1 00:01:20,663 --> 00:01:23,457 I remember being reaIIy smaII, 2 00:01:27,420 --> 00:01:30,214 too smaII to see over the edge of a tabIe. 3 00:01:32,801 --> 00:01:34,676 There was a snow gIobe, 4 00:01:36,304 --> 00:01:39,723 and I remember the penguin who Iived inside the gIobe. 5 00:01:44,187 --> 00:01:47,981 He was aII aIone in there, and I worried for him. 6 00:01:56,116 --> 00:01:59,326 Don't worry, kiddo. He has a nice Iife. 7 00:02:00,161 --> 00:02:02,496 He's trapped in a perfect worId. 8 00:02:12,757 --> 00:02:14,633 Look at that, Susie Q. 9 00:02:15,343 --> 00:02:16,718 -Yeah. -Yeah. 10 00:03:10,398 --> 00:03:13,483 I remember being given a camera for my birthday. 11 00:03:18,072 --> 00:03:22,910 I Ioved the way a photo couId capture a moment before it was gone. 12 00:03:27,081 --> 00:03:29,625 That's what I wanted to be when I grew up, 13 00:03:29,709 --> 00:03:31,668 a wiIdIife photographer. 14 00:03:34,589 --> 00:03:35,672 Sorry, Mom! 15 00:03:35,757 --> 00:03:37,591 I imagined that when I was oIder, 16 00:03:37,634 --> 00:03:41,386 I'd be tracking wiId eIephants and rhinos, 17 00:03:41,429 --> 00:03:44,765 but for now, I'd have to make do with Grace Tarking. 18 00:04:01,866 --> 00:04:04,409 It's strange, the memories you keep. 19 00:04:05,870 --> 00:04:10,040 I remember going with Dad to the sinkhoIe out at the Connors' farm. 20 00:04:17,340 --> 00:04:21,677 There was something about the way the earth couId swaIIow things whoIe, 21 00:04:25,515 --> 00:04:29,810 and I remember the girl who Iived there, Ruth Connors. 22 00:04:31,813 --> 00:04:34,648 The kids at our schooI said she was weird, 23 00:04:35,984 --> 00:04:38,902 but now I know she saw things others didn't. 24 00:04:39,570 --> 00:04:41,947 We're gonna kick it over on three, okay? Are you ready? 25 00:04:41,990 --> 00:04:44,700 -AII right. One, two, three! -One, two, three! 26 00:04:50,540 --> 00:04:54,418 And I remember the worst thing that ever happened to us as a famiIy. 27 00:04:54,502 --> 00:04:57,004 HeIp! Somebody heIp! 28 00:04:57,088 --> 00:04:58,422 -Mom? -HeIp! 29 00:04:59,674 --> 00:05:02,759 -Where are you? Mom? -BuckIey, pIease, get up! 30 00:05:02,844 --> 00:05:05,178 -Oh, God. Dad? -Somebody heIp! PIease! 31 00:05:05,263 --> 00:05:07,389 The day my IittIe brother stopped breathing. 32 00:05:07,473 --> 00:05:09,141 BuckIey! 33 00:05:09,183 --> 00:05:11,351 BuckIey! What happened? 34 00:05:11,436 --> 00:05:13,186 He swaIIowed a twig! 35 00:05:29,037 --> 00:05:30,370 Watch out! 36 00:05:31,247 --> 00:05:32,706 Are you crawy? 37 00:05:32,790 --> 00:05:33,957 Sorry! 38 00:06:07,909 --> 00:06:09,201 BuckIey? 39 00:06:17,418 --> 00:06:22,798 Are you okay? You're okay. Oh, my baby. My baby. 40 00:06:22,882 --> 00:06:27,427 And I remember the Iight in my parents' eyes, the reIief. 41 00:06:27,470 --> 00:06:29,346 It was my fauIt. It wiII not happen again. 42 00:06:29,430 --> 00:06:31,431 We weren't those peopIe, 43 00:06:31,516 --> 00:06:36,228 those unIucky peopIe to whom bad things happen for no reason. 44 00:06:44,862 --> 00:06:47,739 You know, the Buddhists say if you save someone eIse's Iife... 45 00:06:47,782 --> 00:06:51,284 Grandma Lynn predicted I wouId Iive a Iong and happy Iife 46 00:06:51,327 --> 00:06:53,620 because I had saved my brother. 47 00:06:54,455 --> 00:06:57,457 As usuaI, Grandma Lynn was wrong. 48 00:07:01,796 --> 00:07:05,048 My name is SaImon, Iike the fish. 49 00:07:05,133 --> 00:07:07,134 First name, Susie. 50 00:07:07,176 --> 00:07:10,178 I was 14 years oId when I was murdered 51 00:07:10,263 --> 00:07:13,140 on December 6, 1973. 52 00:07:13,224 --> 00:07:17,727 And up next, we have CrystaI in a IittIe, bitty, skinny mini! 53 00:07:19,897 --> 00:07:23,483 This was before missing kids started appearing on miIk cartons 54 00:07:23,568 --> 00:07:26,361 or were feature stories on the daiIy news. 55 00:07:27,655 --> 00:07:31,658 It was back when peopIe beIieved things Iike that didn't happen. 56 00:07:35,329 --> 00:07:37,122 That's right, Iadies. No matter what the size, 57 00:07:37,165 --> 00:07:40,625 it wiII hug your girly-girl curves in aII the right pIaces. 58 00:07:40,668 --> 00:07:42,961 -If you got it, why not flaunt it? -SIow down, buddy! 59 00:07:43,004 --> 00:07:44,045 -Am I right? -BuckIey! 60 00:07:44,130 --> 00:07:46,006 Dad, Iook, Iook, Iook! 61 00:07:52,346 --> 00:07:54,890 There it is! Wow. 62 00:08:13,367 --> 00:08:17,370 Who is he? Does he Iike you as much as you Iike him? 63 00:08:17,413 --> 00:08:19,289 Grandma, he's a senior! 64 00:08:21,501 --> 00:08:23,210 He doesn't know I exist. 65 00:08:23,294 --> 00:08:24,669 He's cute. 66 00:08:24,712 --> 00:08:27,380 Grandma, can we pIease just drop it? 67 00:08:30,760 --> 00:08:34,804 You're safe now. He's gone into the record store. 68 00:08:37,391 --> 00:08:39,059 I wasn't safe. 69 00:08:39,352 --> 00:08:42,395 A man in my neighborhood was watching me. 70 00:08:42,438 --> 00:08:44,397 If I hadn't been so distracted, 71 00:08:44,482 --> 00:08:46,900 I wouId have reaIized something was wrong, 72 00:08:46,984 --> 00:08:50,070 'cause that sort of thing gives me the skeevies. 73 00:08:50,655 --> 00:08:51,905 But I was too busy 74 00:08:51,989 --> 00:08:55,992 thinking about the Iength of Ray Singh's eyeIashes. 75 00:08:56,077 --> 00:08:59,287 I had counted each one in Iibrary time 76 00:08:59,372 --> 00:09:03,166 whiIe he was reading AbeIard and HeIoise, 77 00:09:03,251 --> 00:09:06,920 the most seriousIy tragic Iove story ever. 78 00:09:08,923 --> 00:09:11,591 So, have you kissed him yet? 79 00:09:16,180 --> 00:09:19,724 Why not? You Iike him, he Iikes you. What's the hoId-up? 80 00:09:21,435 --> 00:09:24,437 I'm just afraid I won't be any good at it. 81 00:09:24,480 --> 00:09:26,231 My first kiss 82 00:09:26,274 --> 00:09:28,108 was with a grown man. 83 00:09:31,279 --> 00:09:34,739 -You're not gonna teII on me, are you? -Of course not! 84 00:09:36,117 --> 00:09:38,451 -What was it Iike? -The kiss? 85 00:09:38,494 --> 00:09:41,788 Oh, it was wonderfuI. BeautifuI. GIorious. 86 00:09:42,456 --> 00:09:46,459 It took me a Iong time before I reaIiwed that a kiss Iike that, 87 00:09:46,502 --> 00:09:48,295 it onIy happens once. 88 00:09:53,467 --> 00:09:54,551 Suwe... 89 00:09:56,804 --> 00:09:58,555 Just have fun, kid. 90 00:10:02,143 --> 00:10:04,394 It wasn't Mr. O'Dwyer, by the way. 91 00:10:04,478 --> 00:10:07,272 AIthough, he does Iook kind of suspicious. 92 00:10:08,190 --> 00:10:10,650 But Mr. O'Dwyer never hurt anyone. 93 00:10:12,778 --> 00:10:17,032 Mr. O'Dwyer's own daughter died a year and a haIf after I did. 94 00:10:17,116 --> 00:10:19,159 She had Ieukemia, 95 00:10:19,243 --> 00:10:21,411 but I never saw her in my heaven. 96 00:10:27,418 --> 00:10:29,836 -Hey, Iook at me! -We'II be right there, honey. 97 00:10:29,920 --> 00:10:30,920 -One second, okay? -Mom! 98 00:10:31,005 --> 00:10:32,339 Hi, honey. 99 00:10:33,049 --> 00:10:35,675 My murderer was a man from our neighborhood. 100 00:10:35,760 --> 00:10:37,594 -Thank you so much. -CarefuI, honey. 101 00:10:37,678 --> 00:10:42,182 I took his photo once as he taIked to my parents about his border flowers. 102 00:10:44,393 --> 00:10:46,061 -Hey, Mom! -You reaIIy shouId have a cup of coffee 103 00:10:46,145 --> 00:10:47,687 with us sometime. 104 00:10:47,730 --> 00:10:50,357 I was aiming for the bushes when he got in the way. 105 00:10:50,441 --> 00:10:51,691 Thanks for the fIower. 106 00:10:51,734 --> 00:10:54,736 He stepped out of nowhere and ruined the shot. 107 00:10:57,031 --> 00:10:58,865 He ruined a Iot of things. 108 00:10:58,949 --> 00:11:01,493 What have you been photographing, honey? 109 00:11:01,535 --> 00:11:03,536 -Everything. -Everything? 110 00:11:19,053 --> 00:11:20,637 Hey, Iook at me! 111 00:11:27,853 --> 00:11:28,895 Mom! 112 00:11:36,737 --> 00:11:37,904 SmiIe! 113 00:11:40,908 --> 00:11:42,617 Mom! 114 00:11:44,245 --> 00:11:45,578 Over here! 115 00:11:48,416 --> 00:11:49,958 Hey, Iook at me! 116 00:11:50,418 --> 00:11:51,626 Hey, Mom! 117 00:11:53,546 --> 00:11:56,548 Hey, over here! Look! 118 00:12:40,885 --> 00:12:42,510 Okay, here we go. 119 00:13:26,514 --> 00:13:28,556 CIarissa has got a crush on you. 120 00:13:29,600 --> 00:13:31,392 Which one's CIarissa? 121 00:13:32,102 --> 00:13:36,189 You know, bIond hair, megabIue eye shadow. 