1 00:00:28,041 --> 00:00:29,801 Inherited will... 2 00:00:29,801 --> 00:00:32,121 The tide of the times... People's dreams... 3 00:00:32,581 --> 00:00:35,021 These things cannot be stopped. 4 00:00:35,381 --> 00:00:38,531 As long as people seek the answer of freedom, 5 00:00:38,531 --> 00:00:41,291 these things will never cease to be! 6 00:00:49,981 --> 00:00:56,051 I only believe in the future-- I don't care if anyone laughs 7 00:00:56,051 --> 00:01:01,561 That racing passion makes you shine 8 00:01:01,561 --> 00:01:07,561 It's too bright, but I want to gaze at it 9 00:01:07,561 --> 00:01:11,071 I sense "aesthetics" somewhere 10 00:01:11,071 --> 00:01:14,361 I'm really, really stuck on you 11 00:01:14,581 --> 00:01:20,991 I follow, follow in the footsteps of a dream that resembles no one 12 00:01:20,991 --> 00:01:24,291 Until I dramatically get it 13 00:01:24,291 --> 00:01:30,081 Believe In Wonderland! 14 00:01:33,211 --> 00:01:39,431 I'm going to catch, catch the shape of a dream no one can see 15 00:01:39,431 --> 00:01:45,681 I'm going to go with you, so passionate feelings 16 00:01:45,681 --> 00:01:48,521 I don't really need everything to add up 17 00:01:48,521 --> 00:01:51,861 Rather than run-of-the-mill daily life, 18 00:01:51,861 --> 00:01:55,391 run for paradise instead 19 00:01:55,391 --> 00:02:01,211 Believe In Wonderland! 20 00:02:05,561 --> 00:02:08,541 --A dragon graveyard? --No! It's not! 21 00:02:08,901 --> 00:02:13,211 Grandpa Ryu said going back to his nest would make him better! 22 00:02:13,211 --> 00:02:15,751 This can't be a graveyard! 23 00:02:16,701 --> 00:02:18,061 Apis... 24 00:02:19,111 --> 00:02:22,241 Grandpa Ryu was a lost Millennial Dragon... 25 00:02:22,731 --> 00:02:23,971 Luffy? 26 00:02:23,971 --> 00:02:26,851 He was all alone, for a thousand years. 27 00:02:26,851 --> 00:02:28,981 But he made friends with you, Apis. 28 00:02:28,981 --> 00:02:31,411 He said out of the 1,000 years he was alive, 29 00:02:31,411 --> 00:02:35,441 this last year with you was his happiest. 30 00:02:38,181 --> 00:02:41,381 Luffy... You understand the dragons' language? 31 00:02:41,381 --> 00:02:42,521 I just somehow know. 32 00:02:42,841 --> 00:02:44,641 Geez, talk about half-baked... 33 00:02:44,641 --> 00:02:46,421 But there's no doubt about it! 34 00:02:46,421 --> 00:02:47,561 You liar... 35 00:02:48,581 --> 00:02:50,331 You're such a liar, Grandpa Ryu! 36 00:02:50,781 --> 00:02:52,521 If this is the dragons' nest... 37 00:02:53,261 --> 00:02:57,281 If you've made it back to the dragons' nest, then open your eyes again! 38 00:02:57,281 --> 00:02:58,761 Talk to me! 39 00:02:58,761 --> 00:03:01,101 Get better! 40 00:03:02,041 --> 00:03:04,321 Grandpa Ryu wasn't lying at all! 41 00:03:05,241 --> 00:03:08,931 He said that Millennial Dragons return to the nest every 1,000 years 42 00:03:08,931 --> 00:03:10,921 and are reborn again. 43 00:03:12,541 --> 00:03:14,081 Grandpa Ryu said that? 44 00:03:14,081 --> 00:03:14,991 There! 45 00:03:30,211 --> 00:03:32,161 A baby Millennial Dragon?! 46 00:03:41,971 --> 00:03:44,221 Out of my way! 47 00:03:51,741 --> 00:03:55,361 "An Angry Showdown! Cross the Red Line!" 48 00:04:02,141 --> 00:04:04,031 Man, you're stubborn! 49 00:04:04,391 --> 00:04:07,991 Yeah. I very nearly drowned to death. 50 00:04:08,661 --> 00:04:12,191 Just look at this beautiful radiance! 