1 00:00:01,788 --> 00:00:03,463 Incoming wormhole. 2 00:00:04,516 --> 00:00:06,445 The signal is coming in now. 3 00:00:11,215 --> 00:00:12,263 Todd? 4 00:00:12,264 --> 00:00:16,708 No doubt you are surprised to see me, John Sheppard? 5 00:00:16,803 --> 00:00:20,093 Yeah, you weren't looking so good last time I saw you. 6 00:00:20,094 --> 00:00:23,293 Yes, well, you'll be pleased to know the treatment was successful. 7 00:00:23,294 --> 00:00:26,176 Although excruciatingly painful. 8 00:00:26,177 --> 00:00:28,808 You're just saying that to make me feel good? 9 00:00:29,727 --> 00:00:34,245 I was able to return to my position as a leader of the Alliance, although 10 00:00:34,846 --> 00:00:37,257 I have had a recent setback. 11 00:00:37,264 --> 00:00:42,085 Perhaps you can see what is remaining of my shuttle behind me. 12 00:00:42,245 --> 00:00:44,017 Yeah, nice landing. 13 00:00:44,528 --> 00:00:46,973 Don't be so critical, Sheppard. 14 00:00:47,270 --> 00:00:51,590 It wasn't long ago, my flying skills saved the lives of both you 15 00:00:51,591 --> 00:00:53,546 and your companions. 16 00:00:54,647 --> 00:00:57,463 It wasn't pilot error. I was attacked... 17 00:00:57,464 --> 00:01:00,002 by one of my underlings. 18 00:01:00,141 --> 00:01:04,192 You'll excuse me for being blunt, but why should we care? 19 00:01:04,193 --> 00:01:09,638 It isn't the fact that he attacked and at least temporarily defeated me that should concern you. 20 00:01:10,436 --> 00:01:14,252 It's rather, how he managed to do it. 21 00:01:14,794 --> 00:01:16,494 And how was that? 22 00:01:16,857 --> 00:01:20,052 He acquired a very rare and powerful piece of technology... 23 00:01:20,053 --> 00:01:24,525 one with which I believe you are quite familiar. 24 00:01:24,526 --> 00:01:25,860 A ZPM? Are you kidding me? 25 00:01:25,861 --> 00:01:27,912 - That's what he said. - I don't buy it. 26 00:01:27,913 --> 00:01:29,071 Why not? 27 00:01:29,072 --> 00:01:30,842 Well, for one thing they don't exactly grow on trees. 28 00:01:30,843 --> 00:01:35,000 He got betrayed by one of his own people, now he wants us to help him clear up the mess. 29 00:01:35,001 --> 00:01:36,450 End of story. 30 00:01:36,451 --> 00:01:40,334 It is possible that he mentioned the ZPM, simply to get our attention. 31 00:01:40,335 --> 00:01:43,866 Except, he would also have to know that sooner or later we would discover the truth. 32 00:01:43,867 --> 00:01:47,278 And in the meantime, he’s volunteered to place himself in our custody. 33 00:01:47,279 --> 00:01:50,445 - Not a very good plan. - Well, you can bet there's something he's not telling us. 34 00:01:50,446 --> 00:01:54,692 Granted. But that doesn't necessarily mean that he's lying about the ZPM. 35 00:01:54,693 --> 00:01:59,141 If this is true, it could be very bad. 36 00:01:59,142 --> 00:02:01,842 I mean, inefficient power generation is the Achilles' heel of Wraith technology. 37 00:02:01,843 --> 00:02:06,225 It's basically the reason for every technological advantage we have. 38 00:02:06,226 --> 00:02:09,049 If this underling, or whatever it is that Todd calls him 39 00:02:09,050 --> 00:02:11,907 is flying around in a ZedPM powered Hive ship, then... 40 00:02:11,908 --> 00:02:14,044 It's a threat we can't tolerate. 41 00:02:15,273 --> 00:02:16,961 And we won't. 42 00:02:21,855 --> 00:02:27,355 Season 5, Episode 20 Enemy at the Gate 43 00:02:35,673 --> 00:02:36,996 Well, 44 00:02:36,997 --> 00:02:38,036 Here we are again. 45 00:02:38,037 --> 00:02:43,500 Indeed. This city has become quite familiar to me. 46 00:02:43,548 --> 00:02:46,729 Almost a respite in daily life. 47 00:02:47,285 --> 00:02:49,869 It would be a shame to see it destroyed. 48 00:02:50,375 --> 00:02:54,094 Are you suggesting that if we don't help you, that would be a likely outcome? 49 00:02:58,391 --> 00:03:01,138 Alright. Let's start at the beginning. 50 00:03:01,502 --> 00:03:03,553 Where did the ZPM come from? 51 00:03:03,694 --> 00:03:07,271 You recall I managed to acquire a few of the devices from the Replicator city, 52 00:03:07,272 --> 00:03:09,414 - before it was destroyed? - Yes 53 00:03:09,415 --> 00:03:12,585 And they were lost when Colonel Sheppard took out the cloning facility. 54 00:03:12,586 --> 00:03:14,185 Not all of them. 55 00:03:14,552 --> 00:03:17,559 I may have acquired a few more than I let on. 56 00:03:17,613 --> 00:03:18,621 How many more? 57 00:03:18,622 --> 00:03:21,652 Let's not get caught up in unnecessary details. 58 00:03:21,653 --> 00:03:24,006 I like details. 59 00:03:24,063 --> 00:03:27,141 Even if I gave you a number, you'd have no way of verifying it, so... 60 00:03:27,142 --> 00:03:28,742 what's the point? 61 00:03:28,743 --> 00:03:30,179 Alright, then tell me this: 62 00:03:30,180 --> 00:03:33,500 Why now? You've had those ZPM's for over a year. 63 00:03:33,501 --> 00:03:35,742 The organic nature of the Hive creates certain 64 00:03:35,743 --> 00:03:38,483 incompatibilities with Ancient technology. 65 00:03:38,794 --> 00:03:42,896 I put my best scientists to work on this project. 66 00:03:43,208 --> 00:03:45,881 And recently, one of them succeeded. 67 00:03:45,882 --> 00:03:50,152 Only he didn't want to turn it over to you. He decided to keep it for himself. 68 00:03:50,186 --> 00:03:54,512 And now you want us to help you kick him to the curb. 69 00:03:55,157 --> 00:04:00,049 What you really need to know is that this Hive is a "work in progress". 70 00:04:00,639 --> 00:04:03,700 It is yet to reach its full potential. 71 00:04:03,701 --> 00:04:06,418 Which means if you attack it now you may be able to destroy it... 72 00:04:06,419 --> 00:04:09,042 but if you hesitate, it will be too late. 73 00:04:09,043 --> 00:04:13,094 And this hive will be unstoppable. 74 00:04:29,828 --> 00:04:31,413 Colonel. 75 00:04:34,305 --> 00:04:36,040 Looking good. 76 00:04:36,762 --> 00:04:40,535 It is really necessary to remove my subspace transmitter... 77 00:04:40,536 --> 00:04:44,294 and force me to wear this ridiculous outfit. 