1 00:00:01,169 --> 00:00:03,171 Narrator: Previously on Stargate Atlantis. 2 00:00:03,254 --> 00:00:05,673 We are the last of those you refer to as ancients. 3 00:00:05,756 --> 00:00:07,109 There's still a lot of wraiths out there, 4 00:00:07,133 --> 00:00:08,735 and we can sure use your help fighting them. 5 00:00:08,759 --> 00:00:12,221 We will eliminate the wraiths at a time of our choosing. 6 00:00:12,471 --> 00:00:15,558 They don't seem very ancienty to me. "Ancienty"? 7 00:00:15,641 --> 00:00:18,644 Weir: Hopefully, this is just a stumbled beginning of... 8 00:00:19,896 --> 00:00:21,480 (Men grunting) 9 00:00:21,564 --> 00:00:22,857 They're not people. 10 00:00:22,940 --> 00:00:24,692 McKay! 11 00:00:24,775 --> 00:00:27,820 They're machines. Replicators. 12 00:00:29,947 --> 00:00:33,868 McKay: So I'm in Atlantis, and I need to get to earth. 13 00:00:33,951 --> 00:00:35,369 What do I do? 14 00:00:35,578 --> 00:00:37,705 Since we no longer have access to a zpm 15 00:00:37,788 --> 00:00:40,249 due to unforeseeable circumstances, 16 00:00:40,333 --> 00:00:42,376 my only option would be to call the daedalus 17 00:00:42,460 --> 00:00:44,545 and spend the next three weeks twiddling my thumbs, 18 00:00:44,629 --> 00:00:48,382 waiting to get back home, until now. 19 00:00:48,466 --> 00:00:53,971 I give you the McKay-Carter intergalactic gate bridge. 20 00:00:54,055 --> 00:00:57,516 Thirty-four gates from both the milky way and Pegasus gate systems 21 00:00:57,600 --> 00:00:58,935 have been strategically placed 22 00:00:59,018 --> 00:01:01,562 in the massive void between our two galaxies. 23 00:01:01,646 --> 00:01:05,900 Simply enter on either side, for example, Atlantis, and... 24 00:01:05,983 --> 00:01:07,026 (Imitates explosion) 25 00:01:07,109 --> 00:01:10,529 A macro that I have written specially for the occasion 26 00:01:10,613 --> 00:01:14,075 will command each gate in the chain to store you in its buffer 27 00:01:14,158 --> 00:01:15,534 and forward you along to the next 28 00:01:15,618 --> 00:01:17,346 and the next and the next and the next and the next 29 00:01:17,370 --> 00:01:19,538 until you arrive here. 30 00:01:19,622 --> 00:01:21,582 Once at the midway space station, 31 00:01:21,666 --> 00:01:24,252 you simply exit the Pegasus gate system 32 00:01:24,335 --> 00:01:25,646 and enter the milky way gate system, 33 00:01:25,670 --> 00:01:28,756 where a similar macro designed by yours truly 34 00:01:28,839 --> 00:01:30,800 will fon/vard you along to the sgc. 35 00:01:30,883 --> 00:01:35,054 Total travel time, a little over 30 minutes. Cue applause. 36 00:01:37,723 --> 00:01:39,267 Thank you. Enough. 37 00:01:39,350 --> 00:01:41,102 Midway space station isn't completed yet, 38 00:01:41,185 --> 00:01:44,605 so we will be testing the system today, using a puddle jumper. 39 00:01:44,689 --> 00:01:45,874 Now, given the history of... All right, 40 00:01:45,898 --> 00:01:47,858 show-and-tell is over. The test is about to begin. 41 00:01:47,900 --> 00:01:50,486 Let's get back to our stations, please. Right. 42 00:02:12,550 --> 00:02:14,969 All systems seem to be... 43 00:02:17,096 --> 00:02:18,681 What? 44 00:02:18,764 --> 00:02:21,976 Oh, there's an odd echo on the proximity sensors. 45 00:02:23,102 --> 00:02:27,565 Won't affect the test, but... Yeah, we're ready to go. 46 00:02:36,907 --> 00:02:40,119 Sheppard: Gate is dialed. Forwarding macro has been uploaded. 47 00:02:40,202 --> 00:02:42,496 All right, John, you have a go. 48 00:02:42,580 --> 00:02:45,624 All right, then. Here goes. 49 00:03:03,934 --> 00:03:05,686 McKay: We have a contact. 50 00:03:05,770 --> 00:03:07,980 Colonel Sheppard, right on time. What's your status? 51 00:03:08,064 --> 00:03:09,732 You know, felt a little weird, 52 00:03:09,815 --> 00:03:12,109 but everything seems to be in one piece. 53 00:03:12,276 --> 00:03:14,487 Ready to proceed to next phase. 54 00:03:14,570 --> 00:03:18,991 Uploading macro and initiating dialing sequence. 55 00:03:23,704 --> 00:03:25,539 Oh, no, no, no, this is weird. 56 00:03:25,623 --> 00:03:26,725 Shall I tell him to stand down? 57 00:03:26,749 --> 00:03:28,834 No, no, no, it's nothing to do with the test. 58 00:03:28,918 --> 00:03:32,129 It's just our sensors aren't working properly. 59 00:03:32,463 --> 00:03:34,465 Daedalus, ready to proceed. 60 00:03:34,673 --> 00:03:35,758 Do I clear him? 61 00:03:35,841 --> 00:03:38,052 Yeah, yeah, I'm sure he's fine. 62 00:03:40,346 --> 00:03:42,556 He's good to go. Good to go. Yes. Go ahead. 63 00:03:42,640 --> 00:03:44,642 Colonel Sheppard, you have a go. 64 00:03:49,021 --> 00:03:50,564 Jumper is away. 65 00:04:03,994 --> 00:04:05,413 He's late. 66 00:04:05,496 --> 00:04:07,376 When traveling almost three million light years, 67 00:04:07,456 --> 00:04:10,334 I'm not so sure there's such a thing as late. 68 00:04:11,460 --> 00:04:13,087 Right. Yes. 69 00:04:13,170 --> 00:04:16,465 You're just mad you didn't get to fly the maiden voyage yourself. 70 00:04:16,549 --> 00:04:20,719 General, I am quite fond of both maidens and voyages. 71 00:04:20,803 --> 00:04:22,114 I mean, put the two together and... 72 00:04:22,138 --> 00:04:24,932 You're not a test pilot anymore, Jack. 73 00:04:25,015 --> 00:04:27,143 That's what the president said. 74 00:04:27,226 --> 00:04:29,061 Harriman: Incoming wormhole. 75 00:04:35,192 --> 00:04:37,987 It's about time. Sorry, sir. 76 00:04:38,737 --> 00:04:41,157 Colonel Sheppard, welcome to earth. 77 00:04:41,699 --> 00:04:43,284 Thank you, sir. Good to be back. 78 00:04:43,367 --> 00:04:44,428 Landry: You know where to park. 79 00:04:44,452 --> 00:04:47,496 We'll debrief and go over the flight data as soon as you're ready. 80 00:04:47,580 --> 00:04:49,039 Yes, sir. 81 00:04:53,043 --> 00:04:54,879 Colonel, we're receiving a data burst. 82 00:04:54,962 --> 00:04:57,173 Jumper 3 has arrived to Stargate command. 83 00:04:57,256 --> 00:04:59,025 Mission accomplished. Yes, of course it worked. 84 00:04:59,049 --> 00:05:01,302 I'm already onto the next problem. Which is? 85 00:05:01,385 --> 00:05:04,680 Well, the sensors are having a hard time determining what it is, 86 00:05:04,805 --> 00:05:07,600 probably due to the doppler effect. What is? 87 00:05:07,683 --> 00:05:09,268 I'm detecting a foreign object 88 00:05:09,351 --> 00:05:12,229 traveling at .999 the speed of light, 89 00:05:13,856 --> 00:05:15,900 and it's coming this way. 90 00:06:26,303 --> 00:06:28,180 We have a contact, sir. 91 00:06:28,264 --> 00:06:29,533 It's colonel Sheppard back from earth. 92 00:06:29,557 --> 00:06:31,618 Colonel Sheppard, welcome back to the middle of nowhere. 93 00:06:31,642 --> 00:06:32,893 Sheppard: Thank you, colonel. 94 00:06:32,977 --> 00:06:35,813 I've got a takeout pizza for everyone back in Atlantis. 95 00:06:35,896 --> 00:06:38,232 With your permission, I'd like to upload the macro 96 00:06:38,315 --> 00:06:39,595 and dial out before it gets cold. 97 00:06:39,650 --> 00:06:42,820 Negative. We're putting that leg of the trip on hold for now. 98 00:06:42,903 --> 00:06:45,072 Seems like we're expecting company. 