1 00:00:02,420 --> 00:00:03,897 Narrator: Previously on Stargate Atlantis. 2 00:00:03,921 --> 00:00:06,507 Currently, Stargate command has no vessels 3 00:00:06,591 --> 00:00:09,385 capable of engaging the hive ships before they reach earth. 4 00:00:09,468 --> 00:00:11,012 Even if we could catch up with them, 5 00:00:11,095 --> 00:00:12,388 I don't know how long we'd last. 6 00:00:12,471 --> 00:00:17,435 The lingering stench of what they transformed you into will never fade. 7 00:00:17,518 --> 00:00:18,838 Wouldn't it have been more prudent 8 00:00:18,895 --> 00:00:21,105 to send the zpm back to earth on the daedalus? 9 00:00:21,189 --> 00:00:23,482 Colonel Sheppard, is that you? Who's this? 10 00:00:23,566 --> 00:00:25,127 Target the ventral hyperdrive generators. 11 00:00:25,151 --> 00:00:26,194 You'll be most effective. 12 00:00:26,277 --> 00:00:28,529 This ship has been seriously damaged. 13 00:00:28,613 --> 00:00:30,257 It's hard for me to find something to overload. 14 00:00:30,281 --> 00:00:31,699 Sheppard: Let Mikey try it. 15 00:00:31,782 --> 00:00:34,035 Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. He's helping us. 16 00:00:34,118 --> 00:00:36,162 Hive just opened fire on the transport, sir. 17 00:00:36,245 --> 00:00:38,206 Beam them directly to the bridge. 18 00:00:38,289 --> 00:00:39,808 That last blast took out our life support 19 00:00:39,832 --> 00:00:41,059 and the backups aren't responding. 20 00:00:41,083 --> 00:00:44,003 The only breathable air within light years is on the wraith ship. 21 00:00:44,086 --> 00:00:45,087 There's also wraith. 22 00:00:45,171 --> 00:00:46,756 Unless we send over the gas. 23 00:00:46,839 --> 00:00:48,341 We finish the plan we started! 24 00:00:48,424 --> 00:00:50,051 You can start sending people over, sir. 25 00:00:50,134 --> 00:00:52,220 They're all human and the air is good. 26 00:00:52,303 --> 00:00:53,971 I think we're out of the woods. 27 00:00:55,431 --> 00:00:57,058 Harriman: Incoming wormhole. 28 00:00:59,852 --> 00:01:01,479 Opening the Iris. 29 00:01:03,648 --> 00:01:05,816 Receiving video transmission. 30 00:01:06,943 --> 00:01:09,153 Stargate command, this is Atlantis. 31 00:01:09,237 --> 00:01:10,905 I'm here, Teyla. 32 00:01:10,988 --> 00:01:12,823 Any word about our people? 33 00:01:12,907 --> 00:01:15,868 Unfortunately, no. 34 00:01:16,994 --> 00:01:18,704 But the hive ship we've been tracking 35 00:01:18,829 --> 00:01:20,581 is still on course for Atlantis. 36 00:01:20,665 --> 00:01:22,583 We expect its arrival shortly. 37 00:01:22,667 --> 00:01:24,001 Activate the cloak. 38 00:01:24,502 --> 00:01:25,503 Proceed. 39 00:01:33,844 --> 00:01:35,263 Cloak is engaged. 40 00:01:35,346 --> 00:01:36,806 Weir: What about our defenses? 41 00:01:36,889 --> 00:01:39,433 All railgun positions are manned and operational, 42 00:01:39,517 --> 00:01:42,561 and Dr. Beckett is in the drone control chair. 43 00:01:43,521 --> 00:01:44,855 Patch me through to him. 44 00:01:45,523 --> 00:01:46,691 Weir: Carson? 45 00:01:46,774 --> 00:01:47,817 Elizabeth. 46 00:01:47,900 --> 00:01:48,901 How are you doing? 47 00:01:48,985 --> 00:01:50,736 Oh, just peachy, thanks. You? 48 00:01:50,987 --> 00:01:52,697 I'm sorry to put you in this position, 49 00:01:52,780 --> 00:01:54,031 but you are the only person 50 00:01:54,115 --> 00:01:55,866 besides colonel Sheppard and general O'Neill 51 00:01:55,950 --> 00:01:58,661 who've actually fired a drone from that chair. 52 00:01:58,744 --> 00:01:59,972 Ironically, they're the two people 53 00:01:59,996 --> 00:02:01,622 I nearly killed when I did that. 54 00:02:01,831 --> 00:02:02,873 You'll do fine. 55 00:02:02,957 --> 00:02:05,117 Is this even necessary? I mean, we've got the cloak up. 56 00:02:05,167 --> 00:02:06,353 Chances are they won't find us 57 00:02:06,377 --> 00:02:07,521 and they'll just be on their way. 58 00:02:07,545 --> 00:02:08,981 Weir: Normally, I would agree with you, 59 00:02:09,005 --> 00:02:10,464 but this ship is moving much faster 60 00:02:10,548 --> 00:02:12,234 than we've ever seen a hive ship move before, 61 00:02:12,258 --> 00:02:15,845 which means either it's one of the ships the daedalus is chasing, 62 00:02:15,928 --> 00:02:19,307 or they shared the information they stole from us with other wraith. 63 00:02:19,390 --> 00:02:21,851 Either way, the cloak might not do us much good. 64 00:02:22,518 --> 00:02:23,728 Great. 65 00:02:31,527 --> 00:02:33,487 Hive ship just dropped out of hyperspace. 66 00:02:33,571 --> 00:02:35,197 Doctor Beckett, stand by. 67 00:02:46,459 --> 00:02:48,210 Man: Receiving a signal. 68 00:02:48,294 --> 00:02:51,005 Sheppard: Atlantis, this is Sheppard, come in. 69 00:02:51,088 --> 00:02:52,298 John? 70 00:02:52,423 --> 00:02:53,674 Weir: They made it? 71 00:02:54,175 --> 00:02:57,011 Sheppard: We're out of food and water, and we haven't slept in days, 72 00:02:57,094 --> 00:02:58,346 but, yeah, we made it. 73 00:02:58,429 --> 00:03:00,973 So now would not be a good time to fire on us. 74 00:03:01,265 --> 00:03:05,269 After all, wouldn't wanna damage your new hive ship. 75 00:04:22,054 --> 00:04:24,557 Caldwell: This is daedalus. We're clear. Understood. 76 00:04:24,640 --> 00:04:26,350 Sorry to sneak up on you like that, doc. 77 00:04:26,434 --> 00:04:28,394 Subspace communications were down. 78 00:04:28,686 --> 00:04:30,606 I came this close to blasting you out of the sky. 79 00:04:30,688 --> 00:04:31,957 You showed remarkable restraint, 80 00:04:31,981 --> 00:04:34,233 which makes me all the more confident in you next time. 81 00:04:34,316 --> 00:04:35,776 Next time. Oh, no, no, no. 82 00:04:35,860 --> 00:04:37,695 Oh, yeah, the retrovirus worked great. 83 00:04:37,778 --> 00:04:39,613 Really? How many are there? 84 00:04:39,697 --> 00:04:42,116 Well, the ship didn't have a full complement to begin with, 85 00:04:42,199 --> 00:04:44,952 but, uh, still there are a few. 86 00:04:59,550 --> 00:05:02,136 This is a few? 87 00:05:02,219 --> 00:05:04,346 Sheppard: Official count is just under 200. 88 00:05:04,430 --> 00:05:05,824 A lot of them were killed in the battle. 89 00:05:05,848 --> 00:05:07,242 A lot more of them killed each other 90 00:05:07,266 --> 00:05:09,351 when the gas started changing them. 91 00:05:09,727 --> 00:05:11,687 We should consider ourselves lucky. 92 00:05:11,770 --> 00:05:14,523 A hive ship like this could carry thousands. 93 00:05:17,401 --> 00:05:19,403 Don't misunderstand me, Dr. Weir. 94 00:05:19,487 --> 00:05:22,990 I'm not here to lecture you on the moral complexities of your situation. 95 00:05:23,073 --> 00:05:25,159 Ultimately, the ioa has no official position 96 00:05:25,242 --> 00:05:27,161 on the matter one way or the other. 