1 00:00:06,465 --> 00:00:07,508 What are we doing? 2 00:00:07,592 --> 00:00:08,735 Exploring the Pegasus galaxy. 3 00:00:08,759 --> 00:00:09,802 It's what we do. 4 00:00:09,886 --> 00:00:11,029 Ronon: You know what I meant. 5 00:00:11,053 --> 00:00:12,406 There certainly doesn't appear to be 6 00:00:12,430 --> 00:00:13,590 anything here that would help 7 00:00:13,639 --> 00:00:16,767 in our fight against the wraith or the replicators. 8 00:00:16,851 --> 00:00:19,061 McKay: Come on, you guys kill me. 9 00:00:19,145 --> 00:00:20,771 Planets are huge, you know. 10 00:00:20,855 --> 00:00:23,107 Ronon: Usually you're the one complaining. 11 00:00:23,191 --> 00:00:26,986 Yes, this enthusiasm is most unlike you, Rodney. 12 00:00:27,069 --> 00:00:28,654 Well, I'm turning over a new leaf. 13 00:00:28,738 --> 00:00:30,823 We did a standard fly-over in the jumper, 14 00:00:30,907 --> 00:00:33,326 scanned for life-signs. Nothing. 15 00:00:33,409 --> 00:00:34,761 You can't fly around for 10 minutes 16 00:00:34,785 --> 00:00:36,204 and decide there's nothing here. 17 00:00:36,287 --> 00:00:37,538 Yes, I can. 18 00:00:37,622 --> 00:00:40,333 McKay: I'm getting strange energy readings. 19 00:00:40,416 --> 00:00:41,751 Yeah? From where? 20 00:00:41,876 --> 00:00:43,252 I can't pinpoint the source. 21 00:00:43,336 --> 00:00:44,754 The jungle's pretty thick, though. 22 00:00:44,879 --> 00:00:46,356 It could be hiding just about anything. 23 00:00:46,380 --> 00:00:50,259 I don't know. It's almost as if somebody in a warm cozy room 24 00:00:50,343 --> 00:00:53,554 typing at their computer sent us here for their own amusement. 25 00:00:53,638 --> 00:00:55,431 You don't really think Zelenka would do that. 26 00:00:55,514 --> 00:00:57,433 If he did, he's going to be sorry. 27 00:00:57,516 --> 00:00:58,893 Do you have any idea 28 00:00:58,976 --> 00:01:00,746 how many gate addresses there are in the ancient database 29 00:01:00,770 --> 00:01:02,355 that have no accompanying description? 30 00:01:02,438 --> 00:01:03,689 Sheppard: Forty-two. 31 00:01:03,773 --> 00:01:05,209 No, I think it's a little more than that. 32 00:01:05,233 --> 00:01:07,002 Look, ldont really remember. That's not the point. 33 00:01:07,026 --> 00:01:09,278 Nothing. No information at all. 34 00:01:09,362 --> 00:01:11,364 I say that has to mean something. 35 00:01:11,447 --> 00:01:12,591 Maybe it means there was nothing 36 00:01:12,615 --> 00:01:14,055 worth writing about on those planets. 37 00:01:14,116 --> 00:01:17,161 Or there is, but the ancients are trying to hide it. 38 00:01:17,245 --> 00:01:18,329 From themselves? 39 00:01:18,412 --> 00:01:19,598 McKay: A lot of time has passed 40 00:01:19,622 --> 00:01:20,807 since the ancients were around. 41 00:01:20,831 --> 00:01:23,852 You know, things change. Maybe there's something here they didn't know about. 42 00:01:23,876 --> 00:01:25,586 You have a bet riding on this, don't you? 43 00:01:25,670 --> 00:01:27,546 What makes you say that? 44 00:01:31,425 --> 00:01:34,178 All right, that's it. 45 00:01:35,429 --> 00:01:36,430 I'm calling this one. 46 00:01:36,514 --> 00:01:37,640 Everyone back to the jumper. 47 00:01:37,723 --> 00:01:38,891 Aw, come on. 48 00:01:38,975 --> 00:01:40,768 Face it, McKay, you lost this one. 49 00:01:41,894 --> 00:01:44,814 Oh! Oh, hello. What's that, then, huh? 50 00:01:50,820 --> 00:01:54,115 Looks like some kind of natural crystalline growth. 51 00:01:54,198 --> 00:01:56,426 I think this might be what's causing the energy readings. 52 00:01:56,450 --> 00:01:57,660 Pretty. 53 00:01:57,743 --> 00:01:59,012 Looks like one of 54 00:01:59,036 --> 00:02:01,080 those toys you play with when you're a kid. 55 00:02:01,163 --> 00:02:02,456 A commodore 64? 56 00:02:02,540 --> 00:02:04,417 Triple-barrel shotgun? 57 00:02:04,500 --> 00:02:06,002 A kaleidoscope. 58 00:02:06,085 --> 00:02:07,378 You realize what this means? 59 00:02:07,461 --> 00:02:09,964 We discovered an alien fungus that glows. 60 00:02:10,047 --> 00:02:13,843 How about a power source that literally grows on trees? 61 00:02:16,262 --> 00:02:18,282 But admittedly, these energy readings are pretty low-level, 62 00:02:18,306 --> 00:02:20,242 but if these crystals could be cultivated, then... 63 00:02:20,266 --> 00:02:21,976 Whoa, whoa, wait. What are you doing? 64 00:02:27,982 --> 00:02:29,358 Are you all right? 65 00:02:29,442 --> 00:02:31,319 Yeah, I'm fine. Just a little shock. 66 00:02:31,402 --> 00:02:32,504 That could have been dangerous! 67 00:02:32,528 --> 00:02:33,797 I told you it was giving off energy. 68 00:02:33,821 --> 00:02:37,408 Honestly, I... I don't know why I did that. 69 00:02:40,036 --> 00:02:42,038 Well, you killed it. Oh, really? 70 00:02:42,121 --> 00:02:43,515 Well, it's not giving off energy anymore. 71 00:02:43,539 --> 00:02:44,790 Well, maybe he just scared it. 72 00:02:44,874 --> 00:02:46,584 You don't even know if it was alive. 73 00:02:46,709 --> 00:02:48,419 Seriously, why would you touch it? 74 00:02:48,502 --> 00:02:52,131 I don't know! I said that, okay? I just did. 75 00:02:52,840 --> 00:02:54,425 Now, will you leave it at that? 76 00:02:54,508 --> 00:02:57,011 Okay, well, there's got to be more of them around here. 77 00:02:57,094 --> 00:03:00,598 I'm going to recommend sending a science team back here to check it out. 78 00:03:00,681 --> 00:03:02,641 I am a science team. 79 00:03:07,146 --> 00:03:11,067 Okay, fine, let's desert a potentially significant discovery 80 00:03:11,150 --> 00:03:13,944 just because you guys don't want me to win a bet with Zelenka? 81 00:03:18,282 --> 00:03:21,786 All your scans are clear, blood tests are normal. 82 00:03:21,869 --> 00:03:23,597 As far as I can tell, you're in perfect health. 83 00:03:23,621 --> 00:03:25,206 See? I told you. 84 00:03:25,331 --> 00:03:26,332 Thanks, doc. 85 00:03:26,415 --> 00:03:27,958 No more touching strange things. 86 00:03:29,043 --> 00:03:31,128 Well, that's good advice. 