1 00:00:09,051 --> 00:00:12,054 Sheppard: All right, I'm about ready to call this one. 2 00:00:12,138 --> 00:00:14,265 Doesn't look like there are any survivors. 3 00:00:14,390 --> 00:00:17,226 Teyla: The cullings are getting more and more intense. 4 00:00:17,643 --> 00:00:18,883 Sheppard: You said it yourself. 5 00:00:19,770 --> 00:00:21,772 Too many wraiths woke up at the same time. 6 00:00:21,856 --> 00:00:25,067 Too many mouths to feed, or hands to feed. 7 00:00:26,110 --> 00:00:28,446 Well, we're heading back to the gate. Meet you there? 8 00:00:29,113 --> 00:00:30,281 Sheppard: Sounds like a plan. 9 00:00:30,364 --> 00:00:31,717 McKay, Beckett, you having any luck? 10 00:00:31,741 --> 00:00:33,534 Negative, colonel. We haven't found anyone. 11 00:00:33,618 --> 00:00:35,077 Make your way back to the gate. 12 00:00:35,369 --> 00:00:37,163 Beckett.' will do. Beckett out. 13 00:00:39,749 --> 00:00:43,377 So, maybe you should pick some wildflowers from around here. 14 00:00:43,461 --> 00:00:45,213 I think she'd get a kick out of that. 15 00:00:45,296 --> 00:00:46,315 What are you talking about? 16 00:00:46,339 --> 00:00:48,799 You got a date tomorrow night with Katie brown. Right? 17 00:00:48,883 --> 00:00:51,469 She's a botanist. She never gets to go offworld. 18 00:00:51,552 --> 00:00:54,013 What's this now? It's nothing. Nothing. 19 00:00:54,096 --> 00:00:56,515 You have a date, Rodney? With a woman? 20 00:00:56,599 --> 00:00:59,769 It is simply two adults sharing some friendly... 21 00:00:59,852 --> 00:01:01,562 Yes, with a woman. 22 00:01:02,772 --> 00:01:06,359 Well, she's excited about it. Not sure why, though. 23 00:01:06,442 --> 00:01:08,736 How would you know? Girls' poker night. 24 00:01:08,819 --> 00:01:10,238 I know a lot of things, McKay. 25 00:01:10,321 --> 00:01:11,590 And I'm sure it is none of your business. 26 00:01:11,614 --> 00:01:12,674 This is inappropriate field conversation. 27 00:01:12,698 --> 00:01:14,885 What, I was just suggesting that you might wanna pick some flowers. 28 00:01:14,909 --> 00:01:17,095 Yes, and maybe you should just do your job, which is to protect us. 29 00:01:17,119 --> 00:01:19,205 Shut up. Shut up? Let me tell you something... 30 00:01:19,330 --> 00:01:20,790 (Buzzing) Stop speaking. 31 00:01:24,293 --> 00:01:25,419 Dart. 32 00:01:25,503 --> 00:01:27,380 Cadman: We have a dart, incoming. 33 00:01:30,132 --> 00:01:31,509 Move it! 34 00:01:33,678 --> 00:01:35,972 If it's seen us, it will blow Atlantis' cover. 35 00:01:36,055 --> 00:01:39,016 Anyone get a clear shot, you take it, understand? 36 00:01:42,853 --> 00:01:44,063 Scafiefl 37 00:01:44,605 --> 00:01:46,190 McKay! 38 00:02:16,929 --> 00:02:18,389 It is heading towards the gate. 39 00:02:18,472 --> 00:02:20,392 Te yla: We damaged it but it is still on its way. 40 00:02:20,474 --> 00:02:22,935 Wait, McKay and cadman have been beamed aboard that dart. 41 00:02:23,019 --> 00:02:26,063 We can't risk the dart making it back to the hive ship. 42 00:02:34,697 --> 00:02:36,032 Oh, crap. 43 00:04:13,546 --> 00:04:15,589 (Buzzing) 44 00:04:27,560 --> 00:04:29,478 (Groaning) 45 00:04:38,821 --> 00:04:41,365 I'm a doctor. I can help. 46 00:04:41,449 --> 00:04:43,033 (Gun firing) 47 00:04:48,831 --> 00:04:50,391 What the hell do you think you're doing? 48 00:04:50,458 --> 00:04:52,293 He was reaching for the self-destruct. 49 00:04:52,376 --> 00:04:54,628 He's the only one that could get cadman and McKay out. 50 00:04:54,712 --> 00:04:56,964 I seriously doubt he'd oblige. 51 00:04:57,715 --> 00:05:00,050 Well, we'll never know now, will we? 52 00:05:00,551 --> 00:05:02,303 Is everyone all right? We're fine. 53 00:05:02,386 --> 00:05:04,221 Hansen, radio Atlantis. 54 00:05:04,305 --> 00:05:07,224 I want Zelenka here asap. We got a problem. 55 00:05:24,533 --> 00:05:25,910 (Chattering) 56 00:05:29,205 --> 00:05:30,414 Zelenka: Colonel. 57 00:05:33,542 --> 00:05:34,543 (Exclaiming) 58 00:05:37,171 --> 00:05:38,506 First time offworld? 59 00:05:38,714 --> 00:05:39,715 Yes. 60 00:05:40,591 --> 00:05:41,902 Well, if there were any more wraith, 61 00:05:41,926 --> 00:05:44,011 they would have attacked us by now. 62 00:05:44,094 --> 00:05:46,180 Really? If it makes you feel better. 63 00:05:46,263 --> 00:05:47,765 Did you find what we want? 64 00:05:48,098 --> 00:05:49,391 Uh, well, yes, 65 00:05:49,475 --> 00:05:51,060 but it's very complex. 66 00:05:51,143 --> 00:05:54,897 This interface controls the machine that dematerializes people, 67 00:05:54,980 --> 00:05:56,315 stores their information 68 00:05:56,398 --> 00:05:58,692 and then rematerializes them again when commanded to. 69 00:05:58,776 --> 00:06:00,736 Great. Command it to. 70 00:06:00,945 --> 00:06:02,780 Uh, I can't. 71 00:06:02,863 --> 00:06:05,950 From what we can tell, the materializer is storing two life signs. 72 00:06:06,075 --> 00:06:08,786 Which is good. Yes, but there's only enough power 73 00:06:08,869 --> 00:06:12,414 in the dart's energy cell to successfully rematerialize one of them. 74 00:06:12,498 --> 00:06:14,833 Power to the rematerializer has been completely severed 75 00:06:14,917 --> 00:06:17,086 and emergency backup power is completely run down. 76 00:06:17,169 --> 00:06:18,546 Okay. 77 00:06:18,671 --> 00:06:21,090 You have to decide which one we're going to beam out. 78 00:06:21,173 --> 00:06:23,133 That's a terrible choice to have to make. 79 00:06:23,217 --> 00:06:24,802 It's easy. You beam out McKay. 80 00:06:24,885 --> 00:06:26,512 He'll figure out how to get cadman free. 81 00:06:26,595 --> 00:06:28,389 No, no, sorry. I was unclear. 82 00:06:28,472 --> 00:06:30,099 There's no way of telling which is which. 83 00:06:30,182 --> 00:06:32,101 Yes, they just read as life signs. 84 00:06:33,352 --> 00:06:34,603 Perfect. 85 00:06:35,980 --> 00:06:39,316 All right, that one. Go. Stand aside. 86 00:06:46,407 --> 00:06:47,491 Rodney, you okay? 87 00:06:55,457 --> 00:06:57,769 His pulse is stable but I need to get him back to Atlantis. 88 00:06:57,793 --> 00:07:00,337 Teyla, lorne, help the doc get back to the city with McKay. 