1 00:02:29,400 --> 00:02:31,391 X1:309 X2:411 Y1:380 Y2:422 Up! Up! 2 00:02:41,400 --> 00:02:43,391 X1:318 X2:402 Y1:380 Y2:422 Hurry! 3 00:02:49,400 --> 00:02:51,391 X1:286 X2:434 Y1:380 Y2:422 Don't push! 4 00:02:56,400 --> 00:02:58,391 X1:318 X2:402 Y1:380 Y2:422 Hurry! 5 00:03:06,400 --> 00:03:08,391 X1:233 X2:487 Y1:380 Y2:422 Up the tree, quickly! 6 00:03:11,400 --> 00:03:15,393 X1:171 X2:549 Y1:380 Y2:422 Pull him down quickly, quickly! 7 00:03:17,400 --> 00:03:19,391 X1:266 X2:454 Y1:380 Y2:422 Catch the flag. 8 00:03:20,400 --> 00:03:22,391 X1:322 X2:398 Y1:380 Y2:422 Wait. 9 00:03:31,400 --> 00:03:33,391 X1:220 X2:500 Y1:380 Y2:422 Don't let him get down 10 00:03:46,400 --> 00:03:48,391 X1:318 X2:402 Y1:380 Y2:422 Hurry! 11 00:04:04,400 --> 00:04:06,391 X1:307 X2:413 Y1:380 Y2:422 Careful! 12 00:04:31,400 --> 00:04:33,391 X1:145 X2:575 Y1:380 Y2:422 Calm down! The winner this year... 13 00:04:34,400 --> 00:04:38,393 X1:275 X2:445 Y1:380 Y2:422 is Ai Bak Tim 14 00:04:49,400 --> 00:04:51,400 X1:227 X2:493 Y1:380 Y2:422 Sawadee everyone... 15 00:04:51,400 --> 00:04:53,400 X1:213 X2:507 Y1:380 Y2:422 from Ban Nong Pradoo. 16 00:04:53,400 --> 00:04:55,400 X1:121 X2:599 Y1:380 Y2:454 We are gathering for good merit at this festival, 17 00:04:55,400 --> 00:04:59,400 X1:103 X2:617 Y1:380 Y2:422 to give robes to the monks, and Ong Bak, 18 00:04:59,400 --> 00:05:03,400 X1:079 X2:641 Y1:380 Y2:454 who is the protective icon for the well-being of our village. 19 00:05:03,400 --> 00:05:05,400 X1:271 X2:449 Y1:380 Y2:422 This festival... 20 00:05:05,400 --> 00:05:07,400 X1:227 X2:493 Y1:380 Y2:422 is to remind us that... 21 00:05:07,400 --> 00:05:09,400 X1:225 X2:495 Y1:380 Y2:422 in 7 days we will be... 22 00:05:09,400 --> 00:05:11,791 X1:227 X2:493 Y1:380 Y2:422 celebrating Ong Bak. 23 00:05:12,400 --> 00:05:14,400 X1:265 X2:455 Y1:380 Y2:422 The last time... 24 00:05:14,400 --> 00:05:18,393 X1:235 X2:485 Y1:380 Y2:422 being 24 years ago. 25 00:05:19,400 --> 00:05:21,400 X1:273 X2:447 Y1:380 Y2:422 This means... 26 00:05:21,400 --> 00:05:25,393 X1:109 X2:611 Y1:380 Y2:422 all prosperity will return to us once more. 27 00:05:35,400 --> 00:05:37,391 X1:225 X2:495 Y1:380 Y2:422 Where is the amulet? 28 00:05:42,400 --> 00:05:44,400 X1:276 X2:444 Y1:380 Y2:422 It's not good. 29 00:05:44,400 --> 00:05:46,400 X1:205 X2:515 Y1:380 Y2:422 There is a little damage - 30 00:05:46,400 --> 00:05:48,400 X1:251 X2:469 Y1:380 Y2:422 Not quite perfect. 31 00:05:48,400 --> 00:05:51,400 X1:148 X2:572 Y1:380 Y2:422 200,000 baht for this is not cheap. 32 00:05:51,400 --> 00:05:55,393 X1:176 X2:544 Y1:380 Y2:422 Why don't you want to sell it? 33 00:05:56,400 --> 00:05:59,400 X1:178 X2:542 Y1:380 Y2:422 Ow! How much do you want? 34 00:05:59,400 --> 00:06:02,400 X1:235 X2:485 Y1:380 Y2:422 Don. I'm not selling. 35 00:06:02,400 --> 00:06:05,400 X1:134 X2:586 Y1:380 Y2:422 Ow! Why do you change your mind? 36 00:06:05,400 --> 00:06:08,400 X1:083 X2:637 Y1:380 Y2:422 I came a long way from Bangkok just for this. 37 00:06:08,400 --> 00:06:10,400 X1:145 X2:575 Y1:380 Y2:422 I've never given you any promise... 38 00:06:10,400 --> 00:06:12,400 X1:262 X2:458 Y1:380 Y2:422 to sell it to you. 39 00:06:12,400 --> 00:06:14,400 X1:091 X2:629 Y1:380 Y2:422 I want to give this to my son, Bak Hum Lae, 40 00:06:14,400 --> 00:06:18,393 X1:103 X2:617 Y1:380 Y2:454 the day he's ordained here as a monk, for Ong Bak. 41 00:06:20,400 --> 00:06:24,400 X1:133 X2:587 Y1:380 Y2:422 Call me whenever you want to sell it. 42 00:06:24,400 --> 00:06:27,400 X1:158 X2:562 Y1:380 Y2:422 No, no. I don't have a telephone. 43 00:06:27,400 --> 00:06:29,400 X1:209 X2:511 Y1:380 Y2:422 I'll give you my address, 44 00:06:29,400 --> 00:06:31,400 X1:176 X2:544 Y1:380 Y2:422 so whenever you want to sell, 45 00:06:31,400 --> 00:06:33,391 X1:232 X2:488 Y1:380 Y2:422 you can write to me. 46 00:06:44,400 --> 00:06:46,400 X1:167 X2:553 Y1:380 Y2:422 Is this good enough, grandma? 47 00:06:46,400 --> 00:06:49,400 X1:132 X2:588 Y1:380 Y2:422 I made it for Ai Tim for his ordination. 48 00:06:49,400 --> 00:06:51,400 X1:299 X2:421 Y1:380 Y2:422 It's good. 49 00:06:51,400 --> 00:06:54,400 X1:178 X2:542 Y1:380 Y2:422 Where did Ai Tim come from, 50 00:06:54,400 --> 00:06:56,400 X1:106 X2:614 Y1:380 Y2:422 and how come he grew up in the temple? 51 00:06:56,400 --> 00:06:58,400 X1:254 X2:466 Y1:380 Y2:422 He's now a man. 52 00:06:58,400 --> 00:07:02,400 X1:238 X2:482 Y1:380 Y2:422 Ai Tim is an ophan. 53 00:07:02,400 --> 00:07:04,400 X1:115 X2:605 Y1:380 Y2:422 He was left at the temple by someone... 54 00:07:04,400 --> 00:07:06,400 X1:227 X2:493 Y1:380 Y2:422 when he was a baby. 55 00:07:06,400 --> 00:07:09,400 X1:126 X2:594 Y1:380 Y2:422 Pra Kroo (the Abbot) took pity on him, 56 00:07:09,400 --> 00:07:11,391 X1:250 X2:470 Y1:380 Y2:422 and adopted him. 57 00:07:12,400 --> 00:07:14,400 X1:227 X2:493 Y1:380 Y2:422 And everyone says... 58 00:07:14,400 --> 00:07:18,393 X1:128 X2:592 Y1:380 Y2:422 he has grown up well under Ong Bak. 59 00:07:25,400 --> 00:07:27,400 X1:254 X2:466 Y1:380 Y2:422 Hitting the earth! 60 00:07:27,400 --> 00:07:29,391 X1:215 X2:505 Y1:380 Y2:422 Crocodile whipping tail! 61 00:07:30,400 --> 00:07:32,400 X1:225 X2:495 Y1:380 Y2:422 Confronting elephant! 62 00:07:32,400 --> 00:07:33,400 X1:166 X2:554 Y1:380 Y2:422 Hanuman (Monkey) giving ring. 63 00:07:33,400 --> 00:07:35,400 X1:226 X2:494 Y1:380 Y2:422 The threatening fight. 64 00:07:35,400 --> 00:07:36,400 X1:272 X2:448 Y1:380 Y2:422 The rear kick. 65 00:07:36,400 --> 00:07:38,400 X1:210 X2:510 Y1:380 Y2:422 Both elbows attacking... 66 00:07:38,400 --> 00:07:39,400 X1:211 X2:509 Y1:380 Y2:422 followed with high knee. 67 00:07:39,400 --> 00:07:41,400 X1:248 X2:472 Y1:380 Y2:422 Raising the army. 68 00:07:41,400 --> 00:07:43,400 X1:224 X2:496 Y1:380 Y2:422 Getting high strength. 69 00:07:43,400 --> 00:07:45,400 X1:190 X2:530 Y1:380 Y2:422 Cutting through the enemy. 70 00:07:45,400 --> 00:07:47,400 X1:253 X2:467 Y1:380 Y2:422 Avoiding danger. 71 00:07:47,400 --> 00:07:49,400 X1:208 X2:512 Y1:380 Y2:422 Putting your head down. 72 00:07:49,400 --> 00:07:51,400 X1:213 X2:507 Y1:380 Y2:422 Knight throwing an axe. 73 00:07:51,400 --> 00:07:53,400 X1:192 X2:528 Y1:380 Y2:422 Wave smashing the shore. 74 00:07:53,400 --> 00:07:55,391 X1:216 X2:504 Y1:380 Y2:422 Meet friend, join friend. 75 00:07:56,400 --> 00:07:58,400 X1:199 X2:521 Y1:380 Y2:422 Knight catching monkeys. 76 00:07:58,400 --> 00:08:00,391 X1:242 X2:478 Y1:380 Y2:422 Breaking the joins. 77 00:08:01,400 --> 00:08:03,400 X1:225 X2:495 Y1:380 Y2:422 Snake chasing lizard. 78 00:08:03,400 --> 00:08:05,400 X1:277 X2:443 Y1:380 Y2:422 Cliff shaking. 79 00:08:05,400 --> 00:08:07,400 X1:277 X2:443 Y1:380 Y2:422 Sticky water. 80 00:08:07,400 --> 00:08:08,400 X1:235 X2:485 Y1:380 Y2:422 Throwing the spear. 81 00:08:08,400 --> 00:08:10,400 X1:234 X2:486 Y1:380 Y2:422 Breaking the sword. 82 00:08:10,400 --> 00:08:11,400 X1:249 X2:471 Y1:380 Y2:422 Raising the body. 83 00:08:11,400 --> 00:08:13,391 X1:229 X2:491 Y1:380 Y2:422 Horse replacing bird. 84 00:08:26,400 --> 00:08:28,400 X1:172 X2:548 Y1:380 Y2:422 I'll teach you all these styles... 85 00:08:28,400 --> 00:08:32,393 X1:121 X2:599 Y1:380 Y2:422 but I forbid you to use them for money. 86 00:08:33,400 --> 00:08:37,400 X1:174 X2:546 Y1:380 Y2:422 Do you understand, Bak Tim? 87 00:08:37,400 --> 00:08:39,400 X1:214 X2:506 Y1:380 Y2:422 I understand, Pra Kroo. 88 00:08:39,400 --> 00:08:41,391 X1:318 X2:402 Y1:380 Y2:422 Good. 89 00:08:48,400 --> 00:08:50,400 X1:274 X2:446 Y1:380 Y2:422 He has gone. 90 00:08:50,400 --> 00:08:54,393 X1:150 X2:570 Y1:380 Y2:422 You said you understood. Really? 91 00:09:03,400 --> 00:09:05,400 X1:221 X2:499 Y1:380 Y2:422 There is a story that... 92 00:09:05,400 --> 00:09:08,400 X1:183 X2:537 Y1:380 Y2:422 Pra Kroo learnt this boxing... 93 00:09:08,400 --> 00:09:12,400 X1:213 X2:507 Y1:380 Y2:422 from the ancient books. 94 00:09:12,400 --> 00:09:15,400 X1:142 X2:578 Y1:380 Y2:422 Then Pra Kroo wanted a challenge. 95 00:09:15,400 --> 00:09:18,400 X1:111 X2:609 Y1:380 Y2:422 He went into the boxing ring for money... 96 00:09:18,400 --> 00:09:22,393 X1:155 X2:565 Y1:380 Y2:422 and he hit his opponent to death. 97 00:09:23,400 --> 00:09:26,400 X1:246 X2:474 Y1:380 Y2:422 He felt very guilty, 98 00:09:26,400 --> 00:09:28,400 X1:217 X2:503 Y1:380 Y2:422 so he became a monk. 99 00:09:28,400 --> 00:09:30,391 X1:170 X2:550 Y1:380 Y2:422 Thai boxing is very dangerous. 100 00:09:31,400 --> 00:09:35,393 X1:134 X2:586 Y1:380 Y2:454 I don't want you to use it, unless it is absolutely necessary. 101 00:09:36,400 --> 00:09:38,391 X1:277 X2:443 Y1:380 Y2:422 Understand? 102 00:09:39,400 --> 00:09:43,393 X1:202 X2:518 Y1:380 Y2:422 Or are you still not clear? 