78 00:04:44,295 --> 00:04:47,773 Well, after what happened last time on this ship... 79 00:04:47,774 --> 00:04:49,119 You can't blame us. 80 00:04:49,120 --> 00:04:53,333 I take it that my request to be on the bridge when we make contact... 81 00:04:53,334 --> 00:04:54,570 Denied. 82 00:04:54,571 --> 00:04:56,243 Understandable. 83 00:04:56,334 --> 00:04:57,752 Here's the problem. 84 00:04:57,753 --> 00:04:59,834 Every time we get involved with you... 85 00:05:00,011 --> 00:05:03,210 I feel like I'm walking around with a live grenade in my pocket. 86 00:05:03,218 --> 00:05:08,212 Just waiting for it to all go wrong, for that one thing you forgot to mention. 87 00:05:08,213 --> 00:05:11,150 - I assure you, in this case... - Save it. 88 00:05:13,193 --> 00:05:15,543 I've been down this road before. 89 00:05:16,081 --> 00:05:18,376 If you really feel that way... 90 00:05:19,012 --> 00:05:21,811 why would you let me go after our last encounter? 91 00:05:21,812 --> 00:05:24,783 We had a deal and you kept up your end of the bargain. 92 00:05:26,059 --> 00:05:27,750 And to be honest, 93 00:05:28,594 --> 00:05:30,212 I didn't think you'd live. 94 00:05:32,736 --> 00:05:34,798 If I find out you're playing us... 95 00:05:36,020 --> 00:05:38,347 I'm not gonna wait for authorization. 96 00:05:38,959 --> 00:05:41,209 There isn't gonna be any paperwork. 97 00:05:42,265 --> 00:05:43,888 I'm just gonna kill you. 98 00:05:52,106 --> 00:05:53,349 What is the status, Colonel? 99 00:05:53,350 --> 00:05:56,250 Approaching coordinates. You going somewhere? 100 00:05:56,251 --> 00:05:58,763 Yeah, drop us out early before we get into sensor range. 101 00:05:58,764 --> 00:06:00,673 - We'll check it out in a jumper. - That's not the plan. 102 00:06:00,674 --> 00:06:04,056 We can go in cloaked. Stay in touch through subspace on a secure channel. 103 00:06:04,057 --> 00:06:07,416 If it's what Todd says it is, you can come in guns blazing. 104 00:06:08,157 --> 00:06:10,730 Alright. Just be careful. 105 00:06:21,284 --> 00:06:22,869 Almost in range. 106 00:06:23,848 --> 00:06:25,373 Engaging cloak. 107 00:06:26,722 --> 00:06:29,065 Alright. Getting readings now. 108 00:06:29,389 --> 00:06:31,125 It's a Hive alright. 109 00:06:33,169 --> 00:06:34,241 What? 110 00:06:34,242 --> 00:06:36,882 I'm reading higher than normal energy output. 111 00:06:36,883 --> 00:06:38,288 I mean, significantly higher. 112 00:06:38,289 --> 00:06:41,817 - Consistent with the ZPM? - Well, it's hard to say from this far out. 113 00:06:42,764 --> 00:06:44,453 Sheppard, what's your status? 114 00:06:44,454 --> 00:06:48,181 McKay's getting some interesting readings, so we're going in for a closer look. 115 00:06:53,690 --> 00:06:56,219 I'm detecting massive energy output. 116 00:06:56,358 --> 00:06:57,883 What's happening? 117 00:06:58,402 --> 00:06:59,927 It's growing. 118 00:07:01,330 --> 00:07:02,807 What the hell are you talking about? 119 00:07:02,808 --> 00:07:04,141 That's what they're doing with the surplus energy, 120 00:07:04,142 --> 00:07:07,048 using it to grow larger, and if I'm reading this correctly... 121 00:07:07,049 --> 00:07:09,437 significantly denser outer hull. 122 00:07:09,438 --> 00:07:12,339 But it makes sense. Normal Hives have a limited growth. 123 00:07:12,340 --> 00:07:14,995 If it were bigger or heavier and they become impossible to maneuver. 124 00:07:14,996 --> 00:07:16,639 Let alone get into hyper-space. 125 00:07:16,640 --> 00:07:19,770 When you make a simple left turn, then you're torn apart by your own inertia, but with a ZPM... 126 00:07:19,771 --> 00:07:21,932 We get the picture. What does that mean for us? 127 00:07:21,933 --> 00:07:26,444 When they're done, my guess is, that hull will be all but impenetrable. 128 00:07:28,008 --> 00:07:31,993 Alright, well, better take them out of the picture before they get that far. 129 00:07:33,749 --> 00:07:36,160 Hold on! They're powering weapons. 130 00:07:38,269 --> 00:07:40,011 They can't see us, right? 131 00:07:40,012 --> 00:07:42,535 Of course not. They must just be running a test. 132 00:07:45,940 --> 00:07:47,409 Holy crap. 133 00:07:47,410 --> 00:07:50,906 Well, what are the odds of them randomly firing a test shot directly at us? 134 00:07:50,907 --> 00:07:54,658 I would say, given the enormity of empty space all around us, non-existent. 135 00:07:55,693 --> 00:07:57,218 They can see us. 136 00:07:59,410 --> 00:08:02,226 They must've figured out a way to increase the sensitivity of the scanners. 137 00:08:05,454 --> 00:08:07,573 Let me guess, something to do with the ZPM? 138 00:08:07,574 --> 00:08:09,132 Probably. 139 00:08:09,729 --> 00:08:11,561 Daedalus, we got a problem. 140 00:08:11,562 --> 00:08:13,226 Our cloak is ineffective. 141 00:08:13,227 --> 00:08:15,752 We're on our way. Take us in maximum sub light. 142 00:08:15,753 --> 00:08:17,843 - Shields up. - Yes, sir. 143 00:08:24,391 --> 00:08:26,243 I'm dropping the cloak, it ain't doing us any good. 144 00:08:26,244 --> 00:08:27,838 Not to mention we could fire back. 145 00:08:27,839 --> 00:08:29,875 One thing at a time, Rodney. 146 00:08:38,438 --> 00:08:40,031 We're hit. 147 00:08:40,273 --> 00:08:41,623 I've lost controls. 148 00:08:41,624 --> 00:08:45,743 - I'll work out a bypass. Give me a minute. - If they get a bead on us, Rodney, we're dead. 149 00:08:57,524 --> 00:09:00,574 It worked sir. We blocked the shot. Shield is holding. 150 00:09:00,575 --> 00:09:03,387 Alright, now return fire, main battery. Full power. 151 00:09:03,388 --> 00:09:05,119 - Yes sir. 152 00:09:10,185 --> 00:09:11,295 Direct hit. 153 00:09:11,296 --> 00:09:13,825 - Damage? - Minimum. 154 00:09:14,155 --> 00:09:16,417 Ready missiles. We're gonna throw everything that we have on this guy. 155 00:09:16,418 --> 00:09:18,848 Sir, I'm reading a massive energy buildup. 156 00:09:26,270 --> 00:09:27,989 Brace for impact! 157 00:09:36,877 --> 00:09:39,772 Shields are down. Heavy damage on all decks. 158 00:09:39,773 --> 00:09:41,689 We've lost hyper drive and main weapons. 