1 00:00:01,252 --> 00:00:03,004 Te yla: Previously on Stargate Atlantis. 2 00:00:03,087 --> 00:00:04,727 Beckett: The weekly injection you gave me, 3 00:00:04,755 --> 00:00:07,800 that must have been some kind of drug to keep my cells from deteriorating. 4 00:00:07,925 --> 00:00:11,429 Listen, we're going to keep working till we find a cure for this thing. 5 00:00:13,806 --> 00:00:14,849 Jackpot 6 00:00:14,932 --> 00:00:17,143 it's a booby trap! We've gotta get out of here now! 7 00:00:19,353 --> 00:00:23,107 Have the combat engineers gear up, and have Dr. Keller ready her away team. 8 00:00:23,191 --> 00:00:25,318 Listen. McKay: Michael's database. 9 00:00:25,401 --> 00:00:27,403 There's a large chunk of it, maybe the whole thing. 10 00:00:27,486 --> 00:00:29,488 McKay: We'd have him on the run. He'd be finished! 11 00:00:29,572 --> 00:00:33,159 Effective immediately, you are being removed from command. 12 00:00:33,242 --> 00:00:34,994 Who's replacing me? 13 00:00:36,412 --> 00:00:37,496 I am. 14 00:00:40,750 --> 00:00:42,877 Teyla: Good afternoon, Dr. Keller. 15 00:00:43,586 --> 00:00:46,047 How's my newest patient? 16 00:00:46,130 --> 00:00:49,508 Today, he's decided that he will only sleep as long as I hold him 17 00:00:49,592 --> 00:00:51,093 and keep moving. 18 00:00:51,177 --> 00:00:53,179 I've already walked half the city and back again. 19 00:00:53,262 --> 00:00:54,889 My parents used to put me in the car. 20 00:00:54,972 --> 00:00:56,015 My dad would have to drive 21 00:00:56,098 --> 00:00:58,538 around and around and around the block at 3:00 in the morning. 22 00:00:58,935 --> 00:01:02,271 That would be lovely. At least I'd be sitting down. 23 00:01:02,355 --> 00:01:03,689 I wanted to thank you. 24 00:01:03,773 --> 00:01:04,815 For what? 25 00:01:04,899 --> 00:01:06,609 I saw kanaan today. 26 00:01:06,692 --> 00:01:08,653 How's he doing? Much better. 27 00:01:08,736 --> 00:01:11,239 He is himself once again, in every way. 28 00:01:11,322 --> 00:01:13,634 In fact, I'm going to request that he and many of the others 29 00:01:13,658 --> 00:01:15,326 be allowed to return to the city, 30 00:01:15,409 --> 00:01:18,871 as soon as Mr. Woolsey arrives in the daedalus. 31 00:01:18,955 --> 00:01:21,249 I still can't believe Sam's not coming back. 32 00:01:21,332 --> 00:01:22,917 It is difficult. 33 00:01:24,168 --> 00:01:27,922 Well, anyway, it wasn't me that cured kanaan and the other hybrids. 34 00:01:28,005 --> 00:01:30,758 It was Dr. Beckett's retrovirus, 35 00:01:30,841 --> 00:01:32,885 and you could thank him in person 36 00:01:32,969 --> 00:01:37,306 if I could just get my head around all this wraith medical data. 37 00:01:37,390 --> 00:01:39,326 Teyla: You believe the answer's in there somewhere. 38 00:01:39,350 --> 00:01:40,893 We know he was giving Carson a serum 39 00:01:40,977 --> 00:01:43,020 to keep his internal organs from deteriorating, 40 00:01:43,104 --> 00:01:49,193 and I think I might have found the formula. I just need to be sure. 41 00:01:49,568 --> 00:01:52,446 Well, at least we know he's safe for the moment. 42 00:01:52,530 --> 00:01:54,156 Technically, yeah. 43 00:01:55,283 --> 00:01:58,786 I just hate the thought of him being stuck in that box. 44 00:02:00,830 --> 00:02:03,666 You know, Rodney goes to visit him. 45 00:02:03,749 --> 00:02:06,549 He stands in front of the stasis pod and tells him all the latest news. 46 00:02:06,627 --> 00:02:07,837 Mmnvmnm. Really? 47 00:02:08,504 --> 00:02:10,006 Iwalked in on him once by accident, 48 00:02:10,089 --> 00:02:13,968 and he pretended like he was checking the system or something. 49 00:02:15,469 --> 00:02:17,513 He surprises me sometimes. 50 00:02:19,598 --> 00:02:23,978 Well, this is me once again being recalled to duty. 51 00:02:24,520 --> 00:02:26,147 Have a nice walk. 52 00:02:27,315 --> 00:02:31,527 Don't worry, Jennifer. I'm sure you'll find what you're looking for. 53 00:02:45,082 --> 00:02:47,710 Sir, daedalus just dropped out of hyperspace. 54 00:02:47,793 --> 00:02:51,297 We're receiving a signal. He's coming down. 55 00:03:06,187 --> 00:03:08,064 Mr. Woolsey, welcome back. 56 00:03:08,147 --> 00:03:10,024 Thank you, colonel. 57 00:03:11,359 --> 00:03:12,818 Well, then... 58 00:03:17,323 --> 00:03:20,201 I think I'll start by going over copies of all your latest reports. 59 00:03:20,284 --> 00:03:21,619 Yours as well, doctor. 60 00:03:21,702 --> 00:03:22,870 What, right now? 61 00:03:22,953 --> 00:03:24,931 I've been out of touch on the daedalus for three weeks. 62 00:03:24,955 --> 00:03:27,236 I'd like to be brought up to speed as quickly as possible. 63 00:03:27,291 --> 00:03:28,971 We can have a full briefing in the morning. 64 00:03:29,001 --> 00:03:31,480 Please have the rest of my things sent directly to my quarters. 65 00:03:31,504 --> 00:03:32,755 Yes, sir. 66 00:03:33,756 --> 00:03:37,551 It was a nice speech. Very inspiring. 67 00:04:28,936 --> 00:04:30,497 Marie: All right, let's do one more series, 68 00:04:30,521 --> 00:04:33,858 see if we can get the results to normalize a little. 69 00:04:34,275 --> 00:04:36,193 Doctor, you're still here. 70 00:04:36,277 --> 00:04:38,946 Yeah, I fell asleep at my desk. 71 00:04:39,029 --> 00:04:40,614 Well, if you don't mind me saying, 72 00:04:40,698 --> 00:04:42,533 I think you're pushing yourself a little hard. 73 00:04:42,658 --> 00:04:44,827 You should take it easy. 74 00:04:44,910 --> 00:04:47,371 I know. I'm going to turn in now. 75 00:04:48,205 --> 00:04:49,748 Marie: Are you all right? 76 00:04:49,832 --> 00:04:51,333 Yeah, I'm fine. 77 00:04:51,709 --> 00:04:53,210 Okay, night. 78 00:04:56,130 --> 00:04:57,506 Night. 79 00:06:07,117 --> 00:06:09,828 McKay: Did you get any sleep last night? 80 00:06:10,079 --> 00:06:11,580 Do I really look that bad? 81 00:06:11,664 --> 00:06:14,833 No, no, of course not. That's not what I meant. 82 00:06:14,959 --> 00:06:16,877 It's really... it's a lovely... 83 00:06:16,961 --> 00:06:18,170 Thanks. 84 00:06:20,172 --> 00:06:22,299 Wow. New table? 85 00:06:22,424 --> 00:06:23,551 Woolsey brought it with him. 86 00:06:23,634 --> 00:06:25,928 He said he wanted a little piece of home. 87 00:06:26,011 --> 00:06:29,181 A 12-foot-long mahogany conference table. 88 00:06:29,306 --> 00:06:30,307 Ronon: I don't get it. 89 00:06:30,432 --> 00:06:32,077 I thought colonel Carter was doing a good job. 90 00:06:32,101 --> 00:06:34,061 I agree. We defeated the replicators, 91 00:06:34,144 --> 00:06:35,563 we thwarted Michael's plans, 92 00:06:35,646 --> 00:06:37,398 and the wraith are in a state of disarray. 