97 00:05:27,244 --> 00:05:29,055 'Cause when there's actually a tough decision to be made, 98 00:05:29,079 --> 00:05:31,207 they suddenly have no opinion. 99 00:05:32,249 --> 00:05:34,001 The lives of 200 former wraith 100 00:05:34,084 --> 00:05:36,420 are not high up on their list of priorities, 101 00:05:36,504 --> 00:05:38,797 but the way you dealt with the recent crisis, 102 00:05:38,881 --> 00:05:41,842 and quite frankly, the manner in which you responded to their authority, 103 00:05:41,926 --> 00:05:44,345 and there's still the issue of whether 104 00:05:44,428 --> 00:05:46,180 the intelligence that allowed these hives 105 00:05:46,263 --> 00:05:50,184 to get as far as they did was passed to any other wraith colonies. 106 00:05:50,267 --> 00:05:52,269 According to Michael, it was not. 107 00:05:52,770 --> 00:05:54,570 I don't have to tell you that your willingness 108 00:05:54,605 --> 00:05:56,690 to trust this particular wraith 109 00:05:56,774 --> 00:05:59,360 is not going to make for a strong defense. 110 00:05:59,443 --> 00:06:01,612 I didn't know I was on trial. 111 00:06:01,946 --> 00:06:03,197 (Sighing) 112 00:06:03,280 --> 00:06:07,701 Look, Pegasus is so far away, 113 00:06:07,785 --> 00:06:09,429 they never thought the wraith would be a threat 114 00:06:09,453 --> 00:06:13,040 to anyone outside the members of the expedition itself. 115 00:06:13,123 --> 00:06:16,710 It was their objection to having Atlantis under military control 116 00:06:16,794 --> 00:06:19,380 that put me in this position in the first place. 117 00:06:19,463 --> 00:06:21,924 Nothing renews your appreciation for the military 118 00:06:22,007 --> 00:06:25,427 like the threat of invasion from life-sucking aliens. 119 00:06:37,481 --> 00:06:38,482 Michael? 120 00:06:48,158 --> 00:06:51,203 Even though I saved colonel Sheppard's life 121 00:06:51,287 --> 00:06:54,498 and helped him stop the hives from reaching earth, 122 00:06:55,791 --> 00:06:57,793 you still place me under guard. 123 00:06:58,252 --> 00:07:00,129 You have betrayed our trust in the past. 124 00:07:00,212 --> 00:07:01,505 Trust? 125 00:07:02,548 --> 00:07:04,675 I was your prisoner then! 126 00:07:04,758 --> 00:07:07,219 And despite what I've done for you, 127 00:07:09,555 --> 00:07:11,390 here I am once again. 128 00:07:16,186 --> 00:07:18,272 I can't say I'm surprised. 129 00:07:18,981 --> 00:07:20,608 I wasn't welcome among my own kind. 130 00:07:20,691 --> 00:07:22,610 Why should I be welcomed here? 131 00:07:22,693 --> 00:07:24,737 What are you talking about? 132 00:07:26,238 --> 00:07:29,950 She looked at me as if I was some kind of unclean thing. 133 00:07:30,034 --> 00:07:32,328 I may appear as a wraith again on the outside, 134 00:07:32,411 --> 00:07:34,872 but as far as they're concerned, I'm... 135 00:07:39,793 --> 00:07:42,046 That is why I need your help. 136 00:07:43,547 --> 00:07:44,548 What do you want? 137 00:07:44,632 --> 00:07:47,968 I can't stay here, and I can't return to the wraith, 138 00:07:49,053 --> 00:07:51,555 which means I need to make my own way, 139 00:07:53,098 --> 00:07:54,725 and to do that 140 00:08:01,023 --> 00:08:04,401 I need supplies and a ship. 141 00:08:06,570 --> 00:08:09,031 We are grateful for your help, 142 00:08:09,114 --> 00:08:10,282 but we can never release you. 143 00:08:10,366 --> 00:08:11,806 Not with the information you possess. 144 00:08:11,867 --> 00:08:13,494 Then kill me now! 145 00:08:15,579 --> 00:08:17,414 There is another way. 146 00:08:17,539 --> 00:08:19,375 Take the treatment again. 147 00:08:20,084 --> 00:08:21,335 Yes. 148 00:08:21,418 --> 00:08:25,673 What I am is not a disease you can cure. 149 00:08:25,756 --> 00:08:28,717 Your life as a human could belong and full. 150 00:08:28,801 --> 00:08:32,930 And if I remember nothing of what or who I am, 151 00:08:34,056 --> 00:08:37,935 if this consciousness is erased, 152 00:08:39,728 --> 00:08:42,940 what is the difference between that and death? 153 00:08:43,023 --> 00:08:46,944 And if I do remember and revert back to my true nature, 154 00:08:49,947 --> 00:08:51,490 what will happen then? 155 00:08:52,783 --> 00:08:55,744 Doctor Beckett has made significant advances. 156 00:08:55,828 --> 00:08:57,413 The treatments are more effective now 157 00:08:57,496 --> 00:09:00,374 and eventually he may find a permanent solution. 158 00:09:00,457 --> 00:09:02,835 If you really believe that, 159 00:09:03,669 --> 00:09:08,298 those wraith you transformed wouldn't be in stasis on the ship. 160 00:09:10,175 --> 00:09:15,431 They'd be here reveling in your hospitality. 161 00:09:26,650 --> 00:09:27,735 (Knocking on door) 162 00:09:28,068 --> 00:09:29,445 Come in. 163 00:09:29,695 --> 00:09:31,029 Dr. Weir? 164 00:09:32,114 --> 00:09:33,532 Mr. Woolsey. 165 00:09:34,408 --> 00:09:38,036 The ioa has decided that for the time being, 166 00:09:38,120 --> 00:09:40,873 you should continue to head the Atlantis expedition. 167 00:09:41,999 --> 00:09:43,667 You're surprised? 168 00:09:44,710 --> 00:09:46,670 Yes, I am. 169 00:09:47,463 --> 00:09:50,758 I guess this means that international mistrust of the us military 170 00:09:50,841 --> 00:09:54,928 is far more powerful than their fear of "life-sucking aliens." 171 00:09:56,013 --> 00:09:58,932 The truth is, the delegates are split. 172 00:09:59,600 --> 00:10:03,687 In order to avoid a deadlock, they decided on a temporary reinstatement 173 00:10:03,771 --> 00:10:08,025 pending a detailed report on the situation in Pegasus. 174 00:10:08,859 --> 00:10:10,110 Written by... 175 00:10:12,696 --> 00:10:15,324 I'll be going back to Atlantis with you. 176 00:10:15,991 --> 00:10:18,410 Have you ever been offworld before, Mr. Woolsey? 177 00:10:18,494 --> 00:10:20,412 Sure. Once. 178 00:10:20,871 --> 00:10:22,539 And how did that go for you? 179 00:10:22,623 --> 00:10:24,208 I was nearly killed. 180 00:10:25,375 --> 00:10:27,044 Well, we will do our best to make sure 181 00:10:27,127 --> 00:10:28,879 that doesn't happen this time. 182 00:10:32,049 --> 00:10:33,425 I understand that Stargate command 183 00:10:33,509 --> 00:10:36,136 has put in a request to the asgard for transportation. 184 00:10:36,220 --> 00:10:38,847 I know they don't have a lot of ships to spare right now, 185 00:10:38,931 --> 00:10:42,226 but that will shave almost two weeks off our travel time. 186 00:10:43,852 --> 00:10:45,854 I've never met an asgard. 187 00:10:47,022 --> 00:10:48,899 You, I think, will love them. 188 00:10:49,024 --> 00:10:50,859 They've got a great sense of humor! 189 00:10:50,943 --> 00:10:52,152 Really? 