1 00:01:35,894 --> 00:01:37,435 Caesarion* 2 00:01:37,436 --> 00:01:37,436 * "Little Caesar". He'll be Ptolemy XV and the last Greek pharaoh. (cf. note line 311). 3 00:03:11,033 --> 00:03:12,556 "A fine reward is offered 4 00:03:12,600 --> 00:03:15,090 for the return of a slave woman 5 00:03:15,100 --> 00:03:16,299 stolen 6 00:03:17,100 --> 00:03:18,347 or absconded 7 00:03:18,350 --> 00:03:21,650 from the house of Claudius Appius. 8 00:03:21,670 --> 00:03:23,934 The following noblemen returning from Greece 9 00:03:24,034 --> 00:03:29,234 have received pardon of Caesar and must not be harmed: 10 00:03:29,250 --> 00:03:31,738 Publius Servilius Casca*, 11 00:03:31,739 --> 00:03:31,739 * One of Caesar's murderers. 12 00:03:32,048 --> 00:03:35,186 Marcus Tullius Cicero, 13 00:03:35,200 --> 00:03:38,205 Gaius Cassius Longinus* 14 00:03:38,206 --> 00:03:38,206 * He'll be though one of the leading conspirators in the plot for murdering Caesar. 15 00:03:38,367 --> 00:03:43,234 and Marcus Junius Brutus*. 16 00:03:43,235 --> 00:03:43,235 * One of Caesar's murderers. 17 00:03:43,300 --> 00:03:46,055 The traitor Pompey has fled to Egypt. 18 00:03:46,074 --> 00:03:48,834 Glorious Caesar follows." 19 00:04:17,934 --> 00:04:20,050 Shoulder arms ! 20 00:04:21,603 --> 00:04:22,908 Forward ! 21 00:04:25,400 --> 00:04:27,585 Forward face ! 22 00:04:29,968 --> 00:04:31,925 Forward march ! 23 00:05:18,767 --> 00:05:21,401 Behold Ptolemy, 24 00:05:21,467 --> 00:05:23,582 he of the two ladies, 25 00:05:24,033 --> 00:05:27,221 he of sedge and bee*. 26 00:05:27,468 --> 00:05:27,468 * The sedge and the bee are symbols of Upper and Lower Egypt. 27 00:05:28,700 --> 00:05:31,234 Behold Ptolemy, 28 00:05:31,501 --> 00:05:33,434 son of Ra, 29 00:05:33,501 --> 00:05:36,800 Ptolemy the divine. 30 00:05:43,401 --> 00:05:45,868 Greetings... 31 00:06:14,801 --> 00:06:19,067 How long may we hope for the blessing of your presence ? 32 00:06:19,070 --> 00:06:20,060 Not long. 33 00:06:20,080 --> 00:06:21,772 We are desolated. 34 00:06:21,800 --> 00:06:23,890 If His Glorious Honor cares 35 00:06:23,900 --> 00:06:25,839 to divulge His purpose here, 36 00:06:25,870 --> 00:06:30,138 the servants of the Mighty Lion would be ecstatic 37 00:06:30,073 --> 00:06:33,232 to help you in any way whatsoever. 38 00:06:33,334 --> 00:06:35,767 That is most kind of you. 39 00:06:38,600 --> 00:06:41,765 How goes your preparation for war ? 40 00:06:42,500 --> 00:06:43,897 War ? 41 00:06:45,067 --> 00:06:46,668 We have no war prepared. 42 00:06:46,767 --> 00:06:48,700 I'm misinformed then. 43 00:06:48,767 --> 00:06:50,700 I was told the sister of the Mighty Lion 44 00:06:50,767 --> 00:06:53,700 disputes his right to the throne. 45 00:06:53,730 --> 00:06:56,093 Do not speak of her. 46 00:06:56,201 --> 00:06:57,621 I piss on her ! 47 00:06:57,651 --> 00:06:59,800 I shit on her ! 48 00:06:59,801 --> 00:07:00,760 It is true 49 00:07:00,780 --> 00:07:01,985 our beloved princess 50 00:07:02,034 --> 00:07:03,569 has listened to ill counsel 51 00:07:03,600 --> 00:07:06,396 and raised some absurd claim. 52 00:07:06,400 --> 00:07:07,722 But... 53 00:07:07,922 --> 00:07:09,897 she has no support, 54 00:07:09,832 --> 00:07:13,434 None but traitors and barbarians. 55 00:07:14,767 --> 00:07:16,701 What was that name ? 56 00:07:16,967 --> 00:07:18,500 Deilogos of Pergamum. 57 00:07:18,567 --> 00:07:21,134 He can raise ten legions. 58 00:07:21,201 --> 00:07:23,134 Deilogos of Pergamum 59 00:07:23,201 --> 00:07:26,334 Can raise ten legions for her. 60 00:07:26,400 --> 00:07:27,900 A petty bandit. 61 00:07:27,920 --> 00:07:30,545 I assure you, you have no problem, 62 00:07:30,564 --> 00:07:34,001 no fears at all about Cleopatra. 63 00:07:34,067 --> 00:07:35,243 Where is she ? 64 00:07:35,334 --> 00:07:37,060 Well, nobody knows. 65 00:07:37,634 --> 00:07:40,667 Somewhere in the South, we believe. 66 00:07:40,680 --> 00:07:41,824 He lies. 67 00:07:41,900 --> 00:07:43,620 They have her. 68 00:07:43,700 --> 00:07:47,700 This dispute between you both must end. 69 00:07:47,767 --> 00:07:50,867 Rome desires Egypt to be at peace. 