1 00:00:15,202 --> 00:00:16,066 Help me. 2 00:01:11,192 --> 00:01:12,523 He's gone. 3 00:01:13,327 --> 00:01:16,592 He must've taken off as soon as he realized we were on to him. 4 00:01:16,664 --> 00:01:18,427 Yeah. Gone. Almost. 5 00:01:18,966 --> 00:01:21,366 -What's on your mind? -Well, here's the thing. 6 00:01:21,435 --> 00:01:24,097 We know who you are. You are life. 7 00:01:24,171 --> 00:01:27,470 You give a second chance to those that have died before their time... 8 00:01:27,541 --> 00:01:30,305 -and we know who Jack is. -My opposite. 9 00:01:30,678 --> 00:01:33,169 -Choice adjective excluded. -Right. 10 00:01:34,081 --> 00:01:37,710 He relives days to ensure that those victims once again die. 11 00:01:37,785 --> 00:01:39,446 Okay, so we know that. 12 00:01:39,520 --> 00:01:42,546 Here's my best guess. The next time that your day restarts... 13 00:01:42,623 --> 00:01:44,887 our friend Jack Harper will make his return... 14 00:01:44,959 --> 00:01:47,393 because it's clear why he came here two months ago. 15 00:01:47,461 --> 00:01:49,190 His work is undone. 16 00:01:49,597 --> 00:01:52,589 -He came to find his opposite. -And stop me. 17 00:02:09,750 --> 00:02:11,741 Hey, it's Tru. Leave a message. 18 00:02:13,154 --> 00:02:14,485 Hey, it's Lindsay. 19 00:02:14,555 --> 00:02:17,752 I know it's like 6:00 a.m. but I had to call and say one thing. 20 00:02:17,825 --> 00:02:18,985 5:15 21 00:02:19,427 --> 00:02:23,193 l'm getting freaking married today, Tru. Can you believe that? 22 00:02:23,364 --> 00:02:25,559 lt still doesn't mean l'll pick up the phone. 23 00:02:25,633 --> 00:02:29,034 My God! And I also noticed you RSVP'd, plus one. 24 00:02:29,103 --> 00:02:31,537 So, who are you bringing? All right, never mind. 25 00:02:31,605 --> 00:02:33,470 l'll just call you later. Bye. 26 00:02:38,913 --> 00:02:41,006 l've driven women to drink. 27 00:02:41,248 --> 00:02:43,409 l've driven women to other women. 28 00:02:43,551 --> 00:02:46,714 But l have never driven a woman to the altar... 29 00:02:47,054 --> 00:02:49,022 within a month of dumping her. 30 00:02:49,090 --> 00:02:51,251 Look, here's the thing. l love Lindsay... 31 00:02:51,325 --> 00:02:53,691 but she's never been very good at being alone. 32 00:02:53,761 --> 00:02:57,629 l blew it, you know? l was undependable, unreliable. 33 00:02:58,699 --> 00:03:01,862 But ever since this Randall guy, l have decided... 34 00:03:02,403 --> 00:03:06,271 that l'm gonna be a better man. You know, someone l can be proud of. 35 00:03:06,340 --> 00:03:09,332 Someone you can be proud of. A new leaf, so to speak. 36 00:03:09,410 --> 00:03:12,038 -A new leaf? -Well, yeah. l'm a young guy... 37 00:03:12,113 --> 00:03:14,513 it's never too late to change your spots. 38 00:03:14,582 --> 00:03:18,018 Speaking of sudden character transformations, any luck finding Jack? 39 00:03:18,085 --> 00:03:19,575 No, nothing. 40 00:03:19,687 --> 00:03:24,215 l scoured the town, just like you asked. l went to bars, strip joints. 41 00:03:24,425 --> 00:03:27,622 -About that new leaf? -Pacing myself. 42 00:03:28,996 --> 00:03:32,056 l'll tell you who l have run into lately. Luc. 43 00:03:32,633 --> 00:03:35,067 -So, you've been avoiding him. -Here's the thing. 44 00:03:35,136 --> 00:03:39,266 The last time l spoke to Luc, l promised him l'd tell him about me. 45 00:03:39,340 --> 00:03:42,366 But as long as l don't tell him, l can still have hope for us. 46 00:03:42,443 --> 00:03:45,469 'Cause l know that as soon as l do, l won't even have that. 47 00:03:45,546 --> 00:03:46,979 No, maybe. 48 00:03:48,149 --> 00:03:50,481 But maybe not. But, see, the point is... 49 00:03:50,551 --> 00:03:53,315 that you will never know unless you try. 50 00:03:53,487 --> 00:03:56,320 And if l can turn a new leaf, anyone can. 51 00:03:58,092 --> 00:04:00,788 -l gotta go, Wonder Woman. -Bye. 52 00:04:05,833 --> 00:04:09,166 -Hey, l hope l'm not interrupting. -No, come here. 53 00:04:10,037 --> 00:04:13,200 Watch this. lt's still cooking. 54 00:04:13,274 --> 00:04:16,573 The photo sits in the developer and the chemicals draw out the image. 55 00:04:16,644 --> 00:04:19,772 Just give it a couple more seconds and.... 56 00:04:20,881 --> 00:04:23,372 lt's an old roll l never developed. 57 00:04:24,185 --> 00:04:26,483 -She looks familiar. -Yeah. 58 00:04:26,854 --> 00:04:29,220 -Ex-girlfriend. -Sounds complicated. 59 00:04:29,323 --> 00:04:31,848 lt is. Just like her. 60 00:04:33,494 --> 00:04:37,021 l'm sorry if you feel like l've been avoiding you. 61 00:04:37,097 --> 00:04:40,999 Well, l'm sorry, too. Mainly because you're so damn good at it. 62 00:04:42,336 --> 00:04:46,136 Look. Maybe heart-to-heart's not your thing, and that's fine. 63 00:04:46,440 --> 00:04:49,876 -No law says you have to explain-- -How about tonight? 64 00:04:50,845 --> 00:04:52,335 -Tonight? -Yes. 65 00:04:52,479 --> 00:04:56,472 Come to Lindsay's wedding with me, and l will explain everything. 66 00:04:59,019 --> 00:05:02,580 -Semiformal, right? -l'll see you at 6:00? 67 00:05:04,692 --> 00:05:05,784 Okay. 68 00:05:07,695 --> 00:05:10,892 But, hey, Luc? Just remember, she is complicated. 69 00:05:10,965 --> 00:05:12,091 Right. 70 00:05:24,678 --> 00:05:25,940 Harrison. 71 00:05:26,814 --> 00:05:29,510 Jack. What the hell are you doing here? 72 00:05:29,683 --> 00:05:31,810 -l came to see a friend. -Great. 73 00:05:31,886 --> 00:05:34,116 You let me know when he shows up. 74 00:05:35,589 --> 00:05:40,117 Look, l know Tru wants you to think l'm the enemy. l'm not. 75 00:05:41,061 --> 00:05:45,191 Your sister and l just see things differently, that's all. 76 00:05:45,266 --> 00:05:47,564 Right. She saves people... 