89 00:07:00,421 --> 00:07:01,481 I'm gonna stay here with Zelenka 90 00:07:01,505 --> 00:07:04,174 and try to bring as much of the dart back as possible. 91 00:07:11,348 --> 00:07:13,058 All of his vitals are stable. 92 00:07:13,142 --> 00:07:15,728 His body's reacting like he's been struck by a wraith stunner. 93 00:07:15,811 --> 00:07:19,189 So you think once the initial shock is over, we'll have the old McKay back? 94 00:07:20,274 --> 00:07:22,026 I'm afraid so. 95 00:07:22,901 --> 00:07:25,279 Have they had any luck with the wreckage? 96 00:07:25,362 --> 00:07:29,158 No. Lieutenant cadman is still in there somewhere. 97 00:07:30,701 --> 00:07:33,287 Did you know her well? No, not really. 98 00:07:33,370 --> 00:07:36,040 She was with the new batch that came aboard the daedalus. 99 00:07:36,123 --> 00:07:37,875 She seemed quite lovely, though. 100 00:07:38,375 --> 00:07:39,710 She saved my life. 101 00:07:41,003 --> 00:07:43,714 Vveh, youwlbe the first person I call when we find her. 102 00:07:43,797 --> 00:07:45,132 Thank you. 103 00:07:49,011 --> 00:07:50,220 (Grunting) 104 00:07:50,387 --> 00:07:52,431 (Speaking German) 105 00:07:56,518 --> 00:07:57,895 How's it coming? 106 00:07:57,978 --> 00:08:00,858 Well, the good news is we were able to stabilize her life-sign signature. 107 00:08:00,939 --> 00:08:03,484 Now it's just the question of getting the machine online again. 108 00:08:03,567 --> 00:08:06,320 Great. How do we power it up? Well, that's the bad news. 109 00:08:06,403 --> 00:08:08,656 The machine uses a very specialized transformer 110 00:08:08,739 --> 00:08:13,327 to convert raw power into a highly stable, very specific stream of power. 111 00:08:13,410 --> 00:08:16,288 Now, the transformer is crucial in operating the machine safely 112 00:08:16,372 --> 00:08:18,666 and it's been damaged. 113 00:08:20,167 --> 00:08:23,253 I don't suppose there are any spares in the trunk? 114 00:08:23,337 --> 00:08:25,172 We're working on reverse-engineering one. 115 00:08:25,255 --> 00:08:27,758 Good. Let me know the second you have something. 116 00:08:29,510 --> 00:08:32,096 (Speaking foreign language) 117 00:08:52,783 --> 00:08:54,201 Notbad, huh? 118 00:08:55,494 --> 00:08:56,495 It's fine. 119 00:08:58,497 --> 00:09:00,374 So, what do you think of Atlantis? 120 00:09:02,584 --> 00:09:03,961 It's fine. 121 00:09:04,795 --> 00:09:08,799 Have you thought about what you wanna do after you're done here? 122 00:09:11,051 --> 00:09:12,469 Do you want me to leave? 123 00:09:13,470 --> 00:09:15,222 No, no. Stay as long as you like. 124 00:09:15,305 --> 00:09:19,601 I'm just saying, you know your way around, 125 00:09:20,102 --> 00:09:22,980 you can take care of yourself in a fight, 126 00:09:23,063 --> 00:09:26,024 you hate the wraith as much as we do. 127 00:09:27,609 --> 00:09:29,903 Okay, maybe more than we do. 128 00:09:30,487 --> 00:09:34,825 The point is we could use a guy like you around here 129 00:09:34,908 --> 00:09:38,078 and you look like you could use a place to stay. 130 00:09:48,172 --> 00:09:50,299 I'm not sure I'd fit in here. 131 00:09:51,175 --> 00:09:53,218 There's only one way to find out. 132 00:09:53,844 --> 00:09:56,597 Do I have to decide now, or can I finish eating? 133 00:09:56,972 --> 00:09:58,390 Take your time. 134 00:10:00,184 --> 00:10:01,351 And, uh, 135 00:10:03,854 --> 00:10:06,523 try these. They work great. 136 00:10:18,827 --> 00:10:20,370 (Moaning) 137 00:10:22,539 --> 00:10:23,749 Hello. 138 00:10:29,630 --> 00:10:31,131 How are you feeling, Rodney? 139 00:10:33,050 --> 00:10:35,093 Terrible. What happened? 140 00:10:35,469 --> 00:10:37,262 You were scooped up by a dart. 141 00:10:37,346 --> 00:10:39,598 Oh, great. How did I get out? 142 00:10:40,432 --> 00:10:42,672 It's a long story, but I'm glad to see you're doing well. 143 00:10:42,726 --> 00:10:44,728 Cadman: Hello? Dr. Beckett? 144 00:10:45,604 --> 00:10:47,773 Is that cadman? Cadman: Dr. McKay? 145 00:10:49,858 --> 00:10:52,152 Where is she? I'm right here. 146 00:10:52,236 --> 00:10:54,655 Lieutenant cadman is still trapped inside the dart. 147 00:10:54,738 --> 00:10:56,865 What? Who said that? 148 00:10:57,741 --> 00:10:59,827 I did. You said, "what?" 149 00:11:00,077 --> 00:11:02,397 I said, lieutenant cadman is still trapped inside the dart. 150 00:11:02,496 --> 00:11:05,165 No, no. Did you say the word "what"? No, I didn't. 151 00:11:05,249 --> 00:11:07,668 McKay? Yes. Where are you? 152 00:11:07,751 --> 00:11:09,670 I'm right here. No, no, I'm talking to cadman. 153 00:11:09,753 --> 00:11:11,755 Shut up for a second. She's not here, Rodney. 154 00:11:11,839 --> 00:11:13,274 Yes, / am. You didn't just hear that? 155 00:11:13,298 --> 00:11:16,385 You didn't just hear lieutenant cadman? No, I didn't. 156 00:11:16,927 --> 00:11:18,262 Headset. 157 00:11:20,764 --> 00:11:22,975 Not wearing a headset. McKay, where are you? 158 00:11:23,058 --> 00:11:25,769 I'm right in front of Carson. Oh, no. 159 00:11:26,770 --> 00:11:28,814 Put your hands over your eyes. Why? 160 00:11:28,897 --> 00:11:29,898 Just do it. 161 00:11:29,982 --> 00:11:31,584 Lieutenant cadman is still trapped inside the dart, 162 00:11:31,608 --> 00:11:33,545 and I think maybe you're experiencing some sort of... 163 00:11:33,569 --> 00:11:36,363 Rodney, what are you doing? Oh, this is terrible. 164 00:11:36,446 --> 00:11:38,240 What's terrible? I... I can see that. 165 00:11:38,323 --> 00:11:41,702 I can see your hands over your eyes as if they were my eyes. 166 00:11:42,953 --> 00:11:45,122 Carson. Hi. Hello. 167 00:11:47,958 --> 00:11:49,459 Who got us out of the dart? 168 00:11:50,085 --> 00:11:52,254 Zelenka. But he only got you out. 169 00:11:52,337 --> 00:11:54,023 Lieutenant cadman is still trapped inside the dart. 170 00:11:54,047 --> 00:11:57,551 No, no, no, no. This cannot be happening. 171 00:11:57,634 --> 00:11:59,970 Cadman's not trapped in the dart. 172 00:12:00,053 --> 00:12:01,555 Excuse me? 173 00:12:01,638 --> 00:12:03,181 She's in here. 174 00:12:09,730 --> 00:12:10,856 Oh, nice work. 175 00:12:10,939 --> 00:12:13,984 We were running out of power. I knew hardly anything about the machine. 