1 00:00:16,721 --> 00:00:18,571 Wealth, fame, power... 2 00:00:18,851 --> 00:00:20,741 Gold Roger, the King of the Pirates, 3 00:00:20,741 --> 00:00:22,631 attained everything this world has to offer. 4 00:00:23,021 --> 00:00:26,791 The words he uttered just before his death drove people to the seas. 5 00:00:26,791 --> 00:00:30,411 My treasure? If you want it, you can have it! 6 00:00:30,681 --> 00:00:34,281 Find it! I left everything this world has to offer there! 7 00:00:36,871 --> 00:00:40,931 And so men head for the Grand Line in pursuit of their dreams! 8 00:00:41,591 --> 00:00:44,541 The world has truly entered a Great Pirate Era! 9 00:00:45,421 --> 00:00:50,061 {\an8}We're going to gather up all our dreams 10 00:00:51,051 --> 00:00:56,531 {\an8}and set out in search of something to find 11 00:00:56,891 --> 00:00:58,161 {\an8}ONE PIECE! 12 00:01:03,021 --> 00:01:07,871 {\an8}Compasses only cause delays 13 00:01:08,711 --> 00:01:13,341 {\an8}Delirious with fever, I take the helm 14 00:01:14,411 --> 00:01:25,271 {\an8}If the dusty treasure map has been verified, it's not a legend! 15 00:01:26,471 --> 00:01:32,151 {\an8}When it comes to personal storms, 16 00:01:32,151 --> 00:01:37,031 {\an8}simply ride aboard someone else's biorhythm 17 00:01:37,341 --> 00:01:39,931 {\an8}and pretend it isn't there! 18 00:01:40,891 --> 00:01:45,761 {\an8}We're going to gather up all our dreams 19 00:01:46,771 --> 00:01:51,961 {\an8}and set out in search of something to find 20 00:01:52,271 --> 00:01:58,531 {\an8}A coin in my pocket, and do you wanna be my friend? 21 00:01:58,531 --> 00:02:03,051 {\an8}We are, We are on the cruise! 22 00:02:03,921 --> 00:02:05,071 {\an8}We are! 23 00:02:06,321 --> 00:02:08,251 Die! 24 00:02:09,631 --> 00:02:12,211 Oni Giri! 25 00:02:13,161 --> 00:02:14,831 Beaten by mere sneak thieves... 26 00:02:14,831 --> 00:02:17,301 We ain't sneak thieves... We're pirates! 27 00:02:17,531 --> 00:02:19,881 Yes! The chart of the Grand Line! 28 00:02:22,311 --> 00:02:25,961 I'll never forgive him! 29 00:02:30,331 --> 00:02:34,161 "Who is the Victor? Devil Fruit Power Showdown!" 30 00:02:40,021 --> 00:02:44,401 In all my life, I've never been as mad at someone as him! 31 00:02:44,631 --> 00:02:48,971 That bastard Shanks stole enormous riches from me! 32 00:02:48,971 --> 00:02:51,261 I don't know how you two are connected, 33 00:02:51,541 --> 00:02:54,301 but I can say whatever I want about him! 34 00:02:57,041 --> 00:02:58,361 Get him! Get him! Fight! 35 00:02:58,361 --> 00:03:00,281 Don't neither of you lose! 36 00:03:00,891 --> 00:03:01,831 The North Pole! 37 00:03:01,831 --> 00:03:02,811 No, the South Pole! 38 00:03:02,811 --> 00:03:03,991 You still say that, huh?! 39 00:03:03,991 --> 00:03:06,441 That's right! I'll always say it! 'Cause I'm right! 40 00:03:06,821 --> 00:03:09,821 Oh, you got guts! I'm gonna settle this once and for all today! 41 00:03:09,821 --> 00:03:11,151 Go ahead and try it! 42 00:03:11,151 --> 00:03:14,411 Alright, you bastard! I'm gonna bust you up flashily! 43 00:03:14,411 --> 00:03:15,281 Counterattack! 44 00:03:15,441 --> 00:03:16,441 Knock that off! 45 00:03:17,221 --> 00:03:20,111 Who cares which is colder, the North Pole or the South Pole?! 46 00:03:20,551 --> 00:03:23,861 If you wanna know that badly, go to both and find out! 47 00:03:23,861 --> 00:03:25,141 Now cool it! 48 00:03:25,141 --> 00:03:26,801 A ship! 49 00:03:27,251 --> 00:03:29,621 Enemy ship to the north-northeast! 