77 00:05:47,635 --> 00:05:51,230 -and you kill them. -l'm not a killer. 78 00:05:51,639 --> 00:05:55,268 Straight up. When a bullet gets shot into a man's chest... 79 00:05:55,342 --> 00:05:56,809 l don't pull the trigger. 80 00:05:56,877 --> 00:06:00,404 When a drunk driver takes out a family of four, l'm not behind the wheel. 81 00:06:00,481 --> 00:06:02,813 But when those people ask for my sister's help... 82 00:06:02,883 --> 00:06:05,943 you're not exactly lending a hand now, are you? 83 00:06:06,120 --> 00:06:07,519 Death can be tragic. 84 00:06:07,588 --> 00:06:11,490 Death can be unfair. But as much as we may all hate to admit it... 85 00:06:11,558 --> 00:06:15,426 death is inevitable. l'm merely helping fate get what it wants. 86 00:06:15,963 --> 00:06:18,454 And you're telling me this because? 87 00:06:18,999 --> 00:06:22,400 Because she listens to you. And you love her. 88 00:06:23,203 --> 00:06:26,434 And l know that you will find a way to make her stop. 89 00:06:26,807 --> 00:06:30,334 Stop saving the lives of people who are supposed to die. 90 00:06:30,744 --> 00:06:35,545 Stop messing with fate. And stop screwing with the order of the universe. 91 00:06:41,956 --> 00:06:44,823 Yeah. Okay. No. 92 00:06:46,193 --> 00:06:49,162 No, it's okay. Don't worry, l'll take care of it. 93 00:06:49,229 --> 00:06:50,526 l'll be right there. 94 00:06:50,597 --> 00:06:53,088 But she'll never stop, and l'll never ask her to. 95 00:06:53,167 --> 00:06:56,398 So do yourself a favour, friend. You stay the hell away from me... 96 00:06:56,470 --> 00:06:57,960 and my sister. 97 00:07:02,943 --> 00:07:06,140 We're gathered here today to celebrate the union of two people. 98 00:07:06,213 --> 00:07:09,376 Lindsay and Randall. Two people who have found each other... 99 00:07:09,450 --> 00:07:13,352 in a world where we rarely slow down to let ourselves be found. 100 00:07:13,754 --> 00:07:18,453 And to celebrate that love, the bride has asked her very good friend, Tru Davies... 101 00:07:18,525 --> 00:07:20,618 to read a passage today. Tru? 102 00:07:34,675 --> 00:07:38,111 ''l carry your heart with me (l carry it in my heart) 103 00:07:38,512 --> 00:07:41,777 ''l fear no fate (for you are my fate, my sweet) 104 00:07:42,549 --> 00:07:46,178 ''i want no world (for beautiful you are my world, my true) 105 00:07:46,520 --> 00:07:49,853 ''and it's you are whatever a moon has always meant 106 00:07:49,923 --> 00:07:52,892 ''and whatever a sun will always sing is you 107 00:07:56,997 --> 00:07:59,864 ''here is the deepest secret nobody knows'' 108 00:08:11,145 --> 00:08:13,170 Excuse me just a moment. 109 00:08:21,255 --> 00:08:24,850 -Your cell was off. There was no other-- -Davis, what's wrong? 110 00:08:25,292 --> 00:08:27,487 Your brother. He's been shot. 111 00:08:31,698 --> 00:08:34,496 -He's got bullet trauma, single entry. -Doesn't look good. 112 00:08:34,568 --> 00:08:37,503 Let's set up the rapid infusers, and get a truckload of O-Neg. 113 00:08:37,571 --> 00:08:41,507 Could be a hole through the anterior LV. Get the thoracic surgeon on call, stat! 114 00:08:41,575 --> 00:08:45,944 Get him to Trauma before he drains into the pleural cavity. Not a lot of time! 115 00:08:48,282 --> 00:08:49,613 God, Harrison! 116 00:08:49,883 --> 00:08:51,475 l'm his sister, what happened to him? 117 00:08:51,552 --> 00:08:54,316 EMT radioed ahead, they found him in a house on Bank Street. 118 00:08:54,388 --> 00:08:57,084 l'll ask. lf anything happens, l promise l'll ask. 119 00:08:57,157 --> 00:08:59,853 No, you are not gonna die. Do you hear me? You'll be fine. 120 00:08:59,927 --> 00:09:02,589 Let us do our job. That's all you can do. 121 00:09:18,946 --> 00:09:20,641 -Any word? -No. 122 00:09:24,985 --> 00:09:27,749 lt's okay. lt's Harrison. He's a fighter, you know? 123 00:09:27,821 --> 00:09:29,448 He's gonna be okay. 124 00:09:31,024 --> 00:09:33,083 l'm so sorry about the wedding. 125 00:09:33,160 --> 00:09:36,152 The wedding can wait. Lindsay belongs with you. 126 00:09:37,464 --> 00:09:40,490 Hello. l'm looking for a patient. Harrison Davies? 127 00:09:40,868 --> 00:09:41,960 Excuse me. 128 00:09:42,035 --> 00:09:44,765 l'm sorry, ma'am. He's still in surgery. 129 00:09:47,641 --> 00:09:49,768 l'm Harrison's sister. Do you know him? 130 00:09:49,843 --> 00:09:52,641 Not really. l was the one who called 911 . 131 00:09:52,713 --> 00:09:54,578 -He was shot. -Your were with him? 132 00:09:54,648 --> 00:09:58,106 No, l mean, it's my ex. 133 00:09:58,552 --> 00:10:00,520 He just gets so jealous. 134 00:10:00,854 --> 00:10:03,721 l am so sorry. l shouldn't have come here. 135 00:10:03,824 --> 00:10:07,783 -l just wanted to make sure he was okay. -Your ex? Who's.... Wait! 136 00:10:09,196 --> 00:10:10,254 Dad. 137 00:10:10,898 --> 00:10:12,729 l was in town for a meeting. 138 00:10:13,167 --> 00:10:15,829 They found my card in Harrison's wallet. 139 00:10:16,203 --> 00:10:18,398 He's hurt, Dad. lt's not good. 140 00:10:19,072 --> 00:10:21,131 We don't know anything yet. 141 00:10:22,042 --> 00:10:23,771 l'm gonna find the doctor. 142 00:10:23,844 --> 00:10:27,405 He's still in surgery. They just told me to wait here. 143 00:10:28,348 --> 00:10:30,009 Okay. We'll wait. 144 00:10:35,122 --> 00:10:36,350 Excuse me. 145 00:10:47,034 --> 00:10:48,023 Hey! 146 00:10:49,136 --> 00:10:52,469 l want you out of here right now! You are not welcome here! 147 00:10:52,539 --> 00:10:54,006 l came to see my friend. 