1 00:01:36,508 --> 00:01:38,196 Stealing from Saturn 2 00:01:38,197 --> 00:01:38,197   3 00:02:01,934 --> 00:02:03,334 The day was hot, 4 00:02:03,501 --> 00:02:05,934 but the night turns chilly fast, it seems. 5 00:02:06,200 --> 00:02:09,934 - For the time of year. - Day after tomorrow, we shall be in Capua 6 00:02:09,900 --> 00:02:12,134 And you will sleep in a good warm house. 7 00:02:12,301 --> 00:02:14,834 Though goatskin has its virtues. 8 00:02:14,835 --> 00:02:18,134 Here we are, refugees in our own land. 9 00:02:18,200 --> 00:02:21,967 We are not refugees. We are maneuvering. 10 00:02:22,133 --> 00:02:25,267 As you say, here we are maneuvering, 11 00:02:25,330 --> 00:02:27,860 while the tyrant sits in Rome. 12 00:02:27,930 --> 00:02:29,730 Yes, in my tent, 13 00:02:29,800 --> 00:02:32,500 I sleep sound and deep as a child. 14 00:02:34,534 --> 00:02:36,600 Though perhaps not tonight. 15 00:02:36,601 --> 00:02:38,528 I'm sorry it bothers you. 16 00:02:39,167 --> 00:02:41,167 He'll be finished soon enough. 17 00:02:41,234 --> 00:02:44,200 Quintus has a knack for this kind of thing. 18 00:02:44,234 --> 00:02:45,567 Well, I hope so. 19 00:02:45,634 --> 00:02:47,412 Your son Quintus ? 20 00:02:48,000 --> 00:02:49,942 I did not know he was with us. 21 00:02:50,043 --> 00:02:52,167 Arrived this morning from Brindisi. 22 00:02:55,167 --> 00:02:57,834 Ah, that's better. 23 00:02:58,501 --> 00:03:01,683 Screaming makes poor sauce, I find. 24 00:03:01,700 --> 00:03:03,834 Quintus has his faults, 25 00:03:03,900 --> 00:03:06,833 but he is loyal and fearless. 26 00:03:06,900 --> 00:03:09,467 A father cannot ask more. 27 00:03:09,634 --> 00:03:12,234 I've never heard nor thought otherwise. 28 00:03:14,601 --> 00:03:16,567 The dog confessed at last. 29 00:03:16,834 --> 00:03:18,298 Torn up good and red. 30 00:03:18,300 --> 00:03:20,900 Blood on your face. Wash yourself. 31 00:03:24,067 --> 00:03:27,601 Where is Durio ? Where is the gold ? 32 00:03:28,067 --> 00:03:31,301 He killed Durio as you suspected. 33 00:03:31,567 --> 00:03:35,234 And they took the gold North on the Via Flaminia, 34 00:03:35,301 --> 00:03:37,867 ran slap into Caesar's scouts. 35 00:03:37,934 --> 00:03:40,234 Pair of Romans, 20 head of Ubian. 36 00:03:40,301 --> 00:03:42,367 Too many for our boys. 37 00:03:42,434 --> 00:03:45,267 They ran, the filth that they are. 38 00:03:45,334 --> 00:03:46,867 Left the gold to the scouts. 39 00:03:46,870 --> 00:03:50,534 Can't be so. I've heard from Rome this last hour. 40 00:03:50,534 --> 00:03:52,167 Caesar has not got the gold. 41 00:03:52,234 --> 00:03:55,901 My man Volpe always gets the truth, father. 42 00:03:56,068 --> 00:03:59,301 If Caesar does not have it, then his scouts must have kept it for themselves. 43 00:03:59,300 --> 00:04:01,201 - Go find these scouts. - I will. 44 00:04:01,367 --> 00:04:02,767 Now ! 45 00:04:07,800 --> 00:04:10,001 You see, the tide turns already. 46 00:04:10,067 --> 00:04:12,834 Without the gold, Caesar will find Rome 47 00:04:12,901 --> 00:04:15,067 a little harder to subdue. 48 00:04:15,634 --> 00:04:19,600 Without the gold, we're not very well placed, either. 49 00:04:19,967 --> 00:04:22,700 Without gold, he will have to use violence. 50 00:04:23,267 --> 00:04:25,234 Once he starts spilling blood, 51 00:04:25,301 --> 00:04:28,367 the people will turn on him with a vengeance. 52 00:04:29,334 --> 00:04:33,267 Without the people, he has nothing. 53 00:04:43,534 --> 00:04:46,367 Martial law is in effect 54 00:04:46,434 --> 00:04:49,234 for the safety of all citizens. 55 00:04:49,301 --> 00:04:52,234 Groups of more than three men 56 00:04:52,401 --> 00:04:56,200 shall not congregate in public spaces. 57 00:04:56,267 --> 00:04:58,367 A curfew is in effect. 58 00:04:58,434 --> 00:05:01,834 Any person found on the street after dark 59 00:05:01,900 --> 00:05:04,501 will be subject to summary judgment. 60 00:05:04,668 --> 00:05:08,601 Long live general Gaius Julius Caesar, 61 00:05:09,067 --> 00:05:12,267 savior of our republic. 62 00:05:17,967 --> 00:05:19,968 Order: halt ! 63 00:05:29,634 --> 00:05:33,034 Jupiter Optimus Maximus.* 64 00:05:33,035 --> 00:05:33,035 * "Jupiter Best and Greatest". He protects the Roman state, is in charge of laws and social order. 65 00:05:33,201 --> 00:05:36,734 Jupiter Optimus Maximus. 66 00:05:36,901 --> 00:05:40,567 Jupiter Optimus Maximus. 67 00:05:40,734 --> 00:05:44,167 Jupiter Optimus Maximus. 68 00:05:44,434 --> 00:05:48,034 Jupiter Optimus Maximus. 69 00:05:50,734 --> 00:05:54,168 Jupiter Optimus Maximus. Jupiter Optimus Maximus. 70 00:06:04,601 --> 00:06:06,867 Name yourself, citizen. 71 00:06:07,234 --> 00:06:09,134 Gaius of the Julii, 72 00:06:09,301 --> 00:06:11,301 called Caesar.* 73 00:06:11,302 --> 00:06:11,302 * A Roman citizen's name is tripartite: "praenomen" or first name (Gaius), "nomen gentile" or last name (Julius, Julii is plural) and the "cognomen" or nickname (Caesar) which serves to distinguish each branch of a family. 74 00:06:11,303 --> 00:06:12,600 Speak then. 75 00:06:12,767 --> 00:06:16,000 I humbly ask that auguries be taken 76 00:06:16,067 --> 00:06:18,367 that Rome might know 77 00:06:18,380 --> 00:06:20,868 that the gods favor my actions. 78 00:06:20,934 --> 00:06:23,867 You've entered the City under arms. 79 00:06:24,000 --> 00:06:27,301 I must warn you that seldom augurs well. 80 00:06:27,868 --> 00:06:30,834 The gods know my intentions are peaceful. 81 00:06:31,401 --> 00:06:33,267 The people must know it also. 82 00:06:38,001 --> 00:06:39,434 So be it. 83 00:06:40,501 --> 00:06:42,534 Auguries will be taken 84 00:06:42,601 --> 00:06:45,000 on the first clean morning. 85 00:06:45,967 --> 00:06:49,467 Let the birds fly where they may. 86 00:07:04,467 --> 00:07:06,234 How be, paisan ? 87 00:07:06,301 --> 00:07:08,367 Miserable. 88 00:07:08,834 --> 00:07:10,767 Slave of a rebel. 89 00:07:11,034 --> 00:07:13,234 A successful rebel at least. 90 00:07:13,240 --> 00:07:15,094 The jury's still out. And you, my child ? 91 00:07:15,101 --> 00:07:17,600 For true misery, try bondage 92 00:07:17,601 --> 00:07:19,733 to a bloody-minded woman. 93 00:07:22,234 --> 00:07:26,533 This dinner tonight, Caesar asks no shellfish. 94 00:07:27,000 --> 00:07:28,734 Here is a guest list. 95 00:07:33,267 --> 00:07:35,134 I hope your lady is aware 96 00:07:35,201 --> 00:07:36,834 of the honor done to her. 97 00:07:37,201 --> 00:07:38,767 She's very aware. 98 00:07:40,833 --> 00:07:44,000 Caesar's hostess is first woman 99 00:07:44,000 --> 00:07:45,767 - Of the City, in effect. - Excepting Caesar's wife. 100 00:07:45,780 --> 00:07:46,910 C alpurnia. 