1 00:01:35,756 --> 00:01:37,099 How Titus Pullo Brought Down the Republic 2 00:01:44,586 --> 00:01:45,876 Three more gone this morning. 3 00:01:48,100 --> 00:01:50,189 Outcasts and idiots. 4 00:01:50,868 --> 00:01:52,276 They all get restless. 5 00:01:52,667 --> 00:01:55,334 With the fighting done, they want to be home with money in their pockets, 6 00:01:55,400 --> 00:01:57,348 not sitting in this dismal cold and wet. 7 00:01:58,523 --> 00:02:00,501 None of the good men have run. 8 00:02:00,767 --> 00:02:01,422 Nor will they. 9 00:02:02,426 --> 00:02:04,306 Nor will they follow you to Rome. 10 00:02:04,954 --> 00:02:05,525 Not yet. 11 00:02:06,200 --> 00:02:07,690 Time is running out. 12 00:02:09,030 --> 00:02:11,050 We cannot wait here forever. 13 00:02:11,260 --> 00:02:14,630 This is a very precarious position. 14 00:02:14,701 --> 00:02:18,968 What happens in January* when your term runs out 15 00:02:18,969 --> 00:02:18,969 * Roman magistrates' office begin in January. That's why this month became the first of the year: before the reforme in 133 b.C., the first month of the year was March, cause it was the begining of the war season. 16 00:02:19,033 --> 00:02:20,734 and we're still sitting here ? 17 00:02:23,909 --> 00:02:27,926 The business of motivating men to fight is a tricky matter, Posca. 18 00:02:28,100 --> 00:02:31,006 I would not expect a slave to understand the subtleties. 19 00:02:31,968 --> 00:02:35,966 I trust an education in these subtleties will begin shortly. 20 00:02:40,434 --> 00:02:42,379 500000 ? What's this ? 21 00:02:42,501 --> 00:02:44,834 I put Mark Antony up for election as people's tribune. 22 00:02:44,901 --> 00:02:46,482 There were a lot of votes needed buying. 23 00:02:47,868 --> 00:02:50,676 Mark Antony for people's tribune ? 24 00:02:50,934 --> 00:02:52,180 But he is... 25 00:02:54,116 --> 00:02:55,243 You may speak. 26 00:02:55,334 --> 00:02:58,267 I had understood the tribune to be a sacred office 27 00:02:58,334 --> 00:03:00,401 with the power of veto over the Senate. 28 00:03:00,567 --> 00:03:01,164 So it is. 29 00:03:01,165 --> 00:03:04,290 An office of great dignity and seriousness. 30 00:03:04,325 --> 00:03:05,970 Perhaps you're right. 31 00:03:07,701 --> 00:03:11,296 We shall send Strabo along to make sure Antony behaves himself. 32 00:03:25,133 --> 00:03:26,193 How far now ? 33 00:03:26,567 --> 00:03:28,434 Three hours at pace. 34 00:03:28,901 --> 00:03:31,346 Ah-Hi ! Here I come, girls. 35 00:03:31,501 --> 00:03:33,894 I'm going to drink all the wine, smoke all the smoke* 36 00:03:33,564 --> 00:03:33,969 * Of course, Pullo doesn't talk about tabaco, still unknown in Europe, but about eucalyptus, pear or other plants (pipe and rolled leaves). 37 00:03:34,033 --> 00:03:35,266 and fuck every whore in the city. 38 00:03:35,267 --> 00:03:38,512 Show some dignity. You're under the standard. 39 00:03:38,605 --> 00:03:38,752 Well, talk to him. 40 00:03:41,267 --> 00:03:43,274 He's not under the standard. 41 00:03:44,767 --> 00:03:47,196 Three hours away from a wife he hasn't seen in eight years. 42 00:03:47,367 --> 00:03:50,334 - The man's terrified. - Surely a reunion is a happy event. 43 00:03:50,400 --> 00:03:51,962 - Talk of something else. - Terrified. 44 00:03:52,267 --> 00:03:55,067 What if she's lost her teeth ? What if she's gotten skinny ? 45 00:03:55,133 --> 00:03:57,170 What if she's been letting other men between her legs ? 46 00:03:57,171 --> 00:03:57,708 Silence ! 47 00:04:24,183 --> 00:04:27,245 Long live, you Mark Antony ! Mark Antony, our protector ! 48 00:04:33,300 --> 00:04:34,461 They love him, eh ? 49 00:04:34,496 --> 00:04:35,541 No matter. 50 00:04:36,268 --> 00:04:37,992 We are all men of substance. 51 00:04:38,434 --> 00:04:41,215 Let them have the love of the plebs and the proles*. 52 00:04:41,216 --> 00:04:41,216 * Pleb (people) is the opposite of the patriciate (the aristocracy). Proles are, among the plebs, the ones who own nothing but their children. 53 00:04:51,334 --> 00:04:53,200 This won't take long, will it ? 54 00:04:53,267 --> 00:04:55,300 We can hope, dominus. * 55 00:04:55,301 --> 00:04:55,301 * Dominus = Master 56 00:04:55,367 --> 00:04:58,467 - Vorenus, you may dismiss the men. - Sir. 57 00:04:58,534 --> 00:05:01,300 And then you may dismiss yourself until I send for you. 58 00:05:01,367 --> 00:05:02,273 Have some fun. 59 00:05:02,868 --> 00:05:05,521 But first, take the boy back to Atia. 60 00:05:06,400 --> 00:05:07,351 Get your reward, eh ? 61 00:05:08,434 --> 00:05:11,717 Boy, tell your lovely mother I will see her later. 62 00:05:13,767 --> 00:05:14,797 Let's get this over with. 63 00:05:31,667 --> 00:05:33,779 You, leave this house this moment. 64 00:05:34,167 --> 00:05:36,100 I will not. Octavia is my rightful wife. 65 00:05:36,167 --> 00:05:36,860 You defy Caesar ? 66 00:05:37,000 --> 00:05:38,243 A fig for Caesar ! 67 00:05:38,434 --> 00:05:40,834 By the five Furies, if I were not a genteel woman, 68 00:05:40,901 --> 00:05:44,400 I would have you flayed and hung from a bracket at the door ! 69 00:05:44,467 --> 00:05:45,968 - Castor ? - Domina ?* 70 00:05:45,969 --> 00:05:45,969 *Domina = Mistresse 71 00:05:46,067 --> 00:05:46,907 Fetch the dogs ! 72 00:05:51,868 --> 00:05:53,040 Insolent wretch ! 73 00:05:54,167 --> 00:05:56,968 I tell you, my honey, you are well rid of that one. 74 00:05:57,033 --> 00:05:57,669 I hate you. 75 00:05:58,167 --> 00:05:59,843 I hate you ! I hate you ! 76 00:06:01,400 --> 00:06:02,154 Silly girl. 77 00:06:14,667 --> 00:06:17,130 I'm only trying to do my best for her. Why can't she see that ? 78 00:06:17,400 --> 00:06:18,130 She is young. 79 00:06:18,168 --> 00:06:20,348 - Master Octavian ! - Baby boy ! 80 00:06:21,334 --> 00:06:22,395 My poor rabbit ! 81 00:06:27,133 --> 00:06:28,219 So thin. 82 00:06:28,970 --> 00:06:31,016 Was it very horrible ? 83 00:06:31,133 --> 00:06:32,868 Of course it was, I can't even imagine. 84 00:06:32,934 --> 00:06:34,467 We shan't even talk about it. 85 00:06:34,534 --> 00:06:36,968 We should just put it totally out of our minds. 86 00:06:37,033 --> 00:06:38,901 You're back safe at home now. 87 00:06:42,033 --> 00:06:43,467 But who are those ? 88 00:06:43,534 --> 00:06:45,801 You are to be very good to them, mother. 