1 00:03:01,932 --> 00:03:04,686 Perhaps if we retreat to the coast via Thessaly 2 00:03:04,710 --> 00:03:07,104 we could hold out until the rains come. 3 00:03:07,229 --> 00:03:10,649 If we go eastward, they'll be able to cut us off here. 4 00:03:10,775 --> 00:03:12,360 Of course. 5 00:03:12,485 --> 00:03:15,071 It will not do. 6 00:03:15,196 --> 00:03:17,490 Ready. 7 00:03:19,909 --> 00:03:25,164 Maps never redraw themselves, if that's what you're waiting for. 8 00:03:25,289 --> 00:03:26,330 He's right. 9 00:03:26,354 --> 00:03:29,502 We shall just have to fight the wretches here where we stand. 10 00:03:29,627 --> 00:03:31,212 And beat them. 11 00:03:31,337 --> 00:03:34,632 Oh we shall crush them, doubtless. 12 00:03:35,633 --> 00:03:39,136 Dinner for worms, the whole damn lot of 'em. 13 00:03:39,261 --> 00:03:41,305 Dinner for worms. 14 00:03:57,655 --> 00:04:00,324 Try to avoid bloodshed this time. 15 00:04:00,449 --> 00:04:04,161 Wait a while and Pompey can shave you instead. 16 00:04:04,286 --> 00:04:08,124 Torquatus should have something, no? A praetorship perhaps. 17 00:04:08,249 --> 00:04:09,904 If Torquatus is given high office, 18 00:04:09,928 --> 00:04:13,070 then Varro must be given the same, else we'll see no end of trouble. 19 00:04:13,295 --> 00:04:15,589 But then what do we give Labienus? 20 00:04:15,714 --> 00:04:19,260 - Macedonia? - Bithynia. Macedonia to Libo. 21 00:04:19,385 --> 00:04:22,263 Plums for your people and porridge for the rest, eh? 22 00:04:22,388 --> 00:04:27,059 Macedonia and Bithynia are not yet ours to bestow. 23 00:04:27,184 --> 00:04:29,854 You are cooking rabbits that have not been caught. 24 00:04:29,979 --> 00:04:35,776 Our particular rabbit is cornered, starving and has lost near 2,000 men. 25 00:04:36,902 --> 00:04:40,948 I think we may safely say that here is a rabbit ready for the pot. 26 00:04:42,842 --> 00:04:44,353 Why so melancholy, Brutus? 27 00:04:44,477 --> 00:04:45,995 Oh, do I seem so? 28 00:04:46,120 --> 00:04:47,997 Forgive me. 29 00:04:48,122 --> 00:04:51,208 No, Caesar's defeat is a glory. 30 00:04:51,333 --> 00:04:55,004 We cannot endure tyrants but I cannot celebrate it. 31 00:04:56,046 --> 00:04:58,591 He was as my father to me. 32 00:04:58,716 --> 00:05:01,927 I feel for you. When do we strike? 33 00:05:02,052 --> 00:05:03,804 Strike? We've already struck. 34 00:05:03,929 --> 00:05:05,931 We have him down but he's not dead yet. 35 00:05:06,056 --> 00:05:07,877 When do we strike the final blow? 36 00:05:07,901 --> 00:05:09,435 There will not be one. 37 00:05:09,560 --> 00:05:12,730 If we simply keep him bottled up a month or so more, 38 00:05:12,855 --> 00:05:16,775 the remains of his army will disintegrate and disappear. 39 00:05:16,901 --> 00:05:19,278 - At no cost to us. - Is that honorable? 40 00:05:19,403 --> 00:05:24,658 Caesar has driven us from Rome, chased us out of Italy, killed our friends, 41 00:05:24,783 --> 00:05:26,619 usurped our Republic. 42 00:05:26,744 --> 00:05:29,622 Surely, dignity and honor demands we walk in his blood. 43 00:05:29,747 --> 00:05:30,724 Certainly, knee deep. 44 00:05:30,748 --> 00:05:33,509 But you would have hunger do our work for us! 45 00:05:33,834 --> 00:05:36,755 We must attack Caesar and kill him under the eyes of Mars 46 00:05:36,779 --> 00:05:38,422 else our victory is empty. 47 00:05:38,547 --> 00:05:42,468 He has sense. It will look better at home if we win by force. 48 00:05:42,593 --> 00:05:44,637 You are Pompey Magnus. 49 00:05:44,762 --> 00:05:49,058 You conquer and crush your enemies as if they were insects. 50 00:05:49,183 --> 00:05:52,478 People will be disappointed by anything less. 51 00:05:54,855 --> 00:05:57,191 News from Greece! 52 00:05:57,316 --> 00:06:00,736 Mark Antony is safe but most of the ships in his fleet, 53 00:06:00,861 --> 00:06:05,824 sent in aid of Gaius Julius Caesar, have been lost at sea. 54 00:06:05,950 --> 00:06:10,913 Caesar is now surrounded and severely outnumbered. 55 00:06:11,038 --> 00:06:15,793 The forces of the Republic and Senate and of Pompey Magnus confidently expect 56 00:06:15,918 --> 00:06:19,463 a decisive victory to follow shortly. 57 00:06:24,802 --> 00:06:25,895 There you are. 58 00:06:25,919 --> 00:06:27,012 Here I am. 59 00:06:27,137 --> 00:06:28,444 I ask Timon for protection 60 00:06:28,468 --> 00:06:31,384 and he sends me a bunch of halfwits and clowns! 61 00:06:31,809 --> 00:06:32,851 Dear me. 62 00:06:32,977 --> 00:06:34,573 Caesar will soon be dead, by every account 63 00:06:34,597 --> 00:06:36,188 and we shall be undefended. 64 00:06:36,313 --> 00:06:38,857 We may as well be lying naked in the street! 