101 00:07:46,950 --> 00:07:49,367 Caesar requires that she's still and handsome 102 00:07:49,433 --> 00:07:52,067 and dignified and... no more. 103 00:07:52,334 --> 00:07:56,167 She is a species of statue. 104 00:08:00,800 --> 00:08:03,334 A very fancy list of people. 105 00:08:03,633 --> 00:08:06,367 Every aristo and Optimate* left in the city. 106 00:08:06,368 --> 00:08:06,368 * Optimates ("the best ones") = nobility. 107 00:08:08,834 --> 00:08:11,034 He's not planning on killing them, is he ? 108 00:08:11,601 --> 00:08:13,700 I shouldn't think so. 109 00:08:15,267 --> 00:08:18,201 My mistress doesn't like surprises. 110 00:08:18,867 --> 00:08:22,634 S ervilia... Why invite her ? 111 00:08:23,800 --> 00:08:25,867 Can there still be something between them ? 112 00:08:25,868 --> 00:08:29,201 A rattled old sandal like her ? Surely not. 113 00:08:29,210 --> 00:08:31,434 Some juice in her yet. 114 00:08:32,001 --> 00:08:34,567 I'll not let that woman get between me and Caesar. 115 00:08:37,800 --> 00:08:40,434 Why is Servilia invited to the party ? 116 00:08:41,867 --> 00:08:44,867 Servilia of the Junii, why is she invited ? 117 00:08:45,334 --> 00:08:47,801 On account of her son, obviously. 118 00:08:49,067 --> 00:08:51,033 For this, you wake me ? 119 00:08:51,400 --> 00:08:56,401 Of course. He needs to keep Brutus as his symbolic friend. 120 00:08:56,467 --> 00:08:57,701 That's all. 121 00:08:57,867 --> 00:09:00,734 It would look ill with the people if Brutus were his enemy. 122 00:09:01,201 --> 00:09:04,401 There's no love there. It's just politics. 123 00:09:04,402 --> 00:09:07,001 Dear gods, woman, would you let me sleep ? 124 00:09:31,734 --> 00:09:33,433 The goat's testicles, domina.* 125 00:09:33,434 --> 00:09:33,434 * domina = mistress 126 00:09:33,435 --> 00:09:35,700 Not for me, fool, for Octavian. 127 00:09:39,334 --> 00:09:40,633 Fetch Demeter. 128 00:09:41,800 --> 00:09:43,467 Eat them while they're warm, my dear. 129 00:09:43,534 --> 00:09:46,134 - It puts oak in your penis. - I'd rather not. 130 00:09:46,201 --> 00:09:47,701 Nonsense, you must. 131 00:09:47,967 --> 00:09:50,234 You've been developing a distinctly feminine anima*, 132 00:09:50,235 --> 00:09:50,235 * anima = soul 133 00:09:50,250 --> 00:09:51,883 And I do not like it. 134 00:09:51,900 --> 00:09:54,333 I am only a boy*. It is entirely natural... 135 00:09:54,334 --> 00:09:54,334 * When Octavian is considered as a man (around 17), he won't wear anymore the praetexta (this short toga with a broad purple border) but the toga. He'll take off too the "bulla aurea" ("golden bubble") he carries around the neck. 136 00:09:54,400 --> 00:09:57,750 When my mother's father was your age, there was not a slave girl safe. 137 00:09:57,767 --> 00:10:00,734 The men of the Julii are masculine men. Now do as I say 138 00:10:00,801 --> 00:10:02,994 - and eat them. - I will not. 139 00:10:03,001 --> 00:10:05,001 You'll not leave this room until you do. 140 00:10:06,067 --> 00:10:08,534 Demeter, the banquet this evening, 141 00:10:08,601 --> 00:10:12,001 no shellfish. And be sure the lampreys are not overcooked. 142 00:10:12,002 --> 00:10:14,601 Boil them long enough to kill them, no more. 143 00:10:17,234 --> 00:10:18,767 I'm waiting. 144 00:10:27,460 --> 00:10:29,560 That's my brave boy. 145 00:10:41,800 --> 00:10:43,800 Brother. 146 00:10:45,360 --> 00:10:47,430 Did mother have Glabius killed ? 147 00:10:48,001 --> 00:10:49,033 Of course not. 148 00:10:50,050 --> 00:10:51,067 You're sure ? 149 00:10:51,070 --> 00:10:53,867 Well, I cannot prove a negative, but I'm sure as can be. 150 00:10:53,868 --> 00:10:56,067 You swear on Jupiter's stone ? 151 00:10:58,634 --> 00:11:00,434 I swear on Jupiter's stone. 152 00:11:03,267 --> 00:11:04,834 If she did, 153 00:11:05,001 --> 00:11:06,734 if she did kill him, 154 00:11:08,200 --> 00:11:12,067 by the Furies*, I'll open her throat with my teeth. 155 00:11:12,068 --> 00:11:12,068 * Furies (Greek Erinyes or Eumenides) = Alecto, Megaera and Tissiphone They're allegories for Vengeance. Their heads are wreathed with serpents and their eyes full of blood. They hunt the criminals and torture them until they drive them mad (hence their name, "Furor" in Latin means "madness"). 156 00:12:19,167 --> 00:12:22,390 In Narbo, I can buy ten feasts for this. 157 00:12:22,400 --> 00:12:24,500 Narbo isn't full of corpses and soldiers, 158 00:12:24,534 --> 00:12:27,734 and decent people too scared to come out of their houses. 159 00:12:28,100 --> 00:12:30,194 No time to throw a do if you don't mind me saying. 160 00:12:30,201 --> 00:12:33,267 I cannot start a business without a feast, can I ? 161 00:12:34,334 --> 00:12:37,534 Today is auspicious, and it's perfectly safe. 162 00:12:37,667 --> 00:12:40,701 I remember the last time when Sulla* had soldiers in the city. 163 00:12:40,702 --> 00:12:40,702 * Roman general who fights Marius in the fisrt Roman civil war. In 81 b.C., he's appointed dictator for life but retires in 79 and dies of natural causes. His first wife is Caesar's aunt, and his grand-daughter Pompeia Sylla will be Caesar's second wife (Calpurnia is the third and last one). 164 00:12:40,967 --> 00:12:43,961 - Blood, you could paint houses with it. - Caesar's not Sulla. 165 00:12:43,968 --> 00:12:45,686 He's declared martial law, 166 00:12:45,800 --> 00:12:48,000 not to spill blood, but to keep the peace. 167 00:12:48,400 --> 00:12:49,768 We'll see, won't we ? 168 00:12:50,134 --> 00:12:52,401 I invoke Ceres* and Bacchus*, you'll not be dissatisfied. 169 00:12:52,402 --> 00:12:52,402 * Ceres = goddess of the cereals, harvests, and fecondity. Bacchus = god of the wine 170 00:12:52,467 --> 00:12:54,801 You find me a pig, and I'll make you a feast, 171 00:12:54,867 --> 00:12:56,401 in Hades*, if need be. 172 00:12:56,402 --> 00:12:56,402 * Hades = Greek Pluto, god of the Underworld and the death. 173 00:12:56,410 --> 00:12:59,820 - And charge according. - Musa, the oilman's wife, 174 00:12:59,834 --> 00:13:02,867 served whelks instead of oysters at her womb funeral, 175 00:13:02,934 --> 00:13:04,934 and nobody would let her forget it. 176 00:13:05,001 --> 00:13:06,567 Laughed at in the street. 177 00:13:20,534 --> 00:13:23,534 Divine Janus*, we offer this feast to you. 178 00:13:23,535 --> 00:13:23,535 * As god of gates, doors, doorways, beginnings, and endings, Janus, the god with two faces looking in opposite directions, is invoked for all the changes in life - as here with Vorenus who wants to be a grocer. 