1 00:00:28,001 --> 00:00:29,761 Inherited will... 2 00:00:29,761 --> 00:00:32,081 The tide of the times... People's dreams... 3 00:00:32,541 --> 00:00:34,981 These things cannot be stopped. 4 00:00:35,341 --> 00:00:38,491 As long as people seek the answer of freedom, 5 00:00:38,491 --> 00:00:41,251 these things will never cease to be! 6 00:00:49,941 --> 00:00:56,051 I only believe in the future-- I don't care if anyone laughs 7 00:00:56,051 --> 00:01:01,561 That racing passion makes you shine 8 00:01:01,561 --> 00:01:07,561 It's too bright, but I want to gaze at it 9 00:01:07,561 --> 00:01:11,071 I sense "aesthetics" somewhere 10 00:01:11,071 --> 00:01:14,361 I'm really, really stuck on you 11 00:01:14,561 --> 00:01:20,991 I follow, follow in the footsteps of a dream that resembles no one 12 00:01:20,991 --> 00:01:24,291 Until I dramatically get it 13 00:01:24,291 --> 00:01:30,081 Believe In Wonderland! 14 00:01:33,211 --> 00:01:39,431 I'm going to catch, catch the shape of a dream no one can see 15 00:01:39,431 --> 00:01:45,681 I'm going to go with you, so passionate feelings 16 00:01:45,681 --> 00:01:48,521 I don't really need everything to add up 17 00:01:48,521 --> 00:01:51,861 Rather than run-of-the-mill daily life, 18 00:01:51,861 --> 00:01:55,421 run for paradise instead 19 00:01:55,421 --> 00:02:01,171 Believe In Wonderland! 20 00:02:13,821 --> 00:02:18,031 "A Town That Welcomes Pirates? Setting Foot On Whisky Peak" 21 00:02:33,081 --> 00:02:35,501 What in the world is with this snow? 22 00:02:35,501 --> 00:02:38,061 It was warm just a little while ago. 23 00:02:40,621 --> 00:02:42,201 All right! Done! 24 00:02:42,741 --> 00:02:45,961 This is the man that fell from the sky, Mr. Snow Barrel! 25 00:02:47,501 --> 00:02:50,351 That's such a crude snowman... 26 00:02:50,351 --> 00:02:51,001 What?! 27 00:02:51,981 --> 00:02:56,211 Look at my soulful artwork, the Snow Queen! 28 00:02:56,461 --> 00:02:58,221 Whoa! That's incredible! 29 00:02:58,221 --> 00:03:00,171 Okay then! Snow Barrel Punch! 30 00:03:05,551 --> 00:03:07,771 What the hell are you doing?! 31 00:03:08,421 --> 00:03:09,971 Ahh! Mr. Snow Barrel! 32 00:03:09,971 --> 00:03:11,281 How dare you...?! 33 00:03:11,281 --> 00:03:13,101 Damn you! Damn you! Damn you! Damn you! 34 00:03:13,101 --> 00:03:15,181 How is this?! 35 00:03:15,181 --> 00:03:17,401 You bastard! Hold it, Luffy! 36 00:03:19,501 --> 00:03:23,201 How come they're so energetic when it's this cold? 37 00:03:27,591 --> 00:03:30,501 Nami-san! How much snow shoveling of love would you like me to do?! 38 00:03:30,501 --> 00:03:33,121 Please continue until it stops snowing, Sanji-kun! 39 00:03:33,121 --> 00:03:34,831 Yaay! Nami-san! 40 00:03:35,261 --> 00:03:39,171 Hey, you. Doesn't this ship have a heater? 41 00:03:39,171 --> 00:03:40,671 I'm cold. 42 00:03:40,671 --> 00:03:45,141 Shut up! You guys aren't guests! Go help shovel snow or something! 43 00:03:47,891 --> 00:03:48,931 Lightning?! 44 00:03:49,881 --> 00:03:52,891 What on earth is going on with the weather around here?! 45 00:03:57,271 --> 00:03:59,331 It was sunny up until recently. 