65 00:06:38,983 --> 00:06:40,259 You must go to Servilia 66 00:06:40,283 --> 00:06:43,571 and ask for a few of her men to stand outside for us. 67 00:06:43,696 --> 00:06:45,114 Why? 68 00:06:45,239 --> 00:06:47,313 So they can guard our doors in her name. 69 00:06:47,337 --> 00:06:49,185 I mean, why must I go? 70 00:06:49,510 --> 00:06:52,204 Well as if I would go begging to Servilia. I think not. 71 00:06:52,429 --> 00:06:54,073 I'll not go begging for you. 72 00:06:54,198 --> 00:06:56,395 Don't be childish. It's not as if she'll refuse. 73 00:06:56,419 --> 00:06:57,210 You think? 74 00:06:57,335 --> 00:07:01,297 Well why would she? Those lovely gifts I gave her? 75 00:07:04,008 --> 00:07:05,261 What did she say? 76 00:07:05,285 --> 00:07:06,677 Nothing. 77 00:07:07,678 --> 00:07:08,107 Nothing. 78 00:07:08,131 --> 00:07:09,388 She said something. 79 00:07:09,513 --> 00:07:11,473 She said nothing. 80 00:07:11,599 --> 00:07:13,417 You're very arrogant, that's all. 81 00:07:13,741 --> 00:07:17,146 Think you can buy her friendship with stud slaves and tortoises? 82 00:07:17,271 --> 00:07:19,028 And six barrels of ice. 83 00:07:19,052 --> 00:07:20,733 I'd rather not go. 84 00:07:20,858 --> 00:07:22,693 You'd rather not go. 85 00:07:22,818 --> 00:07:26,322 You'd rather be gang-raped by proles while the house burns down. 86 00:07:26,447 --> 00:07:28,699 Frankly, I'm past caring. 87 00:07:28,824 --> 00:07:31,619 One day Caesar is winning and you crow happily, 88 00:07:31,744 --> 00:07:35,247 next day he is losing and I must go a-begging? 89 00:07:35,372 --> 00:07:38,626 I just want this vile war to be over, one way or the other. 90 00:07:38,751 --> 00:07:39,964 Octavia, it is over. 91 00:07:40,288 --> 00:07:42,571 That is why you must go to Servilia's house. 92 00:07:42,596 --> 00:07:45,516 It's a bore, I know. There we are. 93 00:08:02,399 --> 00:08:03,901 Lyde. 94 00:08:08,238 --> 00:08:10,074 Very nice. 95 00:08:10,991 --> 00:08:12,826 Don't. 96 00:08:15,913 --> 00:08:19,917 I'm glad to see you. I've been worried about you. 97 00:08:21,210 --> 00:08:25,089 No need. I'm doing very well. 98 00:08:25,214 --> 00:08:27,424 Not as well as you, obviously. 99 00:08:30,052 --> 00:08:32,096 Do you need money? 100 00:08:32,888 --> 00:08:34,890 I've got money if you need some. 101 00:08:35,015 --> 00:08:39,311 I'm sure you have. Turns out your man backed the right horse. 102 00:08:42,356 --> 00:08:44,817 Fortune loves you. 103 00:08:47,069 --> 00:08:49,822 I don't know if Vorenus is alive or dead. 104 00:08:55,577 --> 00:08:57,663 I'm sorry. 105 00:08:59,873 --> 00:09:02,084 I'm sorry. 106 00:09:02,209 --> 00:09:04,628 I didn't want to be like this. 107 00:09:05,713 --> 00:09:09,842 I'm so tired, Niobe. 108 00:09:10,926 --> 00:09:13,512 I'm tired of being angry. 109 00:09:14,513 --> 00:09:18,308 I'm tired of hating you. 110 00:09:24,148 --> 00:09:26,150 You're all I've got. 111 00:09:32,948 --> 00:09:35,033 I'm sorry. 112 00:09:39,847 --> 00:09:42,058 Do you want some honey water? 113 00:10:12,196 --> 00:10:14,448 You're wasting your time! 114 00:10:14,573 --> 00:10:17,868 We'll die of thirst long before we die of hunger. 115 00:10:25,334 --> 00:10:28,962 - We could drink their blood. - Repeat? 116 00:10:29,087 --> 00:10:32,382 All these dead men, we could drink their blood. 117 00:10:33,258 --> 00:10:35,093 Too salty. 118 00:10:35,219 --> 00:10:37,387 Only make you more thirsty. 119 00:10:38,388 --> 00:10:40,724 Putrid by now anyway. 120 00:10:44,561 --> 00:10:46,480 Doesn't matter. 121 00:10:46,605 --> 00:10:48,690 Everything will be fine. 122 00:10:50,317 --> 00:10:52,402 This is where we die. 123 00:10:54,404 --> 00:10:56,615 What are you writing? 124 00:10:56,740 --> 00:10:58,867 A message to Niobe. 125 00:10:59,827 --> 00:11:02,579 All right. Good idea. 126 00:11:03,872 --> 00:11:06,917 Send my best to Eirene, will you, while you're at it? 127 00:11:07,960 --> 00:11:10,045 If there's space. 128 00:11:21,557 --> 00:11:24,351 Graces, don't we look lovely? 129 00:11:24,476 --> 00:11:26,854 If I'm to be a beggar, I will not look like one. 130 00:11:26,979 --> 00:11:28,647 I am not objecting, my honey, 131 00:11:28,772 --> 00:11:32,484 though you will remind Servilia of what an old trout she's become. 132 00:11:32,609 --> 00:11:35,320 I'm just happy to see you looking so pretty for once. 133 00:11:35,445 --> 00:11:38,740 You do so often insist on playing the frump. 134 00:11:53,297 --> 00:11:56,508 - I hope your mother thrives. - She does. 135 00:11:56,633 --> 00:11:59,303 - And your son? - Also. 136 00:12:08,437 --> 00:12:10,981 My mother sends me to ask a favor. 137 00:12:13,233 --> 00:12:16,778 She fears the consequences of this last battle in Greece. 