50 00:03:30,071 --> 00:03:32,631 Alright! Get ready! It's fightin' time! 51 00:03:33,911 --> 00:03:36,411 Alright! I'm gonna plunder like crazy! 52 00:03:36,411 --> 00:03:37,751 You sure seem happy, Buggy! 53 00:03:37,751 --> 00:03:38,711 Obviously! 54 00:03:39,201 --> 00:03:41,931 Enemy ships are like treasure chests. 55 00:03:41,931 --> 00:03:44,481 It's natural for pirates to raid 'em! Am I wrong?! 56 00:03:45,221 --> 00:03:46,981 Well, there is some truth to that. 57 00:03:46,981 --> 00:03:48,481 You're too weak! 58 00:03:48,481 --> 00:03:52,851 You and everyone else here never talk seriously about treasure! 59 00:03:53,161 --> 00:03:55,361 You don't know what it means to be a pirate! 60 00:04:03,371 --> 00:04:04,981 W-What's this?! 61 00:04:05,281 --> 00:04:07,781 A-A-A treasure map! 62 00:04:08,411 --> 00:04:11,481 I-I've never seen one before! Awesome! 63 00:04:12,681 --> 00:04:15,581 Is it sitting on the bottom of the ocean? 64 00:04:18,021 --> 00:04:23,401 Yes! Now my life is flashily decided! 65 00:04:32,041 --> 00:04:34,621 Today was another easy win! 66 00:04:34,621 --> 00:04:35,671 Hey! Drink up! 67 00:04:36,201 --> 00:04:37,351 Hey, Buggy! 68 00:04:37,761 --> 00:04:41,071 You're not gonna party with us? We found some neat loot! 69 00:04:41,071 --> 00:04:45,151 I-I don't got anything special! I don't know anything! 70 00:04:45,151 --> 00:04:46,851 What're you talking about? 71 00:04:46,851 --> 00:04:48,321 Oh, uhh... 72 00:04:52,101 --> 00:04:55,661 You said you were gonna leave this ship sometime. 73 00:04:56,031 --> 00:04:57,581 What do you plan to do? 74 00:04:58,011 --> 00:04:59,591 I'm gonna have my own ship. 75 00:04:59,801 --> 00:05:03,301 I'm gonna gather a reliable crew and then see the world. 76 00:05:03,301 --> 00:05:07,391 I'm gonna take my time. All as a pirate, of course. 77 00:05:07,911 --> 00:05:10,281 You always spew that weakling crap! 78 00:05:10,281 --> 00:05:11,221 Say what?! 79 00:05:11,221 --> 00:05:14,291 I only admire your fighting skill. 80 00:05:14,291 --> 00:05:18,311 Were you just not soft-hearted, I might've made you my henchman. 81 00:05:18,311 --> 00:05:20,591 Your henchman? Get real! 82 00:05:20,591 --> 00:05:21,321 Huh? 83 00:05:22,551 --> 00:05:26,931 We think differently, so we should just go in our own directions. 84 00:05:26,931 --> 00:05:28,161 That's what pirates do. 85 00:05:29,151 --> 00:05:31,401 Talking like you're an expert, huh? 86 00:05:31,661 --> 00:05:34,881 But if we ever meet on the ocean, it'll be a fight to the death. 87 00:05:35,531 --> 00:05:38,081 Yeah. That's another thing pirates do. 88 00:05:38,541 --> 00:05:40,151 You never make sense. 89 00:05:41,471 --> 00:05:44,951 Anyways, you said something about loot... 90 00:05:44,951 --> 00:05:46,981 Yeah, we found a Devil Fruit. 91 00:05:46,981 --> 00:05:48,091 Devil Fruit? 92 00:05:48,441 --> 00:05:51,511 I heard they're incarnations of the sea devil. 93 00:05:51,861 --> 00:05:54,081 Supposedly, if you eat one, you gain devil powers... 