1 00:00:41,033 --> 00:00:44,603 華盛頓特區,1974年 2 00:01:29,079 --> 00:01:30,147 爺爺 Grandpa! 3 00:01:30,214 --> 00:01:34,217 你不該上來這裡 偷看那個 You're not supposed to be up here, looking at that. 4 00:01:34,751 --> 00:01:36,853 我只是想弄清楚 I just wanted to know. 5 00:01:38,088 --> 00:01:40,490 我想你已經夠大了 Well, you're old enough, I suppose. 6 00:01:41,391 --> 00:01:44,160 也該知道這故事 You should know the story. 7 00:01:45,795 --> 00:01:48,064 聽好了 OK, here we go. 8 00:01:49,065 --> 00:01:52,134 那是在1832年 It was 1832. 9 00:01:53,202 --> 00:01:56,439 在一個類似今晚的夜裡 On a night much like this. 10 00:02:03,346 --> 00:02:09,652 查理斯卡洛是最後一位 仍在世的獨立宣言簽署者 Charles Carroll was the last surviving signer of the Declaration of Independence. 11 00:02:10,419 --> 00:02:14,156 也是神秘的共濟會會員 He was also a member of a secret society known as the Masons. 12 00:02:14,757 --> 00:02:17,692 當時他知道自己來日不多 And he knew he was dying. 13 00:02:18,460 --> 00:02:20,962 便在半夜喚醒馬夫 He woke up his stable boy in the middle of the night 14 00:02:21,029 --> 00:02:25,733 載他前往白宮 覲見傑克遜總統 and ordered him to take him to the White House to see Andrew Jackson. 15 00:02:25,801 --> 00:02:28,937 因為他有急事要向總統報告 because it was urgent that he speak to the president. 16 00:02:29,937 --> 00:02:31,505 見到總統了嗎? Did he talk to him? 17 00:02:31,873 --> 00:02:34,808 沒有,並沒有見到 No. He never got the chance. 18 00:02:34,876 --> 00:02:37,278 總統不在 The president wasn't there that night. 19 00:02:38,746 --> 00:02:41,916 但查理斯卡洛保有一個秘密 But Charles Carroll had a secret. 20 00:02:41,983 --> 00:02:46,220 所以他只好就近告訴一個人 So he took into his confidence the one person he could, 21 00:02:46,287 --> 00:02:49,255 我爺爺的爺爺 my grandfather's grandfather, 22 00:02:50,024 --> 00:02:51,892 湯瑪斯蓋茲 Thomas Gates. 23 00:02:51,959 --> 00:02:54,161 那秘密是什麼? What was the secret? 24 00:02:56,964 --> 00:02:57,964 一個寶藏 A treasure. 25 00:03:00,101 --> 00:03:03,237 一個超乎想像的寶藏 A treasure beyond all imagining. 26 00:03:07,308 --> 00:03:10,477 千百年以來人們互相爭奪 A treasure that had been fought over for centuries 27 00:03:10,544 --> 00:03:14,948 暴君、法老、帝王、軍閥 by tyrants. Pharaohs. emperors. Warlords. 28 00:03:15,248 --> 00:03:18,751 隨著每次易主,它就益加龐大 And every time it changed hands it grew larger. 29 00:03:21,721 --> 00:03:24,289 之後,突然間 And then suddenly... 30 00:03:24,624 --> 00:03:26,726 卻消失無蹤 it vanished. 31 00:03:28,528 --> 00:03:31,731 一千多年後 It didn't reappear for more than a thousand years. 32 00:03:31,797 --> 00:03:33,632 東征的十字軍騎士 when knights from the First Crusade 33 00:03:33,699 --> 00:03:37,136 發現了所羅門王聖殿的地底密室 discovered secret vaults beneath the Temple of Solomon. 34 00:03:37,202 --> 00:03:39,738 找到密室的騎士們認為 You see. The knights who found the vaults 35 00:03:39,805 --> 00:03:44,243 這偉大的寶藏不該為人所獨有 believed that the treasure was too great for any one man - 36 00:03:44,309 --> 00:03:46,310 就連帝王也一樣 not even a king. 37 00:03:46,378 --> 00:03:52,684 他們把寶藏帶回歐洲 並組成聖殿騎士團 They brought the treasure back to Europe and took the name "the Knights Templar. " 38 00:03:55,187 --> 00:03:58,256 一個世紀後 他們將寶藏運出歐洲 Over the next century they smuggled it out of Europe 39 00:03:58,323 --> 00:04:01,259 並組成一個新的盟會 同濟會 and they formed a new brotherhood called the Freemasons. 40 00:04:01,326 --> 00:04:04,128 以紀念聖殿的建造者 in honor of the builders of the great temple. 41 00:04:05,497 --> 00:04:06,998 之後戰事紛擾 War followed. 42 00:04:07,065 --> 00:04:11,034 獨立戰爭爆發時,寶藏又被藏起來 By the time of the American Revolution the treasure had been hidden again. 43 00:04:11,102 --> 00:04:13,271 當時共濟會的成員包括了 By then the Masons included 44 00:04:13,337 --> 00:04:17,474 華盛頓、佛蘭克林、裡維爾 George Washington. Benjamin Franklin. Paul Revere. 45 00:04:18,509 --> 00:04:20,310 他們必須確保寶藏 They knew they had to make sure 46 00:04:20,378 --> 00:04:23,814 不會落入英國人之手 the treasure would never fall into the hands of the British. 47 00:04:23,881 --> 00:04:28,017 他們設計了許多藏寶線索與地圖 So they devised a series of clues and maps to its location. 48 00:04:28,085 --> 00:04:30,920 隨著時間流逝,線索都已被遺忘 Over time the clues were lost or forgotten, 49 00:04:30,988 --> 00:04:33,190 唯一僅存的線索 until only one remained - 50 00:04:33,256 --> 00:04:39,261 就是卡洛託付 給湯瑪斯蓋茲的秘密 and that was the secret that Charles Carroll entrusted to young Thomas Gates. 51 00:04:45,335 --> 00:04:46,368 夏綠蒂 Charlotte. 52 00:04:47,237 --> 00:04:50,707 秘密與…夏綠蒂同在 "The secret lies with Charlotte." 53 00:04:51,374 --> 00:04:53,175 夏綠蒂是誰? Who's Charlotte? 54 00:04:53,243 --> 00:04:56,946 這點連卡洛也不知道 Oh... not even Mr. Carroll knew that. 55 00:04:57,013 --> 00:04:58,847 乖孫,你看 Now look here, Ben. 56 00:04:58,915 --> 00:05:03,352 共濟會員,我們國家的創建者 The Freemasons among our Founding Fathers left us clues. 57 00:05:03,419 --> 00:05:04,920 留下了這樣的線索 Like these. 58 00:05:04,987 --> 00:05:08,257 未完成的金字塔、全知之眼 The unfinished pyramid. The all-seeing eye. 59 00:05:08,791 --> 00:05:13,029 寶藏守護者 聖殿騎士團的象徵 Symbols of the Knights Templar, guardians of the treasure. 60 00:05:13,795 --> 00:05:18,899 他們透過這些象徵在跟我們說話 是嘲笑我們吧 - They're speaking to us through these. - (man) You mean laughing at us. 61 00:05:18,967 --> 00:05:21,802 知道那張鈔票代表什麼嗎? You know what that dollar represents? 62 00:05:21,870 --> 00:05:24,472 代表整個蓋茲家族的財產 The entire Gates family fortune. 63 00:05:24,540 --> 00:05:28,944 六代的傻子,追尋不存在的寶藏 Six generations of fools... chasing after fool's gold. 64 00:05:29,010 --> 00:05:32,447 這跟錢無關,一直都跟錢無關 (Grandpa) It's not about the money, Patrick. It's never been about the money. 65 00:05:32,514 --> 00:05:34,683 該走了,兒子 Come on, son. Time to go. 66 00:05:35,316 --> 00:05:38,085 可以…道別了 You can... say your goodbyes. 67 00:05:45,560 --> 00:05:47,194 爺爺 Grandpa? 68 00:05:50,365 --> 00:05:52,066 我們是騎士嗎? Are we knights? 69 00:05:55,102 --> 00:05:57,537 你想當嗎? Do you want to be? 70 00:05:57,605 --> 00:06:01,075 好吧,跪下 All right. Um... kneel. 71 00:06:12,719 --> 00:06:14,620 班傑明蓋茲 Benjamin Franklin Gates, 72 00:06:14,688 --> 00:06:20,293 你願接受此神聖職責 肩負騎士團… you take upon yourself the duty of the Templars, the Freemasons 73 00:06:20,360 --> 00:06:23,296 共濟會與蓋茲家族的重任 and the family Gates. 74 00:06:24,063 --> 00:06:26,098 你是否願鄭重立誓? Do you so swear? 75 00:06:26,165 --> 00:06:28,166 我鄭重立誓 I so swear. 76 00:06:41,380 --> 00:06:44,282 片名:國家寶藏 77 00:06:50,789 --> 00:06:53,158 我剛剛在想探險家漢森和皮裡 (man) I was thinking about Henson and Peary, 78 00:06:53,225 --> 00:06:57,829 拉著狗雪撬或徒步橫越這種荒原 crossing this kind of terrain with nothing more than dog sleds and on foot. 79 00:06:57,896 --> 00:07:00,532 你能想像嗎? 那真是了不起 - Can you imagine? - It's extraordinary. 80 00:07:00,866 --> 00:07:03,701 北極圈北方,現代 81 00:07:06,604 --> 00:07:08,605 快接近了? We getting closer? 82 00:07:08,673 --> 00:07:12,676 如果班的理論正確 而我的追蹤儀器又夠精確 Assuming Ben's theory's correct and my tracking model's accurate, 83 00:07:12,744 --> 00:07:15,479 那就應該“粉”接近了 we should be getting very close. 84 00:07:15,547 --> 00:07:19,183 不過別太相信我的運氣 今天早上我才踩到狗屎 But don't go by me - I broke a shoelace this morning. 85 00:07:22,419 --> 00:07:26,122 我帶 “賽”啦 那我們該不該打道回府? - It's... it's a bad omen. - Shall we turn around and go home? 86 00:07:26,190 --> 00:07:29,326 或是把他扔出去就好了 Or we could pull over and just throw him out here. 87 00:07:31,195 --> 00:07:32,429 好吧 OK. 88 00:07:32,496 --> 00:07:36,132 萊利,你想回那間爛公司嗎? Riley, you're not missing that little windowless cubicle we found you in? 89 00:07:36,200 --> 00:07:38,335 當然不想 No, no. Absolutely not. 90 00:07:40,571 --> 00:07:42,172 抵達目標 91 00:07:56,452 --> 00:07:59,288 我以為要尋找的是一艘船 Why are we stopping? I thought we were looking for a ship. 92 00:07:59,355 --> 00:08:03,392 這裡並沒有船 就在這裡 - I don't see any ship. - She's out there. 93 00:08:13,669 --> 00:08:17,139 這根本就是浪費時間 Look... this is a waste of time. 94 00:08:17,206 --> 00:08:20,241 這裡怎麼可能會有船? How could a ship wind up way out here? 95 00:08:20,309 --> 00:08:23,445 雖然我不是專家 Well, I'm no expert, but... 96 00:08:23,512 --> 00:08:26,648 不過有可能是此區的地熱現象 it could be that the hydrothermic properties of this region 97 00:08:26,715 --> 00:08:29,350 引發颶風級的冰風暴 produce hurricane-force ice storms 98 00:08:29,418 --> 00:08:33,487 讓海洋凍結、融化又凍結 that cause the ocean to freeze and then melt and then refreeze, 99 00:08:33,555 --> 00:08:38,226 結果形成一塊飄移的大陸 resulting in a semisolid migrating land mass 100 00:08:38,293 --> 00:08:41,963 船隻是有可能會撞進來的 that would land a ship right around here. 101 00:09:15,829 --> 00:09:18,831 波士頓… 102 00:09:29,042 --> 00:09:30,910 夏綠蒂 103 00:09:30,977 --> 00:09:32,778 嗨,美女 Hello, beautiful. 104 00:09:41,020 --> 00:09:44,423 叫維多檢查汽油 (man) Have Viktor check the fuel in the generators. 105 00:09:44,891 --> 00:09:49,795 兩年前,要不是你相信真有寶藏 Two years ago, if you hadn't shown up, hadn't believed the treasure was real, 106 00:09:49,862 --> 00:09:52,164 我就不會找到夏綠蒂 I don't know if I ever would have found Charlotte. 107 00:09:52,231 --> 00:09:55,033 我相信你會找到的 You would have found it, I have no doubt. 108 00:09:55,101 --> 00:09:59,505 所以我不認為這是瘋狂的投資 That's why I didn't think it was as crazy an investment as everyone said. 109 00:09:59,838 --> 00:10:04,042 很高興能證明 我跟我父親都不是瘋子 (Ben) I'm just relieved that I'm not as crazy as everyone says. Or said my dad was. 110 00:10:04,476 --> 00:10:07,578 還有我爺爺、曾祖父 - Or my granddad. Or my great-granddad. - (chuckling) 111 00:10:09,247 --> 00:10:11,048 好了 OK! 112 00:10:11,116 --> 00:10:13,183 走吧 Let's go! 113 00:10:13,952 --> 00:10:17,955 來去找寶藏吧 好耶,帶點寶藏回來吧 - Let's go find some treasure. - Yeah, bring us back something. 114 00:10:56,760 --> 00:10:58,995 喔,老天 Oh, God! 115 00:11:01,931 --> 00:11:03,766 你也太誇張了 You handled that well. 116 00:11:04,834 --> 00:11:07,236 就是這了 This is it. 117 00:11:07,704 --> 00:11:09,605 貨艙 It's the cargo hold. 118 00:11:21,917 --> 00:11:24,686 寶藏裝在木桶裡? Do you think it's in the barrels? 119 00:11:43,505 --> 00:11:45,139 火藥 Gunpowder. 120 00:11:46,875 --> 00:11:49,977 好 Ooh! Ooh! OK... 121 00:11:54,349 --> 00:11:57,785 船長為什麼死守這個小木桶? Why would the captain be guarding this barrel? 122 00:12:22,909 --> 00:12:24,910 找到東西了 I found something! 123 00:12:31,484 --> 00:12:33,485 那是什麼? What is it? 124 00:12:50,970 --> 00:12:53,205 你們知道這是什麼嗎? Do you guys know what this is? 125 00:12:53,673 --> 00:12:55,975 價值連城的煙斗? Is it a billion-dollar pipe? 126 00:12:57,743 --> 00:13:01,213 這是海泡石雕制的煙斗 真漂亮 It's a meerschaum pipe. Ah, that is beautiful. 127 00:13:01,280 --> 00:13:04,683 你看這柄上複雜的圖案 Look at the intricacy of the scrollwork on the stem. 128 00:13:04,750 --> 00:13:08,954 這是只價值百萬的煙斗嗎? 不,這是線索 - Is it a million-dollar pipe? - No, it's a clue. 129 00:13:09,021 --> 00:13:11,790 讓我看看 Let me see that. 130 00:13:12,791 --> 00:13:15,026 別弄壞了 No, don't break it! 131 00:13:15,094 --> 00:13:17,729 我們又向寶藏邁進了一步 We are one step closer to the treasure, gentlemen. 132 00:13:17,796 --> 00:13:20,431 你說過寶藏在夏綠蒂這裡 Ben, I thought you said that the treasure would be on the Charlotte. 133 00:13:20,499 --> 00:13:23,001 不,是“秘密與夏綠蒂同在” No, "The secret lies with Charlotte. " 134 00:13:23,067 --> 00:13:25,169 我是說寶藏可能在這裡 I said it could be here. 135 00:13:42,053 --> 00:13:44,688 是共濟會的徽號 It's Templar symbols. 136 00:13:51,161 --> 00:13:53,195 “寫下的傳說” "The legend writ." 137 00:13:53,263 --> 00:13:55,398 “污痕現其蹤” "The stain effected." 138 00:13:55,465 --> 00:13:58,567 “鑰匙沉默隱其中” "The key in Silence undetected." 139 00:13:59,136 --> 00:14:02,138 “55枝鐵筆” "Fifty-five in iron pen." 140 00:14:03,206 --> 00:14:05,608 “麥特列也難損傷” "Mr. Matlack can't offend." 141 00:14:09,212 --> 00:14:11,414 這是謎語 It's a riddle. 142 00:14:14,551 --> 00:14:16,285 我要想一想 I need to think. 143 00:14:19,789 --> 00:14:21,823 “寫下的傳說” "The legend writ." 144 00:14:21,891 --> 00:14:23,892 “污痕現其蹤” "The stain effected." 145 00:14:24,761 --> 00:14:26,762 什麼傳說? What legend? 146 00:14:27,764 --> 00:14:32,101 共濟會的寶藏傳說 污痕顯現傳說… There's the legend of the Templar treasure, and the stain effects the legend. 147 00:14:32,168 --> 00:14:34,235 怎麼顯現? How? 148 00:14:34,303 --> 00:14:36,738 “鑰匙沉默隱其中” "The key in Silence undetected." 149 00:14:37,739 --> 00:14:39,740 等等 Wait. 150 00:14:40,642 --> 00:14:44,679 傳說和鑰匙…這兩者有關聯 The legend and the key... Now there's something. 151 00:14:44,746 --> 00:14:46,214 地圖 A map. 152 00:14:46,281 --> 00:14:49,083 地圖描繪傳說,也是鑰匙 Maps have legends, maps have keys. 153 00:14:49,150 --> 00:14:51,352 是一幅地圖,隱形地圖 It's a map, an invisible map. So now... 154 00:14:51,419 --> 00:14:55,122 等等,什麼意思?隱形地圖? Wait a minute. What do you mean, "invisible" - "an invisible map"? 155 00:14:55,190 --> 00:14:59,494 “污痕現其蹤”指的是染料 "The stain effected" could refer to a dye or a reagent 156 00:14:59,560 --> 00:15:02,129 或是能測出答案的試劑 used to bring about a certain result. 157 00:15:02,197 --> 00:15:05,065 結合“鑰匙沉默隱其中” Combined with "The key in Silence undetected," 158 00:15:05,133 --> 00:15:10,137 暗指沉默隱形的線索也能顯現 the implication is that the effect is to make what was undetectable detectable. 159 00:15:10,871 --> 00:15:15,075 除非… 沉默的鑰匙是指 Unless... "The key in Silence" could be... 160 00:15:15,142 --> 00:15:17,677 監獄 Prison. 161 00:15:18,478 --> 00:15:20,213 是阿布奎基 Albuquerque. 162 00:15:20,280 --> 00:15:22,882 瞧,我也會解謎 See, I can do it too. Snorkel. 163 00:15:22,950 --> 00:15:25,719 地圖就在那裡 就是他說的 “55枝鐵筆” That's where the map is. Like he said, "Fifty-five in iron pen." 164 00:15:25,786 --> 00:15:27,254 “55枝鐵筆”就是指監獄 "Iron pen" is a prison. 165 00:15:27,321 --> 00:15:32,759 或者,當時的主要書寫工具 就是鞣酸鐵墨水,而筆… Or it could be, since the primary writing medium of the time was iron gall ink, 166 00:15:32,826 --> 00:15:35,761 就是指筆 the "pen" is... just a pen. 167 00:15:35,829 --> 00:15:40,266 但為何要說是“鐵筆” ? But then why not say a pen? Why... why say "iron pen"? 168 00:15:41,100 --> 00:15:43,168 因為那是監獄 'Cause it's a prison. 169 00:15:43,236 --> 00:15:47,372 等等,鐵筆 鐵不是指墨水 Wait a minute. "Iron pen" - The "iron" does not describe the ink in the pen, 170 00:15:48,241 --> 00:15:51,076 是指寫下的東西 it describes what was penned. 171 00:15:51,144 --> 00:15:54,413 如鋼鐵般堅固不變 就像礦物… It was "iron" - it was firm, it was mineral... 172 00:15:54,480 --> 00:15:56,148 不,那樣太蠢了 No, no, no, that's stupid. 173 00:15:56,215 --> 00:16:01,687 堅固、牢不可破,那代表決心 It was... It was firm, it was adamant, it was resolved. 174 00:16:03,456 --> 00:16:05,457 代表決心 It was resolved. 175 00:16:06,225 --> 00:16:08,226 “麥特列也難損傷” "Mr. Matlack can't offend." 176 00:16:08,294 --> 00:16:11,964 麥特列是大陸會議的官方書記 Timothy Matlack was the official scribe of the Continental Congress. 177 00:16:12,030 --> 00:16:16,368 他是書法家,不是作家 為了確保他不會損及地圖 Calligrapher, not writer. And to make sure he could not offend the map, 178 00:16:16,434 --> 00:16:20,237 地圖就畫在他謄寫的決議背後 it was put on the back of a resolution that he transcribed, 179 00:16:20,305 --> 00:16:24,241 這份決議由55人簽署 a resolution that 55 men signed. 180 00:16:26,979 --> 00:16:29,847 是獨立宣言 The Declaration of Independence. 181 00:16:36,488 --> 00:16:40,925 獨立宣言背後沒有什麼隱形地圖 Come on, there's no invisible map on the back of the Declaration of Independence. 182 00:16:41,092 --> 00:16:42,092 這太聰明了 That's clever, really. A document of that importance 183 00:16:42,359 --> 00:16:45,797 一份重要的文件能確保地圖無恙 would ensure the map's survival. 