176 00:12:14,067 --> 00:12:16,004 Who would have thought this could be one of the side effects? 177 00:12:16,028 --> 00:12:18,708 So instead of waiting to understand what it was that you were doing, 178 00:12:18,780 --> 00:12:21,909 you just sort of mashed on the keyboard hoping something would happen? 179 00:12:21,992 --> 00:12:23,285 Well, you're alive, aren't you? 180 00:12:23,368 --> 00:12:24,929 Cadman: Ask him if he knows how to fix it. 181 00:12:24,953 --> 00:12:26,955 He doesn't know how to fix it. 182 00:12:27,039 --> 00:12:28,206 What? 183 00:12:28,290 --> 00:12:30,500 Talking to her. You can hear her thoughts? 184 00:12:30,584 --> 00:12:31,960 Not... not her thoughts, thank god. 185 00:12:32,044 --> 00:12:33,284 I can hear when she's speaking, 186 00:12:33,337 --> 00:12:35,923 or, I suppose, when she's trying to speak. 187 00:12:36,006 --> 00:12:38,806 Are you sure he should have been discharged from the infirmary, Carson? 188 00:12:38,842 --> 00:12:40,177 According to the mri, 189 00:12:40,260 --> 00:12:41,970 he's as healthy as he ever was. 190 00:12:42,054 --> 00:12:44,431 Cadman: It doesn't feel very healthy in here. 191 00:12:44,514 --> 00:12:47,309 Oh, we can't all be track stars, now, can we? 192 00:12:49,519 --> 00:12:51,229 It was her again. 193 00:12:51,313 --> 00:12:53,433 Maybe there's something wrong an mri wouldn't pick up, 194 00:12:53,482 --> 00:12:55,192 if you know what I mean? 195 00:12:56,193 --> 00:12:59,655 I'm not crazy. I just have another consciousness in my brain. 196 00:13:00,948 --> 00:13:03,617 So he just looks crazy? I'm sure I do. 197 00:13:03,700 --> 00:13:06,787 But only because Dr. Fumbles mcstupid over here 198 00:13:06,870 --> 00:13:09,539 was in way over his head. Yes, yes. 199 00:13:09,623 --> 00:13:12,793 I made a mistake trying to save your life. 200 00:13:12,876 --> 00:13:15,420 Now, do you want to try to fix it or do you want to continue 201 00:13:15,504 --> 00:13:16,588 to berate me some more? 202 00:13:16,672 --> 00:13:18,483 I am perfectly capable of doing both at the same time. 203 00:13:18,507 --> 00:13:21,152 Now, I assume you've tried to run one of our own generators into this thing. 204 00:13:21,176 --> 00:13:22,970 It's not as simple as that. Cadman: Why not? 205 00:13:23,053 --> 00:13:26,139 The trick is having it interface with the wraith machine in real time. 206 00:13:26,223 --> 00:13:28,141 The power fluctuations are... are... are huge. 207 00:13:28,225 --> 00:13:29,601 If we overshoot just a little... 208 00:13:29,685 --> 00:13:32,396 Wait. What does that mean? We're screwed up. 209 00:13:32,813 --> 00:13:35,774 If maybe we can write an interface program that can take care of all... 210 00:13:35,857 --> 00:13:38,694 Hello? Rodney? Will you please answer me? 211 00:13:39,403 --> 00:13:41,321 Here's what I want us to try. Rodney? 212 00:13:41,405 --> 00:13:45,283 We'll take a naquadah generator... Rodney! Rodney? 213 00:13:45,367 --> 00:13:48,745 And... and... Rodney. Rodney! Rodney! 214 00:13:48,870 --> 00:13:50,998 Rodney! Yes, what? 215 00:13:53,542 --> 00:13:57,504 Stop ignoring me. Well, stop asking stupid questions. 216 00:13:57,754 --> 00:14:00,549 Rodney? I will get you out of here, okay? 217 00:14:00,632 --> 00:14:03,010 But just be a good little girlie and keep quiet. 218 00:14:03,093 --> 00:14:04,886 Don't you dare condescend me. 219 00:14:04,970 --> 00:14:07,347 This is as much my problem as it is yours. 220 00:14:07,431 --> 00:14:08,831 And do you have a degree in physics? 221 00:14:08,890 --> 00:14:10,600 What about mechanical engineering? 222 00:14:10,684 --> 00:14:12,269 Rodney? Yes? 223 00:14:13,729 --> 00:14:16,606 Sorry. I'm sorry. What, please? 224 00:14:19,026 --> 00:14:20,777 Why don't we let Zelenka handle this? 225 00:14:20,861 --> 00:14:22,571 I'm fine. No. 226 00:14:23,113 --> 00:14:26,658 You're not. I'd like you to talk to Dr. Heightmeyer. 227 00:14:26,950 --> 00:14:30,120 I think I could be more useful if I was to... Rodney. 228 00:14:32,330 --> 00:14:34,207 I'm not asking you. 229 00:14:47,888 --> 00:14:49,139 Fine. 230 00:14:53,143 --> 00:14:54,644 Cadman: Oh, stop sulking. 231 00:14:54,728 --> 00:14:56,048 You're acting like a two-year-old. 232 00:14:56,104 --> 00:14:58,166 This is your fault, you know. How do you figure that? 233 00:14:58,190 --> 00:15:00,734 All you had to do was keep your mouth shut while I was working. 234 00:15:00,817 --> 00:15:03,528 You have no idea what it's like in here, okay? 235 00:15:03,612 --> 00:15:05,155 Yes. Yes, I do. 236 00:15:05,238 --> 00:15:07,383 I know exactly what it's like in here because I live in here. 237 00:15:07,407 --> 00:15:09,451 Ihkeithere. Rodney? 238 00:15:09,785 --> 00:15:12,287 Be cool. Katie. Hi. 239 00:15:12,454 --> 00:15:17,167 Is everything okay? Yes. Yes, everything is just fine. 240 00:15:17,375 --> 00:15:20,253 I... I was just... talking on the radio. Talking on the radio. 241 00:15:20,337 --> 00:15:22,047 Talking on the radio. 242 00:15:23,882 --> 00:15:25,634 You're well, I take it? 243 00:15:26,551 --> 00:15:30,764 I heard you ran into some trouble offworld today? 244 00:15:30,847 --> 00:15:32,891 Oh, yes, yes, yes, but everything's fine now. 245 00:15:32,974 --> 00:15:36,603 It's all been sorted out. Backtononnal good. 246 00:15:37,896 --> 00:15:40,565 So we're still on for tomorrow? Yes, yes. 247 00:15:40,649 --> 00:15:41,650 Yes, yes. 248 00:15:41,733 --> 00:15:44,194 Yes, actually, I'm very much looking forward to it. 249 00:15:44,277 --> 00:15:46,613 In fact, I'm sure it'll be a... 250 00:15:46,905 --> 00:15:50,408 You know, a wonderful evening and whatnot. 251 00:15:50,951 --> 00:15:53,537 Right. Well, I'll see you then. 252 00:15:57,124 --> 00:15:59,876 You really know nothing about women, do you? 253 00:15:59,960 --> 00:16:01,503 I know plenty. 254 00:16:01,586 --> 00:16:04,256 Maybe this is a good thing. Excuse me? 255 00:16:04,339 --> 00:16:07,217 I could teach you a thing or two about the opposite sex, McKay. 