1 00:00:01,001 --> 00:00:02,832 Then they called me this frat guy... 2 00:00:02,936 --> 00:00:05,996 and l was like, ''No, baby. Pay me.'' 3 00:00:07,374 --> 00:00:09,308 Yeah, it's a damn good thing, too. 4 00:00:09,376 --> 00:00:12,368 'Cause l was into my boy, Chaz, for four bills. 5 00:00:13,279 --> 00:00:16,806 You know, l've been thinking about getting my nipples pierced. 6 00:00:17,183 --> 00:00:20,118 -That's great, Harrison. -Earth to sis. 7 00:00:20,186 --> 00:00:21,949 Have you been listening to me? 8 00:00:22,022 --> 00:00:24,684 -What's going on? -Trust me. 9 00:00:24,758 --> 00:00:27,352 You don't want to know. - l do want to know. 10 00:00:27,427 --> 00:00:30,692 I am all about wanting to know. Tru? 11 00:00:35,268 --> 00:00:37,236 Tru, what are you doing? 12 00:00:39,773 --> 00:00:42,298 What the hell do you think you're doing? 13 00:00:42,409 --> 00:00:45,173 l was just.... Didn't you see that car coming right at you? 14 00:00:45,245 --> 00:00:47,713 All day with the questions and the sneaking around. 15 00:00:47,781 --> 00:00:50,909 -Are you stalking me? -Ma'am, l swear, l was just trying to help. 16 00:00:50,984 --> 00:00:53,043 Help me write down your name and number. 17 00:00:53,119 --> 00:00:55,679 l'm sure my attorney will want to talk to you. 18 00:00:55,755 --> 00:00:57,882 Obviously you'll believe what you want... 19 00:00:57,957 --> 00:01:01,620 but l just helped you more than you know. - l don't need your help. 20 00:01:02,629 --> 00:01:03,721 I do. 21 00:01:07,700 --> 00:01:08,860 l do. 22 00:01:12,172 --> 00:01:13,139 l do. 23 00:01:16,342 --> 00:01:17,468 l do. 24 00:01:19,546 --> 00:01:20,740 Come in. 25 00:01:23,650 --> 00:01:25,049 What are you.... 26 00:01:41,167 --> 00:01:42,191 Help me. 27 00:02:13,666 --> 00:02:15,566 God, what are you doing? 28 00:02:17,403 --> 00:02:18,961 We need to talk. 29 00:02:19,105 --> 00:02:22,541 We're not really gonna have this conversation again, are we? 30 00:02:23,176 --> 00:02:24,973 l think we have to. 31 00:02:25,445 --> 00:02:29,575 You should've seen yourself the other day. And the way people were looking at you. 32 00:02:29,649 --> 00:02:32,584 l saved someone's life. l don't really care what people think. 33 00:02:32,652 --> 00:02:36,782 lt's getting out of hand. And l need a real explanation, okay? 34 00:02:36,856 --> 00:02:40,053 Not this crap about do-over days... 35 00:02:40,126 --> 00:02:42,185 and damsels in distress. 36 00:02:43,863 --> 00:02:47,697 What you're claiming, it's not possible. lt's not. 37 00:02:48,301 --> 00:02:50,326 And now you're putting yourself in danger... 38 00:02:50,436 --> 00:02:52,734 and risking your life over people who don't care... 39 00:02:52,805 --> 00:02:55,035 over something that's not even real. 40 00:02:55,108 --> 00:02:56,632 Come on. 41 00:02:56,743 --> 00:02:58,677 Did you see where the guy who was here went? 42 00:02:58,745 --> 00:03:00,144 -Nope. -Sorry. 43 00:03:00,213 --> 00:03:03,944 What kind of person skips out on a bill of $7.32? 44 00:03:04,017 --> 00:03:05,644 It comes out of my pay. 45 00:03:05,718 --> 00:03:08,380 Look, we've been over this before. And you know what? 46 00:03:08,454 --> 00:03:11,014 l'm done talking about it. Obviously nothing l say... 47 00:03:11,090 --> 00:03:15,083 is gonna convince you, so l'm just gonna have to find a way to show you... 48 00:03:15,628 --> 00:03:18,153 once and for all, this is real. 49 00:03:27,440 --> 00:03:29,931 Come on, don't you people have jobs? 50 00:03:38,851 --> 00:03:42,309 Hi, you're here early. - Actually, l just came by... 51 00:03:42,388 --> 00:03:45,789 to see if you wanna grab a bite to eat, or maybe just hang out. 52 00:03:45,992 --> 00:03:48,859 Hang out? As in me and you? 53 00:03:49,929 --> 00:03:52,397 Yeah. lt's just.... 54 00:03:52,899 --> 00:03:55,925 Sometimes l feel like you're the only one who gets me. 55 00:03:56,035 --> 00:03:59,630 Who understands what's going on in my life. My brother.... 56 00:03:59,739 --> 00:04:01,570 He still doesn't buy it? - No. 57 00:04:01,641 --> 00:04:04,542 He believes boxing's legit and Tupac's alive... 58 00:04:04,611 --> 00:04:08,012 but he can't seem to wrap his head around this one. So what do you say? 59 00:04:08,081 --> 00:04:10,015 -Just a half hour? -Yeah. 60 00:04:12,218 --> 00:04:13,446 Hello? 61 00:04:14,454 --> 00:04:15,546 What? 62 00:04:16,155 --> 00:04:19,249 Oh, my God. l'll be right there. lt's my sister. 63 00:04:24,530 --> 00:04:26,225 Oh, man. The ball! 64 00:04:28,735 --> 00:04:30,726 Get it! Come on! 65 00:04:32,939 --> 00:04:35,772 -Meredith, you all right? -Yeah, l'll get better. 66 00:04:36,509 --> 00:04:40,070 -My car, not so much. -Forget about your car. Let me see. 67 00:04:42,548 --> 00:04:44,243 Are we done? - One minute. 68 00:04:44,317 --> 00:04:48,117 Relax, Mere. Just tell me what happened. - l had this appointment... 69 00:04:48,187 --> 00:04:51,156 running late because of all the construction on the highway. 70 00:04:51,224 --> 00:04:54,887 -Then this guy just pulls out of nowhere. -ls there anything l can do? 71 00:04:54,961 --> 00:04:57,555 -Do you need me to call someone? -No, it just.... 72 00:04:57,630 --> 00:04:59,655 l missed my appointment. lt doesn't matter. 73 00:04:59,732 --> 00:05:02,530 Let me see. - l'm sure your office will understand. 74 00:05:02,635 --> 00:05:05,263 l got to get my stuff out of my car before they take-- 75 00:05:05,371 --> 00:05:08,340 You just finish getting patched up. l'll take care of it. 76 00:05:22,088 --> 00:05:23,851 Appointments. Right. 