138 00:12:17,821 --> 00:12:19,615 Understandably. 139 00:12:19,740 --> 00:12:23,327 She has enjoyed her ascendancy a little too well. 140 00:12:24,995 --> 00:12:30,667 She asks you to lend her some men to protect our door in your name. 141 00:12:32,878 --> 00:12:34,755 Of course. 142 00:12:36,048 --> 00:12:39,259 Eleni, send Ajax and three or four others. 143 00:12:39,384 --> 00:12:43,055 - Whoever he thinks best. - Thank you. 144 00:12:43,180 --> 00:12:45,390 It's very kind of you. 145 00:12:45,515 --> 00:12:48,477 - I told my mother she should not presume - Please. 146 00:12:48,602 --> 00:12:50,896 She shall have what she needs. 147 00:13:02,032 --> 00:13:04,618 Forgive me. You are so good to us. 148 00:13:04,743 --> 00:13:07,871 - We do not deserve it. - Don't. 149 00:13:14,962 --> 00:13:17,881 I must look a fright. 150 00:13:19,174 --> 00:13:20,968 Not really. 151 00:13:22,469 --> 00:13:24,554 You look lovely. 152 00:13:30,394 --> 00:13:32,771 I'd better go home. 153 00:13:32,896 --> 00:13:36,817 - So soon? - My mother will be worried. 154 00:13:39,444 --> 00:13:41,738 Well, if you feel you should. 155 00:13:49,079 --> 00:13:50,747 Octavia... 156 00:14:24,406 --> 00:14:26,241 Thank you. 157 00:14:43,967 --> 00:14:45,927 Send to Rome. 158 00:14:46,053 --> 00:14:48,430 Tell them... 159 00:14:48,555 --> 00:14:52,517 the decisive battle begins today. 160 00:15:03,570 --> 00:15:06,448 Sir! Pompey's legions are in the field in battle array! 161 00:15:06,573 --> 00:15:09,159 Thank you, Fulvio. Have you forgotten how to salute? 162 00:15:09,284 --> 00:15:10,869 I haven't, sir. No excuse, sir. 163 00:15:10,994 --> 00:15:13,705 Gracchus, sound assembly! 164 00:15:13,830 --> 00:15:16,708 - Have Xeno saddle my horse. - Sir! 165 00:15:16,833 --> 00:15:20,045 Sound assembly! 166 00:15:20,170 --> 00:15:24,216 - We will accept battle? - Certainly. Why not? 167 00:15:24,341 --> 00:15:30,847 We are outnumbered three to one on foot and five to one ahorse. 168 00:15:30,972 --> 00:15:35,268 What uninjured men we have are scared and hungry and desperate. 169 00:15:35,393 --> 00:15:37,979 That is the advantage we must press home. 170 00:15:38,105 --> 00:15:40,774 I was not aware irony had military usage. 171 00:15:42,192 --> 00:15:44,820 We must win or die. 172 00:15:44,945 --> 00:15:47,697 Pompey's men have other options. 173 00:17:04,357 --> 00:17:06,443 Goodbye, Posca. 174 00:18:29,234 --> 00:18:32,779 Send to Rome. Tell them Caesar has won. 175 00:19:09,899 --> 00:19:13,028 Sir! Caesar's men are coming! 176 00:19:13,153 --> 00:19:15,238 I've cut my hand. 177 00:19:16,072 --> 00:19:18,742 We have to go, sir! They'll catch you. 178 00:19:18,867 --> 00:19:21,911 It's not deep but it hurts. 179 00:19:23,496 --> 00:19:26,124 They will kill you! 180 00:19:26,249 --> 00:19:29,002 It's of no consequence. 181 00:19:35,592 --> 00:19:39,220 Our forces are routed. What are we to do? 182 00:19:39,346 --> 00:19:41,723 We shall fight again another day, I do not doubt. 183 00:19:41,848 --> 00:19:44,142 And prevail. 184 00:19:45,185 --> 00:19:47,281 But for the present, we must look to our safety. 185 00:19:47,305 --> 00:19:48,805 Our safety is nothing. 186 00:19:49,230 --> 00:19:51,900 We must leave Greece and look to fresh levies. 187 00:19:52,025 --> 00:19:53,876 And may one ask where? 188 00:19:53,900 --> 00:19:54,819 Africa. 189 00:19:54,944 --> 00:19:56,306 We must rally the cities of Africa. 190 00:19:56,330 --> 00:19:57,356 Ah, Africa. 191 00:19:58,281 --> 00:20:00,253 Dear gods we are fast running out of continents. 192 00:20:00,277 --> 00:20:01,493 And coin. 193 00:20:02,118 --> 00:20:06,206 We have taxed every last coin from Greece and spent it all. 194 00:20:06,331 --> 00:20:08,500 What shall we use to buy Africa's loyalty? 195 00:20:08,625 --> 00:20:10,919 - Seashells? - We need buy nothing! 196 00:20:11,044 --> 00:20:14,672 - We are the Senate of Rome! - We are old men with mud on our shoes! 197 00:20:14,798 --> 00:20:17,509 We are not beaten until we are dead. 198 00:20:17,634 --> 00:20:21,888 - The Republic lives as long as we do! - You may fight on as you wish. 199 00:20:22,013 --> 00:20:26,976 As for me, I will go from here and surrender myself to Caesar. 200 00:20:27,102 --> 00:20:29,771 Have you no dignity? No honor? 201 00:20:29,896 --> 00:20:32,482 Some little, I hope. 202 00:20:32,607 --> 00:20:34,526 Not so much as you, of course. 203 00:20:34,651 --> 00:20:37,320 - Caesar will kill you. - That may be. 204 00:20:38,822 --> 00:20:40,949 I'm not afraid to die. 205 00:20:41,991 --> 00:20:44,411 I'm tired. 206 00:20:45,245 --> 00:20:47,997 I want to go home. 207 00:20:53,503 --> 00:20:55,713 Yes. My feelings exact. 