184 00:16:45,863 --> 00:16:48,665 你說過有幾位共濟會員也簽了名 And you said there were several Masons signed it, yeah? 185 00:16:48,733 --> 00:16:52,003 九位 Yeah. Nine, for sure. 186 00:16:53,370 --> 00:16:56,873 那就得想辦法看看 We'll have to arrange a way to examine it. 187 00:16:56,940 --> 00:17:00,176 那是最重要的歷史文件之一 This is one of the most important documents in history. 188 00:17:00,244 --> 00:17:04,615 不可能公然用化學藥品來檢測 They're not just gonna let us waltz in there and run chemical tests on it. 189 00:17:04,681 --> 00:17:07,250 那你說該怎麼做? 不知道 - Then what do you propose we do? - I don't know! 190 00:17:11,087 --> 00:17:13,256 我們可以借來看看 We could borrow it. 191 00:17:14,224 --> 00:17:16,225 用偷的? Steal it? 192 00:17:17,627 --> 00:17:20,562 我不同意 班 - I don't think so. - Ben... 193 00:17:20,630 --> 00:17:24,099 騎士團寶藏是最偉大的寶藏 the treasure of the Knights Templar is the treasure of all treasures. 194 00:17:24,167 --> 00:17:26,869 我不知道,是嗎? Oh, I didn't know that. Really? 195 00:17:27,703 --> 00:17:32,074 我明白你的痛苦,真的 Look, Ben... I understand your bitterness. I really do. 196 00:17:32,442 --> 00:17:34,544 你耗費畢生精力尋找這個寶藏 You've spent your entire life searching for this treasure, 197 00:17:34,610 --> 00:17:36,812 卻只得到大家對你和你家族 only to have the respected historical community 198 00:17:36,879 --> 00:17:40,715 無比的嘲笑和鄙視 treat you and your family with mockery and contempt. 199 00:17:40,783 --> 00:17:43,318 你該拿這寶藏羞辱他們 You should be able to rub this treasure in their arrogant faces, 200 00:17:43,385 --> 00:17:46,087 我要你有機會這麼做 and I want you to have the chance to do that. 201 00:17:47,089 --> 00:17:48,623 怎麼做? How? 202 00:17:49,024 --> 00:17:51,793 我們有各方面的專家 We all have our areas of expertise. 203 00:17:52,927 --> 00:17:56,430 你以為我只會簽支票嗎? You don't think mine are limited to writing checks, do you? 204 00:17:56,498 --> 00:17:58,767 我過去… In another life... 205 00:17:59,601 --> 00:18:05,306 安排過不少行動 不太合法的行動 I arranged a number of operations of... questionable legality. 206 00:18:07,909 --> 00:18:10,278 我相信他的話 I'd take his word for it, if I were you. 207 00:18:12,213 --> 00:18:16,484 所以不用擔心,我會安排 So don't worry. I'll make all the arrangements. 208 00:18:18,152 --> 00:18:19,253 不行 No. 209 00:18:24,925 --> 00:18:27,660 我真的需要你的協助 I'd really need your help here. 210 00:18:27,728 --> 00:18:33,300 伊恩 我不會讓你去偷獨立宣言的 lan... I'm not gonna let you steal the Declaration of Independence. 211 00:18:33,366 --> 00:18:35,568 好 OK. 212 00:18:35,636 --> 00:18:38,972 從現在起,你只是個累贅 From this point on all you're going to be is a hindrance. 213 00:18:41,809 --> 00:18:42,609 嘿! Hey! 214 00:18:42,675 --> 00:18:46,612 你想怎樣?殺了我? What are you gonna do? Are you gonna shoot me, Shaw? 215 00:18:47,214 --> 00:18:50,016 不行,謎語裡還有東西 Well, you can't shoot me. There's more to the riddle. 216 00:18:50,082 --> 00:18:53,352 你所沒有的資訊,我有 Information you don't have. I do. 217 00:18:53,420 --> 00:18:56,488 我是唯一會解謎的人 這你很清楚 I'm the only one who can figure it out, and you know that. 218 00:18:56,556 --> 00:18:58,891 他在唬人 He's bluffing. 219 00:18:58,958 --> 00:19:01,627 我們打過牌,你知道我不會唬人 We played poker together, lan. You know I can't bluff. 220 00:19:01,694 --> 00:19:04,096 把我該知道的告訴我 Tell me what I need to know, Ben, 221 00:19:04,163 --> 00:19:06,432 不然我就殺了你朋友 or I'll shoot your friend. 222 00:19:06,498 --> 00:19:07,933 嘿! Hey! 223 00:19:08,000 --> 00:19:10,336 閉嘴,萊利!你的工作結束了 Quiet, Riley! Your job's finished here. 224 00:19:15,041 --> 00:19:19,245 看看你們四周 全都是火藥 Look where you're standing. All that gunpowder. 225 00:19:19,311 --> 00:19:23,148 你殺了我,我一鬆手 大家就一起死 You shoot me, I drop this, we all go up. 226 00:19:24,550 --> 00:19:25,917 班 Ben... 227 00:19:27,185 --> 00:19:30,321 等它燃燒殆盡會怎樣? What happens when the flare burns down? 228 00:19:31,890 --> 00:19:34,559 把我該知道的告訴我 Tell me what I need to know, Ben. 229 00:19:36,527 --> 00:19:38,162 你該知道的是… You need to know... 230 00:19:38,229 --> 00:19:40,197 老蕭接不接得住 if Shaw can catch. 231 00:19:46,070 --> 00:19:47,737 扔得還不錯 Nice try, though. 232 00:19:59,116 --> 00:20:01,117 快走 Get out, Shaw! 233 00:20:09,759 --> 00:20:11,394 你這個笨蛋 Fool! 234 00:20:15,765 --> 00:20:17,600 萊利,過來! Riley, get over here! 235 00:20:23,006 --> 00:20:25,574 這是什麼? 走私夾層,快進去 - What is this? - Smuggler's hold. Get in! 236 00:20:31,147 --> 00:20:32,548 快離開! Move! Get out of here! 237 00:20:32,615 --> 00:20:34,282 什麼? 跑啊!快跑! - What? - Move! Get out! 238 00:20:35,451 --> 00:20:37,452 跟我來! Follow me. 239 00:20:41,090 --> 00:20:42,925 快跑!快!要爆炸了 Let's go, let's go! She's gonna blow! 240 00:20:49,998 --> 00:20:52,167 趴下! Get down. 241 00:21:23,130 --> 00:21:26,700 走吧 趁別人還沒看到煙霧 OK, let's go. Before someone sees the smoke. 242 00:21:57,397 --> 00:22:00,432 往東走九英里有個伊努特村落 There's an Inuit village about nine miles east of here. 243 00:22:00,500 --> 00:22:04,536 那裡有小飛機 好 - It's popular with bush pilots. - All right. 244 00:22:09,475 --> 00:22:13,112 我們該怎麼做? 開始設法爬回家 - Then what are we gonna do? - Start making our way back home. 245 00:22:13,178 --> 00:22:17,549 我是說伊恩 他打算去偷獨立宣言 No, I meant about lan. He's gonna steal the Declaration of Independence, Ben. 246 00:22:18,784 --> 00:22:20,485 要阻止他 We stop him. 247 00:22:32,631 --> 00:22:37,368 聯邦調查局總部 胡佛大樓 248 00:22:38,537 --> 00:22:39,871 有人要偷獨立宣言… (Riley) Is it really so hard to believe 249 00:22:39,938 --> 00:22:42,406 真有那麼難以相信嗎? that someone's gonna try to steal the Declaration of Independence? 250 00:22:42,474 --> 00:22:44,943 調查局每天收到成千上萬個消息 (Ben) The FBI gets 10,000 tips a week. 251 00:22:45,009 --> 00:22:47,411 絕對不會費神去擔心 他們認為鐵定安全的東西 They're not gonna worry about something they're sure is safe. 252 00:22:47,478 --> 00:22:50,047 有權阻止的人都會把我們當瘋子 But anyone that can do anything is gonna think we're crazy. 253 00:22:50,114 --> 00:22:53,251 瘋到會信我們的人卻幫不上忙 Anyone crazy enough to believe us isn't gonna want to help. 254 00:22:53,317 --> 00:22:58,121 我們不需要瘋子 快瘋的人還能接受,你有什麼? We don't need someone crazy. But one step short of crazy, what do you get? 255 00:22:58,189 --> 00:22:59,857 滿腦妄想 Obsessed. 256 00:22:59,923 --> 00:23:01,624 充滿熱情 Passionate. 257 00:23:01,692 --> 00:23:05,228 國家文物館 258 00:23:05,363 --> 00:23:07,230 國家文物館周年慶 259 00:23:09,433 --> 00:23:11,735 抱歉 Excuse me. 260 00:23:11,935 --> 00:23:13,936 70周年慶祝晚會 261 00:23:16,373 --> 00:23:19,008 卻斯博士可以見你了,布朗先生 謝謝 - Dr. Chase can see you now, Mr. Brown. - Thank you. 262 00:23:19,076 --> 00:23:20,343 布朗先生? (softly) Mr. Brown? 263 00:23:20,410 --> 00:23:23,780 我的姓不太受人敬重 The family name doesn't get a lot of respect in the academic community. 264 00:23:23,846 --> 00:23:25,948 老被學者們唾棄 Huh. Being kept down by the man. 265 00:23:28,351 --> 00:23:30,286 真美的學者 A very cute man. 266 00:23:30,353 --> 00:23:32,689 謝謝 Thank you. 267 00:23:32,755 --> 00:23:34,924 午安,兩位 嗨 - Good afternoon, gentlemen. - Hi. 268 00:23:35,492 --> 00:23:37,660 雅碧卻斯 保羅布朗 - Abigail Chase. - Paul Brown. 269 00:23:37,727 --> 00:23:40,096 幸會 比爾 - Nice to meet you. - Bill. 270 00:23:40,563 --> 00:23:42,699 幸會,比爾 Nice to meet you, Bill. 271 00:23:42,765 --> 00:23:46,035 請問有何貴幹? 你的口音,是賓州荷裔嗎? - How may I help you? - Your accent. Pennsylvania Dutch? 272 00:23:46,102 --> 00:23:48,237 德國薩克遜人 - Saxony German. - Oh! 273 00:23:49,105 --> 00:23:51,873 你不是美國人? 我是 - You're not American? - Oh, I am an American. 274 00:23:51,974 --> 00:23:53,709 只不過不是在這出生 I just wasn't born here. 275 00:23:53,809 --> 00:23:55,110 別亂碰 Please don't touch that! 276 00:23:55,177 --> 00:23:58,747 抱歉,很棒的收藏 華盛頓的競選鈕扣 Sorry. A neat collection. George Washington's campaign buttons. 277 00:23:58,814 --> 00:24:01,482 你漏了1789年宣誓就職那顆 You're missing the 1789 inaugural, though. 278 00:24:01,550 --> 00:24:04,552 我找到過 你真幸運 - I found one once. - That's very fortunate for you. 279 00:24:04,620 --> 00:24:07,588 你說有件事很緊急 Now, you told my assistant that this was an urgent matter. 280 00:24:07,656 --> 00:24:09,825 是的 Ah. Yes, ma'am. 281 00:24:09,891 --> 00:24:12,660 我就直截了當的說了 Well, I'm gonna get straight to the point. 282 00:24:14,295 --> 00:24:17,632 有人打算偷獨立宣言 Someone's gonna steal the Declaration of Independence. 283 00:24:20,135 --> 00:24:22,270 是真的 It's true. 284 00:24:23,838 --> 00:24:25,973 你們應該去跟調查局報告 I think I'd better put you gentlemen in touch with the FBI. 285 00:24:26,040 --> 00:24:27,941 去過了 結果呢? - We've been to the FBI. - And? 286 00:24:28,008 --> 00:24:31,445 他們說不可能被偷的 They assured us that the Declaration cannot possibly be stolen. 287 00:24:31,512 --> 00:24:34,081 他們說得很對 我們可沒那麼有信心 - They're right. - My friend and I are less certain. 288 00:24:34,148 --> 00:24:38,151 要是我們能獲准檢視那份檔 However, if we were given the privilege of examining the document... 289 00:24:38,886 --> 00:24:42,922 就能確定它是否有危險 we would be able to tell you for certain if it were actually in any danger. 290 00:24:42,990 --> 00:24:45,024 你認為你會找到什麼? What do you think you're gonna find? 291 00:24:45,092 --> 00:24:51,565 我們相信那上面有一份… 密碼在背面 We believe that there's an... encryption on the back. 292 00:24:52,099 --> 00:24:55,001 密碼,就像代號? 是的 - An encryption, like a code? - Yes, ma'am. 293 00:24:55,068 --> 00:24:57,069 什麼的代號? Of what? 294 00:24:57,136 --> 00:25:00,138 一個圖 Uh... a cartograph. 295 00:25:00,206 --> 00:25:02,508 地圖? 是的 - A map. - Yes, ma'am. 296 00:25:02,976 --> 00:25:05,744 什麼的地圖? A map of what? 297 00:25:05,812 --> 00:25:07,813 藏放一些… The location of... (nervously clears throat) 298 00:25:08,514 --> 00:25:16,421 頗具歷史意義的… 稀世珍寶的地點 ...of hidden items of historic and intrinsic value. 299 00:25:17,990 --> 00:25:21,493 藏寶圖? 調查局就不信這點 - A treasure map? - That's where we lost the FBI. 300 00:25:21,560 --> 00:25:24,496 你們是尋寶獵人嗎? You're treasure-hunters, aren't you? 301 00:25:24,563 --> 00:25:26,932 我們更像是寶藏守護者 We're more like treasure-protectors. 302 00:25:27,533 --> 00:25:32,104 我本人親自看過獨立宣言背面 Mr. Brown, I have personally seen the back of the Declaration of Independence, 303 00:25:32,170 --> 00:25:36,474 那背面只有一段記載 and I promise you, the only thing there is a notation that reads, 304 00:25:36,541 --> 00:25:38,509 “獨立宣言正本, 日期…” "Original Declaration of Independence, dated... 305 00:25:38,576 --> 00:25:41,478 “1776年7月4日” "Four of July, 1776." Yes, ma'am. 306 00:25:41,546 --> 00:25:43,347 沒有地圖 But no map. 307 00:25:56,561 --> 00:25:58,830 那是隱形的 It's invisible. 308 00:25:58,896 --> 00:26:00,697 是哦 Oh! Right. 309 00:26:01,032 --> 00:26:05,202 國安局也不信這點 And that's where we lost the Department of Homeland Security. 310 00:26:05,269 --> 00:26:08,439 你們憑什麼認定有隱形地圖? What led you to assume there's this invisible map? 311 00:26:08,906 --> 00:26:11,908 一具200年歷史煙斗上的雕刻 We found an engraving on the stem of a 200-year-old pipe. 312 00:26:11,976 --> 00:26:14,378 由共濟會員所擁有 Owned by Freemasons. 313 00:26:14,445 --> 00:26:18,782 能讓我看看煙斗嗎? 煙斗不在我們手上 - May I see the pipe? - Uh, we don't have it. 314 00:26:20,817 --> 00:26:24,254 被大腳怪搶走了? 很高興能見到你 - Did Big Foot take it? - It was nice meeting you. 315 00:26:24,855 --> 00:26:26,922 我也是 Nice to meet you, too. 316 00:26:27,658 --> 00:26:30,026 那收藏真的很不錯 And, you know, that really is a nice collection. 317 00:26:30,093 --> 00:26:33,463 你一定花了很多時間才找到這些 Must have taken you a long time to hunt down all that history. 318 00:26:37,567 --> 00:26:40,803 希望這能安慰你,你說服了我 If it's any consolation, you had me convinced. 319 00:26:40,870 --> 00:26:43,338 這沒用 It's not. 320 00:26:43,406 --> 00:26:47,209 何不公開這事? 在網路上公佈一切 I was thinking, what if we go public, plaster the story all over the Internet? 321 00:26:47,277 --> 00:26:51,647 反正我們的名聲也夠糟了 It's not like we have our reputations to worry about. 322 00:26:51,714 --> 00:26:55,550 不過這樣還是嚇不跑伊恩 Although I don't think that's exactly gonna scare lan away. 323 00:26:58,453 --> 00:27:01,690 180年的搜尋,如今就在眼前 180 years of searching, and I'm three feet away. 324 00:27:02,624 --> 00:27:05,226 這關於自由的論述中 Of all the ideas that became the United States, 325 00:27:05,294 --> 00:27:09,498 有一段話是最重要的 there's a line here that's at the heart of all the others. 326 00:27:09,531 --> 00:27:13,034 “但當一連串的苛政與掠奪” "But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, 327 00:27:13,101 --> 00:27:15,803 “都是在追求同一目標” pursuing invariably the same object, 328 00:27:15,870 --> 00:27:19,840 “意圖以專制暴政壓迫人民” evinces a design to reduce them under absolute despotism, 329 00:27:19,908 --> 00:27:23,844 “人民就有權利 也有義務推翻這樣的政府” it is their right, it is their duty to throw off such government 330 00:27:23,912 --> 00:27:27,415 “為未來的安全提出新的保障” and provide new guards for their future security." 331 00:27:29,217 --> 00:27:31,485 現在的人已經不這樣說話了 People don't talk that way anymore. 332 00:27:31,552 --> 00:27:33,553 真美 Beautiful, huh? 333 00:27:35,123 --> 00:27:38,191 不過我不太了 如果出了事 - No idea what you said. - It means, if there's something wrong, 334 00:27:38,259 --> 00:27:42,630 有能力採取行動的人 就有責任該採取行動 those who have the ability to take action have the responsibility to take action. 335 00:27:47,668 --> 00:27:49,602 我要動手偷 I'm gonna steal it. 336 00:27:51,972 --> 00:27:53,740 什麼? (scoffs) What? 337 00:27:54,742 --> 00:27:57,978 我要偷獨立宣言 I'm gonna steal the Declaration of Independence. 338 00:28:02,182 --> 00:28:04,984 阿班! Uh... Ben? 339 00:28:05,852 --> 00:28:08,287 這太冒險了 (Riley) This is... huge. 340 00:28:08,888 --> 00:28:11,490 監獄級的冒險 It's prison huge. 341 00:28:11,558 --> 00:28:13,960 你會被抓去關的 You are gonna go to prison, you know that? 342 00:28:14,026 --> 00:28:16,428 也許吧 Yeah, probably. 343 00:28:16,496 --> 00:28:19,031 大部分的人是會怕的 So that would bother most people. 344 00:28:19,699 --> 00:28:24,436 伊恩會下手偷它 他若成功,一定會毀了獨立宣言 lan's gonna try and steal it. And if he succeeds, he'll destroy the Declaration. 345 00:28:24,503 --> 00:28:27,873 保護宣言的唯一辦法就是偷走它 The fact is, the only way to protect the Declaration is to steal it. 346 00:28:27,940 --> 00:28:30,542 不然就等著被偷 It's upside down. 347 00:28:31,877 --> 00:28:34,312 我別無選擇 I don't think there's a choice. 348 00:28:35,046 --> 00:28:37,548 班,拜託你 Ben, for God's sakes, 349 00:28:37,616 --> 00:28:41,252 這就像是偷古跡 it's like stealing a national monument. OK? 350 00:28:41,320 --> 00:28:43,522 就像偷他一樣,不可能成功的 It's like stealing him. 351 00:28:43,589 --> 00:28:48,326 不是該不該的問題,是不可能 It can't be done. Not shouldn't be done. It can't be done. 352 00:28:49,728 --> 00:28:52,130 我會證明給你看 Let me prove it to you. 353 00:28:52,263 --> 00:28:54,899 班,注意聽了 OK, Ben, pay attention. 354 00:28:54,966 --> 00:28:57,868 我為什麼要帶你到國會圖書館? I've brought you to the Library of Congress. 355 00:28:57,936 --> 00:29:01,572 因為這是世上最大的圖書館 Why? Because it's the biggest library in the world. 356 00:29:01,639 --> 00:29:03,808 藏書超過二千萬冊 Over 20 million books. 357 00:29:03,874 --> 00:29:06,343 這些書全都說同一句話 And they're all saying the same exact thing: 358 00:29:06,411 --> 00:29:08,779 “乖乖聽萊利的” listen to Riley. 359 00:29:08,846 --> 00:29:13,617 這是文物館的平面詳圖 What we have here, my friend, is an entire layout of the archives. 360 00:29:13,684 --> 00:29:16,186 只欠建築師的藍圖 Short of builders' blueprints. 361 00:29:16,253 --> 00:29:20,289 記載以施工順序、電話線配線 You've got construction orders, phone lines, 362 00:29:21,158 --> 00:29:24,027 水管和下水道配置圖,全在這 water and sewage - it's all here. 363 00:29:24,094 --> 00:29:27,196 獨立宣言在展示時 Now, when the Declaration is on display, OK, 364 00:29:27,264 --> 00:29:30,867 四周佈滿警衛、錄影監視器 it is surrounded by guards and video monitors 365 00:29:30,934 --> 00:29:34,903 外地觀光客、校外教學的小學生 and a little family from lowa and little kids on their eighth-grade field trip. 366 00:29:34,971 --> 00:29:39,742 在一英吋厚的防彈玻璃下 是一堆感應器和熱感測器 And beneath an inch of bulletproof glass is an army of sensors and heat monitors 367 00:29:39,809 --> 00:29:43,112 若有人靠太近,警報就會啟動 that will go off if someone gets too close with a high fever. 