99 00:06:47,658 --> 00:06:49,338 McKay: Believe it or not, moving that fast, 100 00:06:49,410 --> 00:06:52,621 while an incredible feat of technology, isn't very useful, 101 00:06:52,705 --> 00:06:55,583 certainly in comparison to travel through hyperspace. 102 00:06:55,666 --> 00:06:57,585 Now, moving as fast as it is, 103 00:06:57,668 --> 00:07:00,254 this ship, assuming it is a ship, 104 00:07:00,337 --> 00:07:02,047 would still take at least a million years 105 00:07:02,131 --> 00:07:03,591 just to reach the milky way. 106 00:07:03,674 --> 00:07:04,901 That close to the speed of light, 107 00:07:04,925 --> 00:07:06,486 don't you have to take relativity into account? 108 00:07:06,510 --> 00:07:10,139 Exactly. The people on board, assuming that they are people, 109 00:07:10,222 --> 00:07:12,683 would only experience maybe 12 years, 110 00:07:12,766 --> 00:07:14,244 so a few stasis chambers, they're laughing. 111 00:07:14,268 --> 00:07:15,745 I mean, they're not laughing. They're unconscious. 112 00:07:15,769 --> 00:07:17,605 But, you know, metaphorically. 113 00:07:17,688 --> 00:07:21,275 So assuming it's a ship and assuming they're people... 114 00:07:21,358 --> 00:07:22,484 What do we do about them? 115 00:07:22,568 --> 00:07:24,820 Well, we try and make contact, obviously. 116 00:07:24,903 --> 00:07:26,214 Caldwell: How do you propose we do that? 117 00:07:26,238 --> 00:07:29,325 Pull up, honk the horn, try to get them to roll down their window. 118 00:07:29,408 --> 00:07:31,261 Caldwell: I'm talking about attempting to match their speed. 119 00:07:31,285 --> 00:07:33,704 This ship is not designed to do that. McKay: We can't. 120 00:07:33,787 --> 00:07:35,789 Even if we succeeded, we'd still be subject 121 00:07:35,873 --> 00:07:37,017 to the same time-dilation effects. 122 00:07:37,041 --> 00:07:39,561 We'd be out of contact with earth and Atlantis for, well, years. 123 00:07:40,085 --> 00:07:42,296 Can't we overtake them with our hyperdrive? 124 00:07:42,379 --> 00:07:44,214 Yes, but they would blow right past us 125 00:07:44,298 --> 00:07:45,984 as soon as we dropped back into normal space 126 00:07:46,008 --> 00:07:48,969 because our sublight engines are incapable of accelerating 127 00:07:49,053 --> 00:07:50,596 to anywhere near the speed of light. 128 00:07:50,679 --> 00:07:54,558 So we Max out the sublight engines, get as close as we can get. 129 00:07:55,392 --> 00:07:57,353 Yes. I mean, that might work. 130 00:07:57,436 --> 00:07:59,456 We should at least be able to stay in range long enough 131 00:07:59,480 --> 00:08:00,981 to get some sensor readings, yeah. 132 00:08:01,065 --> 00:08:03,901 Do it. I'll let Atlantis know you're gonna be late. 133 00:08:09,406 --> 00:08:11,283 Did you really get pizza for everyone? 134 00:08:11,367 --> 00:08:12,385 Becauseit would be a shame 135 00:08:12,409 --> 00:08:15,245 for that to go to waste if we're going to... 136 00:08:15,371 --> 00:08:17,831 Yeah, okay, so solve this first, and then... 137 00:08:24,296 --> 00:08:25,798 Sir, we've got just about everything 138 00:08:25,881 --> 00:08:27,841 we're gonna get out of the sublight engines. 139 00:08:27,925 --> 00:08:31,887 They're gonna fly by us in three, two, one. 140 00:08:40,396 --> 00:08:43,315 Interesting. What? 141 00:08:43,691 --> 00:08:45,067 If these readings are correct, 142 00:08:45,150 --> 00:08:46,870 and to be perfectly fair, they may not be... 143 00:08:46,944 --> 00:08:50,030 Rodney. It's an ancient warship. 144 00:08:51,281 --> 00:08:53,409 McKay: It's possibly au rora-class. 145 00:08:53,951 --> 00:08:55,285 Who's flying it? 146 00:08:55,744 --> 00:08:57,705 I would imagine ancients. 147 00:08:57,788 --> 00:09:00,999 But there hasn't been any of them around for over 10,000 years. 148 00:09:01,083 --> 00:09:02,459 Relativity. 149 00:09:02,543 --> 00:09:04,938 Look, remember, for them, only a handful of years have passed. 150 00:09:04,962 --> 00:09:06,422 Don't those ships have hyperdrives? 151 00:09:06,505 --> 00:09:08,983 Well, maybe their hyperdrive was damaged in a battle with the wraiths. 152 00:09:09,007 --> 00:09:10,276 It happens with us all the time. 153 00:09:10,300 --> 00:09:12,553 Maybe it conked out on the way, 154 00:09:12,636 --> 00:09:13,780 and they were forced to continue 155 00:09:13,804 --> 00:09:15,389 at as close to light speed as possible. 156 00:09:15,472 --> 00:09:17,450 It would explain how they got a million light years from Pegasus 157 00:09:17,474 --> 00:09:18,952 without having to leave a million years ago. 158 00:09:18,976 --> 00:09:20,995 Caldwell: You know the subspace-drive specs better than I do, doctor, 159 00:09:21,019 --> 00:09:23,230 but I'm not sure an Aurora-class ship has the power 160 00:09:23,313 --> 00:09:24,523 to do what you're suggesting. 161 00:09:24,606 --> 00:09:26,400 Well, maybe, they have a zpm. 162 00:09:26,483 --> 00:09:27,901 That would be worth finding out. 163 00:09:27,985 --> 00:09:30,130 Okay, we need to send them a message before they get out of range, 164 00:09:30,154 --> 00:09:32,197 and we have to jump ahead. Something like, you know, 165 00:09:32,281 --> 00:09:34,783 "we are humans from earth currently occupying Atlantis..." 166 00:09:34,867 --> 00:09:37,035 Why don't we just ask them to slow down? 167 00:09:37,119 --> 00:09:40,372 Colonel Caldwell. The unidentified vessel is slowing down. 168 00:09:40,456 --> 00:09:41,665 Maybe they heard me. 169 00:09:41,749 --> 00:09:44,668 No, they saw us. They're not just slowing down. 170 00:09:44,752 --> 00:09:47,296 I mean, they're slamming on the brakes at something like 27 g's. 171 00:09:47,379 --> 00:09:48,422 So now what? 172 00:09:51,842 --> 00:09:56,472 Unknown vessel, I'm captain helia of the lantian warship tria. 173 00:09:57,723 --> 00:09:59,641 Our ship has suffered damage. 174 00:10:00,058 --> 00:10:01,685 We've scanned your vessel and determined 175 00:10:01,769 --> 00:10:04,146 that it is capable of hyperspace travel. 176 00:10:04,229 --> 00:10:06,732 We've begun deceleration maneuvers. 177 00:10:06,815 --> 00:10:10,235 Will you render assistance in the form of hyperspace transport? 178 00:10:10,319 --> 00:10:12,404 Well, yes. Yes, of course we will. 179 00:10:14,531 --> 00:10:15,949 I don't think she can hear you. 180 00:10:16,033 --> 00:10:17,534 Open a channel. 181 00:10:18,827 --> 00:10:21,830 This is colonel Steven Caldwell of the earth ship daedalus. 182 00:10:21,914 --> 00:10:25,626 It would be an honor to render assistance in any way we possibly can. 183 00:10:28,212 --> 00:10:29,588 We're gonna meet ancients. 184 00:10:29,671 --> 00:10:31,089 I mean, flesh and blood ancients 185 00:10:31,173 --> 00:10:32,650 who know what everything is and how everything works. 186 00:10:32,674 --> 00:10:33,943 I mean, I don't even know what to ask first. 