1 00:00:01,883 --> 00:00:03,150 GRANDDAD: Oh, no! 2 00:00:03,150 --> 00:00:04,517 [ELECTRICITY CRACKLING] 3 00:00:04,517 --> 00:00:08,184 Without admitting any guilt, we wanna say we real sorry. 4 00:00:08,184 --> 00:00:10,284 We know you're upset, and you should be... 5 00:00:10,284 --> 00:00:12,384 Who did this? Which one of you killed the TV? 6 00:00:12,384 --> 00:00:14,217 Who did it? Granddad, this isn't the time 7 00:00:14,217 --> 00:00:15,751 for pointing fingers. Right? 8 00:00:15,751 --> 00:00:17,017 President Obama says, 9 00:00:17,017 --> 00:00:19,317 "We can't move forward looking backwards." 10 00:00:19,317 --> 00:00:20,917 I can't believe this. 11 00:00:20,917 --> 00:00:23,317 This isn't happening! It's not happening! 12 00:00:23,317 --> 00:00:25,284 I'm too old for this. I'm sick of having 13 00:00:25,284 --> 00:00:26,651 to beat y'all all the damn time. 14 00:00:26,651 --> 00:00:28,718 Here. This time you're gonna beat each other. 15 00:00:28,718 --> 00:00:30,883 What? I said beat each other. 16 00:00:30,883 --> 00:00:32,517 Take turns. [COUGHS] 17 00:00:32,517 --> 00:00:34,017 What...? Something's wrong. 18 00:00:34,017 --> 00:00:35,617 Granddad, you should calm down. 19 00:00:35,617 --> 00:00:37,050 How am I supposed to calm down? 20 00:00:37,050 --> 00:00:38,551 I'm dying and my TV's broke. 21 00:00:38,551 --> 00:00:40,684 Oh. My chest hurts. It's a heart attack. 22 00:00:40,684 --> 00:00:43,117 No, my stomach hurts. My liver's exploding. 23 00:00:43,117 --> 00:00:45,484 No, it's my bad knee. The room is spinning. 24 00:00:45,484 --> 00:00:47,150 Oh, no! 25 00:00:51,084 --> 00:00:53,117 Is he dead? I don't know. 26 00:00:54,484 --> 00:00:58,384 Hurry, we have to call 911. Where's the phone? 27 00:00:58,384 --> 00:01:01,384 Oh, no! 28 00:01:04,217 --> 00:01:06,818 Do we still have to beat each other? 29 00:01:06,818 --> 00:01:09,184 * I am the stone The builder refused * 30 00:01:09,184 --> 00:01:10,850 * I am the visual The inspiration * 31 00:01:10,850 --> 00:01:12,384 * That made lady Sing the blues * 32 00:01:12,384 --> 00:01:14,250 * I'm the spark That makes your idea bright * 33 00:01:14,250 --> 00:01:15,850 * The same spark That lights the dark * 34 00:01:15,850 --> 00:01:17,451 * So that you can know Left from right * 35 00:01:17,451 --> 00:01:19,784 * I am the ballot in your box The bullet in the gun * 36 00:01:19,784 --> 00:01:21,351 * The inner glow That lets you know * 37 00:01:21,351 --> 00:01:22,451 * To call your brother sun * 38 00:01:22,451 --> 00:01:23,784 * The story that just begun * 39 00:01:23,784 --> 00:01:25,217 * The promise Of what's to come * 40 00:01:25,217 --> 00:01:26,718 * And I'm 'a remain a soldier * 41 00:01:26,718 --> 00:01:27,917 * Till the war is won Won * 42 00:01:27,917 --> 00:01:29,950 * Chop, chop, chop Judo flip * 43 00:01:29,950 --> 00:01:32,617 * Chop, chop, chop Judo flip * 44 00:01:32,617 --> 00:01:35,217 * Chop, chop, chop Judo flip * 45 00:01:35,217 --> 00:01:36,584 * Chop, chop, chop * 46 00:01:39,384 --> 00:01:41,284 [GRANDDAD SPEAKING GIBBERISH] 47 00:01:41,284 --> 00:01:43,718 Come on. You need a physical. 48 00:01:43,718 --> 00:01:46,317 RILEY: They need to put you on a diet. 49 00:01:46,317 --> 00:01:48,284 No please. I can't handle doctors. 50 00:01:48,284 --> 00:01:49,950 I'm not ready to face my own mortality. 51 00:01:49,950 --> 00:01:52,017 Granddad, it's for your own good. 52 00:01:52,017 --> 00:01:53,917 We need you around as long as possible to cook 53 00:01:53,917 --> 00:01:55,684 and pay the mortgage. What if they find 54 00:01:55,684 --> 00:01:57,551 something terrible? What if they tell me 55 00:01:57,551 --> 00:01:59,718 I only have a month to live? That would totally ruin 56 00:01:59,718 --> 00:02:03,150 the rest of this month for me. Look. Mumia. He's free. 57 00:02:03,150 --> 00:02:06,017 I'm going home. RILEY: Man, Granddad kinda fast. 58 00:02:06,017 --> 00:02:08,850 [GRUNTING] 59 00:02:08,850 --> 00:02:10,684 [SCREAMING] 60 00:02:10,684 --> 00:02:12,718 Been awhile since your last checkup, huh? 61 00:02:12,718 --> 00:02:15,950 Says here you haven't seen a doctor in, wow, 57 years? 62 00:02:15,950 --> 00:02:17,150 Hurry up and get to the point 63 00:02:17,150 --> 00:02:18,617 where you tell me I'm gonna die? 64 00:02:18,617 --> 00:02:21,551 Now, you say here you've had some irritable bowels recently? 65 00:02:21,551 --> 00:02:23,184 Yeah. And it also says here 66 00:02:23,184 --> 00:02:24,217 that you... [DOOR OPENS] 67 00:02:25,451 --> 00:02:26,617 DOCTOR: Oh, um, pardon me. 68 00:02:26,617 --> 00:02:28,818 Uh, Robert, this is Jessica. Jessica, Robert. 69 00:02:28,818 --> 00:02:31,050 She's a medical student who will be observing today 70 00:02:31,050 --> 00:02:33,983 if that's okay with you. Actually I prefer if, uh... 71 00:02:33,983 --> 00:02:36,017 Patient has complained of irritable bowels, 72 00:02:36,017 --> 00:02:37,983 also diarrhea accompanied 73 00:02:37,983 --> 00:02:40,250 by a burning sensation in the anus 74 00:02:40,250 --> 00:02:41,684 Well, it's not really a burning, 75 00:02:41,684 --> 00:02:43,751 it's more of a tingle... And also experiencing 76 00:02:43,751 --> 00:02:45,818 a lot of gas pains. Extreme flatulence. 