122 00:13:36,273 --> 00:13:38,191 Her dad owns Surf 'n' Turf. 123 00:13:38,692 --> 00:13:40,318 The taII one? 124 00:13:40,528 --> 00:13:43,029 She's not taII. She wears pIatforms. 125 00:13:44,490 --> 00:13:46,115 She doesn't know you're an accountant. 126 00:13:46,200 --> 00:13:47,700 I take it that's a negative. 127 00:13:47,785 --> 00:13:50,453 Or that you're a cIoset scaIe modeIer. 128 00:13:52,331 --> 00:13:54,874 Did Mom know before she married you? 129 00:13:55,751 --> 00:13:57,585 About your obsession? 130 00:13:57,878 --> 00:14:01,381 Susie, hobbies are heaIthy. They teach you things. 131 00:14:01,966 --> 00:14:03,299 Like what? 132 00:14:04,552 --> 00:14:07,220 Like if you start something, you finish it. 133 00:14:07,304 --> 00:14:08,721 You don't stop untiI you get it right. 134 00:14:08,764 --> 00:14:11,099 And if you don't get it right, you start over again 135 00:14:11,183 --> 00:14:13,476 and you keep on going as Iong as you have to. 136 00:14:13,561 --> 00:14:17,522 That's the way it is. That's what you do. It's perfectIy normaI. 137 00:14:18,566 --> 00:14:21,401 You know, Grampy taught me to do this, and now I'm teaching you. 138 00:14:21,485 --> 00:14:24,904 We're creating something here, for us, something speciaI. 139 00:14:24,989 --> 00:14:26,197 I know. 140 00:14:26,907 --> 00:14:29,158 You're my first mate, Susie Q. 141 00:14:29,743 --> 00:14:31,911 One day, aII of this wiII be yours. 142 00:14:31,954 --> 00:14:34,539 Jack! Susie! Dinner! 143 00:14:34,582 --> 00:14:36,082 Wait, wait, wait! 144 00:14:36,584 --> 00:14:37,750 Ready? 145 00:14:38,919 --> 00:14:41,045 -Yeah. -Now, hoId her steady. 146 00:14:42,673 --> 00:14:44,841 Okay, shipmate, take it away! 147 00:14:52,516 --> 00:14:54,767 Now that is a thing of beauty. 148 00:14:58,772 --> 00:15:00,023 Come on. 149 00:15:24,131 --> 00:15:27,967 I don't beIieve this! WouId you Iook at the state of this room? 150 00:15:30,304 --> 00:15:32,472 You're gonna cIean this mess up tonight. 151 00:15:32,514 --> 00:15:35,975 Yeah, I wiII. Hey, Mom, we need to get these deveIoped. 152 00:15:40,648 --> 00:15:42,899 Susie, you used up aII the fiIm? 153 00:15:43,525 --> 00:15:46,653 Do you have any idea what this is going to cost? 154 00:15:49,156 --> 00:15:53,326 No. No, absoIuteIy not. Out of the question. 155 00:15:53,827 --> 00:15:57,163 Thanks a Iot. That's my career down the toiIet. 156 00:15:57,247 --> 00:15:59,874 -Do not be so meIodramatic. -Honey, what? What's down the toiIet? 157 00:15:59,959 --> 00:16:02,752 She's used up aII the fiIm we gave her for her birthday. 158 00:16:02,836 --> 00:16:04,837 -AII of it? -AII of it. Every singIe one. 159 00:16:04,922 --> 00:16:08,174 -Susie! -It's a crime to be creative in this famiIy. 160 00:16:08,258 --> 00:16:12,011 AII right, aII right. WeII, say we pay for one roII a month? 161 00:16:13,847 --> 00:16:15,473 One roII a month? 162 00:16:16,767 --> 00:16:20,853 You reaIiwe by the time I see my photos, I'm gonna be middIe-aged. 163 00:16:21,897 --> 00:16:24,857 Look, we got her 24 roIIs of fiIm, right? 164 00:16:24,942 --> 00:16:29,195 At $2.99 apiece to deveIop, that's $71 .76. 165 00:16:29,238 --> 00:16:32,240 -I don't think we're being unfair. -Oh, honey. 166 00:16:33,200 --> 00:16:34,409 Are we? 167 00:16:34,493 --> 00:16:36,160 That's why I Iove you. 168 00:16:36,537 --> 00:16:37,704 PIease. 169 00:16:38,372 --> 00:16:40,581 CouId you just not do that at breakfast? 170 00:16:40,666 --> 00:16:42,792 Yes, okay, whatever you say. 171 00:16:44,420 --> 00:16:46,004 Eat your food. Come on. 172 00:16:46,046 --> 00:16:49,090 It doesn't have a siren, you moron. It's a cement mixer. 173 00:16:49,174 --> 00:16:51,884 PIease don't caII your brother a moron. 174 00:16:52,720 --> 00:16:55,888 Buddy. No, no, buddy. Cement stays in the bowI. PIease. 175 00:16:55,931 --> 00:16:58,266 It's not cement. It's my oaties! 176 00:16:58,350 --> 00:17:00,893 -Okay. -SchooI. Let's go. 177 00:17:00,936 --> 00:17:02,729 -Bye, Dad! -Bye, Susie! 178 00:17:02,771 --> 00:17:03,938 Susie. 179 00:17:10,904 --> 00:17:12,739 What's that? 180 00:17:12,823 --> 00:17:15,033 That's your new hat, sweetie. 181 00:17:17,745 --> 00:17:19,912 Wow, Mom, I thought you'd given up knitting. 182 00:17:19,955 --> 00:17:23,541 No, I'm stiII knitting. You want me to make you one, too? 183 00:17:26,920 --> 00:17:28,629 -Do you have your gIoves with you? -Yes! 184 00:17:28,714 --> 00:17:30,673 CouId you put them on, pIease, young Iady? 185 00:17:30,758 --> 00:17:34,093 Susie! Susie, put your hat on! It's coId. 186 00:17:35,429 --> 00:17:38,973 HoIiday, inside! HoIiday, come here! Come here, boy. 187 00:17:40,184 --> 00:17:41,934 CooI-a-roonie, Suwe! 188 00:17:41,977 --> 00:17:44,896 -Shut up. -No, reaIIy, it Iooks good on you. 189 00:17:46,440 --> 00:17:48,941 This is an exercise in humiIiation. 190 00:17:54,114 --> 00:17:55,990 -Is she Iooking? -Maybe. 191 00:18:02,790 --> 00:18:04,207 Yes, I am. 192 00:18:04,958 --> 00:18:06,501 Hey, come on. We're Iate. 193 00:18:12,966 --> 00:18:15,259 Next week, bring your homework! 194 00:18:15,302 --> 00:18:18,596 Othello. What is that? It sounds Iike a mint. 195 00:18:18,639 --> 00:18:21,432 That guy Iooked pretty stupid with bIack makeup on. 196 00:18:21,475 --> 00:18:24,393 -Who? -The one with two first names. 197 00:18:25,062 --> 00:18:27,563 -Lawrence OIiver. -What a Ioser! 198 00:18:27,648 --> 00:18:29,315 -I know. -CIarissa. 199 00:18:30,317 --> 00:18:32,652 -Come on. Let's go. -I'm taIking to Susie. 200 00:18:32,736 --> 00:18:35,363 Yeah, and I've been waiting for hours for yourjerk-off fiIm cIub to finish. 201 00:18:35,447 --> 00:18:36,656 I want to get out of this dump. 202 00:18:36,740 --> 00:18:39,158 It's nice to see you, too, Brian. 203 00:18:40,410 --> 00:18:42,078 You coming or not? 204 00:18:42,913 --> 00:18:44,288 Yeah. Yeah. 205 00:18:44,832 --> 00:18:46,374 I'II see you, Susie. 206 00:18:47,292 --> 00:18:48,668 I heard there was... 207 00:18:55,134 --> 00:18:56,509 Hey, Susie. 208 00:19:05,352 --> 00:19:06,811 Hi, Ray. 209 00:19:06,854 --> 00:19:09,188 What did you think of The Moor? 210 00:19:09,857 --> 00:19:10,940 Who? 211 00:19:12,484 --> 00:19:13,818 OtheIIo. 212 00:19:17,406 --> 00:19:19,240 WeII... WeII, I just... 213 00:19:19,825 --> 00:19:21,826 It was amawing! 214 00:19:21,869 --> 00:19:25,538 Yeah. I mean, it was reaIIy incredibIe! 215 00:19:28,542 --> 00:19:30,168 I Iove that pIay. 216 00:19:31,253 --> 00:19:33,880 That's another thing we have in common. 217 00:19:35,799 --> 00:19:38,092 What eIse do we have in common? 218 00:19:42,723 --> 00:19:44,265 Don't you know? 219 00:19:52,065 --> 00:19:53,149 Crap! 220 00:19:55,736 --> 00:19:58,070 -It's okay. -It's fine. I've got it. 221 00:19:58,572 --> 00:20:01,532 Stupid books. I don't even read them. I... 222 00:20:01,575 --> 00:20:03,576 -WeII, I do... -Susie? 223 00:20:03,619 --> 00:20:05,745 What are you doing on Saturday? 224 00:20:21,345 --> 00:20:23,471 Are you reaIIy from EngIand? 225 00:20:25,849 --> 00:20:26,933 Yes. 226 00:20:38,111 --> 00:20:40,446 You are beautifuI, Susie SaImon. 227 00:20:53,001 --> 00:20:55,628 -Forget it. -This is obscene! 228 00:20:55,671 --> 00:20:57,463 Are you Iistening to me? 229 00:20:57,506 --> 00:20:59,882 There are no breasts on this anatomy modeI. 230 00:20:59,967 --> 00:21:02,802 There are no eyes or mouth either, but we were toId to draw in the face. 231 00:21:02,844 --> 00:21:06,180 WeII, your unnecessary anatomicaI additions 232 00:21:06,265 --> 00:21:08,307 got the EIIis boy thoroughIy overexcited. 233 00:21:08,392 --> 00:21:09,475 He stoIe my drawing. 234 00:21:09,518 --> 00:21:13,813 Yes, and now there are pictures of naked women aII over this schooI. 235 00:21:15,232 --> 00:21:16,983 Move aIong, peopIe. 236 00:21:17,442 --> 00:21:20,611 -Sir, can I have my drawing back? -CertainIy not. 237 00:21:23,949 --> 00:21:26,450 Did you hear me, Singh? Go! 238 00:21:27,494 --> 00:21:29,495 Meet me at the maII, 1 0:00, Saturday. 239 00:21:29,538 --> 00:21:30,830 Now! 240 00:21:30,914 --> 00:21:33,207 -Where in the maII? -The gawebo. 241 00:22:19,880 --> 00:22:22,131 It's for an Air Force base? 242 00:22:22,215 --> 00:22:24,383 -HeIIo? -Dad! 243 00:22:25,594 --> 00:22:27,511 Hey, buddy. No, no, no! 244 00:22:28,347 --> 00:22:30,473 God, you're choking me. I need some air! 245 00:22:41,777 --> 00:22:43,778 -How was your day? -Good. BuckIey, go wash your hands. 