1 00:00:05,965 --> 00:00:09,927 McKay: She used to leave the lights on all over the house, every room. 2 00:00:10,928 --> 00:00:13,055 It drove my father nuts. 3 00:00:13,973 --> 00:00:17,101 Zelenka: For me, it was my brother, only we had no lights. 4 00:00:17,393 --> 00:00:19,729 He used to leave candles burning everywhere. 5 00:00:19,812 --> 00:00:20,855 Well, you know what? 6 00:00:20,938 --> 00:00:22,124 No one wants to hear any more stories 7 00:00:22,148 --> 00:00:23,948 about how poor you were as a child, all right? 8 00:00:24,025 --> 00:00:26,861 We already feel as sorry for you as is humanly possible. 9 00:00:26,944 --> 00:00:28,863 He burnt the house down, you know. 10 00:00:28,946 --> 00:00:30,865 My sister was afraid of the dark. 11 00:00:30,948 --> 00:00:33,284 They used to blame me for leaving the lights on. 12 00:00:33,367 --> 00:00:36,704 Of course, my father believed her. He never sided with me. 13 00:00:36,787 --> 00:00:39,999 Zelenka: We had to live in a tent, in the dead of winter for three months. 14 00:00:40,082 --> 00:00:42,543 You know, at least my stories relate to what we're doing. 15 00:00:42,627 --> 00:00:43,794 So do mine. 16 00:00:43,878 --> 00:00:45,379 We're tracking all over the city, 17 00:00:45,463 --> 00:00:47,107 shutting down everything the agents activated, 18 00:00:47,131 --> 00:00:49,133 while they were oh so briefly in control, 19 00:00:49,217 --> 00:00:53,054 so that we can stop the power draining from our one precious zpm. 20 00:00:53,137 --> 00:00:55,616 How does that relate to your idiot brother burning the house down? 21 00:00:55,640 --> 00:00:56,682 If we don't succeed... 22 00:00:56,766 --> 00:00:59,268 We're not gonna have to live in a tent in the dead of winter. 23 00:00:59,352 --> 00:01:00,978 It's a metaphor. 24 00:01:01,312 --> 00:01:03,397 Dr. McKay. Thank god. 25 00:01:04,523 --> 00:01:06,901 The control panel, it's completely shot. 26 00:01:06,984 --> 00:01:08,736 Really? You think so? 27 00:01:08,819 --> 00:01:11,614 You know, I don't get these ancients. They're supposed to be so smart. 28 00:01:11,697 --> 00:01:15,159 Why activate something that you don't need and you're not using? 29 00:01:15,243 --> 00:01:16,970 Maybe they didn't have time to get to it, you know, 30 00:01:16,994 --> 00:01:19,554 before the human-form replicators that you reprogrammed attacked. 31 00:01:19,622 --> 00:01:22,166 Yes. Yes, we all know what happened. 32 00:01:26,879 --> 00:01:30,258 You're just angry that you couldn't figure out how to override the ancient protocols 33 00:01:30,341 --> 00:01:33,261 that kept us from shutting this place down remotely from the control room. 34 00:01:33,302 --> 00:01:34,470 McKay: And neither could you. 35 00:01:34,553 --> 00:01:37,640 Yes, but I didn't bet everyone a month's pay that I could do it. 36 00:01:37,723 --> 00:01:39,100 Okay, you know what? Look around. 37 00:01:39,183 --> 00:01:42,395 See if you can figure out how to turn this place off, whatever it is. 38 00:01:42,478 --> 00:01:44,814 Hey, are you sure you should be going up there? 39 00:01:44,897 --> 00:01:47,775 How else am I going to find out what this room does? 40 00:01:47,858 --> 00:01:50,444 God forbid there should be anything in the ancient database. 41 00:01:50,528 --> 00:01:52,530 The trouble is, we just don't have the time to... 42 00:01:52,613 --> 00:01:54,031 Here we go. 43 00:01:55,533 --> 00:01:56,969 Okay, there should be a main power switch... 44 00:01:56,993 --> 00:01:58,345 Yes, I know that. What do you think I'm doing? 45 00:01:58,369 --> 00:01:59,578 All right. 46 00:02:00,788 --> 00:02:02,707 All right, double or nothing. 47 00:02:02,790 --> 00:02:04,083 You're on. All right. 48 00:02:04,166 --> 00:02:07,211 All right. It's gonna be around here somewhere. 49 00:02:21,684 --> 00:02:23,561 Rodney, what happened? 50 00:02:26,480 --> 00:02:28,024 I'm not sure. 51 00:02:28,774 --> 00:02:32,153 But I think I just lost big time. 52 00:03:37,593 --> 00:03:39,029 Beckett: As far as I can tell, he's fine. 53 00:03:39,053 --> 00:03:42,556 I was hit by a mysterious energy pulse. How can that possibly be fine? 54 00:03:42,640 --> 00:03:46,769 I've run every test I can. Blood work, mris, x-rays, the lot. 55 00:03:46,852 --> 00:03:48,497 I found no anomalies in any of the results. 56 00:03:48,521 --> 00:03:49,605 Okay, one more time, 57 00:03:49,688 --> 00:03:52,691 mysterious energy pulse from a device created by the ancients? 58 00:03:52,775 --> 00:03:55,087 I mean, who knows what kind of long-term effects I could be in for. 59 00:03:55,111 --> 00:03:57,905 I mean, there's gross mutation, giantism, invisibility. 60 00:03:57,988 --> 00:04:00,574 That would be cool. I turned into a bug. 61 00:04:00,658 --> 00:04:03,869 All right. Like I said, as far as I can tell, you're as healthy as a horse. 62 00:04:03,953 --> 00:04:05,180 I'm clearing you for active duty. 63 00:04:05,204 --> 00:04:06,414 Are you insane? 64 00:04:06,497 --> 00:04:09,097 Look, I need to be put under guard. Who knows what I could become. 65 00:04:09,166 --> 00:04:11,252 What are the chances it could make him more pleasant? 66 00:04:11,335 --> 00:04:13,546 Oh, thank you. I'll keep an eye on him. 67 00:04:13,629 --> 00:04:15,005 Thank you. 68 00:04:16,340 --> 00:04:17,633 Can you still see me? 69 00:04:19,552 --> 00:04:21,262 What are you saying? 70 00:04:21,345 --> 00:04:23,681 I thought that you were showing off. 71 00:04:23,764 --> 00:04:26,600 Normally, if Dr. Esposito weren't around, 72 00:04:26,684 --> 00:04:28,727 I doubt you would've been as reckless as you were. 73 00:04:28,811 --> 00:04:29,979 McKay: Are you insane? 74 00:04:30,062 --> 00:04:31,355 Which one's esposito? 75 00:04:31,439 --> 00:04:33,399 Oh, the long, dark hair. 76 00:04:33,858 --> 00:04:35,693 All right, the one with the perfect little... 77 00:04:35,776 --> 00:04:37,778 Would you mind? We're trying to work here. 78 00:04:37,862 --> 00:04:39,530 For the record, I was going to say smile. 79 00:04:39,613 --> 00:04:41,574 Yeah, sure you were. What've you got? 80 00:04:41,657 --> 00:04:42,908 Nothing. 81 00:04:42,992 --> 00:04:45,786 Whatever you did fried all the power conduits leading into the room. 82 00:04:45,870 --> 00:04:47,204 Whatever I did? 83 00:04:48,038 --> 00:04:50,558 McKay: Up until very recently, this lab was entirely undennater, 84 00:04:50,624 --> 00:04:52,334 quite possibly for over 10,000 years. 85 00:04:52,418 --> 00:04:53,794 How is that my fault? 86 00:04:53,878 --> 00:04:55,296 Well, that part of it isn't. 87 00:04:55,379 --> 00:04:57,631 Okay, that's it. I'm going for lunch. 88 00:04:58,716 --> 00:05:00,092 Teyla: How is he doing? 89 00:05:00,176 --> 00:05:01,635 Sheppard: Same old Rodney. 90 00:05:01,719 --> 00:05:02,970 Ronon: You sure? 91 00:05:03,053 --> 00:05:05,014 He looks a couple of pounds heavier to me. 92 00:05:05,097 --> 00:05:06,807 Ronon. What? 93 00:05:07,224 --> 00:05:10,394 He eats all the time. It's not like he exercises. 94 00:05:10,853 --> 00:05:12,771 Sheppard: Feeding his unhappiness. 95 00:05:12,897 --> 00:05:15,107 Hello, I'm right here. I can... 96 00:05:19,904 --> 00:05:21,405 I can hear you. 97 00:05:27,203 --> 00:05:30,789 For your information, I'm exactly the same weight I've been since I got here. 98 00:05:30,873 --> 00:05:33,751 I need to eat regularly, othennise I become hypoglycemic, 99 00:05:33,834 --> 00:05:35,711 and I am generally a very happy person. 100 00:05:35,794 --> 00:05:37,731 Man over radio: Colonel Sheppard, please have your team report 101 00:05:37,755 --> 00:05:39,340 to the control room immediately. 