368 00:29:43,980 --> 00:29:46,615 至於在非展示時間 Now, when it's not on display, 369 00:29:47,516 --> 00:29:54,722 它會被降下放入一個牆厚四英尺 用水泥與鋼板建造的保管室 it is lowered into a four-foot-thick concrete, steel-plated vault... 370 00:29:55,424 --> 00:29:59,862 上面裝有電子密碼組合鎖 that happens to be equipped with an electronic combination lock 371 00:29:59,928 --> 00:30:01,996 以及生物特徵門控系統 and biometric access-denial systems. 372 00:30:02,064 --> 00:30:05,800 愛迪生失敗了近兩千次 You know, Thomas Edison tried and failed nearly 2,000 times 373 00:30:05,868 --> 00:30:09,837 才用碳纖維做出燈泡 to develop the carbonized cotton-thread filament for the incandescent light bulb. 374 00:30:09,905 --> 00:30:11,306 愛迪生? Edison? 375 00:30:11,373 --> 00:30:13,475 有人問他,他說,我沒失敗 When asked about it, he said, "I didn't fail, 376 00:30:13,541 --> 00:30:16,343 我找到兩千種不能做燈泡的方法 I found out 2,000 ways how not to make a light bulb." 377 00:30:16,411 --> 00:30:19,814 他只需要找到一個成功的方法 But he only needed to find one way to make it work. 378 00:30:21,950 --> 00:30:25,120 保存室,好好看看吧 The Preservation Room. Enjoy. Go ahead. 379 00:30:27,054 --> 00:30:29,856 你知道保存室是幹嘛用的? Do you know what the Preservation Room is for? 380 00:30:29,924 --> 00:30:32,459 存放果醬? Delicious jams and jellies? 381 00:30:32,527 --> 00:30:35,196 文物非展示期間 No. That's where they clean, repair and maintain 382 00:30:35,262 --> 00:30:37,097 清理修復、保養 all the documents and the storage housings 383 00:30:37,164 --> 00:30:39,433 存放展示框 都會送到這裡 when they're not on display or in the vault. 384 00:30:39,500 --> 00:30:43,770 展示框需要檢驗時 他們會把它從展示廳 Now, when the case needs work they take it out of the vault, directly across the hall 385 00:30:43,838 --> 00:30:45,672 運到保存室 and into the Preservation Room. 386 00:30:45,739 --> 00:30:49,675 我們或伊恩動手的絕佳時機 就是在週末的慶祝晚會 The best time for us. Or lan. To steal it would be during the gala this weekend 387 00:30:49,743 --> 00:30:52,879 到時警衛會分神留意賓客 when the guards are distracted by the VIPs upstairs. 388 00:30:52,946 --> 00:30:59,051 我們就設法摸進保存室 那裡的保全措施會較鬆散 But we'll make our way to the Preservation Room, where there's much less security. 389 00:31:01,922 --> 00:31:04,290 要是伊恩… Well, if lan... 390 00:31:06,426 --> 00:31:08,594 保存室 Preservation... Hm. 391 00:31:09,129 --> 00:31:11,163 慶祝晚會 The gala, huh? 392 00:31:13,199 --> 00:31:15,568 這可能會成功 This might be possible. 393 00:31:16,336 --> 00:31:18,170 是很有可能 It might. 394 00:31:51,903 --> 00:31:54,272 我們進去了 And we are in. 395 00:31:56,808 --> 00:31:59,843 安全導線 396 00:32:06,150 --> 00:32:08,952 就是這根 你好 There you are. (British accent) Hello. 397 00:32:13,024 --> 00:32:15,025 走廊 The hallway. 398 00:32:16,994 --> 00:32:19,729 保存室 399 00:32:21,299 --> 00:32:22,966 我就需要這個 That's what I want. 400 00:32:36,646 --> 00:32:38,647 開始了 Game on. 401 00:32:40,350 --> 00:32:41,350 結束 402 00:33:10,512 --> 00:33:12,280 警衛 403 00:33:12,948 --> 00:33:14,349 夠真了 I'll buy that. 404 00:33:19,588 --> 00:33:21,089 好耶 Cool. 405 00:33:52,953 --> 00:33:55,255 有人送這給你 This just came for you. 406 00:33:55,890 --> 00:33:58,358 希望不是史丹送的 I hope it's not from Stan. 407 00:34:00,494 --> 00:34:05,064 送給只欠一件寶物的女人 謝謝你的傾聽,保羅布朗 "For the woman who has everything else... Thanks for listening. Paul Brown." 408 00:34:24,884 --> 00:34:26,419 華盛頓將軍 409 00:34:49,808 --> 00:34:51,443 雅碧卻斯 Abigail Chase. 410 00:35:07,525 --> 00:35:08,593 嗨,麥克 Hey, Mike. 411 00:35:12,830 --> 00:35:15,532 照標準程式處理 走廊沒問題 - (man #1) Let's do this by the book. - (man #2) Hallway is secure. 412 00:35:15,600 --> 00:35:17,969 讓文件保持水準 沒問題 - (man #1) Keep the document level. - (man #2) No problem. 413 00:35:18,770 --> 00:35:19,770 怎麼回事? (Abigail) What have you got? 414 00:35:19,837 --> 00:35:21,805 檔框的熱感應器警報啟動 (man) The heat sensor went off in the Declaration frame. 415 00:35:21,873 --> 00:35:25,476 進行全面檢查,然後全部換掉 (Abigail) Run full diagnostics. then I want them all changed out. 416 00:35:25,542 --> 00:35:28,244 邪惡計畫奏效了 Our evil plan is working. 417 00:35:35,018 --> 00:35:37,753 國家文物館 418 00:35:44,260 --> 00:35:47,329 炸藥 419 00:36:07,917 --> 00:36:09,951 你確定要這麼做? Ben, are you sure that we should...? 420 00:36:13,422 --> 00:36:14,756 萊利 (Ben) Riley. 421 00:36:15,324 --> 00:36:17,692 聽得見我嗎? 真不幸,我聽得見 - Can you hear me? - Unfortunately. Yeah. 422 00:36:17,760 --> 00:36:19,494 一切就緒 We're all set in here. 423 00:36:19,561 --> 00:36:21,763 請繞到正門 You want to go around to the front and present your invitation. 424 00:36:21,831 --> 00:36:25,801 出示邀請卡和身份證明 進去吧 You're gonna have to show ID. Go ahead, man. 425 00:36:30,172 --> 00:36:32,173 你好 Howdy. 426 00:36:36,545 --> 00:36:40,214 請出示邀請卡和身份證明 I need your invitation and your ID, please. 427 00:36:58,466 --> 00:37:00,734 情況如何? (Riley) How do you look? 428 00:37:00,801 --> 00:37:03,870 還不壞 恭喜了 - Not bad. - Mazel tov. 429 00:37:11,211 --> 00:37:13,212 時候到了 This is it. 430 00:37:45,945 --> 00:37:48,480 給你 For you. 431 00:37:48,547 --> 00:37:50,982 布朗先生 卻斯博士 - Oh, Mr. Brown. - Dr. Chase. 432 00:37:51,050 --> 00:37:54,420 你怎麼會在這裡? 這是那個辣妹嗎? - (Abigail) What are you doing here? - Is that that hot girl? 433 00:37:54,486 --> 00:37:59,590 她穿的辣嗎? 我趕在最後捐了一大筆 - How does she look? - I made a last-minute donation. A big one. 434 00:37:59,658 --> 00:38:02,327 說到這個,謝謝你的禮物 Well, on that subject, thank you for your wonderful gift. 435 00:38:02,393 --> 00:38:05,362 你收到了?很好 是的,謝謝你 - Oh, you did get it? Good. - Yes, thank you. 436 00:38:05,430 --> 00:38:09,600 通常我不能接受禮物 You know, I really couldn't accept something like that normally, but... 437 00:38:09,668 --> 00:38:11,669 不過我真的很想要它 I really want it. 438 00:38:11,737 --> 00:38:15,006 你需要它 快離開那裡,大情聖 - Well, you needed it. - Come on. Romeo. Get outta there. 439 00:38:15,073 --> 00:38:19,109 我一直在想,那雕刻暗示什麼 I have been wondering, though, what the engraving indicated 440 00:38:19,177 --> 00:38:20,911 就是大腳怪拿走的那個 - On the pipe that Big Foot took. - (man) Hi. 441 00:38:20,978 --> 00:38:22,412 嗨 442 00:38:22,847 --> 00:38:27,151 來了 赫伯博士,這位是布朗先生 - Here you go. - Oh, Dr. Herbert, this is Mr. Brown. 443 00:38:27,217 --> 00:38:28,352 嗨 你好 - Hi. - Hi there. 444 00:38:28,419 --> 00:38:31,956 這呆子是誰? 我幫你拿這杯 - (Riley) Who's the stiff? - Here, why don't you let me take that? 445 00:38:32,022 --> 00:38:35,592 這樣你好拿他手上那杯 謝謝 - So you can take that off his hands. - (Abigail) Thank you. 446 00:38:36,694 --> 00:38:38,863 乾杯 A toast, yeah? 447 00:38:38,929 --> 00:38:41,098 敬叛國者 To high treason. 448 00:38:41,165 --> 00:38:44,568 就是那些簽署獨立宣言的人 That's what these men were committing when they signed the Declaration. 449 00:38:44,634 --> 00:38:49,873 要是打輸了,他們就會被處死 五馬分屍 Had we lost the war, they would have been hanged, beheaded, drawn and quartered, 450 00:38:49,939 --> 00:38:54,443 還有我最喜歡的 挖出內臟用火焚燒 and - Oh! Oh, my personal favorite - and had their entrails cut out and burned! 451 00:38:56,646 --> 00:39:01,617 敬那些做別人認為是錯事 So, here's to the men who did what was considered wrong 452 00:39:01,685 --> 00:39:04,787 卻是做他們自認是正確事情的人 in order to do what they knew was right. 453 00:39:06,089 --> 00:39:07,956 他們很清楚那麼做是對的 What they knew was right. 454 00:39:19,435 --> 00:39:21,336 那麼,晚安 Well, good night. 455 00:39:21,404 --> 00:39:23,639 晚安 晚安 - Good night. - Good night. 456 00:39:39,687 --> 00:39:42,056 好耶 (lan) Yeah! 457 00:39:43,691 --> 00:39:44,892 上! OK, go! Go! 458 00:39:57,739 --> 00:39:59,406 最好有效 This better work. 459 00:40:05,812 --> 00:40:06,546 安全! Clear! 460 00:40:11,985 --> 00:40:15,488 點燃了 第一道門,30秒 - On. - Door one. 30 seconds. 461 00:40:24,364 --> 00:40:26,365 怎樣? How does it look? 462 00:40:28,468 --> 00:40:31,737 起作用了 起作用了 It's working. It's working... 463 00:40:31,805 --> 00:40:33,239 不可思議 Unbelievable. 464 00:40:54,293 --> 00:40:56,194 第二道門,90秒 Second door. 90 seconds. 465 00:41:09,141 --> 00:41:11,776 幹得好 Well done, boys. Let's go. 466 00:41:11,910 --> 00:41:13,144 准許進入 467 00:41:24,856 --> 00:41:27,358 進電梯了 好 - We're in the elevator. - OK. 468 00:41:27,425 --> 00:41:29,660 我要關閉監視器了 I'm gonna turn off the surveillance cameras. Ready? 469 00:41:30,261 --> 00:41:32,696 五…四… In five. Four. 470 00:41:32,763 --> 00:41:34,932 三…就是現在 three... Now. 471 00:41:36,800 --> 00:41:38,068 班蓋茲 Ben Gates, 472 00:41:38,135 --> 00:41:40,803 你現在是隱形人了 you are now the Invisible Man. 473 00:41:45,943 --> 00:41:48,745 我進來了 把字母報出來 - I'm here. - Give me the letters for her password. 474 00:41:48,812 --> 00:41:50,981 是哪些? What do you got for me? 475 00:41:53,717 --> 00:41:55,418 告訴我吧 Hit me with it. 476 00:41:55,485 --> 00:41:57,486 A-E-F-G… A-E-F-G... 477 00:41:57,554 --> 00:42:00,522 暈L-O-R-V-Y L-O-R-V-Y. 478 00:42:01,024 --> 00:42:04,026 字謎組合結果 Anagrams being listed. 479 00:42:04,094 --> 00:42:06,162 好 OK. 480 00:42:06,229 --> 00:42:08,931 最佳解是… AGloveFry Top results: "A glove fry." 481 00:42:08,998 --> 00:42:10,566 暈AVeryGolf "A very golf." 482 00:42:10,633 --> 00:42:12,501 暈FargoLevy "Fargo levy." 483 00:42:12,569 --> 00:42:14,837 暈GravyFloe, ValeyFrog "Gravy floe. Valey frog." 484 00:42:14,904 --> 00:42:17,806 還有AgoFlyRev Also "Ago fly rev." 485 00:42:18,675 --> 00:42:20,276 暈GroveFlyA Uh..."Grove fly a." 486 00:42:20,342 --> 00:42:22,177 暈AreFlyGov "Are fly gov." 487 00:42:22,244 --> 00:42:24,480 暈EraFlyGov "Era fly gov." 488 00:42:24,546 --> 00:42:26,882 ElfGovRay 是ValleyForge - "Elf gov ray. " - It's "Valley Forge." 489 00:42:27,816 --> 00:42:30,451 ValleyForge 電腦上沒這個組合 "Valley For..." I don't have that on my computer. 490 00:42:30,519 --> 00:42:32,587 是“VALLEY FORGE”, 她輸入E和L兩次 It's "Valley Forge" - she pressed the E and L twice. 491 00:42:39,861 --> 00:42:41,829 我進來了 (Ben) We're in. 492 00:42:45,834 --> 00:42:47,335 你好 (Riley in British accent) Hello. 493 00:42:53,141 --> 00:42:55,175 做得很好 Ben, you're doing great. 494 00:43:03,984 --> 00:43:06,019 動作快點 Ben, pick it up. 495 00:43:14,762 --> 00:43:16,730 你還有大約… You got about one... 496 00:43:21,435 --> 00:43:22,769 我們控制監視器了 We own video. 497 00:43:23,570 --> 00:43:26,172 我失去影像了 什麼? - I lost my feed. - What? 498 00:43:26,240 --> 00:43:28,074 我失去影像了 I lost my feed, Ben. 499 00:43:28,142 --> 00:43:30,143 不知道別人在幹嘛 我啥都看不到 I don't know where anyone is. I have nothing. 500 00:43:30,244 --> 00:43:31,745 啥都沒有… 班,我啥都看不到 Ben, I have no... Ben, I have nothing. 501 00:43:31,845 --> 00:43:34,580 快離開,馬上出去 Get out of there. Get out of there now. 502 00:43:34,648 --> 00:43:37,216 我會帶著文件連框去搭電梯 I'm taking the whole thing. I'll get it out in the elevator. 503 00:43:37,283 --> 00:43:40,052 什麼… 那很重嗎? What are you talking about? Is it heavy? 504 00:43:45,591 --> 00:43:48,093 老蕭 第三道門,1分鐘 Shaw. Door three, one minute. 505 00:44:04,076 --> 00:44:05,577 蓋茲 Gates. 506 00:44:10,148 --> 00:44:12,284 那是什麼? What was that? 507 00:44:14,386 --> 00:44:16,253 是誰開的槍? Who's shooting? 508 00:44:17,890 --> 00:44:20,158 可惡 他媽的地圖被他拿走了 - Damn. - He's got the bloody map! 509 00:44:20,592 --> 00:44:23,260 你還在嗎? Are you still there? Ben? 510 00:44:23,328 --> 00:44:24,962 我在電梯裡 I'm in the elevator. 511 00:44:25,563 --> 00:44:30,768 伊恩也來了,他開了槍 我真恨那傢伙 - Lan's here. There was, uh, shooting. - I hate that guy. 512 00:44:35,472 --> 00:44:39,943 蕾貝嘉 名單上有保羅布朗這個人嗎? Hey, Rebecca. Do you have a Paul Brown on that list? 513 00:44:40,044 --> 00:44:41,512 保羅布朗? Paul Brown? 514 00:44:41,612 --> 00:44:43,179 沒有 Uh, no. Not here. 515 00:44:56,893 --> 00:44:58,728 晚安了 Have a good night. 516 00:45:05,869 --> 00:45:08,804 你想偷東西? Are you trying to steal that? 517 00:45:13,843 --> 00:45:15,577 這要35元 It's $35. 518 00:45:17,147 --> 00:45:19,449 買這個? 對 - For this? - Yeah. 519 00:45:19,515 --> 00:45:22,652 還真貴 價錢又不是我訂的 - That's a lot. - Hey, I don't make the prices. 520 00:45:25,588 --> 00:45:26,689 這… It's, um... 521 00:45:30,059 --> 00:45:31,660 我這裡有32元 I have $32... 522 00:45:35,865 --> 00:45:37,699 …57分? 57 c. 523 00:45:38,367 --> 00:45:40,869 我們收信用卡 We take Visa. 524 00:45:50,412 --> 00:45:52,847 我是麥克,有狀況 This is Mike. Sublevel three. I have an alert. 525 00:45:52,914 --> 00:45:55,749 你在哪裡,班? (sings) Where are you, Ben? 526 00:46:20,173 --> 00:46:22,775 你在哪裡? 閉嘴 - Where are you? - Stop talking. 527 00:46:24,244 --> 00:46:26,513 發動車子 Start the van. 528 00:46:32,753 --> 00:46:37,958 文物館的凶婆娘在你後面 Ben, the... the mean Declaration lady's behind you. 529 00:46:42,729 --> 00:46:44,496 嗨 Hey. 530 00:46:44,564 --> 00:46:47,166 是你啊 你好 Oh, it's you. Hello. 531 00:46:47,234 --> 00:46:49,936 這是怎麼回事?那是什麼? Mr. Brown, what's going on? What's that? 532 00:46:50,837 --> 00:46:53,172 紀念品 是嗎? - It's a souvenir. - Really? 533 00:46:53,239 --> 00:46:55,240 別聊天了,快上車 Stop chatting and get in the van. 534 00:47:01,080 --> 00:47:03,014 紅色警報,有人闖入 Code red. Code red. We have a break-in. 535 00:47:03,082 --> 00:47:06,985 全面封鎖,不准任何人離開 快通知調查局 Lock it down. Nobody leaves the building. Get the FBI on the phone. 536 00:47:11,157 --> 00:47:13,792 慶祝會好玩嗎? 還好 - Did you enjoy the party? - Yeah. 537 00:47:17,763 --> 00:47:20,765 天哪 老天,你不會吧 - Oh, my God. - Oh, my God! You did not...? 538 00:47:21,467 --> 00:47:23,602 不 警衛!這裡! - No... - Security! Over here! 539 00:47:23,669 --> 00:47:25,636 把那給我! 你拿去吧 - Give me that! - It's yours. Take it. 540 00:47:26,337 --> 00:47:28,072 警衛! - Security! - Uh-uh-uh. 541 00:47:28,139 --> 00:47:32,076 在這裡! 好了 - Over here! Security! - Got you. 542 00:47:32,777 --> 00:47:33,743 快走! Go. 543 00:47:33,844 --> 00:47:35,946 維多!快開車! Viktor! Move! 544 00:47:36,014 --> 00:47:38,116 不能放她走 可以的!快走! - We can't just let her go! - We can. Go! 545 00:47:39,450 --> 00:47:42,152 警衛!這裡! 等等!等等! - Security, over here! - Wait. No, hold it. 546 00:47:42,220 --> 00:47:43,854 等等! Hold it! 547 00:47:46,056 --> 00:47:47,023 怎麼…? 糟了 - Wha...? - Oh, bad. 548 00:47:47,124 --> 00:47:48,592 你要幹嘛? 把東西給我 - What do you want? - Give me the document. 549 00:47:48,693 --> 00:47:50,660 糟了 Bad, bad, bad! 550 00:47:54,464 --> 00:47:56,265 放開我 快帶走她 - Let me go! - Just bring her! 551 00:47:56,333 --> 00:47:57,767 不!不! No! No! 552 00:48:04,841 --> 00:48:06,675 真是… 快追! - That's... - Go! Go! 553 00:48:16,520 --> 00:48:18,622 你是誰啊? And just who might you be? 554 00:48:22,225 --> 00:48:25,193 我們追上去要幹嘛? 我正在想 - Once we catch them what do we do? - I'm working on it. 555 00:48:27,096 --> 00:48:28,497 右轉 Right turn, right turn. 556 00:48:30,199 --> 00:48:33,969 把檔給我,對大家都好 Why don't you just pass me that document? Then we can all go home. 557 00:48:46,248 --> 00:48:47,682 糟了 Oh, no. 558 00:49:02,364 --> 00:49:03,865 打滑 Skidding, skidding, skidding. 559 00:49:10,538 --> 00:49:12,774 糟了 我的媽呀 - Oh, no! - Holy Lord! 560 00:49:17,211 --> 00:49:21,114 救命 她掉下去,檔就沒了 - Help! - No! If she falls, the document falls. 561 00:49:22,316 --> 00:49:24,317 把我送到她旁邊 Get me next to her. 562 00:49:45,305 --> 00:49:47,239 謝謝 不! - Thank you. - No! 563 00:49:47,307 --> 00:49:49,942 拿到了,動手吧 Got it. Go on. 564 00:49:50,911 --> 00:49:52,612 雅碧! Abigail! 565 00:49:54,347 --> 00:49:56,281 快跳! - Come on. Jump. - (screams) 566 00:50:05,491 --> 00:50:09,962 他們逃了 無所謂,我們只要這個 - We lost them. - That's all right. This... is what we need. 567 00:50:20,305 --> 00:50:22,974 有你的,蓋茲,真有你的 Well done, Gates. Well done. 568 00:50:25,410 --> 00:50:28,079 你沒事吧? 