77 00:02:45,818 --> 00:02:49,150 Well, that was, uh, kind of a joke, really. 78 00:02:49,150 --> 00:02:50,584 [GRANDDAD SCREAMS] 79 00:02:52,983 --> 00:02:54,351 [GROANING] 80 00:02:54,351 --> 00:02:56,184 [***] 81 00:02:56,184 --> 00:02:57,351 [PANTING] 82 00:02:57,351 --> 00:02:58,883 [HEART MONITOR BEEPING] 83 00:02:58,883 --> 00:03:00,983 [GRUNTING] 84 00:03:00,983 --> 00:03:03,150 [SCREAMING] 85 00:03:03,150 --> 00:03:05,351 [TYPING] 86 00:03:08,983 --> 00:03:10,150 Give it to me straight, doc. 87 00:03:10,150 --> 00:03:11,384 Robert... 88 00:03:11,384 --> 00:03:14,451 [SOBBING] No! I'm too young to die. 89 00:03:14,451 --> 00:03:16,684 There's so many things I haven't done. 90 00:03:16,684 --> 00:03:19,351 I want my novel to be on Oprah's book of the month. 91 00:03:19,351 --> 00:03:20,517 Robert, from what I can see 92 00:03:20,517 --> 00:03:22,351 there's a bunch of stuff wrong with you, 93 00:03:22,351 --> 00:03:24,451 but none that is immediately life-threatening. 94 00:03:24,451 --> 00:03:25,883 But what I'm most worried about 95 00:03:25,883 --> 00:03:28,017 is your stress level. Is this how you normally 96 00:03:28,017 --> 00:03:29,784 react to stressful situations, Robert? 97 00:03:29,784 --> 00:03:31,850 More or less. But you have to understand, 98 00:03:31,850 --> 00:03:33,850 my life is more stressful than most people. 99 00:03:33,850 --> 00:03:35,718 My one grandson is a domestic terrorist 100 00:03:35,718 --> 00:03:37,317 and the other one is a public menace. 101 00:03:37,317 --> 00:03:40,050 Robert, Robert, Robert, a lot of people have stressful lives. 102 00:03:40,050 --> 00:03:42,584 Now your problem is how you handle the stress. 103 00:03:42,584 --> 00:03:44,584 Now, I'm gonna give you a bunch of pills to take, 104 00:03:44,584 --> 00:03:47,017 but I believe if you don't get your stress under control, 105 00:03:47,017 --> 00:03:49,217 you're gonna kill yourself. 106 00:03:50,451 --> 00:03:52,883 [***] 107 00:03:52,883 --> 00:03:54,050 [DOORBELL CHIMES] 108 00:03:54,050 --> 00:03:55,451 GRANDDAD: Hey, hold on there! 109 00:03:55,451 --> 00:03:57,050 I'm a sick old man, I can't move as fast 110 00:03:57,050 --> 00:03:58,384 as I used to. 'Sup, old nigga? 111 00:03:58,384 --> 00:04:00,784 Got your lifetime supply of Viagra right here. Ha-ha. 112 00:04:00,784 --> 00:04:02,484 I'm just kidding. I know it ain't Viagra 113 00:04:02,484 --> 00:04:04,184 'cause I already looked. Give me that. 114 00:04:04,184 --> 00:04:05,451 How dare you open my package. 115 00:04:05,451 --> 00:04:07,050 I'm just fucking with you, old nigga. 116 00:04:07,050 --> 00:04:08,818 What you got to eat in this motherfucker? 117 00:04:08,818 --> 00:04:10,718 Hey, what you doing with all them pills for, 118 00:04:10,718 --> 00:04:12,784 old nigga? You starting a pharmacy or some shit? 119 00:04:12,784 --> 00:04:14,050 My doctor gave me these pills. 120 00:04:14,050 --> 00:04:15,651 Man. I ain't never took you as a sucker 121 00:04:15,651 --> 00:04:17,551 for the fucking pharmaceutical companies. 122 00:04:17,551 --> 00:04:19,718 Always trying to sell you some synthetic chemical 123 00:04:19,718 --> 00:04:21,517 that don't do nothing but make you sicker. 124 00:04:21,517 --> 00:04:23,284 Well, he's a doctor and you're a dumb ass, 125 00:04:23,284 --> 00:04:24,284 so I'm listening to him. 126 00:04:24,284 --> 00:04:25,484 I don't never take no pills. 127 00:04:25,484 --> 00:04:26,983 Not that I can afford 'em, 128 00:04:26,983 --> 00:04:29,651 'cause a nigga don't got health insurance and shit, but still. 129 00:04:29,651 --> 00:04:30,718 I don't take no aspirin, 130 00:04:30,718 --> 00:04:32,351 no fucking ibuprofen, none of that. 131 00:04:32,351 --> 00:04:34,117 Now this shit right here, nigga, 132 00:04:34,117 --> 00:04:36,384 this all the medicine I need. 133 00:04:36,384 --> 00:04:38,050 What is that? Is that reefer? 134 00:04:38,050 --> 00:04:39,050 No, nigga, it's weed. 135 00:04:39,050 --> 00:04:40,351 Reefer the same thing as weed. 136 00:04:40,351 --> 00:04:42,351 What? Keep it down, I have kids. 137 00:04:42,351 --> 00:04:43,818 What, I can't say "weed"? Shh. 138 00:04:43,818 --> 00:04:45,517 How dare you bring drugs into my house. 139 00:04:45,517 --> 00:04:46,651 You can get us arrested. 140 00:04:46,651 --> 00:04:47,883 [LAUGHS] 141 00:04:47,883 --> 00:04:49,751 Man, don't you keep up with current events? 142 00:04:49,751 --> 00:04:51,250 Weed ain't illegal no more, nigga. 143 00:04:51,250 --> 00:04:52,384 Really? Hell, yeah. 144 00:04:52,384 --> 00:04:54,384 Obama came through and changed all that shit. 145 00:04:54,384 --> 00:04:55,551 I didn't know he did that. 146 00:04:55,551 --> 00:04:57,751 Yeah, man. So stop being so damn scared. 