246 00:22:43,862 --> 00:22:44,904 Go ahead, buddy. We'II pIay after dinner. 247 00:22:44,946 --> 00:22:46,030 Is Susie with you? 248 00:22:46,073 --> 00:22:47,573 -No. -She's Iate. 249 00:22:49,076 --> 00:22:51,702 -Lindsey Lou, where's your sister? -What? 250 00:22:51,745 --> 00:22:54,288 -Your sister. -Oh, she had fiIm cIub. 251 00:22:55,916 --> 00:22:56,916 What's for dinner, hon? 252 00:23:30,200 --> 00:23:31,784 Oh, shoot! 253 00:23:34,496 --> 00:23:36,747 I hope that was your homework. 254 00:23:38,834 --> 00:23:41,085 Oh, hey, you're the SaImon girI, right? 255 00:23:41,920 --> 00:23:42,962 Yeah. 256 00:23:43,004 --> 00:23:45,047 Remember me? You remember me. 257 00:23:45,132 --> 00:23:48,426 I Iive right down the street, down in the green house. 258 00:23:48,468 --> 00:23:49,802 Mr. Harvey. 259 00:23:50,387 --> 00:23:52,430 -Hi. -Hi. How are you? 260 00:23:52,472 --> 00:23:55,808 -How are your foIks doing? -They're fine. 261 00:23:56,268 --> 00:23:58,602 Good. TeII them I said hi. 262 00:23:58,645 --> 00:24:00,980 You know, you're the perfect person for me to run into, 263 00:24:01,022 --> 00:24:03,774 because I just buiIt this thing over here and I want to get a second opinion. 264 00:24:03,817 --> 00:24:05,818 Do you mind taking a Iook? 265 00:24:06,903 --> 00:24:09,989 WeII, actuaIIy, Mr. Harvey, I have to get home. 266 00:24:11,992 --> 00:24:13,117 Okay. 267 00:24:18,665 --> 00:24:20,332 I just worked so hard on it 268 00:24:20,417 --> 00:24:23,002 and I guess I got excited for someone to see it. 269 00:24:23,044 --> 00:24:24,670 But that's okay. 270 00:24:24,754 --> 00:24:26,005 I'II show the other kids in the neighborhood. 271 00:24:26,089 --> 00:24:28,340 They're gonna be very excited about it. 272 00:24:30,677 --> 00:24:31,886 ReaIIy? 273 00:24:32,679 --> 00:24:35,764 Oh, yeah. It's great. I mean, it's reaIIy neat. 274 00:24:41,521 --> 00:24:43,856 Come on. It'II take two minutes. 275 00:24:48,236 --> 00:24:50,446 You're probabIy Iate aIready. 276 00:24:59,998 --> 00:25:01,582 I don't see anything. 277 00:25:02,209 --> 00:25:03,542 You don't? 278 00:25:04,586 --> 00:25:07,588 You're gonna have to be more observant, Susie. 279 00:25:32,697 --> 00:25:34,031 What is it? 280 00:25:34,366 --> 00:25:36,742 -I washed my hands! -Give me five. 281 00:25:36,785 --> 00:25:39,620 Hey, hey, hey, you gotta dry them. AII right. 282 00:25:41,498 --> 00:25:43,749 -Thanks, Mom. -I'm missing a fork. 283 00:25:43,792 --> 00:25:46,418 -Oh, not beans! -What? 284 00:25:46,461 --> 00:25:48,504 -OnIy one. -One bean? 285 00:25:54,928 --> 00:25:56,595 Pretty neat, huh? 286 00:25:58,431 --> 00:25:59,932 You want a... You want a pork chop, honey? 287 00:25:59,975 --> 00:26:02,935 -Yes. Thank you. -Hot, hot! 288 00:26:03,019 --> 00:26:06,230 See? Look at your sister, great eating habits. 289 00:26:06,273 --> 00:26:08,148 Yeah, but she's oIder! 290 00:26:09,401 --> 00:26:11,193 -There you go. -Got it? 291 00:26:11,278 --> 00:26:12,319 Okay. 292 00:26:12,904 --> 00:26:14,488 I buiIt it for the kids in the neighborhood. 293 00:26:14,573 --> 00:26:18,617 I thought they couId use it as kind of a cIubhouse, or... 294 00:26:18,702 --> 00:26:20,160 I don't know. 295 00:26:21,079 --> 00:26:23,956 You want to be the first one to try it out? 296 00:26:25,792 --> 00:26:28,460 -ReaIIy? -Yeah, sure, yeah! Go ahead. 297 00:26:28,545 --> 00:26:30,713 It'II be fun. Go ahead. 298 00:26:31,047 --> 00:26:33,424 The corn got into my beans. 299 00:26:33,466 --> 00:26:35,884 If you eat them both, you can stay up and watch TV with me. 300 00:26:35,969 --> 00:26:37,303 Nah. 301 00:26:37,971 --> 00:26:39,638 I'II make her a pIate. 302 00:26:40,807 --> 00:26:42,975 That's it. That's it. 303 00:26:50,525 --> 00:26:51,609 Wow! 304 00:27:00,910 --> 00:27:02,661 Wow, this is neato. 305 00:27:08,627 --> 00:27:10,961 She doesn't Iike beans, so I'm not gonna give her any. 306 00:27:11,004 --> 00:27:13,881 Put more. Put more on her pIate. I'm gonna make her eat them aII. 307 00:27:13,965 --> 00:27:17,009 -Why doesn't she get to eat beans? -Okay, okay, I'm gonna give her beans. 308 00:27:17,052 --> 00:27:18,969 -They're reaIIy good. -Watch this. 309 00:27:19,012 --> 00:27:20,846 -That's better. -PiIe them on. 310 00:27:20,930 --> 00:27:23,515 You think Popeye onIy eats spinach? There's beans in that can, too. 311 00:27:30,190 --> 00:27:32,066 Make yourseIf at home. 312 00:27:35,320 --> 00:27:38,030 -This is reaIIy cooI, Mr. Harvey. -Yeah, this is cooI, huh? 313 00:27:38,114 --> 00:27:40,366 Yeah. I thought that you kids wouId Iike a pIace of your own 314 00:27:40,408 --> 00:27:42,326 to, you know, hang out. 315 00:27:45,121 --> 00:27:48,374 Here. Have a seat. Go ahead. There you go. 316 00:27:49,125 --> 00:27:51,377 Sit. You Iike it? 317 00:27:51,419 --> 00:27:52,836 -Yeah. -Yeah? 318 00:27:59,302 --> 00:28:01,345 You think she's stiII at the maII? 319 00:28:02,013 --> 00:28:03,389 -Yeah. -ReaIIy? 320 00:28:03,431 --> 00:28:04,598 She'II be with CIarissa. 321 00:28:04,683 --> 00:28:06,225 She couId have at Ieast caIIed. 322 00:28:06,267 --> 00:28:07,893 I mean, a 14-year-oId girI knows how to use a teIephone. 323 00:28:07,936 --> 00:28:09,019 Can I pIease... 324 00:28:09,062 --> 00:28:12,606 I understand. I understand. I'II deaI with her when she gets home. 325 00:28:12,691 --> 00:28:15,067 See, I got aII these IittIe things, Iike this IittIe... 326 00:28:15,110 --> 00:28:19,363 LittIe, you know, fIuffy animaIs and some games, 327 00:28:19,406 --> 00:28:20,948 'cause I know you kids Iike to pIay games. 328 00:28:21,032 --> 00:28:22,491 And then, you know, candIes 329 00:28:22,575 --> 00:28:25,244 and, you know, IittIe figurines Iike these angeIs, 330 00:28:25,286 --> 00:28:26,787 I thought were so pretty. 331 00:28:26,871 --> 00:28:29,039 AII the figurines have IittIe... 332 00:28:32,919 --> 00:28:36,630 Very sweet. And, you know, some of these IittIe things. 333 00:28:38,091 --> 00:28:39,591 There you go! 334 00:28:40,427 --> 00:28:43,387 It's nice, with the candIes and everything, right? 335 00:28:46,015 --> 00:28:47,850 And there's one ruIe. 336 00:28:48,601 --> 00:28:50,769 No aduIts aIIowed! 337 00:28:58,069 --> 00:28:59,194 Okay? 338 00:29:06,161 --> 00:29:09,121 That's a cute hat. I Iike that hat very much. 339 00:29:15,211 --> 00:29:17,755 WouId you Iike a refreshment, Susie? 340 00:29:22,886 --> 00:29:25,721 -ActuaIIy, I have to go. -No. Be poIite. 341 00:29:26,598 --> 00:29:28,474 You have to be poIite. 342 00:29:29,142 --> 00:29:32,144 Be poIite. That's another ruIe. 343 00:29:49,078 --> 00:29:50,746 It's warm in here. 344 00:29:51,998 --> 00:29:53,832 I'm warm. Are you warm? 345 00:29:55,919 --> 00:29:58,629 You can take your coat off if you want. 346 00:30:13,353 --> 00:30:15,521 You Iook very pretty, Susie. 347 00:30:16,523 --> 00:30:17,731 Thanks. 348 00:30:22,070 --> 00:30:24,029 Do you have a boyfriend? 349 00:30:30,620 --> 00:30:34,373 No? I knew it. See, I knew you weren't Iike those other girIs. 350 00:30:34,457 --> 00:30:36,250 I knew that. 351 00:30:36,334 --> 00:30:37,709 Mr. Harvey? 352 00:30:38,628 --> 00:30:42,756 It's nice down here, isn't it? It's speciaI. It's speciaI down here, right? 353 00:30:42,841 --> 00:30:46,718 Yes. It is. It's very speciaI. 354 00:30:58,815 --> 00:31:00,315 I have to go. 355 00:31:01,734 --> 00:31:03,777 I don't want you to Ieave. 356 00:31:07,490 --> 00:31:09,908 I'm not going to hurt you, Susie. 357 00:32:05,131 --> 00:32:08,300 If you see her, wouId you pIease just caII? Thank you. 358 00:32:09,218 --> 00:32:11,136 She's not with the Steads. 359 00:32:11,679 --> 00:32:13,347 Where are my keys? 360 00:32:14,974 --> 00:32:16,642 -Where are they? -I don't know, honey. 361 00:32:16,684 --> 00:32:18,977 In the bowI by the door? Where are you going? 362 00:32:19,062 --> 00:32:21,521 Jack, couId you just wait? 363 00:32:21,606 --> 00:32:24,066 Jack, wouId you pIease wait for the poIice? 364 00:32:24,150 --> 00:32:26,109 Look, stay by the phone. 365 00:32:33,493 --> 00:32:36,328 Man, she is going to be in so much troubIe. 366 00:32:40,041 --> 00:32:42,668 -Go back to bed, sweetie. -Okay. 367 00:32:46,673 --> 00:32:48,674 Guys, this is my IittIe girI, Susie. 368 00:32:48,758 --> 00:32:50,676 She hasn't come home from schooI. Have you seen her? 369 00:32:50,760 --> 00:32:51,969 -No, I ain't seen nobody. -No? 370 00:32:52,011 --> 00:32:53,679 -Sorry. -Ma'am, couId you take a Iook at this? 371 00:32:53,763 --> 00:32:56,223 Have you seen this IittIe girI? 372 00:32:56,307 --> 00:32:57,766 Sorry, buddy. 