159 00:09:41,690 --> 00:09:43,812 Evasive maneuvers. We can't take another hit like that. 160 00:09:43,813 --> 00:09:45,468 Alright, you should have flight controls now. 161 00:09:45,469 --> 00:09:47,990 - What about weapons? - Not a chance. 162 00:09:48,637 --> 00:09:50,165 Something is happening. 163 00:10:04,567 --> 00:10:06,876 Now, it doesn't make any sense: Most of our main systems were down 164 00:10:06,877 --> 00:10:10,226 these guys had us dead to rights and they knew it. Why would they just fly away? 165 00:10:10,227 --> 00:10:12,943 Perhaps it's precisely because they knew we were no longer a threat. 166 00:10:12,944 --> 00:10:15,516 Well, it's not like the Wraith to be so charitable. 167 00:10:15,517 --> 00:10:17,812 Todd said the ship isn't finished, right? 168 00:10:17,813 --> 00:10:20,086 They haven't adapted the full potential of the ZPM. 169 00:10:20,087 --> 00:10:21,757 Maybe the battle maxed them out. 170 00:10:21,758 --> 00:10:24,792 Well, if that's the case, I'd hate to meet up with them when they do finish it. 171 00:10:24,979 --> 00:10:28,006 We need to get back to Atlantis. What's the prognosis on the hyper drive? 172 00:10:28,007 --> 00:10:29,917 The control systems are completely shot. 173 00:10:29,918 --> 00:10:31,241 My guys are working on a patch 174 00:10:31,242 --> 00:10:33,585 but it could be days, even weeks before we're back online. 175 00:10:33,586 --> 00:10:35,987 For the moment, we're not going anywhere. 176 00:10:35,988 --> 00:10:37,364 - Sir. - What is it, Marks? 177 00:10:37,365 --> 00:10:39,173 I think we may have something. 178 00:10:46,311 --> 00:10:48,405 Cavanaugh, what the hell are you doing here? 179 00:10:48,538 --> 00:10:51,866 Re-assignment. More fun and adventure in the Pegasus galaxy. 180 00:10:51,867 --> 00:10:53,510 Show us what you got, please. 181 00:10:53,511 --> 00:10:54,820 It's a subspace signal. 182 00:10:54,821 --> 00:10:57,778 We detected it just before the Hive jumped into hyperspace. 183 00:10:57,779 --> 00:11:01,019 It was weak. Luckily, I happened to be monitoring the sensor. 184 00:11:01,020 --> 00:11:03,077 Or we might not have picked it up at all. 185 00:11:03,211 --> 00:11:04,688 Wraith code. 186 00:11:04,689 --> 00:11:06,073 Obviously. 187 00:11:06,074 --> 00:11:09,923 We're having trouble deciphering it, because the message is interlaced with a residual radiation 188 00:11:09,924 --> 00:11:11,192 I've never seen before. 189 00:11:11,193 --> 00:11:14,200 I have. Once we met another me... 190 00:11:14,235 --> 00:11:16,684 and once when we encountered another Daedalus. 191 00:11:16,893 --> 00:11:19,199 This signal, sent from another reality. 192 00:11:19,200 --> 00:11:20,986 I'm sorry, what the hell are you talking about? 193 00:11:20,987 --> 00:11:24,217 Some Wraith, somewhere in another reality, sent a coded signal. 194 00:11:24,218 --> 00:11:27,378 Only whatever means they used to access subspace created a rift. 195 00:11:27,379 --> 00:11:31,107 Allowing the signal to cross into multiple realities, including our own. 196 00:11:31,108 --> 00:11:32,727 So what does it say? 197 00:11:32,951 --> 00:11:35,214 Just give me a second. Move. 198 00:11:41,289 --> 00:11:44,231 - Oh, great. - What is it? 199 00:11:44,429 --> 00:11:46,264 It's a set of coordinates. 200 00:11:46,416 --> 00:11:48,020 Coordinates to what? 201 00:11:48,685 --> 00:11:50,261 Earth. 202 00:11:56,359 --> 00:11:59,744 - You think the Hive picked up the signal? - Why else would they leave like that? 203 00:11:59,745 --> 00:12:01,090 It can't be a coincidence. 204 00:12:01,091 --> 00:12:03,314 The Wraith know that Earth is a much richer feeding ground 205 00:12:03,315 --> 00:12:04,572 than anything in the Pegasus galaxy... 206 00:12:04,573 --> 00:12:06,260 and they've been looking for those coordinates for years. 207 00:12:06,261 --> 00:12:08,861 Alright, as soon as communications are back, we'll contact Atlantis, 208 00:12:08,862 --> 00:12:10,482 have them relay a message to Stargate Command. 209 00:12:10,483 --> 00:12:11,651 Wait a minute, I got an idea. 210 00:12:11,652 --> 00:12:13,363 How many ships do we have available? 211 00:12:13,364 --> 00:12:16,441 - Save ourselves, there's the Apollo and the Sun Tzu. - What about the Odissey? 212 00:12:16,442 --> 00:12:18,948 That's on some secret mission, even I'm not supposed to know about. 213 00:12:18,949 --> 00:12:20,053 Then 2 will have to be enough. 214 00:12:20,054 --> 00:12:21,209 What are you suggesting? 215 00:12:21,210 --> 00:12:23,379 Look, that Hive may be super powerful and all... 216 00:12:23,380 --> 00:12:25,582 but I'll bet it has to drop out of hyperspace at some point along the way... 217 00:12:25,583 --> 00:12:27,011 for hull regeneration. 218 00:12:27,012 --> 00:12:28,814 I can use the sensor data from the Jumpers 219 00:12:28,815 --> 00:12:30,659 to extrapolate exactly where that'll be. 220 00:12:30,660 --> 00:12:32,111 It sounds pretty risky. If you're wrong... 221 00:12:32,112 --> 00:12:35,380 I won't be. Anyways, we can't afford to wait till they get all the way to Earth. 222 00:12:35,381 --> 00:12:38,858 My guess is that by that point, they'll be fully adapted to the ZedPM. 223 00:12:40,343 --> 00:12:41,911 Do it! 224 00:12:47,716 --> 00:12:48,751 Sir? 225 00:12:48,752 --> 00:12:51,779 - The Daedalus just dropped out of hyperspace. - It's about time. 226 00:12:52,073 --> 00:12:54,298 Colonel Sheppard and his team are beaming down. 227 00:12:58,324 --> 00:13:00,529 Colonel. It's good to finally have you all back. 228 00:13:00,530 --> 00:13:02,151 What did we miss? 229 00:13:02,566 --> 00:13:04,460 Well, the good news is there's no indication of any other 230 00:13:04,461 --> 00:13:06,388 Wraith ships heading for the Milky Way. 231 00:13:06,389 --> 00:13:09,245 It's as I figured. That signal was too short and too weak. 232 00:13:09,246 --> 00:13:12,098 That ship only detected it because of its obvious improvements to the sensors. 233 00:13:12,099 --> 00:13:14,049 Alright, what's the bad news? 234 00:13:14,398 --> 00:13:15,994 Show them. 235 00:13:16,876 --> 00:13:21,037 This is part of a subspace message, sent by Colonel Ellis from aboard the Apollo. 