148 00:10:54,074 --> 00:10:56,941 You had something to do with this, l know you did. 149 00:10:57,010 --> 00:10:59,501 This morning l went to your brother's place. 150 00:10:59,580 --> 00:11:03,277 Our conversation ended badly, so l called him to clarify. 151 00:11:03,584 --> 00:11:06,485 A paramedic answered the phone. l got worried. 152 00:11:07,654 --> 00:11:11,112 lf anything happens to him, l'm holding you responsible. 153 00:11:11,191 --> 00:11:13,785 Do you understand that? lt is on you! 154 00:11:14,294 --> 00:11:15,283 Tru 155 00:11:19,933 --> 00:11:22,231 -Tru, sweetheart. -No. 156 00:11:22,302 --> 00:11:24,862 They did everything that they could. 157 00:11:26,773 --> 00:11:27,762 No. 158 00:11:29,509 --> 00:11:31,568 -No, he can't be. -Tru! 159 00:11:44,324 --> 00:11:47,020 Talk to me. Talk to me, Harry! 160 00:11:47,227 --> 00:11:50,355 -Miss, you're not supposed to be in here. -He needs me. 161 00:11:50,430 --> 00:11:51,829 You said.... 162 00:11:54,067 --> 00:11:57,696 Harry, you always said you'd ask me. Please, l'm right here. 163 00:11:59,573 --> 00:12:01,040 Just ask me. 164 00:12:15,088 --> 00:12:16,851 Sweetheart, come on. 165 00:12:19,559 --> 00:12:21,754 l'll be waiting at the morgue. 166 00:12:23,397 --> 00:12:24,989 l won't leave you. 167 00:12:27,467 --> 00:12:29,435 l'm always by your side. 168 00:12:43,483 --> 00:12:44,472 Tru. 169 00:12:47,988 --> 00:12:49,683 You can't let him win. 170 00:12:56,630 --> 00:12:58,894 Hey, it's Tru. Leave a message. 171 00:12:58,965 --> 00:13:01,695 -Hey, it's Lindsay. Look, I know-- -Thank God! 172 00:13:01,768 --> 00:13:05,727 But I'm getting freaking married today. Can you believe that? 173 00:13:05,806 --> 00:13:07,569 Yeah, let's hope so. 174 00:13:17,384 --> 00:13:19,352 l'm only a few minutes-- 175 00:13:20,754 --> 00:13:22,153 lt's good to see you, too! 176 00:13:22,222 --> 00:13:25,817 l tried to reach you all morning. l called your house, l called your cell. 177 00:13:25,892 --> 00:13:27,291 l'm a heavy sleeper. What? 178 00:13:27,361 --> 00:13:31,229 -l went by your place. You weren't there. -Why? What's going on? 179 00:13:31,365 --> 00:13:33,833 Today isn't gonna be your day, Harrison. 180 00:13:33,900 --> 00:13:36,266 Today's the day that l'm gonna be a better man. 181 00:13:36,336 --> 00:13:38,770 -Today's the day that l'm gonna-- -Die. 182 00:13:43,110 --> 00:13:47,206 Let me get this straight. l'm dead, in the hospital, and l ask for your help? 183 00:13:47,280 --> 00:13:48,645 Fortunately, yeah. 184 00:13:48,715 --> 00:13:49,704 Wow. 185 00:13:51,151 --> 00:13:54,416 -So was Lindsay there? -What? 186 00:13:54,788 --> 00:13:57,188 Lindsay. Was she there at the hospital? 187 00:13:57,257 --> 00:14:00,658 Yeah, she postponed the wedding as soon as she heard you were shot. 188 00:14:00,727 --> 00:14:01,887 Okay. 189 00:14:02,996 --> 00:14:05,624 That is great! Yes! 190 00:14:05,966 --> 00:14:09,333 So, were people sad and, like, tears flowing and-- 191 00:14:09,403 --> 00:14:10,961 -Harrison. -What? 192 00:14:11,037 --> 00:14:15,098 Well, come on! How many times does a guy get to die and come back? 193 00:14:15,876 --> 00:14:17,138 Set the scene for me. 194 00:14:17,210 --> 00:14:19,940 l can set the scene for you, or l can keep you alive. 195 00:14:20,013 --> 00:14:23,210 -Which do you prefer? -Fine. 196 00:14:25,118 --> 00:14:28,713 Okay. First of all, who are you dating? 197 00:14:28,789 --> 00:14:30,381 Dating? No one. 198 00:14:30,457 --> 00:14:33,517 Wrong time to be coy, Harry. There was a woman at the hospital. 199 00:14:33,593 --> 00:14:36,585 Said you were shot by her jealous ex on Bank Street. 200 00:14:36,663 --> 00:14:38,961 Do you know anyone who lives on Bank Street? 201 00:14:39,032 --> 00:14:40,226 No one. 202 00:14:41,168 --> 00:14:45,264 Look, there's no girlfriend. There's no jealous exes. 203 00:14:45,338 --> 00:14:49,934 There's no Bank Street. Are you sure it was me who asked for help yesterday? 204 00:14:50,777 --> 00:14:54,076 Okay, we may not know why you were killed, but we know one thing. 205 00:14:54,147 --> 00:14:56,638 Your death is entirely preventable. 206 00:14:56,716 --> 00:14:59,947 So let me ask you this. On a scale of one to ten... 207 00:15:00,020 --> 00:15:02,215 how much weeping are we talking about here? 208 00:15:02,289 --> 00:15:06,248 Harrison, everything you did yesterday, we have to do differently today. 209 00:15:06,326 --> 00:15:08,123 Okay. So where to? 210 00:15:08,261 --> 00:15:10,991 The place you were least likely to be yesterday. 211 00:15:14,134 --> 00:15:17,160 How can you be so sure l wasn't here yesterday? 212 00:15:17,237 --> 00:15:20,570 Because the last book you read had pictures in it. 213 00:15:20,640 --> 00:15:22,405 That's a good point. Yeah. 214 00:15:22,539 --> 00:15:25,064 -l got here as fast as l could. -Hey. 215 00:15:31,481 --> 00:15:33,972 -What? -l'm so sorry. 216 00:15:34,217 --> 00:15:38,415 Please accept my condolences. You were so...young. 217 00:15:39,723 --> 00:15:42,453 Dude, l'm still alive. l died yesterday. 218 00:15:43,894 --> 00:15:45,987 Why don't we talk in private. 219 00:15:46,062 --> 00:15:48,553 This one's personal, but you're doing everything right. 220 00:15:48,632 --> 00:15:51,601 l can't think of any reason why you can't win this one. 221 00:15:51,668 --> 00:15:52,828 l can. 222 00:15:54,738 --> 00:15:58,504 Jack came by the hospital last night. You don't remember me telling you this... 223 00:15:58,575 --> 00:16:00,941 but yesterday he showed up at Harrison's apartment. 