187 00:10:33,967 --> 00:10:35,278 Well, it's gonna be a couple of hours 188 00:10:35,302 --> 00:10:37,179 before we can match velocities for transport. 189 00:10:37,262 --> 00:10:39,515 That should give you enough time to write out that list. 190 00:10:39,598 --> 00:10:41,058 Right, right. 191 00:10:43,227 --> 00:10:45,771 They were battle-scarred and already well on their way to earth 192 00:10:45,854 --> 00:10:47,773 when their hyperdrive finally gave out on them. 193 00:10:47,856 --> 00:10:50,317 They decided it was best to continue forward than go back. 194 00:10:50,400 --> 00:10:53,362 And how many survivors? Just over 100. 195 00:10:53,445 --> 00:10:55,656 Word has already begun to spread amongst my people. 196 00:10:55,739 --> 00:10:57,866 They believe this return was foretold, 197 00:10:57,950 --> 00:11:00,828 that it marks a turning in the tide in the war against the wraiths. 198 00:11:00,911 --> 00:11:02,412 Well, I don't know about that. 199 00:11:02,496 --> 00:11:05,332 Dr. Weir, the daedalus is ready to beam down our people 200 00:11:05,415 --> 00:11:06,542 and the ancient delegation. 201 00:11:06,625 --> 00:11:09,002 Thank you. Man: We're ready to go, sir. 202 00:11:14,508 --> 00:11:18,095 Dr. Weir, ronon, Teyla, this is helia, 203 00:11:18,178 --> 00:11:20,180 captain of the ancient ship tria. 204 00:11:20,264 --> 00:11:22,015 It's an honor to meet you. 205 00:11:22,099 --> 00:11:24,601 Thank you, and from what I'm told, 206 00:11:24,685 --> 00:11:27,312 you've done a remarkable job preserving our city. 207 00:11:27,396 --> 00:11:29,940 Well, we did what we could with what we had. 208 00:11:30,774 --> 00:11:32,568 I need to speak to the leader of your people. 209 00:11:32,651 --> 00:11:34,862 I'm in charge of the Atlantis expedition. 210 00:11:34,945 --> 00:11:36,989 Helia: You misunderstand me, Dr. Weir. 211 00:11:37,072 --> 00:11:40,242 I need to talk to the one who can speak for all the people of earth. 212 00:11:41,618 --> 00:11:44,955 Thatcan certainly be arranged, but may I ask why? 213 00:11:47,875 --> 00:11:50,627 What is that? How come I've never seen that? 214 00:11:56,800 --> 00:11:58,594 Excuse me, what's going on? 215 00:11:58,677 --> 00:12:00,762 Thank you for all that you've done, Dr. Weir, 216 00:12:00,846 --> 00:12:04,474 but your guardianship of this city is no longer necessary. 217 00:12:04,933 --> 00:12:07,352 The city is now under my control. 218 00:12:15,110 --> 00:12:17,821 Helia: We were in a battle with wraith cruisers. 219 00:12:18,906 --> 00:12:23,619 It proved too much for us, so we started back to Atlantis 220 00:12:24,494 --> 00:12:27,748 only to be told that the final evacuation was already in progress. 221 00:12:27,831 --> 00:12:30,876 I decided to push on to earth and join the evacuees, 222 00:12:30,959 --> 00:12:34,796 and even when our hyperdrive failed, we decided to continue on. 223 00:12:35,839 --> 00:12:37,257 I can't begin to imagine 224 00:12:37,341 --> 00:12:41,637 what you and your crew must be going through right now. 225 00:12:42,179 --> 00:12:45,223 We owe you and your people a debt of gratitude, 226 00:12:45,432 --> 00:12:47,643 but we've just returned home, 227 00:12:48,560 --> 00:12:52,105 home to a place we thought we'd never set eyes on again, 228 00:12:52,564 --> 00:12:56,109 and we need some time alone. 229 00:12:57,319 --> 00:13:01,281 You do know that we've shed our own fair share of blood 230 00:13:01,365 --> 00:13:03,408 defending the city from the wraiths? 231 00:13:03,492 --> 00:13:05,452 But by your own admission, 232 00:13:05,535 --> 00:13:08,038 you were responsible for waking the wraiths. 233 00:13:09,539 --> 00:13:12,960 Right. And by your own admission, 234 00:13:13,043 --> 00:13:16,546 you are responsible for the emergence of the wraiths as a species. 235 00:13:16,630 --> 00:13:21,218 The fact is, if it weren't for our expedition, there would be no Atlantis. 236 00:13:21,593 --> 00:13:24,304 No one's saying the city doesn't belong to you 237 00:13:24,388 --> 00:13:26,264 orthat you don't belong here. 238 00:13:27,015 --> 00:13:28,135 What we're saying is that... 239 00:13:28,183 --> 00:13:30,268 What we're asking... 240 00:13:33,563 --> 00:13:38,944 What we're asking is that we be allowed to stay here. 241 00:13:39,236 --> 00:13:42,990 There is so much that we can learn from you, 242 00:13:43,073 --> 00:13:45,951 and in return, we can offer supplies, manpower, 243 00:13:46,034 --> 00:13:47,494 the kind of support youwineed 244 00:13:47,577 --> 00:13:50,288 to restore Atlantis to its former glory. 245 00:13:50,372 --> 00:13:51,748 The day will come when your people 246 00:13:51,832 --> 00:13:53,917 will once again have a place here, 247 00:13:55,794 --> 00:13:58,422 but that is not this day. 248 00:14:03,260 --> 00:14:04,678 You should be in there. 249 00:14:04,761 --> 00:14:06,072 I don't know what I could say at this point 250 00:14:06,096 --> 00:14:07,347 that would make any difference. 251 00:14:07,431 --> 00:14:10,142 Sheppard: You're right. They want us out of here. 252 00:14:10,225 --> 00:14:13,395 But why? There are maybe 100 or so of them? 253 00:14:13,478 --> 00:14:15,522 They could use us. They might even need us. 254 00:14:15,605 --> 00:14:17,566 What if you were forced from your home by war, 255 00:14:17,649 --> 00:14:20,527 only to return to find someone on your couch, 256 00:14:20,610 --> 00:14:22,863 eating your cheetos, watching your TV? 257 00:14:23,739 --> 00:14:25,323 I'd be fine with that. 258 00:14:25,449 --> 00:14:26,825 No, you wouldn't. 259 00:14:30,662 --> 00:14:32,497 How go the talks, sir? 260 00:14:32,581 --> 00:14:34,958 No talks. Listening is what we did. 261 00:14:35,584 --> 00:14:38,253 It was essentially a transitional meeting. 262 00:14:38,336 --> 00:14:42,174 They needed to know how much time we needed to vacate the city. 263 00:14:42,257 --> 00:14:44,760 I said 48 hours, unless you need more. 264 00:14:45,302 --> 00:14:48,013 No, it should be enough. 265 00:14:48,889 --> 00:14:51,475 That's it? We're just gonna take this lying down? 266 00:14:51,600 --> 00:14:53,935 We rescued them. And they're immensely grateful. 267 00:14:54,019 --> 00:14:55,163 Well, they're not showing it. 268 00:14:55,187 --> 00:14:56,581 From their point of view, Dr. McKay, 269 00:14:56,605 --> 00:14:58,607 they're being extremely generous. 270 00:14:58,690 --> 00:15:00,692 Keep in mind that when they left Atlantis, 271 00:15:00,776 --> 00:15:02,736 we were basically a hunter-gatherer species. 272 00:15:02,819 --> 00:15:04,839 We”, did you remind them if we hadn't hunted and gathered them 273 00:15:04,863 --> 00:15:05,965 out of the void between galaxies, 274 00:15:05,989 --> 00:15:08,134 they'd still be stuck there? We should've left them out there. 275 00:15:08,158 --> 00:15:10,744 I know you feel as though you're losing the city. 276 00:15:10,827 --> 00:15:13,205 This isn'tjust about losing a city, Richard. 277 00:15:13,288 --> 00:15:14,891 I mean, this is about losing an opportunity 278 00:15:14,915 --> 00:15:18,835 to talk with and learn from living, breathing ancients. 