89 00:06:45,868 --> 00:06:48,234 They are particular friends of mine. 90 00:06:48,300 --> 00:06:50,734 Friends ? In what particular ? 91 00:06:50,801 --> 00:06:52,968 These are the men that took me from captivity. 92 00:06:53,067 --> 00:06:56,033 First spear centurion Lucius Vorenus. 93 00:06:57,667 --> 00:06:59,435 And legionary Titus Pullo. 94 00:06:59,901 --> 00:07:03,033 So, we embrace you. 95 00:07:03,100 --> 00:07:05,200 Good fearsome specimens you are. 96 00:07:05,267 --> 00:07:08,067 I wonder it took you so long to subdue those odious Gauls. 97 00:07:08,334 --> 00:07:10,000 There was a great many of them... ma'am. 98 00:07:10,067 --> 00:07:11,814 Great many... Very good. 99 00:07:12,801 --> 00:07:14,267 We'll be away then, sir. 100 00:07:14,334 --> 00:07:15,787 But you must be rewarded before you go. 101 00:07:16,334 --> 00:07:18,601 - Castor, bring me my purse. - That won't be necessary. 102 00:07:18,667 --> 00:07:20,567 Will it not ? I don't want to break any regulations... 103 00:07:20,667 --> 00:07:22,100 They shall stay and eat, mother. 104 00:07:22,167 --> 00:07:24,000 Of course ! There shall be bread and meat put out in the kitchen. 105 00:07:24,267 --> 00:07:25,240 I mean, they shall eat with us. 106 00:07:25,901 --> 00:07:28,634 Obliged, sir, but I must go to my wife. 107 00:07:28,801 --> 00:07:32,167 Your wife has waited eight years. She can wait a little longer. 108 00:07:32,234 --> 00:07:34,133 Caesar has given them honorary horses, 109 00:07:34,200 --> 00:07:35,867 and they ride with the standard. 110 00:07:36,133 --> 00:07:37,838 It's perfectly acceptable to eat with them. 111 00:07:38,801 --> 00:07:39,817 Splendid idea. 112 00:07:41,033 --> 00:07:44,767 It's symbolic. We shall all dine together as equals. 113 00:07:50,100 --> 00:07:52,400 - What's that ? - Oh, it's just your sister. 114 00:07:52,467 --> 00:07:54,701 - Is she all right ? - Women's troubles. 115 00:07:54,767 --> 00:07:56,968 Nothing a good leeching won't cure. 116 00:08:05,434 --> 00:08:08,182 Jupiter Fulgor*, we ask you to guide 117 00:08:08,183 --> 00:08:08,183 * Jupiter Fulgor = Jupiter who throws lightening 118 00:08:08,184 --> 00:08:08,543 and protect this man, 119 00:08:10,100 --> 00:08:13,646 Marcus Antonius, newly elected tribune of plebs, 120 00:08:14,167 --> 00:08:15,311 champion of the people. 121 00:08:15,834 --> 00:08:17,921 How many dead altogether ? 122 00:08:18,767 --> 00:08:22,245 I don't know. I lost count ages ago. 123 00:08:22,534 --> 00:08:23,300 Lots though. 124 00:08:24,367 --> 00:08:25,576 And you, Lucius ? 125 00:08:25,934 --> 00:08:27,366 309 fighting men. 126 00:08:27,635 --> 00:08:28,637 I don't keep count on civilians. 127 00:08:28,700 --> 00:08:29,662 You're very exact. 128 00:08:29,837 --> 00:08:30,919 The war temple requires 129 00:08:31,100 --> 00:08:32,813 an exact number when you make an offering. 130 00:08:33,034 --> 00:08:34,106 That's a lot of wine and goats. 131 00:08:35,434 --> 00:08:39,667 The priests offer a discount when you pass 100. 132 00:08:39,734 --> 00:08:40,308 Priests ! 133 00:08:40,576 --> 00:08:41,695 Crooks, many of them ! 134 00:08:42,100 --> 00:08:44,275 I just talk direct to whatever god I'm doing business with. 135 00:08:44,434 --> 00:08:45,494 Bugger the priests ! 136 00:08:46,834 --> 00:08:50,181 Too few people can be bothered to do things the proper, all-Roman way. 137 00:08:51,267 --> 00:08:54,534 - I commend you, Lucius. - Vorenus is a strict Catonian. 138 00:08:54,601 --> 00:08:56,367 Believe in the divinity of the republic. 139 00:08:56,434 --> 00:08:57,952 If Cato believes the same, then... 140 00:08:58,400 --> 00:08:59,984 I suppose I am a Catonian. 141 00:09:00,234 --> 00:09:02,311 But Cato represents the rights of the nobility. 142 00:09:02,467 --> 00:09:05,694 Surely a plebian like yourself would like to see some changes made. 143 00:09:05,934 --> 00:09:09,498 It should remain as it was at the founding of the republic*. 144 00:09:09,490 --> 00:09:09,490 * Kings were droven away in 509 b.C, 250 years after the legendary foundation of the city by Romulus. 145 00:09:09,960 --> 00:09:10,610 Why should that change ? 146 00:09:10,610 --> 00:09:12,260 Because the Roman people are suffering. 147 00:09:12,868 --> 00:09:14,253 Because slaves have taken all the work. 148 00:09:15,034 --> 00:09:16,639 Because nobles have taken all the land, 149 00:09:17,167 --> 00:09:19,488 and the streets are full of the homeless and the starving. 150 00:09:19,868 --> 00:09:22,000 Well, I had no idea my son was such a firebrand. 151 00:09:22,067 --> 00:09:24,200 The nobles say that Caesar is a war criminal. 152 00:09:24,267 --> 00:09:26,434 They say that he wishes to march on Rome and make himself king. 153 00:09:26,801 --> 00:09:29,251 That is sacrilege. No man of honor would follow him. 154 00:09:29,534 --> 00:09:30,578 Well, I'm no man of honor then, 155 00:09:30,600 --> 00:09:32,953 'cause I say that Caesar should ride in here 156 00:09:33,467 --> 00:09:37,009 with elephants and squash Pompey and Cato and anybody else that wants it. 157 00:09:37,434 --> 00:09:38,886 Never mind the law. That's what I say. 158 00:09:38,900 --> 00:09:40,521 You say that because you govern your reason 159 00:09:40,668 --> 00:09:42,001 no better than you govern your tongue. 160 00:09:42,667 --> 00:09:45,665 Forgive me, it's my fault for mixing politics and wine. 161 00:09:46,200 --> 00:09:47,183 More tench ? 162 00:09:47,865 --> 00:09:49,252 A dormouse perhaps ? 163 00:09:49,434 --> 00:09:50,314 Thank you, I won't. 164 00:09:50,314 --> 00:09:52,232 Don't mind my saying it, but... 165 00:09:53,367 --> 00:09:54,998 you two make unlikely friends. 166 00:09:55,234 --> 00:09:57,667 We are not friends. I am his superior officer. 167 00:09:57,733 --> 00:09:59,201 By virtue of rank, if nothing else. 168 00:09:59,267 --> 00:10:01,700 That is enough from you ! 169 00:10:03,900 --> 00:10:05,600 Please forgive our vulgar ways, madam. 170 00:10:05,667 --> 00:10:07,501 We are not fit for your presence. 171 00:10:07,568 --> 00:10:10,000 Not at all. I've enjoyed your company immensely. 172 00:10:10,067 --> 00:10:11,934 It's been most refreshing. 173 00:10:12,000 --> 00:10:14,000 And with your permission, we shall... 