77 00:05:44,043 --> 00:05:45,237 Thanks. 78 00:05:47,246 --> 00:05:49,976 Odd part of town for you to have an appointment. 79 00:05:50,049 --> 00:05:54,179 Didn't you used to come down here to make a different kind of deal? 80 00:05:54,554 --> 00:05:56,385 Yes. Used to. 81 00:05:57,523 --> 00:06:01,823 l really don't appreciate the implication that this had anything to do with drugs. 82 00:06:02,128 --> 00:06:04,187 Look, sorry, Mere. lt's just.... 83 00:06:04,464 --> 00:06:08,025 -Don't be afraid to ask for help. -l am not afraid to ask for help. 84 00:06:08,134 --> 00:06:10,967 l called you after the accident, didn't l? 85 00:06:20,446 --> 00:06:23,108 ls everything okay with your sister? - Yeah, maybe. 86 00:06:23,182 --> 00:06:25,480 Honestly, l don't know anymore. 87 00:06:26,619 --> 00:06:29,144 My God! - Yeah, l know. 88 00:06:30,123 --> 00:06:33,286 Nicole Simms. Shot by an unknown assailant. 89 00:06:33,793 --> 00:06:35,317 On her wedding day. 90 00:06:35,795 --> 00:06:38,355 Time of death: between 7:00 and 7:30. 91 00:06:38,431 --> 00:06:42,424 Actually might have made it, but she bled to death in the chapel. 92 00:06:43,970 --> 00:06:47,337 Ambulance was held up by construction on the highway. 93 00:06:47,740 --> 00:06:50,208 -Who would do this? -Don't know. 94 00:06:50,443 --> 00:06:54,379 Maybe it was random, or maybe somebody didn't want her to get married. 95 00:06:54,447 --> 00:06:58,508 Get started on the standards, l'll go grab the x-rays. l'll be right back. 96 00:07:32,418 --> 00:07:33,908 Can l help you? 97 00:07:33,986 --> 00:07:35,817 Sorry, that snow just came out of nowhere. 98 00:07:35,888 --> 00:07:39,016 Snow? Here, let me get you something to dry off with. 99 00:07:39,091 --> 00:07:41,082 No, it's okay. I just.... 100 00:07:43,196 --> 00:07:44,424 My.... 101 00:07:45,131 --> 00:07:46,996 l think my.... 102 00:07:53,105 --> 00:07:55,573 We were supposed to get married today. 103 00:07:55,641 --> 00:07:58,007 And l think they brought her here. 104 00:07:58,711 --> 00:07:59,678 Yeah. 105 00:08:01,314 --> 00:08:03,714 Could l get a couple of minutes? 106 00:08:07,920 --> 00:08:09,353 Um, l never, uh, 107 00:08:10,823 --> 00:08:13,348 l never got a chance to say goodbye. 108 00:08:16,762 --> 00:08:20,198 For what it's worth, l know what you're going through. 109 00:08:21,601 --> 00:08:23,398 Sorry for your loss. 110 00:08:26,038 --> 00:08:27,369 Thanks. 111 00:08:29,475 --> 00:08:31,705 Um. Can l, um, 112 00:08:33,946 --> 00:08:35,436 Can l see her? 113 00:08:37,917 --> 00:08:39,111 Yeah. 114 00:08:50,329 --> 00:08:52,661 l'll just be right through here. 115 00:09:13,553 --> 00:09:14,815 Nicole. 116 00:09:27,867 --> 00:09:29,232 Good news. 117 00:09:29,335 --> 00:09:32,429 l finally got the cheesy chomps that l ordered, so that.... 118 00:09:32,538 --> 00:09:35,803 Why aren't you running standards? l gotta start the autopsy soon... 119 00:09:35,875 --> 00:09:39,208 and the Sheriff's Department needs the bullet for their investigation. 120 00:09:39,278 --> 00:09:43,874 The victim's fiancé came in. He just wanted to say goodbye. 121 00:09:43,950 --> 00:09:46,043 Where's he waiting? l'll talk to him. 122 00:09:46,118 --> 00:09:49,178 Actually, he's in Standards with her. 123 00:09:49,255 --> 00:09:51,155 You know that's against the rules. 124 00:09:51,223 --> 00:09:53,555 Yeah, but can't the rules be broken a little? 125 00:09:53,626 --> 00:09:56,424 -What's the harm in-- -Tru, until a case is closed... 126 00:09:56,495 --> 00:10:01,023 -the dead are our responsibility. -Davis, there's also a live person in there. 127 00:10:01,534 --> 00:10:04,992 You take great care of the dead. What about the living? 128 00:10:08,274 --> 00:10:09,605 Excuse me. 129 00:10:12,278 --> 00:10:14,007 What are you doing? 130 00:10:15,781 --> 00:10:19,877 All right, l can explain. -Tru, call security, please. 131 00:10:20,086 --> 00:10:22,646 No, you stay. You stay where you are. 132 00:10:22,722 --> 00:10:24,747 -Oh, my God. -Listen. 133 00:10:24,824 --> 00:10:27,987 Whatever it is you want, you don't have to hurt anybody to get it. 134 00:10:28,060 --> 00:10:31,052 -You don't understand. -Then help me understand. 135 00:10:31,130 --> 00:10:33,826 You're in a lot of pain right now, but we can deal with it. 136 00:10:33,899 --> 00:10:36,891 Just relax. Davis, don't. 137 00:10:38,170 --> 00:10:39,137 Don't. 138 00:10:40,006 --> 00:10:41,473 No! Davis! 139 00:10:44,343 --> 00:10:47,437 My God! Talk to me! Davis! 140 00:10:48,280 --> 00:10:51,181 You are not leaving me, you understand? 141 00:10:51,250 --> 00:10:52,239 Get up. 142 00:10:52,785 --> 00:10:54,184 Get up, now! 143 00:10:55,921 --> 00:10:59,652 -You'd better pray he doesn't die. -l did not want to shoot. 144 00:10:59,892 --> 00:11:02,292 Look, you have to help me, now! 145 00:11:02,995 --> 00:11:05,589 l will never do anything to help you. 146 00:11:11,637 --> 00:11:13,127 That's too bad. 147 00:11:22,948 --> 00:11:24,210 Help me. 148 00:11:43,703 --> 00:11:47,571 We just saw each other yesterday. Come on, we need to talk. 149 00:11:49,542 --> 00:11:50,509 Tru. 150 00:11:52,244 --> 00:11:53,768 Are you all right? 151 00:11:54,714 --> 00:11:56,341 l don't know yet. 152 00:12:04,190 --> 00:12:06,852 l know you don't believe half the things l tell you... 153 00:12:06,926 --> 00:12:09,451 but let's just say yesterday was a real bad day. 154 00:12:09,528 --> 00:12:11,655 Yeah. Tell me something l don't know. 155 00:12:11,897 --> 00:12:14,730 Watching your sister dive tackle a total stranger. 