1 00:00:37,021 --> 00:00:39,021 JAZMINE: He knows when you been sleeping! 2 00:00:39,021 --> 00:00:40,021 MAN: All right. WOMAN: Amen. 3 00:00:40,021 --> 00:00:43,021 JAZMINE: He knows when you're awake! 4 00:00:43,021 --> 00:00:44,021 He knows if you've been bad or good, 5 00:00:44,021 --> 00:00:46,021 so be good for what? 6 00:00:46,021 --> 00:00:48,021 PEOPLE: Goodness sake. 7 00:00:50,021 --> 00:00:51,021 Think about that. 8 00:00:51,021 --> 00:00:54,021 Be good for goodness sake. 9 00:00:54,021 --> 00:00:55,021 Yes. 10 00:00:55,021 --> 00:00:57,021 Whose sake? 11 00:00:57,021 --> 00:00:58,021 CHOIR: Goodness sake. 12 00:00:58,021 --> 00:00:59,021 MAN 2: Speak, sister, speak! 13 00:01:04,021 --> 00:01:06,021 And put 'em in your mouth. 14 00:01:06,021 --> 00:01:07,021 Somebody say "ho, ho, ho." 15 00:01:07,021 --> 00:01:09,021 ALL: Ho, ho, ho! 16 00:01:09,021 --> 00:01:12,021 Nowadays, people think "ho, ho, ho," 17 00:01:12,021 --> 00:01:13,021 means the Hilton sisters... 18 00:01:14,021 --> 00:01:16,021 standing next to Nicole Richie. 19 00:01:16,021 --> 00:01:18,021 Now, that ain't no "ho, ho, ho." 20 00:01:18,021 --> 00:01:22,021 Somebody give me the real "ho, ho, ho," out there. 21 00:01:22,021 --> 00:01:23,021 ALL: Ho, ho, ho! 22 00:01:23,021 --> 00:01:25,021 Praise Santa! 23 00:01:26,021 --> 00:01:29,021 FedEx, UPS. 24 00:01:29,021 --> 00:01:31,021 They can ship the package. 25 00:01:33,021 --> 00:01:34,021 MAN: Hold on! 26 00:01:34,021 --> 00:01:36,021 I know a man with a different kind 27 00:01:36,021 --> 00:01:38,021 of guaranteed overnight delivery. 28 00:01:38,021 --> 00:01:41,021 He's got his own overnight express. 29 00:01:41,021 --> 00:01:43,021 Forget Airborne Express. 30 00:01:43,021 --> 00:01:46,021 I'll take the reindeer express. 31 00:01:46,021 --> 00:01:48,021 'Cause it's free shipping on Christmas Eve. 32 00:01:48,021 --> 00:01:49,021 Somebody say... 33 00:01:49,021 --> 00:01:51,021 ALL: Ho, ho, ho! 34 00:01:52,021 --> 00:01:54,021 Praise Santa. 35 00:01:54,021 --> 00:01:56,021 CHOIR: 36 00:02:03,021 --> 00:02:05,021 Praise Santa. 37 00:02:13,021 --> 00:02:16,021 : Ladies and gentlemen, 38 00:02:13,021 --> 00:02:16,021 from the North Pole, 39 00:02:16,021 --> 00:02:19,021 may we present Santa Claus. 40 00:02:19,021 --> 00:02:21,021 Merry Christmas, kids. 41 00:02:21,021 --> 00:02:23,021 Hi, everybody. Hi. 42 00:02:23,021 --> 00:02:24,021 Ho, ho, ho. 43 00:02:27,021 --> 00:02:29,021 GIRL: Santa! 44 00:02:29,021 --> 00:02:30,021 SANTA: What a jolly day. 45 00:02:36,021 --> 00:02:38,021 GIRL 2: I love you, Santa! 46 00:02:43,021 --> 00:02:43,021 Hi, Santa! 47 00:02:46,021 --> 00:02:48,021 Hey, Merry Christ-- 48 00:02:52,021 --> 00:02:54,021 ALL: Santa! 49 00:02:54,021 --> 00:02:56,021 Yeah, I got your ass, Santa! 50 00:03:00,021 --> 00:03:02,021 RILEY: I'm comin' for that ass! 51 00:03:07,021 --> 00:03:08,021 Punk yo ass! 52 00:03:08,021 --> 00:03:10,021 Uh-oh. 53 00:03:13,021 --> 00:03:16,021 GIRL 2: He's killing him! 54 00:03:16,021 --> 00:03:18,021 What the fuck? 55 00:03:18,021 --> 00:03:21,021 You all just gonna stand there and watch me get my ass kicked? 56 00:03:21,021 --> 00:03:23,021 Nobody had my back, huh? 57 00:03:24,021 --> 00:03:27,021 Nobody's got Santa's back? Ain't this a bitch. 