256 00:16:07,300 --> 00:16:09,052 Lord knows, you need it. 257 00:16:10,220 --> 00:16:13,056 This is hell. This is my own personal hell. 258 00:16:25,902 --> 00:16:27,362 (Grunting) 259 00:16:29,406 --> 00:16:30,824 (Grunts) 260 00:16:39,541 --> 00:16:40,876 All right. 261 00:16:42,127 --> 00:16:43,879 Let's try that again. 262 00:16:44,296 --> 00:16:47,090 How about you try that again, sir? 263 00:16:48,592 --> 00:16:50,927 Maybe that's enough for today. 264 00:16:52,679 --> 00:16:55,932 And how do you feel you're qualified to help us with this problem, huh? 265 00:16:56,433 --> 00:16:57,684 I'm not. 266 00:16:58,185 --> 00:17:01,146 Who could be? This was not covered in medical school. 267 00:17:01,396 --> 00:17:03,690 Butlhave spent quite some time as a couples therapist. 268 00:17:03,773 --> 00:17:05,108 Cadman: We're not a couple. 269 00:17:05,192 --> 00:17:07,903 In any sense of the definition, not a couple. 270 00:17:09,613 --> 00:17:12,324 In physics, a couple is defined as a pair of forces 271 00:17:12,407 --> 00:17:15,660 equal in magnitude, acting in opposite directions. 272 00:17:15,785 --> 00:17:18,038 So you don't feel that applies here? That's very clever. 273 00:17:18,121 --> 00:17:20,790 But we're not equal forces. Watch it. 274 00:17:20,874 --> 00:17:23,335 And what I mean by that is that she's just a voice in my head. 275 00:17:23,418 --> 00:17:24,878 I have control of the body. 276 00:17:24,961 --> 00:17:27,631 I've seen your body, McKay. You can keep it. 277 00:17:28,465 --> 00:17:29,799 How do you know that? 278 00:17:29,883 --> 00:17:31,843 She's been able to access the part of your brain 279 00:17:31,927 --> 00:17:35,513 that creates speech and controls hearing. Why not movement? 280 00:17:35,972 --> 00:17:37,515 If she could've, she would've by now. 281 00:17:37,599 --> 00:17:39,976 Maybe you need to release control. 282 00:17:40,310 --> 00:17:41,436 Why would I do that? 283 00:17:41,519 --> 00:17:44,648 Because, like it or not, you're sharing that body. 284 00:17:44,814 --> 00:17:46,694 The roles could've easily been reversed, Rodney. 285 00:17:46,733 --> 00:17:48,860 You could be trapped inside her body. 286 00:17:48,944 --> 00:17:51,196 Now, wouldn't you like a chance to, say, talk to others 287 00:17:51,321 --> 00:17:53,823 nhouthawngto gothrough her? Yeah. 288 00:17:54,407 --> 00:17:55,909 Maybe. Maybe? 289 00:17:55,992 --> 00:17:57,369 Okay, yes, I would want that. 290 00:17:57,953 --> 00:17:59,162 So let her. 291 00:18:01,706 --> 00:18:03,333 Close your eyes. 292 00:18:04,251 --> 00:18:05,377 Take deep breaths 293 00:18:05,460 --> 00:18:08,004 and stop trying to control everything for a second. 294 00:18:11,925 --> 00:18:13,093 Cadman: Hello? 295 00:18:14,636 --> 00:18:15,845 Hello? 296 00:18:16,680 --> 00:18:17,764 Laura? 297 00:18:17,847 --> 00:18:19,516 Oh, this is weird. 298 00:18:20,558 --> 00:18:22,852 Hearing his voice when I speak. 299 00:18:24,020 --> 00:18:25,355 Can you move? 300 00:18:25,438 --> 00:18:27,357 I don't know. Let me try. 301 00:18:32,862 --> 00:18:35,740 McKay: Okay. That's enough of that. Cadman: Oh, come on. 302 00:18:35,824 --> 00:18:37,718 Dr. McKay, we were just starting to make progress. 303 00:18:37,742 --> 00:18:40,537 Progress won't be necessary if we can get her out of here. 304 00:18:40,620 --> 00:18:41,955 Now, I've calmed down. 305 00:18:42,038 --> 00:18:43,123 80 has she. 306 00:18:43,206 --> 00:18:44,541 Let me get back to work. 307 00:18:44,916 --> 00:18:47,585 Okay. Really? 308 00:18:48,670 --> 00:18:51,548 Oh, she's... she's fine with this, by the way. Sort of. 309 00:18:51,631 --> 00:18:52,716 Should I? 310 00:18:53,550 --> 00:18:54,759 This is a p-90. 311 00:18:54,843 --> 00:18:57,929 It's a compact, lightweight, incredibly sturdy, fully... 312 00:19:04,311 --> 00:19:07,564 Good. That's good. 313 00:19:08,857 --> 00:19:10,150 All right. 314 00:19:10,233 --> 00:19:12,902 Uh, this is a 9-millimeter, semi-automatic... 315 00:19:19,409 --> 00:19:20,660 That's good, too. 316 00:19:20,827 --> 00:19:22,078 I prefer this. 317 00:19:27,250 --> 00:19:29,252 I can see why you would. 318 00:19:40,597 --> 00:19:42,891 All right. Let's give this bad boy a try. 319 00:19:42,974 --> 00:19:44,684 Start her up, but slowly ease her into it. 320 00:19:44,768 --> 00:19:46,162 Zelenka: No, no, no, no, it's... it's not ready. 321 00:19:46,186 --> 00:19:47,854 Some of these calculations are not right. 322 00:19:47,937 --> 00:19:49,439 Maybe you just don't understand them. 323 00:19:55,028 --> 00:19:56,446 What the hell happened? 324 00:19:56,529 --> 00:19:57,697 We started it up. 325 00:19:57,781 --> 00:20:00,200 I said "slowly ease her into it." 326 00:20:00,283 --> 00:20:02,410 I was at 3%. 327 00:20:02,494 --> 00:20:03,763 The power requirements are delicate. 328 00:20:03,787 --> 00:20:05,747 We should've run more simulations before... 329 00:20:05,830 --> 00:20:09,042 Yes, yes! 20/20 hindsight. You shouldn't be here. 330 00:20:09,125 --> 00:20:10,168 I'm sorry? 331 00:20:10,251 --> 00:20:13,630 I'm telling you, these calculations are wrong. 332 00:20:13,922 --> 00:20:17,675 Having two consciousnesses inside of a single brain must be very taxing. 333 00:20:17,759 --> 00:20:21,137 Listen... You're making mistakes. 334 00:20:27,143 --> 00:20:28,520 Now, leave it to me 335 00:20:28,603 --> 00:20:30,397 before you do more harm than good. 336 00:20:46,746 --> 00:20:48,164 You're up late. 337 00:20:48,873 --> 00:20:52,085 I couldn't sleep. I was trying to clear my head. 338 00:20:53,420 --> 00:20:57,090 I hear the transformer test didn't go so well. 339 00:20:57,173 --> 00:20:59,050 Well, you heard right. 340 00:21:00,343 --> 00:21:03,179 Listen, I wanted you to know 341 00:21:04,514 --> 00:21:07,183 that I gave the command to take the dart down. 342 00:21:07,267 --> 00:21:09,811 Much as I'd like to pretend that this is remotely your fault, 343 00:21:09,894 --> 00:21:13,481 the thought of what would've happened if you hadn't shot the dart down is... 344 00:21:13,565 --> 00:21:15,316 So, we're cool? 345 00:21:15,400 --> 00:21:17,277 No, you're cool, I'm fine. 346 00:21:18,653 --> 00:21:20,196 You should get some sleep. 