147 00:04:57,751 --> 00:05:00,718 I don't know. I knew a guy once who smoked some weed 148 00:05:00,718 --> 00:05:02,150 that was laced with angel dust, 149 00:05:02,150 --> 00:05:03,818 and he ended up running down the street 150 00:05:03,818 --> 00:05:05,983 in his underwear and woke up in a chicken coop. 151 00:05:05,983 --> 00:05:07,850 Nigga, that was Friday. Was it? 152 00:05:07,850 --> 00:05:09,818 Besides, man, ain't nobody fucked with this, 153 00:05:09,818 --> 00:05:11,084 I know the nigga that grew it. 154 00:05:11,084 --> 00:05:12,651 Shit, I watched him take the bud off. 155 00:05:12,651 --> 00:05:14,250 You need to grow up and get high. 156 00:05:14,250 --> 00:05:16,250 As a matter of fact, since I'm the type of nigga 157 00:05:16,250 --> 00:05:17,584 that cares about your health, 158 00:05:17,584 --> 00:05:19,184 I'm gonna give you this joint, nigga. 159 00:05:19,184 --> 00:05:21,417 I don't want your joint. This just ain't no joint. 160 00:05:21,417 --> 00:05:23,718 No, it's a... Well... Well, it is a joint, 161 00:05:23,718 --> 00:05:25,017 but it's a damn good one. 162 00:05:25,017 --> 00:05:26,751 Nigga, this shit will change your life. 163 00:05:26,751 --> 00:05:28,818 Hey, what y'all talking about? 164 00:05:28,818 --> 00:05:30,517 Huh? Nothing. Nothing at all. 165 00:05:30,517 --> 00:05:31,751 He was just talking about 166 00:05:31,751 --> 00:05:33,684 going on tour with the Fat Boys or something. 167 00:05:33,684 --> 00:05:35,784 Congrats, tell Prince Markie Dee I said hi. 168 00:05:35,784 --> 00:05:37,184 [LAUGHING] 169 00:05:37,184 --> 00:05:39,617 Okay, old nigga. Later, Riley. 170 00:05:39,617 --> 00:05:41,117 [DOOR OPENS] Who are the Fat Boys? 171 00:05:41,117 --> 00:05:42,117 [DOOR CLOSES] 172 00:05:46,917 --> 00:05:49,250 MAN [ON TV]: High blood pressure got you down? 173 00:05:49,250 --> 00:05:51,351 Ask your doctor if Zortafrinex is right for you. 174 00:05:51,351 --> 00:05:53,250 In clinical trials, Zortafrinex was proven 175 00:05:53,250 --> 00:05:55,017 to lower blood pressure. Ask your doctor 176 00:05:55,017 --> 00:05:57,284 before taking Zortafrinex. Women, pregnant women, 177 00:05:57,284 --> 00:05:59,484 and most men should not take it. Known side effects: 178 00:05:59,484 --> 00:06:01,651 dry mouth, upset stomach, mild death, blindness, 179 00:06:01,651 --> 00:06:03,250 heart attack, difficulty breathing 180 00:06:03,250 --> 00:06:05,017 and rectal fungus. Almost all who took it 181 00:06:05,017 --> 00:06:07,184 experienced a severe loss in sexual performance. 182 00:06:07,184 --> 00:06:08,684 Please stop taking it immediately 183 00:06:08,684 --> 00:06:10,917 if you feel mild discomfort on or in testicles, 184 00:06:10,917 --> 00:06:12,484 as this can be a sign of an unpleasant 185 00:06:12,484 --> 00:06:14,484 side effect known as total scrotal implosion. 186 00:06:14,484 --> 00:06:16,284 If total scrotal implosion should occur, 187 00:06:16,284 --> 00:06:18,150 call your doctor. If you cannot move or talk 188 00:06:18,150 --> 00:06:20,017 due to the pain of total scrotal implosion, 189 00:06:20,017 --> 00:06:21,784 please have a loved one call your doctor. 190 00:06:21,784 --> 00:06:23,784 There is no cure for total scrotal implosion. 191 00:06:23,784 --> 00:06:26,883 Zortafrinex, always the right choice. 192 00:06:26,883 --> 00:06:29,517 [GRUNTING] 193 00:06:29,517 --> 00:06:31,451 [***] 194 00:06:39,517 --> 00:06:40,818 [COUGHS] 195 00:07:02,784 --> 00:07:05,017 [SIGHS] 196 00:07:06,917 --> 00:07:09,417 Oh, my God. 197 00:07:09,417 --> 00:07:11,217 It's beautiful. 198 00:07:11,217 --> 00:07:12,850 [SIGHS] 199 00:07:14,150 --> 00:07:16,084 [SNORING] 200 00:07:18,351 --> 00:07:20,718 [SNIFFING] 201 00:07:20,718 --> 00:07:22,451 Yo, you smell that? 202 00:07:22,451 --> 00:07:25,451 Yeah, but it can't be what I think it is. 203 00:07:25,451 --> 00:07:27,017 BOTH: Breakfast. 204 00:07:27,017 --> 00:07:28,617 GRANDDAD: We got pancakes, waffles, 205 00:07:28,617 --> 00:07:30,850 pork sausage, turkey sausage, 206 00:07:30,850 --> 00:07:32,684 veggie sausage, eggs Benedict, 207 00:07:32,684 --> 00:07:34,751 smoked salmon omelets, hash browns 208 00:07:34,751 --> 00:07:37,217 and of course huevos rancheros. 209 00:07:37,217 --> 00:07:39,517 Or I can make you something else if you like. 210 00:07:39,517 --> 00:07:41,484 Granddad, why'd you make all this food? 211 00:07:41,484 --> 00:07:43,651 Because my boys have to grow up to be big and strong. 212 00:07:43,651 --> 00:07:45,451 I'm eating this bowl of Cheerios because, 213 00:07:45,451 --> 00:07:48,784 you know what? The cholesterol's not gonna lower itself. 214 00:08:00,950 --> 00:08:02,517 Goddamn, that was the best Cheerios 215 00:08:02,517 --> 00:08:03,751 I ever had in my life. 216 00:08:03,751 --> 00:08:05,651 That wasn't a regular Cheerios, was it? 217 00:08:05,651 --> 00:08:08,150 No, no, that... That had to be Honey Nut. 218 00:08:08,150 --> 00:08:10,150 Mm. 219 00:08:10,150 --> 00:08:12,250 It had to be Honey Nut. It tastes like Honey Nut. 220 00:08:12,250 --> 00:08:15,317 It tastes like Cheerios but... 221 00:08:15,317 --> 00:08:17,684 nuts dipped in honey. Mm-hm. 222 00:08:17,684 --> 00:08:19,651 [CHEWING] 223 00:08:19,651 --> 00:08:22,451 GRANDDAD: Oh, you boys broke the TV again. 