1 00:00:05,631 --> 00:00:09,760 Weir: This hero you speak of, he doesn't happen to have a name, does he? 2 00:00:09,844 --> 00:00:12,388 Teyla: No, the athosian who spoke to me of his deeds 3 00:00:12,471 --> 00:00:15,808 simply referred to him as a great hero of the town, 4 00:00:15,892 --> 00:00:19,687 a warrior who possesses almost superhuman-like powers. 5 00:00:19,770 --> 00:00:21,530 Well, we've sent teams to this planet before. 6 00:00:21,606 --> 00:00:23,524 Well, they're good traders and kind people. 7 00:00:23,608 --> 00:00:26,694 I don't recall there being many superheroes. 8 00:00:26,777 --> 00:00:28,446 Sounds like one of my people. 9 00:00:28,529 --> 00:00:32,950 Well, whoever it is, it would be nice to have someone like that on our side. 10 00:00:33,034 --> 00:00:34,243 Provided the rumor's true. 11 00:00:34,327 --> 00:00:36,847 It sounds to me like someone's imagination is running a little wild. 12 00:00:36,871 --> 00:00:40,708 As I said, my fellow athosian who spoke to me of this hero 13 00:00:40,791 --> 00:00:43,711 saw him in action against several armed men. 14 00:00:43,794 --> 00:00:45,254 I do that all the time. 15 00:00:45,338 --> 00:00:46,505 Where's McKay? 16 00:00:46,589 --> 00:00:47,798 I'm here, I'm here. 17 00:00:47,882 --> 00:00:49,592 I just had to get my autograph book 18 00:00:49,675 --> 00:00:53,471 in case Teyla's superhero turned out to be the real deal. 19 00:00:53,554 --> 00:00:54,889 Well, at the very least, 20 00:00:54,972 --> 00:00:57,642 see if you can establish trade relations with the townspeople. 21 00:00:57,725 --> 00:00:58,976 We will. 22 00:00:59,810 --> 00:01:01,312 Dial the gate. 23 00:01:08,611 --> 00:01:11,072 Sheppard: My childhood hero was evel knievel. 24 00:01:11,155 --> 00:01:12,490 Teyla: Was he not evil? 25 00:01:12,573 --> 00:01:13,908 No, that was just his name. 26 00:01:13,991 --> 00:01:17,912 He was a daredevil, which isn't a kind of a devil. 27 00:01:17,995 --> 00:01:20,539 He just jumped motorcycles over things. 28 00:01:20,623 --> 00:01:21,707 Ronon: Why? 29 00:01:22,416 --> 00:01:25,628 Sheppard: Just because. Didn't always make it, either. 30 00:01:25,711 --> 00:01:28,339 Teyla: And you greatly admired this behavior? 31 00:01:29,048 --> 00:01:30,508 No, I just... 32 00:01:31,384 --> 00:01:35,096 Look, at least my hero is human. McKay's is Batman! 33 00:01:35,930 --> 00:01:38,057 Misunderstood and unappreciated by many, 34 00:01:38,140 --> 00:01:41,519 his most formidable weapon was the power of his brilliant mind. 35 00:01:41,602 --> 00:01:44,313 Not just a hero, a superhero. 36 00:01:45,648 --> 00:01:48,150 Dougie Angus wood, the highland giant. 37 00:01:48,234 --> 00:01:50,945 Not only a hero but a legend in Scotland. 38 00:01:51,028 --> 00:01:54,031 The marke hartoren, my first unit commander. 39 00:01:54,115 --> 00:01:56,701 He once fought and killed 12 enemy soldiers, 40 00:01:56,784 --> 00:01:59,578 gutting them with his bare hands. 41 00:01:59,662 --> 00:02:00,822 He was also a funny guy, too. 42 00:02:00,871 --> 00:02:03,874 Yes, I can imagine the jokes and the entrail slime. 43 00:02:05,876 --> 00:02:07,128 Good day, travelers. 44 00:02:07,211 --> 00:02:08,671 Good day to you. 45 00:02:09,046 --> 00:02:10,965 This is your first visit to our village? 46 00:02:11,048 --> 00:02:14,885 Several of my people have said that you are good and fair traders. 47 00:02:14,969 --> 00:02:16,304 We are. 48 00:02:16,387 --> 00:02:19,974 My fellow athosians also speak of a great hero who protects this town. 49 00:02:20,057 --> 00:02:22,744 Rumor has it he's a warrior with some impressive kills to his credit, 50 00:02:22,768 --> 00:02:23,894 including the wraith. 51 00:02:23,978 --> 00:02:25,438 This is true. 52 00:02:25,521 --> 00:02:28,649 Then there's a good chance he is one of my people. 53 00:02:28,733 --> 00:02:30,234 Can you take us to him? 54 00:02:31,527 --> 00:02:33,821 Of course. This way. 55 00:02:43,789 --> 00:02:48,919 Here he is, the mightiest of heroes, our champion protector, 56 00:02:50,087 --> 00:02:52,006 Lucius lavin. 57 00:02:53,007 --> 00:02:56,594 Well! Will you look who it is? 58 00:02:56,969 --> 00:02:59,096 You've got to be kidding me. 59 00:04:02,952 --> 00:04:06,872 Lucius: As I lay there, the iratus bug's tendrils 60 00:04:06,956 --> 00:04:11,252 just grasping my throat, choking me, 61 00:04:11,335 --> 00:04:15,548 I could feel my very life essence ebb and wane. 62 00:04:16,590 --> 00:04:21,178 With every passing second, I could feel myself drawing closer to death. 63 00:04:22,179 --> 00:04:25,182 Now, had I been the only one in that building, 64 00:04:25,266 --> 00:04:27,059 the only one in that burning building, 65 00:04:27,143 --> 00:04:32,773 I would have surrendered and allowed sleep to overtake me. 66 00:04:33,732 --> 00:04:35,609 But there were women and children there with me 67 00:04:35,693 --> 00:04:41,240 whose very survival lay in my hands, and I'm not about to let them down. 68 00:04:42,867 --> 00:04:48,789 So I reached deep down within me and I summoned whatever strength I had, 69 00:04:48,873 --> 00:04:52,376 and I grabbed that bug and I ripped him away, 70 00:04:52,460 --> 00:04:57,631 and through sheer force of will I began to choke him and... 71 00:04:57,840 --> 00:05:00,342 Ow, ow! Ow, ow. 72 00:05:01,135 --> 00:05:02,529 Thought you said that wasn't gonna hurt! 73 00:05:02,553 --> 00:05:03,762 I lied. 74 00:05:06,724 --> 00:05:11,061 And I sprang up and I led them all to safety. 75 00:05:12,897 --> 00:05:14,899 Thank you. Thank you very much. Thank you. 76 00:05:14,982 --> 00:05:17,443 I appreciate it. Thanks very much. 77 00:05:20,863 --> 00:05:21,947 How? 78 00:05:22,865 --> 00:05:23,866 What? 79 00:05:24,200 --> 00:05:26,118 How did you lead the people to safety? 80 00:05:26,410 --> 00:05:28,746 You said the way out was blocked. 81 00:05:30,080 --> 00:05:34,585 Oh, you were listening. That's good, that's good, because it was. 82 00:05:34,668 --> 00:05:40,633 It was blocked until I cleared a path through the burning wreckage, 83 00:05:41,300 --> 00:05:46,013 and ignoring the searing heat and the flames 84 00:05:46,096 --> 00:05:48,891 that were just swirling and swirling... 