179 00:13:23,550 --> 00:13:25,650 I humbly beg that you will be gracious 180 00:13:25,668 --> 00:13:27,667 and merciful to me and my house, 181 00:13:27,834 --> 00:13:29,700 and you will smile upon this new business venture 182 00:13:29,767 --> 00:13:31,000 I begin today. 183 00:13:33,700 --> 00:13:37,067 Lucius Vorenus, His Honor Mark Antony orders your presence. 184 00:13:37,334 --> 00:13:40,401 - Now ? - Of course not. Next year. 185 00:13:44,101 --> 00:13:46,601 Vorenus, my dear comrade. 186 00:13:47,267 --> 00:13:49,867 Barely recognize you without a bloody sword in your hand. 187 00:13:50,634 --> 00:13:52,834 Off with you now, Cato. 188 00:13:54,567 --> 00:13:56,133 Amusing, eh ? 189 00:13:57,500 --> 00:13:59,567 - Cato. - As you say. 190 00:14:00,434 --> 00:14:02,700 Of course you don't all find it amusing. 191 00:14:03,767 --> 00:14:04,767 So... 192 00:14:06,134 --> 00:14:08,701 How is civilian life treating you, huh ? 193 00:14:08,867 --> 00:14:10,701 Well enough so far, sir. 194 00:14:11,800 --> 00:14:13,267 You know, of course, 195 00:14:13,534 --> 00:14:16,351 I could have you nailed to a cross for desertion. 196 00:14:16,367 --> 00:14:19,634 I am no deserter. My time was served. 197 00:14:20,201 --> 00:14:21,500 I abided my sacrament. 198 00:14:21,534 --> 00:14:23,033 It is you that... 199 00:14:25,100 --> 00:14:26,633 It is I that what ? 200 00:14:27,700 --> 00:14:30,650 Once over the Rubicon, Romans are citizens, not soldiers. 201 00:14:30,668 --> 00:14:32,249 I could not legally do 202 00:14:32,250 --> 00:14:34,101 - other than I did. - Foolish. 203 00:14:34,567 --> 00:14:38,233 Like a priest, blinded by a cowl. 204 00:14:38,300 --> 00:14:39,701 Since the founding of Rome... 205 00:14:39,767 --> 00:14:42,667 Oh, please, spare me the founding, Vorenus. 206 00:14:43,034 --> 00:14:44,534 Things change. 207 00:14:45,001 --> 00:14:47,001 Life is water, not stone. 208 00:14:47,367 --> 00:14:49,201 Then I suppose I will drown. 209 00:14:49,867 --> 00:14:52,301 Do you not see that your precious republic 210 00:14:52,368 --> 00:14:53,834 has long since died ? 211 00:14:54,101 --> 00:14:57,167 Do you not see that Caesar is trying to save Rome from ruin ? 212 00:14:57,733 --> 00:14:59,234 I do not see that. 213 00:15:01,634 --> 00:15:02,700 Enough.* 214 00:15:02,701 --> 00:15:02,701 * The small tool used by the slave is a strigil. It scrapes dirt sticked on a body by sweat and oil. So we can suppose Mark Antony's just finished some physical exercices. 215 00:15:05,534 --> 00:15:07,433 And what wretched trade 216 00:15:07,500 --> 00:15:09,300 is it you intend to follow then ?* 217 00:15:09,301 --> 00:15:09,301 * Trade is very discredited because a very few free men by birth work (cf. Cicero, De Officiis, I, 42). A law forbides to the senators to own even trade ships. 218 00:15:09,867 --> 00:15:12,734 Imported goods from Gaul. Slaves, truffles, wine. 219 00:15:12,800 --> 00:15:15,301 - That sort of thing. - A grocer ? 220 00:15:16,068 --> 00:15:18,134 An honest fighting man like yourself 221 00:15:18,700 --> 00:15:20,167 counting cartons, 222 00:15:20,934 --> 00:15:22,568 scribbling accounts ? 223 00:15:23,233 --> 00:15:26,200 - You will swift go mad. - That may be. 224 00:15:29,567 --> 00:15:31,101 I need you, Vorenus. 225 00:15:32,268 --> 00:15:34,101 Caesar needs you. 226 00:15:34,367 --> 00:15:37,900 There is no better man in the legion, none more respected by the men. 227 00:15:37,967 --> 00:15:39,938 We have hard fighting ahead. 228 00:15:39,938 --> 00:15:41,655 Hard fighting against Romans. 229 00:15:41,667 --> 00:15:43,700 Blood is blood. 230 00:15:44,367 --> 00:15:46,200 Would you really have the 13th 231 00:15:46,267 --> 00:15:48,768 fasten their crest without you ? 232 00:15:51,501 --> 00:15:53,367 You come back to the legion, 233 00:15:53,834 --> 00:15:57,533 you shall be inducted into the evocati* as a prefect. 234 00:15:57,534 --> 00:15:57,534 * After 16 years of service, retirement is possible. Evocati (= the recalled ones) are veterans recalled in voluntary charge. 235 00:16:00,834 --> 00:16:03,701 Of the first grade, with a signing bonus. 236 00:16:03,867 --> 00:16:05,134 Say... 237 00:16:06,068 --> 00:16:08,134 10000 sestercii. 238 00:16:12,867 --> 00:16:16,434 I chose this path. I will follow where it leads. 239 00:16:19,534 --> 00:16:21,433 You grieve me, Vorenus. 240 00:16:23,200 --> 00:16:25,234 You grieve me deeply. 241 00:16:26,601 --> 00:16:28,667 Go on. Off with you. 242 00:16:30,868 --> 00:16:32,401 Good day, citizen. 243 00:16:33,768 --> 00:16:35,067 Vorenus... 244 00:16:37,601 --> 00:16:40,867 Next time I see you, I may not be so kind. 245 00:16:53,701 --> 00:16:55,067 What does it say ? 246 00:17:01,400 --> 00:17:03,348 It's not certain. 247 00:17:04,360 --> 00:17:06,834 But I'd say your secret's safe. 248 00:17:07,501 --> 00:17:08,767 Not certain ? 249 00:17:09,433 --> 00:17:11,300 The signs are mixed. 250 00:17:11,567 --> 00:17:13,568 What good is that ? 251 00:17:14,834 --> 00:17:16,368 Tell me what it is you're hiding 252 00:17:16,434 --> 00:17:18,300 and I can be more precise. 253 00:17:21,500 --> 00:17:23,700 There's a child involved. 254 00:17:26,301 --> 00:17:27,900 A male child ? 255 00:17:28,867 --> 00:17:30,534 The baby. 256 00:17:31,500 --> 00:17:34,267 Never mind. Best leave it. 257 00:17:34,534 --> 00:17:35,533 As you please. 258 00:17:39,034 --> 00:17:39,967 If it's any help, 259 00:17:40,034 --> 00:17:44,300 it does say your husband is going to be rich. 260 00:17:47,067 --> 00:17:49,101 Rich as Croesus. 261 00:17:51,267 --> 00:17:53,334 Well, that's something, isn't it ? 262 00:17:55,600 --> 00:17:57,633 Thank you. 263 00:18:15,967 --> 00:18:18,033 Good. Done. 264 00:18:23,234 --> 00:18:24,501 Water. 265 00:18:39,201 --> 00:18:41,401 What did I look like eight years ago ? 266 00:18:42,968 --> 00:18:44,434 Just the same. 267 00:18:45,300 --> 00:18:47,767 - Eight years. - Eight years... 268 00:18:47,934 --> 00:18:50,234 of leathery Gallic trollops. 269 00:18:50,300 --> 00:18:53,134 When did he last see a real lady, hmm ? 270 00:18:53,900 --> 00:18:55,767 And such a beautiful one ? 271 00:19:07,600 --> 00:19:10,234 - Flowers. - In bloom ? 272 00:19:20,267 --> 00:19:23,100 50000 to each of the magistrate's clerks. 273 00:19:23,567 --> 00:19:25,234 So much ? 274 00:19:25,300 --> 00:19:28,701 I wish to buy their allegiance outright, not lease it. 275 00:19:28,967 --> 00:19:30,467 Have them sign for the money. 276 00:19:31,434 --> 00:19:33,667 And how much for the subpraetors ? 277 00:19:34,534 --> 00:19:35,567 Nil.* (*Nothing) 278 00:19:35,634 --> 00:19:38,700 When they hear how much the clerks got, they'll come begging. 