208 00:20:55,839 --> 00:20:58,716 Brutus, without the force of your name, the cause of... 209 00:20:58,842 --> 00:21:03,430 Do not! Do not talk to me of the Republic. 210 00:21:03,555 --> 00:21:08,226 If I had known what wretched company and rotten food I would endure, 211 00:21:08,351 --> 00:21:14,524 if I had known what an old fool is Pompey, I would never have left Rome. 212 00:21:20,238 --> 00:21:22,699 Forgive my anger. 213 00:21:24,451 --> 00:21:27,412 - I am not myself. - Think nothing of it. 214 00:21:27,537 --> 00:21:30,498 I merit your disappointment. 215 00:21:32,876 --> 00:21:35,086 I propose we make for Amphipoli. 216 00:21:35,211 --> 00:21:38,673 I have men and money there. We can go by sea to Egypt. 217 00:21:38,798 --> 00:21:42,218 Ptolemy's children are loyal friends of mine. 218 00:21:42,343 --> 00:21:44,804 Perhaps... 219 00:21:46,139 --> 00:21:51,227 Perhaps it's better we do not travel together. 220 00:21:57,066 --> 00:21:59,444 Perhaps you're right. 221 00:21:59,569 --> 00:22:01,613 Better. 222 00:22:02,697 --> 00:22:04,491 No doubt. 223 00:22:36,064 --> 00:22:40,318 I don't understand it. Something should have turned up by now. 224 00:22:40,443 --> 00:22:42,820 I'm not meant to die this way. 225 00:22:42,946 --> 00:22:45,865 - You were misinformed. - Doesn't seem right. 226 00:22:48,952 --> 00:22:52,705 Still... it'd be good to see my mother again. 227 00:22:54,457 --> 00:22:57,210 Do you think they have a system for finding people? 228 00:22:57,335 --> 00:22:58,461 What? 229 00:22:58,586 --> 00:23:01,589 In the afterlife, I mean how do you go about finding people? 230 00:23:01,714 --> 00:23:05,009 - There must be millions of them. - There must be. 231 00:23:11,057 --> 00:23:14,310 She won't recognize me, probably. 232 00:23:15,311 --> 00:23:17,397 I was very young when she died. 233 00:23:31,327 --> 00:23:34,205 Probably give her a big scare though, huh? 234 00:23:34,330 --> 00:23:37,625 Big, ugly brute coming along and giving her a hug. 235 00:23:38,668 --> 00:23:40,712 - Look at that. - What? 236 00:23:40,837 --> 00:23:45,508 That corpse. See how high it rides in the water? 237 00:23:46,634 --> 00:23:49,512 The plutonic ether inflates him. 238 00:23:49,637 --> 00:23:51,723 What of it? 239 00:23:52,765 --> 00:23:55,518 You've not been drinking seawater, have you? 240 00:25:50,299 --> 00:25:53,594 - Husband, eat. - Oh, yeah. 241 00:26:00,184 --> 00:26:03,855 - Little salty. - Not at all. It's good, nay? 242 00:26:03,980 --> 00:26:05,982 Delicious, Mama. 243 00:26:06,107 --> 00:26:09,068 Bona Dea, look at your faces. 244 00:26:11,446 --> 00:26:13,322 Sillies. 245 00:26:58,493 --> 00:27:01,788 Helen! 246 00:27:01,913 --> 00:27:04,665 Husband, wake up! Our people are leaving. 247 00:27:14,383 --> 00:27:18,930 Now, my darlings. Don't be scared. We're on an adventure, eh? 248 00:27:19,055 --> 00:27:23,726 The first one to see the sea and cry out will have a peach when we get to Amphipoli. 249 00:27:32,610 --> 00:27:34,695 You, your name again? 250 00:27:36,723 --> 00:27:37,650 Lysandros. 251 00:27:37,773 --> 00:27:39,951 Lysandros, how far to Amphipoli? 252 00:27:40,076 --> 00:27:42,036 Oh, very close. Close. 253 00:27:42,161 --> 00:27:44,789 We will continue there as planned. 254 00:27:44,914 --> 00:27:49,085 You're not to announce my identity to those that we meet. 255 00:27:49,210 --> 00:27:50,711 And if they ask? 256 00:27:52,672 --> 00:27:54,632 Mela. 257 00:27:54,757 --> 00:27:57,426 - Aeneas Mela. - Hear and obey, Captain. 258 00:27:58,386 --> 00:28:03,140 - And who'll pay? - Pay? You've been paid already. 259 00:28:03,266 --> 00:28:05,643 For guiding, not for protection. 260 00:28:05,768 --> 00:28:09,814 I have many men and supplies and ample coin in Amphipoli. 261 00:28:09,939 --> 00:28:12,942 - You will be paid there. - None with you now? Coin? 262 00:28:13,067 --> 00:28:16,070 None! I'll tolerate no more of your impudence! 263 00:28:16,195 --> 00:28:18,823 No disrespect, Captain. Only asking. 264 00:28:18,948 --> 00:28:21,617 We go. 265 00:28:59,155 --> 00:29:02,366 You drive me insane with your wretched muttering. 266 00:29:02,491 --> 00:29:05,661 What is wrong that you must harass the gods so? 267 00:29:07,496 --> 00:29:08,174 Nothing. 268 00:29:08,198 --> 00:29:10,082 Well stop it then. 269 00:29:10,207 --> 00:29:13,073 Servilia sends to invite you to weave with her tomorrow. 270 00:29:13,097 --> 00:29:14,078 Oh. 271 00:29:16,213 --> 00:29:16,806 I cannot. 272 00:29:16,830 --> 00:29:18,633 Of course you can. I've already accepted. 273 00:29:18,758 --> 00:29:19,276 I cannot. 274 00:29:19,300 --> 00:29:20,760 I know she's tedious. 275 00:29:20,885 --> 00:29:23,262 I mean really, weaving. 