不好,那些瘋子… - (Ben) Are you all right? - No! Those lunatics... 569 00:50:28,147 --> 00:50:30,715 沒受傷吧? 你們都是瘋子 - You're not hurt, are you? - You are all lunatics! 570 00:50:30,782 --> 00:50:32,283 你餓嗎? 什麼? - Are you hungry? - What?! 571 00:50:32,384 --> 00:50:33,785 你沒事吧? Are you all right? 572 00:50:33,852 --> 00:50:37,788 我嚇壞了,不過還好,多謝關心 Still a little on edge from being shot at, but I'll be OK. Thanks for asking. 573 00:50:37,889 --> 00:50:41,625 那些人拿走了獨立宣言 Yeah, well, I'm not all right. Those men have the Declaration of Independence! 574 00:50:41,693 --> 00:50:44,896 她弄丟了? 他們沒拿到手 - She lost it?! - They don't have it. 575 00:50:46,664 --> 00:50:50,167 看到了吧? 現在能不能麻煩你閉嘴? See? OK? Now could you please stop shouting? 576 00:50:51,335 --> 00:50:54,872 還給我! 你還在亂吼,真煩 - Give me that! - You're still shouting. It's starting to annoy. 577 00:50:55,406 --> 00:50:58,842 你可以表現更有教養一點 You'd do well, Dr. Chase, to be a bit more civilized in this instance. 578 00:50:59,176 --> 00:51:01,844 這若是真品,他們手上那份呢? If this is the real one, what did they get? 579 00:51:02,245 --> 00:51:04,046 是紀念品 A souvenir. 580 00:51:04,114 --> 00:51:07,717 我想複製品可能會有用 果然沒料錯 I thought it'd be a good idea to have a duplicate. It turned out I was right. 581 00:51:08,185 --> 00:51:14,524 事實上,我還付錢買的 所以你欠我35元,外加稅金 I actually had to pay for the souvenir and the real one, so you owe me $35, plus tax. 582 00:51:15,025 --> 00:51:17,927 真天才 那些人是誰? - Genius. - Who were those men? 583 00:51:17,995 --> 00:51:20,463 我們說過要偷獨立宣言的人 Just the guys we warned you were gonna steal the Declaration. 584 00:51:20,530 --> 00:51:22,364 而你並不相信我們 And you didn't believe us. 585 00:51:22,432 --> 00:51:25,067 我們只好設法保護它的安全 We did the only thing we could do to keep it safe. 586 00:51:26,236 --> 00:51:27,770 東西給我! Verdammt! Give me that! 587 00:51:27,870 --> 00:51:30,139 你又再亂吼了 You know something? You're shouting again. 588 00:51:30,206 --> 00:51:32,173 她還亂罵人呢 I'm pretty sure she was swearing, too. 589 00:51:32,274 --> 00:51:35,376 或許我們也該罵 Well, we probably deserve that. 590 00:51:41,884 --> 00:51:44,086 各位來賓 (man) Ladies and gentlemen... 591 00:51:44,153 --> 00:51:48,524 我是彼德沙斯基,現場由我負責 Ladies and gentlemen, my name is Peter Sadusky. I'm the agent in charge. 592 00:51:48,590 --> 00:51:51,659 我敢保證,各位沒有任何危險 I wanna reassure you, you are not in danger in any way. 593 00:51:51,727 --> 00:51:56,531 只要大家合作 我們很快就能排除這個小狀況 If we all cooperate, we'll get through this with as little frustration as possible. 594 00:51:56,998 --> 00:51:58,966 謝謝 Thank you. 595 00:52:00,235 --> 00:52:04,972 查看證件、搜查每個人 包括警衛人員 Get positive IDs. Search everyone, including the security staff. 596 00:52:05,040 --> 00:52:07,875 有人拒絕就加以拘留並申請拘票 If they refuse, detain them and get warrants. 597 00:52:07,943 --> 00:52:10,411 有事嗎?韓得利探員? - (clears throat) - Agent Hendricks? You have something? 598 00:52:11,179 --> 00:52:11,879 嗯… Um... 599 00:52:11,947 --> 00:52:16,384 現在不是說“嗯” 的時候 我們曾獲報 - This isn't a day for "Um..." - We got a tip several days ago 600 00:52:16,484 --> 00:52:19,519 說有人要偷獨立宣言 that someone was going to steal the Declaration of Independence. 601 00:52:19,620 --> 00:52:22,556 報案的是誰? Do we have a name on the tipster? 602 00:52:22,623 --> 00:52:26,226 沒設檔案 我們不認為這消息可靠 There was no file opened. We didn't find the information credible. 603 00:52:27,795 --> 00:52:29,529 現在可以設了吧? How about now? 604 00:52:29,597 --> 00:52:33,700 獨立宣言的背面沒有什麼地圖 There is not a treasure map on the back of the Declaration of Independence. 605 00:52:33,768 --> 00:52:37,704 也沒有人能偷走它 And there's no chance anyone can steal this either. 606 00:52:38,705 --> 00:52:42,075 我對你100%的誠實以告 I leveled with you 100 percent. Everything I told you was the truth. 607 00:52:42,142 --> 00:52:44,311 我要那份文件,布朗先生 I want that document, Mr. Brown. 608 00:52:44,744 --> 00:52:47,446 好吧,我不姓布朗,我姓蓋茲 OK, my name's not Brown. It's Gates. 609 00:52:47,514 --> 00:52:49,883 我只吐露了98%的實情 I leveled with you 98 percent. 610 00:52:49,949 --> 00:52:52,651 你說你姓蓋茲? Wait a minute, did you just say "Gates"? 611 00:52:53,687 --> 00:52:55,354 蓋茲? Gates? 612 00:52:55,421 --> 00:52:58,891 就是你們家族 主張建國英雄們有陰謀 You're that family with the conspiracy theory about the Founding Fathers? 613 00:52:58,992 --> 00:53:02,395 那不是什麼陰謀 本質上來說不是 - It's not a conspiracy theory. - Per se. 614 00:53:02,461 --> 00:53:06,298 我收回 你不是騙子,你是瘋子 You know what? I take it back. You're not liars. You're insane. 615 00:53:06,365 --> 00:53:08,601 改陳列獨立宣言的複製本了? There's a copy of the Declaration on display now? 616 00:53:08,667 --> 00:53:10,869 是的 很好,這樣就能魚目混珠了 - Yes, we decided to... - Leave it there. 617 00:53:10,936 --> 00:53:13,538 來賓知道出事了 但不知道是什麼事 The guests know something happened, but they don't know what. 618 00:53:13,606 --> 00:53:16,809 竊賊用電擊棒,他啥都不記得 They got him with a Taser at the service entrance. He doesn't remember a thing. 619 00:53:16,875 --> 00:53:19,011 我們找到彈殼 Also, we found bullet casings. 620 00:53:19,077 --> 00:53:20,745 其他警衛有證詞嗎? Did we get a description from the other guards? 621 00:53:20,813 --> 00:53:23,781 哪個警衛? 開槍的那個 - Which guards? - The guards that were fired upon. 622 00:53:23,882 --> 00:53:28,019 下面沒有其他警衛 There weren't any other guards on patrol down here. 623 00:53:28,320 --> 00:53:30,522 那… So... 624 00:53:30,588 --> 00:53:33,825 是誰開的槍? 這又是對誰開槍? who was shooting, who were they shooting at, 625 00:53:33,892 --> 00:53:36,261 他們為什麼會對上彼此? and why weren't they getting along? 626 00:53:36,328 --> 00:53:39,163 你不能在一輛疾駛的車上 You can't seriously intend to run chemical tests 627 00:53:39,231 --> 00:53:42,434 對獨立宣言進行化學實驗 on the Declaration of Independence in the back of a moving van. 628 00:53:42,500 --> 00:53:44,168 我們準備了一間無塵室 We have a clean-room environment all set up. 629 00:53:44,236 --> 00:53:47,472 防護衣、空氣濾清器…一應俱全 EDS suits, a particulate air filtration system, the whole shebang. 630 00:53:47,539 --> 00:53:50,107 是嗎? 不能去那裡 - Really? - We can't go back there. 631 00:53:50,174 --> 00:53:51,942 為什麼? What? Why not? 632 00:53:52,009 --> 00:53:55,846 就是他,卻斯博士說他叫布朗 This is the guy. Dr. Herbert said Dr. Chase introduced him as Mr. Brown. 633 00:53:55,913 --> 00:53:57,214 賓客名單上沒有 Not on the guestlist. 634 00:53:57,281 --> 00:54:01,417 禮品店店員說他的樣子很慌張 Now, the gift-store clerk-she said he seemed... Well, she said "flustered." 635 00:54:01,485 --> 00:54:04,454 還想拿走獨立宣言的複製品 He tried to walk out with a copy of the Declaration of Independence 636 00:54:04,521 --> 00:54:06,489 順手牽羊 without paying. 637 00:54:06,590 --> 00:54:08,558 他用信用卡付的帳 He paid with a Visa. 638 00:54:08,659 --> 00:54:11,828 持卡人是班傑明蓋茲 "Charge to Benjamin Gates." 639 00:54:11,895 --> 00:54:14,630 信用卡收據? A credit-card slip? 640 00:54:14,698 --> 00:54:16,366 老大,我們完了 Dude, we're on the grid. 641 00:54:16,433 --> 00:54:19,302 他們會查出你所有的記錄 They'll have your records from forever. They'll have my records from forever. 642 00:54:19,369 --> 00:54:22,872 我知道,調查局隨時都會找上我 I know. I know. It's only a matter of minutes before the FBI shows up at my front door. 643 00:54:22,973 --> 00:54:25,075 那要怎麼辦? What do we do? 644 00:54:25,141 --> 00:54:28,043 我們需要那些信 什麼信? - We need those letters. - What letters? 645 00:54:30,313 --> 00:54:32,281 下高速公路,右轉 (Ben) You know, get off the road, take a right. 646 00:54:32,382 --> 00:54:34,216 什麼信? (Abigail) What letters? 647 00:54:35,085 --> 00:54:40,089 你有沉默杜古德的信正本? 那些也是你偷來的? You have the original Silence Dogood letters? Did you steal those, too? 648 00:54:40,190 --> 00:54:42,292 我們掃瞄了正本 We have scans of the originals. 649 00:54:42,358 --> 00:54:45,227 拜託你閉嘴 你怎麼掃瞄的? - Quiet, please. - How'd you get scans? 650 00:54:45,294 --> 00:54:48,863 我認識擁有正本的人,安靜 Oh, I know the person who has the originals. Now shush. 651 00:54:51,901 --> 00:54:56,305 你為什麼要用那些信? 她就是不能閉嘴 - Why do you need them? - She really can't shut her mouth, can she? 652 00:54:56,371 --> 00:55:00,041 聽著,我讓你拿著這個 I'll tell you what, look. I will let you hold onto this 653 00:55:00,109 --> 00:55:02,944 只要你答應閉嘴,拜託 if you'll promise to shut up, please. 654 00:55:03,012 --> 00:55:05,547 謝謝 Thank you. 655 00:55:06,281 --> 00:55:08,683 你知道你該怎麼做 我知道 - Ben, you know what you have to do. - I know what to do. 656 00:55:08,750 --> 00:55:11,485 我是想先看看有沒有別的辦法 I'm just trying to think of anything else we could do. 657 00:55:11,553 --> 00:55:14,288 我不想討人厭 Well, not to be a, uh, nudge, 658 00:55:14,355 --> 00:55:18,358 不過你知道有多少人在追我們? but you do realize how many people we have after us. 659 00:55:18,459 --> 00:55:21,762 搞不好有專屬衛星在追蹤我們了 We probably have our own satellite by now. 660 00:55:22,931 --> 00:55:28,369 你才花兩秒就決定動手偷文件 It took you all of two seconds to decide to steal the Declaration of Independence. 661 00:55:28,436 --> 00:55:32,372 對,但我沒想過得跟我爸告白 Yeah, but I didn't think I was gonna personally have to tell my dad about it. 662 00:55:32,473 --> 00:55:35,142 這可不聰明! Hey, not cool! Not cool! 663 00:55:35,209 --> 00:55:37,345 放我走! Let me go! 664 00:55:37,411 --> 00:55:39,680 好,你可以走了,快走 OK. You're let go. Go, shoo. 665 00:55:39,747 --> 00:55:42,049 沒有獨立宣言我哪都不去 I'm not going. Not without the Declaration. 666 00:55:42,115 --> 00:55:45,084 你不能帶走它 You're not going with the Declaration. 667 00:55:45,152 --> 00:55:48,821 我不會讓它離開我,我也要去 Yes, I am. I'm not letting it out of my sight, so I'm going. 668 00:55:48,889 --> 00:55:52,125 你不能跟我們帶著它一起走 Wait. You're not going with us with the Declaration. 669 00:55:52,192 --> 00:55:55,495 我要去 你不行去 - Yes, I am. - No, you're not. 670 00:55:56,529 --> 00:55:58,731 你要是想丟下我 Look, if you wanted to leave me behind, 671 00:55:58,798 --> 00:56:02,234 就不該告訴我你們要去哪 you shouldn't have told me where you were going. 672 00:56:17,950 --> 00:56:19,918 沒人 Clear. 673 00:56:20,686 --> 00:56:22,954 不會吧 What the... 674 00:56:24,390 --> 00:56:27,125 這下有收穫了 (Sadusky) Now we're getting somewhere. 675 00:56:28,127 --> 00:56:31,930 他們掃瞄了新英格蘭報 (woman) They're digital scans of letters to the editor of The New England Courant. 676 00:56:31,997 --> 00:56:34,732 1772年所收到的讀者來信 Written 1722. 677 00:56:34,800 --> 00:56:39,170 發信者是同一個人 “你謙卑的僕人,沉默杜古德” They're all from the same person. "Your humble servant, Silence Dogood." 678 00:56:39,237 --> 00:56:42,973 “鑰匙沉默隱其中” “55枝鐵筆,麥特列也難損傷” 679 00:56:48,713 --> 00:56:51,882 沉默 麥特列 680 00:56:54,752 --> 00:56:56,720 各位 Gentlemen... 681 00:56:56,787 --> 00:57:00,991 沉默這個字為什麼大寫? why is this word capitalized? 682 00:57:02,026 --> 00:57:04,894 因為它很重要? Because it's important? 683 00:57:07,064 --> 00:57:09,466 因為這是個名字 Because it's a name. 684 00:57:09,533 --> 00:57:12,501 佛蘭克林15歲時 OK, I got it. When Ben Franklin was only 15 years old 685 00:57:12,602 --> 00:57:15,538 秘密寫了14封信給他哥的報社 he secretly wrote 14 letters to his brother's newspaper 686 00:57:15,605 --> 00:57:19,308 化名為沉默杜古德的寡婦 pretending to be a middle-aged widow named Silence Dogood. 687 00:57:19,376 --> 00:57:22,078 信其實都是佛蘭克林寫的 These letters were written by Benjamin Franklin. 688 00:57:29,018 --> 00:57:31,420 看起來沒問題 (Riley) Looks OK. 689 00:57:31,488 --> 00:57:34,123 停在幾個路口外 我們有多久時間? - Park a couple of blocks away. - Well, how long do you think we got? 690 00:57:34,190 --> 00:57:37,826 至少幾個小時吧,我希望 I'm gonna give them a couple of hours at least. I hope. 691 00:57:37,894 --> 00:57:41,864 那她呢?我後車廂還有些膠帶 What do we do about her? I've got some duct tape in the back. 692 00:57:41,965 --> 00:57:44,233 不用了,她不會礙事的 (Ben) No, that won't be necessary. She won't be any trouble. 693 00:57:44,300 --> 00:57:47,536 答應我你不會礙事 我答應 - Promise you won't be any trouble. - I promise. 694 00:57:47,603 --> 00:57:49,537 看吧?她也很好奇 See? She's curious. 695 00:57:53,376 --> 00:57:57,813 蓋茲擁有… 喬治城大學美國史學位 Here's what I got on Gates. A degree in American History from Georgetown, 696 00:57:57,913 --> 00:58:00,148 還有麻省理工的電機學位 a degree in Mechanical Engineering at MIT, 697 00:58:00,215 --> 00:58:04,686 海軍預備軍官團、潛水救難中心 Navy ROTC and Naval Diving and Salvage Training Center. 698 00:58:05,453 --> 00:58:08,189 他到底想幹什麼? What in the world did this guy want to be when he grew up? 699 00:58:08,256 --> 00:58:10,224 繼續找蓋茲 We keep our focus on Gates. 700 00:58:10,325 --> 00:58:12,660 逮到他為止 Run him to ground. 701 00:58:12,727 --> 00:58:16,463 收集家族朋友名單,先找近親 Compile a family-and-friends list. Closest relative first. 702 00:58:16,965 --> 00:58:19,701 我想查清楚這傢伙是誰 I want to find out who this guy is. 703 00:58:21,836 --> 00:58:23,537 費城 (doorbell) 704 00:58:28,443 --> 00:58:29,711 爸 Dad. 705 00:58:32,113 --> 00:58:34,080 在哪開的派對? Where's the party? 706 00:58:34,649 --> 00:58:39,388 這個嘛… 我惹了一點麻煩 Uh, well, uh... I'm in a little trouble. 707 00:58:39,486 --> 00:58:42,122 她懷孕了? 是的話 - Is she pregnant? - (Ben) Well, if she is, 708 00:58:42,189 --> 00:58:46,627 你會讓懷你孫子的女人 站在外面吹冷風嗎? are you gonna leave the woman carrying your grandchild standing out in the cold? 709 00:58:46,727 --> 00:58:49,129 我像懷了孕嗎? I look pregnant? 710 00:58:53,834 --> 00:58:57,070 這最好跟那個蠢寶藏無關 This better not be about that dumb treasure. 711 00:59:02,308 --> 00:59:04,977 坐吧,不用拘束 Well, have a seat. Make yourselves comfortable. 712 00:59:05,045 --> 00:59:08,914 這裡有些披薩,還是溫的 There's some pizza. It's still warm, I think. 713 00:59:08,982 --> 00:59:10,516 爸 Dad... 714 00:59:12,552 --> 00:59:17,489 我需要沉默杜古德的信 這的確跟寶藏有關 I need the Silence Dogood letters. Yeah, it's about the treasure. 715 00:59:17,557 --> 00:59:19,558 是他拖你們下水的? And he dragged you two into this nonsense? 716 00:59:19,659 --> 00:59:22,127 沒錯 我是自願的 - Literally. - I volunteered. 717 00:59:22,227 --> 00:59:25,464 快退出,免得浪費你的人生 Well, unvolunteer, before you waste your life. 718 00:59:25,531 --> 00:59:28,533 別說了,爸 沒錯,我是家裡的怪胎 - Knock it off, Dad. - Sure, sure, I know, I'm the family kook. 719 00:59:28,634 --> 00:59:30,936 我有工作、房子、健保 I have a job, a house, health insurance. 720 00:59:31,003 --> 00:59:35,174 至少我還有你媽,雖然時間短暫 至少我還有你 At least I had your mother, for however brief a time. At least I had you. 721 00:59:35,240 --> 00:59:37,509 你有什麼?他嗎? What do you have? Him? 722 00:59:39,744 --> 00:59:42,914 把信給我們,我們就走 Look, if you just give us the letters, we're gone. 723 00:59:42,981 --> 00:59:44,915 你真令我失望,兒子 You disappoint me, Ben. 724 00:59:44,983 --> 00:59:50,087 也許這才是蓋茲家的傳統 兒子老是令老爸失望 Well, maybe that's the real Gates-family legacy. Sons who disappoint their fathers. 725 00:59:51,590 --> 00:59:54,225 出去,帶著你的麻煩離開 Get out. Take your troubles with you. 726 00:59:59,630 --> 01:00:02,132 我找到夏綠蒂號了 I found the Charlotte. 727 01:00:06,537 --> 01:00:08,505 夏綠蒂號? The Charlotte? 728 01:00:09,407 --> 01:00:12,275 是一艘船? 很美 - You mean she was a ship? - Yeah, she was beautiful. 729 01:00:12,343 --> 01:00:13,343 真的很棒 It was amazing, Dad. 730 01:00:13,444 --> 01:00:16,213 那寶藏呢? And the treasure? 731 01:00:16,280 --> 01:00:19,049 沒有,我們找到另一個線索 No, no. But we found another clue that led us here. 732 01:00:19,116 --> 01:00:21,818 是啊,那會引你找到另一個線索 Yeah, and that'll lead you to another clue. 733 01:00:21,885 --> 01:00:24,487 你只會一直找到線索 你還不懂? And that's all you'll ever find, is another clue. Don't you get it, Ben? 734 01:00:24,555 --> 01:00:25,989 我早想清楚了 I finally figured it out. 735 01:00:26,056 --> 01:00:29,326 傳說寶藏被埋藏 以避免被英軍發現 The legend says that the treasure was buried to keep it from the British. 