190 00:11:07,209 --> 00:11:08,919 You figured out how to fly this thing yet? 191 00:11:09,002 --> 00:11:10,963 Oh, yeah. Fly, shimmy, spin like a top. 192 00:11:11,046 --> 00:11:12,565 You didn't think it'd be hard, did you? 193 00:11:12,589 --> 00:11:14,967 Just proves my confidence in you wasn't misplaced. 194 00:11:15,050 --> 00:11:16,570 So far we can't get the ship to respond 195 00:11:16,635 --> 00:11:18,220 to anything but the most basic commands. 196 00:11:18,303 --> 00:11:20,514 Thatdoesnt dousrnuchgood really? 197 00:11:20,597 --> 00:11:23,392 Look, all the more sophisticated systems, like navigation, 198 00:11:23,475 --> 00:11:24,828 respond to wraith neural interface, 199 00:11:24,852 --> 00:11:27,521 in much the same way that the puddle jumpers can only be controlled 200 00:11:27,604 --> 00:11:29,481 by people with the ata genes. 201 00:11:29,565 --> 00:11:31,191 So we still need a wraith to fly it. 202 00:11:31,275 --> 00:11:33,610 I'm working on a manual override. 203 00:11:34,611 --> 00:11:36,280 Just haven't had much luck yet. 204 00:11:36,989 --> 00:11:38,115 What about Teyla? 205 00:11:38,198 --> 00:11:40,450 Teyla's got the wraith gene thing. Maybe she can fly it. 206 00:11:40,534 --> 00:11:43,328 It's worth a try, but that's not the only problem. 207 00:11:43,412 --> 00:11:46,665 At least half of the ship's power-generating capacity is gone, 208 00:11:46,748 --> 00:11:48,226 so even if I had access to spare parts, 209 00:11:48,250 --> 00:11:50,294 which I don't, I doubt I could fix it. 210 00:11:50,377 --> 00:11:53,547 Now, ifwe're gonna fly this thing and hope for weapons, 211 00:11:53,630 --> 00:11:56,258 we need to cut back on our current power consumption. 212 00:11:56,341 --> 00:11:57,384 Meaning what? 213 00:11:57,467 --> 00:11:59,970 Meaning the 200 prisoners we've got in stasis, 214 00:12:00,053 --> 00:12:02,014 we can't keep them in there forever. 215 00:12:09,980 --> 00:12:12,065 Are you my executioner? 216 00:12:12,149 --> 00:12:13,609 I wish. 217 00:12:21,909 --> 00:12:24,828 I'm just glad he's not gonna remember this. 218 00:12:35,255 --> 00:12:37,591 All right. This is weird. 219 00:12:38,008 --> 00:12:40,093 What? They're just a bunch of guys. 220 00:12:40,177 --> 00:12:42,179 I know what they really are. 221 00:12:43,138 --> 00:12:45,474 Keep that to yourself and try to ignore them. 222 00:12:46,391 --> 00:12:49,311 Colonel Sheppard, I need to speak with you. 223 00:12:50,312 --> 00:12:51,521 I'm sorry, uh... 224 00:12:51,605 --> 00:12:53,148 Oh, my name is Lathan. 225 00:12:53,231 --> 00:12:55,233 At least, that's what I have been told. 226 00:12:55,317 --> 00:12:56,318 Okay. 227 00:12:56,401 --> 00:12:58,070 Many of us have questions, colonel, 228 00:12:58,153 --> 00:13:00,238 like how long we're going to be kept here. 229 00:13:00,322 --> 00:13:02,032 Well, that's up to Dr. Beckett. 230 00:13:02,115 --> 00:13:03,742 He said he doesn't know. 231 00:13:03,825 --> 00:13:06,078 Which means he doesn't know the exact date. 232 00:13:06,161 --> 00:13:09,873 Sorry, this is a medical situation and he has medical reasons. 233 00:13:10,040 --> 00:13:11,917 You people are under quarantine. 234 00:13:12,584 --> 00:13:13,961 Why only the men? 235 00:13:14,044 --> 00:13:17,547 Your women are immune to the strain, so are most of my people. 236 00:13:18,090 --> 00:13:19,466 We've been over this a few times. 237 00:13:19,549 --> 00:13:20,592 I know, I just... 238 00:13:20,676 --> 00:13:22,844 Well, until Dr. Beckett can clear you, 239 00:13:22,928 --> 00:13:24,930 there's nothing I can do. 240 00:13:38,986 --> 00:13:40,195 How's it coming? 241 00:13:40,278 --> 00:13:41,446 I'm gonna need more time. 242 00:13:41,530 --> 00:13:44,408 You're better off conducting this research back on Atlantis. 243 00:13:45,283 --> 00:13:48,036 And what? Just leave them here? 244 00:13:48,412 --> 00:13:51,331 That was the plan, you remember that, Carson? 245 00:13:51,415 --> 00:13:52,791 But they're not ready yet. 246 00:13:52,874 --> 00:13:56,044 You were supposed to teach them to administer the drug themselves. 247 00:13:56,128 --> 00:13:58,272 I have trained several of them to act as my assistants. 248 00:13:58,296 --> 00:14:00,507 Vveh, good, then there should be no problem. 249 00:14:01,174 --> 00:14:02,735 Colonel, there's more here to what I'm doing 250 00:14:02,759 --> 00:14:04,928 than just sticking needles in their arms. 251 00:14:05,470 --> 00:14:08,432 For one, I have to make sure there's no signs of reversion. 252 00:14:08,515 --> 00:14:10,017 This planet has no gate. 253 00:14:10,100 --> 00:14:12,728 They've got no way off. Whatever happens, we're covered. 254 00:14:12,811 --> 00:14:14,021 That's not what I meant. 255 00:14:14,104 --> 00:14:16,023 Have any of them started to remember? 256 00:14:16,106 --> 00:14:17,482 I don't think so. 257 00:14:17,566 --> 00:14:18,793 The drug seems to keep them stable 258 00:14:18,817 --> 00:14:20,360 as long as they get a daily dose. 259 00:14:20,444 --> 00:14:22,404 We don't have the manpower or the resources 260 00:14:22,487 --> 00:14:23,822 to baby-sit them forever. 261 00:14:23,905 --> 00:14:26,425 Are you telling me if I can't come up with a permanent solution, 262 00:14:26,491 --> 00:14:28,052 that eventually we'll have to abandon them? 263 00:14:28,076 --> 00:14:29,703 Eventually. Then what? 264 00:14:29,786 --> 00:14:31,872 They'll turn back into the wraith. 265 00:14:31,955 --> 00:14:33,874 And without any other food supply, 266 00:14:33,957 --> 00:14:35,584 they'll start feeding on each other. 267 00:14:35,667 --> 00:14:38,045 Well, I'm not ready to give up just yet. 268 00:14:38,128 --> 00:14:41,006 And like it or not, for the moment, they are human, 269 00:14:41,089 --> 00:14:42,674 and they're my responsibility. 270 00:14:42,758 --> 00:14:45,343 Take the ship back. I'll stay until the first re-supply mission. 271 00:14:45,427 --> 00:14:46,863 That won't be for another week at least. 272 00:14:46,887 --> 00:14:48,281 We've got to bring back enough food to last them 273 00:14:48,305 --> 00:14:50,140 until they can harvest their own. 274 00:14:50,474 --> 00:14:52,434 I'll be perfectly safe. 275 00:14:55,020 --> 00:14:57,647 I'm leaving a security team with you. 276 00:15:17,042 --> 00:15:18,877 What did he say? 277 00:15:18,960 --> 00:15:21,671 Nothing. He won't tell us anything. 278 00:15:22,380 --> 00:15:23,840 He's hiding something. 279 00:15:25,634 --> 00:15:27,135 Like what? 280 00:15:27,219 --> 00:15:29,221 I only know that something's not right. 281 00:15:29,679 --> 00:15:33,100 Everything they've told us about our homeworld, the plague, 282 00:15:33,183 --> 00:15:37,479 how they rescued us, I don't remember a single part. 283 00:15:38,772 --> 00:15:41,191 Because memory loss is one of the symptoms. 