85 00:05:48,974 --> 00:05:50,726 But how did you... okay. 86 00:05:50,809 --> 00:05:52,853 That's enough reminiscing for today. 87 00:05:52,937 --> 00:05:55,606 Believe me, there's plenty more where that story came from, 88 00:05:55,689 --> 00:05:57,024 so when we gather tomorrow, 89 00:05:57,107 --> 00:06:01,487 I'll tell you about how I was almost seduced by a beautiful ancient. 90 00:06:01,570 --> 00:06:02,821 Beckett: Sounds entertaining. 91 00:06:02,905 --> 00:06:05,491 Yeah, you'd think so, but between you and me, not so much. 92 00:06:06,242 --> 00:06:09,620 You know, your stories are awfully fascinating and familiar. 93 00:06:10,454 --> 00:06:11,789 All right. 94 00:06:12,331 --> 00:06:15,834 I admit I took some inspiration from some of the mission reports 95 00:06:15,918 --> 00:06:18,003 that I perused while I was on Atlantis, 96 00:06:19,129 --> 00:06:23,342 but I spiced them. A little story here, a bit of a story there... 97 00:06:23,425 --> 00:06:24,885 All right, I'm done here. 98 00:06:25,219 --> 00:06:28,889 Well, you're not gonna find any trace of that special herb in my system. 99 00:06:28,973 --> 00:06:32,434 I learned my lesson the last time, thanks to all of you. 100 00:06:32,518 --> 00:06:38,148 You mean these people are not drugged? They simply adore you for who you are? 101 00:06:39,358 --> 00:06:41,902 Yeah. Isn't it great? 102 00:06:43,946 --> 00:06:45,281 You don't believe me. 103 00:06:45,364 --> 00:06:48,659 Well, Lucius, I have a lab set up, so I think I'll just run the tests anyway. 104 00:06:48,742 --> 00:06:50,327 You're wasting your time. 105 00:06:50,411 --> 00:06:54,873 In all modesty, these people love me, pure and true. 106 00:06:54,957 --> 00:06:57,585 Lucius, you can't say anything modestly. 107 00:06:58,294 --> 00:07:00,004 I saved them. 108 00:07:01,505 --> 00:07:04,091 A couple of months ago, this bunch of ruffians come into town 109 00:07:04,174 --> 00:07:05,843 and start causing trouble. 110 00:07:05,926 --> 00:07:10,598 I beat them up, I chase them away, and all of a sudden I'm the town hero. 111 00:07:10,681 --> 00:07:14,602 They give me gifts, the women are throwing themselves at me. 112 00:07:14,685 --> 00:07:18,188 It's like the old days except better, because now they're not drugged. 113 00:07:18,272 --> 00:07:20,733 Hang on, hang on. So, you beat them up? 114 00:07:20,816 --> 00:07:23,736 Yes. Me. I did. 115 00:07:23,819 --> 00:07:25,112 How'd you manage that? 116 00:07:25,195 --> 00:07:28,449 It's not so hard when you're invincible. 117 00:07:29,533 --> 00:07:30,743 I'm invincible. 118 00:07:32,161 --> 00:07:33,329 Right. 119 00:07:33,537 --> 00:07:34,913 All right. 120 00:07:35,456 --> 00:07:38,459 Looks like this is gonna take some convincing. 121 00:07:39,335 --> 00:07:40,628 Let me see. 122 00:07:44,214 --> 00:07:45,507 Perfect. 123 00:07:46,050 --> 00:07:49,053 Hey! Time for a demonstration. 124 00:07:51,180 --> 00:07:52,389 Teyla: What is he... 125 00:07:55,684 --> 00:07:59,104 Let it go. Trust me. Drop it. 126 00:08:06,904 --> 00:08:08,238 Oh, my god! 127 00:08:12,951 --> 00:08:13,994 Hit me. 128 00:08:14,078 --> 00:08:15,162 Don't... come on. Hit me. 129 00:08:15,245 --> 00:08:17,748 I wouldn't! I'm telling you. Don't. 130 00:08:22,419 --> 00:08:27,716 See? Invincible. I can't be vinced. 131 00:08:33,430 --> 00:08:37,267 As it turns out, I had this personal shield all along. 132 00:08:37,351 --> 00:08:40,354 It was a gift from one of my many admirers back at the old village, 133 00:08:40,437 --> 00:08:43,732 you know, before I was forced to pack up and leave, thank you very much. 134 00:08:43,816 --> 00:08:46,652 Anyway, I didn't even know what it was until I went to Atlantis, 135 00:08:46,735 --> 00:08:49,363 perused some of the mission reports about the ancient device 136 00:08:49,446 --> 00:08:50,531 that you guys discovered... 137 00:08:50,614 --> 00:08:53,534 You did an awful lot of perusing while you were on the base. 138 00:08:53,617 --> 00:08:55,994 I peruse. It's a gift. 139 00:08:58,288 --> 00:09:01,041 Hey, sweetheart. What do you say you come by my place tonight... 140 00:09:01,125 --> 00:09:02,126 No, thanks. 141 00:09:02,209 --> 00:09:03,752 Wait, wait, wait. 142 00:09:04,712 --> 00:09:06,213 I'm the town hero. 143 00:09:06,296 --> 00:09:07,631 That was ages ago. 144 00:09:09,591 --> 00:09:13,887 Let me tell you something. You're only as good as your last rescue. 145 00:09:13,971 --> 00:09:16,557 How is it that you're able to operate the ancient technology 146 00:09:16,640 --> 00:09:17,933 without the ata gene? 147 00:09:18,016 --> 00:09:19,268 Oh, that was easy. 148 00:09:19,351 --> 00:09:21,478 All I had to do was find a guy with the gene, 149 00:09:21,562 --> 00:09:22,896 have him initiate the device. 150 00:09:22,980 --> 00:09:25,399 I mean, it took a long time, but, you know, once it was done, 151 00:09:25,482 --> 00:09:27,234 I could activate this thing anytime I want. 152 00:09:27,317 --> 00:09:28,402 Fascinating. 153 00:09:28,485 --> 00:09:30,839 You do know those things run out ofjuice eventually, don't you? 154 00:09:30,863 --> 00:09:34,616 Come on, these ancient things last forever. 155 00:09:35,659 --> 00:09:39,913 Look, lunch is on me. I'm gonna go take a walk. 156 00:09:40,789 --> 00:09:43,751 If I don't see you before you leave, well, then, I'll just... 157 00:09:43,834 --> 00:09:44,936 Well, I'll talk to you later. 158 00:09:44,960 --> 00:09:47,379 We're not going anywhere until we get those test results. 159 00:09:47,463 --> 00:09:51,008 Whatever you want. People to save. 160 00:09:58,015 --> 00:10:00,934 Well, what do you think? 161 00:10:01,018 --> 00:10:03,270 Perhaps he's learned alesson. 162 00:10:03,353 --> 00:10:05,397 He's Lucius! Are you kidding me? 163 00:10:05,481 --> 00:10:09,443 Well, he's made a lot of mistakes in the past, but who hasn't? 164 00:10:10,235 --> 00:10:11,445 Why are you looking at me? 165 00:10:11,528 --> 00:10:13,173 Look, at least he's trying to do something good 166 00:10:13,197 --> 00:10:15,240 in order to get people to like him this time. 167 00:10:15,324 --> 00:10:19,620 Well, I've completed my tests. Looks like Lucius is telling the truth. 