736 01:00:29,392 --> 01:00:32,128 事實是,傳說是杜撰的 But what really happened was the legend was invented, 737 01:00:32,195 --> 01:00:36,466 那是為了讓英軍忙於搜尋寶藏 to keep the British occupied searching for buried treasure. 738 01:00:36,533 --> 01:00:39,802 寶藏只是個故事 The treasure is a myth. 739 01:00:39,869 --> 01:00:42,238 我拒絕相信 I refuse to believe that. 740 01:00:47,444 --> 01:00:51,714 隨你愛信什麼,你已經長大了 Well, you can believe what you want. You're a grown person. What am I doing? 741 01:00:51,781 --> 01:00:55,017 隨你想做什麼,隨便你 Do what you want, Ben. Do what you want. 742 01:00:56,518 --> 01:01:01,289 他可能是對的 你不知道還有沒有線索 He's probably right. You don't even know if there is another clue. 743 01:01:03,292 --> 01:01:07,796 我能想辦法查清楚 現在就能查清楚 Well, I can think of a way where we could find out. And we can find out right now. 744 01:01:25,981 --> 01:01:28,048 看來像是動物的皮 Looks like animal skin. 745 01:01:28,716 --> 01:01:31,886 年代有多久? 至少兩百年 - How old is it? - At least 200 years. 746 01:01:31,953 --> 01:01:35,690 真的?你確定? 不會錯的 - Really? You sure? - Pretty darn. 747 01:01:35,756 --> 01:01:38,225 如果是用隱形墨水,要怎麼看? Now if this thing's in invisible ink, how do we look at it? 748 01:01:38,326 --> 01:01:39,627 把它丟進烤箱 Throw it in the oven. 749 01:01:39,694 --> 01:01:41,261 不行 - (Abigail and Ben) No. - Uh-uh. 750 01:01:41,362 --> 01:01:44,031 硫化亞鐵墨水要靠熱氣才能顯現 Ferrous sulfate inks can only be brought out with heat. 751 01:01:44,098 --> 01:01:47,301 對,但這個… 很古老 - Yes, but this... - It's very old. 752 01:01:47,367 --> 01:01:53,072 非常古老 不能冒險損傷地圖 This is very old, and we can't risk compromising the map. 753 01:01:53,140 --> 01:01:54,374 你要用試劑 You need a reagent. 754 01:01:54,441 --> 01:01:57,143 爸,很晚了,去睡吧 Dad, it's really late. Why don't you get some rest? 755 01:01:57,211 --> 01:01:59,679 我不急 I'm fine. 756 01:01:59,779 --> 01:02:01,614 用檸檬 Lemons. 757 01:02:08,221 --> 01:02:10,556 不能這麼做 我非做不可 - You can't do that. - But it has to be done. 758 01:02:10,624 --> 01:02:14,928 那就讓受過專業訓練的人來做吧 Then someone who is trained to handle antique documents is gonna do it. 759 01:02:15,895 --> 01:02:17,830 好吧 OK. 760 01:02:19,666 --> 01:02:21,334 好 OK. 761 01:02:22,501 --> 01:02:25,537 要是這上面有秘密訊息 Now, uh, if there is a secret message, 762 01:02:25,638 --> 01:02:30,943 就可能會有一個記號 寫在右上方的角落裡 it'll probably be marked by a symbol in the upper right-hand corner. 763 01:02:31,009 --> 01:02:32,644 沒錯 That's right. 764 01:02:36,415 --> 01:02:38,817 我這麼做肯定會被炒魷魚 I am so getting fired for this. 765 01:03:10,247 --> 01:03:13,049 我說過了 要用熱氣 I told you. You need heat. 766 01:03:31,101 --> 01:03:32,768 看吧? See? 767 01:03:35,472 --> 01:03:37,540 要更多的果汁 還要有更多熱氣 - We need more juice. - We need more heat. 768 01:03:52,122 --> 01:03:54,524 那不是地圖吧 That's not a map. 769 01:03:54,590 --> 01:03:57,727 那是嗎? 又是線索,真是個驚喜 - Is it? - More clues. What a surprise. 770 01:03:57,793 --> 01:03:59,494 緯度和經度? (Riley) Are those latitudes and longitudes? 771 01:03:59,562 --> 01:04:02,097 所以我們才需要那些信 That's why we need the Silence Dogood letters. 772 01:04:02,197 --> 01:04:05,233 那就是鑰匙 “鑰匙沉默隱其中” - That's the key? - Yeah. "The key in Silence undetected." 773 01:04:05,334 --> 01:04:06,968 爸,能不能把信給我們? Dad, can we have the letters now? 774 01:04:07,036 --> 01:04:11,473 拜託解釋一下這些密碼代表什麼 Will somebody please explain to me what these magic numbers are? 775 01:04:11,573 --> 01:04:14,042 這是奧騰多夫密碼 沒錯 - It's an Ottendorf cipher. - That's right. 776 01:04:14,109 --> 01:04:15,944 好吧 Oh, OK. 777 01:04:16,011 --> 01:04:18,947 那是什麼? 就是代碼 - What's an Ottendorf cipher? - They're just codes. 778 01:04:19,014 --> 01:04:23,352 每三個號碼對應解答裡的一個字 Each of these three numbers corresponds to a word in a key. 779 01:04:23,418 --> 01:04:26,254 通常是一本書或一篇報上的文章 Usually a random book or a newspaper article. 780 01:04:26,321 --> 01:04:28,490 而這裡指的是沉默杜古德的信 (Ben) In this case, the Silence Dogood letters. 781 01:04:28,557 --> 01:04:30,959 這是指解答文的頁碼 So it's like the page number of the key text, 782 01:04:31,025 --> 01:04:34,362 行數和該行的第幾個字母 the line on the page, and the letter in that line. 783 01:04:34,428 --> 01:04:37,030 爸,那些信呢? So, Dad, where are the letters? 784 01:04:37,098 --> 01:04:42,102 他爺爺能發現那些信… You know, it's just by sheer happenstance that his grandfather... 785 01:04:42,203 --> 01:04:43,404 爸 根本就是一個意外 - Dad. ...even found them. 786 01:04:43,471 --> 01:04:45,773 信就放在新英格蘭報… They were in an antique desk from the press room... 787 01:04:45,839 --> 01:04:47,507 爸 …印刷室裡 - Dad. ...of The New England Courant. 788 01:04:47,575 --> 01:04:50,610 就是報社裡 那些信呢? - That's a newspaper. - Dad, where are the letters? 789 01:04:50,711 --> 01:04:53,480 不在我手上,兒子 I don't have them, son. 790 01:04:53,547 --> 01:04:56,316 什麼? 不在我手上 - What? - I don't have them. 791 01:05:03,190 --> 01:05:04,557 那是在哪裡? Where are they? 792 01:05:04,625 --> 01:05:08,095 捐給費城的佛蘭克林紀念館了 I donated them to the Franklin Institute in Philadelphia. 793 01:05:08,729 --> 01:05:10,697 該走了 Time to go. 794 01:05:11,764 --> 01:05:16,435 我真不敢相信,這麼久以來 竟然沒人知道這背面有東西 I still can't believe it. All this time no one knew what was on the back. 795 01:05:16,503 --> 01:05:17,970 什麼的背面? - The back of what? - Whoa! 796 01:05:18,037 --> 01:05:20,172 不! No! 797 01:05:20,240 --> 01:05:22,709 天哪、我的老天 我知道 - Oh, my God. Oh, my God. - I know. 798 01:05:22,809 --> 01:05:25,444 這是…你做了什麼? 這是… Oh, my God. What have you done? This is... this is the... 799 01:05:25,512 --> 01:05:28,280 我知道 獨立宣言 - I know! - This is the Declaration of Independence. 800 01:05:28,347 --> 01:05:31,517 對,而且它還很脆弱 Yes. And it's very delicate. 801 01:05:31,584 --> 01:05:33,786 你偷來的? You stole it? 802 01:05:33,853 --> 01:05:39,225 我能解釋,不過我沒時間 我別無選擇,你也看到密碼了 Dad, I can explain, but I don't have time. It was necessary. And you saw the cipher. 803 01:05:39,291 --> 01:05:42,027 那只會引領你找到更多線索 And that will lead to another clue, and that will lead to another clue! 804 01:05:42,094 --> 01:05:45,464 根本沒有什麼寶藏 我浪費了二十年的光陰 There is no treasure. I wasted 20 years of my life. 805 01:05:45,531 --> 01:05:48,399 現在你也毀了你的人生 And now you've destroyed yours. 806 01:05:49,235 --> 01:05:51,403 還害我也淌了這趟渾水 And you pulled me into all this. 807 01:05:52,203 --> 01:05:55,039 我們不會害你的 Well, we can't have that. 808 01:05:59,678 --> 01:06:02,280 快進來! (Patrick) Come in! 809 01:06:02,347 --> 01:06:04,314 我在這裡! I'm in here. 810 01:06:05,316 --> 01:06:07,284 調查局,對吧? FBl, right? 811 01:06:11,189 --> 01:06:13,524 你們會幫我鬆綁吧? You gonna untie me? 812 01:06:16,227 --> 01:06:18,696 你不知道他去哪了? And you have no idea where he's going? 813 01:06:18,763 --> 01:06:22,866 我要是知道早跟你說了 你會說嗎? - Well, wouldn't I have told you if I did? - Would you? 814 01:06:22,933 --> 01:06:25,035 他把我綁在椅子上 He tied me to a chair. 815 01:06:25,135 --> 01:06:29,172 車庫是空的 但派屈克蓋茲名下有輛凱迪拉克 The garage is empty, but there's a Cadillac De Ville registered to Patrick Gates. 816 01:06:29,273 --> 01:06:31,307 他還偷了我的車 And he stole my car. 817 01:06:31,776 --> 01:06:35,445 別擔心,我們會找到你的車 還有你兒子 Don't worry, Mr. Gates, we'll find your car. And your son. 818 01:06:38,048 --> 01:06:40,417 你爸的車還真贊 Your dad's got a sweet ride. 819 01:06:40,484 --> 01:06:43,352 我們該換個衣服 I think we should change clothes. 820 01:06:43,420 --> 01:06:45,922 這樣太醒目了,你說呢? We look kind of conspicuous, don't you think? 821 01:06:46,022 --> 01:06:48,991 我很想逛街購物,但我們沒錢 I'd love to go shopping, too, but we have no money. 822 01:06:49,092 --> 01:06:51,126 我從他家拿了這個 Here, I took this from his house. 823 01:06:51,227 --> 01:06:54,897 他通常會在裡面夾個幾百元 He usually tucks a few hundred dollars somewhere between those pages. 824 01:06:54,964 --> 01:06:59,202 “常識” ,還真合用 什麼時候會到?我餓了 - Common Sense. How appropriate. - When are we gonna get there? 825 01:06:59,268 --> 01:07:02,871 這車子有股怪味 I'm hungry. This car smells weird. 826 01:07:13,416 --> 01:07:16,351 紀念佛蘭克林 827 01:07:16,419 --> 01:07:19,855 你謙卑的僕人,沉默杜古德 828 01:07:47,314 --> 01:07:49,450 抱歉、借過 Excuse me. 829 01:07:49,517 --> 01:07:52,453 對不起,借過 Excuse me. Oops, sorry, sir. Excuse me. 830 01:07:52,519 --> 01:07:54,554 沒關係 That's OK. 831 01:08:01,028 --> 01:08:03,096 暈S-S-A-N-D S-S-A-N-D. 832 01:08:03,197 --> 01:08:04,898 好 (Riley) OK. Huh. 833 01:08:06,333 --> 01:08:09,035 你確定沒錯? You're sure this is right? 834 01:08:10,471 --> 01:08:11,838 好 OK. 835 01:08:11,905 --> 01:08:13,739 S-S-…A S-S-A... 836 01:08:14,775 --> 01:08:16,576 不對,是N No, N. 837 01:08:16,643 --> 01:08:19,880 這是N沒錯啊 看起來不像 - That is an N. - It doesn't look like an N. 838 01:08:21,815 --> 01:08:25,151 這是最後一個了 You know what? Here. Last one. OK? 839 01:08:26,386 --> 01:08:28,654 再一元 謝謝 - One more dollar. - Thank you. 840 01:08:29,189 --> 01:08:31,357 把最後四個字母抄來 Go get the last four letters. 841 01:08:31,424 --> 01:08:33,859 快去抄吧 Go get 'em, chief. Come on. 842 01:08:51,944 --> 01:08:56,381 “看見珍藏的過去” OK. "The vision to see the treasured past 843 01:08:56,448 --> 01:09:02,887 “要適時的追隨陰影” “越過派斯和…” comes as the timely shadow crosses in front of the house of pass and..." 844 01:09:02,987 --> 01:09:05,623 派斯和什麼? "Pass and..." what? 845 01:09:19,103 --> 01:09:21,772 派斯和… "Pass and..." 846 01:09:35,919 --> 01:09:37,754 派斯和史托 847 01:09:47,798 --> 01:09:50,300 怎麼回事? What's going on? 848 01:09:52,435 --> 01:09:54,370 我不知道 怎麼了? - I'm not sure. - What's up? 849 01:09:56,906 --> 01:10:00,342 你跑到你爸面前,說你有麻煩 (Abigail) So you show up at your father's door and say you're in trouble 850 01:10:00,410 --> 01:10:04,280 他最先想到的卻是我懷孕了 and the first thing he assumes is I'm pregnant. 851 01:10:04,347 --> 01:10:06,749 這有問題嗎? Is there a question in there? 852 01:10:06,816 --> 01:10:09,351 我想這一定有個有趣的故事 I think there's an interesting story in there. 853 01:10:09,451 --> 01:10:13,488 我爸認為我的私生活太隨便了 Well, my father thinks I've been a little too cavalier in my personal life. 854 01:10:13,589 --> 01:10:16,291 這樣啊 我問你 - I see. - Let me ask you something. 855 01:10:16,358 --> 01:10:19,294 你有沒有跟別人、不是親人 說過“我愛你” ? Have you ever told someone - not a relative - "I love you?" 856 01:10:19,361 --> 01:10:21,597 有 Yes. 857 01:10:21,663 --> 01:10:24,332 而且還不只一個? More than one someone? 858 01:10:25,201 --> 01:10:26,668 對 Yes. 859 01:10:26,735 --> 01:10:28,636 那我爸也會說… Oh. Well, then my father would say 860 01:10:28,704 --> 01:10:32,107 你很隨便 you've been a little too cavalier in your personal life, too. 861 01:10:32,173 --> 01:10:35,610 所以你的頑固也是得自他的真傳 So you get your sense of absolute certainty from him, do you? 862 01:10:35,544 --> 01:10:37,478 我不明白你的意思 Well, I'm sure I don't know what you mean. 863 01:10:37,713 --> 01:10:42,483 不管別人怎麼想 你都確定寶藏是真的 Well, you're certain the treasure is real, despite what anyone else thinks. 864 01:10:42,550 --> 01:10:44,018 不,但我希望那是真的 No, but I hope it's real. 865 01:10:44,119 --> 01:10:48,623 爺爺說過之後,我一直想著寶藏 I mean, I've dreamt it's real since my grandfather told me about it. 866 01:10:48,723 --> 01:10:51,992 我感覺它就近在眼前 But I want to hold it. I feel like I'm so close, I can taste it. 867 01:10:52,060 --> 01:10:56,797 我只想知道這不是我的幻想 But I just... I just want to know it's not just something in my head or in my heart. 868 01:11:00,735 --> 01:11:03,670 大家現在已經不這樣說話了 People don't really talk that way, you know. 869 01:11:03,738 --> 01:11:07,341 我知道,但大家會這樣想 I know. But they think that way. 870 01:11:13,480 --> 01:11:14,413 嗨 Hey. 871 01:11:14,481 --> 01:11:16,449 都抄到了? 都抄到了 - Did you get it? Riley? - Oh, I got it. 872 01:11:16,550 --> 01:11:20,319 “看見珍藏的過去” "The vision to see the treasured past comes 873 01:11:20,387 --> 01:11:25,759 “要適時的追隨陰影” “越過派斯和史托” as the timely shadow crosses in front of the house of Pass and Stow." 874 01:11:25,825 --> 01:11:28,661 “派斯和史托”指的當然是… Now, "Pass and Stow," of course, referring to... 875 01:11:28,728 --> 01:11:31,597 自由鐘 你們幹嘛老是這麼聰明啊? - (both) The Liberty Bell. - Why do you have to do that? 876 01:11:31,665 --> 01:11:34,133 帕斯和史托鑄造了那口鐘 Well, John Pass and John Stow cast the bell. 877 01:11:34,233 --> 01:11:37,470 其他的部分呢? OK. Well, then, what does the rest of this mean? 878 01:11:37,536 --> 01:11:42,274 “看見珍藏的過去” 一定是指看到地圖的方法 Wait..."The vision to see the treasured past" must refer to a way to read the map. 879 01:11:42,341 --> 01:11:43,842 我以為密碼就是地圖 Well, I thought the cipher was the map. 880 01:11:43,943 --> 01:11:46,812 密碼是找到看地圖的方法 No, the cipher was a way to find the way to read the map. 881 01:11:46,879 --> 01:11:48,513 要看地圖得“適時追隨” And the way to read the map can be found 882 01:11:48,614 --> 01:11:53,151 越過自由鐘的陰影 where the "timely shadow" crosses in front of the Liberty Bell. 883 01:11:53,252 --> 01:11:56,522 越過放自由鐘的獨立廳的陰影 Crosses in front of the "house" of the Liberty Bell. Independence Hall. 884 01:11:56,589 --> 01:12:00,058 所以適時的陰影是指某個時間 Right, so "timely shadow" - it's a specific time. 885 01:12:00,593 --> 01:12:02,660 對 什麼時間? - Right. - Uh, what time? 886 01:12:02,761 --> 01:12:05,563 什麼時間?什麼時間? What time? What time? 887 01:12:06,231 --> 01:12:09,467 等等,你們會愛死這個的 Wait a minute, wait. You're gonna love this. 888 01:12:09,534 --> 01:12:13,137 能不能讓我看我剛付的百元鈔? Excuse me, can I see one of those hundred-dollar bills I paid you with? 889 01:12:13,238 --> 01:12:14,806 不能 No. 890 01:12:15,340 --> 01:12:18,776 我這裡有只潛水表 Oh. Well, uh, here, I have this diver's watch. 891 01:12:18,876 --> 01:12:21,645 是勞力士,很昂貴的 我潛水都戴著 It's called a Submariner. I dive with it. It's actually quite valuable. 892 01:12:21,713 --> 01:12:23,780 就拿它當擔保品吧 隨便啦 - You can use it as collateral. - Whatever. 893 01:12:23,881 --> 01:12:25,382 謝了 Thank you. 894 01:12:25,483 --> 01:12:28,219 百元鈔的背後印有獨立廳 On the back of a hundred-dollar bill is an etching of Independence Hall 895 01:12:28,285 --> 01:12:29,886 這幅畫是… 哈羅 - Based on a painting done in... - Hello. 896 01:12:29,987 --> 01:12:32,289 謝謝,那是1780年的版畫 Thank you. ...in the 1780s, who... 897 01:12:32,356 --> 01:12:35,792 該畫作家是佛蘭克林的朋友 The artist was actually a friend of Benjamin Franklin's. It's wonderful. 898 01:12:35,893 --> 01:12:37,461 你好懂啊 拿著 - (clerk) Fascinating. - Hold this. 899 01:12:37,561 --> 01:12:39,562 好 OK. 900 01:12:40,064 --> 01:12:42,166 我不會亂跑的 I'm not going anywhere. 901 01:12:42,699 --> 01:12:46,269 只要仔細看鐘塔 Now, I think that if we look at this clock tower... 902 01:12:47,404 --> 01:12:50,073 可能就能找出正確的時間 ...we may find the specific time. 903 01:12:52,909 --> 01:12:56,112 你看到什麼? 2點22分 - (Abigail) What do you see? - 2:22. 904 01:12:56,179 --> 01:12:59,582 現在幾點? 快3點了 - What time is it now? - Almost three. 905 01:13:00,817 --> 01:13:04,154 時間已經過了 沒有 - We missed it. - No, we didn't. 906 01:13:04,220 --> 01:13:07,056 還沒錯過,因為… We didn't miss it because... uh... 907 01:13:07,123 --> 01:13:11,427 你們不知道? 我竟然知道你們不知道的事 You don't know this? L-I know something about history that you don't know. 908 01:13:11,494 --> 01:13:13,495 我很樂意向你請益 I'd be very excited to learn about it, Riley. 909 01:13:13,596 --> 01:13:16,932 等等,讓我享受一下此刻 Well, hold on one second, let me just... let me just take in this moment. 910 01:13:16,999 --> 01:13:19,501 真酷 This is... this is cool. 911 01:13:19,602 --> 01:13:23,405 原來你們就是這種感覺? 當然此刻除外 Is this how you feel all the time? Because, you know... Except for now, of course. 