87 00:03:31,587 --> 00:03:33,464 I don't know about you, but I'm exhausted. 88 00:03:33,547 --> 00:03:34,799 It's been a long day. 89 00:03:34,882 --> 00:03:36,133 Well, thanks for hanging out. 90 00:03:36,217 --> 00:03:37,760 Just wanted to be sure. 91 00:03:37,968 --> 00:03:39,553 I'm fine. 92 00:03:39,804 --> 00:03:41,389 Get some sleep. 93 00:03:43,474 --> 00:03:45,184 Good night, John. 94 00:05:15,733 --> 00:05:19,195 This is pretty good. What is it? 95 00:05:20,779 --> 00:05:23,407 I knew you two were going to eventually hook up. 96 00:05:23,491 --> 00:05:25,826 We are not hooking up. It's just dinner. 97 00:05:25,910 --> 00:05:27,220 McKay: I'm telling you, there's something in here 98 00:05:27,244 --> 00:05:29,330 giving off a strange energy reading. 99 00:05:30,289 --> 00:05:32,249 John, what are you doing? 100 00:05:32,374 --> 00:05:34,335 Colonel Carter doesn't trust you. 101 00:05:35,377 --> 00:05:37,254 No one does but me. 102 00:05:37,421 --> 00:05:39,298 What are you talking about? 103 00:05:39,381 --> 00:05:41,300 What's wrong with you? 104 00:05:41,759 --> 00:05:43,969 What do you mean? Nothing. 105 00:05:44,136 --> 00:05:47,598 You've never been the same since you got into the mind of that wraith queen. 106 00:05:48,265 --> 00:05:49,433 What? 107 00:05:51,435 --> 00:05:52,478 Man: Teyla! 108 00:05:53,854 --> 00:05:55,105 Father! 109 00:06:16,794 --> 00:06:19,338 Teyla: I cannot even begin to tell you how bizarre it was. 110 00:06:19,421 --> 00:06:20,899 Please, you want bizarre? Let me tell you... 111 00:06:20,923 --> 00:06:22,758 You know what? Don't. 112 00:06:23,968 --> 00:06:25,261 Morning. 113 00:06:29,598 --> 00:06:31,358 What? Teyla had a dream about you last night. 114 00:06:31,433 --> 00:06:33,310 Teyla: Rodney... 115 00:06:33,477 --> 00:06:35,396 Really? What was it about? 116 00:06:35,479 --> 00:06:36,981 Actually, it was more of a nightmare, 117 00:06:37,064 --> 00:06:38,566 and I'd rather not talk about it. 118 00:06:38,649 --> 00:06:41,986 Was I the dashing hero saving you from a big bad monster? 119 00:06:42,069 --> 00:06:44,071 Actually, you were the big bad monster. 120 00:06:44,154 --> 00:06:45,197 Really? 121 00:06:45,281 --> 00:06:47,074 Like I said, I'd rather not talk about it. 122 00:06:47,992 --> 00:06:49,660 Where are you going? 123 00:06:49,743 --> 00:06:51,662 I'm sorry. I have a headache. 124 00:06:51,829 --> 00:06:53,747 I did not sleep well last night. 125 00:06:56,834 --> 00:06:58,877 Is she really mad at me? 126 00:07:00,504 --> 00:07:02,464 I can't control what's in her dreams. 127 00:07:02,548 --> 00:07:05,384 Really? You think you can't control a person's dreams? 128 00:07:05,467 --> 00:07:08,846 My father read me Moby dick when I was seven years old. 129 00:07:08,929 --> 00:07:10,407 I mean, seriously, what was the man thinking? 130 00:07:10,431 --> 00:07:12,182 You have any idea how long I had nightmares 131 00:07:12,266 --> 00:07:14,226 about being eaten by a whale? 132 00:07:14,560 --> 00:07:15,840 They haven't stopped, have they? 133 00:07:19,523 --> 00:07:21,609 It's coming from outside. 134 00:07:21,692 --> 00:07:24,528 I go to the opening, I hear darts. 135 00:07:24,612 --> 00:07:28,032 I pull open the tent, and he comes inside. 136 00:07:28,115 --> 00:07:30,451 I know it's not really colonel Sheppard, 137 00:07:30,534 --> 00:07:33,787 but I can't help but feel different towards him. 138 00:07:34,997 --> 00:07:38,500 Do you think it's my subconscious trying to tell me something? 139 00:07:38,584 --> 00:07:39,894 If there is something real going on 140 00:07:39,918 --> 00:07:41,187 between you and colonel Sheppard 141 00:07:41,211 --> 00:07:44,882 that you feel you need to address, you definitely should. 142 00:07:44,965 --> 00:07:47,509 Otherwise, don't let it bother you. 143 00:07:49,637 --> 00:07:52,264 I've had horrible nightmares before 144 00:07:52,514 --> 00:07:54,558 of my father being taken when I was a little girl, 145 00:07:54,642 --> 00:07:56,477 the cullings since, 146 00:07:56,769 --> 00:07:59,229 but none of them have felt like this. 147 00:07:59,313 --> 00:08:02,983 When I woke up, I could barely catch my breath. 148 00:08:03,359 --> 00:08:05,694 I know it sounds silly, but I think 149 00:08:05,778 --> 00:08:08,364 I'm actually afraid of falling asleep. 150 00:08:11,575 --> 00:08:15,079 Well, physically, there's nothing wrong with you 151 00:08:15,162 --> 00:08:17,081 other than the symptoms you've described, 152 00:08:17,164 --> 00:08:20,000 which can all be attributed to lack of sleep. 153 00:08:20,084 --> 00:08:25,172 These should help for the short term, but if the problem persists, 154 00:08:25,255 --> 00:08:27,216 you definitely need to come back. 155 00:08:27,299 --> 00:08:30,219 You have no idea how good the thought of a solid night's sleep 156 00:08:30,302 --> 00:08:31,470 makes me feel at this point. 157 00:08:31,553 --> 00:08:33,180 Oh, I think I do. 158 00:08:33,263 --> 00:08:35,724 I'm not sure I've had one since I got here. 159 00:08:35,808 --> 00:08:37,017 Thank you. 160 00:08:37,101 --> 00:08:38,894 Don't mention it. Have a good night. 161 00:08:38,977 --> 00:08:40,270 You, too. 162 00:08:45,651 --> 00:08:47,754 Man on walkie-talkie: Dr. Keller, we have a medical emergency. 163 00:08:47,778 --> 00:08:51,407 Dr. Keller, please report immediately to the infirmary. 164 00:09:04,795 --> 00:09:06,022 Keller: What's wrong? It's Teyla. 165 00:09:06,046 --> 00:09:07,399 She's in severe abdominal distress. 166 00:09:07,423 --> 00:09:08,799 Says you gave her some medication? 167 00:09:08,882 --> 00:09:11,218 I prescribed some Ambien to help her sleep. Teyla? 168 00:09:12,636 --> 00:09:14,722 In the mess for a late-night snack. 