58 00:03:27,021 --> 00:03:30,021 That's fucked up with y'all. 59 00:03:30,021 --> 00:03:31,021 GIRL 2: Santa said the F-word! 60 00:03:31,021 --> 00:03:33,021 WOMAN: Even Santa gets angry sometimes. 61 00:03:35,021 --> 00:03:38,021 MAN: And the sixth day of Kwanzaa 62 00:03:35,021 --> 00:03:38,021 is Kuji-- 63 00:03:38,021 --> 00:03:41,021 Ku-- Uh, uh-- Ku-- 64 00:03:41,021 --> 00:03:43,021 Wow, this is really complicated. 65 00:03:43,021 --> 00:03:45,021 The sixth day is... 66 00:03:45,021 --> 00:03:47,021 Er, uh... Kuumba. 67 00:03:47,021 --> 00:03:51,021 Kuuuuumbaaaa. 68 00:03:51,021 --> 00:03:54,021 HUEY: Harold Kennedy Uberwitz 69 00:03:51,021 --> 00:03:54,021 was my history teacher. 70 00:03:54,021 --> 00:03:55,021 He was culturally sensitive. 71 00:03:55,021 --> 00:03:58,021 And on Kuumbay-- Uh, Kuumba-- 72 00:03:58,021 --> 00:04:00,021 Uh, the elder-- Okay, that would be me. 73 00:04:00,021 --> 00:04:04,021 --leads everyone in the Harambee salute. 74 00:04:04,021 --> 00:04:07,021 And that goes like: 75 00:04:07,021 --> 00:04:10,021 Harambee! 76 00:04:10,021 --> 00:04:12,021 Okay, great. 77 00:04:12,021 --> 00:04:14,021 So who wants to join me in the Harambee salute? 78 00:04:14,021 --> 00:04:17,021 Anyone? Huey? 79 00:04:18,021 --> 00:04:19,021 You sure? 80 00:04:20,021 --> 00:04:22,021 It's Kwanzaa. 81 00:04:22,021 --> 00:04:25,021 Okay, no problem. Here we go. 82 00:04:25,021 --> 00:04:26,021 Harambee! 83 00:04:27,021 --> 00:04:28,021 Harambee! 84 00:04:28,021 --> 00:04:29,021 Harambee! 85 00:04:29,021 --> 00:04:31,021 Harambee! 86 00:04:31,021 --> 00:04:33,021 Harambee! 87 00:04:33,021 --> 00:04:34,021 Harambee! 88 00:04:34,021 --> 00:04:36,021 Harambee! 89 00:04:36,021 --> 00:04:37,021 Harambee! 90 00:04:37,021 --> 00:04:38,021 Harambee! 91 00:04:44,021 --> 00:04:46,021 HUEY: You want me to direct 92 00:04:44,021 --> 00:04:46,021 the Christmas play? 93 00:04:46,021 --> 00:04:50,021 UBERWITZ: Absolutely. I-I think 94 00:04:46,021 --> 00:04:50,021 you'll do a fantastic job. 95 00:04:50,021 --> 00:04:52,021 First of all, I don't give a damn about Christmas. 96 00:04:52,021 --> 00:04:57,021 You don't have to do a traditional Christmas play. 97 00:04:57,021 --> 00:04:59,021 No, you can do whatever you want. 98 00:04:59,021 --> 00:05:00,021 You'll be fired. 99 00:05:00,021 --> 00:05:02,021 Fired? For what? 100 00:05:02,021 --> 00:05:05,021 For being an irresponsible white person. 101 00:05:05,021 --> 00:05:07,021 I would really love to see your vision. 102 00:05:07,021 --> 00:05:11,021 Vision? What do you know about my vision? 103 00:05:11,021 --> 00:05:13,021 My vision would turn your world upside-down, 104 00:05:13,021 --> 00:05:15,021 tear asunder your illusions, 105 00:05:15,021 --> 00:05:17,021 and send the sanctuary of your own ignorance 106 00:05:17,021 --> 00:05:18,021 crashing down around you. 107 00:05:18,021 --> 00:05:20,021 Now, ask yourself: 108 00:05:20,021 --> 00:05:23,021 Are you really ready to see that vision? 109 00:05:23,021 --> 00:05:26,021 We'll give you complete creative control. 110 00:05:28,021 --> 00:05:30,021 I want it in writing. 