912 01:13:23,473 --> 01:13:25,540 萊利! 好啦! - Riley! - All right. 913 01:13:25,641 --> 01:13:30,980 我知道日光節約時間… 是在一次世界大戰之後才開始的 What I know is that daylight savings wasn't established until World War I. 914 01:13:31,046 --> 01:13:36,651 如果現在是下午3點 那在1776年就是下午2點 If it's 3pm now, OK, that means in 1776, it would be 2pm. 915 01:13:36,751 --> 01:13:38,719 快去吧 萊利,你是天才 - Let's go. - Riley, you're a genius. 916 01:13:38,820 --> 01:13:41,089 好耶 Yeah. 917 01:13:41,156 --> 01:13:44,759 你們知道是誰提議用節約時間? Do you actually know who the first person to suggest daylight savings was? 918 01:13:44,859 --> 01:13:47,661 佛蘭克林 就是佛蘭克林 - (Ben) Benjamin Franklin. - (Abigail) Benjamin Franklin. 919 01:13:48,262 --> 01:13:50,330 這是真鈔嗎? Is this real? 920 01:13:50,432 --> 01:13:52,734 告訴我你跟我朋友說了什麼 Just tell me what you told my friend. 921 01:13:52,801 --> 01:13:56,537 只是一堆字母,我記不得了 Just a bunch of letters. I can't remember. 922 01:13:56,604 --> 01:14:01,074 記得接下來要告訴他什麼嗎? Can you remember which ones you were gonna tell him next? 923 01:14:01,175 --> 01:14:03,944 記得,在這 “S-T-O-W” Yeah, here. S-T-O-W. 924 01:14:05,479 --> 01:14:07,047 搜尋:STOW 925 01:14:12,286 --> 01:14:16,289 搜尋結果: 自由鐘與獨立廳 (man) Top results: Liberty Bell and Independence Hall. 926 01:14:19,693 --> 01:14:23,230 想像它在18世紀引發的衝擊 (guide) lmagine its impact back in the 1 8th century. 927 01:14:23,330 --> 01:14:27,399 數英里之外就能看到它 這也是它建造的目的 It could have been seen for miles around, which was exactly its purpose, 928 01:14:27,500 --> 01:14:32,442 它就像燈塔,讓人們… because it served as a beacon, as it were, for people to collect and hear... 929 01:14:32,505 --> 01:14:33,973 不准進入 930 01:14:47,153 --> 01:14:48,119 好東西 Good stuff. 931 01:14:48,220 --> 01:14:51,790 那是1846年, 喬治 華盛頓生日那天 (guide) It was in 1846, on George Washington's birthday, 932 01:14:51,891 --> 01:14:54,993 自由鐘上出現了最後一道裂縫 that the final expansion of the crack occurred, 933 01:14:55,094 --> 01:14:57,563 從此自由鐘就永久地退休了 retiring the Liberty Bell permanently. 934 01:14:57,629 --> 01:14:59,865 最後它從獨立廳的尖塔… Eventually, it was moved from its place 935 01:14:59,932 --> 01:15:02,268 移到它專屬的… in Independence Hall steeple and given its own... 936 01:15:02,401 --> 01:15:04,402 白癡 誰? - Idiot. - (Shaw) Who? 937 01:15:05,104 --> 01:15:06,605 我 怎麼? - Me. - What? 938 01:15:06,705 --> 01:15:09,740 不是這裡,是那裡 It's not here. It's there. 939 01:15:10,642 --> 01:15:12,610 走吧 Come on. 940 01:15:21,119 --> 01:15:23,488 這是什麼鐘? 聖塔尼鐘 - What bell is this? - It's the Centennial Bell. 941 01:15:23,554 --> 01:15:27,024 1876年取代了自由鐘 It replaced the Liberty Bell in 1876. 942 01:15:34,699 --> 01:15:36,733 在那裡 (Abigail) There it is. 943 01:15:36,834 --> 01:15:40,204 我去,到簽署室等我 All right. I'm gonna go down there, and you meet me in the signing room. 944 01:15:40,270 --> 01:15:42,639 可以嗎? 可以 - OK? All right. - OK. 945 01:15:42,707 --> 01:15:45,075 好,我們走 All right, let's go. 946 01:15:45,142 --> 01:15:48,478 3點22分,是我想到的 3:22. My idea. 947 01:16:56,144 --> 01:16:58,079 找到什麼了? Hey. What'd you score? 948 01:16:58,145 --> 01:16:59,613 找到這個 I found this. 949 01:16:59,714 --> 01:17:02,216 特殊眼鏡 Some kind of ocular device. 950 01:17:02,317 --> 01:17:05,753 “看見珍藏的過去” ? 這個給我 "The vision to see the treasured past." Let me take this. 951 01:17:05,820 --> 01:17:09,523 這就像古早的X光眼鏡 Aw, they're like early American X-ray specs. 952 01:17:09,624 --> 01:17:13,727 佛蘭克林發明過類似的東西 Benjamin Franklin invented something like these. 953 01:17:13,828 --> 01:17:16,130 我想他就是發明了這個 I think he invented these. 954 01:17:16,197 --> 01:17:18,198 要拿它幹嘛? So, what do we do with them? 955 01:17:18,765 --> 01:17:20,833 戴上它來看 We look through it. 956 01:17:23,770 --> 01:17:25,771 幫我 - (Abigail) Here, help me. - Uh-huh. 957 01:17:27,208 --> 01:17:29,810 小心點 怎樣? - (Ben) Careful. - (Abigail) You think? 958 01:17:32,946 --> 01:17:34,514 (約翰漢考克) 959 01:17:35,916 --> 01:17:40,353 怎麼樣? 這檔上一次出現在這裡 - What? - It's just that the last time this was here 960 01:17:40,453 --> 01:17:42,788 正是它被簽署的時候 it was being signed. 961 01:17:45,391 --> 01:17:49,028 馬上又有觀光導覽要來了 翻過去 - Ben, there's another tour coming. - Turn it over. 962 01:17:49,129 --> 01:17:51,764 小心 眼鏡 - Careful. - Spectacles. 963 01:18:04,076 --> 01:18:06,044 你看到什麼了? What do you see? 964 01:18:08,881 --> 01:18:11,483 是什麼?藏寶圖? What is it? Is it a treasure map? 965 01:18:11,583 --> 01:18:16,520 上面寫 “就在牆…這裡(Heere)” 拼字還用了兩個e It says, "Heere at the wall," spelled with two E's. 966 01:18:16,588 --> 01:18:18,556 你看看 Take a look. 967 01:18:22,594 --> 01:18:24,195 哇 Wow. 968 01:18:24,296 --> 01:18:28,900 幹嘛不寫 “寶藏在此,小心花用” Why can't they just say, "Go to this place, and here's the treasure, spend it wisely?" 969 01:18:29,000 --> 01:18:31,435 糟糕 (Ben) Oh, no. 970 01:18:32,136 --> 01:18:34,538 糟糕 糟了 - Oh, no. - Oh, no. 971 01:18:35,539 --> 01:18:37,007 他們怎麼找到我們的? How'd they find us? 972 01:18:37,108 --> 01:18:40,644 伊恩有很多資源,他也夠聰明 Well, lan has nearly unlimited resources. And he's smart. 973 01:18:40,744 --> 01:18:43,380 我們不可能不被看到而離開 (Abigail) I don't think we can get out of here without being spotted. 974 01:18:43,481 --> 01:18:46,416 不能讓他們拿到獨立宣言或眼鏡 Well, we don't want them to have the Declaration, or the glasses. 975 01:18:46,484 --> 01:18:49,086 特別是兩者一起 But we especially don't want them to have them both together. 976 01:18:49,187 --> 01:18:52,155 那要怎麼辦? 把鎖跟鑰匙分開 - So what do we do? - We separate the lock from the key. 977 01:18:52,222 --> 01:18:54,256 分開走 好主意 - We're splitting up. - Good idea. 978 01:18:54,358 --> 01:18:55,493 你確定? Really? 979 01:18:55,593 --> 01:18:57,761 我帶著這個 I'll take this. 980 01:18:57,861 --> 01:19:01,531 還有那個,你們拿著那個 到車上會合,有狀況打電話給我 And those. You keep that. Meet me at the car and call me if you have any problems. 981 01:19:01,632 --> 01:19:04,601 像是被捉或被人宰掉嗎? Like if we get caught and killed? 982 01:19:04,667 --> 01:19:08,204 對,那樣麻煩可就大了 照顧好她 Yeah. That would be a big problem. Take care of her. 983 01:19:08,305 --> 01:19:10,640 我會的 我會的 - I will. - I will. 984 01:19:19,216 --> 01:19:20,917 跟上他了 We're on him. 985 01:19:23,486 --> 01:19:25,254 他在那裡 (lan) There he is. 986 01:19:29,358 --> 01:19:31,760 往這邊 等等 - Let's walk this way. - Wait up. 987 01:19:32,494 --> 01:19:35,897 你看…是另外兩個人 我來 - Shaw, look. There's the others. - I got it. 988 01:19:37,333 --> 01:19:42,403 維多,到第五街和栗子街碰頭 他們往你那邊去了 Viktor, meet me at Fifth and Chestnut. Fifth and Chestnut. They're heading your way. 989 01:20:07,595 --> 01:20:09,163 讓開! 萊利! - (Shaw) Look out! Look out! - Riley! 990 01:20:09,264 --> 01:20:12,199 在那裡,快 快走 - (Shaw) There they are! Move! - Move! 991 01:20:13,033 --> 01:20:15,702 快跑! 維多,跟緊點,快 - Time to run. - Keep up, Viktor! Move. Come on. 992 01:20:22,610 --> 01:20:25,045 進這裡 In here. 993 01:20:29,984 --> 01:20:32,152 快來 跟我來 - Come on. - Follow me. 994 01:20:37,457 --> 01:20:39,492 那邊 That way. 995 01:20:46,332 --> 01:20:49,602 你如果不是牛排,就不能待在這 If you're not a steak, you don't belong here. 996 01:20:50,069 --> 01:20:53,372 我在躲我前夫 (whispers) I'm just trying to hide from my ex-husband. 997 01:20:53,439 --> 01:20:56,241 哪個?光頭? 對 - Who, baldy? - Yes. 998 01:20:56,876 --> 01:20:59,012 你想待多久隨你 Honey, stay as long as you like. 999 01:20:59,112 --> 01:21:01,414 謝謝 Oh, thank you. Thank you. 1000 01:21:01,480 --> 01:21:03,448 你要買什麼? You want something? 1001 01:21:09,488 --> 01:21:12,157 你想買什麼嗎? 閉嘴啦 - Do you want something? - Shut up. 1002 01:21:14,960 --> 01:21:16,994 我明白你為什麼要離開他了 I see why you left him. 1003 01:21:22,567 --> 01:21:24,568 繞過去! Go around. Go around. 1004 01:21:30,242 --> 01:21:31,943 蓋茲! Gates! 1005 01:21:57,935 --> 01:22:00,271 拜託! Aw, come on! 1006 01:22:09,780 --> 01:22:12,248 你跑去哪了? 躲壞人啊 - Where were you? - Hiding. 1007 01:22:12,348 --> 01:22:14,550 來吧,我們走 Come on. Let's go, let's go. 1008 01:22:19,690 --> 01:22:22,692 伊恩,他們往市政廳去了 lan. Lan, I've got 'em. They're heading toward City Hall. 1009 01:22:22,792 --> 01:22:25,827 我來了 快讓開! - OK, I'm on my way. - Out of the way! 1010 01:22:54,957 --> 01:22:56,658 他們往通道走去了 They're headed for the breezeway on the north side. 1011 01:22:56,758 --> 01:22:57,658 我馬上過去 I'll be right there. 1012 01:23:07,135 --> 01:23:09,102 蓋茲! Hey, Gates! 1013 01:23:14,976 --> 01:23:18,379 夠了 ! 把文件給我 Enough, man! Give me the document. 1014 01:23:19,480 --> 01:23:21,682 好吧 All right, Phil. 1015 01:23:38,532 --> 01:23:41,501 饒了他們,讓他們走吧 Watch out! Get out of my way! 1016 01:23:45,205 --> 01:23:47,073 小心 (cyclist) Watch it! 1017 01:24:29,214 --> 01:24:31,382 讓他們走,放了他們 Leave them! Let 'em go. 1018 01:24:34,419 --> 01:24:35,986 東西到手了 We've got it. 1019 01:24:36,855 --> 01:24:40,658 調查局,你看過這個人嗎? 沒有 - (woman) FBI. Have you seen this guy? - (man) No. 1020 01:24:41,492 --> 01:24:43,293 沒看過他 Nope, I haven't seen him. 1021 01:24:43,361 --> 01:24:46,330 警方找到蓋茲的車了 Ted. Philadelphia police found Gates's car. 1022 01:24:46,431 --> 01:24:48,833 監控小組已經到場 It's close. We got surveillance there now. 1023 01:24:48,899 --> 01:24:51,635 走吧 告訴老闆我們找到車了 Let's go. Tell the boss we got the car. 1024 01:24:54,138 --> 01:24:55,705 怎麼? 我們失手了 - What? - (Riley) We lost it. 1025 01:24:55,806 --> 01:24:59,443 什麼? 獨立宣言,伊恩拿走了 - What? - We lost the Declaration. Lan took it. 1026 01:25:01,646 --> 01:25:04,748 你們還好吧? 你們都沒事吧? Yeah, uh, OK. You all right? You both all right? 1027 01:25:04,849 --> 01:25:06,951 我們很好 Yeah, yeah, we're all right. 1028 01:25:07,051 --> 01:25:10,254 班,對不起 不會有事的 - Ben, I'm sorry. - We'll be fine. 1029 01:25:10,354 --> 01:25:12,822 到車上等我 Meet me at the car. 1030 01:25:18,762 --> 01:25:20,463 嫌犯來了 Suspect has arrived. 1031 01:25:24,000 --> 01:25:25,968 你好,蓋茲先生 Hello, Mr. Gates. 1032 01:25:27,236 --> 01:25:30,439 請面向車,雙手放在身後 Mr. Gates, face your father's car and put your hands behind your back, please. 1033 01:25:30,540 --> 01:25:34,077 逮捕一人 你還真難找啊 - (agent) We got one in custody. - Gates, you're a hard man to find. 1034 01:25:34,177 --> 01:25:35,744 請小心點 Could you please be careful? 1035 01:25:50,058 --> 01:25:53,528 萊利,你知道怎麼聯絡伊恩嗎? Riley, do you know how to get in touch with lan? 1036 01:25:55,598 --> 01:25:57,465 你說什麼? Excuse me? 1037 01:26:01,937 --> 01:26:03,071 這故事真猛 That's some story. 1038 01:26:03,171 --> 01:26:06,841 獨立宣言被偷前我就告訴你們了 Well, it's the same story I tried to tell you guys before the Declaration was stolen. 1039 01:26:06,942 --> 01:26:10,778 被你偷走 不,被伊恩偷走 - By you. - No, by lan. I stole it to stop him. 1040 01:26:10,845 --> 01:26:14,048 我偷是為了阻止他 是我獨自幹的,卻斯博士不知情 I did it alone. Dr. Chase was not involved. 1041 01:26:14,682 --> 01:26:18,019 而伊恩還是拿走了獨立宣言 And lan still ended up with the Declaration of Independence. 1042 01:26:18,085 --> 01:26:20,086 因為你的關係 Because of you. 1043 01:26:20,788 --> 01:26:23,724 好吧,你有以下的選擇 So here's your options. 1044 01:26:23,791 --> 01:26:27,828 第一道門 你要坐很久很久的牢 Door number one, you go to prison for a very long time. 1045 01:26:28,362 --> 01:26:33,399 第二道門 我們拿回獨立宣言 Door number two, we are going to get back the Declaration of Independence, 1046 01:26:33,500 --> 01:26:38,304 由你幫我們找回它 你還是得坐很久的牢 you help us find it, and you still go to prison for a very long time, 1047 01:26:38,372 --> 01:26:40,841 但你心裡會好過一點 but you feel better inside. 1048 01:26:40,907 --> 01:26:44,310 有沒有不用坐牢的門? Is there a door that doesn't lead to prison? 1049 01:26:45,078 --> 01:26:48,348 總得有人要去坐牢的 對 - Someone's got to go to prison, Ben. - Yeah. 1050 01:26:50,751 --> 01:26:53,019 這是用來做什麼的? So what are these for? 1051 01:26:53,086 --> 01:26:55,054 用來看地圖 It's a way to read the map. 1052 01:26:55,155 --> 01:26:56,856 對 Right. 1053 01:26:56,957 --> 01:26:58,491 是哦,聖殿騎士團 Knights Templar. 1054 01:26:58,591 --> 01:27:00,025 共濟會 Freemasons. 1055 01:27:00,093 --> 01:27:02,595 隱形藏寶圖 Invisible treasure map. 1056 01:27:03,196 --> 01:27:06,999 上面寫些什麼? “就在牆這裡” - So what'd it say? - "Heere at the wall." 1057 01:27:07,067 --> 01:27:09,569 沒別的了 Nothing else. 1058 01:27:09,669 --> 01:27:12,137 又是另一條線索 It's just another clue. 1059 01:27:12,238 --> 01:27:14,807 伊恩豪威可能是個假名 (agent) It looks like lan Howe could be a false identity. 1060 01:27:14,907 --> 01:27:17,542 向移民歸化局等相關單位查詢 (Sadusky) Follow up with ATF and INS. 1061 01:27:18,143 --> 01:27:20,579 原來還有東西 - There's more to it. - (cell phone rings) 1062 01:27:20,646 --> 01:27:23,849 標準監聽程式 鎖定頻道 - Standard tap procedure. - Let's check the signal, folks. 1063 01:27:23,252 --> 01:27:25,684 一切就緒? (取得訊號) - Lock it in. - Are we set? 1064 01:27:25,785 --> 01:27:28,787 尋找發話地點 號碼不明 - Checking source. - Unknown number. 1065 01:27:31,924 --> 01:27:33,158 好吧 Yes. 1066 01:27:33,258 --> 01:27:35,894 班,你好嗎? (lan) Hello. Ben. How are you? 1067 01:27:35,994 --> 01:27:39,430 被銬在桌旁 真遺憾啊 - Um, chained to a desk. - Sorry to hear that. 1068 01:27:39,964 --> 01:27:42,600 我要你到 “無畏號” 上跟我碰面 I want you to meet me on the flight deck of the USS Intrepid. 1069 01:27:42,701 --> 01:27:44,735 知道那在哪裡吧? 紐約 - You know where that is? - New York. 1070 01:27:45,203 --> 01:27:47,237 明早十點 Meet me there at ten o'clock tomorrow morning. 1071 01:27:47,338 --> 01:27:50,808 把你找到的那副眼鏡也帶來 And bring those glasses you found at Independence Hall. 1072 01:27:50,909 --> 01:27:53,277 沒錯,我知道眼鏡的事了 Yeah. I know about the glasses. 1073 01:27:54,245 --> 01:27:58,181 我們先看看獨立宣言,再放你走 We can take a look at the Declaration, and then you can be on your way. 1074 01:27:58,249 --> 01:28:00,050 我憑什麼相信你? And I'm supposed to believe that. 1075 01:28:00,118 --> 01:28:02,820 我一直都說我只想借來看看 I told you from the start. I only wanted to borrow it. 1076 01:28:03,321 --> 01:28:05,255 你可以拿走它,還有眼鏡 You can have it. And the glasses. 1077 01:28:05,323 --> 01:28:09,159 再加上夏綠蒂號上找到的煙斗 I'll even throw in the pipe from the Charlotte. 1078 01:28:09,227 --> 01:28:10,928 我會到的 I'll be there. 1079 01:28:11,028 --> 01:28:14,030 告訴那些偷聽的調查局探員 And tell the FBI agents listening in on this call 1080 01:28:14,131 --> 01:28:18,067 要是他們想拿回獨立宣言 而不是一盒碎紙 if they want the Declaration back. and not just a box of confetti. 1081 01:28:18,135 --> 01:28:20,537 就讓你一個人單獨過來 then you'll come alone. 1082 01:28:33,550 --> 01:28:36,352 各就各位 周邊看來很正常 - (Sadusky on radio) Take positions. - Perimeter looks normal. 1083 01:28:36,419 --> 01:28:39,789 狀況報告 港口很平靜 - (man) Can I get a status report? - Crow's nest in position. Port side is quiet. 1084 01:28:39,856 --> 01:28:41,323 知道了 (man) Copy that. 1085 01:28:51,467 --> 01:28:55,070 蓋茲上了甲板 盯著蓋茲 - Gates is on the flight deck. - Eyes on Gates. 1086 01:28:55,171 --> 01:28:58,374 別跟丟了主要目標 布萊恩,紐約警方會配合你 - Do not lose sight of primary mark. - Brian. You're clear with N YPD. 1087 01:28:58,507 --> 01:29:02,315 我這裡目視清楚 蓋茲,照計畫來 - I have a visual. - Gates. Stay with the program. 1088 01:29:02,411 --> 01:29:05,714 希望你的探員是打領巾的小孩 I hope your agents are all under four feet tall and wearing little scarves. 1089 01:29:05,781 --> 01:29:07,715 不然他就會知道有人盯哨 Otherwise lan's gonna know they're here. 1090 01:29:07,783 --> 01:29:10,618 他一拿出獨立宣言,我們就上 As soon as he shows you the Declaration. we'll move in. 1091 01:29:10,686 --> 01:29:13,288 一切交給我們來處理 Don't try anything. Just let us handle it. 1092 01:29:13,388 --> 01:29:17,491 探員,我認為釣魚有個問題 You know, Agent Sadusky, something I've noticed about fishing: 1093 01:29:17,592 --> 01:29:20,394 不管怎樣魚餌都是受害者 it never works out so well for the bait. 1094 01:29:26,967 --> 01:29:31,871 長官,有直升機飛過來 看來是觀光直升機 Sir, we've got some traffic incoming. Looks like a sightseeing helicopter. 