156 00:12:14,800 --> 00:12:17,769 Not your yesterday. My yesterday. 157 00:12:17,837 --> 00:12:22,035 Look, this is getting out of hand. And l want a real explanation. 158 00:12:22,942 --> 00:12:25,376 Not this crap about do-over days... 159 00:12:25,444 --> 00:12:27,241 and damsels in distress. 160 00:12:28,080 --> 00:12:29,138 Tru? 161 00:12:31,650 --> 00:12:34,244 -And what is this? -Your to-do list. 162 00:12:34,854 --> 00:12:39,450 ''Diner, 11:20. Bring $7.32.'' What the hell is this? 163 00:12:40,559 --> 00:12:44,552 lf something were to happen to me, l need to know that you understood why. 164 00:12:45,431 --> 00:12:50,198 The only way for you to finally accept what l do, is for you to do it yourself. 165 00:12:50,669 --> 00:12:54,833 -What do l get out of this? -Be where l tell you, when l tell you... 166 00:12:55,341 --> 00:12:58,606 and by the end of the day, you'll have your answer. 167 00:13:08,087 --> 00:13:10,385 So l'm guessing this is one of those days. 168 00:13:10,456 --> 00:13:14,051 Since it's not your shift and you're here. 169 00:13:18,063 --> 00:13:19,860 lt's a do-over day. 170 00:13:20,466 --> 00:13:22,093 What have we got? 171 00:13:26,138 --> 00:13:27,605 What? 172 00:13:27,673 --> 00:13:31,109 -lt's good to see you, Davis. -lt's nice to see you, too. 173 00:13:32,812 --> 00:13:36,509 -l'm just really glad you're here. -Okay. 174 00:13:37,316 --> 00:13:40,945 You do realize l work here, don't you? Who's Nicole Simms? 175 00:13:41,153 --> 00:13:45,180 She's getting married today. Or trying to. Gets shot in the chest and bleeds out... 176 00:13:45,257 --> 00:13:48,522 -before the ambulance can get to her. -Now you find out who did it? 177 00:13:48,594 --> 00:13:52,121 That's the thing. l think l know this time. lt's her fiancé. 178 00:13:52,231 --> 00:13:55,928 -How do you know that? -l saw him. He came here. 179 00:13:57,636 --> 00:14:01,436 -What, to the morgue? What for? -He was tampering with the body. 180 00:14:01,507 --> 00:14:03,566 He must have been trying to conceal evidence. 181 00:14:03,676 --> 00:14:06,372 You know, nab the bullet before the cops could. 182 00:14:06,445 --> 00:14:08,777 So, he was here when she asked for help? Was l here? 183 00:14:08,848 --> 00:14:11,817 -Of course l was here, l'm always here. -You were here. 184 00:14:13,285 --> 00:14:15,378 What aren't you telling me? 185 00:14:19,658 --> 00:14:22,718 Davis, l'm sorry, l really got to.... - Right. 186 00:14:22,895 --> 00:14:25,489 Somebody out there needs to be saved. 187 00:14:27,266 --> 00:14:29,029 Something like that. 188 00:14:32,738 --> 00:14:34,205 What do you want me to say? 189 00:14:34,306 --> 00:14:36,433 ''Yes'' will work. l'd be willing to take a ''fine.'' 190 00:14:36,542 --> 00:14:39,238 You seriously thought l would just give you my car? 191 00:14:39,311 --> 00:14:42,508 ln some remote cultures, siblings are known to help one another. 192 00:14:42,581 --> 00:14:45,812 What if you got in an accident? My insurance premium would increase. 193 00:14:45,885 --> 00:14:48,979 l'll have it back by tonight, in one piece, l promise. 194 00:14:49,054 --> 00:14:51,352 Look, l'd love to help you out, l really would. 195 00:14:51,423 --> 00:14:54,620 But l have an appointment across town with a client this afternoon. 196 00:14:54,693 --> 00:14:55,853 l need my car. 197 00:14:57,563 --> 00:15:00,657 Didn't you used to come down here to make a different kind of deal? 198 00:15:01,300 --> 00:15:06,033 This appointment wouldn't be for something else besides work, right? 199 00:15:07,573 --> 00:15:11,600 Tru, look, no more games today, okay? l have a staff meeting. 200 00:15:16,515 --> 00:15:18,847 How about this? You can have the car tomorrow. 201 00:15:18,918 --> 00:15:21,045 Call me and we'll set it up. 202 00:15:23,489 --> 00:15:25,286 Tomorrow's too late. 203 00:15:26,926 --> 00:15:28,791 For both of us. 204 00:15:46,145 --> 00:15:49,205 Yes, you did. You said you wanted him at your table. 205 00:15:50,816 --> 00:15:52,909 Hold on a minute. Hi. 206 00:15:52,985 --> 00:15:54,850 Hi. l'm looking for Nicole. 207 00:15:54,920 --> 00:15:58,822 -And if you found her, you would be? -Tru Davies. Old friends. 208 00:15:59,792 --> 00:16:02,727 Ma? l'm gonna call you back. - No, I need-- 209 00:16:03,128 --> 00:16:06,495 l have a question about tonight. Are you here for the wedding, too? 210 00:16:06,565 --> 00:16:08,294 l hope so, l'm in it. 211 00:16:08,367 --> 00:16:10,995 -A groomsman? -Actually, l'm the groom. 212 00:16:11,470 --> 00:16:13,438 Wait, you're marrying Nicole Simms tonight? 213 00:16:13,539 --> 00:16:15,268 Yeah, that's the plan. 214 00:16:15,374 --> 00:16:17,205 We were supposed to get married today. 215 00:16:18,243 --> 00:16:20,905 Right, of course. - So you're here for the wedding? 216 00:16:20,980 --> 00:16:23,107 l don't remember your name from the guest list. 217 00:16:23,182 --> 00:16:25,673 Yeah, l'm not on it. l'm just here from out of town. 218 00:16:25,751 --> 00:16:26,979 l wanted to wish her luck. 219 00:16:27,052 --> 00:16:29,816 Nicole and the troops are all downtown at some nail shop. 220 00:16:29,888 --> 00:16:32,584 Do you know which one? lt might be fun to surprise her. 221 00:16:32,658 --> 00:16:34,683 lt's on Fifth. 222 00:16:34,760 --> 00:16:36,387 -Hands On. -Great. 223 00:16:38,163 --> 00:16:40,427 Could you just tell her that l miss her? 224 00:16:40,499 --> 00:16:43,627 This whole tradition of me not seeing her all day.... 225 00:16:44,236 --> 00:16:46,534 Just tell her it's killing me, okay? 226 00:16:48,240 --> 00:16:49,639 Yeah. Hello? 