46 00:03:59,331 --> 00:04:02,481 The next moment, it started snowing, and now lightning... 47 00:04:02,481 --> 00:04:05,381 The seasons, as well as the weather, go around randomly. 48 00:04:05,381 --> 00:04:07,321 It's just like what Crocus-san said. 49 00:04:07,611 --> 00:04:10,321 That's how it is in the Grand Line. 50 00:04:10,321 --> 00:04:12,831 It seems that you guys're clueless about the Grand Line. 51 00:04:13,531 --> 00:04:16,671 You haven't been steering for a while now. Is that really okay? 52 00:04:18,071 --> 00:04:20,251 I just checked the direction. 53 00:04:21,321 --> 00:04:23,091 Ahhhh! 54 00:04:23,091 --> 00:04:24,991 Wh... What? 55 00:04:24,991 --> 00:04:26,081 What's the matter? 56 00:04:26,081 --> 00:04:27,931 What's wrong, Nami-san?! 57 00:04:28,281 --> 00:04:30,221 Ahhh... No way! 58 00:04:30,601 --> 00:04:33,311 Turn the ship around 180 degrees! Hurry! 59 00:04:33,311 --> 00:04:36,271 180 degrees?! Why're we going back?! 60 00:04:36,271 --> 00:04:37,441 Did you forget something? 61 00:04:37,781 --> 00:04:40,941 The ship has turned around and is going in the opposite direction! 62 00:04:40,941 --> 00:04:43,761 When I looked away from the log pose for a second...! 63 00:04:44,391 --> 00:04:46,071 The waves were calm earlier... 64 00:04:46,411 --> 00:04:49,201 Are you really a navigator? 65 00:04:50,071 --> 00:04:55,901 In this sea, you can't trust the winds, sky, waves, clouds... anything... 66 00:04:55,901 --> 00:05:00,121 The only thing that doesn't change is the direction that the log pose points. 67 00:05:00,121 --> 00:05:01,671 Do you understand that? 68 00:05:03,001 --> 00:05:06,631 Stop bossing me around in those cozy blankets and go help already! 69 00:05:07,211 --> 00:05:08,531 Brace the yard! 70 00:05:08,531 --> 00:05:11,941 Receive the wind from the starboard! Turn the ship 180 degrees to the left! 71 00:05:11,941 --> 00:05:13,381 --Usopp! Take care of the lateen sail! --Got it! 72 00:05:13,381 --> 00:05:15,351 --Sanji-kun! Take the helm! --Leave it to me, Nami-san! 73 00:05:15,631 --> 00:05:17,121 You guys! I'm counting on you! 74 00:05:17,121 --> 00:05:19,311 She's such a slave driver. 75 00:05:19,851 --> 00:05:22,081 Hey, wait! The wind has changed. 76 00:05:22,081 --> 00:05:23,051 No way! 77 00:05:26,951 --> 00:05:28,351 It's the first spring gale! 78 00:05:28,351 --> 00:05:29,161 Why?! 79 00:05:29,461 --> 00:05:32,351 Don't just sleep there while the snow accumulates on you! 80 00:05:34,751 --> 00:05:37,951 Hey! I saw a dolphin jump over there! Let's go there. 81 00:05:37,951 --> 00:05:39,461 You keep quiet! 82 00:05:43,671 --> 00:05:45,471 The waves are getting high! 83 00:05:45,471 --> 00:05:47,261 I see an iceberg in the 10 o'clock direction! 84 00:05:47,561 --> 00:05:49,091 Nami-san! It's getting foggy! 85 00:05:49,091 --> 00:05:51,351 What the hell's with this sea?! 86 00:05:51,701 --> 00:05:54,931 W-W... We're gonna crash!! 87 00:06:11,221 --> 00:06:13,331 Hey! Water's leaking at the bottom of the ship! 88 00:06:13,331 --> 00:06:14,451 We have to patch it right away! 89 00:06:14,451 --> 00:06:15,121 Got it! 90 00:06:19,211 --> 00:06:20,751 The clouds are moving fast! 91 00:06:25,611 --> 00:06:26,841 W-Wind's coming! 