224 00:16:01,044 --> 00:16:03,103 You don't think Jack has anything to do with.... 225 00:16:03,180 --> 00:16:04,204 No, not yesterday. 226 00:16:04,281 --> 00:16:06,215 But if Jack is my opposite, then today.... 227 00:16:06,283 --> 00:16:08,717 He'll make sure that fate plays out the same way. 228 00:16:08,785 --> 00:16:11,948 Meaning, it's his job to make sure Harrison dies. 229 00:16:12,088 --> 00:16:14,852 Oops. Sorry. 230 00:16:15,859 --> 00:16:16,917 Hello. 231 00:16:16,993 --> 00:16:18,722 He seems to be handling it okay. 232 00:16:18,795 --> 00:16:23,357 He wanted an estimate of number of tears people shed last night, in gallons. 233 00:16:23,433 --> 00:16:26,732 Okay, don't worry. l'll take care of it. No, l'll be right there. 234 00:16:26,803 --> 00:16:29,533 Look, this is probably something you don't want to hear. 235 00:16:29,606 --> 00:16:33,337 -But there is someplace l need to be. -No way. Not a chance. 236 00:16:33,410 --> 00:16:36,174 Someone's in a jam and they need my help. lt's important. 237 00:16:36,246 --> 00:16:38,612 -No! -Probably called yesterday, too. 238 00:16:38,682 --> 00:16:43,085 Who is it, and what do they want? Need l remind you, you died yesterday. 239 00:16:45,989 --> 00:16:47,581 All right, look. 240 00:16:47,657 --> 00:16:52,026 This may sound stupid, but ever since Lindsay met this Randall guy... 241 00:16:52,095 --> 00:16:53,562 l took stock. 242 00:16:54,764 --> 00:16:58,165 And l'm tired of being the screw-up. 243 00:16:59,436 --> 00:17:03,668 Look, there's this Rec Centre around the corner from my place. 244 00:17:03,740 --> 00:17:06,436 They have all these sorts of programs for these kids. 245 00:17:06,509 --> 00:17:09,740 Well, the other day l just walk in to get change for the meter... 246 00:17:09,813 --> 00:17:12,338 and l walk out someone's big brother. 247 00:17:13,617 --> 00:17:16,518 -Who's the kid? -Ethan McCrane. 248 00:17:16,987 --> 00:17:19,387 His folks got divorced last year. 249 00:17:19,589 --> 00:17:22,956 Look, l may not know how it is to be a great dad... 250 00:17:23,026 --> 00:17:25,654 but l know how to survive without one. 251 00:17:26,229 --> 00:17:29,494 That's Ethan on the phone, and he got busted shoplifting. 252 00:17:29,566 --> 00:17:34,026 He's too afraid to call his mom, so unless an adult goes there to claim him... 253 00:17:34,104 --> 00:17:36,834 -the owner's gonna call the cops. -And where's the store? 254 00:17:36,906 --> 00:17:40,842 -lt's on Carver and Fifth. -lt's a good three miles from Bank Street. 255 00:17:42,012 --> 00:17:45,413 -You can go, but l'm coming with you. -Okay. Let's go. 256 00:17:45,482 --> 00:17:48,315 -See you, Morgue Man. -Are you coming? 257 00:17:48,385 --> 00:17:51,684 No. Go ahead and go. There's something l need to take care of. 258 00:17:51,755 --> 00:17:52,744 Ok. 259 00:18:02,265 --> 00:18:05,666 You took my seat. l was sitting there yesterday. 260 00:18:07,704 --> 00:18:11,196 l just wanted to let you know that Harrison won't be showing up today. 261 00:18:11,274 --> 00:18:14,710 Good old Tru. At least she's gonna make this sporting. 262 00:18:18,715 --> 00:18:21,775 So, why don't you tell me what you really want. 263 00:18:23,053 --> 00:18:24,953 l just want to hear it for myself. 264 00:18:25,021 --> 00:18:27,922 -What's that? -Who you are. What you can do. 265 00:18:29,326 --> 00:18:31,624 How you can live with yourself. 266 00:18:34,497 --> 00:18:36,294 l respect you, Davis. 267 00:18:36,900 --> 00:18:40,358 You're a man of science. You want answers, conclusions. 268 00:18:41,004 --> 00:18:42,369 So how's this? 269 00:18:42,439 --> 00:18:46,569 l preserve the order of the universe by ensuring the cycle of life. 270 00:18:46,843 --> 00:18:50,279 Fate already has a representative, Jack, and it is not you. 271 00:18:50,347 --> 00:18:53,976 Tru? Now this is where we're gonna have to agree to disagree. 272 00:18:54,050 --> 00:18:58,612 Because if Tru was serving fate, why does fate need me? 273 00:18:58,688 --> 00:19:01,953 -She helps people live. -Who were supposed to die! 274 00:19:03,827 --> 00:19:07,194 Don't you see? She can't win. 275 00:19:07,263 --> 00:19:10,630 You're wrong. l've seen her save people. She can win. 276 00:19:10,700 --> 00:19:14,329 Yes. You've seen her outfox killers... 277 00:19:14,404 --> 00:19:17,703 talk people off ledges, and quite capably, l might add. 278 00:19:17,774 --> 00:19:21,835 But if you think that's the end of the story, you're missing the best part. 279 00:19:21,911 --> 00:19:23,310 What's that? 280 00:19:24,981 --> 00:19:27,211 l think we'll save that for another time. 281 00:19:27,283 --> 00:19:29,615 Wouldn't want to blow all my best material at once. 282 00:19:29,686 --> 00:19:31,984 But it's good to see you, boss. 283 00:19:32,522 --> 00:19:35,013 Tell Harrison l'll catch him later. 284 00:19:37,761 --> 00:19:40,252 lf l see him in my place again, l'll call the cops. 285 00:19:40,330 --> 00:19:43,060 Yes, sir. Not a problem. Come on, buddy. 286 00:19:47,270 --> 00:19:51,502 lf you're hungry, you call me. l'm, like, VIP at all the restaurants in town. 287 00:19:51,574 --> 00:19:55,271 Forget candy bars. l'm talking steak and tiramisu. 288 00:19:56,913 --> 00:20:01,077 This is my sister. She's cool. She's.... Well, she looks out for me. 289 00:20:01,718 --> 00:20:04,243 -Kind of how l look out for you. -Hi, Ethan. 290 00:20:04,320 --> 00:20:05,309 Hi. 291 00:20:05,622 --> 00:20:08,455 -You're not gonna tell my mother, are you? -Not a chance! 