227 00:16:53,445 --> 00:16:55,845 -She can't sing. -l can't stop her. 228 00:16:55,914 --> 00:16:58,883 -She's gonna be my mother-in-law. -No, she can't sing. 229 00:16:58,951 --> 00:17:00,851 She might get up there and open her mouth... 230 00:17:00,919 --> 00:17:04,912 but what comes out is gonna be like something from Wild Kingdom. 231 00:17:05,591 --> 00:17:08,719 Another decision. - God, l'm gonna explode. 232 00:17:09,128 --> 00:17:11,995 Go with sheer. French tips are played out. 233 00:17:12,398 --> 00:17:15,595 Thank you. That may have seemed like nothing, but l'm grateful. 234 00:17:16,235 --> 00:17:20,069 -Big day? -Long day. lt's exciting, but exhausting. 235 00:17:20,172 --> 00:17:23,164 -l just can't wait to get my life back. -Good luck with that. 236 00:17:23,275 --> 00:17:25,607 l've got three words for you. Thank-you notes. 237 00:17:25,677 --> 00:17:27,008 l should've eloped. 238 00:17:27,079 --> 00:17:29,445 Maybe someone didn't want her to get married. 239 00:17:31,050 --> 00:17:33,883 A friend once said the hardest part about getting married... 240 00:17:33,952 --> 00:17:36,250 is telling the guy she dated in college. 241 00:17:36,321 --> 00:17:40,189 The guy l dated in college beat me to it. He got married last year. 242 00:17:40,859 --> 00:17:45,057 You mean there's not one boy out there in a particularly bad mood today? 243 00:17:45,164 --> 00:17:47,029 Justin? Justin Burke? 244 00:17:47,699 --> 00:17:50,190 Stop it. He hasn't thought twice about me. 245 00:17:50,269 --> 00:17:51,702 Only a guy still hooked... 246 00:17:51,804 --> 00:17:54,534 would buy you something off your Perry and White registry... 247 00:17:54,640 --> 00:17:56,471 when he's not even invited to the wedding. 248 00:17:56,542 --> 00:17:58,271 Okay. Point taken. 249 00:17:58,343 --> 00:18:01,710 Luckily, after tonight, l'll only have one guy to worry about. 250 00:18:12,224 --> 00:18:15,022 ''The diner, 11:20. Bring $7.32.'' 251 00:18:20,365 --> 00:18:21,354 Come on. 252 00:18:21,433 --> 00:18:24,698 What kind of person skips out on a bill for $7.32? 253 00:18:24,870 --> 00:18:26,838 It comes out of my pay. 254 00:18:29,875 --> 00:18:32,139 -Did she put you up to this? -Excuse me? 255 00:18:32,244 --> 00:18:33,575 My sister. 256 00:18:34,546 --> 00:18:37,674 Tell her she's gonna have to do better than that, okay? 257 00:18:37,749 --> 00:18:39,148 Nice work, though. 258 00:18:40,152 --> 00:18:41,744 Keep the change. 259 00:18:43,455 --> 00:18:45,753 Hi. l'm hoping you can help me out. 260 00:18:45,824 --> 00:18:49,658 My boss had me purchase a wedding gift, and l think l blew it. 261 00:18:49,728 --> 00:18:52,026 l gave you guys the wrong return address. 262 00:18:52,131 --> 00:18:54,691 lf something goes wrong, it's my ass. 263 00:18:54,766 --> 00:18:57,826 Would it be too much to ask for you to check the files? 264 00:18:58,370 --> 00:19:00,736 Yeah, thanks. His name's Justin Burke. 265 00:19:05,544 --> 00:19:07,239 Where the hell are.... 266 00:19:08,580 --> 00:19:12,016 Steve, have you seen my keys? - No, l haven't. 267 00:19:14,052 --> 00:19:16,179 Tru, tell me you didn't. 268 00:19:19,892 --> 00:19:21,223 Just call me a cab! 269 00:19:32,171 --> 00:19:34,503 lf it's important, l'm out back! 270 00:19:38,110 --> 00:19:40,578 Sorry to bother you. - lt's fine. 271 00:19:41,446 --> 00:19:43,505 This stuff gets everywhere. Can l help you? 272 00:19:43,582 --> 00:19:46,210 l was hoping l could help you. l'm a new neighbour... 273 00:19:46,285 --> 00:19:49,550 and l actually have the same house number as you a few blocks over. 274 00:19:49,621 --> 00:19:53,250 Anyway, a couple of days ago, l got a package with a ''Return to Sender.'' 275 00:19:53,325 --> 00:19:56,419 l think it was supposed to come here to a Justin Burke. 276 00:19:56,495 --> 00:20:00,727 That's my boyfriend. This is his place. l just try to make it liveable. 277 00:20:00,933 --> 00:20:03,367 ls he around or.... - He's still at work... 278 00:20:03,435 --> 00:20:07,462 but he usually comes home for lunch. Actually, he should be home any minute. 279 00:20:07,573 --> 00:20:10,064 Do you mind me asking you where the package is from? 280 00:20:10,175 --> 00:20:13,542 -l think it was Perry and White. -That figures. 281 00:20:14,313 --> 00:20:16,838 His ex-girlfriend's getting married. 282 00:20:17,950 --> 00:20:19,417 ls that weird, or.... 283 00:20:20,419 --> 00:20:21,750 lt's like you'd expect. 284 00:20:21,820 --> 00:20:25,381 Since he heard about the wedding, he's been a little bit off. 285 00:20:25,457 --> 00:20:27,391 l'm sure it's nothing. 286 00:20:29,461 --> 00:20:32,555 Speaking of.... Right on schedule. 287 00:20:34,099 --> 00:20:35,862 Now you can tell him yourself. 288 00:20:45,277 --> 00:20:49,475 Actually, you know what? l'm late. l really got to.... Thanks for your help. 289 00:21:03,528 --> 00:21:07,362 What was that about? - A delivery or something. 290 00:21:08,066 --> 00:21:11,558 -Everything okay? -Yeah. l just.... 291 00:21:14,273 --> 00:21:17,401 Do me a favour. When you're done here, come inside for a minute. 292 00:21:17,509 --> 00:21:20,672 l want to talk about something. - Sure. 293 00:21:23,482 --> 00:21:25,814 So l took off. l didn't know what else to do. 294 00:21:25,884 --> 00:21:30,514 He lied. He's not the fiancé. He's a bitter ex. Not to mention a cop. 295 00:21:30,589 --> 00:21:31,920 At least you found the bride. 296 00:21:31,990 --> 00:21:34,857 All you have to do is convince her to call off the wedding. 