279 00:19:39,267 --> 00:19:42,201 And leave us penniless without means to run the city. 280 00:19:42,468 --> 00:19:44,967 We must kill some rich men and take their money very soon, 281 00:19:45,334 --> 00:19:48,368 else the well will run dry 282 00:19:49,333 --> 00:19:50,367 Very soon. 283 00:19:50,400 --> 00:19:53,200 I plan on killing no one unless absolutely necessary. 284 00:19:53,400 --> 00:19:55,267 A fine noble strategy, 285 00:19:55,334 --> 00:19:57,367 an element of surprise no doubt. 286 00:19:58,034 --> 00:19:59,933 Later you may nag me. 287 00:20:08,567 --> 00:20:11,101 I believe this is appropriate. 288 00:20:13,068 --> 00:20:15,068 Exactly right, my dear. 289 00:20:15,434 --> 00:20:18,934 Regal, but not excessively so. 290 00:20:19,201 --> 00:20:21,600 Fine start to a business this'll be if nobody comes. 291 00:20:21,667 --> 00:20:24,133 Don't worry. They will come. 292 00:20:29,967 --> 00:20:32,000 Maybe I should have waited as you said. 293 00:20:33,067 --> 00:20:34,867 They will come. 294 00:20:37,867 --> 00:20:40,167 And mind now, when they do come, 295 00:20:40,334 --> 00:20:43,167 try to smile occasionally. 296 00:20:43,634 --> 00:20:45,700 And don't bark at them. 297 00:20:47,067 --> 00:20:48,100 Who's this ? 298 00:20:48,167 --> 00:20:51,201 Erastes Fulmen. Remember ? Our guest of honor. 299 00:20:51,300 --> 00:20:53,633 Building trades, fire insurance, olives. 300 00:20:53,667 --> 00:20:55,533 Lucius Vorenus. 301 00:20:58,300 --> 00:20:59,867 Niobe. 302 00:21:00,534 --> 00:21:02,501 Thank you for your coming, honest neighbor. 303 00:21:02,567 --> 00:21:04,534 I know it can't be easy on such a day. 304 00:21:04,601 --> 00:21:06,534 What's a few soldiers, eh ? 305 00:21:07,001 --> 00:21:08,534 Wife, Phyllis. 306 00:21:09,501 --> 00:21:10,501 Please. 307 00:21:10,567 --> 00:21:13,067 - Please sit down and take a cup of wine. - I will. 308 00:21:13,934 --> 00:21:15,767 Thirsty road, eh ? 309 00:21:20,900 --> 00:21:22,400 Sister. 310 00:21:24,301 --> 00:21:25,534 All right ? 311 00:21:25,800 --> 00:21:27,767 All's right. Don't worry. 312 00:21:28,033 --> 00:21:28,809 Thank you. 313 00:21:28,810 --> 00:21:30,951 This can't be little Lyde. Surely not. 314 00:21:30,952 --> 00:21:33,601 - Salve*, Lucius. - Long time, eh ? 315 00:21:33,602 --> 00:21:33,602 *Salve = expression of greeting (means: "good health"). 316 00:21:34,767 --> 00:21:37,833 - This is my husband, Evander Pulchio. - Evander, welcome. 317 00:21:37,900 --> 00:21:40,133 - Honored, Lucius Vorenus. - Thank you for the pig. 318 00:21:40,200 --> 00:21:42,400 With all the shops shut, we would have whistled for meat. 319 00:21:42,401 --> 00:21:44,501 Happy to be of service. 320 00:22:20,400 --> 00:22:22,834 - Thank you much for inviting me. - My pleasure. 321 00:22:22,900 --> 00:22:24,933 My pleasure, Servilia. 322 00:22:25,200 --> 00:22:27,268 I insisted you come. 323 00:22:28,034 --> 00:22:30,067 Whatever misfortune befalls you, 324 00:22:30,434 --> 00:22:32,500 we're still friends, neh ? 325 00:22:43,300 --> 00:22:45,100 She has a good cosmetics slave, I'll grant you. 326 00:22:45,167 --> 00:22:48,300 But a lover for Caesar ? Absurd. 327 00:23:06,100 --> 00:23:09,601 Make way for the proconsul Gaius Julius Caesar, 328 00:23:09,602 --> 00:23:09,602 * During the republic a proconsul is a consul who rules a province at end of his office, or some deputy in this office. 329 00:23:10,268 --> 00:23:11,734 son of Venus*, 330 00:23:11,735 --> 00:23:11,735 * The Julii pretend to be the descendants of the goddess Venus by her son's, the Troyan prince Enea's son, Iulius (in Latin, "i" and "j" are both the same letter). 331 00:23:11,901 --> 00:23:14,467 imperator* of the Gallic legions. 332 00:23:14,468 --> 00:23:14,468 * "imperator" doesn't mean "empereor" but "general". 333 00:23:14,833 --> 00:23:17,234 Stand aside and open up.* 334 00:23:17,235 --> 00:23:17,235 * Men with rods with fasces and axes making Caesar his way are lictors. They're bodyguards for each magistrate helding imperium ("power, command"). 335 00:23:30,500 --> 00:23:33,733 Please, you mock me, it's only your uncle Gaius. Lift your heads. 336 00:23:38,067 --> 00:23:41,633 All of you, lift your heads 337 00:23:46,167 --> 00:23:47,568 My dear niece. 338 00:23:48,033 --> 00:23:49,434 Revered uncle, 339 00:23:49,501 --> 00:23:52,368 welcome, welcome home. 340 00:24:12,700 --> 00:24:15,200 Servilia of the Junii, a pleasant honor it is. 341 00:24:17,234 --> 00:24:18,500 Delightful. 342 00:24:19,267 --> 00:24:21,301 Your pleasure is mine. 343 00:24:22,267 --> 00:24:25,134 I am very sorry your son is not here with you. 344 00:24:28,301 --> 00:24:29,834 I'm sorry also. 345 00:24:30,701 --> 00:24:33,168 I hope you will forgive his absence. 346 00:24:35,034 --> 00:24:37,234 He is ever your friend. 347 00:24:39,834 --> 00:24:41,834 I understand completely. 348 00:24:43,300 --> 00:24:45,751 Please send Brutus my best regards 349 00:24:45,768 --> 00:24:47,700 and assure him he will never have reason 350 00:24:47,734 --> 00:24:49,800 to regret our friendship. 351 00:24:51,267 --> 00:24:52,834 Nor will any of you, 352 00:24:53,801 --> 00:24:56,434 regardless of where your allegiances 353 00:24:56,501 --> 00:24:59,334 may have lain in the past. 354 00:25:09,300 --> 00:25:10,834 - Any weapons ? - None, sir. 355 00:25:11,001 --> 00:25:13,334 - Where you coming from ? - Come from Aternum, dominus*. 356 00:25:13,335 --> 00:25:13,335 * Aternum = town in the Samnium, Italy, today Pescara. Dominus = maître 357 00:25:13,400 --> 00:25:16,467 - In what trade ? - Corpse collectors, bone grinders*. 358 00:25:16,468 --> 00:25:16,468 * Bones are used to make needles or mixed with pigments for wall painting (even though it's usually animals bones). 359 00:25:17,034 --> 00:25:18,234 Dead business in general. 360 00:25:18,301 --> 00:25:19,867 You've come to right place then. 361 00:25:20,434 --> 00:25:21,667 What people are they ? 362 00:25:22,234 --> 00:25:25,067 Scythians*, chief. They don't speak our language. 363 00:25:25,068 --> 00:25:25,068 * Scythia is a Eurasian area whose location and extent varie over time, from the Altai region, where Mongolia, China, Russia, and Kazakhstan come together, to the lower Danube river area and Bulgaria. 364 00:25:26,234 --> 00:25:27,701 On your way then. 365 00:25:32,533 --> 00:25:33,601 Please let me in ! 366 00:25:37,801 --> 00:25:38,467 You ! 367 00:25:39,134 --> 00:25:41,067 Tell your brutes to stay away from decent women. 