292 00:20:08,525 --> 00:20:10,049 -You are. -What? 293 00:20:10,927 --> 00:20:13,953 Yeah, we'll take you home. Where do you live? 294 00:20:14,564 --> 00:20:19,058 lt's a few blocks. l can go on my own. Come on, buddy, just tell me where. 295 00:20:19,402 --> 00:20:21,870 Fine. l live on Bank Street. 296 00:20:22,105 --> 00:20:25,165 But she's probably not even home from work yet. 297 00:20:25,442 --> 00:20:28,878 -Did you say Bank Street? -Yeah, 95 Bank Street. 298 00:20:30,647 --> 00:20:33,912 Ethan, do you think your mom would mind picking you up at my office? 299 00:20:36,419 --> 00:20:40,116 Why don't you guys wait in Sign-ln until Ethan's mom gets here? 300 00:20:40,190 --> 00:20:43,421 -Where you going? -l hear Davis in the crypt. l'll be right back. 301 00:20:43,493 --> 00:20:46,155 And just do me a favour? Don't play with anything. 302 00:20:46,229 --> 00:20:48,823 -l won't. -l was talking to him. 303 00:20:52,335 --> 00:20:53,324 Davis. 304 00:20:54,170 --> 00:20:58,573 Sorry if l got your hopes up. l just came by to give my two-week notice. 305 00:20:59,142 --> 00:21:03,545 Don't bother. Davis took you off payroll once we realized you were Death. 306 00:21:03,613 --> 00:21:07,276 l'm not Death, Tru. l don't determine who lives or dies. 307 00:21:07,350 --> 00:21:11,343 lt's my job to bring a little order to the universe. 308 00:21:11,588 --> 00:21:14,887 Which means today your job is to make sure my brother dies. 309 00:21:14,958 --> 00:21:18,724 -l take no pleasure in that. -Oh, l'm sure. Later, Jack. 310 00:21:23,166 --> 00:21:25,066 What if l let him live? 311 00:21:28,938 --> 00:21:32,066 For a guy who claims he isn't Death, you sure talk a good game. 312 00:21:32,141 --> 00:21:35,133 l like your brother. l'd hate to see him die. 313 00:21:35,578 --> 00:21:39,878 l'd hate to see you see him die...again. 314 00:21:41,518 --> 00:21:43,748 Death's Top 10 Come-Ons. 315 00:21:43,820 --> 00:21:47,187 Number 10: promise to spare the life of a relative. 316 00:21:47,257 --> 00:21:49,282 l also hate reliving days. 317 00:21:49,759 --> 00:21:53,354 l mean, the first time was cool, but after that, dull as dishwater. 318 00:21:53,429 --> 00:21:57,024 Number nine: bitch about the job, and then invite her back to your place... 319 00:21:57,100 --> 00:21:58,658 to see your new black robe. 320 00:21:58,735 --> 00:22:01,431 You know what l hate more than anything? 321 00:22:02,238 --> 00:22:04,934 The way you're looking at me right now. 322 00:22:08,711 --> 00:22:11,612 So l won't stand in the way of you saving Harrison. 323 00:22:11,681 --> 00:22:13,546 -lf? -lf you stop. 324 00:22:15,618 --> 00:22:18,917 The next time someone asks for your help, ignore it. 325 00:22:19,722 --> 00:22:22,885 lf your day should rewind, have fun. 326 00:22:23,226 --> 00:22:27,162 But don't save the life of someone whose time is up. 327 00:22:29,265 --> 00:22:32,723 -Think about it. -l don't have to think about it, Jack. 328 00:22:33,202 --> 00:22:36,433 l can save my brother and anyone else who needs me. 329 00:22:36,506 --> 00:22:38,906 ls that how you think this works? 330 00:22:39,509 --> 00:22:44,105 When you save someone who's supposed to die, there are consequences. 331 00:22:44,714 --> 00:22:48,411 The universe keeps very strict accounts, Tru. 332 00:22:48,484 --> 00:22:51,681 And what you're doing is messing with the books. 333 00:22:52,922 --> 00:22:56,551 So if you save Harrison, the one certainty is... 334 00:22:56,626 --> 00:23:00,995 someone else is gonna die today in his place. 335 00:23:01,064 --> 00:23:04,830 -lt doesn't work like that. -l guess we'll see. 336 00:23:06,536 --> 00:23:10,495 Twelve hours till midnight. And l'm sitting on the edge of my seat... 337 00:23:10,573 --> 00:23:15,306 because l know someone's gonna die today. Could be anyone. 338 00:23:16,980 --> 00:23:18,470 -lt could be you. -Or you. 339 00:23:18,548 --> 00:23:21,073 -l guess we'll see. -l guess we will. 340 00:23:23,653 --> 00:23:25,951 Say goodbye to Harrison for me. 341 00:23:27,056 --> 00:23:30,025 Read into that any way you'd like. 342 00:23:45,408 --> 00:23:47,342 Yes! That's good! 343 00:23:47,944 --> 00:23:50,879 -Mom. -There you are. Ethan. 344 00:23:53,082 --> 00:23:56,518 You can always call me, no matter what. You understand? 345 00:23:56,586 --> 00:24:00,022 Hi, l'm Harrison. l know we only spoke on-- 346 00:24:00,089 --> 00:24:02,990 On the phone. Right. lt's nice to meet you. 347 00:24:03,259 --> 00:24:07,218 -Well, what can l say? Thank you so much. -Oh, no problem. 348 00:24:07,730 --> 00:24:08,924 Emma. 349 00:24:09,265 --> 00:24:13,031 -Hi. Have we met? -No, l'm Tru, Harrison's sister. 350 00:24:13,670 --> 00:24:15,968 Hey, Harry, you want to just give us a sec? 351 00:24:16,039 --> 00:24:17,028 Oh, yeah. 352 00:24:18,775 --> 00:24:20,766 Girl talk. Dude, come on. 353 00:24:22,378 --> 00:24:24,141 He worships your brother. 354 00:24:24,213 --> 00:24:28,172 All l've heard for the last week is, ''Harrison this, Harrison that.'' 355 00:24:28,251 --> 00:24:30,981 lt must be really tough raising him on your own. 356 00:24:31,054 --> 00:24:33,887 Yeah. His father and l split up six months ago. 357 00:24:33,956 --> 00:24:37,084 Harrison may be the first stable role model he's ever had. 358 00:24:37,160 --> 00:24:39,355 Not exactly Donnie's strong suit. 359 00:24:39,429 --> 00:24:41,863 -Being a role model? -Being stable. 