102 00:05:39,423 --> 00:05:41,050 Colonel Sheppard. 103 00:05:46,805 --> 00:05:49,016 Weir: We received this transmission six minutes ago 104 00:05:49,099 --> 00:05:51,060 from major lorne's team. 105 00:05:51,143 --> 00:05:55,147 Man on tape: Atlantis base, repeat, we're under attack and cut off from the gate. 106 00:05:55,231 --> 00:05:57,483 I counted at least 20, maybe more. 107 00:05:57,566 --> 00:05:59,652 Request backup immediately. 108 00:05:59,944 --> 00:06:01,153 Where are they? 109 00:06:01,237 --> 00:06:02,988 M-72656. 110 00:06:03,072 --> 00:06:05,866 Have a team of marines meet us in the jumper bay. 111 00:06:22,800 --> 00:06:24,969 Zelenka: Dr. Weir, any word? 112 00:06:25,469 --> 00:06:27,930 Not yet. It has only been an hour. 113 00:06:28,430 --> 00:06:29,431 You wanted to see me? 114 00:06:29,515 --> 00:06:31,392 Yes, I could use your help. 115 00:06:31,475 --> 00:06:33,286 I managed to get power to a part of the console 116 00:06:33,310 --> 00:06:34,895 to access the lab's research logs. 117 00:06:34,979 --> 00:06:35,980 And that's good news? 118 00:06:36,063 --> 00:06:37,273 Well, I'm not so sure. 119 00:06:37,356 --> 00:06:39,567 I could use a second opinion. 120 00:06:44,905 --> 00:06:49,326 It seems much of this refers to different elements of human physiology. 121 00:06:53,455 --> 00:06:56,584 It mentions the mutation of base genetic coding? 122 00:06:57,126 --> 00:06:59,795 I realize Dr. Beckett said that there are no evident effects 123 00:06:59,878 --> 00:07:02,548 from Rodney's exposure to the device, 124 00:07:03,007 --> 00:07:04,008 but it seems... 125 00:07:04,091 --> 00:07:06,176 It's meant to manipulate human DNA. 126 00:07:07,845 --> 00:07:11,432 Man on transmitter: Dr. Weir to the jumper bay. The rescue team has returned. 127 00:07:11,932 --> 00:07:13,225 Let's go. 128 00:07:15,519 --> 00:07:16,679 McKay: What else could it be? 129 00:07:16,729 --> 00:07:18,039 Sheppard: You're losing your mind. 130 00:07:18,063 --> 00:07:20,524 McKay: I'm telling you, it's a bit of a coincidence. 131 00:07:20,608 --> 00:07:22,151 Well, then prove it. 132 00:07:22,234 --> 00:07:23,611 Colonel? 133 00:07:23,694 --> 00:07:25,446 Everyone's present and accounted for. 134 00:07:25,529 --> 00:07:27,031 How bad is it? And who's been hurt? 135 00:07:27,114 --> 00:07:30,409 No one, doc, we're all fine, thanks to McKay. 136 00:07:30,492 --> 00:07:31,910 So he says. 137 00:07:31,994 --> 00:07:33,245 Rodney? 138 00:07:34,955 --> 00:07:38,101 Well, to be honest, I'm not entirely sure. I wasn't even sure it was me at first, 139 00:07:38,125 --> 00:07:40,127 but the correlation's impossible to ignore. 140 00:07:40,210 --> 00:07:42,671 I saw lorne's team pinned down, the bad guys closing in, 141 00:07:42,755 --> 00:07:45,382 I just thought, you know, wouldn't it be great 142 00:07:45,466 --> 00:07:48,218 if all of their weapons jammed at the same time? 143 00:07:51,764 --> 00:07:54,391 Okay, next thing I know, they're all running away, so... 144 00:07:54,475 --> 00:07:57,853 So you think because you wanted it to happen, it just did. 145 00:07:57,936 --> 00:08:00,189 It was a little more than that. 146 00:08:01,398 --> 00:08:04,485 Okay, you know what? Watch this. I'll... 147 00:08:06,070 --> 00:08:07,488 Rodney! 148 00:08:09,907 --> 00:08:10,908 Rodney! 149 00:08:10,991 --> 00:08:12,871 Believe me, I find this as disturbing as you do. 150 00:08:12,910 --> 00:08:14,870 Like bloody hell you do! 151 00:08:16,288 --> 00:08:17,790 Put him down. 152 00:08:20,959 --> 00:08:21,960 Oh, god! 153 00:08:24,338 --> 00:08:27,841 Have there been any other instances of this power manifesting itself? 154 00:08:27,925 --> 00:08:29,551 Powers. Plural. 155 00:08:29,635 --> 00:08:31,595 What else can you do besides telekinesis? 156 00:08:31,679 --> 00:08:33,806 Well, super-hearing for one, and I'm not sure, 157 00:08:33,889 --> 00:08:35,689 but I think I may actually be getting smarter. 158 00:08:35,724 --> 00:08:38,244 It's hard to say for sure because I was pretty smart to start with, 159 00:08:38,268 --> 00:08:39,788 but recently I've been having some ideas 160 00:08:39,812 --> 00:08:41,892 that I don't think even I would've thought of before. 161 00:08:41,939 --> 00:08:44,191 Does super-ego count as a power? 162 00:08:44,274 --> 00:08:46,652 Oh, finally, look. Keep it coming. 163 00:08:46,735 --> 00:08:49,154 He can also be dealing with a super-appetite, 164 00:08:49,238 --> 00:08:51,216 although it's hard to tell because he ate so much before. 165 00:08:51,240 --> 00:08:52,324 Very funny. 166 00:08:52,408 --> 00:08:53,784 My god, he's eating again? 167 00:08:53,867 --> 00:08:55,327 I have a very active metabolism. 168 00:08:55,411 --> 00:08:56,787 Beckett: Aye, among other things. 169 00:08:56,870 --> 00:08:59,498 The scans show a dramatic increase in synaptic interaction 170 00:08:59,581 --> 00:09:02,167 throughout all the sections of Rodney's brain. 171 00:09:02,251 --> 00:09:05,003 Much higher than normal human levels. 172 00:09:05,087 --> 00:09:08,382 There was an incident at sgc just over a year ago. 173 00:09:08,465 --> 00:09:11,218 I recall that file. I studied the data. 174 00:09:11,301 --> 00:09:12,344 Fascinating. 175 00:09:12,428 --> 00:09:14,722 Sg-1 discovered a highly-evolved human being in stasis. 176 00:09:14,805 --> 00:09:17,015 Turned out he was the result of experimentation 177 00:09:17,099 --> 00:09:18,976 by a Goa'uld named Anubis. 178 00:09:19,059 --> 00:09:22,896 He was trying to create a means of artificially accelerating 179 00:09:22,980 --> 00:09:25,482 the human physiology to the point of ascension. 180 00:09:25,566 --> 00:09:28,360 Well, that device I found must've been some kind of an accelerator. 181 00:09:28,444 --> 00:09:31,405 We know that the ancients developed all kinds of powers as they evolved. 182 00:09:31,488 --> 00:09:34,467 Though it's just a matter of bad luck that we didn't run into that lab earlier. 183 00:09:34,491 --> 00:09:37,745 Seriously, me a superhero. Who would've thought it? 184 00:09:46,128 --> 00:09:48,964 Look, we all agree the ancients were pretty screwed up. 185 00:09:49,047 --> 00:09:50,466 We do? 186 00:09:50,549 --> 00:09:52,593 All the ones I met were arrogant and condescending 187 00:09:52,676 --> 00:09:54,261 and not for good reason. 188 00:09:54,344 --> 00:09:57,097 Now, they made giant mistakes and never fixed them. 189 00:09:57,181 --> 00:09:58,599 They were still human. 190 00:09:58,682 --> 00:10:00,267 Then there were all those crazy rules. 191 00:10:00,350 --> 00:10:02,603 Those only came after they ascended. 192 00:10:02,686 --> 00:10:06,315 Whatever. All right, maybe this thing doesn't work on everyone. 193 00:10:06,398 --> 00:10:08,776 Who knows? But we do know it works on McKay. 194 00:10:08,859 --> 00:10:11,111 It has only been a day. 195 00:10:11,195 --> 00:10:13,781 Assuming it's safe. Well, to be honest, even if it's not, 196 00:10:13,864 --> 00:10:16,551 if we can get a significant advantage over the wraith and the replicators... 197 00:10:16,575 --> 00:10:19,411 John, I agree, this device may have great potential. 198 00:10:19,495 --> 00:10:21,872 And with great potential comes great responsibility. I know. 199 00:10:21,997 --> 00:10:24,124 Like a lot of other things we have found in this city, 200 00:10:24,208 --> 00:10:26,418 it is a very advanced piece of technology. 201 00:10:26,502 --> 00:10:28,879 For all we know, it could also be very dangerous. 