284 00:15:41,858 --> 00:15:44,152 How do you know that's true? 285 00:15:44,236 --> 00:15:46,196 We don't know them. 286 00:15:46,530 --> 00:15:48,406 We don't even know ourselves. 287 00:15:48,865 --> 00:15:49,866 (Sighs) 288 00:15:50,200 --> 00:15:51,451 They're helping us. 289 00:15:51,535 --> 00:15:54,037 By keeping us trapped here with barely enough food 290 00:15:54,121 --> 00:15:56,915 and no idea when or if we'll ever be allowed to leave? 291 00:15:57,541 --> 00:15:59,501 I say that's not good enough. 292 00:16:00,460 --> 00:16:02,087 What are you suggesting? 293 00:16:03,380 --> 00:16:05,173 They only have a handful of soldiers. 294 00:16:05,257 --> 00:16:07,259 We outnumber them 10-to-1. 295 00:16:08,593 --> 00:16:10,929 And then what? They have some sort of ship. 296 00:16:11,012 --> 00:16:12,681 It's how we got here. 297 00:16:12,764 --> 00:16:13,974 If we have hostages... 298 00:16:14,057 --> 00:16:15,892 What if they're telling the truth 299 00:16:16,393 --> 00:16:19,896 and we are really carrying some kind of deadly plague? 300 00:16:20,147 --> 00:16:23,483 Even if we somehow survive and get away, 301 00:16:23,567 --> 00:16:27,320 all we'll be doing is spreading this disease wherever we go. 302 00:16:28,071 --> 00:16:29,489 Do you really wanna risk that? 303 00:16:30,073 --> 00:16:31,825 If we don't act before that ship leaves, 304 00:16:31,908 --> 00:16:33,451 we'll be stranded on this rock forever. 305 00:16:33,535 --> 00:16:36,538 Michael's right, Lathan. It's too risky. 306 00:16:53,763 --> 00:16:55,432 Colonel Caldwell. 307 00:16:56,349 --> 00:16:58,226 Mr. Woolsey. Mind if I join you? 308 00:16:58,310 --> 00:16:59,686 Of course. 309 00:17:00,228 --> 00:17:01,605 How are you settling in? 310 00:17:01,688 --> 00:17:03,190 I'm not sure about this uniform. 311 00:17:03,273 --> 00:17:05,358 You'd stand out more in a suit and tie. 312 00:17:06,109 --> 00:17:08,528 Believe me, I've done enough of these investigations 313 00:17:08,612 --> 00:17:12,699 to realize that no amount of camouflage is going to disguise who I am 314 00:17:12,782 --> 00:17:14,242 or what I'm doing here. 315 00:17:14,326 --> 00:17:17,037 You're expecting something less than full cooperation? 316 00:17:17,954 --> 00:17:19,748 We're just having a conversation. 317 00:17:21,499 --> 00:17:24,085 As commander of the daedalus, I have standing orders to help out 318 00:17:24,169 --> 00:17:25,354 around here whenever possible, 319 00:17:25,378 --> 00:17:29,216 but I'm not a member of this expedition. 320 00:17:30,217 --> 00:17:32,385 I don't answer to the ioa, 321 00:17:32,469 --> 00:17:36,514 and unless otherwise directed by my superiors, 322 00:17:37,140 --> 00:17:39,267 I don't have to answer your questions. 323 00:17:42,312 --> 00:17:45,065 The only reason that you're not the military commander of Atlantis 324 00:17:45,148 --> 00:17:48,985 is that Dr. Weir insisted that post go to colonel Sheppard. 325 00:17:49,653 --> 00:17:51,863 If she were to leave, 326 00:17:52,322 --> 00:17:54,991 you would be the most likely candidate to take over. 327 00:17:56,660 --> 00:17:58,328 That's not why you're here. 328 00:17:58,828 --> 00:18:01,665 The ioa doesn't really want militarization. 329 00:18:01,748 --> 00:18:04,376 They're just afraid they may have no other choice. 330 00:18:06,670 --> 00:18:09,005 I think you've already spoken to Dr. Weir. 331 00:18:11,925 --> 00:18:14,803 I've just been around long enough to know what's going on. 332 00:18:16,805 --> 00:18:20,267 Sounds like you're saying you won't come out against Dr. Weir 333 00:18:20,350 --> 00:18:23,478 only because you're not confident of the outcome. 334 00:18:24,437 --> 00:18:29,693 What I'm saying, Mr. Woolsey, is have a pleasant evening. 335 00:18:33,947 --> 00:18:36,199 You guys head back to the ship. 336 00:18:36,783 --> 00:18:39,411 Okay, doc, last chance. We're packed up and ready to roll. 337 00:18:39,494 --> 00:18:41,079 Colonel, we've got a problem. 338 00:18:41,162 --> 00:18:42,330 Lathan's missing. 339 00:18:42,414 --> 00:18:43,933 He didn't turn up for his last treatment 340 00:18:43,957 --> 00:18:46,001 and nobody's seen him, have they? 341 00:18:46,084 --> 00:18:48,003 No, but” 342 00:18:48,670 --> 00:18:49,879 but what? 343 00:18:51,047 --> 00:18:53,591 It's all right, Michael. Tell him what you told me. 344 00:18:54,175 --> 00:18:55,535 Lathan's convinced this whole thing 345 00:18:55,593 --> 00:18:57,137 is some kind of elaborate lie. 346 00:18:57,220 --> 00:18:59,156 I tried to tell him you were doing your best to help us, 347 00:18:59,180 --> 00:19:01,308 that maybe the sickness was playing with his mind, 348 00:19:01,391 --> 00:19:03,685 but he wouldn't listen. 349 00:19:04,561 --> 00:19:06,688 You're saying he's not lost, he's hiding. 350 00:19:06,771 --> 00:19:07,814 It's possible. 351 00:19:07,897 --> 00:19:09,625 Colonel, I think it's best if we find him as soon as possible 352 00:19:09,649 --> 00:19:11,943 before any of the symptoms of the plague reoccur. 353 00:19:14,321 --> 00:19:15,631 Okay, let's get a search party going. 354 00:19:15,655 --> 00:19:17,365 We'd like to help. 355 00:19:18,616 --> 00:19:20,243 He is one of us. 356 00:19:32,714 --> 00:19:35,342 Anything? Nothing. 357 00:19:35,759 --> 00:19:36,843 Morrison, report. 358 00:19:36,926 --> 00:19:38,646 Morrison: We're just coming up on the river. 359 00:19:38,720 --> 00:19:40,013 Still no sign of him, sir. 360 00:19:40,096 --> 00:19:42,140 All right, keep me posted. 361 00:19:57,781 --> 00:19:59,199 Michael! 362 00:20:00,241 --> 00:20:01,576 Lathan! 363 00:20:02,619 --> 00:20:04,537 What are you doing out here? 364 00:20:04,621 --> 00:20:06,206 I'm proving a point. 365 00:20:06,331 --> 00:20:07,582 You missed a treatment. 366 00:20:07,665 --> 00:20:10,293 I know, but I'm starting to remember. 367 00:20:10,377 --> 00:20:13,129 It's just flashes, images in my head, 368 00:20:13,213 --> 00:20:15,673 but something's definitely coming back to me. 369 00:20:16,299 --> 00:20:17,884 Don't you see what this means? 370 00:20:17,967 --> 00:20:20,720 They're not curing us. They're keeping us this way. 371 00:20:20,804 --> 00:20:23,223 We must make our move, and quickly. 372 00:20:24,766 --> 00:20:27,936 I'm sorry, but you should have stayed at the camp. 373 00:20:35,944 --> 00:20:37,320 Morrison: Colonel Sheppard. 374 00:20:37,404 --> 00:20:38,613 Go ahead. 375 00:20:38,696 --> 00:20:40,407 We've found him, sir. 376 00:20:40,490 --> 00:20:41,866 What's your location? 377 00:20:42,450 --> 00:20:45,578 We're halfway up the Ridge that runs south of the camp. 378 00:20:45,662 --> 00:20:48,373 He must have been trying to climb down and lost his footing. 379 00:20:48,456 --> 00:20:49,958 What are you saying, he's injured? 