111 00:05:30,021 --> 00:05:33,021 : And suddenly, 112 00:05:30,021 --> 00:05:33,021 there was with the angel-- 113 00:05:33,021 --> 00:05:36,021 GRANDDAD: A multitude of the heavenly 114 00:05:33,021 --> 00:05:36,021 host, praising God, 115 00:05:36,021 --> 00:05:39,021 and saying, "Glory to God in the highest and on Earth, 116 00:05:39,021 --> 00:05:40,021 peace, goodwill toward men." 117 00:05:44,021 --> 00:05:46,021 And that's what Christmas is all about. 118 00:05:46,021 --> 00:05:48,021 Mm-hm. 119 00:05:48,021 --> 00:05:49,021 You hear that, boy? 120 00:05:49,021 --> 00:05:51,021 That's what Christmas is all about. 121 00:05:51,021 --> 00:05:55,021 Actually, Granddad, Christmas is a pagan holiday. 122 00:05:55,021 --> 00:05:57,021 And Jesus probably hates you for celebrating it. 123 00:05:57,021 --> 00:06:00,021 There ain't gonna be no Scrooges in this house, boy! 124 00:06:00,021 --> 00:06:02,021 Look, Granddad, it's clear from the scripture 125 00:06:02,021 --> 00:06:05,021 that Jesus was not born in winter. 126 00:06:05,021 --> 00:06:07,021 The shepherds, who saw the angels announcing his birth, 127 00:06:07,021 --> 00:06:10,021 would not have been out in their fields in December. 128 00:06:10,021 --> 00:06:12,021 The Palestinian winters are too cold. 129 00:06:12,021 --> 00:06:14,021 If you believe in that sort of thing. 130 00:06:14,021 --> 00:06:16,021 The truth is, Christmas evolved 131 00:06:16,021 --> 00:06:18,021 from the Roman holiday Saturnalia, 132 00:06:18,021 --> 00:06:21,021 a winter festival where men gave gifts to each other. 133 00:06:21,021 --> 00:06:23,021 They also would get drunk, 134 00:06:23,021 --> 00:06:25,021 have sex with each other and beat their wives. 135 00:06:25,021 --> 00:06:27,021 People would act so crazy on Christmas, 136 00:06:27,021 --> 00:06:30,021 the holiday was outlawed by the Protestant church 137 00:06:30,021 --> 00:06:31,021 until the 1800s. 138 00:06:32,021 --> 00:06:34,021 As a matter of fact, the United States Congress... 139 00:06:41,021 --> 00:06:43,021 Granddad? Granddad! 140 00:06:43,021 --> 00:06:46,021 I'm sorry, boy. Wh-wh-what was that? 141 00:06:46,021 --> 00:06:49,021 I just explained the entire history of Christmas. 142 00:06:49,021 --> 00:06:53,021 But it was booooring, Huey. 143 00:06:53,021 --> 00:06:57,021 You just, "Blah, blah, gay sex. Blah, blah, Congress." 144 00:06:57,021 --> 00:06:59,021 You know, you gotta be interesting. 145 00:06:59,021 --> 00:07:01,021 You're gonna talk me to death. Talk, talk, talk. 146 00:07:03,021 --> 00:07:04,021 HUEY: And that's when it hit me. 147 00:07:04,021 --> 00:07:07,021 The world needed to see my vision. 148 00:07:07,021 --> 00:07:09,021 But I needed to dress it up first. 149 00:07:09,021 --> 00:07:12,021 It needed scale and drama and special effects. 150 00:07:14,021 --> 00:07:15,021 What are you doing? 151 00:07:15,021 --> 00:07:17,021 I'm writing a letter to Santa. 152 00:07:17,021 --> 00:07:20,021 "Dear Santa. 153 00:07:20,021 --> 00:07:24,021 You are a bitch nigga--" 154 00:07:24,021 --> 00:07:26,021 Wait, wait, wait. Hold up, hold up, hold up. 155 00:07:26,021 --> 00:07:28,021 "Dear Santa. 156 00:07:28,021 --> 00:07:31,021 "You are a bitch ass nigga. 157 00:07:31,021 --> 00:07:37,021 "I heard the mall is hiring extra security to protect you. 158 00:07:37,021 --> 00:07:40,021 "That's a bitch move, Santa. 