1 00:00:16,751 --> 00:00:18,851 Wealth, fame, power... 2 00:00:18,851 --> 00:00:20,771 Gold Roger, the King of the Pirates, 3 00:00:20,771 --> 00:00:22,681 attained everything this world has to offer. 4 00:00:23,021 --> 00:00:26,861 The words he uttered just before his death drove people to the seas. 5 00:00:26,861 --> 00:00:30,641 My treasure? If you want it, you can have it! 6 00:00:30,641 --> 00:00:34,281 Find it! I left everything this world has to offer there! 7 00:00:36,791 --> 00:00:41,021 And so men head for the Grand Line in pursuit of their dreams! 8 00:00:41,581 --> 00:00:44,641 The world has truly entered a Great Pirate Era! 9 00:00:45,371 --> 00:00:51,001 We're going to gather up all our dreams 10 00:00:51,001 --> 00:00:56,841 and set out in search of something to find 11 00:00:56,841 --> 00:00:58,291 ONE PIECE! 12 00:01:02,971 --> 00:01:08,501 Compasses only cause delays 13 00:01:08,501 --> 00:01:14,361 Delirious with fever, I take the helm 14 00:01:14,361 --> 00:01:25,331 If the dusty treasure map has been verified, it's not a legend! 15 00:01:26,481 --> 00:01:32,341 When it comes to personal storms, 16 00:01:32,341 --> 00:01:37,301 simply ride aboard someone else's biorhythm 17 00:01:37,301 --> 00:01:41,161 and pretend it isn't there! 18 00:01:41,161 --> 00:01:46,731 We're going to gather up all our dreams 19 00:01:46,731 --> 00:01:52,231 and set out in search of something to find 20 00:01:52,231 --> 00:01:58,491 A coin in my pocket, and do you wanna be my friend? 21 00:01:58,491 --> 00:02:03,461 We are, We are on the cruise! 22 00:02:03,871 --> 00:02:05,041 We are! 23 00:02:29,771 --> 00:02:31,441 Whoa... 24 00:02:42,111 --> 00:02:45,681 "I'm Luffy! The Man Who's Gonna be King of the Pirates!" 25 00:02:53,171 --> 00:02:55,621 No worries! 26 00:02:55,621 --> 00:02:59,601 A whirlpool of that size poses no problem to this ship! 27 00:03:01,151 --> 00:03:02,271 Miss. 28 00:03:03,551 --> 00:03:05,871 May I have this dance? 29 00:03:08,951 --> 00:03:11,061 Alright! 30 00:03:13,581 --> 00:03:14,831 Not again... 31 00:03:15,351 --> 00:03:16,581 Batter out! 32 00:03:16,581 --> 00:03:19,561 What're you doing? You suck! 33 00:03:33,431 --> 00:03:35,251 This thing's heavy! 34 00:03:35,251 --> 00:03:39,331 Must be filled with booze, then! 35 00:03:39,711 --> 00:03:40,551 It's all ours now! 36 00:03:52,341 --> 00:03:54,101 Ship off the starboard stern! 37 00:03:54,511 --> 00:03:56,791 There's a pirate flag on its mast! 38 00:03:56,791 --> 00:04:00,651 It's a pirate ship! Enemy raid! Enemy raid! 39 00:04:14,991 --> 00:04:16,461 Captain! Pirates! 40 00:04:16,751 --> 00:04:17,531 What?! 41 00:04:19,441 --> 00:04:20,751 Everyone, stay calm! 42 00:04:21,211 --> 00:04:23,011 Stay calm! 43 00:04:23,011 --> 00:04:26,301 Follow instructions in a calm manner! 44 00:04:30,971 --> 00:04:32,441 Fire! 45 00:04:44,481 --> 00:04:45,991 Coby! 46 00:04:45,991 --> 00:04:47,521 Y-Yes, ma'am?! 47 00:04:47,521 --> 00:04:51,091 Who's the most beautiful of all on these seas? 48 00:04:51,091 --> 00:04:55,941 T-This ship's captain, Alvida-sama, of course! 49 00:05:01,711 --> 00:05:02,981 Well done! 50 00:05:02,981 --> 00:05:04,931 T-Thank you! 51 00:05:04,931 --> 00:05:07,841 Alvida-sama. This is our first prey in a while. 52 00:05:07,841 --> 00:05:09,171 That's right! 