380 00:20:50,500 --> 00:20:53,211 No, sir. He's dead. 381 00:21:11,187 --> 00:21:13,731 I've prepared the injections for this morning's first group. 382 00:21:13,815 --> 00:21:15,150 On you go. 383 00:21:19,863 --> 00:21:22,133 You'll be fine, merrick. I've seen you do it a dozen times. 384 00:21:22,157 --> 00:21:23,992 Besides, I've got work to do here. 385 00:21:24,325 --> 00:21:26,077 You're going to examine the body? 386 00:21:26,744 --> 00:21:28,180 Well, the cause of death is quite obvious. 387 00:21:28,204 --> 00:21:29,956 His neck was broken. 388 00:21:30,039 --> 00:21:31,517 But there are some tests I could perform 389 00:21:31,541 --> 00:21:33,293 that could help with my research. 390 00:21:33,376 --> 00:21:36,004 At least that way, something good might come of this. 391 00:21:50,143 --> 00:21:53,897 We've all logged more than a few miles these past few weeks. 392 00:21:55,106 --> 00:21:59,110 I'd just like to say that seeing you now, sitting across from me, 393 00:21:59,736 --> 00:22:01,613 looking at your faces, 394 00:22:05,867 --> 00:22:07,785 it makes me feel very... 395 00:22:11,039 --> 00:22:12,582 You don't have to say it. 396 00:22:12,749 --> 00:22:14,334 We feel the same way you do. 397 00:22:14,417 --> 00:22:16,044 Oh, she feels hungry, too? 398 00:22:19,088 --> 00:22:21,674 Teyla, I understand navigating the hive ship 399 00:22:21,758 --> 00:22:24,594 wasn't a particularly pleasant experience. 400 00:22:24,969 --> 00:22:28,515 The neural interface was quite exhausting. 401 00:22:28,598 --> 00:22:30,242 And that was just flying in a straight line. 402 00:22:30,266 --> 00:22:31,911 I mean, she'll never be able to pull off anything complex, 403 00:22:31,935 --> 00:22:34,687 like combat maneuverability, weapons control... 404 00:22:34,771 --> 00:22:37,208 How many maneuvers can you pull off with your manual interface? 405 00:22:37,232 --> 00:22:40,235 Well, does, um, standing still count as a maneuver? 406 00:22:43,363 --> 00:22:44,531 Sorry I'm late. 407 00:22:44,614 --> 00:22:47,450 My interviews are running a little longer than expected. 408 00:22:48,618 --> 00:22:50,537 And you are? 409 00:22:50,620 --> 00:22:52,038 Richard woolsey. 410 00:22:52,121 --> 00:22:54,499 He is chief liaison to the international committee 411 00:22:54,582 --> 00:22:56,709 that oversees the Atlantis expedition. 412 00:22:56,793 --> 00:22:59,796 He will be conducting individual interviews with each of you. 413 00:22:59,879 --> 00:23:03,591 As well as observing all senior staff meetings. 414 00:23:04,175 --> 00:23:05,802 Right. 415 00:23:05,885 --> 00:23:07,595 So, what did I miss? 416 00:23:08,346 --> 00:23:10,682 Rodney was about to run down all the progress he's made 417 00:23:10,765 --> 00:23:12,308 adapting the hive controls. 418 00:23:12,392 --> 00:23:14,394 Excellent. Please continue. 419 00:23:14,769 --> 00:23:15,770 Hmm. 420 00:23:16,396 --> 00:23:17,564 Thanks. 421 00:23:30,076 --> 00:23:32,036 Dr. Beckett, this is lieutenant Morrison. 422 00:23:32,120 --> 00:23:33,955 What's your location? 423 00:23:34,038 --> 00:23:36,583 I'm on the Ridge where Lathan's body was found. 424 00:23:36,666 --> 00:23:39,294 If you don't mind my asking, doc, what are you doing out there? 425 00:23:39,502 --> 00:23:40,742 I wanted to check on something. 426 00:23:40,795 --> 00:23:42,171 I think we may have a problem. 427 00:23:43,214 --> 00:23:45,008 What kind of a problem? 428 00:23:45,091 --> 00:23:46,360 Beckett: I was so caught up running tests 429 00:23:46,384 --> 00:23:48,052 on Lathan's tissues for my research, 430 00:23:48,136 --> 00:23:49,679 I almost didn't notice. 431 00:23:50,388 --> 00:23:51,764 Notice what? 432 00:23:51,848 --> 00:23:53,683 There isn't enough blood on the ground, 433 00:23:53,766 --> 00:23:56,227 which indicates that his heart wasn't pumping when he fell. 434 00:23:56,519 --> 00:23:58,813 Now, he definitely died when his neck was snapped, 435 00:23:58,896 --> 00:24:00,833 but I'm beginning to think the rest of his injuries 436 00:24:00,857 --> 00:24:02,442 occurred postmortem, 437 00:24:02,525 --> 00:24:04,736 presumably to make it look like an accident. 438 00:24:06,863 --> 00:24:08,656 Look, it's gonna be dark soon. 439 00:24:08,740 --> 00:24:11,868 You'd better start back now and we'll talk about it when you get here. 440 00:24:12,118 --> 00:24:13,453 All right. 441 00:24:23,963 --> 00:24:26,674 It would appear from this incident 442 00:24:26,758 --> 00:24:29,719 that the lies you are telling these people 443 00:24:30,053 --> 00:24:31,721 are beginning to wear a bit thin. 444 00:24:33,056 --> 00:24:35,933 One adverse reaction out of 200. 445 00:24:36,017 --> 00:24:38,561 Do you seriously hold out much hope for the long-term success 446 00:24:38,645 --> 00:24:40,855 of this little science project? 447 00:24:41,314 --> 00:24:43,191 That's not what this is. 448 00:24:43,274 --> 00:24:45,902 You may have never set out to create this community, 449 00:24:45,985 --> 00:24:48,237 but you did create it. 450 00:24:48,905 --> 00:24:52,617 We did what we had to do in order to survive. 451 00:24:53,368 --> 00:24:55,703 I'm sure it seemed like a good idea at the time. 452 00:24:58,247 --> 00:24:59,832 But even if Dr. Beckett comes up 453 00:24:59,916 --> 00:25:02,168 with what appears to be a long-term solution, 454 00:25:03,461 --> 00:25:04,754 would we ever trust them enough 455 00:25:04,879 --> 00:25:08,257 to integrate them into any society of humans? 456 00:25:10,760 --> 00:25:13,137 Probably not. Which brings me back to my original question. 457 00:25:13,221 --> 00:25:14,597 What do you want me to say? 458 00:25:14,681 --> 00:25:16,974 Isuppofled Elizabeth's decision 459 00:25:17,058 --> 00:25:18,351 to form an alliance with Michael, 460 00:25:18,434 --> 00:25:23,064 and I supported her decision to put all those people on the planet. 461 00:25:23,898 --> 00:25:25,525 That support hardly shines through 462 00:25:25,608 --> 00:25:27,735 when you hesitate to call them people. 463 00:26:09,694 --> 00:26:11,130 Just out of, uh, political curiosity, 464 00:26:11,154 --> 00:26:12,631 how much trouble is it gonna cause you 465 00:26:12,655 --> 00:26:14,657 if I knock this woolsey guy in the head? 466 00:26:14,741 --> 00:26:16,325 May I ask why you'd like to do that? 467 00:26:16,409 --> 00:26:17,769 It's just an impulse I had, really, 468 00:26:17,827 --> 00:26:20,580 one I suspect I'm gonna have again next time I see him. 469 00:26:20,663 --> 00:26:22,498 He may not even have to say anything. 470 00:26:23,416 --> 00:26:25,042 I've never seen you like this. 471 00:26:25,168 --> 00:26:26,836 What did woolsey say to you? 472 00:26:26,919 --> 00:26:29,797 Besides judging every damned decision you've ever made? 473 00:26:30,506 --> 00:26:32,842 John Sheppard, are you defending my honor? 