159 00:07:40,021 --> 00:07:45,021 "I'm coming for that ass again until you pay what you owe. 160 00:07:45,021 --> 00:07:47,021 "Sincerely yours, 161 00:07:47,021 --> 00:07:49,021 the Santa Stalker." 162 00:07:52,021 --> 00:07:53,021 JAZMINE: I think you should do a play 163 00:07:53,021 --> 00:07:55,021 about what Christmas is really about. 164 00:07:55,021 --> 00:07:58,021 Christmas is about how Santa died for our gifts 165 00:07:58,021 --> 00:08:03,021 and rose from the dead and moved to the North Pole. 166 00:08:03,021 --> 00:08:05,021 And because of that, every year, 167 00:08:05,021 --> 00:08:08,021 Santa comes down to forgive us our sins 168 00:08:08,021 --> 00:08:09,021 and give us eternal presents. 169 00:08:09,021 --> 00:08:12,021 Man, Santa these nuts! 170 00:08:12,021 --> 00:08:14,021 Where was Santa when we was in the 'hood, huh? 171 00:08:14,021 --> 00:08:16,021 Santa ain't show a nigga no love back then. 172 00:08:16,021 --> 00:08:21,021 I didn't ask for much. Just rims. Not even a whole car. 173 00:08:21,021 --> 00:08:23,021 And what did we get? Nothin'. 174 00:08:23,021 --> 00:08:25,021 That nigga gonna pay what he owe. 175 00:08:39,021 --> 00:08:41,021 Merry Christmas, Mr. Uberwitz. 176 00:08:41,021 --> 00:08:43,021 Are you here to see Mr. Freeman? 177 00:08:43,021 --> 00:08:44,021 Uh... 178 00:08:44,021 --> 00:08:45,021 yeah. 179 00:08:45,021 --> 00:08:49,021 One second. Mr. Uberwitz is here. 180 00:08:49,021 --> 00:08:52,021 Okay. He's just finishing up another meeting. 181 00:08:52,021 --> 00:08:54,021 You can have a seat in the hallway. 182 00:08:54,021 --> 00:08:56,021 Can I get you anything? 183 00:08:56,021 --> 00:08:57,021 Some water? 184 00:08:57,021 --> 00:09:00,021 No, I'm fine. Thank you. 185 00:09:02,021 --> 00:09:04,021 Huey? 186 00:09:05,021 --> 00:09:09,021 Oh, hey, Mr. Uberwitz. This is Quincy Jones. 187 00:09:09,021 --> 00:09:11,021 I've asked him to come in and co-produce. 188 00:09:11,021 --> 00:09:13,021 How are you, man? 189 00:09:13,021 --> 00:09:16,021 I-I-I'm good. How do--? How do you know Huey? 190 00:09:16,021 --> 00:09:18,021 Oh, me and Huey go way back. 191 00:09:18,021 --> 00:09:19,021 And by the way, 192 00:09:19,021 --> 00:09:21,021 I hope you're not gonna be getting strange 193 00:09:21,021 --> 00:09:22,021 with the change on the music budget. 194 00:09:23,021 --> 00:09:24,021 Music budget? 195 00:09:28,021 --> 00:09:29,021 What the--? 196 00:09:33,021 --> 00:09:34,021 ALL: Hey! 197 00:09:34,021 --> 00:09:37,021 Have y'all lost your damn minds? 198 00:09:37,021 --> 00:09:39,021 Opening night is less than two weeks away, 199 00:09:39,021 --> 00:09:40,021 and y'all wanna party? 200 00:09:40,021 --> 00:09:42,021 We're just having some fun. 201 00:09:42,021 --> 00:09:46,021 Fun? Do I look like Charlie Brown? 202 00:09:46,021 --> 00:09:47,021 BOY: No. 203 00:09:47,021 --> 00:09:50,021 Do I look like Charlie Brown? 204 00:09:50,021 --> 00:09:52,021 You know what? All y'all are fired! 205 00:09:53,021 --> 00:09:54,021 What? Fired? 206 00:09:54,021 --> 00:09:56,021 Did I stutter? Beat it! 207 00:09:56,021 --> 00:09:57,021 UBERWITZ: Huey-- 208 00:09:57,021 --> 00:09:59,021 But i-it... It's the entire cast. 209 00:09:59,021 --> 00:10:01,021 Are you sure that's a good idea? 210 00:10:02,021 --> 00:10:03,021 Contract. 