279 00:15:18,919 --> 00:15:24,091 They are willing, over time, to let us back in the city, 280 00:15:24,174 --> 00:15:25,634 just not right now. 281 00:15:26,009 --> 00:15:28,595 That way, we get all the benefit of Atlantis 282 00:15:28,678 --> 00:15:30,639 with very little of the risks or expense. 283 00:15:30,722 --> 00:15:34,184 Yeah, it's not like we don't have our own galaxy to worry about. 284 00:15:35,018 --> 00:15:38,522 Colonel, I'd like you to supervise the withdrawal. 285 00:15:40,232 --> 00:15:42,734 Yes, sir. Go ahead. 286 00:15:46,613 --> 00:15:48,532 Can I talk to you for a moment? 287 00:15:51,576 --> 00:15:53,286 I didn't wanna say this in front of McKay 288 00:15:53,370 --> 00:15:55,789 because I know he'd want the job. 289 00:15:55,872 --> 00:15:57,249 What job? 290 00:15:57,332 --> 00:16:01,169 The ancients are willing to leave someone behind as a liaison, 291 00:16:01,253 --> 00:16:04,714 kind of an ambassador, if you will. 292 00:16:04,840 --> 00:16:07,676 You know I would be more than happy... it's not gonna be you. 293 00:16:09,177 --> 00:16:12,055 Tell me someone who's more qualified for that job. 294 00:16:12,139 --> 00:16:16,643 I can't, but the ioa wants woolsey. 295 00:16:16,726 --> 00:16:19,271 Yeah. Woolsey? 296 00:16:20,397 --> 00:16:24,901 To paraphrase the ancients, they think you won't be able 297 00:16:26,236 --> 00:16:27,654 to let go. 298 00:16:27,737 --> 00:16:29,017 So they're gonna just shut us out 299 00:16:29,072 --> 00:16:31,741 after everything we've done here? 300 00:16:31,825 --> 00:16:33,160 I know. 301 00:16:35,495 --> 00:16:36,663 Look, 302 00:16:38,582 --> 00:16:40,625 you've done a hell of a job here. 303 00:16:44,296 --> 00:16:46,298 I am sorry it's ending this way. 304 00:16:46,381 --> 00:16:50,886 Isuppose I can take comfort in the fact that, 305 00:16:51,845 --> 00:16:54,764 out of all the ways this expedition could have ended, 306 00:16:56,933 --> 00:16:58,935 this is definitely not the worst. 307 00:17:02,731 --> 00:17:05,317 Yeah. Thank you. 308 00:17:29,257 --> 00:17:31,718 Sheppard: Hey. You guys all packed up? 309 00:17:32,636 --> 00:17:35,388 I really don't have that much stuff. Right. 310 00:17:35,472 --> 00:17:37,766 Most of my belongings are already with my people. 311 00:17:37,849 --> 00:17:39,243 Sheppard: How's that going, by the way? 312 00:17:39,267 --> 00:17:42,979 Are the ancients allowing the athosians to stay on the mainland? 313 00:17:43,146 --> 00:17:46,566 They have found a suitable planet for us to relocate to, 314 00:17:46,650 --> 00:17:48,526 one with our own Stargate. 315 00:17:48,610 --> 00:17:50,153 How'd that go down? 316 00:17:50,237 --> 00:17:53,907 It was not the homecoming of the ancestors my people envisioned. 317 00:17:56,034 --> 00:17:58,036 You guys want any of this stuff? 318 00:17:58,995 --> 00:18:02,123 Johnny cash poster, skateboard, sudoku books? 319 00:18:15,762 --> 00:18:18,932 You know you guys are welcome to come back with us, right? 320 00:18:19,015 --> 00:18:21,184 My place is with my people. 321 00:18:21,518 --> 00:18:25,355 And I can't leave this galaxy until every last wraith is dead. 322 00:18:25,522 --> 00:18:28,942 Well, I just had to say it out loud. 323 00:18:29,901 --> 00:18:31,820 You, too, should know that we would be honored 324 00:18:31,903 --> 00:18:34,030 if you decided to stay with us, John. 325 00:18:34,114 --> 00:18:37,033 Yeah, well, I think the air force has got other plans for me. 326 00:18:37,117 --> 00:18:39,202 We also just had to say it out loud. 327 00:18:40,203 --> 00:18:41,371 Right. 328 00:18:44,708 --> 00:18:48,003 Well, this sucks. 329 00:18:49,004 --> 00:18:50,005 Yeah. 330 00:18:51,464 --> 00:18:56,094 I'm not... I'm not... I'm not good at goodbyes. 331 00:18:56,177 --> 00:18:58,805 Our paths will cross again, John Sheppard. 332 00:18:58,888 --> 00:19:00,307 Of that I am sure. 333 00:19:00,724 --> 00:19:03,727 Well, before our paths uncross, 334 00:19:04,686 --> 00:19:06,521 could you give me a hand with these boxes? 335 00:19:06,646 --> 00:19:10,108 I'll throw in pizza and some beer and... popcorn? 336 00:19:10,191 --> 00:19:13,695 And popcorn... oh, my god. 337 00:19:14,029 --> 00:19:15,739 (All laughing) 338 00:19:18,033 --> 00:19:19,885 Well, I was offered a position at maastricht university 339 00:19:19,909 --> 00:19:21,661 right before I came here. 340 00:19:21,786 --> 00:19:25,915 I imagine I could work there if I wanted to. What about you, Carson? 341 00:19:25,999 --> 00:19:29,919 Well, they offered me a surgery position at Stargate command. You? 342 00:19:30,003 --> 00:19:32,589 I don't know. Area 51, I guess. 343 00:19:32,672 --> 00:19:33,816 Tool around with as much of the database 344 00:19:33,840 --> 00:19:35,383 as we're able to bring back with us. 345 00:19:35,467 --> 00:19:37,945 You know, in a way, I look forward to focusing on a single problem 346 00:19:37,969 --> 00:19:39,262 for a while. 347 00:19:39,346 --> 00:19:41,449 Being continually pulled off of research to put out fires 348 00:19:41,473 --> 00:19:43,433 can be, you know, frustrating. 349 00:19:43,516 --> 00:19:45,101 I suppose so. 350 00:19:45,185 --> 00:19:47,979 I just don't know how many times I'm gonna be asked to save the day 351 00:19:48,063 --> 00:19:50,357 at the 11th hour at area 51. 352 00:19:50,440 --> 00:19:52,150 Oh, I'm sure it'll come up. 353 00:19:52,233 --> 00:19:53,985 Yeah, not as often as I'd like. 354 00:19:55,195 --> 00:20:00,742 Well, I must admit, it's been a pleasure working with you both. 355 00:20:02,786 --> 00:20:05,080 In fact, out of all the people... 356 00:20:06,122 --> 00:20:08,333 You are not tearing up on me, are you? 357 00:20:08,458 --> 00:20:10,877 Oh, no. Oh, he is. He's tearing up. 358 00:20:11,002 --> 00:20:14,130 Now you've ruined it. Oh, I'm sorry. 359 00:20:14,214 --> 00:20:16,049 I was just about to say something. 360 00:20:16,132 --> 00:20:18,194 Well, it's not like we're not gonna see each other at the gate. 361 00:20:18,218 --> 00:20:23,098 No, of course not. I don't know what I was thinking. 362 00:20:23,598 --> 00:20:25,517 What was it? What? 363 00:20:25,600 --> 00:20:28,645 What you were gonna say. Just say it. Now I'm curious. 364 00:20:31,648 --> 00:20:35,610 I was going to say goodbye, Rodney. 365 00:20:50,417 --> 00:20:51,835 (Doorbell beeping) 366 00:20:58,258 --> 00:20:59,676 Colonel. Doctor. 367 00:20:59,759 --> 00:21:00,760 Come in. 368 00:21:00,844 --> 00:21:03,888 Well, we are way ahead of schedule, ready to head out at 0800. 369 00:21:03,972 --> 00:21:05,682 Daedalus is gonna take most of the gear. 370 00:21:05,765 --> 00:21:07,326 People and their odds and ends will make their way 371 00:21:07,350 --> 00:21:10,103 through the Stargate, thanks to the ancients' new zpm. 372 00:21:10,186 --> 00:21:12,856 Good, I guess. 373 00:21:13,773 --> 00:21:18,820 You're taking this rather well. Actually, I'm pissed. 