368 00:25:41,534 --> 00:25:42,567 I'll do that. 369 00:25:48,234 --> 00:25:51,060 Fine bit of plunder and rapine you made off them bloody Gauls, I bet. 370 00:25:51,067 --> 00:25:53,234 I'll not complain. 371 00:25:53,301 --> 00:25:56,334 Handy to have cash in these uncertain times. 372 00:25:56,701 --> 00:25:58,334 A man can't flee with his house and fields 373 00:25:58,401 --> 00:26:00,468 if he's chosen the wrong side. 374 00:26:01,434 --> 00:26:02,568 True. 375 00:26:02,834 --> 00:26:04,368 Who do you reckon will come out on top ? 376 00:26:04,534 --> 00:26:06,000 It's hard to say. 377 00:26:06,534 --> 00:26:08,567 You'll be hoping it'll be your man though, eh ? 378 00:26:09,634 --> 00:26:11,867 If you mean Caesar, he's not my man anymore. 379 00:26:15,467 --> 00:26:16,934 So your spoils, 380 00:26:17,800 --> 00:26:19,667 you'll be lending the proceeds, I expect. 381 00:26:20,134 --> 00:26:21,200 I won't. 382 00:26:21,567 --> 00:26:24,600 I am buying back this insula* so I'll not have spare cash. 383 00:26:24,601 --> 00:26:24,601 * insula = building 384 00:26:25,367 --> 00:26:28,334 I plan to take over the trading space for an import business. 385 00:26:29,000 --> 00:26:31,834 - Slaves mostly. - Slaves ? 386 00:26:34,000 --> 00:26:35,067 Well, listen, 387 00:26:35,534 --> 00:26:36,900 I have friends, 388 00:26:37,467 --> 00:26:39,167 bona* friends. 389 00:26:39,168 --> 00:26:39,168 * bona = estates or fortune 390 00:26:40,434 --> 00:26:43,934 If you want any help, you come to me, eh ? 391 00:26:45,567 --> 00:26:47,701 More wine here, sweetie. 392 00:26:52,000 --> 00:26:54,234 There are even those unwise men 393 00:26:54,301 --> 00:26:57,834 who say that a white bird in the Southern quadrant 394 00:26:57,900 --> 00:27:00,967 is neither indicant nor negation. 395 00:27:01,234 --> 00:27:04,767 Such are the barbarous innovations of our day. 396 00:27:05,134 --> 00:27:06,300 Barbarous*. 397 00:27:06,301 --> 00:27:06,301 * Romans called "barbarous" every nation which isn't Latin nor Greek. 398 00:27:06,767 --> 00:27:09,001 We might as well be Syrian. 399 00:27:09,267 --> 00:27:12,334 - Point to pommel, I agree. - Syrians, indeed. 400 00:27:13,201 --> 00:27:14,334 Scythians even. 401 00:27:14,501 --> 00:27:18,601 As chief augur, I'm gratified to hear you say so. 402 00:27:18,868 --> 00:27:21,668 It was heard you are a man 403 00:27:21,833 --> 00:27:25,450 - of modish opinion. - Oh, that's pure scandal. 404 00:27:25,500 --> 00:27:29,534 I believe that religion is the province of our worthy priests. 405 00:27:29,601 --> 00:27:32,767 Mere soldiers like myself best not interfere. 406 00:27:33,534 --> 00:27:34,867 That's very gratifying. 407 00:27:35,334 --> 00:27:37,367 Octavian, don't sit there like a prole. 408 00:27:37,434 --> 00:27:40,234 - Say something witty. - I have nothing such to say. 409 00:27:40,301 --> 00:27:42,534 You know I cannot talk small, mother. 410 00:27:43,701 --> 00:27:44,601 You then. 411 00:27:44,668 --> 00:27:46,034 Some poetry, neh ? 412 00:27:46,300 --> 00:27:48,634 She can rattle off pages of the stuff. 413 00:27:52,800 --> 00:27:55,001 "Easy it is to go down into hell. 414 00:27:55,068 --> 00:27:57,267 The gates of Death are ever open. 415 00:27:57,933 --> 00:28:01,701 To climb back out again, that's the difficulty."* 416 00:28:01,102 --> 00:28:01,102 * Vergil, Aeneid, VI, 129 Aeneid is an epic that Augustus (= Octavian) wanted the poet to write to legitimize the rule of Julius Caesar, and so of his adopted son, Octavian, and his heirs. Virgil began the poem in 29 b.C. and wrote until he died, in 19 b.C. So Octavia cannot claim these verses about 30 years sooner, and it's likely an anachronism. 417 00:28:06,834 --> 00:28:09,133 It's a touch dark, my love, but never mind. 418 00:28:10,100 --> 00:28:12,101 She lost her husband, you know. 419 00:28:39,268 --> 00:28:40,767 Best get your sister gone. 420 00:28:40,800 --> 00:28:43,966 - I told you it was a mistake to let her come. - I had to let her come. 421 00:28:43,967 --> 00:28:46,034 It would look odd if she wasn't here. 422 00:28:47,801 --> 00:28:49,634 Speak to Evander, will you ? 423 00:28:52,567 --> 00:28:55,199 Butcher man, time to take your wife home. 424 00:28:55,200 --> 00:28:56,667 She doesn't want to go. 425 00:28:56,734 --> 00:28:59,034 Best make her go then, eh ? 426 00:29:04,534 --> 00:29:06,101 - Time to go. - Not yet ! 427 00:29:06,167 --> 00:29:08,000 - I like it here. - Time to go. 428 00:29:09,067 --> 00:29:11,601 - Let me go, my love. - Lyde, please. 429 00:29:12,168 --> 00:29:13,101 Let me go 430 00:29:13,468 --> 00:29:16,130 or I'll tell our brave soldier such a good tale. 431 00:29:16,134 --> 00:29:18,934 Kill us all ? Is that what you want ? 432 00:29:20,500 --> 00:29:24,001 I love you. Why don't you love me ? 433 00:29:25,501 --> 00:29:27,000 I'm sorry. I'm sorry. 434 00:29:31,434 --> 00:29:33,634 - Lyde, please. - I'm your wife. 435 00:29:34,701 --> 00:29:36,934 We had an agreement ! You vowed to Persephone*. 436 00:29:36,935 --> 00:29:36,935 * Persephone is Proserpina's Greek name, Pluto's wife, who rules the underworld. 437 00:29:37,001 --> 00:29:38,600 You vowed you would hold your peace ! 438 00:29:38,667 --> 00:29:41,700 - Have I not held my peace ? - If my husband... 439 00:29:42,567 --> 00:29:44,601 Your husband is a blind fool ! 440 00:29:45,267 --> 00:29:47,667 Did you hear me ? He's a blind fool ! 441 00:29:51,768 --> 00:29:53,834 Get off me ! Get off me ! 442 00:29:55,867 --> 00:29:58,101 Get off me ! 443 00:30:10,533 --> 00:30:11,967 Wife ? 444 00:30:16,001 --> 00:30:17,467 Caecilia. 445 00:30:23,134 --> 00:30:24,167 Tell me, 446 00:30:24,634 --> 00:30:26,201 how is Caecilia ? 447 00:30:28,067 --> 00:30:30,267 - She's healthy, I thank you. - Good. 448 00:30:31,234 --> 00:30:35,300 I recall I forgot her last birthday. 449 00:30:36,068 --> 00:30:38,267 - Her birthday ? - Remiss of me, I know. 450 00:30:38,334 --> 00:30:41,867 Perhaps she would forgive my rudeness were I to send her a gift. 451 00:30:41,934 --> 00:30:44,433 Really, that's not necessary. 452 00:30:44,450 --> 00:30:47,000 Hard to find the right gift for a woman, neh ? 453 00:30:47,067 --> 00:30:49,867 What one loves, another scorns. 454 00:30:50,034 --> 00:30:52,067 Perhaps she would accept some money. 455 00:30:52,533 --> 00:30:54,133 There's an idea. 456 00:30:55,200 --> 00:30:58,267 100000 sesterce, say ? 457 00:30:59,034 --> 00:31:00,534 Oh, that's very kind of you. 458 00:31:01,000 --> 00:31:05,250 I'm afraid my wife is a woman of expensive tastes. 459 00:31:05,467 --> 00:31:07,067 The best women often are. 460 00:31:07,134 --> 00:31:08,600 150000. 