224 00:08:22,451 --> 00:08:25,117 [LAUGHING] 225 00:08:25,117 --> 00:08:27,217 You know what's funny? 226 00:08:27,217 --> 00:08:28,317 When you think about it, 227 00:08:28,317 --> 00:08:29,883 all this stuff is really yours. 228 00:08:29,883 --> 00:08:31,818 I mean, how much longer am I gonna be around? 229 00:08:31,818 --> 00:08:34,917 Because I'm really, really, really, really old. 230 00:08:34,917 --> 00:08:37,117 This is your house. This is your stuff. 231 00:08:37,117 --> 00:08:38,517 This is your TV. 232 00:08:38,517 --> 00:08:40,384 You can break it if you want to. I don't care. 233 00:08:40,384 --> 00:08:42,584 [LAUGHING] 234 00:08:42,584 --> 00:08:45,351 Damn, I liked my TV. 235 00:08:45,351 --> 00:08:47,351 [HIP-HOP MUSIC BLARING] 236 00:08:47,351 --> 00:08:49,484 [DOORBELL CHIMES] 237 00:08:49,484 --> 00:08:51,384 What's up old nigga? You got a pickup? 238 00:08:51,384 --> 00:08:54,983 No. I wanted to tell you I smoked that, you know... 239 00:08:54,983 --> 00:08:56,351 That joint? Shh. 240 00:08:56,351 --> 00:08:58,551 You liked it. That shit was off the chain, wasn't it? 241 00:08:58,551 --> 00:09:01,284 I couldn't believe it. I never felt anything like this before. 242 00:09:01,284 --> 00:09:04,017 Can you get me some more? Maybe two, six or seven? 243 00:09:04,017 --> 00:09:05,818 You called my job and scheduled a pickup 244 00:09:05,818 --> 00:09:07,584 just so you could hit me up for more trees? 245 00:09:07,584 --> 00:09:08,917 That's rude, man. 246 00:09:08,917 --> 00:09:10,950 First rule of being a smoker is it's bad manners 247 00:09:10,950 --> 00:09:12,417 to keep bumming all the damn time. 248 00:09:12,417 --> 00:09:13,983 Well, why did you want me to smoke it 249 00:09:13,983 --> 00:09:16,484 if I wasn't supposed to ask for more? Let me buy some off you. 250 00:09:16,484 --> 00:09:18,351 Or maybe put me in touch with your supplier. 251 00:09:18,351 --> 00:09:20,250 I don't know, he's picky with his clientele. 252 00:09:20,250 --> 00:09:22,818 In the streets they call him "The Weed Kingpin." 253 00:09:22,818 --> 00:09:24,384 But he might fuck with you, you know, 254 00:09:24,384 --> 00:09:26,751 'cause you with fucking with me and shit. 255 00:09:26,751 --> 00:09:29,818 [***] 256 00:09:29,818 --> 00:09:33,084 Now, just stick with me, and don't say no dumb shit. 257 00:09:33,084 --> 00:09:35,850 Hey, Otis. Good to see you. 258 00:09:35,850 --> 00:09:37,317 Who's this? Your friend, Robert? 259 00:09:37,317 --> 00:09:38,517 I'm not a narc, heh-heh. 260 00:09:38,517 --> 00:09:39,917 Uh, you wanna check me for a wire? 261 00:09:39,917 --> 00:09:41,684 I'm not wearing one so it's okay if you do. 262 00:09:41,684 --> 00:09:44,117 In fact, uh, this may be a bad idea. 263 00:09:44,117 --> 00:09:46,250 Now are you looking for anything in particular? 264 00:09:46,250 --> 00:09:48,084 I mean, uh, a certain kind of high? 265 00:09:48,084 --> 00:09:49,850 I just need something to lower my stress. 266 00:09:49,850 --> 00:09:53,184 Let's see, we got Bubba Kush, Lavender Kush, 267 00:09:53,184 --> 00:09:55,751 Telly Savalas Kush, 268 00:09:55,751 --> 00:09:58,451 uh, oh, gee, Scarlett Johansson. 269 00:09:58,451 --> 00:10:00,284 Hey, I even got one named after me, nigga. 270 00:10:00,284 --> 00:10:02,117 It's good for sitting on the couch all day 271 00:10:02,117 --> 00:10:04,050 and not doing shit. You know what? 272 00:10:04,050 --> 00:10:06,217 Try this. It's called Black Pearl. 273 00:10:06,217 --> 00:10:07,351 What's it gonna do? 274 00:10:07,351 --> 00:10:10,117 [LAUGHS] You'll see. 275 00:10:10,117 --> 00:10:12,184 HUEY: Man, we've looked up the side effects 276 00:10:12,184 --> 00:10:13,751 to all of Granddad's pills, 277 00:10:13,751 --> 00:10:15,617 and none of them make you a happier, calmer, 278 00:10:15,617 --> 00:10:17,050 more well-adjusted person. 279 00:10:17,050 --> 00:10:18,351 Well, something going on. 280 00:10:18,351 --> 00:10:20,384 I don't know who that nigga is downstairs, 281 00:10:20,384 --> 00:10:21,950 but he ain't Granddad. 282 00:10:21,950 --> 00:10:23,117 [WHIRRING] 283 00:10:25,551 --> 00:10:27,451 Granddad, we need to talk. 284 00:10:27,451 --> 00:10:29,551 Of course, what is it, Grandson? 285 00:10:29,551 --> 00:10:31,217 Man, where the real Granddad? 286 00:10:31,217 --> 00:10:32,384 What you do with him? 287 00:10:32,384 --> 00:10:34,317 [LAUGHING] 288 00:10:34,317 --> 00:10:36,417 Riley, you so crazy. 289 00:10:36,417 --> 00:10:38,417 Look, boys, I went to the doctor 290 00:10:38,417 --> 00:10:40,050 and had a wake-up call, and I decided 291 00:10:40,050 --> 00:10:42,150 I'm not gonna sweat the small stuff anymore. 292 00:10:42,150 --> 00:10:44,284 I'm the same granddaddy that you know and love. 293 00:10:44,284 --> 00:10:47,284 I'm happy, I feel good, and from now on 294 00:10:47,284 --> 00:10:48,584 I'm going to appreciate life. 295 00:10:48,584 --> 00:10:51,184 Yeah, but that person is nothing like the Granddad 296 00:10:51,184 --> 00:10:53,584 we know and love. Yeah, our Granddad 297 00:10:53,584 --> 00:10:54,818 don't appreciate nothing. 