236 00:13:21,038 --> 00:13:22,747 We've engaged the Hive, 237 00:13:22,748 --> 00:13:25,229 unfortunately, without much success. 238 00:13:25,230 --> 00:13:29,803 The Sun Tzu is crippled and she's venting atmosphere. 239 00:13:29,804 --> 00:13:32,484 We're in the process of taking on the crew now. 240 00:13:32,485 --> 00:13:35,290 But unfortunately, with my engines down... 241 00:13:35,291 --> 00:13:38,565 I won't be able to get to the nearest Stargate for at least a month. 242 00:13:38,566 --> 00:13:43,877 As for the enemy, all indications are that they received very little damage... 243 00:13:43,878 --> 00:13:47,600 and are continuing on their previous course. 244 00:13:47,981 --> 00:13:50,248 With those 2 ships out of the picture... 245 00:13:50,957 --> 00:13:55,202 nothing stands between that Hive and Earth. 246 00:14:04,694 --> 00:14:05,843 There you are! 247 00:14:05,844 --> 00:14:07,466 - Look, I've been thinking. - So have I. 248 00:14:07,467 --> 00:14:10,017 - There is another ship that can help defend Earth. - I know. We're standing on it. 249 00:14:10,018 --> 00:14:12,497 - The city, exactly. The only problem... - ZPM 250 00:14:12,498 --> 00:14:14,954 Yes, but if we wanna get there in time to make a difference. We need a full compliment. 251 00:14:14,955 --> 00:14:16,908 Where do you think I'm headed, Rodney? 252 00:14:19,998 --> 00:14:21,574 Right. 253 00:14:23,978 --> 00:14:28,079 Well, things didn't go exactly according to plan. 254 00:14:28,080 --> 00:14:31,313 So I heard. You intend to hold me responsible? 255 00:14:31,314 --> 00:14:33,156 All I know is that everything went sideways... 256 00:14:33,157 --> 00:14:34,899 the way it always does when you're involved. 257 00:14:34,900 --> 00:14:37,057 Do you wanna tell me it's a coincidence? 258 00:14:37,597 --> 00:14:41,395 Then you've come to make good on your threat? 259 00:14:46,857 --> 00:14:49,899 The other ZPM's you talked to Woolsey about... 260 00:14:49,900 --> 00:14:53,507 tell us where to get them and maybe it'll improve your situation. 261 00:14:54,197 --> 00:14:58,252 Am I supposed to be enticed by this offer? 262 00:14:58,640 --> 00:15:01,022 No. I'll probably kill you anyway. 263 00:15:01,023 --> 00:15:02,689 But don't forget... 264 00:15:02,690 --> 00:15:05,090 This Wraith betrayed you and got away with it. 265 00:15:05,091 --> 00:15:08,623 for no other reason you might want to do it out of pure spite. 266 00:15:09,784 --> 00:15:14,811 You know how to talk to me, John Sheppard. 267 00:15:20,252 --> 00:15:21,798 We got them. 268 00:15:28,532 --> 00:15:30,642 He actually came through for us. 269 00:15:30,643 --> 00:15:33,094 Maybe he's turning over a new leaf. 270 00:15:33,640 --> 00:15:36,047 - Get those down to Zelenka immediately. - Yes, sir. 271 00:15:36,048 --> 00:15:38,937 Or maybe they're gonna blow up, when you plug them in. 272 00:15:39,447 --> 00:15:41,285 Have Dr. McKay check them first. 273 00:15:41,286 --> 00:15:42,486 Right. 274 00:15:43,437 --> 00:15:45,056 Alright, I'm heading to the Chair room. 275 00:15:45,057 --> 00:15:46,400 Actually, Colonel, 276 00:15:46,500 --> 00:15:48,800 you won't be flying the city for us. 277 00:15:49,000 --> 00:15:51,200 In fact, you won't be coming with us at all. 278 00:15:51,701 --> 00:15:53,649 What are you talking about? 279 00:15:53,650 --> 00:15:56,920 You have a half an hour to pack and then you'll be gating back to Earth. 280 00:15:57,676 --> 00:16:00,956 Even with the ZPM's, there's still a good chance we won't get there in time. 281 00:16:01,067 --> 00:16:04,499 And Earth's only other line of defense is the Ancient weapons platform. 282 00:16:05,027 --> 00:16:07,280 General O'Neill wants you in the chair. 283 00:16:09,128 --> 00:16:10,378 Good luck. 284 00:16:10,379 --> 00:16:12,623 Yeah, you too. 285 00:16:27,908 --> 00:16:30,454 - Colonel Sheppard. - Colonel Carter. 286 00:16:31,397 --> 00:16:33,416 It's good to see you again, John. 287 00:16:35,259 --> 00:16:37,594 Alright, finished recalibration on the chair. 288 00:16:37,595 --> 00:16:39,439 Radek, how are things at your end? 289 00:16:39,440 --> 00:16:41,581 The ZPM's are all in and functioning at 100%. 290 00:16:41,582 --> 00:16:42,838 We're good to go. 291 00:16:42,839 --> 00:16:44,681 OK. Who's flying this puppy? 292 00:16:44,682 --> 00:16:46,386 That would be me. 293 00:16:46,977 --> 00:16:48,459 - Carson? - Rodney. 294 00:16:48,460 --> 00:16:50,002 - What, they called you in for this? - Aye. 295 00:16:50,003 --> 00:16:52,551 - You must have a higher CIA then I thought. - Excuse me? 296 00:16:52,552 --> 00:16:54,753 Chair Interface Aptitude. We have a ranking system. 297 00:16:54,754 --> 00:16:57,282 Well, apparently after Colonel Sheppard, I'm number 2. 298 00:16:57,376 --> 00:16:58,960 - Really? I'll look into that. 299 00:16:58,961 --> 00:17:01,009 Well, thanks for the vote of confidence, Rodney. 300 00:17:01,010 --> 00:17:02,797 Oh, I'm sure you'll be fine. 301 00:17:02,798 --> 00:17:04,323 Great. 302 00:17:09,698 --> 00:17:11,226 I suppose I'm ready. 303 00:17:13,474 --> 00:17:15,048 Raise the shield. 304 00:17:15,720 --> 00:17:17,245 Dr. Beckett. 305 00:17:17,383 --> 00:17:18,943 Take us out. 306 00:17:55,198 --> 00:17:57,433 So, you're in command here, huh? 307 00:17:57,434 --> 00:18:01,626 Only until General Landry gets back. He's heading up a task force in Washington. 308 00:18:01,766 --> 00:18:05,961 My next position is to take command of our new Daedalus class ship. 309 00:18:06,128 --> 00:18:07,479 The Phoenix? 310 00:18:07,480 --> 00:18:11,558 Actually, we're renaming it. The General Hammond. 311 00:18:11,806 --> 00:18:14,707 Oh, yeah. I heard about that. 312 00:18:14,708 --> 00:18:16,427 Sorry, it was kinda sudden. 313 00:18:16,428 --> 00:18:19,270 Heart attack. I was off world at the time. 314 00:18:20,121 --> 00:18:23,252 - He was a good man. - He really was. 315 00:18:24,840 --> 00:18:28,598 So, what's next? C-130 to MacMurdo? 316 00:18:29,712 --> 00:18:31,306 Not exactly. 317 00:18:40,233 --> 00:18:43,043 Colonel Sheppard, this is Major Davis. Homeworld Security. 