51 00:04:12,191 --> 00:04:13,961 Isn't it marvelous?! 52 00:04:24,461 --> 00:04:28,901 This is all Dragonite, the legendary elixir of immortality! 53 00:04:28,901 --> 00:04:32,211 But breaking these fossilized Millennial Dragons 54 00:04:32,211 --> 00:04:33,851 won't produce anything usable! 55 00:04:33,851 --> 00:04:36,091 Yes, so I hear. 56 00:04:36,451 --> 00:04:40,671 But there is more than enough live Dragonite here! 57 00:04:41,051 --> 00:04:44,611 What do you say? A pointless fight would only be tiring. 58 00:04:44,611 --> 00:04:47,701 How about we make a deal to split this treasure? 59 00:04:48,711 --> 00:04:49,531 No. 60 00:04:50,011 --> 00:04:53,001 --Do you not want eternal life?! --Not interested. 61 00:04:53,001 --> 00:04:57,521 You lie! There's no one who's not afraid of dying! 62 00:04:57,521 --> 00:05:00,621 Both of us may have Devil Fruit powers, 63 00:05:00,621 --> 00:05:03,501 but a pirate's life is always only inches from death! 64 00:05:03,501 --> 00:05:05,511 There's no way you can't be afraid of dying! 65 00:05:06,781 --> 00:05:12,641 I dunno. He's the kind of guy who'd die smiling doing what he does. 66 00:05:13,531 --> 00:05:14,811 Oh... 67 00:05:15,161 --> 00:05:16,461 Fine, then! 68 00:05:16,461 --> 00:05:22,401 You can sit there and watch as I take my Dragonite and leave! 69 00:05:22,401 --> 00:05:23,691 No! 70 00:05:23,691 --> 00:05:25,531 Stop right there, girl! 71 00:05:26,181 --> 00:05:27,531 Apis! 72 00:05:27,961 --> 00:05:29,141 U-Usopp! 73 00:05:29,141 --> 00:05:31,141 D-Don't be reckless, Apis! 74 00:05:31,941 --> 00:05:33,451 Even if it's reckless, I have to protect them! 75 00:05:33,831 --> 00:05:38,171 This is a very important place for the Millennial Dragons! 76 00:05:38,171 --> 00:05:43,211 I'm going to protect this place forever and ever! 77 00:05:46,841 --> 00:05:49,761 So you insist on defying me, huh? 78 00:05:51,861 --> 00:05:54,911 In that case, you can all die! 79 00:05:54,911 --> 00:05:56,111 Sickle-Sickle... 80 00:05:56,661 --> 00:05:57,391 ...Whirlwind! 81 00:06:04,231 --> 00:06:04,981 Luffy! 82 00:06:12,631 --> 00:06:14,371 I'll deal with him. 83 00:06:14,761 --> 00:06:16,831 --But, Luffy! --I promised him! 84 00:06:17,161 --> 00:06:21,041 You're fine staying here?! What kind of wimpiness is that?! 85 00:06:21,531 --> 00:06:23,621 You still haven't accomplished your goal! 86 00:06:23,621 --> 00:06:25,521 What happened to going to your nest?! 87 00:06:25,521 --> 00:06:27,921 Don't give up by saying you're staying here! 88 00:06:28,861 --> 00:06:32,011 Of course I will! Don't worry about Apis! 89 00:06:35,061 --> 00:06:36,221 I don't think so! 90 00:06:36,221 --> 00:06:37,551 Sickle-Sickle... 91 00:06:37,551 --> 00:06:38,981 Gum-Gum... 92 00:06:38,981 --> 00:06:40,911 --...Whirlwind! --...Pistol! 93 00:06:49,321 --> 00:06:51,071 You can't hit me, rubber man! 94 00:06:55,831 --> 00:06:58,671 Well? Are my wind slashes sharp enough for you? 95 00:06:59,461 --> 00:07:03,331 Run or hide wherever you want, there's no escape! 96 00:07:03,781 --> 00:07:06,001 Now, how will you dodge this? 97 00:07:06,001 --> 00:07:07,871 This guy's pretty tough... 98 00:07:07,871 --> 00:07:09,971 Is Luffy in trouble?! 99 00:07:10,661 --> 00:07:11,741 Luffy... 100 00:07:13,341 --> 00:07:15,391 Sickle-Sickle... 