53 00:05:09,171 --> 00:05:11,901 Alright! Start pounding the ship! 54 00:05:52,011 --> 00:05:57,311 Men! Show them the terror of Iron Club Alvida, the woman pirate! 55 00:06:07,691 --> 00:06:10,001 Coby! What're you doing?! 56 00:06:10,001 --> 00:06:12,241 I-I'm not good at this sort of thing... 57 00:06:12,241 --> 00:06:16,161 Hmm?! Are you tryin' to give me backtalk?! 58 00:06:17,071 --> 00:06:19,961 P-Please, anything but the club! 59 00:06:20,941 --> 00:06:23,631 Then get yer ass in gear! 60 00:06:44,611 --> 00:06:49,681 We won't take yer lives, but we will take all yer valuables! 61 00:06:49,681 --> 00:06:53,811 Anyone who tries to fight back'll wind up at the bottom of the ocean! 62 00:07:02,011 --> 00:07:04,481 Hello... 63 00:07:06,141 --> 00:07:09,231 There's no one in here, right? 64 00:07:09,991 --> 00:07:11,531 What a relief... 65 00:07:14,201 --> 00:07:17,261 That's a rather large barrel... 66 00:07:29,371 --> 00:07:32,081 Who're you?! Never seen you before! 67 00:07:48,011 --> 00:07:49,471 Hey, coward! 68 00:07:49,471 --> 00:07:52,211 Are you hidin' out in a place like this again?! 69 00:07:52,211 --> 00:07:56,011 N-No! I thought I'd haul this big barrel of alcohol over... 70 00:07:57,421 --> 00:07:59,621 We'll lighten it for ya! 71 00:07:59,621 --> 00:08:01,101 I was just feelin' thirsty! 72 00:08:01,101 --> 00:08:04,441 You can't! Alvida-sama will kill us if she finds out! 73 00:08:04,441 --> 00:08:07,181 Then you just need to keep yer mouth shut! 74 00:08:07,181 --> 00:08:08,901 Right, Coby? 75 00:08:09,291 --> 00:08:12,531 Y-Yes! You're right! 76 00:08:12,531 --> 00:08:13,741 Thing's pretty heavy! 77 00:08:13,741 --> 00:08:15,541 Can't wait! 78 00:08:15,541 --> 00:08:18,871 Hold yer horses! I'll bust it right open! 79 00:08:36,421 --> 00:08:44,161 I slept great! 80 00:08:47,251 --> 00:08:48,091 Huh? 81 00:08:52,231 --> 00:08:53,251 Who're you guys? 82 00:08:53,251 --> 00:08:55,011 No, who are you?! 83 00:08:55,011 --> 00:08:57,171 That guy's gonna catch cold if he sleeps there, y'know. 84 00:08:57,171 --> 00:08:58,781 You did that! 85 00:09:00,491 --> 00:09:04,931 Are you toyin' with us even when you know we're pirates?! 86 00:09:05,291 --> 00:09:07,171 Man, I'm hungry! You got any food? 87 00:09:07,171 --> 00:09:09,251 Listen when people are talking! 88 00:09:09,631 --> 00:09:11,751 You damn kid! 89 00:09:13,961 --> 00:09:16,431 Die! 90 00:09:35,241 --> 00:09:37,241 What's the big idea? 91 00:09:37,581 --> 00:09:39,571 W-Who are you?! 92 00:09:39,571 --> 00:09:40,201 Me? 93 00:09:40,791 --> 00:09:44,431 I'm Monkey D. Luffy. Nice to meetcha! 94 00:09:52,071 --> 00:09:54,511 What the... What just happened? 95 00:09:54,511 --> 00:09:55,791 What's with them? 96 00:09:56,731 --> 00:10:01,041 R-Run, hurry! If they come back with their friends, you'll be killed! 97 00:10:01,041 --> 00:10:03,391 But man, I sure am hungry! 98 00:10:03,391 --> 00:10:06,301 How can you be so carefree?! 99 00:10:06,301 --> 00:10:09,601 There are still lots more of them up on deck! 100 00:10:09,601 --> 00:10:12,321 C'mon! This way! 101 00:10:12,321 --> 00:10:16,731 H-H-Hey! Not this way! 102 00:10:21,661 --> 00:10:23,981 Food! Food! Food! 103 00:10:23,981 --> 00:10:25,291 Yes! Food! 104 00:10:25,291 --> 00:10:29,621 Actually, they might not find us in here! 105 00:10:30,121 --> 00:10:32,301 Which should I choose? This box? 106 00:10:32,301 --> 00:10:33,591 Ooh, jackpot! 