298 00:10:54,818 --> 00:10:56,150 You an imposter. 299 00:10:56,150 --> 00:10:59,484 [LAUGHING] 300 00:10:59,484 --> 00:11:01,317 You boys are hilarious. 301 00:11:01,317 --> 00:11:03,017 Don't forget tonight's my bongo night. 302 00:11:03,017 --> 00:11:04,751 You guys can stay over at Tom's. 303 00:11:04,751 --> 00:11:06,451 Now give your Granddaddy a hug. 304 00:11:06,451 --> 00:11:08,751 I'm so glad we had this talk. 305 00:11:10,317 --> 00:11:12,451 [VACUUM WHIRRING] 306 00:11:12,451 --> 00:11:15,017 Man, I just feel bad for the real Granddad. 307 00:11:15,017 --> 00:11:18,584 He probably tied up in some basement somewhere, scared. 308 00:11:18,584 --> 00:11:20,017 We gotta find him, Huey. 309 00:11:20,017 --> 00:11:21,950 Before it's too late. 310 00:11:21,950 --> 00:11:26,317 GRANDDAD: * La, la, la, la, la, la I love me, yes, I do * 311 00:11:26,317 --> 00:11:27,950 * La, la, la, la, la * 312 00:11:27,950 --> 00:11:29,883 What is he doing over there? 313 00:11:29,883 --> 00:11:31,351 Sounds like he's dying. 314 00:11:31,351 --> 00:11:33,551 You know, he's always been a little strange. 315 00:11:33,551 --> 00:11:35,517 Man, I'm about to go look. 316 00:11:35,517 --> 00:11:37,050 Come on, guys, you know the rules. 317 00:11:37,050 --> 00:11:39,484 Robert said no going back home during bongo time. 318 00:11:39,484 --> 00:11:41,217 I'm sorry. Look, I don't know 319 00:11:41,217 --> 00:11:43,217 who that fake-ass Granddad is over there, 320 00:11:43,217 --> 00:11:45,184 but we gotta find out what's going on. 321 00:11:45,184 --> 00:11:46,351 Maybe he's on drugs. 322 00:11:46,351 --> 00:11:48,718 [LAUGHS] You guys are overreacting. 323 00:11:48,718 --> 00:11:50,517 Your granddad just wants a little privacy 324 00:11:50,517 --> 00:11:51,917 to release his creative juices, 325 00:11:51,917 --> 00:11:54,217 and there's nothing wrong with that. 326 00:11:54,217 --> 00:11:56,317 [GRANDDAD SCATTING] 327 00:11:59,184 --> 00:12:00,718 JAZMINE: What's going on? 328 00:12:00,718 --> 00:12:01,818 [SIREN WAILING] Shit. 329 00:12:01,818 --> 00:12:03,317 It's the cops. 330 00:12:03,317 --> 00:12:05,351 Wait. Riley, wait. 331 00:12:05,351 --> 00:12:07,517 * The revolution is all over The world, yes, it is * 332 00:12:07,517 --> 00:12:09,850 * Boom, bam, boom Revolution * 333 00:12:09,850 --> 00:12:11,184 * Boo-bop, boo-bop * 334 00:12:11,184 --> 00:12:13,850 [SCATTING] 335 00:12:13,850 --> 00:12:16,050 TOM: Oh, my God. 336 00:12:16,050 --> 00:12:17,718 Ew. 337 00:12:17,718 --> 00:12:19,017 RILEY: I'm gonna be sick. 338 00:12:19,017 --> 00:12:21,684 [SCREAMS] 339 00:12:21,684 --> 00:12:24,684 OFFICER: Aw, somebody get him a blanket, for God's sake. 340 00:12:24,684 --> 00:12:28,317 TOM: You scarred my baby for life, Robert! 341 00:12:28,317 --> 00:12:29,617 [JAZMINE CRYING] 342 00:12:32,500 --> 00:12:34,600 [LAUGHS] 343 00:12:34,600 --> 00:12:36,700 I'm so ashamed. 344 00:12:36,700 --> 00:12:38,366 Riley, this isn't funny. 345 00:12:38,366 --> 00:12:39,932 Yes, it is. 346 00:12:39,932 --> 00:12:42,166 Granddad was smoking weed. 347 00:12:42,166 --> 00:12:45,333 [LAUGHS] Smokey. Smokey. 348 00:12:45,333 --> 00:12:46,400 [LAUGHS] 349 00:12:46,400 --> 00:12:49,033 Boys, can you ever forgive me? 350 00:12:49,033 --> 00:12:50,633 I don't think it's a big deal, really. 351 00:12:50,633 --> 00:12:52,300 No, Huey. It's a very big deal. 352 00:12:52,300 --> 00:12:53,866 That's why drugs are so dangerous. 353 00:12:53,866 --> 00:12:56,033 Then you get addicted, and it destroys your life, 354 00:12:56,033 --> 00:12:57,500 and the lives of those around you. 355 00:12:57,500 --> 00:12:59,266 You start playing the bongos really loud 356 00:12:59,266 --> 00:13:01,700 and then you turn all Bobby and Whitney on us. 357 00:13:01,700 --> 00:13:03,099 I've learned my lesson. 358 00:13:03,099 --> 00:13:06,033 I'm never ever, ever, ever gonna smoke weed again. 359 00:13:06,033 --> 00:13:07,533 [CHIMES] 360 00:13:10,033 --> 00:13:12,099 Hey. There's big Bobby. 361 00:13:12,099 --> 00:13:14,700 I got something special for you today. 362 00:13:14,700 --> 00:13:16,433 Ooh, lay it on me, man. 363 00:13:16,433 --> 00:13:18,533 They call it "Skywalker." 364 00:13:21,300 --> 00:13:23,566 Granddad, I know you're still smoking. 365 00:13:23,566 --> 00:13:24,899 What are you talking about? 366 00:13:24,899 --> 00:13:27,633 Huey, I told you that was a terrible mistake I made 367 00:13:27,633 --> 00:13:30,099 and I'm never, ever gonna do it again. 368 00:13:30,099 --> 00:13:31,767 I know when you find something you like 369 00:13:31,767 --> 00:13:35,199 you tend to go overboard, so just be very careful. 370 00:13:35,199 --> 00:13:38,533 Like I said, I have no idea what you're talking about. 371 00:13:38,533 --> 00:13:40,233 Toodles. 372 00:13:40,233 --> 00:13:42,899 [***] 373 00:13:42,899 --> 00:13:44,832 [HORNS HONKING] 374 00:13:47,066 --> 00:13:50,566 You're a dick, dickwad! 375 00:13:50,566 --> 00:13:52,133 [SIREN WAILING] Uh-oh. 376 00:13:58,733 --> 00:14:00,700 Sir, can you tell me why you're driving so slow 377 00:14:00,700 --> 00:14:03,033 in the fast lane? Oh, no reason. 