168 00:10:19,703 --> 00:10:22,623 No traces of the drug in his system. He's clean. 169 00:10:22,706 --> 00:10:23,999 That's our cue to leave. 170 00:10:24,082 --> 00:10:25,125 McKay: Whoa, whoa, wait. 171 00:10:25,209 --> 00:10:28,409 Am I the only person here who thinks he is taking advantage of these poor people? 172 00:10:28,462 --> 00:10:30,815 Come on, Rodney, you just want another crack at that shield. 173 00:10:30,839 --> 00:10:34,218 You're damned right I do. Look, it could come in extremely handy. 174 00:10:34,301 --> 00:10:35,969 He's practically wasting it! 175 00:10:40,891 --> 00:10:42,434 Where's Lucius? 176 00:10:42,726 --> 00:10:46,271 He went out for a stroll. He should be returning shortly. 177 00:10:46,522 --> 00:10:49,983 Well, whenever he gets back, tell him we said goodbye. 178 00:10:52,110 --> 00:10:53,695 Man: All right. 179 00:10:53,779 --> 00:10:55,280 I think we're making a mistake. 180 00:10:55,364 --> 00:10:57,684 Yeah, we'll have the athosians keep an eye out on everyone. 181 00:10:57,741 --> 00:11:00,327 If anything gets out of control, we'll come back. 182 00:11:17,135 --> 00:11:19,763 Drop your weapons or die where you stand. 183 00:11:26,103 --> 00:11:27,688 I said drop your weapons. 184 00:11:27,771 --> 00:11:30,566 We're not looking for a fight. We're just passing through town. 185 00:11:31,859 --> 00:11:34,778 I've got two on my right and one straight dead ahead. 186 00:11:34,862 --> 00:11:37,406 Two at 12 o'clock and one behind the fruit stand. 187 00:11:37,489 --> 00:11:40,450 If we act now, we risk injuring innocent villagers. 188 00:11:40,534 --> 00:11:42,202 And us. We risk injuring us. 189 00:11:42,286 --> 00:11:44,371 I can take my three out before they get a shot off. 190 00:11:44,454 --> 00:11:46,582 There may be others hidden where we cannot see. 191 00:11:47,583 --> 00:11:49,126 It's your call. 192 00:11:52,254 --> 00:11:53,881 Here's the thing. 193 00:11:54,882 --> 00:11:59,052 If we all start shooting at each other, somebody's bound to get hurt. 194 00:11:59,177 --> 00:12:01,597 I can pretty much guarantee you'll be one of them. 195 00:12:01,680 --> 00:12:03,473 Are you this hero we've heard rumors of? 196 00:12:08,979 --> 00:12:10,981 Come here. Come! 197 00:12:14,526 --> 00:12:15,861 Then lower your weapons. 198 00:12:26,705 --> 00:12:27,956 Okay. 199 00:12:28,040 --> 00:12:29,958 Sheppard? Trust me on this one. 200 00:12:41,011 --> 00:12:42,721 So, where is this hero, 201 00:12:44,890 --> 00:12:48,310 one who'd surely stop us from emptying the town's coffers, 202 00:12:48,393 --> 00:12:52,689 helping ourselves to its women, burning it to the ground once we're done? 203 00:12:57,069 --> 00:13:00,364 So, tell me, where is he? 204 00:13:01,031 --> 00:13:04,785 Where is this great hero who'd keep us from destroying everything you hold dear? 205 00:13:04,868 --> 00:13:06,495 Lucius: He's right here! 206 00:13:15,754 --> 00:13:19,383 For I am the man you seek. 207 00:13:20,217 --> 00:13:21,551 Kill him! 208 00:13:45,742 --> 00:13:48,537 Get out! Don't come back! 209 00:13:49,121 --> 00:13:55,085 For so long as I protect these people, this town shall be safe. 210 00:13:56,545 --> 00:13:58,046 Man 1: Lucius! Lucius! 211 00:13:58,130 --> 00:13:59,589 Man 2: Lucius! 212 00:14:05,554 --> 00:14:08,515 Lucius! Lucius! Lucius! 213 00:14:11,601 --> 00:14:14,479 Lucius: So, I finish off the last wraith guard 214 00:14:14,563 --> 00:14:16,582 and I turn around and I look at the queen and I say, 215 00:14:16,606 --> 00:14:20,944 "you know, if you were 20 pounds heavier, you'd look like my ex-wife." 216 00:14:23,030 --> 00:14:26,324 I said that 'cause she was just so fat! 217 00:14:26,408 --> 00:14:29,202 Hey, colonel Sheppard! Hey, come in. Sit down, sit down. 218 00:14:29,286 --> 00:14:30,996 Make way. Let them have a seat. 219 00:14:31,079 --> 00:14:32,706 No, no, we have to go. 220 00:14:32,789 --> 00:14:33,874 You're sure? 221 00:14:33,957 --> 00:14:36,602 Because they're making some kind of a schnitzel in my honor tonight. 222 00:14:36,626 --> 00:14:38,128 No, we've got to get back. 223 00:14:39,379 --> 00:14:42,090 Well, I guess the only thing left to do is for you to thank me. 224 00:14:42,174 --> 00:14:43,467 What for? 225 00:14:44,009 --> 00:14:45,552 For saving your lives. 226 00:14:47,596 --> 00:14:48,764 Thank you. 227 00:14:48,847 --> 00:14:50,849 Please, it was nothing. 228 00:14:50,932 --> 00:14:52,225 Yeah, it was nothing. 229 00:14:52,309 --> 00:14:55,062 What are you talking about, it was nothing? 230 00:14:55,145 --> 00:14:57,230 These people had you on your knees. 231 00:14:58,440 --> 00:15:00,317 Yes, they did. 232 00:15:00,817 --> 00:15:03,820 Well? You're welcome. 233 00:15:05,322 --> 00:15:07,616 You be careful on the way back to the gate 234 00:15:07,699 --> 00:15:11,161 because there's talk of some angry raiders in the area! 235 00:15:11,953 --> 00:15:13,872 No, no, no, no. Let's go. 236 00:15:17,501 --> 00:15:19,044 You know what? 237 00:15:19,127 --> 00:15:21,963 I think I'm gonna go out for a walk, take a look around, 238 00:15:22,047 --> 00:15:24,925 make sure those ruffians are gone for good, all right? 239 00:15:25,008 --> 00:15:28,887 Don't you worry. I'll be back. 240 00:16:10,220 --> 00:16:14,099 Nice job, everybody. Very convincing. 241 00:16:14,182 --> 00:16:16,101 A little too convincing. 242 00:16:16,184 --> 00:16:19,146 You took out three of lanko's teeth and broke fortnum's wrist. 243 00:16:19,229 --> 00:16:21,565 Hey, I had to make it look good. 244 00:16:22,107 --> 00:16:25,944 Anyway, here's a little something that may make it worthwhile. 245 00:16:30,907 --> 00:16:32,492 This isn't the amount we agreed on. 246 00:16:33,368 --> 00:16:36,121 Yeah, well, to tell you the truth, 247 00:16:36,204 --> 00:16:38,957 you guys didn't really seem to have your hearts in it. 248 00:16:39,040 --> 00:16:40,584 We had a deal. 249 00:16:41,209 --> 00:16:44,254 Maybe next time you'll make more of an effort. 250 00:16:44,880 --> 00:16:47,132 How dare you speak down to us? 251 00:16:48,216 --> 00:16:52,387 We were elite soldiers in the genii army, cowen's personal guard. 252 00:16:52,470 --> 00:16:55,807 Yeah, you were. Now you're mercenaries. 