461 00:31:08,667 --> 00:31:13,134 She would dress her slaves in silk if I would let her. 462 00:31:13,301 --> 00:31:17,850 She eats oysters for breakfast daily. 463 00:31:19,333 --> 00:31:21,801 She should be most careful. 464 00:31:22,467 --> 00:31:24,801 People often choke on oysters. 465 00:31:25,367 --> 00:31:26,934 200000. 466 00:31:27,700 --> 00:31:29,768 That is a very generous, and I may say, 467 00:31:30,234 --> 00:31:32,067 appropriate gift. 468 00:31:34,034 --> 00:31:36,200 She would be under great obligation to you. 469 00:31:36,200 --> 00:31:38,750 To think well of me would be her only obligation. 470 00:31:38,767 --> 00:31:41,301 She's always thought well of you. 471 00:31:42,267 --> 00:31:46,500 It is not unethical she continue to do so. 472 00:31:48,634 --> 00:31:50,667 We understand each other. 473 00:31:55,567 --> 00:31:57,100 Make a note of it. 474 00:31:57,967 --> 00:32:00,634 200 to the chief augur. 475 00:32:01,801 --> 00:32:04,367 Thinks he's Midas*, the loon. 476 00:32:04,368 --> 00:32:04,368 * Midas is a legendary Phrygian king. Dionysos granted his wish: whatever Midas touched was changed into gold. But this gift was also a curse since the king couldn't touch people nor eat. To deliver him, the god asked him to wash himself in the Pactolus river (this legend explains why this river was so rich in gold, and in some languages, like French, "pactole" is a familiar word for "money"). 477 00:32:04,533 --> 00:32:07,567 - Go past the cloth works. - Thank you very much. 478 00:32:14,534 --> 00:32:16,734 We'll go to the priests of Janus tomorrow first thing, 479 00:32:16,800 --> 00:32:19,900 and have the day absolved. It's costly, but... 480 00:32:19,950 --> 00:32:22,000 An omen is an omen. And this is as bad as they come. 481 00:32:22,034 --> 00:32:24,034 No point throwing money at it. 482 00:32:26,800 --> 00:32:29,267 Your sister and her husband can never come here again. 483 00:32:30,134 --> 00:32:31,201 As you say. 484 00:32:31,468 --> 00:32:32,801 Must not bend. 485 00:32:34,967 --> 00:32:36,667 Salve, pleb. 486 00:32:38,834 --> 00:32:40,701 Centurion Lucius Vorenus ? 487 00:32:41,168 --> 00:32:42,234 Who asks ? 488 00:32:42,500 --> 00:32:44,500 His Honor Quintus Pompey. 489 00:32:44,800 --> 00:32:46,933 You best have good reason for this insult. 490 00:32:47,000 --> 00:32:48,311 Tell me where the gold is, 491 00:32:48,669 --> 00:32:49,900 and quick about it, dog. 492 00:32:49,934 --> 00:32:51,934 What gold ? Speak sense. 493 00:32:54,868 --> 00:32:57,167 - Sense enough ? - Not near. 494 00:32:57,233 --> 00:32:59,650 - I ask again, what gold ? 495 00:32:59,651 --> 00:33:01,751 Stubborn, is he ? 496 00:33:03,967 --> 00:33:07,901 This trollop, we can assume is your wife. 497 00:33:09,768 --> 00:33:10,867 Hold her. 498 00:33:14,267 --> 00:33:16,430 I cannot speak what I do not know. 499 00:33:16,434 --> 00:33:17,694 I do not know of any gold. 500 00:33:17,701 --> 00:33:20,567 You know very well I seek the Treasury gold 501 00:33:21,033 --> 00:33:23,134 you took from my father's men. 502 00:33:23,200 --> 00:33:26,300 I took no gold from any man. You are misinformed. 503 00:33:26,333 --> 00:33:27,967 Misinformed. 504 00:33:29,333 --> 00:33:32,401 You are not chief of scouts 13th legion ? 505 00:33:33,867 --> 00:33:34,651 I was. 506 00:33:34,668 --> 00:33:37,367 And last week, did you not stop a grain wagon 507 00:33:37,434 --> 00:33:40,467 - on the Via Flaminia ? - We did. 508 00:33:41,534 --> 00:33:43,834 Driven by soldiers disguised. 509 00:33:44,000 --> 00:33:46,367 We chased the soldiers and left the wagon. 510 00:33:46,380 --> 00:33:48,000 You never thought to look inside ? 511 00:33:48,000 --> 00:33:50,880 There was no time. We had orders. 512 00:33:50,934 --> 00:33:53,000 Your wagon is still there for all I know. 513 00:33:54,300 --> 00:33:55,300 Lies 514 00:33:55,400 --> 00:33:56,564 Cut her. 515 00:33:58,800 --> 00:34:00,033 Come on, give it to me ! 516 00:34:00,100 --> 00:34:02,967 Boys, a clamor for my beloved friend Lucius. 517 00:34:06,700 --> 00:34:08,867 Why so glum and gloomy ? 518 00:34:18,067 --> 00:34:19,254 Who's this then ? 519 00:34:19,280 --> 00:34:23,034 His noble Honor Quintus Pompey, commander of Tyrrhenian fleet. 520 00:34:23,067 --> 00:34:24,450 Neptune*'s scourge. 521 00:34:24,451 --> 00:34:24,451 Neptune = god of the sees 522 00:34:24,501 --> 00:34:27,100 Oh, Neptune's scourge. 523 00:34:27,567 --> 00:34:29,934 Looking for a wagon of Treasury gold. 524 00:34:31,500 --> 00:34:32,568 Treasury gold ? 525 00:34:34,733 --> 00:34:35,700 How exciting ! 526 00:34:37,067 --> 00:34:39,567 Do not test my patience, peasant. 527 00:34:40,034 --> 00:34:41,567 You be off now, short ass. 528 00:34:41,580 --> 00:34:43,233 Take these scum with you. 529 00:35:00,300 --> 00:35:01,867 The way I see it: 530 00:35:02,034 --> 00:35:04,167 we put little Quintus here in the Tiber right off, 531 00:35:04,434 --> 00:35:05,660 get us a wagon, 532 00:35:06,300 --> 00:35:08,500 sneak out to where the gold's buried, 533 00:35:08,467 --> 00:35:11,734 dig it up, ride like zephyrus for the coast, 534 00:35:12,001 --> 00:35:15,001 - and get the first tide for Spain. - I'm trying to think. 535 00:35:15,268 --> 00:35:16,275 What was wrong with that ? 536 00:35:16,535 --> 00:35:17,806 What's wrong ? 537 00:35:18,401 --> 00:35:20,734 Even if it were not a monstrous sin 538 00:35:20,801 --> 00:35:22,833 to steal sacred property of Rome... 539 00:35:22,850 --> 00:35:24,473 I wasn't to know, was I ? 540 00:35:24,600 --> 00:35:28,201 ...you then ride through the streets on a litter, 541 00:35:27,467 --> 00:35:30,801 shouting and singing and broadcasting your theft 542 00:35:30,810 --> 00:35:32,234 to all and sundry. 543 00:35:32,701 --> 00:35:35,900 By sunrise, everyone in Rome will know what you did and where you are. 544 00:35:35,900 --> 00:35:37,967 Here, in my house. 545 00:35:41,267 --> 00:35:42,600 So what's to be done then ? 546 00:35:44,267 --> 00:35:45,634 You will have to give it back. 547 00:35:45,701 --> 00:35:47,734 If you go direct to Caesar now, 548 00:35:47,735 --> 00:35:51,400 bring him Pompey's son as a sweetener, he might show mercy. 549 00:35:51,434 --> 00:35:53,833 Give it back ? I don't think so. 550 00:35:54,000 --> 00:35:55,500 That's not advice. That's an order. 551 00:35:56,520 --> 00:35:58,800 Here's me come to share a god-sent gift... 552 00:35:58,834 --> 00:36:00,301 An order ! 553 00:36:00,468 --> 00:36:02,801 Damn you. My home was invaded 554 00:36:02,801 --> 00:36:05,867 and my wife near killed on your account ! 555 00:36:10,034 --> 00:36:11,034 All right. 556 00:36:11,901 --> 00:36:12,934 All right ! 