93 00:06:37,481 --> 00:06:39,584 All of this happened while she was leader of Atlantis. 94 00:06:39,608 --> 00:06:41,235 That's the problem. 95 00:06:41,318 --> 00:06:42,570 I don't understand. 96 00:06:42,653 --> 00:06:45,239 She's a victim of her own success. 97 00:06:45,322 --> 00:06:47,241 Now that the threat level is down, 98 00:06:47,324 --> 00:06:50,953 the ioa is going to jump at the chance to put a civilian back in command. 99 00:06:51,036 --> 00:06:54,498 Well, it's not just that. I mean, Sam didn't exactly stick to protocol. 100 00:06:54,623 --> 00:06:55,708 Neither did Weir. 101 00:06:55,791 --> 00:06:56,792 Right, so for four years, 102 00:06:56,875 --> 00:07:00,087 they've been waiting to get someone in there who'ii finally do things their way. 103 00:07:00,170 --> 00:07:01,255 Well, I still don't get it. 104 00:07:01,338 --> 00:07:02,482 Colonel, when you were in the future 105 00:07:02,506 --> 00:07:04,317 and you learned all those things that were going to happen, 106 00:07:04,341 --> 00:07:06,677 wasn't this one of them, woolsey taking over? 107 00:07:06,802 --> 00:07:09,597 Well, the circumstances were different. 108 00:07:09,680 --> 00:07:12,099 Still, it is a little unsefihng. 109 00:07:12,558 --> 00:07:16,270 I mean, maybe it's harder to change the course of events than we thought. 110 00:07:16,353 --> 00:07:17,605 Well, iwouldn't worry about it. 111 00:07:17,688 --> 00:07:21,108 I mean, the fact that Sheppard's here makes all the difference, right? 112 00:07:21,191 --> 00:07:23,902 Woolsey wasn't the weirdest thing about that timeline. 113 00:07:24,028 --> 00:07:25,487 What do you mean? 114 00:07:26,071 --> 00:07:27,114 Never mind. 115 00:07:30,868 --> 00:07:33,704 Well, I see everyone's here. 116 00:07:35,706 --> 00:07:37,374 Let's get started. 117 00:07:40,794 --> 00:07:43,213 First of all, I'd like to congratulate all of you 118 00:07:43,297 --> 00:07:47,926 on the success you've had dismantling what's left of Michael's organization. 119 00:07:48,385 --> 00:07:50,304 Except one thing. We haven't found him yet. 120 00:07:50,387 --> 00:07:55,351 Well, he was on the cruiser you destroyed in orbit around mzs-445. 121 00:07:55,434 --> 00:07:58,103 There's a chance he may have made it off the ship. 122 00:07:58,228 --> 00:08:01,940 Right, you're referring to this statement given by one of Michael's ex-mercenaries, 123 00:08:02,066 --> 00:08:03,666 claiming to have seen him alive recently. 124 00:08:03,692 --> 00:08:04,693 That's what he said. 125 00:08:04,777 --> 00:08:09,323 This is one unsubstantiated report from a highly unreliable source. 126 00:08:09,406 --> 00:08:12,117 Well, someone stole our jumper off that ship. 127 00:08:12,242 --> 00:08:13,744 I thought you needed ancient DNA 128 00:08:13,827 --> 00:08:15,746 to pilot one of those. Not necessarily. 129 00:08:15,829 --> 00:08:18,457 We developed a gene therapy that works some of the time. 130 00:08:18,582 --> 00:08:22,336 He is responsible for the deaths of hundreds of thousands of people. 131 00:08:22,419 --> 00:08:23,980 If there is even a chance that he is still alive, 132 00:08:24,004 --> 00:08:25,297 we must continue the search. 133 00:08:25,422 --> 00:08:28,133 I'm sorry, but I can't devote the resources of this base 134 00:08:28,258 --> 00:08:30,302 to the never-ending pursuit of a single individual 135 00:08:30,427 --> 00:08:32,179 across an entire galaxy. 136 00:08:32,262 --> 00:08:35,349 Even if! Knew for a fact he were still alive, I still wouldn't authorize it, 137 00:08:35,432 --> 00:08:39,520 unless you have some new, credible evidence as to his whereabouts. 138 00:08:40,479 --> 00:08:41,814 Do you? 139 00:08:43,691 --> 00:08:48,112 Then, for the time being, I shall consider the matter closed. 140 00:08:48,445 --> 00:08:49,822 As to these prisoner hybrids, 141 00:08:49,947 --> 00:08:53,200 I understand they're being held in a camp on the mainland? 142 00:08:53,283 --> 00:08:54,451 That's right. 143 00:08:54,535 --> 00:08:57,413 And how is their rehabilitation progressing? 144 00:09:00,499 --> 00:09:01,709 Doctor? 145 00:09:04,378 --> 00:09:05,713 Right. Uh... 146 00:09:06,630 --> 00:09:11,051 Well, we've had some success using a slightly modified version 147 00:09:11,135 --> 00:09:15,180 of the original retrovirus that created Michael in the first place. 148 00:09:15,305 --> 00:09:17,141 It weeds out the wraith DNA 149 00:09:17,266 --> 00:09:20,728 and allows them to resume their original human form, over time. 150 00:09:20,811 --> 00:09:22,896 Without any lasting ill effects? 151 00:09:22,980 --> 00:09:25,023 None that we've detected so far, no. 152 00:09:25,149 --> 00:09:26,789 Many have already completed the treatment. 153 00:09:26,817 --> 00:09:28,902 They're wondering when they might be released. 154 00:09:28,986 --> 00:09:30,696 Let's not get ahead of ourselves. 155 00:09:30,779 --> 00:09:32,948 These people are victims, Mr. Woolsey. 156 00:09:33,031 --> 00:09:34,742 Maybe so, but until very recently, 157 00:09:34,825 --> 00:09:36,452 they were also enemy combatants. 158 00:09:36,535 --> 00:09:38,871 Fine. Well, then, we'll just keep them there forever. 159 00:09:38,996 --> 00:09:40,831 No, we'll keep them there 160 00:09:40,956 --> 00:09:43,500 until I'm satisfied that they can be trusted. 161 00:09:46,628 --> 00:09:50,716 Now, regarding the situation with our friend in the stasis pod. 162 00:09:50,841 --> 00:09:54,595 You seem to have been giving a significant amount of attention to this lately. 163 00:09:54,678 --> 00:09:57,389 Well, once we got our hands on Michael's medical research, 164 00:09:57,514 --> 00:10:00,309 I thought I should make it a priority to look for a solution. 165 00:10:00,392 --> 00:10:01,518 And have you found one? 166 00:10:01,602 --> 00:10:02,644 Maybe. 167 00:10:02,728 --> 00:10:05,856 We found a serum that, in lab tests at least, 168 00:10:05,981 --> 00:10:09,193 seems to be capable of stabilizing the clone cells. 169 00:10:10,861 --> 00:10:12,070 So what's the problem? 170 00:10:12,196 --> 00:10:14,316 Carson was near death when we put him in that chamber. 171 00:10:14,364 --> 00:10:17,534 I don't want to take him out until I know for sure, 172 00:10:17,659 --> 00:10:20,496 but lab tests can only do so much. 173 00:10:20,579 --> 00:10:23,040 But that problem's never going to go away, is it? 174 00:10:23,165 --> 00:10:25,351 If you've reached the limit of what your research can tell you, 175 00:10:25,375 --> 00:10:27,377 then you need to make a decision. 176 00:10:27,503 --> 00:10:28,837 Either proceed, 177 00:10:28,921 --> 00:10:32,007 or put the matter aside and get back to your regular duty. 178 00:10:32,216 --> 00:10:33,383 Right? 