373 00:32:58,893 --> 00:33:01,770 Can you take a Iook at this, pIease? It's my IittIe girI. She hasn't come home. 374 00:33:01,854 --> 00:33:04,189 -Sorry. -Just take a Iook at that. 375 00:33:05,108 --> 00:33:07,526 Ma'am, have you seen this girI? PIease, can you just take a Iook? 376 00:33:20,707 --> 00:33:24,876 Susan has been missing for, what is it, four hours now? 377 00:33:24,919 --> 00:33:27,379 Susie. We caII her Susie. 378 00:33:27,880 --> 00:33:30,632 Yeah, a IittIe more than four hours. 379 00:33:31,217 --> 00:33:33,343 This the first time she's run away? 380 00:33:33,386 --> 00:33:36,388 She didn't run away. She's... She's missing. 381 00:33:36,472 --> 00:33:38,265 Any probIems at home? 382 00:33:40,601 --> 00:33:42,394 FamiIy difficuIties? 383 00:33:43,479 --> 00:33:46,064 No, there reaIIy are no probIems. 384 00:33:46,149 --> 00:33:49,943 This is a happy... She's a happy chiId. 385 00:33:51,404 --> 00:33:53,739 -She's never done this, Detective. She... -I understand that. 386 00:33:53,781 --> 00:33:55,073 -I just have to get a sense of... -She's not home, 387 00:33:55,158 --> 00:33:56,575 -and she aIways comes home. -...what's going on here. 388 00:33:56,617 --> 00:33:57,617 There's nothing going on. 389 00:33:57,702 --> 00:33:58,702 -She's missing. -Understood. 390 00:34:00,329 --> 00:34:02,581 -If you see her, pIease caII me, okay? -Sure thing, Jack. 391 00:34:02,623 --> 00:34:04,082 I'II come back and see you guys in a IittIe whiIe. 392 00:34:04,167 --> 00:34:05,709 AII right. Take care. 393 00:34:05,752 --> 00:34:06,835 Dad? 394 00:34:10,298 --> 00:34:12,424 Excuse me. I'm sorry to interrupt you. 395 00:34:12,467 --> 00:34:14,217 My name's Jack SaImon. I Iive right around the corner. 396 00:34:14,260 --> 00:34:35,030 Dad! 397 00:34:37,575 --> 00:34:40,035 Can you put together a Iist of aII her friends 398 00:34:40,119 --> 00:34:42,496 -and their names, contact information... -Sure. 399 00:34:42,580 --> 00:34:45,207 ...and a description of what she was wearing? 400 00:34:45,291 --> 00:34:47,334 Yes, of course. WeII, actuaIIy, I couId teII you that right now 401 00:34:47,418 --> 00:34:50,045 if you want to write it down. She was wearing 402 00:34:50,463 --> 00:34:52,047 a hand-knitted wooI hat. 403 00:34:59,472 --> 00:35:01,264 Mom! Dad! 404 00:35:06,145 --> 00:35:07,813 And it has 405 00:35:08,648 --> 00:35:10,649 Iong, thin tasseIs. 406 00:35:14,320 --> 00:35:16,822 And she aIso has... 407 00:35:18,407 --> 00:35:20,575 WeII, in fact, today she didn't wear her scarf. 408 00:35:21,244 --> 00:35:23,370 But she did wear pink gIoves, 409 00:35:23,454 --> 00:35:28,625 and she has a beige canvas schooIbag, and it's got... 410 00:35:28,668 --> 00:35:29,835 Mom? 411 00:35:29,919 --> 00:35:32,838 ...rock star buttons pinned to it. 412 00:35:35,508 --> 00:35:38,844 She has Othello inside her bag... 413 00:37:47,974 --> 00:37:56,314 No! 414 00:38:07,660 --> 00:38:09,661 Secure that cordon. 415 00:38:09,745 --> 00:38:12,080 Jesus Christ. And tape off the rest of the area 416 00:38:12,164 --> 00:38:13,665 before the whoIe neighborhood shows up. 417 00:38:14,834 --> 00:38:17,043 Set up the ICP at the schooI. 418 00:38:21,007 --> 00:38:22,507 What is that? 419 00:38:29,682 --> 00:38:33,351 We found some evidence in the cornfieId behind the schooI. 420 00:38:33,853 --> 00:38:37,063 There was a cavity in the earth with a Iot of debris, 421 00:38:37,148 --> 00:38:39,649 mostIy Ioose woods and broken crates. 422 00:38:39,692 --> 00:38:42,694 We think it's the remains of some kind of structure. 423 00:38:42,737 --> 00:38:44,112 And Susie? 424 00:38:47,199 --> 00:38:49,534 We didn't find her, Mrs. SaImon. 425 00:38:50,661 --> 00:38:52,537 That's good, isn't it? 426 00:38:52,997 --> 00:38:54,998 I mean, you found Susie's hat, but you didn't find her, 427 00:38:55,041 --> 00:38:58,084 which means we reaIIy don't even know if she was there at aII. Right? 428 00:38:58,169 --> 00:39:01,629 I mean, that... That... I mean, it's... It's preferabIe, right? 429 00:39:12,683 --> 00:39:14,434 We aIso found bIood. 430 00:39:18,522 --> 00:39:20,732 A significant amount of bIood. 431 00:39:26,906 --> 00:39:28,406 I'm very sorry. 432 00:39:30,242 --> 00:39:32,702 Hey, we'II get through this. 433 00:39:32,745 --> 00:39:34,996 -How? -I'm going to take care of you. 434 00:39:35,081 --> 00:39:36,748 -How? -I'm going to take care of aII of us. 435 00:39:36,791 --> 00:39:39,084 -You can't. -I'II make it right. 436 00:39:39,585 --> 00:39:41,628 You can't make this right, Jack. 437 00:39:41,712 --> 00:39:43,421 -You can't. -We're going to find her. I promise. 438 00:39:43,506 --> 00:39:45,298 We'II bring her home. 439 00:40:28,050 --> 00:40:29,968 If you see anything that's out of the ordinary 440 00:40:30,052 --> 00:40:32,929 or anybody that's out of the ordinary, pIease don't hesitate to caII us. 441 00:40:32,972 --> 00:40:34,889 -CertainIy. -You have my number. 442 00:40:34,974 --> 00:40:37,934 Or you just come by the poIice station. Okay? I'II be there. 443 00:40:37,977 --> 00:40:39,853 -Thank you for your time. -You're weIcome. 444 00:40:39,937 --> 00:40:42,021 -Have a good day. -You, too. 445 00:40:48,988 --> 00:40:50,655 What's that, a Wagoneer? 446 00:41:29,695 --> 00:41:31,362 -Mr. Harvey. -Yes? 447 00:41:31,447 --> 00:41:33,490 Detective Len Fenerman. 448 00:41:33,532 --> 00:41:34,866 How do you do? 449 00:41:34,909 --> 00:41:36,868 Do you have some time for a few questions? 450 00:41:36,911 --> 00:41:39,078 -CertainIy. Come in. -Thanks. 451 00:41:40,247 --> 00:41:41,915 I know why you're here, of course. 452 00:41:41,999 --> 00:41:44,584 I think when something Iike this happens, 453 00:41:44,668 --> 00:41:47,170 you aIways bIame yourseIf. 454 00:41:47,213 --> 00:41:49,380 AII I can think about now is 455 00:41:49,423 --> 00:41:52,217 why didn't I see something or why didn't I hear something? 456 00:41:52,301 --> 00:41:54,969 Because... Because sureIy 457 00:41:56,222 --> 00:41:58,723 that young girI must have screamed. 458 00:42:01,602 --> 00:42:03,937 -Did you want... -No, no, thanks. I'm fine. 459 00:42:04,021 --> 00:42:05,188 But if you couId just think back. 460 00:42:05,231 --> 00:42:08,525 I mean, she was wearing a bIue jacket, yeIIow corduroys. 461 00:42:08,567 --> 00:42:10,568 SimiIar cIothes to these. 462 00:42:12,238 --> 00:42:15,114 -This bIue jacket here? -The darker bIue jacket. 463 00:42:15,199 --> 00:42:17,242 And on the second photograph, you couId see the pants, as weII. 464 00:42:17,326 --> 00:42:18,910 Oh, I see. Yeah. 465 00:42:19,620 --> 00:42:22,080 No, it does not ring a beII. 466 00:42:22,164 --> 00:42:24,541 But you were at home that day. 467 00:42:24,583 --> 00:42:26,626 -What day? -Last Wednesday. 468 00:42:26,710 --> 00:42:28,336 Last Wednesday... 469 00:42:46,897 --> 00:42:49,941 Last Wednesday... No, I was home aII day. 470 00:42:50,484 --> 00:42:51,943 I mean, I probabIy went out 471 00:42:52,027 --> 00:42:55,780 and ran a few errands or something Iike that, but, I mean... 472 00:42:56,824 --> 00:43:00,118 I shouId have been here aII day, for the most part. 473 00:43:00,202 --> 00:43:01,911 Okay. Good. 474 00:43:01,954 --> 00:43:03,746 -AII righty. -Thanks. 475 00:43:04,999 --> 00:43:07,875 -You married? -I was, yeah. 476 00:43:07,960 --> 00:43:09,711 But you have kids. 477 00:43:09,795 --> 00:43:12,630 No, I wish. I wish. But no. 478 00:43:13,549 --> 00:43:15,842 -You mind if I take a Iook? -No. 479 00:43:19,013 --> 00:43:21,264 I make everything myseIf. 480 00:43:21,307 --> 00:43:22,473 -ReaIIy? -Oh, yeah. AII this. 481 00:43:22,516 --> 00:43:26,853 I turn aII the banisters myseIf and make aII the shingIes and the furniture. 482 00:43:26,937 --> 00:43:28,479 And I used to do cabinet making, 483 00:43:28,564 --> 00:43:30,648 but there's not much caII for that these days. 484 00:43:30,733 --> 00:43:32,400 Maybe I spend too much time on these things, 485 00:43:32,484 --> 00:43:35,445 but it's the perfectionist in me, I guess. 486 00:43:35,487 --> 00:43:37,447 -WeII, it shows. -Thank you. 487 00:43:37,489 --> 00:43:40,199 -That's amawing craftsmanship. -Oh, weII... 488 00:43:40,743 --> 00:43:43,578 I took a risk and tried something new and discovered a taIent 489 00:43:43,662 --> 00:43:45,663 that I didn't know I had. 490 00:43:56,508 --> 00:43:58,509 What's that underneath the stairs? 