374 00:21:19,112 --> 00:21:22,782 For one thing, I'm only a quarter of the way through war and peace. 375 00:21:22,866 --> 00:21:26,578 I can't imagine what I can possibly do for a living now. 376 00:21:26,995 --> 00:21:29,289 Every government in the world is gonna offer you a job. 377 00:21:29,372 --> 00:21:32,125 Yeah, but not like this. 378 00:21:33,042 --> 00:21:34,836 Yeah, you're right. 379 00:21:35,462 --> 00:21:38,089 It's all downhill from here. You peaked. 380 00:21:39,424 --> 00:21:42,385 "Life isn't fair. It's just fairer than death." 381 00:21:44,179 --> 00:21:47,891 Oscar wilde? The Princess bride. Good movie. 382 00:21:52,437 --> 00:21:55,023 You gonna be ready to head out at 0800? 383 00:21:55,106 --> 00:21:57,734 Yeah. Yeah, I should be. You? 384 00:21:58,151 --> 00:22:03,323 Just 100 or 200 things to do. I'll see you at the gate. 385 00:22:18,171 --> 00:22:20,065 Grounding station on the south pier is a bit twitchy. 386 00:22:20,089 --> 00:22:22,401 It got shot up. It wasn't our fault. You need to look at that. 387 00:22:22,425 --> 00:22:23,843 I'm sure we'll find our way, doctor. 388 00:22:23,927 --> 00:22:25,488 No, I'm sure you will, but you should also... 389 00:22:25,512 --> 00:22:26,763 Weir: Rodney! 390 00:22:30,099 --> 00:22:32,352 Right, yes. Well, I gotta go. 391 00:22:35,104 --> 00:22:38,942 You have been good friends to all the people of this galaxy. 392 00:22:48,451 --> 00:22:49,786 Farewell. 393 00:22:50,995 --> 00:22:52,372 Take care. 394 00:23:31,369 --> 00:23:34,247 Keep your damn weight off your foot, you'll be fine. 395 00:23:35,415 --> 00:23:38,293 Tell me you didn't engage the ori, colonel. 396 00:23:38,376 --> 00:23:40,878 We didn't engage the ori, sir. 397 00:23:41,254 --> 00:23:43,840 Babbis here was inspecting some curious fauna 398 00:23:43,923 --> 00:23:46,593 when he discovered the ground underneath him wasn't stable. 399 00:23:46,676 --> 00:23:49,512 He fell 20 feet into a babbling brook. 400 00:23:49,596 --> 00:23:51,407 Wallace there was trying to help him get back up 401 00:23:51,431 --> 00:23:54,350 when he lost his footing and broke his ankle. 402 00:23:54,434 --> 00:23:55,643 I see. 403 00:23:55,727 --> 00:23:58,896 Never thought I'd miss Rodney McKay being a member of my team. 404 00:23:58,980 --> 00:24:01,232 Well, chemistry doesn't happen overnight. 405 00:24:01,316 --> 00:24:04,068 We'll debrief as soon as Wallace is out of the infirmary. 406 00:24:04,152 --> 00:24:05,153 Yes, sir. 407 00:24:05,236 --> 00:24:06,738 Offworld activation. 408 00:24:07,780 --> 00:24:10,199 Hold on, colonel. You may get a kick out of this. 409 00:24:10,283 --> 00:24:14,495 This should be general O'Neill on his scheduled check-in from Atlantis. 410 00:24:14,621 --> 00:24:18,625 He went back, sir? Woolsey needed a little backup. 411 00:24:18,708 --> 00:24:21,711 Apparently, the ancients find him a bit trying. 412 00:24:22,545 --> 00:24:24,005 Imagine that. 413 00:24:25,340 --> 00:24:27,216 General. General. 414 00:24:27,884 --> 00:24:30,011 Is that Sheppard there with you? 415 00:24:30,094 --> 00:24:31,554 Yes, sir. 416 00:24:31,638 --> 00:24:34,682 Talks are proceeding at an acceptable pace, but the real news 417 00:24:34,766 --> 00:24:37,769 is that the Pegasus replicators are heading back to Atlantis 418 00:24:37,894 --> 00:24:40,480 to make another run at the city. They are? 419 00:24:40,563 --> 00:24:42,899 No one here seems to be that worried about it. 420 00:24:42,982 --> 00:24:45,485 Why not? They're ancients. 421 00:24:45,568 --> 00:24:48,821 Apparently, these replicators have a law in their base code 422 00:24:48,905 --> 00:24:51,866 that makes it impossible for them to harm their creators. 423 00:24:51,949 --> 00:24:53,743 And they're expecting to find us? 424 00:24:53,826 --> 00:24:57,747 According to helia, they're gonna run into some kind of nasty surprise. 425 00:24:57,830 --> 00:24:59,499 So you can pass it on to Dr. McKay 426 00:24:59,582 --> 00:25:01,959 that if you and he hadn't rescued the ancients 427 00:25:02,043 --> 00:25:04,003 and returned Atlantis to their care... 428 00:25:04,087 --> 00:25:06,756 I'd have lost the city anyway. Right. 429 00:25:07,507 --> 00:25:09,425 Well, we should get back to our talks 430 00:25:09,509 --> 00:25:12,929 and talks and talks. O'Neill out. 431 00:25:15,473 --> 00:25:19,227 Sir, I'd be happy to talk to you more about these replicator guys. 432 00:25:19,310 --> 00:25:21,979 No, it sounds like they've got everything under control. 433 00:25:22,063 --> 00:25:25,400 Yes, sir, I guess they do. 434 00:25:27,819 --> 00:25:30,613 Mcka y.“ I hate it here. How's that possible? 435 00:25:30,988 --> 00:25:32,365 It's true. 436 00:25:32,448 --> 00:25:34,635 Look, they gave you everything you wanted, your own lab... 437 00:25:34,659 --> 00:25:37,745 Yeah, it's too big. We”, handpicked assistants... 438 00:25:37,829 --> 00:25:39,580 Mcka y: Yeah, sycophants, every one of them. 439 00:25:39,664 --> 00:25:41,416 Even your own choice of projects. 440 00:25:41,499 --> 00:25:42,834 Well, that's not true. 441 00:25:42,917 --> 00:25:45,128 Well, other than going back to Atlantis, I mean. 442 00:25:46,629 --> 00:25:48,047 You know, the truth is, I... 443 00:25:49,298 --> 00:25:50,383 What? 444 00:25:50,466 --> 00:25:53,136 Yeah, I don't wanna use the term "lonely," 445 00:25:53,219 --> 00:25:56,806 but there are certain people who I miss. 446 00:25:59,016 --> 00:26:00,893 You? You I'm talking to on the phone right now 447 00:26:00,977 --> 00:26:02,857 and having dinner with tomorrow, so not so much, 448 00:26:02,895 --> 00:26:07,024 but other people, people who I may never see again. 449 00:26:07,108 --> 00:26:09,485 Like even Elizabeth, she hasn't returned any of my calls. 450 00:26:09,569 --> 00:26:10,737 I know what you mean. 451 00:26:12,155 --> 00:26:14,949 Hey, at least you still get to go off-world with a team of your own. 452 00:26:15,032 --> 00:26:17,660 Oh, yeah, the best and the brightest. 453 00:26:18,494 --> 00:26:21,247 All right, see you tomorrow night. 454 00:26:21,831 --> 00:26:24,917 Mcka y: Yeah, wouldn't miss it. Hey, you know, I... 455 00:26:28,671 --> 00:26:29,714 Yeah. 456 00:26:31,674 --> 00:26:33,009 (Door knocking) 457 00:26:39,432 --> 00:26:40,725 (Door knocking) 458 00:26:45,855 --> 00:26:48,065 Carson. Hello, Elizabeth. 459 00:26:48,149 --> 00:26:49,692 Well, this is a surprise. 460 00:26:49,776 --> 00:26:52,904 Well, you didn't return my messages, so I thought I'd just stop by. 461 00:26:52,987 --> 00:26:56,073 Yeah. Sorry about that. Come in. 462 00:26:56,157 --> 00:26:57,492 Thank you. 463 00:26:59,076 --> 00:27:03,122 Oh, excuse the mess. I wasn't really expecting company. 464 00:27:03,456 --> 00:27:07,460 Oh, please, I'm from a family of seven. Our home was never this clean. 465 00:27:07,668 --> 00:27:11,130 You look good. Well, thanks for lying. 