107 00:10:33,591 --> 00:10:35,411 These look great! 108 00:10:35,411 --> 00:10:37,841 M-My name is Coby. 109 00:10:37,841 --> 00:10:39,681 You're Luffy-san, right? 110 00:10:39,681 --> 00:10:42,551 That was incredible just now! How did you do that?! 111 00:10:43,261 --> 00:10:44,511 These things are great! 112 00:10:46,161 --> 00:10:47,981 Is this a pirate ship? 113 00:10:47,981 --> 00:10:54,991 No, it's a passenger ship that's being raided by Alvida-sama. 114 00:10:54,991 --> 00:10:56,721 Well, it doesn't matter. 115 00:10:56,721 --> 00:10:58,961 Do you know if there are any boats onboard? 116 00:10:58,961 --> 00:11:01,311 I-I think so... 117 00:11:01,311 --> 00:11:04,051 My ship got swallowed by this giant whirlpool... 118 00:11:04,051 --> 00:11:05,871 You mean that whirlpool?! 119 00:11:05,871 --> 00:11:07,541 No one could survive that! 120 00:11:07,541 --> 00:11:11,001 Boy, was that a real surprise! 121 00:11:12,431 --> 00:11:14,821 Are you one of those pirates, too? 122 00:11:19,981 --> 00:11:23,011 It was on that fateful day... 123 00:11:23,581 --> 00:11:29,151 That day, I got in a boat on the outskirts of town to go fishing... 124 00:11:34,361 --> 00:11:39,981 ...but it turned out the boat was actually headed for a pirate ship. 125 00:11:40,891 --> 00:11:42,671 It's been two years since... 126 00:11:42,671 --> 00:11:46,511 In exchange for my life, I've been forced to be a chore boy. 127 00:11:47,111 --> 00:11:49,411 Man, you're dumb and stupid! 128 00:11:49,411 --> 00:11:51,331 You're brutally honest... 129 00:11:51,331 --> 00:11:52,941 If you don't like it, then run away! 130 00:11:52,941 --> 00:11:55,391 I-I can't! No way! No way! 131 00:11:55,391 --> 00:11:57,381 Just the thought of Alvida-sama finding me... 132 00:11:57,381 --> 00:11:59,521 ...frightens me and makes me weak in the knees-- 133 00:11:59,521 --> 00:12:02,111 Oh, you're a wimp, too? 134 00:12:02,111 --> 00:12:04,721 Man, I hate you! 135 00:12:06,471 --> 00:12:09,231 Hey, now! Quit dawdling! 136 00:12:09,231 --> 00:12:12,021 Haul it all off before the navy gets here! 137 00:12:12,991 --> 00:12:16,131 Anyone caught dawdling gets a taste of my iron club! 138 00:12:16,131 --> 00:12:18,991 --What a haul! --Seems like a pretty rich ship! 139 00:12:18,991 --> 00:12:21,861 Hey! You'll get the club if she catches you slackin' off! 140 00:12:21,861 --> 00:12:22,911 Oh, whoops! 141 00:12:22,911 --> 00:12:25,681 Yeah, one hit from that and you're a goner! 142 00:12:28,951 --> 00:12:30,121 Alvida-sama! 143 00:12:31,401 --> 00:12:32,561 It's bad! 144 00:12:32,561 --> 00:12:34,321 What is it?! You're annoying me! 145 00:12:34,321 --> 00:12:35,751 A b-b-barrel! 146 00:12:35,751 --> 00:12:37,621 M-M-Monster! 147 00:12:37,621 --> 00:12:38,501 Huh?! 148 00:12:40,271 --> 00:12:42,421 Who're you calling a monster?! 149 00:12:49,881 --> 00:12:54,681 N-No... Some weird guy popped out of a barrel... 150 00:12:54,681 --> 00:12:58,311 He might be... a bounty hunter... 151 00:12:58,311 --> 00:13:00,021 What?! 152 00:13:15,581 --> 00:13:19,041 Yeah... That's right... 153 00:13:19,041 --> 00:13:23,361 If only I had the courage to drift the ocean in a barrel... 