169 00:09:14,805 --> 00:09:16,116 She started complaining about her stomach 170 00:09:16,140 --> 00:09:18,308 and then she just doubled over. 171 00:09:18,392 --> 00:09:19,601 Ithoughtyou were going to bed. 172 00:09:19,685 --> 00:09:21,204 Did you take one of those pills I gave you? 173 00:09:21,228 --> 00:09:22,646 Okay, just try to relax. No. 174 00:09:22,730 --> 00:09:24,815 Here, let me have a look. 175 00:09:27,151 --> 00:09:28,819 Hold her for me. 176 00:09:34,783 --> 00:09:36,034 Oh, my god. 177 00:09:39,913 --> 00:09:41,290 Doctor, do something. 178 00:09:41,373 --> 00:09:43,500 Uh, okay, we... 179 00:09:43,625 --> 00:09:45,753 We need to sedate her, and, uh_. 180 00:09:50,966 --> 00:09:52,259 Oh, god. 181 00:09:58,223 --> 00:10:00,100 Can you believe this? 182 00:10:35,886 --> 00:10:38,597 Sorry, doc. Didn't mean to scare you. 183 00:10:38,722 --> 00:10:41,517 We were sparring. I got in a lucky shot. 184 00:10:41,600 --> 00:10:43,060 It's the middle of the night. 185 00:10:43,519 --> 00:10:44,978 Maybe for you. 186 00:10:45,771 --> 00:10:48,065 Sit down, let me have a look. 187 00:10:51,652 --> 00:10:53,904 You're going to need stitches. 188 00:10:53,987 --> 00:10:55,697 Ronon: I guess I taught him too much, huh? 189 00:10:55,823 --> 00:10:57,533 Keller: Yeah, I guess so. 190 00:10:58,283 --> 00:11:00,136 You know, you don't need to stick around. I'm fine. 191 00:11:00,160 --> 00:11:01,662 Yeah. You sure? 192 00:11:01,745 --> 00:11:03,330 I want a rematch tomorrow, though. 193 00:11:03,413 --> 00:11:05,332 Yeah, that's what I was afraid of. 194 00:11:05,833 --> 00:11:07,042 Good night. 195 00:11:07,125 --> 00:11:08,585 See you tomorrow. 196 00:11:11,463 --> 00:11:13,090 Something wrong? 197 00:11:13,257 --> 00:11:14,883 Hmm? No, nothing. 198 00:11:17,386 --> 00:11:19,346 I don't think he's seeing anyone, you know. 199 00:11:19,429 --> 00:11:21,515 Oh! Oh, no. No, that's... 200 00:11:21,598 --> 00:11:23,725 That's quite all right. 201 00:11:24,268 --> 00:11:27,104 You know, this would be easier if you lay down. 202 00:11:27,187 --> 00:11:28,480 Okay. 203 00:11:58,218 --> 00:11:59,428 Hello! 204 00:12:09,187 --> 00:12:10,772 Is anyone here? 205 00:12:25,829 --> 00:12:27,164 Anyone? 206 00:13:08,705 --> 00:13:12,000 Hey, buddy, what are you running from? 207 00:13:12,793 --> 00:13:14,294 I don't know. 208 00:13:14,670 --> 00:13:16,004 Come on. 209 00:13:44,032 --> 00:13:46,994 I'm really sorry. Did I... did I hurt you? 210 00:13:48,745 --> 00:13:51,665 No, no. I'm... I'm sorry. 211 00:13:52,582 --> 00:13:53,917 I didn't mean to... 212 00:13:54,251 --> 00:13:55,585 You fell asleep. 213 00:13:56,545 --> 00:13:58,338 I was having the strangest dream. 214 00:13:58,714 --> 00:14:00,507 You sure you're okay? 215 00:14:02,342 --> 00:14:03,510 Yeah. 216 00:14:04,177 --> 00:14:05,512 Go ahead. 217 00:14:06,596 --> 00:14:08,265 I'm almost done. 218 00:14:13,729 --> 00:14:15,355 It was terrifying. There you were 219 00:14:15,439 --> 00:14:18,275 with this disgusting alien bug crawling out of your stomach, 220 00:14:18,358 --> 00:14:19,943 and colonel Sheppard was acting like 221 00:14:20,027 --> 00:14:22,279 it was the coolest thing he'd ever seen. 222 00:14:22,362 --> 00:14:23,530 Thatsounds like that movie. 223 00:14:23,613 --> 00:14:24,990 Yeah, alien. Have you seen it? 224 00:14:25,073 --> 00:14:26,473 Colonel Sheppard speaks of it often. 225 00:14:26,575 --> 00:14:28,410 I still remember the first time I saw it. 226 00:14:28,535 --> 00:14:30,370 I certainly did not think it was cool. 227 00:14:30,454 --> 00:14:33,373 One time in med school I made the mistake of confiding 228 00:14:33,457 --> 00:14:35,083 to my partner in biology class 229 00:14:35,167 --> 00:14:37,836 that it had caused my all-time worst nightmares. 230 00:14:37,919 --> 00:14:40,005 He actually planted a live snake 231 00:14:40,088 --> 00:14:42,132 inside a cadaver I was working on. 232 00:14:42,215 --> 00:14:43,467 Vveh, inever saw it as a kid. 233 00:14:43,550 --> 00:14:45,445 I knew from the poster it was going to be too scary. 234 00:14:45,469 --> 00:14:48,972 No, I was 16 when a neighborhood theater 235 00:14:49,056 --> 00:14:51,892 had a horror revival festival. 236 00:14:51,975 --> 00:14:53,894 And I thought, "great," you know, "date movie." 237 00:14:53,977 --> 00:14:56,897 So Jocelyn rutger, third period science. 238 00:14:56,980 --> 00:14:59,900 Bit of geek, but she had a great... 239 00:14:59,983 --> 00:15:03,487 Anyway, you know how girls get all scared and curl up on your shoulder? 240 00:15:03,612 --> 00:15:05,739 Your planet has some truly strange rituals. 241 00:15:05,822 --> 00:15:07,741 Anyway, I eat when I get nervous. 242 00:15:07,824 --> 00:15:09,326 Really? I hadn't noticed. Mmm. 243 00:15:09,409 --> 00:15:12,245 So, very tense, working like a charm. 244 00:15:12,329 --> 00:15:13,598 Jocelyn's all freaked out beside me, 245 00:15:13,622 --> 00:15:15,749 I'm packing away the goobers and the popcorn, 246 00:15:15,832 --> 00:15:18,585 and then the alien bursts out of John hurt. 247 00:15:18,668 --> 00:15:19,920 You didn't. Mmm. 248 00:15:20,003 --> 00:15:21,922 Puked all over her. 249 00:15:22,005 --> 00:15:24,257 I have got to see this movie. 250 00:15:24,633 --> 00:15:26,051 Don't you think it's strange 251 00:15:26,134 --> 00:15:28,762 that each of us has had incredibly vivid nightmares 252 00:15:28,845 --> 00:15:31,515 with colonel Sheppard being somehow an integral part? 253 00:15:31,598 --> 00:15:33,767 Acting most unlike colonel Sheppard. 254 00:15:33,850 --> 00:15:35,102 Not me. 255 00:15:35,185 --> 00:15:36,645 Have you had any nightmares recently? 256 00:15:36,728 --> 00:15:37,813 Not a night goes by. 257 00:15:37,896 --> 00:15:39,731 Last night I dreamt that colonel Carter 258 00:15:39,815 --> 00:15:41,566 invited me to her quarters for dinner. 259 00:15:41,650 --> 00:15:43,652 Maybe you shouldn't be telling us this, Rodney. 260 00:15:43,735 --> 00:15:46,404 Yeah, I said nightmare, not delusional male fantasy. 261 00:15:46,488 --> 00:15:48,323 Wait and listen. 262 00:15:48,406 --> 00:15:50,700 Turns out she was serving lemon chicken. 