56,990 Thank you. - There you go. 710 01:23:01,670 --> 01:23:03,230 Thank you. 711 01:23:57,250 --> 01:24:00,890 What is it? - GruppenFührer, you're under arrest. 712 01:24:01,940 --> 01:24:03,500 What? - You're suspected of desertion. 713 01:24:04,020 --> 01:24:06,100 Get dressed. You'll come with us. 714 01:24:11,310 --> 01:24:12,870 Search the room. 715 01:24:13,390 --> 01:24:16,510 Let go of me. You can't give me orders. 716 01:24:18,590 --> 01:24:21,720 You can't have Hermann executed, can you? 717 01:24:22,240 --> 01:24:25,620 There's no doubt. He wanted to flee. 718 01:24:25,655 --> 01:24:29,000 What does it matter? Everything's over. 719 01:24:30,050 --> 01:24:32,650 Think of my poor sister. She's pregnant by Hermann. 720 01:24:32,685 --> 01:24:36,290 He collaborated with Himmler. He's a traitor. 721 01:24:39,420 --> 01:24:44,620 There's no mercy for traitors. No compassion for them. 722 01:24:46,710 --> 01:24:49,830 He'll be court-martialled and executed. 723 01:24:50,870 --> 01:24:52,950 What's the point of that? 724 01:24:55,030 --> 01:24:56,600 It is my wish. 725 01:25:10,490 --> 01:25:11,530 You're the Führer. 726 01:25:15,370 --> 01:25:16,410 Speak. 727 01:25:16,930 --> 01:25:19,530 The Russians are advancing more and more. 728 01:25:20,060 --> 01:25:23,180 There are no more reserves. Supplies from the air are impossible. 729 01:25:23,700 --> 01:25:26,300 There is no ammunition coming in anymore. 730 01:25:30,470 --> 01:25:33,070 In the north, the Russians are standing in front of the Weidendammer bridge. 731 01:25:33,590 --> 01:25:36,710 In the east: Lustgarten. South: Potsdammer Platz. 732 01:25:37,230 --> 01:25:40,880 West: Tiergarten, about 400 metres away from the chancellery. 733 01:25:41,920 --> 01:25:45,040 How long can you hold out? - At most, two days. 734 01:25:46,080 --> 01:25:48,690 Including the government area? - Yes. 735 01:25:49,730 --> 01:25:54,930 As a soldier, I suggest we flee Berlin. It's surrounded. 736 01:25:55,460 --> 01:26:01,720 The battle of Berlin killed about 20,000 of our best officers. 737 01:26:01,755 --> 01:26:05,370 That's what young people are for. 738 01:26:06,420 --> 01:26:09,550 What you suggest is insane. Ridiculous. 739 01:26:10,070 --> 01:26:13,165 Think of the thousands of wounded. We can't help them. 740 01:26:13,200 --> 01:26:17,900 Mein Führer, the orders have been written. I give you my word... 741 01:26:18,420 --> 01:26:23,120 The Führer cannot make a honourless disappearance from world history. 742 01:26:23,640 --> 01:26:27,820 Even if an advance is successful... 743 01:26:28,340 --> 01:26:31,470 ...I'll end up in another troublesome situation. 744 01:26:31,990 --> 01:26:37,210 I'd have to stay in the open air or on a farm... 745 01:26:37,740 --> 01:26:39,300 ...and wait for the end. 746 01:26:40,870 --> 01:26:46,610 Wenck is advancing with the 12th army. He can join the 9th... 747 01:26:46,950 --> 01:26:51,130 ...and give the Russians the final blow. 748 01:26:51,830 --> 01:26:56,010 Wenck's an excellent fellow. Send a telegram to Keitel: 749 01:26:59,140 --> 01:27:04,880 Immediately report to me the following: 1. Where are Wenck's vanguard located? 750 01:27:05,920 --> 01:27:08,530 2. When will they attack again? 751 01:27:09,580 --> 01:27:15,320 3. Where is the 9th army? 4. Where will the 9th make a breakthrough? 752 01:27:17,410 --> 01:27:22,100 You'll see, gentlemen. I'll be right. 753 01:27:22,630 --> 01:27:25,240 Wenck will come. 754 01:27:31,730 --> 01:27:33,810 Wenck will come. 755 01:27:47,060 --> 01:27:51,240 I want to know if Wenck can do anything at all. 756 01:27:51,760 --> 01:27:56,460 It's unlikely that Wenck's small amount of troops... 757 01:27:56,980 --> 01:28:01,680 What's unlikely about the offensive? - Wenck can't do anything anymore. 