103 00:09:44,400 --> 00:09:47,400 X1:231 X2:489 Y1:380 Y2:422 Come, fight with me. 104 00:09:47,400 --> 00:09:48,400 X1:276 X2:444 Y1:380 Y2:422 Ai Bak, here. 105 00:09:48,400 --> 00:09:50,391 X1:253 X2:467 Y1:380 Y2:422 Uncle! Come on! 106 00:10:25,400 --> 00:10:29,393 X1:138 X2:582 Y1:380 Y2:422 Who is there? What are you doing? 107 00:10:38,400 --> 00:10:40,391 X1:318 X2:402 Y1:380 Y2:422 Hurry! 108 00:10:50,400 --> 00:10:51,400 X1:290 X2:430 Y1:380 Y2:422 Bak Don... 109 00:10:51,400 --> 00:10:55,393 X1:094 X2:626 Y1:380 Y2:422 is the one that cut off the head of Ong Bak. 110 00:10:59,400 --> 00:11:03,400 X1:079 X2:641 Y1:380 Y2:422 He took all the donation money too, Pra Kroo. 111 00:11:03,400 --> 00:11:07,393 X1:243 X2:477 Y1:380 Y2:422 Bak Don! Evil son! 112 00:11:09,400 --> 00:11:12,400 X1:183 X2:537 Y1:380 Y2:422 If Pra Ong Bak has no head, 113 00:11:12,400 --> 00:11:16,400 X1:131 X2:589 Y1:380 Y2:422 our village will be faced with disaster. 114 00:11:16,400 --> 00:11:18,400 X1:211 X2:509 Y1:380 Y2:422 Calm down, calm down! 115 00:11:18,400 --> 00:11:22,400 X1:096 X2:624 Y1:380 Y2:422 We must try to get Ong Bak's head back... 116 00:11:22,400 --> 00:11:26,400 X1:119 X2:601 Y1:380 Y2:422 to our village before the ceremony day. 117 00:11:26,400 --> 00:11:30,393 X1:158 X2:562 Y1:380 Y2:422 Where can we find it, Pra Kroo ? 118 00:11:32,400 --> 00:11:35,400 X1:126 X2:594 Y1:380 Y2:422 I will bring Ong Bak back here myself. 119 00:11:35,400 --> 00:11:39,393 X1:165 X2:555 Y1:380 Y2:422 Who knows where Bak Don is? 120 00:11:41,400 --> 00:11:45,400 X1:082 X2:638 Y1:380 Y2:454 The hopes of the people of Ban Nong Pradoo Sukon... 121 00:11:45,400 --> 00:11:48,400 X1:255 X2:465 Y1:380 Y2:422 is in your hands. 122 00:11:48,400 --> 00:11:51,400 X1:129 X2:591 Y1:380 Y2:422 In this tube is a holy herbal medicine. 123 00:11:51,400 --> 00:11:53,400 X1:226 X2:494 Y1:380 Y2:422 My teacher told me... 124 00:11:53,400 --> 00:11:56,400 X1:204 X2:516 Y1:380 Y2:422 it belonged to Kroo Dum. 125 00:11:56,400 --> 00:11:58,391 X1:254 X2:466 Y1:380 Y2:422 Keep it with you. 126 00:12:04,400 --> 00:12:06,391 X1:164 X2:556 Y1:380 Y2:422 This is the address of Bak Don, 127 00:12:07,400 --> 00:12:11,400 X1:141 X2:579 Y1:380 Y2:422 and this is a letter to Bak Hum Lae. 128 00:12:11,400 --> 00:12:15,393 X1:133 X2:587 Y1:380 Y2:422 Tim, you must return with Ong Bak... 129 00:12:16,400 --> 00:12:18,391 X1:274 X2:446 Y1:380 Y2:422 to our village. 130 00:12:27,400 --> 00:12:31,393 X1:145 X2:575 Y1:380 Y2:422 This is the money for your journey. 131 00:12:32,400 --> 00:12:34,391 X1:195 X2:525 Y1:380 Y2:422 All my hopes are with you. 132 00:12:37,400 --> 00:12:41,393 X1:094 X2:626 Y1:380 Y2:422 My mum gave me this ring before she died. 133 00:12:42,400 --> 00:12:46,393 X1:152 X2:568 Y1:380 Y2:422 Warn, please look after grandma. 134 00:13:03,400 --> 00:13:07,393 X1:162 X2:558 Y1:380 Y2:422 We've all contributed together... 135 00:13:08,400 --> 00:13:12,393 X1:278 X2:442 Y1:380 Y2:422 for the fares. 136 00:13:47,400 --> 00:13:49,391 X1:285 X2:435 Y1:380 Y2:422 He's losing. 137 00:13:59,400 --> 00:14:03,400 X1:145 X2:575 Y1:380 Y2:422 Hey! What bike you using to race? 138 00:14:03,400 --> 00:14:05,400 X1:134 X2:586 Y1:380 Y2:422 Why did you lose so easily like this? 139 00:14:05,400 --> 00:14:07,400 X1:124 X2:596 Y1:380 Y2:422 Hey! Why are you speaking that way? 140 00:14:07,400 --> 00:14:09,400 X1:159 X2:561 Y1:380 Y2:422 Win or lose is normal in any bet. 141 00:14:09,400 --> 00:14:11,400 X1:214 X2:506 Y1:380 Y2:422 It isn't fair to blame me. 142 00:14:11,400 --> 00:14:14,400 X1:090 X2:630 Y1:380 Y2:422 Why did you use a woman to race with me? 143 00:14:14,400 --> 00:14:16,400 X1:078 X2:642 Y1:380 Y2:422 Why not? What's wrong with being a woman? 144 00:14:16,400 --> 00:14:19,400 X1:167 X2:553 Y1:380 Y2:422 Ow! You dare race against me! 145 00:14:19,400 --> 00:14:20,400 X1:299 X2:421 Y1:380 Y2:422 You cow! 146 00:14:20,400 --> 00:14:23,400 X1:115 X2:605 Y1:380 Y2:454 If you rode as fast as your mouth, you'd probably win! 147 00:14:23,400 --> 00:14:25,391 X1:295 X2:425 Y1:380 Y2:422 Hey! Hey! 148 00:14:39,400 --> 00:14:41,400 X1:132 X2:588 Y1:380 Y2:422 Hey! Why don't you pay me in cash? 149 00:14:41,400 --> 00:14:44,400 X1:146 X2:574 Y1:380 Y2:422 You bet me with drugs, didn't you? 150 00:14:44,400 --> 00:14:48,393 X1:077 X2:643 Y1:380 Y2:454 You told me it was OK to use drugs instead of cash. 151 00:14:49,400 --> 00:14:51,391 X1:335 X2:385 Y1:380 Y2:422 OK 152 00:14:58,400 --> 00:15:00,400 X1:209 X2:511 Y1:380 Y2:422 I'll give you only 10,000, 153 00:15:00,400 --> 00:15:03,400 X1:115 X2:605 Y1:380 Y2:422 after deducting the 10,000 you own me. 154 00:15:03,400 --> 00:15:05,400 X1:167 X2:553 Y1:380 Y2:422 I pay you interest every month, 155 00:15:05,400 --> 00:15:06,400 X1:190 X2:530 Y1:380 Y2:422 and the loan is not yet due. 156 00:15:06,400 --> 00:15:08,400 X1:125 X2:595 Y1:380 Y2:422 Can't you give me all the money now? 157 00:15:08,400 --> 00:15:10,400 X1:221 X2:499 Y1:380 Y2:422 Do you want it or not? 158 00:15:10,400 --> 00:15:14,393 X1:204 X2:516 Y1:380 Y2:422 OK . Better than nothing. 159 00:15:21,400 --> 00:15:24,400 X1:209 X2:511 Y1:380 Y2:422 Hey! Give me all of that. 160 00:15:24,400 --> 00:15:26,400 X1:318 X2:402 Y1:380 Y2:422 What! 161 00:15:26,400 --> 00:15:28,391 X1:301 X2:419 Y1:380 Y2:422 Give me! 162 00:15:29,400 --> 00:15:31,400 X1:172 X2:548 Y1:380 Y2:422 You've already got my money. 163 00:15:31,400 --> 00:15:34,400 X1:099 X2:621 Y1:380 Y2:422 Can't you give a few tablets to my friends? 164 00:15:34,400 --> 00:15:37,400 X1:152 X2:568 Y1:380 Y2:422 You can find this drug anywhere - 165 00:15:37,400 --> 00:15:39,400 X1:184 X2:536 Y1:380 Y2:422 you don't have to take mine. 166 00:15:39,400 --> 00:15:41,400 X1:190 X2:530 Y1:380 Y2:422 Better not to use my drugs. 167 00:15:41,400 --> 00:15:44,400 X1:090 X2:630 Y1:380 Y2:454 They're too strong. Your friends may go into shock. 168 00:15:44,400 --> 00:15:46,400 X1:284 X2:436 Y1:380 Y2:422 Believe me. 169 00:15:46,400 --> 00:15:48,391 X1:323 X2:397 Y1:380 Y2:422 Huh? 170 00:15:59,400 --> 00:16:01,391 X1:267 X2:453 Y1:380 Y2:422 Son of a bitch! 171 00:16:09,400 --> 00:16:13,400 X1:143 X2:577 Y1:380 Y2:422 Eh! You're back at last. My money! 172 00:16:13,400 --> 00:16:17,400 X1:142 X2:578 Y1:380 Y2:422 Give me my share quickly. Quickly! 173 00:16:17,400 --> 00:16:19,400 X1:236 X2:484 Y1:380 Y2:422 Ai Keng caught me. 174 00:16:19,400 --> 00:16:22,400 X1:090 X2:630 Y1:380 Y2:454 He knew we bet with fake drugs. He took all the money back 175 00:16:22,400 --> 00:16:24,400 X1:210 X2:510 Y1:380 Y2:422 What? Don't tease me - 176 00:16:24,400 --> 00:16:26,400 X1:262 X2:458 Y1:380 Y2:422 not funny at all. 177 00:16:26,400 --> 00:16:28,400 X1:217 X2:503 Y1:380 Y2:422 Muey, look at my face. 178 00:16:28,400 --> 00:16:29,900 X1:177 X2:543 Y1:380 Y2:422 Do you think I kicked myself? 179 00:16:30,400 --> 00:16:31,400 X1:315 X2:405 Y1:380 Y2:422 Damn! 180 00:16:34,400 --> 00:16:38,400 X1:084 X2:636 Y1:380 Y2:422 Oy! Why are you poking me? I'm still in pain. 181 00:16:38,400 --> 00:16:40,900 X1:137 X2:583 Y1:380 Y2:422 Oh well. How come you got caught? 182 00:16:41,400 --> 00:16:42,400 X1:300 X2:420 Y1:380 Y2:422 Forget it! 183 00:16:42,400 --> 00:16:43,900 X1:214 X2:506 Y1:380 Y2:422 Do you have 200 baht? 184 00:16:44,400 --> 00:16:47,400 X1:094 X2:626 Y1:380 Y2:454 What! Lost all my share and still asking me for my money? 185 00:16:47,400 --> 00:16:49,400 X1:273 X2:447 Y1:380 Y2:422 Listen! Muey. 186 00:16:49,400 --> 00:16:52,400 X1:150 X2:570 Y1:380 Y2:422 When I won, you took the money. 187 00:16:52,400 --> 00:16:54,400 X1:080 X2:640 Y1:380 Y2:422 Now I've lost, so you must share the loss too. 188 00:16:54,400 --> 00:16:57,400 X1:160 X2:560 Y1:380 Y2:422 Ow! You're stupid to get caught, 189 00:16:57,400 --> 00:16:59,400 X1:146 X2:574 Y1:380 Y2:422 and lose the money in your hands. 190 00:16:59,400 --> 00:17:01,400 X1:165 X2:555 Y1:380 Y2:422 So I'm stupid and you're clever! 191 00:17:01,400 --> 00:17:04,400 X1:179 X2:541 Y1:380 Y2:422 Ai Keng give me only 3 days. 192 00:17:04,400 --> 00:17:08,400 X1:077 X2:643 Y1:380 Y2:422 If I don't pay back his loan he'll hit me. Hit me! 193 00:17:08,400 --> 00:17:10,391 X1:277 X2:443 Y1:380 Y2:422 Ai Hum Lae? 194 00:17:12,400 --> 00:17:14,400 X1:184 X2:536 Y1:380 Y2:422 Is it really you, Ai Hum Lae? 195 00:17:14,400 --> 00:17:15,400 X1:338 X2:382 Y1:380 Y2:422 Hi. 196 00:17:15,400 --> 00:17:18,900 X1:102 X2:618 Y1:380 Y2:422 Er... Muay, is he your friend? Your friend? 197 00:17:18,900 --> 00:17:20,400 X1:187 X2:533 Y1:380 Y2:422 How could he be my friend? 