347 00:21:20,864 --> 00:21:23,199 Cadman: I could actually use some rest, Rodney. 348 00:21:24,200 --> 00:21:26,035 She says she's tired. 349 00:21:28,163 --> 00:21:29,539 Good night. 350 00:22:21,925 --> 00:22:23,134 Cadman: Busy? 351 00:22:23,510 --> 00:22:25,094 No, no, come in. 352 00:22:27,347 --> 00:22:29,432 How're you feeling? Fine. 353 00:22:30,767 --> 00:22:31,809 Really? 354 00:22:31,893 --> 00:22:32,894 Hmm. 355 00:22:33,228 --> 00:22:37,190 Mainly because of cadman. She's calming, you know? 356 00:22:38,650 --> 00:22:42,111 Between you and me, I am damn lucky it was her. 357 00:22:43,279 --> 00:22:46,282 Should you... oh, she's asleep, can't hear a thing. 358 00:22:46,991 --> 00:22:49,202 Well, yes, then. She seems like a lovely lady. 359 00:22:49,285 --> 00:22:51,663 Oh, that is so nice. 360 00:22:53,873 --> 00:22:55,041 (Clearing throat) 361 00:22:55,124 --> 00:22:59,254 Hey, um, you want to, uh, do me a favor? 362 00:22:59,337 --> 00:23:02,799 You know, you want to ride shotgun on this date tomorrow night? 363 00:23:03,925 --> 00:23:05,969 With Dr. Brown? Katie. 364 00:23:06,427 --> 00:23:07,587 You're going through with it? 365 00:23:07,637 --> 00:23:10,056 I've cancelled on her so many times. 366 00:23:10,139 --> 00:23:12,016 I don't want to mess this up. 367 00:23:15,395 --> 00:23:16,980 But what do you want me to do? 368 00:23:17,063 --> 00:23:21,776 Listen, I don't think it's any big secret that I am terrible with women. 369 00:23:22,485 --> 00:23:25,285 Having someone there to cut me off when I start making a fool of myself 370 00:23:25,321 --> 00:23:27,240 would be a great help. 371 00:23:29,826 --> 00:23:31,911 I'd consider it a personal favor. 372 00:23:36,165 --> 00:23:38,418 Okay, Rodney, fine. Great. 373 00:23:41,337 --> 00:23:42,839 And thanks. 374 00:23:48,386 --> 00:23:49,971 (McKay snoring) 375 00:24:10,700 --> 00:24:12,076 Where am I? 376 00:24:14,537 --> 00:24:16,039 Where are my clothes? 377 00:24:16,748 --> 00:24:19,208 Cadman: Can't we sleep just a little longer? 378 00:24:20,835 --> 00:24:22,396 It's 2:00 in the afternoon. Where the hell are we? 379 00:24:22,420 --> 00:24:24,672 We 're in my room. Your mattress sucks. 380 00:24:24,756 --> 00:24:27,216 That is a prescription mattress. I need that for my back. 381 00:24:27,300 --> 00:24:28,402 Now, how the hell did we get here? 382 00:24:28,426 --> 00:24:29,906 I walked here while you were sleeping. 383 00:24:29,969 --> 00:24:30,970 You did what? 384 00:24:31,054 --> 00:24:33,532 Yeah, it was a lot easier to use your body when you were asleep. 385 00:24:33,556 --> 00:24:35,308 Pants. Where are my pants? 386 00:24:35,391 --> 00:24:37,310 They're over on the chair. 387 00:24:41,439 --> 00:24:42,690 Seen it. 388 00:24:43,441 --> 00:24:44,710 We have got to set some boundaries. 389 00:24:44,734 --> 00:24:47,612 Yeah, I'm sorry about that. I'm kind of used to sleeping in the buff 390 00:24:47,695 --> 00:24:49,656 you've crossed a line here, cadman. 391 00:24:49,739 --> 00:24:52,408 I guarantee it was more traumatic for me. 392 00:24:53,242 --> 00:24:54,869 (Gasping) 393 00:24:55,370 --> 00:24:58,956 Why are my legs burning? I... I took us for a run before we went to bed. 394 00:24:59,082 --> 00:25:02,377 Why in the world would you do that? Because it helps me unwind. 395 00:25:03,127 --> 00:25:05,296 Okay, okay, this is very important. 396 00:25:05,588 --> 00:25:08,067 Did you ingest any citrus? I'm... I'm... I'm deathly allergic to citrus. 397 00:25:08,091 --> 00:25:09,592 Oh, oh oh, oh? 398 00:25:09,676 --> 00:25:10,718 (Cadman laughs) 399 00:25:10,802 --> 00:25:12,345 Rodney, look, I worked out, 400 00:25:12,428 --> 00:25:14,055 I came here, and I went to bed. 401 00:25:14,138 --> 00:25:16,140 Jeez, loosen up. I would love to, 402 00:25:16,224 --> 00:25:20,019 but every muscle in my body is sore from your stupid workout. 403 00:25:20,103 --> 00:25:22,480 So, what... what's on the board for today? 404 00:25:22,563 --> 00:25:24,482 More of the same. Why, you have any ideas? 405 00:25:24,565 --> 00:25:26,567 Yeah, actually, ldo. 406 00:25:27,985 --> 00:25:29,237 Okay, don't look. 407 00:25:42,291 --> 00:25:44,544 I thought we were supposed to be sparring today. 408 00:25:45,211 --> 00:25:47,630 You were late, so ronon and I... 409 00:25:50,007 --> 00:25:51,968 (Grunting) 410 00:25:53,302 --> 00:25:55,304 What the hell do you think you're doing? 411 00:25:57,515 --> 00:25:59,267 I wouldn't have hurt her. 412 00:25:59,600 --> 00:26:01,644 Well, it sure in hell looked like you were going to. 413 00:26:03,479 --> 00:26:05,314 You okay? I am fine. 414 00:26:11,779 --> 00:26:13,906 I told him that he did not have to go easy on me. 415 00:26:13,990 --> 00:26:16,784 You've got to be careful what you say to this guy. 416 00:26:20,496 --> 00:26:21,932 No, it is completely out of the question. 417 00:26:21,956 --> 00:26:23,833 Cadman: Why? You'd rather go it alone? 418 00:26:23,916 --> 00:26:26,085 Oh, yes, imagine that. I'd rather go it alone. 419 00:26:26,169 --> 00:26:27,879 Well, consider the opportunity, right? 420 00:26:27,962 --> 00:26:29,338 To have a woman there with you, 421 00:26:29,422 --> 00:26:31,466 helping you out, feeding you lines. 422 00:26:31,549 --> 00:26:33,551 I really think you could learn something. 423 00:26:33,634 --> 00:26:36,262 Thank you for the offer, cyrano, but I think I'll pass. 424 00:26:36,345 --> 00:26:38,431 I was there when you bumped into her, okay? 425 00:26:38,514 --> 00:26:41,142 I felt how nervous and awkward you were. 426 00:26:41,225 --> 00:26:44,020 I'm sure that has nothing to do with my current situation. 427 00:26:44,103 --> 00:26:46,522 Come on, Rodney, let me do this for you. 428 00:26:46,856 --> 00:26:49,192 Maybe this is why this happened. 429 00:26:49,275 --> 00:26:50,651 Yeah. This is why this happened? 430 00:26:50,735 --> 00:26:52,820 Are you insane? Considering our situation here, 431 00:26:52,904 --> 00:26:55,448 I think I've been extremely reasonable. 