758 01:28:02,200 --> 01:28:06,380 Then why don't you tell the Führer that? Has everybody gone mad? 759 01:28:06,900 --> 01:28:10,030 Do you think the Führer doesn't know? He'll never surrender. 760 01:28:10,550 --> 01:28:14,210 And neither will we. I've been through that once. Never again. 761 01:28:14,730 --> 01:28:16,820 Come along. I have to go. 762 01:28:26,970 --> 01:28:28,540 Stop right there. 763 01:28:40,620 --> 01:28:42,180 Heil Hitler. 764 01:29:30,970 --> 01:29:33,580 Excuse me. I fell asleep. 765 01:29:34,100 --> 01:29:36,190 Did you get some rest, my child? 766 01:29:39,680 --> 01:29:41,760 In shorthand. 767 01:29:48,030 --> 01:29:51,680 My political will. 768 01:29:52,740 --> 01:29:57,950 More than 30 years have passed... 769 01:29:57,960 --> 01:30:02,650 ...since I made my contribution as a volunteer... 770 01:30:02,685 --> 01:30:06,830 ...during the first World War. 771 01:30:07,350 --> 01:30:12,570 During those 30 years, I learnt to think, act and live... 772 01:30:13,090 --> 01:30:16,220 ...out of love and loyalty for my people. 773 01:30:20,160 --> 01:30:23,800 Excuse me. The shooting. - Please sit down. 774 01:30:27,520 --> 01:30:30,130 Centuries will pass... 775 01:30:30,650 --> 01:30:34,810 ...but from the ruins of our cities and monuments... 776 01:30:34,845 --> 01:30:40,505 ...the hatred of the people... 777 01:30:40,540 --> 01:30:43,660 ...who did this to us, will continue to flare up. 778 01:30:44,180 --> 01:30:48,350 International Judaism and its allies. 779 01:30:59,530 --> 01:31:01,610 What is it, Herr Minister? 780 01:31:05,260 --> 01:31:07,860 Imagine this. The Führer wants me to leave Berlin. 781 01:31:08,900 --> 01:31:10,980 He ordered it. 782 01:31:13,070 --> 01:31:16,710 I've never ignored an order from the Führer. 783 01:31:25,400 --> 01:31:31,120 But I will ignore this order. I'll stay with the Führer. 784 01:31:34,840 --> 01:31:36,920 Please, Frau Junge... 785 01:31:39,000 --> 01:31:42,130 ...I want to dictate my will to you. 786 01:31:44,210 --> 01:31:47,330 I'm typing the Führer's will. 787 01:31:48,370 --> 01:31:50,450 Good. 788 01:31:51,500 --> 01:31:54,100 I understand. Some other time. 789 01:32:01,300 --> 01:32:06,500 Mein Führer, according to the racial law I'm obliged to ask you: 790 01:32:07,030 --> 01:32:09,630 Mein Führer, are you of Aryan descent? 791 01:32:14,560 --> 01:32:17,170 Can I see your identity card? 792 01:32:18,250 --> 01:32:21,380 You're talking to the Führer here. - Alright then. 793 01:32:21,900 --> 01:32:25,540 And you, Fräulein Braun, are you of Aryan descent? 794 01:32:26,370 --> 01:32:29,500 Then there's nothing to stop us. 795 01:32:30,020 --> 01:32:33,660 I'm asking you now: Do you, mein Führer, Adolf Hitler... 796 01:32:34,180 --> 01:32:39,390 ...take Eva Braun, present here, as your wife? Answer 'yes'. 797 01:32:41,470 --> 01:32:45,110 Do you, Eva Braun, take Führer Adolf Hitler, present here... 798 01:32:45,630 --> 01:32:48,760 ...as your husband? Answer 'yes'. 799 01:32:50,320 --> 01:32:53,440 Then I declare you man and wife. 800 01:33:32,750 --> 01:33:34,830 Two men here. 801 01:33:37,100 --> 01:33:38,660 Everything will be alright. 802 01:33:40,580 --> 01:33:43,180 You must go to the Führer right away. - Now? 803 01:34:02,850 --> 01:34:07,020 How long can we hold out? - Twenty hours, no more. 804 01:34:08,580 --> 01:34:14,310 The Russians are close. At the moment, we forced them to stop. 805 01:34:14,830 --> 01:34:20,030 You know, Mohnke. The western democracies are decadent. 806 01:34:20,550 --> 01:34:25,760 They'll succumb to the people from the east. 807 01:34:28,880 --> 01:34:31,480 All the best. Thank you. 808 01:34:32,530 --> 01:34:35,650 It wasn't just for Germany. 809 01:34:55,550 --> 01:34:57,630 A message from Keitel. 