198 00:17:20,400 --> 00:17:23,400 X1:197 X2:523 Y1:380 Y2:422 He is calling you, isn't he? 199 00:17:23,400 --> 00:17:25,400 X1:203 X2:517 Y1:380 Y2:422 Do you know him? Yeah! 200 00:17:25,400 --> 00:17:28,400 X1:089 X2:631 Y1:380 Y2:454 Remember me? I'm Bak Tim from Ban Nong Pradoo. 201 00:17:28,400 --> 00:17:30,400 X1:186 X2:534 Y1:380 Y2:422 Hey! Fool! I don't know you. 202 00:17:30,400 --> 00:17:34,400 X1:103 X2:617 Y1:380 Y2:454 Fool! Understand! I've just told you I don't know you! 203 00:17:34,900 --> 00:17:36,400 X1:186 X2:534 Y1:380 Y2:422 But I know you, Ai Hum Lae 204 00:17:36,400 --> 00:17:38,400 X1:228 X2:492 Y1:380 Y2:422 Hum Lae, Hum what! 205 00:17:38,400 --> 00:17:40,400 X1:166 X2:554 Y1:380 Y2:422 What a stupid name! Hum Lae! 206 00:17:40,400 --> 00:17:42,400 X1:157 X2:563 Y1:380 Y2:422 Bad luck! I warn you...you're fool 207 00:17:42,400 --> 00:17:45,400 X1:116 X2:604 Y1:380 Y2:422 Ow! No need to lie! Ai Hum Lae... Oops 208 00:17:45,400 --> 00:17:47,400 X1:205 X2:515 Y1:380 Y2:422 Sorry! Slip of my tongue. 209 00:17:47,400 --> 00:17:50,400 X1:204 X2:516 Y1:380 Y2:422 Mind your own business. 210 00:17:50,400 --> 00:17:53,400 X1:206 X2:514 Y1:380 Y2:422 Get out of my sight! Out! 211 00:17:53,400 --> 00:17:56,400 X1:087 X2:633 Y1:380 Y2:422 OK. You said you were from... Ban? Which? 212 00:17:56,400 --> 00:17:57,400 X1:244 X2:476 Y1:380 Y2:422 Ban Nong Pradoo. 213 00:17:57,400 --> 00:17:59,391 X1:188 X2:532 Y1:380 Y2:422 That's it. Ban Nong Pradoo. 214 00:18:00,400 --> 00:18:02,400 X1:259 X2:461 Y1:380 Y2:422 OK, I'm leaving. 215 00:18:02,400 --> 00:18:04,400 X1:093 X2:627 Y1:380 Y2:454 So you're both from Ban Nong Pradoo. Can have a good chat! 216 00:18:04,400 --> 00:18:06,400 X1:136 X2:584 Y1:380 Y2:422 Very funny! You've made your point! 217 00:18:06,400 --> 00:18:09,400 X1:100 X2:620 Y1:380 Y2:422 Go! Go away, but give me the money first. 218 00:18:09,400 --> 00:18:11,391 X1:205 X2:515 Y1:380 Y2:422 Here! For your medicine. 219 00:18:12,400 --> 00:18:16,400 X1:193 X2:527 Y1:380 Y2:422 I'm going now, Ai Hum Lae 220 00:18:16,400 --> 00:18:20,400 X1:100 X2:620 Y1:380 Y2:454 Listen, peasant! You should return to your hometown. 221 00:18:20,400 --> 00:18:21,391 X1:333 X2:387 Y1:380 Y2:422 Go! 222 00:18:22,400 --> 00:18:25,400 X1:119 X2:601 Y1:380 Y2:422 Ai Ham Lae, I have to give you a letter. 223 00:18:25,400 --> 00:18:29,393 X1:139 X2:581 Y1:380 Y2:422 I told you I don't know you! Get out! 224 00:18:33,400 --> 00:18:35,400 X1:253 X2:467 Y1:380 Y2:422 This is my place. 225 00:18:35,400 --> 00:18:38,400 X1:115 X2:605 Y1:380 Y2:422 Don't be angry with me. Close the door. 226 00:18:38,400 --> 00:18:40,400 X1:220 X2:500 Y1:380 Y2:422 Don't let mosquitos in. 227 00:18:40,400 --> 00:18:44,393 X1:153 X2:567 Y1:380 Y2:422 I'm in a bad mood and depressed 228 00:18:45,400 --> 00:18:47,391 X1:280 X2:440 Y1:380 Y2:422 Ai Hum Lae. 229 00:18:48,400 --> 00:18:52,393 X1:135 X2:585 Y1:380 Y2:422 Our villagers are in serious trouble... 230 00:18:53,400 --> 00:18:56,400 X1:085 X2:635 Y1:380 Y2:422 because Bak Don stole the head of Ong Bak 231 00:18:56,400 --> 00:19:00,400 X1:141 X2:579 Y1:380 Y2:422 The Chief sent me here to see you, 232 00:19:00,400 --> 00:19:03,400 X1:138 X2:582 Y1:380 Y2:422 so you can help me to find Ong Bak 233 00:19:03,400 --> 00:19:06,400 X1:195 X2:525 Y1:380 Y2:422 I have Bak Don's address. 234 00:19:06,400 --> 00:19:09,400 X1:080 X2:640 Y1:380 Y2:454 No need to talk yet, and put your things down here 235 00:19:09,400 --> 00:19:10,400 X1:167 X2:553 Y1:380 Y2:422 You're better have a wash first. 236 00:19:10,400 --> 00:19:12,400 X1:281 X2:439 Y1:380 Y2:422 Go, go now. 237 00:19:12,400 --> 00:19:14,400 X1:184 X2:536 Y1:380 Y2:422 Here, here is the washroom. 238 00:19:14,400 --> 00:19:15,400 X1:318 X2:402 Y1:380 Y2:422 Go in. 239 00:19:15,400 --> 00:19:16,900 X1:169 X2:551 Y1:380 Y2:422 I don't have any other clothing. 240 00:19:16,900 --> 00:19:19,400 X1:090 X2:630 Y1:380 Y2:422 Don't worry I'll give you my towel. Go in, go. 241 00:19:19,900 --> 00:19:21,400 X1:194 X2:526 Y1:380 Y2:422 I'll turn on the light for you. 242 00:19:21,400 --> 00:19:24,400 X1:081 X2:639 Y1:380 Y2:422 Soap is on your left, toothbrush on your right. 243 00:19:24,400 --> 00:19:27,400 X1:217 X2:503 Y1:380 Y2:422 Mind the slippery floor. 244 00:19:27,400 --> 00:19:29,391 X1:279 X2:441 Y1:380 Y2:422 Hello! Muay! 245 00:19:30,400 --> 00:19:32,391 X1:184 X2:536 Y1:380 Y2:422 I'll meet you at the stadium - 246 00:19:33,400 --> 00:19:35,391 X1:210 X2:510 Y1:380 Y2:422 the boxing stadium. OK. 247 00:20:16,400 --> 00:20:18,400 X1:189 X2:531 Y1:380 Y2:422 Do you still accept the bet? 248 00:20:18,400 --> 00:20:20,400 X1:259 X2:461 Y1:380 Y2:422 Do I have time? 249 00:20:20,400 --> 00:20:22,391 X1:327 X2:393 Y1:380 Y2:422 Yes. 250 00:20:23,400 --> 00:20:25,391 X1:250 X2:470 Y1:380 Y2:422 Here! All of them! 251 00:20:37,400 --> 00:20:39,391 X1:203 X2:517 Y1:380 Y2:422 Do you have the amulet? 252 00:20:41,400 --> 00:20:43,400 X1:078 X2:642 Y1:380 Y2:454 The chief changed his mind and didn't want to sell, Boss. 253 00:20:43,400 --> 00:20:46,400 X1:122 X2:598 Y1:380 Y2:422 But I have the head of Ong Bak, Boss. 254 00:20:46,400 --> 00:20:49,400 X1:105 X2:615 Y1:380 Y2:422 This is the most holy thing in the village... 255 00:20:49,400 --> 00:20:53,393 X1:089 X2:631 Y1:380 Y2:422 that they all worship, and the most valuable. 256 00:20:54,400 --> 00:20:57,400 X1:241 X2:479 Y1:380 Y2:422 This broken head - 257 00:20:57,400 --> 00:20:59,391 X1:192 X2:528 Y1:380 Y2:422 why did you bring it to me? 258 00:21:00,400 --> 00:21:04,400 X1:162 X2:558 Y1:380 Y2:422 I'm not interested. Take it away! 259 00:21:04,400 --> 00:21:07,400 X1:135 X2:585 Y1:380 Y2:422 My head is hurting enough without... 260 00:21:07,400 --> 00:21:11,393 X1:219 X2:501 Y1:380 Y2:422 you spoiling my mood. 261 00:21:16,400 --> 00:21:18,900 X1:082 X2:638 Y1:380 Y2:454 Today, Captain seems to have little to please him. 262 00:21:19,400 --> 00:21:21,400 X1:142 X2:578 Y1:380 Y2:422 Look at your fighter, Pearl Harbour. 263 00:21:21,400 --> 00:21:24,900 X1:081 X2:639 Y1:380 Y2:454 I think he's losing to Arun, my fighter, with his Kami Kaze technique. 264 00:21:24,900 --> 00:21:26,391 X1:256 X2:464 Y1:380 Y2:422 Defeat's certain! 265 00:22:00,400 --> 00:22:03,400 X1:086 X2:634 Y1:380 Y2:454 I don't have the money yet - still trying to get some. 266 00:22:03,400 --> 00:22:07,400 X1:116 X2:604 Y1:380 Y2:454 I'm not asking for money, I can find that myself. 267 00:22:07,400 --> 00:22:11,400 X1:180 X2:540 Y1:380 Y2:422 Now you're selling drugs too! 268 00:22:11,400 --> 00:22:12,400 X1:327 X2:393 Y1:380 Y2:422 Yes. 269 00:22:17,400 --> 00:22:19,900 X1:119 X2:601 Y1:380 Y2:422 My fighter will win the next competition. 270 00:22:19,900 --> 00:22:23,400 X1:075 X2:645 Y1:380 Y2:454 If you think you will win, then why not increase your bet. 271 00:22:23,400 --> 00:22:26,400 X1:205 X2:515 Y1:380 Y2:422 Any sum you like, ha ha! 272 00:22:26,400 --> 00:22:27,400 X1:186 X2:534 Y1:380 Y2:422 You need not preach to me, 273 00:22:27,400 --> 00:22:28,400 X1:165 X2:555 Y1:380 Y2:422 you don't really understand me. 274 00:22:28,400 --> 00:22:30,400 X1:137 X2:583 Y1:380 Y2:422 Just because of one stinking male... 275 00:22:30,400 --> 00:22:34,400 X1:153 X2:567 Y1:380 Y2:422 you turn yourself into this low-life. 276 00:22:34,400 --> 00:22:36,400 X1:192 X2:528 Y1:380 Y2:422 Muay! You're not my mum! 277 00:22:36,400 --> 00:22:40,400 X1:097 X2:623 Y1:380 Y2:454 Because we've no parents, you've become this bad. 278 00:22:40,400 --> 00:22:44,393 X1:088 X2:632 Y1:380 Y2:454 Yes, a bad person like me, who has brought you up until now. 279 00:22:44,400 --> 00:22:48,900 X1:086 X2:634 Y1:380 Y2:454 From now on, a good person like you should leave me alone. 280 00:22:55,400 --> 00:22:59,393 X1:148 X2:572 Y1:380 Y2:422 Yes, tell me whenever you want it. 281 00:23:10,400 --> 00:23:12,391 X1:275 X2:445 Y1:380 Y2:422 Strike, strike. 282 00:23:13,400 --> 00:23:15,391 X1:290 X2:430 Y1:380 Y2:422 Knock out. 283 00:23:25,400 --> 00:23:27,391 X1:232 X2:488 Y1:380 Y2:422 Get up and hit back. 284 00:23:37,400 --> 00:23:39,391 X1:305 X2:415 Y1:380 Y2:422 Yesss... 285 00:23:41,400 --> 00:23:45,400 X1:211 X2:509 Y1:380 Y2:422 The next one is coming. 286 00:23:45,400 --> 00:23:48,400 X1:175 X2:545 Y1:380 Y2:422 Tell me if you still want to bet. 287 00:23:48,400 --> 00:23:50,391 X1:306 X2:414 Y1:380 Y2:422 (laughs) 288 00:23:52,400 --> 00:23:54,391 X1:167 X2:553 Y1:380 Y2:422 The winner is ... Pearl Harbour. 289 00:23:56,400 --> 00:23:58,400 X1:315 X2:405 Y1:380 Y2:422 Damn! 290 00:23:58,400 --> 00:24:00,391 X1:154 X2:566 Y1:380 Y2:422 Pearl Habour is the Number One. 291 00:24:02,400 --> 00:24:05,400 X1:078 X2:642 Y1:380 Y2:422 Two wins two minutes. Two wins two minutes. 292 00:24:05,400 --> 00:24:07,400 X1:203 X2:517 Y1:380 Y2:422 Where are all my things? 