263 00:15:50,784 --> 00:15:53,104 I mean, lemon, and the only reason she invited me to dinner 264 00:15:53,161 --> 00:15:55,705 was to tell me she was promoting Zelenka over me. 265 00:15:55,789 --> 00:15:57,165 That's it? 266 00:15:57,833 --> 00:15:58,959 Then I was eaten by a whale. 267 00:15:59,042 --> 00:16:00,502 Don't ask how that happened. 268 00:16:00,585 --> 00:16:02,546 Okay, do you guys really think I'm crazy? 269 00:16:02,629 --> 00:16:04,381 Ireahze they're just dreams, 270 00:16:04,464 --> 00:16:06,133 but first it was Teyla, 271 00:16:06,216 --> 00:16:08,152 and then right after you came to see me, I had one. 272 00:16:08,176 --> 00:16:09,336 And that's when mine stopped. 273 00:16:09,386 --> 00:16:11,179 Those pills you gave me knocked me out cold. 274 00:16:11,263 --> 00:16:13,473 And then ronon had one while I was working on him. 275 00:16:13,557 --> 00:16:15,392 What's the big deal? It's like you said, 276 00:16:15,475 --> 00:16:17,644 it's just a few bad dreams, right? 277 00:16:26,319 --> 00:16:27,505 I probably shouldn't have bothered you with this. 278 00:16:27,529 --> 00:16:29,132 I know I don't really have any hard evidence. 279 00:16:29,156 --> 00:16:31,116 Believe me, I've seen a good hunch go a long way 280 00:16:31,199 --> 00:16:32,742 in some pretty crazy circumstances. 281 00:16:33,285 --> 00:16:34,720 I'd always rather you were on your toes, 282 00:16:34,744 --> 00:16:37,038 especially with anything that seems suspicious. 283 00:16:37,122 --> 00:16:40,292 I know a few bad dreams isn't that significant. 284 00:16:40,375 --> 00:16:42,711 It's only natural given what we face on a daily basis, 285 00:16:42,794 --> 00:16:44,588 but this was different. 286 00:16:44,754 --> 00:16:46,548 It really rattled me. 287 00:16:46,631 --> 00:16:48,175 Coupled with the sequential pattern, 288 00:16:48,258 --> 00:16:50,594 first Teyla, then me, then ronon, 289 00:16:50,677 --> 00:16:53,430 all with colonel Sheppard being a significant negative presence 290 00:16:53,513 --> 00:16:54,931 in our dreams. 291 00:16:55,015 --> 00:16:56,850 Do you have any idea what's behind it? 292 00:16:56,933 --> 00:16:58,810 No, I don't know. Thing is, it started 293 00:16:58,894 --> 00:17:02,647 right after colonel Sheppard touched that crystal on m3x-387. 294 00:17:02,772 --> 00:17:04,941 Ithoughtyou cleared him medically. I did... 295 00:17:05,025 --> 00:17:06,625 Excuse me. There's an emergency situation 296 00:17:06,651 --> 00:17:07,861 at crew quarters atrium. 297 00:17:07,944 --> 00:17:09,824 Security was called for and has been dispatched. 298 00:17:09,905 --> 00:17:11,740 Thank you. Excuse me. 299 00:17:17,621 --> 00:17:19,206 Put down the gun, major. 300 00:17:19,623 --> 00:17:20,957 Let's talk this out. 301 00:17:21,041 --> 00:17:23,877 Someone, get an arg. Now. Shoot him with it. 302 00:17:23,960 --> 00:17:25,128 Major, talk to me. 303 00:17:25,212 --> 00:17:26,338 Tell me what's going on. 304 00:17:26,421 --> 00:17:27,839 Just do it! 305 00:17:28,215 --> 00:17:29,633 Okay, what's the harm? 306 00:17:29,716 --> 00:17:31,596 I mean, if he's human, it won't hurt him, right? 307 00:17:31,676 --> 00:17:33,094 John, what is he talking about? 308 00:17:33,178 --> 00:17:34,804 Don't talk to him. 309 00:17:35,305 --> 00:17:37,807 Colonel Sheppard is a replicator. 310 00:17:47,025 --> 00:17:49,194 Look, lorne, I don't know what's gotten into you... 311 00:17:49,277 --> 00:17:51,738 Me? No, no, no, it's not me. 312 00:17:51,821 --> 00:17:54,658 Major, how about you lower your weapon? 313 00:17:54,741 --> 00:17:56,785 He's a replicator! 314 00:17:58,078 --> 00:18:00,097 What, you don't believe me? Okay, I'll shoot him, youwisee. 315 00:18:00,121 --> 00:18:02,415 Whoa, whoa, that won't be necessary. 316 00:18:02,499 --> 00:18:05,961 I've got my hands up in a very non-threatening way. 317 00:18:06,044 --> 00:18:08,421 Carter: I've called for an arg. 318 00:18:08,964 --> 00:18:10,090 You believe him? 319 00:18:10,173 --> 00:18:11,758 Of course not, but it won't hurt you, 320 00:18:11,841 --> 00:18:13,635 and it might help him to lower his gun. 321 00:18:13,718 --> 00:18:15,762 You're one of them, too. 322 00:18:16,846 --> 00:18:18,006 Look, don't just stand there. 323 00:18:18,056 --> 00:18:19,349 Shoot them. Shoot both of them! 324 00:18:31,403 --> 00:18:35,073 I take it I don't have to shoot either of you with this? 325 00:18:39,286 --> 00:18:40,870 I'm so glad no one was hurt. 326 00:18:41,204 --> 00:18:42,622 And you don't remember anything? 327 00:18:42,706 --> 00:18:45,250 No, honestly. I haven't had a sleepwalking incident 328 00:18:45,333 --> 00:18:47,252 since I was, like, 10. 329 00:18:47,335 --> 00:18:50,005 It's quite common for someone suffering from somnambulism 330 00:18:50,088 --> 00:18:52,924 to perform complex activities in their sleep 331 00:18:53,008 --> 00:18:54,801 and remember nothing upon waking. 332 00:18:54,884 --> 00:18:59,055 So you think this has something to do with the crystal I touched? 333 00:18:59,306 --> 00:19:00,724 That's when it seemed to start. 334 00:19:00,807 --> 00:19:02,892 Major lorne's not the only one. 335 00:19:02,976 --> 00:19:05,812 In each case, the person being affected reports you 336 00:19:05,895 --> 00:19:08,231 being a significant negative presence in the nightmare. 337 00:19:08,315 --> 00:19:10,442 Well, I can't control that. 338 00:19:10,525 --> 00:19:12,610 No, but maybe something is. 339 00:19:13,903 --> 00:19:17,574 What? You think someone's impersonating me in their dreams? 340 00:19:17,657 --> 00:19:20,118 Look, I've seen more than my share of alien entities 341 00:19:20,201 --> 00:19:21,953 that are capable of this. 342 00:19:22,037 --> 00:19:23,955 Colonel O'Neill was once knocked unconscious 343 00:19:24,039 --> 00:19:26,374 by an energy being that lived in crystal form. 344 00:19:26,458 --> 00:19:28,293 It took on his appearance for a while. 345 00:19:28,376 --> 00:19:31,880 I read at one point you were taken over by an alien entity. 