92 00:06:27,931 --> 00:06:28,511 It's strong! 93 00:06:29,261 --> 00:06:30,131 It's coming! 94 00:06:32,171 --> 00:06:34,541 Unfurl the sails! That wind is too strong! 95 00:06:34,541 --> 00:06:36,561 If we take it directly, we'll overturn! 96 00:06:37,101 --> 00:06:39,681 Everyone! Eat this! Let's gather our strength! 97 00:06:42,491 --> 00:06:44,151 You're eating too much! 98 00:06:47,291 --> 00:06:49,441 Oh, crap! The sail is gonna be torn! 99 00:06:49,441 --> 00:06:51,631 Forget about things up here. Go fix the bottom of the ship! 100 00:06:51,631 --> 00:06:53,381 There's another part of the bottom of the ship damaged! 101 00:06:53,381 --> 00:06:54,541 Dammit! 102 00:07:20,581 --> 00:07:22,771 Ahhh, that felt good. 103 00:07:32,101 --> 00:07:36,531 Hey, no matter how nice the weather is, you guys shouldn't be so lazy. 104 00:07:37,531 --> 00:07:39,541 We'd better be on the right track. 105 00:07:39,931 --> 00:07:42,211 You... 106 00:07:42,211 --> 00:07:43,131 Hm? 107 00:07:43,781 --> 00:07:45,571 Why're you guys on this ship? 108 00:07:45,571 --> 00:07:46,761 You're slow! 109 00:07:47,591 --> 00:07:51,671 We're heading to their town right now. It's called Whisky Peak. 110 00:07:51,671 --> 00:07:55,521 You mean we're taking them back? We don't owe them anything. 111 00:07:55,521 --> 00:07:57,141 Right, we don't. 112 00:07:57,851 --> 00:07:59,521 Well, not like it matters to me... 113 00:08:00,341 --> 00:08:03,481 Yeah, your faces say that you're thinking bad thoughts. 114 00:08:03,851 --> 00:08:05,741 What were your names again? 115 00:08:06,561 --> 00:08:09,111 I-I'm Mr. 9. 116 00:08:09,581 --> 00:08:11,441 I'm Miss Wednesday. 117 00:08:11,821 --> 00:08:17,031 Right... Something has been bothering me ever since I first heard your names... 118 00:08:17,561 --> 00:08:21,241 I feel like I've heard them somewhere before, or maybe not... 119 00:08:22,491 --> 00:08:24,301 Well, either way... 120 00:08:27,021 --> 00:08:31,181 How dare you sleep comfortably all this time...? 121 00:08:31,181 --> 00:08:34,271 You kept sleeping no matter how many times we tried to wake you up... 122 00:08:34,271 --> 00:08:35,511 What?! 123 00:08:40,621 --> 00:08:44,601 Don't let your guard down, everyone! We don't know what else might happen. 124 00:08:44,971 --> 00:08:47,441 I was finally able to realize the danger of this sea just now. 125 00:08:47,831 --> 00:08:50,361 I was able to understand the reason why it's called the Grand Line. 126 00:08:51,751 --> 00:08:56,611 There's no doubt about it, since my navigation skills don't work at all. 127 00:08:57,421 --> 00:09:00,951 How blunt... Are we gonna be okay? 128 00:09:01,861 --> 00:09:04,871 We'll be fine! Things will still work out for sure. 129 00:09:05,291 --> 00:09:06,981 In fact... 130 00:09:06,981 --> 00:09:10,441 Look! Our first journey is over. 131 00:09:23,061 --> 00:09:24,501 It's an island! 132 00:09:26,711 --> 00:09:28,561 So this is Whisky Peak... 133 00:09:29,661 --> 00:09:32,561 But it's really a funny looking island. 