211 00:10:03,021 --> 00:10:05,021 I'm...sorry, guys. 212 00:10:05,021 --> 00:10:07,021 GIRL: I can't believe it. 213 00:10:07,021 --> 00:10:09,021 Hey, don't be lookin' at me. 214 00:10:09,021 --> 00:10:11,021 Don't look at Quincy Jones. 215 00:10:11,021 --> 00:10:12,021 Quincy Jones ain't gonna help you. 216 00:10:12,021 --> 00:10:15,021 Get your asses out. Now! 217 00:10:15,021 --> 00:10:19,021 Is there any money in the budget for a casting director? 218 00:10:26,021 --> 00:10:27,021 That's right, Bob. 219 00:10:27,021 --> 00:10:29,021 A little bit of the Christmas spirit 220 00:10:29,021 --> 00:10:30,021 is returning to Woodcrest, 221 00:10:30,021 --> 00:10:33,021 as Santa Claus makes his first appearance 222 00:10:33,021 --> 00:10:35,021 since being assaulted by the unknown, 223 00:10:35,021 --> 00:10:38,021 but probably Arab, Santa Stalker, one week ago. 224 00:10:39,021 --> 00:10:41,021 And you're gonna protect me, right? 225 00:10:41,021 --> 00:10:45,021 Now, don't you worry about a thing, Mr. Santa Claus, sir. 226 00:10:45,021 --> 00:10:46,021 I got you covered. 227 00:10:46,021 --> 00:10:48,021 RUCKUS: Now, I know 228 00:10:46,021 --> 00:10:48,021 I'm a very large man, 229 00:10:48,021 --> 00:10:51,021 but I'm a picture of athleticism. 230 00:10:52,021 --> 00:10:54,021 Well, hello there. 231 00:10:54,021 --> 00:10:57,021 And what would you like Santa to bring you for Christmas? 232 00:10:57,021 --> 00:10:59,021 I want a-- 233 00:10:59,021 --> 00:11:02,021 Uh, Santa, you got a red dot on your head. 234 00:11:08,021 --> 00:11:10,021 Nooooooooo! 235 00:11:14,021 --> 00:11:17,021 Ow! Goddamn! 236 00:11:17,021 --> 00:11:20,021 That had to pierce a spleen or somethin'. 237 00:11:20,021 --> 00:11:22,021 MAN: God! Medic! Medic! 238 00:11:22,021 --> 00:11:24,021 Merry Christmas, nigga! 239 00:11:26,021 --> 00:11:29,021 Aah! Santa, why? 240 00:11:29,021 --> 00:11:32,021 GIRL: You ruined 241 00:11:29,021 --> 00:11:32,021 my childhood! 242 00:11:33,021 --> 00:11:37,021 You gonna pay what you owe, Santa! 243 00:11:37,021 --> 00:11:39,021 You gonna pay what you owe! 244 00:11:41,021 --> 00:11:43,021 RILEY: Running like a bitch. 245 00:11:49,021 --> 00:11:53,021 Backup. I need backup. 246 00:11:53,021 --> 00:11:56,021 I'm fat. I can't run very fast. 247 00:11:56,021 --> 00:11:58,021 I think I'm having a heart attack 248 00:11:58,021 --> 00:12:00,021 and a couple of light strokes. 249 00:12:05,021 --> 00:12:07,021 Merry Christmas, nigga. 250 00:12:12,021 --> 00:12:13,021 Damn. 251 00:12:27,021 --> 00:12:29,021 HUEY: Okay, now... 252 00:12:29,021 --> 00:12:31,021 for the role of the third wise man, 253 00:12:32,021 --> 00:12:36,021 we have Mr. Fogelbury or Denzel Washington. 254 00:12:36,021 --> 00:12:38,021 I say, Denzel. 255 00:12:39,021 --> 00:12:40,021 Yeah, me too. 256 00:12:40,021 --> 00:12:42,021 Okay, and for the role of Mary, 257 00:12:42,021 --> 00:12:44,021 we have third-grade science teacher, 258 00:12:44,021 --> 00:12:47,021 Mrs. Peterson or Angela Bassett. 259 00:12:47,021 --> 00:12:50,021 Well, Mrs. Peterson gave a serious read. 260 00:12:50,021 --> 00:12:52,021 Yeah, she sure did. 261 00:12:52,021 --> 00:12:54,021 But I say, Angela Bassett. 