293 00:24:07,400 --> 00:24:08,400 X1:314 X2:406 Y1:380 Y2:422 What? 294 00:24:08,400 --> 00:24:09,400 X1:188 X2:532 Y1:380 Y2:422 My money bag, where is it? 295 00:24:09,400 --> 00:24:11,400 X1:189 X2:531 Y1:380 Y2:422 I don't know, I didn't take it. 296 00:24:11,400 --> 00:24:13,391 X1:327 X2:393 Y1:380 Y2:422 Him. 297 00:24:18,400 --> 00:24:21,400 X1:265 X2:455 Y1:380 Y2:422 Two and one... 298 00:24:21,400 --> 00:24:23,391 X1:215 X2:505 Y1:380 Y2:422 Oh! A fresh challenger. 299 00:24:29,400 --> 00:24:33,393 X1:149 X2:571 Y1:380 Y2:422 Taking bets now, taking bets now. 300 00:24:36,400 --> 00:24:40,400 X1:078 X2:642 Y1:380 Y2:454 Aw... How come that peasant is in the fighting ring? 301 00:24:40,400 --> 00:24:44,393 X1:184 X2:536 Y1:380 Y2:422 Yeh... Ai Tim is surely dead. 302 00:24:45,400 --> 00:24:48,400 X1:238 X2:482 Y1:380 Y2:422 I'll give you 10 to 1. 303 00:24:48,400 --> 00:24:51,400 X1:163 X2:557 Y1:380 Y2:422 But you'd better not dare to bet. 304 00:24:51,400 --> 00:24:55,393 X1:083 X2:637 Y1:380 Y2:454 OK. I'll bet one million, if you'll dare to accept it. 305 00:24:56,400 --> 00:24:57,400 X1:302 X2:418 Y1:380 Y2:422 I accept. 306 00:24:57,900 --> 00:25:00,400 X1:127 X2:593 Y1:380 Y2:422 I'm not here to box. I want the money. 307 00:25:00,400 --> 00:25:04,393 X1:110 X2:610 Y1:380 Y2:454 Calm down, I'll give you the money later. Start! 308 00:25:23,400 --> 00:25:27,400 X1:149 X2:571 Y1:380 Y2:422 We have a new champion tonight. 309 00:25:27,400 --> 00:25:29,400 X1:237 X2:483 Y1:380 Y2:422 What's your name? 310 00:25:29,400 --> 00:25:31,400 X1:187 X2:533 Y1:380 Y2:422 Tim from Ban Nong Pradoo. 311 00:25:31,400 --> 00:25:33,391 X1:248 X2:472 Y1:380 Y2:422 Tim Pradoo Prew! 312 00:25:41,400 --> 00:25:45,393 X1:235 X2:485 Y1:380 Y2:422 Prize for the winner! 313 00:25:49,400 --> 00:25:52,400 X1:104 X2:616 Y1:380 Y2:454 I don't want it. I only want my money bag, there. 314 00:25:52,400 --> 00:25:54,391 X1:270 X2:450 Y1:380 Y2:422 What an idiot! 315 00:26:04,400 --> 00:26:08,400 X1:117 X2:603 Y1:380 Y2:454 Hey! Hey! Why don't you take the prize money? Why are you so stupid? 316 00:26:08,400 --> 00:26:10,400 X1:156 X2:564 Y1:380 Y2:422 Tell me if you want to fight again. 317 00:26:10,400 --> 00:26:12,400 X1:204 X2:516 Y1:380 Y2:422 You have the skill to win. 318 00:26:12,400 --> 00:26:16,400 X1:128 X2:592 Y1:380 Y2:422 I can see lots of money, lots and lots. 319 00:26:16,400 --> 00:26:18,400 X1:170 X2:550 Y1:380 Y2:422 You ask me to fight for money. 320 00:26:18,400 --> 00:26:20,400 X1:276 X2:444 Y1:380 Y2:422 Ai Hum Lae - 321 00:26:20,400 --> 00:26:22,400 X1:082 X2:638 Y1:380 Y2:454 why did you steal the villagers' money to play gambling? 322 00:26:22,400 --> 00:26:24,400 X1:230 X2:490 Y1:380 Y2:422 For the investment... 323 00:26:24,400 --> 00:26:28,393 X1:101 X2:619 Y1:380 Y2:454 to get enough money to help you find Ong Bak. 324 00:26:29,400 --> 00:26:33,400 X1:155 X2:565 Y1:380 Y2:422 You really want to help me? Yes. 325 00:26:33,400 --> 00:26:36,400 X1:102 X2:618 Y1:380 Y2:454 This is Don's address. Could you take me there? 326 00:26:36,400 --> 00:26:38,400 X1:166 X2:554 Y1:380 Y2:422 Keep it. I'll take you there later. 327 00:26:38,400 --> 00:26:40,400 X1:129 X2:591 Y1:380 Y2:422 Now could you give me some money. 328 00:26:40,400 --> 00:26:42,400 X1:185 X2:535 Y1:380 Y2:422 Give me, for the investment. 329 00:26:42,400 --> 00:26:43,400 X1:104 X2:616 Y1:380 Y2:422 When I make a profit, I will pay you back, 330 00:26:43,400 --> 00:26:45,400 X1:172 X2:548 Y1:380 Y2:422 and I'll go anywhere you want. 331 00:26:45,400 --> 00:26:49,393 X1:257 X2:463 Y1:380 Y2:422 Absolutely sure! 332 00:26:52,400 --> 00:26:55,400 X1:201 X2:519 Y1:380 Y2:422 Go! Go away! Damn you! 333 00:26:55,400 --> 00:26:58,400 X1:150 X2:570 Y1:380 Y2:422 Peasant! Can't talk to you, stupid! 334 00:26:58,400 --> 00:27:00,400 X1:151 X2:569 Y1:380 Y2:422 Huh! Where will he sleep tonight? 335 00:27:00,400 --> 00:27:03,400 X1:125 X2:595 Y1:380 Y2:422 I don't care! Or he can sleep with you! 336 00:27:03,400 --> 00:27:05,391 X1:276 X2:444 Y1:380 Y2:422 You're crazy! 337 00:27:07,400 --> 00:27:10,400 X1:135 X2:585 Y1:380 Y2:422 What shall I do? Ai Keng will kill me. 338 00:27:10,400 --> 00:27:13,400 X1:094 X2:626 Y1:380 Y2:454 Muay! Take these drugs to sell in Yai Lao's den. 339 00:27:13,400 --> 00:27:15,400 X1:084 X2:636 Y1:380 Y2:454 When we have enough money, I will pay you back. 340 00:27:15,400 --> 00:27:17,400 X1:075 X2:645 Y1:380 Y2:422 I'm sure to earn money. I know this place well. 341 00:27:17,400 --> 00:27:20,400 X1:112 X2:608 Y1:380 Y2:454 After the last one, you still haven't learnt anything. 342 00:27:20,400 --> 00:27:24,400 X1:097 X2:623 Y1:380 Y2:422 I told you before, I don't want to sell drugs. 343 00:27:24,400 --> 00:27:27,400 X1:092 X2:628 Y1:380 Y2:454 You must help me out. I don't want to be hit again. 344 00:27:27,400 --> 00:27:29,400 X1:328 X2:392 Y1:380 Y2:422 OK? 345 00:27:29,400 --> 00:27:33,400 X1:108 X2:612 Y1:380 Y2:454 Yeah. Yeah... I will try, but it'll have to be tomorrow. 346 00:27:33,400 --> 00:27:37,393 X1:189 X2:531 Y1:380 Y2:422 OK, now I feel much better. 347 00:27:43,400 --> 00:27:45,400 X1:157 X2:563 Y1:380 Y2:422 You don't have to look so happy. 348 00:27:45,400 --> 00:27:49,400 X1:083 X2:637 Y1:380 Y2:422 From the takings, you'll get 30, but I'll get 70. 349 00:27:49,400 --> 00:27:51,400 X1:275 X2:445 Y1:380 Y2:422 Muay! 50/50. 350 00:27:51,400 --> 00:27:52,900 X1:317 X2:403 Y1:380 Y2:422 70/30. 351 00:27:52,900 --> 00:27:53,400 X1:317 X2:403 Y1:380 Y2:422 50/50. 352 00:27:53,400 --> 00:27:54,400 X1:317 X2:403 Y1:380 Y2:422 70/30. 353 00:28:27,400 --> 00:28:30,400 X1:122 X2:598 Y1:380 Y2:454 The money you asked for starting your business in Bangkok 354 00:28:30,400 --> 00:28:32,400 X1:262 X2:458 Y1:380 Y2:422 I don't have it... 355 00:28:32,400 --> 00:28:36,400 X1:140 X2:580 Y1:380 Y2:422 because we had a very dry season, 356 00:28:36,400 --> 00:28:38,400 X1:096 X2:624 Y1:380 Y2:422 and Ong Bak's head was stolen by Ai Don. 357 00:28:38,400 --> 00:28:42,400 X1:085 X2:635 Y1:380 Y2:454 Dad wishes that you will help Bak Tim to find and return Ong Bak to us... 358 00:28:42,400 --> 00:28:44,400 X1:195 X2:525 Y1:380 Y2:422 and save us from disaster. 359 00:28:44,400 --> 00:28:46,391 X1:255 X2:465 Y1:380 Y2:422 What nonsense! 360 00:29:14,400 --> 00:29:18,393 X1:078 X2:642 Y1:380 Y2:454 Warn! The pool is dry. Where are we going to find drinking water? 361 00:29:23,400 --> 00:29:27,393 X1:098 X2:622 Y1:380 Y2:454 I pray to have Ong Bak back with us soon, please. 362 00:29:34,400 --> 00:29:38,393 X1:208 X2:512 Y1:380 Y2:422 Ai Rung, are you alone? 363 00:29:39,400 --> 00:29:41,391 X1:204 X2:516 Y1:380 Y2:422 Ai Piew, are you betting? 364 00:29:42,400 --> 00:29:44,400 X1:254 X2:466 Y1:380 Y2:422 Brother I'm here. 365 00:29:44,400 --> 00:29:46,400 X1:113 X2:607 Y1:380 Y2:454 Damn Ai Yod. Where have you been for months? 366 00:29:46,400 --> 00:29:48,400 X1:212 X2:508 Y1:380 Y2:422 I had to see my friends. 367 00:29:48,400 --> 00:29:50,400 X1:107 X2:613 Y1:380 Y2:422 You are fully aware that I'm short of staff. 368 00:29:50,400 --> 00:29:52,400 X1:200 X2:520 Y1:380 Y2:422 You assist me first, hurry. 369 00:29:52,400 --> 00:29:54,400 X1:158 X2:562 Y1:380 Y2:422 Not now, I have to meet a friend. 370 00:29:54,400 --> 00:29:56,400 X1:106 X2:614 Y1:380 Y2:422 Don't make an excuse, you help me now. 371 00:29:56,400 --> 00:29:57,400 X1:190 X2:530 Y1:380 Y2:422 Not today, some other day. 372 00:29:57,400 --> 00:29:59,400 X1:251 X2:469 Y1:380 Y2:422 No, now, quickly! 373 00:30:00,400 --> 00:30:02,391 X1:310 X2:410 Y1:380 Y2:422 Take it. 374 00:30:04,400 --> 00:30:06,391 X1:164 X2:556 Y1:380 Y2:422 Go away, you deal cards badly. 375 00:30:08,400 --> 00:30:10,400 X1:206 X2:514 Y1:380 Y2:422 Put down your bets now. 376 00:30:10,400 --> 00:30:14,393 X1:081 X2:639 Y1:380 Y2:454 At your age you should stay at home, looking after your children 377 00:30:16,400 --> 00:30:18,400 X1:149 X2:571 Y1:380 Y2:422 What are you looking at? Get out! 378 00:30:18,400 --> 00:30:20,400 X1:249 X2:471 Y1:380 Y2:422 Go to that desk... 379 00:30:20,400 --> 00:30:22,400 X1:159 X2:561 Y1:380 Y2:422 and change your hair colour too. 380 00:30:22,400 --> 00:30:26,393 X1:104 X2:616 Y1:380 Y2:454 The colour that suits me, and you have to copy. 381 00:30:28,400 --> 00:30:30,391 X1:137 X2:583 Y1:380 Y2:422 Put down your bets, to lose, to lose. 382 00:30:31,400 --> 00:30:34,400 X1:154 X2:566 Y1:380 Y2:422 Betting and losing is not my fault. 383 00:30:34,400 --> 00:30:36,400 X1:123 X2:597 Y1:380 Y2:422 Turn the cards. 19 and 19 both hands. 384 00:30:40,400 --> 00:30:42,400 X1:262 X2:458 Y1:380 Y2:422 Pay yje money. 