810 01:35:00,760 --> 01:35:04,070 1. Wenck's vanguard are stuck south of Schwielowsee. 811 01:35:04,590 --> 01:35:08,230 2. The 12th army can't continue the attack on Berlin. 812 01:35:09,270 --> 01:35:12,920 3. The 9th army is completely surrounded. 813 01:35:32,860 --> 01:35:38,070 What do we do when the last ammunition reserves have been exhausted? 814 01:35:39,110 --> 01:35:42,230 I'll never surrender. Never. 815 01:35:44,310 --> 01:35:49,530 I forbid you, and the other commanders, to surrender. 816 01:36:01,530 --> 01:36:07,270 Listen, Günsche. My wife and I are going to commit suicide. 817 01:36:07,790 --> 01:36:11,960 I don't want my corpse exposed by the Russians. 818 01:36:12,480 --> 01:36:15,610 I don't want them to get me, dead or alive. 819 01:36:16,130 --> 01:36:19,780 I want to be burnt and never to be found. 820 01:36:23,940 --> 01:36:27,070 Günsche, I want you to promise me... 821 01:36:27,590 --> 01:36:32,800 ...that you will do all that it takes. 822 01:36:33,330 --> 01:36:35,375 Mein Führer... 823 01:36:35,410 --> 01:36:39,580 ...this is a terrible order, but I will execute it. 824 01:37:06,850 --> 01:37:09,980 Kempka. - Erich, I need 200 litres of petrol. 825 01:37:10,015 --> 01:37:13,620 Are you mad? Where should I find them? 826 01:37:14,150 --> 01:37:16,230 From the parked vehicles. 827 01:37:17,270 --> 01:37:19,880 What's all that petrol for? - I can't say. 828 01:37:36,560 --> 01:37:39,690 Come, please. The Führer wants to see us. 829 01:37:49,140 --> 01:37:51,750 Should I tell the Führer you're indisposed? 830 01:37:52,790 --> 01:37:55,920 It's only my collapsed lung. 831 01:37:57,960 --> 01:38:00,040 I'll die soon anyway. 832 01:38:45,540 --> 01:38:47,620 Excuse me. 833 01:39:00,190 --> 01:39:02,280 Over here, Herr Professor. 834 01:39:11,280 --> 01:39:13,880 One moment, please. 835 01:39:23,120 --> 01:39:24,680 Excuse me. 836 01:39:58,110 --> 01:40:02,280 I'm sorry to interrupt your important work. 837 01:40:02,800 --> 01:40:06,970 Mein Führer, keep faith in the final victory. 838 01:40:07,490 --> 01:40:12,180 Lead us and we shall follow. 839 01:40:15,970 --> 01:40:17,540 Come along. 840 01:40:24,800 --> 01:40:26,890 Join the gang. 841 01:40:29,120 --> 01:40:31,730 Come. Have a drink. 842 01:40:32,770 --> 01:40:36,420 Besides drinking, there's little we can do. - Do sit down. 843 01:40:36,940 --> 01:40:43,720 That's better. Yes, the situation is pretty shitty. 844 01:40:47,890 --> 01:40:51,530 Can we sit down? - Please do, Fräulein... 845 01:40:52,060 --> 01:40:56,230 Frau... - That's Frau Hitler. 846 01:40:58,830 --> 01:41:00,390 It's alright. 847 01:41:02,480 --> 01:41:05,080 A pity we can't go outside anymore. 848 01:41:05,610 --> 01:41:08,730 Only if you want to die a heroic death. 849 01:41:09,250 --> 01:41:14,990 Fritz, control yourself a bit. - Yes. Control. 850 01:41:16,030 --> 01:41:17,590 Take cover. 851 01:41:39,060 --> 01:41:42,710 What are you doing here? - I have to report to the Führer. 852 01:41:43,230 --> 01:41:45,320 You can't right now. Sit down. 853 01:41:45,840 --> 01:41:47,920 Sit. Drink. 854 01:41:52,090 --> 01:41:54,145 Let me introduce Frau Hitler. 855 01:41:54,180 --> 01:41:58,350 So young and so many decorations. You must be proud. 856 01:42:01,470 --> 01:42:04,080 Excuse me. I'm not used to drinking anymore. 857 01:42:05,120 --> 01:42:07,730 You can use our toilet. 858 01:42:15,520 --> 01:42:20,730 If your hand shakes, the bullet might only hit an optic nerve. 859 01:42:21,250 --> 01:42:25,940 That's why it's good to also take the poison. 860 01:42:26,470 --> 01:42:31,160 When you bite through the capsule, pull the trigger. 861 01:42:31,680 --> 01:42:33,760 Will I have enough time? 862 01:42:34,800 --> 01:42:37,410 The poison starts working after one or two seconds. 