202 00:10:28,962 --> 00:10:29,963 Just saying... 203 00:10:30,047 --> 00:10:31,715 Yes, you can be next. 204 00:10:31,799 --> 00:10:33,175 Thank you. 205 00:10:35,928 --> 00:10:38,347 You know, if you're compiling a list, I... 206 00:10:38,430 --> 00:10:40,474 Could we stay focused, please? 207 00:10:40,557 --> 00:10:41,725 Right. 208 00:10:45,521 --> 00:10:48,023 Come on, you can't keep me cooped up in here forever. 209 00:10:48,106 --> 00:10:50,210 You might not be sick, Rodney, but I think we can both agree 210 00:10:50,234 --> 00:10:51,711 what's happening here is far from normal. 211 00:10:51,735 --> 00:10:54,863 Exactly. So let me go out and start using my powers to do some good. 212 00:10:54,947 --> 00:10:57,157 Are you going to finish that? 213 00:10:58,575 --> 00:11:00,035 I'm serious! 214 00:11:00,702 --> 00:11:03,163 We have no idea of the extent of your genetic mutation. 215 00:11:03,247 --> 00:11:05,099 Please, mutation has such negative connotations. 216 00:11:05,123 --> 00:11:06,959 Advancement is more like it. 217 00:11:07,042 --> 00:11:08,752 Until we know exactly what's going on here. 218 00:11:08,836 --> 00:11:10,712 Carson! I'm still me. 219 00:11:10,796 --> 00:11:14,299 Anyway, it's not like you or these guys could stop me from leaving anyways. 220 00:11:14,383 --> 00:11:15,676 Ronon: No, but I could. 221 00:11:17,094 --> 00:11:19,596 Oh, you care to put that to a test? 222 00:11:20,597 --> 00:11:21,932 Do you? 223 00:11:22,015 --> 00:11:23,767 Well, no, not really. 224 00:11:24,268 --> 00:11:27,437 Anyways, as I was saying, I think you're fine to go about your daily duties, 225 00:11:27,521 --> 00:11:29,439 as long as you have someone with you, and you... 226 00:11:29,523 --> 00:11:32,776 Check in every couple of hours. Yes, yes. Bye-bye. 227 00:11:35,612 --> 00:11:37,656 You know, we could be a team. 228 00:11:37,739 --> 00:11:39,533 You could be my sidekick. Sidekick? 229 00:11:39,616 --> 00:11:41,976 Yeah, it'll be like Batman and ronon. Has a nice ring to it. 230 00:11:42,035 --> 00:11:44,555 Yeah, you keep eating like this, it's gonna be more like fatman. 231 00:11:44,621 --> 00:11:47,708 I'm warning you, you will probably be bored out of your mind 232 00:11:47,791 --> 00:11:50,252 unless you find incredibly advanced physics to be... 233 00:11:50,335 --> 00:11:52,296 McKay: Really? What? 234 00:11:52,379 --> 00:11:54,131 What? You think so? 235 00:11:54,548 --> 00:11:56,550 Hey, she thinks I'm hot. 236 00:11:57,134 --> 00:11:58,385 I didn't say anything. 237 00:11:58,468 --> 00:11:59,863 McKay: Oh, no, no, no. I'm sure that you... 238 00:11:59,887 --> 00:12:03,181 Oh, of course, no, I should've known. She meant you. 239 00:12:03,515 --> 00:12:06,143 I don't know what you're talking about. 240 00:12:07,811 --> 00:12:09,980 McKay, she didn't say a word. 241 00:12:11,106 --> 00:12:13,233 Oh, my god. I can read minds. 242 00:12:14,359 --> 00:12:16,528 Oh, this is cool. 243 00:12:17,988 --> 00:12:18,989 No, it isn't. 244 00:12:24,077 --> 00:12:26,872 Oh, I'm fine. No, yes, and it doesn't. What? 245 00:12:26,955 --> 00:12:28,595 I can read your mind, everyone's actually. 246 00:12:28,665 --> 00:12:30,602 That was very cool for the first, like, 10 seconds there, 247 00:12:30,626 --> 00:12:32,270 but now I'm finding it a little disturbing, 248 00:12:32,294 --> 00:12:35,255 so I'm trying to tune it out as much as I possibly can, well, sort of. 249 00:12:35,339 --> 00:12:37,174 Anyways, look, I wanted to get your permission 250 00:12:37,257 --> 00:12:38,467 to access the control chair. 251 00:12:38,550 --> 00:12:41,678 I've got some pretty interesting ideas for maximizing our zpm 252 00:12:41,762 --> 00:12:44,723 by reconfiguring the city's power systems. It's too complicated to explain, 253 00:12:44,806 --> 00:12:48,435 but trust me when I say that you are going to be incredibly happy with the results. 254 00:12:48,518 --> 00:12:51,188 Look, Elizabeth, I know, you have every right not to trust me, 255 00:12:51,271 --> 00:12:54,775 but I promise you, I'm gonna make things much, much better, okay? Good. 256 00:12:54,858 --> 00:12:56,753 She wants you to shoot me if you think for even one second 257 00:12:56,777 --> 00:13:00,113 that I might be trying to take over the city for my own evil purposes. 258 00:13:00,197 --> 00:13:02,324 I'm kidding. That was a joke. 259 00:13:02,532 --> 00:13:04,785 Is your weapon set to stun? 260 00:13:04,868 --> 00:13:06,468 Wait, never mind. There, I did it myself. 261 00:13:06,495 --> 00:13:08,747 Okay, to the chair room, ronon. 262 00:13:10,832 --> 00:13:12,250 Can I shoot him now? 263 00:13:12,334 --> 00:13:13,627 I can hear you! 264 00:13:13,710 --> 00:13:15,521 Look, she just wants you to keep a close eye on me. 265 00:13:15,545 --> 00:13:18,215 Come on, let's go. Chop, chop. Much to do. 266 00:13:18,298 --> 00:13:21,218 I will send a science team down to supervise. 267 00:13:40,362 --> 00:13:41,947 What the hell is he doing? 268 00:13:42,030 --> 00:13:43,532 Don't ask me. 269 00:13:43,824 --> 00:13:45,575 Actually, I wasn't. 270 00:13:45,993 --> 00:13:47,536 I have no idea. 271 00:13:48,578 --> 00:13:51,123 Rodney, you are affecting power all over the city. 272 00:13:51,206 --> 00:13:53,250 I know. Awesome, isn't it? 273 00:13:53,959 --> 00:13:56,169 No. I can't work. 274 00:13:56,253 --> 00:13:57,504 It's just temporary. 275 00:13:57,587 --> 00:14:01,508 Rodney, I'm trying to determine if that device did any permanent damage to you. 276 00:14:01,591 --> 00:14:04,344 Quite frankly, given your usually rampant hypochondria, 277 00:14:04,428 --> 00:14:06,221 I'm surprised you don't seem to care. 278 00:14:06,304 --> 00:14:07,514 You're jealous. 279 00:14:07,597 --> 00:14:08,932 That is ridiculous. 280 00:14:09,016 --> 00:14:12,144 You should be working with me, trying to figure out what is happening to you. 281 00:14:12,227 --> 00:14:14,479 Instead, you're here, burying your head in the sand. 282 00:14:14,563 --> 00:14:16,023 That is not true. 283 00:14:16,106 --> 00:14:19,276 My head, which happens to be housing my ever-evolving brain, 284 00:14:19,359 --> 00:14:20,944 is actually being better utilized here 285 00:14:21,028 --> 00:14:24,197 doing important things that will affect everybody. 286 00:14:30,704 --> 00:14:34,791 He tries to hide it, but deep down, I'm the wind beneath his wings. 287 00:14:37,753 --> 00:14:39,671 Well, how's it coming? 288 00:14:39,755 --> 00:14:42,215 Actually, I think I'm just getting to the good bit. 289 00:14:42,299 --> 00:14:46,803 Don't you hate it when people interrupt right when things are getting good? 290 00:14:49,973 --> 00:14:52,642 I know McKay is some super-genius now, 291 00:14:52,726 --> 00:14:56,354 but I find the flickering lights incredibly unnerving. 292 00:14:56,772 --> 00:15:01,318 Dr. Coleman has, however, reluctantly admitted it does seem 293 00:15:01,401 --> 00:15:04,404 as if Rodney is significantly improving the city's power system. 294 00:15:04,488 --> 00:15:07,741 Whatever. Anyway, you were saying... 295 00:15:09,409 --> 00:15:13,413 Well, we know the ancients evolved physiologically to a certain point 296 00:15:13,497 --> 00:15:16,917 where they could transform into a state of pure energy. 297 00:15:17,000 --> 00:15:18,585 Ancient history 101. 298 00:15:18,668 --> 00:15:22,380 Yes. We also know that not all of them managed to get there. 299 00:15:22,923 --> 00:15:25,258 You're saying some of them needed a kick in the pants. 300 00:15:25,342 --> 00:15:26,718 So to speak. 