385 00:30:42,400 --> 00:30:44,391 X1:200 X2:520 Y1:380 Y2:422 More bets down, bet, bet. 386 00:30:46,400 --> 00:30:47,400 X1:279 X2:441 Y1:380 Y2:422 Here's mine. 387 00:30:47,400 --> 00:30:48,400 X1:226 X2:494 Y1:380 Y2:422 Do you have money? 388 00:30:48,400 --> 00:30:50,400 X1:179 X2:541 Y1:380 Y2:422 Here it is - 3,000 real money. 389 00:30:50,400 --> 00:30:53,400 X1:155 X2:565 Y1:380 Y2:422 You want to play? You will lose... 390 00:30:53,400 --> 00:30:55,400 X1:136 X2:584 Y1:380 Y2:422 all your money and your belongings. 391 00:30:55,400 --> 00:30:59,400 X1:239 X2:481 Y1:380 Y2:422 I bet 200. OK, 200. 392 00:30:59,400 --> 00:31:01,391 X1:242 X2:478 Y1:380 Y2:422 No card swapping. 393 00:31:02,400 --> 00:31:04,391 X1:269 X2:451 Y1:380 Y2:422 Oh! 18 points. 394 00:31:05,400 --> 00:31:12,900 X1:092 X2:628 Y1:380 Y2:422 Pay the money. Wait... mine is 19. Pay me! 395 00:31:15,400 --> 00:31:17,391 X1:285 X2:435 Y1:380 Y2:422 This is 400. 396 00:31:22,400 --> 00:31:26,400 X1:123 X2:597 Y1:380 Y2:422 Ai has only 6 points, 1 card. Mine is 9. 397 00:31:29,400 --> 00:31:33,900 X1:198 X2:522 Y1:380 Y2:422 8 points 3 cards. 9 points. 398 00:31:34,400 --> 00:31:36,400 X1:174 X2:546 Y1:380 Y2:422 What sort of cards are these? 399 00:31:38,400 --> 00:31:40,391 X1:282 X2:438 Y1:380 Y2:422 She's lucky. 400 00:31:41,400 --> 00:31:46,400 X1:182 X2:538 Y1:380 Y2:422 It's luck, good luck. 9 points. 401 00:31:48,400 --> 00:31:50,400 X1:173 X2:547 Y1:380 Y2:422 8 points again. 9 points again. 402 00:31:51,400 --> 00:31:55,393 X1:232 X2:488 Y1:380 Y2:422 Damn cards, take it. 403 00:31:57,400 --> 00:31:59,400 X1:266 X2:454 Y1:380 Y2:422 8 points again. 404 00:31:59,400 --> 00:32:03,393 X1:273 X2:447 Y1:380 Y2:422 Got you, pay! 405 00:32:04,400 --> 00:32:07,400 X1:134 X2:586 Y1:380 Y2:422 Damn! 8 points again. 9 to beat you. 406 00:32:09,400 --> 00:32:12,400 X1:184 X2:536 Y1:380 Y2:422 These cards are impossible. 407 00:32:12,400 --> 00:32:15,400 X1:167 X2:553 Y1:380 Y2:422 I must check if she is cheating. 408 00:32:18,400 --> 00:32:21,400 X1:084 X2:636 Y1:380 Y2:454 She got all 9 points for 15 games. Took most of my money. 409 00:32:21,400 --> 00:32:23,391 X1:224 X2:496 Y1:380 Y2:422 Why do you pay her? 410 00:32:24,400 --> 00:32:28,400 X1:142 X2:578 Y1:380 Y2:422 I want to see if you will get 9 again. 411 00:32:28,400 --> 00:32:30,391 X1:197 X2:523 Y1:380 Y2:422 You're cheating me, bitch! 412 00:32:31,400 --> 00:32:35,393 X1:116 X2:604 Y1:380 Y2:422 I know I got 8 without turning the cards. 413 00:32:36,400 --> 00:32:38,400 X1:275 X2:445 Y1:380 Y2:422 Points? If 9... 414 00:32:38,400 --> 00:32:40,391 X1:198 X2:522 Y1:380 Y2:422 I'm certain that you cheat. 415 00:32:43,400 --> 00:32:46,400 X1:172 X2:548 Y1:380 Y2:422 Look! Loser! She got 4 points. 416 00:32:46,400 --> 00:32:47,400 X1:256 X2:464 Y1:380 Y2:422 I don't believe it. 417 00:32:48,400 --> 00:32:51,400 X1:101 X2:619 Y1:380 Y2:454 I'm sure that she concealed some cards. I want to search her. 418 00:32:51,400 --> 00:32:53,400 X1:239 X2:481 Y1:380 Y2:422 Wait... Calm down! 419 00:32:54,400 --> 00:32:56,400 X1:214 X2:506 Y1:380 Y2:422 You should search her. 420 00:32:56,400 --> 00:32:57,400 X1:168 X2:552 Y1:380 Y2:422 Hey! Do you hide some cards? 421 00:32:57,400 --> 00:32:59,400 X1:226 X2:494 Y1:380 Y2:422 No, I don't. Let's see. 422 00:32:59,400 --> 00:33:01,400 X1:194 X2:526 Y1:380 Y2:422 There are none, I told you. 423 00:33:01,400 --> 00:33:02,400 X1:208 X2:512 Y1:380 Y2:422 Any hidden in your bag? 424 00:33:02,400 --> 00:33:03,400 X1:203 X2:517 Y1:380 Y2:422 Let me check her myself. 425 00:33:03,400 --> 00:33:04,400 X1:222 X2:498 Y1:380 Y2:422 Don't trouble yourself. 426 00:33:04,400 --> 00:33:06,400 X1:185 X2:535 Y1:380 Y2:422 Come here. OK you can go. 427 00:33:06,400 --> 00:33:07,400 X1:130 X2:590 Y1:380 Y2:422 You've got to search her everywhere. 428 00:33:07,400 --> 00:33:09,400 X1:096 X2:624 Y1:380 Y2:422 All done, everywhere. You can go, go now. 429 00:33:09,400 --> 00:33:13,400 X1:144 X2:576 Y1:380 Y2:422 Don't come back here again, bitch! 430 00:33:13,400 --> 00:33:17,400 X1:097 X2:623 Y1:380 Y2:454 Winning every game like that is bad for my place. 431 00:33:17,400 --> 00:33:19,400 X1:103 X2:617 Y1:380 Y2:422 Let's continue, we can beat these people. 432 00:33:19,400 --> 00:33:21,400 X1:113 X2:607 Y1:380 Y2:454 No point to win, they're all broke. Broke! Broke! 433 00:33:21,400 --> 00:33:23,400 X1:131 X2:589 Y1:380 Y2:422 She won all their money, nothing left. 434 00:33:23,400 --> 00:33:24,900 X1:192 X2:528 Y1:380 Y2:422 Don't you have a go at me. 435 00:33:24,900 --> 00:33:27,400 X1:137 X2:583 Y1:380 Y2:422 Total 8,000, I give your 3,000 back . 436 00:33:27,400 --> 00:33:29,400 X1:227 X2:493 Y1:380 Y2:422 Why is it only 3,000? 437 00:33:29,400 --> 00:33:31,400 X1:152 X2:568 Y1:380 Y2:422 You won't need so much anyway. 438 00:33:31,400 --> 00:33:33,400 X1:180 X2:540 Y1:380 Y2:422 What? No profit for me at all. 439 00:33:33,400 --> 00:33:35,400 X1:171 X2:549 Y1:380 Y2:422 Er... You take this money first. 440 00:33:35,400 --> 00:33:36,400 X1:218 X2:502 Y1:380 Y2:422 Don't spend too much. 441 00:33:36,400 --> 00:33:37,400 X1:213 X2:507 Y1:380 Y2:422 Give me another 1,000. 442 00:33:37,400 --> 00:33:39,400 X1:208 X2:512 Y1:380 Y2:422 3,000 is enough for you. 443 00:33:39,400 --> 00:33:41,400 X1:123 X2:597 Y1:380 Y2:422 This will merely cover my college fees. 444 00:33:41,400 --> 00:33:44,400 X1:146 X2:574 Y1:380 Y2:422 Hey! Seem to have a lot of money. 445 00:33:44,400 --> 00:33:46,391 X1:257 X2:463 Y1:380 Y2:422 That guy is here 446 00:33:47,400 --> 00:33:49,400 X1:223 X2:497 Y1:380 Y2:422 Lend me your money. 447 00:33:49,400 --> 00:33:51,400 X1:110 X2:610 Y1:380 Y2:422 This is my money. Er... I'll pay you back. 448 00:33:51,400 --> 00:33:52,400 X1:243 X2:477 Y1:380 Y2:422 Will pay you back. 449 00:33:52,400 --> 00:33:56,400 X1:082 X2:638 Y1:380 Y2:454 Hi! I was on my way to pay you, but you beat me to it. Here! 450 00:33:56,400 --> 00:33:57,400 X1:243 X2:477 Y1:380 Y2:422 That is my money. 451 00:33:57,400 --> 00:33:59,391 X1:314 X2:406 Y1:380 Y2:422 What? 452 00:34:01,400 --> 00:34:04,400 X1:157 X2:563 Y1:380 Y2:422 8,000 - I'll give you the rest later. 453 00:34:04,400 --> 00:34:07,400 X1:161 X2:559 Y1:380 Y2:422 Don't look at me so menacingly. 454 00:34:07,400 --> 00:34:09,400 X1:094 X2:626 Y1:380 Y2:454 I'm not bothered too much about the rest of the money. 455 00:34:09,400 --> 00:34:13,393 X1:109 X2:611 Y1:380 Y2:454 but when you two try to cheat me, I can't forget! 456 00:34:15,400 --> 00:34:19,393 X1:109 X2:611 Y1:380 Y2:422 Hold him! Beat him! No, I won't fight you. 457 00:34:21,400 --> 00:34:23,391 X1:259 X2:461 Y1:380 Y2:422 Ai Tim! Ai Tim! 458 00:34:25,400 --> 00:34:28,391 X1:135 X2:585 Y1:380 Y2:422 I won't fight, I won't fight. Help! Help! 459 00:34:31,400 --> 00:34:34,400 X1:217 X2:503 Y1:380 Y2:422 You cheated me, here! 460 00:34:45,400 --> 00:34:46,400 X1:245 X2:475 Y1:380 Y2:422 You want trouble? 461 00:34:46,400 --> 00:34:48,391 X1:275 X2:445 Y1:380 Y2:422 Here's some! 462 00:34:58,400 --> 00:35:00,391 X1:239 X2:481 Y1:380 Y2:422 Will be seeing you! 463 00:35:03,400 --> 00:35:05,400 X1:189 X2:531 Y1:380 Y2:422 I have to thank you, Ai Tim. 464 00:35:05,400 --> 00:35:09,393 X1:147 X2:573 Y1:380 Y2:422 And I will help you to find Ong Bak 465 00:35:10,400 --> 00:35:14,400 X1:166 X2:554 Y1:380 Y2:422 Could you fight one more time? 466 00:35:14,400 --> 00:35:16,400 X1:206 X2:514 Y1:380 Y2:422 Wait... Listen to me first. 467 00:35:16,400 --> 00:35:19,400 X1:104 X2:616 Y1:380 Y2:422 You saw just a minute ago, they beat me. 468 00:35:19,400 --> 00:35:21,400 X1:143 X2:577 Y1:380 Y2:422 If I don't pay them, they will kill me. 469 00:35:21,400 --> 00:35:22,400 X1:234 X2:486 Y1:380 Y2:422 Could you help me? 470 00:35:22,400 --> 00:35:24,400 X1:228 X2:492 Y1:380 Y2:422 One last fight for me. 471 00:35:25,400 --> 00:35:28,400 X1:076 X2:644 Y1:380 Y2:422 OK. It doesn't matter anyway. Stupid peasant! 472 00:35:28,400 --> 00:35:32,393 X1:075 X2:645 Y1:380 Y2:454 Stupid village, stupid villagers! Relying on only one boxer... 473 00:35:33,400 --> 00:35:35,400 X1:078 X2:642 Y1:380 Y2:454 to find and return Ong Bak to their village. Are you crazy? 474 00:35:35,400 --> 00:35:39,400 X1:089 X2:631 Y1:380 Y2:454 If Ong Bak is so powerful, why let a thief cut his head off? 475 00:35:39,400 --> 00:35:42,393 X1:079 X2:641 Y1:380 Y2:422 It's only made from pieces of stone and earth. 476 00:35:45,400 --> 00:35:47,400 X1:218 X2:502 Y1:380 Y2:422 Box me! Why box me? 477 00:35:47,400 --> 00:35:49,400 X1:082 X2:638 Y1:380 Y2:454 You are from the same village. Don't kill each other. 478 00:35:49,400 --> 00:35:50,400 X1:271 X2:449 Y1:380 Y2:422 He boxed me! 479 00:35:50,400 --> 00:35:54,393 X1:082 X2:638 Y1:380 Y2:454 Never mind that! There! The people you want to kill are over there! 