253 00:16:55,891 --> 00:17:00,061 Come on, as far as jobs for hire go, this wasn't so bad. 254 00:17:00,562 --> 00:17:02,189 You come in, you scare a few people, 255 00:17:02,272 --> 00:17:04,816 you take a few punches, then you leave. 256 00:17:04,900 --> 00:17:07,903 You get paid, nobody gets hurt. 257 00:17:07,986 --> 00:17:11,072 Well, except for lanko, 258 00:17:12,282 --> 00:17:15,744 and, of course, fortnum with his gimpy wrist. 259 00:17:16,161 --> 00:17:18,163 Sorry about that, buddy. 260 00:17:18,788 --> 00:17:22,584 We may have been forced from our homes when ladon radim took power. 261 00:17:23,376 --> 00:17:25,045 We're still genii, 262 00:17:25,754 --> 00:17:29,007 and one of these days we'll march into the capital and retake what was ours. 263 00:17:29,090 --> 00:17:31,760 Yeah, well, good luck with that. 264 00:17:53,156 --> 00:17:54,824 Come on. Hit me. 265 00:17:57,827 --> 00:18:01,456 Please, come on! There you go, yeah! Anybody else? 266 00:18:01,539 --> 00:18:03,750 Anybody else wanna take a crack at me, huh? 267 00:18:03,833 --> 00:18:07,504 Hey! Hey, what are you doing back here? I thought you left town? 268 00:18:07,587 --> 00:18:09,923 Well, we were leaving when we ran into this gentleman 269 00:18:10,006 --> 00:18:13,009 who has a very interesting story to tell. 270 00:18:13,093 --> 00:18:16,263 Speaking of stories, did I ever tell you the story 271 00:18:16,346 --> 00:18:19,057 about the time that I was on this planet made entirely of lava? 272 00:18:19,140 --> 00:18:21,268 There's no point in pretending, Lucius. 273 00:18:21,351 --> 00:18:23,061 You lied to these people. 274 00:18:23,144 --> 00:18:25,021 Sheppard: This man's not a hero. 275 00:18:25,105 --> 00:18:27,274 He paid those men to show up and then made it look 276 00:18:27,357 --> 00:18:28,650 like he came to your rescue. 277 00:18:28,733 --> 00:18:29,943 It's true. 278 00:18:30,026 --> 00:18:33,238 It was all a setup to make him look like he saved the town. 279 00:18:33,321 --> 00:18:34,656 Deceiver. 280 00:18:36,032 --> 00:18:38,285 Well, you do have every right to be upset with him. 281 00:18:38,368 --> 00:18:41,204 Not him, you. 282 00:18:43,164 --> 00:18:46,459 Unable to accept the shame of surrendering to those raiders, 283 00:18:46,543 --> 00:18:49,462 he chooses to besmirch our Lucius. 284 00:18:49,546 --> 00:18:52,424 The whole thing was an act. The guns weren't even loaded. 285 00:18:52,507 --> 00:18:55,260 If it were not for Lucius, you and your friends would all be dead. 286 00:18:55,343 --> 00:18:56,761 Yeah! No, no! Hetnckedyou! 287 00:18:56,845 --> 00:18:58,388 You don't know him like we do. 288 00:18:58,471 --> 00:18:59,723 We're the good guys. 289 00:19:01,016 --> 00:19:02,767 Man: Get out of here. 290 00:19:02,892 --> 00:19:04,144 Go! Leave! 291 00:19:04,269 --> 00:19:06,354 You're not welcome here! 292 00:19:08,148 --> 00:19:10,400 Go back to where you came from. 293 00:19:14,321 --> 00:19:17,907 Listen, I want to apologize for the whole angry mob thing. 294 00:19:17,991 --> 00:19:19,993 Isuppose we should be grateful. 295 00:19:20,076 --> 00:19:22,412 Yes, well, he did stop them from swarming us. 296 00:19:22,495 --> 00:19:25,081 Just consider it my way of saying all is forgiven. 297 00:19:25,165 --> 00:19:26,517 All right, I'm putting a stop to this. 298 00:19:26,541 --> 00:19:28,960 Oh, come on! They just got started! 299 00:19:29,044 --> 00:19:31,880 I'm not talking about the foot massage... 300 00:19:32,380 --> 00:19:35,175 Actually, I am talking about the foot massage. 301 00:19:35,258 --> 00:19:38,803 All right, all right. Girls, come back later, all right? 302 00:19:39,429 --> 00:19:42,682 This little scam of yours... 303 00:19:42,766 --> 00:19:44,684 Scam? What scam? 304 00:19:44,768 --> 00:19:47,395 You are taking advantage of these people. 305 00:19:47,479 --> 00:19:50,374 I know it looks that way, but I was being honest about that bunch of thugs 306 00:19:50,398 --> 00:19:53,193 that attacked this village a couple of months ago. 307 00:19:53,276 --> 00:19:55,236 You know, this is a nice town, nice people, 308 00:19:55,320 --> 00:19:59,032 and they needed somebody to save them, so I did. I was a hero! 309 00:19:59,115 --> 00:20:00,200 Now, today's incident... 310 00:20:00,283 --> 00:20:01,534 You mean performance. 311 00:20:01,618 --> 00:20:04,496 It was just my way of reminding them of that fact. 312 00:20:04,579 --> 00:20:07,791 In fact, I insisted the guns not be loaded so nobody would get hurt. 313 00:20:07,874 --> 00:20:08,958 That was nice of you. 314 00:20:09,042 --> 00:20:10,882 Yeah, then you had to go and figure it all out. 315 00:20:10,960 --> 00:20:12,337 You're going out there right now 316 00:20:12,420 --> 00:20:14,339 and you're gonna come clean with these people. 317 00:20:14,422 --> 00:20:15,423 Or else. 318 00:20:15,507 --> 00:20:16,633 Or else what? 319 00:20:18,218 --> 00:20:20,553 No, you can't threaten me on account of my shield, 320 00:20:20,637 --> 00:20:22,680 and they're not gonna believe you. 321 00:20:22,764 --> 00:20:25,517 Hey, you're trying to figure out a way to hurt me, aren't you? 322 00:20:25,600 --> 00:20:27,268 Yeah. Yep. 323 00:20:27,352 --> 00:20:29,229 Well, you keep thinking, big boy, because... 324 00:20:33,149 --> 00:20:35,360 It's not me this time, I swear. 325 00:20:48,081 --> 00:20:49,290 Kolya! 326 00:21:10,395 --> 00:21:12,147 The soldiers are genii. They're part of a... 327 00:21:12,230 --> 00:21:15,024 Oh, I know all about kolya and the genii. 328 00:21:15,108 --> 00:21:17,193 When I was on Atlantis, I perused... 329 00:21:17,277 --> 00:21:19,612 Mission reports, right, right. 330 00:21:19,696 --> 00:21:20,822 This is very bad. 331 00:21:20,905 --> 00:21:22,449 No, no, this is great. 332 00:21:22,532 --> 00:21:24,117 This will be a great opportunity for me 333 00:21:24,200 --> 00:21:26,286 to solidify my place in the community. 334 00:21:26,369 --> 00:21:28,169 They're gonna give me a parade after this one! 335 00:21:28,204 --> 00:21:32,083 Hey, hang on! You're not taking on kolya and his men. 336 00:21:32,167 --> 00:21:34,353 Why not? They can't hurt me. I've got the personal shield. 