70 00:07:50,934 --> 00:07:53,934 Your grain ships must keep sailing. 71 00:07:54,001 --> 00:07:55,934 We are in absolute control of the country, 72 00:07:56,001 --> 00:07:58,101 from the lighthouse to the cataracts. 73 00:07:58,120 --> 00:08:00,700 Good, in that case you should have no trouble 74 00:08:00,717 --> 00:08:02,894 in handing over Pompey Magnus. 75 00:08:02,901 --> 00:08:04,834 I do not like his tone. 76 00:08:04,901 --> 00:08:06,653 He can go. 77 00:08:08,000 --> 00:08:09,684 Master, 78 00:08:09,700 --> 00:08:12,680 do you remember what we spoke of before ? 79 00:08:13,001 --> 00:08:15,334 Of crocodile and fox ? 80 00:08:16,667 --> 00:08:18,967 Let us show him our surprise ! 81 00:08:19,034 --> 00:08:21,834 All right, go on. Show him. 82 00:08:25,567 --> 00:08:29,201 We have a gift for you, Glorious Excellency, 83 00:08:29,268 --> 00:08:32,867 that we think you will be very pleased with. 84 00:09:10,268 --> 00:09:11,967 We were going to make him a body, 85 00:09:12,000 --> 00:09:13,486 moving arms and legs, 86 00:09:13,500 --> 00:09:15,735 and do a mime show with real animals and everything... 87 00:09:15,750 --> 00:09:17,467 Silence ! 88 00:09:27,667 --> 00:09:30,001 Shame on the house of Ptolemies 89 00:09:30,010 --> 00:09:32,200 for such barbarity. Shame. 90 00:09:32,210 --> 00:09:33,112 But... 91 00:09:33,412 --> 00:09:35,269 you are enemies. 92 00:09:35,334 --> 00:09:38,026 He was a consul of Rome ! 93 00:09:45,268 --> 00:09:47,901 A consul of Rome. 94 00:09:49,101 --> 00:09:51,634 To die in this sordid way... 95 00:09:51,700 --> 00:09:55,533 Quartered like some low thief... 96 00:09:55,600 --> 00:09:57,171 Shame ! 97 00:10:00,867 --> 00:10:02,502 Where is the rest of him ? 98 00:10:03,310 --> 00:10:05,667 Eh, um, he has been cremated... 99 00:10:05,734 --> 00:10:08,546 with all proper funeral rites, of course. 100 00:10:08,822 --> 00:10:10,762 With all decorum. 101 00:10:11,201 --> 00:10:13,231 I shall return tomorrow, 102 00:10:13,734 --> 00:10:15,581 at which time 103 00:10:15,781 --> 00:10:19,600 you will give me the man that took Pompey's life. 104 00:11:20,667 --> 00:11:23,500 Captain says the wind is fair. 105 00:11:23,510 --> 00:11:25,476 - Good. - We can leave 106 00:11:25,500 --> 00:11:27,700 whenever you like. 107 00:11:28,067 --> 00:11:31,368 You will take half the men, return to Rome immediately. 108 00:11:31,933 --> 00:11:35,724 You shall have the honor of announcing Pompey's death. 109 00:11:36,400 --> 00:11:39,134 I shall follow you... 110 00:11:39,667 --> 00:11:41,734 when I've settled things here. 111 00:11:46,800 --> 00:11:48,854 Settled things ? 112 00:11:49,214 --> 00:11:50,802 Settled what things ? 113 00:11:50,868 --> 00:11:53,469 Civil war is in the air. 114 00:11:53,567 --> 00:11:55,576 It must be prevented. 115 00:11:56,850 --> 00:11:57,934 Why ? 116 00:11:59,021 --> 00:12:00,907 Let the wretches fight it out. 117 00:12:02,033 --> 00:12:04,634 War will disrupt the grain supply. 118 00:12:04,701 --> 00:12:08,534 Without Egyptian grain, Rome goes hungry. 119 00:12:08,901 --> 00:12:10,416 It would be... 120 00:12:10,616 --> 00:12:13,353 unwise not to intervene. 121 00:12:13,360 --> 00:12:17,199 And how will you intervene with only half a legion ? 122 00:12:17,213 --> 00:12:19,097 I do not intend to fight. 123 00:12:19,867 --> 00:12:23,257 I shall merely arbitrate the various factions. 124 00:12:23,700 --> 00:12:26,142 You make it sound so easy. 125 00:12:26,534 --> 00:12:31,491 Those various factions are united only by their hatred of Rome. 126 00:12:33,434 --> 00:12:35,143 He's right. 127 00:12:35,434 --> 00:12:39,890 Ptolemy might use you to rouse the people against a common enemy. 128 00:12:39,901 --> 00:12:42,834 I have conquered Gaul. 129 00:12:42,901 --> 00:12:45,067 I have defeated Pompey Magnus. 130 00:12:45,133 --> 00:12:48,133 I think I can handle a small boy and a eunuch. 131 00:12:48,200 --> 00:12:51,067 A small boy with 100,000 men. 132 00:12:51,090 --> 00:12:53,000 I am aware of that ! 133 00:12:53,067 --> 00:12:55,133 He's still a boy nonetheless. 