174 00:10:14,067 --> 00:10:15,202 ...leave you. 175 00:10:18,334 --> 00:10:20,101 Do come and visit us again. 176 00:10:20,167 --> 00:10:22,234 Octavian needs reliable friends. 177 00:10:22,301 --> 00:10:24,134 He may depend on you, I trust. 178 00:10:24,201 --> 00:10:25,667 As you say, madam. 179 00:10:34,734 --> 00:10:37,014 - Say again ? - I did not speak. 180 00:10:37,834 --> 00:10:39,733 I go this way. 181 00:10:39,800 --> 00:10:42,534 My home is behind the street of the cloth dyers, if you... 182 00:10:42,600 --> 00:10:44,867 Go with Fortune, sir. 183 00:10:47,900 --> 00:10:50,000 The cleaner brothels are in the Suburra*, 184 00:10:50,001 --> 00:10:50,001 * Working-class quarter of Rome, where most of lupanars were. 185 00:10:50,067 --> 00:10:52,367 next to the venereal temple. 186 00:11:24,167 --> 00:11:25,700 Niobe. 187 00:11:37,800 --> 00:11:39,700 You're alive. 188 00:11:42,334 --> 00:11:44,067 What child is that ? 189 00:11:45,733 --> 00:11:47,200 Answer me. 190 00:11:47,633 --> 00:11:50,134 What child is that ? 191 00:11:51,867 --> 00:11:53,434 He's your grandson. 192 00:11:53,501 --> 00:11:56,134 Speak sense, whore. 193 00:11:56,201 --> 00:11:58,733 Wait, now. 194 00:11:58,800 --> 00:12:01,667 Your grandson... The son of your daughter. 195 00:12:01,733 --> 00:12:04,301 - My daughter is only... - She's 13, near 14. 196 00:12:04,367 --> 00:12:07,434 - A son by who ? - Crito, a drover's boy. 197 00:12:08,967 --> 00:12:11,767 His name is Lucius. 198 00:12:11,834 --> 00:12:13,867 Niobe, stop. 199 00:12:13,934 --> 00:12:16,534 I order you to stop ! 200 00:12:20,834 --> 00:12:22,600 Your father's home. 201 00:12:31,534 --> 00:12:33,534 Girls, this is your father. 202 00:12:38,201 --> 00:12:41,834 Daughters, I'm very pleased to find you healthy and good looking. 203 00:12:41,900 --> 00:12:43,667 A benefice you favor your mother, eh ? 204 00:12:43,533 --> 00:12:46,034 Now you see how ugly your father is. 205 00:12:46,600 --> 00:12:48,334 Come here. 206 00:12:50,167 --> 00:12:52,967 She's not simple, is she ? 207 00:12:53,034 --> 00:12:56,900 Greet your father properly as you've been taught to do. 208 00:13:38,267 --> 00:13:40,600 Your pay stopped coming a year ago. 209 00:13:41,967 --> 00:13:43,401 The paymaster said you must be dead. 210 00:13:43,468 --> 00:13:45,367 They said they don't make mistakes. 211 00:13:47,067 --> 00:13:49,434 Damned fools ! I'll have it seen to. 212 00:13:51,600 --> 00:13:53,234 A bit of a surprise to see me then ? 213 00:13:54,667 --> 00:13:56,534 A bit surprised to be called "whore." 214 00:13:58,733 --> 00:14:02,301 That was... wrong. 215 00:14:02,667 --> 00:14:04,800 I am sorry for it. 216 00:14:04,867 --> 00:14:07,267 - A whore in front of everybody. - I said sorry. 217 00:14:25,167 --> 00:14:27,101 - Is it as you like it ? - Less salt next time. 218 00:14:32,501 --> 00:14:34,898 So, how did you manage for money ? 219 00:14:36,134 --> 00:14:39,134 My sister Lyde and her husband helped us out. 220 00:14:40,868 --> 00:14:43,134 Well, you won't need their help anymore. 221 00:14:45,334 --> 00:14:48,800 The big phallus is off a Suevi I killed in the Rhinelands... 222 00:14:48,867 --> 00:14:52,367 A very strong and fierce people. 223 00:14:52,434 --> 00:14:54,600 Nice. 224 00:14:56,633 --> 00:14:58,834 My official spoils I've put into slaves. 225 00:14:58,900 --> 00:15:01,101 They're at the market. 226 00:15:01,167 --> 00:15:03,767 I should clear 10000 denarii. 227 00:15:04,767 --> 00:15:06,800 That's good news. 228 00:15:52,334 --> 00:15:56,167 By grace of Roma, for twelve moons hence, 229 00:15:56,234 --> 00:15:59,501 thou art tribune of plebs. 230 00:15:59,568 --> 00:16:02,401 About time. 231 00:16:02,468 --> 00:16:05,568 - I need a drink. - Indeed, sir. 232 00:16:05,800 --> 00:16:07,567 Perhaps after the meeting. 233 00:16:08,034 --> 00:16:09,367 Cicero. 234 00:16:09,733 --> 00:16:13,301 My dear Atia, a pleasure. 235 00:16:13,367 --> 00:16:16,500 Forgive us for imposing at such a ludicrous hour. 236 00:16:16,567 --> 00:16:17,681 Not at all, I adore it. 237 00:16:18,000 --> 00:16:20,634 The secrecy, the intrigue... It's most thrilling. 238 00:16:21,000 --> 00:16:21,782 Comprehend, woman, 239 00:16:22,257 --> 00:16:24,212 this meeting is invisible. 240 00:16:24,468 --> 00:16:27,197 Be assured, Cato, I do not see you. 241 00:16:32,101 --> 00:16:33,534 General Antony, we are... 242 00:16:33,600 --> 00:16:36,934 Oh god, your beauty is painful. 243 00:16:37,201 --> 00:16:39,767 You are the crucifix of Venus. 244 00:16:42,000 --> 00:16:43,368 Let me die in your arms. 245 00:16:43,534 --> 00:16:45,240 'Sist, Antony. 246 00:16:46,568 --> 00:16:49,034 - Good evening to you all. - General Antony. 247 00:16:49,301 --> 00:16:51,606 Tribune Antony, if you please. 248 00:16:51,767 --> 00:16:54,600 You're inside the sacred precincts of Rome, 249 00:16:54,667 --> 00:16:57,322 but yet you wear the bloody red cloak of a soldier.* 250 00:16:57,323 --> 00:16:57,323 In time of peace, Romans wear the toga. The soldiers cannot be inside the city. 251 00:16:57,667 --> 00:16:59,407 Quae bruta figura !* (*What a moron !) 252 00:16:59,500 --> 00:17:01,528 It completely fell from my mind. 253 00:17:01,667 --> 00:17:04,227 I'm most extremely sorry. Will you forgive me, 254 00:17:04,228 --> 00:17:05,628 friend Cato ? 255 00:17:07,733 --> 00:17:10,367 Atia, please, will you take this and burn it ? 256 00:17:10,434 --> 00:17:11,647 That's not necessary. 257 00:17:12,035 --> 00:17:13,318 Is it not ? 258 00:17:14,101 --> 00:17:16,749 Bene.* Then let's stop all this blathering 259 00:17:16,750 --> 00:17:16,750 *Bene = Good 260 00:17:16,835 --> 00:17:18,025 and get down to business. 261 00:17:17,900 --> 00:17:19,301 Blathering, you say ? 262 00:17:19,367 --> 00:17:23,134 What a congerie of heroes ! Such vim ! 263 00:17:23,201 --> 00:17:25,016 I feel like Helen of Troy. 264 00:17:25,501 --> 00:17:26,840 Would you adjourn to the courtyard ? 265 00:17:27,867 --> 00:17:28,933 Speak, young Marcus. 266 00:17:29,004 --> 00:17:30,535 What have you to tell us ? 267 00:17:30,667 --> 00:17:34,021 I have been delegated by Caesar to negotiate a compromise. 268 00:17:34,268 --> 00:17:35,977 Caesar wishes to avoid bloodshed. 269 00:17:36,501 --> 00:17:39,548 He wishes to be seen as a man of reason and probity. 