94 00:05:54,081 --> 00:05:57,231 ...but the sea will hate you and take your ability to swim! 95 00:05:57,761 --> 00:06:00,111 You'd have to be stupid to eat something like that! 96 00:06:01,061 --> 00:06:05,601 I'd never get that treasure on the ocean floor if I couldn't swim! 97 00:06:06,071 --> 00:06:10,631 Still, I bet it'd sell for 100 million Berries... 98 00:06:12,841 --> 00:06:13,791 What?! 99 00:06:14,991 --> 00:06:19,121 I, pirate apprentice Buggy, will now eat this Devil Fruit! 100 00:06:20,321 --> 00:06:22,151 Gotta love kids! 101 00:06:22,151 --> 00:06:23,631 Never thinking about consequences... 102 00:06:25,941 --> 00:06:26,711 He ate it! 103 00:06:29,021 --> 00:06:32,021 Well, Buggy? Anything different about your body? 104 00:06:32,021 --> 00:06:33,771 No... Not really... 105 00:06:33,771 --> 00:06:35,441 Aww, it was a fake? 106 00:06:36,051 --> 00:06:40,081 Not surprising, I've only heard about Devil Fruits from rumors... 107 00:06:42,421 --> 00:06:45,441 Yes! That worked flashily well! 108 00:06:45,441 --> 00:06:48,241 What I ate this afternoon was a fake I made! 109 00:06:48,241 --> 00:06:50,281 Can't believe everything went so smoothly! 110 00:06:51,051 --> 00:06:53,561 Now to jump ship before they find out the truth! 111 00:06:54,081 --> 00:06:57,011 With the money from the Devil Fruit and the treasure on the map, 112 00:06:57,011 --> 00:07:00,131 I could form my own pirate group right away! 113 00:07:00,531 --> 00:07:01,541 Hey, Buggy! 114 00:07:01,801 --> 00:07:03,421 Whatcha grinnin' about? 115 00:07:03,641 --> 00:07:05,921 O-Oh, it's you! Don't scare me like that! 116 00:07:06,111 --> 00:07:07,691 What kind of look is that? 117 00:07:08,561 --> 00:07:10,531 Don't steal too much food from the kitchen; 118 00:07:10,531 --> 00:07:11,891 the cook'll get mad! 119 00:07:12,671 --> 00:07:14,331 Whew, that was close... 120 00:07:14,331 --> 00:07:16,981 Oh, that reminds me! The captain just-- 121 00:07:23,401 --> 00:07:25,481 Shanks! Damn you! 122 00:07:25,481 --> 00:07:27,861 My... My... I'm... 123 00:07:28,781 --> 00:07:30,311 What's that scrap of paper? 124 00:07:30,311 --> 00:07:32,161 Ahh! My map! 125 00:07:33,181 --> 00:07:34,421 H-Hey, Buggy! 126 00:07:36,511 --> 00:07:39,351 W-What the--? I can't move... 127 00:07:40,421 --> 00:07:43,111 Was it true you lose the ability to swim?! 128 00:07:43,561 --> 00:07:44,841 Crap! 129 00:07:45,281 --> 00:07:47,261 Hey! Buggy! What're you doing? 130 00:07:47,261 --> 00:07:48,771 You're great at swimming! 131 00:07:52,091 --> 00:07:53,011 Buggy! 132 00:07:53,891 --> 00:07:56,291 H-Help me... 133 00:07:57,071 --> 00:08:00,011 I'll save you, Buggy! 134 00:08:10,111 --> 00:08:11,991 So Shanks saved you? 135 00:08:11,991 --> 00:08:14,241 That's not what I'm trying to say! 136 00:08:14,961 --> 00:08:19,411 Because of him, my plan in life was suddenly delayed 10 years! 137 00:08:19,821 --> 00:08:21,461 And then I had a revelation! 138 00:08:21,461 --> 00:08:25,381 If underwater's no good, I'll obtain all the treasure on land! 139 00:08:25,821 --> 00:08:29,131 ...Using this Chop-Chop power. 140 00:08:29,241 --> 00:08:36,721 That's why I won't let anyone who touches my treasure live! 141 00:08:38,551 --> 00:08:40,861 Let go... 142 00:08:40,861 --> 00:08:43,161 ...of my treasure! 143 00:08:43,161 --> 00:08:44,931 Crap! He spotted me! 144 00:08:46,901 --> 00:08:49,861 Don't think you can escape me, Nami! 145 00:08:50,291 --> 00:08:51,901 I'm going to flashily chop you up! 146 00:09:09,941 --> 00:09:14,181 M-My balls... balls... 