276 00:29:23,387 --> 00:29:26,390 But we must keep her happy for the time being. 277 00:29:27,683 --> 00:29:29,185 But... 278 00:29:43,324 --> 00:29:45,368 The sea! 279 00:29:45,493 --> 00:29:48,204 Unison. You shall both have a peach. 280 00:30:01,258 --> 00:30:03,719 Look, Mama. Dead people. 281 00:30:25,908 --> 00:30:28,119 It's good, huh? 282 00:30:28,244 --> 00:30:30,287 Where do you come from? 283 00:30:30,413 --> 00:30:33,416 - Brindisi. - Romans? 284 00:30:36,961 --> 00:30:40,589 I know you. Where do I know you from? 285 00:30:43,676 --> 00:30:47,596 - I have not seen you before. - I'm sure I've seen you somewhere. 286 00:30:47,722 --> 00:30:50,307 Leave them water and bread, we need to be going. 287 00:30:50,433 --> 00:30:54,937 - Leave them? Weak as they are? - I have no time to waste. 288 00:30:56,397 --> 00:30:57,927 Soon be dark anyhow. 289 00:30:58,651 --> 00:31:01,485 We camp here, get to Amphipoli in the morning. 290 00:31:01,610 --> 00:31:05,114 - I insist we go on. - Relax, old man. 291 00:31:05,239 --> 00:31:07,283 We get there. 292 00:31:11,746 --> 00:31:16,417 You rest easy now, boys. Eat, drink, get your strength back. 293 00:31:16,542 --> 00:31:18,419 You and me will be good friends. 294 00:31:23,174 --> 00:31:26,761 You want my cock up you, or are you going to build a damn fire? 295 00:31:26,886 --> 00:31:29,180 I told you we'd be all right. 296 00:31:31,891 --> 00:31:33,893 There's no pleasing some. 297 00:31:43,277 --> 00:31:46,947 We stop here? Why so early? 298 00:31:47,073 --> 00:31:50,117 Best to, I think. It'll be dark soon. 299 00:31:51,827 --> 00:31:53,788 - Who are they? - How should I know? 300 00:31:53,913 --> 00:31:56,499 Who cares who they are? 301 00:31:56,624 --> 00:31:59,919 Sorry. I... 302 00:32:01,754 --> 00:32:05,966 All will be well, I assure you. 303 00:32:06,092 --> 00:32:08,135 All will be well. 304 00:32:12,848 --> 00:32:17,561 Pompey Magnus. That man looks exactly like Pompey Magnus. 305 00:32:17,686 --> 00:32:19,939 That's why I thought I'd met him. 306 00:32:20,064 --> 00:32:21,732 Don't point. 307 00:32:25,611 --> 00:32:27,988 - Never. - It's hard to believe, eh? 308 00:32:28,114 --> 00:32:30,199 His wife and sprouts too. 309 00:32:31,742 --> 00:32:34,787 Caesar's going to drown us in gold. Thank you. 310 00:32:41,043 --> 00:32:42,378 Cack! 311 00:32:47,174 --> 00:32:49,760 What do we do? 312 00:32:49,885 --> 00:32:51,887 I don't know yet. 313 00:32:53,973 --> 00:32:56,058 Thank you for coming. 314 00:32:57,226 --> 00:33:02,690 Mother insisted. I understand you want me to do some weaving with you. 315 00:33:06,277 --> 00:33:08,654 I'm sorry you were upset. 316 00:33:08,779 --> 00:33:10,865 The last time we saw each other. 317 00:33:10,990 --> 00:33:13,075 It's of no consequence. 318 00:33:16,245 --> 00:33:18,539 Are you fond of weaving? 319 00:33:21,292 --> 00:33:22,918 So did I. 320 00:33:28,090 --> 00:33:30,134 And how is your brother? 321 00:33:30,259 --> 00:33:32,720 - Is he still in Mediolanum? - He is. 322 00:33:33,762 --> 00:33:37,933 - Lovely town, so I'm told. Healthy air. - Domina? 323 00:33:38,058 --> 00:33:40,144 What is it, Eleni? 324 00:33:43,939 --> 00:33:46,483 Word from Greece. 325 00:33:46,609 --> 00:33:47,943 Caesar has won. 326 00:33:49,570 --> 00:33:53,115 And Pompey's armies are completely destroyed. 327 00:33:59,955 --> 00:34:02,082 And my son? 328 00:34:04,793 --> 00:34:06,462 No word. 329 00:34:36,700 --> 00:34:38,827 Don't cry. 330 00:36:08,000 --> 00:36:10,836 Halt! In the name of Rome! 331 00:36:10,961 --> 00:36:14,965 Calls himself Rome now, does he? Shameless. 332 00:36:15,090 --> 00:36:16,842 Who are you? What's your purpose? 333 00:36:16,967 --> 00:36:20,346 We are Rome, boy, what's left of it. 334 00:36:21,263 --> 00:36:24,975 Come to surrender to your chief. 335 00:36:38,781 --> 00:36:41,825 Brutus! Cicero! 336 00:36:41,950 --> 00:36:44,036 How happy I am to see you. 337 00:36:45,079 --> 00:36:47,289 I thought you were dead. 338 00:36:48,290 --> 00:36:54,671 Sir, I am come here honorably, with no request for mercy, 339 00:36:54,797 --> 00:36:57,758 to surrender my arms and my horses as is... 340 00:36:59,093 --> 00:37:02,012 We'll have no talk of surrender. 341 00:37:02,137 --> 00:37:05,641 We've merely quarreled a little. Now we are friends again, eh? 342 00:37:06,683 --> 00:37:12,314 That is most generous of you and natural to your manly nature but I cannot... 343 00:37:12,439 --> 00:37:16,318 - My poor boy. - I'm sorry. I am so sorry. 344 00:37:16,443 --> 00:37:18,079 Not at all. 345 00:37:18,103 --> 00:37:19,787 It is I am sorry. 346 00:37:20,411 --> 00:37:23,133 I presented you with an impossible dilemma. 