270 00:17:39,934 --> 00:17:42,701 Therefore, when his present term as governor of Gaul has ended, 271 00:17:43,101 --> 00:17:46,296 he is willing to accept command of a single legion province. 272 00:17:46,800 --> 00:17:48,603 Illyria*, by preference. 273 00:17:48,604 --> 00:17:48,604 *Illyria is Western Crotia and Slovenia. 274 00:17:49,134 --> 00:17:50,120 I don't understand. 275 00:17:50,503 --> 00:17:52,515 Command of a province... 276 00:17:52,900 --> 00:17:54,900 So he will have legal immunity.* 277 00:17:54,901 --> 00:17:54,901 *A magistrate cannot be judged before the end of his office. If Caesar is still on duty with a new legion in Illyria, he has one year more to prepare his defense - or march on Rome. 278 00:17:54,967 --> 00:17:56,586 So that none of you rascals 279 00:17:57,000 --> 00:17:58,761 can go dragging him through the courts. 280 00:17:59,434 --> 00:18:01,392 We're here to discuss the terms 281 00:18:01,934 --> 00:18:04,064 of Caesar's resignation. 282 00:18:05,534 --> 00:18:07,900 He could have avoided prosecution 283 00:18:07,967 --> 00:18:09,944 by accepting a few years banishment. 284 00:18:10,167 --> 00:18:11,532 Banishment for what ? 285 00:18:12,134 --> 00:18:13,308 For fomenting a tyranny, 286 00:18:13,834 --> 00:18:16,301 illegal warfare, theft, 287 00:18:16,367 --> 00:18:18,134 murder, treason ! 288 00:18:18,201 --> 00:18:20,295 And what shall be your punishment, Pompey, 289 00:18:20,633 --> 00:18:21,999 for betraying a friend, 290 00:18:22,368 --> 00:18:23,914 for deserting the cause of your people, 291 00:18:24,034 --> 00:18:26,707 for allying yourself with these so-called noblemen ? 292 00:18:27,267 --> 00:18:28,233 What punishment for you ? 293 00:18:28,268 --> 00:18:29,538 Impudent whelp ! 294 00:18:30,334 --> 00:18:34,268 The man's term of office ends in two weeks. 295 00:18:34,534 --> 00:18:35,494 We say six months. 296 00:18:35,868 --> 00:18:36,849 Two weeks ! 297 00:18:37,434 --> 00:18:39,149 He sits alone in Ravenna 298 00:18:39,767 --> 00:18:42,004 with one mutinous skeleton of a legion 299 00:18:42,401 --> 00:18:44,544 and he dares to dictate terms to me ?! 300 00:18:44,667 --> 00:18:47,481 Caesar has many more legions than the 13th. 301 00:18:47,867 --> 00:18:49,387 On the far side of the Alps. 302 00:18:50,000 --> 00:18:50,990 Winter does not last forever. 303 00:18:51,934 --> 00:18:54,577 Spring comes, snows melt. 304 00:18:54,700 --> 00:18:57,028 - That's a threat ! - I assure you, it is no threat. 305 00:18:57,501 --> 00:18:59,492 Snows always melt. 306 00:19:00,934 --> 00:19:02,412 If he does not get a province ? 307 00:19:02,767 --> 00:19:06,267 Caesar will take all measures required 308 00:19:06,900 --> 00:19:09,667 to protect both his interests 309 00:19:09,733 --> 00:19:11,434 and those of the Republic. 310 00:19:11,501 --> 00:19:12,971 I am grieved and surprised. 311 00:19:13,467 --> 00:19:16,804 I had hoped we would have a rational negotiation. 312 00:19:17,468 --> 00:19:20,074 If that is his last word, we shall go. 313 00:19:24,934 --> 00:19:26,249 Then we have no more business. 314 00:19:27,134 --> 00:19:28,100 Caesar is bluffing. 315 00:19:28,400 --> 00:19:30,367 He wishes to appear supremely confident. 316 00:19:31,134 --> 00:19:33,959 Evidently he is desperately weak, weaker than we'd thought. 317 00:19:33,968 --> 00:19:37,597 This is a last ditch attempt to frighten us into making concessions, 318 00:19:37,867 --> 00:19:39,706 while he still has the semblance of an army. 319 00:19:39,534 --> 00:19:42,201 He's weak, Cicero. Dying. 320 00:19:42,067 --> 00:19:44,622 Is that not when all the proverbs tell us to be wary ? 321 00:19:45,434 --> 00:19:48,744 Does not the dying serpent bite deepest ? 322 00:20:07,867 --> 00:20:09,070 Let's play. 323 00:20:09,401 --> 00:20:10,425 Where are you from, friend ? 324 00:20:10,901 --> 00:20:11,901 13th. 325 00:20:11,967 --> 00:20:13,399 Better you keep that quiet. 326 00:20:14,234 --> 00:20:16,526 This is deep Pompeian territory. 327 00:20:16,801 --> 00:20:18,560 So, we're all Romans, eh ? 328 00:20:29,167 --> 00:20:30,224 Come on, ladies, hear me now. 329 00:20:31,101 --> 00:20:33,867 Furies and river gods for five. 330 00:21:20,733 --> 00:21:22,467 You will be pleased to hear 331 00:21:22,484 --> 00:21:25,376 that general Antony was as blithely arrogant 332 00:21:25,500 --> 00:21:28,306 and provocative as one could hope for. 333 00:21:30,267 --> 00:21:33,090 And Pompey and Cato were deeply offended 334 00:21:33,400 --> 00:21:35,350 by your negotiating position. 335 00:21:37,234 --> 00:21:39,208 Wise men and Graces on four ! 336 00:21:41,934 --> 00:21:43,393 Those Graces don't like you, I think. 337 00:21:43,367 --> 00:21:44,482 They piss on your face. 338 00:21:44,601 --> 00:21:46,064 They piss on my face ? 339 00:21:47,467 --> 00:21:48,642 They piss on my face ?! 340 00:21:48,900 --> 00:21:49,921 Calm, brother. 341 00:21:51,167 --> 00:21:52,277 Man has an ill way with him. 342 00:21:53,800 --> 00:21:56,006 He's lost a lot of money. He means no offense... 343 00:21:57,633 --> 00:21:59,534 - Do you ? - None at all. 344 00:22:02,633 --> 00:22:04,434 Twin river gods* over two. 345 00:22:04,435 --> 00:22:04,435 *Twin rivers are Tigris and Euphrates. 346 00:22:04,501 --> 00:22:06,633 Come on, you mumping cunnies ! 347 00:22:15,468 --> 00:22:16,900 Graces... 348 00:22:16,967 --> 00:22:18,534 over four. 349 00:22:22,667 --> 00:22:26,034 How do you feel now, soldier ? Feel good ? 350 00:23:42,500 --> 00:23:43,421 Who is this man ? 351 00:23:43,682 --> 00:23:44,853 Run and get a doctor ! 352 00:23:44,900 --> 00:23:46,550 I don't want people dying in my house ! 353 00:23:46,592 --> 00:23:47,889 Do as I say, woman ! 354 00:25:11,567 --> 00:25:15,288 There will be copious pus... First putrid, then wholesome... 355 00:25:15,600 --> 00:25:18,112 And mayhap fits of the spleen, 356 00:25:18,401 --> 00:25:20,432 but that will be all to the good. 357 00:25:21,700 --> 00:25:24,767 A purging of the malignancy will follow. 358 00:25:24,834 --> 00:25:25,635 This is brass. 359 00:25:28,734 --> 00:25:29,506 Come. 360 00:25:30,934 --> 00:25:32,001 When will he wake up ? 361 00:25:32,834 --> 00:25:35,497 Today, tomorrow, maybe never. 362 00:25:39,867 --> 00:25:41,400 You might try an offering to Spes.