134 00:12:55,200 --> 00:12:57,270 You seem to forget that 135 00:12:57,300 --> 00:13:00,785 that our war is not over yet. 136 00:13:00,800 --> 00:13:03,240 Cato and Scipio are still at large. 137 00:13:03,275 --> 00:13:06,134 Given time, they will raise another army. 138 00:13:06,200 --> 00:13:08,090 And when they do I shall crush them. 139 00:13:08,100 --> 00:13:10,400 I'm glad you're so confident. 140 00:13:10,415 --> 00:13:13,934 Some would call it hubris*. 141 00:13:13,935 --> 00:13:13,935 * hubris or hybris. Greek word often translated by "immoderation", used to refer to the pride feeling that lead a man to think he's like a god. That unforgivable sin is often one of the motivating forces in Greek tragedies. 142 00:13:14,000 --> 00:13:17,034 It's only hubris if I fail. 143 00:13:23,534 --> 00:13:27,567 Remember she is a princess of ancient blood. 144 00:13:27,634 --> 00:13:31,167 When you find her you will treat her with the utmost respect. 145 00:13:31,180 --> 00:13:33,900 You must obey her in all things, 146 00:13:33,910 --> 00:13:35,040 within reason. 147 00:13:35,075 --> 00:13:36,200 Understood, sir. 148 00:13:36,267 --> 00:13:39,151 I'm counting on you, Vorenus. 149 00:13:42,200 --> 00:13:44,150 You have something to say ? 150 00:13:44,167 --> 00:13:48,000 Regarding Pompey Magnus, sir, I wish to apologize. 151 00:13:48,968 --> 00:13:50,324 It was my actions 152 00:13:50,400 --> 00:13:52,351 that brought him here to this end. 153 00:13:53,567 --> 00:13:56,282 - If I had done my duty... - Indeed. 154 00:13:57,400 --> 00:13:58,901 Dismissed. 155 00:14:25,067 --> 00:14:27,534 Pompey's murderer. 156 00:14:28,701 --> 00:14:30,934 Alas, he has run away. 157 00:14:31,001 --> 00:14:33,334 Find him. 158 00:14:34,701 --> 00:14:36,296 In the meantime... 159 00:14:36,701 --> 00:14:38,400 these instruments 160 00:14:38,420 --> 00:14:40,568 tabulate the money that was borrowed 161 00:14:40,634 --> 00:14:44,434 by His Majesty's illustrious father, Ptolemy XII. 162 00:14:44,501 --> 00:14:46,230 In the name of the republic, 163 00:14:46,231 --> 00:14:48,092 I have come to collect. 164 00:14:48,134 --> 00:14:51,600 17 thousand thousand drachma. 165 00:14:55,633 --> 00:14:57,798 17 ? 166 00:14:58,367 --> 00:15:01,167 Absurd ! 167 00:15:01,434 --> 00:15:03,033 Four, perhaps. 168 00:15:03,070 --> 00:15:05,849 The tabulation includes all monies 169 00:15:05,860 --> 00:15:08,995 borrowed from Pompée and other agents of the republic 170 00:15:09,015 --> 00:15:11,567 now unable to collect. 171 00:15:11,580 --> 00:15:13,801 That is not just ! 172 00:15:13,810 --> 00:15:15,580 Post-mortem interests of this type are legally 173 00:15:15,590 --> 00:15:17,268 entailed to the presiding consul, 174 00:15:17,300 --> 00:15:20,701 i.e.* Gaius Julius Caesar. 175 00:15:20,702 --> 00:15:20,702 * i.e. = id est = that is to say 176 00:15:20,767 --> 00:15:23,334 - It's law. - Roman law. 177 00:15:23,801 --> 00:15:26,264 Is there some other form of law*, 178 00:15:26,265 --> 00:15:26,265 * Egypt is not yet a Roman province (30 b.C.) but in 63 b.C. Ptolemy XII makes allegiance to Pompey, and in 59 b.C. is called by Caesar consul amicus et socius populi Romani, ("friend and ally of the people of Rome"), that is to say vassal. 179 00:15:26,500 --> 00:15:28,319 you wretched woman ? 180 00:15:30,934 --> 00:15:33,169 A thousand apologies. 181 00:15:33,235 --> 00:15:34,815 Forgive us. 182 00:15:40,201 --> 00:15:42,083 There ! 183 00:15:42,268 --> 00:15:44,724 There's for your payment. 184 00:15:44,902 --> 00:15:46,752 So sorry... 185 00:15:46,767 --> 00:15:50,316 His Majesty forgets He is a vassal to Rome. 186 00:15:50,434 --> 00:15:52,241 Vassal ? 187 00:15:52,250 --> 00:15:54,080 Vassal ? I am no vassal ! 188 00:15:54,100 --> 00:15:55,890 I am king ! I am... 189 00:15:55,900 --> 00:15:57,568 Sit down ! 190 00:16:06,067 --> 00:16:08,133 Thank you. 191 00:16:08,200 --> 00:16:10,529 When can I expect payment ? 192 00:16:10,501 --> 00:16:15,201 Your Honor, we have little enough ready coin for our own needs. 193 00:16:15,515 --> 00:16:17,610 Our tax farmers have not been working 194 00:16:17,611 --> 00:16:18,811 as they should because... 195 00:16:19,901 --> 00:16:21,734 Because ? 