301 00:15:27,844 --> 00:15:30,639 I think this machine was not meant to help them fight the war 302 00:15:30,722 --> 00:15:34,101 against the wraith, but rather to help them escape it. 303 00:15:35,644 --> 00:15:37,104 An ascension machine? 304 00:15:37,187 --> 00:15:40,774 Like the one the Goa'uld tried to create in the milky way. 305 00:15:41,691 --> 00:15:44,361 Are you saying McKay's going to ascend? 306 00:15:45,612 --> 00:15:47,173 Unfortunately, there's a whole lot more to ascension 307 00:15:47,197 --> 00:15:48,615 than just being physically evolved. 308 00:15:48,698 --> 00:15:53,328 Believe me, after spending six months with a bunch of pansy wannabes, I know. 309 00:15:53,495 --> 00:15:55,747 But what does this mean for McKay? 310 00:15:55,831 --> 00:15:58,625 Like I said, just getting to the good bit. 311 00:15:59,668 --> 00:16:01,503 I'll leave you to it. 312 00:16:03,630 --> 00:16:07,884 John, wait. We need to talk to Rodney right away. 313 00:16:14,182 --> 00:16:18,311 You can all relax. I'll have us back online in two minutes. 314 00:16:18,395 --> 00:16:20,355 We need to talk to you. 315 00:16:20,981 --> 00:16:22,774 What do you mean I'm gonna die? 316 00:16:23,942 --> 00:16:25,861 I'm not even sick! I feel great, never better! 317 00:16:25,944 --> 00:16:27,320 That ancient device... 318 00:16:27,404 --> 00:16:29,823 Has accelerated my evolution. 319 00:16:29,906 --> 00:16:32,746 Eventually I'll reach a point where I'm physically capable of ascension, 320 00:16:32,826 --> 00:16:35,996 but ascension takes more than that, there's a mental component. 321 00:16:36,079 --> 00:16:40,208 I need to know how to make it happen, which I don't. 322 00:16:40,292 --> 00:16:42,627 Yet, I'm getting smarter by the minute. 323 00:16:42,711 --> 00:16:45,511 It's a pretty good assumption I'll be able to figure it out on the way. 324 00:16:45,547 --> 00:16:46,607 Okay, so it's not as easy as that. 325 00:16:46,631 --> 00:16:49,676 Well, even if I don't, so I stay a highly-evolved human. 326 00:16:49,759 --> 00:16:52,220 I mean, I don't have to ascend. It's a choice, right? 327 00:16:52,304 --> 00:16:54,347 No? What do you mean, no? 328 00:16:54,431 --> 00:16:57,726 Oh, that stupid ancient device doesn't work properly, does it? 329 00:16:57,809 --> 00:17:00,270 It's set in motion a series of genetic mutations 330 00:17:00,353 --> 00:17:02,898 that will result in my death if I don't ascend? 331 00:17:02,981 --> 00:17:04,733 There is something easier about this. 332 00:17:04,816 --> 00:17:07,402 That's why the ancients didn't put it into common use. 333 00:17:07,485 --> 00:17:11,740 It's just one more in along line of abysmal, over-ambitious failures! 334 00:17:12,449 --> 00:17:14,868 Oh, god. I'm a dead man. 335 00:17:14,951 --> 00:17:16,745 Dr.mckay yes, yes_. 336 00:17:16,995 --> 00:17:20,790 It's because I stopped in the middle. I will fix it, just give me a second here. 337 00:17:26,004 --> 00:17:27,255 That's it. 338 00:17:30,008 --> 00:17:31,277 Okay, there's still time left, right? 339 00:17:31,301 --> 00:17:32,695 So maybe there's a way to reverse the process. 340 00:17:32,719 --> 00:17:35,013 Zelenka! Where's Zelenka? What the hell has he been doing? 341 00:17:35,096 --> 00:17:36,824 We have massive power surges throughout the grid. 342 00:17:36,848 --> 00:17:38,391 Shutdown protocols are not responding. 343 00:17:38,475 --> 00:17:39,768 Damn it. 344 00:17:55,867 --> 00:17:57,452 Beckett: Come on, radek, come on. 345 00:17:57,535 --> 00:18:01,456 He's not breathing. We need to intubate. Start an iv, wide open. 346 00:18:01,539 --> 00:18:03,500 Get that monitor setup. 347 00:18:04,668 --> 00:18:07,504 Right, on my count. One, two, three. 348 00:18:10,090 --> 00:18:11,091 Radek! 349 00:18:11,174 --> 00:18:12,968 Beckett: Get the leads set up, please. 350 00:18:13,426 --> 00:18:15,929 Beckett: He's in v-tach. Prepare to defib. 351 00:18:17,180 --> 00:18:18,348 Clear. Move! 352 00:18:18,431 --> 00:18:19,808 Beckett: Rodney, the man is dying. 353 00:18:19,891 --> 00:18:22,060 I know. Just give me a second. I know. 354 00:18:46,376 --> 00:18:50,547 Beckett: Heart rate's good, breathing's steady. 355 00:18:52,382 --> 00:18:54,342 Pulse is good. 356 00:18:59,222 --> 00:19:01,725 Radek, you okay? 357 00:19:03,643 --> 00:19:05,145 What happened? 358 00:19:21,578 --> 00:19:22,746 Rodney. 359 00:19:22,829 --> 00:19:24,080 Hold on. 360 00:19:26,041 --> 00:19:27,917 I see you've been busy. 361 00:19:28,877 --> 00:19:30,712 Yeah, I invented a new math. 362 00:19:30,795 --> 00:19:31,838 Really? 363 00:19:31,921 --> 00:19:33,816 It's gonna change the human understanding of the universe 364 00:19:33,840 --> 00:19:35,383 as we know it. 365 00:19:35,467 --> 00:19:37,510 How is Zelenka? 366 00:19:38,762 --> 00:19:40,180 You need to ask? 367 00:19:40,263 --> 00:19:41,574 I'm blocking out people's thoughts. 368 00:19:41,598 --> 00:19:42,867 It was becoming too oven/vhelming. 369 00:19:42,891 --> 00:19:44,684 I wasn't able to think. 370 00:19:46,144 --> 00:19:47,145 Rodney... 371 00:19:47,228 --> 00:19:49,147 I know what you're gonna say. 372 00:19:49,230 --> 00:19:53,026 Oh, no, just intuition, I swear. I just... 373 00:19:53,109 --> 00:19:56,613 I tried to fix the ancient device, but it wasn't meant to reverse the process. 374 00:19:56,696 --> 00:20:00,116 Once the mutation has started, it cannot be stopped. 375 00:20:00,575 --> 00:20:01,826 Actually, 376 00:20:04,704 --> 00:20:09,501 I was gonna say, if you want any help in understanding ascension... 377 00:20:13,671 --> 00:20:16,549 Well, I've already re-read everything I could in the database. 378 00:20:16,633 --> 00:20:19,594 Well, it's not exactly a clear-cut set of instructions, is it? 379 00:20:19,677 --> 00:20:20,917 No, and to be honest, you know, 380 00:20:20,970 --> 00:20:22,073 I've never been all that big on 381 00:20:22,097 --> 00:20:23,324 the whole idea of ascending in the first place. 382 00:20:23,348 --> 00:20:25,725 There's too many rules, you know? 383 00:20:25,809 --> 00:20:29,521 I mean, to me, life is about working towards achievement, you know? 384 00:20:29,604 --> 00:20:31,606 Discovering things... Getting credit for it. 385 00:20:31,689 --> 00:20:33,876 Exactly. I mean, once you know it all, what do you do then? 386 00:20:33,900 --> 00:20:38,321 I don't know. I don't think that ascension necessarily means the end. 387 00:20:38,405 --> 00:20:40,949 Yeah, see? Never been big on leaps of faith, either. 388 00:20:41,074 --> 00:20:42,968 I mean, sure, there was a part of me that, from the beginning, 389 00:20:42,992 --> 00:20:44,387 knew that this was too good to be true. 390 00:20:44,411 --> 00:20:46,830 Nothing this great could ever happen to me 391 00:20:46,913 --> 00:20:49,666 without really, really bad consequences. 392 00:20:50,083 --> 00:20:52,043 Anyways, now I have come to terms with that, 393 00:20:52,127 --> 00:20:54,230 and I just wanna get as much done in the time I have left 394 00:20:54,254 --> 00:20:56,023 and not waste my time on a bunch of mumbo-jumbo 395 00:20:56,047 --> 00:20:58,633 I'm not gonna understand anyways. 396 00:20:58,716 --> 00:21:03,596 Oh, I've come up with a way for increasing the daedalus' shield power. 397 00:21:03,680 --> 00:21:07,475 Tell hermiod to give me a call if he needs any help understanding the base code. 398 00:21:07,559 --> 00:21:10,437 I'm sure colonel Caldwell will be thrilled. 399 00:21:12,856 --> 00:21:16,443 Look, Rodney, I'm not gonna try to convince you 400 00:21:16,526 --> 00:21:19,279 that ascension is right for you, or even possible, for that matter. 