297 00:21:34,926 --> 00:21:38,589 That isn't the issue. Stopping the guy is. l don't know if l can do that. 298 00:21:38,664 --> 00:21:42,361 -You've done it before. -l've failed before. l can't fail this time. 299 00:21:42,434 --> 00:21:45,494 Tru, what is going on? What happened yesterday? 300 00:21:46,171 --> 00:21:47,160 l told you. 301 00:21:47,272 --> 00:21:49,797 No, you're working harder at avoiding my questions... 302 00:21:49,908 --> 00:21:52,741 -than saving this girl. -What do you want me to say, Davis? 303 00:21:52,811 --> 00:21:54,073 The truth! 304 00:22:00,419 --> 00:22:01,852 This guy... 305 00:22:02,888 --> 00:22:05,789 l told you he came here to cover his tracks. 306 00:22:06,591 --> 00:22:08,957 By trying to extract the bullet. 307 00:22:10,362 --> 00:22:12,660 But what l didn't tell you is... 308 00:22:13,165 --> 00:22:15,030 we walked in on him... 309 00:22:17,436 --> 00:22:18,926 and he pulled a gun. 310 00:22:20,138 --> 00:22:21,503 ln here? 311 00:22:22,474 --> 00:22:24,465 Oh, my God, what happened? 312 00:22:25,811 --> 00:22:27,244 He shot at me. 313 00:22:28,213 --> 00:22:31,876 But the day rewound before l could.... Look, l'll be fine. 314 00:22:31,950 --> 00:22:34,748 -But you need to get out of here. -A guy came in here... 315 00:22:34,820 --> 00:22:37,015 and shot at you and you want me to leave? 316 00:22:37,089 --> 00:22:39,250 What are you not telling me? 317 00:22:39,791 --> 00:22:41,520 He shot you, Davis. 318 00:22:44,629 --> 00:22:45,994 He shot me? 319 00:22:52,938 --> 00:22:54,235 Did l die? 320 00:22:57,008 --> 00:22:58,475 l don't know. 321 00:23:12,924 --> 00:23:17,327 So you're telling me that in a couple of hours from now, l could be dead. 322 00:23:17,396 --> 00:23:20,661 Davis, we don't have time for this. The longer you stay here... 323 00:23:20,732 --> 00:23:24,828 the better the chance it'll happen again. l want you to go to my apartment. 324 00:23:25,203 --> 00:23:28,764 Look, if l can't change what happens, at least l can rearrange the players. 325 00:23:28,874 --> 00:23:32,776 Just take these, please, and go there. - But what about you? 326 00:23:32,844 --> 00:23:35,074 l have to warn the bride. You know that. 327 00:23:35,147 --> 00:23:38,310 l also know she's the reason a guy came in here with a gun. 328 00:23:38,383 --> 00:23:42,217 l'll be fine, okay? l'll meet you back at my place, l promise. 329 00:23:43,321 --> 00:23:45,846 Tru. Thank you. 330 00:23:46,725 --> 00:23:47,953 For what? 331 00:23:50,128 --> 00:23:52,119 For telling me the truth. 332 00:23:55,967 --> 00:23:59,869 Those are Gerber daisies. l didn't order Gerber daisies. 333 00:24:00,872 --> 00:24:03,363 Are you telling me it's too late to change them? 334 00:24:03,475 --> 00:24:06,774 She's in the hall and can't decide between Some Enchanted Evening... 335 00:24:06,845 --> 00:24:10,076 or Time of My Life. She wants to sing you the first verse of each. 336 00:24:10,148 --> 00:24:12,582 That's just perfect. 337 00:24:12,751 --> 00:24:15,379 -How could this day get any worse? -Nicole, hi. 338 00:24:15,454 --> 00:24:17,820 -Do you have a minute? -No, not really. 339 00:24:17,889 --> 00:24:20,619 Aren't you the girl from-- - The nail place, yeah. 340 00:24:20,692 --> 00:24:24,560 l wasn't completely honest. Look, l know your ex, Justin. 341 00:24:26,398 --> 00:24:27,490 Okay. 342 00:24:27,999 --> 00:24:31,162 l know how he still feels about you, and what he's willing to do... 343 00:24:31,269 --> 00:24:34,466 -to keep this wedding from happening. -What is she talking about? 344 00:24:34,573 --> 00:24:37,804 l have no idea. Look, you say you know Justin? 345 00:24:37,876 --> 00:24:40,344 So do l. And l know he would never do anything... 346 00:24:40,412 --> 00:24:44,075 to hurt me like that. And l also know l'm not gonna let some stranger... 347 00:24:44,149 --> 00:24:46,549 come in here and screw up my day. 348 00:24:47,719 --> 00:24:49,619 l have family for that. 349 00:24:52,390 --> 00:24:54,915 Can you find your own way out or do you need a hand? 350 00:24:54,993 --> 00:24:57,587 l got it. lf you want her to make it to the ''l do's''... 351 00:24:57,662 --> 00:25:00,290 you'd better keep Justin away from her. 352 00:25:06,505 --> 00:25:09,201 Someone's gonna need my help. Yeah. 353 00:25:15,280 --> 00:25:18,977 Hi. You probably need some help, don't you? 354 00:25:19,050 --> 00:25:21,280 -No. -Come on. Give me your arm... 355 00:25:21,353 --> 00:25:24,322 -and let's get this over with. -Don't touch me! 356 00:25:25,557 --> 00:25:27,422 What about this, lady? 357 00:25:28,426 --> 00:25:29,825 Oh, man. 358 00:25:31,263 --> 00:25:32,355 The ball! 359 00:25:32,430 --> 00:25:33,692 Come on! 360 00:25:39,971 --> 00:25:41,063 Hey. 361 00:25:42,974 --> 00:25:44,498 You need this? 362 00:25:46,845 --> 00:25:48,039 Thanks. 363 00:25:52,083 --> 00:25:53,607 You're welcome. 364 00:25:55,053 --> 00:25:57,613 Where have you been? l've been waiting for hours... 365 00:25:57,689 --> 00:26:00,817 -and this guy-- -Davis, l'm fine. Look at me, one piece. 366 00:26:01,993 --> 00:26:05,087 -How about you? -l'm okay. 367 00:26:06,798 --> 00:26:09,596 When you say you're okay.... - l'm lying. 368 00:26:11,603 --> 00:26:15,164 So you really don't know what happened after he shot me, if l.... 369 00:26:15,340 --> 00:26:19,071 No. That's just it. lt hasn't happened yet. 370 00:26:19,144 --> 00:26:21,612 So we're gonna make sure it doesn't happen again. 371 00:26:21,680 --> 00:26:24,513 l've warned the necessary parties, now all l have to do... 372 00:26:24,583 --> 00:26:27,051 is get to Justin before he gets to the chapel. 