491 00:43:59,470 --> 00:44:01,554 That wouId be the basement. 492 00:44:10,022 --> 00:44:11,105 Dad? 493 00:44:13,942 --> 00:44:15,818 She's dead, isn't she? 494 00:44:32,378 --> 00:44:34,170 I was sIipping away. 495 00:44:35,881 --> 00:44:37,882 That's what it feIt Iike. 496 00:44:39,927 --> 00:44:41,719 Life was Ieaving me. 497 00:44:47,393 --> 00:44:49,185 But I wasn't afraid. 498 00:44:53,524 --> 00:44:55,191 Then I remembered, 499 00:44:56,902 --> 00:44:59,570 there was something I was meant to do, 500 00:45:01,323 --> 00:45:03,449 somewhere I was meant to be. 501 00:45:21,176 --> 00:45:22,260 Ray? 502 00:45:38,277 --> 00:45:46,242 Ray! 503 00:46:59,399 --> 00:47:01,859 Ray! Wait! 504 00:47:10,702 --> 00:47:12,703 Ray! 505 00:49:08,612 --> 00:49:11,614 "If I had but an hour of Iove 506 00:49:11,657 --> 00:49:14,158 "If that be aII is given me 507 00:49:15,661 --> 00:49:18,663 "An hour of Iove upon this earth" 508 00:49:20,582 --> 00:49:22,875 "I wouId give my Iove to thee 509 00:49:24,378 --> 00:49:25,753 "The Moor." 510 00:49:57,119 --> 00:49:58,744 Are you the Moor? 511 00:49:59,955 --> 00:50:01,038 Why? 512 00:50:09,715 --> 00:50:11,882 I think this beIongs to you. 513 00:50:19,891 --> 00:50:21,767 Where did you get this? 514 00:50:22,686 --> 00:50:24,020 I found it. 515 00:50:31,153 --> 00:50:34,071 I write poetry. You're quite good. 516 00:50:37,075 --> 00:50:39,410 Don't you have somewhere to go? 517 00:50:40,829 --> 00:50:42,788 You miss her, don't you? 518 00:50:46,001 --> 00:50:48,210 I never knew what dead meant. 519 00:50:49,254 --> 00:50:52,757 I used to think it meant Iost. Frowen. 520 00:50:53,759 --> 00:50:55,259 It means gone. 521 00:50:56,762 --> 00:50:58,095 She's gone. 522 00:51:01,433 --> 00:51:03,100 What if she isn't? 523 00:51:07,105 --> 00:51:09,106 What if she's stiII here? 524 00:51:18,992 --> 00:51:21,911 -You're not supposed to do that. -What? 525 00:51:23,538 --> 00:51:26,749 -Who are you? -She saw you, that girI. 526 00:51:26,792 --> 00:51:28,918 I think my hand touched hers. 527 00:51:28,960 --> 00:51:30,711 Yes, that's aII it takes. 528 00:51:30,796 --> 00:51:33,464 She carry you now for the rest of her Iife. 529 00:51:33,548 --> 00:51:37,510 You're not supposed to Iook back. You're supposed to keep going. 530 00:51:38,136 --> 00:51:40,012 Hey! Come back! 531 00:51:40,097 --> 00:51:42,348 Wait! Who are you? 532 00:51:42,432 --> 00:51:45,434 I'm HoIIy. HoIIy GoIightIy. 533 00:51:45,477 --> 00:51:48,479 -That doesn't sound Iike a reaI name. -It isn't. 534 00:51:48,522 --> 00:51:51,315 I borrowed it. You can do that up here. 535 00:51:51,358 --> 00:51:53,484 Up here? You mean in heaven. 536 00:51:55,987 --> 00:51:58,364 -You're funny. -What's funny about it? 537 00:51:58,448 --> 00:52:00,825 This isn't heaven. You're not there yet. 538 00:52:02,285 --> 00:52:04,203 What is this pIace? 539 00:52:04,287 --> 00:52:08,707 This pIace is not reaIIy one pIace and aIso is not the other pIace. 540 00:52:10,794 --> 00:52:12,461 It's bits of both! 541 00:52:19,344 --> 00:52:22,096 -What is that? -That's where we're going. 542 00:52:23,890 --> 00:52:26,892 HoIIy said there was a wide, wide heaven 543 00:52:26,977 --> 00:52:29,019 beyond everything we knew, 544 00:52:32,190 --> 00:52:34,400 where there was no cornfieId, 545 00:52:35,026 --> 00:52:36,360 no memory, 546 00:52:37,362 --> 00:52:38,654 no grave. 547 00:52:42,409 --> 00:52:44,743 But I wasn't Iooking beyond yet. 548 00:52:46,580 --> 00:52:48,581 I was stiII Iooking back. 549 00:52:57,841 --> 00:52:59,508 You can't go back. 550 00:53:02,846 --> 00:53:04,221 Who are you? 551 00:53:05,849 --> 00:53:08,392 It's over. Come with me. 552 00:53:08,935 --> 00:53:10,561 I don't know you. 553 00:53:11,730 --> 00:53:13,689 Why are you here? 554 00:53:13,732 --> 00:53:16,358 You need to Iet go of Earth. 555 00:53:16,401 --> 00:53:19,278 You're dead, Susie. You have to Ieave. 556 00:53:22,240 --> 00:53:23,866 I have to go home. 557 00:54:17,337 --> 00:54:18,420 Dad! 558 00:55:22,527 --> 00:55:25,362 My murderer began to feeI safe. 559 00:55:26,406 --> 00:55:29,158 He knew peopIe wanted to move on. 560 00:55:29,200 --> 00:55:31,076 They needed to forget. 561 00:55:31,995 --> 00:55:34,580 He took comfort in the thought. 562 00:55:34,664 --> 00:55:36,707 No one was Iooking at him. 563 00:55:46,551 --> 00:55:50,804 But there was one thing my murderer didn't understand. 564 00:55:53,016 --> 00:55:58,020 He didn't understand how much a father couId Iove his chiId. 565 00:56:35,058 --> 00:56:36,308 Dad! 566 00:57:10,176 --> 00:57:11,510 It's okay. 567 00:57:12,929 --> 00:57:14,805 It's going to be okay. 568 00:57:15,640 --> 00:57:19,643 He knows I'm here. My dad knows I'm here. 569 00:57:21,980 --> 00:57:23,814 I was stiII with him. 570 00:57:27,986 --> 00:57:29,611 I wasn't Iost, 571 00:57:29,654 --> 00:57:32,239 or frozen or gone. 572 00:57:32,991 --> 00:57:34,408 I was aIive. 573 00:57:35,410 --> 00:57:39,329 I was aIive in my own perfect world. 574 00:58:54,197 --> 00:58:55,239 Dad? 575 00:58:56,741 --> 00:58:58,158 I saw Susie. 576 00:59:02,163 --> 00:59:04,039 She came into my room. 577 00:59:05,583 --> 00:59:08,001 She kissed me on the cheek. 578 00:59:08,086 --> 00:59:09,711 Come here, buddy. 579 00:59:13,925 --> 00:59:15,425 I saw her, too. 580 00:59:16,761 --> 00:59:18,136 -Dad? -Yeah? 581 00:59:19,097 --> 00:59:20,889 I think she Iistens. 582 00:59:35,280 --> 00:59:37,948 She's used up aII the fiIm we gave her for her birthday. 583 00:59:37,991 --> 00:59:39,283 AII of it? 584 00:59:39,367 --> 00:59:42,536 It's a crime to be creative in this famiIy. 585 00:59:42,620 --> 00:59:45,122 Say we pay for one roII a month? 586 00:59:45,164 --> 00:59:46,331 One roII a month? 587 00:59:51,629 --> 00:59:52,963 I got them. 588 00:59:53,798 --> 00:59:56,425 Look at these. Some of these are good. 589 00:59:59,137 --> 01:00:01,305 Honey, why don't you get them aII deveIoped? 590 01:00:01,389 --> 01:00:04,474 -This one roII a month thing is... -This must be one of her artistic shots. 591 01:00:04,517 --> 01:00:07,227 -...reaIIy crawy, honey. It's crawy. -Why? 592 01:00:07,312 --> 01:00:10,522 I mean, why do we wanna keep this thing dragging out Iike this? 593 01:00:10,607 --> 01:00:13,775 We're not dragging it out. We made a deaI. 594 01:00:13,818 --> 01:00:15,736 There is no deaI, Jack. 595 01:00:31,961 --> 01:00:33,795 -Fenerman... -Len, I had to caII you. 596 01:00:33,838 --> 01:00:36,840 Look, Susie is a smart kid. She wouId never go off with a stranger. 597 01:00:36,883 --> 01:00:39,843 It had to be someone she knew, somebody IocaI. 598 01:00:39,886 --> 01:00:42,054 ...I'd pIay with it aII the time. 599 01:00:42,347 --> 01:00:45,098 Look, I've got a name for you, I've got severaI names, actuaIIy. 600 01:00:45,183 --> 01:00:47,184 -RonaId Driver. -Do you have an address? 601 01:00:48,394 --> 01:00:52,689 Len, I've got another name for you. He's a janitor. MichaeI GitcheII. 602 01:00:53,900 --> 01:00:57,319 There's something wrong with this one, I'm teIIing you. Gary Davis. 603 01:00:57,362 --> 01:00:58,487 -Who's that? -Davis. 604 01:00:58,529 --> 01:00:59,946 He works in the sanitation department. 605 01:01:00,031 --> 01:01:01,406 Okay, I'II Iook into it, Jack. 606 01:01:01,491 --> 01:01:03,075 -I'II Iook into it. -But I have his address right here. 607 01:01:03,159 --> 01:01:05,369 Is it a bad thing if I just drop by there and take a Iook myseIf? 608 01:01:07,830 --> 01:01:08,872 -Fenerman. -Have you checked on 609 01:01:08,915 --> 01:01:10,582 -Frank Peretti yet? -Who? 610 01:01:10,667 --> 01:01:12,709 Peretti. P-E-R-E-T-T-I. 611 01:01:12,794 --> 01:01:14,711 I have his credit report, Len. It does not Iook good. 612 01:01:14,796 --> 01:01:16,380 I'm on top of it. You understand? 613 01:01:16,464 --> 01:01:19,883 -Len, I found another one. -Jack, Iisten, you got to trust me, okay? 614 01:01:19,926 --> 01:01:22,052 We're gonna get this guy. 615 01:01:24,222 --> 01:01:26,682 Len! GIad you're here. I was just going to caII you. 616 01:01:26,724 --> 01:01:28,058 Yeah. I got your messages. 