557 00:36:15,100 --> 00:36:16,600 But you'll come with me though, eh ? 558 00:36:16,600 --> 00:36:19,967 This is your mess. You get yourself out of it. 559 00:36:21,667 --> 00:36:22,768 Fine then. 560 00:36:26,634 --> 00:36:27,834 I'll be off then. 561 00:36:32,500 --> 00:36:33,734 Good luck to you, sir. 562 00:36:52,668 --> 00:36:55,168 Forgive me. I will try to return swiftly. 563 00:36:58,367 --> 00:36:59,900 Excuse me, my dear. 564 00:37:18,534 --> 00:37:20,767 Pullo, you scoundrel. 565 00:37:22,267 --> 00:37:24,301 What have you done now ? 566 00:37:24,302 --> 00:37:25,302 I... 567 00:37:25,367 --> 00:37:26,567 Your Honor... 568 00:37:27,834 --> 00:37:30,534 - Lucius Vorenus said I should come to you and... - Easy, soldier. 569 00:37:30,800 --> 00:37:31,834 Who is this ? 570 00:37:32,000 --> 00:37:34,067 Quintus, son of Pompey. 571 00:37:35,633 --> 00:37:36,867 So it is ! 572 00:37:38,634 --> 00:37:40,600 Quintus, my old cock, 573 00:37:41,867 --> 00:37:43,734 how good to see you so. 574 00:37:43,801 --> 00:37:44,867 Explain. 575 00:37:45,833 --> 00:37:47,967 Well, it's like this, Your Honor. 576 00:37:48,133 --> 00:37:50,467 He... This one come to find the gold. 577 00:37:50,833 --> 00:37:52,101 What gold ? 578 00:37:52,268 --> 00:37:55,933 The gold that Pompey's boys stole from the Treasury, sir. 579 00:38:07,500 --> 00:38:09,134 Pompey does not have it ? 580 00:38:09,601 --> 00:38:10,601 He doesn't, sir. 581 00:38:12,667 --> 00:38:14,701 Now I meant no disrespect, 582 00:38:14,701 --> 00:38:16,850 and had I known the gold was from the Treasury, 583 00:38:16,850 --> 00:38:18,882 I'd not have touched it. But... 584 00:38:19,000 --> 00:38:21,701 But there was this girl here, sir... 585 00:38:21,702 --> 00:38:24,301 Never mind the girl. Speak to the point. 586 00:38:24,868 --> 00:38:26,533 Where is the gold ? 587 00:38:27,800 --> 00:38:29,033 It's all safe, sir. 588 00:38:29,700 --> 00:38:31,601 I buried it 589 00:38:33,067 --> 00:38:33,900 Deep in the woods 590 00:38:33,967 --> 00:38:35,967 A couple miles from the Flaminian gate. 591 00:38:40,568 --> 00:38:41,601 Thank you. 592 00:39:16,500 --> 00:39:18,200 You will pay for this ! 593 00:39:18,267 --> 00:39:20,934 - Surely you can do better than that. - Leave him be. 594 00:39:22,100 --> 00:39:24,063 I'm sorry we meet like this, Quintus. 595 00:39:24,100 --> 00:39:27,067 I have only deep respect for your father and his family. 596 00:39:28,834 --> 00:39:31,100 Kiss my ass, you traitorous dog. 597 00:39:31,167 --> 00:39:33,300 Elegant little fellow, isn't he ? 598 00:39:34,668 --> 00:39:37,400 You need not fear. Your life is yours still. 599 00:39:37,467 --> 00:39:39,034 I'm sending you back to your father 600 00:39:39,100 --> 00:39:40,739 with an offer of truce. 601 00:39:40,800 --> 00:39:42,668 A truce ? 602 00:39:42,534 --> 00:39:43,500 Quiet. 603 00:39:43,867 --> 00:39:44,934 Are you run mad ? 604 00:39:45,801 --> 00:39:48,747 When we have them on their backs in the sand ? 605 00:39:48,901 --> 00:39:50,134 Be quiet. 606 00:39:52,301 --> 00:39:55,867 An offer of equable truce on good terms. 607 00:39:56,534 --> 00:39:57,701 If violence continues, 608 00:39:57,767 --> 00:40:01,901 it will not be my doing, but that of your father and his allies. 609 00:40:02,668 --> 00:40:04,933 My father needs no truce. 610 00:40:05,500 --> 00:40:08,934 Two full moons will see you on a spike in the forum. 611 00:40:08,935 --> 00:40:09,821 You wretch ! 612 00:40:10,300 --> 00:40:12,001 Put him on a horse. 613 00:40:19,800 --> 00:40:21,834 You naughty woman. 614 00:40:24,167 --> 00:40:27,600 Never told me Caesar had such a passion for you. 615 00:40:28,467 --> 00:40:29,800 Not so. 616 00:40:30,467 --> 00:40:32,867 I saw the way he looked at you. 617 00:40:33,933 --> 00:40:36,834 Like the bull that tupped Europa.* 618 00:40:36,835 --> 00:40:36,835 * Europa is a Phenician king's daughter. Zeus (Jupiter) turns himself into a white and quiet tup bull to approach her. When the young woman dares get on his back, he flees away with her. They have three sons: Sarpedon, who died during the Troyan war, Minos, king of Crete, who makes build the labyrinth to imprison the Minotaur, and Rhadamanthus, who's, with Minos, one of the three judges of the dead. 619 00:40:38,567 --> 00:40:40,233 I can't blame him. 620 00:40:40,900 --> 00:40:42,167 Such a... 621 00:40:44,133 --> 00:40:45,334 beauty. 622 00:40:47,634 --> 00:40:49,467 Such a beauty. 623 00:40:52,100 --> 00:40:53,433 Too kind. 624 00:40:54,200 --> 00:40:55,600 Far too kind. 625 00:40:57,367 --> 00:40:59,900 Caesar has no inclination to me. 626 00:41:00,467 --> 00:41:02,501 Nor I to him. 627 00:41:04,300 --> 00:41:05,934 And such modesty. 628 00:41:08,800 --> 00:41:11,301 Is she not beautiful, Calpurnia ? 629 00:41:11,767 --> 00:41:13,533 She has none of the goatishness 630 00:41:13,533 --> 00:41:15,733 one normally sees in women her age. 631 00:41:17,234 --> 00:41:19,034 She has some secret potion perhaps. 632 00:41:19,801 --> 00:41:21,834 You are attempting levity, I believe. 633 00:41:23,001 --> 00:41:25,601 Forgive me if I do not indulge in such talk. 634 00:41:34,101 --> 00:41:36,334 You're sure to regret letting that one live. 635 00:41:37,300 --> 00:41:39,167 He has a malevolent spirit. 636 00:41:39,334 --> 00:41:43,067 There's many left undead I'll regret before I'm done. 637 00:41:45,200 --> 00:41:47,201 Take Pullo and retrieve the gold. 638 00:41:48,567 --> 00:41:50,134 Legionary Pullo. 639 00:41:54,834 --> 00:41:55,867 You are a thief. 640 00:41:56,733 --> 00:41:58,801 A foolish, incompetent thief. 641 00:41:59,468 --> 00:42:01,600 But you have served us well in the past. 642 00:42:01,600 --> 00:42:04,880 So we will pretend your foolishness is a species of honesty, 643 00:42:04,880 --> 00:42:07,000 and let you go unpunished. 644 00:42:08,567 --> 00:42:11,134 In fact, I think we shall reward you. 645 00:42:11,801 --> 00:42:14,367 I do not like to quarrel with Fortune, 646 00:42:14,434 --> 00:42:16,768 and clearly she's taken you for a pet. 647 00:42:16,834 --> 00:42:20,034 When you find the trove, give him 100 gold pieces. 648 00:42:20,601 --> 00:42:21,867 Thank you, sir. 649 00:42:22,834 --> 00:42:23,934 As you wish. 650 00:42:30,233 --> 00:42:33,094 By the by, Antony, never question my judgment 651 00:42:33,101 --> 00:42:34,900 in the presence of our enemies. 652 00:42:36,167 --> 00:42:38,600 You have a good memory, so you will remember that. 653 00:42:39,767 --> 00:42:42,267 - I will remember. - Dismissed. 654 00:42:44,533 --> 00:42:45,901 Men ! Horses ! 