134 00:09:32,561 --> 00:09:34,841 Those cacti are huge! 135 00:09:37,951 --> 00:09:38,951 Hm? 136 00:09:38,951 --> 00:09:40,981 Well then, we'll be leaving now. 137 00:09:40,981 --> 00:09:43,251 Thanks for taking us home, honeys. 138 00:09:43,251 --> 00:09:44,911 If we're linked by fate, we'll meet again! 139 00:09:45,831 --> 00:09:47,371 Bye bye, baby! 140 00:09:49,771 --> 00:09:50,401 Huh? 141 00:09:53,941 --> 00:09:55,341 They're gone... 142 00:09:55,341 --> 00:09:57,661 Who on earth were they? 143 00:09:57,661 --> 00:09:59,771 Who cares? We're landing! 144 00:10:00,821 --> 00:10:04,601 There's a river at the front. Looks like we can go inland by ship. 145 00:10:07,161 --> 00:10:10,651 I-Isn't it possible that there're monsters or things like that? 146 00:10:11,081 --> 00:10:14,691 It's definitely possible. This is the Grand Line. 147 00:10:14,691 --> 00:10:17,691 If we come across monsters, we can just leave the island. 148 00:10:18,331 --> 00:10:19,741 Hold on a sec. 149 00:10:19,741 --> 00:10:24,661 Don't forget that we have to stay on this island for a certain period of time. 150 00:10:25,381 --> 00:10:26,371 Why? 151 00:10:27,031 --> 00:10:30,371 Unless we store the magnetism of this island in the log pose, 152 00:10:30,371 --> 00:10:32,751 we can't go to the next island. 153 00:10:32,751 --> 00:10:35,871 Since each island requires a different amount of time to store the log, 154 00:10:35,871 --> 00:10:38,841 some islands require only several hours while others require days. 155 00:10:39,321 --> 00:10:43,251 Th-Then even if this is a monster island that we want to escape from right away, 156 00:10:43,251 --> 00:10:47,281 it's possible that we have to stay here for days until the log is stored? 157 00:10:47,281 --> 00:10:48,681 That's right. 158 00:10:49,421 --> 00:10:52,901 Well, we can think about that when it happens. Let's go already! 159 00:10:53,241 --> 00:10:57,201 Luffy's right. Let's go. It's not worth thinking about it. 160 00:10:57,201 --> 00:11:00,911 No matter what happens, I'll protect Nami-san. 161 00:11:01,371 --> 00:11:05,361 H-Hey, wait. Listen, everyone. My chronic illness is suddenly... 162 00:11:05,361 --> 00:11:07,341 My "do not go to the island" disease is... 163 00:11:07,341 --> 00:11:08,581 Then we're going in. 164 00:11:08,581 --> 00:11:11,811 --Listen. Make sure you're prepared to run as well as fight. --No... 165 00:11:11,811 --> 00:11:16,561 Ah, well... like I said, my chronic illness is... 166 00:11:16,561 --> 00:11:18,261 Well, I guess you're not listening... 167 00:11:18,601 --> 00:11:20,761 I wonder what'll appear... 168 00:11:21,221 --> 00:11:23,151 P-Please... 169 00:11:36,071 --> 00:11:38,491 Hey, it's a pirate ship. 170 00:11:40,361 --> 00:11:42,191 Pirates are here! 171 00:12:11,211 --> 00:12:13,441 Huh? Something's moving. 172 00:12:13,781 --> 00:12:15,941 Humans? Humans are there! 173 00:12:17,111 --> 00:12:18,691 Everyone, be careful. 174 00:12:18,971 --> 00:12:22,401 Ahhh, dammit! Since it's come to this, I've prepared myself. 