347 00:37:23,158 --> 00:37:27,496 You did only what you thought honorable, I'm sure. 348 00:37:28,956 --> 00:37:30,999 I kiss you for it. 349 00:37:33,502 --> 00:37:37,381 Thank you. I will not forget this grace. 350 00:37:37,506 --> 00:37:40,551 - As I was saying, a most generous... - But what of Pompey? 351 00:37:40,676 --> 00:37:42,511 Tell me he lives. 352 00:37:44,346 --> 00:37:47,349 - He lives. - Thank the gods. Where is he? 353 00:37:49,351 --> 00:37:51,437 He... 354 00:37:52,980 --> 00:37:55,399 He does not plan to surrender. 355 00:37:56,859 --> 00:38:01,697 That is insane. He cannot escape. Where can he go? 356 00:38:02,739 --> 00:38:05,033 Is Scipio with him? Cato? 357 00:38:07,327 --> 00:38:09,371 They have fled to Africa. 358 00:38:10,706 --> 00:38:13,500 What am I thinking of, 359 00:38:13,625 --> 00:38:17,588 asking you questions when you must be so hungry and thirsty? 360 00:38:17,713 --> 00:38:20,090 Come. 361 00:38:20,215 --> 00:38:25,512 - I think I would rather... - I insist. 362 00:38:27,097 --> 00:38:29,224 Come. 363 00:38:31,727 --> 00:38:35,397 So with this hand, otherwise engaged, I had to take that worm 364 00:38:35,522 --> 00:38:40,861 and beat him with my fists over and over and over again! 365 00:39:29,076 --> 00:39:34,414 His father, King Ptolemy Auletes XII, was a close friend of mine. 366 00:39:34,540 --> 00:39:38,210 I was always assured a loving welcome in Egypt. 367 00:39:38,335 --> 00:39:42,881 I remember, on one occasion I was out hunting with the King. 368 00:39:43,006 --> 00:39:45,092 We were hunting lions, you see. 369 00:39:47,636 --> 00:39:51,473 Only the King was rather a poor bowman 370 00:39:51,598 --> 00:39:57,771 and we couldn't tell if the lion was wounded or dead, 371 00:39:57,896 --> 00:40:03,026 so, we sneaked up on the lion, keeping both... 372 00:40:12,661 --> 00:40:14,705 Hello, friends. 373 00:40:14,830 --> 00:40:17,082 Feeling better, nay? Strong? 374 00:40:17,207 --> 00:40:19,293 Strong enough. 375 00:40:21,461 --> 00:40:25,132 Tell me something. What's the name of that Roman? 376 00:40:25,257 --> 00:40:27,175 His name is... 377 00:40:28,176 --> 00:40:30,137 Aeneas Mela. 378 00:40:30,262 --> 00:40:32,556 - Aeneas Mela? - That's what he said. 379 00:40:34,016 --> 00:40:36,768 What do you hear of Caesar and Pompey? 380 00:40:38,186 --> 00:40:39,855 They fought, I heard. 381 00:40:41,023 --> 00:40:43,233 And? 382 00:40:43,358 --> 00:40:45,736 You know who won. 383 00:40:45,861 --> 00:40:47,946 Tell us. 384 00:40:51,408 --> 00:40:52,993 I was going to let you in anyway. 385 00:40:53,118 --> 00:40:56,955 - What's he talking about? - You boys are clever fellows, I bet. 386 00:40:57,080 --> 00:40:58,915 Know how to fight. 387 00:40:59,041 --> 00:41:03,253 Me and my boys can't take his people alone. 388 00:41:03,378 --> 00:41:05,964 Us and you together, no problem. 389 00:41:07,007 --> 00:41:09,593 We go down middle on the reward. 390 00:41:09,718 --> 00:41:12,929 - Not a bad idea. - You can have the wife and children. 391 00:41:13,055 --> 00:41:15,098 I take the slaves. 392 00:41:17,851 --> 00:41:21,355 Walk away and do not speak of this again. 393 00:41:21,480 --> 00:41:26,610 I see. Think you don't need me? Think you can keep the reward for yourself? 394 00:41:26,735 --> 00:41:29,821 - Fuck you. Not going to happen. - Don't. 395 00:41:29,946 --> 00:41:36,411 Fuck you! I gave you your lives back, I can take them away again, easy. 396 00:41:37,829 --> 00:41:43,001 When I am finished speaking, you will turn and run that way. 397 00:41:43,126 --> 00:41:45,837 That way? What about this way? 398 00:41:45,962 --> 00:41:50,425 Do not stop until you are out of my sight and do not delay, or I will kill you. 399 00:41:51,510 --> 00:41:55,847 - What is wrong with him? - I am finished speaking. 400 00:42:10,821 --> 00:42:13,240 A bit harsh, isn't it? 401 00:42:13,365 --> 00:42:15,951 Fair enough deal he was offering, I thought. 402 00:42:16,076 --> 00:42:18,078 - What is the meaning of this? - Sir... 403 00:42:18,203 --> 00:42:20,163 Speak up! This man was in my employ! 404 00:42:20,288 --> 00:42:22,666 - He planned to assault you, sir. - How do you know? 405 00:42:22,791 --> 00:42:24,835 He asked us to participate. 406 00:42:24,960 --> 00:42:27,546 You refused, stabbed him to death on my behalf. 407 00:42:27,671 --> 00:42:29,840 A good friend to me on such short acquaintance. 408 00:42:29,965 --> 00:42:32,509 - What is your name? - I am Lucius Vorenus. 409 00:42:32,634 --> 00:42:36,388 Prefect in evocati of the 13th Legion of Gaius Julius Caesar. 410 00:42:36,513 --> 00:42:38,724 Titus Pullo, legionary of same. 411 00:42:38,849 --> 00:42:40,892 Salve, Lucius Vorenus. 