179 00:10:36,887 --> 00:10:38,013 McKay: You sure about this? 180 00:10:38,096 --> 00:10:39,473 Keller: No. 181 00:10:39,556 --> 00:10:42,643 But we're never going to be sure unless we give it a shot. 182 00:10:42,726 --> 00:10:46,522 If we don't take a chance now, he could be in there forever. 183 00:10:48,106 --> 00:10:49,733 All right, then. 184 00:10:56,782 --> 00:10:59,034 Keller: Get him on the gurney. 185 00:10:59,785 --> 00:11:01,119 Careful. 186 00:11:11,964 --> 00:11:13,090 Okay. 187 00:11:15,759 --> 00:11:17,803 Now what? Now we take him to the infirmary 188 00:11:17,928 --> 00:11:19,930 and watch for signs for more cellular degradation. 189 00:11:20,055 --> 00:11:21,306 We should know soon enough. 190 00:11:32,568 --> 00:11:35,279 McKay: Hey, there. How you doing? 191 00:11:36,947 --> 00:11:40,117 Fine. What happened? 192 00:11:40,325 --> 00:11:43,161 Well, what do you think? We thawed you out. 193 00:11:43,662 --> 00:11:45,080 It's nice to see you again, Carson. 194 00:11:45,163 --> 00:11:46,790 Yeah, what's up, doc? It's been a while. 195 00:11:49,167 --> 00:11:50,502 How long was I in there? 196 00:11:50,586 --> 00:11:52,504 Two months, give or take. 197 00:11:53,672 --> 00:11:54,923 Did I miss anything? 198 00:11:55,007 --> 00:11:56,800 You know, just the usual. 199 00:11:57,801 --> 00:11:59,344 Keller: Well, I've got good news. 200 00:11:59,469 --> 00:12:03,432 At the moment, you're showing no signs of cellular degradation. 201 00:12:03,515 --> 00:12:05,893 You were able to recreate the treatment. 202 00:12:05,976 --> 00:12:07,019 That's right. 203 00:12:08,478 --> 00:12:11,023 I'll let them tell you about it. 204 00:12:11,690 --> 00:12:14,359 Hey, doc, nice work. 205 00:12:15,027 --> 00:12:16,945 Well, it's not a permanent solution. 206 00:12:17,029 --> 00:12:18,947 It's good enough for now. 207 00:12:19,698 --> 00:12:21,158 Go get some rest. 208 00:12:21,241 --> 00:12:23,994 Yeah, I think that might be a good idea. 209 00:13:06,161 --> 00:13:07,913 McKay: There you are. 210 00:13:09,206 --> 00:13:11,291 Beckett: Gorgeous, isn't it? 211 00:13:11,667 --> 00:13:12,876 I suppose so. 212 00:13:13,377 --> 00:13:16,088 You know, I really did miss this place. 213 00:13:16,254 --> 00:13:18,715 Yeah, well, don't get used to it. 214 00:13:20,884 --> 00:13:22,028 What's that supposed to mean? 215 00:13:22,052 --> 00:13:23,655 Look, I just found out they're sending you back to earth. 216 00:13:23,679 --> 00:13:26,556 There's a scheduled dial out this afternoon. 217 00:13:27,933 --> 00:13:30,560 Vveh, isuppose it's to be expected. 218 00:13:31,061 --> 00:13:33,271 I mean, even with these injections, 219 00:13:33,397 --> 00:13:37,025 I imagine it'll still be months before I'm in any sort of decent physical condition. 220 00:13:37,109 --> 00:13:38,878 On intercom: Rodney, this is Teyla. Come in, please. 221 00:13:38,902 --> 00:13:40,070 Go ahead. 222 00:13:40,195 --> 00:13:43,198 I'm sorry to bother you, but I need your help. 223 00:13:44,741 --> 00:13:45,784 McKay: What is it? 224 00:13:45,909 --> 00:13:48,680 It's Dr. Keller. She was supposed to join me for breakfast this morning 225 00:13:48,704 --> 00:13:49,871 but did not show up. 226 00:13:49,955 --> 00:13:51,081 So maybe she's sleeping in. 227 00:13:51,206 --> 00:13:53,583 I assumed as much, as well, and decided not to disturb her. 228 00:13:53,709 --> 00:13:55,210 However, that was four hours ago. 229 00:13:55,293 --> 00:13:57,689 She's now late for her shift, and she's not responding to radio calls. 230 00:13:57,713 --> 00:13:58,898 What do you want me to do about it? 231 00:13:58,922 --> 00:14:00,007 Override the door controls. 232 00:14:00,090 --> 00:14:01,675 I'm not breaking into her room. 233 00:14:01,758 --> 00:14:04,428 Rodney, there might be something wrong. 234 00:14:05,220 --> 00:14:08,348 Fine, but if she's just in there sleeping or naked or something, 235 00:14:08,432 --> 00:14:10,642 you guys are taking the blame. 236 00:14:11,601 --> 00:14:12,936 All right. 237 00:14:16,898 --> 00:14:19,276 For god's sake, Rodney, hurry up. 238 00:14:25,115 --> 00:14:27,284 Jennfien are you all right? 239 00:14:27,534 --> 00:14:28,660 Jennifer? 240 00:14:28,744 --> 00:14:30,704 She must be unconscious. 241 00:14:34,791 --> 00:14:35,876 Pupils dilated. 242 00:14:35,959 --> 00:14:38,045 Carson, step away from the bed. What? 243 00:14:38,128 --> 00:14:39,796 Step away now! 244 00:14:39,880 --> 00:14:41,465 What is it? 245 00:14:44,968 --> 00:14:46,303 Dear lord. 246 00:14:47,637 --> 00:14:49,264 Colonel Sheppard, this is Teyla. 247 00:14:49,347 --> 00:14:50,974 Sheppard on intercom: Go ahead. 248 00:14:51,058 --> 00:14:52,976 John, we have a problem. 249 00:15:00,901 --> 00:15:02,378 What the hell's going on? We're not sure. 250 00:15:02,402 --> 00:15:03,487 This is how we found her. 251 00:15:03,570 --> 00:15:04,714 Teyla: It must've happened last night. 252 00:15:04,738 --> 00:15:06,656 Beckett: I've seen something like this before. 253 00:15:06,740 --> 00:15:08,825 Where? One of Michael's labs. 254 00:15:08,909 --> 00:15:10,827 He was conducting some kind of experiment. 255 00:15:10,911 --> 00:15:12,996 Well, we've got to get it off of her. 256 00:15:13,080 --> 00:15:15,165 Beckett: I'm not so certain that's such a good idea. 257 00:15:15,248 --> 00:15:18,335 From what I can tell, the tendrils are attached to her and the bed frame. 258 00:15:18,418 --> 00:15:20,045 If we just start ripping them off, 259 00:15:20,128 --> 00:15:21,671 we could cause her serious injury. 260 00:15:21,797 --> 00:15:24,007 Well, we can't just leave her like this. 261 00:15:24,091 --> 00:15:25,651 Beckett: We need to get her into an isolation chamber, 262 00:15:25,675 --> 00:15:27,094 and take the whole bed, as well. 263 00:15:27,177 --> 00:15:29,054 That way we can run a full examination, 264 00:15:29,137 --> 00:15:31,681 and see what we're dealing with here. 265 00:15:33,683 --> 00:15:36,186 These things are actually growing out of her body? 266 00:15:36,269 --> 00:15:37,521 That's what it looks like. 267 00:15:37,604 --> 00:15:38,855 Is she conscious? 268 00:15:38,939 --> 00:15:42,526 Beckett says her brain activity is consistent with somebody in a coma. 269 00:15:42,651 --> 00:15:44,486 Dr. Beckett is not on active duty. 270 00:15:44,569 --> 00:15:46,029 He was the first one there. 271 00:15:46,113 --> 00:15:48,365 He says he's seen something like this before. 272 00:15:48,448 --> 00:15:50,200 While he was a prisoner. 273 00:15:50,283 --> 00:15:52,202 He was forced to work for Michael for two years. 