101 00:07:16,521 --> 00:07:17,851 ...Wind Slash! 102 00:07:18,411 --> 00:07:20,901 Rapid Fire! 103 00:07:24,781 --> 00:07:28,191 I'm not gonna run or hide! 104 00:07:30,061 --> 00:07:32,401 Fool! Go ahead and get chopped up! 105 00:07:41,791 --> 00:07:44,011 Gum-Gum... 106 00:07:45,831 --> 00:07:46,881 W-What?! 107 00:07:50,041 --> 00:07:52,051 ...Bell! 108 00:07:57,391 --> 00:07:58,061 And... 109 00:07:59,941 --> 00:08:02,521 ...Bazooka! 110 00:08:08,441 --> 00:08:09,401 I win! 111 00:08:14,311 --> 00:08:16,461 You did it! 112 00:08:24,311 --> 00:08:28,241 --What is this?! --Creatures like this really exist?! 113 00:08:28,241 --> 00:08:30,541 I-It wasn't just a legend?! 114 00:08:33,271 --> 00:08:36,841 Do you suppose this place'll sink again after a little while? 115 00:08:37,351 --> 00:08:41,811 When it does, will the Millennial Dragons leave the island, too? 116 00:08:42,221 --> 00:08:46,131 And I guess that baby Millennial Dragon will fly off somewhere too? 117 00:08:48,701 --> 00:08:50,291 What do you say, everyone? 118 00:08:50,291 --> 00:08:52,981 Won't you have some of my special pork buns before you go? 119 00:08:52,981 --> 00:08:55,571 Oh! Thank you! But that's okay! 120 00:08:55,571 --> 00:08:57,781 We gotta get back to our journey right away! Right?! 121 00:08:57,781 --> 00:08:59,741 We do? I wanna eat some pork-- 122 00:09:00,791 --> 00:09:02,041 Oww! 123 00:09:02,361 --> 00:09:04,501 We'll just take the recipe. 124 00:09:04,901 --> 00:09:07,141 I see. That's too bad. 125 00:09:07,141 --> 00:09:10,461 It'd only take three days to prepare them, too. 126 00:09:10,901 --> 00:09:13,731 I could tell you about the royal family of Lost Island in the mean-- 127 00:09:13,731 --> 00:09:16,401 We've already heard about it! 128 00:09:18,951 --> 00:09:22,971 Alright! Set sail for the Grand Line! 129 00:09:25,521 --> 00:09:27,311 Apis. Want to come with us? 130 00:09:27,901 --> 00:09:32,071 I've made friends with you all, and I would like to go with you... 131 00:09:32,411 --> 00:09:34,901 ...but I'm going to stay on this island. 132 00:09:37,181 --> 00:09:40,491 I'm gonna learn all sorts of customs from Grandpa Bokuden 133 00:09:40,491 --> 00:09:45,951 and protect the dragons' nest just like my ancestors did before me! 134 00:09:47,801 --> 00:09:52,561 I'm going to wait for the baby dragons to come back here someday! 135 00:09:52,561 --> 00:09:57,421 But those baby dragons won't be back for another... uhh... 136 00:09:57,421 --> 00:09:59,971 A-Another thousand years! 137 00:09:59,971 --> 00:10:02,891 Hey, now! Don't be so cynical! 138 00:10:02,891 --> 00:10:03,921 No, it's okay! 139 00:10:03,921 --> 00:10:07,311 I won't get to see the dragons all grown up, 140 00:10:07,311 --> 00:10:11,761 but I'm sure my kids' kids will get to! 141 00:10:11,761 --> 00:10:16,111 So I'm going to keep protecting this dragon nest forever and ever! 142 00:10:16,111 --> 00:10:18,201 That's crazy talk! 143 00:10:18,711 --> 00:10:21,911 You guys kept doing crazy stuff too, you know! 144 00:10:21,911 --> 00:10:23,381 We did? 145 00:10:28,161 --> 00:10:31,071 See ya, Apis! 146 00:10:31,071 --> 00:10:36,381 Apis! Never forget about Usopp-sama, the brave warrior of the sea! 147 00:10:36,381 --> 00:10:38,131 Bye-bye! 148 00:10:38,131 --> 00:10:43,631 Bye-bye! Take care, everyone! 