378 00:14:03,033 --> 00:14:05,066 I guess I just wasn't in that much of a rush. 379 00:14:05,066 --> 00:14:06,866 I didn't know you can get a speeding ticket 380 00:14:06,866 --> 00:14:09,166 for going too slow, uh, Officer... 381 00:14:09,166 --> 00:14:11,932 Doo-shay? That's Officer Douche. 382 00:14:14,300 --> 00:14:16,233 [LAUGHING] 383 00:14:18,366 --> 00:14:19,466 Something funny? 384 00:14:19,466 --> 00:14:20,767 No, sir, Officer... 385 00:14:20,767 --> 00:14:22,799 [LAUGHING] 386 00:14:22,799 --> 00:14:25,300 Douche. 387 00:14:25,300 --> 00:14:27,433 Why were you driving so slow in the fast lane? 388 00:14:27,433 --> 00:14:29,633 Oh, just having a pleasant drive on a nice, 389 00:14:29,633 --> 00:14:32,799 heh, summer's eve, Douche. 390 00:14:32,799 --> 00:14:35,166 [LAUGHING] 391 00:14:35,166 --> 00:14:36,799 Please step out of the car, sir. 392 00:14:36,799 --> 00:14:39,466 JUDGE: Okay, the defendant is charged with suspicion 393 00:14:39,466 --> 00:14:41,633 of driving under the influence of marijuana, 394 00:14:41,633 --> 00:14:43,433 as well as possession of a mostly smoked 395 00:14:43,433 --> 00:14:46,832 marijuana cigarette. So how does the defendant plead? 396 00:14:46,832 --> 00:14:48,333 Robert, I want you to plead guilty. 397 00:14:48,333 --> 00:14:49,966 No way, mm-mm, ain't gonna happen. 398 00:14:49,966 --> 00:14:51,566 No, no, no, it's just a first offense. 399 00:14:51,566 --> 00:14:53,166 Obama fixed it up for everybody. 400 00:14:53,166 --> 00:14:55,866 What are you talking about? That's why I voted for Obama. 401 00:14:55,866 --> 00:14:57,832 We could legalize weed, that's what we need... 402 00:14:57,832 --> 00:14:59,533 But Tom, what happens if he goes to jail? 403 00:14:59,533 --> 00:15:01,199 Go to jail? It's just a first offense. 404 00:15:01,199 --> 00:15:03,266 Everybody calm down. I don't want to go to jail. 405 00:15:03,266 --> 00:15:06,767 RILEY: I ain't going in no foster care, I tell you that right now. 406 00:15:06,767 --> 00:15:08,767 Everybody could you please just shut up? 407 00:15:08,767 --> 00:15:10,832 Settle down, please. 408 00:15:10,832 --> 00:15:13,099 Your Honor, I would like to plead not guilty 409 00:15:13,099 --> 00:15:15,366 on the grounds that Obama legalized weed. 410 00:15:15,366 --> 00:15:18,633 Did he? Because I think I would have heard about that. 411 00:15:18,633 --> 00:15:19,799 I'm pretty sure he did. 412 00:15:19,799 --> 00:15:21,400 Who told you that? Thugnificent. 413 00:15:21,400 --> 00:15:23,533 The rapper? Yes, Your Honor. 414 00:15:23,533 --> 00:15:25,099 Are you sure he's the guy to listen to 415 00:15:25,099 --> 00:15:27,166 about legal matters? What does your lawyer say? 416 00:15:27,166 --> 00:15:30,767 He looks pretty smart. I said, uh, no, Your Honor. 417 00:15:30,767 --> 00:15:32,866 But Thugnificent sounded pretty sure. 418 00:15:32,866 --> 00:15:34,799 Huh. Well, he's pretty sure. You know, I'm... 419 00:15:34,799 --> 00:15:36,899 I'm also pretty sure, but, hey, 420 00:15:36,899 --> 00:15:38,733 we can look it up if you want. No big deal. 421 00:15:38,733 --> 00:15:40,999 Yes, please. 422 00:15:40,999 --> 00:15:42,233 [TYPING] 423 00:15:42,233 --> 00:15:43,767 Nope, no. Sorry about that, man. 424 00:15:43,767 --> 00:15:46,166 Look at this, Wikipedia says weed is still illegal. 425 00:15:46,166 --> 00:15:47,566 Really? Yeah, wait... 426 00:15:47,566 --> 00:15:49,333 Ho, look at that. That's interesting. 427 00:15:49,333 --> 00:15:50,667 Says here that several states 428 00:15:50,667 --> 00:15:52,733 have legalized medicinal cannabis. 429 00:15:52,733 --> 00:15:54,266 See? Unfortunately, 430 00:15:54,266 --> 00:15:56,266 this state ain't one of 'em so, you know. 431 00:15:56,266 --> 00:15:57,799 Oh. So I guess your choices are 432 00:15:57,799 --> 00:15:59,600 to move to California, smoke all you want, 433 00:15:59,600 --> 00:16:01,832 or, you know, just stay here and stop smoking. 434 00:16:01,832 --> 00:16:03,433 Or you can keep smoking and go to jail, 435 00:16:03,433 --> 00:16:05,433 but that would be kinda silly, don't you think? 436 00:16:05,433 --> 00:16:07,099 [SIGHS] 437 00:16:07,099 --> 00:16:10,366 TOM: Oh, man, Robert, I can't believe how lucky you are. 438 00:16:10,366 --> 00:16:12,533 Lucky? How is this lucky? I finally found the thing 439 00:16:12,533 --> 00:16:15,066 in life that makes me happy and now they gonna take it away. 440 00:16:15,066 --> 00:16:17,433 Now Robert, studies show marijuana 441 00:16:17,433 --> 00:16:19,266 can be very psychologically addictive. 442 00:16:19,266 --> 00:16:21,566 Man, fuck them studies, I want my weed. 443 00:16:21,566 --> 00:16:23,099 I believed all the terrible things 444 00:16:23,099 --> 00:16:24,899 they told me about weed and it was all a lie. 445 00:16:24,899 --> 00:16:25,999 And now you mean to tell me, 446 00:16:25,999 --> 00:16:27,500 I could've had this the whole time? 447 00:16:27,500 --> 00:16:29,266 Who knows how different my life would be? 448 00:16:29,266 --> 00:16:30,932 I might be a Nobel Peace Prize winner, 449 00:16:30,932 --> 00:16:32,899 or eight-time gold medal swimmer, 450 00:16:32,899 --> 00:16:34,600 or even President of the United States. 