466 00:27:11,214 --> 00:27:12,924 How is the sgc treating you? 467 00:27:13,007 --> 00:27:16,469 It's only been six weeks, so I'm still settling in, but it's good. 468 00:27:16,552 --> 00:27:18,513 Interesting work, kind people. 469 00:27:18,596 --> 00:27:20,598 Good. That's good. 470 00:27:21,891 --> 00:27:23,059 How about you? 471 00:27:23,142 --> 00:27:25,394 Oh, you know, keeping busy. 472 00:27:25,478 --> 00:27:26,813 Oh, yeah? Doing what? 473 00:27:26,896 --> 00:27:30,274 I've been doing a bit of writing, working on my memoirs. 474 00:27:30,358 --> 00:27:33,319 Your memoirs? About your time in Atlantis? 475 00:27:33,402 --> 00:27:34,737 Yeah, somewhat. 476 00:27:36,113 --> 00:27:38,825 And on what planet did you expect to publish it? 477 00:27:38,908 --> 00:27:42,036 I suppose it's for posterity as much as anything else. 478 00:27:42,829 --> 00:27:46,666 And for me. Just trying to get it straight in my own head. 479 00:27:48,209 --> 00:27:50,253 It all went by so fast, you know? 480 00:27:50,336 --> 00:27:51,921 Aye, that it did. 481 00:27:55,842 --> 00:27:59,595 Elizabeth, we're all a bit worried about you. 482 00:28:00,972 --> 00:28:03,015 You're worried about me? Why? 483 00:28:03,099 --> 00:28:04,517 Well, you don't return phone calls, 484 00:28:04,600 --> 00:28:06,936 and the few times that you've run into people, 485 00:28:07,019 --> 00:28:08,855 they say you seemed distant. 486 00:28:11,607 --> 00:28:14,986 I'm just... I'm just trying to move on. 487 00:28:15,069 --> 00:28:16,737 By writing your memoirs? 488 00:28:23,411 --> 00:28:27,498 Elizabeth, why haven't you taken another position? 489 00:28:27,957 --> 00:28:31,586 The sgc has asked me to consult with the ioa and homeworld securities 490 00:28:31,669 --> 00:28:33,589 with the ongoing conversations with the ancients. 491 00:28:33,629 --> 00:28:34,815 You don't need to be here for that. 492 00:28:34,839 --> 00:28:36,382 You could easily take another position 493 00:28:36,465 --> 00:28:38,926 and consult them from a secure phone line. 494 00:28:41,846 --> 00:28:44,015 I guess I'm just not ready yet. 495 00:28:45,224 --> 00:28:48,060 Look, Rodney's flying in tomorrow. 496 00:28:48,144 --> 00:28:49,454 John and I are taking him for dinner. 497 00:28:49,478 --> 00:28:50,897 You should come. 498 00:28:50,980 --> 00:28:53,065 Tomorrow? Oh, gosh, tomorrow... I... 499 00:28:53,149 --> 00:28:54,442 I'll pick you up at 7:00. 500 00:29:02,074 --> 00:29:03,326 (Door closing) 501 00:29:07,830 --> 00:29:10,333 Woolsey: That seems like a pretty big ship. 502 00:29:10,666 --> 00:29:13,419 You're sure only sending one jumper up to fend it off 503 00:29:13,502 --> 00:29:14,670 is the right thing to do? 504 00:29:14,754 --> 00:29:16,631 It is impossible for them to harm us. 505 00:29:17,965 --> 00:29:19,759 I could use some enemies like that. 506 00:29:19,842 --> 00:29:22,470 Man: We have established communications, commander. 507 00:29:22,553 --> 00:29:24,263 This is commander helia. 508 00:29:24,430 --> 00:29:27,516 The city you're approaching is once again under lantian control. 509 00:29:27,600 --> 00:29:31,187 Stand down and return to your planet immediately, or you will be... 510 00:29:32,063 --> 00:29:33,624 I thought you said they couldn't harm you. 511 00:29:33,648 --> 00:29:35,024 Raise the shield! 512 00:29:39,403 --> 00:29:42,865 You should call her. Who, cadman? 513 00:29:43,491 --> 00:29:45,618 You guys did make a cute couple. 514 00:29:45,701 --> 00:29:47,161 It didn't work out. 515 00:29:47,620 --> 00:29:50,623 May have something to do with our first kiss being through Rodney. 516 00:29:50,706 --> 00:29:53,918 Oh, we made a solemn vow never to speak of that again. 517 00:29:54,001 --> 00:29:55,711 I remember no such thing. 518 00:29:55,836 --> 00:29:58,547 You know what? It's getting late. 519 00:29:58,881 --> 00:30:00,841 Since when do you sleep? 520 00:30:00,925 --> 00:30:03,803 Since I got back. I had a lot of catching up to do. 521 00:30:04,220 --> 00:30:07,807 But it's been lovely seeing all of you again. 522 00:30:07,890 --> 00:30:09,141 Thank you for getting me out. 523 00:30:09,225 --> 00:30:12,144 No, we should thank you. You're taking us to dinner, right? 524 00:30:12,228 --> 00:30:13,354 Cheeky. 525 00:30:13,604 --> 00:30:14,855 (Mobile ringing) 526 00:30:14,939 --> 00:30:16,482 (All mobiles ringing) 527 00:30:16,565 --> 00:30:17,900 Sheppard. 528 00:30:20,403 --> 00:30:21,570 McKay. 529 00:30:21,904 --> 00:30:23,698 (Mobile ringing) 530 00:30:24,407 --> 00:30:25,825 Hello? 531 00:30:25,908 --> 00:30:28,786 I didn't bring my bloody cell phone with me. What's happening? 532 00:30:28,869 --> 00:30:32,206 We got this data burst about 20 minutes ago. 533 00:30:35,334 --> 00:30:38,629 Atlantis is under attack from replicators. 534 00:30:38,713 --> 00:30:41,966 Somehow they figured out how to override their programming. 535 00:30:42,466 --> 00:30:44,301 The ancients were taken off guard 536 00:30:44,385 --> 00:30:46,804 and have lost most of the city already. 537 00:30:46,887 --> 00:30:48,055 (Gun firing) 538 00:30:48,139 --> 00:30:50,391 Request immediate evacuation. 539 00:30:50,474 --> 00:30:52,018 They're coming! 540 00:30:55,021 --> 00:30:56,605 They never made it to the gate. 541 00:31:02,570 --> 00:31:05,406 I was informed they had a law written into their base code 542 00:31:05,489 --> 00:31:08,075 that made it impossible for them to harm the ancients. 543 00:31:08,159 --> 00:31:09,660 How the hell did this happen? 544 00:31:12,538 --> 00:31:17,209 It is remotely possible that in trying to rewrite niam's base code, I... 545 00:31:17,293 --> 00:31:20,755 We may have opened the door for them to make other changes. 546 00:31:20,838 --> 00:31:22,048 You did this? 547 00:31:22,131 --> 00:31:23,883 At the time, we thought it was the only 548 00:31:23,966 --> 00:31:25,676 possible way to save the city. 549 00:31:25,760 --> 00:31:26,862 Sheppard: How it happened doesn't matter. 550 00:31:26,886 --> 00:31:28,196 They may have changed it on their own. 551 00:31:28,220 --> 00:31:31,348 The question is, how do we fix it? 552 00:31:31,432 --> 00:31:33,225 That's why I called you in. 553 00:31:34,185 --> 00:31:37,897 I have my orders. The daedalus is already on the way. 554 00:31:37,980 --> 00:31:40,107 Now, what I need from you is, 555 00:31:41,442 --> 00:31:43,944 what's the best way to get a nuke past the shield? 556 00:31:46,781 --> 00:31:47,907 Well, I have no idea. 557 00:31:47,990 --> 00:31:49,742 I didn't call you in, doctor. 558 00:31:49,825 --> 00:31:52,411 You're going to use nuclear weapons on Atlantis? 559 00:31:52,495 --> 00:31:55,039 It's the gateway to earth. And we have an Iris! 560 00:31:55,122 --> 00:31:58,626 Yes, we do, but thanks to your intergalactic gate bridge, 561 00:31:58,709 --> 00:32:00,836 all they have to do is rewrite your macro, 562 00:32:00,920 --> 00:32:03,255 and they can come out anywhere in the milky way. 563 00:32:03,339 --> 00:32:05,591 Yeah, but those macros are very complicated. 564 00:32:05,674 --> 00:32:07,635 They are very complicated, Dr. McKay. 