318 00:18:43,044 --> 00:18:44,181 - Major. - Colonel. 319 00:18:44,182 --> 00:18:46,039 - What are we looking at? - It's the Hive ship. 320 00:18:46,040 --> 00:18:49,133 It dropped out of hyperspace and established orbit around the moon just before your arrival. 321 00:18:49,134 --> 00:18:51,805 You've got to be kidding me , it's not supposed to be here for weeks. 322 00:18:51,806 --> 00:18:54,137 Evidently, this is no ordinary Hive ship. 323 00:18:54,138 --> 00:18:57,614 Yeah, that much I know. What's it doing? 324 00:18:57,806 --> 00:19:00,126 For the moment, nothing. 325 00:19:00,127 --> 00:19:02,048 Best we can guess it's completing 326 00:19:02,049 --> 00:19:04,074 its ZPM upgrades, prior to launching an attack. 327 00:19:04,075 --> 00:19:06,856 Then we gotta make a move first. You get any F-302's? 328 00:19:06,857 --> 00:19:10,346 We have a squadron on permanent standby with their defense but those birds aren't outfitted... 329 00:19:10,347 --> 00:19:12,860 for anything more than fighter intercept duties. There's no way they're gonna take... 330 00:19:12,861 --> 00:19:15,036 How long to fit them with nukes? 331 00:19:16,353 --> 00:19:18,005 That could take some doing. 332 00:19:19,477 --> 00:19:21,015 I'll get right on it. 333 00:19:22,800 --> 00:19:25,043 These pilots have any experience fighting the Wraith? 334 00:19:25,044 --> 00:19:26,765 John that's not why I brought you here. 335 00:19:26,766 --> 00:19:28,889 I can sit in the chair and wait for the Wraith to get stronger 336 00:19:28,890 --> 00:19:31,444 or I can take the fight to them. What do you wanna do? 337 00:19:47,971 --> 00:19:50,658 Mr. Woolsey. You wanted to see us? 338 00:19:50,659 --> 00:19:52,753 Yes. Come in, please. 339 00:19:54,803 --> 00:19:59,156 I wanted the opportunity to offer you both one last chance to reconsider. 340 00:19:59,157 --> 00:20:00,807 Reconsider what? 341 00:20:00,828 --> 00:20:02,799 Your involvement in this mission. 342 00:20:03,058 --> 00:20:06,859 I'm told we're about to pass the outer edge of the Pegasus galaxy. 343 00:20:07,177 --> 00:20:08,897 If you wish to be dropped of... 344 00:20:09,260 --> 00:20:10,347 Now would be the time. 345 00:20:10,348 --> 00:20:11,479 Mr. Woolsey... 346 00:20:11,480 --> 00:20:14,111 We've all grown so accustomed to having you here... 347 00:20:14,189 --> 00:20:15,781 as part of the team. 348 00:20:16,332 --> 00:20:18,579 It's easy to lose sight of the fact, that... 349 00:20:18,799 --> 00:20:23,279 your priorities are not necessarily always the same as ours. 350 00:20:23,280 --> 00:20:26,086 You're being asked to fly to another galaxy... 351 00:20:26,300 --> 00:20:29,415 to take what may turn out the losing part... 352 00:20:29,641 --> 00:20:31,711 in a battle that isn't yours. 353 00:20:32,368 --> 00:20:35,871 You mean like everybody else on this base has been doing for the last 5 years? 354 00:20:36,251 --> 00:20:38,599 Thank you for your consideration, Mr. Woolsey. 355 00:20:38,600 --> 00:20:41,231 But I assure you, it is not necessary. 356 00:20:41,477 --> 00:20:43,195 We're not going anywhere. 357 00:20:44,482 --> 00:20:46,147 Very well. 358 00:21:05,513 --> 00:21:08,032 Alright, looks like we're ready to go. 359 00:21:08,145 --> 00:21:11,346 There's been a change of plans. I'm afraid the refit took too long. 360 00:21:11,347 --> 00:21:15,312 The Hive is still in lunar orbit, but we detected an inbound wave of Darts. 361 00:21:15,313 --> 00:21:17,713 I guess they got tired of waiting? Any idea what their target is? 362 00:21:17,714 --> 00:21:19,749 We think so. The Wraith's message that we intercepted 363 00:21:19,750 --> 00:21:21,818 contained a warning about Earth's defensive capabilities- 364 00:21:21,819 --> 00:21:23,702 specifically the Drone chair. 365 00:21:23,703 --> 00:21:26,441 Only in the alternate reality where the message came from, 366 00:21:26,442 --> 00:21:29,024 it looks like the chair had been moved to Area 51. 367 00:21:29,025 --> 00:21:31,840 - That's where they're headed? - We believe so. 368 00:21:32,073 --> 00:21:36,073 Well, evacuate the base, let them hit it, when they bring the Hive down, 369 00:21:36,075 --> 00:21:37,843 we take 'em out from Antarctica. 370 00:21:38,830 --> 00:21:39,830 Right? 371 00:21:40,849 --> 00:21:42,204 I'm sorry John. I was gonna tell you this, 372 00:21:42,205 --> 00:21:43,351 - but... - Tell me what? 373 00:21:43,352 --> 00:21:46,896 The chair was in violation of the Antarctic Non-proliferation Treaty. 374 00:21:46,900 --> 00:21:49,096 After lengthy international negotiations, 375 00:21:49,100 --> 00:21:50,474 they finally moved it 376 00:21:50,475 --> 00:21:52,456 just less than a month ago. 377 00:21:53,858 --> 00:21:55,388 Where? 378 00:21:56,593 --> 00:21:58,203 Area 51. 379 00:22:10,109 --> 00:22:12,091 Alright Colonel, they're entering the atmosphere now. 380 00:22:12,092 --> 00:22:14,358 Should be showing up on the screens momentarily. 381 00:22:14,359 --> 00:22:18,288 Alright, we got them. 12 o'clock high range, 8 kilometers and closing fast. 382 00:22:18,289 --> 00:22:21,514 You are cleared to engage. Good hunting, Colonel. 383 00:22:33,783 --> 00:22:37,429 They're seriously outnumbered, they'll never be able to keep them all from getting through. 384 00:22:43,377 --> 00:22:46,292 Sheppard 2 Darts have disengaged, they're headed for the deck. 385 00:22:46,293 --> 00:22:48,078 I'm on it. Riggs, you're with me. 386 00:22:48,079 --> 00:22:49,079 Yes, sir. 387 00:22:57,072 --> 00:22:58,843 2 more on our six. 388 00:23:07,514 --> 00:23:09,127 Riggs? Damn it... 389 00:23:25,491 --> 00:23:28,841 - The Darts are coming in too fast. - It's a kamikaze run. 390 00:23:42,864 --> 00:23:46,624 Come on, baby. Come on. Come on. 391 00:24:06,964 --> 00:24:09,810 Stargate Command, this is Sheppard. 392 00:24:11,748 --> 00:24:13,854 Am I seeing what I think I'm seeing? 393 00:24:13,855 --> 00:24:16,548 It's a nice try John, there was just too many of them. 394 00:24:16,792 --> 00:24:18,645 The chair has been destroyed. 395 00:24:31,859 --> 00:24:33,384 Sheppard, what are you doing? 