154 00:13:23,361 --> 00:13:26,481 ...there's actually something I want to do, too... 155 00:13:27,231 --> 00:13:31,571 Umm... What compelled you to set out onto the sea, Luffy-san? 156 00:13:32,581 --> 00:13:34,771 I'm gonna be the King of the Pirates! 157 00:13:36,941 --> 00:13:39,601 --K-K-King of the Pirates?! --Yep. 158 00:13:39,601 --> 00:13:41,281 --Are you serious?! --Yeah. 159 00:13:41,281 --> 00:13:44,111 Wait, you're a pirate, Luffy-san?! 160 00:13:44,111 --> 00:13:44,981 Yep. 161 00:13:44,981 --> 00:13:46,101 What about your crew?! 162 00:13:46,101 --> 00:13:47,981 Don't got one. I'm just about to look for one. 163 00:13:52,791 --> 00:13:55,941 K-K-King of the Pirates is the title given to the person... 164 00:13:55,941 --> 00:13:58,751 ...who obtains everything in this world! 165 00:13:58,751 --> 00:14:02,631 That means seeking the great treasure of wealth, fame, and power... 166 00:14:02,631 --> 00:14:05,441 ...the One Piece! 167 00:14:05,441 --> 00:14:06,161 Yup! 168 00:14:06,161 --> 00:14:10,351 Yup?! Pirates all over the world are after that treasure! 169 00:14:10,351 --> 00:14:11,261 Me too! 170 00:14:11,581 --> 00:14:13,381 No way! No way, no way, no way! 171 00:14:13,381 --> 00:14:15,251 Absolutely no way! 172 00:14:15,251 --> 00:14:18,941 There's no way you can stand at the apex of this Great Pirate Era! 173 00:14:18,941 --> 00:14:20,351 No way! No way! 174 00:14:22,261 --> 00:14:24,541 Why did you hit me? 175 00:14:24,541 --> 00:14:25,691 Just because. 176 00:14:26,541 --> 00:14:29,261 But it's all right. I'm used to it now... 177 00:14:33,301 --> 00:14:35,041 It's not about whether I can or not. 178 00:14:35,871 --> 00:14:37,291 I'm gonna do it because I want to. 179 00:14:40,251 --> 00:14:43,161 I've decided to be the King of the Pirates, 180 00:14:43,661 --> 00:14:46,841 so if I die fighting for that, that's fine with me! 181 00:14:49,801 --> 00:14:54,111 Now, then! My belly's full-- guess I'll go get me a boat! 182 00:14:54,111 --> 00:14:55,761 I wonder if they'll give me one if I ask. 183 00:14:55,761 --> 00:14:57,961 Hopefully they're generous. 184 00:14:58,891 --> 00:15:01,521 I never once thought about it... 185 00:15:02,911 --> 00:15:05,081 Do you suppose I can do it, too? 186 00:15:06,061 --> 00:15:07,761 If I'm prepared to die for it? 187 00:15:07,761 --> 00:15:08,651 Do what? 188 00:15:09,231 --> 00:15:13,001 Do you think... even I could join the navy? 189 00:15:13,981 --> 00:15:14,771 Navy? 190 00:15:14,771 --> 00:15:18,621 Yes! Catching bad guys is my dream! 191 00:15:18,621 --> 00:15:22,741 It's been my dream ever since I was little! Do you think I can do it?! 192 00:15:22,741 --> 00:15:24,141 How should I know? 193 00:15:24,141 --> 00:15:27,521 No! I'll do it! If I'm gonna be a chore boy for the rest of my life, 194 00:15:27,521 --> 00:15:33,011 then I'll break out of here and catch even Alvida-sama-- no, Alvida! 195 00:15:38,791 --> 00:15:44,131 You're gonna team up with him to catch who?! 196 00:15:44,131 --> 00:15:46,731 Huh, Coby?! 197 00:16:05,021 --> 00:16:07,591 You don't seem to be Zoro, the pirate hunter. 