655 00:42:46,367 --> 00:42:48,634 Quick about it ! - Forward ! 656 00:42:53,601 --> 00:42:55,934 Why do you frown, little owl* ? 657 00:42:55,935 --> 00:42:55,935 * The comparison to an owl isn't negative: the owl is Minerva's animal, goddess of the wisdom and the strategy. 658 00:42:55,935 --> 00:42:57,933 Marc Antony speaks sense. 659 00:42:58,000 --> 00:43:00,534 Truce now does not seem tactically correct. 660 00:43:01,401 --> 00:43:02,700 Depends on terms. 661 00:43:04,700 --> 00:43:07,000 You offer terms that Pompey cannot accept 662 00:43:07,267 --> 00:43:08,834 but Cicero and the Senate can. 663 00:43:09,501 --> 00:43:10,568 Swift... 664 00:43:14,300 --> 00:43:16,401 Hold up, dominus, there's people watching. 665 00:43:16,467 --> 00:43:19,367 Sir, take us somewhere none can see us. 666 00:43:29,434 --> 00:43:31,267 What's in him ? Is he poisoned ? 667 00:43:31,634 --> 00:43:34,567 He has the morbus comitialis*. It will pass in a moment. 668 00:43:34,568 --> 00:43:34,568 * Morbus comitialis (illness of the comices, the popular assemblies with legislative, judicial, and electoral functions) is the name of tthe epilepsia because if someone had a crisis, it was meant as a very bad omen compromising the decisions involving the Republic so that there was a referring. Caesar was really suffering from epilepsia (see Suetonius, "The Lives of the First Twelve Caesars", C.J. Caesar, XLV). 669 00:43:34,634 --> 00:43:36,701 Please, dominus, shut the door. 670 00:43:42,067 --> 00:43:43,567 Should we not fetch a doctor ? 671 00:43:43,634 --> 00:43:44,800 We should not. 672 00:43:45,067 --> 00:43:47,934 At all costs, he cannot have his affliction known. 673 00:43:48,500 --> 00:43:49,800 No one will follow a man 674 00:43:49,867 --> 00:43:52,868 whom Apollo* has cursed with the morbus. 675 00:43:52,869 --> 00:43:52,869 * Apollo, god of the light, poetry, prophety and arts, is also considered to have dominion over healing and medecine. 676 00:44:47,601 --> 00:44:51,533 Vow to Orcus*, never speak of this. 677 00:44:51,534 --> 00:44:51,534 * Orcus is a divinity of the Underworld, punisher of broken oaths. 678 00:45:28,700 --> 00:45:30,801 Are you quite well, husband ? 679 00:45:31,667 --> 00:45:33,534 Nothing serious. 680 00:45:34,700 --> 00:45:35,967 Come. 681 00:45:38,834 --> 00:45:39,881 Atia. 682 00:45:40,000 --> 00:45:42,929 I'm growing tired. I think we shall leave you. 683 00:45:45,534 --> 00:45:47,778 As you wish, of course. 684 00:45:48,000 --> 00:45:49,802 Good night, my dear. 685 00:45:56,768 --> 00:45:58,500 Did you have a pleasant evening ? 686 00:45:59,067 --> 00:46:00,268 I did. 687 00:46:00,934 --> 00:46:02,967 Your niece Atia is most polite, 688 00:46:03,634 --> 00:46:06,867 and the chief augur made many edifying remarks on religion. 689 00:46:07,834 --> 00:46:11,267 I regret, I will not be coming home with you immediately. 690 00:46:11,434 --> 00:46:12,934 But you're not well. 691 00:46:13,000 --> 00:46:14,834 Really, I am quite recovered. 692 00:46:15,200 --> 00:46:17,834 I have urgent business with my marsupial clerks. 693 00:46:18,267 --> 00:46:19,712 Business at night ? 694 00:46:20,201 --> 00:46:21,851 It is not proper. 695 00:46:21,867 --> 00:46:25,200 Not proper, but necessary. I have to be ready to leave the City 696 00:46:25,234 --> 00:46:28,733 and pursue Pompey as soon as he refuses truce. 697 00:46:29,200 --> 00:46:30,433 He will refuse ? 698 00:46:31,700 --> 00:46:33,167 I believe so. 699 00:47:49,367 --> 00:47:50,768 What's wrong, mother ? 700 00:48:05,768 --> 00:48:07,501 I'm alone. 701 00:48:07,568 --> 00:48:09,567 I'm all alone. 702 00:49:14,567 --> 00:49:17,334 - What does he say ? - Ridiculous ! 703 00:49:17,401 --> 00:49:18,720 - What does he say ? - Nothing. 704 00:49:18,734 --> 00:49:20,734 Nothing worth repeating. 705 00:49:24,534 --> 00:49:26,467 But he offers a truce. 706 00:49:26,500 --> 00:49:27,600 On what terms ? 707 00:49:27,601 --> 00:49:30,700 Truce with that scum ? Are you women ? 708 00:49:30,700 --> 00:49:32,700 I'll have them raped by dogs ! 709 00:49:32,701 --> 00:49:34,333 Silence. Get out ! 710 00:49:34,800 --> 00:49:36,567 Excuse him. He's been ill-used. 711 00:49:36,634 --> 00:49:37,992 But he is right. 712 00:49:38,000 --> 00:49:40,647 - There can be no truce. - Of course not. 713 00:49:40,648 --> 00:49:43,430 But Caesar does not ask for so much. 714 00:49:43,434 --> 00:49:47,833 - Legal immunity. Mutual disarmament. - I must disarm ? I ? 715 00:49:47,900 --> 00:49:51,134 I am lawful consul of Rome. He is a criminal. 716 00:49:51,135 --> 00:49:52,820 There is nothing mutual in it. 717 00:49:52,834 --> 00:49:55,301 He may be a criminal, but he has the City. 718 00:49:55,367 --> 00:49:58,360 - We must deal with facts. - Fact is, he is a traitor ! 719 00:49:58,367 --> 00:49:59,801 Let us be fair. 720 00:50:00,968 --> 00:50:01,930 Consul, 721 00:50:02,000 --> 00:50:05,126 he has been remarkably peaceable. 722 00:50:05,301 --> 00:50:08,600 He has not killed your allies or violated your property. 723 00:50:08,600 --> 00:50:11,800 We should look on this offer seriously. 724 00:50:11,801 --> 00:50:13,400 Do you not see his stratagem ? 725 00:50:13,401 --> 00:50:15,751 He is trying to drive a wedge between us. 726 00:50:16,167 --> 00:50:18,434 A truce would buy us time at least. 727 00:50:18,435 --> 00:50:21,067 Quintus is right ! You are women ! 728 00:50:24,001 --> 00:50:25,134 Fools. 729 00:50:40,100 --> 00:50:41,934 Tell me you love him. 730 00:50:42,000 --> 00:50:43,441 Tell me that 731 00:50:43,500 --> 00:50:46,797 and I will go away, and I will never come back. 732 00:50:49,301 --> 00:50:51,101 I love him. 733 00:50:51,567 --> 00:50:54,834 On the souls of my children, I love him. 734 00:50:59,234 --> 00:51:01,767 Titus Pullo, what joy ! 735 00:51:02,434 --> 00:51:04,800 - They let you go alive then ? - They did. 736 00:51:05,534 --> 00:51:06,634 Where's Vorenus ? 737 00:51:06,900 --> 00:51:09,434 He's gone to make amends at the shrine of Janus. 738 00:51:11,100 --> 00:51:14,968 You know Evander Pulchio, my brother-in-law, my sister's husband. 739 00:51:17,367 --> 00:51:18,633 Evander, you say ? 740 00:51:20,734 --> 00:51:22,234 Good health, soldier. 741 00:51:24,034 --> 00:51:24,967 And you. 742 00:51:28,234 --> 00:51:29,567 Will you take water ? 743 00:51:29,634 --> 00:51:30,778 I will.. 744 00:51:30,868 --> 00:51:31,868 Sit you down. 745 00:51:46,768 --> 00:51:50,230 Great Jupiter, graciously give us clear signs 746 00:51:50,234 --> 00:51:52,768 within the bounds I have traced. 747 00:51:52,769 --> 00:51:52,769   748 00:52:18,467 --> 00:52:20,968 The auguries are good.