360 00:24:46,002 --> 00:24:48,402 Could you just excuse me one sec? 361 00:24:52,742 --> 00:24:56,610 Emma's got a jealous ex. But she and Harrison never even met until today. 362 00:24:56,679 --> 00:24:59,876 -He must've taken Ethan home and-- -Wrong place, wrong time. Right. 363 00:24:59,949 --> 00:25:03,749 You're doing everything you need to do. Keeping Harrison away from Bank Street. 364 00:25:03,820 --> 00:25:05,754 -What about them? -They're safe. 365 00:25:05,822 --> 00:25:09,690 The only person in danger is the guy he thinks is sleeping with his ex-wife. 366 00:25:09,759 --> 00:25:12,250 lt still couldn't hurt to keep an eye on the house. 367 00:25:12,328 --> 00:25:14,091 But wait, Davis. You? 368 00:25:14,997 --> 00:25:16,658 From across the street. 369 00:25:16,733 --> 00:25:20,931 lf there's any real work to be done l'll call you. l'm not doing that stuff. 370 00:25:21,003 --> 00:25:22,732 l'll see you later. 371 00:25:26,976 --> 00:25:29,638 Tru, you were awesome! You did it! 372 00:25:30,780 --> 00:25:33,442 You saved me! l knew it! l always knew you could do it. 373 00:25:33,516 --> 00:25:35,677 Hey, we're not out of the woods yet, Har. 374 00:25:35,752 --> 00:25:39,848 Come on! You said it yourself. Stay away from Bank Street and l am bullet-free. 375 00:25:39,922 --> 00:25:42,516 So what's next? 'Cause l'm starving. 376 00:25:42,792 --> 00:25:46,023 This whole dying and coming back thing really works on my appetite. 377 00:25:46,095 --> 00:25:49,360 Stop! Listen to me! Look, you don't remember yesterday. 378 00:25:49,432 --> 00:25:53,425 You don't have to, but l do. l stood over your body. Your dead body. 379 00:25:53,503 --> 00:25:56,802 And l will not lose you again, do you understand me? 380 00:25:57,907 --> 00:26:00,398 Yeah, sure. Whatever. 381 00:26:02,078 --> 00:26:04,979 So let's go. l'm taking you somewhere safe. 382 00:26:05,715 --> 00:26:08,149 Safe? What could be safer than a morgue? 383 00:26:09,619 --> 00:26:13,350 We're gathered here today to celebrate the union of two people. 384 00:26:13,422 --> 00:26:17,859 FYI. Given a choice between death and attending my ex's wedding... 385 00:26:18,561 --> 00:26:20,028 l might have chosen death. 386 00:26:20,096 --> 00:26:21,927 And in celebration of that love... 387 00:26:21,998 --> 00:26:26,731 the bride has asked her friend, Tru Davies, to read for us a passage today. Tru? 388 00:26:28,004 --> 00:26:30,802 -l'll be right back. -l'll be right here. 389 00:26:40,449 --> 00:26:42,110 -What's his name? -Stop it, Donnie. 390 00:26:42,185 --> 00:26:45,450 -We've been through this many times. -We've been divorced six months. 391 00:26:45,521 --> 00:26:46,988 You already found a replacement? 392 00:26:47,056 --> 00:26:49,422 You know how crazy this is? How crazy you sound? 393 00:26:49,492 --> 00:26:51,016 -Who is he? -There's no one! 394 00:26:51,093 --> 00:26:54,426 l haven't been out on a date since high school, and that was with you. 395 00:26:54,497 --> 00:26:56,829 -Don't lie to me, Emma ! -Oh, my God! 396 00:26:56,899 --> 00:26:58,890 Would you stop that and put that away. 397 00:26:58,968 --> 00:27:00,959 -My buddy saw him. -Daddy? 398 00:27:01,871 --> 00:27:04,840 Hey, Eth. l didn't know you were.... 399 00:27:06,175 --> 00:27:10,612 -Mommy and Daddy, we were just talking. -You should leave, Donnie. Now. 400 00:27:11,013 --> 00:27:12,002 Yeah. 401 00:27:12,615 --> 00:27:16,051 Hey, look, Daddy's gonna come see you real soon, okay? 402 00:27:18,421 --> 00:27:21,356 l'm gonna find this guy. Don't think l won't. 403 00:27:21,657 --> 00:27:23,249 Goodbye, Donnie. 404 00:27:29,332 --> 00:27:30,526 Hey, honey. 405 00:27:34,604 --> 00:27:36,196 Watch where you're going. 406 00:27:36,272 --> 00:27:39,366 l know where l'm going. The question is, do you? 407 00:27:40,009 --> 00:27:44,036 -What the hell's that supposed to mean? -Donnie McCrane? 408 00:27:44,113 --> 00:27:46,638 -Yeah? -Jack Harper. 409 00:27:46,716 --> 00:27:49,810 Sacred Heart Basketball League! Come on, l was the point guard. 410 00:27:49,886 --> 00:27:54,255 We beat St. Anthony's for 30 points back in '91 . You must remember. 411 00:27:54,323 --> 00:27:56,553 Sorry, Jack? No. 412 00:27:56,826 --> 00:27:59,488 Hey, l was sorry to hear about your divorce, man. 413 00:27:59,562 --> 00:28:02,827 Some of the guys were talking about it. l've been through it myself. 414 00:28:02,899 --> 00:28:04,161 lt sucks, doesn't it? 415 00:28:04,233 --> 00:28:07,964 They leave you for some young stud, and we get left paying the bills. 416 00:28:08,037 --> 00:28:10,835 Anyway, l was sorry to hear it. But keep your chin up. 417 00:28:10,907 --> 00:28:13,808 You're a much better-looking guy than he is. 418 00:28:16,545 --> 00:28:18,206 Hey. You know him? 419 00:28:19,582 --> 00:28:22,949 -You know the guy Emma's seeing? -Know him? Oh, yeah. 420 00:28:23,185 --> 00:28:26,348 Not only that, l know where he is right now. 421 00:28:40,503 --> 00:28:44,564 Come on, Tru. Pick up the phone. Pick it up. Come on. 422 00:28:46,042 --> 00:28:48,272 -Sorry, Davis. -Give me that! 423 00:28:48,344 --> 00:28:50,437 This is between me and Tru. 424 00:28:59,855 --> 00:29:02,187 ''here is the deepest secret nobody knows 425 00:29:02,258 --> 00:29:05,489 ''and this is the wonder that's keeping the stars apart 426 00:29:05,828 --> 00:29:08,820 ''i carry your heart (i carry it in my heart)'' 427 00:29:32,888 --> 00:29:35,982 l can't tell you how surprised l was to see you. 428 00:29:36,625 --> 00:29:39,651 Lindsay called, and she said she hadn't heard from you all day. 429 00:29:39,729 --> 00:29:44,098 She had a nagging suspicion her best friend was gonna go stag to her wedding. 