337 00:21:34,377 --> 00:21:37,797 And if they burn the town down around you out of spite? 338 00:21:37,881 --> 00:21:39,257 Well, that would be petty of them. 339 00:21:39,340 --> 00:21:40,925 Yeah, well, they're like that. 340 00:21:41,009 --> 00:21:43,595 Obviously somebody tipped them off that we're here. 341 00:21:43,678 --> 00:21:46,139 So go ahead, shoot him. 342 00:21:46,931 --> 00:21:48,391 Good idea. 343 00:21:48,475 --> 00:21:50,477 Teyla: Colonel, you can't. Just kolya. 344 00:21:50,560 --> 00:21:51,978 The shooting will not stop them. 345 00:21:52,061 --> 00:21:55,982 She's right. We'll have to kill them all. I'm all right with that, by the way. 346 00:21:56,065 --> 00:21:57,859 Good! Letsdoit John. 347 00:21:57,942 --> 00:21:59,402 What? You can't. 348 00:21:59,486 --> 00:22:01,154 Oh, I'm pretty sure I can. In fact... 349 00:22:01,237 --> 00:22:02,631 If we engage in open fire with them, 350 00:22:02,655 --> 00:22:05,033 then many of these townspeople will certainly be killed. 351 00:22:05,116 --> 00:22:07,911 They do not deserve to die because of us. 352 00:22:07,994 --> 00:22:13,082 If they search the town and cannot find us, then they will simply move on. 353 00:22:13,166 --> 00:22:16,836 Nobody gets hurt. That's my vote, and my heartfelt recommendation. 354 00:22:16,920 --> 00:22:18,004 You wanna hide. 355 00:22:18,087 --> 00:22:20,256 Well, we could call it "strategic concealment." 356 00:22:20,340 --> 00:22:21,883 I got just the place. 357 00:22:21,966 --> 00:22:23,676 Sheppard: Yeah, well, I'm sure you do. 358 00:22:25,553 --> 00:22:26,804 Here. 359 00:22:32,560 --> 00:22:33,937 Lucius: See, I like to entertain, 360 00:22:34,020 --> 00:22:37,649 and on occasion a husband will get angry, come looking for his wife, 361 00:22:37,732 --> 00:22:39,234 so to avoid an awkward scenario... 362 00:22:39,317 --> 00:22:40,944 Okay. We get it. 363 00:22:48,701 --> 00:22:51,704 I'll let you know when the bad guys clear out. 364 00:22:53,122 --> 00:22:56,709 Don't screw around, Lucius, all right? Tell them we've moved on. 365 00:22:56,793 --> 00:23:00,338 Once they get out of town and they're out in the open, we'll deal with it ourselves. 366 00:23:00,421 --> 00:23:02,382 This is no time to be a hero, you understand? 367 00:23:02,465 --> 00:23:04,384 Perfectly. I'm serious. 368 00:23:05,093 --> 00:23:07,637 I can see that. No heroics. 369 00:23:29,867 --> 00:23:31,911 Lucius: All right, that's enough. 370 00:23:33,538 --> 00:23:37,792 Take your men and get out. This town is under my protection. 371 00:23:37,875 --> 00:23:39,085 Is it? 372 00:23:39,961 --> 00:23:41,129 It is. 373 00:23:41,629 --> 00:23:43,673 So you've got two choices. 374 00:23:43,923 --> 00:23:46,926 You can either leave, or I'll make you leave. 375 00:23:53,224 --> 00:23:54,809 Interesting. 376 00:23:55,643 --> 00:23:57,395 Is that the best you can do? 377 00:23:57,478 --> 00:24:01,357 As a matter of fact, no, it isn't. 378 00:24:07,363 --> 00:24:11,117 I admit I've got a shield, but I've got to breathe. 379 00:24:11,868 --> 00:24:13,411 I should have thought of that. 380 00:24:13,953 --> 00:24:15,788 Not so invincible now, are we, hero? 381 00:24:17,707 --> 00:24:19,042 You led them here? 382 00:24:19,125 --> 00:24:21,169 They've been looking for this Sheppard a long time. 383 00:24:21,252 --> 00:24:22,378 We had a deal! 384 00:24:22,462 --> 00:24:24,130 I saw an opportunity and I took it. 385 00:24:24,213 --> 00:24:26,253 No different than what you did with these villagers. 386 00:24:26,299 --> 00:24:27,800 But I didn't hurt anybody. 387 00:24:27,884 --> 00:24:31,512 All right, that guy, you know, lanko, and the one with the gimpy wrist... 388 00:24:31,596 --> 00:24:34,474 Look, I don't wanna hurt you or anyone in this town. 389 00:24:34,557 --> 00:24:36,392 All I want is Sheppard and his team. 390 00:24:36,476 --> 00:24:38,061 But I told you, you missed them. 391 00:24:39,354 --> 00:24:42,774 Look, maybe if you hurry, you can get them before they get to the gate. 392 00:24:42,857 --> 00:24:44,567 My men are already guarding the gate. 393 00:24:45,943 --> 00:24:48,279 I'll ask you once more, where are they? 394 00:24:49,072 --> 00:24:50,615 I don't know. 395 00:24:52,075 --> 00:24:53,284 I don't! 396 00:24:54,702 --> 00:24:58,706 Well, then, we'll have to do a thorough job of searching the area, 397 00:24:59,123 --> 00:25:01,084 which could take hours. 398 00:25:02,126 --> 00:25:03,795 How long can you hold your breath? 399 00:25:37,704 --> 00:25:40,540 Well, that didn't take too long. 400 00:25:40,623 --> 00:25:42,101 All right, let's get out of this town, 401 00:25:42,125 --> 00:25:45,586 and set up a decent ambush without all these people around. 402 00:25:54,929 --> 00:25:56,472 They weren't there. 403 00:25:57,306 --> 00:25:58,558 Really? 404 00:26:00,476 --> 00:26:01,978 That's weird. 405 00:26:02,687 --> 00:26:05,022 I wonder where they could have gone. 406 00:26:05,106 --> 00:26:08,234 That personal shield of yours is very interesting. 407 00:26:08,317 --> 00:26:09,444 Yeah. 408 00:26:09,861 --> 00:26:14,407 If we were to Bury you alive, it would protect you from the weight of the soil, 409 00:26:14,490 --> 00:26:16,200 but you would still suffocate. 410 00:26:16,284 --> 00:26:18,578 A fascinating way to die, don't you think? 411 00:26:18,661 --> 00:26:21,664 Got to tell you, it's not that fascinating to me. 412 00:26:21,748 --> 00:26:23,166 It is to me. 413 00:26:25,668 --> 00:26:29,422 Wait, wait. You can't kill me. Look, I'm the perfect bait. 414 00:26:29,505 --> 00:26:32,925 If Sheppard finds out that I'm in trouble, he's gonna come rescue me. 415 00:26:33,009 --> 00:26:34,802 We're really close. 416 00:26:34,886 --> 00:26:36,763 Yeah. You and Sheppard? 417 00:26:37,305 --> 00:26:38,931 I don't think so. 418 00:26:39,265 --> 00:26:44,228 Then Weir, or Rodney, or Carson. We're like the best of friends. 419 00:26:44,312 --> 00:26:46,105 And how is it you know them so well? 420 00:26:46,189 --> 00:26:48,065 I spent some time in Atlantis. 421 00:26:48,149 --> 00:26:51,944 It's the nicest place I've ever been, best time I ever had. 422 00:26:52,028 --> 00:26:54,864 It's like I remember... Like I was there this morning. 