1095 01:29:31,939 --> 01:29:34,308 注意那台直升機 Unit two, get an eyeball on that chopper. 1096 01:29:34,375 --> 01:29:37,845 查明它的飛行計畫和授權 Agent Michaels, get FAA flight plans and authorization records on that craft. 1097 01:29:37,945 --> 01:29:41,281 我要知道那上面坐的是誰 If that's not Mr. Howe, I want to know who it is. 1098 01:29:41,348 --> 01:29:45,552 我看到他了,他從北邊過來 蓋茲,你會跟我合作吧? - I got him. He's coming from the north. - Gates. Are you with me? 1099 01:29:45,652 --> 01:29:49,488 我不會跟你作對的 Well, I'm sure not against you, if that's what you're asking. 1100 01:30:12,679 --> 01:30:15,114 蓋茲的麥克風有干擾 We've got some interference on Gates's mike, sir. 1101 01:30:15,181 --> 01:30:16,349 我知道 This I know. 1102 01:30:17,851 --> 01:30:20,353 你好,班 (Shaw) Hello, Ben. 1103 01:30:20,453 --> 01:30:23,922 愛迪生只需要一個方法做燈泡 Thomas Edison needed only one way to make a light bulb. 1104 01:30:24,022 --> 01:30:26,424 這句話很熟吧? Sound familiar? 1105 01:30:28,461 --> 01:30:30,629 趕快注意目標 這是怎麼回事? - Keep sightlines clear. - (Sadusky) What's the devil's going on? 1106 01:30:30,729 --> 01:30:32,397 騷動過大 無法看到蓋茲 There's a lot of commotion. We can't see Gates. 1107 01:30:32,498 --> 01:30:37,302 去右舷的觀賞台,在F-16後面 照著指示去做 Go to the starboard observation point behind the F-16 and here's what you do. 1108 01:30:38,804 --> 01:30:40,238 蓋茲? Gates? Gates? 1109 01:30:40,305 --> 01:30:43,908 直升機 你超越了限制範圍 (over PA) Air Tour helicopter. you are in controlled airspace. 1110 01:30:44,009 --> 01:30:45,543 馬上離開 Vacate immediately. 1111 01:30:45,643 --> 01:30:47,211 誰看得到蓋茲? (Sadusky) Who's got Gates? 1112 01:30:47,312 --> 01:30:49,714 所有探員,快回報 啥都看不到 - All agents. Report in. - (agent) I can't see anything. 1113 01:30:49,781 --> 01:30:53,084 蓋茲有跟任何人說話嗎? 目標移動 - (Sadusky) Did Gates speak to anybody? - Target is moving. 1114 01:30:53,151 --> 01:30:57,121 他往船尾去了 他往這邊來了 - He's heading towards the stern. - I've got him. He's coming this way. 1115 01:30:57,221 --> 01:30:59,289 有人看到伊恩嗎? Anyone got a view of our friend lan Howe? 1116 01:30:59,391 --> 01:31:01,292 沒有,他不在船尾 lan Howe is not at the stern, sir. 1117 01:31:01,358 --> 01:31:04,628 他為什麼去那裡? Then why is he heading there? 1118 01:31:04,696 --> 01:31:07,832 他在觀賞甲板上 He's at the observation deck. 1119 01:31:07,932 --> 01:31:08,965 沙斯基 Sadusky. 1120 01:31:09,433 --> 01:31:11,367 我仍然不想跟你作對 I'm still not against you. 1121 01:31:11,435 --> 01:31:15,305 但我找到第三道門了 我打算選它 But I found door number three. And I'm taking it. 1122 01:31:15,372 --> 01:31:17,373 那是什麼意思? 快過去! - What's he talking about? - Move in! 1123 01:31:17,474 --> 01:31:19,676 快去逮蓋茲! Move in! Move in on Gates! 1124 01:31:29,720 --> 01:31:30,753 潛水夫,快去 Divers are a go. 1125 01:31:30,854 --> 01:31:33,489 狙擊手,開始Z行動 探員各自負責追捕 - Snipers, go to action zebra. - All teams, move in. Pursue at own risk. 1126 01:31:33,590 --> 01:31:36,326 重複,探員各自負責追捕 你先 - I repeat. Pursue at own risk. - You first. 1127 01:31:36,426 --> 01:31:39,028 老天,他設計了我們 Holy mackerel. He set us up. 1128 01:32:01,416 --> 01:32:05,186 看得到蓋茲在水裡嗎? (Sadusky) Agent Dawes. Do you have a visual? Can you see Gates in the water? 1129 01:32:05,254 --> 01:32:07,922 這是哈德遜河,水髒的看不清楚 Sir, it's the Hudson. Nothing is visible. 1130 01:32:08,757 --> 01:32:10,724 真聰明的魚 Smart fish. 1131 01:32:29,210 --> 01:32:32,713 你好,班 歡迎來到紐澤西 Hello, Ben. Welcome to New Jersey. 1132 01:32:33,782 --> 01:32:36,284 雅碧和萊利人呢? 希望合身 - What'd you do with Abigail and Riley? - Hope these fit. 1133 01:32:36,384 --> 01:32:37,885 我們只能猜你的尺寸 We had to guess your sizes. 1134 01:32:37,986 --> 01:32:40,020 雅碧和萊利人呢? I said, what'd you do with Abigail and Riley? 1135 01:32:40,121 --> 01:32:42,323 只有他才聽過我說 愛迪生的那句話 He's the only one who could've told you that line about Edison. 1136 01:32:42,423 --> 01:32:44,391 眼鏡帶來了? Did you bring the glasses? 1137 01:32:44,492 --> 01:32:46,326 我不知道,怎麼回事? I don't know. Tell me what's happening here. 1138 01:32:46,394 --> 01:32:48,996 問你女朋友吧 Ask your girlfriend. 1139 01:32:49,096 --> 01:32:51,531 一切全是她的主意 She's the one calling all the shots now. 1140 01:32:51,599 --> 01:32:54,334 她就是不肯閉嘴 She won't shut up. 1141 01:32:57,638 --> 01:33:00,107 喂,你好 Yeah, hello. 1142 01:33:00,207 --> 01:33:02,442 找你的 It's for you. 1143 01:33:02,943 --> 01:33:06,879 甜心 你今天過的如何? - Hello. - Hi, sweetie. How's your day going? 1144 01:33:06,947 --> 01:33:09,015 很有趣,親愛的 Uh. Interesting. Dear. 1145 01:33:09,116 --> 01:33:11,584 你跟伊恩合作了? So, what, you working with lan now? 1146 01:33:12,185 --> 01:33:16,188 協助他人逃離調查局監控是犯罪 It turns out helping someone escape from FBI custody is a criminal act. 1147 01:33:16,289 --> 01:33:17,757 他是我們唯一認識的罪犯 And he's the only criminal we knew. 1148 01:33:17,824 --> 01:33:20,792 我們打電話給他,跟他達成交易 那你… - So we called him and made a deal. - Well, you're, um... 1149 01:33:22,328 --> 01:33:24,963 你還好吧?你安全嗎? You're... you're... you're all right, yeah? I mean you're safe? 1150 01:33:25,064 --> 01:33:27,366 我們都很好 Yeah, we both are. 1151 01:33:27,433 --> 01:33:30,869 萊利正在用電腦做很聰明的事 Riley's right here, doing something clever with a computer. 1152 01:33:30,970 --> 01:33:33,038 我正在追蹤你… I'm tracking him through the... Hey! 1153 01:33:33,139 --> 01:33:35,541 透過老蕭手機的衛星定位 I'm tracking you through the GPS in Shaw's phone. 1154 01:33:35,607 --> 01:33:38,844 若他們亂跑,我們會知道 They take a turn anywhere we don't want, we'll know it. So don't worry. 1155 01:33:38,944 --> 01:33:44,415 伊恩若想耍賴,我們就找調查局 If lan tries to double-cross us, we can call the FBI and tell them right where you are. 1156 01:33:44,516 --> 01:33:47,285 告訴他們你和伊恩人在哪裡 那會是哪裡呢? - And where to find lan. - And where is that? 1157 01:33:47,386 --> 01:33:49,621 就在我們對街 Right across the street from where we're hiding, 1158 01:33:49,721 --> 01:33:51,689 華爾街和百老匯街的轉角 at the intersection of Wall Street and Broadway. 1159 01:33:52,257 --> 01:33:54,659 你弄清楚那個線索了 Well, you figured out the clue. 1160 01:33:54,726 --> 01:33:57,929 簡單,華爾街和百老匯街轉角 Simple. "Heere at the wall. " Wall Street and Broadway. 1161 01:34:01,232 --> 01:34:03,300 班,有個問題 Ben, there is a catch. 1162 01:34:03,401 --> 01:34:06,403 我們讓伊恩相信他能擁有寶藏 We made lan believe he could have the treasure. 1163 01:34:06,504 --> 01:34:08,472 那是唯一的辦法 It was the only way we could get this far. 1164 01:34:08,573 --> 01:34:10,775 他到了 He's here. 1165 01:34:18,215 --> 01:34:20,183 開始了 (Riley) Here we go. 1166 01:34:24,922 --> 01:34:25,922 班 Ben. 1167 01:34:26,023 --> 01:34:31,127 你沒事吧?沒受傷? 那樣跳下來會要人命的 You all right? No broken bones? A jump like that could kill a man. 1168 01:34:31,228 --> 01:34:33,963 那很好玩,你改天該去試試 Naw, it was cool. You should try it sometime. 1169 01:34:36,533 --> 01:34:40,336 獨立宣言 海泡石煙斗 The Declaration of Independence. And the meerschaum pipe. 1170 01:34:40,870 --> 01:34:42,838 全是你的了 All yours. 1171 01:34:43,773 --> 01:34:47,210 就這樣? 就這樣 - That's it? - That's it. 1172 01:34:47,276 --> 01:34:51,447 我知道你會信守承諾的 我的寶藏呢? I knew you'd keep your promise. Now, where is it? Where's my treasure? 1173 01:34:51,547 --> 01:34:53,348 就在這裡 It's right here. 1174 01:34:53,416 --> 01:34:56,619 地圖上寫 “就在牆這裡(Heere)” The map said "Heere at the wall," spelled with two E's. 1175 01:34:56,719 --> 01:34:59,421 華爾街以前剛好是一道牆 Wall Street follows the path of an actual wall 1176 01:34:59,522 --> 01:35:02,624 是荷蘭移民建來抵禦英國人的 that the original Dutch settlers built as a defense to keep the British out. 1177 01:35:02,725 --> 01:35:07,229 正門坐落的那條街就叫 “Heere” The main gate was located at a street called De Heere, also two E's. 1178 01:35:07,330 --> 01:35:09,965 後來這街被英國人改名為百老匯 Later De Heere Street was renamed Broadway after the British got in. 1179 01:35:10,065 --> 01:35:12,600 “就在牆這裡(Heere)” So, "Heere at the wall." 1180 01:35:12,701 --> 01:35:16,138 就是指百老匯和華爾街 Broadway, Wall Street. 1181 01:35:16,204 --> 01:35:18,039 再見! (English accent) Cheerio. 1182 01:35:19,474 --> 01:35:21,142 等一等 Just a moment, Ben. 1183 01:35:21,243 --> 01:35:26,047 伊恩,違反承諾 調查局就會找上你 lan, if you break our deal, the FBI will be only a few minutes behind you. 1184 01:35:26,114 --> 01:35:28,983 你也許能逃脫,也許不能 You might get away, you might not. 1185 01:35:32,520 --> 01:35:34,689 地圖上就說這些? Is that all the map said? 1186 01:35:36,724 --> 01:35:38,893 一字不漏 Every word. 1187 01:35:40,895 --> 01:35:43,197 班… Oh, Ben. 1188 01:35:43,264 --> 01:35:46,500 你知道唬人成功的關鍵何在? You know the key to running a convincing bluff? 1189 01:35:46,600 --> 01:35:50,570 每隔一陣子 你手上就得握有所有王牌 Every once in a while you've got to be holding all the cards. 1190 01:36:01,415 --> 01:36:02,916 爸 Dad. 1191 01:36:05,486 --> 01:36:08,321 你還有什麼想告訴我的? Is there anything else you want to tell me? 1192 01:36:12,392 --> 01:36:15,761 三一教堂 進三一教堂 Trinity Church. We have to go inside Trinity Church. 1193 01:36:15,829 --> 01:36:17,497 (三一教堂) 1194 01:36:19,199 --> 01:36:21,434 好,很好 Good. Excellent. 1195 01:36:21,534 --> 01:36:24,536 叫卻斯博士跟萊利加入我們吧 Well, why don't you ask Dr. Chase and Riley to join us? 1196 01:36:24,637 --> 01:36:27,807 我相信他們就在附近 I'm sure they're around here somewhere. 1197 01:36:33,045 --> 01:36:35,514 你還好吧? Are you all right? 1198 01:36:35,615 --> 01:36:38,117 你以為呢?我是人質耶 What do you think? I'm a hostage. 1199 01:36:39,652 --> 01:36:41,921 坐下 Sit. Sit down. 1200 01:36:41,987 --> 01:36:45,124 放他走,伊恩 找到寶藏就放 - Let him go, lan. - When we find the treasure. 1201 01:36:45,224 --> 01:36:49,561 不行,就是現在 那你自己解謎吧 No, now. Or you can figure out the clues for yourself. 1202 01:36:49,628 --> 01:36:51,495 祝你好運 Good luck. 1203 01:36:51,563 --> 01:36:52,997 班 Ben. 1204 01:36:53,065 --> 01:36:56,935 我不認為你明白情況有多嚴重 I don't think you fully appreciate the gravity of the situation. 1205 01:37:05,376 --> 01:37:07,845 我們一起看地圖吧 Let's have a look at that map. 1206 01:37:27,898 --> 01:37:31,501 “就在牆這裡” 1207 01:37:35,172 --> 01:37:38,641 帕金頓巷 1208 01:37:41,244 --> 01:37:43,880 帕金頓巷下麵 1209 01:37:43,981 --> 01:37:45,448 這真是厲害 It's, uh... 1210 01:37:47,517 --> 01:37:50,152 不得了… It's... it's really quite something. It's, uh... 1211 01:37:50,253 --> 01:37:52,655 真的很了不起,你看 It really is remarkable. Take a look. 1212 01:37:59,195 --> 01:38:03,264 帕金頓巷 帕金頓巷下麵 - (lan) "Parkington Lane." - "Beneath Parkington Lane." 1213 01:38:03,365 --> 01:38:07,335 為何地圖引我們來此 又叫我們去別處? But why would the map lead us here, then take us somewhere else? 1214 01:38:07,436 --> 01:38:09,905 這是啥用意? 只是另一個線索罷了 - What's the purpose? - (Patrick) Just another clue. 1215 01:38:10,006 --> 01:38:14,676 爸 帕金頓巷一定就在這裡某處 Dad. No, you're right. Parkington Lane has to be here somewhere. 1216 01:38:15,844 --> 01:38:18,446 教堂裡有一條巷子? A street inside the church? 1217 01:38:18,547 --> 01:38:21,149 不是在裡面,是在下面 Not inside. Beneath. 1218 01:38:21,250 --> 01:38:23,218 在教堂下麵 Beneath the church. 1219 01:38:27,723 --> 01:38:30,225 很對不起,班 這不是你的錯 - I'm so sorry, Ben. - None of this is your fault. 1220 01:38:30,325 --> 01:38:31,392 我… 走吧 - I co... - Come on. 1221 01:38:41,136 --> 01:38:42,603 聽著 Look. 1222 01:38:44,005 --> 01:38:47,942 只有保持現狀才能繼續合作 Cooperation only lasts as long as the status quo is unchanged. 1223 01:38:48,042 --> 01:38:52,946 一旦行動結束 他就不需要你… As soon as this guy gets to wherever this thing ends, he won't need you anymore. 1224 01:38:53,013 --> 01:38:54,348 或我們了 Or... or any of us. 1225 01:38:54,415 --> 01:38:58,252 我們得讓情況轉而對我們有利 So we find a way to make sure the status quo changes in our favor. 1226 01:38:58,318 --> 01:39:02,255 怎麼做? 我正在想 - How? - I'm still working on it. 1227 01:39:02,322 --> 01:39:05,424 那我想我也最好想一想了 Well, I guess I better work on it too, then. 1228 01:39:05,525 --> 01:39:08,194 我找到了 ! Hey! Par... Hey, I found it! 1229 01:39:08,295 --> 01:39:10,063 是他! 班 - Him! - Ben! 1230 01:39:10,630 --> 01:39:12,598 這是個名字 It's a name. 1231 01:39:15,502 --> 01:39:17,236 帕金頓雷恩 Parkington Lane. 1232 01:39:17,337 --> 01:39:21,007 他是共濟會第三級會員… He was a third-degree master mason of the Blue Lo... 1233 01:39:21,107 --> 01:39:23,409 站住 Hey! Stop! 1234 01:39:37,723 --> 01:39:39,224 小心 Easy. 1235 01:39:42,828 --> 01:39:44,862 小心別踩到他 Careful no one steps in him. 1236 01:39:44,963 --> 01:39:47,065 放下 All right, put it down. 1237 01:39:54,006 --> 01:39:59,110 誰想先踏進恐怖的墳墓通道? OK. Who wants to go down the creepy tunnel inside the tomb first? 1238 01:40:00,112 --> 01:40:04,549 好 麥格、維多,你們留在這 Right. McGregor, Viktor, you stay here. 1239 01:40:05,083 --> 01:40:10,388 要是沒有我帶著卻有人出來 運用你們的想像力吧 And if anyone should come out without me, well... use your imagination. 1240 01:40:13,291 --> 01:40:15,259 可以走了吧? Shall we? 1241 01:40:33,044 --> 01:40:35,812 有火嗎? You got a light? 1242 01:40:52,462 --> 01:40:54,830 小心 (Ben) Careful. 1243 01:40:54,898 --> 01:40:57,200 注意腳步 Watch your step. 1244 01:41:02,973 --> 01:41:04,940 過來 Come here. 1245 01:41:14,316 --> 01:41:16,718 為什麼我就碰不上這種好事? Why does that never happen to me? 1246 01:41:22,758 --> 01:41:24,726 這是什麼? What's this? 1247 01:41:40,241 --> 01:41:42,209 是個大吊燈 It's a chandelier. 1248 01:41:51,419 --> 01:41:52,753 這裡 Here. 1249 01:42:08,702 --> 01:42:11,538 哇 看看那些升降梯 - (Riley) Wow. - (Ben) Look at the elevators. 1250 01:42:11,605 --> 01:42:13,206 傳送食物用的升降梯 (Patrick) A dumbwaiter system. 1251 01:42:13,306 --> 01:42:15,875 這些人是怎麼徒手建造這些的? How do a bunch of guys with hand tools build all this? 1252 01:42:15,976 --> 01:42:19,579 跟埃及金字塔和中國長城一樣 Same way they built the pyramids and the Great Wall of China. 1253 01:42:19,679 --> 01:42:22,748 是啊,外星人幫他們造的 Yeah. The aliens helped them. 1254 01:42:22,850 --> 01:42:25,085 是哦,走吧 Right, let's go. What are we waiting for? 1255 01:42:25,518 --> 01:42:29,621 我才不走這邊呢 經過了200年的蟲蛀腐朽 I'm not going out on that thing. 200 years of termite damage and rot. 1256 01:42:29,722 --> 01:42:32,724 爸,照他說的話去做 Dad, do what he says. 1257 01:42:52,078 --> 01:42:54,246 小心腳步 (Patrick) Watch your step. 1258 01:42:56,148 --> 01:42:58,083 我們在三一教堂的墓地下面 We're right under the Trinity graveyard. 1259 01:42:58,150 --> 01:43:00,752 難怪沒人發現這裡 That's probably why no one ever found this. 1260 01:43:05,491 --> 01:43:07,458 那是什麼? What is that? 1261 01:43:11,897 --> 01:43:13,864 地鐵 Subway. 1262 01:43:19,905 --> 01:43:22,107 老蕭!天哪! Shaw! Oh, God, Shaw! 1263 01:43:32,817 --> 01:43:34,751 我的老天 (Abigail) Oh, my God. 1264 01:43:39,289 --> 01:43:41,858 抓住! Hold on! Hold on! 1265 01:43:44,394 --> 01:43:46,663 上升降梯,快跳! OK, get on the elevator. Jump! 1266 01:43:49,866 --> 01:43:52,068 班!抓住我的手 (Abigail) Ben! Grab my hand. 1267 01:43:54,104 --> 01:43:55,672 上來! 伊恩 - Come on. - Lan! 1268 01:43:55,772 --> 01:43:58,507 雅碧,快上去! Abigail! Get on! 1269 01:44:02,311 --> 01:44:04,246 快跳! Jump! 1270 01:44:13,756 --> 01:44:14,823 這裡 Here. 1271 01:44:23,065 --> 01:44:24,699 班! Ben! 1272 01:44:25,501 --> 01:44:28,103 下去那裡! Get down there. Get down there! 1273 01:44:33,542 --> 01:44:35,177 獨立宣言 The Declaration. 1274 01:44:38,413 --> 01:44:40,582 你信任我嗎? 信任 - Do you trust me? - Yes. 1275 01:44:54,762 --> 01:44:56,597 不,班! Oh, no! Ben! 1276 01:45:02,804 --> 01:45:04,771 抓緊! Hang on! 1277 01:45:13,514 --> 01:45:14,981 兒子! Son! 1278 01:45:22,055 --> 01:45:26,058 抱歉丟下你,我得救回獨立宣言 I'm sorry. I'm sorry I dropped you. I had to save the Declaration. 