262 00:12:54,021 --> 00:12:55,021 Yeah, me too. 263 00:12:56,021 --> 00:12:58,021 Guys, how do we afford 264 00:12:58,021 --> 00:13:00,021 Denzel Washington and Angela Bassett? 265 00:13:01,021 --> 00:13:02,021 I don't know. 266 00:13:02,021 --> 00:13:04,021 Have we gotten word yet on Will Smith's availability? 267 00:13:04,021 --> 00:13:08,021 W-whoa, whoa, whoa. we can't afford Will Smith. 268 00:13:08,021 --> 00:13:10,021 Damn the budget! 269 00:13:10,021 --> 00:13:13,021 What we're doing is more important than money. 270 00:13:13,021 --> 00:13:15,021 We will change Christmas 271 00:13:15,021 --> 00:13:18,021 and elementary-school theater forever. 272 00:13:18,021 --> 00:13:19,021 But we don't have the money. 273 00:13:22,021 --> 00:13:24,021 Contract. 274 00:14:09,021 --> 00:14:11,021 JAZMINE: Oh, Huey. 275 00:14:11,021 --> 00:14:13,021 You've got a lunch meeting at 11:30 276 00:14:13,021 --> 00:14:15,021 about the sound effects for the dogfight sequence. 277 00:14:15,021 --> 00:14:16,021 Cancel it. 278 00:14:16,021 --> 00:14:19,021 The PTA is threatening a boycott of the play 279 00:14:19,021 --> 00:14:20,021 since you fired all the kids. 280 00:14:21,021 --> 00:14:23,021 Don't care. 281 00:14:23,021 --> 00:14:25,021 And the principal's in your office 282 00:14:25,021 --> 00:14:26,021 to talk about the script. 283 00:14:26,021 --> 00:14:27,021 Who? 284 00:14:27,021 --> 00:14:28,021 First of all, 285 00:14:29,021 --> 00:14:31,021 I just wanted you to know we're thrilled with the script. 286 00:14:31,021 --> 00:14:33,021 Absolutely fantastic. 287 00:14:33,021 --> 00:14:34,021 Brilliant. 288 00:14:34,021 --> 00:14:35,021 Wouldn't change a thing. 289 00:14:35,021 --> 00:14:36,021 We just had a couple of notes. 290 00:14:37,021 --> 00:14:38,021 One or two. 291 00:14:38,021 --> 00:14:39,021 Nothing significant. 292 00:14:39,021 --> 00:14:41,021 PRINCIPAL: Let's see, uh, there's a typo 293 00:14:42,021 --> 00:14:43,021 on page five. 294 00:14:43,021 --> 00:14:45,021 Uh, there's a continuity problem on page 32. 295 00:14:45,021 --> 00:14:48,021 I think that scene's supposed to be at night. 296 00:14:48,021 --> 00:14:50,021 Um, let's see, um-- Oh, yeah, um, and, uh-- 297 00:14:50,021 --> 00:14:52,021 Jesus can't be black. 298 00:14:52,021 --> 00:14:54,021 What do you mean he can't be black? 299 00:14:54,021 --> 00:14:56,021 He can't be black. 300 00:14:56,021 --> 00:14:58,021 Maybe we can make Jesus another color. 301 00:14:58,021 --> 00:14:59,021 How 'bout white? 302 00:14:59,021 --> 00:15:00,021 But Jesus was black. 303 00:15:01,021 --> 00:15:03,021 We could probably do Italian. 304 00:15:03,021 --> 00:15:04,021 Jesus was Middle Eastern. 305 00:15:04,021 --> 00:15:06,021 In addition to Arabs, 306 00:15:06,021 --> 00:15:08,021 the Middle East has always had many people of African descent, 307 00:15:08,021 --> 00:15:10,021 whom you would consider black. 308 00:15:10,021 --> 00:15:11,021 Sorry, can't do it. 309 00:15:12,021 --> 00:15:14,021 Oh, right. That. 310 00:15:22,021 --> 00:15:24,021 Best of luck. 311 00:15:24,021 --> 00:15:25,021 Break a leg. 312 00:15:25,021 --> 00:15:28,021 I can't wait for opening night. 313 00:15:40,021 --> 00:15:42,021 Riley? Jazmine. 