147 00:09:14,791 --> 00:09:17,131 You're still dealing with me! 148 00:09:20,501 --> 00:09:21,761 Something's wrong. 149 00:09:21,761 --> 00:09:24,901 The mayor's never been gone this long before... 150 00:09:24,901 --> 00:09:27,701 Something must be happening in town after all! 151 00:09:27,701 --> 00:09:30,631 There's been more cannon fire than usual, too! 152 00:09:31,201 --> 00:09:34,671 Alright! I'll go into town and check it out! You all stay here! 153 00:09:34,671 --> 00:09:35,781 I'm coming too! 154 00:09:35,971 --> 00:09:39,011 Fool! There are pirates in town! 155 00:09:39,011 --> 00:09:40,671 The despicable Buggy Pirates! 156 00:09:40,671 --> 00:09:43,281 Exactly! I'm coming too! 157 00:09:43,281 --> 00:09:45,611 What kind of citizens are we... 158 00:09:45,611 --> 00:09:47,551 ...if we can't even keep our mayor safe?! 159 00:09:47,911 --> 00:09:52,001 It's no use trying to stop us! This is all of our own accord! 160 00:09:53,531 --> 00:09:54,961 Fine, whatever! 161 00:09:54,961 --> 00:09:56,181 Let's go, everyone! 162 00:10:17,361 --> 00:10:18,211 Hey! 163 00:10:19,151 --> 00:10:21,171 Leave that treasure and get out of here! 164 00:10:21,461 --> 00:10:22,581 He'll come after you again! 165 00:10:22,581 --> 00:10:23,451 No! 166 00:10:23,851 --> 00:10:26,981 Leave the treasure and go?! Absolutely not! 167 00:10:26,981 --> 00:10:29,641 Why should I have to leave my own treasure behind?! 168 00:10:30,481 --> 00:10:32,591 Your treasure?! 169 00:10:32,721 --> 00:10:34,251 Duh! 170 00:10:34,251 --> 00:10:36,501 I'm a thief who only steals from pirates, 171 00:10:36,501 --> 00:10:38,551 and I just stole from one! 172 00:10:39,531 --> 00:10:42,821 Which means this treasure is mine now! 173 00:10:43,371 --> 00:10:45,551 Ah, I see! 174 00:10:45,731 --> 00:10:48,711 Nonsense! That's my treasure! 175 00:10:48,711 --> 00:10:51,441 Do you think stealing it makes it yours?! 176 00:10:51,851 --> 00:10:55,341 Honestly! What kind of upbringing did you have?! 177 00:10:55,881 --> 00:10:59,871 A criminal, trying to lecture another criminal? Ridiculous! 178 00:10:59,871 --> 00:11:00,821 What?! 179 00:11:02,081 --> 00:11:07,081 I haven't fallen so low that I need to be corrected by pirates! 180 00:11:10,171 --> 00:11:13,841 I hope you're ready to face the consequences, Nami... 181 00:11:13,841 --> 00:11:16,921 Chop-Chop... 182 00:11:18,221 --> 00:11:21,381 ...Festival! 183 00:11:23,931 --> 00:11:27,871 Just try and help your friend, if you can, Gum-Gum! 184 00:11:27,871 --> 00:11:31,321 Damn, he broke into even more parts! 185 00:11:32,961 --> 00:11:34,011 What the--? 186 00:11:34,581 --> 00:11:35,361 Nami! 187 00:11:36,431 --> 00:11:37,781 Give me my back my treasure! 188 00:11:37,781 --> 00:11:38,861 You wish! 189 00:11:41,801 --> 00:11:43,571 Coochie, coochie, coo! 190 00:11:49,441 --> 00:11:50,951 Geez, you're stubborn! 191 00:11:53,241 --> 00:11:54,921 Knock it off! 192 00:11:54,921 --> 00:11:58,061 No, you knock it off! 193 00:12:04,241 --> 00:12:06,601 Thanks for the treasure back! 194 00:12:08,261 --> 00:12:13,061 --Let go! Let go! That's mine! --Let go?! This is my treasure! 