396 00:24:33,441 --> 00:24:34,577 I got an idea. 397 00:24:34,578 --> 00:24:36,872 He's climbing rapidly, he's heading into the upper atmosphere. 398 00:24:36,873 --> 00:24:39,098 Sheppard, your orders are to return to the base. 399 00:24:39,099 --> 00:24:42,342 I still got a nuke, I'm gonna finish this mission. 400 00:24:42,364 --> 00:24:44,959 You don't have enough fuel, you'll never make it to the Hive. 401 00:24:44,960 --> 00:24:46,955 He got what he wanted. He's gonna come to us. 402 00:24:46,956 --> 00:24:49,654 He's right. The Hive ship has changed course. They're on their way. 403 00:24:49,828 --> 00:24:51,828 I've got enough fuel to establish orbit. 404 00:24:51,930 --> 00:24:54,979 If I shut everything down except basic life support, that way, 405 00:24:54,980 --> 00:24:56,629 he won't detect me till it's too late. 406 00:24:56,630 --> 00:24:59,233 Even if that does work, given what we know about this ship, 407 00:24:59,234 --> 00:25:00,772 one nuke is not gonna be enough. 408 00:25:00,773 --> 00:25:02,749 No, not from the outside. 409 00:25:02,953 --> 00:25:05,776 I'll wait for them to enter orbit, I'll fire up my systems, 410 00:25:06,068 --> 00:25:09,399 shoot my way through the Dart bay door and fly the damn bomb right down his throat. 411 00:25:09,400 --> 00:25:12,410 Then, I'll detonate from the inside. 412 00:25:13,774 --> 00:25:15,347 John, I can't ask you to do that. 413 00:25:15,348 --> 00:25:17,952 Well, you're not asking. I'm volunteering. 414 00:25:18,074 --> 00:25:22,599 Look, without that chair, Earth is basically defenseless, right? 415 00:25:25,894 --> 00:25:26,996 Right. 416 00:25:26,997 --> 00:25:29,417 Commencing radio silence. Sheppard out. 417 00:25:36,690 --> 00:25:38,584 - What happened? - We dropped out of hyperspace. 418 00:25:38,585 --> 00:25:39,832 Don't tell me we're there already. 419 00:25:39,833 --> 00:25:42,049 We're not even close. We're on the edge of the Milky Way. 420 00:25:42,050 --> 00:25:44,845 - So, then, why did we drop out? - Well, obviously we... 421 00:25:45,191 --> 00:25:46,681 - We're not sure..... - Doctor. 422 00:25:46,682 --> 00:25:49,148 Look, the hyper drive hasn't been operated at full power in over 10,000 years... 423 00:25:49,149 --> 00:25:50,719 It is no surprising there are a few glitches. 424 00:25:50,720 --> 00:25:53,959 - But you can fix it? - I've gotta figure out what's wrong first, don't I? 425 00:25:54,587 --> 00:25:57,913 Zelenka, in the meantime, recalibrate our gate position, so we can dial Earth. 426 00:25:57,914 --> 00:25:58,961 Yes, right away. 427 00:25:58,962 --> 00:26:01,325 We have to apprise them of our situation. 428 00:26:16,261 --> 00:26:17,534 What's our status? 429 00:26:17,535 --> 00:26:21,576 The Hive ship has almost reached Earth orbit. They've began scanning. 430 00:26:21,768 --> 00:26:24,032 - Any word from Sheppard? - Not yet. 431 00:26:24,033 --> 00:26:26,597 According to my best estimates of his trajectory... 432 00:26:26,598 --> 00:26:29,808 his orbit won't intersect with the Hive for another 20 minutes. 433 00:26:29,809 --> 00:26:31,416 Okay, now if he fires up too early... 434 00:26:31,417 --> 00:26:34,280 They'll detect his presence and send out Dart to intercept. 435 00:26:34,281 --> 00:26:35,786 He wouldn't stand a chance. 436 00:26:35,787 --> 00:26:38,092 - Excuse me, Colonel. - What is it, Walter? 437 00:26:38,115 --> 00:26:41,458 We've been trying to dial up the Alpha Site to send through those IOA dignitaries... 438 00:26:41,459 --> 00:26:44,441 Good old IOA. Courageous to the end. 439 00:26:45,316 --> 00:26:47,692 - What's the problem? - Can't establish a lock. 440 00:26:47,693 --> 00:26:49,151 And it's not just the Alpha Site. 441 00:26:49,152 --> 00:26:52,118 I've already tried a couple of alternates, but for some reason... 442 00:26:53,149 --> 00:26:54,703 The Gate's offline. 443 00:27:07,194 --> 00:27:08,775 Open a channel. 444 00:27:09,399 --> 00:27:11,387 Stargate Command, this is Atlantis. 445 00:27:13,702 --> 00:27:16,449 Stargate Command, this is Atlantis. Do you read? 446 00:27:17,212 --> 00:27:19,586 The comm.-system is operating, sir. They're just not responding. 447 00:27:19,587 --> 00:27:21,601 Okay, this is weird. 448 00:27:21,767 --> 00:27:24,780 I'm picking up an energy signature feeding back through the wormhole. 449 00:27:24,894 --> 00:27:26,455 It's Wraith. 450 00:27:26,551 --> 00:27:28,609 The Wraith are at Stargate Command? 451 00:27:28,610 --> 00:27:31,801 No, these readings are more like something you'd pick up in the middle of a Hive. 452 00:27:31,802 --> 00:27:33,391 But we dialed Earth. 453 00:27:33,728 --> 00:27:36,517 - You don't think that... - It’s standard Wraith procedure. 454 00:27:36,518 --> 00:27:38,496 Keep your victims from dialing out. 455 00:27:38,769 --> 00:27:39,808 What are you talking about? 456 00:27:39,809 --> 00:27:42,369 - There's a Gate on the Hive. - What? 457 00:27:42,370 --> 00:27:45,791 The Wraith always try to block the Gate of a planet they're attacking. 458 00:27:45,792 --> 00:27:48,795 Usually by dialing in. They couldn't do that in this case, so they came up with another solution. 459 00:27:48,796 --> 00:27:52,048 You see, when 2 Gates are in proximity, one supersedes the other. 460 00:27:52,049 --> 00:27:55,038 Usually it's the default Gate, unless it happens to be a Milky Way model 461 00:27:55,039 --> 00:27:56,057 and the other ones in Pegasus. 462 00:27:56,058 --> 00:27:57,999 We encountered exactly the same problem on the Midway station. 463 00:27:58,000 --> 00:28:02,180 We had to create a work around to prevent the Pegasus Gate from always taking precedent. 464 00:28:02,309 --> 00:28:05,600 You're telling me that wormhole... 465 00:28:05,601 --> 00:28:07,692 Leads directly unto the Hive. 466 00:28:24,048 --> 00:28:25,596 That cleared the way? 467 00:28:25,597 --> 00:28:27,217 There's one way to find out. 468 00:28:34,048 --> 00:28:37,465 The guards at the Gate have been neutralized. We're moving on. 469 00:28:40,371 --> 00:28:42,604 I should've sent more marines with them. 470 00:28:42,605 --> 00:28:45,161 A full scale assault wouldn't have accomplished anything. 