274 00:15:52,327 --> 00:15:55,205 Nobody knows this stuff better than he does. 275 00:15:58,375 --> 00:16:01,044 I'm going to try to cut some of the thinner strands. 276 00:16:01,169 --> 00:16:02,379 Scalpel. 277 00:16:03,672 --> 00:16:05,006 Thank you. 278 00:16:15,892 --> 00:16:17,727 There we go. Nurse? 279 00:16:18,186 --> 00:16:19,354 Marie: No change. 280 00:16:19,437 --> 00:16:21,565 Get that analyzed right away. 281 00:16:22,983 --> 00:16:24,985 Doctor, blood pressure's dropping, pulse, as well. 282 00:16:25,068 --> 00:16:26,629 Beckett: That's what I was afraid of. She's crashing. 283 00:16:26,653 --> 00:16:30,490 Administer five milligrams of atropine. My god! 284 00:16:31,199 --> 00:16:32,492 Come on. 285 00:16:39,708 --> 00:16:41,168 There she is. 286 00:16:44,588 --> 00:16:47,591 I'm sorry. I don't dare make another incision. 287 00:16:49,384 --> 00:16:51,595 So much for cutting her loose. 288 00:16:53,597 --> 00:16:55,765 Dr. Beckett, I'd like a word. 289 00:16:59,728 --> 00:17:01,581 Don't worry, I'll get her out. Once I get back to the lab... 290 00:17:01,605 --> 00:17:03,249 Doctor, I appreciate what you're trying to do, 291 00:17:03,273 --> 00:17:05,942 but our earth dial out is in one hour. 292 00:17:06,943 --> 00:17:09,613 I'll take a pass on this one, if you don't mind. 293 00:17:09,738 --> 00:17:11,448 If it wasn't for Dr. Keller, 294 00:17:11,531 --> 00:17:14,367 I'd still be locked in that stasis chamber, possibly forever. 295 00:17:14,451 --> 00:17:17,204 Dr. Keller's own report is abundantly clear. 296 00:17:17,287 --> 00:17:18,514 While your condition has stabilized, 297 00:17:18,538 --> 00:17:21,291 you've still suffered severe damage to your internal organs. 298 00:17:21,416 --> 00:17:22,852 You need to be in a hospital bed yourself, 299 00:17:22,876 --> 00:17:24,270 not running a medical investigation. 300 00:17:24,294 --> 00:17:25,795 I'll be fine. 301 00:17:26,213 --> 00:17:28,882 At the first sign of trouble, I'll step aside, I promise. 302 00:17:28,965 --> 00:17:31,027 You're convinced this has something to do with Michael. 303 00:17:31,051 --> 00:17:33,887 Well, it's not a case of the hives, is it? 304 00:17:39,476 --> 00:17:40,477 Beckett: How's she doing? 305 00:17:40,602 --> 00:17:43,396 Vitals have stabilized, still showing minimal brain function. 306 00:17:43,480 --> 00:17:45,649 We did manage to get blood and tissue samples. 307 00:17:45,732 --> 00:17:48,568 All right, then we've got some work to do. 308 00:17:51,321 --> 00:17:53,573 You're not sending him back? 309 00:17:53,657 --> 00:17:56,159 He is the closest thing to an expert we have. 310 00:17:56,284 --> 00:17:58,203 It's not exactly by the book. 311 00:17:58,286 --> 00:18:00,163 Don't get used to it. 312 00:18:08,171 --> 00:18:09,381 How's it coming? 313 00:18:09,464 --> 00:18:10,674 Slowly. 314 00:18:11,341 --> 00:18:13,236 But I did find something in Jennifer's blood sample. 315 00:18:13,260 --> 00:18:15,095 Easy. What? 316 00:18:15,178 --> 00:18:18,265 It's some kind of alien pathogen, so far unidentified. 317 00:18:18,348 --> 00:18:19,849 I'm checking it against the database. 318 00:18:19,933 --> 00:18:22,227 Is it possible she's turning into a hybrid? 319 00:18:22,310 --> 00:18:23,520 No, I don't think so. 320 00:18:23,645 --> 00:18:25,748 I've seen several variations of the conversion process, 321 00:18:25,772 --> 00:18:26,832 but never anything like this. 322 00:18:26,856 --> 00:18:28,167 Well, it's got to be something to do with Michael. 323 00:18:28,191 --> 00:18:31,278 I mean, she hasn't been offworld since she helped rescue us from that lab. 324 00:18:31,361 --> 00:18:32,529 That's what I was thinking. 325 00:18:32,654 --> 00:18:35,448 Of course, if that's where she came in contact with the pathogen... 326 00:18:35,532 --> 00:18:37,510 You think the rest of us may have been exposed, as well. 327 00:18:37,534 --> 00:18:38,785 Well, aye, it's a possibility. 328 00:18:38,868 --> 00:18:41,138 I'm going to need blood samples from everyone who was on that planet, 329 00:18:41,162 --> 00:18:42,372 including you, Rodney. 330 00:18:42,455 --> 00:18:43,665 Great. 331 00:18:44,457 --> 00:18:45,458 Doctor. 332 00:18:45,542 --> 00:18:46,626 Yes? Yes? 333 00:18:46,710 --> 00:18:48,628 Yes. She's awake. 334 00:18:48,712 --> 00:18:50,338 Thank you. Right. 335 00:18:57,846 --> 00:18:59,347 Oh, my god. 336 00:19:08,356 --> 00:19:10,692 Rodney, what's happening to me? 337 00:19:11,026 --> 00:19:14,863 We're not entirely sure. It looks like some kind of a cocoon. 338 00:19:15,822 --> 00:19:16,990 Does it hurt? 339 00:19:17,073 --> 00:19:18,241 I can't feel anything. 340 00:19:18,325 --> 00:19:19,909 I can't move. 341 00:19:19,993 --> 00:19:21,202 Okay, look. 342 00:19:23,204 --> 00:19:25,749 Don't you worry, okay? We're going to get you out. 343 00:19:25,832 --> 00:19:27,459 Who else is here? 344 00:19:28,668 --> 00:19:30,378 What do you mean? There's no one. 345 00:19:31,379 --> 00:19:34,883 I don't want to go to sleep. I'm afraid I won't wake up. 346 00:19:34,966 --> 00:19:36,009 Jennifer? 347 00:19:36,092 --> 00:19:37,344 It's not my fault. 348 00:19:37,427 --> 00:19:40,347 Of course it's not. It's an alien organism. 349 00:19:41,222 --> 00:19:43,308 What? Carson found it in your blood sample. 350 00:19:43,391 --> 00:19:44,893 He's going to figure out what it is, 351 00:19:44,976 --> 00:19:48,188 and then we're going to figure out how to kill it. 352 00:19:48,688 --> 00:19:49,898 My hand. 353 00:19:51,191 --> 00:19:52,359 What about it? 354 00:19:52,442 --> 00:19:53,610 That's where it started. 355 00:19:53,693 --> 00:19:55,528 I saw it a few nights ago. 356 00:19:55,612 --> 00:19:57,364 So why didn't you say anything? 357 00:19:57,447 --> 00:20:01,743 I was going to run a scan. I don't know. 358 00:20:02,535 --> 00:20:06,289 It doesn't matter, okay? We're going to fix this. I promise. 359 00:20:15,757 --> 00:20:17,884 It appears to be affecting her mind. 360 00:20:17,967 --> 00:20:19,928 Aye, she claims to be hearing voices, 361 00:20:20,011 --> 00:20:21,447 like there's someone else in the room with her. 362 00:20:21,471 --> 00:20:23,056 How fast is it growing? 363 00:20:23,139 --> 00:20:26,601 Currently, it's doubling its mass every couple of hours. 364 00:20:26,684 --> 00:20:28,019 Thank you. 365 00:20:28,686 --> 00:20:31,314 This isn'tjust about Dr. Keller anymore. 366 00:20:31,398 --> 00:20:34,526 I need to know if this thing is going to be a threat to the base. 367 00:20:34,609 --> 00:20:36,861 I'd say that's a definite yes. 368 00:20:36,945 --> 00:20:38,154 What do you mean? 369 00:20:38,238 --> 00:20:40,615 Colonel Sheppard, ronon, Rodney, 370 00:20:40,698 --> 00:20:45,161 everyone who was on mzs-445, they all tested positive. 