346 00:19:32,088 --> 00:19:34,883 Yeah. Not a personal highlight. 347 00:19:36,051 --> 00:19:37,510 The question is, what's the point? 348 00:19:37,594 --> 00:19:39,512 Maybe it's feeding on our fear. 349 00:19:43,308 --> 00:19:44,476 I'll shut up. 350 00:19:44,559 --> 00:19:45,894 No, no, it's not that big a leap. 351 00:19:45,977 --> 00:19:48,730 It's just... We don't have any proof. 352 00:19:48,813 --> 00:19:51,232 First it was Teyla, I was next, 353 00:19:51,316 --> 00:19:54,652 and then ronon after I treated him. 354 00:19:54,736 --> 00:19:56,404 Well, I'm the one who touched the crystal, 355 00:19:56,488 --> 00:19:58,448 and I've never had a bad dream. 356 00:19:58,531 --> 00:20:02,160 Maybe that's why you're appearing in everyone's dreams. 357 00:20:02,369 --> 00:20:06,122 Whatever's doing this imprinted your image onto itself. 358 00:20:06,206 --> 00:20:08,875 Now that I think about it, it's possible whatever this is, 359 00:20:08,958 --> 00:20:11,211 its spread may be limited by touch. 360 00:20:11,294 --> 00:20:14,339 Okay, anyone who's had contact with major lorne 361 00:20:14,422 --> 00:20:17,008 since the incident needs to be isolated. 362 00:20:17,092 --> 00:20:19,219 If this is some sort ofaheninfluence, 363 00:20:19,302 --> 00:20:21,638 we have to find a way to detect it. 364 00:20:25,892 --> 00:20:27,310 Sit down, Rodney. 365 00:20:27,394 --> 00:20:29,437 I'm good right here, thank you. 366 00:20:29,521 --> 00:20:32,315 All offworld teams have been contacted and instructed not to return 367 00:20:32,399 --> 00:20:33,525 for the time being. 368 00:20:33,608 --> 00:20:36,403 Gate travel will be restricted to an as-needed basis, 369 00:20:36,486 --> 00:20:39,614 and until further notice, all non-essential expedition members 370 00:20:39,697 --> 00:20:41,241 will be restricted to quarters. 371 00:20:41,324 --> 00:20:42,867 Come on, is this really necessary? 372 00:20:42,992 --> 00:20:44,619 It's just a few bad dreams, right? 373 00:20:44,702 --> 00:20:48,248 The fact is, we don't really know what we're dealing with. 374 00:20:48,331 --> 00:20:50,041 We may have an alien entity on our hands 375 00:20:50,125 --> 00:20:52,877 capable of moving from person to person at will. 376 00:20:52,961 --> 00:20:55,547 Heightmeyer: And so far, the only behavior we have to evaluate 377 00:20:55,630 --> 00:20:57,173 suggests a certain malice. 378 00:20:57,257 --> 00:20:58,859 Now, based on what's been described to me, 379 00:20:58,883 --> 00:21:01,928 the personification of colonel Sheppard in everyone's dreams 380 00:21:02,011 --> 00:21:04,305 is behaving much like a sociopath. 381 00:21:04,389 --> 00:21:05,557 Did I have a goatee? 382 00:21:05,640 --> 00:21:08,476 Heightmeyer: Right now, all it's doing is causing some nightmares, 383 00:21:08,560 --> 00:21:11,020 but we don't know if that's the limit of its capability. 384 00:21:11,104 --> 00:21:13,731 You're saying this is only the beginning. 385 00:21:13,815 --> 00:21:16,359 I've never profiled anything like this before. 386 00:21:16,443 --> 00:21:17,819 It will likely progress, 387 00:21:17,902 --> 00:21:20,488 try to drive up the stakes, seek bigger thrills. 388 00:21:20,572 --> 00:21:24,784 Now, even if it's limited to manipulating the host's subconscious, 389 00:21:24,868 --> 00:21:27,328 it may be able to put someone in serious jeopardy. 390 00:21:27,412 --> 00:21:29,456 So, what are we talking, Freddy krueger here? 391 00:21:29,539 --> 00:21:33,042 Oh, come on! We don't have a single shred of hard evidence here. 392 00:21:33,126 --> 00:21:35,211 I mean, until we do, this thing is just a bogeyman. 393 00:21:35,295 --> 00:21:36,975 Exactly why you're going back to the planet 394 00:21:37,005 --> 00:21:38,840 where colonel Sheppard touched the crystal. 395 00:21:38,923 --> 00:21:40,341 What? Why would we do that? 396 00:21:40,425 --> 00:21:43,720 We”, just as you said, to gather some hard evidence, 397 00:21:43,803 --> 00:21:45,805 see if there are anymore of these things. 398 00:21:45,889 --> 00:21:49,392 We need to find out exactly what they are and how they work, 399 00:21:49,476 --> 00:21:51,895 and if possible, how to detect if there really is 400 00:21:51,978 --> 00:21:54,397 something inside lorne right now. 401 00:21:55,273 --> 00:21:56,649 Thank you. 402 00:22:00,653 --> 00:22:02,906 But you said no more gate travel. 403 00:22:02,989 --> 00:22:04,657 I thought that was a wise decision. 404 00:22:04,741 --> 00:22:07,660 I said on an as-needed basis, McKay. I think this qualifies. 405 00:22:07,744 --> 00:22:10,264 Yeah, but don't you think a science team would be better suited for... 406 00:22:10,288 --> 00:22:12,540 You are a science team, remember? 407 00:22:12,624 --> 00:22:14,667 Okay, fine, but it's a big planet, you know. 408 00:22:14,751 --> 00:22:17,003 We could really use some more manpower. 409 00:22:19,130 --> 00:22:21,549 Zelenka: I still can't believe you're making me do this. 410 00:22:21,633 --> 00:22:23,510 McKay: Ah, you lost the bet. 411 00:22:23,593 --> 00:22:25,637 There's definitely something on this planet. 412 00:22:25,720 --> 00:22:27,931 Yes, but I distinctly said "of value." 413 00:22:28,014 --> 00:22:31,309 I hardly call this particular discovery valuable. 414 00:22:32,310 --> 00:22:33,686 Over here. 415 00:22:35,688 --> 00:22:39,609 There you go. Better get started. 416 00:22:44,113 --> 00:22:46,074 Rodney. 417 00:22:46,741 --> 00:22:49,661 Don't look in it, and whatever you do, don't touch it. 418 00:22:49,744 --> 00:22:51,996 I wasn't even thinking about it. 419 00:22:52,080 --> 00:22:54,374 Radek, we got alive one here. 420 00:22:54,707 --> 00:22:56,376 It could be useful to compare the two. 421 00:22:56,501 --> 00:22:58,169 That's just what I was thinking. 