* 363 00:25:41,401 --> 00:25:41,401 *Spes = allegoric goddess of the Hope 364 00:25:41,534 --> 00:25:43,363 A white rabbit often works. 365 00:25:44,000 --> 00:25:47,034 I'll send my boy tomorrow to check the dressings. 366 00:25:50,601 --> 00:25:51,815 What misery ! 367 00:25:52,000 --> 00:25:53,820 It's only blood. It'll wash. 368 00:25:55,501 --> 00:25:56,748 Where are you going ? 369 00:25:56,783 --> 00:25:57,767 I have business. 370 00:25:58,834 --> 00:26:00,367 Business ? What business ? 371 00:26:02,517 --> 00:26:04,629 I understand that you are upset, but I will ask you 372 00:26:04,664 --> 00:26:06,367 do not question me in that tone. 373 00:26:11,868 --> 00:26:12,853 Tone. 374 00:26:12,888 --> 00:26:14,667 My father's cock ! 375 00:26:14,733 --> 00:26:16,501 How's that for tone ? ! 376 00:26:19,758 --> 00:26:21,479 50, 50. 55. 377 00:26:22,091 --> 00:26:24,768 55, 55. 60. 378 00:26:24,803 --> 00:26:26,789 60, 60... Sold ! 379 00:26:27,725 --> 00:26:30,484 40. 40, 40, 45. 380 00:26:30,519 --> 00:26:33,234 45, 45, 45. 50. 381 00:26:33,301 --> 00:26:37,118 50. 50, 50. 55. 382 00:26:37,153 --> 00:26:41,568 This is bona stock, but it's all skin and bone, eh ? 383 00:26:41,633 --> 00:26:43,201 You want a good price. 384 00:26:44,241 --> 00:26:47,335 Let us feed them up, put some fat on them. 385 00:26:47,370 --> 00:26:51,833 Couple weeks of easy living, and these puppies will sell like duck hearts. 386 00:26:51,868 --> 00:26:53,834 Is that expensive, fodder and storage ? 387 00:26:53,869 --> 00:26:56,646 No ! You'll recoup feed and storage double. 388 00:27:03,664 --> 00:27:06,353 Beautiful, neh ? A real showman. 389 00:27:06,388 --> 00:27:09,274 I am no judge of the sand, 390 00:27:09,309 --> 00:27:11,468 but sure, anyone can see 391 00:27:11,534 --> 00:27:16,112 he is rare large and aggressive. 392 00:27:19,655 --> 00:27:21,547 When the Senate meets tomorrow, 393 00:27:21,582 --> 00:27:25,501 Scipio will propose an ultimatum be put to Caesar. 394 00:27:25,536 --> 00:27:28,828 I ask you as a friend to support the proposal 395 00:27:28,863 --> 00:27:31,674 and to enjoin your many friends to do the same. 396 00:27:31,909 --> 00:27:34,863 I have not so many friends as all that. 397 00:27:34,898 --> 00:27:37,195 The moderates follow you like sheep. 398 00:27:37,230 --> 00:27:38,656 Your vote is critical. 399 00:27:38,868 --> 00:27:40,068 The ultimatum is ? 400 00:27:39,134 --> 00:27:41,568 Caesar's term of office is over. 401 00:27:41,933 --> 00:27:44,649 He must immediately disband his men, 402 00:27:44,684 --> 00:27:46,970 resign his command, and return for trial... 403 00:27:47,005 --> 00:27:50,782 Else be considered an enemy of the Senate and people of Rome. 404 00:27:51,017 --> 00:27:53,108 But he cannot accept that. 405 00:27:53,143 --> 00:27:54,534 Not without dishonor. 406 00:27:54,600 --> 00:27:57,321 Once declared hostile, he has nothing to lose... 407 00:27:57,322 --> 00:27:58,685 He will fight at any cost. 408 00:27:58,720 --> 00:28:00,753 You are declaring war ! 409 00:28:00,788 --> 00:28:04,222 Caesar will not have to accept or refuse the terms, 410 00:28:04,257 --> 00:28:08,426 because Mark Antony will immediately use tribune's veto. 411 00:28:08,461 --> 00:28:09,905 But then, what is your purpose ? 412 00:28:09,940 --> 00:28:11,902 If the Senate votes against him, 413 00:28:11,937 --> 00:28:14,105 Caesar will finally understand 414 00:28:14,140 --> 00:28:16,850 that he is alone against all. 415 00:28:16,885 --> 00:28:20,034 Of course, anything but an overwhelming vote 416 00:28:20,069 --> 00:28:22,829 encourages Caesar to think he still has friends and hope. 417 00:28:27,867 --> 00:28:31,838 I am no friend to Caesar, nor any tyrant, 418 00:28:31,873 --> 00:28:33,890 but I cannot vote for a proposal 419 00:28:33,925 --> 00:28:37,205 I do not wish to see realized. It would be highly irreligious. 420 00:28:37,240 --> 00:28:39,344 I have made a vow to Jupiter. 421 00:28:39,379 --> 00:28:42,471 Unless I get the full backing of the Senate tomorrow, 422 00:28:42,506 --> 00:28:45,384 I and all my legions will sail for Spain 423 00:28:45,419 --> 00:28:48,524 and leave you gentlemen to your own defenses. 424 00:28:58,401 --> 00:29:00,167 This is he ? Crito ? 425 00:29:00,234 --> 00:29:02,966 He's a good boy 426 00:29:03,001 --> 00:29:03,973 from good family. 427 00:29:04,008 --> 00:29:06,406 Good enough to seed a child of the Vorenii 428 00:29:06,441 --> 00:29:08,566 who fought at Magnesia and Zama* ? 429 00:29:08,601 --> 00:29:08,601 *Zama (202 b.C.) and Magnesia (180 b.C.) are important battles won by Romans against Carthage and Seleucid empire. 430 00:29:07,633 --> 00:29:10,322 I don't rightly know, sir. 431 00:29:10,435 --> 00:29:12,236 You don't rightly know ?! Do you know that this girl 432 00:29:12,271 --> 00:29:13,596 is my property ? 433 00:29:13,631 --> 00:29:14,734 That you should have asked my permission 434 00:29:14,600 --> 00:29:16,714 before you coupled with her ? 435 00:29:16,749 --> 00:29:19,195 - I'm sorry, sir. - I am within my rights 436 00:29:19,230 --> 00:29:21,146 to kill you here and now. 437 00:29:21,181 --> 00:29:22,029 Papa, please. 438 00:29:22,030 --> 00:29:24,530 Don't you start sniffling. You should have thought of this 439 00:29:22,401 --> 00:29:25,886 before you spread your legs. 440 00:29:25,921 --> 00:29:27,336 They meant you no disrespect. 441 00:29:27,371 --> 00:29:29,807 What they did was only natural. 442 00:29:29,842 --> 00:29:31,490 They're young and they love each other. 443 00:29:31,525 --> 00:29:32,167 That's no excuse. 444 00:29:32,234 --> 00:29:35,027 His mother's family are well-found in Ostia for many generations, 445 00:29:35,062 --> 00:29:37,723 and his father is a successful drover. 446 00:29:39,239 --> 00:29:40,780 They have a house in the Southern crossroads. 447 00:29:40,815 --> 00:29:43,243 A house built from cattle dung no doubt. 448 00:29:43,278 --> 00:29:46,010 It's very hygienic, sir. There's no smell. 449 00:29:48,267 --> 00:29:50,867 There's money in droving, at least. 450 00:29:50,934 --> 00:29:52,334 Good money, sir. 451 00:29:52,401 --> 00:29:55,445 I'm on the Capua run mostly... 452 00:29:55,480 --> 00:29:57,429 That's 5000 head a week sometimes, sir. 453 00:29:58,767 --> 00:30:01,334 He cannot be but what he is. When are you a man* ? 