423 00:26:54,947 --> 00:26:56,449 Tell me more. 424 00:26:58,910 --> 00:27:03,581 Lucius: So I finish off the last wraith guard and I turn to the queen and I say... 425 00:27:03,664 --> 00:27:08,544 I say, "if you were 20 pounds heavier, you'd look like my ex-wife!" 426 00:27:12,215 --> 00:27:16,344 'Course, my ex-wife was a knockout, but, you know, where's the funny in that? 427 00:27:18,888 --> 00:27:21,368 You know, that personal shield's amazing. You mind if I try it? 428 00:27:21,432 --> 00:27:22,767 Yeah, go ahead, go ahead. 429 00:27:22,850 --> 00:27:24,143 I'll give it right back. 430 00:27:25,645 --> 00:27:28,815 Got you! What, you think I'd let you have this? 431 00:27:28,898 --> 00:27:30,942 You'd kill me right on the spot! 432 00:27:31,025 --> 00:27:32,944 Yeah, I'd slit your throat from ear to ear. 433 00:27:36,239 --> 00:27:39,575 Good times. Good times. 434 00:27:40,284 --> 00:27:42,829 As much as I love hearing about your former wives, Lucius, 435 00:27:42,912 --> 00:27:45,122 I'd rather hear more about what you know of Atlantis. 436 00:27:45,206 --> 00:27:46,833 I told you everything already. 437 00:27:46,916 --> 00:27:51,587 In that case, it's getting late and I could use some rest before the funeral. 438 00:27:52,922 --> 00:27:55,550 Funeral? Oh, no. 439 00:27:55,633 --> 00:27:58,261 Oh, no, no, don't Bury me alive, please, I don't deserve that. 440 00:27:58,344 --> 00:28:00,054 You know what? Nobody deserves that. 441 00:28:00,137 --> 00:28:02,390 I deserve banishment! That's what I... 442 00:28:02,473 --> 00:28:03,599 Sheppard: Lucius? 443 00:28:03,683 --> 00:28:05,101 What are you doing here? 444 00:28:05,184 --> 00:28:08,020 Kolya's got all the exits out of town covered, 445 00:28:08,104 --> 00:28:10,439 and rumor has it they were gonna Bury you alive. 446 00:28:10,523 --> 00:28:12,275 I can't believe it. You came to save me? 447 00:28:12,358 --> 00:28:14,569 Yeah, well, neither can I. Let's go. 448 00:28:14,652 --> 00:28:17,530 I can't, I can't. I'm tied in to the chair. 449 00:28:22,285 --> 00:28:25,329 Oh, no! Good luck with that shield! 450 00:28:25,413 --> 00:28:27,623 Hey, what? Come on, untie me. 451 00:29:10,541 --> 00:29:13,419 What are you, crazy? You could have killed me! 452 00:29:13,502 --> 00:29:16,005 That shield of yours impresses me more and more. 453 00:29:17,340 --> 00:29:21,427 You did your part, Lucius. You get to live another day. 454 00:29:27,516 --> 00:29:29,727 Sheppard? He got away. 455 00:29:36,150 --> 00:29:37,944 That's unfortunate. 456 00:29:44,241 --> 00:29:46,035 Thanks for sparing me, sir. 457 00:29:46,452 --> 00:29:48,245 Don't disappoint me again. 458 00:29:52,500 --> 00:29:56,379 Secure the prisoners. Perhaps they'll be more effective bait. 459 00:29:58,923 --> 00:30:00,508 Get this fixed. 460 00:30:36,419 --> 00:30:38,337 Do you think he got away? 461 00:30:38,421 --> 00:30:40,607 If they'd captured the colonel, wouldn't he be here with us? 462 00:30:40,631 --> 00:30:43,175 He'll be back in a jumper in no time. 463 00:30:48,389 --> 00:30:50,182 Your friend escaped the village. 464 00:30:50,599 --> 00:30:51,892 They're still looking for him. 465 00:30:51,976 --> 00:30:53,036 If they haven't found him yet, 466 00:30:53,060 --> 00:30:54,496 chances are he managed to slip the perimeter. 467 00:30:54,520 --> 00:30:58,858 Yes. He and Lucius are no doubt plotting our rescue as we speak. 468 00:30:58,941 --> 00:31:00,276 Lucius? 469 00:31:00,359 --> 00:31:01,777 He would not abandon us. 470 00:31:01,861 --> 00:31:03,755 Oh, sure he wouldn't, just like he wouldn't sell us out 471 00:31:03,779 --> 00:31:05,048 while we were trying to rescue him. 472 00:31:05,072 --> 00:31:06,449 He would never do that. 473 00:31:06,532 --> 00:31:09,201 Okay, you know what? Just stop it, all right? 474 00:31:09,285 --> 00:31:11,287 Lucius is not a superhero. 475 00:31:11,746 --> 00:31:13,748 Batman, that's a superhero. 476 00:31:13,831 --> 00:31:15,082 I don't understand. 477 00:31:15,166 --> 00:31:18,044 Your people cannot place their future in Lucius' hands. 478 00:31:18,127 --> 00:31:21,130 The time has come for you to save yourselves. 479 00:31:23,007 --> 00:31:25,885 We have no hope of defeating these soldiers. 480 00:31:26,218 --> 00:31:28,262 You will with our help. 481 00:31:28,345 --> 00:31:30,097 Then why did you not do so before? 482 00:31:30,181 --> 00:31:32,349 We were concerned for the safety of the village. 483 00:31:32,433 --> 00:31:33,642 Now, we don't care. 484 00:31:33,726 --> 00:31:37,438 Okay, just pretend he didn't say that, and then just let us out of here. 485 00:31:40,191 --> 00:31:42,651 No. It's too dangerous. 486 00:31:42,735 --> 00:31:45,946 Best to wait for Lucius to return, then he'll save us all. 487 00:31:46,030 --> 00:31:48,699 No, wait! Lucius isn't a hero! 488 00:32:03,172 --> 00:32:06,258 Don't. Don't. Don't. I swear I didn't know about the bomb. 489 00:32:06,342 --> 00:32:07,944 I don't know what those guys were doing under the table. 490 00:32:07,968 --> 00:32:09,154 How the hell did you get out here? 491 00:32:09,178 --> 00:32:11,114 Everybody's looking for you. I just walked out unnoticed. 492 00:32:11,138 --> 00:32:13,516 Isn't that something? So, what are we gonna do? 493 00:32:13,599 --> 00:32:16,477 What are we gonna do? Well, I'll tell you what I'm gonna do. 494 00:32:16,560 --> 00:32:19,800 I'm gonna get by kolya's men so I can get to the gate and call for reinforcements. 495 00:32:19,855 --> 00:32:22,858 Reinforcements? What do you say we just get off this planet? 496 00:32:22,942 --> 00:32:24,485 My team is back there. 497 00:32:24,568 --> 00:32:26,612 Yeah, so is the guy who wants to Bury me alive. 498 00:32:26,695 --> 00:32:28,656 Oh, you're done playing hero now, are you? 499 00:32:28,739 --> 00:32:31,534 Fine. You can leave as soon as we get to the gate. Just keep up. 500 00:32:31,617 --> 00:32:32,844 You're angry, aren't you? Shut up. 501 00:32:32,868 --> 00:32:34,537 See, now, that's anger. 502 00:32:43,546 --> 00:32:45,565 Rodney, you're not trying to dig your way out of here, are you? 503 00:32:45,589 --> 00:32:46,650 See if you can find another spoon. 