401 00:21:19,362 --> 00:21:20,864 I don't know. 402 00:21:21,072 --> 00:21:23,616 But I wonder if you have considered the fact 403 00:21:23,700 --> 00:21:27,162 that if you did somehow manage to ascend, 404 00:21:27,245 --> 00:21:31,332 you can always theoretically re-take human form. 405 00:21:34,252 --> 00:21:35,795 Why didn't I think of that? 406 00:21:36,254 --> 00:21:37,356 Beckett: I don't think it's gonna work. 407 00:21:37,380 --> 00:21:38,756 I had this shipped from the sgc. 408 00:21:38,840 --> 00:21:41,694 Aye, I know. The ancient device used to measure a person's synaptic activity. 409 00:21:41,718 --> 00:21:44,053 Ah, more than that, the brain's evolutionary level. 410 00:21:44,137 --> 00:21:46,431 Look, it's basically an ascend-o-meter. 411 00:21:46,514 --> 00:21:48,409 I really don't think we're going about this the right way. 412 00:21:48,433 --> 00:21:52,020 If you're a highly-evolved super-genius, put up your hand. 413 00:21:53,980 --> 00:21:55,749 From everything I read about the subject area... 414 00:21:55,773 --> 00:21:57,233 Look, when you get down to it, 415 00:21:57,317 --> 00:22:01,196 even mental states are actually only physical states, are they not? 416 00:22:01,279 --> 00:22:03,490 I mean, the brain is just a chemical supercomputer. 417 00:22:03,573 --> 00:22:05,116 Vveh, isuppose an incredibly complex... 418 00:22:05,200 --> 00:22:06,951 Yes is all you need to say, my friend. 419 00:22:07,035 --> 00:22:11,331 Look, the universe may seem mystical to those without understanding, 420 00:22:11,414 --> 00:22:15,168 when in truth anything and everything can be quantified. 421 00:22:15,251 --> 00:22:18,338 Look, all that hocus-pocus stuff is just a way of getting the brain 422 00:22:18,421 --> 00:22:21,090 into the proper electro-chemical state to 423 00:22:21,174 --> 00:22:23,176 allow the final physical evolution, 424 00:22:23,259 --> 00:22:27,263 at which point the matter that makes up this body will turn into pure energy. 425 00:22:28,181 --> 00:22:33,353 What mere mortals would refer to as the mystery of ascension 426 00:22:33,436 --> 00:22:35,313 is actually just a scientific process. 427 00:22:35,396 --> 00:22:36,624 It's just protons and electrons. 428 00:22:36,648 --> 00:22:38,274 Protons and electrons. If you say so. 429 00:22:38,358 --> 00:22:41,778 Now, if you don't mind, can we... yeah, that's it. 430 00:22:45,865 --> 00:22:50,078 Now, based on what I've extrapolated from the ancient research, 431 00:22:50,161 --> 00:22:52,038 I have been able to set measurable parameters 432 00:22:52,121 --> 00:22:53,998 for achieving the proper mental state. 433 00:22:54,082 --> 00:22:58,253 Once I reach 96% synaptic connection, as measured by this device, 434 00:22:58,336 --> 00:23:01,214 all I need to do is maintain an eeg frequency of 0.1 435 00:23:01,297 --> 00:23:04,217 to 0.9 hertz and presto. 436 00:23:04,300 --> 00:23:07,220 I rise to a higher plane of existence. 437 00:23:07,303 --> 00:23:11,891 Okay, let's assume for one completely insane moment that you are right. 438 00:23:11,975 --> 00:23:15,478 Those frequencies are associated with near-comatose patients. 439 00:23:15,562 --> 00:23:18,773 No one who's actually awake can just will themselves anywhere close to that, 440 00:23:18,856 --> 00:23:20,817 no matter how bloody relaxed they are. 441 00:23:20,900 --> 00:23:23,319 No unevolved person. 442 00:23:23,403 --> 00:23:24,404 Give it a rest, Rodney. 443 00:23:24,487 --> 00:23:25,989 Just turn it on. 444 00:23:29,951 --> 00:23:32,579 Your synaptic activity's abnormally high. Over 60%. 445 00:23:32,662 --> 00:23:33,847 Yes! I don't have much time left. 446 00:23:33,871 --> 00:23:37,750 As I said, by my calculations, when I reach 96%, I either ascend or die. 447 00:23:37,834 --> 00:23:39,586 Now, what's my eeg? 448 00:23:39,669 --> 00:23:41,564 Twenty-nine hertz, which is about average for someone 449 00:23:41,588 --> 00:23:43,548 in an extremely heightened wakeful state. 450 00:23:43,631 --> 00:23:46,676 Okay, so I just need to clear my mind and relax. 451 00:23:50,221 --> 00:23:51,472 What's it at now? Thirty. 452 00:23:51,556 --> 00:23:54,201 What? Oh, come on, that's impossible! You must have me hooked up wrong. 453 00:23:54,225 --> 00:23:55,494 No, I didn't, thank you very much. 454 00:23:55,518 --> 00:23:57,729 We're getting a clear reading. 455 00:23:57,895 --> 00:24:01,274 Rodney, the ancients that eventually learned to ascend 456 00:24:01,357 --> 00:24:04,110 dedicated their entire lives preparing for this moment. 457 00:24:04,193 --> 00:24:06,171 Trust me, this will work. I just need some more time. 458 00:24:06,195 --> 00:24:09,365 Now stop talking so much. You're rippling my pond. 459 00:24:16,164 --> 00:24:20,084 I think he's having a hard time accepting this can't be solved with science, 460 00:24:20,168 --> 00:24:22,629 no matter how brilliant he is. 461 00:24:22,712 --> 00:24:27,258 You know what he needs? He needs to release his burden. 462 00:24:28,176 --> 00:24:30,261 Yeah, well, you know McKay. 463 00:24:31,220 --> 00:24:33,473 Maybe Dr. Heightmeyer can help. 464 00:24:33,931 --> 00:24:36,684 Actually, I was thinking more along the lines of you. 465 00:24:36,768 --> 00:24:38,227 Mmm-hmm. Me? 466 00:24:38,728 --> 00:24:41,814 You lived with the ancients for six months on the brink of ascension. 467 00:24:41,898 --> 00:24:44,984 You helped them face their fears and finally ascend. 468 00:24:45,068 --> 00:24:48,071 I fought a scary monster. That's what I do best. 469 00:24:48,154 --> 00:24:51,658 And for Rodney, I'm sure this seems like a pretty scary monster. 470 00:24:56,913 --> 00:24:59,666 I don't think this is gonna work with you hooked up to the machine. 471 00:24:59,749 --> 00:25:01,709 How else am I gonna know if it's working at all? 472 00:25:01,793 --> 00:25:05,171 Look, you're teaching me how to meditate. Not exactly good odds there to start with. 473 00:25:05,254 --> 00:25:06,798 I realize that. 474 00:25:07,757 --> 00:25:11,844 Truth is, I was never really very good at this myself. 475 00:25:11,928 --> 00:25:13,721 So why am I here? 476 00:25:13,805 --> 00:25:14,847 Elizabeth made me. 477 00:25:14,931 --> 00:25:16,933 Oh. Yeah. Me, too. 478 00:25:17,517 --> 00:25:18,911 I was with those ancients for six months. 479 00:25:18,935 --> 00:25:21,771 Maybe I picked up something that might be able to help you. 480 00:25:22,647 --> 00:25:23,898 Yeah. 481 00:25:24,565 --> 00:25:27,527 The first thing I think you need to come to terms with 482 00:25:27,610 --> 00:25:30,405 is this is not a means to an end. 483 00:25:30,488 --> 00:25:32,532 What? Well, of course it is. 484 00:25:32,615 --> 00:25:33,825 No, no, no, you can't do that. 485 00:25:33,908 --> 00:25:36,720 You can't think that you're just gonna ascend and then re-take human form 486 00:25:36,744 --> 00:25:37,954 and be done with it all. 487 00:25:38,037 --> 00:25:40,331 That is exactly what I'm trying to do. 488 00:25:40,415 --> 00:25:44,627 Look, from what I understand, dishonesty's not gonna help the process. 489 00:25:44,794 --> 00:25:45,795 Good point. 490 00:25:45,878 --> 00:25:47,815 You know, while we're at it, my knees are killing me. 491 00:25:47,839 --> 00:25:49,215 How does anyone relax like this? 492 00:25:49,298 --> 00:25:51,718 Find a position that works. 493 00:25:51,801 --> 00:25:54,637 Right. Okay. 494 00:25:54,721 --> 00:25:55,805 Fine. 495 00:25:56,139 --> 00:26:01,060 Now, I want you to become aware of your breaths 496 00:26:01,144 --> 00:26:04,147 going in and out of your body. 497 00:26:04,230 --> 00:26:07,316 In and out. 498 00:26:07,942 --> 00:26:09,861 Do it without talking. 