175 00:12:23,321 --> 00:12:27,471 Monsters or whatever you are, come on out! 176 00:12:38,961 --> 00:12:40,801 Welcome to the Grand Line! 177 00:12:40,801 --> 00:12:42,541 Welcome to our town! 178 00:12:42,541 --> 00:12:44,761 To the welcoming town, Whisky Peak! 179 00:12:45,351 --> 00:12:49,331 F... Far from monsters, we're being welcomed! 180 00:12:52,031 --> 00:12:53,521 What's going on? 181 00:12:53,521 --> 00:12:56,271 Pirates! Welcome to our town! 182 00:12:56,271 --> 00:12:59,581 Hurray for the heroes on the sea! 183 00:13:03,051 --> 00:13:05,861 Whoa! There're lots of cute girls! 184 00:13:06,141 --> 00:13:08,921 Ahh! Look this way! They're handsome! 185 00:13:10,811 --> 00:13:15,411 Maybe pirates are people's heroes after all. 186 00:13:15,681 --> 00:13:17,581 Heeeey! 187 00:13:21,661 --> 00:13:22,911 Welco... 188 00:13:25,291 --> 00:13:27,181 Ma-ma-ma... 189 00:13:27,181 --> 00:13:28,551 Welcome. 190 00:13:31,781 --> 00:13:36,771 My name is Igarappoi. I'm the mayor of Whisky Peak. 191 00:13:36,771 --> 00:13:39,361 Okay. I'm Luffy. Nice to meet you. 192 00:13:39,731 --> 00:13:41,611 Pops, you went overboard on curling your hair. 193 00:13:41,941 --> 00:13:45,681 Whisky Peak is a town that thrives on making liquor and music. 194 00:13:45,681 --> 00:13:48,071 Hospitality is the pride of our town. 195 00:13:48,071 --> 00:13:50,721 As for our proud liquor, it's as bountiful as the seawater. 196 00:13:50,721 --> 00:13:53,661 Would you allow us to throw a party for you 197 00:13:53,661 --> 00:13:56,081 so that we may hear your tales of... 198 00:13:57,931 --> 00:14:00,641 Ma-ma-ma... 199 00:14:01,261 --> 00:14:02,791 ...your tales of adventure? 200 00:14:03,111 --> 00:14:04,921 We'll be glad to! 201 00:14:06,061 --> 00:14:07,041 All right! 202 00:14:07,431 --> 00:14:08,591 Three idiots... 203 00:14:09,141 --> 00:14:10,591 Say, by the way, 204 00:14:10,591 --> 00:14:13,051 how long will it take for the log of this island to be stored? 205 00:14:13,051 --> 00:14:16,911 Log? Forget such boring stuff. 206 00:14:16,911 --> 00:14:18,811 Please just rest after such a long journey. 207 00:14:19,211 --> 00:14:24,071 Now, everyone! Prepare for the party! Sing to entertain the adventurers! 208 00:14:24,391 --> 00:14:27,181 Party time!! 209 00:14:56,121 --> 00:15:02,151 Then I said with utter coolness, "Sea Kings, don't you touch my friends." 210 00:15:02,711 --> 00:15:05,821 --Wow... --Captain Usopp! --You're so amazing! 211 00:15:06,171 --> 00:15:11,151 Well, regarding the Calm Belt, even I trembled a bit, though. 212 00:15:11,151 --> 00:15:12,691 --A tremble of excitement, that is. --Whoa! 213 00:15:12,691 --> 00:15:15,081 --Amazing! --Cheers to Usopp-san! 214 00:15:15,081 --> 00:15:18,061 Now, please don't hold back, drink up. 215 00:15:18,061 --> 00:15:21,211 No, thank you. I'd rather not drink alcohol. 216 00:15:21,211 --> 00:15:22,701 Don't worr... 217 00:15:23,911 --> 00:15:26,591 Ma-ma-ma... 218 00:15:26,591 --> 00:15:28,081 Don't worry. 219 00:15:28,081 --> 00:15:33,181 It's a special drink made of prime grapes that are used to make prime wine. 220 00:15:33,591 --> 00:15:37,531 Its flavor is wine itself, but it doesn't contain alcohol. 