863 01:42:54,820 --> 01:42:57,430 Tornow, you too. 864 01:43:06,460 --> 01:43:08,030 Come Blondi. 865 01:43:39,690 --> 01:43:42,290 You know, Frau Junge, I've known... 866 01:43:43,340 --> 01:43:45,940 my husband for more than 15 years. 867 01:43:46,460 --> 01:43:51,150 But when I think about it, I know nothing about him. 868 01:43:51,680 --> 01:43:53,760 Even though he likes to talk. 869 01:43:56,890 --> 01:44:01,580 I longed for Berlin, but he's so different now. 870 01:44:02,100 --> 01:44:05,750 He only talks about dogs and vegetarian food now. 871 01:44:06,270 --> 01:44:08,870 I hate Blondi. 872 01:44:10,440 --> 01:44:15,650 I sometimes kick her and Adolf then wonders why she acts strange. 873 01:44:26,600 --> 01:44:29,200 I think he doesn't want anybody to really know him. 874 01:44:32,330 --> 01:44:37,020 ...he can be so caring in his private life. 875 01:44:38,590 --> 01:44:43,280 And then he uses that rude language again. 876 01:44:44,330 --> 01:44:46,410 When he's the Führer, you mean? 877 01:44:47,980 --> 01:44:51,110 Come, let's smoke another one. 878 01:45:12,910 --> 01:45:14,470 I'm sorry. 879 01:45:16,550 --> 01:45:20,720 You have so many worries and here I am, whining. 880 01:45:21,760 --> 01:45:25,410 Frau Junge, I'm giving you this coat as a goodbye present. 881 01:45:26,450 --> 01:45:31,150 I like fashionable ladies. I want you to enjoy it. 882 01:45:32,190 --> 01:45:34,800 What a surprise. Thank you. 883 01:45:36,360 --> 01:45:40,010 I just don't know where and when I can wear it. 884 01:45:41,580 --> 01:45:44,710 Please, try to get out of here. 885 01:45:46,270 --> 01:45:47,840 Promise me. 886 01:47:17,300 --> 01:47:22,110 Thank you. That was very good, Fräulein Manziarly. 887 01:47:43,120 --> 01:47:47,290 The time has come. It's finished. 888 01:48:26,130 --> 01:48:28,210 The Führer wants to say goodbye. Come with me. 889 01:49:00,200 --> 01:49:03,330 You're the bravest mother of the Reich. 890 01:49:03,860 --> 01:49:08,030 Führer, you made me the happiest woman in Germany. 891 01:49:32,170 --> 01:49:34,260 Salute my beautiful Bavaria. 892 01:49:57,880 --> 01:49:59,960 Children, what are you doing here? 893 01:50:00,490 --> 01:50:03,090 We want to see aunt Eva and uncle Hitler. 894 01:50:03,620 --> 01:50:07,270 Have you eaten anything yet? - Only breakfast. 895 01:50:08,830 --> 01:50:12,480 Stay here, I'll get something to eat. I'll be right back. 896 01:50:21,680 --> 01:50:26,370 Comrades, this is the latest news from the outside. 897 01:50:26,890 --> 01:50:32,110 Berlin is full of warehouses: There were houses here, there were houses there. 898 01:50:37,640 --> 01:50:39,720 Herr Günsche, I want to speak to the Führer. 899 01:50:41,810 --> 01:50:43,370 Please, I have to. 900 01:50:43,900 --> 01:50:46,500 Frau Goebbels, the Führer doesn't want to be disturbed. 901 01:50:46,510 --> 01:50:49,630 Please, Günsche, just for a moment. 902 01:50:50,160 --> 01:50:51,720 Please. 903 01:50:59,190 --> 01:51:01,800 Mein Führer, Frau Goebbels is here. 904 01:51:08,280 --> 01:51:09,840 What is it? 905 01:51:10,360 --> 01:51:14,010 Mein Führer, I beg you: Leave Berlin. 906 01:51:15,060 --> 01:51:20,800 Don't leave us Führer. What will become of us? 907 01:51:24,680 --> 01:51:31,980 Tomorrow, I'll be cursed by millions, but that's how it is. 908 01:51:34,780 --> 01:51:36,870 Get up. Come. 909 01:51:39,480 --> 01:51:41,570 Come. 910 01:51:49,910 --> 01:51:52,510 Aunt Traudl, I like it when it thunders. 911 01:51:53,040 --> 01:51:56,690 Why? - Nothing can happen to us here. 912 01:51:57,210 --> 01:51:59,300 Can it? - No. 913 01:52:08,810 --> 01:52:10,370 Gotcha. 914 01:52:33,400 --> 01:52:37,050 Reichsleiter, it's over. 915 01:52:55,930 --> 01:52:58,540 The Führer is dead. 916 01:53:14,300 --> 01:53:16,390 There's daddy. 