412 00:42:41,017 --> 00:42:46,148 I am... Aeneas Mela... of Pergamum. 413 00:42:50,902 --> 00:42:52,988 Aeneas Mela. 414 00:42:55,115 --> 00:42:57,492 You must consider yourself under my charge. 415 00:42:57,617 --> 00:42:59,244 I do not understand. 416 00:42:59,369 --> 00:43:04,708 Consider yourself a prisoner of the 13th Legion. 417 00:43:04,833 --> 00:43:09,087 - I'm just a merchant. - We know who you are, sir. 418 00:43:11,548 --> 00:43:16,011 I own you now! Understand? You, you, bury him. 419 00:43:16,136 --> 00:43:19,306 The rest of you... don't let them leave. 420 00:43:19,431 --> 00:43:23,769 Lucius Vorenus, I must speak with you alone. 421 00:43:25,645 --> 00:43:27,689 Stay here. 422 00:43:29,191 --> 00:43:32,903 Of course I do not say I am who you think I am 423 00:43:33,028 --> 00:43:35,405 but I have spent some years in the army. 424 00:43:35,530 --> 00:43:38,533 Perhaps we met on some campaign or other. 425 00:43:38,658 --> 00:43:41,244 Perhaps that's why I seem familiar. 426 00:43:41,369 --> 00:43:43,163 Perhaps. 427 00:43:46,041 --> 00:43:51,755 - I recall the 13th was at Alesia. - We were. 428 00:43:51,880 --> 00:43:55,592 There's a battle I've always wished to have seen. 429 00:43:55,717 --> 00:43:58,094 25 miles of works, wasn't it? 430 00:43:58,220 --> 00:44:00,597 - Nearer 30. - 30? 431 00:44:00,722 --> 00:44:02,891 - How many men did you have? - 60,000. 432 00:44:03,016 --> 00:44:08,313 Against almost double the Gauls. 433 00:44:08,438 --> 00:44:11,900 At least double. The best men of every tribe in Gaul. 434 00:44:12,025 --> 00:44:17,364 Caesar can fight. I'll give him that. 435 00:44:17,489 --> 00:44:21,159 I remember... when he was not much older than you. 436 00:44:21,284 --> 00:44:24,996 I sent him to winter quarters in... 437 00:44:27,499 --> 00:44:29,584 Now, where was it? 438 00:44:31,086 --> 00:44:33,463 No matter. 439 00:44:33,588 --> 00:44:35,715 Long time gone. 440 00:44:43,098 --> 00:44:48,103 I must ask you, sir, if I may, how did you come to this road? 441 00:44:49,771 --> 00:44:54,484 Surely Pompey had Caesar at greater disadvantage. 442 00:44:54,609 --> 00:44:57,529 He did. 443 00:44:58,572 --> 00:45:00,615 It didn't seem possible to lose. 444 00:45:02,158 --> 00:45:04,202 That's always a bad sign. 445 00:45:05,245 --> 00:45:09,207 The battlefield was on a plain 446 00:45:09,332 --> 00:45:14,921 by a river at the foot of some low hills. 447 00:45:15,046 --> 00:45:17,424 Like this, do you see. 448 00:45:17,549 --> 00:45:20,218 The lines met here. 449 00:45:20,343 --> 00:45:23,450 My men held their ground well 450 00:45:23,474 --> 00:45:27,517 so I sent my horses at his right flank. 451 00:45:27,642 --> 00:45:30,865 Which is perfectly correct, you'll agree. 452 00:45:30,889 --> 00:45:32,055 I do. 453 00:45:32,480 --> 00:45:35,255 Only the cowards were repulsed. 454 00:45:35,279 --> 00:45:38,862 Repulsed by a single cohort of reserves. 455 00:45:38,987 --> 00:45:41,740 Turned and fled, 200 horses. 456 00:45:41,865 --> 00:45:45,285 Crashed directly into my left flank. 457 00:45:46,369 --> 00:45:50,540 Rolled up my line like a carpet. 458 00:45:50,665 --> 00:45:53,460 Put the whole damned army to flight. 459 00:45:54,628 --> 00:45:56,838 And here I am. 460 00:45:56,963 --> 00:46:01,927 That's how Pompey Magnus was defeated. 461 00:46:02,052 --> 00:46:04,804 That's how the Republic died. 462 00:46:17,359 --> 00:46:20,236 - Good night, sir. - Wait. 463 00:46:20,362 --> 00:46:22,656 I will not... 464 00:46:24,991 --> 00:46:28,870 I will not ask favor or mercy for myself. 465 00:46:28,995 --> 00:46:33,541 But I beg you, consider the fate... 466 00:46:35,210 --> 00:46:37,504 of my wife and children. 467 00:46:40,590 --> 00:46:45,428 Let me take them to Egypt where they will be safe... 468 00:46:47,305 --> 00:46:49,391 among friends. 469 00:46:52,060 --> 00:46:54,145 Consider them. 470 00:48:04,883 --> 00:48:07,177 Go back to sleep. 471 00:48:21,149 --> 00:48:24,819 Unwise and unfriendly, I call it. 472 00:48:24,944 --> 00:48:26,946 Unwise and unfriendly. 473 00:48:27,072 --> 00:48:29,532 And for why? Why? 474 00:48:30,784 --> 00:48:32,911 We had him. 475 00:48:34,370 --> 00:48:36,956 Horses. Never mind horses. 476 00:48:37,082 --> 00:48:39,459 Never mind gold. 477 00:48:39,584 --> 00:48:41,586 Caesar would have given us farms 478 00:48:41,711 --> 00:48:44,923 and fields and orchards and great flocks of slaves 479 00:48:45,048 --> 00:48:47,050 and cattle and Dis knows what... 480 00:48:47,175 --> 00:48:51,137 Desist! Pompey Magnus is no damn slave to be sold for money. 481 00:48:54,140 --> 00:48:57,435 - Don't see why not! - There's a great deal you don't see. 482 00:48:58,353 --> 00:49:01,022 There's a great deal he doesn't see neither. 