196 00:16:22,767 --> 00:16:27,301 Cleopatra's foolishness has stirred unrest in some parts. 197 00:16:27,667 --> 00:16:30,117 Nothing serious. 198 00:16:31,534 --> 00:16:35,734 Well, I do not wish to appear unreasonable. 199 00:16:36,000 --> 00:16:39,901 I will accept 10 thousand thousand drachma. 200 00:16:40,267 --> 00:16:43,600 Even that amount will take many days to collect. 201 00:16:43,610 --> 00:16:44,638 In that case, 202 00:16:44,650 --> 00:16:47,007 I shall have ample time to adjudicate 203 00:16:47,042 --> 00:16:50,034 Your dispute with princess Cleopatra. 204 00:16:50,001 --> 00:16:51,906 Excellent notion. 205 00:16:52,001 --> 00:16:54,994 But alas, who knows where princess Cleopatra is ? 206 00:16:55,000 --> 00:16:56,967 Do not worry about that. 207 00:16:57,080 --> 00:16:58,900 I shall find her. 208 00:17:09,767 --> 00:17:12,134 Blood and fire ! 209 00:17:12,201 --> 00:17:14,600 It's as hot as Vulcan*'s dick ! 210 00:17:14,601 --> 00:17:14,601 * Vulcan is the god of the fire and of the blacksmiths. His forge is believed to be underneath the Aetna. 211 00:17:20,000 --> 00:17:21,934 What a dump ! 212 00:17:22,500 --> 00:17:25,758 Gyppo gods must be right wasters to make a place like this. 213 00:17:25,800 --> 00:17:28,634 Don't speak ill of the gods in their own country. 214 00:17:29,067 --> 00:17:30,817 Gerrae*. 215 00:17:30,818 --> 00:17:30,818 * = Bullshit. 216 00:17:31,000 --> 00:17:33,010 I've seen their gods. 217 00:17:33,050 --> 00:17:35,480 Titus Pullo isn't scared of any bastard 218 00:17:35,490 --> 00:17:36,703 with a dog's head on him. 219 00:17:36,710 --> 00:17:38,224 More fool you. 220 00:17:38,595 --> 00:17:41,043 These gods are old and powerful. 221 00:17:41,568 --> 00:17:44,267 Egypt was a great nation long before Rome. 222 00:17:44,767 --> 00:17:45,920 Was it ? 223 00:17:46,834 --> 00:17:49,067 Mumped it up now, then, haven't they ? 224 00:17:54,468 --> 00:17:56,540 Why are we here, anyhow ? 225 00:17:56,580 --> 00:17:57,800 Waiting. 226 00:17:57,851 --> 00:18:00,794 Yeah, I know we're waiting, but for who ? 227 00:18:01,267 --> 00:18:03,501 I'll know when I see them. 228 00:18:04,034 --> 00:18:07,501 Be like that. 229 00:18:09,434 --> 00:18:11,367 "Vassal," he says ! 230 00:18:11,434 --> 00:18:13,568 Barbarian scum ! 231 00:18:14,733 --> 00:18:16,767 It's simple extortion. 232 00:18:16,834 --> 00:18:20,334 If we do not pay him, he will put Cleopatra on the throne. 233 00:18:20,401 --> 00:18:21,834 If... 234 00:18:21,900 --> 00:18:23,800 If he could find her. 235 00:18:23,867 --> 00:18:26,800 He is a resourceful man. 236 00:18:26,867 --> 00:18:29,301 He will find her. 237 00:18:29,367 --> 00:18:32,468 She should have died when we first caught her. 238 00:18:33,334 --> 00:18:35,277 Now it must be done. 239 00:18:35,400 --> 00:18:36,720 She must die. 240 00:18:36,725 --> 00:18:38,340 I agree. 241 00:18:40,468 --> 00:18:42,634 My men could be with her by nightfall. 242 00:20:36,234 --> 00:20:38,334 Tell him "wait." 243 00:20:42,767 --> 00:20:44,401 Cleopatra. 244 00:20:44,468 --> 00:20:46,201 Queen majesty ? 245 00:20:46,267 --> 00:20:49,734 Hutto asks to speak with you. 246 00:20:59,867 --> 00:21:01,543 Slap me. 247 00:21:08,767 --> 00:21:11,334 - Night or day ? - Night. 248 00:21:13,301 --> 00:21:14,834 He may enter. 249 00:21:21,234 --> 00:21:23,067 Majesty... 250 00:21:23,334 --> 00:21:25,733 Fresh word has come from Alexandria. 251 00:21:27,600 --> 00:21:29,468 Speak, worm ! 252 00:21:30,501 --> 00:21:33,034 I am most deeply sorry to say 253 00:21:33,101 --> 00:21:37,633 Majesty must prepare Herself for Her journey to the afterlife. 254 00:21:39,900 --> 00:21:41,834 When ? 255 00:21:41,900 --> 00:21:44,167 Now. 256 00:22:13,934 --> 00:22:15,967 Say your words. 257 00:23:28,267 --> 00:23:30,468 Hello, ladies. 258 00:23:31,034 --> 00:23:32,774 Attack Caesar ? 259 00:23:35,700 --> 00:23:37,934 Are you serious ? 260 00:23:38,000 --> 00:23:39,604 Why not ? 261 00:23:39,700 --> 00:23:41,801 He only has a few hundred men with him. 262 00:23:42,934 --> 00:23:45,233 How many men could you rally ? 263 00:23:49,434 --> 00:23:52,167 You would be the liberator of Egypt. 