221 00:15:37,851 --> 00:15:39,181 I see... 222 00:15:40,501 --> 00:15:42,351 You're right! This is delicious! 223 00:15:42,661 --> 00:15:44,961 We had a good grape harvest again this year. 224 00:15:44,961 --> 00:15:49,361 Now, to celebrate the harvest, we'll have our usual toast competition! 225 00:15:49,981 --> 00:15:55,251 That is, you continue to toast and the last one standing is the winner. 226 00:15:55,251 --> 00:15:56,561 Please join in on our competition. 227 00:15:57,081 --> 00:15:59,951 No thanks. I can't drink that much. 228 00:15:59,951 --> 00:16:03,621 The prize money for the winner is 100,000 Berries! 229 00:16:04,941 --> 00:16:06,041 Another cup, please! 230 00:16:06,541 --> 00:16:09,581 Zoro! You participate, too! You don't have money, do you? 231 00:16:09,581 --> 00:16:10,341 What?! 232 00:16:10,341 --> 00:16:11,671 Cheers! 233 00:16:15,541 --> 00:16:17,791 Whoa! Amazing! He finished his 10th cup! 234 00:16:18,441 --> 00:16:21,341 This is it. I can't drink any more. 235 00:16:22,411 --> 00:16:25,071 This girl's downing her 12th cup! 236 00:16:26,661 --> 00:16:28,191 Take that! 237 00:16:28,191 --> 00:16:29,791 More food! 238 00:16:29,791 --> 00:16:33,251 Whoa! The captain finished a meal for 20 people! 239 00:16:33,251 --> 00:16:34,811 The cook is down! 240 00:16:35,501 --> 00:16:36,911 Please, I can't go on... 241 00:16:37,181 --> 00:16:42,051 Whoa! This young man is trying to hit on 20 girls at the same time! 242 00:16:42,051 --> 00:16:43,911 What's with this gang?! 243 00:16:45,591 --> 00:16:47,231 It's really a fu... 244 00:16:48,821 --> 00:16:51,361 Ma-ma-ma... 245 00:16:51,361 --> 00:16:52,861 ...a fun night! 246 00:16:52,861 --> 00:16:56,381 I'm glad that you all seem to be having fun. 247 00:17:01,541 --> 00:17:04,731 Yes, indeed, I'm very glad... 248 00:17:05,741 --> 00:17:12,321 For that reason, we failed our mission of securing food... 249 00:17:12,321 --> 00:17:16,911 However, we'd like to report that we succeeded 250 00:17:16,911 --> 00:17:22,291 in leading the gang to Cactus Island. Baby. 251 00:17:22,291 --> 00:17:26,871 All right! If we submit this, we somehow should be able to clear our names. 252 00:17:27,211 --> 00:17:29,831 Right. I'll drop it in the Unluckies Box immediately. 253 00:17:35,481 --> 00:17:37,391 They'll deliver it for us... 254 00:17:41,791 --> 00:17:42,961 ...to the boss... 255 00:17:43,961 --> 00:17:45,881 This is it. I quit. I'm gonna sleep. 256 00:17:46,741 --> 00:17:50,831 Whoa! The young man is finally down after his 13th cup. 257 00:17:50,831 --> 00:17:54,161 What?! You're hopeless, Zoro! 258 00:17:54,161 --> 00:17:55,631 There're only two left. 259 00:17:55,631 --> 00:17:57,821 They're at the 15th cup. She's competing against the sister. 260 00:17:58,781 --> 00:18:01,371 You should quit soon, too, for your own sake. 261 00:18:01,371 --> 00:18:06,521 Don't be silly! I definitely won't quit until I get the prize money. 