422 00:22:58,253 --> 00:22:59,688 But be careful. It could be dangerous 423 00:22:59,712 --> 00:23:01,714 to try to harvest one with an active entity in it. 424 00:23:01,798 --> 00:23:03,317 McKay: Mmm. Once again, you've read my mind. 425 00:23:03,341 --> 00:23:07,345 However, when you're finished there, I say you give it a shot. 426 00:23:10,807 --> 00:23:12,892 Yeah, give it a shot. 427 00:23:16,604 --> 00:23:19,774 You really think it was safe to bring a live one back? 428 00:23:19,857 --> 00:23:22,485 Well, those containment tanks are non-conductive. 429 00:23:22,569 --> 00:23:24,904 We believe it needs conductive material in order to travel. 430 00:23:24,988 --> 00:23:27,240 And having an active crystal 431 00:23:27,949 --> 00:23:30,368 allows us to calibrate these hand-held sensors 432 00:23:30,451 --> 00:23:33,288 to detect the energy signatures associated with it. 433 00:23:33,371 --> 00:23:34,848 Hopefully, we'll be able to determine if someone is 434 00:23:34,872 --> 00:23:36,976 actually carrying one of these creatures around inside of them. 435 00:23:37,000 --> 00:23:38,751 As long as it doesn't know what we're up to. 436 00:23:38,835 --> 00:23:40,104 Otherwise, you'd think it would just transfer 437 00:23:40,128 --> 00:23:41,438 out of somebody before we could scan them. 438 00:23:41,462 --> 00:23:43,482 Zelenka: You're assuming, of course, they're not only capable, 439 00:23:43,506 --> 00:23:45,025 but they're conscious and aware at all times. 440 00:23:45,049 --> 00:23:47,820 McKay: It's demonstrated some pretty sophisticated intelligence so far. 441 00:23:47,844 --> 00:23:50,054 It Could have basic avoidance skills. 442 00:23:50,138 --> 00:23:51,532 We're gonna have to modify our scanners 443 00:23:51,556 --> 00:23:53,116 to operate at a range large enough to... 444 00:23:53,141 --> 00:23:54,851 Wait a minute. 445 00:23:54,934 --> 00:23:57,054 We could calibrate the citywide life-signs detector... 446 00:23:57,103 --> 00:24:00,648 McKay: Oh, yes, Mr. Wizard, we're just going to snap our fingers and... 447 00:24:00,732 --> 00:24:02,442 What are you doing? 448 00:24:02,525 --> 00:24:06,112 I don't know, it's... It's mesmerizing. 449 00:24:06,279 --> 00:24:07,447 You said it was safe. 450 00:24:07,530 --> 00:24:09,657 We said we think. Still... 451 00:24:09,741 --> 00:24:11,701 I don't know what I was doing. 452 00:24:11,784 --> 00:24:13,345 I can't believe it. I was suddenly overcome 453 00:24:13,369 --> 00:24:15,163 by the compulsion to want to touch it. 454 00:24:15,246 --> 00:24:19,208 Yeah, we think that's how it ropes in its victims. 455 00:24:37,393 --> 00:24:38,936 It's not in him. 456 00:24:39,020 --> 00:24:41,773 You said the entity needed conductive material to travel, right? 457 00:24:41,856 --> 00:24:43,733 Well, based on the... 458 00:24:44,359 --> 00:24:45,860 It's the power conduits. 459 00:24:45,943 --> 00:24:47,379 They run pretty much through the entire city. 460 00:24:47,403 --> 00:24:49,030 It could be in anyone. 461 00:24:51,574 --> 00:24:54,369 Kate, what are you doing? 462 00:24:54,452 --> 00:24:56,454 I don't want to die. 463 00:24:56,537 --> 00:24:59,040 Good. Come down from there. 464 00:25:03,961 --> 00:25:05,254 I can't. 465 00:25:06,047 --> 00:25:07,340 Why not? 466 00:25:08,091 --> 00:25:09,967 Help me, please! 467 00:25:12,053 --> 00:25:13,638 John, stop it. 468 00:25:13,721 --> 00:25:14,972 Stop it. I have to help her! 469 00:25:15,056 --> 00:25:16,265 What are you doing? 470 00:25:16,349 --> 00:25:17,517 John, get out of the way! 471 00:25:17,600 --> 00:25:18,726 Teyla! 472 00:25:19,435 --> 00:25:21,104 Teyla! Kate! 473 00:25:37,203 --> 00:25:40,665 She did not report for duty, and I can't wake her up. 474 00:25:53,052 --> 00:25:54,470 She's dead. 475 00:26:10,194 --> 00:26:11,529 This is colonel Carter. 476 00:26:11,612 --> 00:26:13,990 If I could have your attention, please. 477 00:26:15,032 --> 00:26:17,072 I'm very sorry to have to tell you that we have lost 478 00:26:17,118 --> 00:26:19,954 a valuable member of the expedition today. 479 00:26:20,830 --> 00:26:24,333 Dr. Kate heightmeyer meant a great deal to all of us. 480 00:26:25,001 --> 00:26:27,628 Her death is nothing short of tragic. 481 00:26:28,921 --> 00:26:30,256 I'm also sorry to have to report 482 00:26:30,339 --> 00:26:32,800 that the threat we face is still in our midst, 483 00:26:32,884 --> 00:26:34,260 and until further notice, 484 00:26:34,343 --> 00:26:37,054 the full lockdown protocol will remain in effect. 485 00:26:38,723 --> 00:26:40,475 Try to remain calm. 486 00:26:40,558 --> 00:26:44,395 We are doing everything we can to ensure everyone's safety 487 00:26:44,645 --> 00:26:47,356 and to resolve this situation quickly. 488 00:26:48,566 --> 00:26:49,942 Thank you. 489 00:26:57,074 --> 00:27:01,412 That was good. I mean, horrible, obviously. 490 00:27:02,789 --> 00:27:05,541 Terrifying and horrible, but I just... 491 00:27:06,209 --> 00:27:08,628 I meant you sounded strong. 492 00:27:09,504 --> 00:27:13,466 I'm sure they were at least a little reassured hearing your voice, 493 00:27:13,549 --> 00:27:16,552 but you don't need me to tell you that. 494 00:27:17,512 --> 00:27:20,014 A day like this, it doesn't hurt. 495 00:27:22,266 --> 00:27:23,518 Thanks. 496 00:27:39,450 --> 00:27:41,702 I was just about to come to see you, 497 00:27:41,786 --> 00:27:44,372 but I wasn't sure if you wanted to see me. 498 00:28:04,267 --> 00:28:05,852 Zelenka: Colonel Carter? Excuse me. 499 00:28:05,935 --> 00:28:08,688 I think I've managed to calibrate the citywide sensors. 500 00:28:11,607 --> 00:28:13,985 I mean, if it is working properly. 501 00:28:14,068 --> 00:28:16,571 We had some trouble with the... 502 00:28:19,907 --> 00:28:21,450 We have a positive reading. 503 00:28:22,952 --> 00:28:24,954 Do we know who that is? 504 00:28:32,169 --> 00:28:33,796 What do you need me for? 505 00:28:33,921 --> 00:28:35,506 What's with the rubber walls? 506 00:28:35,590 --> 00:28:38,050 I'm sorry, Rodney. I have to go. 507 00:28:39,302 --> 00:28:41,596 Oh, you've got to be kidding. 508 00:28:57,695 --> 00:28:59,280 It's in Rodney? 