149 00:10:43,631 --> 00:10:48,061 --See ya, Apis! --Bye! So long! 150 00:10:48,631 --> 00:10:51,391 Bye-bye! 151 00:10:55,671 --> 00:10:58,991 Is Apis really gonna be okay all by herself? 152 00:10:59,321 --> 00:11:01,361 I'm sure Apis will keep the nest safe! 153 00:11:01,361 --> 00:11:02,861 She may be little, 154 00:11:02,861 --> 00:11:05,461 but she's got twice the energy and motivation of a normal person! 155 00:11:05,461 --> 00:11:06,901 She'll be fine! 156 00:11:06,901 --> 00:11:08,501 You're right, Nami-san. 157 00:11:08,821 --> 00:11:10,211 She'll be okay! 158 00:11:10,211 --> 00:11:11,131 Yeah! 159 00:11:11,991 --> 00:11:14,171 Because she's our friend! 160 00:11:14,841 --> 00:11:15,951 She sure is. 161 00:11:24,201 --> 00:11:28,351 Are you sure you didn't want to go with them, Apis? 162 00:11:29,061 --> 00:11:32,811 I'd only get in the way if I went with them. 163 00:11:32,811 --> 00:11:36,191 Besides, now I have something I want to do! 164 00:11:39,141 --> 00:11:44,431 I'm pretty reckless too, but until I met Luffy and the others, 165 00:11:44,431 --> 00:11:47,881 I don't think I would've felt like I could protect this island. 166 00:11:48,331 --> 00:11:52,621 I thought Lost Island was just a story and that it didn't exist, 167 00:11:52,621 --> 00:11:56,081 but Luffy and the others took Grandpa Ryu on a search for it 168 00:11:56,081 --> 00:11:59,281 without even doubting its existence in the slightest! 169 00:12:02,061 --> 00:12:05,091 I get the feeling that they taught me 170 00:12:05,091 --> 00:12:09,271 that if you never give up on your dreams and try your hardest, 171 00:12:09,271 --> 00:12:11,561 your wishes just may come true! 172 00:12:13,981 --> 00:12:17,651 Everyone worked so hard and risked their lives for their friends, 173 00:12:17,651 --> 00:12:19,941 who all had a heart-to-heart connection! 174 00:12:19,941 --> 00:12:22,861 And I'm one of their friends, too! 175 00:12:23,801 --> 00:12:26,011 So I'm going to try my hardest, too! 176 00:12:29,641 --> 00:12:30,791 He's asleep! 177 00:12:33,511 --> 00:12:36,451 Say? Will you help me with my dream? 178 00:12:37,831 --> 00:12:40,131 Thanks! Let's try our best! 179 00:12:40,131 --> 00:12:43,301 Oh, right! If you're going to protect Lost Island, 180 00:12:43,301 --> 00:12:46,221 you'll need to know about your ancestors! 181 00:12:48,061 --> 00:12:50,221 First, there was the first king... 182 00:12:50,461 --> 00:12:53,521 I-I've already had enough of that! 183 00:12:53,521 --> 00:12:55,391 Hold on, Apis! Get back here! 184 00:12:55,391 --> 00:12:56,531 Stop! 185 00:12:56,531 --> 00:12:59,541 You need to know about these things! 186 00:12:59,541 --> 00:13:02,601 --No! --Apis! 187 00:13:25,571 --> 00:13:29,471 Nami-san! I have a report of love! 188 00:13:29,831 --> 00:13:32,431 I see big rain clouds up ahead! 189 00:13:32,911 --> 00:13:34,641 There's a storm under 'em! 190 00:13:34,641 --> 00:13:37,421 Looks like we're back on our original course... 191 00:13:37,961 --> 00:13:41,441 We should be seeing the Red Line at any time now... 192 00:13:45,431 --> 00:13:48,411 The Grand Line, at last! 193 00:13:49,431 --> 00:13:53,661 Hey, Sanji! We're finally going! We're finally going! 194 00:13:53,661 --> 00:13:55,261 That hurts! 195 00:13:55,261 --> 00:13:56,251 Sowwy! 