264 00:23:52,234 --> 00:23:54,534 Your name would live forever. 265 00:23:54,801 --> 00:23:57,034 My mortal flesh should be less fortunate. 266 00:23:57,301 --> 00:23:58,851 Rome does not forget an injury. 267 00:23:58,880 --> 00:24:00,678 Forget Rome ! 268 00:24:01,033 --> 00:24:03,300 Rome is doomed. 269 00:24:03,367 --> 00:24:07,934 Her people tear at their flesh like mad dogs. 270 00:24:08,000 --> 00:24:09,898 In ten years the city will be 271 00:24:09,905 --> 00:24:11,835 a forgotten ruin. 272 00:24:11,850 --> 00:24:14,533 Maybe so, but what of next year ? 273 00:24:14,200 --> 00:24:16,133 Perhaps you're right. 274 00:24:16,600 --> 00:24:20,801 Ergo*, caution is best, yes. 275 00:24:20,902 --> 00:24:20,902 * = therefore 276 00:24:21,800 --> 00:24:25,520 Perhaps... you don't have enough influence 277 00:24:25,534 --> 00:24:27,668 among the people. 278 00:24:29,701 --> 00:24:32,968 Caesar has so few men. 279 00:24:33,700 --> 00:24:37,084 I could raise the whole city with a word. 280 00:24:38,901 --> 00:24:41,217 Think on it. 281 00:24:46,350 --> 00:24:47,177 Do you think I could 282 00:24:47,200 --> 00:24:50,000 borrow Septimius for a little while ? 283 00:24:50,010 --> 00:24:51,968 I'd be most grateful. 284 00:24:54,433 --> 00:24:56,338 Of course. 285 00:25:05,734 --> 00:25:07,319 Messenger from Ptolemy XIII 286 00:25:07,319 --> 00:25:08,800 begs entry, sir. 287 00:25:29,667 --> 00:25:32,801 "Ptolemy the Water Bringer, he of the two ladies, 288 00:25:32,867 --> 00:25:35,034 he of sedge and bee, king of kings, son of Ra, 289 00:25:35,101 --> 00:25:37,535 informs His Most Grand Honor, et cetera, 290 00:25:38,201 --> 00:25:41,867 that him who bears this message is him that killed Pompey." 291 00:26:18,234 --> 00:26:21,067 He's handsome enough. 292 00:26:21,134 --> 00:26:24,420 Good, strong chin. 293 00:26:24,450 --> 00:26:27,118 Looks like a mean old man to me. 294 00:26:29,901 --> 00:26:31,534 More. 295 00:26:31,600 --> 00:26:33,867 Divinity's mortal flesh turns green. 296 00:26:33,934 --> 00:26:35,220 Give it here. 297 00:27:03,600 --> 00:27:07,567 She will look like a reptile when she arrives at Alexandria. 298 00:27:18,067 --> 00:27:20,267 Weak, I call it. 299 00:27:28,467 --> 00:27:30,800 Weak, am I ? 300 00:27:30,810 --> 00:27:32,951 She knows how to beat her slaves well enough, 301 00:27:32,967 --> 00:27:33,975 but she cannot 302 00:27:34,000 --> 00:27:35,868 throw away that pipe, 303 00:27:35,900 --> 00:27:39,700 - and she knows it. - Insolent dwarf. 304 00:27:40,067 --> 00:27:42,200 You know nothing. 305 00:27:45,001 --> 00:27:46,634 Throw it out. 306 00:27:49,600 --> 00:27:52,401 Throw... it out. 307 00:28:34,667 --> 00:28:36,850 Weak, am I ? 308 00:28:43,067 --> 00:28:44,788 That Gyppo princess, 309 00:28:44,900 --> 00:28:47,144 now that's good cunny. 310 00:28:47,150 --> 00:28:48,930 Her father's people rode with Alexander*. 311 00:28:48,931 --> 00:28:48,931 * Vorenus talks about Ptolemy Ist Sôter (367-283 av. J.C.). Lagos' son, the historian Pausanias wrote he'd be an illegitimate son of Philip II of Macedon (therefore Alexander's the Great half-brother). He grew with Alexander and was one of his lieutenants. When Alexander (323 b.C.), he made several conquest around Egypt that he had received, and started the Lagid dynasty from which are descended the brother-husband and the sister-wife Ptolemy XIII and Cleopatra VII. 312 00:28:48,945 --> 00:28:50,253 You can't speak of her like that. 313 00:28:50,300 --> 00:28:51,750 She is, though, 314 00:28:51,867 --> 00:28:53,909 and she wants me badly. 315 00:28:55,734 --> 00:28:58,228 Should've seen her when I done that Nubian. 316 00:28:58,250 --> 00:29:00,450 Wet as October ! 317 00:29:01,867 --> 00:29:03,571 Pullo, look at me. 318 00:29:03,600 --> 00:29:05,483 She is a princess of royal blood. 319 00:29:05,500 --> 00:29:06,934 You touch her, you die. 320 00:29:07,001 --> 00:29:08,934 I'm not stupid. 321 00:29:09,001 --> 00:29:10,767 I'm just saying she wants me. 322 00:29:48,933 --> 00:29:50,220 Lovely. 323 00:29:50,300 --> 00:29:51,456 Lovely ! 