917 01:53:27,860 --> 01:53:31,510 Are you crazy? For that damned petrol of yours... 918 01:53:32,030 --> 01:53:34,120 Erich, shut up. 919 01:53:44,570 --> 01:53:46,140 Stand back. 920 01:53:59,600 --> 01:54:01,170 Come on, continue. 921 01:54:01,690 --> 01:54:03,250 Continue. 922 01:55:32,780 --> 01:55:35,910 No, don't. 923 01:55:37,190 --> 01:55:39,280 Let grandpa go. 924 01:55:45,630 --> 01:55:49,280 Order. Order. We must have order. 925 01:55:50,330 --> 01:55:52,930 Order has to return. 926 01:56:07,260 --> 01:56:11,440 This way. We know the way. You can trust us. 927 01:56:12,480 --> 01:56:14,050 Hurry. 928 01:56:20,560 --> 01:56:23,170 I was on the side of the Red Beasts. 929 01:56:27,210 --> 01:56:29,290 I supported the Bolsheviks. 930 01:56:36,790 --> 01:56:38,350 Let's hope the Russians got our message. 931 01:56:38,880 --> 01:56:41,480 We'll soon find out. - Or not. 932 01:56:46,710 --> 01:56:49,840 What news do you have, General? 933 01:56:50,360 --> 01:56:55,570 Adolf Hitler and his wife committed suicide in the bunker. 934 01:56:58,710 --> 01:57:02,880 The new government authorised me... 935 01:57:04,970 --> 01:57:08,100 ...to start peace talks... 936 01:57:08,620 --> 01:57:14,880 ...between our countries, that both suffered severe losses. 937 01:57:15,920 --> 01:57:20,620 General, if you were me, would you make peace with you? 938 01:57:21,140 --> 01:57:25,310 My government will never accept unconditional surrender. 939 01:57:27,920 --> 01:57:32,090 Given the situation, you have no other choice. 940 01:57:35,220 --> 01:57:37,830 Surrender? Never. That's shameful. 941 01:57:38,880 --> 01:57:40,960 Years ago, I conquered Berlin on the Reds... 942 01:57:41,480 --> 01:57:45,640 ...and I'll defend the city to my dying day. 943 01:57:46,680 --> 01:57:49,290 In the short time I have as Chancellor... 944 01:57:49,810 --> 01:57:53,970 ...I'll never sign a surrender treaty. 945 01:57:54,490 --> 01:57:57,620 It's for the sake of the people. - The Führer's orders are final. 946 01:57:58,140 --> 01:58:01,780 This is crazy. We have to start negotiations. 947 01:58:02,300 --> 01:58:05,420 I repeat, gentlemen: I do not surrender. 948 01:58:06,470 --> 01:58:09,070 Send a message to Marshal Zhukov. - Zhukov? 949 01:58:09,590 --> 01:58:12,190 What's happening? - We're surrendering. 950 01:58:12,710 --> 01:58:15,840 Then I must kill you. The Führer forbids any surrender. 951 01:58:35,920 --> 01:58:39,040 How long does it work? - Around four hours. 952 01:59:16,150 --> 01:59:21,350 Children, the doctor has the medication I told you about. 953 01:59:21,870 --> 01:59:24,480 It's a bit bitter, but it will work. 954 01:59:26,040 --> 01:59:27,600 A sip for everybody. 955 01:59:29,160 --> 01:59:31,240 Who wants to go first? 956 01:59:33,850 --> 01:59:37,490 Heide, you're always so brave? 957 01:59:43,220 --> 01:59:44,780 Have another sip. 958 01:59:47,900 --> 01:59:49,980 See? That wasn't so bad. 959 01:59:55,130 --> 01:59:57,210 Well done. Helmut. 960 02:00:00,330 --> 02:00:05,020 This medication makes sure you don't get ill in this humid bunker. 961 02:00:05,540 --> 02:00:08,140 But it's not humid in the bunker. 962 02:00:12,830 --> 02:00:14,390 Well done. 963 02:00:23,640 --> 02:00:25,200 Helga. 964 02:00:27,930 --> 02:00:28,970 I don't want to. 965 02:00:29,500 --> 02:00:34,130 What's that? Do you want to get sick? - Please, mama. I don't want to drink it. 966 02:00:37,780 --> 02:00:41,950 Don't cry, baby. That doesn't help. 967 02:00:42,470 --> 02:00:44,560 You have to drink the medicine. 968 02:00:48,210 --> 02:00:49,780 Helga. 969 02:00:55,510 --> 02:00:58,120 Come on, open your mouth. 970 02:01:19,450 --> 02:01:21,020 Goodnight, children. 971 02:01:31,790 --> 02:01:34,885 One day the lie will fall apart... 972 02:01:34,920 --> 02:01:38,050 ...and there will be light in the darkness. 