504 00:32:46,674 --> 00:32:48,318 With someone helping, this will go twice as fast. 505 00:32:48,342 --> 00:32:49,718 Someone's coming. 506 00:32:54,640 --> 00:32:56,160 I have to give colonel Sheppard credit. 507 00:32:56,225 --> 00:32:58,310 No opponent's ever caused me this much trouble. 508 00:32:59,812 --> 00:33:02,148 Unfortunately, I'm going to have to kill him. 509 00:33:02,231 --> 00:33:03,834 That's funny. He says the same thing about you. 510 00:33:03,858 --> 00:33:06,485 Really? I'm flattered. 511 00:33:06,569 --> 00:33:08,654 But you can't kill him if you can't catch him. 512 00:33:08,737 --> 00:33:10,656 I will eventually. 513 00:33:10,739 --> 00:33:12,074 McKay: And what about us, huh? 514 00:33:12,158 --> 00:33:15,619 How do we fit into your evil plans for galactic domination? 515 00:33:15,703 --> 00:33:17,997 You'll be allowed to stay alive for the time being, 516 00:33:18,080 --> 00:33:21,125 unless you were stupid enough to eat the meal you were served. 517 00:33:23,460 --> 00:33:25,087 I'm just kidding. 518 00:33:25,462 --> 00:33:26,797 Oh, thank god. 519 00:33:26,881 --> 00:33:30,426 In fact, I intend to send you back to Atlantis in exchange for a few things. 520 00:33:30,509 --> 00:33:34,096 There's no way Dr. Weir would cut a deal with you, even if our lives were in danger. 521 00:33:34,180 --> 00:33:35,556 You know that. 522 00:33:36,473 --> 00:33:39,852 In the past, I may have been a little too ambitious with my demands. 523 00:33:39,935 --> 00:33:43,814 This time, however, I have no intention of backing Dr. Weir into a corner. 524 00:33:43,898 --> 00:33:47,776 After all, what's a small number of your p90s, a few grenades 525 00:33:47,860 --> 00:33:51,155 and some ammunition in exchange for your lives? 526 00:33:51,238 --> 00:33:52,698 And who knows? 527 00:33:52,781 --> 00:33:54,783 If we're successful in toppling ladon, 528 00:33:54,867 --> 00:33:57,077 and I assume rightful leadership of the genii, 529 00:33:58,120 --> 00:33:59,205 we could end up allies. 530 00:33:59,288 --> 00:34:01,165 That's not gonna happen, kolya. 531 00:34:01,248 --> 00:34:04,210 While we're standing here having this little chat, 532 00:34:04,293 --> 00:34:06,438 there's no doubt colonel Sheppard has reached the Stargate 533 00:34:06,462 --> 00:34:08,380 and contacted Atlantis. 534 00:34:08,464 --> 00:34:12,259 In just a matter of minutes, this village will be swarming with our people. 535 00:34:12,343 --> 00:34:16,388 And I can guarantee you that's not going to happen either. 536 00:34:34,281 --> 00:34:36,033 Lucius: I don't believe this. 537 00:34:37,493 --> 00:34:40,204 Isn't it the worst day you could imagine? 538 00:34:40,496 --> 00:34:44,917 Kolya over radio: Colonel Sheppard? I'm going to assume you can hear me. 539 00:34:45,000 --> 00:34:47,646 I'm also going to assume that if you haven't reached the gate by now, 540 00:34:47,670 --> 00:34:51,173 you soon will, so I wanna save you some trouble. 541 00:34:52,174 --> 00:34:54,426 My men have secured the gate. 542 00:34:55,177 --> 00:34:56,679 There's no way you're getting through. 543 00:34:59,056 --> 00:35:01,392 Come back and face me, colonel, 544 00:35:03,185 --> 00:35:05,145 or I'll start killing your friends. 545 00:35:11,527 --> 00:35:14,113 Which one of them shall we kill first? 546 00:35:16,824 --> 00:35:19,368 I'm leaning toward Dr. McKay, myself. 547 00:35:22,538 --> 00:35:23,664 Colonel? 548 00:35:23,747 --> 00:35:25,624 Kolya, this is Sheppard. I'm coming back. 549 00:35:25,708 --> 00:35:27,251 Don't keep me waiting. 550 00:35:27,334 --> 00:35:30,379 That's what this is all about? Killing Sheppard? 551 00:35:30,462 --> 00:35:33,549 Absolutely, Dr. McKay. But don't feel left out. 552 00:35:34,133 --> 00:35:38,053 If I don't get those weapons from Dr. Weir, I fully intend to kill you as well. 553 00:35:42,308 --> 00:35:43,642 I'm coming with you. 554 00:35:43,726 --> 00:35:45,352 You sure? 555 00:35:46,562 --> 00:35:49,982 Yeah, I am, I am. I'm coming with you... just... 556 00:35:50,107 --> 00:35:51,751 Yes or no? I... don't pressure me like this! 557 00:35:51,775 --> 00:35:53,336 I'm gonna come with you... Make up your mind! 558 00:35:53,360 --> 00:35:54,560 And I'll help you out, okay? 559 00:35:54,611 --> 00:35:56,691 Oh, boy, they'd better give me a parade for this one. 560 00:36:06,832 --> 00:36:08,417 McKay: What's going on? 561 00:36:10,586 --> 00:36:11,754 Out. 562 00:36:14,256 --> 00:36:15,507 Let's go! 563 00:36:27,019 --> 00:36:28,354 Lucius: I'm just spitballing here. 564 00:36:28,437 --> 00:36:33,233 What if we hugged each other and the device would, you know, help us... 565 00:36:33,317 --> 00:36:35,295 Sheppard: I don't like that idea... no, I know, I don't think... 566 00:36:35,319 --> 00:36:36,320 And it's not possible. 567 00:36:36,403 --> 00:36:37,464 Lucius: Yeah, it doesn't work that way. 568 00:36:37,488 --> 00:36:40,657 Okay, okay, here's what. Okay, what if I swung from a clock tower 569 00:36:40,741 --> 00:36:42,743 on a long rope right into town? 570 00:36:42,826 --> 00:36:44,078 And? 571 00:36:44,161 --> 00:36:46,264 I don't know. That's all I have. I could set myself on fire. 572 00:36:46,288 --> 00:36:47,288 I like that. 573 00:36:47,331 --> 00:36:48,457 Okay. 574 00:36:48,540 --> 00:36:50,876 I could run naked. Oh, I know, I know! I have one. 575 00:36:50,959 --> 00:36:53,355 What if I got on your shoulders and we have a cloak that they... 576 00:36:53,379 --> 00:36:55,964 It's some religious thing... They could be afraid of giants. 577 00:36:56,048 --> 00:36:58,717 Lucius: Okay, what if we build a tunnel, okay? 578 00:36:58,801 --> 00:37:02,513 We could tunnel. Or a Boulder, a huge Boulder. 579 00:37:02,596 --> 00:37:06,225 I'm camouflaged, I'm protected. Now, the Boulder protects you... 580 00:37:06,308 --> 00:37:10,312 Or a magnifying glass and some tape. 581 00:37:10,396 --> 00:37:11,897 I have an idea, Lucius. 582 00:37:11,980 --> 00:37:13,524 Some poisoned tape. 583 00:37:19,488 --> 00:37:20,656 Lucius! 584 00:37:20,739 --> 00:37:22,366 I knew you'd return to save us. 585 00:37:23,200 --> 00:37:27,371 I've returned, but you people, you're gonna have to save yourselves. 