430 00:29:44,867 --> 00:29:48,667 Well, that's why she's my best friend. She knows what l want. 431 00:29:54,276 --> 00:29:58,076 lt can't be easy for him, seeing Lindsay marry somebody else. 432 00:29:58,314 --> 00:30:00,612 lt beats the alternative. 433 00:30:00,816 --> 00:30:03,084 -What's that? -lt's a long story. 434 00:30:04,219 --> 00:30:06,119 l'm not going anywhere. 435 00:30:07,589 --> 00:30:09,989 You haven't heard the story yet. 436 00:30:13,495 --> 00:30:16,225 Okay. l promised you answers. 437 00:30:16,731 --> 00:30:20,189 Explanations that are long overdue. 438 00:30:20,468 --> 00:30:21,594 So here goes. 439 00:30:25,006 --> 00:30:27,975 Harrison's here today because l'm saving his life. 440 00:30:28,176 --> 00:30:30,076 You're saving his life? 441 00:30:30,679 --> 00:30:34,445 Yesterday he was shot, and he died. 442 00:30:34,916 --> 00:30:38,875 He asked for my help, and my day restarted, and so l'm helping him... 443 00:30:38,954 --> 00:30:43,414 because that's what l do. l help people live who aren't ready to die. 444 00:30:45,493 --> 00:30:50,123 And when we were together, if l ever showed up late, or ran off early... 445 00:30:50,198 --> 00:30:53,964 or acted in some inexplicable way, it was because someone needed me. 446 00:30:54,035 --> 00:30:56,697 -Because someone needed my-- -Your help. 447 00:30:56,771 --> 00:30:57,931 Right. 448 00:30:59,174 --> 00:31:02,803 And l never told you this before, because l know how it sounds... 449 00:31:03,311 --> 00:31:07,543 but l can do all of those things. Every one of them. 450 00:31:08,183 --> 00:31:12,142 Excuse me, everyone. Before we move inside for dinner... 451 00:31:12,621 --> 00:31:14,714 l would like to make a toast... 452 00:31:14,789 --> 00:31:18,225 to my beautiful bride, Lindsay... 453 00:31:19,227 --> 00:31:20,216 who has-- 454 00:31:20,295 --> 00:31:21,489 Luc. Luc. 455 00:31:21,563 --> 00:31:22,757 accepted me for who l am. 456 00:31:24,332 --> 00:31:27,324 And has made my life richer because of it. 457 00:31:29,571 --> 00:31:32,335 -To Lindsay. -Hear, hear. 458 00:31:36,077 --> 00:31:37,066 Harrison. 459 00:31:40,982 --> 00:31:43,644 Look, l told you, buddy. l didn't sleep with your wife. 460 00:31:43,718 --> 00:31:46,243 -That's not what l heard. -l'm telling you the truth! 461 00:31:46,321 --> 00:31:48,812 -Honest! Ask anybody! Ask-- -Your son! 462 00:31:48,890 --> 00:31:50,016 Who are you? 463 00:31:50,091 --> 00:31:52,355 Someone who knows the same thing that Ethan does. 464 00:31:52,427 --> 00:31:55,692 My brother met your ex-wife for the first time today. 465 00:31:55,830 --> 00:31:58,628 You may not believe me, but you have to believe your son. 466 00:31:58,700 --> 00:32:01,692 Look, you're mixed up. l get it. 467 00:32:01,770 --> 00:32:05,001 l just had to watch the woman l love marry another man. 468 00:32:05,073 --> 00:32:09,134 Okay, l know how you feel, but l'm not the guy you're looking for. 469 00:32:13,548 --> 00:32:14,742 Honest. 470 00:32:18,553 --> 00:32:21,283 You better both be telling me the truth. 471 00:32:29,798 --> 00:32:31,425 -lt's okay. -Yeah. 472 00:32:33,868 --> 00:32:38,532 Do me a favour and keep an eye on him. There's just one more thing l gotta do. 473 00:33:06,434 --> 00:33:10,928 -That's a little harsh, don't you think? -Actually, l'm not so sure it is. 474 00:33:11,806 --> 00:33:14,798 Let me guess. She's in love with someone else. 475 00:33:16,945 --> 00:33:19,038 l wish it were that simple. 476 00:33:22,183 --> 00:33:26,313 -l can see you need some alone time, so-- -She seemed so normal at first. 477 00:33:26,388 --> 00:33:29,016 l mean, she's pretty and smart and.... 478 00:33:29,991 --> 00:33:31,982 You know what? Forget it. 479 00:33:33,661 --> 00:33:34,650 Hey. 480 00:33:34,996 --> 00:33:36,623 Sorry for prying. 481 00:33:37,198 --> 00:33:41,362 Okay, no, how about this? And l can't believe l'm even repeating it. 482 00:33:42,504 --> 00:33:44,995 She thinks dead people talk to her. 483 00:33:45,240 --> 00:33:48,175 -Yeah, she thinks that she-- -Relives days. 484 00:33:51,012 --> 00:33:54,413 -How did you know that? -She told me, too. This morning. 485 00:33:54,482 --> 00:33:56,541 lt was a practice run for you, l think. 486 00:33:56,618 --> 00:34:00,816 -And, yeah, it did sound crazy at first. -Yeah. 487 00:34:00,889 --> 00:34:05,519 Until l got some proof. And suddenly it didn't seem so crazy. 488 00:34:05,593 --> 00:34:08,221 lt sounded miraculous. 489 00:34:09,097 --> 00:34:11,088 -You got proof? -Oh, yeah. 490 00:34:11,433 --> 00:34:15,767 Tru sent me to talk to this woman, Emma. She lives over on Bank Street. 491 00:34:15,837 --> 00:34:19,705 -95 Bank Street. -And what did she tell you, Emma? 492 00:34:20,008 --> 00:34:23,500 Well, l'm not really sure l can do it justice... 493 00:34:24,245 --> 00:34:27,009 but somehow she made everything clear. 494 00:34:28,983 --> 00:34:31,713 Don't take my word for it. Just go talk to her yourself. 495 00:34:31,786 --> 00:34:33,447 l don't know, man. 496 00:34:35,590 --> 00:34:37,251 -Bank Street? -Yeah. 497 00:34:38,960 --> 00:34:41,451 Yeah. Why not. 498 00:34:43,198 --> 00:34:45,496 The things we do for love, huh? 499 00:34:45,567 --> 00:34:49,503 And this Emma is a bit of an odd bird. 500 00:34:49,571 --> 00:34:53,837 She tends to be more talkative if you go over there without being empty-handed. 501 00:34:53,908 --> 00:34:56,342 You know what l'm saying? Learn from my mistake. 502 00:34:56,411 --> 00:34:58,140 Flowers. Not candy. 