324 00:29:51,634 --> 00:29:52,700 Nothing like cold, 325 00:29:52,710 --> 00:29:55,371 stinking sweat to seduce a man. 326 00:29:56,334 --> 00:29:57,350 Caesar will think himself 327 00:29:57,360 --> 00:29:59,350 on Olympus with Aphrodite*. 328 00:29:59,351 --> 00:29:59,351 * Greek counterpart of Venus, goddess of the beauty and love. 329 00:29:59,355 --> 00:30:01,331 Hush, piglet ! 330 00:30:02,434 --> 00:30:05,600 What do you know of seduction ? 331 00:30:06,667 --> 00:30:09,200 As long as Caesar is a man, 332 00:30:09,600 --> 00:30:11,390 I will have him. 333 00:30:11,400 --> 00:30:13,850 She seems very sure of herself. 334 00:30:14,660 --> 00:30:16,250 I have him... 335 00:30:16,849 --> 00:30:18,500 or I die. 336 00:30:20,268 --> 00:30:22,534 So I will have him. 337 00:30:22,600 --> 00:30:24,831 May it be so, Isis. 338 00:30:42,801 --> 00:30:46,051 I only wish he were here today. 339 00:30:46,067 --> 00:30:50,030 My womb is between the flood. 340 00:30:51,667 --> 00:30:55,481 A child would come as sure as spring. 341 00:31:22,968 --> 00:31:24,667 Come. 342 00:31:27,001 --> 00:31:28,500 You, come. 343 00:31:44,634 --> 00:31:46,578 So red ! 344 00:31:46,934 --> 00:31:49,020 Your Highness, how can I be of service ? 345 00:31:53,634 --> 00:31:55,160 Leather. 346 00:31:55,250 --> 00:31:57,703 Olives. Not so bad. 347 00:32:02,634 --> 00:32:05,238 - He will do. - Majesty commands 348 00:32:05,250 --> 00:32:06,480 you will enter her. 349 00:32:07,534 --> 00:32:08,967 I do not understand. 350 00:32:09,034 --> 00:32:11,678 You have coitus with her. 351 00:32:12,467 --> 00:32:15,534 You have it wrong. "Coitus" means to make babies. 352 00:32:15,600 --> 00:32:16,556 Exact ! So, 353 00:32:16,580 --> 00:32:18,352 make babies. 354 00:32:23,268 --> 00:32:24,750 Don't be scared. 355 00:32:24,950 --> 00:32:26,529 I'm not scared, 356 00:32:26,900 --> 00:32:28,995 I just cannot do what you ask ! 357 00:32:29,300 --> 00:32:32,120 It is not... It is not in our custom. 358 00:32:32,133 --> 00:32:35,969 Roman men are not used by women in this way. 359 00:32:35,980 --> 00:32:36,720 Come, 360 00:32:36,730 --> 00:32:38,416 you will enjoy it. 361 00:32:39,234 --> 00:32:41,220 My queen is an excellent lover. 362 00:33:12,701 --> 00:33:14,267 What is he waiting for ? 363 00:33:17,200 --> 00:33:19,533 He must do as he is told ! 364 00:33:20,400 --> 00:33:22,300 - Let me give you a hand. - Get off ! 365 00:33:22,367 --> 00:33:26,534 I must ask forgiveness of Your Majesty, but I cannot comply ! 366 00:33:26,701 --> 00:33:29,101 I am no slave to be commanded so ! 367 00:33:29,168 --> 00:33:32,834 - With all respect. - He refuses ? 368 00:33:33,200 --> 00:33:34,522 This... 369 00:33:34,987 --> 00:33:38,642 insect refuses me ?! 370 00:33:38,700 --> 00:33:42,334 You dare refuse the daughter of a sun god ? 371 00:33:45,134 --> 00:33:48,095 Pullo ! Report immediately to princess Cleopatra 372 00:33:48,100 --> 00:33:49,600 and do as she says ! 373 00:33:49,700 --> 00:33:51,423 - Eh ? - You heard ! 374 00:33:51,670 --> 00:33:54,800 - What's going on ? - Just go. 375 00:34:07,334 --> 00:34:10,834 Legionary Titus Pullo reporting for duty, ma'am. 376 00:35:26,920 --> 00:35:30,300 - Gods, that was something, I can tell you. - I don't want to know. 377 00:35:31,534 --> 00:35:34,980 If you value your life, you won't speak of it again. 378 00:35:35,000 --> 00:35:36,669 Why ? 379 00:35:36,700 --> 00:35:38,631 I was only obeying orders. 380 00:35:38,650 --> 00:35:40,132 Bloody good orders, too. 381 00:35:40,228 --> 00:35:42,898 What do you think Caesar will do if he hears of it ? 382 00:35:43,934 --> 00:35:45,498 I'm not stupid. 383 00:35:46,934 --> 00:35:49,851 I promised the princess. I shall not speak of it. 384 00:35:49,900 --> 00:35:52,120 You can't keep a secret to save your life. 385 00:35:52,130 --> 00:35:53,625 You've got a mouth like a drain. 386 00:36:42,367 --> 00:36:44,220 Princess Cleopatra, sir. 387 00:36:44,267 --> 00:36:46,126 Daughter of the two rams, 388 00:36:46,367 --> 00:36:48,968 mistress of sedge and bee ! 389 00:37:32,771 --> 00:37:35,706 Well done, Majesty. 390 00:37:36,734 --> 00:37:37,903 Thank you. 391 00:38:24,534 --> 00:38:29,201 Is something wrong, little husband ? 