499 00:26:10,695 --> 00:26:12,155 Oh, right. 500 00:26:13,197 --> 00:26:16,576 Now, I want you to think about the things 501 00:26:16,659 --> 00:26:18,953 that you worry about the most. 502 00:26:19,120 --> 00:26:20,121 You mean like death? 503 00:26:20,204 --> 00:26:21,998 There's no talking. 504 00:26:22,832 --> 00:26:25,710 Think of anything that makes you anxious. 505 00:26:25,793 --> 00:26:27,754 Oh, god, there's so many things. 506 00:26:27,837 --> 00:26:29,481 Not talking happens to be one of them, by the way. 507 00:26:29,505 --> 00:26:30,840 Deal with it. 508 00:26:32,550 --> 00:26:33,551 Now. 509 00:26:34,844 --> 00:26:37,805 Imagine yourself sitting on a Ferris wheel. 510 00:26:37,889 --> 00:26:38,931 What? 511 00:26:39,015 --> 00:26:40,892 Look, I told you, I didn't pay much attention 512 00:26:40,975 --> 00:26:42,935 to what the ancients were teaching me. 513 00:26:43,019 --> 00:26:45,730 I like Ferris wheels, so that's what I thought about 514 00:26:45,813 --> 00:26:51,402 and the fact that the woman teaching me how to meditate was very attractive. 515 00:26:51,486 --> 00:26:53,404 Why am I not surprised you didn't ascend, huh? 516 00:26:53,488 --> 00:26:57,116 Okay, look, I'm a busy man, you're a busy man. We're both busy men. 517 00:26:57,200 --> 00:27:01,454 Just relax, all right? I'm gonna try to remember what the woman taught me. 518 00:27:02,371 --> 00:27:03,956 All right. 519 00:27:05,708 --> 00:27:10,546 Now, there's a dark storm swirling around your head. 520 00:27:11,339 --> 00:27:14,133 How is that comforting? I'm getting there. 521 00:27:15,176 --> 00:27:16,987 I just thought of a brilliant adjunct to the chaos theory. 522 00:27:17,011 --> 00:27:19,263 Look, I should write this down... McKay! 523 00:27:20,223 --> 00:27:22,266 Letting it go. Letting it go. 524 00:27:22,350 --> 00:27:24,894 Now, the sky is clearing. 525 00:27:24,977 --> 00:27:27,480 All your troubles are fading away. 526 00:27:27,563 --> 00:27:29,690 Bright blue sky. I am there. 527 00:27:35,613 --> 00:27:37,490 How am I doing? Don't think that way. 528 00:27:37,573 --> 00:27:38,783 Oh, forget it. 529 00:27:38,908 --> 00:27:40,719 Look, this is never gonna work. What's wrong now? 530 00:27:40,743 --> 00:27:43,788 I just realized why light behaves as both particles and waves. 531 00:27:43,871 --> 00:27:45,351 Rodney, if you don't try to do this... 532 00:27:45,414 --> 00:27:47,917 I know. I don't have much time left. 533 00:27:57,218 --> 00:27:59,512 Hey. Just a second. 534 00:28:10,481 --> 00:28:11,607 What are you doing? 535 00:28:11,691 --> 00:28:13,794 There are, like, 50 simulations I'd like to be running right now, 536 00:28:13,818 --> 00:28:15,337 but the computers can't keep up with me, 537 00:28:15,361 --> 00:28:18,674 the irony being that I've actually figured out how to make them run 10 times faster, 538 00:28:18,698 --> 00:28:20,700 but I haven't had time to actually stop and do it. 539 00:28:20,783 --> 00:28:24,704 Oh, I've uploaded the virtual prototype for a hyperspace generator 540 00:28:24,787 --> 00:28:27,415 for the puddle jumpers into the database. 541 00:28:27,498 --> 00:28:29,458 Well, that sounds great. 542 00:28:31,127 --> 00:28:34,422 Are you sure that this is how you want to... 543 00:28:34,505 --> 00:28:38,301 Spend my last couple of days alive? Don't have much choice, do I? 544 00:28:38,384 --> 00:28:41,053 Rodney, I think it's very decent and noble of you 545 00:28:41,137 --> 00:28:44,432 to want to leave a scientific contribution behind, 546 00:28:44,515 --> 00:28:48,269 but I still believe there's a chance you can ascend if you put your mind to it. 547 00:28:48,352 --> 00:28:51,397 We both know that that is a waste of time. Maybe you could do it, but... 548 00:28:51,480 --> 00:28:54,734 I don't know if I could, but you are certainly selling yourself short 549 00:28:54,817 --> 00:28:56,569 by not even trying. 550 00:28:57,028 --> 00:29:00,156 To be honest, I don't have the first clue where to start. 551 00:29:00,239 --> 00:29:02,116 Stop thinking. See, I don't understand that. 552 00:29:02,199 --> 00:29:04,410 One of the biggest things that holds people back 553 00:29:04,493 --> 00:29:10,416 is that somewhere deep down they believe they're not deserving. 554 00:29:11,500 --> 00:29:15,087 You have to release your burden. 555 00:29:15,171 --> 00:29:16,213 Oh, please! 556 00:29:16,297 --> 00:29:18,716 I know spirituality to you is a load of mumbo-jumbo, 557 00:29:18,799 --> 00:29:21,052 but it does help people find peace with themselves. 558 00:29:21,135 --> 00:29:22,178 But you have to believe. 559 00:29:22,261 --> 00:29:23,447 I'm not talking about religion. 560 00:29:23,471 --> 00:29:27,308 I'm talking about shedding yourself of guilt, of anger, of ill-feeling, 561 00:29:27,391 --> 00:29:30,019 of anything that makes you feel shame. 562 00:29:31,228 --> 00:29:34,857 And then you can focus all of your energy on ascending. 563 00:29:35,858 --> 00:29:38,444 So what you're telling me is that I don't think I'm worthy. 564 00:29:38,527 --> 00:29:42,365 Rodney, I don't know what you truly believe about yourself. 565 00:29:43,324 --> 00:29:46,327 For all I know, you use your intelligence to compensate, 566 00:29:46,410 --> 00:29:50,665 to make yourself feel better for other things you think you may lack. 567 00:29:50,748 --> 00:29:53,292 Like what? That, I can't tell you, 568 00:29:53,876 --> 00:29:56,754 but maybe you could start reading your own mind? 569 00:30:13,521 --> 00:30:14,831 Rodney, I don't care what you're gonna say. 570 00:30:14,855 --> 00:30:16,482 I'm gonna keep working on this, okay? 571 00:30:16,565 --> 00:30:18,526 Well, I appreciate that. 572 00:30:19,485 --> 00:30:23,906 You saved my life, so the least I can do is try to save yours, you know? 573 00:30:23,990 --> 00:30:25,282 Radek? 574 00:30:26,450 --> 00:30:28,536 I think it's safe to say that 575 00:30:28,619 --> 00:30:33,416 I am, at times, a petty, vindictive, even jealous man. 576 00:30:34,417 --> 00:30:37,253 I sublimate my own anxieties or feelings of inadequacy 577 00:30:37,336 --> 00:30:41,632 by creating a bubble of hostility around myself. 578 00:30:42,091 --> 00:30:44,010 I know that you, probably more than anyone else, 579 00:30:44,093 --> 00:30:46,345 have had to bear the brunt of that hostility. 580 00:30:46,429 --> 00:30:47,805 Rodney, you don't have to... 581 00:30:47,888 --> 00:30:50,224 Actually, I do. Here's the thing. 582 00:30:52,476 --> 00:30:56,605 You're a brilliant scientist and a decent human being, 583 00:30:56,689 --> 00:30:59,775 and you should not have had to endure the kind of abuse 584 00:30:59,859 --> 00:31:02,945 that you've taken from me in the past few years. 585 00:31:03,154 --> 00:31:06,866 I hope you can find a way to forgive me for all the things I've said and done to you. 586 00:31:06,949 --> 00:31:09,368 You deserve much better than that. 587 00:31:10,953 --> 00:31:13,164 So I wanted you to know that. 588 00:31:15,750 --> 00:31:16,792 Yes. 589 00:31:31,807 --> 00:31:33,642 Rodney. Mind if I come in? 590 00:31:33,726 --> 00:31:36,312 Shouldn't you be... Hope you don't mind. 591 00:31:41,442 --> 00:31:43,295 I was talking with halling and he happened to mention 592 00:31:43,319 --> 00:31:46,197 that it was the anniversary of the death of your father next week. 593 00:31:46,280 --> 00:31:47,364 He did? 594 00:31:47,448 --> 00:31:49,784 Okay, I might have asked a few pointed questions, 595 00:31:49,867 --> 00:31:52,620 but I just thought it would be nice if... 596 00:31:54,080 --> 00:31:57,291 What I mean is, I would be honored 597 00:31:57,374 --> 00:32:00,836 if you let me share the memorial tea ceremony with you. 598 00:32:01,879 --> 00:32:03,815 I don't know if it's wrong to do it early or anything, 599 00:32:03,839 --> 00:32:05,591 but I may not be around next week. 600 00:32:05,674 --> 00:32:09,678 Anyway, I understand it's something you're not supposed to do alone. 