474 00:26:34,552 --> 00:26:37,180 And judging me for agreeing with you. 475 00:26:38,973 --> 00:26:40,391 We”, don't be too hard on him. 476 00:26:40,475 --> 00:26:42,560 I think of all the circling wolves, 477 00:26:42,685 --> 00:26:44,812 he's the least likely to actually bite. 478 00:26:45,229 --> 00:26:48,274 In fact, he might even convince the others to leave us alone. 479 00:26:49,484 --> 00:26:54,322 All right, so, uh, no head knocking. 480 00:26:56,491 --> 00:26:58,117 It's the thought that counts. 481 00:27:02,205 --> 00:27:05,374 (Chanting) 482 00:27:21,432 --> 00:27:23,184 (Whispering) Lieutenant Morrison. 483 00:27:23,726 --> 00:27:26,354 This is Dr. Beckett. Come in. 484 00:27:28,439 --> 00:27:29,732 Morrison? 485 00:27:32,902 --> 00:27:36,906 I'm afraid the lieutenant and his men are indisposed. 486 00:27:39,742 --> 00:27:41,369 Michael, listen to me. You're sick. 487 00:27:41,494 --> 00:27:43,120 You need to take your medication now. 488 00:27:43,204 --> 00:27:45,039 It's too late for that, doctor. 489 00:27:45,581 --> 00:27:46,958 I've regained enough memory to know 490 00:27:47,041 --> 00:27:48,835 that you've done this to me not once, 491 00:27:48,918 --> 00:27:50,253 but twice. 492 00:27:51,128 --> 00:27:55,091 You witnessed how hurt, how betrayed, I felt the first time. 493 00:27:55,633 --> 00:27:58,177 Well, try to imagine how I feel now. 494 00:27:58,719 --> 00:28:00,012 Why'd you have to kill Lathan? 495 00:28:00,096 --> 00:28:03,474 He was stirring up trouble, but I knew our only chance was to wait 496 00:28:03,558 --> 00:28:05,810 until colonel Sheppard left with the soldiers. 497 00:28:05,935 --> 00:28:06,936 Most of them, anyway. 498 00:28:07,019 --> 00:28:09,939 But with the ship gone, what's the point? You've got no hope of escape. 499 00:28:10,022 --> 00:28:11,274 That's where you're wrong. 500 00:28:15,528 --> 00:28:16,696 What've we got, Rodney? 501 00:28:16,779 --> 00:28:19,031 Long-range sensors just picked up a hive ship. 502 00:28:19,115 --> 00:28:20,575 It's coming this way? 503 00:28:22,285 --> 00:28:24,662 Wait a minute. This doesn't make any sense. 504 00:28:24,745 --> 00:28:25,830 What? 505 00:28:27,790 --> 00:28:29,810 On its current course, it's headed straight for the planet 506 00:28:29,834 --> 00:28:32,044 where we left Beckett and the prisoners. 507 00:28:40,428 --> 00:28:41,971 There is no reason for the wraith 508 00:28:42,054 --> 00:28:43,389 to be interested in that planet. 509 00:28:43,472 --> 00:28:45,200 It doesn't have a Stargate, and there's no indication 510 00:28:45,224 --> 00:28:46,702 that it ever supported a human population. 511 00:28:46,726 --> 00:28:48,853 It is completely off the grid. 512 00:28:49,645 --> 00:28:52,440 I think we have to consider the possibility that we have a leak. 513 00:28:52,523 --> 00:28:53,774 You mean a spy. 514 00:28:53,858 --> 00:28:55,735 Woolsey: Not necessarily in the city itself. 515 00:28:56,402 --> 00:28:59,280 Without ruling anything out, I would begin by focusing on our contacts 516 00:28:59,363 --> 00:29:01,908 within the various indigenous populations, including... 517 00:29:01,991 --> 00:29:03,409 If you believe any athosians... 518 00:29:03,492 --> 00:29:05,912 Let's not jump to any conclusions here. 519 00:29:05,995 --> 00:29:08,080 Isn't it true that there are humans in this galaxy 520 00:29:08,164 --> 00:29:10,583 who serve the wraith, even worship them? 521 00:29:10,666 --> 00:29:13,419 How hard would it be for them to infiltrate one of our allied groups? 522 00:29:13,502 --> 00:29:15,838 Mr. Woolsey, do you think we post this kind of information 523 00:29:15,922 --> 00:29:17,256 on the city bulletin board? 524 00:29:17,340 --> 00:29:19,342 If the wraith had that level of inside information, 525 00:29:19,425 --> 00:29:21,177 they'd be on their way to Atlantis, 526 00:29:21,260 --> 00:29:24,180 not some nameless planet with a couple of hundred people on it. 527 00:29:24,263 --> 00:29:27,475 For the time being, we need to focus on getting those people out of there, 528 00:29:27,558 --> 00:29:28,935 becauseif the wraith find them 529 00:29:29,018 --> 00:29:30,258 and figure out what they are... 530 00:29:30,311 --> 00:29:32,897 We've got a problem. Again. 531 00:29:32,980 --> 00:29:34,941 How much time do we have? Two days. 532 00:29:35,024 --> 00:29:37,944 Well, we could... you could beat them there in the daedalus. 533 00:29:38,027 --> 00:29:39,946 The hyperdrive is still offline. 534 00:29:40,071 --> 00:29:41,948 Hermiod needs at least another 24 hours. 535 00:29:42,031 --> 00:29:43,634 We should light a fire under his bony little... 536 00:29:43,658 --> 00:29:46,494 That still might not be quite good enough. 537 00:29:48,871 --> 00:29:50,998 If we leave right now in the hive ship... 538 00:29:51,082 --> 00:29:52,875 Oh, we'd be cutting it close. 539 00:29:53,584 --> 00:29:56,629 What are our chances of surviving a ship-to-ship encounter? 540 00:29:56,712 --> 00:30:00,841 If I can get the manual interface working, I'd say less than slim. 541 00:30:06,222 --> 00:30:08,307 Do what you can on the way. 542 00:30:21,862 --> 00:30:23,489 How many have reverted? 543 00:30:24,073 --> 00:30:27,410 Michael: Those you saw in the forest, plus a few more. 544 00:30:28,035 --> 00:30:29,578 And the others? 545 00:30:30,204 --> 00:30:33,624 They'll serve as an offering to the hive that's coming for us. 546 00:30:33,708 --> 00:30:35,501 That's hardly bloody fair. 547 00:30:35,584 --> 00:30:37,753 The strong survive, doctor. 548 00:30:39,255 --> 00:30:42,258 The few of us who began to realize something was wrong 549 00:30:42,341 --> 00:30:47,346 got together and formed a plan even while on the medication. 550 00:30:48,597 --> 00:30:51,517 The weaker minds among us will stay that way, 551 00:30:51,600 --> 00:30:55,855 thanks to your drugs and the training you gave us. 552 00:30:55,938 --> 00:30:57,857 If your memory's coming back, 553 00:30:57,940 --> 00:30:59,220 you should remember what happened 554 00:30:59,275 --> 00:31:01,027 last time you tried to rejoin the wraith. 555 00:31:01,110 --> 00:31:02,737 It will be enough to escape this rock. 556 00:31:02,820 --> 00:31:03,988 So what do you need me for? 557 00:31:04,071 --> 00:31:06,449 I mean, there must be a reason you're keeping me alive. 558 00:31:07,241 --> 00:31:09,368 I need to know what secondary security measures 559 00:31:09,452 --> 00:31:12,455 colonel Sheppard put in place before he left. 560 00:31:15,833 --> 00:31:17,585 What are you talking about? 