195 00:12:13,061 --> 00:12:14,691 You let go! 196 00:12:18,071 --> 00:12:20,271 Die! 197 00:12:21,401 --> 00:12:24,251 I told you... you're dealing with me! 198 00:12:51,181 --> 00:12:54,361 Consider that finishing move a kick from the old mayor guy! 199 00:12:56,741 --> 00:12:59,281 T-Thanks, I owe you one... 200 00:12:59,281 --> 00:13:00,721 Yeah, no problem! 201 00:13:03,191 --> 00:13:05,151 --Oh yeah! The map! --My treasure--! 202 00:13:05,541 --> 00:13:09,121 This isn't over yet, Gum-Gum! 203 00:13:09,121 --> 00:13:10,241 He's still alive! 204 00:13:10,241 --> 00:13:11,701 Shut up! 205 00:13:11,701 --> 00:13:15,121 How dare you flashily do this to me! 206 00:13:15,121 --> 00:13:17,421 You'll pay for this! 207 00:13:18,381 --> 00:13:20,881 Assemble! Chop-Chop Parts! 208 00:13:31,271 --> 00:13:32,181 Huh? 209 00:13:35,381 --> 00:13:36,731 Looking for these?! 210 00:13:37,651 --> 00:13:38,981 My parts! 211 00:13:40,391 --> 00:13:42,321 Way to go, thief! 212 00:13:42,691 --> 00:13:44,361 S-Stop! 213 00:13:44,681 --> 00:13:45,951 Go flying, Buggy! 214 00:13:46,141 --> 00:13:48,251 Gum-Gum... 215 00:13:49,411 --> 00:13:51,321 ...Bazooka! 216 00:14:03,181 --> 00:14:04,541 I win! 217 00:14:06,881 --> 00:14:10,231 Hey! Captain Buggy went flying off! 218 00:14:10,231 --> 00:14:12,761 W-What do we do now?! 219 00:14:13,441 --> 00:14:14,951 Act unconscious for now! 220 00:14:14,951 --> 00:14:15,891 Good idea! 221 00:14:22,871 --> 00:14:24,691 It's all torn up now... 222 00:14:24,691 --> 00:14:27,661 Well, that's okay! I can still put it on, 223 00:14:27,661 --> 00:14:29,961 plus I sent Buggy flying, so I'm satisfied. 224 00:14:35,981 --> 00:14:39,051 It's all right. I'll fix it for you later. 225 00:14:39,051 --> 00:14:40,381 Eh? What? 226 00:14:40,381 --> 00:14:41,651 Nothing! 227 00:14:41,991 --> 00:14:45,311 Hey, anyways, I split it into two bags, so carry half of it! 228 00:14:45,311 --> 00:14:47,271 It's too heavy for me! 229 00:14:47,551 --> 00:14:48,791 There sure is a lot! 230 00:14:49,211 --> 00:14:53,421 If anything, Buggy does know quality treasure when he sees it! 231 00:14:53,831 --> 00:14:56,311 All this should go for no less than 10 million Berries! 232 00:15:01,631 --> 00:15:02,731 Here you go. 233 00:15:02,981 --> 00:15:03,721 Eh? 234 00:15:03,721 --> 00:15:06,741 It's the chart of the Grand Line. Didn't you want it? 235 00:15:06,741 --> 00:15:07,891 You're giving it to me?! 236 00:15:07,891 --> 00:15:09,561 You did save me. 237 00:15:10,171 --> 00:15:11,641 Thanks, Nami! 238 00:15:11,641 --> 00:15:14,891 I finally got a map of the Grand Line! 239 00:15:15,211 --> 00:15:16,451 Hurray! 240 00:15:16,761 --> 00:15:20,071 Oh! Does that mean you'll join our crew now?! 241 00:15:20,071 --> 00:15:23,101 I told you I'm never going to join a pirate crew! 242 00:15:24,401 --> 00:15:28,301 But okay! Staying with you guys seems profitable enough. 243 00:15:28,551 --> 00:15:30,901 But I'm only teaming up with you, just so you know! 244 00:15:31,231 --> 00:15:32,551 Always remember that! 245 00:15:32,731 --> 00:15:33,641 Yeah! 246 00:15:36,561 --> 00:15:39,931 Hey! Zoro! Wake up! Zoro! 247 00:15:39,931 --> 00:15:41,031 We're going! 248 00:15:42,771 --> 00:15:43,941 Did we take care of everything? 249 00:15:43,941 --> 00:15:47,541 Yeah! We also got the map and a navigator! 