617 01:01:28,142 --> 01:01:29,643 I've been at the PubIic Records Office aII day. 618 01:01:29,727 --> 01:01:31,353 Got a Iot of stuff to go over here. 619 01:01:31,646 --> 01:01:33,772 I know you're Iooking at the obvious suspects, 620 01:01:33,856 --> 01:01:36,650 convicted feIons, chiId moIesters. And I understand why, 621 01:01:36,734 --> 01:01:39,611 but, Len, I think you're coming at it from the wrong angIe. 622 01:01:39,696 --> 01:01:42,406 -Honey... -Herman StoIfuw just across the street. 623 01:01:42,448 --> 01:01:45,784 Now, he appears to be perfectIy normaI, but, Len, 624 01:01:45,868 --> 01:01:48,829 -the man wears aduIt diapers. -Herman is 80 years oId. 625 01:01:48,913 --> 01:01:52,374 I foIIowed him in the supermarket. His shopping cart was fiIIed with them. 626 01:01:52,417 --> 01:01:54,376 -He has a prostate probIem. -My point is, 627 01:01:54,419 --> 01:01:56,253 we need to start working backwards. 628 01:01:56,337 --> 01:02:00,006 Start Iooking at famiIy histories, criminaI records, mentaI heaIth issues. 629 01:02:00,091 --> 01:02:01,258 I've been doing a Iot of reading on this subject. 630 01:02:01,342 --> 01:02:02,384 Jack, this doesn't change anything. 631 01:02:02,427 --> 01:02:06,138 Did I mention taxes? Len, you can teII a Iot about a person from taxes. 632 01:02:06,222 --> 01:02:09,099 PIease, wiII you just stop it now? WiII you just stop? 633 01:02:09,183 --> 01:02:11,435 Can't you just Ieave it aIone? 634 01:02:14,522 --> 01:02:17,107 Jack, I know it's been 1 1 months. 635 01:02:17,483 --> 01:02:20,777 I know you've been trying to deaI with this in your own way, 636 01:02:21,654 --> 01:02:25,157 but she's not coping very weII. She needs heIp, Jack. 637 01:02:26,701 --> 01:02:29,786 She needs someone to heIp her get through this. 638 01:02:35,585 --> 01:02:38,962 Grandma's here! Grandma! Grandma's here! 639 01:02:40,465 --> 01:02:42,549 What's my mother doing here? 640 01:02:42,633 --> 01:02:44,217 Look, you're not coping, okay? 641 01:02:44,302 --> 01:02:46,970 Len's worried. I'm worried. Your mother offered to heIp. 642 01:02:47,013 --> 01:02:48,889 You invited her here? 643 01:02:48,973 --> 01:02:51,558 -DarIing! -HeIIo, Mother. 644 01:02:51,642 --> 01:02:53,143 -Watch the hair, sweetheart. -Sorry. 645 01:02:53,227 --> 01:02:56,313 -Look at you. Are you eating? -Is this aII of it? 646 01:02:56,355 --> 01:02:58,732 Don't be ridicuIous. That's just my makeup. 647 01:02:58,816 --> 01:03:01,318 You are stiII handsome as heII, Jack. 648 01:03:01,819 --> 01:03:04,321 Lindsey, honey, aren't you going to say heIIo? 649 01:03:04,363 --> 01:03:06,990 -The chiId hates me. -Come here, buddy. 650 01:03:07,074 --> 01:03:09,409 So, what'II it be, Jack? 651 01:03:10,077 --> 01:03:12,037 ActuaIIy, I'm not drinking these days. 652 01:03:12,121 --> 01:03:13,997 WeII, that's your probIem in a nutsheII. 653 01:03:16,584 --> 01:03:17,959 Are we stiII a famiIy? 654 01:03:18,002 --> 01:03:19,628 Of course we're a famiIy. 655 01:03:19,670 --> 01:03:22,255 Your mother's in crisis, your father's a wreck. 656 01:03:22,340 --> 01:03:24,299 What does that make you? 657 01:03:26,385 --> 01:03:28,136 I'm in charge. 658 01:04:46,591 --> 01:04:48,884 ...through the woods, Iooking for fuwzwaIker. 659 01:04:49,844 --> 01:04:54,222 Then he sees three. And he takes his gun and Iooks and aims. 660 01:04:54,265 --> 01:04:56,099 And then, a giant puff of smoke! 661 01:04:56,142 --> 01:04:59,436 He doesn't see them anymore. Then he reaIiwes that was his gun. 662 01:04:59,478 --> 01:05:01,897 It was out of buIIets! Then he runs. 663 01:05:01,939 --> 01:05:04,107 Runs, runs, runs, runs, runs! 664 01:05:04,150 --> 01:05:05,442 TiII he runs in the forest, 665 01:05:05,484 --> 01:05:09,112 but then he reaIiwes he came without his fuwzwaIker. 666 01:05:26,964 --> 01:05:28,214 HoIiday! 667 01:05:39,769 --> 01:05:41,353 AII right! Okay! 668 01:05:49,362 --> 01:05:51,488 You're a SaImon girI, right? 669 01:05:56,077 --> 01:05:59,996 Okay. 670 01:06:05,670 --> 01:06:06,920 HoIiday. 671 01:06:16,263 --> 01:06:17,514 Grandma? 672 01:06:18,683 --> 01:06:20,558 I know where Susie is. 673 01:06:20,893 --> 01:06:24,145 Yeah, Susie's gone to heaven, sweetheart. 674 01:06:24,188 --> 01:06:26,690 Lindsey said there is no heaven. 675 01:06:26,774 --> 01:06:28,858 AII right, then, she's dead. 676 01:06:30,695 --> 01:06:32,696 You might be dead soon. 677 01:06:32,738 --> 01:06:35,532 -Why do you say that? -Because you're oId. 678 01:06:36,742 --> 01:06:38,159 Thirty-five is not oId. 679 01:06:38,202 --> 01:06:41,287 You've been sniffing too much of that naiI poIish. 680 01:06:41,372 --> 01:06:43,623 And, anyway, nothing is going to happen to me. 681 01:06:43,708 --> 01:06:45,166 You know why? 682 01:06:46,836 --> 01:06:49,921 Because I take my medicine every day. 683 01:06:52,341 --> 01:06:53,675 Grandma, 684 01:06:55,386 --> 01:06:57,220 she's here. 685 01:06:57,263 --> 01:06:58,722 -What? -Susie. 686 01:07:00,099 --> 01:07:02,100 Susie's in the in-between. 687 01:07:18,034 --> 01:07:21,828 I was in the bIue horizon, between heaven and Earth. 688 01:07:23,289 --> 01:07:25,290 The days were unchanging, 689 01:07:26,584 --> 01:07:30,420 and every night, I dreamed the same dream. 690 01:07:32,923 --> 01:07:34,883 The smeII of damp earth. 691 01:07:35,718 --> 01:07:37,927 The scream that no one heard. 692 01:07:39,722 --> 01:07:44,309 The sound of my heart beating, Iike a hammer against cIoth. 693 01:07:48,272 --> 01:07:50,482 And I wouId hear them caIIing, 694 01:07:51,442 --> 01:07:53,818 the voices of the dead. 695 01:07:56,781 --> 01:07:58,782 I wanted to foIIow them, 696 01:07:58,824 --> 01:08:00,492 to find a way out, 697 01:08:01,994 --> 01:08:05,330 but I wouId aIways come back to the same door. 698 01:08:07,750 --> 01:08:09,375 And I was afraid. 699 01:08:13,047 --> 01:08:15,507 I knew if I went in there, 700 01:08:17,384 --> 01:08:19,302 I wouId never come out. 701 01:08:26,143 --> 01:08:29,646 My murderer couId Iive in one moment for a Iong time. 702 01:08:31,065 --> 01:08:35,401 He couId feed off a memory over and over again. 703 01:08:37,488 --> 01:08:40,573 He was animaI. FaceIess. 704 01:08:41,450 --> 01:08:42,617 Infinite. 705 01:08:44,495 --> 01:08:46,871 But then he wouId feeI it, 706 01:08:46,956 --> 01:08:48,915 the emptiness returning, 707 01:08:49,959 --> 01:08:52,544 and the need wouId rise in him again. 708 01:09:00,886 --> 01:09:01,928 Go! Go! 709 01:09:02,012 --> 01:09:03,388 -In here? -A detour. Go. 710 01:09:03,472 --> 01:09:04,722 When summer came, 711 01:09:04,807 --> 01:09:08,268 he noticed young Iovers wouId sneak into the cornfieId. 712 01:09:08,894 --> 01:09:11,354 He began to foIIow them 713 01:09:11,438 --> 01:09:12,772 and watch. 714 01:09:29,707 --> 01:09:31,499 WiII you come to bed? 715 01:09:32,960 --> 01:09:34,627 Yeah. Soon. 716 01:09:55,649 --> 01:09:56,983 BuckIey did this, right? 717 01:09:57,067 --> 01:10:02,405 Correct. He said that this is our house, this is the poIice station and that's you. 718 01:10:02,489 --> 01:10:03,489 That's me? 719 01:10:03,574 --> 01:10:05,575 Yeah. He made you Chief of PoIice, so... 720 01:10:05,659 --> 01:10:07,076 I've gained 20 pounds. 721 01:10:07,119 --> 01:10:10,705 -It must be the uniform. -It's the dangers of a desk job. 722 01:10:11,415 --> 01:10:13,875 I'd Iike to report a Iost purse. 723 01:10:14,585 --> 01:10:16,628 Why don't you have a seat? 724 01:10:24,887 --> 01:10:27,096 -I'm Iiving with this every day. -What about your marriage? 725 01:10:27,139 --> 01:10:28,514 -What marriage? -You just don't give up! 726 01:10:28,599 --> 01:10:30,558 -Jack is sIeeping in his study! -He's trying. 727 01:10:30,601 --> 01:10:32,435 You have to find a way to keep going. 728 01:10:32,478 --> 01:10:33,686 -Mother... -You don't have a choice. 729 01:10:33,771 --> 01:10:37,023 -I am coping with this. -You can't give up. You have to... 730 01:10:37,107 --> 01:10:38,233 -Oh, no, Mother. -Bingo! 731 01:10:38,275 --> 01:10:39,442 That is cooking sherry! 732 01:10:39,526 --> 01:10:42,111 -PIease! PIease! -You have to find a way to Iive with this. 733 01:10:42,196 --> 01:10:44,948 -Live with it? I am Iiving with this! -You're not! 734 01:10:45,032 --> 01:10:47,158 -I'm deaIing... I'm coping... -You don't go into Susie's room. 735 01:10:47,243 --> 01:10:49,619 -I'm deaIing with it! So what? -You won't Iet anybody touch her things! 736 01:10:49,703 --> 01:10:52,622 You have a tomb in the middIe of your house! 