432 00:26:55,531 --> 00:26:57,784 I can make this a living hell for you, Rodney. 433 00:26:57,867 --> 00:26:59,869 This is something I wanna do, and we're doing it. 434 00:27:09,796 --> 00:27:11,380 (Door opening) 435 00:27:19,388 --> 00:27:21,390 I wanted to apologize. 436 00:27:23,059 --> 00:27:24,393 Come in. 437 00:27:27,814 --> 00:27:31,818 Do not worry, ronon. It was impressive. 438 00:27:33,820 --> 00:27:35,321 Please. 439 00:27:36,322 --> 00:27:38,032 How are you finding your training? 440 00:27:38,282 --> 00:27:40,076 You mean my testing? 441 00:27:41,744 --> 00:27:43,246 Is that what you think? 442 00:27:44,288 --> 00:27:45,706 Am I wrong? 443 00:27:46,499 --> 00:27:50,127 Colonel Sheppard believes you can be of great help to us. 444 00:27:52,922 --> 00:27:54,590 Why did you join them? 445 00:27:55,883 --> 00:27:59,971 My people are strong and proud, 446 00:28:01,347 --> 00:28:04,433 but Atlantis is the best hope for us all. 447 00:28:07,103 --> 00:28:10,898 I suspect you see it, too, or you would have already left. 448 00:28:12,984 --> 00:28:16,487 I am so sorry. I thought he told you that I'd be joining you for dinner. 449 00:28:16,571 --> 00:28:19,240 Well, he has been under a lot of stress lately. 450 00:28:19,323 --> 00:28:20,950 Yes. In fact, that's why I'm here. 451 00:28:21,659 --> 00:28:23,369 Is he all right? 452 00:28:23,452 --> 00:28:24,996 I'm late. Sorry. Hi. 453 00:28:25,621 --> 00:28:27,540 Carson kept me company. 454 00:28:27,623 --> 00:28:30,459 Sit down. The first course is all set to go. 455 00:28:30,793 --> 00:28:32,086 Carson? Rodney? 456 00:28:32,169 --> 00:28:33,880 What are you doing here? You invited me. 457 00:28:33,963 --> 00:28:36,632 Oh, I did, did I? Yes. 458 00:28:37,466 --> 00:28:38,968 Please sit. 459 00:28:48,269 --> 00:28:50,396 Cadman: Don't start eating, you idiot. 460 00:28:50,479 --> 00:28:51,731 Make a toast first. 461 00:28:51,814 --> 00:28:53,566 Yes. Yes. Yes. 462 00:28:56,027 --> 00:28:58,696 A toast to you. 463 00:28:59,947 --> 00:29:03,409 We've been working together for some time now, a short time, 464 00:29:03,492 --> 00:29:06,537 but in that time 465 00:29:08,289 --> 00:29:11,083 I've often found our interchanges very, um... 466 00:29:13,169 --> 00:29:19,008 What I mean to say is that you're very funny and smart and... 467 00:29:22,678 --> 00:29:26,223 And from... and from what I can tell, you make a delicious salad. 468 00:29:27,308 --> 00:29:29,185 So, to you. 469 00:29:29,852 --> 00:29:31,354 Yes. Cheers. 470 00:29:31,479 --> 00:29:33,439 All right, good. That wasn't so bad. 471 00:29:33,522 --> 00:29:35,918 She's obviously into you. So at least we have that working for us. 472 00:29:35,942 --> 00:29:38,152 Now, I was thinking that we... 473 00:29:38,861 --> 00:29:40,947 Wait, McKay. McKay. 474 00:29:41,030 --> 00:29:43,407 Stop drinking the wine. You're gonna get drunk. 475 00:29:43,491 --> 00:29:44,492 Actually, wait. Yes. 476 00:29:44,575 --> 00:29:47,036 You need that to loosen up a bit. Finish it off 477 00:29:47,119 --> 00:29:49,455 good boy. Yeah. 478 00:29:57,588 --> 00:29:58,881 Say something, McKay. 479 00:29:58,965 --> 00:30:01,550 Come on, say something that'll start a conversation. 480 00:30:06,305 --> 00:30:07,765 Do you... 481 00:30:14,146 --> 00:30:15,231 Yes? 482 00:30:16,190 --> 00:30:17,817 I forgot what I was gonna say. 483 00:30:20,945 --> 00:30:22,405 What was it? 484 00:30:24,740 --> 00:30:27,493 Cadman: Okay, this is ridiculous. 485 00:30:34,542 --> 00:30:37,795 Katie, I really like you. 486 00:30:38,087 --> 00:30:42,008 In fact, the past few months here have been made more livable, 487 00:30:42,091 --> 00:30:43,509 thanks to you. 488 00:30:45,469 --> 00:30:47,596 I wanted tonight to be special, 489 00:30:48,472 --> 00:30:51,767 but for reasons I can't go into now, igofialeave. 490 00:30:56,063 --> 00:30:57,773 I'm sorry to hear that. 491 00:30:57,857 --> 00:31:00,943 But I don't want you to be insulted, 492 00:31:01,068 --> 00:31:04,530 or to wonder whether or not I am interested in you, 493 00:31:04,947 --> 00:31:06,490 because I am. 494 00:31:06,574 --> 00:31:09,994 I am very, very 495 00:31:11,287 --> 00:31:12,955 interested. 496 00:31:23,132 --> 00:31:24,467 See you soon. 497 00:31:36,896 --> 00:31:38,856 McKay: Give me back my body. We have to go back. 498 00:31:38,939 --> 00:31:40,357 Cadman: And do what? 499 00:31:40,441 --> 00:31:42,502 I bet that is the most honest you've ever been with a girl, 500 00:31:42,526 --> 00:31:44,403 and it wasn't even you. 501 00:31:44,487 --> 00:31:47,198 I can't believe you're doing this. 502 00:31:47,281 --> 00:31:51,077 We just tried to do too much, too fast, McKay. 503 00:31:51,160 --> 00:31:54,205 Please, please. Go back. Nope. 504 00:31:56,499 --> 00:31:59,502 Rock, paper, scissors. I'm the left hand, you're the right. 505 00:31:59,627 --> 00:32:01,754 Cadman? Fine. 506 00:32:03,089 --> 00:32:05,508 (Exclaiming) Paper beats rock. We leave. 507 00:32:05,591 --> 00:32:07,009 No, we... 508 00:32:07,676 --> 00:32:08,886 (Exclaiming) 509 00:32:08,969 --> 00:32:11,263 Get a hold of yourself, man. 510 00:32:11,347 --> 00:32:13,158 Zelenka on pa: Dr. McKay, report to the hangar. 511 00:32:13,182 --> 00:32:14,725 Dr. McKay, report to the hangar. 512 00:32:14,809 --> 00:32:16,852 McKay: Hello. That's us. 513 00:32:18,521 --> 00:32:20,022 Thank you. 514 00:32:25,569 --> 00:32:27,089 We've been running simulations all day. 515 00:32:27,154 --> 00:32:28,465 I think I may finally have something. 516 00:32:28,489 --> 00:32:30,991 I was able to get the generator to run on a buffer loop 517 00:32:31,075 --> 00:32:33,953 which tricks the dart into taking only the power that it needs 518 00:32:34,036 --> 00:32:36,539 without overloading. Great. Good thinking. 519 00:32:36,622 --> 00:32:38,082 Now, can we just see it? 520 00:32:38,165 --> 00:32:39,375 Anxious? 521 00:32:39,750 --> 00:32:40,960 Yes. 522 00:32:41,043 --> 00:32:43,295 Okay. Firing. 523 00:32:50,386 --> 00:32:53,556 All right. Life signs holding steady. 