973 02:01:39,090 --> 02:01:40,650 Please read that. 974 02:01:41,700 --> 02:01:46,390 One day the lie will fall apart and there will be light in the darkness. 975 02:01:47,960 --> 02:01:51,090 Let's do it differently. One day the lie will collapse... 976 02:01:51,610 --> 02:01:56,300 ...and truth will triumph once again. 977 02:01:56,820 --> 02:02:00,480 At that moment, we will stand above everybody... 978 02:02:01,000 --> 02:02:03,080 ...pure and... 979 02:02:06,210 --> 02:02:08,300 immaculate. 980 02:06:15,350 --> 02:06:18,480 We don't stand a chance. - So what? I want to get away. 981 02:06:19,000 --> 02:06:20,570 How do we get through the lines? 982 02:06:21,090 --> 02:06:23,700 Doesn't matter. I'm not staying another minute. 983 02:06:24,220 --> 02:06:27,350 We'll die. - It won't be that bad, surely. 984 02:06:28,390 --> 02:06:31,000 If we stay, the Russians will get us for sure. 985 02:06:33,080 --> 02:06:34,130 All the best. 986 02:06:34,650 --> 02:06:36,740 Come, let's go. 987 02:08:05,600 --> 02:08:12,305 On 30 April 1945, the Führer committed suicide... 988 02:08:12,340 --> 02:08:18,070 ...and in doing so, he deserted everybody who was loyal to him. 989 02:08:18,600 --> 02:08:23,810 You, German soldiers, were loyal to the Führer and were prepared... 990 02:08:24,330 --> 02:08:30,590 ...to continue the battle for Berlin, although ammunition was in short supply... 991 02:08:31,110 --> 02:08:35,810 ...and further resistance was pointless. 992 02:08:36,330 --> 02:08:39,980 I hereby declare an immediate cease-fire. 993 02:08:41,550 --> 02:08:44,150 Each hour you continue fighting... 994 02:08:44,680 --> 02:08:51,460 ...prolongs the suffering of the people of Berlin and of our wounded. 995 02:08:51,980 --> 02:08:55,630 In agreement with the supreme command of the Soviet troops... 996 02:08:56,150 --> 02:09:01,890 ...I order you to stop fighting immediately. 997 02:09:02,410 --> 02:09:09,710 Weidling, former commander of the Berlin defence area. 998 02:09:11,280 --> 02:09:13,360 A glass of water, please. 999 02:10:19,100 --> 02:10:21,710 I don't need you anymore. 1000 02:10:24,840 --> 02:10:27,450 The game's over. 1001 02:11:35,160 --> 02:11:37,770 It's time. - Don't you see what's going on here? 1002 02:11:38,290 --> 02:11:41,410 I insist that you help us, as a doctor. 1003 02:11:42,460 --> 02:11:44,540 Alright, then. 1004 02:11:51,830 --> 02:11:56,520 Go. You did a lot. Thank you. 1005 02:12:03,270 --> 02:12:09,360 Schädle, hurry. Come on. - I'm not going anywhere anymore. 1006 02:12:11,960 --> 02:12:13,530 Come along. 1007 02:12:52,130 --> 02:12:54,730 Are you alright? - Keep going. 1008 02:13:31,530 --> 02:13:35,180 Sturmmann Krüger and his group defended the Wolf Bridge... 1009 02:13:35,700 --> 02:13:38,300 ...and he receives the Iron Cross. 1010 02:13:38,820 --> 02:13:42,990 Sturmmann Wagner took out two machine-gun nests... 1011 02:13:43,510 --> 02:13:46,640 ...and therefore, receives the Iron Cross. 1012 02:13:47,160 --> 02:13:50,810 Sturmmann Rauch has gotten messages through the lines... 1013 02:13:51,330 --> 02:13:53,930 ...and receives the Iron Cross. 1014 02:14:25,100 --> 02:14:27,180 The others are coming. 1015 02:14:33,820 --> 02:14:35,900 Take cover, Müller. 1016 02:14:55,530 --> 02:14:56,570 Who's that? 1017 02:15:04,230 --> 02:15:06,310 A German. 1018 02:15:11,930 --> 02:15:13,490 Herr Hewel? 1019 02:15:17,140 --> 02:15:19,220 Thank God, you're alive. 1020 02:15:21,310 --> 02:15:22,870 Where are the others? 1021 02:15:25,480 --> 02:15:29,640 I don't know, Frau Junge. Somewhere. Maybe. 1022 02:15:30,170 --> 02:15:33,290 Most people from my group must be dead. 1023 02:15:33,810 --> 02:15:36,420 I should never have left that bunker. 