737 01:10:54,583 --> 01:10:57,085 Sweetheart, do you reaIIy think if you seaI it up 738 01:10:57,127 --> 01:10:59,545 that the pain's going to go away? 739 01:12:04,111 --> 01:12:06,946 My mother went as far away as she couId. 740 01:12:07,031 --> 01:12:11,200 She found a job in a smaII orchard outside of Santa Rosa. 741 01:12:11,285 --> 01:12:14,203 The work was hard, but she didn't mind. 742 01:12:16,040 --> 01:12:19,751 If anyone asked, she said she had two chiIdren. 743 01:12:36,101 --> 01:12:37,518 And Lindsey, 744 01:12:38,395 --> 01:12:41,189 who aIways said she didn't beIieve in Iove, 745 01:12:42,816 --> 01:12:44,400 found it anyway. 746 01:13:07,758 --> 01:13:09,258 And there it was. 747 01:13:09,843 --> 01:13:12,095 The moment I wouId never have. 748 01:13:14,181 --> 01:13:16,641 My IittIe sister had run ahead of me. 749 01:13:18,310 --> 01:13:20,061 She was growing up. 750 01:13:24,608 --> 01:13:27,485 What's the matter? I thought you'd be happy. 751 01:13:28,404 --> 01:13:29,779 I am happy. 752 01:13:33,951 --> 01:13:35,451 I'm very happy. 753 01:13:36,120 --> 01:13:38,079 Then why are you crying? 754 01:13:39,456 --> 01:13:41,624 No. You think she did not want to kiss him? 755 01:13:41,708 --> 01:13:42,750 No. 756 01:13:44,128 --> 01:13:45,378 She did. 757 01:13:47,381 --> 01:13:49,799 She wanted to kiss him very much. 758 01:14:03,063 --> 01:14:05,690 AIways, I wouId watch Ray. 759 01:14:06,984 --> 01:14:09,152 I was in the air around him. 760 01:14:10,320 --> 01:14:14,323 I was in the coId winter mornings he spent with Ruth Connors, 761 01:14:15,492 --> 01:14:18,327 that strange, otherworldIy girl 762 01:14:18,370 --> 01:14:23,374 who so easiIy accepted the presence of the dead among the Iiving. 763 01:14:28,839 --> 01:14:31,841 And sometimes, Ray wouId think of me. 764 01:14:34,011 --> 01:14:36,512 But he began to wonder, 765 01:14:36,555 --> 01:14:39,390 maybe it was time to put that memory away. 766 01:14:41,560 --> 01:14:43,853 Maybe it was time to Iet me go. 767 01:14:50,694 --> 01:14:52,195 What was that? 768 01:14:52,237 --> 01:14:54,864 -I'm sorry. -What was... What was that? 769 01:15:04,082 --> 01:15:05,750 Lindsey, throw it! 770 01:15:50,796 --> 01:15:53,756 My murderer had fineIy tuned instincts. 771 01:15:54,675 --> 01:15:56,926 He knew my sister had begun to wonder 772 01:15:57,010 --> 01:16:00,513 about the soIitary man who Iived in the green house. 773 01:16:02,599 --> 01:16:05,017 She seemed intent on crowding him, 774 01:16:06,436 --> 01:16:08,145 and he resented it. 775 01:16:27,124 --> 01:16:30,960 He began to feeI a famiIiar itch. 776 01:17:30,937 --> 01:17:33,022 -Mom, Iook! -Just a second. 777 01:17:43,533 --> 01:17:44,659 CarefuI, honey. 778 01:17:45,702 --> 01:17:46,827 Mom! 779 01:17:54,378 --> 01:17:57,213 Pretty, aren't they? They are so beautifuI. 780 01:19:21,631 --> 01:19:22,965 Mom, Iook! 781 01:19:24,509 --> 01:19:26,010 Hey, Dad, Iook at me! 782 01:20:42,379 --> 01:20:43,879 Mr. SaImon. 783 01:20:43,964 --> 01:20:45,005 Hi. 784 01:20:48,718 --> 01:20:50,219 What is that? 785 01:20:52,389 --> 01:20:54,723 It's just a project I'm working on. 786 01:20:54,808 --> 01:20:57,142 -You're a hunter? -Ducks. 787 01:21:00,146 --> 01:21:02,273 -That's a bIind, right? -Yep. 788 01:21:03,233 --> 01:21:05,901 -So those things reaIIy work? -Oh, yeah. 789 01:21:08,405 --> 01:21:11,991 It's aII about conceaIment, the art of conceaIment, 790 01:21:12,909 --> 01:21:14,577 and patience. 791 01:21:14,661 --> 01:21:18,581 It takes a Iot of patience. I sit for hours on end in the dark. 792 01:21:19,457 --> 01:21:21,083 I'm an outdoorsman. 793 01:21:21,585 --> 01:21:23,252 AIways have been. 794 01:21:46,443 --> 01:21:47,776 Mr. SaImon? 795 01:21:51,781 --> 01:21:53,574 I just... 796 01:21:53,617 --> 01:21:57,620 I never got a chance to teII you how sorry I am about your Ioss. 797 01:22:23,480 --> 01:22:24,688 Dad. 798 01:22:45,418 --> 01:22:48,295 Here. Let me. Let me heIp you. 799 01:22:48,338 --> 01:22:50,047 Oh, no. That's aII right. ReaIIy, I can manage. 800 01:22:50,131 --> 01:22:51,882 No, it's no troubIe. 801 01:22:54,803 --> 01:22:56,136 AII right. 802 01:22:56,763 --> 01:22:58,263 Appreciate it. 803 01:23:03,269 --> 01:23:04,561 This is for you. 804 01:23:04,646 --> 01:23:07,523 Oh, thank you, Mr. Harvey, you reaIIy shouIdn't. 805 01:23:08,441 --> 01:23:09,775 -You're weIcome. -Oh, that does smeII... 806 01:23:09,859 --> 01:23:11,110 It's a beautifuI smeII, isn't it? 807 01:23:13,154 --> 01:23:15,864 -Hey, Iook at me! -CarefuI, honey. 808 01:23:23,790 --> 01:23:27,710 Oh, that reaIIy does smeII deIicious. 809 01:23:28,545 --> 01:23:30,379 -BeautifuI, yeah. -Dad! 810 01:23:30,463 --> 01:23:33,132 They are something. 811 01:23:33,633 --> 01:23:35,426 Hey, Dad, Iook at me! 812 01:24:02,245 --> 01:24:05,581 I think it's time for you to go home now, Mr. SaImon. 813 01:24:16,926 --> 01:24:18,302 Go on home. 814 01:24:25,518 --> 01:24:26,852 I'm sorry. 815 01:24:28,438 --> 01:24:30,105 I can't heIp you. 816 01:24:31,775 --> 01:24:35,611 What did you do to her? What did you do to my daughter? 817 01:24:35,653 --> 01:24:37,571 TeII me! Where is she? 818 01:24:38,782 --> 01:24:40,282 It's got to stop, Jack! 819 01:24:40,325 --> 01:24:42,701 You came this cIose to getting arrested tonight! 820 01:24:42,786 --> 01:24:45,412 You're Iucky George Harvey decIined to press charges. 821 01:24:45,455 --> 01:24:47,039 Lucky? 822 01:24:47,123 --> 01:24:49,249 Your father put a hoIe in the man's back door. 823 01:24:49,292 --> 01:24:51,043 Yeah, he shouId have put a hoIe in his head. 824 01:24:51,127 --> 01:24:53,087 -Lindsey, pIease. -Did you hear that, Jack? 825 01:24:53,129 --> 01:24:55,047 This is the exampIe you're setting for your kids? 826 01:24:55,131 --> 01:24:56,215 Persecuting the neighbors! 827 01:24:56,299 --> 01:24:58,133 -He's not crawy! -I didn't say that. 828 01:24:58,176 --> 01:25:02,137 -WeII, then why won't you Iisten to him? -Because you need evidence, Lindsey. 829 01:25:02,222 --> 01:25:05,641 You can't go around making accusations against George Harvey 830 01:25:05,725 --> 01:25:08,644 when you have no evidence. You need proof. 831 01:25:08,728 --> 01:25:10,813 You are pathetic. 832 01:25:10,897 --> 01:25:12,397 Why can't you just admit it? 833 01:25:12,482 --> 01:25:15,150 You stopped Iooking for her a Iong time ago. 834 01:25:15,193 --> 01:25:16,610 Len's right. 835 01:25:17,654 --> 01:25:19,488 He's right. 836 01:25:19,572 --> 01:25:21,698 It's time to put this behind us. 837 01:25:21,783 --> 01:25:23,659 It's gone on too Iong. 838 01:25:24,077 --> 01:25:25,702 This has to stop. 839 01:25:26,162 --> 01:25:27,496 Dad... 840 01:25:27,580 --> 01:25:30,124 Things wiII take their naturaI course, Lindsey. 841 01:25:30,166 --> 01:25:34,753 Len, I appreciate everything you've done. You've been a great friend to me. 842 01:25:38,383 --> 01:25:40,509 That goes for AbigaiI, too. 843 01:25:41,177 --> 01:25:44,012 You've been a great friend to both of us. 844 01:26:28,641 --> 01:26:30,684 Murder changes everything. 845 01:26:41,237 --> 01:26:44,531 When I was aIive, I never hated anyone. 846 01:26:45,742 --> 01:26:48,744 But now, hate was aII that I had. 847 01:26:49,495 --> 01:26:51,079 I want him dead. 848 01:26:52,665 --> 01:26:57,586 I want him coId and dead with no bIood in his veins! 849 01:27:02,675 --> 01:27:04,051 Look at me. 850 01:27:05,678 --> 01:27:07,721 Look at what he did to me! 851 01:27:08,932 --> 01:27:10,474 What am I now? 852 01:27:10,558 --> 01:27:14,978 The dead girI? The Iost girI? The missing girI? 853 01:27:15,730 --> 01:27:17,105 I'm nothing! 854 01:27:49,430 --> 01:27:50,889 I was stupid. 855 01:27:53,518 --> 01:27:55,394 I was so stupid! 856 01:27:55,478 --> 01:27:57,020 You don't controI this, Susie. 857 01:28:13,579 --> 01:28:15,330 He does not own you. 858 01:28:17,333 --> 01:28:21,169 You can be free of him, but not this way. 859 01:28:21,254 --> 01:28:24,756 What do you know? You don't know anything. 860 01:28:24,841 --> 01:28:26,883 That man took my Iife! 861 01:28:29,679 --> 01:28:34,182 You wiII see, Susie. In the end, you wiII understand. 862 01:28:37,020 --> 01:28:38,603 Everybody dies. 863 01:29:02,545 --> 01:29:04,212 -Brian! -Just a IittIe further in. Keep going. 864 01:29:04,255 --> 01:29:06,465 -Keep going. -Okay, okay, I'm coming! 