392 00:38:43,400 --> 00:38:47,067 How funny you look in father's chair. 393 00:38:47,234 --> 00:38:49,070 I never wanted to harm you. 394 00:38:51,334 --> 00:38:53,836 Of course you did not. 395 00:38:54,267 --> 00:38:56,313 It was your gelding 396 00:38:56,330 --> 00:38:58,916 led you astray, no doubt. 397 00:38:59,234 --> 00:39:02,308 - Mistress... - It must not speak. 398 00:39:05,133 --> 00:39:07,067 It must die ! 399 00:39:22,734 --> 00:39:24,300 It was him... 400 00:39:26,701 --> 00:39:28,567 Not me. 401 00:39:29,701 --> 00:39:31,996 He led him astray, 402 00:39:32,701 --> 00:39:34,721 not me. 403 00:39:34,801 --> 00:39:37,834 It was him ! 404 00:40:26,767 --> 00:40:28,675 Get in formation ! 405 00:40:37,167 --> 00:40:38,683 And you, Pullo. 406 00:40:46,767 --> 00:40:48,053 Calpurnia... 407 00:40:53,067 --> 00:40:55,333 She's your third wife ? 408 00:40:55,534 --> 00:40:56,941 She is. 409 00:41:02,701 --> 00:41:05,300 Has she given you a son ? 410 00:41:05,367 --> 00:41:07,567 She has not. 411 00:41:09,267 --> 00:41:11,634 How sad. 412 00:41:11,701 --> 00:41:15,786 A man without sons is a man without a future. 413 00:41:16,000 --> 00:41:18,867 I never thought of it that way. 414 00:41:20,867 --> 00:41:22,346 Sad. 415 00:41:23,567 --> 00:41:25,609 Never mind. 416 00:41:27,601 --> 00:41:30,751 Have you secured the upriver ports ? 417 00:41:30,933 --> 00:41:33,301 You must do so immediately. 418 00:41:33,568 --> 00:41:37,134 Whoever controls the ports controls Egypt. 419 00:41:39,434 --> 00:41:41,884 Good advice, no doubt, 420 00:41:42,100 --> 00:41:45,134 - if I wanted to control Egypt. - Of course you do. 421 00:41:46,134 --> 00:41:48,067 Why else are you here ? 422 00:41:48,100 --> 00:41:50,072 And why save me 423 00:41:50,085 --> 00:41:52,456 so heroically from death... 424 00:41:52,501 --> 00:41:54,770 if not to use me 425 00:41:55,000 --> 00:41:56,268 as your... 426 00:41:56,334 --> 00:41:58,434 puppet queen ? 427 00:42:02,368 --> 00:42:04,601 Do you dislike the notion ? 428 00:42:04,610 --> 00:42:06,194 My wishes 429 00:42:06,200 --> 00:42:07,968 are immaterial. 430 00:42:08,867 --> 00:42:11,997 You redeemed me from captivity. 431 00:42:12,101 --> 00:42:15,801 I am your slave. 432 00:44:48,200 --> 00:44:50,100 Testudo* ! 433 00:44:49,901 --> 00:44:49,901 * = the turtle. A Roman military tactic: soldiers close up all gaps between each other and grab their shields at the sides and above their heads so that the formation seems to have a shell. 434 00:45:32,494 --> 00:45:33,829 Are you well ? 435 00:45:33,864 --> 00:45:34,638 Well enough 436 00:45:34,800 --> 00:45:36,111 though I do not sleep. 437 00:45:37,200 --> 00:45:39,300 I write very bad poetry through the night 438 00:45:39,305 --> 00:45:41,295 and in the morning I give it to the cook 439 00:45:41,270 --> 00:45:42,600 to stoke the kitchen fire. 440 00:45:42,605 --> 00:45:43,920 It's a form of magic. 441 00:45:43,930 --> 00:45:47,160 My ill conscience is transformed into 442 00:45:47,098 --> 00:45:49,490 roast birds and pastries. 443 00:45:49,500 --> 00:45:51,701 You should have no ill conscience. 444 00:45:52,076 --> 00:45:54,339 We only did what we had to do. 445 00:45:54,915 --> 00:45:58,895 No doubt Saturn* said something of the sort after eating his children. 446 00:45:58,896 --> 00:45:58,896 * Saturn is the father of Jupiter, Juno, Neptun, Pluto, Hestia et Ceres. As he feared to be dethroned by one his children, he ate them, except Jupiter, saved by his mother, who grew up and made Saturn regurgitate his brothers and sisters. 447 00:46:00,378 --> 00:46:02,545 The question is... 448 00:46:03,344 --> 00:46:06,078 If Caesar does not return from Egypt ? 449 00:46:06,113 --> 00:46:08,493 Caesar has escaped tighter traps than this. 450 00:46:08,500 --> 00:46:11,900 He has been besieged in Alexandria the better part of a year. 451 00:46:12,324 --> 00:46:14,562 Perhaps his luck has run out. 452 00:46:14,597 --> 00:46:17,435 Well, what fools we shall look 453 00:46:17,964 --> 00:46:19,943 if we have kissed the feet of a dead man. 454 00:46:19,978 --> 00:46:22,200 With Caesar dead, 455 00:46:22,439 --> 00:46:23,835 that bastard Marc Antony 456 00:46:23,901 --> 00:46:26,213 will be unleashed to do as he wants. 