371 00:20:46,162 --> 00:20:49,874 Whatever this is, they've all got it. 372 00:20:56,506 --> 00:20:58,025 Right now we're working under the assumption 373 00:20:58,049 --> 00:21:01,428 that this alien pathogen was present somewhere in that lab, 374 00:21:01,511 --> 00:21:03,847 possibly as part of one of Michael's experiments. 375 00:21:03,930 --> 00:21:06,766 When the building was destroyed, it was released. 376 00:21:06,850 --> 00:21:08,643 We've been back for a month now. 377 00:21:08,726 --> 00:21:10,895 If it was going to spread to the general population, 378 00:21:11,020 --> 00:21:12,772 it would've already happened. I know. 379 00:21:12,856 --> 00:21:15,775 Dr. Beckett is now fairly confident that it's not contagious. 380 00:21:15,859 --> 00:21:18,278 Right, then, why confine us to our quarters? 381 00:21:18,361 --> 00:21:20,005 You've seen what's happening to Dr. Keller. 382 00:21:20,029 --> 00:21:21,489 Yeah, but it's not happening to me. 383 00:21:21,573 --> 00:21:22,740 Not yet. 384 00:21:22,824 --> 00:21:25,201 There could be any number of random physiological reasons 385 00:21:25,285 --> 00:21:27,566 why it's starting with Dr. Keller, but that's no guarantee 386 00:21:27,662 --> 00:21:29,582 that it's not going to happen to the rest of you. 387 00:21:29,622 --> 00:21:32,375 It could be a matter of days. It could be a matter of hours. 388 00:21:32,500 --> 00:21:36,296 Even colonel Carter's been quarantined back at Stargate command. 389 00:21:36,379 --> 00:21:40,467 Look, I know it's hard for you to stay on the sidelines, colonel, 390 00:21:40,967 --> 00:21:42,969 but it's the right call. 391 00:21:44,053 --> 00:21:47,515 In the meantime, what are we going to do about Keller? 392 00:21:49,851 --> 00:21:52,395 We're still assessing the situation. 393 00:21:59,819 --> 00:22:03,156 We still don't know how the pathogen causes the physiological changes, 394 00:22:03,239 --> 00:22:07,535 but we've managed to complete our analysis of the sample I extracted. 395 00:22:07,911 --> 00:22:11,831 Essentially it's a biopolymer, similar to a polysaccharide, 396 00:22:11,915 --> 00:22:13,833 but with organo-metallic compounds mixed in. 397 00:22:13,917 --> 00:22:15,919 For the uninitiated, please, doctor. 398 00:22:16,044 --> 00:22:20,507 It's like the material an insect or a crustacean uses to form its shell. 399 00:22:20,590 --> 00:22:22,175 At first, it's soft and pliable, 400 00:22:22,258 --> 00:22:24,427 and then it becomes tough and leathery, 401 00:22:24,552 --> 00:22:26,930 and eventually it hardens into an incredible density, 402 00:22:27,055 --> 00:22:29,349 resistant to heat, pressure and even radiation. 403 00:22:29,432 --> 00:22:31,017 Yes, it's like the hull of a ship. 404 00:22:32,268 --> 00:22:33,353 What are you saying? 405 00:22:33,436 --> 00:22:36,316 Look, we always knew that the wraith ships were organic in design, right, 406 00:22:36,397 --> 00:22:39,442 that they were essentially grown instead of constructed. 407 00:22:39,567 --> 00:22:40,878 We've just never witnessed it before. 408 00:22:40,902 --> 00:22:44,697 Are you telling me that a hive ship is growing inside that isolation room? 409 00:22:44,781 --> 00:22:48,201 Actually, it's no longerjust inside the isolation room. 410 00:22:48,284 --> 00:22:50,453 It doesn't register on our life-signs detector, 411 00:22:50,537 --> 00:22:52,097 but once we knew what we were looking for, 412 00:22:52,121 --> 00:22:53,831 we calibrated our internal sensors 413 00:22:53,915 --> 00:22:55,542 and we were able to pick it up. 414 00:22:56,918 --> 00:22:59,879 It has penetrated the walls and the floors, 415 00:22:59,963 --> 00:23:02,882 consuming and converting the material as it goes. 416 00:23:02,966 --> 00:23:04,467 How far has it spread? 417 00:23:04,592 --> 00:23:08,805 Well, it's gone down three levels already, 418 00:23:08,888 --> 00:23:12,058 and it has attached itself to the electrical system. 419 00:23:12,141 --> 00:23:13,726 It's siphoning off power as it goes. 420 00:23:13,810 --> 00:23:17,313 This seems to have accelerated its growth significantly. 421 00:23:18,106 --> 00:23:19,232 How do we stop it? 422 00:23:19,315 --> 00:23:21,126 Well, that's the part we're still trying to figure out. 423 00:23:21,150 --> 00:23:25,154 We could cut off the power. That should slow it down quite a bit. 424 00:23:29,617 --> 00:23:30,827 What's happening? 425 00:23:30,952 --> 00:23:32,412 Marie, what's going on? 426 00:23:32,495 --> 00:23:35,999 Doctor, we've been ordered to evacuate the building. 427 00:23:36,124 --> 00:23:37,458 I'm sorry. 428 00:23:49,012 --> 00:23:50,471 McKay: They just left her there? 429 00:23:50,555 --> 00:23:52,115 I don't think they had much of a choice. 430 00:23:52,181 --> 00:23:55,327 Carson is searching Michael's database to see if there is anything that can help us. 431 00:23:55,351 --> 00:23:57,604 Isuppose it was Zelenka's idea to shut off the power? 432 00:23:57,687 --> 00:23:58,771 I don't know. Why? 433 00:23:58,855 --> 00:24:01,524 This is ridiculous. They got us stuck in our quarters 434 00:24:01,649 --> 00:24:03,943 while the new guy takes advice from the b team? 435 00:24:04,027 --> 00:24:05,361 What is it, Rodney? 436 00:24:05,445 --> 00:24:08,364 They are assuming that it tapped into the electric grid 437 00:24:08,489 --> 00:24:10,809 by randomly spreading out through the walls and the floors. 438 00:24:10,867 --> 00:24:13,119 What if it actually grows towards electromagnetic fields, 439 00:24:13,202 --> 00:24:15,038 like a plant growing towards the sun? 440 00:24:15,163 --> 00:24:19,167 It's going to head directly for the next available power source. 441 00:24:20,126 --> 00:24:21,294 Teyla: There. 442 00:24:21,377 --> 00:24:24,547 One of the city's main power conduits runs beneath the building. 443 00:24:24,672 --> 00:24:26,552 So shut the power down in that section, as well. 444 00:24:26,633 --> 00:24:30,637 No, we already did, right. This conduit runs directly into the zpm. 445 00:24:30,720 --> 00:24:33,306 It's like an express Lane. 446 00:24:33,389 --> 00:24:34,700 We've already shut off the rest of traffic, 447 00:24:34,724 --> 00:24:36,476 but this one keeps moving along. 448 00:24:36,559 --> 00:24:38,645 The only way to stop it would be to pull the zpm 449 00:24:38,728 --> 00:24:41,147 and shut off power to the entire city. 450 00:24:41,230 --> 00:24:45,234 I had no idea you were so familiar with the power distribution grid. 451 00:24:45,360 --> 00:24:47,570 I'm not. I spoke to Rodney. 