524 00:32:54,223 --> 00:32:56,308 Now rematerialization initiated. 525 00:32:56,392 --> 00:32:57,393 (Beeping) 526 00:33:03,065 --> 00:33:07,153 Now I'm no scientist, but those mice used to be a different color. 527 00:33:07,778 --> 00:33:09,822 This is never gonna end. 528 00:33:10,322 --> 00:33:12,741 I'm gonna be stuck like this forever. 529 00:33:21,750 --> 00:33:23,210 I'm not sure it's a good idea, John. 530 00:33:23,294 --> 00:33:27,214 Elizabeth, you've got to see this guy in action. He is an incredible shot. 531 00:33:27,298 --> 00:33:30,009 None of my guys could beat him in a fight and he's ex-military. 532 00:33:30,092 --> 00:33:31,635 Yeah, not a military on earth. 533 00:33:31,719 --> 00:33:33,345 Look, the guy's got no place to go. 534 00:33:33,429 --> 00:33:36,015 You're not just being charitable? No, I'm not. 535 00:33:36,098 --> 00:33:38,851 And I think he'd make a great addition to my team. 536 00:33:38,976 --> 00:33:41,812 We don't know anything about him. What's there to know? 537 00:33:41,896 --> 00:33:45,316 Well, anything would be helpful. He's not very forthcoming. 538 00:33:45,399 --> 00:33:48,211 He's been on the run from the wraith the past seven years. What do you expect? 539 00:33:48,235 --> 00:33:51,989 Listen, just talk to the guy. You owe him that at least. 540 00:33:56,869 --> 00:33:57,953 Okay. 541 00:34:03,459 --> 00:34:05,461 McKay: I would like an apology. 542 00:34:06,170 --> 00:34:08,297 Laura? Cadman: Forget about it. 543 00:34:08,464 --> 00:34:11,050 You did take over his body without permission. 544 00:34:11,133 --> 00:34:12,893 He doesn't ask permission when he takes over. 545 00:34:12,968 --> 00:34:14,678 McKay: You... Because it's my body! 546 00:34:14,762 --> 00:34:16,931 Cadman: Yeah, and I'm a guest. 547 00:34:17,014 --> 00:34:18,724 Try and be a little more courteous. 548 00:34:18,807 --> 00:34:21,352 McKay: You see? This is what I have to put up with. 549 00:34:21,560 --> 00:34:22,895 Cadman: "Put up with?" 550 00:34:22,978 --> 00:34:26,815 McKay: There's a lot of stuff that I'm not doing right now that I would be doing. 551 00:34:26,899 --> 00:34:28,251 Cadman: I don't wanna hear about it. 552 00:34:28,275 --> 00:34:30,486 All right, you two. Settle down. 553 00:34:30,945 --> 00:34:32,404 McKay: Would you... 554 00:34:34,240 --> 00:34:37,493 Thigh. Strip. Cut. Lift. Cut. 555 00:34:38,577 --> 00:34:40,955 And finish. Awesome. 556 00:34:42,623 --> 00:34:45,417 Ronon. Can I have a word? 557 00:34:48,462 --> 00:34:49,546 Here. 558 00:34:52,549 --> 00:34:56,595 I understand major Sheppard extended an invitation to you to join his team. 559 00:34:56,679 --> 00:34:58,097 Yeah, he did. 560 00:34:59,014 --> 00:35:02,142 Well, he was supposed to speak to me about that first. 561 00:35:03,269 --> 00:35:04,353 Okay. 562 00:35:06,146 --> 00:35:08,732 Look, it's not that I don't trust you, 563 00:35:08,816 --> 00:35:11,777 or value any contributions you may have to make, 564 00:35:13,195 --> 00:35:15,781 or that you will make if you do join us, 565 00:35:15,864 --> 00:35:18,409 it's just it is a rather big decision. 566 00:35:22,413 --> 00:35:23,539 So how do you feel? 567 00:35:24,373 --> 00:35:25,958 I'm thinking about it. 568 00:35:26,125 --> 00:35:27,293 Okay, good. 569 00:35:27,459 --> 00:35:29,253 Well, I'm thinking about it, too. 570 00:35:29,712 --> 00:35:31,630 So I guess we'll just keep in touch, then? 571 00:35:31,714 --> 00:35:32,923 Okay. 572 00:35:35,301 --> 00:35:37,052 Okay. All right. 573 00:35:38,053 --> 00:35:40,347 Dismembering the feeding arm. Two knives. 574 00:35:41,682 --> 00:35:42,725 Slice. Cut. 575 00:35:42,933 --> 00:35:44,119 McKay: You're the one who said set up rules. 576 00:35:44,143 --> 00:35:46,020 Well, I did. I... I... I followed them. 577 00:35:46,103 --> 00:35:48,480 I stuck to them. She basically hijacked me. 578 00:35:48,564 --> 00:35:53,110 Cadman: Hey, you had a real opportunity to get inside the mind of a woman 579 00:35:53,193 --> 00:35:56,989 and actually expand your horizons, but no. 580 00:35:57,156 --> 00:35:58,756 McKay: Did you ever for a second consider 581 00:35:58,824 --> 00:36:01,410 that I might not want to get inside a woman's... 582 00:36:01,493 --> 00:36:04,538 Rodney? Rodney? Rodney? 583 00:36:11,754 --> 00:36:14,214 This is heightmeyer. Get Beckett in here stat. 584 00:36:26,602 --> 00:36:28,187 What happened? You had a seizure. 585 00:36:28,270 --> 00:36:29,646 Why? From what we can tell 586 00:36:29,730 --> 00:36:31,833 the constant fighting over the dominance of your brain 587 00:36:31,857 --> 00:36:33,984 is having a deleterious effect on its lower functions. 588 00:36:34,068 --> 00:36:36,111 Heart rate, respiration, organ function. 589 00:36:36,362 --> 00:36:37,780 Cadman: And that's not good. 590 00:36:37,863 --> 00:36:39,049 McKay: Of course it's not good. 591 00:36:39,073 --> 00:36:41,593 I'm not sure how long you can go on like this. What do you mean? 592 00:36:41,658 --> 00:36:44,012 These misfires will only increase in frequency and severity with time. 593 00:36:44,036 --> 00:36:45,847 McKay: Well, fine. She'll stop trying to take control of my body. 594 00:36:45,871 --> 00:36:47,289 It's not as simple as that, Rodney. 595 00:36:47,373 --> 00:36:49,041 One of you has to release control. 596 00:36:49,124 --> 00:36:50,709 One of you has to let go completely. 597 00:36:50,793 --> 00:36:53,962 Well, maybe if someone, say you, hadn't told her to try and take control 598 00:36:54,046 --> 00:36:55,774 in the first place, none of this would've happened. 599 00:36:55,798 --> 00:36:57,549 I was just trying to help both of you. 600 00:36:57,633 --> 00:37:00,761 What happens to the person, the one who lets go? 601 00:37:01,762 --> 00:37:03,597 Well, we're not certain, of course. 602 00:37:03,680 --> 00:37:05,617 It's not like we've run into a lot of these situations before. 603 00:37:05,641 --> 00:37:07,434 Cadman: They would disappear. 604 00:37:07,684 --> 00:37:10,312 I know they would because I can already feel it happening to me. 605 00:37:11,021 --> 00:37:12,648 It's getting harder to be in here. 606 00:37:13,148 --> 00:37:14,650 It's taking more of an effort. 