471 00:28:45,529 --> 00:28:49,154 If they're going to sabotage key systems on that Hive, they're going to need speed and stealth. 472 00:28:49,155 --> 00:28:50,145 Maybe. 473 00:28:50,146 --> 00:28:53,302 I just hate being stuck out here in the middle of nowhere and not able to do anything. 474 00:28:53,303 --> 00:28:56,337 Actually, I've got something I wanted to talk to you about. 475 00:28:56,364 --> 00:28:59,310 This is something that Rodney has been working on for quite some time. 476 00:28:59,411 --> 00:29:02,594 It's an adaptation of an Ancient technology, which was abandoned 477 00:29:02,595 --> 00:29:05,743 because of instability and enormous power requirements. 478 00:29:05,744 --> 00:29:08,312 - What is it? - Wormhole Drive... 479 00:29:08,313 --> 00:29:12,167 It's nearly instantaneous travel across enormous distances. 480 00:29:12,168 --> 00:29:14,070 It's not unlike Gate travel itself. 481 00:29:14,071 --> 00:29:18,091 If it works, it could have us on Earth in a matter of seconds. 482 00:29:18,514 --> 00:29:21,519 The calculations are incredibly complex. 483 00:29:21,621 --> 00:29:25,545 If we're off even by a fraction, it could be very bad. 484 00:29:33,143 --> 00:29:36,113 Alright, I'd say it's time to get moving. 485 00:29:53,770 --> 00:29:55,361 Look out! 486 00:30:01,856 --> 00:30:04,775 - Find another way around? - I think so. 487 00:30:04,859 --> 00:30:08,157 - Go! Go! Go! - This way. 488 00:30:49,730 --> 00:30:51,262 Ronon! 489 00:30:55,812 --> 00:30:57,785 I think his wound is bleeding out. 490 00:30:57,835 --> 00:30:59,818 - Ronon! - Just go! 491 00:31:00,785 --> 00:31:03,255 No, we are not leaving without you! 492 00:31:09,833 --> 00:31:12,493 Ronon! 493 00:31:21,486 --> 00:31:24,855 Come on, we gotta get out of here now. Let's go! Come on! 494 00:31:31,147 --> 00:31:33,358 Stargate Command, this is Sheppard. Come in. 495 00:31:33,521 --> 00:31:34,791 Sheppard where are you? 496 00:31:34,792 --> 00:31:36,379 I made it inside. 497 00:31:37,144 --> 00:31:40,874 Look, I don't have much time before this place is swarming with Wraiths, so .. 498 00:31:41,500 --> 00:31:43,095 - I'm arming the nuke. - John... 499 00:31:43,096 --> 00:31:45,706 Just do me a favor. When Atlantis shows up... 500 00:31:46,658 --> 00:31:48,332 tell them I said goodbye. 501 00:32:00,732 --> 00:32:03,020 Stargate Command, this is Sheppard. Come in. 502 00:32:03,811 --> 00:32:07,127 Look, I don't have much time before this place is swarming with Wraiths, so .. 503 00:32:07,128 --> 00:32:09,472 - I'm arming the nuke. - What did he say? Nuke? 504 00:32:09,473 --> 00:32:12,224 Just do me a favor. When Atlantis shows up... 505 00:32:12,756 --> 00:32:13,929 tell 'em I said goodbye. 506 00:32:13,930 --> 00:32:15,830 Sheppard, this is McKay. 507 00:32:15,835 --> 00:32:17,600 Stop what you're doing now! 508 00:32:17,624 --> 00:32:18,967 - McKay? - Yes, It's me. 509 00:32:18,968 --> 00:32:21,114 I've got Lorne and I've got Teyla, we're on board the Hive. 510 00:32:21,115 --> 00:32:22,273 What? 511 00:32:22,274 --> 00:32:24,481 - How? - Look, it's a long story. 512 00:32:24,482 --> 00:32:28,970 Just, the important thing is, if you're about to do what I think you're gonna do, don't. 513 00:32:29,154 --> 00:32:32,015 This Hive is about to attack Earth, Rodney. I don't have much of a choice. 514 00:32:32,016 --> 00:32:36,074 Look, just wait. We'll come to you, I'm sure I can rig up some kind of a remote detonator. 515 00:32:36,095 --> 00:32:39,368 What good is that gonna do for us? We can't get off this ship, Rodney. 516 00:32:39,369 --> 00:32:40,848 That's where you're wrong. 517 00:32:40,849 --> 00:32:42,406 This way. 518 00:32:46,457 --> 00:32:48,056 Dr. Keller. 519 00:32:48,321 --> 00:32:51,305 I wanted to let you know that we're about to fire up the Wormhole drive. 520 00:32:51,306 --> 00:32:55,491 If it works, we could find ourselves in the middle of a combat situation rather suddenly. 521 00:32:55,492 --> 00:32:57,448 You and your staff need to be ready. 522 00:32:57,881 --> 00:32:59,569 And if it doesn't? 523 00:33:00,379 --> 00:33:05,620 From what I'm told... the city would be instantly vaporized. 524 00:33:10,000 --> 00:33:11,000 Okay. 525 00:33:22,058 --> 00:33:24,931 You guys are the last people I expected to see on this ship. 526 00:33:24,932 --> 00:33:26,983 Same here. Give me a minute. 527 00:33:31,109 --> 00:33:32,760 Where's Ronon? 528 00:33:33,891 --> 00:33:35,486 Teyla, where's Ronon? 529 00:33:35,890 --> 00:33:37,524 I'm sorry, John. 530 00:33:49,320 --> 00:33:51,722 I restored your life, human... 531 00:33:51,881 --> 00:33:53,914 and bound your wound. 532 00:33:56,130 --> 00:33:57,902 That was real nice of you. 533 00:33:58,358 --> 00:34:01,140 Now you will answer my questions. 534 00:34:05,637 --> 00:34:07,619 Hive has completed surface scan. 535 00:34:07,620 --> 00:34:10,362 They'll target military installations first, then the power grid 536 00:34:10,363 --> 00:34:12,562 send the population into a panic. 537 00:34:12,620 --> 00:34:14,462 Then they'll launch the Darts. 538 00:34:14,688 --> 00:34:17,189 How many humans are on my ship? 539 00:34:23,636 --> 00:34:25,196 Where are they? 540 00:34:30,785 --> 00:34:32,241 How you're doing, Chewie? 541 00:34:33,330 --> 00:34:34,605 You were dead! 542 00:34:35,506 --> 00:34:37,680 We're all gonna be dead unless we get out of here. 543 00:34:41,574 --> 00:34:44,771 That's it. They're powering weapons. 544 00:34:44,964 --> 00:34:46,993 Sheppard, what's your status? 545 00:34:47,030 --> 00:34:48,849 We got Ronon and we're headed to the Gate. 546 00:34:48,850 --> 00:34:49,868 How much time? 547 00:34:49,869 --> 00:34:53,916 5 minutes to get there, 5 minutes to recalibrate the DHD for local coordinates. 548 00:34:53,917 --> 00:34:55,561 10 minutes. 549 00:34:56,832 --> 00:35:00,042 I'm sorry, the Hive is powering weapons. We're out of time. 550 00:35:03,874 --> 00:35:05,482 Understood. 551 00:35:08,655 --> 00:35:10,228 Give me the detonator. 