586 00:37:27,454 --> 00:37:29,415 What? You do not wish to help us? 587 00:37:29,498 --> 00:37:32,251 Oh, no, no, no, of course iwanna help, but just... 588 00:37:32,334 --> 00:37:35,170 Look, what if I wasn't here? What would you do then? 589 00:37:36,964 --> 00:37:38,632 Wait for you to come back? 590 00:37:38,715 --> 00:37:40,717 All right, there's the problem. 591 00:37:42,052 --> 00:37:45,764 What if I didn't know that you were in trouble, or I couldn't get back in time? 592 00:37:45,848 --> 00:37:46,932 What would you do then? 593 00:37:47,015 --> 00:37:49,935 I mean, look, you're a great group of people, it's a lovely town, 594 00:37:50,018 --> 00:37:52,688 but there's a lot of horrible people out there, 595 00:37:52,771 --> 00:37:56,316 so you've got to fend for yourselves, starting today. 596 00:37:56,400 --> 00:37:58,944 I understand what Lucius is saying. 597 00:37:59,027 --> 00:38:00,779 You do? 598 00:38:00,863 --> 00:38:04,324 By allowing him to assume the responsibility of protecting us, 599 00:38:04,408 --> 00:38:06,577 we're surrendering our independence. 600 00:38:06,660 --> 00:38:08,245 That's right. Right? 601 00:38:08,328 --> 00:38:14,293 So, in exchange for the convenience of having someone safeguard our town, 602 00:38:14,376 --> 00:38:17,629 we're giving up the very part of ourselves we seek to protect. 603 00:38:17,713 --> 00:38:19,506 Listen to her. She's smart. 604 00:38:19,590 --> 00:38:23,802 We need to regain our strength and our independence 605 00:38:23,886 --> 00:38:25,804 by taking responsibility for our lives, 606 00:38:25,888 --> 00:38:27,806 and the lives of our neighbors. Yep. 607 00:38:27,890 --> 00:38:30,976 After today, we will no longer be dependent on one man. 608 00:38:31,059 --> 00:38:32,978 We”... there will be no champion protector, 609 00:38:33,061 --> 00:38:34,372 for it will fall to us to protect... 610 00:38:34,396 --> 00:38:35,481 Well, okay, okay, hold on. 611 00:38:35,564 --> 00:38:38,251 Wait, wait, wait, wait, okay. You're getting a little carried away here. 612 00:38:38,275 --> 00:38:41,028 Okay, independence is a great thing, but so is the comfort 613 00:38:41,111 --> 00:38:44,490 of having somebody there to pick up the slack now and again, okay? 614 00:38:44,573 --> 00:38:47,534 You don't wanna be doing it all the time because you've all got jobs, 615 00:38:47,618 --> 00:38:49,453 or you have hobbies, right? 616 00:38:49,536 --> 00:38:51,705 Beardo here, he likes to fish, right? 617 00:38:51,788 --> 00:38:54,333 You don't wanna be bothered by having to rise up 618 00:38:54,416 --> 00:38:56,752 and save the village every day, you know what I mean? 619 00:38:56,835 --> 00:38:59,338 But that's a thought for another day, okay? 620 00:38:59,421 --> 00:39:02,090 For today, you're gonna have to fight for yourselves, okay? 621 00:39:02,174 --> 00:39:06,678 So remember what you said about strength and integrity and responsibility. 622 00:39:06,762 --> 00:39:10,766 So, you get out there and you fight for your town, go to the alleys, 623 00:39:10,849 --> 00:39:11,850 spread the word. 624 00:39:11,934 --> 00:39:14,102 Now, go! Get out, get out! 625 00:39:14,186 --> 00:39:17,523 Okay, yes, rally, rally. Yes, good, kid. Okay. Get out. 626 00:39:17,606 --> 00:39:19,250 Man 1: Any kind of weapon. Man 2: Get it all together. 627 00:39:19,274 --> 00:39:21,234 Man 1: Gather the masses. Man 2: Stand together... 628 00:39:21,568 --> 00:39:23,445 Colonel Sheppard? 629 00:39:23,529 --> 00:39:25,155 Maybe he changed his mind. 630 00:39:27,616 --> 00:39:29,743 You're out of time, colonel. 631 00:39:30,786 --> 00:39:32,037 Dr. McKay. 632 00:39:32,120 --> 00:39:33,956 Me first. No, me. 633 00:39:34,081 --> 00:39:35,249 I'll do it. 634 00:39:37,000 --> 00:39:42,047 Well, how positively moving. I almost wish I could shoot you all at once. 635 00:39:42,130 --> 00:39:43,298 Sheppard: Kolya! 636 00:39:50,931 --> 00:39:53,225 I should have killed you when we first met, colonel. 637 00:39:53,308 --> 00:39:55,394 It would have saved me a lot of trouble. 638 00:39:55,477 --> 00:39:56,770 The feeling's mutual. 639 00:40:04,152 --> 00:40:05,654 Goodbye, Sheppard. 640 00:40:16,290 --> 00:40:19,668 Well, now that you got that out of your system... 641 00:40:22,838 --> 00:40:24,256 Oh, crap! 642 00:40:26,800 --> 00:40:28,427 Reload! 643 00:40:28,510 --> 00:40:30,012 Lucius: Don't bother. 644 00:40:33,890 --> 00:40:36,393 You should have left town when you had the chance. 645 00:40:54,119 --> 00:40:56,747 I'm sure you're thinking the same thing right about now. 646 00:40:59,791 --> 00:41:02,919 If I gave you the opportunity to surrender, 647 00:41:04,129 --> 00:41:06,381 I don't suppose you'd take it? 648 00:41:09,926 --> 00:41:11,595 I didn't think so. 649 00:41:36,787 --> 00:41:38,705 Put down your weapons. 650 00:42:02,104 --> 00:42:03,748 Lucius: You sure you guys can't stay for some schnitzel? 651 00:42:03,772 --> 00:42:06,358 I mean, this is a party for you guys as much as anybody, right? 652 00:42:06,441 --> 00:42:08,169 Sheppard: You guys have a good time. We're overdue. 653 00:42:08,193 --> 00:42:09,945 Lucius: Well, thanks for everything. 654 00:42:10,028 --> 00:42:12,489 Just remember, stay out of trouble, or we'll be back. 655 00:42:12,572 --> 00:42:14,366 Oh, colonel Sheppard? 656 00:42:15,992 --> 00:42:17,536 Aren't you forgetting something? 657 00:42:17,619 --> 00:42:19,162 Oh, yeah! 658 00:42:20,247 --> 00:42:22,708 I did say I'd give that back to you, didn't I? 659 00:42:22,791 --> 00:42:24,292 Yes, you did. 660 00:42:26,670 --> 00:42:29,715 You're a good man. You're an honest man. 661 00:42:30,590 --> 00:42:33,552 And you made me a better man myself, you know that, don't you? 662 00:42:33,635 --> 00:42:36,346 Good. Bye, Lucius. 663 00:42:39,099 --> 00:42:41,184 I thought you said that personal shield was depleted. 664 00:42:41,268 --> 00:42:42,561 Oh, yeah. 665 00:42:42,644 --> 00:42:44,604 Then it is worthless. 666 00:42:44,688 --> 00:42:45,814 Pretty much. 667 00:42:45,856 --> 00:42:47,536 You're not gonna tell Lucius? Sheppard: No. 668 00:42:47,607 --> 00:42:49,443 Lucius: Kick me as hard as you can. 669 00:42:51,987 --> 00:42:54,239 Sheppard: He'll figure it out. 670 00:43:31,693 --> 00:43:32,694 English -us - psdh