198 00:16:08,511 --> 00:16:09,491 Zoro? 199 00:16:09,491 --> 00:16:11,051 Coby! 200 00:16:11,401 --> 00:16:15,101 Who's the most beautiful of all on these seas?! 201 00:16:16,551 --> 00:16:18,511 O-Of course that would be-- 202 00:16:19,181 --> 00:16:20,971 Who's this big chunky lady? 203 00:16:27,401 --> 00:16:29,401 --Chunky? --Not good... 204 00:16:32,171 --> 00:16:35,321 You runt! 205 00:16:38,381 --> 00:16:39,281 Let's go! 206 00:16:47,631 --> 00:16:48,881 Why, you... 207 00:16:55,591 --> 00:16:57,551 Whoops! 208 00:17:09,361 --> 00:17:13,031 It's not fair to attack from behind! 209 00:17:20,171 --> 00:17:24,161 It's not fair to attack all at once! 210 00:17:33,551 --> 00:17:34,461 Gotcha! 211 00:17:36,341 --> 00:17:40,541 Gum-Gum... 212 00:17:42,991 --> 00:17:46,291 ...Rocket! 213 00:17:47,391 --> 00:17:48,881 What?! 214 00:17:54,251 --> 00:17:57,571 L-Luffy-san... What are you? 215 00:17:57,571 --> 00:17:58,321 Me? 216 00:17:58,831 --> 00:18:00,411 I'm a rubber person! 217 00:18:01,031 --> 00:18:04,501 A rubber person? You can't be serious! 218 00:18:08,011 --> 00:18:10,831 You've eaten a Devil's Fruit, haven't you? 219 00:18:11,821 --> 00:18:13,801 Yeah! The Gum-Gum Fruit! 220 00:18:14,111 --> 00:18:21,011 I see! I'd heard the rumors, but I guess they really do exist! 221 00:18:21,371 --> 00:18:24,971 You also seem pretty skilled. You a bounty hunter? 222 00:18:25,311 --> 00:18:26,541 I'm a pirate! 223 00:18:26,541 --> 00:18:29,811 A pirate?! Hah! All by yourself?! 224 00:18:29,811 --> 00:18:33,361 It's just me right now, but I'll find some more sooner or later! 225 00:18:33,361 --> 00:18:36,601 Yeah... Ten crewmen sounds good to me! 226 00:18:37,801 --> 00:18:40,321 Ah, so you're a pirate too, huh?! 227 00:18:40,811 --> 00:18:44,911 Then that means you and me are enemies, huh? 228 00:18:45,411 --> 00:18:48,371 --L-Luffy-san! Let's get out of here! --Why? 229 00:18:48,371 --> 00:18:50,371 You saw how powerful her club is! 230 00:18:50,691 --> 00:18:53,441 In these waters, she's the most-- 231 00:18:56,301 --> 00:18:59,231 I've decided to be the King of the Pirates, 232 00:18:59,661 --> 00:19:02,931 so if I die fighting for that, that's fine with me! 233 00:19:05,931 --> 00:19:08,731 I'm the most what?! 234 00:19:08,731 --> 00:19:11,481 T-T-The... 235 00:19:12,281 --> 00:19:16,541 The most ugly, cragged old hag ever! 236 00:19:30,291 --> 00:19:32,001 What did you say?! 237 00:19:32,681 --> 00:19:35,091 I... I'm going to join the navy! 238 00:19:35,091 --> 00:19:37,911 And then I'm gonna beat up pirates! 239 00:19:37,911 --> 00:19:40,581 Do you even know what you're saying?! 240 00:19:40,581 --> 00:19:44,081 I do! I'm gonna do what I want to do! 241 00:19:44,081 --> 00:19:45,971 I'm gonna... I'm gonna join the navy... 242 00:19:46,381 --> 00:19:48,681 ...and catch your lousy ass! 243 00:19:49,131 --> 00:19:50,851 You damn pipsqueak! 244 00:19:51,741 --> 00:19:53,461 No regrets! No regrets! 245 00:19:53,461 --> 00:19:56,321 I said it! I fought! For my dream! 246 00:19:56,321 --> 00:19:57,331 Well said! 247 00:20:09,971 --> 00:20:11,201 That doesn't work! 248 00:20:11,201 --> 00:20:12,381 What?! 249 00:20:12,381 --> 00:20:13,921 'Cause I'm rubber! 250 00:20:16,331 --> 00:20:20,481 Gum-Gum... 251 00:20:21,631 --> 00:20:26,971 ...Pistol! 252 00:20:44,931 --> 00:20:47,841 The sky is so blue... 253 00:20:59,691 --> 00:21:00,371 Hey! 254 00:21:00,371 --> 00:21:01,211 --Yes?! --Yes?! 255 00:21:01,731 --> 00:21:03,691 Give Coby a small boat! 256 00:21:04,291 --> 00:21:07,551 He's gonna join the navy! Keep your mouths shut and let him go! 257 00:21:08,311 --> 00:21:10,011 --R-Right! --R-Right! 