250 00:15:52,771 --> 00:15:55,651 No good... Out of blood... I don't think I can walk... 251 00:15:55,651 --> 00:15:56,931 Of course you can't! 252 00:15:56,931 --> 00:15:59,821 You wouldn't be human if you two could walk! 253 00:16:00,071 --> 00:16:01,601 Why am I included? 254 00:16:01,601 --> 00:16:04,191 You're the most suspicious of all! 255 00:16:04,191 --> 00:16:06,261 Anyways, we gotta help the mayor... 256 00:16:06,521 --> 00:16:07,661 Oh yeah! 257 00:16:08,371 --> 00:16:10,431 We gotta wake up the old mayor guy now... 258 00:16:10,431 --> 00:16:11,621 You, there! 259 00:16:12,121 --> 00:16:13,701 Are you outsiders?! 260 00:16:13,701 --> 00:16:15,521 Yeah... Who are you? 261 00:16:16,401 --> 00:16:18,391 We're this town's citizens! 262 00:16:18,771 --> 00:16:20,651 Did the pirates have a falling out or something?! 263 00:16:21,351 --> 00:16:23,301 If you know anything, tell us! 264 00:16:23,301 --> 00:16:25,031 Oh, it's just the citizens! 265 00:16:25,871 --> 00:16:27,731 I thought they were more of the pirates... 266 00:16:27,731 --> 00:16:28,851 Oh, Mayor! 267 00:16:28,851 --> 00:16:30,551 Oh, no! Say something! 268 00:16:30,551 --> 00:16:31,641 Hey! Mayor! 269 00:16:31,641 --> 00:16:32,381 He's out cold! 270 00:16:32,381 --> 00:16:33,881 The pirates definitely did this! 271 00:16:33,881 --> 00:16:35,761 How horrible! 272 00:16:35,761 --> 00:16:38,741 Sorry! I kicked that old man's ass! 273 00:16:38,981 --> 00:16:40,211 What?! 274 00:16:40,511 --> 00:16:42,761 Hold on! You don't need to tell them that! 275 00:16:42,761 --> 00:16:43,781 You saw it. 276 00:16:43,781 --> 00:16:46,291 Yeah, but you had an actual reason... 277 00:16:48,141 --> 00:16:52,311 Why did you guys do this to our mayor?! 278 00:16:52,311 --> 00:16:53,761 Don't give us your excuses! 279 00:16:53,981 --> 00:16:56,601 Who are you?! Are you with those pirates?! 280 00:16:57,551 --> 00:16:59,251 They're really bloodthirsty... 281 00:16:59,251 --> 00:17:02,061 If we accidentally say we're thieves or pirates... 282 00:17:02,251 --> 00:17:03,401 We're pirates! 283 00:17:06,941 --> 00:17:08,101 --Just as we thought! --Just as we thought! 284 00:17:09,731 --> 00:17:10,591 You idiot! 285 00:17:10,591 --> 00:17:11,401 It's the truth! 286 00:17:11,401 --> 00:17:14,651 Pirates! How dare you ravage our town?! 287 00:17:14,651 --> 00:17:16,741 We won't show mercy just 'cause you're kids! 288 00:17:18,091 --> 00:17:21,391 What now? Doesn't look like they'll hear us out... 289 00:17:22,971 --> 00:17:25,011 Run! 290 00:17:27,161 --> 00:17:28,281 There's no escape! 291 00:17:28,281 --> 00:17:31,281 How dare you hurt our beloved mayor?! 292 00:17:36,101 --> 00:17:39,321 Ugh! Why did you make things worse?! 293 00:17:39,321 --> 00:17:40,811 --This is a good town! --Eh?! 294 00:17:41,261 --> 00:17:44,951 Everyone's so mad, just for the old mayor guy! 295 00:17:49,481 --> 00:17:53,061 I think they'd get mad at any excuse we give! 296 00:17:53,571 --> 00:17:54,941 We're turning here! 297 00:17:55,511 --> 00:17:57,471 H-Hold on! Don't say that so suddenly! 298 00:17:57,671 --> 00:17:59,111 They ran into the alley! 299 00:18:04,561 --> 00:18:05,421 Chouchou?! 300 00:18:05,701 --> 00:18:06,811 Dog! 301 00:18:11,441 --> 00:18:14,181 H-Hey! Move, Chouchou! Hey! 302 00:18:14,331 --> 00:18:16,161 Those guys are bad pirates! 