565 00:32:07,718 --> 00:32:10,054 They just rewrote their own damn base code. 566 00:32:10,137 --> 00:32:11,847 I think they can handle it. 567 00:32:11,931 --> 00:32:14,266 Sir, general O'Neill and woolsey may still be alive. 568 00:32:14,350 --> 00:32:16,150 Now, I know the city like the back of my hand. 569 00:32:16,185 --> 00:32:19,188 Just give me 60 marines and some of colonel Carter's new... 570 00:32:19,271 --> 00:32:21,607 Anti-replicator weapons. Yeah, those things. 571 00:32:21,690 --> 00:32:23,943 I'm sorry, colonel. I have standing orders. 572 00:32:24,026 --> 00:32:27,321 They happen to be general O'Neill's standing orders. 573 00:32:27,404 --> 00:32:30,866 The daedalus will be there in a little under four days. 574 00:32:31,450 --> 00:32:35,037 Now, how do I get a nuke past their shield? 575 00:32:38,958 --> 00:32:43,671 Now, those replicator thingamajigs you're talking about... 576 00:32:43,754 --> 00:32:46,006 Let's just call them args. 577 00:32:46,090 --> 00:32:47,192 McKay: They're energy weapons. 578 00:32:47,216 --> 00:32:49,069 They disrupt the link between the nanites' cells. 579 00:32:49,093 --> 00:32:51,413 The replicators literally fall apart when you fire on them. 580 00:32:51,470 --> 00:32:54,390 You know, hypothetically, 581 00:32:54,974 --> 00:32:58,477 Teyla and ronon would be more than willing to help if we asked. 582 00:32:59,103 --> 00:33:00,896 Weir: We would need to gate into Atlantis. 583 00:33:00,980 --> 00:33:03,649 All they'd need to do to keep us out is activate the gate's shield. 584 00:33:03,732 --> 00:33:06,068 Well, I did write a backdoor to the shield program 585 00:33:06,152 --> 00:33:08,046 a couple of years ago, when kolya stormed the city, 586 00:33:08,070 --> 00:33:12,324 so, I mean, it could hypothetically let us get into the gate room. 587 00:33:12,408 --> 00:33:15,786 General Landry was worried about the replicators rewriting the bridge macro 588 00:33:15,870 --> 00:33:18,164 to gate them somewhere else in the milky way. 589 00:33:18,247 --> 00:33:20,207 Does that mean you could change the macro, 590 00:33:20,291 --> 00:33:22,251 take us somewhere else in Pegasus? 591 00:33:22,334 --> 00:33:25,754 Somewhere like, just talking here, 592 00:33:26,422 --> 00:33:28,841 the athosian settlement where Teyla and ronon are? 593 00:33:28,924 --> 00:33:32,303 We'd need a jumper. And some of those args. 594 00:33:32,386 --> 00:33:35,681 And someone to make sure Landry doesn't close the Iris on us. 595 00:33:36,307 --> 00:33:37,600 Hypothetically. 596 00:33:38,184 --> 00:33:39,226 Of course. 597 00:33:39,310 --> 00:33:41,395 The jumper is in its storage area under guard. 598 00:33:41,478 --> 00:33:42,747 We need for one of us to be added 599 00:33:42,771 --> 00:33:44,106 to the authorized personnel list, 600 00:33:44,190 --> 00:33:45,816 and there's only one guy who can do that. 601 00:33:45,941 --> 00:33:48,652 You? No. Why'd you think I was gonna say me? 602 00:33:48,736 --> 00:33:50,338 I don't know. Seemed like you were leading up to it. 603 00:33:50,362 --> 00:33:52,031 No, sadly, 604 00:33:52,114 --> 00:33:54,575 Dr. Lee's been the one heading up the jumper research project 605 00:33:54,658 --> 00:33:56,911 because they refuse to send it to area 51 for me, 606 00:33:56,994 --> 00:33:59,538 but I think I should be able to add one of our keycards 607 00:33:59,622 --> 00:34:00,998 to the authorized personnel list, 608 00:34:01,081 --> 00:34:02,958 but I have to do that from his office. 609 00:34:04,168 --> 00:34:06,337 Well, he's in his office, so you need to distract him. 610 00:34:06,462 --> 00:34:09,673 Me? How? Well, here's what I'm thinking. 611 00:34:09,757 --> 00:34:14,803 I gotta say, I have never met a woman this into world of warcraft. 612 00:34:14,887 --> 00:34:16,889 It's a silent passion of mine. 613 00:34:16,972 --> 00:34:18,557 As it is with all of us. 614 00:34:18,641 --> 00:34:25,147 I'm a level-75 mage, specializing in engineering and dueling. 615 00:34:25,981 --> 00:34:29,109 You? Oh, wow! Level 75! 616 00:34:30,277 --> 00:34:32,863 Me, I'm only 50. 617 00:34:33,155 --> 00:34:36,575 Lee: Yeah, well, I had the beta of the expansion pack, 618 00:34:36,659 --> 00:34:39,703 so I sort of had a leg up on most people. 619 00:34:40,454 --> 00:34:41,830 What's your race? 620 00:34:45,376 --> 00:34:46,502 Mage. 621 00:34:46,669 --> 00:34:50,339 You know, I'm trying to increase my enchanter skills, but... 622 00:34:51,340 --> 00:34:53,801 I don't know. It's just... It's not going very well. 623 00:34:53,884 --> 00:34:56,845 Oh, I disagree, bill. 624 00:34:57,221 --> 00:34:58,347 What? 625 00:35:01,225 --> 00:35:03,227 Rodney... look, I don't mean... 626 00:35:03,310 --> 00:35:05,229 I'm sorry. I don't mean to be so forward. 627 00:35:05,312 --> 00:35:07,398 No, no, no, go... Be forward. I... 628 00:35:08,524 --> 00:35:10,734 Well... oh, I... 629 00:35:10,818 --> 00:35:14,571 Look, I'm not quite sure how exactly I should put this. 630 00:35:16,198 --> 00:35:20,119 A true mage speaks his mind, or her mind, in your case. 631 00:35:20,202 --> 00:35:23,414 Wow! Will you look at the time! Where does it go, huh? 632 00:35:23,497 --> 00:35:26,709 What? We're late. We should... 633 00:35:26,792 --> 00:35:28,252 But... we'll see you, bill. 634 00:35:28,335 --> 00:35:29,586 Bye, bill. 635 00:35:41,724 --> 00:35:44,977 Wallace, what are you doing here? 636 00:35:45,060 --> 00:35:48,063 General Landry wanted to talk to me about reassignment. 637 00:35:48,147 --> 00:35:49,523 Oh, right. 638 00:35:50,357 --> 00:35:51,942 Sorry about that. 639 00:35:52,026 --> 00:35:54,278 Are you already going on missions without me, or... 640 00:35:54,361 --> 00:35:56,572 You should really stay off of that ankle, son. 641 00:35:56,655 --> 00:36:00,868 Wallace: Yeah, well, when general Landry says, "now," he means now. 642 00:36:00,951 --> 00:36:02,953 Sheppard: Sorry about this, too. 643 00:36:06,457 --> 00:36:09,168 Can't afford to have him tell Landry he ran into us. 644 00:36:35,903 --> 00:36:37,905 Sheppard: Let's move! 645 00:36:44,119 --> 00:36:46,080 You set? Go for it. 646 00:36:53,170 --> 00:36:54,713 What the hell? 647 00:36:55,798 --> 00:36:57,925 General Landry to the control room immediately. 648 00:36:58,634 --> 00:37:00,945 Okay, they're gonna be able to get through my hack pretty quickly. 649 00:37:00,969 --> 00:37:02,763 It's all right. I don't need much time. 650 00:37:04,264 --> 00:37:05,533 What's going on? I don't know, sir. 651 00:37:05,557 --> 00:37:06,910 The gate just started dialing on its own. 652 00:37:06,934 --> 00:37:09,144 It doesn't do that. I know that, sir. 653 00:37:11,313 --> 00:37:13,649 Landry: Close the Iris. Harriman: I can't, sir. 654 00:37:13,732 --> 00:37:17,069 Find a way, Walter. Colonel Sheppard, stand down. 655 00:37:17,152 --> 00:37:19,154 That is a direct order. 