509 00:28:59,614 --> 00:29:02,074 The isolation room has been lined with insulating material 510 00:29:02,158 --> 00:29:03,969 to prevent the entity from transferring out of him 511 00:29:03,993 --> 00:29:05,953 and into someone else. 512 00:29:06,037 --> 00:29:08,581 If we're right, we've got it trapped. 513 00:29:08,664 --> 00:29:10,875 Yeah, well, that doesn't help McKay much, does it? 514 00:29:10,958 --> 00:29:12,793 If this thing kills people in their sleep... 515 00:29:12,877 --> 00:29:15,504 No. We've got to find a way to get it out of him. 516 00:29:15,588 --> 00:29:16,899 Someone want to get me some coffee? 517 00:29:16,923 --> 00:29:19,008 I'm already feeling a little tired here. 518 00:29:19,091 --> 00:29:21,111 I could give him something to keep him awake for a while, 519 00:29:21,135 --> 00:29:22,678 but it will only work for so long 520 00:29:22,762 --> 00:29:25,097 before we start putting him at risk of pulmonary failure. 521 00:29:25,181 --> 00:29:28,476 Yeah, believe it or not, I've been there before, too. 522 00:29:28,559 --> 00:29:31,812 Do what you can. We'll try to come up with something. 523 00:29:31,896 --> 00:29:33,272 Hang in there, McKay! 524 00:29:33,356 --> 00:29:36,317 Oh, thanks. Like I have much choice. 525 00:29:48,579 --> 00:29:50,373 Do you think it knows it's trapped? 526 00:29:50,498 --> 00:29:52,249 I don't know. Why? 527 00:29:54,919 --> 00:29:57,004 Maybe there's a way to... 528 00:29:58,422 --> 00:30:00,716 I don't know, reason with it. 529 00:30:01,217 --> 00:30:02,426 Being in Dr. Weir's old office 530 00:30:02,510 --> 00:30:03,779 made you think of that, didn't it? 531 00:30:03,803 --> 00:30:06,389 Normally I just shoot the bad guys. 532 00:30:07,014 --> 00:30:08,014 We just heard. 533 00:30:08,057 --> 00:30:09,493 There must to be something we can do. 534 00:30:09,517 --> 00:30:11,811 That's what we're talking about. 535 00:30:11,894 --> 00:30:13,014 Okay, let's say for a second 536 00:30:13,062 --> 00:30:15,314 that you could somehow communicate with it. 537 00:30:15,398 --> 00:30:16,541 What were you planning on saying? 538 00:30:16,565 --> 00:30:18,651 I don't know, I hadn't gotten that far. 539 00:30:18,734 --> 00:30:21,946 It strikes me that if it feeds on fear, or worse, 540 00:30:22,029 --> 00:30:25,157 likes the thrill of killing its host, then_. 541 00:30:26,325 --> 00:30:28,077 Well, it would take the last chance it had. 542 00:30:28,202 --> 00:30:29,954 To kill McKay. 543 00:30:33,249 --> 00:30:36,419 What about survival? It's trapped. 544 00:30:36,585 --> 00:30:39,213 Will it die without a living host to transfer to? 545 00:30:39,296 --> 00:30:40,965 I was hoping not to find out. 546 00:30:41,048 --> 00:30:43,718 We could give it a chance to leave. Go home. 547 00:30:43,801 --> 00:30:44,969 Back into the crystal. 548 00:30:45,052 --> 00:30:46,196 Sheppard: Yeah, sure, why not? 549 00:30:46,220 --> 00:30:48,723 Send it through the gate back to its planet. 550 00:30:48,806 --> 00:30:52,309 I've heard of people being talked through waking dreams before. 551 00:30:52,393 --> 00:30:55,688 Maybe... Maybe McKay can be hypnotized 552 00:30:55,771 --> 00:30:58,607 into a state where he could somehow communicate with it. 553 00:30:58,691 --> 00:31:01,277 He has successfully meditated into an altered state before. 554 00:31:01,360 --> 00:31:03,696 Yeah, that was after he was genetically altered. 555 00:31:03,779 --> 00:31:05,448 I'm sorry, what? 556 00:31:07,158 --> 00:31:10,119 You want McKay to ask this thing toleave? 557 00:31:10,453 --> 00:31:12,329 We are talking about McKay. 558 00:31:12,455 --> 00:31:14,373 Scary things are not exactly his strength. 559 00:31:14,457 --> 00:31:15,750 And he is up against a creature 560 00:31:15,833 --> 00:31:18,753 apparently capable of manipulating his subconscious. 561 00:31:18,836 --> 00:31:22,506 I wish there was a way for one of us to get in there. 562 00:31:22,590 --> 00:31:23,966 Into McKay's dreams? 563 00:31:24,050 --> 00:31:25,885 Yeah, you know, help him out, 564 00:31:25,968 --> 00:31:28,054 give him a little moral support. 565 00:31:28,220 --> 00:31:30,681 Come on, all the things you've seen, 566 00:31:30,765 --> 00:31:32,266 you've never come across a way 567 00:31:32,349 --> 00:31:35,811 for one person to get into another person's dreams? 568 00:31:37,563 --> 00:31:40,524 Where's she going? What's going on? 569 00:31:40,608 --> 00:31:43,486 I don't know, but I think 570 00:31:43,569 --> 00:31:47,156 I'm about to see a side of McKay I never wanted to see. 571 00:31:47,239 --> 00:31:49,033 It does not have to be you. 572 00:31:49,116 --> 00:31:51,077 Yeah, well, it's my bad idea. 573 00:31:52,578 --> 00:31:53,913 What was? 574 00:31:54,997 --> 00:31:56,082 What... 575 00:31:56,415 --> 00:31:58,435 Carter: We first encountered the technology 10 years ago 576 00:31:58,459 --> 00:32:00,687 on a planet where the survivors of a holocaust were living 577 00:32:00,711 --> 00:32:03,964 entirely in a virtual world created in their minds. 578 00:32:04,048 --> 00:32:05,591 Since then, we've managed to modify it 579 00:32:05,674 --> 00:32:08,344 for use in the vr training of sg team members. 580 00:32:08,427 --> 00:32:09,845 It only took some minor calibrations 581 00:32:09,929 --> 00:32:12,765 to tune it in to subconscious activity. 582 00:32:12,848 --> 00:32:15,893 So Sheppard is actually going to see McKay's dreams? 583 00:32:15,976 --> 00:32:21,065 Well, to be honest, the technology is untested for use in this manner. 584 00:32:21,148 --> 00:32:23,984 Dreams are much more random than conscious thought. 585 00:32:24,068 --> 00:32:25,402 It may be difficult for the system 586 00:32:25,486 --> 00:32:27,246 to translate what's going on in McKay's brain 587 00:32:27,279 --> 00:32:29,949 so that colonel Sheppard can understand it. 588 00:32:30,032 --> 00:32:31,426 I'm just hoping that the two of them 589 00:32:31,450 --> 00:32:33,494 will be able to interact somehow. 