601 00:32:11,347 --> 00:32:12,932 Thank you, Rodney. 602 00:32:14,016 --> 00:32:16,602 No, no, no, no, no. I know exactly what to do. 603 00:32:16,685 --> 00:32:20,022 You are the one who's lost a loved one. I will serve you. 604 00:32:23,692 --> 00:32:25,861 Hey, buddy! Pal! 605 00:32:26,862 --> 00:32:29,782 Been looking all over for you! Checked the gym, the mess. 606 00:32:29,865 --> 00:32:30,866 Wasn't there. 607 00:32:30,950 --> 00:32:33,786 No, you weren't. Usually one of those is a good bet. 608 00:32:33,869 --> 00:32:37,790 So, where are you off to? Shooting range? A little target practice? 609 00:32:37,915 --> 00:32:40,352 Ronon: I don't need practice. Oh, no. No, no, of course you don't. 610 00:32:40,376 --> 00:32:43,379 Look, I don't know how much time I have left, 611 00:32:43,462 --> 00:32:45,297 so I'm just gonna cut to the chase here, 612 00:32:45,381 --> 00:32:48,134 ask you a rather personal question. 613 00:32:48,217 --> 00:32:50,970 Hopefully, you won't just hit me in the face. 614 00:32:51,846 --> 00:32:53,305 Asking away. 615 00:32:54,390 --> 00:32:58,477 Those scars on your back from your encounters with the wraith, 616 00:32:58,561 --> 00:33:00,896 you know, with the tracking device? 617 00:33:02,148 --> 00:33:05,109 Are those, like, a badge of honor for you, 618 00:33:05,192 --> 00:33:09,238 or are they just a constant reminder of something you'd rather forget? 619 00:33:09,989 --> 00:33:12,908 I mean, I know it's none of my business. I just... 620 00:33:13,951 --> 00:33:16,662 I try not to let things I can't change bother me. 621 00:33:19,582 --> 00:33:21,125 That's very healthy. 622 00:33:38,684 --> 00:33:40,561 I hope you don't mind. 623 00:33:41,145 --> 00:33:42,938 I just healed them. 624 00:33:57,953 --> 00:34:00,182 You're not still trying to find a way out of this for me, are you? 625 00:34:00,206 --> 00:34:02,041 You think I'm gonna give up? 626 00:34:02,124 --> 00:34:04,352 Look, all the ancients that experimented with that device, 627 00:34:04,376 --> 00:34:07,338 they either ascended or died, most of them the latter, 628 00:34:07,421 --> 00:34:09,590 which is why it did not get put into common use. 629 00:34:09,673 --> 00:34:12,343 Like you said, there were exceptions. 630 00:34:12,426 --> 00:34:15,554 Yes, well, this will all be over soon, and you can get back to some real work. 631 00:34:15,638 --> 00:34:17,181 Rodney, don't. 632 00:34:17,264 --> 00:34:20,976 No, no, no, I'm not fishing for sympathy. I just... 633 00:34:21,060 --> 00:34:23,604 Hey, I just wanted to give you that. 634 00:34:23,979 --> 00:34:25,397 What have you invented now? 635 00:34:25,481 --> 00:34:27,650 Oh, nothing. It's a book. 636 00:34:28,567 --> 00:34:29,568 About what? 637 00:34:29,652 --> 00:34:30,819 You. 638 00:34:31,403 --> 00:34:33,757 Well, you've taken a lot of crap as the leader of this expedition, 639 00:34:33,781 --> 00:34:37,159 and I just thought someone should leave a record of all the good things you've done, 640 00:34:37,243 --> 00:34:39,161 everything you've done right. 641 00:34:40,663 --> 00:34:43,374 Everything I do is on record for review. 642 00:34:43,457 --> 00:34:46,460 Oh, yes, I know, I know. I just thought that I would have somewhat 643 00:34:46,543 --> 00:34:49,255 of a unique perspective that other people might benefit from. 644 00:34:49,338 --> 00:34:53,259 You know, I actually took the Liberty of doing some research into your past, 645 00:34:53,342 --> 00:34:54,718 and I included that as well. 646 00:34:54,802 --> 00:34:56,762 I'm sorry if I'm not a very good writer. 647 00:34:56,845 --> 00:35:00,224 It might be a bit overly-maudlin in places... 648 00:35:02,935 --> 00:35:06,021 Rodney, this is 500 pages long. When did you... 649 00:35:06,105 --> 00:35:07,856 Anyway, that's all. 650 00:35:09,400 --> 00:35:10,567 Right. 651 00:35:16,949 --> 00:35:18,325 What's it down to? 652 00:35:18,409 --> 00:35:19,743 It's not important. 653 00:35:19,827 --> 00:35:20,911 What? 654 00:35:21,787 --> 00:35:24,039 Of course it is. It's got to... 655 00:35:24,331 --> 00:35:26,500 What? Seventeen hertz? It's not even close! 656 00:35:26,583 --> 00:35:28,002 It's closer than you've ever been. 657 00:35:28,085 --> 00:35:29,503 Oh, forget it. 658 00:35:30,629 --> 00:35:34,133 Look, if you have to keep asking, you're obviously not getting it. 659 00:35:34,216 --> 00:35:35,634 This is about letting go. 660 00:35:35,718 --> 00:35:37,928 I don't know how to do that, okay? 661 00:35:38,012 --> 00:35:40,014 I'm me. I don't know how not to be me. 662 00:35:41,849 --> 00:35:44,393 Look, thank you for all of your help. 663 00:35:44,601 --> 00:35:48,355 I think in the grand scheme of things, we're good, aren't we? 664 00:35:50,065 --> 00:35:51,108 Of course. 665 00:35:51,191 --> 00:35:52,234 Right. 666 00:35:52,818 --> 00:35:55,338 Look, if it's not too much trouble, I'd like you to read my eulogy. 667 00:35:55,362 --> 00:35:57,406 I refuse to discuss that. 668 00:35:57,865 --> 00:36:01,493 Just keep it simple. Make up a few nice things. 669 00:36:01,577 --> 00:36:03,054 I'd like my little sister to be there. 670 00:36:03,078 --> 00:36:05,372 And, oh, you should know that I told Beckett 671 00:36:05,456 --> 00:36:08,167 that he should most definitely do a full autopsy. 672 00:36:08,250 --> 00:36:10,336 He can use my body for any kind of experimentation 673 00:36:10,419 --> 00:36:12,880 that might prove helpful, and... 674 00:36:12,963 --> 00:36:14,590 Oh, and I'd like to be cremated, 675 00:36:14,673 --> 00:36:18,344 with my ashes to be thrown out into space from the jumper... 676 00:36:18,427 --> 00:36:19,636 Rodney... 677 00:36:19,762 --> 00:36:21,305 Rodney! 678 00:36:27,728 --> 00:36:29,813 Medical team to my quarters. 679 00:36:31,732 --> 00:36:35,277 The synaptic activity in your brain has reached over 90%. 680 00:36:35,861 --> 00:36:40,240 I don't know why, but it seems the more pervasive evolved state of the cortex 681 00:36:40,324 --> 00:36:42,743 is causing lapses in the lower brain function. 682 00:36:42,826 --> 00:36:46,914 It's almost as if your body's losing its natural ability to keep itself alive. 683 00:36:46,997 --> 00:36:49,124 When ascension occurs naturally, 684 00:36:49,208 --> 00:36:52,252 the physical body's no longer necessary in the final stages. 685 00:36:52,336 --> 00:36:55,464 Rodney, I don't know how much more you can take. 686 00:36:55,672 --> 00:36:57,716 About 6%? 687 00:36:57,800 --> 00:36:59,927 There must be something we can do. 688 00:37:00,010 --> 00:37:01,261 McKay: It's okay. 689 00:37:01,720 --> 00:37:06,058 You know, I'm actually feeling a sense of peace, 690 00:37:06,767 --> 00:37:10,396 interspersed with moments of sheer terror, of course. 691 00:37:10,479 --> 00:37:14,149 Rodney, as far as this ascension thing, 692 00:37:14,817 --> 00:37:20,656 I know you didn't have much success, but at this point, what do you got to lose? 693 00:37:21,240 --> 00:37:23,075 May as well go outfighfing, huh? 694 00:37:23,325 --> 00:37:24,660 Absolutely. 