373 00:26:27,118 --> 00:26:29,416 -Any idea how? -That's the thing. 374 00:26:29,487 --> 00:26:31,921 He's a cop. Not to mention armed. 375 00:26:31,990 --> 00:26:35,153 So, short of knocking him out and stashing him in a locked closet... 376 00:26:35,226 --> 00:26:37,820 -l'm running low on ideas. -l may have one. 377 00:26:37,896 --> 00:26:40,592 Scientific knowledge always bests physical strength. 378 00:26:40,665 --> 00:26:42,496 How do you think l got through high school? 379 00:26:42,567 --> 00:26:44,626 -This helps me how? -Knock him out, yes. 380 00:26:44,703 --> 00:26:47,194 But pharmaceutically. You want him incapacitated... 381 00:26:47,305 --> 00:26:50,172 -two words: zinc sulphate. -Zinc sulphate. 382 00:26:50,542 --> 00:26:54,945 That's just gonna make him puke. For hours. Good idea. 383 00:26:55,013 --> 00:26:57,880 Not that l'm crazy about you being alone with him in a room... 384 00:26:57,949 --> 00:27:01,885 -but it will buy you some time. lf he's-- -Busy, he can't shoot Nicole or you. 385 00:27:01,953 --> 00:27:03,181 Where do l find some? 386 00:27:03,254 --> 00:27:05,620 l have a friend at County who may not mind-- 387 00:27:05,690 --> 00:27:09,057 Give me a name and a number. l'll go get the pills. 388 00:27:09,661 --> 00:27:12,789 And listen. This isn't just about me and Nicole. 389 00:27:13,031 --> 00:27:16,967 -He shot three people yesterday, so Tru-- -Don't worry. l will. 390 00:27:45,230 --> 00:27:47,221 l hear you're the man to see. 391 00:27:48,133 --> 00:27:49,691 Well, that depends. 392 00:27:51,603 --> 00:27:53,764 Gonna make it worth my while? 393 00:28:10,488 --> 00:28:13,821 What are you.... Are you ripping me off? 394 00:28:14,993 --> 00:28:16,722 l'm talking to you! 395 00:28:19,731 --> 00:28:23,064 Stupid girl. You want something from me? 396 00:28:24,803 --> 00:28:26,703 l want what l paid for. 397 00:28:30,108 --> 00:28:32,338 You'll get it when you get it. 398 00:28:44,589 --> 00:28:46,887 Dispatch called. Said Nicole was looking for you. 399 00:28:46,958 --> 00:28:49,051 She wants to meet you here before the wedding. 400 00:28:49,127 --> 00:28:51,823 -Nicole? -Something you want to tell me? 401 00:29:06,444 --> 00:29:07,638 Justin. 402 00:29:09,347 --> 00:29:13,408 Nicole's just running late, so she sent me to give you a heads up. 403 00:29:13,485 --> 00:29:16,852 -Who are you? -Just a bridesmaid fulfilling her duty. 404 00:29:17,789 --> 00:29:19,313 You look familiar. 405 00:29:19,390 --> 00:29:22,791 l am one of Nicole's friends, and you did date Nicole. 406 00:29:22,861 --> 00:29:25,125 The chances are our paths have crossed. 407 00:29:25,196 --> 00:29:28,597 Yeah. Right. Probably, l guess. 408 00:29:33,838 --> 00:29:38,070 l'm still a little thrown by her call. Do you know why she wanted to see me? 409 00:29:38,143 --> 00:29:42,079 Honestly, l think she's a little worried that you're still bent... 410 00:29:42,147 --> 00:29:46,049 about the whole breakup, and that you might do something about it. 411 00:29:46,284 --> 00:29:48,081 -Tonight. -Are you serious? 412 00:29:48,153 --> 00:29:51,213 The only thing l'd do is say thanks. To hear she was marrying... 413 00:29:51,289 --> 00:29:53,416 turned out to be a serious wake-up call. 414 00:29:53,491 --> 00:29:57,154 -What do you mean? -lf she's willing to stop playing games... 415 00:29:57,228 --> 00:30:00,163 and commit, she must really love this guy. 416 00:30:03,168 --> 00:30:06,604 l just hope l'll feel that strong someday. 417 00:30:07,172 --> 00:30:09,663 lt's getting warm. Do you mind? - Sure. 418 00:30:17,882 --> 00:30:21,477 You're not wearing your gun. But you're a cop, right? 419 00:30:21,586 --> 00:30:24,453 l'm a cop, off duty. l only carry it when l'm on the job. 420 00:30:24,522 --> 00:30:27,150 You say you never carry your gun when you're not working? 421 00:30:27,225 --> 00:30:29,625 No. Some guys do, but not me. 422 00:30:29,694 --> 00:30:32,026 When I'm off duty, I'm off duty. 423 00:30:32,330 --> 00:30:34,161 -lt wasn't you. -What? 424 00:30:34,732 --> 00:30:38,168 You know what? l've got to go. God. 425 00:30:38,236 --> 00:30:40,033 That's okay. - l'm sorry. 426 00:30:40,104 --> 00:30:43,005 No, it's okay. Are you sure that Nicole's gonna come? 427 00:30:43,107 --> 00:30:46,338 Yeah. And l'm sure she would want you to wait right here. 428 00:30:49,113 --> 00:30:50,978 When l left Justin, it was 6:40. 429 00:30:51,049 --> 00:30:54,280 He was looking forward to seeing Nicole, and he didn't have his gun. 430 00:30:54,352 --> 00:30:56,343 He couldn't have been the one that shot her-- 431 00:30:56,421 --> 00:30:59,219 Someone else must've pulled the trigger. l don't know who. 432 00:30:59,290 --> 00:31:01,485 Then why does he go to the morgue to cover it up? 433 00:31:01,593 --> 00:31:05,359 l don't know. But there won't be anything to cover up if l can find Nicole-- 434 00:31:05,396 --> 00:31:07,227 -Tru? -My God, Nicole! 435 00:31:15,073 --> 00:31:16,540 Somebody help! 436 00:31:17,475 --> 00:31:18,942 God! - What happened? 437 00:31:19,010 --> 00:31:22,070 l don't know. l just found her like this. What are you doing here? 438 00:31:22,180 --> 00:31:24,171 Look, l'm here to help. 439 00:31:25,216 --> 00:31:27,241 Alive. Barely. 440 00:31:27,318 --> 00:31:29,752 -Call 911 . -Did you see anyone come in here? 441 00:31:29,821 --> 00:31:32,381 No, it's early. Most of the guests aren't even here yet. 442 00:31:32,457 --> 00:31:36,188 -My God! Nicole! -The ambulance will be here any minute. 