303 00:18:16,161 --> 00:18:17,561 You're barking at the wrong people! 304 00:18:19,961 --> 00:18:21,221 Why are you getting in the way?! 305 00:18:21,221 --> 00:18:22,521 Chouchou! Let us through! 306 00:18:26,231 --> 00:18:27,351 Chouchou! 307 00:18:36,391 --> 00:18:39,621 Later, dog! 308 00:18:48,861 --> 00:18:50,121 That was scary! 309 00:18:50,121 --> 00:18:52,391 We managed to escape thanks to Chouchou! 310 00:18:52,391 --> 00:18:54,821 Why do we have to put up with this?! 311 00:18:54,821 --> 00:18:58,111 Does it matter now? We're done here anyway... 312 00:18:58,111 --> 00:19:01,261 --Maybe so, but... --Hey, is this your boat?! 313 00:19:01,261 --> 00:19:02,711 It's great! 314 00:19:02,711 --> 00:19:05,111 I don't think it's so great. 315 00:19:05,671 --> 00:19:07,791 I stole it from some idiot pirates. 316 00:19:07,791 --> 00:19:09,961 That's a big mouth ya got! 317 00:19:11,081 --> 00:19:13,351 Been waitin' for ya, thief girl! 318 00:19:13,351 --> 00:19:15,861 Never thought you'd run into us here, didja?! 319 00:19:18,301 --> 00:19:19,381 You know them? 320 00:19:19,381 --> 00:19:20,671 Yeah... sort of! 321 00:19:20,671 --> 00:19:24,131 Not sort of! We're bound by fate! 322 00:19:24,131 --> 00:19:28,371 So you had friends, huh? Guess we'll hafta punish you, too! 323 00:19:28,651 --> 00:19:32,241 You're gonna learn how bad it is to steal other people's stuff! 324 00:19:32,471 --> 00:19:37,661 Hey, you! Quit ignorin' me! 325 00:19:38,211 --> 00:19:39,211 Huh?! 326 00:19:48,021 --> 00:19:50,221 Mayor! Are you conscious?! 327 00:19:52,281 --> 00:19:53,891 Thank goodness! You're all right! 328 00:19:54,181 --> 00:19:55,981 What on earth happened?! 329 00:19:58,351 --> 00:19:59,431 What in the--?! 330 00:19:59,431 --> 00:20:02,101 It was already like this when we got here! 331 00:20:02,101 --> 00:20:06,041 There were some pirates left, but they all ran off! 332 00:20:06,951 --> 00:20:08,951 Did you not see anything that happened?! 333 00:20:09,461 --> 00:20:11,001 Where are the young'uns?! 334 00:20:11,181 --> 00:20:14,341 Do you mean those three kids? 335 00:20:14,901 --> 00:20:17,311 So they're alive?! 336 00:20:18,811 --> 00:20:22,801 Those fools! How dare they harm a senior citizen like me! 337 00:20:25,181 --> 00:20:28,791 We just finished driving those idiots away! 338 00:20:28,791 --> 00:20:29,891 But it's still not enough! 339 00:20:30,271 --> 00:20:32,941 They almost seemed to be mocking us! 340 00:20:32,941 --> 00:20:37,971 They'd never understand how we felt when they attacked our town! 341 00:20:37,971 --> 00:20:39,271 Yeah! Yeah! 342 00:20:39,271 --> 00:20:41,321 There's still time to go after them and catch-- 343 00:20:41,321 --> 00:20:42,821 Shut up! 344 00:20:43,041 --> 00:20:45,821 I'm the only one who's allowed to complain about them! 345 00:20:46,201 --> 00:20:48,941 I won't let anyone else talk badly about them! 346 00:20:49,481 --> 00:20:52,291 W-What?! Why are you protecting pirates?! 347 00:20:52,291 --> 00:20:55,601 Damn them... So they plan to just disappear?! 348 00:20:55,601 --> 00:20:57,081 Where did they go?! 349 00:20:57,711 --> 00:20:59,751 They, uhh, ran toward the port. 350 00:21:01,671 --> 00:21:03,171 --Damn it! --Mayor! Mayor! 