314 00:15:42,021 --> 00:15:44,021 Riley, you came to see Santa. 315 00:15:44,021 --> 00:15:46,021 Shh! 316 00:15:46,021 --> 00:15:49,021 : Ladies and gentlemen, 317 00:15:46,021 --> 00:15:49,021 from the North Pole, 318 00:15:49,021 --> 00:15:53,021 the reeeeal Santa Claus! 319 00:15:59,021 --> 00:16:01,021 What the hell? 320 00:16:01,021 --> 00:16:04,021 Hey, there, pretty little white children. 321 00:16:04,021 --> 00:16:09,021 Now, look at all them precious little vanilla-colored faces. 322 00:16:09,021 --> 00:16:11,021 I heard this was the only guy they could find to do it. 323 00:16:11,021 --> 00:16:14,021 Now, I know y'all think old Santa Claus 324 00:16:14,021 --> 00:16:16,021 look a little bit darker than he used to. 325 00:16:16,021 --> 00:16:17,021 Ho, ho! 326 00:16:17,021 --> 00:16:19,021 But see, that's just 'cause Santa Claus 327 00:16:19,021 --> 00:16:21,021 got a little bit of re-vitiligo. 328 00:16:21,021 --> 00:16:24,021 See, that's the opposite of what Michael Jackson got. 329 00:16:24,021 --> 00:16:27,021 Don't worry, no Jesus juice up here. 330 00:16:27,021 --> 00:16:31,021 Come on, let's get this show on the road. 331 00:16:31,021 --> 00:16:33,021 That's not Santa! 332 00:16:33,021 --> 00:16:35,021 Okay, who's first? 333 00:16:39,021 --> 00:16:42,021 That's not Santa. It's an impostor! 334 00:16:42,021 --> 00:16:44,021 Beware of the false Santa! 335 00:16:44,021 --> 00:16:46,021 Kids, kids, calm down. 336 00:16:46,021 --> 00:16:49,021 Accompanying parents, calm down as well. 337 00:16:49,021 --> 00:16:51,021 I am the real Santa Claus. 338 00:16:51,021 --> 00:16:54,021 Ho, ho, ho. Look at my belly shake. 339 00:16:54,021 --> 00:16:57,021 The heartbreaker re-vitiligo 340 00:16:57,021 --> 00:17:01,021 is a very serious life-threatening condition. 341 00:17:06,021 --> 00:17:09,021 Hey, I've been in show business a long time, Huey. 342 00:17:09,021 --> 00:17:12,021 This kind of thing comes with the territory. 343 00:17:12,021 --> 00:17:14,021 I know you'll do the right thing. 344 00:17:21,021 --> 00:17:23,021 UBERWITZ: Huey, it could still be 345 00:17:21,021 --> 00:17:23,021 a great play. 346 00:17:23,021 --> 00:17:26,021 We could cut a few scenes. Make some changes to the script. 347 00:17:26,021 --> 00:17:27,021 Huey. 348 00:17:27,021 --> 00:17:30,021 We have to put something on. 349 00:17:31,021 --> 00:17:32,021 Do what you have to do. 350 00:17:33,021 --> 00:17:35,021 Just take my name off of it. 351 00:17:35,021 --> 00:17:37,021 Won't be my vision. 352 00:17:41,021 --> 00:17:43,021 Hello. 353 00:17:43,021 --> 00:17:46,021 Yeah. Yeah, it's resolved. 354 00:17:46,021 --> 00:17:49,021 We'll be ready to put the play on tomorrow. 355 00:17:50,021 --> 00:17:53,021 Why doesn't the real Santa come? 356 00:17:53,021 --> 00:17:56,021 'Cause there ain't no real Santa. 357 00:18:00,021 --> 00:18:02,021 HUEY: We all want to believe 358 00:18:00,021 --> 00:18:02,021 in miracles on Christmas. 359 00:18:12,021 --> 00:18:13,021 All of us. 360 00:18:19,021 --> 00:18:23,021 RUCKUS: No Santa Claus? 361 00:18:23,021 --> 00:18:26,021 Well, I'd expect a heathen nigglet like Riley 362 00:18:27,021 --> 00:18:28,021 to say something like that. 363 00:18:28,021 --> 00:18:31,021 But, Jazmine, I'm surprised at you. 364 00:18:31,021 --> 00:18:33,021 Being a mulatto and all, 365 00:18:33,021 --> 00:18:36,021 you've supposed to have more sense. 