196 00:13:56,671 --> 00:13:58,001 Zoro! 197 00:13:58,001 --> 00:14:03,141 But is it really like how it's drawn here? 198 00:14:03,141 --> 00:14:04,961 Stop that! 199 00:14:10,871 --> 00:14:11,721 Look at this! 200 00:14:12,951 --> 00:14:16,691 I'd heard the rumors about it, and it's drawn on this map, too! 201 00:14:16,691 --> 00:14:20,651 If it really is true, then the entrance to the Grand Line is a mountain! 202 00:14:21,011 --> 00:14:22,211 A mountain? 203 00:14:22,211 --> 00:14:24,831 --We gotta crash into a mountain? --You can't be serious. 204 00:14:24,831 --> 00:14:27,591 I didn't believe it myself, 205 00:14:27,591 --> 00:14:29,761 but the map has canals that lead to the mountain. 206 00:14:29,761 --> 00:14:31,981 That might mean we have to go up it! 207 00:14:33,101 --> 00:14:34,741 Neat! 208 00:14:34,741 --> 00:14:36,301 What're you talking about?! 209 00:14:36,301 --> 00:14:40,661 Even if there are canals or whatever, a ship can't climb up a mountain! 210 00:14:40,661 --> 00:14:42,301 But that's what the map says! 211 00:14:42,301 --> 00:14:45,671 Yeah! Nami-san would never say anything that's wrong! 212 00:14:46,331 --> 00:14:50,381 You stole that map from Buggy, right? Can we really trust it? 213 00:14:50,381 --> 00:14:53,791 H-Hey! Someone help with the rudder! 214 00:14:53,791 --> 00:14:56,061 --Sanji-kun! Give Usopp a hand! --It won't budge! 215 00:14:56,061 --> 00:14:58,431 --I can't think with all his shouting! --It won't move! Someone help! 216 00:14:58,431 --> 00:14:59,941 Yes, Nami-san! 217 00:14:59,941 --> 00:15:01,151 Okay! 218 00:15:01,781 --> 00:15:04,941 D-Doesn't this current seem a bit strong?! 219 00:15:04,941 --> 00:15:07,321 Eh?! Usopp! What did you just say? 220 00:15:07,641 --> 00:15:10,071 "D-Doesn't this current seem a bit strong?!" 221 00:15:10,331 --> 00:15:11,861 Current... 222 00:15:11,861 --> 00:15:13,821 --That's it! --That's what? 223 00:15:13,821 --> 00:15:15,651 They really do go up the mountain! 224 00:15:15,651 --> 00:15:18,251 Are you still saying that stuff?! 225 00:15:18,251 --> 00:15:18,911 Look here! 226 00:15:18,911 --> 00:15:23,481 See? The guiding light was definitely pointing to here 227 00:15:23,481 --> 00:15:25,631 on the Red Line... Reverse Mountain! 228 00:15:25,631 --> 00:15:28,091 Hey! Little help over here! 229 00:15:28,571 --> 00:15:30,771 See these canals here? 230 00:15:30,771 --> 00:15:36,171 If major currents from the four oceans all flow toward this mountain... 231 00:15:37,581 --> 00:15:41,841 Then the four currents would go up these canals, collide at the top, 232 00:15:41,841 --> 00:15:43,821 and then flow into the Grand Line! 233 00:15:44,391 --> 00:15:46,611 Reverse Mountain is a "winter island," 234 00:15:46,611 --> 00:15:49,391 So any currents that collide into the Red Line 235 00:15:49,391 --> 00:15:51,561 will plummet from the surface into the depths. 236 00:15:52,011 --> 00:15:54,531 If we screw up and miss the entrance to the canal... 237 00:15:55,181 --> 00:15:58,031 ...the Going Merry will run smack into the Red Line's rock face... 238 00:16:00,331 --> 00:16:01,801 ...and get wrecked! 239 00:16:03,111 --> 00:16:05,841 And then we'd be at the bottom of the ocean. Understand? 240 00:16:05,841 --> 00:16:07,171 Oh! Interesting! 241 00:16:07,431 --> 00:16:10,171 So, basically, it's a mystery mountain! 