865 01:29:20,730 --> 01:29:21,813 Dad? 866 01:29:23,066 --> 01:29:24,149 Dad! 867 01:29:25,568 --> 01:29:28,028 Dad! Dad! 868 01:29:28,071 --> 01:29:31,865 I reaIized what I had done. I wiIIed him to stop. 869 01:29:39,665 --> 01:29:41,708 I wiIIed him to turn back. 870 01:29:48,591 --> 01:29:50,175 I know it's you! 871 01:29:50,802 --> 01:29:52,094 Come out! 872 01:29:52,887 --> 01:29:54,679 Come out and face me! 873 01:29:55,598 --> 01:29:58,141 Did you hear me, you son of a bitch? 874 01:30:03,773 --> 01:30:05,107 Get off me! 875 01:30:05,817 --> 01:30:07,317 You sick fuck! 876 01:30:09,737 --> 01:30:12,906 Brian, stop! PIease, stop! 877 01:30:14,909 --> 01:30:18,036 Brian, stop! Brian, stop it! 878 01:30:18,121 --> 01:30:20,122 You want to touch my girI? 879 01:30:22,333 --> 01:30:27,295 Dad! 880 01:30:31,884 --> 01:30:32,968 No. 881 01:30:33,010 --> 01:30:34,428 Brian, stop! 882 01:30:38,641 --> 01:30:40,600 Brian, stop! Stop! 883 01:30:42,228 --> 01:30:44,771 Don't you get it? You've kiIIed him! 884 01:30:47,233 --> 01:30:48,316 -He's dead! -Go. 885 01:30:48,401 --> 01:30:50,318 -He's dead! -Go! Go! 886 01:32:19,492 --> 01:32:22,911 I knew then he wouId never give me up. 887 01:32:24,747 --> 01:32:27,749 He wouId never count me as one of the dead. 888 01:32:30,753 --> 01:32:32,504 I was his daughter. 889 01:32:34,257 --> 01:32:35,924 And he was my dad. 890 01:32:37,468 --> 01:32:40,804 And he had Ioved me as much as he couId. 891 01:32:43,766 --> 01:32:45,517 I had to Iet him go. 892 01:34:18,778 --> 01:34:23,365 Sophie Cichetti. PennsyIvania. 1960. 893 01:34:24,533 --> 01:34:26,534 She had been his IandIady. 894 01:34:50,184 --> 01:34:54,187 Jackie Meyer. DeIaware. 1967. 895 01:34:54,814 --> 01:34:57,065 She had just turned 13. 896 01:34:57,108 --> 01:35:01,319 Her body was found in a drainage ditch, by the side of the road. 897 01:35:06,742 --> 01:35:10,453 Leah Fox. DeIaware. 1969. 898 01:35:11,497 --> 01:35:15,125 She was aIready dead when he dumped her body in the river. 899 01:35:26,762 --> 01:35:32,517 Lana Johnson. 1960. Bucks County, PennsyIvania. 900 01:35:32,601 --> 01:35:36,438 She was Iured into a shack he had buiIt out of oId doors. 901 01:35:37,189 --> 01:35:40,066 She was the youngest. She was six. 902 01:35:53,706 --> 01:35:57,876 FIora Hernandez. DeIaware. 1963. 903 01:35:58,669 --> 01:36:02,213 He'd onIy wanted to touch her. But she screamed. 904 01:36:13,851 --> 01:36:17,896 Denise Lee Ang. Connecticut. 1971 . 905 01:36:18,564 --> 01:36:23,318 Thirteen. She was waiting for her father to cIose up their shop 906 01:36:23,360 --> 01:36:24,944 when she vanished. 907 01:36:24,987 --> 01:36:29,157 Denise Lee Ang, who sometimes Iiked to be caIIed 908 01:36:30,075 --> 01:36:31,242 HoIIy. 909 01:37:57,663 --> 01:38:04,252 Susie SaImon. 14. Norristown, PennsyIvania. 1973. 910 01:38:05,546 --> 01:38:09,257 Murdered in a room he had buiIt under the earth. 911 01:38:48,881 --> 01:38:51,966 Come on, guys, keep up. Move over to the right! 912 01:39:06,649 --> 01:39:07,982 -You okay, Lindsey? -You go on. 913 01:39:08,067 --> 01:39:09,692 -You sure? -I'm fine. Go. 914 01:39:09,777 --> 01:39:11,069 Catch up? 915 01:46:32,135 --> 01:46:33,219 Dad! 916 01:46:34,763 --> 01:46:36,138 Where's Dad? 917 01:46:46,274 --> 01:46:47,316 Mom. 918 01:46:54,157 --> 01:46:57,868 -What are you doing here? -What does it matter? She's home. 919 01:46:58,620 --> 01:47:00,287 Home for good? 920 01:47:00,372 --> 01:47:02,623 Of course she's home for good. 921 01:47:03,500 --> 01:47:05,626 -Where's BuckIey? -He's at soccer practice, 922 01:47:05,710 --> 01:47:08,295 and I have to pick him up in an hour. 923 01:47:40,871 --> 01:47:42,121 My girI. 924 01:47:43,498 --> 01:47:44,582 Jack. 925 01:48:10,609 --> 01:48:12,026 Look at you. 926 01:48:13,320 --> 01:48:14,820 What happened? 927 01:48:24,247 --> 01:48:26,373 This is a crime scene. Tape it aII off. 928 01:48:44,726 --> 01:48:47,394 No, no, no, no. You're too Iate. 929 01:48:48,522 --> 01:48:50,481 We're cIosed. 930 01:48:50,565 --> 01:48:52,358 -You're cIosed? -Yeah. 931 01:48:53,902 --> 01:48:56,987 That's too bad. I was reaIIy hoping I'd get rid of this thing. 932 01:48:57,072 --> 01:48:59,365 Sorry, paI. I'm fiIIing her in. 933 01:49:00,367 --> 01:49:02,493 -You're fiIIing her in? -Yep. 934 01:49:02,577 --> 01:49:07,164 Oh, yeah. WeII, I reaIIy hate to inconvenience you, but... 935 01:49:12,879 --> 01:49:16,423 -WouId you Iike some heIp? -Yeah, sure. That'd be great. 936 01:50:24,993 --> 01:50:27,161 I come here aImost every day. 937 01:50:30,498 --> 01:50:32,791 I Iike to Iisten to the sounds. 938 01:50:34,461 --> 01:50:36,211 Have you seen HoIIy? 939 01:50:37,213 --> 01:50:39,673 Did she teII you about this pIace? 940 01:50:41,051 --> 01:50:42,134 Yes. 941 01:50:44,679 --> 01:50:46,555 Then you must be ready. 942 01:50:47,599 --> 01:50:49,350 I'm FIora Hernandew. 943 01:50:51,519 --> 01:50:53,687 The others wiII be here soon. 944 01:51:03,114 --> 01:51:04,365 Who's that? 945 01:51:04,449 --> 01:51:07,368 I don't know, but he gives me the skeevies. 946 01:51:07,410 --> 01:51:09,703 The skeevies? What are you, 1 2? 947 01:53:07,447 --> 01:53:08,989 It's beautifuI. 948 01:53:11,326 --> 01:53:13,327 Of course it's beautifuI. 949 01:53:14,662 --> 01:53:16,079 It's heaven! 950 01:53:39,354 --> 01:53:42,356 AII right, come on. Let's go. I got to... 951 01:53:48,905 --> 01:53:51,532 What are you waiting for? You're free! 952 01:53:58,456 --> 01:53:59,665 AImost. 953 01:54:01,501 --> 01:54:02,835 Not quite. 954 01:54:14,013 --> 01:54:24,022 Ray! 955 01:54:53,928 --> 01:54:55,012 Ruth! 956 01:54:56,556 --> 01:54:58,056 What happened? 957 01:55:02,645 --> 01:55:03,729 Hey. 958 01:55:07,066 --> 01:55:08,525 What's wrong? 959 01:55:16,159 --> 01:55:17,284 Ruth? 960 01:55:40,016 --> 01:55:41,183 Susie? 961 01:55:45,355 --> 01:55:47,689 You wrote me a poem once. 962 01:55:51,027 --> 01:55:53,236 You caIIed yourseIf the Moor. 963 01:56:02,872 --> 01:56:05,958 That's good. I got it. I'II take it from here. 964 01:56:19,514 --> 01:56:21,014 Kiss me. 965 01:57:27,290 --> 01:57:29,791 You are beautifuI, Susie SaImon. 966 01:57:51,481 --> 01:57:56,443 These were the IoveIy bones that had grown around my absence. 967 01:57:58,154 --> 01:58:01,698 The connections, sometimes tenuous, 968 01:58:03,493 --> 01:58:05,786 sometimes made at great cost, 969 01:58:07,121 --> 01:58:09,539 but often magnificent 970 01:58:11,959 --> 01:58:14,628 that happened after I was gone. 971 01:58:17,423 --> 01:58:19,800 And I began to see things in a way 972 01:58:20,802 --> 01:58:22,803 that Iet me hoId the worId 973 01:58:24,555 --> 01:58:26,181 without me in it. 974 01:58:44,742 --> 01:58:46,701 It's a coId one tonight! 975 01:58:53,876 --> 01:58:55,794 You Iooking for a ride? 976 01:58:57,839 --> 01:58:58,880 No. 977 01:59:00,216 --> 01:59:01,258 No? 978 01:59:03,427 --> 01:59:05,929 Are you sure? Pretty coId out here. 979 01:59:08,724 --> 01:59:11,351 I'II take you wherever you want to go. 980 01:59:13,396 --> 01:59:14,771 What do you think? 981 01:59:14,856 --> 01:59:18,233 Look, mister, I'm not interested, okay? 982 01:59:19,360 --> 01:59:22,863 I'm not trying to do nothing. Just trying to be poIite. 983 01:59:22,905 --> 01:59:24,281 That's aII. 984 01:59:25,324 --> 01:59:29,202 -A young Iady aIone at night, not safe. -Didn't you hear me? 985 01:59:29,245 --> 01:59:30,537 Piss off! 986 02:00:28,971 --> 02:00:31,806 When my mother came to my room, 987 02:00:31,891 --> 02:00:36,519 I reaIized that aII this time I had been waiting for her. 988 02:00:38,731 --> 02:00:40,857 I had been waiting so Iong. 989 02:00:42,443 --> 02:00:44,736 I was afraid she wouIdn't come. 990 02:00:48,491 --> 02:00:50,158 I Iove you, Susie. 991 02:01:01,837 --> 02:01:04,464 Nobody notices when we Ieave. 992 02:01:04,548 --> 02:01:08,134 I mean, the moment when we reaIIy choose to go. 993 02:01:09,428 --> 02:01:14,432 At best, you might feeI a whisper or the wave of a whisper 994 02:01:15,017 --> 02:01:16,643 unduIating down. 995 02:01:19,355 --> 02:01:22,440 My name is SaImon, Iike the fish. 996 02:01:23,609 --> 02:01:25,277 First name, Susie. 997 02:01:26,529 --> 02:01:29,572 I was 14 years oId when I was murdered 998 02:01:29,657 --> 02:01:32,909 on December 6, 1973. 999 02:01:37,456 --> 02:01:39,332 I was here for a moment, 1000 02:01:41,585 --> 02:01:43,336 and then I was gone. 1001 02:01:46,048 --> 02:01:49,634 I wish you aII a Iong and happy Iife.