454 00:30:01,335 --> 00:30:01,335 * Boys become men when they wear the virilis toga, when they're 17. 455 00:30:01,401 --> 00:30:04,334 - Next month, sir. - Next month. 456 00:30:08,635 --> 00:30:10,101 Very well, you may marry my daughter. 457 00:30:10,167 --> 00:30:14,967 Assure your good people that the dowry will be appropriate. 458 00:30:24,767 --> 00:30:26,153 He really is a good boy. 459 00:30:26,188 --> 00:30:27,718 You should be pleased. 460 00:30:28,633 --> 00:30:31,834 My daughter's virginity has been taken 461 00:30:31,900 --> 00:30:37,106 and my first grandson, spawned by an ill-favored prole. 462 00:30:37,141 --> 00:30:38,425 How can I be pleased ? 463 00:30:38,460 --> 00:30:41,022 - He makes her happy. - She's an idiot then. 464 00:30:41,157 --> 00:30:42,273 What a brute you are ! 465 00:31:18,534 --> 00:31:23,537 The Senate will hear Metullus Scipio. 466 00:31:23,568 --> 00:31:25,900 Speak ! Speak ! 467 00:31:26,267 --> 00:31:28,326 Conscript fathers*, 468 00:31:29,068 --> 00:31:29,068 *Title to talk to the Senators (Patres "fathers" because the Senate was in older days a board of old men, and conscripti because they are "registered" on a list) 469 00:31:29,104 --> 00:31:31,167 I propose a formal motion. 470 00:31:31,202 --> 00:31:33,700 Unless Gaius Julius Caesar 471 00:31:33,767 --> 00:31:37,601 immediately lays down his command, 472 00:31:37,767 --> 00:31:39,828 disbands his legions 473 00:31:40,415 --> 00:31:42,333 and returns to Rome for trial, 474 00:31:42,368 --> 00:31:46,873 this sacred assembly will declare him a public enemy 475 00:31:46,908 --> 00:31:48,986 of the Senate and people of Rome ! 476 00:31:49,101 --> 00:31:53,337 After which time it will be the duty 477 00:31:53,372 --> 00:31:57,292 and the obligation of every Roman to do him harm 478 00:31:57,327 --> 00:32:00,131 or to kill him if they are able ! 479 00:32:08,800 --> 00:32:11,819 A motion is proposed. 480 00:32:11,900 --> 00:32:15,337 Those in favor, make it known. 481 00:32:48,234 --> 00:32:52,501 The motion is carried by clear numbers. 482 00:32:54,834 --> 00:32:56,867 Antony ! 483 00:32:57,234 --> 00:32:59,568 Veto the motion ! 484 00:32:59,734 --> 00:33:01,290 Stand up ! 485 00:33:01,563 --> 00:33:03,134 Veto the motion ! 486 00:33:04,733 --> 00:33:09,366 I demand the floor ! I demand the floor ! 487 00:33:09,401 --> 00:33:10,580 Give him the floor ! 488 00:33:10,581 --> 00:33:11,981 I veto the motion ! 489 00:33:12,134 --> 00:33:14,334 Tribune vetoes the motion ! 490 00:33:18,067 --> 00:33:19,865 Scipio's motion against Caesar... 491 00:33:19,900 --> 00:33:21,937 It doesn't stand, does it ? 492 00:33:21,972 --> 00:33:23,697 Stands. 493 00:33:23,732 --> 00:33:25,581 Entered in the annals. 494 00:33:25,616 --> 00:33:30,326 Despite that tribune raised his veto ? 495 00:33:30,361 --> 00:33:34,788 Not heard, not fully admitted. 496 00:33:34,823 --> 00:33:36,476 No weight. 497 00:33:36,667 --> 00:33:39,233 The motion stands. 498 00:33:39,268 --> 00:33:41,740 Let me be clear with you. 499 00:33:41,775 --> 00:33:43,409 I do not wish 500 00:33:43,444 --> 00:33:45,910 that a motion as important as this 501 00:33:45,945 --> 00:33:48,317 should stand on a mere trick of procedure. 502 00:33:48,552 --> 00:33:50,508 Trick, you say ? 503 00:33:51,175 --> 00:33:53,367 This is a religious matter. 504 00:33:53,402 --> 00:33:56,100 There are no tricks in religion. 505 00:33:58,067 --> 00:34:02,167 Session was not formally ended, correct ? 506 00:34:03,034 --> 00:34:06,367 - Correct. - So, when we reconvene, 507 00:34:06,434 --> 00:34:09,201 it will formally be the same session. 508 00:34:11,759 --> 00:34:15,034 Then tribune Antony may use veto on the motion. 509 00:34:21,100 --> 00:34:23,076 That is so. 510 00:34:24,344 --> 00:34:25,524 Juno Inferna !* 511 00:34:25,525 --> 00:34:25,525 *Means "Juno from the Underworld". Other name for Proserpina, Pluto's wife, who rules the underworld. 512 00:34:25,724 --> 00:34:27,496 Senile old fool, 513 00:34:27,514 --> 00:34:29,744 only say so to begin with ? 514 00:34:29,745 --> 00:34:34,083 Mark Antony must not be harmed or hindered in any way. 515 00:34:34,084 --> 00:34:34,688 - But... - In any way ! 516 00:34:34,689 --> 00:34:37,471 It is vitally important that he be allowed 517 00:34:37,487 --> 00:34:38,553 to veto the motion. 518 00:34:38,554 --> 00:34:39,560 If he does not, 519 00:34:40,000 --> 00:34:41,894 Caesar is declared a traitor. 520 00:34:42,095 --> 00:34:44,415 Then he has no choice but to oppose me openly, 521 00:34:44,416 --> 00:34:45,467 which means civil war. 522 00:34:45,901 --> 00:34:47,562 Antony must not be harmed ! 523 00:34:47,563 --> 00:34:49,531 Dominus ! Good news ! 524 00:34:49,832 --> 00:34:52,458 The Senate will reconvene tomorrow. 525 00:34:52,959 --> 00:34:55,098 Formally, it is the same session, 526 00:34:55,099 --> 00:34:58,026 so you may yet exercise your veto on the motion. 527 00:34:59,167 --> 00:35:00,808 Unless Pompey tries to stop me. 528 00:35:01,309 --> 00:35:03,442 True, he may very well try. 529 00:35:04,501 --> 00:35:06,490 Rally the men together. 530 00:35:07,601 --> 00:35:09,067 Vorenus... 531 00:35:09,966 --> 00:35:10,809 All of them. 532 00:35:12,914 --> 00:35:14,934 Run and hide. 533 00:35:16,144 --> 00:35:18,079 Run and hide. 534 00:35:18,600 --> 00:35:21,301 The 13th are coming 535 00:35:21,367 --> 00:35:24,633 and your men are all dead ! 536 00:35:26,101 --> 00:35:28,718 I put extra nutmeg in, as you like it. 537 00:35:28,719 --> 00:35:31,164 Marry me, goddess. 538 00:35:31,165 --> 00:35:33,526 What ? A porcine object like you ? 539 00:35:34,520 --> 00:35:35,867 Besides, I am already wed, 540 00:35:36,269 --> 00:35:37,710 thanks be to evil spirits. 541 00:35:37,711 --> 00:35:40,405 You are wrong, friend-wife. He is a good man, your man. 542 00:35:41,062 --> 00:35:42,648 A good man you say ? 543 00:35:42,922 --> 00:35:44,917 For years and years, I'd lie awake at night 544 00:35:44,918 --> 00:35:46,656 and beg all the gods to send him home. 545 00:35:47,746 --> 00:35:49,646 I'd hear of this battle or that battle and... 546 00:35:50,660 --> 00:35:52,514 I'd see him, clear as a glass, 547 00:35:52,515 --> 00:35:54,693 lying dead and bloody in the mud somewhere. 