561 00:31:18,461 --> 00:31:19,920 The more my memory returns, 562 00:31:20,004 --> 00:31:22,244 the more I begin to doubt that he would have left us here 563 00:31:22,298 --> 00:31:24,759 without setting up some kind of fail-safe. 564 00:31:24,842 --> 00:31:26,552 There's no way off this planet! 565 00:31:26,635 --> 00:31:28,054 That was the fail-safe! 566 00:31:28,137 --> 00:31:30,264 How many years of your life will I have to take away 567 00:31:30,347 --> 00:31:32,475 before you tell me what I want to know? 568 00:31:33,642 --> 00:31:37,980 That's hardly a threat since you're obviously gonna kill me anyway. 569 00:31:38,064 --> 00:31:41,776 You underestimate your own value, doctor. 570 00:31:41,859 --> 00:31:44,111 Look, they don't tell me this sort of thing. 571 00:31:44,195 --> 00:31:45,988 I'm just a doctor. 572 00:31:47,656 --> 00:31:50,868 Maybe you shouldn't have been so quick to kill lieutenant Morrison. 573 00:31:52,161 --> 00:31:54,747 Idonthke to question military men. 574 00:31:54,830 --> 00:31:56,999 They're like our own wraith warriors, 575 00:31:57,792 --> 00:32:02,004 unimaginative, rigid thought patterns. 576 00:32:03,089 --> 00:32:09,220 But you, on the other hand, are trained to have an open mind, 577 00:32:10,846 --> 00:32:15,184 and you have a strong sense of empathy toward others. 578 00:32:15,601 --> 00:32:19,021 It's not as strong as it used to be, believe me. 579 00:32:22,650 --> 00:32:25,194 You're exactly what I need. 580 00:32:26,987 --> 00:32:31,450 Now, let's begin. 581 00:32:54,640 --> 00:32:56,433 Do we have weapons yet? Sort of. 582 00:32:56,517 --> 00:32:57,643 What does that mean? 583 00:32:57,726 --> 00:33:00,229 Well, we can fire, but not in any particular direction. 584 00:33:00,312 --> 00:33:01,873 Well, you're gonna have to do better than that. 585 00:33:01,897 --> 00:33:04,577 Oh, believe me, no one wants to survive this mission more than I do. 586 00:33:04,608 --> 00:33:07,087 Look, we're using up a lot of our power reserves to maintain this speed. 587 00:33:07,111 --> 00:33:08,672 We're not gonna have a lot leftover to fight with. 588 00:33:08,696 --> 00:33:10,489 We're going this fast to avoid fighting. 589 00:33:10,573 --> 00:33:12,241 Theoretically. 590 00:33:12,658 --> 00:33:14,368 Just keep working. 591 00:33:21,750 --> 00:33:23,728 Caldwell: Atlantis, this is daedalus. We're ready to go here. 592 00:33:23,752 --> 00:33:25,671 Are you sure you wanna do this, colonel? 593 00:33:25,754 --> 00:33:27,381 I understand hermiod isn't too happy 594 00:33:27,464 --> 00:33:30,134 about having the hyperdrive pressed into service so soon. 595 00:33:30,217 --> 00:33:32,052 He's cleared us to fly, albeit reluctantly. 596 00:33:32,136 --> 00:33:34,281 Whether or not he's happy about it is beside the point. 597 00:33:34,305 --> 00:33:37,474 Anyway, I'm sure colonel Sheppard would appreciate the help. 598 00:33:37,558 --> 00:33:38,726 Weir: Thank you. 599 00:33:38,809 --> 00:33:40,728 Daedalus out. Set a course. 600 00:33:40,811 --> 00:33:42,229 Yes, sir. 601 00:33:58,621 --> 00:34:01,415 That's it. We're out of hyperspace. 602 00:34:01,749 --> 00:34:03,167 (Sighs) 603 00:34:03,250 --> 00:34:04,960 You all right? 604 00:34:05,044 --> 00:34:07,796 I believe I have been able to establish a stable orbit. 605 00:34:07,880 --> 00:34:09,298 All right. Nice work. 606 00:34:09,381 --> 00:34:10,674 Any sign of the other hive ship? 607 00:34:10,758 --> 00:34:11,842 No. We're clear. 608 00:34:11,926 --> 00:34:13,510 All right. Patch me through to the camp. 609 00:34:13,594 --> 00:34:15,471 All right, just give me a second. 610 00:34:16,096 --> 00:34:17,514 (Electronic buzzing) 611 00:34:17,598 --> 00:34:19,099 That's weird. 612 00:34:19,934 --> 00:34:23,020 A bunch of secondary systems just came online. 613 00:34:23,103 --> 00:34:24,688 You're a genius, Rodney. 614 00:34:25,481 --> 00:34:27,816 True, but I didn't do it. 615 00:34:27,900 --> 00:34:30,736 It's like they just woke up by themselves. 616 00:34:31,862 --> 00:34:33,465 It looks like they're all keyed into the sensors. 617 00:34:33,489 --> 00:34:35,508 The ship must have detected something and turned them on. 618 00:34:35,532 --> 00:34:37,076 Detected what? 619 00:34:37,159 --> 00:34:38,494 (Groaning) 620 00:34:39,453 --> 00:34:40,704 Wraith life signs. 621 00:34:40,788 --> 00:34:42,623 From the planet? How many? 622 00:34:42,706 --> 00:34:44,416 There's 20 or 30. 623 00:34:44,500 --> 00:34:45,709 What about human? 624 00:34:45,793 --> 00:34:47,211 Still well over 100. 625 00:34:47,294 --> 00:34:48,462 So some of them reverted. 626 00:34:48,545 --> 00:34:49,838 They'll be feeding on each other. 627 00:34:49,922 --> 00:34:52,216 What about Dr. Beckett and lieutenant Morrison's team? 628 00:34:52,299 --> 00:34:53,592 I have no way to distinguish them 629 00:34:53,676 --> 00:34:54,956 from the other human life signs. 630 00:34:55,010 --> 00:34:57,429 I can't say for sure either way. 631 00:35:00,683 --> 00:35:02,893 How'd they contact the ship so far out? 632 00:35:02,977 --> 00:35:04,186 Mcka y: I have no idea. 633 00:35:04,270 --> 00:35:05,437 Teyla, what do you think? 634 00:35:05,521 --> 00:35:07,832 Te yla: It is possible that a group of them acting together 635 00:35:07,856 --> 00:35:10,067 could communicate over much larger distances. 636 00:35:10,150 --> 00:35:11,485 Well, live and learn. 637 00:35:12,027 --> 00:35:13,904 And live some more, hopefully. 638 00:35:14,571 --> 00:35:15,990 What about the fail-safe device? 639 00:35:16,073 --> 00:35:17,509 What kind of kill zone are we looking at? 640 00:35:17,533 --> 00:35:19,535 Mcka y: Everything in a three-mile radius is toast. 641 00:35:19,618 --> 00:35:21,996 You sure about that? We've got no margin for error. 642 00:35:22,079 --> 00:35:24,248 The blast radius doesn't just stop at three miles. 643 00:35:24,331 --> 00:35:26,750 What about the ones that are still human? 644 00:35:29,128 --> 00:35:31,130 There's nothing we can do for them. 645 00:35:31,213 --> 00:35:33,632 I suppose we could not incinerate them. 646 00:35:34,717 --> 00:35:36,760 If Michael got his memory back, 647 00:35:36,844 --> 00:35:38,113 they could all know about Atlantis by now, 648 00:35:38,137 --> 00:35:39,138 and how to find earth. 649 00:35:39,221 --> 00:35:40,261 We can't take that chance. 650 00:35:41,765 --> 00:35:44,226 Once we get our people out, we 'ii give you the signal, 651 00:35:45,227 --> 00:35:47,271 you set off the nuke. 652 00:36:22,056 --> 00:36:24,099 (Grunting) 653 00:36:29,563 --> 00:36:30,856 Carson. 654 00:36:34,068 --> 00:36:35,444 He's barely conscious. 655 00:36:37,404 --> 00:36:38,697 Did you find the others? 656 00:36:38,781 --> 00:36:41,408 They were fed on. There's not much of them left. 657 00:36:42,117 --> 00:36:43,452 Help me get him up. 658 00:36:46,705 --> 00:36:48,165 Oh, come on! 659 00:36:48,540 --> 00:36:49,583 Sheppard: Rodney, come in. 660 00:36:49,666 --> 00:36:51,126 What's happening? 