451 00:16:34,600 --> 00:16:36,133 It's not fair. Now I have to go back 452 00:16:36,133 --> 00:16:37,333 to being the regular me. 453 00:16:37,333 --> 00:16:39,233 There's nothing wrong with the regular you. 454 00:16:39,233 --> 00:16:40,533 I'm telling you the regular me 455 00:16:40,533 --> 00:16:41,799 is completely unacceptable. 456 00:16:41,799 --> 00:16:43,233 I don't even like the regular me. 457 00:16:43,233 --> 00:16:45,233 No one does. Yeah, he's got a point there. 458 00:16:45,233 --> 00:16:46,633 I don't even like him either. 459 00:16:46,633 --> 00:16:48,466 Look, Robert, I get it. 460 00:16:48,466 --> 00:16:50,533 Everybody wants to escape from their problems. 461 00:16:50,533 --> 00:16:52,466 But there's a legal way to do it. 462 00:16:52,466 --> 00:16:54,400 [***] 463 00:16:56,767 --> 00:16:58,799 I never really liked you when I first met you. 464 00:16:58,799 --> 00:17:01,166 Oh, you didn't like me? I didn't like you. 465 00:17:01,166 --> 00:17:03,199 Well, that's okay, I don't care who likes me, 466 00:17:03,199 --> 00:17:04,832 and I hate Ruckus, that son of a bitch. 467 00:17:04,832 --> 00:17:06,033 Well, we can agree on that. 468 00:17:06,033 --> 00:17:07,600 Let's find Ruckus and whup his ass. 469 00:17:07,600 --> 00:17:10,500 I'm gonna whup your ass! Oh, no, I don't think so. 470 00:17:10,500 --> 00:17:14,099 I will whup your ass with Ruckus's ass. 471 00:17:14,099 --> 00:17:17,600 I miss my Mary Jane now. 472 00:17:17,600 --> 00:17:19,099 [BOTH CRYING] 473 00:17:20,832 --> 00:17:22,899 Oh, I think I'm gonna throw up. 474 00:17:22,899 --> 00:17:25,199 [VOMITS] 475 00:17:25,199 --> 00:17:26,767 Oh, if I see or smell throw-up, 476 00:17:26,767 --> 00:17:27,999 I'm gonna throw... 477 00:17:27,999 --> 00:17:29,932 [GROANING] 478 00:17:29,932 --> 00:17:30,966 [VOMITS] 479 00:17:30,966 --> 00:17:32,199 Oh, God. 480 00:17:32,199 --> 00:17:33,966 [***] 481 00:17:36,799 --> 00:17:38,633 Oh, hell, no! 482 00:17:38,633 --> 00:17:40,333 What the...? 483 00:17:40,333 --> 00:17:42,333 Oh. Aw, man! 484 00:17:42,333 --> 00:17:43,633 Can you believe it, old nigga? 485 00:17:43,633 --> 00:17:45,767 Grant got raided. Look, look, look, look. 486 00:17:45,767 --> 00:17:47,932 They taking the champagne, and the citrus buds, 487 00:17:47,932 --> 00:17:50,133 and the First Mature, and the Early Misty, 488 00:17:50,133 --> 00:17:52,600 and the God Bud, and the Ice Marijuana, 489 00:17:52,600 --> 00:17:54,266 and the Island Lady, and the Kush... 490 00:17:54,266 --> 00:17:56,033 I'm not gonna let them get away with this. 491 00:17:56,033 --> 00:17:58,366 I say we fight back. It's time for civil disobedience. 492 00:17:58,366 --> 00:18:00,433 It's time for action. Man, you do what you want. 493 00:18:00,433 --> 00:18:03,233 I'm gonna go back to work and cry. 494 00:18:03,233 --> 00:18:04,667 [***] 495 00:18:10,667 --> 00:18:13,133 What is this really gonna accomplish? 496 00:18:13,133 --> 00:18:15,099 What happened to you? I thought you believed 497 00:18:15,099 --> 00:18:16,832 in the revolution. A freedom fighter. 498 00:18:16,832 --> 00:18:19,466 You're not gonna end prohibition by getting arrested. 499 00:18:19,466 --> 00:18:20,533 What if me and Rosa Parks 500 00:18:20,533 --> 00:18:22,233 had said that on that bus in Montgomery? 501 00:18:22,233 --> 00:18:24,433 What if me and Martin Luther King said that in Selma? 502 00:18:24,433 --> 00:18:26,899 What if me and Nelson Mandela said that during apartheid? 503 00:18:26,899 --> 00:18:28,700 When were you arrested in South Africa? 504 00:18:28,700 --> 00:18:30,199 Never mind. Point is you sold out. 505 00:18:30,199 --> 00:18:32,033 I think we should just move to L.A.. 506 00:18:32,033 --> 00:18:34,767 I'm gonna be the first nigga to be a Blood and a Crip. 507 00:18:34,767 --> 00:18:37,533 Granddad, nobody solves problems by going to jail anymore. 508 00:18:37,533 --> 00:18:39,099 Fine. What do you suggest? 509 00:18:39,099 --> 00:18:41,300 Look, if it's really that important to you, 510 00:18:41,300 --> 00:18:43,333 maybe we should just move to California. 511 00:18:43,333 --> 00:18:45,300 Then I'm gonna star in my own movie 512 00:18:45,300 --> 00:18:47,633 about the first nigga to be both a Blood and a Crip. 513 00:18:47,633 --> 00:18:49,733 I'm gonna play me. Well, I'm not leaving my home. 514 00:18:49,733 --> 00:18:51,133 I paid good money for this house. 515 00:18:51,133 --> 00:18:52,932 Now it ain't worth shit, so we're staying. 516 00:18:52,932 --> 00:18:54,799 Then I'm gonna run up on the Fresh Prince kid 517 00:18:54,799 --> 00:18:56,966 and show him who the real Karate Kid is. 518 00:18:56,966 --> 00:18:58,600 They ain't even paying the nigga. 519 00:18:58,600 --> 00:19:00,733 So, what's more important? Weed or us? 520 00:19:00,733 --> 00:19:02,433 Weed. 521 00:19:02,433 --> 00:19:03,500 [DOOR OPENS AND CLOSES] 522 00:19:03,500 --> 00:19:06,166 Man, he didn't even think about it. 523 00:19:06,166 --> 00:19:08,400 We are here to demand the liberation of our brother, 524 00:19:08,400 --> 00:19:10,866 Grant, from the deep, dark dungeons of tyranny. 