366 00:18:36,021 --> 00:18:37,021 Huh? 367 00:18:37,021 --> 00:18:39,021 I'm Special Agent Ruckus. 368 00:18:39,021 --> 00:18:40,021 Shh! 369 00:18:40,021 --> 00:18:43,021 Volunteer Santa Security. 370 00:18:44,021 --> 00:18:46,021 Santa has reason to believe 371 00:18:46,021 --> 00:18:48,021 that your little jungle friend Riley 372 00:18:48,021 --> 00:18:51,021 may be the Santa Stalker. 373 00:18:51,021 --> 00:18:55,021 That makes perfect sense. 374 00:18:55,021 --> 00:18:57,021 Mm-hm. Santa couldn't come this year. 375 00:18:57,021 --> 00:18:59,021 Just wasn't safe. 376 00:18:59,021 --> 00:19:01,021 Maybe next year. 377 00:19:01,021 --> 00:19:05,021 So...he's real? 378 00:19:05,021 --> 00:19:09,021 Real as the Irish blood charging through my veins. 379 00:19:09,021 --> 00:19:11,021 HUEY: But Christmas miracles 380 00:19:09,021 --> 00:19:11,021 only happen 381 00:19:12,021 --> 00:19:14,021 in the lies adults tell to children. 382 00:19:16,021 --> 00:19:19,021 And maybe in Christmas specials. 383 00:19:20,021 --> 00:19:23,021 Mr. Uberwitz put on the play as scheduled. 384 00:19:23,021 --> 00:19:25,021 Not a single word was changed. 385 00:19:39,021 --> 00:19:41,021 And so, by some miracle, 386 00:19:41,021 --> 00:19:44,021 the world saw my vision that night. 387 00:19:44,021 --> 00:19:45,021 The Adventures of Black Jesus 388 00:19:45,021 --> 00:19:48,021 received a 20-minute standing ovation. 389 00:19:48,021 --> 00:19:51,021 It was called "a stunning revolution in theatre" 390 00:19:51,021 --> 00:19:52,021 by the Woodcrest Post Gazette. 391 00:19:53,021 --> 00:19:57,021 Unfortunately, the PTA protest had gained some ground. 392 00:19:57,021 --> 00:20:00,021 Seems that people didn't care about my vision. 393 00:20:00,021 --> 00:20:03,021 They cared about seeing their kids on stage. 394 00:20:03,021 --> 00:20:04,021 Who knew? 395 00:20:04,021 --> 00:20:06,021 JAZMINE: Yay, Huey! 396 00:20:06,021 --> 00:20:08,021 Yay! 397 00:20:10,021 --> 00:20:13,021 Mr. Uberwitz was fired for disobeying orders 398 00:20:14,021 --> 00:20:16,021 and for generally being an irresponsible white person. 399 00:20:16,021 --> 00:20:18,021 UBERWITZ: Harambee! 400 00:20:19,021 --> 00:20:19,021 ALL: Harambee! 401 00:20:20,021 --> 00:20:21,021 Harambee! 402 00:20:21,021 --> 00:20:22,021 ALL: Harambee! 403 00:20:22,021 --> 00:20:24,021 HUEY: ■ He would later become 404 00:20:22,021 --> 00:20:24,021 a professor 405 00:20:24,021 --> 00:20:27,021 of African American Studies at the University of Maryland. 406 00:20:30,021 --> 00:20:33,021 No video exists of the one-time-only performance 407 00:20:33,021 --> 00:20:35,021 of The Adventures of Black Jesus. 408 00:20:36,021 --> 00:20:39,021 Just as well. I hate looking at my old work. 409 00:20:45,021 --> 00:20:46,021 Ahhh! 410 00:20:48,021 --> 00:20:51,021 I heard you work for Santa. 411 00:20:51,021 --> 00:20:52,021 I got a message for him. 412 00:20:53,021 --> 00:20:55,021 Tell him Riley said, 413 00:20:55,021 --> 00:20:58,021 I'll be waiting for his ass next Christmas. 414 00:20:58,021 --> 00:21:00,021 And that nigga better pay what he owe! 415 00:21:01,021 --> 00:21:02,021 Ow!