258 00:21:11,751 --> 00:21:13,161 Luffy-san! 259 00:21:20,141 --> 00:21:22,301 It's the navy! 260 00:21:22,301 --> 00:21:26,081 Oh, perfect timing! You should go see 'em! 261 00:21:26,671 --> 00:21:28,141 But I'm a pirate! I'm outta here! 262 00:21:28,141 --> 00:21:29,251 Get serious! 263 00:21:29,251 --> 00:21:31,201 I can't just join the navy like this! 264 00:21:31,201 --> 00:21:32,871 I'll be captured instead! 265 00:21:53,211 --> 00:21:55,481 Looks like we managed to get away... 266 00:21:55,481 --> 00:21:57,681 Whew, that was fun! {lead out is to long} 267 00:21:58,721 --> 00:22:00,481 Umm, Luffy-san. 268 00:22:01,031 --> 00:22:03,231 If you're heading for the One Piece, 269 00:22:03,231 --> 00:22:06,341 --that means you're going to the Grand Line, right? --Yeah. 270 00:22:06,341 --> 00:22:09,631 That place is also referred to as a pirate graveyard, you know. 271 00:22:09,631 --> 00:22:12,331 Yeah. That's why I need a strong crew. 272 00:22:12,811 --> 00:22:16,121 What about that pirate hunter guy? What's he like? 273 00:22:16,751 --> 00:22:18,541 You mean Zoro? 274 00:22:18,541 --> 00:22:21,921 I heard he's being held prisoner at a navy base. 275 00:22:21,921 --> 00:22:23,911 Aw, he's a weakling? 276 00:22:23,911 --> 00:22:28,891 Nothing of the sort! He's as terrifying as a demon! 277 00:22:30,351 --> 00:22:32,221 Why are you asking about him? 278 00:22:33,321 --> 00:22:36,221 Thought I might have him join my crew if he's a good guy! 279 00:22:37,581 --> 00:22:39,821 You're being reckless again! 280 00:22:39,821 --> 00:22:41,621 C'mon, he might be a good guy! 281 00:22:41,621 --> 00:22:43,841 He's been caught because he's a bad guy! 282 00:22:43,841 --> 00:22:47,001 No! No way, no way, no way! Absolutely no-- 283 00:22:47,811 --> 00:22:50,131 Why did you hit me? 284 00:22:50,131 --> 00:22:51,161 Just because! 285 00:23:07,051 --> 00:23:10,051 {\an8}"To be continued" 286 00:23:10,051 --> 00:23:24,341 When I was little, I had a vision of a treasure map 287 00:23:24,341 --> 00:23:31,261 and I always searched for that miraculous place 288 00:23:31,261 --> 00:23:38,481 before someone else could beat me to it 289 00:23:41,121 --> 00:23:52,531 If the world is going to change 290 00:23:52,531 --> 00:23:59,631 before I can even attain my dream 291 00:23:59,631 --> 00:24:06,741 then take me to the time when I knew nothing 292 00:24:06,741 --> 00:24:19,661 so that my memories won't fade 293 00:24:25,081 --> 00:24:27,211 Hey! I'll untie your ropes, so join my crew! 294 00:24:27,211 --> 00:24:28,921 I refuse to team up with a pirate! 295 00:24:28,921 --> 00:24:32,221 Oh, come on. You're already known as an evil bounty hunter. 296 00:24:32,221 --> 00:24:36,771 Screw that! I ain't done a single thing I regret! And I never will! 297 00:24:36,771 --> 00:24:38,321 So I ain't gonna be a pirate! 298 00:24:38,321 --> 00:24:40,431 I've decided you're gonna join me! 299 00:24:40,431 --> 00:24:41,931 Quit deciding on your own! 300 00:24:41,931 --> 00:24:43,521 On the next episode of One Piece! 301 00:24:43,521 --> 00:24:46,731 "Enter the Great Swordsman! Pirate Hunter Roronoa Zoro" 302 00:24:46,731 --> 00:24:48,721 I'm gonna be King of the Pirates!