483 00:49:12,867 --> 00:49:16,788 You and only 12 other men survived that storm. 484 00:49:17,872 --> 00:49:20,250 Out of 5,000. 485 00:49:20,375 --> 00:49:25,046 You're being kept alive for some great purpose, no doubt. 486 00:49:25,171 --> 00:49:27,632 Well. You know, sir... 487 00:49:31,469 --> 00:49:34,681 - He has some interesting news. - Indeed? 488 00:49:34,806 --> 00:49:36,400 Sir, in course of our journey here 489 00:49:36,424 --> 00:49:38,017 we encountered Gnaeus Pompey Magnus 490 00:49:38,143 --> 00:49:41,354 with his family and a party of servants. 491 00:49:41,479 --> 00:49:44,816 - Where? - The road to Amphipoli, with a mule train. 492 00:49:44,941 --> 00:49:47,610 A mule train. It's priceless. 493 00:49:47,735 --> 00:49:50,113 He intends to take ship for Egypt, sir. 494 00:49:50,238 --> 00:49:52,323 Family and servants, you say. 495 00:49:52,448 --> 00:49:54,200 - No soldiers? - None, sir. 496 00:49:54,325 --> 00:49:58,121 Not one man left, not one. Poor wretch. 497 00:49:59,998 --> 00:50:02,625 Why then, be that so, did you not apprehend him? 498 00:50:02,750 --> 00:50:05,086 Now, here's the onion. 499 00:50:06,880 --> 00:50:09,841 I thought it would be wrong to do so. 500 00:50:09,966 --> 00:50:11,885 Explain yourself. 501 00:50:13,595 --> 00:50:17,098 His hands trembled, sir, his clothes were dirty, 502 00:50:17,223 --> 00:50:20,101 there was water in his eyes, he is broken. 503 00:50:20,226 --> 00:50:22,812 I saw no need to apprehend him. 504 00:50:22,937 --> 00:50:26,774 I'd like to add that Legionary Pullo took no part in my decision, sir. 505 00:50:28,568 --> 00:50:30,653 You saw no need... 506 00:50:31,946 --> 00:50:33,990 Do you not see that Pompey may be broken 507 00:50:34,115 --> 00:50:37,785 like a Dacian catamite and still be dangerous? 508 00:50:37,911 --> 00:50:39,383 If he is still living 509 00:50:39,407 --> 00:50:43,374 he will be a standard around which our enemies will gather! 510 00:50:44,459 --> 00:50:48,671 As long as he can be propped on a horse, he's dangerous! 511 00:50:48,796 --> 00:50:51,758 - But you saw no need to apprehend him? - I did not, sir. 512 00:50:51,883 --> 00:50:54,886 Who by the sons of Dis gives you the right to make such judgment? 513 00:50:55,011 --> 00:50:57,428 Sir, I am aware that I have not done my duty 514 00:50:57,452 --> 00:50:59,474 and I respectfully ask your pardon. 515 00:51:00,934 --> 00:51:02,977 My pardon, he asks. 516 00:51:05,230 --> 00:51:08,233 I ought to have you scourged and crucified. 517 00:51:16,783 --> 00:51:22,705 In future you will remember that it is I that offers mercy. No one else. 518 00:51:22,830 --> 00:51:25,166 - Clear? - Clear, sir. 519 00:51:26,167 --> 00:51:27,835 Dismissed. 520 00:51:32,382 --> 00:51:37,387 I do not like to disagree with you but you are being far too lenient with him. 521 00:51:37,512 --> 00:51:41,182 He let Pompey go and you let him live? 522 00:51:41,307 --> 00:51:43,685 The man should be made an example of! 523 00:51:43,810 --> 00:51:46,396 Any other man, certainly. 524 00:51:46,521 --> 00:51:50,733 But those two, they found my stolen standard. 525 00:51:50,858 --> 00:51:53,695 Now they survive a wreck that drowned an army 526 00:51:53,820 --> 00:51:56,739 and find Pompey Magnus on a beach. 527 00:51:58,241 --> 00:52:02,245 They have powerful gods on their side 528 00:52:02,370 --> 00:52:05,873 and I will not kill any man with friends of that sort. 529 00:52:07,166 --> 00:52:08,918 Posca. 530 00:52:09,043 --> 00:52:12,547 Tell Fulvio to start breaking camp. 531 00:52:12,672 --> 00:52:14,757 We're going to Egypt. 532 00:53:05,391 --> 00:53:07,352 General Pompey, sir. 533 00:53:07,477 --> 00:53:10,396 Remember me? Lucius Septimius. 534 00:53:10,521 --> 00:53:13,316 Centurion Septimius, as was. 535 00:53:13,441 --> 00:53:16,652 I was with you in Spain. Fourth Legion, third cohort. 536 00:53:16,778 --> 00:53:19,822 Lucius Septimius, of course. 537 00:53:19,947 --> 00:53:21,866 What are you doing here, of all places? 538 00:53:21,991 --> 00:53:23,993 Working for the gyppoes, sir. 539 00:53:24,118 --> 00:53:26,496 I know, sir. It's not the Fourth by no means. 540 00:53:26,621 --> 00:53:28,271 A man's got to earn his salt though, eh? 541 00:53:28,295 --> 00:53:29,382 True enough. 542 00:53:29,707 --> 00:53:32,001 What's all this then, soldier? 543 00:53:32,126 --> 00:53:33,961 Not much of a welcome party. 544 00:53:34,087 --> 00:53:37,266 You know Egyptians, sir, it's just their way. 545 00:53:37,290 --> 00:53:38,341 Funny people. 546 00:53:38,466 --> 00:53:42,428 That they are. Well... onward, friend. 547 00:53:56,109 --> 00:53:58,319 I'm sorry, sir.