443 00:31:37,528 --> 00:31:39,553 The ambulance was held up by construction. 444 00:31:39,664 --> 00:31:41,256 She bled to death in the chapel. 445 00:31:41,332 --> 00:31:43,800 The ambulance isn't gonna make it in time. We need to-- 446 00:31:43,868 --> 00:31:46,393 No! You're not touching her! Nobody moves her! 447 00:31:46,971 --> 00:31:49,735 What about the police? Hasn't anybody called the police? 448 00:31:49,841 --> 00:31:51,900 -Give me a phone. -Listen to me! 449 00:31:52,010 --> 00:31:55,070 There's construction on the highway. The EMTs will never make it. 450 00:31:55,179 --> 00:31:58,171 lf we don't get her to a doctor, neither will Nicole. 451 00:32:00,318 --> 00:32:03,151 Please, we can't afford to wait. Help me get her to a car. 452 00:32:03,221 --> 00:32:06,019 But the cars are all blocked by the catering trucks. 453 00:32:06,124 --> 00:32:08,058 -Not mine. -What about her parents? 454 00:32:08,126 --> 00:32:11,357 lf the family has a problem, they can find me at the County Hospital. 455 00:32:11,429 --> 00:32:12,657 l'll be saving their daughter. 456 00:32:17,702 --> 00:32:20,728 Hold on! You're gonna make it. Come on. Nicole? 457 00:32:24,442 --> 00:32:25,636 Come on! 458 00:32:29,213 --> 00:32:30,680 Hello? - I couldn't stop it. 459 00:32:30,782 --> 00:32:32,773 Someone shot Nicole, and she looks bad. 460 00:32:32,884 --> 00:32:35,978 -Don't know if she'll make it. -How close are you to the hospital? 461 00:32:36,054 --> 00:32:39,387 Not close enough! Wait, who's on duty at the morgue right now? 462 00:32:39,457 --> 00:32:42,017 -l don't think that's-- -Someone has to know what to do. 463 00:32:42,093 --> 00:32:44,561 l'm only two blocks away. lt might be her only chance. 464 00:32:44,629 --> 00:32:46,096 -Okay, l'll meet you there. -No! 465 00:32:46,164 --> 00:32:48,962 l spent the whole day keeping you safe. You won't go back... 466 00:32:49,033 --> 00:32:51,001 -to where you got shot! -That was yesterday. 467 00:32:51,069 --> 00:32:53,094 Today is yesterday! Davis! - Bye, Tru. 468 00:32:54,472 --> 00:32:56,167 Davis! Damn it! 469 00:33:00,345 --> 00:33:04,042 Help! Gardez! Anyone? 470 00:33:05,383 --> 00:33:08,511 -l told you not to come here! -You say how much you appreciate... 471 00:33:08,586 --> 00:33:11,350 having someone help you. Let me help you. 472 00:33:14,859 --> 00:33:17,259 lf not, let me at least help her. 473 00:33:19,597 --> 00:33:22,088 -l locked all the doors. -We've got to do this quick... 474 00:33:22,166 --> 00:33:23,690 -and get out of here. -What's this? 475 00:33:23,768 --> 00:33:25,668 -Dried blood. -l don't think so. 476 00:33:25,737 --> 00:33:28,467 l can't tell what, though. - Lily pollen. 477 00:33:28,773 --> 00:33:32,300 -What, from her bouquet? -No. Those were Gerber daisies. 478 00:33:32,577 --> 00:33:34,977 Then how did it get on her dress? 479 00:33:37,148 --> 00:33:39,742 This stuff gets everywhere. Can l help you? 480 00:33:40,318 --> 00:33:42,786 Justin left his gun at home. The only other person... 481 00:33:42,854 --> 00:33:45,118 who would have had access to it is his girlfriend. 482 00:33:45,189 --> 00:33:47,555 l had the right motive, just the wrong person. 483 00:33:54,465 --> 00:33:56,558 l find it so interesting... 484 00:33:57,635 --> 00:34:01,127 that you broke up with me on the day Nicole gets married. 485 00:34:03,941 --> 00:34:06,000 This is about you and me. 486 00:34:06,511 --> 00:34:08,979 lt doesn't have anything to do with her. 487 00:34:09,881 --> 00:34:11,542 Well, not anymore. 488 00:34:16,187 --> 00:34:18,382 What are you doing with that? 489 00:34:22,126 --> 00:34:23,491 l shot her. 490 00:34:26,264 --> 00:34:27,458 Nicole? 491 00:34:28,800 --> 00:34:32,292 Amazing how she's always the first woman on your mind. 492 00:34:32,937 --> 00:34:36,031 -Why would you do that? -lt was so easy for you... 493 00:34:36,874 --> 00:34:38,569 just to end things. 494 00:34:39,610 --> 00:34:42,101 Aly, you didn't have to-- - Kill her? 495 00:34:43,781 --> 00:34:47,376 -l didn't, Justin. You did. -Oh, my God. 496 00:34:52,056 --> 00:34:54,149 She's at the morgue by now. 497 00:34:56,427 --> 00:34:58,224 But l didn't do it. 498 00:34:59,263 --> 00:35:01,254 It's my word against yours. 499 00:35:01,365 --> 00:35:04,391 lt's your gun. Your bullet. Your motive. 500 00:35:06,104 --> 00:35:08,129 The evidence is all there. 501 00:35:10,007 --> 00:35:12,168 Somebody just has to find it. 502 00:35:26,924 --> 00:35:28,323 How we doing? - With us. 503 00:35:28,392 --> 00:35:30,792 Okay. l think we're ready. - Okay. 504 00:35:30,862 --> 00:35:34,229 l'll assist you. - l'm not doing this. You are. 505 00:35:34,298 --> 00:35:38,428 -What? You're the doctor. -l know. l can't work on live people. 506 00:35:38,503 --> 00:35:40,801 -They freak me out. -Are you kidding? 507 00:35:40,872 --> 00:35:44,103 Why do you think l work here? Nobody chooses this job. 508 00:35:44,242 --> 00:35:47,939 lt's gonna be fine. l know what to do. l just can't do it without dry heaving. 509 00:35:48,045 --> 00:35:51,276 You can do this, l know you can. l'll be right here. 510 00:35:51,349 --> 00:35:55,183 -Actually, l'll be right here. -Okay, what's first? 511 00:35:55,253 --> 00:35:58,347 You need to isolate the entry wound. Do you think you can do that? 512 00:35:58,422 --> 00:35:59,787 l think so. 513 00:36:02,827 --> 00:36:06,160 Careful. Given the sub atmospheric pressure in the cavity... 514 00:36:06,230 --> 00:36:08,494 debris might have caused infection. 515 00:36:09,901 --> 00:36:11,960 How's the internal bleeding? 