548 00:35:58,449 --> 00:35:59,944 I was lonely. 549 00:36:00,115 --> 00:36:01,721 I was so lonely. 550 00:36:01,722 --> 00:36:03,857 For eight years I wept. 551 00:36:04,134 --> 00:36:06,320 Every day, the girls asking: 552 00:36:06,321 --> 00:36:07,820 "When is papa coming home ? 553 00:36:08,878 --> 00:36:10,525 Is it today ? When ?" 554 00:36:13,401 --> 00:36:15,320 And now he's home, and I wish he was in Gaul. 555 00:36:15,321 --> 00:36:17,464 He's a cold, mean brute. 556 00:36:17,530 --> 00:36:18,944 Not one loving word 557 00:36:19,202 --> 00:36:20,236 to me or his daughters, 558 00:36:20,237 --> 00:36:21,714 not once since he has been home... 559 00:36:21,715 --> 00:36:24,201 He has no skilled hand with the women. 560 00:36:25,410 --> 00:36:27,087 But in all these years I fought with him, 561 00:36:27,668 --> 00:36:28,508 he never took a woman. 562 00:36:28,509 --> 00:36:31,490 "Pullo", he'd say to me, "Pullo, my old friend, 563 00:36:31,491 --> 00:36:33,949 I have a wife back home, Niobe is her name 564 00:36:33,995 --> 00:36:36,630 and she's worth more to me than all the women of Gaul." 565 00:36:38,301 --> 00:36:40,698 I thank you for your kind words, but I know you lie. 566 00:36:43,659 --> 00:36:45,496 He's no friend of yours. He told me so. 567 00:36:45,497 --> 00:36:47,900 Why ? He has a... an ill-temper, him. 568 00:36:47,967 --> 00:36:49,763 He'd say anything. 569 00:36:52,943 --> 00:36:55,028 Antony needs every man. 570 00:36:55,029 --> 00:36:57,284 If you can walk, we rendezvous at the house of Atia. 571 00:37:05,431 --> 00:37:06,581 This is all I have left. 572 00:37:06,582 --> 00:37:08,738 There will be more when I sell the slaves. 573 00:37:09,737 --> 00:37:12,767 Get the girls indoors and stay indoors until you know it's safe. 574 00:37:20,127 --> 00:37:22,067 It saddens me that you are unhappy, 575 00:37:22,567 --> 00:37:24,755 because I have a deep affection for you. 576 00:37:27,207 --> 00:37:28,677 When I return, we will talk. 577 00:37:41,767 --> 00:37:44,348 Well, this is a merry do. 578 00:37:47,034 --> 00:37:49,657 Octavia, my honey, look alive at least. 579 00:37:49,958 --> 00:37:53,763 Poor Antony must think himself dead and swimming in Lethe* water. 580 00:37:53,764 --> 00:37:53,764 * Lethe = river in the underworld. The souls of the dead people drink its water to forget their past life. 581 00:37:53,764 --> 00:37:56,868 Talk to the poor man, ask him questions. 582 00:37:57,700 --> 00:38:00,434 One would think she'd been raised by Germans. 583 00:38:00,500 --> 00:38:01,771 General Antony, 584 00:38:02,068 --> 00:38:03,914 does my mother's screaming irritate you ? 585 00:38:05,334 --> 00:38:06,734 Excuse me ? 586 00:38:06,835 --> 00:38:08,615 When you and my mother are in coitus, 587 00:38:08,633 --> 00:38:10,947 there is a deal of screaming. 588 00:38:10,948 --> 00:38:13,333 I find it extremely irritating. 589 00:38:13,334 --> 00:38:15,724 I wondered whether you did also. 590 00:38:16,125 --> 00:38:17,899 Or perhaps you like it ? 591 00:38:17,900 --> 00:38:19,722 A testament to your skills. 592 00:38:19,723 --> 00:38:21,741 So spiteful, and for what ? 593 00:38:22,588 --> 00:38:24,674 You shame only yourself. 594 00:38:47,834 --> 00:38:50,587 She has you exact. 595 00:38:53,433 --> 00:38:55,297 We show our strength. 596 00:38:55,298 --> 00:38:57,058 We show them who owns the forum, 597 00:38:57,059 --> 00:38:58,997 but we do not touch them. 598 00:38:58,998 --> 00:39:01,180 Antony must not be touched ! 599 00:39:01,181 --> 00:39:02,833 - Kill them all, I say. - None of that ! 600 00:39:02,900 --> 00:39:04,901 Pompey's strict orders. 601 00:39:05,220 --> 00:39:08,879 Him who starts trouble will be on a cross at nightfall. 602 00:39:08,880 --> 00:39:10,376 So no blood ! 603 00:39:18,401 --> 00:39:21,455 Make a lane there ! Make a lane there, I said ! 604 00:39:21,456 --> 00:39:23,047 Come on, you bastards ! 605 00:39:51,586 --> 00:39:52,604 Rally to me. 606 00:39:52,767 --> 00:39:55,030 Rally to me. 607 00:39:55,031 --> 00:39:56,959 Rally to me ! 608 00:40:06,501 --> 00:40:08,148 No blood ! 609 00:40:25,734 --> 00:40:28,378 You have what you wanted, Cato. 610 00:40:28,681 --> 00:40:30,742 Caesar has no choice now. 611 00:40:31,609 --> 00:40:32,673 Come the spring, 612 00:40:33,240 --> 00:40:35,394 he will cross the Alps with his legions 613 00:40:35,960 --> 00:40:37,246 and march on Rome. 614 00:40:47,247 --> 00:40:48,546 Five dead. 615 00:40:48,547 --> 00:40:50,098 Three from flux, two from fighting. 616 00:40:50,399 --> 00:40:52,108 Ten under medics. 617 00:40:52,534 --> 00:40:54,252 Eight absent, believed fled. 618 00:40:54,253 --> 00:40:56,967 - Sir. - Fighting strength: 236 head. 619 00:40:57,034 --> 00:40:58,911 Seventh cohort.* 620 00:40:58,912 --> 00:40:58,912 * 1 legion = 10 cohorts. 1 cohort = 6 centuries (480 soldiers, except the first cohort who has 800 soldiers). So 1 complete legion = 5120 soldiers 621 00:40:58,912 --> 00:41:02,342 12 dead: six of flux, six of fighting. 622 00:41:01,967 --> 00:41:03,820 Three on the medics. 623 00:41:03,700 --> 00:41:06,260 Three absent, believed fled. 624 00:41:06,261 --> 00:41:08,567 Fighting strength: 242. 625 00:41:08,568 --> 00:41:12,402 Soldier, how far behind you is Mark Antony ? 626 00:41:12,403 --> 00:41:14,000 No more than an hour, sir. 627 00:41:18,201 --> 00:41:20,663 - Sound assembly ! - Sir ! 628 00:41:21,701 --> 00:41:23,601 By order of the Senate, 629 00:41:23,167 --> 00:41:26,034 Gaius Julius Caesar 630 00:41:26,468 --> 00:41:29,177 is declared an enemy of Rome. 631 00:41:29,178 --> 00:41:31,066 All good citizens are bound 632 00:41:31,067 --> 00:41:32,286 to do him harm 633 00:41:32,568 --> 00:41:33,770 if they are able. 634 00:41:52,667 --> 00:41:53,704 I've got him. 635 00:41:55,563 --> 00:41:58,249 After all these years, 636 00:41:59,025 --> 00:42:00,272 Pompey surprises me. 637 00:42:02,034 --> 00:42:04,795 I had hoped to provoke some kind of aggression, sure, 638 00:42:04,796 --> 00:42:07,469 but to try and kill a tribune* ? 639 00:42:07,470 --> 00:42:07,470 *The tribune of the people is sacrosanct. If someone (whoever he is, citizen, magistrate, patrician...) tries to kill him, he's cursed and everybody can kill him to spare the city the stain. 