480 00:35:55,400 --> 00:35:58,900 X1:146 X2:574 Y1:380 Y2:422 Ai Peng! Haven't you had enough? 481 00:35:58,900 --> 00:36:02,400 X1:120 X2:600 Y1:380 Y2:422 You want a kick to send you to sleep?. 482 00:36:04,400 --> 00:36:08,400 X1:186 X2:534 Y1:380 Y2:422 Umm... You have too many. 483 00:36:08,400 --> 00:36:12,393 X1:120 X2:600 Y1:380 Y2:422 Ai Yod. You know very well what to do. 484 00:36:14,400 --> 00:36:18,393 X1:183 X2:537 Y1:380 Y2:422 Muay. You know what to do. 485 00:36:19,400 --> 00:36:23,393 X1:202 X2:518 Y1:380 Y2:422 Use your individual skills. 486 00:36:26,400 --> 00:36:28,400 X1:261 X2:459 Y1:380 Y2:422 Don't leave me. 487 00:36:28,400 --> 00:36:30,391 X1:288 X2:432 Y1:380 Y2:422 After them! 488 00:36:42,400 --> 00:36:46,393 X1:101 X2:619 Y1:380 Y2:422 Follow them, I'll go to block the other way. 489 00:36:55,400 --> 00:36:57,400 X1:260 X2:460 Y1:380 Y2:422 You! I'm going! 490 00:37:21,400 --> 00:37:23,391 X1:256 X2:464 Y1:380 Y2:422 Get out, get out! 491 00:37:36,400 --> 00:37:38,391 X1:217 X2:503 Y1:380 Y2:422 Oh! How can he pass? 492 00:37:45,400 --> 00:37:49,393 X1:090 X2:630 Y1:380 Y2:454 Ooh! Is my bum still OK? I don't know how I crossed them? 493 00:38:36,400 --> 00:38:38,400 X1:152 X2:568 Y1:380 Y2:422 Let me borrow the chopper quick. 494 00:38:38,400 --> 00:38:42,393 X1:118 X2:602 Y1:380 Y2:422 Come near me and I will slaughter you. 495 00:38:55,400 --> 00:38:59,393 X1:079 X2:641 Y1:380 Y2:422 Knives! Knives! Big ones, small ones for sale. 496 00:39:35,400 --> 00:39:37,391 X1:271 X2:449 Y1:380 Y2:422 'Chilli Powder' 497 00:39:58,400 --> 00:40:00,391 X1:252 X2:468 Y1:380 Y2:422 Get him! Kill him! 498 00:41:26,400 --> 00:41:29,400 X1:255 X2:465 Y1:380 Y2:422 Ai Tim! Help me! 499 00:41:29,400 --> 00:41:31,400 X1:087 X2:633 Y1:380 Y2:422 I won't help. You have to fight them yourself. 500 00:41:31,400 --> 00:41:35,400 X1:080 X2:640 Y1:380 Y2:422 Ai Don! Yes, I know his address. I'll take you. 501 00:41:35,400 --> 00:41:39,393 X1:166 X2:554 Y1:380 Y2:422 Ai Tim! I know where Ai Don is. 502 00:42:02,400 --> 00:42:06,393 X1:283 X2:437 Y1:380 Y2:422 Who's next! 503 00:42:07,400 --> 00:42:09,400 X1:098 X2:622 Y1:380 Y2:454 I used to see Ai Don hanging around here, selling drugs. 504 00:42:09,400 --> 00:42:13,400 X1:140 X2:580 Y1:380 Y2:422 Ask Muay, if you don't believe me... 505 00:42:13,400 --> 00:42:17,393 X1:285 X2:435 Y1:380 Y2:422 But today... 506 00:42:24,400 --> 00:42:28,393 X1:214 X2:506 Y1:380 Y2:422 That boy is here, Boss. 507 00:42:32,400 --> 00:42:36,400 X1:102 X2:618 Y1:380 Y2:454 Bring him here to fight until the stakes are high, 508 00:42:36,400 --> 00:42:38,400 X1:211 X2:509 Y1:380 Y2:422 then I will get rid of him. 509 00:42:38,400 --> 00:42:42,393 X1:078 X2:642 Y1:380 Y2:422 Depends on how brave you are to take a bet? 510 00:42:48,400 --> 00:42:50,391 X1:268 X2:452 Y1:380 Y2:422 Hey! You! Aw! 511 00:42:53,400 --> 00:42:55,391 X1:244 X2:476 Y1:380 Y2:422 You are a maniac! 512 00:43:01,400 --> 00:43:05,393 X1:077 X2:643 Y1:380 Y2:422 Champion! New champion! Tim Pradoo Prew ! 513 00:43:09,400 --> 00:43:11,400 X1:110 X2:610 Y1:380 Y2:422 Come on! Come and fight me! Come on! 514 00:43:11,400 --> 00:43:15,400 X1:083 X2:637 Y1:380 Y2:454 What are you waiting for? Let's go, you hear! Come on! 515 00:43:15,400 --> 00:43:19,393 X1:088 X2:632 Y1:380 Y2:454 What? - You're scared? Let's go! Come on - what are you waiting for? 516 00:43:20,400 --> 00:43:22,400 X1:207 X2:513 Y1:380 Y2:422 What's the matter, Yod? 517 00:43:22,400 --> 00:43:26,400 X1:098 X2:622 Y1:380 Y2:422 Ai Big Bear is challenging Ai Tim to a fight. 518 00:43:26,400 --> 00:43:29,400 X1:094 X2:626 Y1:380 Y2:454 Come on! Thai boxing has had its day. You should try freestyle. 519 00:43:29,400 --> 00:43:33,400 X1:083 X2:637 Y1:380 Y2:454 You lot I'll fix next. Thai people are not strong enough. 520 00:43:33,400 --> 00:43:36,400 X1:077 X2:643 Y1:380 Y2:454 That's why Thai people come to my country to look at it. 521 00:43:36,400 --> 00:43:40,393 X1:214 X2:506 Y1:380 Y2:422 Come on! I'll show you. 522 00:43:59,400 --> 00:44:03,393 X1:110 X2:610 Y1:380 Y2:454 Come on! I'll fight you! I'll teach you Thai boxing! Come on! 523 00:44:07,400 --> 00:44:09,391 X1:303 X2:417 Y1:380 Y2:422 **** you! 524 00:44:22,400 --> 00:44:26,393 X1:101 X2:619 Y1:380 Y2:454 Come on! You want to fight me now. Fight me! 525 00:44:31,400 --> 00:44:33,400 X1:200 X2:520 Y1:380 Y2:422 Have you seen Bak Don? 526 00:44:33,400 --> 00:44:35,400 X1:095 X2:625 Y1:380 Y2:422 No, but I've seen a Thai man being beaten. 527 00:44:35,400 --> 00:44:37,391 X1:244 X2:476 Y1:380 Y2:422 You are a coward. 528 00:44:42,400 --> 00:44:44,391 X1:296 X2:424 Y1:380 Y2:422 Come on! 529 00:44:47,400 --> 00:44:51,393 X1:084 X2:636 Y1:380 Y2:454 Are you going to help him? Without help he'll die. 530 00:44:52,400 --> 00:44:54,391 X1:233 X2:487 Y1:380 Y2:422 Come on! Come on! 531 00:44:55,400 --> 00:44:58,391 X1:250 X2:470 Y1:380 Y2:422 Ai Tim! Come on! 532 00:45:01,400 --> 00:45:04,900 X1:097 X2:623 Y1:380 Y2:454 If I knew you were like this, I wouldn't have helped you find Ong Bak 533 00:45:04,900 --> 00:45:09,393 X1:079 X2:641 Y1:380 Y2:454 Huh! You can do that later. But now you must help him first. 534 00:45:15,400 --> 00:45:17,391 X1:293 X2:427 Y1:380 Y2:422 I'll kill him. 535 00:45:18,400 --> 00:45:20,391 X1:334 X2:386 Y1:380 Y2:422 No! 536 00:45:40,400 --> 00:45:44,393 X1:105 X2:615 Y1:380 Y2:422 Next fight! Big Ben and Tim Pradoo Prew. 537 00:45:49,900 --> 00:45:53,400 X1:082 X2:638 Y1:380 Y2:454 Lay down your stakes! Lay down your stakes now! 538 00:45:53,400 --> 00:45:55,391 X1:156 X2:564 Y1:380 Y2:422 Lay down your stakes ... quickly. 539 00:45:55,400 --> 00:45:58,400 X1:167 X2:553 Y1:380 Y2:422 I'll give you 2 to 1, want to bet? 540 00:45:58,400 --> 00:46:01,400 X1:148 X2:572 Y1:380 Y2:422 OK. Put me down for three million. 541 00:46:02,400 --> 00:46:03,400 X1:316 X2:404 Y1:380 Y2:422 Begin! 542 00:46:03,400 --> 00:46:05,391 X1:206 X2:514 Y1:380 Y2:422 Fight me now! Come on! 543 00:46:06,400 --> 00:46:09,900 X1:261 X2:459 Y1:380 Y2:422 **** Muay Thai! 544 00:46:12,400 --> 00:46:14,391 X1:248 X2:472 Y1:380 Y2:422 Attacking Enemy. 545 00:46:25,400 --> 00:46:27,391 X1:133 X2:587 Y1:380 Y2:422 Hanuman (monkey) crosses the city. 546 00:46:30,400 --> 00:46:34,400 X1:094 X2:626 Y1:380 Y2:422 If my man wins, I want to collect the money 547 00:46:34,400 --> 00:46:35,900 X1:284 X2:436 Y1:380 Y2:422 OK, I know! 548 00:46:35,900 --> 00:46:36,900 X1:306 X2:414 Y1:380 Y2:422 Thanks. 549 00:47:18,900 --> 00:47:22,400 X1:198 X2:522 Y1:380 Y2:422 Ai Tim! Ai Tim! The best!!! 550 00:47:22,900 --> 00:47:27,393 X1:087 X2:633 Y1:380 Y2:454 I think you've had enough. No chance to win your money back today. 551 00:48:10,400 --> 00:48:16,893 X1:075 X2:645 Y1:380 Y2:422 The next fight! Tim Pradoo Prew and Toshiro!!! 552 00:48:42,400 --> 00:48:46,400 X1:159 X2:561 Y1:380 Y2:422 Well done! Well done! The best! 553 00:48:46,400 --> 00:48:50,400 X1:148 X2:572 Y1:380 Y2:422 Muay, give me that. No. Half then. 554 00:48:50,400 --> 00:48:54,393 X1:204 X2:516 Y1:380 Y2:422 I don't have to. Trust me. 555 00:50:33,400 --> 00:50:37,400 X1:147 X2:573 Y1:380 Y2:422 Do you have any real contenders? 556 00:50:37,400 --> 00:50:39,400 X1:213 X2:507 Y1:380 Y2:422 Yes, but do you dare?? 557 00:50:39,400 --> 00:50:41,391 X1:255 X2:465 Y1:380 Y2:422 Oh! No problem. 558 00:50:50,400 --> 00:50:54,393 X1:207 X2:513 Y1:380 Y2:422 Retreat! Mother of God! 559 00:52:58,900 --> 00:53:01,400 X1:184 X2:536 Y1:380 Y2:422 Too much for you? Give up? 560 00:53:04,400 --> 00:53:06,900 X1:251 X2:469 Y1:380 Y2:422 Ay! Let go of me! 561 00:53:13,400 --> 00:53:15,400 X1:266 X2:454 Y1:380 Y2:422 Ay! Let me go! 562 00:53:52,400 --> 00:53:54,400 X1:207 X2:513 Y1:380 Y2:422 You've disappointed me. 563 00:54:23,400 --> 00:54:32,900 X1:094 X2:626 Y1:380 Y2:454 Good! The best! I told you, Muay, to bet on him. We're rich! Rich!! 564 00:55:25,400 --> 00:55:27,400 X1:206 X2:514 Y1:380 Y2:422 Muay! Pick up the coins! 565 00:55:27,400 --> 00:55:31,900 X1:086 X2:634 Y1:380 Y2:454 Enough for today! You won't get your money back. 566 00:55:34,900 --> 00:55:38,700 X1:104 X2:616 Y1:380 Y2:454 Ai Tim! You are so good, we have a great opportunity to get rich now. 567 00:55:38,700 --> 00:55:40,700 X1:306 X2:414 Y1:380 Y2:422 Brilliant! 568 00:55:41,600 --> 00:55:42,700 X1:310 X2:410 Y1:380 Y2:422 Ai Don! 569 00:55:45,600 --> 00:55:47,600 X1:278 X2:442 Y1:380 Y2:422 Follow them! 570 00:55:48,200 --> 00:55:49,600 X1:315 X2:405 Y1:380 Y2:422 Music! 571 00:55:49,600 --> 00:55:51,591 X1:295 X2:425 Y1:380 Y2:422 Get them! 572 00:55:53,600 --> 00:55:57,593 X1:260 X2:460 Y1:380 Y2:422 Quick! Let's go! 573 00:55:59,600 --> 00:56:01,591 X1:310 X2:410 Y1:380 Y2:422 Ai Don! 574 00:56:05,600 --> 00:56:07,591 X1:278 X2:442 Y1:380 Y2:422 Follow them. 575 00:56:08,600 --> 00:56:10,600 X1:140 X2:580 Y1:380 Y2:422 This week I have to see customers. 