1279 01:45:26,159 --> 01:45:30,696 不用道歉,我也會做同樣的抉擇 No, don't be. I would have done exactly the same thing to you. 1280 01:45:30,797 --> 01:45:32,933 真的? Really? 1281 01:45:33,033 --> 01:45:36,602 我會把你們兩個全都丟下去 怪胎 I would have dropped you both. Freaks. 1282 01:45:44,144 --> 01:45:46,346 上來 Get on. 1283 01:45:46,446 --> 01:45:48,213 伊恩 lan... 1284 01:45:48,314 --> 01:45:50,750 這不值得的 it's not worth it. 1285 01:45:50,816 --> 01:45:55,454 你以為你們任何人的命 對我而言會比老蕭重要嗎? Do you imagine any one of your lives is more valuable to me than Shaw's? 1286 01:45:55,555 --> 01:45:56,856 繼續前進 We go on. 1287 01:45:58,658 --> 01:46:02,594 保持現狀 保持現狀 The status quo. Keep the status quo. 1288 01:46:10,335 --> 01:46:13,605 現在呢? 這… - (Riley) Now what? - (Patrick) This is... 1289 01:46:13,705 --> 01:46:16,574 一切線索都指向這裡 This is where it all leads. 1290 01:46:26,017 --> 01:46:27,985 走吧 OK, let's go. 1291 01:47:10,927 --> 01:47:13,462 這是什麼? What is this? 1292 01:47:13,563 --> 01:47:15,965 寶藏在哪? So where's the treasure? 1293 01:47:18,901 --> 01:47:20,269 怎樣? Well? 1294 01:47:21,904 --> 01:47:24,140 就這樣? This is it? 1295 01:47:24,240 --> 01:47:26,642 歷盡艱辛找到的卻是死胡同? We came all this way for a dead end? 1296 01:47:27,977 --> 01:47:29,378 是的 Yes. 1297 01:47:32,614 --> 01:47:35,450 一定還有什麼東西 沒有了 - There's gotta be something more. - Riley, there's nothing more. 1298 01:47:35,517 --> 01:47:37,886 另一個線索 不,沒有線索了 - Another clue, or... - No, there are no more clues! 1299 01:47:37,953 --> 01:47:39,587 就是這樣,好嗎? That's it, OK? It's over! 1300 01:47:39,688 --> 01:47:43,791 寶藏不見了 ! 被搬走!移到別的地方了 End of the road. The treasure's gone. Moved. Taken somewhere else. 1301 01:47:45,126 --> 01:47:49,063 你不是在耍我吧? You're not playing games with me, are you, Ben? Hm? 1302 01:47:49,164 --> 01:47:52,166 你知道寶藏在哪 You know where it is. 1303 01:47:52,267 --> 01:47:53,934 不 No. 1304 01:47:57,672 --> 01:47:59,940 好,走吧 OK, go. 1305 01:48:00,041 --> 01:48:02,777 等一等 Hey, wait a minute. 1306 01:48:03,211 --> 01:48:05,446 伊恩,等等! 等等!等一下 - (Riley) Hey! Lan, wait! - (Patrick) Wait, wait, wait! 1307 01:48:05,546 --> 01:48:07,214 伊恩 我們會被困住的! - (Abigail) lan... - (Riley) We'll be trapped. 1308 01:48:07,315 --> 01:48:09,784 別這樣! 你不能把我們丟在這 - (Ben) Don't do this. - You can't just leave us here. 1309 01:48:09,884 --> 01:48:13,820 我能,除非班告訴我下一條線索 Yes, I can. Unless Ben tells me the next clue. 1310 01:48:13,888 --> 01:48:16,090 沒有別的線索了 There isn't another clue. 1311 01:48:16,190 --> 01:48:20,627 伊恩,快回來啊 我們好好談一談 lan, why don't you come back down here and we can talk through this together? 1312 01:48:20,728 --> 01:48:23,230 給我閉嘴 好吧 - Don't speak again. - OK. 1313 01:48:24,698 --> 01:48:28,767 線索 寶藏在哪? The clue. Where's the treasure? 1314 01:48:29,903 --> 01:48:30,970 班 Ben? 1315 01:48:34,073 --> 01:48:36,108 油燈 爸 - The lantern. - Dad... 1316 01:48:37,577 --> 01:48:39,879 現狀已經改變 The status quo has changed, son. 1317 01:48:39,979 --> 01:48:41,514 別說 Don't. 1318 01:48:44,584 --> 01:48:48,421 共濟會的會訓裡有寫 It's part of freemason teachings. 1319 01:48:48,487 --> 01:48:51,924 所羅門王聖殿有座蜿蜒的樓梯 In King Solomon's temple there was a winding staircase. 1320 01:48:51,991 --> 01:48:57,930 象徵必須完成的旅途 以尋找真理的明燈 It signified the journey that had to be made to find the light of truth. 1321 01:48:58,031 --> 01:49:01,900 油燈就是線索 那代表什麼意思? - The lantern is the clue. - And what does it mean? 1322 01:49:01,967 --> 01:49:04,469 波士頓,那是指波士頓 Boston. It's Boston. 1323 01:49:04,570 --> 01:49:06,238 舊北教堂 The Old North Church in Boston, 1324 01:49:06,339 --> 01:49:09,808 湯瑪士紐頓在那裡掛上油燈 where Thomas Newton hung a lantern in the steeple, 1325 01:49:09,908 --> 01:49:13,845 以警告保羅裡維爾英人來襲 陸路來襲掛一盞,海路則掛兩盞 to signal Paul Revere that the British were coming. One if by land, two if by sea. 1326 01:49:13,912 --> 01:49:19,117 蜿蜒的樓梯下掛了一盞燈,你看 One lantern. Under the winding staircase of the steeple, that's where we have to look. 1327 01:49:19,217 --> 01:49:22,587 謝了 你得帶我們一起去 - Thank you. - Hey, you have to take us with you. 1328 01:49:22,654 --> 01:49:25,823 為什麼?好讓你們藉機逃跑? Why? So you can escape in Boston? 1329 01:49:25,923 --> 01:49:29,493 沒了你們,我的負擔也比較輕 Besides, with you out of the picture there's less baggage to carry. 1330 01:49:29,594 --> 01:49:31,829 要是我們騙你呢? What if we lied? 1331 01:49:31,929 --> 01:49:33,164 你騙了我嗎? Did you? 1332 01:49:33,265 --> 01:49:36,000 要是還有別的線索呢? What if there's another clue? 1333 01:49:36,100 --> 01:49:38,235 那我知道該到哪找你 Then I'll know right where to find you. 1334 01:49:39,971 --> 01:49:41,938 再見了,班 See you, Ben. 1335 01:49:44,475 --> 01:49:46,176 不! 沒有別的路能出去了 ! - No! - (Riley) There's no other way out! 1336 01:49:46,277 --> 01:49:48,311 回來 你會需要我們的! - (Abigail) Come back! - You're gonna need us, lan! 1337 01:49:49,346 --> 01:49:51,748 我們會死的 We're all gonna die. 1338 01:49:51,815 --> 01:49:55,818 不會有事的,萊利 抱歉我對你亂吼 It's gonna be OK, Riley. I'm sorry I yelled at you. 1339 01:49:55,919 --> 01:49:57,287 沒事的,孩子 It's OK, kiddo. 1340 01:49:57,788 --> 01:49:59,722 好了,這是怎麼回事? OK, boys, what's going on? 1341 01:49:59,790 --> 01:50:03,293 英軍是從海路來襲,掛了兩盞燈 不是一盞 The British came by sea. It was two lanterns, not one. 1342 01:50:03,827 --> 01:50:06,997 伊恩要線索,我們就給他線索 lan needed another clue, so we gave it to him. 1343 01:50:07,097 --> 01:50:09,999 那是假的,假線索! It was a fake. It was a fake clue. 1344 01:50:10,066 --> 01:50:12,635 全知之眼 The all-seeing eye. 1345 01:50:12,736 --> 01:50:15,205 透過全知之眼 "Through the all-seeing eye." 1346 01:50:15,972 --> 01:50:18,941 等伊恩弄明白的時候 That means... by the time lan figures it out and comes back here, 1347 01:50:19,042 --> 01:50:22,745 他會回來,而我們還被困在這 到時他會殺了我們 we'll still be trapped, and he'll shoot us then. 1348 01:50:23,279 --> 01:50:25,915 不管怎樣我們都死定了 Either way, we're gonna die. 1349 01:50:26,782 --> 01:50:30,052 沒有人會死,有出去的路 Nobody's gonna die. There's another way out. 1350 01:50:30,653 --> 01:50:31,686 在哪? Where? 1351 01:50:31,787 --> 01:50:34,389 經由藏寶室 Through the treasure room. 1352 01:50:41,196 --> 01:50:43,164 這裡 Here. 1353 01:50:52,974 --> 01:50:54,708 萊利 Riley. 1354 01:51:21,335 --> 01:51:24,772 看起來…有人先到過這裡了 Looks like someone got here first. 1355 01:51:26,006 --> 01:51:28,541 我很遺憾,班 I'm sorry, Ben. 1356 01:51:28,642 --> 01:51:30,443 全被搬空了 It's gone. 1357 01:51:32,980 --> 01:51:35,648 聽著,兒子 在卡洛告訴湯瑪斯蓋茲這故事前 - Listen, Ben... - It may have even been gone 1358 01:51:35,749 --> 01:51:39,652 寶藏可能就被搬走了 before Charles Carroll told the story to Thomas Gates. 1359 01:51:40,854 --> 01:51:42,956 沒關係了 It doesn't matter. 1360 01:51:43,056 --> 01:51:46,025 我知道,因為你是對的 I know. 'Cause you were right. 1361 01:51:46,093 --> 01:51:48,961 不,我不是 No, I wasn't right. 1362 01:51:49,028 --> 01:51:51,697 這房間是真的 This room is real, Ben. 1363 01:51:51,798 --> 01:51:54,100 那代表寶藏也是真的 And that means the treasure is real. 1364 01:51:54,634 --> 01:51:57,469 我們與史上最聰明的人並駕齊驅 We're in the company of some of the most brilliant minds in history, 1365 01:51:57,537 --> 01:52:01,373 多虧你找出他們留下的寶藏 because you found what they left behind for us to find 1366 01:52:01,440 --> 01:52:04,009 以及這寶藏的意義 and understood the meaning of it. 1367 01:52:04,110 --> 01:52:07,045 你做到了,為了我們 You did it, Ben. For all of us. 1368 01:52:08,047 --> 01:52:11,317 為你爺爺,還有我們 Your grandfather, and all of us. 1369 01:52:11,817 --> 01:52:15,820 我很高興你能證明我錯了 And I've never been so happy to be proven wrong. 1370 01:52:26,197 --> 01:52:28,333 只是… I just... 1371 01:52:28,433 --> 01:52:31,501 我真以為我能找到寶藏 really thought I was gonna find the treasure. 1372 01:52:33,471 --> 01:52:35,405 好吧 OK. 1373 01:52:35,473 --> 01:52:38,208 那我們就繼續尋找寶藏 Then we just keep looking for it. 1374 01:52:41,512 --> 01:52:43,480 算我一份 I'm in. 1375 01:52:48,218 --> 01:52:50,019 好吧 OK. 1376 01:52:51,656 --> 01:52:54,792 我不想唱衰大家,不過那不可能 Not to be Johnny Rain Cloud here, but that's not gonna happen. 1377 01:52:54,892 --> 01:52:58,228 在我看來,我們還困在這裡 Because as far as I can see, we're still trapped down here. 1378 01:52:58,295 --> 01:52:59,963 是呀 (Abigail) Yeah. 1379 01:53:00,865 --> 01:53:02,766 另一條出去的路呢? (Riley) Now, Ben, where is this other way out? 1380 01:53:02,833 --> 01:53:04,901 這沒道理 Well, that's it. It doesn't make any sense, 1381 01:53:05,002 --> 01:53:08,172 建造這裡的人 because the first thing the builders would have done after getting down here 1382 01:53:08,272 --> 01:53:11,307 一定會先建造第二換氣坑 was cut a secondary shaft back out for air... 1383 01:53:11,408 --> 01:53:14,544 對 以防發生坍塌的狀況 - Right. ...and in case of cave-ins. 1384 01:53:36,799 --> 01:53:39,867 不會真的這麼簡單吧? Could it really be that simple? 1385 01:53:44,340 --> 01:53:46,542 “秘密與夏綠蒂同在” "The secret lies with Charlotte." 1386 01:55:14,527 --> 01:55:17,496 亞歷山大圖書館的卷軸 Scrolls from the library at Alexandria. 1387 01:55:19,631 --> 01:55:21,465 這可能嗎? Could this be possible? 1388 01:55:41,019 --> 01:55:46,056 這個高大的藍綠色男人 It's a big... bluish-green man, 1389 01:55:46,157 --> 01:55:49,026 還留著可笑的山羊胡 with a strange-looking goatee. 1390 01:55:49,093 --> 01:55:51,862 我想那應該很重要的吧 I'm guessing that's significant. 1391 01:56:41,277 --> 01:56:42,243 好耶 Yes! 1392 01:56:54,090 --> 01:56:56,758 萊利,你在哭嗎? Riley, are you crying? 1393 01:56:56,858 --> 01:56:58,926 快看 Look. 1394 01:56:59,027 --> 01:57:01,162 有樓梯 Stairs. 1395 01:57:17,512 --> 01:57:19,546 你好 Hi. 1396 01:57:19,647 --> 01:57:21,615 能不能借用一下你的手機? Do you have a cell phone I could borrow? 1397 01:57:34,762 --> 01:57:37,731 就這樣? 就這樣 - Just like that? - Just like that. 1398 01:57:37,832 --> 01:57:41,135 你剛剛交出了你最大的籌碼 You do know you just handed me your biggest bargaining chip? 1399 01:57:41,235 --> 01:57:44,504 獨立宣言不是籌碼 The Declaration of Independence is not a bargaining chip. 1400 01:57:44,604 --> 01:57:46,305 對我而言不是 Not to me. 1401 01:57:46,406 --> 01:57:48,107 坐吧 Have a seat. 1402 01:57:48,575 --> 01:57:50,977 你有何條件? - So what's your offer? - Oh... 1403 01:57:51,545 --> 01:57:54,480 我提個賄賂吧? How about a bribe? Say, uh... 1404 01:57:55,482 --> 01:57:58,752 就開價…一百億? ten billion dollars? 1405 01:57:58,852 --> 01:58:00,486 你找到寶藏了 I take it you found the treasure? 1406 01:58:00,587 --> 01:58:03,156 就在你腳下五層樓深的地底 It's about five stories beneath your shoes. 1407 01:58:06,993 --> 01:58:09,095 騎士們和共濟會員都相信 You know, the Templars and the Freemasons believed 1408 01:58:09,195 --> 01:58:13,899 這偉大的寶藏不該為人所有 就連帝王也一樣 that the treasure was too great for any one man to have, not even a king. 1409 01:58:14,000 --> 01:58:17,736 因此他們才會設法埋藏寶藏 That's why they went to such lengths to keep it hidden. 1410 01:58:17,836 --> 01:58:20,238 沒錯 That's right. 1411 01:58:20,306 --> 01:58:23,842 建國先賢對政府也有相同的想法 The Founding Fathers believed the same thing about government. 1412 01:58:23,942 --> 01:58:27,179 他們的辦法也適用于寶藏 I figure their solution will work for the treasure too. 1413 01:58:27,680 --> 01:58:28,747 一切為全民所有 Give it to the people. 1414 01:58:28,847 --> 01:58:33,918 將寶藏分送世界各大博物館 史密森尼、羅浮宮、開羅等等 Divide it amongst the Smithsonian, the Louvre, the Cairo museum... 1415 01:58:34,019 --> 01:58:37,121 這其中包含數千年的世界歷史 There's thousands of years of world history down there. 1416 01:58:37,222 --> 01:58:41,659 它屬於全世界,以及所有人 And it belongs to the world, and everybody in it. 1417 01:58:41,726 --> 01:58:45,429 你還真不會運用籌碼 You really don't understand the concept of a bargaining chip. 1418 01:58:46,063 --> 01:58:50,701 我的條件是…卻斯博士全身而退 OK, here's what I want. Dr. Chase gets off completely clean, 1419 01:58:50,802 --> 01:58:52,869 她檔案裡不能有任何加注 not even a little Post-it on her service record. 1420 01:58:52,970 --> 01:58:53,870 好 OK. 1421 01:58:53,938 --> 01:59:00,143 我要將一切榮耀歸於蓋茲家族 I want the credit for the find to go to the entire Gates family, 1422 01:59:00,244 --> 01:59:03,013 以及萊利波爾先生的大力協助 with the assistance of Mr. Riley Poole. 1423 01:59:03,114 --> 01:59:05,416 你呢? And what about you? 1424 01:59:05,516 --> 01:59:07,517 我很希望不要坐牢 I'd really love not to go to prison. 1425 01:59:07,618 --> 01:59:12,555 我不知道該怎麼形容我的渴望 I can't even begin to describe how much I would love not to go to prison. 1426 01:59:13,824 --> 01:59:16,892 總有人要去坐牢的 Someone's got to go to prison, Ben. 1427 01:59:16,993 --> 01:59:22,131 若你有直升機,我就能幫你搞定 Well, if you've got a helicopter, I think I can help with that. 1428 01:59:24,801 --> 01:59:26,402 舊北教堂 1429 01:59:30,606 --> 01:59:32,908 不准動 - (man) Freeze! FBI! - (sirens) 1430 01:59:35,045 --> 01:59:37,280 站住,不准動! 舉起雙手 - Freeze! Don't move! - Show me your hands! 1431 01:59:39,149 --> 01:59:42,585 雙手舉高 走,快走 - Put your hands up. - Move, move, move. 1432 01:59:46,256 --> 01:59:48,157 你被捕了,豪威先生 You're under arrest, Mr. Howe. 1433 01:59:48,223 --> 01:59:51,560 你涉嫌綁架、殺人未遂… We've got you on kidnapping, attempted murder... 1434 01:59:51,661 --> 01:59:54,629 非法入侵國有財產 and trespassing on government property. 1435 02:00:03,005 --> 02:00:05,840 沒錯,謝啦,拜 Yeah. You got it, chief. Thank you. Bye. 1436 02:00:06,975 --> 02:00:09,943 他們要我們去開羅參加展覽開幕 They want us in Cairo next week for the opening of the exhibit. 1437 02:00:10,044 --> 02:00:11,945 他們會派私人噴射機來 They're sending a private jet. 1438 02:00:12,013 --> 02:00:13,247 真好玩 That's fun. 1439 02:00:13,348 --> 02:00:17,151 才怪,我們本來能有噴射機隊的 Yeah, big whoop. We could have had a whole fleet of private jets. 1440 02:00:17,251 --> 02:00:20,421 百分之十,班 他們要給你10%,你卻不要 Ten percent, Ben. They offered you ten percent and you turned it down. 1441 02:00:20,522 --> 02:00:23,958 那太多了,我不能接受 Riley, we've been over this. It was too much. I couldn't accept it. 1442 02:00:24,058 --> 02:00:28,195 我拿的只不過是滄海一粟 I still have this splinter that's been festering for three months from an old piece of wood. 1443 02:00:28,296 --> 02:00:29,329 好,告訴你 OK, I'll tell you what. 1444 02:00:29,430 --> 02:00:33,233 下回再找到驚天動地的寶藏 Next time we find a treasure that redefines history for all mankind, 1445 02:00:33,334 --> 02:00:35,302 尋寶費就由你來開 you make the call on the finder's fee. 1446 02:00:35,403 --> 02:00:37,871 那一點也不好玩 That's not as funny. 1447 02:00:37,971 --> 02:00:40,006 你反正不在乎,你找到了真愛 What do you care? You got the girl. 1448 02:00:41,041 --> 02:00:42,709 那倒是 那倒是 - It's true. - It's true. 1449 02:00:46,146 --> 02:00:48,248 真過分,你們慢慢玩吧 Rub it in. Enjoy your spoils... 1450 02:00:48,348 --> 02:00:50,817 我則要享受這百分之一 while I sit on one percent. 1451 02:00:52,452 --> 02:00:55,354 其實也只有百分之零點五 One stinkin' percent. Half of one percent, actually. 1452 02:00:55,856 --> 02:00:58,325 才拿百分之一,真不可思議 One percent. Unbelievable. 1453 02:00:58,391 --> 02:01:00,359 抱歉讓你這麼難過 I'm sorry for your suffering, Riley. 1454 02:01:00,460 --> 02:01:04,831 說真的,我喜歡這棟房子 For the record, Ben, I like the house. 1455 02:01:04,897 --> 02:01:08,334 1812年,查理斯卡洛在此… You know, I chose this estate because in 1812 Charles Carroll met... 1456 02:01:08,401 --> 02:01:13,205 見了某人或做了某件大事 你很厲害、你很強 Yeah, someone that did something in history and had fun. Great. Wonderful. 1457 02:01:13,305 --> 02:01:15,006 你本來可以買更大的房子的 Could have had a bigger house. 1458 02:01:23,816 --> 02:01:27,519 我做了個東西給你 是嗎?是什麼? - I made something for you. - You did? What? 1459 02:01:27,619 --> 02:01:29,587 一幅地圖 地圖? - A map. - A map? 1460 02:01:31,090 --> 02:01:33,024 做什麼用的? Where does it lead to? 1461 02:01:33,092 --> 02:01:36,027 你會找到解答的 You'll figure it out. 1462 02:01:41,366 --> 02:01:44,935 謝謝觀賞