452 00:24:51,407 --> 00:24:52,408 Is there a problem? 453 00:24:52,533 --> 00:24:55,578 The pathogen seems to have a psychological effect on the host. 454 00:24:55,703 --> 00:24:58,247 At the very least, we know it can affect theirjudgment, 455 00:24:58,331 --> 00:25:00,750 possibly well before any physical symptoms appear. 456 00:25:00,875 --> 00:25:03,086 Yes, but he's not wrong about this. 457 00:25:03,211 --> 00:25:04,253 If it reaches the conduit, 458 00:25:04,337 --> 00:25:06,589 it will have access to virtually unlimited power. 459 00:25:06,673 --> 00:25:07,965 And what would happen? 460 00:25:08,049 --> 00:25:10,093 The growth would increase exponentially. 461 00:25:10,176 --> 00:25:12,011 And since we've shut this section down, 462 00:25:12,095 --> 00:25:13,238 we have no sensors in the area, 463 00:25:13,262 --> 00:25:15,682 so the only way to know how far it's penetrated 464 00:25:15,765 --> 00:25:17,850 is to do a visual inspection. 465 00:25:17,934 --> 00:25:20,061 All right, assemble a team. 466 00:25:26,109 --> 00:25:29,696 I need some answers, doctor. How do we kill this thing? 467 00:25:29,779 --> 00:25:31,948 Well, we're working on a genetically engineered virus 468 00:25:32,031 --> 00:25:36,119 that might be capable of destroying the pathogen that's infecting Dr. Keller, 469 00:25:36,202 --> 00:25:39,622 but that wouldn't eliminate the biopolymer itself. 470 00:25:39,706 --> 00:25:41,082 What would? 471 00:25:41,624 --> 00:25:46,295 At this time, Mr. Woolsey, I have no idea. 472 00:25:51,801 --> 00:25:55,304 Zelenka: So the main conduit runs behind this wall here. 473 00:25:55,388 --> 00:25:58,141 Here, we can access it through this panel. 474 00:26:03,980 --> 00:26:05,606 Teyla: Sergeant, take your men, split up, 475 00:26:05,690 --> 00:26:07,042 and search the surrounding corridors. 476 00:26:07,066 --> 00:26:09,652 Look for anything that seems unusual. 477 00:26:12,280 --> 00:26:14,157 All right? Okay. 478 00:26:26,919 --> 00:26:28,254 Right, I'll go this way. 479 00:26:28,337 --> 00:26:29,422 Stay in radio contact. 480 00:26:29,505 --> 00:26:30,590 Right. 481 00:26:56,699 --> 00:26:58,701 I think I have something. 482 00:27:05,875 --> 00:27:08,044 Looks like Rodney was right. 483 00:27:09,879 --> 00:27:11,047 Oh, my. 484 00:27:11,839 --> 00:27:13,382 Teyla on intercom.“ What is it? 485 00:27:14,050 --> 00:27:17,470 Looks like it's attached itself to the power conduit. 486 00:27:17,553 --> 00:27:19,222 I'm coming to you. 487 00:27:23,518 --> 00:27:27,563 I'm going to see if I can determine how much power it's draining. 488 00:27:57,009 --> 00:27:59,720 Let's go, let's go. Come on. 489 00:28:06,394 --> 00:28:07,520 Are you all right? 490 00:28:07,603 --> 00:28:08,729 I think so. 491 00:28:11,357 --> 00:28:12,751 I had no idea it could move like that. 492 00:28:12,775 --> 00:28:14,026 Nor did I. 493 00:28:14,110 --> 00:28:16,612 This is much worse than we thought. 494 00:28:21,951 --> 00:28:24,453 Looks like it's just a minor concussion. He should be fine. 495 00:28:24,579 --> 00:28:27,099 So it wasn't bad enough that this thing was slowly taking over the base. 496 00:28:27,123 --> 00:28:28,708 Now it's attacking people? 497 00:28:28,791 --> 00:28:30,293 We need to put a stop to this now. 498 00:28:30,418 --> 00:28:31,627 It won't be easy. 499 00:28:31,752 --> 00:28:34,130 It's already siphoned off a massive amount of power. 500 00:28:34,213 --> 00:28:35,882 We should pull the zpm. 501 00:28:35,965 --> 00:28:37,300 That might not be enough. 502 00:28:37,383 --> 00:28:40,303 We could sit here in the dark for weeks while it just keeps on growing. 503 00:28:40,386 --> 00:28:41,613 We need to get Jennifer out of there. 504 00:28:41,637 --> 00:28:43,407 I want to save Dr. Keller as much as anyone else, 505 00:28:43,431 --> 00:28:45,224 but we have additional concerns now. 506 00:28:45,308 --> 00:28:46,893 Why did it attack radek? 507 00:28:46,976 --> 00:28:49,645 Because it perceived him as a threat and took action. 508 00:28:49,729 --> 00:28:50,849 That indicates intelligence, 509 00:28:50,897 --> 00:28:53,274 but as far as we know, it has no brain of its own. 510 00:28:53,357 --> 00:28:55,109 So you're saying it's using her. 511 00:28:55,192 --> 00:28:57,486 I'm saying it needs her to plan, to coordinate, 512 00:28:57,612 --> 00:28:59,405 to identify threats and deal with them. 513 00:28:59,488 --> 00:29:01,991 Zelenka: That could explain why she was hearing voices. 514 00:29:02,116 --> 00:29:03,916 The organism takes over a portion of the brain 515 00:29:03,993 --> 00:29:08,289 and sets up a separate consciousness, like multiple personalities. 516 00:29:08,372 --> 00:29:11,042 Aye, otherwise, why have a human host at all? 517 00:29:11,167 --> 00:29:13,669 So if we separate her from the main body... 518 00:29:13,794 --> 00:29:16,797 I'd wager the rest of it becomes as lifeless as a dead tree trunk. 519 00:29:16,881 --> 00:29:19,675 Now, this is the virus I was telling you about. 520 00:29:19,800 --> 00:29:21,218 It's called a phage, 521 00:29:21,344 --> 00:29:23,471 and it should, at least theoretically, 522 00:29:23,554 --> 00:29:25,139 be able to attack and eliminate 523 00:29:25,222 --> 00:29:27,975 the pathogen that's inside Jennifer's bloodstream, 524 00:29:28,059 --> 00:29:29,685 and if I'm right about this, 525 00:29:29,769 --> 00:29:31,854 it should sever the connection. 526 00:29:33,147 --> 00:29:34,941 What's the catch? 527 00:29:35,024 --> 00:29:37,234 Well, it's never been tested. 528 00:29:42,198 --> 00:29:45,993 We turned the power back on briefly to get a look inside the building. 529 00:29:46,077 --> 00:29:49,830 This is the ground floor, five floors below the isolation room. 530 00:29:49,914 --> 00:29:52,124 As you can see, access is almost completely choked off, 531 00:29:52,208 --> 00:29:54,227 but for this to work, I need someone to step right up 532 00:29:54,251 --> 00:29:56,337 to Dr. Keller's bed and inject her. 533 00:29:56,420 --> 00:29:58,315 Well, we can use the transporter to get them close, but... 534 00:29:58,339 --> 00:30:01,175 But you'd still have to run a gauntlet of over 50 meters. 535 00:30:01,258 --> 00:30:04,095 And after what happened to Dr. Zelenka... 536 00:30:04,387 --> 00:30:07,473 Well, you understand my dilemma. 537 00:30:07,556 --> 00:30:08,724 Yeah. 538 00:30:09,725 --> 00:30:10,893 What? 539 00:30:13,688 --> 00:30:18,526 If Dr. Keller really is the key to this thing, there is an easier way. 540 00:30:19,402 --> 00:30:23,531 We'd only need a couple of well-aimed shots at the isolation room. 541 00:30:24,240 --> 00:30:26,158 Wait a second, you're talking about drones? 