695 00:37:26,203 --> 00:37:27,538 Hook me up. 696 00:37:31,583 --> 00:37:37,798 Carson? Thank you. Thank you for everything. 697 00:37:39,925 --> 00:37:42,928 I only wish I could have done more, my friend. 698 00:37:54,690 --> 00:37:56,316 Clear blue skies. 699 00:37:57,192 --> 00:38:00,863 All my troubles, just drifting away. 700 00:38:02,364 --> 00:38:05,409 Okay, stop talking now. 701 00:38:08,996 --> 00:38:11,206 Rodney, you're a good person. 702 00:38:12,458 --> 00:38:14,376 Know that we love you. 703 00:38:15,544 --> 00:38:16,920 You love me? 704 00:38:18,714 --> 00:38:20,841 Really? All of you? 705 00:38:20,924 --> 00:38:24,470 In the way a friend feels about another friend. 706 00:38:24,553 --> 00:38:26,972 You're just saying that because I'm gonna die. 707 00:38:28,140 --> 00:38:29,975 Oh, god. I can't believe I'm gonna die. 708 00:38:30,058 --> 00:38:31,894 All right, just back to the blue skies. 709 00:38:31,977 --> 00:38:37,024 Let your thoughts go. Concentrate on your breathing. 710 00:38:44,740 --> 00:38:46,116 Oh, my god. 711 00:38:56,210 --> 00:38:58,730 He's not breathing. Quick, bag him. We need to get him on a ventilator. 712 00:38:58,754 --> 00:38:59,981 Carson, he gave us strict orders... 713 00:39:00,005 --> 00:39:01,173 You don't understand. 714 00:39:01,256 --> 00:39:02,925 He just told me how to save him. 715 00:39:04,927 --> 00:39:07,095 We're en route. His pulse is very weak. Are you ready? 716 00:39:07,179 --> 00:39:08,472 We will be. 717 00:39:11,099 --> 00:39:12,434 Almost. 718 00:39:19,608 --> 00:39:21,026 Beckett: Right. 719 00:39:24,404 --> 00:39:26,615 Beckett: Hurry. He can't breathe on his own. 720 00:39:30,160 --> 00:39:31,787 Okay, stand back. 721 00:39:43,674 --> 00:39:45,008 Beckett: Rodney? 722 00:39:45,384 --> 00:39:46,385 It worked! 723 00:39:46,468 --> 00:39:47,553 Did it? 724 00:39:47,636 --> 00:39:49,054 Well, I'm alive, aren't I? 725 00:39:49,137 --> 00:39:50,305 Sheppard: Sounds like him. 726 00:39:50,389 --> 00:39:51,557 Yes, yes. 727 00:39:52,516 --> 00:39:54,434 I can't hear one of your thoughts. 728 00:39:55,811 --> 00:39:57,729 The telekinesis is gone. 729 00:39:58,272 --> 00:40:01,233 I'm still smart, I think. 730 00:40:01,316 --> 00:40:04,903 Yes! Yes, I'm me! I'm my old self! 731 00:40:04,987 --> 00:40:07,364 Are you certain? Yeah, I'm alive! I feel great! 732 00:40:07,447 --> 00:40:10,409 I feel hungry. 733 00:40:10,492 --> 00:40:11,577 He's fine. 734 00:40:11,660 --> 00:40:13,328 And you said it was impossible. 735 00:40:13,412 --> 00:40:15,247 McKay: Yeah, it just came to me. 736 00:40:15,330 --> 00:40:18,041 I was floating in this big black emptiness, 737 00:40:18,125 --> 00:40:19,811 and then the answer just came out of nowhere. 738 00:40:19,835 --> 00:40:22,421 Look, the device was designed to manipulate your DNA. 739 00:40:22,504 --> 00:40:24,566 It couldn't reverse the evolutionary advancement process 740 00:40:24,590 --> 00:40:25,817 because everyone's DNA was different. 741 00:40:25,841 --> 00:40:28,677 It makes certain changes that causes the DNA to evolve 742 00:40:28,760 --> 00:40:30,887 in ways specific to your own unique physiology. 743 00:40:30,971 --> 00:40:33,324 Yeah. In order to manipulate the DNA back to the previous state, 744 00:40:33,348 --> 00:40:35,350 the program required a precise reference point. 745 00:40:35,434 --> 00:40:37,704 Fortunately, I keep blood samples from all the Atlantis team members 746 00:40:37,728 --> 00:40:39,271 for baseline comparisons. 747 00:40:39,354 --> 00:40:41,773 I don't understand what any of you are talking about. 748 00:40:43,191 --> 00:40:44,860 It's good to have you back, buddy. 749 00:40:45,360 --> 00:40:47,154 Yes, well, it's good to be back. 750 00:40:47,237 --> 00:40:48,363 Yeah! 751 00:40:57,039 --> 00:40:58,874 Hey, how are you feeling? 752 00:40:58,957 --> 00:41:00,292 Terrible! 753 00:41:00,375 --> 00:41:01,877 Should I get Carson? No, no, no. 754 00:41:01,960 --> 00:41:05,380 Physically, I am fine, but this doesn't make any sense. 755 00:41:05,881 --> 00:41:07,841 I can't figure out any of these equations. 756 00:41:07,924 --> 00:41:09,569 I mean, the algorithms are complete gibberish. 757 00:41:09,593 --> 00:41:10,969 I mean, this is torture. 758 00:41:11,053 --> 00:41:13,764 I can clearly remember exactly how important this all is, 759 00:41:13,847 --> 00:41:16,975 but I cannot figure out why or how. 760 00:41:17,059 --> 00:41:19,853 Well, I just dropped by to show you this. 761 00:41:20,604 --> 00:41:23,732 Your eeg readings from your last meditation. 762 00:41:27,903 --> 00:41:33,158 Oh, my god! It's .03 hertz. I did it! I mean, I was in the zone! 763 00:41:33,241 --> 00:41:35,035 I could have actually ascended! 764 00:41:36,411 --> 00:41:39,456 You said you were floating in a big empty space 765 00:41:39,539 --> 00:41:41,667 when the idea of how to save yourself came to you. 766 00:41:41,750 --> 00:41:44,630 I may have momentarily thought about how hard it is to rid oneself of ego 767 00:41:44,670 --> 00:41:47,714 and that existence without the individuality of consciousness 768 00:41:47,798 --> 00:41:49,758 would be pointless but... 769 00:41:50,550 --> 00:41:53,529 Now I say that, that's probably what gave me the idea to reprogram the device 770 00:41:53,553 --> 00:41:54,971 with my old DNA. 771 00:41:55,055 --> 00:41:56,306 Yeah, I thought so. 772 00:41:56,390 --> 00:41:57,474 Yeah, well, you know what? 773 00:41:57,557 --> 00:41:59,369 I don't care if you don't think I was capable of ascension. 774 00:41:59,393 --> 00:42:01,079 I never wanted to do it anyways. In fact, you know what? 775 00:42:01,103 --> 00:42:03,188 I am very happy with who I am. 776 00:42:03,814 --> 00:42:05,190 And you love me. 777 00:42:06,608 --> 00:42:09,111 What? I never... you so did! 778 00:42:09,194 --> 00:42:11,130 Yeah, I may not be able to understand this new math I created, 779 00:42:11,154 --> 00:42:13,448 but I distinctly remember that you said you love me. 780 00:42:13,532 --> 00:42:15,367 Actually, I said we love you and... 781 00:42:15,450 --> 00:42:18,179 And what? What, you were just saying that because you thought I was dying? 782 00:42:18,203 --> 00:42:19,454 No, I said it... 783 00:42:19,579 --> 00:42:22,624 See? You love me! It's true, you've said it, now I know. 784 00:42:22,708 --> 00:42:24,508 I always suspected it. In fact, you know what? 785 00:42:24,584 --> 00:42:28,630 I've always noticed that there's been an indefinable and yet magical chemistry 786 00:42:28,714 --> 00:42:31,133 between us that I think I covered in chapter 10. 787 00:42:31,675 --> 00:42:33,176 Rodney. You had lunch yet? 788 00:42:33,260 --> 00:42:34,260 Yes. 789 00:42:34,302 --> 00:42:36,430 Mid-afternoon snack, then? 790 00:42:36,513 --> 00:42:38,515 I will keep you company. 791 00:42:38,598 --> 00:42:41,518 Now, is Sheppard still bugging you to let him use the ascension device 792 00:42:41,601 --> 00:42:43,246 to turn himself into some kind of a superhero? 793 00:42:43,270 --> 00:42:44,396 Oh, yes. 794 00:42:44,479 --> 00:42:47,166 Despite the fact that the ancient database states that its effects on people 795 00:42:47,190 --> 00:42:50,402 are wildly unpredictable and that I'm just lucky I wasn't instantly melted down 796 00:42:50,485 --> 00:42:51,987 into a pool of protoplasm. 797 00:42:52,028 --> 00:42:53,989 Yes. Yes. Well, maybe you should let him. 798 00:42:54,072 --> 00:42:55,490 I think not. 799 00:43:31,109 --> 00:43:32,110 English - us - psdh