1024 02:15:36,940 --> 02:15:41,630 I should have shot myself, but I couldn't. 1025 02:15:43,710 --> 02:15:46,840 Eat something first. There's always enough time to die. 1026 02:16:44,150 --> 02:16:46,760 You stay with the women. 1027 02:16:47,890 --> 02:16:49,450 Come along. 1028 02:17:01,980 --> 02:17:05,630 The Russians have surrounded us. - What's going to happen to us? 1029 02:17:06,150 --> 02:17:08,750 Maybe you can get through. You could try. 1030 02:17:09,270 --> 02:17:10,840 I'm not taking another step. 1031 02:17:11,880 --> 02:17:16,570 Think about it. The Russians are after us. 1032 02:17:17,090 --> 02:17:22,300 As a woman, you might have a chance. Try it. 1033 02:17:23,340 --> 02:17:24,900 Good luck. 1034 02:17:27,510 --> 02:17:31,680 When you walk past the Russians, don't look them in the eyes. 1035 02:17:32,200 --> 02:17:35,850 Remember that well. All the best. 1036 02:17:44,870 --> 02:17:46,430 The Russians. 1037 02:17:59,010 --> 02:18:01,620 Gerda, let's go. - You go. 1038 02:18:02,140 --> 02:18:05,270 I'm exhausted. - Please. 1039 02:18:07,360 --> 02:18:11,530 I have to give it a try. Don't be angry with me. 1040 02:18:15,710 --> 02:18:17,270 I'll be alright. 1041 02:18:30,400 --> 02:18:31,970 Herr Doktor. 1042 02:18:32,490 --> 02:18:37,190 My comrades want to surrender. Can I join you? 1043 02:18:37,710 --> 02:18:41,360 The Führer's dead. Do you want to continue the war on your own? 1044 02:18:41,880 --> 02:18:43,450 I'm obliged by my oath. 1045 02:18:43,970 --> 02:18:48,670 Then you'd better go to the brigade-führer. 1046 02:19:17,340 --> 02:19:18,900 The Russians are evacuating the square. - So? 1047 02:19:19,950 --> 02:19:22,040 No opposition. No shooting. 1048 02:19:22,560 --> 02:19:25,170 Then they'll be here within the hour. 1049 02:19:25,690 --> 02:19:27,745 What shall we do? 1050 02:19:27,780 --> 02:19:32,470 We can't surrender. - What exactly do you mean? 1051 02:19:33,000 --> 02:19:36,650 When the Russians come, we'll empty our weapons on them. 1052 02:19:37,170 --> 02:19:41,605 The last bullets are for ourselves. - That's radical. 1053 02:19:41,640 --> 02:19:46,040 Is this prestigious murder and suicide our only option? 1054 02:19:46,570 --> 02:19:50,220 We're SS officers. We can't survive the Führer. 1055 02:19:50,255 --> 02:19:53,350 Who agrees with me? 1056 02:21:41,020 --> 02:21:44,150 Come and sit down with me? - Please. 1057 02:21:49,980 --> 02:21:55,200 Why do you want to continue living? - And you? Why do you want to die? 1058 02:21:56,770 --> 02:21:58,890 See this? 1059 02:21:59,420 --> 02:22:02,610 The Führer gave it to me personally. 1060 02:22:03,140 --> 02:22:06,860 As a last decoration? - Maybe. 1061 02:22:07,400 --> 02:22:12,180 A goodbye present from Hitler. I had to promise him something. 1062 02:22:12,215 --> 02:22:17,490 If the Russians get me, I have to kill myself. 1063 02:22:19,620 --> 02:22:23,870 Did he make you promise that? But why? 1064 02:22:24,400 --> 02:22:27,590 Maybe he didn't want me to be forced... 1065 02:22:28,120 --> 02:22:30,250 ...to say anything bad about him. 1066 02:22:30,780 --> 02:22:35,030 But, as a diplomat, you're under international protection. 1067 02:22:35,560 --> 02:22:39,280 Who will benefit if you stick to your deal? 1068 02:22:39,810 --> 02:22:41,410 There they are. 1069 02:22:54,820 --> 02:22:56,410 Don't shoot, comrades. 1070 02:23:00,410 --> 02:23:05,200 We surrendered. The war is over. 1071 02:23:06,260 --> 02:23:08,380 It's over. 1072 02:24:43,930 --> 02:24:47,110 Complete surrender took place on 7 May 1945. 1073 02:24:49,240 --> 02:24:52,430 Hostilities were suspended on 8 May. 1074 02:24:54,560 --> 02:24:58,280 The war took the lives of more than 50 million people. 1075 02:24:59,870 --> 02:25:05,180 6 million Jews were killed in German concentration camps. 