242 00:16:11,691 --> 00:16:14,541 Well, maybe you don't get it... 243 00:16:15,191 --> 00:16:18,291 Anyways, now that we're on this current, 244 00:16:18,291 --> 00:16:20,031 As long as we don't mess up with the rudder, 245 00:16:20,031 --> 00:16:23,141 we should be able to go straight to the summit of Reverse Mountain! 246 00:16:23,511 --> 00:16:26,051 Nami-san! You're so amazing! 247 00:16:26,051 --> 00:16:28,941 I've never heard of ships going over mountains before. 248 00:16:29,211 --> 00:16:30,691 I've heard some stuff before! 249 00:16:31,121 --> 00:16:32,441 Stories about the mystery mountain? 250 00:16:32,761 --> 00:16:33,521 No. 251 00:16:34,101 --> 00:16:37,341 I heard that half of everyone who heads to the Grand Line 252 00:16:37,341 --> 00:16:39,151 dies before entering it... 253 00:16:40,141 --> 00:16:42,841 I knew getting in wouldn't be easy. 254 00:16:46,791 --> 00:16:50,051 --Sanji-kun! Could you get the sail? --Yes, Nami-san! 255 00:16:50,051 --> 00:16:53,091 --Luffy! Help out! --Eh?! 256 00:17:05,481 --> 00:17:09,071 Hey! I see the mystery mountain! 257 00:17:09,071 --> 00:17:10,481 W-What?! 258 00:17:10,921 --> 00:17:13,531 T-That's insanely huge! 259 00:17:13,531 --> 00:17:15,951 The entrance to the Grand Line... 260 00:17:18,781 --> 00:17:21,371 So that's the Red Line, huh?! 261 00:17:21,831 --> 00:17:27,801 I-I-I can't see the top because of the clouds! 262 00:17:48,441 --> 00:17:50,111 We're getting sucked in! 263 00:17:50,711 --> 00:17:53,901 --Hold the rudder good! --We're on it! 264 00:18:01,191 --> 00:18:03,811 N-Nami! Where's the entrance?! 265 00:18:03,811 --> 00:18:06,751 We're gonna crash into the rocks if we keep going this way! 266 00:18:09,121 --> 00:18:10,971 The crack in that cliff... 267 00:18:13,901 --> 00:18:16,691 Nami! What do we do?! 268 00:18:16,691 --> 00:18:19,441 --Keep going straight ahead! --A-Are you serious?! 269 00:18:19,441 --> 00:18:20,571 Just do it! 270 00:18:21,531 --> 00:18:23,431 Nami! Is that the canal entrance? 271 00:18:23,701 --> 00:18:24,771 Most likely! 272 00:18:25,901 --> 00:18:27,351 This can't be for real! 273 00:18:28,021 --> 00:18:31,451 The damn ocean really is flowing up the mountain! 274 00:18:36,681 --> 00:18:39,821 We gotta make our way through those water gates just right! 275 00:18:40,231 --> 00:18:42,741 Otherwise the ship'll be busted into pieces! 276 00:18:46,541 --> 00:18:49,751 W-We're getting off course! More to the right! Right! Right! 277 00:18:49,751 --> 00:18:52,131 The right?! Go starboard! 278 00:18:54,491 --> 00:18:57,321 C-Come on, now! 279 00:19:04,231 --> 00:19:05,761 The rudder! 280 00:19:05,761 --> 00:19:07,651 Gum-Gum... 281 00:19:07,651 --> 00:19:09,211 ...Balloon! 282 00:19:19,571 --> 00:19:21,041 Luffy! 283 00:19:21,571 --> 00:19:22,451 Grab on! 284 00:19:35,351 --> 00:19:37,941 We made it! 285 00:19:43,971 --> 00:19:47,471 Now it's just a straight shot to the summit! 286 00:19:48,391 --> 00:19:51,001 Hey! I wanna see! I wanna see! 287 00:19:51,751 --> 00:19:53,151 I'm unstuck! 288 00:19:53,151 --> 00:19:55,081 Hey! Let me see, too! 289 00:19:59,701 --> 00:20:02,121 A-Awesome! 290 00:20:10,681 --> 00:20:12,191 Curse you all! 291 00:20:12,841 --> 00:20:14,671 --Huh? --It's the Sicko Fruit guy... 292 00:20:14,671 --> 00:20:16,981 --You! --You're still alive?! 293 00:20:16,981 --> 00:20:18,461 --What tiny eyes! --Shut up! 294 00:20:18,781 --> 00:20:21,491 Curse the whole lot of you! 295 00:20:21,491 --> 00:20:24,401 Thanks to you, my dream of Dragonite has been crushed! 