607 00:37:15,317 --> 00:37:16,669 McKay: Has it always been like that? 608 00:37:16,693 --> 00:37:18,237 Cadman: The past few hours. 609 00:37:18,529 --> 00:37:19,863 You haven't felt it, too? 610 00:37:19,947 --> 00:37:22,801 McKay: Well, of course I have, but I just thought I was fighting with you. 611 00:37:22,825 --> 00:37:24,701 Look, where are we at? 612 00:37:26,286 --> 00:37:29,456 Well, we've successfully rematerialized a pair of mice. 613 00:37:29,915 --> 00:37:32,126 They were whole and correctly reconstructed. 614 00:37:34,461 --> 00:37:35,921 They didn't survive. 615 00:37:39,133 --> 00:37:41,969 I'm afraid if one of you doesn't let go 616 00:37:42,594 --> 00:37:44,179 both of you will die. 617 00:37:46,181 --> 00:37:47,516 Cadman: I'll do it. 618 00:37:50,060 --> 00:37:51,895 Which one of you said that? 619 00:38:00,529 --> 00:38:04,199 You don't have to do this. Cadman: Yes, I do, Rodney. It's your body. 620 00:38:04,283 --> 00:38:06,785 And you're not gonna do it. What makes you so sure? 621 00:38:06,869 --> 00:38:08,787 They need you here, 622 00:38:09,371 --> 00:38:12,124 and as much as I hate to admit it, I'm not as important as... 623 00:38:12,207 --> 00:38:14,960 Stop it. That's not true. 624 00:38:15,961 --> 00:38:19,465 Cadman: Carson, I need something to write with. 625 00:38:20,090 --> 00:38:23,802 What are you doing? I'm gonna write a letter to my folks. 626 00:38:23,886 --> 00:38:26,013 I'd appreciate it if you delivered it yourself 627 00:38:26,096 --> 00:38:29,141 the next time you gate back to earth, Rodney, explain what happened. 628 00:38:29,224 --> 00:38:31,268 Well, I'm not sure when I'll... 629 00:38:31,351 --> 00:38:33,854 The gate. We can use the gate. 630 00:38:34,771 --> 00:38:36,523 What are you talking about? 631 00:38:36,607 --> 00:38:38,734 Well, the gate dematerializes you as you step into it, 632 00:38:38,817 --> 00:38:40,044 sending your information to the next gate 633 00:38:40,068 --> 00:38:42,654 so it can rematerialize you on the other side. We know that. 634 00:38:42,738 --> 00:38:45,049 So if we can take one of the crystal-control modules from the gate 635 00:38:45,073 --> 00:38:46,134 and interface it with the dart, 636 00:38:46,158 --> 00:38:47,838 we should be able to build a stable system. 637 00:38:47,868 --> 00:38:50,668 Rodney, wait. I don't think you're in any condition to do this, Rodney. 638 00:38:50,704 --> 00:38:53,664 I don't have time to talk. I need to get this done before the next seizure. 639 00:38:57,753 --> 00:38:59,796 (Beeping) 640 00:39:01,465 --> 00:39:02,549 All right, let's do this. 641 00:39:02,633 --> 00:39:04,611 Just because it works in simulation doesn't mean... 642 00:39:04,635 --> 00:39:06,512 I would prefer not to suffer a fatal seizure 643 00:39:06,595 --> 00:39:09,890 while we wait for you to round up more mice for testing. So, shall we? 644 00:39:10,766 --> 00:39:12,768 Cadman: Rodney. Don't try and talk me out of this. 645 00:39:12,851 --> 00:39:17,064 I may very well listen. I was just gonna say thanks. 646 00:39:17,481 --> 00:39:21,276 You're welcome. I can honestly say that the entire experience has been very... 647 00:39:22,319 --> 00:39:23,820 About time. Hold on, Rodney. 648 00:39:23,904 --> 00:39:27,699 I thought all the mice died. Well, what are we, mice or men? 649 00:39:27,783 --> 00:39:29,284 Are you sure about this? 650 00:39:29,535 --> 00:39:30,953 Absolutely. Yes. 651 00:39:38,043 --> 00:39:40,462 Okay. Just give me a second, here. 652 00:39:45,926 --> 00:39:49,388 Well, Laura, it's been unique. 653 00:39:49,471 --> 00:39:51,181 To say the least. 654 00:39:51,807 --> 00:39:52,891 Good luck to us both, huh? 655 00:39:52,975 --> 00:39:54,184 All right. 656 00:39:56,770 --> 00:40:00,440 It's ready. I suggest you take a step back. 657 00:40:03,902 --> 00:40:05,404 All right. 658 00:40:07,489 --> 00:40:08,574 Cadman: Wait. 659 00:40:22,087 --> 00:40:24,131 Cadman: Just in case this doesn't work. 660 00:40:24,214 --> 00:40:25,215 (McKay exc laiming) 661 00:40:31,346 --> 00:40:34,391 Just... just hit it. 662 00:40:38,854 --> 00:40:40,564 (Beeping) 663 00:40:41,523 --> 00:40:44,192 Okay. It's reading as two life signs. 664 00:40:44,276 --> 00:40:46,612 Power levels are steady. Get them out of there. 665 00:40:56,622 --> 00:40:58,457 Beckett: Let's get them to the infirmary. 666 00:41:02,669 --> 00:41:05,464 Did you get the chance to talk to ronon? 667 00:41:05,547 --> 00:41:09,635 Yes, I did. Chatty fellow, isn't he? And? 668 00:41:10,886 --> 00:41:12,387 He would be your responsibility. 669 00:41:12,471 --> 00:41:14,306 I knew you'd say yes. I haven't said yes. 670 00:41:14,389 --> 00:41:16,433 Well, you were about to. 671 00:41:18,393 --> 00:41:20,187 Yes. There you go. 672 00:41:26,360 --> 00:41:27,903 (Snoring) 673 00:41:36,244 --> 00:41:37,746 Cadman: Feeling better? 674 00:41:43,251 --> 00:41:44,544 Oh, no. 675 00:41:46,296 --> 00:41:47,673 Over here. 676 00:41:54,763 --> 00:41:56,640 A little less crowded. You? 677 00:41:56,723 --> 00:41:57,724 Same. 678 00:41:58,100 --> 00:42:00,143 It's nice to see I have my own body back. 679 00:42:00,227 --> 00:42:03,438 You're doing supremely well. Oh, good to hear. 680 00:42:04,231 --> 00:42:05,774 Nice work. 681 00:42:06,692 --> 00:42:09,695 It was your idea. Well, of course it was, butyou_. 682 00:42:09,778 --> 00:42:12,114 You were there. 683 00:42:13,782 --> 00:42:17,160 Lieutenant, way to survive what I think may be my worst nightmare. 684 00:42:17,244 --> 00:42:18,829 Thank you, sir. 685 00:42:19,121 --> 00:42:20,372 Yes, thank you. 686 00:42:21,373 --> 00:42:23,875 I imagine you two might want a moment. 687 00:42:23,959 --> 00:42:27,129 Uh, actually, ma'am, I think I'd like some time alone. 688 00:42:27,462 --> 00:42:29,840 Same here. It's been a while. 689 00:42:30,507 --> 00:42:32,259 All right, release them as soon as you can. 690 00:42:47,566 --> 00:42:48,984 Yeah. 691 00:42:54,406 --> 00:42:55,615 (Sighing) 692 00:43:39,242 --> 00:43:40,243 English — us — psdh