262 00:18:08,741 --> 00:18:12,561 Ahhh! Thanks for the food. I can't eat any more. 263 00:18:12,561 --> 00:18:14,771 Three cooks are also down! 264 00:18:14,771 --> 00:18:16,341 Glad you enjoyed it. 265 00:18:18,451 --> 00:18:19,851 I can't drink any more. 266 00:18:20,201 --> 00:18:21,961 I won!! 267 00:18:24,741 --> 00:18:26,771 Ahh, what fun! 268 00:18:26,771 --> 00:18:28,351 She's finally down. 269 00:18:30,391 --> 00:18:32,651 What a nice town... 270 00:18:33,751 --> 00:18:36,201 This is a paradise. 271 00:18:45,891 --> 00:18:48,251 So they wore themselves out partying and fell asleep... 272 00:18:51,821 --> 00:18:53,161 Sweet dreams... 273 00:18:54,981 --> 00:18:56,711 ...adventurers... 274 00:18:58,761 --> 00:19:01,651 Again tonight the Cactus Rocks look beautiful, 275 00:19:01,651 --> 00:19:03,311 dancing under the moonlight. 276 00:19:07,081 --> 00:19:11,901 You're such a poet, Igarappoi-- no, Mr. 8. 277 00:19:12,281 --> 00:19:13,501 Oh, it's you guys... 278 00:19:15,451 --> 00:19:16,401 What happened to them? 279 00:19:16,941 --> 00:19:18,191 They've fallen... 280 00:19:22,121 --> 00:19:23,601 ...to hell... 281 00:19:26,601 --> 00:19:32,671 Geez... Since they were so stubborn, I added a little alcohol in their drinks. 282 00:19:32,921 --> 00:19:35,251 Otherwise they might still be up and having a good time. 283 00:19:35,641 --> 00:19:40,411 But was it really necessary to put on an elaborate act... 284 00:19:43,541 --> 00:19:46,081 ...for just five weak-looking brats? 285 00:19:46,551 --> 00:19:52,391 We should've beat them at the harbor. This town is already short of food. 286 00:19:52,861 --> 00:19:55,331 Also, we didn't have our hopes up for the whale meat anyway. 287 00:19:55,331 --> 00:19:58,731 You didn't have to say it like that! We did try our best! 288 00:19:59,131 --> 00:20:03,701 Calm down. Look at this. I've checked them out beforehand. 289 00:20:04,911 --> 00:20:07,061 Th-Thirty million Berries?! 290 00:20:07,061 --> 00:20:08,411 Them?! 291 00:20:08,711 --> 00:20:13,501 It's foolish to judge a pirate's ability based on their looks, Miss Mon... 292 00:20:15,911 --> 00:20:17,661 Ma-ma-ma... 293 00:20:17,661 --> 00:20:19,281 Miss Monday. 294 00:20:19,691 --> 00:20:21,631 S-Sorry. 295 00:20:22,311 --> 00:20:24,771 But we've already settled. 296 00:20:24,771 --> 00:20:26,941 Looks like we can send a good report to the boss. 297 00:20:26,941 --> 00:20:30,021 Confiscate all the money and other valuables on the ship immediately. 298 00:20:30,021 --> 00:20:31,831 So what about them? 299 00:20:31,831 --> 00:20:32,731 What do we do? 300 00:20:33,301 --> 00:20:36,191 If we kill them, the bounty drops by 30%. 301 00:20:36,551 --> 00:20:39,901 The Government wants to hold public executions. 302 00:20:42,761 --> 00:20:44,901 Go! Capture them alive! 303 00:20:45,691 --> 00:20:48,371 Hey... Sorry, but... 304 00:20:50,621 --> 00:20:53,141 ...do you mind letting them sleep? 305 00:20:53,141 --> 00:20:55,561 They're all exhausted from the journey this afternoon. 306 00:21:01,691 --> 00:21:03,201 Mr. 8! Miss Monday! 307 00:21:03,201 --> 00:21:05,591 The guy with the bellyband escaped from the room when we weren't looking! 308 00:21:06,601 --> 00:21:07,761 He's over there. 