656 00:37:20,989 --> 00:37:23,009 Do you want me to try to find out where they were going, sir? 657 00:37:23,033 --> 00:37:25,828 Don't bother. I already know. 658 00:37:37,297 --> 00:37:40,467 My turtles! Weir: What? 659 00:37:40,551 --> 00:37:42,028 Beckett: I just bought some wee baby turtles, 660 00:37:42,052 --> 00:37:44,179 and no one knows to feed them. 661 00:37:44,263 --> 00:37:47,433 Well, turtles are pretty Hardy. I'm sure they'll be fine. 662 00:37:47,516 --> 00:37:49,184 And they make good soup. 663 00:37:50,394 --> 00:37:52,497 I figured, "I'm back for good, so I might as well get a pet." 664 00:37:52,521 --> 00:37:54,189 And I'm allergic to cats 665 00:37:54,273 --> 00:37:57,443 and, well, I'm at work too long to be fair to a dog, 666 00:37:57,526 --> 00:37:59,153 so I went with turtles. 667 00:37:59,236 --> 00:38:01,613 I probably killed them. Anytime now, McKay. 668 00:38:01,697 --> 00:38:04,158 Oh, trust me, I am going as fast as I can. 669 00:38:04,241 --> 00:38:05,742 Poor little buggers. 670 00:38:08,579 --> 00:38:10,873 Milky way gate just activated. 671 00:38:11,874 --> 00:38:14,543 Nope. Did you do that? 672 00:38:14,626 --> 00:38:17,171 Colonel Sheppard, I'm going to assume 673 00:38:17,254 --> 00:38:18,839 that you're still at the midway station, 674 00:38:18,922 --> 00:38:21,800 waiting for Dr. McKay to rewrite his macro. 675 00:38:22,259 --> 00:38:26,597 I understand what you're doing, colonel. Hell, I'll even call it brave, 676 00:38:26,680 --> 00:38:28,974 but if you don't turn that ship around immediately 677 00:38:29,057 --> 00:38:30,642 and come back to the sgc, 678 00:38:30,726 --> 00:38:34,563 I'll see to it personally that your career in the military is... 679 00:38:37,316 --> 00:38:39,651 That way, I won't know what he was gonna say. 680 00:38:39,735 --> 00:38:42,112 Okay. Okay, I've got it. 681 00:38:42,196 --> 00:38:45,240 All right, last chance to change our minds. 682 00:38:49,328 --> 00:38:52,289 All right, let's do it. 683 00:39:03,717 --> 00:39:05,037 I knew you would never come to me, 684 00:39:05,093 --> 00:39:07,137 so I thought I would come to you. 685 00:39:07,679 --> 00:39:11,725 Our relationship has been strained, 686 00:39:12,601 --> 00:39:15,062 but we need to put all that behind us now. 687 00:39:15,854 --> 00:39:17,439 We do? 688 00:39:17,523 --> 00:39:19,163 Well, your friends have all returned home, 689 00:39:19,191 --> 00:39:21,193 and you've been asked to leave Atlantis, 690 00:39:21,276 --> 00:39:24,905 so the question is, what will you do next? 691 00:39:25,239 --> 00:39:27,908 We are helping my people rebuild this settlement. 692 00:39:27,991 --> 00:39:30,035 Yes, but the settlement seems finished. 693 00:39:30,118 --> 00:39:32,037 Besides, is carpentry and clearing brush 694 00:39:32,120 --> 00:39:34,122 really the best use of your skills? 695 00:39:34,206 --> 00:39:35,791 Get to the point. 696 00:39:36,458 --> 00:39:38,126 Come work with me. 697 00:39:38,961 --> 00:39:40,712 I understand your reluctance. 698 00:39:40,796 --> 00:39:42,381 In the past, the genii have hardly been 699 00:39:42,464 --> 00:39:44,299 a shining beacon of hope in the galaxy. 700 00:39:44,383 --> 00:39:45,717 In the past? 701 00:39:45,801 --> 00:39:48,804 We are growing stronger every day, 702 00:39:48,887 --> 00:39:50,556 and we have a number of operations planned 703 00:39:50,639 --> 00:39:53,016 that could seriously cripple the wraiths. 704 00:39:53,308 --> 00:39:55,018 What do you have in mind? 705 00:39:55,644 --> 00:39:59,231 Well, I am, of course, reluctant to go into specific details here, 706 00:40:00,148 --> 00:40:02,943 but suffice it to say the plans are dangerous 707 00:40:03,026 --> 00:40:05,237 and in need of your unique abilities. 708 00:40:06,154 --> 00:40:07,698 We're not interested. 709 00:40:08,532 --> 00:40:12,619 Well, that's too bad, although not entirely surprising. 710 00:40:13,745 --> 00:40:15,539 Give it some time, ronon. 711 00:40:16,999 --> 00:40:20,294 I wonder how much joy you'll find as a tava-bean farmer. 712 00:40:23,088 --> 00:40:24,881 I'm not gonna start working for the genii. 713 00:40:24,965 --> 00:40:28,427 We would not be working for them, merely with them. 714 00:40:28,510 --> 00:40:29,845 Forget it. 715 00:40:30,929 --> 00:40:33,265 Since Atlantis was returned to the ancestors, 716 00:40:33,348 --> 00:40:35,100 the genii are the most powerful 717 00:40:35,183 --> 00:40:36,810 and organized group of humans 718 00:40:36,893 --> 00:40:38,437 fighting the wraiths. 719 00:40:39,062 --> 00:40:41,064 The ancestors will do something. 720 00:40:41,732 --> 00:40:45,652 True, but they neither need nor have they requested our help. 721 00:40:46,194 --> 00:40:47,529 The genii have. 722 00:40:48,989 --> 00:40:51,366 I know that you are anxious to return to the fight, 723 00:40:51,450 --> 00:40:54,494 but my people are farmers. 724 00:40:54,578 --> 00:40:56,288 Maybe this isn't the place for me, then. 725 00:40:56,371 --> 00:40:57,956 That smells great. 726 00:41:00,417 --> 00:41:03,337 Sheppard: Hope you saved some for us. John! 727 00:41:03,462 --> 00:41:07,090 It's so wonderful to see you, all of you! Weir: And you. 728 00:41:07,174 --> 00:41:10,594 We missed that, whatever that is. 729 00:41:11,094 --> 00:41:12,804 Something's wrong. 730 00:41:16,058 --> 00:41:17,809 McKay: They emit a directional energy beam 731 00:41:17,893 --> 00:41:20,312 that disrupts the connection between nanites. 732 00:41:20,395 --> 00:41:22,064 Not what I asked. 733 00:41:23,065 --> 00:41:25,567 Yes, they work good. Ronon: Good. 734 00:41:26,068 --> 00:41:29,363 So you need us because we know our way around the city? 735 00:41:29,446 --> 00:41:32,115 I need you because you're part of our team. 736 00:41:32,199 --> 00:41:34,910 There may be hundreds of replicators on Atlantis by now. 737 00:41:34,993 --> 00:41:36,536 We've got a plan, a good one. 738 00:41:36,620 --> 00:41:37,889 I wouldn't ask you to come with us 739 00:41:37,913 --> 00:41:39,331 if I didn't think we could do it. 740 00:41:39,414 --> 00:41:42,209 Also, general O'Neill and Richard woolsey were both on Atlantis 741 00:41:42,292 --> 00:41:43,960 when the replicators attacked. 742 00:41:44,044 --> 00:41:45,796 There is a chance they're still alive. 743 00:41:45,879 --> 00:41:48,548 I'll be damned if I'm gonna let a bunch of replicators 744 00:41:48,632 --> 00:41:53,762 take our home away from us. So you with us? 745 00:42:05,857 --> 00:42:08,360 Okay, I think I've loaded up the gdo. 746 00:42:08,443 --> 00:42:10,195 It'll lower the shield when we dial. 747 00:42:10,278 --> 00:42:14,366 Go for it. All right, dialing Atlantis. 748 00:42:17,494 --> 00:42:18,954 And... 749 00:42:25,043 --> 00:42:27,212 What's happening? Activate the shield. 750 00:42:28,797 --> 00:42:29,840 I can't. 751 00:42:30,257 --> 00:42:33,218 That's confirmation. Gate shield has been lowered. 752 00:42:33,427 --> 00:42:35,470 I hope this little plan of ours works. 753 00:42:35,554 --> 00:42:36,930 Yeah, you and me both. 754 00:43:29,024 --> 00:43:30,025 English - us - psdh