542 00:30:26,242 --> 00:30:27,886 You're going to fire drones at one of our own people? 543 00:30:27,910 --> 00:30:29,262 I didn't come to Atlantis with the intention 544 00:30:29,286 --> 00:30:31,872 of killing one of my senior staff inside of a week, 545 00:30:31,956 --> 00:30:36,419 but my only other option is to risk someone else's life on a solution 546 00:30:37,920 --> 00:30:40,381 that hasn't even been tested yet. 547 00:30:41,424 --> 00:30:43,426 Not exactly by the book. 548 00:30:44,260 --> 00:30:46,637 So test it. I've got the same bug. 549 00:30:47,388 --> 00:30:48,597 I'll take a shot right now. 550 00:30:48,681 --> 00:30:50,266 No, no, no. 551 00:30:52,643 --> 00:30:54,061 I'll do it. 552 00:30:57,440 --> 00:30:59,066 Restraints? 553 00:31:01,277 --> 00:31:04,572 I'm sorry, but I'm anticipating a severe reaction. 554 00:31:04,655 --> 00:31:05,698 Great. 555 00:31:05,781 --> 00:31:08,117 Now, you're absolutely sure about this? 556 00:31:08,242 --> 00:31:09,720 Remember, the formula comes from Michael, 557 00:31:09,744 --> 00:31:11,024 so as far as we know, it could... 558 00:31:11,078 --> 00:31:13,914 Turn me into a bug? Been there, done that. 559 00:31:13,998 --> 00:31:17,293 No, actually, I was going to say it could kill you. 560 00:31:19,086 --> 00:31:22,089 Just give me the shot. 561 00:31:22,173 --> 00:31:23,507 Okay. 562 00:31:30,306 --> 00:31:33,142 Now, it should take a few minutes to kick in, so just 563 00:31:33,267 --> 00:31:34,310 try to relax. 564 00:31:34,393 --> 00:31:37,146 Okay, I'll just... I'll relax. 565 00:31:37,271 --> 00:31:38,647 Carson, is it true 566 00:31:38,773 --> 00:31:40,792 that lorne and some of the others are beginning to show symptoms? 567 00:31:40,816 --> 00:31:41,984 Aye, I'm afraid so. 568 00:31:42,068 --> 00:31:43,152 Oh, god. 569 00:31:43,819 --> 00:31:46,155 Why? Have you noticed something yourself? 570 00:31:46,280 --> 00:31:48,991 Well, my palms are very sweaty, and my mouth is very dry. 571 00:31:49,116 --> 00:31:50,409 I'm having heart palpitations. 572 00:31:50,493 --> 00:31:53,370 Okay, so nothing out of the ordinary, then. 573 00:31:54,830 --> 00:31:55,998 How do you feel? 574 00:31:56,082 --> 00:31:57,625 I don't feel anything. 575 00:31:58,501 --> 00:32:00,544 I don't even think that... 576 00:32:01,045 --> 00:32:02,880 Sheppard? Hey, doc. 577 00:32:05,007 --> 00:32:08,177 I think these restraints were a good idea. 578 00:32:08,260 --> 00:32:09,804 It's working. 579 00:32:16,977 --> 00:32:18,057 Woolsey: What's our status? 580 00:32:18,145 --> 00:32:20,123 Well, the infirmary and a few other essential systems 581 00:32:20,147 --> 00:32:22,817 have been switched to emergency generators. 582 00:32:22,900 --> 00:32:24,318 We're ready. 583 00:32:24,401 --> 00:32:26,362 All right, pull the plug. 584 00:32:42,545 --> 00:32:44,648 For god's sake, Carson, how long's this going to go on for? 585 00:32:44,672 --> 00:32:47,049 I'm sorry, Rodney. I have no idea. 586 00:32:49,343 --> 00:32:50,553 Doc. 587 00:32:52,096 --> 00:32:54,640 His heart stopped. Bag him. Get a crash cart in here! 588 00:32:54,723 --> 00:32:57,226 Prepare to intubate. One, two, three. 589 00:32:57,351 --> 00:32:59,728 One, two, three. One, two, three. 590 00:32:59,854 --> 00:33:03,357 Come on. One, two, three. One, two, three. 591 00:33:07,236 --> 00:33:08,571 He's back. 592 00:33:14,577 --> 00:33:15,619 How'd I do? 593 00:33:19,957 --> 00:33:21,375 Are you sure it worked? 594 00:33:21,458 --> 00:33:22,894 Well, the blood screen came up negative. 595 00:33:22,918 --> 00:33:25,713 As far as I can tell, the alien pathogen has been eliminated. 596 00:33:25,796 --> 00:33:26,922 Well done. 597 00:33:27,047 --> 00:33:29,025 Now we just need someone to go into the isolation room. 598 00:33:29,049 --> 00:33:31,093 I'll do it. I'll do it. 599 00:33:31,594 --> 00:33:35,764 I assume no special medical skill is required to administer the drug. 600 00:33:35,890 --> 00:33:38,142 Well, no, not really. It's just a simple injection. 601 00:33:38,267 --> 00:33:39,547 Well, then, given your condition, 602 00:33:39,602 --> 00:33:41,228 I wouldn't make you my first choice. 603 00:33:41,312 --> 00:33:42,438 That's why I said I'd do it. 604 00:33:42,563 --> 00:33:45,774 He doesn't trust us, because we're still infected. 605 00:33:45,900 --> 00:33:48,068 Actually, that might not be a bad thing. 606 00:33:48,152 --> 00:33:50,779 When colonel Sheppard was infected with the iratus bug DNA, 607 00:33:50,905 --> 00:33:54,116 he was able to walk right into that nest without being attacked. 608 00:33:54,241 --> 00:33:56,118 You think someone infected with the pathogen 609 00:33:56,243 --> 00:33:58,162 would be more likely to get through? 610 00:33:58,245 --> 00:34:00,122 Well, it's possible. 611 00:34:06,837 --> 00:34:08,547 All right, I'm in. 612 00:34:08,631 --> 00:34:10,841 Cut power to the transporter. 613 00:34:14,678 --> 00:34:15,758 Woolse y: How does it look? 614 00:34:15,804 --> 00:34:17,473 Not so good. 615 00:34:22,269 --> 00:34:24,313 The stuff's everywhere. 616 00:34:25,105 --> 00:34:27,483 Is it reacting to your presence in any way? 617 00:34:27,608 --> 00:34:28,984 Not really. 618 00:34:29,652 --> 00:34:32,863 All right, just be careful. 619 00:34:45,334 --> 00:34:47,378 What happened? It worked. 620 00:34:47,503 --> 00:34:49,338 They just sent ronon to give her the shot. 621 00:34:49,463 --> 00:34:50,965 When? He just got there. 622 00:34:51,048 --> 00:34:53,509 Look, I'm tapped into the intercom. 623 00:34:57,346 --> 00:34:59,157 Woolsey on intercom: Ronon, what's your status? 624 00:34:59,181 --> 00:35:02,851 Ronon: Well, it's getting harder to move. There's too much of it. 625 00:35:03,352 --> 00:35:07,523 Just try not to make any sudden moves or threatening gestures. 626 00:35:07,856 --> 00:35:10,234 Ronon: Yeah, I'll keep that in mind. 627 00:35:15,864 --> 00:35:18,367 All right, that's it. 628 00:35:19,076 --> 00:35:21,120 I don't think I can go any further. 629 00:35:21,203 --> 00:35:23,497 The corridor is completely blocked. 630 00:35:23,998 --> 00:35:26,709 All right, so what do you want me to do? 631 00:35:31,380 --> 00:35:32,524 Screw it, I'm going to make a hole. 632 00:35:32,548 --> 00:35:34,008 Beckett on intercom: Ronon, wait! 633 00:35:34,091 --> 00:35:35,491 The only reason you made it this far 634 00:35:35,551 --> 00:35:38,095 is because it senses the pathogen in your bloodstream. 635 00:35:38,220 --> 00:35:39,555 It thinks you're a friend. 636 00:35:39,680 --> 00:35:42,000 If you start shooting... does anyone have any better ideas? 637 00:35:48,230 --> 00:35:49,898 What are you doing? 