576 00:56:10,600 --> 00:56:12,600 X1:171 X2:549 Y1:380 Y2:422 I want you to get things ready. 577 00:56:12,600 --> 00:56:15,600 X1:157 X2:563 Y1:380 Y2:422 Tell me first if there is a problem. 578 00:56:15,600 --> 00:56:17,600 X1:293 X2:427 Y1:380 Y2:422 Yes Boss. 579 00:56:17,600 --> 00:56:19,700 X1:167 X2:553 Y1:380 Y2:422 I want you to report everything. 580 00:56:21,700 --> 00:56:24,700 X1:086 X2:634 Y1:380 Y2:422 Ai Hum Lae! Where will we find Ai Bak Don? 581 00:56:25,200 --> 00:56:27,200 X1:189 X2:531 Y1:380 Y2:422 You eat your food first. Eat! 582 00:56:27,600 --> 00:56:28,600 X1:282 X2:438 Y1:380 Y2:422 Don't worry. 583 00:56:28,600 --> 00:56:32,600 X1:098 X2:622 Y1:380 Y2:454 I'll find him! At the rice mill, everyone know him well. 584 00:56:32,600 --> 00:56:34,600 X1:330 X2:390 Y1:380 Y2:422 Eat! 585 00:56:34,600 --> 00:56:37,600 X1:145 X2:575 Y1:380 Y2:422 Muay! Tomorrow you'll go with me. 586 00:56:37,600 --> 00:56:40,600 X1:138 X2:582 Y1:380 Y2:422 May be some chance to get money. 587 00:56:40,600 --> 00:56:42,600 X1:206 X2:514 Y1:380 Y2:422 I can't. Exams tomorrow. 588 00:56:42,600 --> 00:56:44,600 X1:107 X2:613 Y1:380 Y2:422 Exams! I've never seen you attend class. 589 00:56:44,600 --> 00:56:48,593 X1:089 X2:631 Y1:380 Y2:454 How can you pass? Do you have something special with the teacher? 590 00:56:49,200 --> 00:56:51,600 X1:227 X2:493 Y1:380 Y2:422 What! A joke, a joke. 591 00:56:51,600 --> 00:56:55,593 X1:097 X2:623 Y1:380 Y2:422 You're a good student, you're clever. Eat... 592 00:56:58,700 --> 00:57:01,600 X1:089 X2:631 Y1:380 Y2:422 Thanks a lot for helping me to find Ong Bak. 593 00:57:02,600 --> 00:57:03,591 X1:259 X2:461 Y1:380 Y2:422 Don't thank me. 594 00:57:04,600 --> 00:57:07,600 X1:142 X2:578 Y1:380 Y2:422 Ai Yod, you own me 3 months rent. 595 00:57:07,600 --> 00:57:09,600 X1:193 X2:527 Y1:380 Y2:422 What are you going to do? 596 00:57:09,700 --> 00:57:11,600 X1:227 X2:493 Y1:380 Y2:422 Er... Give me 3 days. 597 00:57:12,600 --> 00:57:14,600 X1:173 X2:547 Y1:380 Y2:422 I'll pay you. This time for sure. 598 00:57:14,600 --> 00:57:16,600 X1:117 X2:603 Y1:380 Y2:422 You said 'sure' too many times already. 599 00:57:16,600 --> 00:57:19,600 X1:106 X2:614 Y1:380 Y2:454 I want money today - otherwise you must move out. 600 00:57:20,600 --> 00:57:21,600 X1:154 X2:566 Y1:380 Y2:422 Will you accept this ring instead? 601 00:57:22,600 --> 00:57:23,600 X1:335 X2:385 Y1:380 Y2:422 OK 602 00:57:23,600 --> 00:57:27,600 X1:134 X2:586 Y1:380 Y2:422 You must pay the rent within 7 days. 603 00:57:27,600 --> 00:57:28,600 X1:184 X2:536 Y1:380 Y2:422 If you have no money again, 604 00:57:28,600 --> 00:57:32,593 X1:182 X2:538 Y1:380 Y2:422 I'll kick you out, understand? 605 00:58:01,200 --> 00:58:04,600 X1:082 X2:638 Y1:380 Y2:422 Son, I want you to return home with Bak Tim. 606 00:58:04,600 --> 00:58:06,600 X1:086 X2:634 Y1:380 Y2:422 Don't worry if you don't have enough money. 607 00:58:06,600 --> 00:58:09,600 X1:104 X2:616 Y1:380 Y2:454 I don't mind if you don't want to become a monk. 608 00:58:09,600 --> 00:58:13,600 X1:198 X2:522 Y1:380 Y2:422 I only want you to visit us. 609 00:58:13,600 --> 00:58:15,591 X1:259 X2:461 Y1:380 Y2:422 I miss you, son. 610 00:59:03,600 --> 00:59:07,593 X1:086 X2:634 Y1:380 Y2:454 What's the matter! Am I not as good as your ex-husband? 611 00:59:11,200 --> 00:59:12,591 X1:235 X2:485 Y1:380 Y2:422 You spoil my mood. 612 00:59:16,000 --> 00:59:17,991 X1:326 X2:394 Y1:380 Y2:422 Don! 613 00:59:18,600 --> 00:59:20,591 X1:143 X2:577 Y1:380 Y2:422 I don't want to sell drugs any more. 614 00:59:23,200 --> 00:59:24,591 X1:319 X2:401 Y1:380 Y2:422 Why? 615 00:59:32,200 --> 00:59:34,291 X1:269 X2:451 Y1:380 Y2:422 I want to stop. 616 00:59:41,200 --> 00:59:43,191 X1:245 X2:475 Y1:380 Y2:422 You want to stop? 617 00:59:45,600 --> 00:59:49,593 X1:156 X2:564 Y1:380 Y2:422 Really want to stop? Come here! 618 00:59:50,600 --> 00:59:54,600 X1:146 X2:574 Y1:380 Y2:422 You think you can stop that easily. 619 00:59:54,600 --> 00:59:58,593 X1:160 X2:560 Y1:380 Y2:422 You think you can but you can't. 620 01:00:22,600 --> 01:00:24,591 X1:318 X2:402 Y1:380 Y2:422 Who? 621 01:00:34,600 --> 01:00:36,591 X1:277 X2:443 Y1:380 Y2:422 Huh! Ai Don. 622 01:00:43,200 --> 01:00:45,591 X1:139 X2:581 Y1:380 Y2:422 Pi Ngek, Pi Ngek, Pi Ngek, Pi Ngek. 623 01:00:48,200 --> 01:00:49,700 X1:155 X2:565 Y1:380 Y2:422 Where is Ong Bak? I don't know. 624 01:00:49,600 --> 01:00:53,600 X1:154 X2:566 Y1:380 Y2:422 You brought it here! I don't know. 625 01:00:53,600 --> 01:00:55,600 X1:313 X2:407 Y1:380 Y2:422 Ai Tim. 626 01:00:55,600 --> 01:00:57,591 X1:293 X2:427 Y1:380 Y2:422 Get away. 627 01:01:00,600 --> 01:01:02,591 X1:304 X2:416 Y1:380 Y2:422 Pi Ngek! 628 01:01:10,600 --> 01:01:14,593 X1:227 X2:493 Y1:380 Y2:422 Get out quickly, Don. 629 01:01:17,600 --> 01:01:19,591 X1:307 X2:413 Y1:380 Y2:422 Go, Go. 630 01:01:21,600 --> 01:01:24,700 X1:115 X2:605 Y1:380 Y2:454 Call an ambulance for Room 212. She's dying. Urgent! 631 01:01:36,600 --> 01:01:40,593 X1:113 X2:607 Y1:380 Y2:422 Ai Tim! Come here quickly in a Tuk Tuk. 632 01:01:41,600 --> 01:01:43,591 X1:299 X2:421 Y1:380 Y2:422 Hurry up. 633 01:01:44,600 --> 01:01:46,591 X1:278 X2:442 Y1:380 Y2:422 You're dead. 634 01:02:43,600 --> 01:02:45,591 X1:241 X2:479 Y1:380 Y2:422 Keep following me! 635 01:03:04,600 --> 01:03:06,591 X1:234 X2:486 Y1:380 Y2:422 Come! You're dead. 636 01:03:18,600 --> 01:03:20,591 X1:280 X2:440 Y1:380 Y2:422 Huh! Ai Tim. 637 01:03:25,600 --> 01:03:29,593 X1:136 X2:584 Y1:380 Y2:422 Ai Tim! Brake! Brake! Brake quickly! 638 01:03:32,600 --> 01:03:34,591 X1:256 X2:464 Y1:380 Y2:422 Oh Bhudda! Oh! 639 01:03:49,600 --> 01:03:51,600 X1:250 X2:470 Y1:380 Y2:422 Spread them out. 640 01:04:56,600 --> 01:04:58,591 X1:289 X2:431 Y1:380 Y2:422 Oh! Damn! 641 01:05:13,600 --> 01:05:16,593 X1:306 X2:414 Y1:380 Y2:422 Get out! 642 01:05:24,600 --> 01:05:25,700 X1:278 X2:442 Y1:380 Y2:422 You're dead. 643 01:06:20,600 --> 01:06:24,600 X1:095 X2:625 Y1:380 Y2:454 Remember! You must search every square metre. Don't miss anything. 644 01:06:24,600 --> 01:06:28,593 X1:117 X2:603 Y1:380 Y2:454 Most important, you must not allow any strangers in. Understand? 645 01:06:29,600 --> 01:06:31,591 X1:105 X2:615 Y1:380 Y2:422 Damn them! They keep chasing after me. 646 01:08:31,600 --> 01:08:33,591 X1:314 X2:406 Y1:380 Y2:422 Get in. 647 01:08:36,600 --> 01:08:39,593 X1:086 X2:634 Y1:380 Y2:454 Today the Police and National Heritage have found... 648 01:08:40,600 --> 01:08:43,600 X1:078 X2:642 Y1:380 Y2:454 lots of Buddha statues and relics on the Chao Praya river's bank 649 01:08:43,600 --> 01:08:46,600 X1:115 X2:605 Y1:380 Y2:454 This finding of invaluable objects is very significant. 650 01:08:46,600 --> 01:08:50,593 X1:093 X2:627 Y1:380 Y2:422 Because every piece is a national treasure. 651 01:08:52,600 --> 01:08:56,700 X1:095 X2:625 Y1:380 Y2:454 National Heritage is making a catalogue for protective conservation. 652 01:08:56,700 --> 01:09:01,593 X1:078 X2:642 Y1:380 Y2:422 We will report any developments to this story. 653 01:09:11,600 --> 01:09:15,600 X1:170 X2:550 Y1:380 Y2:422 I told you not to cause trouble. 654 01:09:15,600 --> 01:09:19,593 X1:126 X2:594 Y1:380 Y2:422 I didn't. They are looking for Ong Bak. 655 01:09:20,600 --> 01:09:22,591 X1:248 X2:472 Y1:380 Y2:422 What's Ong Bak? 656 01:09:23,600 --> 01:09:25,600 X1:081 X2:639 Y1:380 Y2:454 The head of the Buddha Statue that I brought to you. 657 01:09:25,600 --> 01:09:29,600 X1:119 X2:601 Y1:380 Y2:454 Why does this man cause me so much trouble? 658 01:09:29,600 --> 01:09:31,600 X1:210 X2:510 Y1:380 Y2:422 I lost my betting money, 659 01:09:31,600 --> 01:09:33,600 X1:184 X2:536 Y1:380 Y2:422 and all my relics collection... 660 01:09:33,600 --> 01:09:36,700 X1:205 X2:515 Y1:380 Y2:422 because of one peasant. 661 01:09:45,600 --> 01:09:49,593 X1:202 X2:518 Y1:380 Y2:422 I'm sorry I can't save her. 662 01:09:53,600 --> 01:09:55,591 X1:194 X2:526 Y1:380 Y2:422 Pi Ngek! Pi Ngek. Pi Ngek! 663 01:09:58,600 --> 01:10:02,600 X1:212 X2:508 Y1:380 Y2:422 Pi Ngek don't leave me. 664 01:10:02,600 --> 01:10:04,591 X1:283 X2:437 Y1:380 Y2:422 Who's she? 665 01:10:05,600 --> 01:10:07,600 X1:249 X2:471 Y1:380 Y2:422 Muay's big sister. 666 01:10:07,600 --> 01:10:11,593 X1:135 X2:585 Y1:380 Y2:422 You cann't leave me. I have nobody. 