457 00:46:26,250 --> 00:46:27,728 Very likely, 458 00:46:27,835 --> 00:46:29,898 but it isn't a concern of mine. 459 00:46:30,016 --> 00:46:31,720 I am done with politics. 460 00:46:31,705 --> 00:46:33,744 Self-pity is all very well. 461 00:46:34,001 --> 00:46:36,931 I'm not unashamed myself. 462 00:46:38,067 --> 00:46:41,067 But we are still senators. 463 00:46:41,560 --> 00:46:43,952 We have responsibilities. 464 00:46:43,987 --> 00:46:46,520 I remind you we swore an oath of loyalty. 465 00:46:46,530 --> 00:46:47,787 To Caesar, 466 00:46:47,801 --> 00:46:49,895 not to Antony. 467 00:46:51,212 --> 00:46:54,321 Cato and Scipio have raised an army in Numidia. 468 00:46:55,178 --> 00:46:57,324 If we were to communicate with them, 469 00:46:57,359 --> 00:46:59,726 we might... we might... 470 00:46:59,761 --> 00:47:01,367 If it isn't Cicero ? 471 00:47:02,070 --> 00:47:04,311 How strange ! 472 00:47:04,312 --> 00:47:07,090 I was just now thinking of you. 473 00:47:07,200 --> 00:47:10,093 I've received some happy news, 474 00:47:10,193 --> 00:47:13,740 and my first thought was to come and tell you two. 475 00:47:15,500 --> 00:47:17,203 And here you are. 476 00:47:18,567 --> 00:47:20,500 What a coincidence ! 477 00:47:20,867 --> 00:47:24,182 It's amusing how often that happens, eh ? 478 00:47:24,701 --> 00:47:26,234 So I was walking across the forum 479 00:47:26,251 --> 00:47:28,201 and thinking of this particular woman, 480 00:47:28,210 --> 00:47:30,267 who should arrive right in front of me 481 00:47:30,280 --> 00:47:32,848 But the thing herself. 482 00:47:33,034 --> 00:47:36,034 Savage little Spanish creature. 483 00:47:35,600 --> 00:47:38,070 Hair down to her ass. 484 00:47:43,300 --> 00:47:45,680 Everyone misjudges me, you know. 485 00:47:46,901 --> 00:47:49,101 I'm a merciful man. 486 00:47:49,120 --> 00:47:51,300 I know that's not my reputation, but 487 00:47:51,931 --> 00:47:53,991 I am. 488 00:47:55,034 --> 00:47:58,392 Now, everyone's entitled to a few mistakes. 489 00:47:58,400 --> 00:48:01,534 Gods know, I made one or two myself. 490 00:48:03,400 --> 00:48:05,853 I've done things... 491 00:48:06,700 --> 00:48:08,719 things I'm 492 00:48:09,000 --> 00:48:10,967 ashamed to think of. 493 00:48:14,134 --> 00:48:18,054 We are, all of us, imperfect in our way. 494 00:48:18,067 --> 00:48:19,810 Exactly. 495 00:48:19,881 --> 00:48:21,901 We are, all of us, 496 00:48:21,915 --> 00:48:23,768 imperfect. 497 00:48:28,967 --> 00:48:32,401 Give me your hands, brother Cicero. 498 00:48:36,600 --> 00:48:39,401 With all my heart... 499 00:48:39,767 --> 00:48:41,994 I forgive you. 500 00:48:42,600 --> 00:48:44,868 I don't know what you mean. 501 00:48:47,600 --> 00:48:50,558 Nothing escapes me. 502 00:48:51,433 --> 00:48:54,606 If a pigeon dies on the Aventine*, 503 00:48:54,607 --> 00:48:54,607 * One of the seven hills surrounding Rome. 504 00:48:54,620 --> 00:48:56,243 I hear of it. 505 00:48:58,868 --> 00:49:00,700 So be assured, brother, 506 00:49:00,750 --> 00:49:03,230 if I ever, again, 507 00:49:03,565 --> 00:49:05,589 hear your name 508 00:49:05,600 --> 00:49:07,085 connected 509 00:49:07,809 --> 00:49:10,735 with murmurs of treachery... 510 00:49:15,500 --> 00:49:17,400 I will cut off 511 00:49:17,467 --> 00:49:21,934 these soft, pink hands, 512 00:49:22,200 --> 00:49:26,592 and nail them to the Senate door. 513 00:49:43,767 --> 00:49:45,437 Antony ? 514 00:49:45,734 --> 00:49:48,800 You said you had happy news to tell us. 515 00:49:48,667 --> 00:49:51,433 Yes. Of course. 516 00:49:52,000 --> 00:49:54,950 A courier came from Alexandria. 517 00:49:55,300 --> 00:49:57,468 Caesar has lifted the siege 518 00:49:57,490 --> 00:49:59,825 And massacred the armies of Ptolemy. 519 00:49:59,860 --> 00:50:02,301 He is safe and sound, 520 00:50:02,367 --> 00:50:05,037 and master of all Egypt. 521 00:50:08,434 --> 00:50:12,123 The man is a damn prodigy, eh ? 522 00:50:29,268 --> 00:50:32,200 Atten-hut* ! 523 00:51:05,600 --> 00:51:08,801 Hail Caesar !