552 00:35:10,252 --> 00:35:11,626 We're almost there. 553 00:35:11,627 --> 00:35:14,677 I mean, when I said 5 minutes to recalibrate DHD, I meant 2 minutes. 554 00:35:14,678 --> 00:35:15,678 Rodney. 555 00:35:29,057 --> 00:35:30,320 John, wait. 556 00:35:30,321 --> 00:35:32,048 We're detecting another ship. 557 00:35:42,769 --> 00:35:44,683 Now would be the time, Doctor. 558 00:35:46,612 --> 00:35:48,272 Understood. 559 00:35:58,711 --> 00:36:01,150 It's Atlantis! They're engaging the Hive. 560 00:36:01,541 --> 00:36:03,732 That might give us enough time to get to the Gate. 561 00:36:09,267 --> 00:36:11,328 Sir, the Hive is returning fire. 562 00:36:19,999 --> 00:36:22,066 The shields are down to 70%. 563 00:36:23,697 --> 00:36:25,648 Keep firing, Doctor Beckett. 564 00:36:27,264 --> 00:36:29,224 - Get to work, Rodney. - I'm on it. 565 00:36:32,181 --> 00:36:33,840 We've got company! 566 00:36:47,576 --> 00:36:50,538 The force of enemy weapons fire has forced us into a lower orbit. 567 00:36:50,539 --> 00:36:51,826 We're skimming the atmosphere. 568 00:36:51,827 --> 00:36:53,788 Draining the shields, sir. 569 00:36:53,789 --> 00:36:55,857 Dr Beckett, can you adjust our course? 570 00:36:55,858 --> 00:36:58,245 I don't have enough power. I can keep firing or pull us up. 571 00:36:58,246 --> 00:36:59,771 Which is it gonna be? 572 00:37:01,826 --> 00:37:03,816 Keep firing, Doctor Beckett. 573 00:37:16,729 --> 00:37:19,037 - How's it coming, Rodney? - I got it! 574 00:37:19,038 --> 00:37:20,977 Dialing the Alpha Site now. 575 00:37:27,257 --> 00:37:30,563 Shields are about to collapse, we can't take another hit. 576 00:37:35,474 --> 00:37:37,070 Alright, let's move! 577 00:38:08,682 --> 00:38:10,323 They did it! 578 00:38:10,916 --> 00:38:12,440 The Hive has been destroyed. 579 00:38:12,441 --> 00:38:14,927 Atlantis, this is Stargate Command. Well done! 580 00:38:14,928 --> 00:38:18,278 Thanks for the kind words, Colonel, but I wouldn't pop the champagne just yet. 581 00:38:18,450 --> 00:38:20,918 We've lost orbit and doctor Beckett is unable to compensate. 582 00:38:20,919 --> 00:38:21,921 We're going in. 583 00:38:21,922 --> 00:38:24,396 Do you have enough shields to survive re-entry? 584 00:38:25,903 --> 00:38:27,530 We're about to find out. 585 00:38:44,148 --> 00:38:46,665 Atlantis, this is Stargate Command. Do you read? 586 00:38:53,238 --> 00:38:54,238 Colonel, 587 00:38:54,724 --> 00:38:56,536 we've been monitoring radio chatter. 588 00:38:56,537 --> 00:38:58,512 Several commercial vessels in the North Pacific 589 00:38:58,513 --> 00:39:01,720 have reported a giant fire ball streaking across the sky. 590 00:39:02,756 --> 00:39:05,752 Atlantis, this is Stargate Command. Do you read? 591 00:39:07,864 --> 00:39:11,673 Atlantis, this is Stargate Command. Please respond. 592 00:39:14,201 --> 00:39:16,269 Stargate Command, this is Atlantis. 593 00:39:16,409 --> 00:39:18,371 Nice to hear from you again, Colonel. 594 00:39:18,980 --> 00:39:21,221 Mr. Woolsey, you gave us quite a scare. 595 00:39:21,222 --> 00:39:22,853 Sorry about that. 596 00:39:29,072 --> 00:39:32,569 We've completed our re-entry, and as far as I can tell, we're still in one piece. 597 00:39:32,570 --> 00:39:35,387 Dr. Beckett believes that he can bring us in over water but 598 00:39:35,388 --> 00:39:37,208 you might want to alert the Navy. 599 00:39:37,572 --> 00:39:39,066 It's gonna be close. 600 00:39:39,067 --> 00:39:40,730 Understood. 601 00:39:40,832 --> 00:39:43,386 We are tracking them again. 602 00:39:43,707 --> 00:39:47,872 We should be able to project coordinates for splash down. 603 00:39:48,850 --> 00:39:51,150 Walter, you better get me the president. 604 00:39:51,578 --> 00:39:54,153 It looks like Atlantis is coming home. 605 00:39:56,885 --> 00:39:59,950 - So, how are you feeling? - Ready to get out of here. 606 00:39:59,951 --> 00:40:01,651 Take your time. The city is pretty banged up, 607 00:40:01,652 --> 00:40:04,970 even with the ZPMs we're not going anywhere for a while. 608 00:40:05,386 --> 00:40:09,184 And when they fix it, you really think they're gonna let us take it back to Pegasus? 609 00:40:09,660 --> 00:40:11,428 I'll make sure you'll get home. 610 00:40:12,678 --> 00:40:14,203 This is my home. 611 00:40:16,382 --> 00:40:17,932 Am I interrupting? 612 00:40:22,258 --> 00:40:24,286 Uhm, no. I was just leaving. 613 00:40:29,500 --> 00:40:30,500 Hey. 614 00:40:32,218 --> 00:40:35,009 I heard you died and came back to life. 615 00:40:35,360 --> 00:40:36,360 Pretty much. 616 00:40:36,919 --> 00:40:38,119 There's, uh... 617 00:40:38,920 --> 00:40:40,937 a few things I still need to do. 618 00:40:43,523 --> 00:40:45,366 You up for taking a walk? 619 00:40:45,700 --> 00:40:47,225 I don't see why not. 620 00:40:47,309 --> 00:40:48,309 Good. 621 00:40:49,173 --> 00:40:50,772 Something you should see. 622 00:40:54,385 --> 00:40:57,530 So, all is well. Your home world was saved... 623 00:40:57,531 --> 00:40:59,550 you and your friends survived, 624 00:40:59,551 --> 00:41:03,031 and all thanks to my Zero Point Module. 625 00:41:03,032 --> 00:41:04,623 That's right. 626 00:41:05,452 --> 00:41:07,877 Question is, what would happen next time? 627 00:41:08,987 --> 00:41:11,720 It there going to be a next time? 628 00:41:20,035 --> 00:41:21,607 You have room for 2 more? 629 00:41:21,839 --> 00:41:23,375 Of course. 630 00:41:23,627 --> 00:41:26,636 Ronon. Welcome to Earth. 631 00:41:30,103 --> 00:41:32,304 No one can see us, right? 632 00:41:32,325 --> 00:41:35,750 We managed to activate the cloak before we came in too close. 633 00:41:35,751 --> 00:41:38,535 This entire area is under naval quarantine. 634 00:41:38,539 --> 00:41:41,446 Oh, so this is where everyone went, right? 635 00:41:46,167 --> 00:41:47,167 You okay? 636 00:41:47,567 --> 00:41:48,567 I'm alive. 637 00:41:50,759 --> 00:41:53,877 And I've got you. What else would I need? 638 00:41:57,648 --> 00:41:59,193 Nice view. 639 00:41:59,270 --> 00:42:00,270 Yes. 640 00:42:01,721 --> 00:42:03,221 Yes, it is.