640 00:42:07,870 --> 00:42:09,071 In the forum ? 641 00:42:09,967 --> 00:42:13,300 The man's found some hard black iron in his soul. 642 00:42:13,436 --> 00:42:17,057 I'm sure it was yonder demented little worm Cato who put him up to it. 643 00:42:17,600 --> 00:42:19,505 It's excellent, this. 644 00:42:20,167 --> 00:42:21,534 So, what next ? 645 00:42:21,600 --> 00:42:24,414 Let's see what the men have to say. 646 00:42:26,167 --> 00:42:28,265 Don't do that ! 647 00:42:29,900 --> 00:42:32,562 You look just right as you are. 648 00:42:33,063 --> 00:42:35,732 Like Leonidas at Thermopylae*. 649 00:42:35,733 --> 00:42:35,733 *Leonidas is a Spartan king, commanding an army during wara againt Persians' king Xerxes. He, his 300 Spartan soldiers and 700 Theban made heroic last stands in 480 b.C. and their sacrifice helped Athens to prepare the battle of Salamis, which put a term to the war with the full victory of Greek cities. 650 00:42:37,301 --> 00:42:38,650 Attention ! 651 00:42:43,834 --> 00:42:45,800 Any of your people I can mention ? 652 00:42:47,334 --> 00:42:48,977 Titus Pullo. 653 00:42:48,978 --> 00:42:51,786 Took the head off the first man that came at me. 654 00:42:57,501 --> 00:42:59,105 Soldiers, 655 00:42:59,953 --> 00:43:02,330 Pompey and the Senate 656 00:43:02,331 --> 00:43:04,434 have formally declared 657 00:43:05,001 --> 00:43:08,012 that Gaius Julius Caesar 658 00:43:08,413 --> 00:43:10,077 is an enemy of Rome. 659 00:43:10,078 --> 00:43:11,626 No ! 660 00:43:11,667 --> 00:43:13,779 They have declared that I am a criminal. 661 00:43:15,200 --> 00:43:17,431 They have declared, in effect, 662 00:43:17,432 --> 00:43:20,600 that all of you also are criminals ! 663 00:43:20,610 --> 00:43:22,706 No ! 664 00:43:22,707 --> 00:43:25,687 The tribune's veto was not exercised. 665 00:43:25,688 --> 00:43:28,160 Peoples tribune Mark Antony 666 00:43:28,161 --> 00:43:30,729 and 50 men of the 13th 667 00:43:30,730 --> 00:43:34,669 were assaulted by 1000 head of Pompeian scum. 668 00:43:34,670 --> 00:43:36,301 No ! 669 00:43:39,167 --> 00:43:42,733 A tribune of the plebs 670 00:43:42,800 --> 00:43:45,301 assaulted on the steps 671 00:43:45,667 --> 00:43:47,625 of the Senate house ! 672 00:43:47,626 --> 00:43:50,260 Can you imagine a more terrible sacrilege ? 673 00:43:50,261 --> 00:43:54,226 Our beloved Republic is in the hands of madmen. 674 00:43:54,227 --> 00:43:55,747 This is a dark day, 675 00:43:56,301 --> 00:43:59,301 and I stand at a fork on a road 676 00:43:59,302 --> 00:44:01,851 like a burden surrounding in my arm to the Senate 677 00:44:01,894 --> 00:44:05,331 and watch the Republic fall to tyranny and chaos ! 678 00:44:05,332 --> 00:44:07,640 Or, I can go home 679 00:44:07,641 --> 00:44:09,920 with my sword in my hand 680 00:44:09,921 --> 00:44:11,874 and run those maniacs 681 00:44:11,875 --> 00:44:13,999 to the Tarpeian* rock ! 682 00:44:14,000 --> 00:44:14,000 *Murderers and traitors were flung from this cliff near the Capitoline hill until the end of the Republic. Its name come from Tarpeia, a Vestal, who, for golden bracelets, betrayed Rome by opening the gates to the Sabine army. The Sabine soldiers crushed her to death with their shields. 683 00:44:14,082 --> 00:44:14,401 Yeah ! Yeah ! 684 00:44:23,279 --> 00:44:26,178 Legionary Titus Pullo, step forward ! 685 00:44:31,084 --> 00:44:33,090 Titus Pullo ! 686 00:44:39,000 --> 00:44:44,054 When 50 brave men of the 13th fought Pompey's 1000 in the forum 687 00:44:44,100 --> 00:44:45,877 and saved the tribune, 688 00:44:46,210 --> 00:44:49,013 it was legionary Titus Pullo who drew first blood ! 689 00:44:50,706 --> 00:44:53,334 Here is 500 denarii ! 690 00:44:55,467 --> 00:44:57,337 Very grateful, sir. 691 00:44:57,338 --> 00:44:59,451 Are you with me, Titus Pullo ? 692 00:44:59,852 --> 00:45:01,497 Will you come with me to Rome ? 693 00:45:01,898 --> 00:45:02,991 Yes. 694 00:45:03,092 --> 00:45:04,937 Yes, sir ! Certainly ! 695 00:45:05,055 --> 00:45:07,431 Titus Pullo is with me ! 696 00:45:08,432 --> 00:45:09,176 And you ? 697 00:45:09,177 --> 00:45:10,517 Are you with me ?! 698 00:45:10,518 --> 00:45:12,414 Yeah ! Yeah ! 699 00:46:07,834 --> 00:46:09,446 You're awake. 700 00:46:09,547 --> 00:46:10,546 Water ? 701 00:46:11,547 --> 00:46:14,000 We're moving. 702 00:46:16,998 --> 00:46:19,327 The whole legion, sounds like. Where to ? 703 00:46:19,928 --> 00:46:22,181 It's a river. 704 00:46:22,200 --> 00:46:23,505 What river ? 705 00:46:27,488 --> 00:46:28,686 This is the Rubicon. 706 00:46:28,787 --> 00:46:29,328 Stay calm. 707 00:46:29,937 --> 00:46:32,281 This is rebellion and treason, 708 00:46:32,282 --> 00:46:33,679 and I am no traitor ! 709 00:46:33,680 --> 00:46:35,834 It's too late now. We're across. We're in Italy. 710 00:46:35,835 --> 00:46:37,389 You're a rebel whether you like it or not. 711 00:46:37,490 --> 00:46:38,557 Caesar 712 00:46:38,858 --> 00:46:40,364 Caesar, what have you done ? 713 00:46:40,365 --> 00:46:41,680 He had no choice, had he ? 714 00:46:41,681 --> 00:46:43,881 Pompey did try to kill Mark Antony after all. 715 00:46:43,882 --> 00:46:46,167 You of all men should not dare make that argument. 716 00:46:46,168 --> 00:46:47,073 How's that ? 717 00:46:47,220 --> 00:46:48,619 You know who was being attacked. 718 00:46:49,820 --> 00:46:51,545 I don't know what you mean. 719 00:46:54,539 --> 00:46:55,452 It doesn't matter now. 720 00:46:55,582 --> 00:46:57,173 We are all dead men anyway. 721 00:46:57,174 --> 00:47:00,475 We'll be hanging from crosses in the Appian Way before the week's out. 722 00:47:00,876 --> 00:47:02,141 We'll be all right. 723 00:47:02,142 --> 00:47:04,381 - Have some more water. - Better to die of thirst. 724 00:47:04,382 --> 00:47:05,404 Don't be foolish. 725 00:47:05,685 --> 00:47:06,695 Drink. 726 00:47:10,967 --> 00:47:13,989 Caesar is in Italy ! 727 00:47:16,141 --> 00:47:16,929 What ? 728 00:47:17,230 --> 00:47:17,856 It cannot be ! 729 00:47:17,857 --> 00:47:21,271 Caesar is in Italy ! 730 00:47:23,921 --> 00:47:25,045 Have you heard ? 731 00:47:25,346 --> 00:47:26,405 I heard. 732 00:47:46,174 --> 00:47:47,680 What's going to happen ? 733 00:47:47,682 --> 00:47:49,413 War is going to happen. 734 00:47:56,249 --> 00:47:58,990 Who's my greedy little piglet ?