296 00:20:24,401 --> 00:20:26,861 I can't just leave things as they are now! 297 00:20:26,861 --> 00:20:30,551 At the very least, I'll have your 30 million-Berry head! 298 00:20:30,551 --> 00:20:32,891 Just surrender to your fate like a good little boy! 299 00:20:34,681 --> 00:20:35,921 Now what?! 300 00:20:35,921 --> 00:20:40,941 If he uses his wind slashes here, there's no telling what he'll rip apart! 301 00:20:42,331 --> 00:20:44,451 We can't act carelessly... 302 00:20:46,981 --> 00:20:50,801 How do you like that?! You can't lay a finger on me now! 303 00:20:52,941 --> 00:20:54,371 Oh! Dragonite! 304 00:21:06,761 --> 00:21:08,271 Bye-bye! 305 00:21:09,051 --> 00:21:10,971 Oh! Good thinking! 306 00:21:11,591 --> 00:21:15,941 He can't swim either, so I don't think he'll be following us any more! 307 00:21:16,301 --> 00:21:19,501 Given this current, being able to swim wouldn't matter anyways! 308 00:21:19,501 --> 00:21:20,901 Way to go, Nami-san! 309 00:21:24,061 --> 00:21:26,841 We're in the clouds! 310 00:21:37,881 --> 00:21:40,061 Awesome! 311 00:21:41,621 --> 00:21:43,631 We're above the clouds now! 312 00:21:54,011 --> 00:21:57,061 Look! The summit! It's the summit! 313 00:22:09,861 --> 00:22:12,031 Yahoo! 314 00:22:31,301 --> 00:22:32,831 To do what Mihawk said... 315 00:22:33,941 --> 00:22:35,931 To find the All Blue there... 316 00:22:36,941 --> 00:22:38,811 To draw my perfect sea charts... 317 00:22:39,801 --> 00:22:42,491 To prove I'm a brave warrior of the sea... 318 00:22:46,861 --> 00:22:47,871 I see it! 319 00:22:48,261 --> 00:22:51,881 This is the greatest sea in the world! The Grand Line! 320 00:22:54,841 --> 00:22:58,681 The One Piece is up ahead, somewhere! 321 00:22:59,621 --> 00:23:02,271 Go! 322 00:23:11,091 --> 00:23:15,891 My overflowing feelings don't connect 323 00:23:15,891 --> 00:23:20,731 as I firmly squeeze your hand back 324 00:23:21,051 --> 00:23:25,651 I'll set off by myself, 325 00:23:25,931 --> 00:23:31,361 so keep watching me intently as I go into the distance 326 00:23:35,811 --> 00:23:40,371 I was thinking about it a bit since this morning 327 00:23:40,731 --> 00:23:45,461 Why is it so hot? 328 00:23:45,461 --> 00:23:55,801 Starting from some point, I haven't been able to get away from that 329 00:23:56,801 --> 00:24:01,771 I want to catch those feelings that rushed off, 330 00:24:01,771 --> 00:24:06,561 and I'm already about to overtake myself, even 331 00:24:06,561 --> 00:24:11,281 I want to embrace my dreams that have jumped out 332 00:24:11,581 --> 00:24:16,971 With you, I can run there 333 00:24:25,461 --> 00:24:27,591 Nami-san! I see a mountain up ahead! 334 00:24:27,911 --> 00:24:29,821 Who cares?! Go! 335 00:24:29,821 --> 00:24:32,591 That can't be! It should be nothing but ocean up ahead! 336 00:24:32,591 --> 00:24:33,971 Huh? A black wall? 337 00:24:34,201 --> 00:24:36,471 Crap! We gotta do something before we crash! 338 00:24:36,471 --> 00:24:38,701 --No! This is...! --A whale! 339 00:24:38,701 --> 00:24:39,601 A whale?! 340 00:24:41,801 --> 00:24:43,271 On the next episode of One Piece! 341 00:24:43,271 --> 00:24:46,441 "The First Line of Defense? The Giant Whale Laboon Appears" 342 00:24:46,441 --> 00:24:48,921 I'm gonna be King of the Pirates!!