309 00:21:08,201 --> 00:21:11,471 You bastard...! I thought you were completely asleep! 310 00:21:12,311 --> 00:21:16,941 Swordsmen never make the mistake of letting their guard down that much. 311 00:21:17,501 --> 00:21:21,401 So, let's see if I've got this right. This is a nest of bounty hunters. 312 00:21:22,731 --> 00:21:28,161 You dupe pirates who are in high spirits after having just entered the Grand Line. 313 00:21:29,111 --> 00:21:32,301 Looks like there're about 100 bounty hunters here. 314 00:21:33,701 --> 00:21:37,501 I'll fight you all... Baroque Works! 315 00:21:37,751 --> 00:21:40,461 You bastard! How is it that you know our company's name?! 316 00:21:41,321 --> 00:21:46,601 When I used to be in a similar line of work, I was recruited by your company once. 317 00:21:46,601 --> 00:21:48,431 Naturally, I rejected it. 318 00:21:48,701 --> 00:21:53,341 Employees don't know each other's identity and are called by code names. 319 00:21:53,341 --> 00:21:57,141 Of course, the boss' whereabouts and his identity are also a mystery, even to them. 320 00:21:57,141 --> 00:22:02,151 Baroque Works is a criminal group that just faithfully carries out their orders. 321 00:22:02,551 --> 00:22:04,981 Humph...! Was it a secret? 322 00:22:06,561 --> 00:22:08,381 This is surprising... 323 00:22:09,661 --> 00:22:13,451 If you know our secrets, then we have no other choice but to kill you. 324 00:22:16,621 --> 00:22:18,011 Another gravestone... 325 00:22:19,301 --> 00:22:21,961 ...will be added to the Cactus Rocks... 326 00:22:47,741 --> 00:22:48,901 Kill him! 327 00:22:54,181 --> 00:22:56,031 H... He disappeared...! 328 00:23:10,941 --> 00:23:14,781 You've got me! 329 00:23:14,781 --> 00:23:18,471 Ah, gentle song 330 00:23:18,471 --> 00:23:24,821 Make it there for us 331 00:23:25,731 --> 00:23:31,901 After a wave washed away that little sand castle 332 00:23:33,321 --> 00:23:40,761 You looked up at the passing clouds with a sad smile 333 00:23:41,501 --> 00:23:48,761 If you find the world is full of enemies, 334 00:23:49,131 --> 00:23:52,421 I've got your back 335 00:23:52,851 --> 00:24:00,851 Don't lose faith 336 00:24:00,851 --> 00:24:04,721 You've got me! 337 00:24:04,721 --> 00:24:08,431 Ah, my love 338 00:24:08,431 --> 00:24:14,641 I'll hold you in my arms forever 339 00:24:16,321 --> 00:24:20,121 You've got me! 340 00:24:25,431 --> 00:24:27,631 The welcoming town is a nest of bounty hunters. 341 00:24:27,631 --> 00:24:29,591 Are you sure that you need to add only one gravestone? 342 00:24:29,591 --> 00:24:32,011 No one's eating that meat? I wanna eat it. 343 00:24:32,011 --> 00:24:34,551 It's a good chance to try out the Kitetsu III and Yubashiri 344 00:24:34,551 --> 00:24:35,891 I got in Loguetown. 345 00:24:35,891 --> 00:24:37,951 Ladies, please come closer. 346 00:24:37,951 --> 00:24:39,941 I'm Captain Usopp! 347 00:24:39,941 --> 00:24:42,021 I'm going to go all-out! 348 00:24:42,311 --> 00:24:43,731 On the next episode of One Piece! 349 00:24:43,731 --> 00:24:46,421 "Explosion! The Three-Sword Style! Zoro vs. Baroque Works!" 350 00:24:46,421 --> 00:24:48,651 I'm gonna be King of the Pirates!