351 00:21:03,171 --> 00:21:06,101 They think they can do whatever they please in my town! 352 00:21:06,511 --> 00:21:10,471 I have lots to say to you all! 353 00:21:14,061 --> 00:21:15,681 Alright! Let's get going! 354 00:21:16,731 --> 00:21:20,241 Isn't that Buggy's mark on your sail there? 355 00:21:20,471 --> 00:21:23,401 Well, this is his boat. I'll get rid of it sometime! 356 00:21:25,331 --> 00:21:26,771 Hey! Wait! 357 00:21:27,121 --> 00:21:29,031 Young'uns! 358 00:21:29,281 --> 00:21:30,741 The old mayor guy! 359 00:21:38,871 --> 00:21:41,581 I was ready to die! 360 00:21:41,581 --> 00:21:45,181 I was ready to die filled with despair! 361 00:21:46,921 --> 00:21:48,891 Thanks! We're in your debt! 362 00:21:52,231 --> 00:21:55,361 Don't worry about it! Take it easy! 363 00:21:55,721 --> 00:21:59,821 Damn you young'uns... Damn you young'uns... 364 00:21:59,821 --> 00:22:02,161 Damn you young'uns... 365 00:22:04,341 --> 00:22:06,081 I have no words... 366 00:22:12,501 --> 00:22:14,121 What?! 367 00:22:14,421 --> 00:22:16,441 You left one of the treasure bags?! 368 00:22:16,441 --> 00:22:17,251 Yeah. 369 00:22:17,251 --> 00:22:20,101 Just one is worth 5 million Berries, you know! 370 00:22:20,101 --> 00:22:23,611 But they need money to fix their destroyed town, right? 371 00:22:23,611 --> 00:22:25,551 That was my treasure! 372 00:22:25,941 --> 00:22:28,521 Do you know how much I suffered trying to steal it?! 373 00:22:29,131 --> 00:22:31,041 Why did you do that?! 374 00:22:31,041 --> 00:22:33,111 Stop! I can't swim! 375 00:22:33,111 --> 00:22:34,841 That's the whole idea! 376 00:22:34,841 --> 00:22:36,851 If you want it, go back and get it then! 377 00:22:36,851 --> 00:22:39,121 I can't do that! You go get it! 378 00:22:39,121 --> 00:22:41,761 No! Wahh, that's dangerous! I could die, you know! 379 00:22:41,761 --> 00:22:43,271 Die once! 380 00:22:44,071 --> 00:22:46,471 Do that again and I really will throw you into the ocean! 381 00:22:48,471 --> 00:22:51,031 Well, for better or worse, 382 00:22:51,411 --> 00:22:55,921 looks like a navigator's joined our journey. 383 00:23:10,091 --> 00:23:24,341 When I was little, I had a vision of a treasure map 384 00:23:24,341 --> 00:23:31,281 and I always searched for that miraculous place 385 00:23:31,281 --> 00:23:38,041 before someone else could beat me to it 386 00:23:40,991 --> 00:23:52,471 If the world is going to change 387 00:23:52,471 --> 00:23:59,471 before I can even attain my dream 388 00:23:59,471 --> 00:24:06,551 then take me to the time when I knew nothing 389 00:24:06,551 --> 00:24:19,481 so that my memories won't fade 390 00:24:25,201 --> 00:24:27,891 Wow! We actually reached land! 391 00:24:27,891 --> 00:24:30,831 Of course we did! We followed the map! 392 00:24:30,831 --> 00:24:32,161 There's a village up ahead! 393 00:24:32,161 --> 00:24:33,771 They got a place to eat, I hope?! 394 00:24:33,771 --> 00:24:35,001 I wanna eat some meat! 395 00:24:35,001 --> 00:24:37,221 Forget about food, you guys! 396 00:24:37,671 --> 00:24:38,921 Hey! Who's he?! 397 00:24:38,921 --> 00:24:39,711 Where?! 398 00:24:39,711 --> 00:24:42,271 He says he's a pirate captain! 399 00:24:42,271 --> 00:24:43,561 On the next episode of One Piece! 400 00:24:43,561 --> 00:24:46,191 "Liar of Justice? Captain Usopp" 401 00:24:46,191 --> 00:24:48,391 I'm gonna be King of the Pirates!!