638 00:35:50,024 --> 00:35:52,985 If I'm right, this is about to go very, very wrong. 639 00:35:53,068 --> 00:35:54,653 You can't. We're quarantined. 640 00:35:54,737 --> 00:35:56,572 I'm cured, remember? 641 00:35:57,114 --> 00:35:59,074 There's no other way through. 642 00:35:59,199 --> 00:36:01,785 Once you start shooting, you'll have to move quickly. 643 00:36:01,910 --> 00:36:03,746 Thanks for the advice. 644 00:36:22,890 --> 00:36:24,058 Ronon? 645 00:36:24,933 --> 00:36:26,977 Ronon, what's your status? 646 00:36:27,436 --> 00:36:28,562 Ronon, come in! 647 00:36:28,645 --> 00:36:29,730 Oh, my god. 648 00:36:40,616 --> 00:36:41,742 What's happening? 649 00:36:41,825 --> 00:36:43,285 We've lost contact. 650 00:36:44,161 --> 00:36:46,639 Turn the power back on. Open up a channel to the isolation room. 651 00:36:46,663 --> 00:36:48,207 What? Why? 652 00:36:48,290 --> 00:36:49,833 Just do it. 653 00:36:52,836 --> 00:36:55,214 All right, you have a channel. 654 00:36:55,297 --> 00:36:57,800 Dr. Keller, this is colonel Sheppard. Do you read? 655 00:36:57,925 --> 00:37:02,262 Alien on intercom: Ihear you, colonel, but I'm not Dr. Keller anymore. 656 00:37:03,430 --> 00:37:04,765 Well, who are you? 657 00:37:04,848 --> 00:37:06,558 I have no designation yet. 658 00:37:06,642 --> 00:37:08,811 I'll be given one when I'm complete. 659 00:37:09,144 --> 00:37:10,229 What about ronon? 660 00:37:10,312 --> 00:37:11,814 You mean the intruder? 661 00:37:11,939 --> 00:37:14,149 He's alive, for the moment. 662 00:37:14,274 --> 00:37:19,071 He's been neutralized. I can feel his pulse. It's weak. 663 00:37:19,154 --> 00:37:22,324 It would only take the slightest squeeze. 664 00:37:22,449 --> 00:37:26,662 Yeah, but you don't want to do that because he's one of you, remember? 665 00:37:27,621 --> 00:37:29,248 Keep her talking. 666 00:37:29,331 --> 00:37:30,374 Where are you going? 667 00:37:30,457 --> 00:37:32,626 Sheppard: I'm going to go finish this. 668 00:37:35,379 --> 00:37:37,506 Jennifer, this is Carson. 669 00:37:37,631 --> 00:37:39,341 Alien: Dr. Beckett, I already told you, 670 00:37:39,425 --> 00:37:41,760 I'm not Jennifer Keller anymore. 671 00:37:41,844 --> 00:37:43,554 You're the voice she was hearing, 672 00:37:43,637 --> 00:37:45,389 the part of her mind that was taking over. 673 00:37:45,514 --> 00:37:48,976 You can't stop me. I will become as I was meant to be. 674 00:37:56,358 --> 00:37:58,569 Colonel Sheppard is powering up a jumper. 675 00:37:58,694 --> 00:38:00,571 Get me a secure channel. 676 00:38:00,696 --> 00:38:02,030 Sheppard, what are you doing? 677 00:38:02,114 --> 00:38:03,657 I'm taking a little shortcut. 678 00:38:03,740 --> 00:38:05,868 Sorry I didn't have time to fill out the paperwork. 679 00:38:12,207 --> 00:38:13,917 Okay, I see it now. 680 00:38:15,544 --> 00:38:18,380 That stuff is growing all over the place. 681 00:38:18,755 --> 00:38:20,257 This may hurt. 682 00:38:33,854 --> 00:38:35,856 Colonel Sheppard, report. 683 00:38:37,941 --> 00:38:39,610 Colonel Sheppard? 684 00:40:08,031 --> 00:40:10,701 Colonel Sheppard, what's your status? 685 00:40:11,660 --> 00:40:13,537 Colonel Sheppard. 686 00:40:13,662 --> 00:40:16,373 Well, I've been better. 687 00:40:17,666 --> 00:40:19,167 What happened? 688 00:40:21,837 --> 00:40:23,839 You better come get us. 689 00:40:30,554 --> 00:40:31,972 How's ronon? 690 00:40:32,055 --> 00:40:33,932 He has a bruised larynx. 691 00:40:34,016 --> 00:40:37,519 Apparently, he won't be able to speak for several days. 692 00:40:37,894 --> 00:40:40,897 I wonder if anyone will notice the difference. 693 00:40:41,523 --> 00:40:44,985 Colonel Sheppard, look who's finally out of isolation. 694 00:40:45,402 --> 00:40:47,195 It's good to see you, doc. 695 00:40:47,279 --> 00:40:49,031 How you feeling? 696 00:40:49,364 --> 00:40:51,408 It only hurts when I breathe. 697 00:40:51,491 --> 00:40:52,618 I feel really bad. 698 00:40:52,701 --> 00:40:55,829 It looks like my recovery's going to be a lot easier than yours. 699 00:40:55,912 --> 00:40:59,708 That's all right. I've got two doctors looking after me now. 700 00:41:00,542 --> 00:41:04,546 Well, no, I'm afraid not. I'm scheduled to leave this afternoon. 701 00:41:05,088 --> 00:41:08,759 That is, unless of course there's a major crisis in the next hour or so. 702 00:41:08,884 --> 00:41:10,844 It wouldn't surprise me. 703 00:41:11,678 --> 00:41:13,930 Well, listen, you keep yourself out of trouble, 704 00:41:14,056 --> 00:41:16,099 and I'll see you realsoon. 705 00:41:16,433 --> 00:41:17,476 Good luck, Carson. 706 00:41:17,559 --> 00:41:18,894 Thanks, John. 707 00:41:19,561 --> 00:41:21,480 Woolsey: Welcome back, Dr. Keller. 708 00:41:21,563 --> 00:41:22,939 And, Dr. Beckett, 709 00:41:24,608 --> 00:41:25,942 thank you. 710 00:41:26,026 --> 00:41:28,028 My pleasure, Mr. Woolsey. 711 00:41:32,574 --> 00:41:33,617 Before I came down here, 712 00:41:33,742 --> 00:41:36,787 I was on a call with my superiors back on earth. 713 00:41:37,537 --> 00:41:40,415 They were going over my preliminary report. 714 00:41:40,707 --> 00:41:42,334 What did you tell them? 715 00:41:42,417 --> 00:41:43,710 The truth. 716 00:41:43,794 --> 00:41:46,630 That in my first three days as commander, 717 00:41:46,755 --> 00:41:50,175 I violated at least half a dozen basic security protocols. 718 00:41:50,258 --> 00:41:51,802 That many? 719 00:41:53,136 --> 00:41:56,515 I let Beckett run theinvesfigafion, in spite of his condition 720 00:41:56,598 --> 00:41:57,933 and the fact that he's technically 721 00:41:58,016 --> 00:42:00,602 no longer a member of this expedition. 722 00:42:01,144 --> 00:42:05,148 I sent ronon to deliver the antidote even though he was infected. 723 00:42:06,441 --> 00:42:09,111 I compromised the safety of this base 724 00:42:09,945 --> 00:42:12,906 to rescue someone who may well have been beyond our help anyway. 725 00:42:12,989 --> 00:42:15,158 But she wasn't, and we got her out. 726 00:42:15,283 --> 00:42:18,995 And if you had played by the rules, she'd be dead right now. 727 00:42:21,748 --> 00:42:23,500 The ioa would seem to agree with you. 728 00:42:23,625 --> 00:42:26,837 Apparently, they're willing to let the matter drop. 729 00:42:28,797 --> 00:42:30,674 So what's the problem? 730 00:42:34,344 --> 00:42:37,264 The rules are there for a reason, colonel. 731 00:42:37,639 --> 00:42:40,183 If I can't trust them, 732 00:42:42,144 --> 00:42:44,479 then I'm not sure I can do this job. 733 00:42:51,987 --> 00:42:54,281 Welcome to the Pegasus galaxy. 734 00:43:28,815 --> 00:43:29,816 English - us - psdh