516 00:36:13,171 --> 00:36:15,731 -Pretty bad. -Okay, you need to seal off any gushers... 517 00:36:15,806 --> 00:36:19,606 and decrease the level of blood loss. Not that one. 518 00:36:19,911 --> 00:36:22,402 The one next to the hydrogen needle. 519 00:36:31,722 --> 00:36:33,849 Okay, that worked. Now what? 520 00:36:36,194 --> 00:36:38,321 l want you to get out of here right now. 521 00:36:38,396 --> 00:36:40,364 lf l leave, Nicole dies. 522 00:36:50,808 --> 00:36:54,141 Who are you? l thought you said you were a friend of Nicole's? 523 00:36:54,212 --> 00:36:55,372 l lied. 524 00:36:58,482 --> 00:37:01,246 Look, l came to say goodbye. 525 00:37:01,352 --> 00:37:03,547 You came here for the bullet. 526 00:37:08,559 --> 00:37:11,027 -ls she still alive? -Look, we both know... 527 00:37:11,095 --> 00:37:14,087 That you didn't shoot her. - Yeah, but can you prove it? 528 00:37:14,165 --> 00:37:17,760 Because the bullet came from my gun! Everybody knows l still love Nicole... 529 00:37:17,868 --> 00:37:21,304 and there were no witnesses. Now, l need the evidence. 530 00:37:22,273 --> 00:37:25,470 And the evidence is inside of her. - Davis, don't! 531 00:37:26,177 --> 00:37:28,338 lf you move, he'll shoot you. 532 00:37:31,115 --> 00:37:33,208 Justin, there is a witness. 533 00:37:33,517 --> 00:37:36,008 And she's lying here on this table. 534 00:37:37,121 --> 00:37:41,114 She's the only one who can testify that Alyssa shot her, not you. 535 00:37:42,159 --> 00:37:46,289 Look, we can save her, and you. But you've got to give us the time. 536 00:37:49,133 --> 00:37:51,226 Right now, you've got a choice. 537 00:37:51,302 --> 00:37:53,532 Your life goes one of two ways. 538 00:37:54,605 --> 00:37:56,402 Which is it gonna be? 539 00:38:08,486 --> 00:38:11,387 All right, where do l go from here? 540 00:38:16,894 --> 00:38:18,987 You might have to bag her. How's her breathing? 541 00:38:19,096 --> 00:38:21,963 lt sounds okay. - Good. 542 00:38:22,033 --> 00:38:25,594 Looks like her lungs didn't collapse. That's a good sign. 543 00:38:45,656 --> 00:38:49,592 How was your day? - Well, l'll be honest. Nice effort. 544 00:38:50,161 --> 00:38:54,689 You know, the waitress and the little kid with the ball. Very clever. 545 00:38:55,032 --> 00:38:56,829 But l'm sorry. Game over. 546 00:38:57,835 --> 00:39:00,133 'Cause it ain't gonna snow out of nowhere. 547 00:39:00,371 --> 00:39:02,236 Let me see your watch. 548 00:39:04,108 --> 00:39:08,272 -Yeah, that's two minutes fast. -So? 549 00:39:09,947 --> 00:39:11,414 Look outside. 550 00:39:17,855 --> 00:39:19,322 Unbelievable. 551 00:39:23,828 --> 00:39:24,817 l have... 552 00:39:25,663 --> 00:39:29,429 First l thought you were messing with me with the card.... 553 00:39:31,602 --> 00:39:34,093 But there's no getting around this. 554 00:39:37,641 --> 00:39:40,974 l don't understand. l can't comprehend... 555 00:39:43,013 --> 00:39:44,981 but l do believe you now. 556 00:39:46,717 --> 00:39:48,685 That's all l wanted. 557 00:39:49,854 --> 00:39:52,550 You have no idea what this means to me. 558 00:39:55,126 --> 00:39:57,993 -Thank you. -No. 559 00:39:59,597 --> 00:40:00,928 Thank you. 560 00:40:03,167 --> 00:40:05,567 Do you know what this does for me? 561 00:40:05,970 --> 00:40:07,699 You're omniscient. 562 00:40:09,206 --> 00:40:11,538 You're like the ultimate bodyguard. 563 00:40:12,042 --> 00:40:14,704 -That's not-- -lt's like a free pass. 564 00:40:14,812 --> 00:40:17,872 -lf anybody steps to me, you can-- -No, that's not what this is. 565 00:40:17,982 --> 00:40:19,449 Hold on a sec. 566 00:40:22,686 --> 00:40:26,315 Hello? Chaz! What's up? 567 00:40:28,092 --> 00:40:30,856 Yeah, l got your money. l'll be honest. 568 00:40:33,431 --> 00:40:36,161 l don't think l'm gonna make it tonight. 569 00:40:37,568 --> 00:40:39,399 No. Look, l'll call you. 570 00:40:41,172 --> 00:40:44,232 -You owe him money? -Yeah. But what's the rush? 571 00:40:44,942 --> 00:40:47,877 -l'll get it to him. -Harrison, you can't just do that. 572 00:40:47,945 --> 00:40:51,972 lf you don't pay him.... l won't always be there to help you. 573 00:40:52,450 --> 00:40:54,315 But of course you will, Tru. 574 00:40:56,253 --> 00:40:57,743 You're my sister. 575 00:41:15,039 --> 00:41:18,031 Justin turned himself in, and they arrested his girlfriend... 576 00:41:18,142 --> 00:41:21,578 -based on what he told the cops. -And Nicole? 577 00:41:21,679 --> 00:41:24,147 l sent her to County. She's stable. 578 00:41:24,215 --> 00:41:27,514 Her parents just called and they wanted to thank the doctor. 579 00:41:27,585 --> 00:41:29,143 That's nice. 580 00:41:30,488 --> 00:41:32,012 They meant you. 581 00:41:33,491 --> 00:41:36,153 She wouldn't have made it without you. 582 00:41:36,227 --> 00:41:37,990 And neither would l. 583 00:41:40,631 --> 00:41:42,360 lt's kind of funny... 584 00:41:43,133 --> 00:41:46,500 this is the second time that someone's saved my life. 585 00:41:47,738 --> 00:41:49,603 Really, what happened? 586 00:41:57,448 --> 00:41:59,916 Sorry. Hello? 587 00:42:01,919 --> 00:42:04,717 Hey, Tru. lt's me. 588 00:42:05,623 --> 00:42:07,750 Meredith, are you all right? 589 00:42:09,426 --> 00:42:10,688 Tru. 590 00:42:14,431 --> 00:42:15,728 Tru. 591 00:42:17,101 --> 00:42:18,568 Help me. 592 00:42:20,437 --> 00:42:23,235 Hold tight, sweetie, l'll be right there. 593 00:42:23,440 --> 00:42:26,500 lt's my sister. - lt's okay. Go ahead. 594 00:42:27,011 --> 00:42:30,572 lt's been a long day, or two. We'll discuss it another time. 595 00:42:30,681 --> 00:42:31,739 Okay.