1076 02:25:06,250 --> 02:25:11,030 Gerda Christian managed to escape and avoid imprisonment. 1077 02:25:11,560 --> 02:25:14,750 She died in Düsseldorf on 14 April 1997. 1078 02:25:15,280 --> 02:25:19,530 Dr. Schenck was released in 1953 by the Soviets. 1079 02:25:20,070 --> 02:25:23,790 He died in Aachen on 21 December 1998. 1080 02:25:25,380 --> 02:25:28,040 Wilhelm Mohnke was released by the Soviets in 1955. 1081 02:25:28,570 --> 02:25:32,820 He died in Damp, near Eckernförde, on 6 August 2001. 1082 02:25:33,350 --> 02:25:39,730 Helmut Weidling died in captivity, in 1955. 1083 02:25:40,260 --> 02:25:45,570 Werner Haase was arrested in the bunker, by the Red Army. 1084 02:25:46,110 --> 02:25:49,290 He died in captivity, in 1945. 1085 02:25:49,830 --> 02:25:53,010 Otto Günsche was arrested by the Soviets. 1086 02:25:53,550 --> 02:25:57,800 He was released in 1956 and died in Lohmar, in 2003. 1087 02:25:58,330 --> 02:26:03,110 Hanna Reitsch survived the war and would break many flying records. 1088 02:26:03,640 --> 02:26:06,300 She died on 28 August 1979. 1089 02:26:06,830 --> 02:26:12,150 Robert Ritter von Greim committed suicide on 24 May 1945. 1090 02:26:12,680 --> 02:26:15,340 Linge and Hentschel were arrested by the Soviets. 1091 02:26:15,870 --> 02:26:17,990 Linge was released in 1955 and died in 1980. 1092 02:26:19,060 --> 02:26:22,240 Hentschel was released in 1949 and died in 1982. 1093 02:26:22,780 --> 02:26:29,150 Constanze Manziarly disappeared without a trace, during her flight. 1094 02:26:29,690 --> 02:26:32,870 Albert Speer was arrested in Flensburg, in 1945. 1095 02:26:33,410 --> 02:26:36,060 He was sentenced to 20 years, in Nuremberg. 1096 02:26:36,590 --> 02:26:39,250 He was released in 1966 and died in London, in 1981. 1097 02:26:40,310 --> 02:26:46,690 Keitel and Jodl were sentenced to death in Nuremberg and executed. 1098 02:26:47,750 --> 02:26:49,880 Hermann Göring was sentenced to death. 1099 02:26:50,940 --> 02:26:54,130 He committed suicide in his cell, shortly before his execution. 1100 02:26:54,660 --> 02:26:59,450 Heinrich Himmler tried to escape using a false name. 1101 02:26:59,980 --> 02:27:03,170 After he was found out, he committed suicide. 1102 02:27:03,700 --> 02:27:08,480 Martin Bormann and Ludwig Stumpfegger committed suicide... 1103 02:27:09,010 --> 02:27:12,200 ...on 2 May 1945, near the Lehrter Bahnhof. 1104 02:27:13,260 --> 02:27:17,520 Rochus Misch was released by the Soviets in 1955. 1105 02:27:18,050 --> 02:27:20,170 He still lives in Berlin. 1106 02:27:20,700 --> 02:27:23,360 Traudl Junge was classified as a 'young follower'. 1107 02:27:23,890 --> 02:27:27,080 She worked as a secretary and lived in Munich, until her death in 2002. 1108 02:27:27,610 --> 02:27:33,725 All the horror I heard about during the Nuremberg trial... 1109 02:27:33,760 --> 02:27:39,840 ...the 6 million Jews, dissidents or people of another race... 1110 02:27:40,370 --> 02:27:46,210 ...who died, shocked me deeply. 1111 02:27:47,280 --> 02:27:52,060 But I hadn't made the connection with my own past yet. 1112 02:27:53,120 --> 02:27:57,910 I reassured myself by thinking I wasn't personally guilty of it. 1113 02:27:58,440 --> 02:28:03,750 And that I hadn't known about the sheer size of it. 1114 02:28:04,280 --> 02:28:10,660 But one day, I walked past a commemorative plaque... 1115 02:28:11,190 --> 02:28:14,910 ...for Sophie Scholl, here in the Franz-Joseph-Strasse. 1116 02:28:15,980 --> 02:28:18,630 I saw that she was my age... 1117 02:28:19,160 --> 02:28:25,010 ...and that she was executed in the year I joined Hitler. 1118 02:28:25,540 --> 02:28:30,860 And only then did I realise... 1119 02:28:31,920 --> 02:28:34,580 that youth is no excuse. 1120 02:28:35,110 --> 02:28:41,490 And that it might have been possible to find out the truth.