667 01:10:17,600 --> 01:10:19,591 X1:276 X2:444 Y1:380 Y2:422 Muay, Muay. 668 01:10:24,600 --> 01:10:26,591 X1:137 X2:583 Y1:380 Y2:422 Ngek asked me to give this to you... 669 01:10:29,600 --> 01:10:31,600 X1:207 X2:513 Y1:380 Y2:422 'For Muay College Fees' 670 01:10:31,600 --> 01:10:33,591 X1:194 X2:526 Y1:380 Y2:422 I don't want it, don't want it 671 01:10:36,600 --> 01:10:40,600 X1:166 X2:554 Y1:380 Y2:422 I want you. I have nobody else. 672 01:10:40,600 --> 01:10:44,593 X1:155 X2:565 Y1:380 Y2:422 You can't leave. I've no one else. 673 01:10:45,600 --> 01:10:47,600 X1:214 X2:506 Y1:380 Y2:422 Don't be so sad, Muay. 674 01:10:47,600 --> 01:10:49,591 X1:171 X2:549 Y1:380 Y2:422 Birth and death are part of life. 675 01:10:50,600 --> 01:10:52,600 X1:250 X2:470 Y1:380 Y2:422 I won't leave you. 676 01:10:53,200 --> 01:10:56,600 X1:235 X2:485 Y1:380 Y2:422 What's this? What? 677 01:10:56,600 --> 01:10:58,600 X1:194 X2:526 Y1:380 Y2:422 Where are you taking me? 678 01:10:58,600 --> 01:11:02,591 X1:185 X2:535 Y1:380 Y2:422 Let's go, go quickly. Go, go! 679 01:11:11,600 --> 01:11:14,600 X1:209 X2:511 Y1:380 Y2:422 Do you know who I am? 680 01:11:14,600 --> 01:11:16,591 X1:150 X2:570 Y1:380 Y2:422 How dare you attack my property! 681 01:11:17,600 --> 01:11:21,600 X1:084 X2:636 Y1:380 Y2:422 I don't know. It's between Ai Tim and Ai Don. 682 01:11:21,600 --> 01:11:23,591 X1:243 X2:477 Y1:380 Y2:422 True! I don't know. 683 01:11:37,600 --> 01:11:41,593 X1:107 X2:613 Y1:380 Y2:422 I know that you are looking for this Head. 684 01:11:42,600 --> 01:11:46,593 X1:224 X2:496 Y1:380 Y2:422 Do you really want it? 685 01:11:47,600 --> 01:11:51,593 X1:106 X2:614 Y1:380 Y2:422 If you want it. I've a game for you to play. 686 01:11:58,600 --> 01:12:00,600 X1:150 X2:570 Y1:380 Y2:422 I saw Ong Bak with my own eyes. 687 01:12:00,600 --> 01:12:03,600 X1:183 X2:537 Y1:380 Y2:422 If you accept to fight for him, 688 01:12:03,600 --> 01:12:07,593 X1:089 X2:631 Y1:380 Y2:422 he will give you Ong Bak and release Muay. 689 01:12:08,600 --> 01:12:12,593 X1:141 X2:579 Y1:380 Y2:422 What are you going to do? Tell me. 690 01:12:14,600 --> 01:12:16,591 X1:242 X2:478 Y1:380 Y2:422 I will do anything... 691 01:12:18,600 --> 01:12:22,600 X1:089 X2:631 Y1:380 Y2:422 to bring back Ong Bak to Ban Nong Pradoo. 692 01:12:22,600 --> 01:12:26,593 X1:191 X2:529 Y1:380 Y2:422 I'll sacrify even with my life. 693 01:12:43,700 --> 01:12:46,593 X1:106 X2:614 Y1:380 Y2:422 Why do you call me to leave the frontier? 694 01:12:49,200 --> 01:12:56,593 X1:077 X2:643 Y1:380 Y2:454 To warn you to stay away from political issues and I want you to make a bet. 695 01:12:57,500 --> 01:13:01,593 X1:088 X2:632 Y1:380 Y2:454 Oho.You want to revenge that country boxer to death! 696 01:13:02,200 --> 01:13:04,593 X1:126 X2:594 Y1:380 Y2:422 How much you want to bet? Your call. 697 01:13:06,200 --> 01:13:08,200 X1:153 X2:567 Y1:380 Y2:422 You don't call the shots anymore! 698 01:14:02,600 --> 01:14:07,593 X1:083 X2:637 Y1:380 Y2:454 On the East corner is a Thai Boxer. He's new to us . 699 01:14:10,600 --> 01:14:16,593 X1:096 X2:624 Y1:380 Y2:454 The Burmese Boxer is on the West corner. He's one of the best. 700 01:14:18,600 --> 01:14:26,593 X1:124 X2:596 Y1:380 Y2:454 Now the fight has begun. (Voice of the commentator continues) 701 01:16:08,700 --> 01:16:13,200 X1:126 X2:594 Y1:380 Y2:422 Ai Tim! Ai Tim! Are you OK? Enough. 702 01:16:52,700 --> 01:16:55,593 X1:131 X2:589 Y1:380 Y2:422 Hey! If you want Ong Bak, follow me. 703 01:17:24,700 --> 01:17:29,700 X1:078 X2:642 Y1:380 Y2:454 You're crooks too. Tim lost the fight so I could win the bet. 704 01:17:39,700 --> 01:17:40,700 X1:254 X2:466 Y1:380 Y2:422 Huh! This is Pra. 705 01:17:41,700 --> 01:17:45,700 X1:100 X2:620 Y1:380 Y2:454 It's just the head of some worthless statue that you're trying to get. 706 01:17:46,700 --> 01:17:51,300 X1:083 X2:637 Y1:380 Y2:454 I'm not interested in the head, I just want you to box for me. 707 01:17:51,700 --> 01:17:57,700 X1:081 X2:639 Y1:380 Y2:454 Don't dare challenge me because I can make you live or die. 708 01:17:59,900 --> 01:18:02,700 X1:196 X2:524 Y1:380 Y2:422 Damn you! You betray us. 709 01:18:03,700 --> 01:18:06,700 X1:102 X2:618 Y1:380 Y2:454 Ai Tim lost the fight for you, why don't you return the head to him? 710 01:18:07,200 --> 01:18:09,300 X1:267 X2:453 Y1:380 Y2:422 Son of a bitch! 711 01:18:14,200 --> 01:18:18,300 X1:115 X2:605 Y1:380 Y2:422 Calm down. Finish them after I've gone. 712 01:18:19,700 --> 01:18:27,200 X1:084 X2:636 Y1:380 Y2:454 You got hurt but I got the money. Remember that I ordered this. 713 01:18:28,300 --> 01:18:31,300 X1:077 X2:643 Y1:380 Y2:422 Get rid of them. I can't help if they don't listen. 714 01:18:47,700 --> 01:18:49,200 X1:266 X2:454 Y1:380 Y2:422 Huh! Kill them! 715 01:19:00,700 --> 01:19:01,700 X1:311 X2:409 Y1:380 Y2:422 Pi Yod! 716 01:19:03,700 --> 01:19:06,700 X1:128 X2:592 Y1:380 Y2:422 Damn! I told him not to make a noise. 717 01:19:20,700 --> 01:19:23,700 X1:087 X2:633 Y1:380 Y2:422 Hey! Do it quickly! Police may be here soon. 718 01:19:32,200 --> 01:19:34,300 X1:266 X2:454 Y1:380 Y2:422 Hey! Go there. 719 01:21:25,400 --> 01:21:27,300 X1:235 X2:485 Y1:380 Y2:422 Where is Ong Bak? 720 01:21:42,700 --> 01:21:48,300 X1:087 X2:633 Y1:380 Y2:454 Hey! I go with you. No, I can't let anyone die for Ong Bak. 721 01:21:48,700 --> 01:21:51,300 X1:232 X2:488 Y1:380 Y2:422 Except me, only me. 722 01:21:57,200 --> 01:22:00,300 X1:267 X2:453 Y1:380 Y2:422 Ai Tim, Ai Tim. 723 01:22:02,700 --> 01:22:04,700 X1:254 X2:466 Y1:380 Y2:422 Let me help you. 724 01:22:07,200 --> 01:22:12,000 X1:081 X2:639 Y1:380 Y2:422 I don't want to be like this. I apologise to you. 725 01:22:12,200 --> 01:22:15,300 X1:116 X2:604 Y1:380 Y2:454 Let me do one good deed for Ban Nong Pradoo. 726 01:22:16,700 --> 01:22:20,200 X1:119 X2:601 Y1:380 Y2:422 At least... Let me start the bike for you. 727 01:22:22,800 --> 01:22:27,700 X1:111 X2:609 Y1:380 Y2:422 I, Bak Hum Lae, from Ban Nong Pradoo. 728 01:22:38,700 --> 01:22:44,400 X1:079 X2:641 Y1:380 Y2:454 Don told me there is a secret cave behind the next mountain. 729 01:26:23,200 --> 01:26:25,200 X1:272 X2:448 Y1:380 Y2:422 Still not dead! 730 01:26:32,700 --> 01:26:36,200 X1:088 X2:632 Y1:380 Y2:454 You want Ong Bak! You have to exchange it with your life. 731 01:26:36,700 --> 01:26:38,700 X1:165 X2:555 Y1:380 Y2:422 We're cutting the biggest head. 732 01:28:16,900 --> 01:28:21,500 X1:208 X2:512 Y1:380 Y2:422 Ai Tim! Ai Tim.....Ai Ti... 733 01:29:33,700 --> 01:29:36,700 X1:194 X2:526 Y1:380 Y2:422 Ai Ham Lae! Are you OK? 734 01:29:42,700 --> 01:29:46,700 X1:200 X2:520 Y1:380 Y2:422 Go and get Ong Bak. Go! 735 01:29:48,200 --> 01:29:50,200 X1:089 X2:631 Y1:380 Y2:422 Don't worry about me. Go and get Ong Bak. 736 01:29:50,600 --> 01:29:51,700 X1:333 X2:387 Y1:380 Y2:422 Go! 737 01:30:55,100 --> 01:31:01,700 X1:110 X2:610 Y1:380 Y2:454 Huh! Where're you running to? Continue working! Cut the head off! 738 01:31:10,200 --> 01:31:13,700 X1:122 X2:598 Y1:380 Y2:422 Be careful! Last time I told him to lose. 739 01:32:23,200 --> 01:32:28,300 X1:100 X2:620 Y1:380 Y2:422 The head is off now boss. Good, pull it off. 740 01:34:20,200 --> 01:34:22,300 X1:291 X2:429 Y1:380 Y2:422 Die..e..e... 741 01:36:09,700 --> 01:36:15,300 X1:122 X2:598 Y1:380 Y2:454 You want this head! I want to see if it's unbreakable. 742 01:37:36,200 --> 01:37:37,200 X1:280 X2:440 Y1:380 Y2:422 Ai Hum Lae! 743 01:37:39,200 --> 01:37:42,300 X1:186 X2:534 Y1:380 Y2:422 Ai Hum Lae... Are you hurt? 744 01:37:44,900 --> 01:37:51,700 X1:106 X2:614 Y1:380 Y2:454 Take... take... Ong Bak back to our... our village. 745 01:37:53,700 --> 01:37:56,300 X1:099 X2:621 Y1:380 Y2:422 Ai Pi Yod! Ai Pi Yod! What's happenning? 746 01:37:59,700 --> 01:38:00,900 X1:280 X2:440 Y1:380 Y2:422 Ai Hum Lae. 747 01:38:00,900 --> 01:38:16,200 X1:079 X2:641 Y1:380 Y2:454 Muay.. finish.. your studying and find.. a good job. 748 01:38:20,700 --> 01:38:30,700 X1:082 X2:638 Y1:380 Y2:422 Bak Tim..Tell my dad I can't become a monk. 749 01:38:30,700 --> 01:38:36,200 X1:122 X2:598 Y1:380 Y2:454 Huh! What are you saying? Let's go to hospital and you will be fine, Pi Yod. 750 01:38:36,200 --> 01:38:40,700 X1:121 X2:599 Y1:380 Y2:422 Ai Hum Lae. Ai Pi Yod, Ai Pi Yod. Huh! 751 01:38:41,700 --> 01:38:47,300 X1:084 X2:636 Y1:380 Y2:454 You can't die! You promised not to leave me, you can't die. 752 01:38:47,300 --> 01:38:53,300 X1:089 X2:631 Y1:380 Y2:454 You can't do this! You mustn't lie to me, you cannot lie to me. 753 01:38:53,700 --> 01:38:58,700 X1:097 X2:623 Y1:380 Y2:454 Do you understand! You promised me! I've nobody else! I've nobody else! 754 01:38:58,700 --> 01:39:05,000 X1:083 X2:637 Y1:380 Y2:454 Wake up now! Don't do this to me, you can't, can't. Understand! 755 01:39:05,000 --> 01:39:11,300 X1:091 X2:629 Y1:380 Y2:454 Wake up now! Ai Pi Yod, you can't die. You must keep your promise. 756 01:39:15,700 --> 01:39:39,700 X1:159 X2:561 Y1:380 Y2:422 (Weeping goes on continuously)