503 00:34:59,347 --> 00:35:00,507 Women. 504 00:35:02,817 --> 00:35:06,913 -Great. Thanks, Jack. -Any time. 505 00:35:21,569 --> 00:35:23,799 So, your brother's gonna live. 506 00:35:24,205 --> 00:35:26,833 Yes, he is. No thanks to you. 507 00:35:28,910 --> 00:35:33,574 -Would it ring hollow to say l'm glad? -Would it ring hollow to say l don't care? 508 00:35:34,382 --> 00:35:37,010 Unfortunately, someone still has to die today. 509 00:35:37,085 --> 00:35:39,849 Try not to sound so broken up about it, Jack. 510 00:35:39,954 --> 00:35:42,548 l'm really sorry, Tru. Like l said... 511 00:35:42,857 --> 00:35:47,590 there are parts of my job that sometimes don't make me feel good about myself. 512 00:35:58,740 --> 00:36:02,369 -What did you do to him? -l didn't do anything. You did. 513 00:36:02,744 --> 00:36:06,703 You told him who you are. l just told him where he could get proof. 514 00:36:15,590 --> 00:36:18,684 Emma? Come on, open up. Look, l'm sorry. 515 00:36:22,430 --> 00:36:26,093 Ethan? You guys home? Hello? 516 00:36:36,244 --> 00:36:37,370 Safe? What? 517 00:36:37,445 --> 00:36:38,434 [knocking on door] 518 00:36:41,950 --> 00:36:45,442 -Can l help you? -Yeah, l'm looking for Emma. 519 00:36:45,520 --> 00:36:48,683 -She's not here right now. And you are? -l'm Luc. 520 00:36:53,061 --> 00:36:54,528 Nice flowers. 521 00:36:56,064 --> 00:37:00,558 -You a friend of Emma's, Luc? -No, actually we've never even met before. 522 00:37:01,903 --> 00:37:05,634 Okay, why don't we try this again, and how about the truth this time? 523 00:37:05,707 --> 00:37:08,198 Are you a friend of my wife's, Luc? 524 00:37:18,286 --> 00:37:21,517 -l think there's been some kind of mistake. -Yeah, and you made it. 525 00:37:21,589 --> 00:37:25,286 Was it worth it? l know she's good, but was she worth your life, Luc? 526 00:37:25,360 --> 00:37:29,694 l understand that you are upset, but l have never met your wife before. 527 00:37:29,764 --> 00:37:33,598 Then why do l see you, the two of you, in my bed, and it makes me sick! 528 00:37:33,668 --> 00:37:36,603 -lt makes me want to-- -No, Donnie, please! Put the gun down. 529 00:37:36,671 --> 00:37:38,502 -Listen to me. -He's sleeping with her. 530 00:37:38,573 --> 00:37:42,339 -No, he's not. lt's all a misunderstanding. -Tru, get out of here. 531 00:37:42,410 --> 00:37:44,935 Donnie, please listen to me. We'll all talk this out. 532 00:37:45,013 --> 00:37:47,004 -l can't lose her. -Now, l can handle this! 533 00:37:47,081 --> 00:37:49,811 -Donnie, don't do this! -Tru, get out of here! Tru, go! 534 00:37:49,884 --> 00:37:52,580 -l'm so sorry. -Please! Donnie, don't do this. 535 00:37:52,654 --> 00:37:54,554 Please, no! Donnie, no! 536 00:38:18,579 --> 00:38:20,479 Luc. Look at me. 537 00:38:20,882 --> 00:38:23,646 -You're okay. -l'm sorry, l didn't believe you. 538 00:38:23,718 --> 00:38:26,243 No, Luc. Come on, it's gonna be fine. l'll get help. 539 00:38:26,321 --> 00:38:28,846 Just stay with me. Look at me, okay? 540 00:38:31,993 --> 00:38:33,585 l love you, Tru. 541 00:38:34,362 --> 00:38:37,763 No, please, don't, Luc. Please just stay with me. 542 00:38:37,832 --> 00:38:41,029 You're gonna be fine. Look at me. 543 00:38:41,669 --> 00:38:43,102 Look at me, please! 544 00:38:45,440 --> 00:38:46,429 Luc. 545 00:38:48,943 --> 00:38:51,707 Luc, come on, please don't. 546 00:39:18,339 --> 00:39:22,673 ln certain hope of the resurrection to eternal life through our Lord... 547 00:39:22,744 --> 00:39:26,737 we commend to almighty God our brother Luc Johnston. 548 00:39:26,981 --> 00:39:29,575 And we commit his body to the ground. 549 00:39:30,284 --> 00:39:34,516 Earth to earth, ashes to ashes, dust to dust. 550 00:39:35,656 --> 00:39:37,988 The Lord bless him and keep him. 551 00:39:38,292 --> 00:39:42,956 The Lord make his face to shine upon him, and be gracious unto him... 552 00:39:43,698 --> 00:39:46,064 and give him peace. Amen. 553 00:40:10,057 --> 00:40:11,718 l owe you my life. 554 00:40:14,429 --> 00:40:15,760 Thank you. 555 00:40:17,632 --> 00:40:20,965 ls there any chance that he'll ask? 556 00:40:23,738 --> 00:40:27,401 Don't know. Don't think so. 557 00:40:39,921 --> 00:40:41,821 -Wait here. -Don't, Tru. 558 00:40:49,831 --> 00:40:51,799 l take no pleasure from being right. 559 00:40:51,866 --> 00:40:54,357 lt's my turn to talk, so listen up. 560 00:40:55,203 --> 00:40:58,297 My mother had the calling, and she passed it on to me. 561 00:40:58,372 --> 00:41:02,331 lf you think for one minute that l'm ever gonna stop, you're wrong. 562 00:41:03,110 --> 00:41:05,908 So you'd better watch your back, buddy, because it's on. 563 00:41:05,980 --> 00:41:09,973 You should know one thing. This is bigger than you think. 564 00:41:10,051 --> 00:41:14,545 And you should know one thing. You have no idea what you've begun. 565 00:41:46,988 --> 00:41:48,580 l love you, too. 566 00:42:01,969 --> 00:42:03,163 Get in. 567 00:42:09,043 --> 00:42:11,773 So, tell me, what does my daughter know? 568 00:42:12,346 --> 00:42:14,576 Nice to see you, too, Richard. 569 00:42:15,983 --> 00:42:18,918 Why don't l start with what she doesn't know. 570 00:42:19,120 --> 00:42:21,247 That you once did what l do. 571 00:42:23,190 --> 00:42:26,455 She's tough. You'll have your work cut out for you. 572 00:42:27,261 --> 00:42:30,924 -Just like l had with her mother. -You won that one, didn't you? 573 00:42:31,299 --> 00:42:33,733 Besides, l love a challenge. 574 00:42:37,171 --> 00:42:41,335 Well, Jack, l believe you've got one.