661 00:36:51,543 --> 00:36:53,879 We've got Carson. Morrison and his team are dead. 662 00:36:54,213 --> 00:36:55,631 We're heading back. 663 00:36:56,090 --> 00:36:58,300 We 're clear. Light it up. 664 00:36:58,384 --> 00:36:59,760 Understood. 665 00:37:03,180 --> 00:37:09,436 Fail-safe detonation in three, two, one... 666 00:37:10,979 --> 00:37:12,731 (Beeping) 667 00:37:12,815 --> 00:37:15,567 Now you see what they really think of us. 668 00:37:16,276 --> 00:37:17,986 I don't understand. 669 00:37:19,196 --> 00:37:21,990 The bomb is receiving a detonation signal. 670 00:37:22,282 --> 00:37:24,410 If I hadn't deactivated it, 671 00:37:25,327 --> 00:37:26,703 we'd all be dead. 672 00:37:28,163 --> 00:37:29,415 Rodney? 673 00:37:30,124 --> 00:37:31,333 I don't understand it. 674 00:37:31,417 --> 00:37:32,543 Sheppard: What happened? 675 00:37:32,626 --> 00:37:33,794 You mean what didn't happen? 676 00:37:33,877 --> 00:37:35,629 Are you telling me the bomb didn't go off? 677 00:37:35,712 --> 00:37:37,256 He got to it. 678 00:37:37,339 --> 00:37:40,426 We cannot leave the wraith here to be found by the hive. 679 00:37:40,509 --> 00:37:44,221 Get back to work on those weapons, Rodney. We're not going anywhere. 680 00:37:54,690 --> 00:37:56,650 Should we search for the prisoner? 681 00:37:56,733 --> 00:37:58,318 There's no point. 682 00:37:58,402 --> 00:38:01,113 He's been taken up to their ship by now. 683 00:38:01,989 --> 00:38:06,535 In any case, he served his purpose. 684 00:38:09,163 --> 00:38:11,665 There's nothing left for us to do but wait 685 00:38:11,790 --> 00:38:14,293 for our brothers to rescue us soon. 686 00:38:38,150 --> 00:38:39,568 How you doing with the weapons? 687 00:38:39,651 --> 00:38:41,320 We couldn't hit the side of a barn. 688 00:38:41,403 --> 00:38:42,963 Hive ships are a hundred times bigger... 689 00:38:42,988 --> 00:38:45,991 A giant, flying barn! We couldn't hit that. 690 00:38:46,074 --> 00:38:47,659 What about hitting a stationary target? 691 00:38:47,743 --> 00:38:49,203 All motion in space is relative. 692 00:38:49,286 --> 00:38:51,079 I'm talking about on the planet. 693 00:38:51,246 --> 00:38:53,081 Well, that I might be able to do. 694 00:38:54,041 --> 00:38:55,417 Target the camp. 695 00:38:55,501 --> 00:38:56,668 Waitjust a minute! 696 00:38:56,752 --> 00:38:59,004 We've had this discussion before, doc. There's no choice. 697 00:38:59,087 --> 00:39:01,447 We could go down in the jumper and take as many as possible. 698 00:39:01,507 --> 00:39:02,633 We have no time. 699 00:39:02,716 --> 00:39:04,402 The other hive ship's gonna be here any minute 700 00:39:04,426 --> 00:39:05,844 and we won't survive a battle. 701 00:39:05,928 --> 00:39:07,137 It's my call. 702 00:39:07,221 --> 00:39:08,722 There's still over 100 men down there 703 00:39:08,805 --> 00:39:10,516 that believe that we are their saviors. 704 00:39:10,599 --> 00:39:12,976 They're about to become casualties of war. 705 00:39:13,060 --> 00:39:14,728 It has to be done. 706 00:39:21,235 --> 00:39:22,361 Fire. 707 00:39:37,584 --> 00:39:39,962 It's the other hive! We're taking multiple hits! 708 00:39:40,045 --> 00:39:41,088 What about the target? 709 00:39:41,171 --> 00:39:43,632 It's hard to say for sure how accurate our fire has been. 710 00:39:43,715 --> 00:39:44,967 Blanket the entire area. 711 00:39:45,050 --> 00:39:46,260 We can't afford a mistake. 712 00:39:47,970 --> 00:39:50,681 Engines are offline! We're venting atmosphere! 713 00:39:50,764 --> 00:39:52,724 Power's about to fail! 714 00:40:06,029 --> 00:40:07,072 Repofl. 715 00:40:07,155 --> 00:40:09,491 We've just about reached the planet, sir. 716 00:40:10,200 --> 00:40:12,286 Drop us out of hyperspace. 717 00:40:31,013 --> 00:40:33,181 Kleinmann: It's debris from a hive ship, sir. 718 00:40:33,932 --> 00:40:35,392 Life signs? 719 00:40:35,475 --> 00:40:36,768 No, sir. 720 00:40:38,228 --> 00:40:39,855 What about the planet? 721 00:40:39,980 --> 00:40:41,607 I'm not getting anything. 722 00:40:44,985 --> 00:40:46,236 I see. 723 00:40:47,070 --> 00:40:49,615 Sheppard: Daedalus, this is Sheppard, come in. 724 00:40:50,616 --> 00:40:52,701 Sheppard, where the hell are you? 725 00:40:55,704 --> 00:40:57,914 Oh! Right. Sorry. 726 00:41:02,461 --> 00:41:03,962 We're picking up a jumper, sir. 727 00:41:04,046 --> 00:41:05,380 Five life signs. 728 00:41:06,131 --> 00:41:07,633 You got here in good time, colonel. 729 00:41:07,716 --> 00:41:09,676 We were looking at a long ride home. 730 00:41:16,683 --> 00:41:20,812 You're still not certain if any of the wraith on the planet survived. 731 00:41:20,896 --> 00:41:22,731 Not certain, no. 732 00:41:22,814 --> 00:41:26,318 My people were concerned about their own survival at that time. 733 00:41:26,401 --> 00:41:27,819 Understandably. 734 00:41:28,528 --> 00:41:30,548 But of course, it's my fault they were in that position 735 00:41:30,572 --> 00:41:32,074 in the first place. 736 00:41:32,157 --> 00:41:34,201 If I had just disposed of those prisoners, 737 00:41:34,284 --> 00:41:36,244 none of this would have happened. 738 00:41:37,162 --> 00:41:40,415 Isn't that what you're gonna write in your report? 739 00:41:41,416 --> 00:41:43,585 Quite the contrary, in fact. 740 00:41:44,127 --> 00:41:46,880 It was your decision to fire on the camp from orbit. 741 00:41:46,963 --> 00:41:48,965 That eliminated the threat. 742 00:41:49,049 --> 00:41:50,926 At least, we hope it was eliminated. 743 00:41:51,009 --> 00:41:53,053 And allowed your team to escape. 744 00:41:54,846 --> 00:41:57,015 I didn't make that decision. 745 00:41:58,100 --> 00:41:59,726 But you would have 746 00:41:59,810 --> 00:42:03,021 if, hypothetically, Dr. McKay had managed 747 00:42:03,105 --> 00:42:05,190 to get the hive subspace communicator working 748 00:42:05,273 --> 00:42:07,317 and you'd been apprised of the situation. 749 00:42:07,401 --> 00:42:10,904 Well, I... I might have. 750 00:42:10,987 --> 00:42:13,073 Close enough. But that's not what happened. 751 00:42:13,156 --> 00:42:15,659 The ioa doesn't need to know that. 752 00:42:15,742 --> 00:42:18,787 In fact, they don't want to know that. 753 00:42:20,288 --> 00:42:22,350 You see, in my business sometimes it's more important 754 00:42:22,374 --> 00:42:26,878 not to let inconvenient facts get in the way of the greater truth. 755 00:42:26,962 --> 00:42:32,467 And the truth is, you should remain here in charge of this expedition. 756 00:42:36,138 --> 00:42:37,931 For the moment. 757 00:42:41,518 --> 00:42:43,895 Dial earth, please. 758 00:43:32,986 --> 00:43:33,987 English - us - psdh