525 00:19:10,866 --> 00:19:13,266 This man was a peaceful man. He was a grower. 526 00:19:13,266 --> 00:19:14,600 He was a healer. And he gave me 527 00:19:14,600 --> 00:19:16,733 really good weed at very reasonable prices. 528 00:19:16,733 --> 00:19:19,266 Granddad, stop snitching. Ha-ha. 529 00:19:19,266 --> 00:19:20,767 We won't let you push us around. 530 00:19:20,767 --> 00:19:22,433 We have the right to pursue happiness. 531 00:19:22,433 --> 00:19:25,266 And this is happiness. And I shall pursue it, happily. 532 00:19:25,266 --> 00:19:27,199 [PEOPLE ARGUING INDISTINCTLY] 533 00:19:29,700 --> 00:19:31,700 GRANDDAD: Wait, does anyone have a light? 534 00:19:31,700 --> 00:19:33,466 Robert. Robert? 535 00:19:33,466 --> 00:19:35,233 Grant? But I thought you were in jail. 536 00:19:35,233 --> 00:19:37,099 I posted bail. What are you doing here? 537 00:19:37,099 --> 00:19:40,066 So you're free? I got six months' probation, 538 00:19:40,066 --> 00:19:42,099 can't smoke, but weed's not worth my freed... 539 00:19:42,099 --> 00:19:43,500 What are you doing out here? 540 00:19:43,500 --> 00:19:45,733 Wait, wait, I change my mind. 541 00:19:45,733 --> 00:19:47,166 No, wait. Sir, I'm placing you 542 00:19:47,166 --> 00:19:48,966 under arrest for disturbing the peace... 543 00:19:48,966 --> 00:19:50,566 Hey, wait a minute, officer. 544 00:19:50,566 --> 00:19:51,966 Come on. You don't understand. 545 00:19:51,966 --> 00:19:53,966 I change my mind. Forget all that stuff I said. 546 00:19:53,966 --> 00:19:55,633 I take it back. Do over. 547 00:19:55,633 --> 00:19:57,932 I'm a Republican, Democrat, Conservative, Tea Party! 548 00:19:59,633 --> 00:20:02,600 Oh, dude, I am so bummed to see you here again. 549 00:20:02,600 --> 00:20:04,500 Your Honor, I plead not guilty on the grounds 550 00:20:04,500 --> 00:20:06,199 that I wouldn't have had to do a protest 551 00:20:06,199 --> 00:20:08,099 if you had let me have weed in the first place. 552 00:20:08,099 --> 00:20:10,033 This is silly. I'm an old man. 553 00:20:10,033 --> 00:20:11,999 I fought for my country. I've earned the right 554 00:20:11,999 --> 00:20:13,667 to smoke weed. No, no, no. 555 00:20:13,667 --> 00:20:15,700 But I admit that I probably went too far. 556 00:20:15,700 --> 00:20:17,899 So I guess maybe I am guilty. 557 00:20:17,899 --> 00:20:19,999 Granddad, stop snitching. 558 00:20:19,999 --> 00:20:21,300 [GAVEL BANGS] [LAUGHING] 559 00:20:21,300 --> 00:20:22,700 Anyway, I learned my lesson. 560 00:20:22,700 --> 00:20:24,233 And I decided, if you let me go, 561 00:20:24,233 --> 00:20:25,600 I'm gonna move to California 562 00:20:25,600 --> 00:20:27,199 so as to be in compliance with the law. 563 00:20:27,199 --> 00:20:29,333 What? All right. 564 00:20:29,333 --> 00:20:30,466 Really, Granddad? 565 00:20:30,466 --> 00:20:31,500 Yeah, yeah! 566 00:20:31,500 --> 00:20:33,233 I wanted it to be a surprise. 567 00:20:34,633 --> 00:20:36,500 Okay, Mr. Freeman, you got yourself a deal. 568 00:20:36,500 --> 00:20:37,633 I'll agree to no jail time 569 00:20:37,633 --> 00:20:39,932 and you are free to go to California. 570 00:20:39,932 --> 00:20:41,700 RILEY: Yeah! That's what's up! 571 00:20:41,700 --> 00:20:44,166 Immediately after serving three weeks of house arrest, 572 00:20:44,166 --> 00:20:46,866 followed by two years' probation with mandatory drug testing, 573 00:20:46,866 --> 00:20:49,066 and we'll throw in some community service for fun. 574 00:20:51,333 --> 00:20:53,133 Hi, my name is Robert Freeman. 575 00:20:53,133 --> 00:20:54,899 Recently I started smoking pot. 576 00:20:54,899 --> 00:20:56,533 Marijuana didn't make me happier, 577 00:20:56,533 --> 00:20:58,633 it didn't make me cool. It didn't do anything, 578 00:20:58,633 --> 00:21:01,466 except almost cost me my family and my freedom. 579 00:21:01,466 --> 00:21:03,866 So if you wanna be like me, a loser, 580 00:21:03,866 --> 00:21:05,400 go ahead and smoke. 581 00:21:08,199 --> 00:21:09,799 [LAUGHING] 582 00:21:09,799 --> 00:21:13,866 That was crazy. Granddad, you make weed look so uncool, 583 00:21:13,866 --> 00:21:16,466 I don't think I'm ever gonna smoke. 584 00:21:16,466 --> 00:21:17,799 Yeah, I think I'm gonna go take 585 00:21:17,799 --> 00:21:20,733 a stroll around the block, 'cause I can. 586 00:21:20,733 --> 00:21:23,233 Want me get you anything while I'm out, Granddad? 587 00:21:23,233 --> 00:21:24,400 [LAUGHS] 588 00:21:24,400 --> 00:21:25,767 Yeah, bring me a brand-new belt 589 00:21:25,767 --> 00:21:26,899 with a big spiked buckle 590 00:21:26,899 --> 00:21:28,733 so I can whup your little smart behind. 591 00:21:28,733 --> 00:21:30,799 Well, for what it's worth, it's not too terrible 592 00:21:30,799 --> 00:21:32,500 having the old Granddad back. 593 00:21:32,500 --> 00:21:35,899 Yeah, well, it's worth nothing, but thank you. 594 00:21:35,899 --> 00:21:37,832 [***]