590 00:32:40,876 --> 00:32:42,378 You sure about this? 591 00:32:43,212 --> 00:32:44,797 Not really. 592 00:32:45,673 --> 00:32:47,049 I'm pretty screwed up. 593 00:32:47,133 --> 00:32:48,759 You're telling me. 594 00:32:48,843 --> 00:32:50,845 We're ready if you are. 595 00:32:52,805 --> 00:32:54,306 Thanks. 596 00:32:54,390 --> 00:32:56,308 I haven't done anything yet. 597 00:32:56,392 --> 00:32:59,395 For trying, and don't say I didn't warn you. 598 00:33:00,479 --> 00:33:02,523 Administering sedative. 599 00:33:12,283 --> 00:33:13,868 Nothing's happening here. 600 00:33:13,993 --> 00:33:15,578 He's not dreaming yet. 601 00:33:44,815 --> 00:33:47,610 Oh, boy. Nice whale. 602 00:33:47,693 --> 00:33:48,903 Nice whale, you're my friend. 603 00:33:48,986 --> 00:33:50,863 You don't want to eat me. 604 00:33:50,946 --> 00:33:53,574 Give up. You'll never make it. 605 00:33:55,242 --> 00:33:56,452 You're too weak. 606 00:33:56,535 --> 00:33:58,889 Oh, thank you. Thanks for the encouragement. Way to help out! 607 00:33:58,913 --> 00:34:01,207 Why would I want to help you? 608 00:34:01,665 --> 00:34:02,666 Because I thought you... 609 00:34:02,750 --> 00:34:04,084 That's not me, Rodney. 610 00:34:04,168 --> 00:34:06,003 Don't listen to him. 611 00:34:07,004 --> 00:34:10,549 You're pathetic. You might as well jump in. 612 00:34:12,384 --> 00:34:14,053 Don't be afraid. 613 00:34:15,137 --> 00:34:17,097 Oh, god, I have to get back. 614 00:34:17,181 --> 00:34:19,391 I have to get back. That's my only chance. 615 00:34:20,392 --> 00:34:21,602 You're going to die out here. 616 00:34:21,685 --> 00:34:22,728 Shut up! 617 00:34:22,811 --> 00:34:24,146 Don't listen to him, Rodney. 618 00:34:24,230 --> 00:34:26,941 That's easy for you to say! Why don't you help me row? 619 00:34:31,612 --> 00:34:35,532 You know, this really isn't as strange as you led me to believe. 620 00:34:35,616 --> 00:34:37,743 Oh, yeah? What about that? 621 00:34:41,330 --> 00:34:43,040 I hate clowns. 622 00:34:46,126 --> 00:34:48,003 You can paddle all you want. 623 00:34:48,504 --> 00:34:50,047 You're not going anywhere. 624 00:34:50,130 --> 00:34:52,424 He's right! I'm going to die out here! 625 00:34:52,508 --> 00:34:53,592 He wants you to be afraid. 626 00:34:53,676 --> 00:34:54,927 Don't give him what he wants! 627 00:34:55,010 --> 00:34:56,679 He can't really hurt you. 628 00:34:57,221 --> 00:34:58,973 That's where you're wrong. 629 00:35:07,523 --> 00:35:09,566 What happened? Keller: Clear. 630 00:35:12,903 --> 00:35:15,030 He's in cardiac arrest. 631 00:35:26,250 --> 00:35:28,836 I'm sorry. I've done all I can. 632 00:35:30,713 --> 00:35:32,089 He's dead. 633 00:36:06,248 --> 00:36:08,584 This is all your fault, John. 634 00:36:09,168 --> 00:36:10,395 If you hadn't touched that stupid rock, 635 00:36:10,419 --> 00:36:12,963 McKay would still be alive right now. 636 00:36:13,047 --> 00:36:14,757 I thought you were going to help him. 637 00:36:15,382 --> 00:36:17,092 I tried. 638 00:36:17,426 --> 00:36:19,011 Some friend you are. 639 00:36:19,094 --> 00:36:22,598 Colonel, you've been compromised. I'm relieving you of duty. 640 00:36:27,811 --> 00:36:29,396 Son of a bitch. 641 00:36:31,815 --> 00:36:33,233 Keller: Clear. 642 00:36:42,910 --> 00:36:45,496 Oh, it's okay. It's okay. Just try to relax. 643 00:36:45,579 --> 00:36:46,580 What's going on? 644 00:36:46,663 --> 00:36:48,415 You were in cardiac arrest. 645 00:36:49,333 --> 00:36:50,793 The entity... 646 00:36:50,918 --> 00:36:52,336 It's in colonel Sheppard. 647 00:37:05,974 --> 00:37:08,894 You can quit now. I'm not afraid of you. 648 00:37:08,977 --> 00:37:11,146 Oh, yes, you are. 649 00:37:11,271 --> 00:37:13,816 I'm the one thing you are afraid of. 650 00:37:13,899 --> 00:37:16,151 You failed your friends. 651 00:37:16,735 --> 00:37:21,532 You brought this on them, and there is nothing you can do to stop it. 652 00:38:35,856 --> 00:38:38,442 His heart rate is dangerously high. 653 00:38:39,443 --> 00:38:41,028 Can you wake him up? 654 00:38:41,111 --> 00:38:43,798 I could try, but in his physical state, that could make things worse. 655 00:38:43,822 --> 00:38:46,783 Yes, and the entity would still be in him. 656 00:38:48,076 --> 00:38:49,536 Hook me up to him again. 657 00:39:26,365 --> 00:39:27,616 Get up. 658 00:39:29,201 --> 00:39:30,702 Come on, John. 659 00:39:31,245 --> 00:39:32,538 Fight! 660 00:39:34,289 --> 00:39:36,166 That's what you want. 661 00:39:36,375 --> 00:39:38,418 It's your fault heightmeyer's dead. 662 00:39:38,544 --> 00:39:40,587 Your fault McKay is dead! 663 00:39:41,547 --> 00:39:43,048 I'm not dead. 664 00:39:55,102 --> 00:39:56,645 You can't win. 665 00:39:57,145 --> 00:39:58,230 Yes, we can. 666 00:39:58,313 --> 00:40:00,857 You're vulnerable to electric shock. That's why I'm still alive. 667 00:40:00,941 --> 00:40:02,568 You left before you could finish the job! 668 00:40:07,030 --> 00:40:09,032 What the hell was that? 669 00:40:44,192 --> 00:40:46,111 Which one are you? 670 00:40:48,113 --> 00:40:49,531 Good you or bad you? 671 00:40:49,615 --> 00:40:50,782 Me me. 672 00:40:52,284 --> 00:40:54,578 Is that you you? 673 00:40:55,329 --> 00:40:56,747 I think so. 674 00:40:58,707 --> 00:40:59,958 Thanks. 675 00:41:01,460 --> 00:41:03,045 Okay, this is really weird. 676 00:41:03,670 --> 00:41:05,297 You're telling me. 677 00:41:06,923 --> 00:41:09,635 I thought there'd be more hot girls. 678 00:41:09,968 --> 00:41:11,136 Yeah. 679 00:41:12,387 --> 00:41:13,555 Hmm. 680 00:42:02,854 --> 00:42:05,232 McKay: Hey, I have an idea. 681 00:42:05,315 --> 00:42:07,150 How about we get out of here? 682 00:42:07,943 --> 00:42:10,278 Sheppard: Sounds like a plan. 683 00:42:23,834 --> 00:42:24,960 Couldn't sleep. 684 00:42:25,043 --> 00:42:26,628 Yeah, me, too. 685 00:42:30,632 --> 00:42:33,385 Thought I'd have a little snack before I... 686 00:42:33,468 --> 00:42:35,804 Yeah, we couldn't sleep either. 687 00:43:27,856 --> 00:43:28,857 English - us - psdh